The Pennsylvania Freemason - Spring 1995

Page 1

Masonic Homes

,A r=r-iend T () r=r-iend Celebr-ati()n

August 26, 1995 ... Mark Your Calendars N ow!

The fu n andfes t ivities begin a/10:00 a.m. and continue unti/5:00 p.m.

This is you r day to spend visiting th e res ide nts , louring the grounds, and taking in all of the numerous activities offered . .. bands, display booths, face painters for the children, and tours of service areas. Plus, all th e food you can eat !

This is a l ime for each ofyo u (and most esp ec ially those who have never visited the Masoni c Homes) to come and see how we are preparing for th e next cenllll)' and whe re you r co nh·ibution dollars are be ing used.

If yo u and yo ur family are planning to a /le nd, please lake a moment righ t now to co mple t e the coupon on this page and send it to th e Masonic Homes. 11 should be noted that/h e Masonic H omes w ill not be able to p rovide wheelchairs. Please bring your own if need ed. Handicapped parking will be available; howeve1; yo u must advise th e Maso ni c Hom es o n yo ur coupon (at bollom of page) if handic app ed parking is req uire d so th a t a special tic ke t can be forwarded to you prior to Grand Day.


''Do a Friend a Favor- Use it!''

Th e Master Mason and his Bl ue L odge are the keystone o f Freemasonry-the cen t e rpie ce in making it all come toge t h er fo r Friend to Friend to " turn th e t ide" in Membership D eve lopment.

Fi ve Mason s met Friend to Friend o n e eve ning late in Ma r ch n th e home of Bro. Robert L Co rle, Worsh pful Mast er of B ed ford L odge N o 320, to talk on the L eve l a b out Fr eemason ry and the Friend to Friend Program. With him we r e t wo Brethren fro m his Lodge: Bro. Tom L L ivingston, a long -t ime Member of the Craft , and Br o. St eve n D Mi l l er, who was Raised ju st m onths ago. Th e o th e r two we re B ro. Geo rge H. Hoh ensh ldt, R.W. Grand Mast er, and Bro. Ken n e th R. House Distri ct D ep u ty Grand Maste r of the 34th Mason ic District.

It was an evening of on-the- Level d i scuss ion among Brethren that s t a r ted in the living room then ca rri ed ove r to th e dinner table. T he Bre th ren b egan ta lki ng about who Masons a re, what Masons do and what they b e li eve T hen they co n side r ed public awa re ness and educatio n Friend to Friend t o pp e d off the conversation e mph as i z in g t h e va l ue a n d importan ce of th ose act i vities NOW.

Ear ly in the dialogue, when Br o. Miller exp lain ed why he had wanted to join the Fraternity , the o t her Brethre n recognized the i m pact that the Friend to Friend message is bound to have upon camaraderie Now, I f nd myse lf being more involved. "

T he G r and Master observed , " Steve, you wouldn't be a Masonyou wouldn't have j oined , if you hadn't had, as you te rmed t , a favorab le opinion. T ha t op i n i on had to be d eri ved from people you know or heard abou t (who are Masons) and obviously t h a t att r act ed yo u to th is Fraternity. "

" Tha t 's really w h at Friend to Friend s about - an educat i ona tool we can use wi t h non-Masons • •••-. l et them kno w who we are , w hat we do and what we believe

... Maybe non-Masons wi ll ........ do as you have done and find a favorable opinion o f us and become a Member of our Frate rnity . "

good men in the community. A n entrepreneur with a young family and owner of two bus inesses , Bro. Miller explained: " I joined to see what I could do for somebody else I felt that I co uld join and my share o f my commitmen t would b e r ep r esentative of the ways it (Freemasonry) helps others. Once I became a Mason , though , I re ali zed tha t wha t I was th i nk n g was just t he t ip of the i cebe r g-there is a lo t mo r e t o it. I mean, t h e brotherhood , t he

B ro. L ivingston , w h o heads the sales ope ra tions fo r a la r ge da i ry, h as been ac ti v e in Bedfo rd Lodge , serv i ng n a n u mber of ways ove r the years. He s as enthusiast i c n talki ng abou t Masonry as he is in his successfu sa les wo rk He said: " I' m very grateful that Maso n ry . . . i s say i ng that we' r e a proud organization , we r e doing a l ot of wonderfu l things and there are lots of good people who ought to be a part of it !"

" When you meet a go od ma nand you know he is a goo d manFriend to Friend , give him a b rochure " Friend to Friend

The Grand Master Speaks •••


Friend to Friend, Friend to Friend, Friend to === Friend .

In the business world , one is taught that the three most important things are "get a Client, get a Client, get a Client. " The reason that is so important should be obvious: Without the client , or customer, there is no business. Freemasonry needs , in its Fraternal way , to app y that business imperative to its Membersh ip Development prog r am (if we have one- and we do!).

To be successful in business, one needs good products and good services In Freemasonry, we have great produ c ts and outstanding s ervi ces (although there are our Members and c l ients -worthy men among our fr ie nds, neighbors, and busines s associateswho do not know what they are) .

Friend to Friend continuedfi'om page I

Br o. Miller' s ob se r vat i ons f o ll ow e d right n lin e :" (to en h an ce ) the Friend to Friend Program, I n ee d t o kn o w how to be abl e to pre se nt so m e typ e of p r o gram to th e p erso n who i s n ot a M aso n (a nd w a nt s to know about u s)."

G r and M as t e r H o hen s hil dt ret urn ed to hi s ea r li er comments to recall: " Fr ee m aso nry stand s f o r Brotherl y Lo ve, Re l i ef a nd T ruth. "

"Masonry i s im po r t a nt - it has a l w ays been important in th e wor d. If s om e one a s k s, 'Why wou l d I rea ll y w ant to join?' 'W h at s it (Free m as onry) go i ng to do for

Our Members and our c l ients need to know who are Masons , what Masons do and what Masons believe.

Freema sonry is 278 year s " young " and the Grand Lodge of Pennsyl v ania is 264 years " young. " The rea s on we ha v e su c h longevity is o bvious, at least to this Mason: We stand for the right things , we d o the right things and we believe the right things. I believe most all Masons feel the same way I do

If you agr e e with me , yo u canand I hope you will - do something about it right now. Friend to Friend is the most o utstanding Ma s onic Education and Memb e rship Deve opment tool that has ever b ee n devised

With Friend to Friend , we have raised the lev e l of awareness. I

believe we have been the premier men s organi zat i on for the l ast three centuries and that we will be the pre mi e r men ' s organization of the Twenty - Fi r st Century From G e neral W a shington at Valley Forge to Gen e r a l Armistead at G ettysburg t o Co lon el Buzz Aldrin on th e mo o n , Freemasons have mad e a p re mi er differen c e.

Carry a Friend to Friend brochure w ith you everywhere Use Friend to Friend today and tomorrow. Use it NOW !

Fraternally, George H. Hoh e nshildt, R W. Grand Master

m e?' Wh at can I do for it ?'

A M aso n sh ou ld b e ab e to a n sw e r th o se questions.

Th a t 's what w e c a ll Masoni c Education - and t h e ba s ic s of it a re all put to get h e r in on e little bro c hure we ca l l Friend to Friend. "

Bro Hou se remar ke d:

" W e a r e a ll s a es m e n. W e h ave t h e g re at es t prod u ct to se l. Y o u ' ve g iv e n u s the tool s in Friend to Friend

It' s u p to u s to u se th e m. "

And , Bra Li ving ston was q ui ck to comm e nt : " I F rie n d to Friend - Bro. Robert L. Corle, (second fi'om left) Worshipful Mas ter of Bedford Lodge No. 320, welcomes Bro. George H. Hohenshildt, R. W. Grand Mas ter, to his hom e. With th em are Bros. Steven D Miller and Tom L. Livingst on of B edford Lodge and Bro Kenn et h R Hous e, 34th Masonic Dist rict Deputy Grand Ma ster.

a lway s c arry a Friend to Friend br oc hur e in my p oc ket during my 2

Friend to Frie nd continued from page 2

s e r vice director s , I ge t to k now them over a t ime a nd I can see t h at a pe r s on wo uld ma ke a g r e a t M a s o n. And , wha t bette r w ay (t o le t a g o o d m a n know) than to h and h i m a Friend to Friend ?"

" Friend to Friend is v e ry p os itive w hen yo u ' re t a l king ab ou t building m e mbership ; b ut a l so I t hin k we ' re p r o t ect n g a way of li f e . t he t r ue v a l u es in th e wa y a Ma s o n l ive s ."

As th e conve r sation f lowed, it w as th e Worsh i pfu l Maste r, Bro Co r le, who re co l lected ho w i t w a s when he wanted to become a Ma son " L ik e so many," he sa id, "t h at he didn t know that he h a d t o ask. " "I n f act, " he added , " my fat her to d m e that years ago, h e did n 't kn ow w hat to do o r w hom t o ask. "

Co ntinuing, h e qu e ri ed r h et o r i cally, " Wh e n a f r ie nd asks, ' What do you do in L o dg e ? ' w e ca n t tell t hem eve ryt h i n g a bout th e De gree s. "

" Do yo u wan t to answ er t ha t questi o n ve ry si mpl y? " th e G ra nd Ma st er r espo n d e d "Wha t d o we d o? W e ta ke a go o d m a n a n d m ake him b ette r. W e re ma king a b etter co mm u n it y We ' re ma king a bett er co un t ry. Yes Sir! "

Br o Li vingston fo l l o we d u p , " If so m eo n e s uggests Free m asonry is a sec ret o rgani za ti o n , I wo u l d offe r t o gi ve th at p e rso n a t o u r of th e Lo d ge H a ll and t he Lod ge Room. "

" Sec r ecy! Th e re's a g ood quest io n . "

-s 1: · -· ... :9 \' oif(k, •:<• $-ft >

" That's r ea lly what Friend o Fr e n d is about to et them know who we ar e w hat we do and w hat we be lieve."

M asons p ro udl y wear ident if icat io n. "

" Fr eema s onry is in d eed s e lecti ve and that does exc lud e some p eop le for very d e f in i tive r easo n s.

Every b ody ca n t b ecome a Mason . There's no dou bt a b out that.

M aso nr y i s not f or ev e ry b ody.

M asonry i s for peo p le who a d opt t he ph i loso p hy o r who se t e nd e ncy

i s to b e a b u i lde r to be a helper . t o h e l p thei r Br o t hers to he lp mank n d. "

" W h o are the Maso n s? "

A n swe r i n g h is

ow n que s tion , the G rand

Master said : "The M aso n s whom you s ee (t od a y) are in yo ur l ocal

Lodge H a l l , in yo ur co m m un it y or i n y o u r busi -

n esse s. It s n o t easy fo r y ou , u n ess you re ad or st ud y o r hea r f r om o t hers , to rea lz e t ha t m en lik e G eo r ge

Wash in gton o r B e n jami n

Fr ank li n-m en y ou learned abo ut way b ack in schoo l-were str o n g

s u p p or t ers of th s F r a t e r n i ty.

Nobody eve r to l d you t he y were Masons You didn ' t t hin k of them in those terms. "

b ui l d fo r a bett er t omorrow - for a be tt er way of i f e I th nk t h at is wha t Freema sonry and peop e w ho a r e in terested i n Freemason r y are r ea l ly about Now, when y ou r ecognize Masons, ev en as you poi nted o ut, yo u re no t looking at tho se famous p eop l e- f a m o u s Masonsyou' r e ta lkin g abou t y o u r n e ighbors . " T o wh i ch , Br o L iv in gst o n obse rv ed , "I t hink each of t h ose men h ad his own kin d of Friend to Friend

Program It p r oba b ly wasn' t ca ll ed Friend to Friend , b ut they we r e se l l i ng th e Fra t e rn t y t h r ou g h the i r l ife , the way they li ve d t " A l l of w hic h p ro m pt ed the G ra n d M aste r to ca p t h e discus s ion by sa yin g , " H e r e ' s a g ood q u e st ion : H o w wou l d a n ybody have eve r asked G eo r g e Wash ngto n or Ben Fran kli n or Frank li n Dela no Roo seve lt or B uzz A l dr i n ... 'W ill y ou si gn my Pet ition? ' Do n t you t hink an y one of them wo ul d have , i n some fashion , sa i d to a good m an , 'Y ou ough t t o b elo ng t o t hi s Fr atern ity . H ave yo u ever th ought about t ? D o yo u know w h at we really a re try ing to do? "'

Friend to Friend , th e conve r s at i on a m on g B r ot h ers spanne d some t h re e h ou rs In su m m a ry , th e pa rt cipa nts ' own words ref lect t h e un a n i mit y of t hei r d al og u e : From t h e you ng est Ma so n - " It' s a g reat organ i z ation t o b e l o n g to; you meet many nice peop l e and I just fee l a pa rt of o n e b i g fami ly . "

d a ily sa l es activit ies A

t h e Grand Maste r o i n e d i n. " Freem asonry i s n ot s e cret Eve ry

M asonic L odge

bu i l d in g i n the cou nt ry s ma r ke d w t h t he Squar e and Com passes .

"It's a l itt le ove rw h elming to t hink that Ben ami n Fran k l in 2 6 4 years ago (as Gr an d M aster of Maso n s i n

Pe n nsylvania) was j u st a s muc h in t e r est ed in Free ma sonry as I am t oday. Why? Becau se , as you ment one d , it' s i n t he f e ll ow ship and in wha t th e y we re trying to buil d-t o

T o the vetera n Mason" I love Masonry. Masonry can be exci t ing Let's ta ke a bus lo ad of Masons to see a f r i end Made a Ma so n "

From t he G ra n d Master o f Masons in Penn sy va n ia" Friend to Friend , together we can make it h a p pen. We c a n ea d .. . we can get t h n gs done ... We w l l t u rn the t d e "


is Friend to Friend

,., , "There might be as many ways that Masons are ....,i''""

r e a c h i n g o u t, F r i e n d to Friend, into the community and generating enthusiasm among the Brethren as there are Masons in Pennsylvania. " That was an observation by R. W. Grand Master George H. Hohenshildt a year after h e launch ed th e Friend to Friend public awa ren ess and education program that positively impacts Membership Development.

There i s a quarterly newsletter called the COMMUNICATOR that exchanges Friend to Friend id eas and success sto ri es amo ng so m e 6,000 Friend to Friend Task Forc e Member s, Worshipful Masters, Secretaries and District Deputy Grand Master s. In it s rapid-fir e s tyle, the CO MMUNICATOR reflect s the ing e nuity , creativity, sincerity and s ucce ss with which Pe nnsylvania Masons are tou ching live s in their comm uniti e s and Lodg es

"You ca n se n se the e nthu s i as m and innovation that permeates the Friend to Friend activities in the communications from all of the seven Masonic Reg ions across th e state,"Grand M aste r Hoh e n sh ildt said as the l atest i ss u e of th e COMMUNICATOR was being assembled.

Following a r e so m e excerpts from the first year's issue s of the COMMUNICATOR that d e monstrat e

exciting, creative

Friend to Friend involvement:

A Real Dutch Treat! Brethren of Huguenot Lodge No. 377 served chicken pot pie at the annual Heemet Fescht on the Kutztown University campus handed out the Freemasonry in Pennsylvania And Around the World tabloid , Drug and Alcohol Foundation bumper stickers and literature. Friend to Friend brochures were there for friends who asked abo ut the Fraternity while vis iting the Pennsy lvania German food stand.

On a Roll! The odo re Roosevelt Lodg e No. 697, rolled a strike for Friend to Friend in PittsburghCrafton area, organizing a s ix -team "Friend to Friend" summer bowling leagu e with each team made up of three Masons and two non - Masonic friends.

On the March! All District 36 Lodge s paraded to help the community of Prospect Park celebrate its 100th birthday , after which Pro spect Lodge No. 578 held a Friend to Friend open hous e a nd more than 600 people visited. Also, Prosp ect Lodge has adopted a highway and polices it regularly. Signs tell of the Masons' community work.

Friend to Friend Registers!

Members of Milton Lodge No. 256 suggested 46 worthy friends to be invited with their spouses to dinn er at the Masonic Templ e and to learn about Fr eemaso nry, the Masonic H ome s a nd M aso ni c Cha riti e s. Milton Lod ge r ece i ve d triple th e

number of Petitions for any previous year.

Activate New Masons! Lodges in District 13 see that every new Master Mason receives a Friend to Friend pin and brochure. The new Master Mason is encouraged to pass the brochure to a friend whom he knows to be worthy and would like to have in Lodge with him

Answering the phones!

Seventy-five Masons and families from Lodges in Philadelphia Masonic Districts A, B, C and D staffed telephones for six hours in a "Telethon" to raise $18,000 for Public TV Ch. 12 (WHYY-TV). In 3 minutes "o n air," the Friend to Friend Program was d esc rib e d and questions answered about the Fraternity to an audience of two million.

A Time for Answers! Monday nights in Doylestown Lodge No. 245 i s the time for prospective members to b e invited to m eet at the L odge and have questions about Freemasonry answered by Past Masters. The Lodg e also has an annual pan cake breakfast with a Lodge tour that includes non-members and a golf outing with friends.

Family Affairs! District 12 will have at least one (and probably two) "Father-Son-Grandson" Friend to Friend M ee ting(s) designed to stre ngth e n family bonds. Fathers and grandfathers w ho are Ma sons will invite their non-Masonic sons and grandsons and, in like mann e r M aso ns who are sons will invite th e ir nonM aso nic fathers and grandfathers.

Friend to Friend Fellowship! M embe rs of Concordia Lodge No. 67 in Jenkintown invite friends w hom th e y think would en joy the M as oni c Fraternity to t h e socia l Co mmunicator con tin ued on p age 5

Communicator continued .fi"om page 4

portion o f the Stated Meeting. Guests are entertained w ith a short Friend to Friend presentation about the Fra ternity by the L odge Masonic Education Committee and then join the Brethren for dinner and fellowship.

Career-Building & Fitness! Ho we ll Lodge No. 405, H oney Brook, is str o ng on community service. A free Saturday "Resume/ Inter view Workshop" conducted by a corporate Director of Human Resources was held in the Lodge social hall to help youth prepare for their future. Young attendees were urged to have their parents accompany them. Another Saturday, there was a "Wa lking Fitness Seminar for all

ages." Friend to Friend tours of the Lodge Hall followed the seminars.

Interest Community Leaders! A leading businessman of the community , who is not a Mason , was in vi ted as the speaker after the Stated Meeting of Ephrata Lodge No. 665. During refr es hment time , the guest received a Friend to Friend brochure and informative conversation about t he Fraternity.

Fishing Bait! Forbes Trail Lodge No. 783 in Export added an interesting new twi st to its Friend to Friend Program, inv iting young people to a Spring fish ing seminar and encouraged them to bring th e ir dads.

Representatives of the Fish and Boat Commission presented a program of

Friend to Friend -Reaching Around the World!

The Friend to Friend Membership Development Program developed by the Grand Lodge of Pennsyl vania is generatng interest by Grand Lodges throughout North America and around the world. Pennsyl vania's dramatic 38 percent increase in initiations during the first year of th e program clearly va lid ated Friend to Friend as Freemasonry's most effecti ve Membership Development Program. Requ ests to implement the program have come from as far away as Western Australia, Israel and Bra z il. Ontario,

Canada, has ado pted the program, changing the brochure cover to honor famous Canadian Freemasons. Right Worshipful

f ishing ethics, water safety, fishing equipment and fish id enti fication.

Personal Invitation! Each month, the Worshipful Master of Liberty Lodge No. 505, Port Allegheny, is sending his own Friend to Friend letter to 20 Members, personally in v iting them to attend the next Stated Meeting. Response is good to the invitation th at notes the Opening time, the pl anned program, his plans to Close the Lodge by 9 p.m., and have refreshments.

Grand Secretary Thomas W. Jackson has presented the program during Meetings with Grand Lodge Officers in France and Greece

Membership development is absolutely essential to the survival of the Masoni c Fraternity, not on ly in Pennsylvania but throughout North America and around the world. Friend to Friend s working because it provides Freemasons with a dramatic, simple and effectiv e tool that makes it easy to proudly share this great and very special Fraternity with others.

"Friend to Friend" Enthusiastically Welcomed at Imperial Shrine Membership Conference in St. Louis

At the request of Imperial Potentate, Burton Ravellette, Jr. , R.W. Grand Master, Bro. George H Hohenshildt and_ Bro. Dean E. PP, author of t he Friend to Friend Program, were the key presenters at the recent Imperial Shrine Conference In St. Lou_1 s, Missouri. In their 90-minute presentation they discussed the Friend to Friend Program and how 1ts ?an help the lmpenal Shrine achieve its goal of one million Members by the year 2000. A stand ing ovation reflected the conferees enthusiasm for the hope and promise offered by the Friend to Friend program which Grand Ma ster Hohen shildt has freely offered to all Grand Lodg es and all appendant Bodies for the good of Freemasonry.

Bro. D ean E. Vaughn PM, PP, is s hown with Imperial Pot e nta t e Burton Ra v elle tte fo llowing Bro. Va ughn s p resen ta t ion in S t Louis
R. W. Grand Ma s te r George H. Hoh e ns hildt and Bro Dean E Vau g hn, PM, PP, author of Friend to Friend pre pare f or a p res entation.
R. W. Grand Master George H. Hohenshildt is s hown with Imp e r ial Potentat e Burton Ravellette and Bro D e an E Vau g hn , PP , PM, d uri n g th
ial M embersh ip Confe renc e in St Louis.

Task Force Members

Are The Guides! ·

Every Mason Involved in Friend to Friend

Friend to Friend is a public awareness and education program in vo l v ing every Penns y l van ia Mason; th e r efo r e, th e Lodge T ask Forces provide yeomen's services for the Lodg e and their Br et h ren, transcending the generations a nd tr ac king of Friend to Friend co ntact s. It is the rol e of Brethren on th e Task Fo rces to:

Involve all Members in Friend to Friend activities and contacts, remembering to in c lud e n ewly made Masons promptl y.

Guide their Brethren in ho w to mak e Friend to Friend public aware nes s contacts and h ow to use the Friend to Friend brochure effectively

Coach Brethren , especia ll y n ew Masons, abo ut th e Fraternity a n d how to tell their fr i e nd s who we are, what we do and what we be li eve.

Communicate the mec h a ni cs of gettin g a blank Petiti o n f o rm (even ass st in do in g so) and ass ure the Brethren s knowledge abo ut completing a n d presenting a Petiti on.

Report Friend to Friend act iv iti es monthly i n th e L odge. Both t o inform a nd t o motivate t h e Brethren.

Every Brother Should Keep Friend To Friend

Handy- - and Use It

(These are edited excerpts from a feller by Bro. Danny R. McKnight , DDGM, 27th Masonic Distric t)

Friend to Friend s a welcome asset. H ow m any Members k n ew ( before becoming M asons) that they ha d to ask to join ? I keep Friend to Friend in easy reach - th e g lo ve compa rtment, my da il y d iary, m y d resse r - t o be sure I ha ve a Friend to Friend on m y person. (I was) at a State Police Ca mp Cadet lun ch at wh c h Syria Caravan was hosted (as a contributor). I kne w most of the police were not Masons, so I put Friend to Friend to wo rk. Camp co un se l o r s praised the Caravaners. I told th em that Shriners are Masons, w hi ch ed to talk about th e Fraternit y and Famil y of Fre ema so nry. I asked eac h person to r ead Friend to Friend and get back t o me if they h ad any questions.

A week l ater, the Towns hip c rui se r was in m y driveway. An officer I had know n for yea rs sa d he was ret urning my Friend to Friend and sa id that this appeared to be the kind of organza tion th at he wou ld l ike to belong to a n d asked if I co uld help get a n app li ca t ion

Eve ry Broth er should take to heart the future of Freemasonry - as k for Friend to Friend brochures and USE th e m It is g r atif ying when a fri end r et urn s t h e Friend to Friend a nd asks, " How ca n I j o in ?"

Do a Friend A Favor!

Giving Friend to Friend Is So Easy

" Do n t Ta lk Abo ut it. Do it!" so und ed l ike good advice, so Friend to Friend Ta s k Force Chai rm a n of Pe nn - Morri s Lodge No. 778, Bro. Pete r Wi s no sky not on ly took the advice and co nt acted 14 men, he a l so passed it a lon g to th e Brethren I n his Lodge R epo rt , he exp ained how easy it is for eve ry Brother to give a worthy fri e nd a brochure He makes sure ther e is a n adequate s upply on the Sec r etary's desk and te ll s the Brethre n to "Do a f ri e nd a favortake a brochu r e and g ve it away before the next M eeting."

Uniformed PA State Policemen Confer Master Mason's Degree in Barger Lodge

For the first tim e, a D eg ree T ea m of all active or retired Penn sy va nia State Poli ce men in uniform Conferred a Mast er Mason's Degree in Barger Lodge No 325, Stroud s burg Th e newly Ra ised Mason i s Bro. G era rd W. Catina, also a retired Pennsyl va nia State Po li ceman.

Blue Lodge Task Force

Respon s ibilities & Duties

Respons bility - Th e Blue Lodg e Task Force of four Committees of three Brethr en each is responsible for implementing the R.W. Grand Master's Friend to Friend Program.

Specific Duties - Each th reeMember Committee is to make at least one personal contact per month w ith a non - Mason who they unanimously ag ree is worthy of Membersh i p. D urin g each personal VISit, th e Committee M emb er(s) s hould :

./Hand him the Friend to Friend brochure

./Explain that the purpose of the visit is to en lighten him about Freemasonry and answer questions.

./ Exp ain that th e Committee Members may not ask him to Petition the Lodge, but th ey unanimously agree that he is worthy, shou ld h e choose to Petition

./ Explain that h e has been contacted because, often good men are not familiar with the Fratern ity its friends hip, fellowship and opportun ities for service to one a nother and to a ll mankind through its many Masonic Charities.

./ Exp lain that, th ough the Committee agrees that he s worthy, should h e d eci de t o Petition th e Lodge, there will be a sec r et ballot and it must be unanimous.

./ Report progress each Stated Meeting and submit a monthly Rep ort to the DDGM.

Permi ss ion to Confer th e Deg r ee in unif o rm was granted by the Right Worshipful Grand M as t e r and the Commissioner of th e Penn sy lvania State Police.

Retired State Polic eman Bro. Homer Jon es, Di st ri c t D ep uty Grand Master of the 50th Masoni c Di st rict and a Past Ma s t e r of Mt. Pocono Lodge No. 780 , serve d as Worshipful Ma s ter for the D egree. T oge th er, the Member s of the D egree Team represented eight L odges in five counties of North easte rn Pennsy l va nia. Br o. J o n es retired from th e Pe nnsylvania State Police aft e r 30 yea r s of se r v i ce. He was made a Mason in 1954 and served as Worshipful Mast e r of his Lodge in 1983. H e will be comp l et i ng ten yea r s as a Di strict Deputy Grand

Friend to Friend At The Post Office

When Syria Temple 's first Ceremonial Master Bro. Jim Allison picked up mail , a postal worker asked how he could become a Mason and a Shriner. Bro. Allison told Bro. Donald A. Chiavaro, Senior Warden of D al as Lodge No. 508, in Pittsburgh, who de ivered a Friend to Friend brochure to the postal worker and invited him to a Masonic symposium. Th e postal worke r attended and followed up on his interest in Fr eemaso nry asking f or a Pet ition.

Master and w ill retire f r om that serv ice

It is reported th at the Lodge Ro om was pac ked in more ways t h an o n e - the 206 Brethren who attended had en oyed a bountiful ven i so n dinner before th e Stated Meeting.

Th e All-Pen nsy lvania Stale Police Team that Co nferred a Master Mason 's D egree in Bmger Lodge, No. 325 are sh01 vn ("A" indicates an acti ve Stale Policemen; " R" in dicates retired). They are left to right knee ling: Bros. Richard W. Armbrust, Wa verly Lodge No. 301 (A); Robert H. Robbins, Hon esdale Lodge No 2 18 (A); Carl E. Meese , Pocono Lodge No. 78 0 (A); and Harold S. McElroy Po cono Lodge No. 780 (R}. Standing: Paul E Bickelman P.M. , Mos cow Lodge No. 504 (R); Patrick J. Fay, Kingsburv Lodge No. 466 (A); Gmy H. Shoener, Union Lodge No 2 91 (A); William R. Quinn, P.M . Union Lodge No. 291 (R); Hom er Jon es, D.D.G.M , Po cono Lodge No 780 (R); Gerard W. Calina, (Candidat e) Barger L odge No 325 (R); Evan J J ones, P.M. Umon Lodge No. 29 1 (R) ; John R. Oakey, Kingsbw y Lodge No 466 (R); John G. Richards St. John 's Lodge No 233 (A); and Harrison F. Balthaser, Vaux Lodge No. 406 (R).
Bro. William T. Bergman Sworn in as Deputy Commissioner of Philadelphia Police
(Left to rig ht:) Bros Anthony J. Garvey, Director of D & A Founda t ion; William T Bergman ; Thomas W. Ja ckso n, R. W. Grand Secretmy.

AutoMasonry, an electronic information superhighway for Freemasonry in Pennsylvania , is being established. Creation of a computerized network, a modern necessity for today 's extensive Fraternal business communications and record keeping, has been expedited because of the burgeoning needs created by Membership Development resulting from successful Friend to Friend activities.

More than two dozen key persons, most with computer knowledge and computer equipment and all with the foresight to help establish a network, worked through an ali-day AutoMasonry De ve lopment Seminar at the Masonic Conference Center early in March. Bro. Robert G. Boone, the Executive Director Grand Lodg e Operations, and Bro. Richard H. Owens,

the Friend to Friend Coordinator, organized and conducted the AutoMasonry Seminar. Bro. George E. Susavidge, Facilitator for the Friend to Friend Program, led discussions.

Bro. Boone exp lained that " In addition to the 25 who were in attendance, there were 75 more interested and capable Brethren who want to help develop a strategy for putting into place what is needed for the Grand Lodge and the Blue Lodges to conduct the business of the Fraternity for the future."

Citing the growing activities of the Friend to Friend programs an indicator of the increasing challenges of today, Bro. Boone set the stage for the strategy session with an anonymous quotation: "Organiza tions can't stop the world from changing. The best they do is adapt. The smart ones change before they have to. The lucky ones manage to scramble and adjust when push comes to shove. The rest are losers a nd they become history." He emphasized, "Now is the Hour," and added, " This Fraternity has to be the first ones (smart) and not the last ones (history)."

The Vision Statement for AutoMason r y c le ar ly addressed the c hallenge of the times :

Attending the AutoMasomy Strategic Planning session were: Region 1 - Bros. Robert G Boone, George E. Susa vidge, Richard Owens, Han y Rutter, J Russel Mann, Arthur W Buzzard, Steven Morrison , Vilgil Penn, George Smith and Mark Be/as; Region 2 - Bros D elvin Zeiders, Thomas R. Labagh, Blain e F. Fabian, Kurt Chi/las, David L. Wh eeler; 'and Mr. Allen Ma cKinno n; Region 4 - Bros. William M Kratzenberg and William Finley; Region 6 - Bros. Franklin P Hartzel, Jr., Coleman Hill and William E. Fritz, Sr; Region 7- Bros. Ray Unger, Martin Snyder and Richard A. Co/ewell.

•!• That the R.W. Grand Lodg e of Pennsylvania a nd the indi vidua Lodges of Pennsylvania Freemasons will mainta in and pre se rv e ou r preeminence and our uniqu eness in global Freemasonry.

•!• That dedicated Brethren of Pennsylvania Freemasonry will d evelop and provid e thos e aspect s and mechanisms of systems automation necessary for u s to move forward in this The In formation Age.

•!• That the informational processes of th e Grand Lodge and Blue Lodges of Pe nnsylvania be system iz ed and automated for th e greatest benefits of the Craft.

•!• Th at the Craft be at Labor, with future, manifold v is ons in their thoughts.

At the conclusion of the semina r , Bro s. Delvin Zeiders of Region 2, Franklin P. H artze l , Jr. of Re gi o n 6 and Martin Snyde r of Region 7 volunteered to serve as Team leader s for developing AutoMasonry.

A Friend to Friend Educational Update HMO-


Current trends in health care insurance indicate an increased shift from traditional , fee-for-service

1 payment systems provided through Medicare and Medigap policies which was the primary system for a long time, to coordinated systems of health care providers and insurers which work together to provide essentially the same services. The most common system is a Health Maintenance Organization (HMO).

We have seen a trend in the last several m onths where people interested in services through the Masoni c Homes found out that their HMO Medicare Plan only provided services at one nursing hom e. We share this so that you or a family member will not be disappointed in the future. If you find out your Medicare Plan will not cover services at the Masonic Homes, co ntact the Admissions Office at (717)367-1121, ext 33101 or (800)422-1207

Fee-for- service plans reimburse for your physician's charges and services you receive from a hospital, health care provider, or other medical facilities certified by M ed icare. With this system there are deductibles, co-insurance amounts, and other permissible charges that may not be covered by Medicare. And in those cases, out- of- pocket charges must be paid by us, the consumers. A supplemental Medigap policy may be purchased to compensate for some of the out- of- pocket charges. These plans are offered by private insurers and so me associations. Coordinated care plans offer another way to manage health care costs. These plans are made up of comprehensive networks of physicians, hospitals, skilled nursing facilities , and other health care providers. Many coo rdinated care plans h ave contracts with M edicar e which offer se nior citizens a choice of health care in sura nc e. Members (those who participate in th e pl a n) can obtain se r v ic es from the participating providers at any of th e predetermined sites.

Should I Select HMO Medicare Coverage?

There are benefits to HMO Medicare coverage:

•!• You ma y reduce th e need for s uppl e menta l in sura nce.

•!• S in ce yo u kno w w hat t he co-pays ar e, yo u m ay also be a bl e to manage your budget more eas ily.

•!• There are no deductib les.

•!• There is l ittle risk of not be ing able to obtai n insurance, as in M edi gap policies whe re pre -ex istin g cond itio ns can deny insu rab ility.

•!• R educe d paperwork.

•!• Convenience of acquir ing a ll m edi ca l serv ices t lu·oug h one source.

•!• Qua li ty of care may be e nhan ced as a funct ion of coo rdinat ion of se rv ices

Every person's s itu at on is different. To help you

d ete rmine if HM O Medicare cove rage i s right for you we offer the following questions for you to ask:

•!• Where do I have to go to get the ca re I need ?

•!• What abo ut eme rgenc ies? Or if l m trave l in g?

•!• Who wi ll be m y doctor? Will I have to c h an ge physicians?

•!• When may I see a spec ial ist? May J see my curre nt specia l ist?

•!• W h ich hosp ita l m ay I use?

•!• What if I cannot obtain re im bursement?

•!• How do I appea l o r fil e g ri evan ces?

•!• Ho w much will I pay o u t of my pocket each mo nth?

•!• What a bout dental or eye care? Prescriptions?

•!• Where can 1 receive s killed nursi n g ca re or rehab se rv ice s?

We are c urrentl y planning how we will change in order to cont inue to meet th e needs of our r es idents. Your input will help u s develop our plans for futur e serv ic e. When making decision s on h ea lth insurance, it is essentia to have information available to aid in making educat ed de c i s i ons. For a list of resources , co ntact the Masonic Homes ' Outreach Program at (717) 36 15080 o r (800) 4 - MASONIC (800-462-7664).

Masonic Education

Masonic Temple, One North Broad Street

Philadelphia, PA 19107-2598

(2 15) 988 -1 909

R. W Grand Master Hohenshi ld t's term as Grand Master has been dedicated to the enhance ment of Membership in Pe nnsylva ni a. Th e Friend to Friend program encourages Lodge s to have interesting programs for the Lodge Me m bers and especia ll y newly-made Master Masons.

Severa l o f the articles below have been received from t he Maso n ic Education Re g iona l Chaim1an across the Co mmonwea lth One of the a rticles prese nts co mment s fro m so me D istrict Deputy Grand Masters tha t s upport R. W Grand Master Hohenshi ld t's Masonic Education Progra m We trust tha t yo u, our fellow Maso ns, w ill find th em quite intere stin g.

Horsham Square Club Helps W.K. Bray Scholarship

At the January 1995 , Stated Meeting of W.K. Bray Lodge No. 410, Hatboro (12th Masonic District), a presentation of $1,000 was made by the Officers of the Horsham Square Club to the Lodge's Scholarship Fund The Fund had its inception in 1991 when the Worshipful Master, Bro Ronald 0. Medd, established a Committee consisting of Bros. John F.E Schmidt, Harry C. Rotenbury and the Worshipful Master to explore the possibility of awarding $1,000 in cash to a graduating senior from a local

The project was approved by the Lodge and incorporated into its By - Laws. A Committee consisting of three members, appointed annually by the Worshipful Master, selects the award rec ipi e nt based on the recommendation of the school guidance counselor and submits the candidate's nam e to the Membership for approval prior to the Award s Ceremony, con ducted by local schools during the month of May.

R Rick Knepper Speaks About Organ Donor Program

The Feast of St. John, the Evangelist, was celebrated on December 27, 1994, by three Lodges in the 20th Masonic District: Mountain Lodge No. 281, Logan Lodge No. 490 , and Hiram Lodge No. 616.

More than two hundred Member s, Ladies and guests assembled at the Jaffa Mosque for an evening of fine food,

f e llowship and e ntertainment. Featured speaker was Bro F. Rick Knepper, P.D.D.G.M, of the 34th Masonic District, who is currently serving as Region 3 Chairman of Masonic Education.

Bro. Knepper's topic was one which emphasized the need for Masons to consider the worthwhile cause of "Organ Donation." Hi s presentation dealt with four main areas: (1) Explanation of the donor process; (2) Dispelling misconceptions about organ donation; (3) Description of the transplantation process as he experienced it and (4) Encouraging all to consider becoming Organ Donors.

Bro. George S. Glashauser, P.M. of Logan Lodge No. 490 st r essed that this was an impre ssive presen tation. Forty-two donor cards were picked up at the information table following the banquet.

Masonic Education

District Deputies Support Grand Master's Masonic Education Program

The District Deputy Grand Masters play a very important role in all of the Masonic Education work in their Districts. Their support is vital to the success of the Masonic Education Program.

District Deputies have actively encouraged the Masonic Education Programs presented in the Schools of Instruction. We are sharing comments from some of the Deputies:

District Deputy Grand Master, Bro. Glen Paulhamus of the 18th Masonic District talked about the Masonic Education Program on "How to Improve Lodge Attendance." In his School of Instruction , Brother William T . Abernatha Jr. , District Chairman, had an excellent presentation and seve ral of those present had some questions and offered some suggest ions on how to improve attendance.

"One sugges tion was to Call Off between Degrees in order for the Members to greet a nd congratulate the Candidate. This way he might feel more at home with the Lodg e. Another suggestion was to greet the Members at th e door as they come into the Lodg e Room. Since the wives are not a part of the Lodge, it was suggested that the Master ask the wife if she would lik e to writ e cong ratulation s to h er husband and have it read the night h e receives his Master Mason Degree."

District Deputy Grand Master, Bro. Richard J. Stemmler of the 30th Masonic District stated: "Prior to the Rituali stic portion of the Me et ing, Bro R andy L. Hobaugh, the Edu ca tion Ch a irm an

for the 30th Masonic District, presented his program on 'Masonic Values.' The program was very well received. "

District Deputy Grand Master, Bro. Ralph H. Besecker of the 33rd Masonic District states:

"The Meeting was then turned over to Bro Carl Johnson, the District Education Chairman, who presented the monthly education program entitled How to Improve Attendance. The material presented was very interesting a nd was well received by all the Brethren present. There was a lot of discussion on many of the s ubj ect s presented. I am sure that the Brethren have a better understanding as to how they can improve their Lodge attendance. Bro. Carl Johnson does a very good job of presenting th e ed ucation material. I really app reciate the work he does for the 33rd Masonic District."

District Deputy Grand Master, Bro. Gary E. Narehood of the 46th Masonic District presented these remarks at a District Officers Meeting: "I expressed a desire for th e Brethren to tak e advantage of the opportunity offered to them , as far as Masonic Education. We h ave, I feel, the best Ma so nic Edu cat ion Chairman this District h as had in many years. The programs are excellent. I expect everyone to take advantage of the Masonic Education over the n ext year."

District Deputy Grand Master, Bro. Keith McKnight of the 53rd Masonic District said: "The Masonic Education for thi s evening was th e 'Leadership Pro g r a m .' The instructor g ave a n

excellent review of the information and stressed how important the information is for the officers coming through the line, especially the Senior Warden. I feel this program is very important and needed in many Lodges for their success."

This support shown by these District Deputies will help Members understand the importance of Masonic Education.

Brother Thomas Cooper Presented Plaque

Bro. Thoma s Cooper (right) , of H enry M. Phillips Lodge No. 337, Monongahela, 3 1 st Ma so nic Distri ct, was pres e nted a plaque by R eg ion 4 Chairm a n of M ason ic Edu c ation, Bro. Albert G. Le b ed da , P.D.D.G.M. (left), at the January 10, 1995, Meeting of his Lodge. Bro. Cooper has prepared entries for the Media Category of the April Lodg e Program Co mp et iti on in 1993 and 1994. The Grand Lodge Committee on Masonic Education appreciates the efforts of Ma so ns like Bro. Cooper who can bring the m essa g e of Freema so nry in a thr ee dim e n s ional manner.

Making the prese ntation is Bro Herbert M. Gu en th er (left) , Club Tour Director Pictured (left to right) are: Bros. Ronald 0. Medd, P .M Chairman of the Lodge Scho larship Committee; John F.E Schm idt, P M., Horsh am Square Club Treasurer and Lodge Trus tee, and R ussell K. Gibson, Worshipful Master ofth e Lodge.
(Left to rig ht) Front: Bros. F. R ick Knepp er , P.lvf. ,P.D.D.G.lvf.; Ge orge S Glashause r, P.M. , Logan L odge No 490; Willia m lvi. H ench, P M., W.lvf. Hiram Lodge No 616.; and Harold Eugen e Conrad, W. lvf. , Mountain Lodge No. 281.

Leadership & Management

Lodge With A Vision

Concord Lodge Enjoys Its Busy Fraternal and Friend to Friend Community Life

Members of Concord Lodge No. 625 , Concordville , in the southeastern corner of the Commonwealth , are thoroughly enjoying their dedicated Fraternal and community Labors , successfully putting the Principles of Freemasonry and Friend to Friend to work both inside and out of the Lodge.

HIRAM I generated a new impetus for the Lodge to reach beyond the paradigms of tradition. Immediate Past Master

to tackle. They re cleaning up a two-mile stretch of the multilane, busy U.S. Route 1, also known as the Baltimore Pike, that passes in front of the Lodge Hall.

Fellowship is paramount in the Lodge. Every Brother who walks through the door is greeted personally. The Junior Warden serves as the Greeter, but he is not alone. He is always joined at the door by the newest Master Masons, encouraged to be present precisely for that purpose. James L. Crothers explained, "A lot of effort went into building on and strengthening our already establi s h e d programs and co mmitt ees ... "

After the three Elected Officers of the Lodge attended a HIRAM I Seminar, they took the information and the challenge back to the Lodg e a nd used tho se principles to esta blish th e ir Vision and to work to fulfill their long-te rm plan. Bro G. Kent Hackney, Director of The Pennsylvania M aso ni c Foundation for L ea der s hip and Management, Inc., s tate d that it added a vital n ew dimension to their Labors.

On e of the first things they did was crea te an d produce a n ews ette r to let the Brethre n know what's going on and to gen e r ate enthusiasm for the activities and concerns of the Lodg e They communicated the " doing s" of the Lodge, M aso ni c Education, "Did You Know" information, tid - bits about Freemasonry and eve n clever Fraternal cartoons

Next, they planned, pr omot ed and stag ed a highly s u ccess ful Friend to Friend b e n efit go lf t o urn a m e nt, r a is ing more than $4, 000 that was

divided amo ng three local school di stricts to u se in drug and alcohol abuse prevention programs. Th e Districts will use the f und s to educate parents in how to deal with their c hildr en to prevent abuse and how to combat the abuse if their children already have a problem. The tournament, the effo rt s of the Lodge and th e worthy cause it benefit e d, gained excellent sout heaste rn Pennsylvania news media recognition.

Then the Lodge joined th e Adopt-AHighway Program a nd took on a challenge th at no one e lse wanted

In the November i ss ue of Concord Grape Vine , th e newsletter that was started after the Officers attended the HIRAM I Seminar, Bro Crothers, who was the Worshipful Mast e r at th e tim e, said:

"It is not the Building, the Officers' Jewels, the Apron s or th e suits and tuxes. It is the MEMBERS that m ake Concord Lodge No. 625 what it is Concord Lodg e is a live , vibrant body of Fre e ma s onry. We can take plea sure in th e number of M e mb e r s who attend Stated M eeting s . We have fun and e njoy each other's presence. We s har e our concern s an d th e light er m o ment s of our li ves with eac h other."

Pe rh aps nothing speaks more eloquently about the programs at Concord Lodge than th e closing comment by Bro . Crothers in a ette r to Bro. Hackn ey:

"And, a bov e a ll else , we had a good tim e Friend to Friend, that 's what it' s all about!"

An Open Invitation to

our Newly Raised Brethren to Experience the Masonic Temple, Philadelphia, and The Masonic Library and Museum of Pennsylvania

Thanks to the reception of the Right Worshipful Grand Master's program, Friend to Friend, the Fraternity in Pennsylvania is seeing an upswing in Initiations throughout the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Many of these Brethren have never had the opportunity to visit one of the Masonic Wonders of the World, the Masonic Temple and The Masonic Library and Museum of Pennsylvania , which is housed in this incredible building. What better way for our new Brethren to expe ri e nc e fully th e Fraternity, than by continuing their "journey to light" by coming to Philadelphia and taking a guided tour of the Temple, visiting th e Library and Museum and seei ng first hand th e "Circulating Library" and research facilities available for their us e Each new Member has rec e ived from the Grand Lodge Committe e on Ma so ni c Education various Candidate Packets, in which are

included an Invitation to Visit the Masonic Temple and a copy of the Circulating Library Catalogue. It is the hope of the Board of Directors and our Staff that each Brother will take this "Invitation" seriously and use any opportunity to see the Museum and use the Library.

One of the important holdings in the Collections is the Masonic Apron of Bro. and President George Washington, which was made by Madam e La Fay e tte and presented to him personally by Bro. LaFayette. Our exhibit on the Friend to Friend memorial in Gettysburg i s still available for viewing by both Brethr e n and nonMa so ns as well.

Per hap s a visit to our Library a nd Museum will afford an outstanding opportunity for our newly Raised Brethren to "invite" someone who i s not a Memb er and to be able to present him with a copy of our Grand Master's brochure, Friend

Brother Wesley Orville Kimmel, Right Worshipful Past Grand 'A-laster

Our good fri e nd a nd Bro Wesley Orville Kimme , d i ed at the ag e of 87 on March 9, 1995. He was a member of Green Street Church of God , S unday School teac her and superintend ent, and church co unc il president. Ma sonica lly of course, his Record was exe mp l ary

Bro. Kimmel 's wi f e of many yea rs, Florenda L. , preceded him in death. Th ey leave a daughter , Lorna Kimmel Bae r, two granddaughters and six great- grandchildren Memorial contribution s may be sent to Heritage Bui ld e rs Endow ment Fund , c/ o Harrisburg Consistory, P.O. Box 223 , H arrisburg , PA 17105. A d e tail e d ac c ount

to Friend. We hope to see you all here with your families very soon, so that you may learn for yourselves why our Grand Master's Friend to Friend program is so important to the future of this great Fraternity. In addition to individual visits to the Temple, we also suggest to the Lodges and their Officers that they consider organizing a group trip to Philadelphia. In conjunction with the tour, arrangem e nt s ca n be mad e by th e Lodge to have a luncheon served to them through our catering serv ice. Our s taff looks forward to seeing you so on!

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