The Annual Grand Communication and Grand Master's High Hat Gala Set for December 27, in PhiladelphilL
The Annual Grand Communi cation of Th e Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania is schedu l ed to b e held in Th e Ma s oni c Te mple , One Nor th Broad Street, Philadelphia, P ennsylvania, on Wednesday, Decembe r 27, 1995, beginning at 10:00 a.m.
The Communication will mark th e end of the Administration of Bro. George H H ohenshildt as the R. W Grand Master and the beginning of the expected term of Bro. Edward 0. Weisse1:
Tickets fort he Grand Master :S H igh H at Gala are available for $30.00 per person m1d will be sold through Lodges or th e Grand Masters Office on a firs t request basis. Early reservations are encouraged. S ee coupons on this page.
dinner-dance and entertainment to be held at 6:30p.m. Decembe r 27, t995,
The Grand Master Speaks •••
Friend to Friend on Parade, Displayed as Community Day Marks 125th Anniversary of Union Lodge No. 479
Birdsboro in eastern Berks County was overflowing with Friend to Friend enthusiasm on Saturday, May 6. T o commemorate its 125th Anniversary, Union Lodge No. 479
Freemasonry First!
Friend to Friend! Youth! Education!
These have been the four Cornerstones of this Administration. The positive responses from the Membership have been overwhelming, and the negatives few.
For the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania since 1731, Freemasonry ha s indeed been first! The combined efforts of all Masons have continually made Freemasonry worthy of each an d eve ry man' s M embership. It is our hope that we preserve and enhance this Fraternity for future generations.
Friend to Friend and Memb e rship Development i s a n idea and a procedure whose time has come. It ha s caught the inspiration, imaginati on and enthusiasm of thousands.
We have set a goal of 5,000 Initiates in 1995 and, as of now, we are doing very, very well; but we have a long way to go. It is attainable, but we must all work just a little bit harder, hand - in - hand, and I am sure success will crown our efforts.
As thousands of new Masons join our ranks, they will be seeking positive things to do, and it is my hope that many will join our monthly Lodge Visitation initiative to a Chapter of DeMolay , a Bethel of Job 's Daughters , or an Assembly of Rainbow Girls. This important, futuristic effort is r ea lly growing in participation, and it needs and deserves your consideration-your personal support. How nice it is to see and help our young men and women build for their future and our Fraternity's future
Who are the Masons? What do Masons do? What do Masons believe? These three questions and how our Members are able to answer them along with how the public perceives them is the challenge of our Education program. Under the able leadership of Bro . Edward 0. Weisser, R.W.D .G .M., our Education Program is making a major difference.
I appreciate greatly all the efforts of everyone involved because these efforts are ind eed paramount to all our future s ucc esses.
Sincerely and Fraternally,
George H. Hoh enshi ldt, R W. Grand Ma ster
R.W. Grand Master Receives Title "HONORARY PAST GRAND COMMANDER"
The title "Honorary Past Grand Commander " was Conferred upon R. W Grand Master George H. Hohenshildt at the 14 2nd Annual Conclave of the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar of Pennsylvania on May 22. That honorary title is given to Sir Knights who have rendered long , outstanding and distinguished service in the cause ofTemplary.
The Grand Lodge would like to thank y ou for your generous support ofthe Masonic Label Program as well as th e Masonic No t e Card Program. Your contributions have e nabled us to con tinue our good work and efforts to rebuild the M embersh ip. Pleuse remember that your contributions are not deductible in uccordunce with IRS regulations.
Thank you once again for your kindness and generosity. ..
In the line of parade were the many musical, marching and mounted units of Rajah Shrine and marching contingents and floats of York Rite Bodies, Scottish Rite Bodies, Tall Masonic Foundation for Leadership and Management, Inc.; The Pennsylvania Masonic Foundation for the Prev ention of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Among Children , Masonic Hom es Outreach Program, plus the 7th Masonic Di strict's "Say No' To Drugs" display with elementary school book cover handouts; DeMalay; Rainbow for Girls; T all Cedars Muscular Dystrophy display, and Hamilton Restoration. organized and sponsored a "Community Day" for the town and invited everybody to participate. The whole community responded, and friends came from miles around to join in the day - long event that started with a parade that took an hour and a half to pass, continued with an open
The to F_rieml banner leads 1he way in lhe Union Lodge No. 479 Community Day parade markmg 1/s 12Jth Ann iverswJ·. Behind the banner in th e 191 7 Oldsmobile convertible is th e parade's Grand JV!ars hal. R W. Deputy Grand Master Edward 0. Weisser. accompanied by the 7th Masonic Districl D eputy, Bro. Frank£ Daniels
"It was a great Friend to Friend day, " said District house at the Masonic Temp l e, and display s, food and fun outside the Lodge Hall.
The colorful Friend to Friend banner introduced the parade s Grand Mar sha l , R W. D ep uty Grand Ma ster Edward 0. Weisser, riding in an open 1917 Oldsmobile , accompanied by the 7th Masonic District Deputy Grand Ma ster, Bro. Frank E. Daniel s. Next came Bro. George Peifer, Worshipful Master of Union Lodge, riding in a classic convertible. Following were groups of Di st rict Deputy Grand Masters , Worshipful Masters, Senior and Junior Wardens and Master Masons of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania and Prince H all Affiliation
A Knights T e mplar co or guard l ed th e way, prec eding the Twin Valley High School Band , for the one-and - a- ha lfmile march. The hometown Daniel Boone High School Band and the neighboring Exete r Hi gh Schoo l Band w e re in the lin e of march.
Cedars, Order of Eastern Star, DeMolay and Rainbow for Girls. Th ere were community groups, Scouts, a Civ i l War Re-enactment Unit, antique and cl assic cars, racing cars, motorcyc l es, and a number of civic and bu sine ss organizations .
During the afternoon, the public toured Union Lodge Hall, visited Ma sonic displays in an adjacent tent and enjoye d a larg e assort ment of food, including a chicken barbecue.
There were displays by The Masonic Library and Museum of Pennsylvania ; The Pennsylvania
D ep ut y Dani e l s "Freemasonry and the community of Birdsboro celebrated their heritage and that of the Fraternity and gained a new appreciation for who are the Fre e masons, what we do and what we believe. "
Friend to Friend information about Freemasonry was wide l y communicated before and at the time of the event. The 125th Anniver sa ry Celebration and Comm unit y Day were well-publicized in an eight-page tabloid distributed with the May 3 ed i tion of The N ews of Southern Berks. That morning , Pottstown radio Station WPAZ broadcast interviews with five Masonic organization l eaders: Bros. Kent H ackney of Leadership and Manag e m ent, John Platt of the Library and Museum , Robert Santoro of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention , David Berry of the Pennsylvania Youth Foundation, and John Suchanec of the Masonic Homes.
Para de co ntinuedfrom page 3 telecast and later rebroadcast several times on Berks Community TV. The panel , moderated by District Deputy Daniels, who is also Secretary of the Scottish Rite Valley of Reading, comprised : Bros. Thomas W Jackson, R. W. Grand Secretary; Olin Marth , District Deputy High Priest, Holy Royal Arch Chapter; and Jack B. Gounder, Past Potentate of Rajah Shrine Temple accompanied by a patient of the Philadelphia Shriners' Hospital.
The successful commemorative community
day was the result of a year-long effort by the Lodge and its 125th Anniversary Celebration Committee, headed by Past Master John H Hughes.
ladi es' units participating in th e parade m arking th e ! 25 t h Annivers01y of Union Lodge No. 4 79, Birdsboro.
Dramatic Banners for Philadelphia's
Best-Kept Secret!
To ident i fy th e Fraternity mor e positi v ely and furth e r de co rate th e a lr e ady f a nt as ti c building th at is th e h ea dqu a rt e r s o f o ur Gr a nd Lodg e , n e w b a nn e r s h ave b ee n d e si g n e d and hung o n li g ht standard s ju st o ut s ide the main entra n ce on Bro ad St re et They m ad e thei r d e but at t he June Qu a rt e rly Communi c ation of Gra nd Lodg e S o m a ny p e opl e sa y " I v e li ve d h e
h side of th e Broad and Filb e rt Stre et s corner, but they ar e ta ste fully mode st , a nd th e refor e oft e n go unnotic e d Th e b a nn e r s are va ri ation s of ex i s ting fl
(215 ) 988- 1909
Committee on Masonic Education Awards Scholarships
Seven scholarships were awarded to senior high school students from the seven Masonic Regions of Pennsylvania at a ceremony on May 12 at the Independent Living Community , Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown. The seven regional winners and their parents attended the awards ceremony.
The Senior Essay Contest required each entrant to prepare a 1,500word essay on one of the famous Masons depicted on the Friend t o Friend brochure and their contributions to American society. The state winner and recipient of a $2,500 Grand Lodge Scholarship was Matthew C. Cochran, We stfi e ld, Re gion 6. Six r e gion a winners who received a $1 , 000 Grand Lodge Scholarship were: Tara Patricia Armstrong, Kenn ett Square, Region 1; Andrew J. Baldwin, Lanca ster, Region 2; Juli e
M. Claycomb , Osterburg , Region 3; Mark R. Kuczinski, Pittsburgh, Region 4; Bryn Erin Bosley, Butler, Region 5; and Jason Kumpas, Clarks Summit, Region 7.
audience. Matthew will attend the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, New York to study classical guitar. The six other winners also have plans to attend college.
Matth e w C. Cochmn , Region 6 Westfield, Tioga County was t he State Masoni c Senior Essay Contes t wi nner and was awa r ded a $2,5 00 Scholarship
nic H omes.
Bro. Edward 0. Weisser , the R.W. D e puty Grand Master a nd Chairman of the Masonic Education Committee , conducted the awards ceremony and presente d th e scholarship s Bro. Anthony J. Garvey, Dir ector of The Pennsylvania Masonic Foundation for the Prevention of Drug and Alcohol Abu s e Among Childr e n , gave a pres e ntation about the Drug and Alcohol Program.
Bro. Weis s er ask e d each of the seven recipient s to tell about the many activities in which they are involved in th e ir schools a nd communitie s The state winner of the conte st , Matthew C. Cochran , wa s a s ked to pre s ent hi s es s ay to the
Contest winn e rs and their families w e r e gi v en a tour of th e M as onic Homes by Bro. Joseph Murphy, Ex ecutive Director. Staff members of the Masonic Homes joined the stud e nt s and their famili es at the luncheon and the awards c e remony held at the Independent Living Community.
Masons of Pennsylvania proudly support the youth of our Juri s di c tion in th e ir e duc ational program s and career goal s Once again this outstanding group of seniors has shown us that youth of today are s eriou s, knowledgeabl e and h a rd -working in th e ir efforts to complete their high school education and prepare for college.
1996 Senior Essay Competition
"How I m porta n t is C h ar ity to Yo u ?" is the competition topic selected by th e Com mitt ee on Masonic Ed u catio n fo r the S i x th Annual Senior Essay Contest. I n a nnouncing the topi c, R W. Depu ty G ran d Ma s ter Edward 0. Wei sse r sa id tha t eac h s tudent wi ll be asked to write a I ,5 00-word essay.
Th e contest is ope n to all s enjor studen ts in the public , parochial a nd private high sc ho o ls of Penn sy lvan ia Announcements a nd ap pli ca ti ons w ill be se nt to a ll o f the sch ool s in the Com mon wea lt h du r i n g August. Essays mu st be rece i ve d in the Office of Mason i c Educa tion , Masonic T e mpl e, One N or t h Broad St r eet
Phil adelphia. 19107-2598 by February I , 1996.
Maso n s o f Pen n syl va nia suppo rt the youth of our sta te in many w a ys. The scholarsh ips to be awa rded in 19 96 wi ll help seven s tude nt s to fu rth e r th e ir e du cation. Maso ns are asked t o enco ur age se nior s th ey know to s ubmit essays in thi s compe tit ion.
Wi1111ers: Mason ic Sen ior Essay Co ntest and Parents of win ners A wa rds Ceremony, A1ay 12, Indep endent L iving Com munity, Maso
rfllJ Before You Sell . ..
Are you thinking of selling your home , a vacation place , a vacant lot , or some other piece of real estate? Are you wanting to liquidate some appreciated stocks or bonds? Whether real estate or securities, if you've owned the asset for more than a year and the value is higher than your cost, you may want to consider placing the property in a charitable remainder trust.
Here's why: The trustee (could be you) can se ll the appreciated property without incurring tax on the capital gains. The trustee will then in vest the entire proceeds , less selling costs, to provide you a flow of in come for life. If you wish, following your demise, this income can cont inu e for the benefit of one other person. Upon the death of the last income beneficiary, the trustee wi ll distribute whatever is left in th e trust to the one or more charities you h ave named.
B ecause the trust is irrevocable (you can't undo it) and the remainder eventua lly goes to cha rity, you receive an imm ediate income ta x deduction In fact, if you can't use all of this deduction the first year, the government allows you five additional years.
Depending on your c irc ums tances, other gift planning options you may wish to consider include Masonic Homes ' Pooled I nco me Fund , Charitable Gift Annuity, and the Deferred Payment Gift Annuity.
The beautiful thing about a planned gift to the Mas o nic Homes at Elizabethtown is that it allows you to make a gift now while retaining a lifetime flow of income to help you through your retirement years. Such a gift may also help you to realize important personal goals such as helping with the college education of a child or grandchild and providing for a loved one with special needs A planned gift is a wonderful way to use some of your assets to help not on y yourself, but to provide needed resources for the Masonic Homes in the years ahead.
For more information on giving through a charitable remainder trust , poo l ed income fund , gift annuity or any of the following topics (all of which are provided in confidence and without obligation) p lease call the Development Office at 1-800-599-6454 or mail the handy coupon.
Th ank You!
Income For Life Through:
) A Charitable Remainder Trust
) A Pooled Income Fund
) A Charitable Gift Annuity
) Pl anning For Additional i ncome To Begin At Retirement Or Other Future Date
) Assisting Wi th A Chi ld's Or Grandchild's College Ed ucatio n
) The Benefits Of Gifts Of Life Insurance
) A Complete Gu ide To Cha ritable Giving
) A Comp lete Gu ide To Writing A Will
) The Benefits Of Gifts Of Appreciated Property
) Please note that I ha ve already ma de provisions in my Wi ll for the Mason ic Ho mes o f t he R.W. Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania.
Award Given to Bro. Kennedy for Saving Woman at Niagara Falls
During the May 27 Visitat on of R. W. Grand Maste r Ge orge H. Hohenshildt for the 125th Anniversary of Monongahe l a Valley Lodge No. 416, Ca lifornia, PA , Bro. Frank J. Kennedy was recognized as a hero. Grand Master Hohenshildt presented him with his Lodge ' s special recognition for va l or.
Two years ago, Bro. Kennedy instinctively acted to c lu tch a woman from the rapid river waters and save her life f ve feet before she reached the brink of Niagara Falls. As reported in the newspaper at the time of the June 14, 1993, hero ic eve nt , Bro. Kennedy and h i s family usually st op to see t he Fa lls on t he way home from vis it ing his sister in Toronto. They we r e going to skip it that time because of a late start toward home ; but h s son prodded and the family decided to make a fast stop at the Fa lls.
" We weren't there five minutes when my daughter started screaming, 'Dad , the re's somebody in the wate r,"' Bro. Kennedy said. "I turned around and here she comes like a piece of driftwood bobbi ng along "
some thirty feet from the Fa lls. Bro. Kennedy bolted over a railin g , ran down to the bank and across twenty feet to the river's edge . He thought he could intercept her about f i fteen feet f rom the Falls; but he reached out and missed he r . She d isappeared beh in d a bush and he thought he lost her. But, he dashed around the bush and saw her frantica ll y grasping at rocks. He yelled at her to grab his arm as he jumped on a rock , braced himself and snatched her f ive feet from the edge of the Fa lls.
B ro. Kennedy reca ll ed , "I don ' t know who was holding on tighter. " The force of the current, estimated at 23 m.p.h., kept h i m from pulling her to the bank. At that point, Bro. Kennedy's father , nephew and two other visi to rs grabbed him to prevent h i m from being dragged nto the water and together they pulled the woman onto t he bank.
Bro. Kennedy received hero's honors from the Nat i onal Park Management and several months ago was specia ll y recogn ized by the Carneg ie Hero Fun d Commission of Pittsburgh.
Member of Olive Lodge No 557 in Tiones ta, PA , at his ho me i n Winterhaven, FL. B ro Beatty is in excellent menta l and p hysical h e a lth an d his b iggest c o mplaint seemed to be th at his
CO GRA TULA TI G THE H ERO, Bro. Frank J. Kennedy (second fi'om right) of Mon ongah ela Valley Lodge No. 416, is R W. Grand M aster George H. Ho henshildt (s econdji om leji) At leji is the 31st Masonic D istrict Deputy Grand Mast er J o hn W. H is iro and at righ t is the Worshipful Mas ter of M onongahela Valley Lodge, Bro. George Andler.
Bro Will iam E. Yeager, Jr.,
istric t D eputy Gran d Master, 56th Masonic D istrict presented a 75-y ear ce rtifica te to Bro. Chester M Beatty, a
An electroni c Bulletin Board for Freemasons i s being established as part of the AutoMasonry syst e m that e v olved in c onjun ction with the planning and tra c king need s of the Friend to Friend Pr o gram
The Bulletin Board i s now in partial operation and is ex pe ct e d to b e in full se rv ice state w id e by s ummer ' s end .
Bro. Jame s J. Madd e n, (s eate d in
ph o to ) Juni o r Ma s ter o f Cer e-
m o nie s, Fernwood Lodg e No 543 , Philadelphia , is th e volunte e r Head of System Operation s (SYSOP) f o r
th e Fr i end to Friend Bull et in Bo ard. He has been wor king sev er-
al d ay s a wee k wi t h Bro. Ri c hard H
O we n s, ( st anding in photo ), the Friend to F riend Coordinat o r, in
th e Pro g r a m 's off ce in th e M aso nic
T empl e. Helping Bro. Madd e n as a
33rd District Hosts
Rainbow Girls Tour
In s up po rt o f t he R.W . G r and
M aste r 's pr og r a m to v s it w it h
M aso ni c Yo uth g r o up s, t he
33 r d Maso ni c Di st r ct in v it e d
th e Or d e r of R ai nb ow fo r
G i rl s to br i n g t h e a nnu a l
Promot i o n a l To ur to El k Lo d ge
N o. 379.
On Ma r c h 3 0 , gir l s fr o m a l
p a rt s o f t h e st at e eft t h e Patt o n
Ca mpu s by bu s and arrived at
th e El k Lo dg e lat e in th e aft e r -
noo n A f t e r a r e h ea r s al a n d
d in n e r , th e G rand O f fi ce r s
exe mp lif i ed t h e R a in bow
In itiati on fl aw l es sl y.
For in f orm ation o n sch eduling
a visit f ro m th e Rainbow Grand
O ffi ce r s T o ur n ex t y e ar, co ntac t:
Mrs. Beryl L. Hog u e at (41 2) 654-4 883.
The e le c tronic Bulletin B o ard i s designed for Freemason s all ov e r
vo lunte e r a ss istant for SYSOP is
Bro Mark B e la s, Chaplain o f F e rn w ood Lodg e S e r v in g in a n ad vis ory c a pa c it y f o r e st abli s hing and operating th e Friend to Friend Bull e tin Board i s Bro
Th o m as R . Samson , DDGM ,
Ma so ni c Di s tr ict " B ," a nd Pas t M aste r of Fern w o o d Lo dg e . Yeager to Preside
Over National Masonic Body
W illi a m E Yeage r, Jr o f
Wa rr e n , Pe nn sy l va ni a wa s
El ected and I ns t a ll ed Mos t
Illu stri o u s Gr a n d Sove r e g n of t h e United G r a n d Imp e ri a l
Co un c il of t h e Red Cr o ss of
Co n sta ntin e a t th e A nnu a l
Asse mbl y h e l d in J ackso n ,
Mi ss i ss ippi o n Jun e 8, 9, a n d 10, 1995
He w ill pres id e over th e aff airs of t h e o r ga ni zati o n fo r t h e n ext yea r , in c ludin g t h e ob se r va n ce o f th e
125 th a nni ve rsa ry of t h e esta bli sh -
me nt o f th e O r d er in A m er i ca by
t h e Gr a nd Co un c il o f En g l a nd o n
Dec e m b er 14, 187 0
Th e O r d e r w hi c h in v it es int o it s
M e m be r s hip o ut st a n d i ng M aso n s w h o h av e di st in g ui s h e d t h e m -
se ves e ith e r thr o u gh th e ir
M aso ni c act v iti es o r t h r o u g h publi c se r v i ce f or th e m pr ove m e n t o f t h e ir Co u n c il , w h ic h i n c l ud es th e
P e nn s yl v ania w ho are " recogni ze d " in the pr o gram to " t a lk " to one an o th e r , lea v e and receiv e m es sage s; ke e p and tra c k Lodge Meeting d a t e s and times ; download f il es and g r aphic s f o r w ord processing ; and forw a rd re ports A security sys t e m is included to r ecogni ze q u a lified Fre e ma so n s w h o r e gi st e r f o r th e program. In additi o n to Blu e Lodge Ma sons, registered a cc e s s w ill be a v ailabl e to Memb e rs of a ll o f th e Appendant Bo di es, Ord e r of East e rn St a r and Youth Organization s.
Th e e l ec tr o ni c Friend to Friend
Bulletin Board w ill op e rat e 24 hour s, ev er y d ay Th e t e lephone numb e r is (215) 98 8 -1971
Unit e d Sta t es ,
M e x i co, th e
Ph i l ip pi nes, a nd J a p a n , i s
li m te d a nd b y in v ita ti on o nly
Ye age r is a Pas t M as t er of J o s e ph War r e n
L o d ge N o . 726, F . & A M i n
Wa rr e n an d i s p r ese ntl y se r vin g hi s seve nt h year as Di stri ct
D ep uty G r a n d Mas t e r o f th e 56 th
Ma s o ni c Di stri ct of Pe nn sy va ni a .
H e h as served a so t h e G r a nd
L odge as G r a n d M a r s h a l a n d
Se ni o r Gra nd Deacon . He s act ive in bo th th e Scotti s h Rite a n d Yor k
Ri te Bo di es o f M aso nry as w e ll as num ero u s M aso ni ca ll y R e ate d
Orga ni za ti o n s
Fo r Fu rth er In formati on Con t ac t :
Ned E . Dul l, GR A ND R E C ORD E R
Unit e d Gra nd I m p e ri a l C o un c il
R ed C r oss o f C
10:00A.M. - 4:00P.M.
10:00A.M. - 4:30P.M.
10:00A M. • 4:30P.M.
10:00A.M. - 10:30A.M.
10:00A.M. - 10:30A.M
10:00A.M. - 11:00 A.M.
10:00A M - 11:00A.M.
10:30A.M. -11:45 A.M.
10:45A.M. -11:45A M
11:45A.M. - 12:00 NOON
12:00 NOON - 12:30 P.M 12:00 NOON 12:45 P.M.
2:00P M. • 3:00P.M. 2:00P M . - 3 00P.M.
2:00P.M. ·4 00P.M
3:00P.M - 4:00 P M.
3:15P.M. - 4:00 P M.
Foo d - d e l ic io u s , app e t iz ing foo d w i ll b e p ro v ide d at seve ra l lo catio n s on th e g round s unt i l 4:00 p.m Ju st w ait un til y o u t aste th e Ma son ic Ho m es'- m a d e s au sa ge , s a ue rkra u t, hot do g s, ba ke d b ea ns, vege ta b les w it h d i p p lus ic e c rea m a n d be ve rag e s !
V is it o ur m a n y sta nd s w here q u est ions r egardin g all organi zat io n s
c a n be a n swe re d. Don t forget to sto p by t h e Gift D is p lay Ta b les
fo r M as o n i c H om es ' c reat ed gi fts an d Fr u it Sta nd s fo r fr u it b e fore yo u leave
I f y o u a n d y ou r fa m il y a r e p l a n nin g t o a t te nd p l eas e t ak e a
mom e n t r ig h t no w t o c omp le t e th e co u pon on t hi s page an d s e nd i t
to t he M as oni c H om e s. I t s hould b e not e d t h a t th e M aso nic
H o m es w ill no t b e a b le to pro v id e w h e e lc ha i rs Please brin g y o ur
ow n i f n eed e d H a nd ica pp e d parki n g w ill be av a i lab le; ho wever, y ou mu s t a d v ise th e M aso ni c Home s on yo ur co u po n if h a n dicapped pa r k ing is re q u ire d s o t ha t a spec ia l ticket ca n b e for ward e d to y o u pri o r t o G ran d M as te r s Da y
Masonic Homes
One Masonic Drive
Elizabeth town , Pennsylvan ia 17022-2199
(717) 367- 112 1
Resident Computer Pioneers
Re ce ntly, resident s of the Vi ll age Green Area of the Ma so ni c H o m es h ave been invited to pursue yet another l earning opportunity. Nine re s i dents ha ve c h a lleng ed themselves to co nqu e r the wor ld of the comp ut e r. Four of the se students have comp l eted th e course, most o f w h o m have taken a mini-final exam and r ece ved a certificate of merit fo r th e ir efforts. A im ee Kulp , V illa ge Green Area resid e nt of the Masonic Hom es, is delighted t o tea c h this course, sharing her knowledge and skill s w ith ot h er interested re sidents.
The co mput e r was a gift t o Aimee Kulp w h e n she r etir e d after 40 years of serv ice as a Library Dir ecto r at the Mercersburg Academy. She br o ught it w th her, hoping to s hare it w ith her f e ll ow re s id e nt s She admits, she is n o t an expert, but rath er a h ob b y ist w hen it comes to computer u se It ta kes about eight we e ks to ma ster th e t ec hnique of wo rd processing w ith one c lass per student per week. Each student is taught indi vidua ll y at hi s or h e r ow n pace. Graduates in c l ude Jim Br ow n , who i s a lr ea dy co mp os in g, ed iting , sav ing , a nd printing; Gl adys Kr o m e r , w h o h as co mpiled in struction s for th e ph ys icall y cha ll enged, teaching r esidents w ho have the use o f ju st one h a nd h ow to u se the wor d processor; Mildr ed S im pson; a nd Ha ze l John son, who c l a im s, "Having co mpl et e d th e co u rse, I find I am much more alert to fine details. I rea ll y en j oyed th e exper ence!"
Masonic Homes Construction Update
Th e Committee on Masonic Homes
ha s r eta in ed a n arc hit ect ur a l firm
t o prepare a m aste r plan for cottages Th e prel i minary meeting w ith t h e a r ch ite cts has been held and multip l e sit es on the ca mpu s w ill be r ev ewed to determ i ne t h e best l ocation for cottag e s It i s a nti c ip ated th a t master p l anning w ill be comp l eted by the end of Septem b er
Completed in the Shortest TimeHazel Johnson
Merit for Most AchievementGladys Kromer
Most Embarrassing MomentAimee Kulp , w h e n I co uld no t oca t e th e teach i ng prog r am di sk s upon a rri va l at th e M aso nic Hom es.
When one resident comp letes the course, another re sdent b eg in s, m ak i ng a co ntinuing cyc l e of l ea rnin g. Th e co ur se is work, but it ha s al'so turn ed out to be a lot of fun .
Youth Appreciati on Day 1995
The Masoni c Children's Hom e ce lebrated it s 72nd Annual Youth Appreciation D ay Awards Banquet on Friday, Ma y 26, in Memorial Hall at the Masonic Conference Center
Attending the event we r e th e R W. Grand Ma ste r George H Hoh ens hildt; Bro Noah Wenger, Stat e Se nator from the 36th Distri ct ; Members of the Committee on the Masonic H omes; Bro. J ose ph E Murphy, E xec uti ve Director of Masonic H o m es; Ma so nic H omes Administrative staff; Eli za bethto w n Area School District Administrators; and Ma so ni c H omes Children's Home staff, chi ld ren, their families, r e latives a nd fri e nd s.
Bro and R ev Charles H L acq u e m e nt, Director of Pasto r a Ca r e, offered th e In vocat i on. Num e rou s r es id e n ts o f the Childr e n 's Home to o k part in th e
prog r am. Shaun Bennetch led th e Pl edge of A ll egiance. Tracee Evans, T e ll a Mercado, Sasha Ca rn es, Amanda D avey a nd Kristen Muldoon , a l ong w ith their piano te ac h er, Ed Smith, provided mu s ca l e nte rt a inm e nt. A group of 14 ch ildren sang the National Anthem David Lyons designed the program cover and Deni se Witm e r and Gene
T obias , c hild ca re workers, prepared a sc rapbook of photo m emo ri es f or the c hildre n.
Th e two g ra du ates, Jess i ca Bastr ess a nd Cry sta Evans, were presented w ith Bib l es from Bro Lacque m e nt. Bro. Gi lso n (Buz) G. Cash, Directo r of Chi ld ren's Se r v i ces, pres e nt e d the se nior s w ith th e ir g r a duati o n ce rtifi cates. Bro. D ean C r a me r, President of th e M aso ni c HomesPatton Schoo l A lumni A ssoc i at i o n , a l so made a p r esen tation to the se niors.
The r enta l apartmen t project constr u c ti o n con ti n u es o n sc h edu l e w ith th e Brown Apartments a nd Cha rl es Eisen l ohr Buildin g h av in g an ti c i pated co mpl et o n dates of October a nd January r es pe c ti ve ly Progress on the Brow n Apartment s includ es t h e n e w a dd t i on n o w under roof. Th e Char es Eisen l o hr
Bui l di n g w ill h o u se s xteen r eside nt s in s i x o n e-bedroom apartments a nd f o ur efficie ncy apa rtm e nt s. Thi s bu il ding will a lso h ave a common r eside nt dinin g room o n the main floor.
From the l ook of the outside o f the M aso nic Hea lth Care Center, it i s easy to see th e speed at w hi c h th e Phase 4 Pr o j ect s co ntinuin g t o move f o rwa rd. Outside brick wo r k on th e four-story buildi ng is near ly 100% comp l ete . The o n e - s tory, mu ti - purpo se wors hip
room i s a b out 80 % comp lete. T h ey h ave beg un in s id e drywall wo rk which wi ll co n t inu e f rom t h e fourth floor t o the first fl oo r. Co mpl et o n is expected by th e e nd of 1995.
P lease se nd m e i nfor m at ion on how to a pply fo r an ap pl ication for Lhe Priority List. (P lea se pr int)
D Renta Fee P lan
D Entran ce Fee P lan
C i ty, State, Zip:
Te lephone No: ( l nclu de area code)
R etum to : Marketin g Office Masonic Homes, One Maso n ic Drive Elizabeth town PA 17022-2199 1-800-676 -6 452
After the lu ncheon was se rved , J ess i ca Bastress, Crys tal Eva r) s, David Lyons, Da v id H un ger, T od d Coo k, Ly nn ette Beer, Te ll a Mer-cado and An i ta Se rran o - served as announc e rs a nd awa rd p r esen t e r s for th e program. Jennifer Paquette, Victor Carnes, Hea th e r Croz er a nd Do ug S h eppa rd were u sh e r s
The chi l dren received awa rd s for th e i r ac hi eve m ents in academ i c s , c iti zens hip , creat i v ity, vocat i o n a nd _ at hl et i cs. All 27 c hildr e n were r ecog ni zed for their p arti ci p atio n a nd accomp li s hm e nt s in va ri o u s act i vi tie s . Br o . J e rr y Migr a l a, Chil dre n 's Home A ss i stant Director, announ ce d the awards.
After the awa rd s ceremo ny Bros. Wenger and Hoh ens hildt addressed th e group. Bro. a nd R ev . T ed E. Bowers, Ass sta nt Pasto r at th e Masonic H om e s, offered th e Be n ed c ti o n.
Th e two se ni o r s a so p a nted a tree n e xt t o th e n ew Chi ldr en's H o m e comp ex to l eave a ast in g sy mb o l of their ti es to th e Chi l dren ' s Home. we r e g r ad u at e d from Eli zabet ht ow n Area Hi g h Sc hool on . J-une 8 . J ess ica will attend Penn ..S tat e, York Campus in the f a ll majorin g in Crimina l Ju st i ce. Crystal Eva ns wi ll atte nd c las ses at Hiltop in L a n caste r a nd work at W ill ow V a ll ey Fam ily Re sort .
Resident Co mputer P io n ee r s - ( to rig ht), Ha ze l John s o n , Edna Trem bath, A im ee Ku lp (s ta nding), Alma Wils on.
Youth Foundation
I 244 Bainbridge Road
El izabethtown Pennsy lva n ia I7022-9423
(7 I 7) 367-1536
Youth Recognition Night
Sunset Lodge No. 623 , Washington , held its first annual "Youth Recognition Night " at its Stated Meeting in May. The evening w as capped by th e pr esentation of thi s year 's $500 c ash scholars hips t o the winners and their parents. Miss Lesa Bednars ki and Mis s Angel a McClenathan , both graduating seniors from t w o local high schools , w ere cho sen from the man y applications submitte d to th e Lodg e for th e c ash aw ard s Al so honored we re Members and A d v so rs of the local Rainb ow A s sembl y Ent e rt a inm e nt w a s pr ov ided b y y oung singers from a local middle school. Ma sonic dignitari es pr e sent includ e d Bro s . S a mu e l C. William s on , R.W. P G M. and Willi a m M Baily, D D G M.
The L o dge 's S c holarship Program w a s instituted in 1992 by Bro Joseph A. Donham , w hile se rv ing as W.M. Since it s in ce ption , th e progr a m h as pro v ided eigh t $ 500 ca s h award s to g radu ating se ni o r s a nd s xty- eight $ 50 U. S. Sav ing s Bo nd s t o st ud e nt s in seve r a lo cal e lem enta ry an d middl e sch o ol s Fundin g fo r th e pr o gr a m is acc ompli s hed thr o ugh pr o je ct s co ndu cted b y the Lo d ge a nd don ation s from th e M e mb e r s hip. Th e prog r a m h as it s o w n di st in ctive n ew slett e r t o co mmuni ca t e to th e M emb e r s of th e Lod ge, and ha s e stabli s h ed a spe cial committ ee c ha ired by Bro Jon L. D ePo e, P M. ,
Shown at award presentation are (left to right) : Mrs . McClenathan; Angela NicCienathan; Lesa Bednarski; Nfrs Bednarski. Second ro w: Bro. William M Baily, D.D.G .l\11.; Bro. Jos eph A. Donham, P.M ; Mr. Bednarski; Bro Samuel C. Williamson, R. W.P.G l\11. Back row: Bros. Jon L. DePoe, and William L. Sturm, W.M
to a dmini st e r th e ove rall oper ati o n of th e progr a m A w a rd pr ese nt ati o ns a r e m ad e during stud e nt asse mblies w h e re t eac he rs, p a r e nts a nd friend s a r e prese nt.
Recognizing 75 Years
Bro Fr e d e ri ck M. H a rtr a nft was p rese nt e d a 75 - yea r ce rtifi -
cate o f M e mb e r s hip by Br o Gl e n E. Pa ulh a mu s, Di st r i ct
Depu ty Grand M as t e r , 18th M as oni c Di stri ct , durin g ceremonie s at th e Buffa lo Va ll ey Nu rs in g Ho m e, Le wi s b e rr y. Bro
H artr a nft was m ade a M as on n Munc y Lod ge N o 2 99 in 19 2 0 Si x M e mb e r s o f hi s Lo d ge acc o mp a ni ed t h e Di st r ict
De puty f o r th e pr ese n ta tion. A noth e r Ma s on o f th e 18 th
Di s tri ct , Br o C liff o rd V. L a ud o n , I vy Lod ge N o 3 9 7, Willi a m s port , a l so i s a 7 5 -ye ar M e m be r.
In Memoriam
Broth er James K Th o mpso n , In s tructor of R itualis tic Work for th e Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, died July 3 at th e age of 74 in the Memorial Medi c al Center, Johnstown.
H e was th e I n stru ctor of Ritualistic Work from 1984 until his death and Member of the Grand Master 's Advis01y B oard of the R. W. Grand Lodge, F. & A.M. of Pen nsylvania. He fo rm e rly was th e Central Regional Instru ctor. He was Coroneted a Sovereign Grand In spect or General, 33rd Degree, and made an Honor01 y Member of Supreme Council in th e Nor th ern Masonic Jurisdic tion in D etroit. Bro. Thompson was a Member of Royal Arch Knight Templar Priests, Tran sfiguration Tabernacle XXIX; Royal Order of Scotland; Hono r 01y Legion of Honor , Orde r of D eMo lay; Tru s t ee of Ma son i c T emple Association; and Roland Fish er Mark Lodge No. 401 , Pitlsb urgh
In Scollish Rit e, Bro. Thompson was a Past Thrice Pot ent Master of the Valley of Altoona, Lodge of P e1jection, 1985 - 1986; Chairman of Executive Board, Valley of Altoona, 1985- 1986; Jaffa Temple, A.A.O.N.M.S. , and L egion of Honor. He was a Pa s t Chairman and Ritual Adviser of Orie ntal Chapter Order of D eMolay, John s town.
A P as t Mast er of John stown Lodge No. 538 F. & A.M. , he was a Member s in ce 1954. H e was a Pas t Hi gh P r ies t, Portage Royal Arch Chapter No. 19 5; Pas t Thrice Illus t rious Mas ter, Cambria Council No. 32, R. & S. M. ; Past Commander, Oriental Command01y No. 61 , Knigh ts Templar; and Pas t Grand Tall Ceda r of Allegheny Mountain Forest No. 127, Tall Cedars of Lebanon. Bro. Thompson also served as Sup r e me Forest Membership Committee Cha irm a n , on the Supreme Forest Pu b lication s and Scrapbook Co mmittee, and was a Pa s t Governor of Conemaugh Gap York Rite College No. 34. He r ecei ved the York Rit e Purple Cross, Associate Regent, York Rite Sovereign College of No rth America in 19 76. H e was Past P uissant Sovereign of Co ns tans Conclave, Knights of R ed Cross of Constantine, Johnstown ; P ast Sovereign Master of La ure l Ridge Council No 6 7, Allied Ma sonic D egrees; a Member of Keyston e Pri01 y No. 26, Kn ights of th e York _.(_;ross of Hon o r , Pittsburgh ; Counc il of Anointed Kings Co mm onwealth of nnnsylvania- Order of th e Silver Tro wel ; and th e Association of Mas on ic Ve terans of West ern Pennsyl vania.
Bro. Thompson was an active m ember of Belmont Unit ed Atfetho dis t Church, wh ere h e was ge neral ch urch treasurer for twenty years and membe r of the Finan ce Co mmillee and _ Board ofAdministration.
He was a re tire d welder from B ethle hem Steel Corp. , with 38 years service; a vet eran of U.S. Marine C01ps and served in th e South Pacific in World War II
Surviving are his 1rije, the fo rm er Marian E. Holsopple, and childre n: Nancy Ly nn Mountain , James D. Thompson and Debra D. Burkhart; als o s ix grandch ildren.
Servi ces were held at B elm on t Unit ed Methodist Church with th e Rev. David S. Evans officiating. Entombm ent was in th e Richland Mausoleum.
Contrib utions may be made to: M aso nic C harities , Development Office Masonic Homes, One Masonic Drive, Elizabethtown , PA 1 7022-2 199
The Grand Lodge Of F ree A nd Accepted M asons of Pennsylvania Presents Alaska Glacier Route Cruise Tour
(First Week of August 1997) Plus Post Crui se Opti ons This trip is open
{Front row left to right): Bro s. George A. Fraley, P.M , Secretmy; Frederick M and Glen E Paulhamu s, DDGM. {Back row left to right): Bros. Max C. Harman; Alb ert L. Morehart, P.M.; Roger S. Wert z, P.M; William K. Kahler, P.M ; and George R Barlett.