The Grand Master Speaks •••
Brethren, it is with great, mixed emotions that I write this, my final " Grand Master Speaks." These past two years have been the most inspiring, challenging and rewarding experience of my life.
Never have I owed so much to so many who have helped make those experiences and accomplishments of the last two years possible. Literally, thousands upon thousands of Masons and their families and friends have helped move this Fraternity forward The words, "Help to a Brother " and "Help to Mankind," mean something very specia l to them - and to a ll of u s as Mason s. Fr eemasonry is an obvious and very vita l way of life in thi s world of ours.
"Freemasonry Fir s t , Friend to Friend, Youth and Education" hav e been th e four co rnerston es of my administration. My thanks to each and every one of you!
B eca u se of you, those progr ams ind ee d are working exceed ingly well. We are on the very threshold of turning our Membership decline around. I ask you to keep up thi s mo st nobl e effo rt
I a m espec ially proud of all of the El ected and Appointed Grand Lodge Officers, Committees and employees; of all of the Elected and Appointed Subordinate Lodge Officers and Committees; of all of the Scottish Rite, York Rite , Cedars and Shrine Officers and Committees for their leadership and efforts on behalf of the success of this, our Frat e rnity.
My very best wishes go to Bro. Edward 0. Weisser, our pre se nt
R. W. Deputy Grand M aster, in hi s
prospective Election and serving as our Grand Master. He needs and deserves all of our support as he leads us into a bright future.
I close with words of my most humble and profound appreciation to my wife, Lena, whose steadfast support and dedication to me and to our Fraternity is the distinctive mark of a true First Lady.
Freemasonry is very much alive and well in Pennsylvania and Around the World. May it always be so!
Sincerely and Fraternally,
George H. Ho henshildt, R. W. Grand M ast e r
g g Resolve
to Succeed in Building for the Future
The program for progress was well defined by Bro. Hohenshildt and, like etchings on a Trestleboard , work for the Craft was delineated on the Grand Master 's Medallion . On the face, three e l e m e nts of service in the Circle of Friendship surround th e Square and Compasses. They are "Preserve a nd Enhance, Help to a Brother Help to Mankind. "
Inside the circle are the Seven Cardinal Virtues
Ther e has been col01jul artwork along th e highways depi ct ing grea t Ameri c ans and grea t Freemasons from President George Washington to Astronaut Buzz Aldrin. It is part of the Fraternity's " Frie11d to Friend " publi c awareness program to say who Mason s are , what th ey s tand fo r and what they do On th e cover of this issu e, Bros. Dean E. Vaughn (right), th e cre ator of the Frie11d to Frie11d program and design er of th e artwork, and Rob ert G. Boone ( left), The Exec uti ve Director of Grand Lodge Op erations are shown pr eviewing th e board prior to its posting.
Service is a Life-Long Habit
S o me men jo in Freemasonry and then set as ide retirement as the tim e to become active in Masonic wo rk But if Brother J. Frankly n Runkle had done that, he would still be waiting for the " right time" to aiT ive.
At age 80, Brother Runkle is sti ll working an eight- hour day, in his 43rd year as an architectural hardware consultant for Hershocks, IJ1c., of Harrisburg Fi ve years ago Brother Frank requested a change to patt- tim e status, to take some extra vacation, but that bas only amounted to two months , in short segments during the year.
Comb ine this wo rk ethic with visits to hi s son at1d grat1dc hildren in Arizona, and hi s continuing work in the Faith United Presb yterian Church and Sunday School, and you would say that Frank Runkle has an active Lifestyle.
But anyone who kno ws Brother Runkle in Masonic circles wonders how he has found the time to work! He has se rved in the East of Harrisburg Lod ge No. 629, and all of the local York Rite bodies. His record of service to the Scottish Rite, Shrine, at1d numerous affilia ted bodies would fill this page.
Bro. Frank is almost a permanent fixtme in the kitchen at Harrisburg Co ns istory, A.A.S.R. , where he has been an Assistant Steward for as lon g as anyone ca n remember. He was Corone ted with the 33 rd Degree in !984, but even reaching that pinnacle in his M asonic re s ume hasn't prom pted him to s low down. Freemasonry and Fraternalism, it seems, is in his blood- it is the very essence of his character.
ing chocolate ice cream sundaes , but instead, got into some mischief dro pping cu ps of water out of the 7th floor w ind ow of t he old Maso ni c Temple in dow ntown Ha rrisburg. When the inevitable comp laints finally reached the DeMolay Advisor, Runkle step ped forward and confessed his guilt. That act of accepting responsibi li ty, at1d the consequences of his actions, showed a big step in his personal development, and a llo wed the Advisory Counci l to recognize this growth in bis maturity , as an example to the other Chapter members.
Runkle stil l wears th e ste rling s ilver Chevalier ring he received in 1932, although it has wom smooth wi th tim e so that the bas-rel ief portrait of Jacques DeMolay has all but disappeared. Young members of DeMolay today look at his ring, and at Frank Runkle, with awe. At his age , he relates better to teenage boys than some parents do. He is known and respected by DeMo lay members across the state as ''Dad" Runkle , and is the focu s of one more very special honor tlus coming December.
A distinction usually reserved only for Grand Masters, or other pre siding Masonic leaders, Bro. Runkle will be th e honoree at the "Dad" Runkle State-wide DeMolay Membership Class at the Masonic Conference CenterPatton Campus in Eli zabethtown on Saturday, Decem ber 2, 1995.
Traditional Strawberries for Fathers and Sons
at Newtown Lodge No. 427
The traditional June Strawberry Night was for all ages at Newtown Lodge No . 427, Woodside. It was a Friend to Friend Father-a nd -So n Night with Rainbow Girls "hired" to supervise the younger sons while the Brethren attended the Lodge Meeting (The Rainbow Girls "pay" was tickets to the Shrine Circus.) Sixty-eight Brethren, some of whom were fathers and sons, attended the Lodge Meeting and 25 more were visitors for the program.
As the Lodge Youth Representative, Bro. Charles H Pruitt arranged the Meeting. Bro. Paul Anderson spoke on the topic of "Drug and Alcohol Abuse."
After refreshments, R.W. Deputy Grand Master Bro. Edward 0. Weisser, a Past Master of Newtown Lodg e, invited th e group to the Lodge Room of Wood s ide Temple for a Friend to Friend discussion.
The Pennsylvania Freemason chronicles the achievements of the Family of Freemasonry working to m eet their resolve.
In this issue, the Editors highlighted sto ries that reflect the achievements toward our commitments.
You see, Brother Runkle got his introduction to the Fraternal way oflife in 1930, at age 15, when be becam e a member of Pil g rim Chapter , Ord e r of D eMolay. It was in DeMolay that he ini tially learned the values of Brotherhood , honesty and fair play whic h be practices to this da y Si xty-fi ve years later, Runkle is still patticipating in DeMolay as the Chapter Ad visor to Pilgrim Chapter, and as a Deputy Member of the rntemational Supreme Cmmcil He has been rewm·ded with all of the awards and hono rs iss ued by the Suprem e Co un cil , including the Degree of Cheva li er, the Cross of Honor, the Legion of Honor, and in 1985 , the Guild of the Leather Apron, a lso known as the pre stigious Adv isor of the Year Award . It is th e Degree of Chevalier that per haps mad e the greates t impac t on him. Awarded to him at age 17, for outstanding at1d conspicuous se rvice to Pilgrin1 Chapter, he recall s that it may also hav e come to him as a result of having learned a hard lesson in hon esty. As he tell s t he s tory , he a nd som e of hi s DeMol ay broth ers were supposed to be mak-
At this time, the Associated Chapters, Order of DeMo lay in Pennsylvania, will initiate a class of 65 new members- one for eac h year of his serv ice to the Order. Both Degrees will be Conferred by Championship Ritual Teams durin g a weekend act ivity which will a lso include a visit to the Maso nic Homes, a dance with the Jo b' s Daughters and Rainbow Girls, and the "Uncle Runkl e Catni val ," a fun activity for DeMo lays and their Ad viso rs.
Wi l l this be t he culmin ation of Bro. J. Frat1klyn Runkle 's Fraternal career? Not likely for thi s man who has lived a lifetime of service to his bro thers in DeMola y and Freemasonry. "I just have a goo d outlook on life ," he said recentl y. "Live ' til they bury me. " And we hope that attitude will sustain hin1 for many ye m·s to co me!
STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP (A ct of Oct. 2 3, 1962; Section 4369 Titl e 39, Uni ted States Code)
Lodge Visitors See Fine Art
When Ephrata's Main Street was blocked off for the communi crafts fair, Lodge No. 665 offered tours of the Ma soni c Hall. Visitors found interest in the artwork in the Lodge Room. Behind the Secretary ' s desk is a framed sculpture of "Bro. George Washington at Prayer" overlaid on the Square and Compasses. (Only three sculptings w e r e cast; one was retained by the artist and the other by the foundryman. ) Behind the Treasurer s desk is an oil panting of "Brother George Washington in the East. " Both original pieces of art were created by the late Bro. Arthur Etris , who was a Member of Red Lion Lodge No. 649. Bro. Etris originally created the artwork as a gift for a personal friend, who then presented it to Ephrata Lodge.
Two Lodges Field A Winning Team
The t w o Masonic Lodges in Uniontown joined forces and contributions for a most heart-warming project , sponsoring a handicapp e d Little League Team Fayette Lodge No 228 and Laurel Lodge No. 651 each contributed $175 to make it possible for the youth to play in the Challenger (Handicapped) Little League. Then , some of the Members turned out for the game to support "their team." District Deputy Grand Master John W. Hisiro said, " I went to the game Unbelievable! If we give to cfiant you should see this. "
W ea rin g th e ir blue "F&AM " s hirt s, here are the Challeng e r Little Leagu e pl a y e r s posing for a t e am
picture (photo abo v e) The tall man w e aring a red s hirt in the back row is Bro. Hi siro. To his right with th e white h at s Bro. Robert W McKnight, Wors hipful Ma ster of Fay ett e Lodge, a nd on the left e nd of th e b ac k row i s Bro. Jackson B Thomas , Worsh pful Master of Laurel Lodg e
On June 28, Bro. Russell W. Cochran, Seni or Deacon of Rochester Lodge N o 22 9 Raised his fourth son to the Deg ree of a M as t e r Ma s on. Those participating 11·ere Bro. Cochran s oth er three s ons his broth e r and co usins. Pi c tured Confe rrin g the Degree are (first row L toR): Bro. Russell Cochran; serv ing as Worshipful Mas te r; so ns Bros. Stewart, t he Candidate; Bruce, Senior Warden; Douglas , Guide; and Chr istoph er. Junior Warden. (Second row L to R): Cous ins Bros Garvin Cochran Junio r D eacon; Robert Cochran, Senior Master of Ceremon ies ; Uncle John Cochran, Senior Deacon; Cousin Ja m es Co chran, Junior Mast e r of Cere monies ; and De lb ert L. Ward, Sr , Wor s hipful Mas t er of Ro ch es te r Lodge No 229 · 4
Education Committee, Office Busy With "Friend to Friend" Support
Supporting Friend to Friend has been a dedicated and busy effort for the Committee on Masonic Education and the Masonic Education Office in Grand Lodge.
More than 50,000 Friend to Friend brochures have been sent to Lodges in Pennsylvania and to other Masonic Jurisdictions. Many requests for Friend to Friend have been received, not only from Jurisdictions in the United States, but also from foreign countries
Nursery Rhyme Inspires New Year's Theme
Humpty D umpty sa t on a wall, H umpty Dumpty had a great fall, All the King s horses and all th e King's me n, Coul dn ' t put Humpty toget her aga i n.
T hat fa mous n ursery rh y me se rves as t he in sp ir atio n fo r t he Fa mil y o f Free maso ruy flo at in the To urna ment of Ro ses Par a de o n New Y ea r 's D ay, 1996.
S itt ing o n t he wa ll o f t he flo we rbedecked float, t he co lo rful egg-s hape d f ig u re wi ll sy mboli ze th e P arade theme, "K ID S - LA UG HT E R AN D DREAMS" and o ur e n t ry tit le " W E SUPP ORT YO UTH ." The ti tle is parti cul ar ly ap prop riate for Maso ns. As the world s old es t and larges t Fraterni ty, its Members co ntribute m illio ns o f do ll ars annual ly toward the welfare of chi ldren.
Masons donate more th en 1. 5 million d o ll ars a day to man y chariti es, wit h a large s hare of it going to yOLmg people.
Masonic Education
Friend to Friend, as depicted on the cover of the brochure, was the topic for Lodges across the Commonwealth to prepare and present this past year's Masonic Education competition program. The seven Regional winners of that competition were to present their programs at the annual Masonic Education Conference in Eli zabethtown on October 14.
Preserve and Enhance
So m e
S ated M eetin g of Se neca Lodge No 80 5, Ki ttann ing, du ri n g th e Officia V sita io n of th e Distric Dep uty Gr and Master, Bro. Danny R McK nig h t. T he Cerem o ny, irs p erfo rmed in Milno r Lodge N o 287, Pittsburgh, w as crea te d in 1976 b y the at e Bro W illia m A. Ca pe nte r, R. W Pas Gra nd Maste r a n d Ric h a rd M. Crom ie, th en G rand Ch apl a n.
Four Are Honored at Age 100
Another at 103 is a Mason 82 Years
Four Brethren - three in one Lod g e - were honored for celebrating their 10 0th birthdays Another L o d ge presented a c ertifi cate to a 103- year old Brother w ho has bee n a Me mb e r of the Fraternity for 82 years.
The 13 th Masonic Di s trict Depu ty Grand M as ter Ro ge r L. Wh eeler, a long with Past Dis trict Deputy Lester A. K e rn and four Past Masters ofMt. Pis g ah Lodge No . 4 43, Green c a s tle , visited t w o Brethren , each of wh o m ha s been a M e mb e r of the Fraterni ty for 68 years For he alth re as ons, th ey wer e not abl e to vis it the Lod g e 's third 100-year-old Member. They v is ited and presented lette rs of congratul ations from R W. Grand M as ter Georg e H. Hohenshildt and Recognition Certificates to:
• Bro. D. Ho ward Barnhart, a residen t of the Franklin County Hom e, who w as born March 24 , 1895 H e w as Entered in Mt. Pisg ah Lodge in March, 1927
• Bro. Samuel H. Sheller, at home in Marion, w ho was born June 20 , 1895. He was Entered in Mt. Pisgah Lodge No. 443 on December 20, 1927.
A Letter fro m the Grand Ma s ter and the Certificate we re sent to :
• Bro. Robert F Failor, at ho m e in Lemas ters. PA , was born January 24, 189 5 He w as Entered in Mt. Pi sgah L o d ge in Dece mb er, 1927 .
The 30th M asoni c Di str ict D ep u ty Gr and M as ter Bro. Richard J. Stemml er , a lo n g w it h th e Wors hipful M aster, Bro Willia m P D av is, J r. , and Secretary J am es E M cC racke n, PM, and t he r ec ipi e nt's s on, Bro . Willi am M . Dice, pres ented a L etter o f Co n gra tul ati on s from the Gr and M as t er and the Certifi cat e o f Re c o gn i tio n to Bro Willi am B Dice. The elde r Bro Di ce, of Li go ni er, w a s born Jul y 2 5, 189 5. He was E nter e d in Lig onier Lodge No. 3 3 1 in Sep temb er, 1935 .
• Bro Mart in L. Bo g din , Wors hi pful M aster of P a lestine- Ro x borough Lodge N o. 135 , Philade lphia, trave le d to O cean C ity, N J, to honor Bro. Charles Mille r for be ing a Mem be r o f the Fra te rnity f or 82 ye ar s. B r o. Miller , w ho is 103, r es id es wi th hi s d au g hter in O cean Ci ty Ac companying the Wors hipful M aster fo r th e v is it was Bro. D e nni s d e Sa lni c k o f Cap e M ay, Di st r ict D e pu ty Grand Mas t er o f Ne w Je rsey's 24th Mas onic Dis tri ct.
Education has been one of th e four Cornerstones of R. W. Grand Ma st e r George H. Hohen s hildt's admini stration. A bulw a rk in support of that Cornerstone h as b e en the series of 21 e ducation program s for Lodge Offi cers and Members d e v e loped, instituted and carried forth s ucc essfully by the Masoni c Educati o n C o mmitt ee Thro ugh o ut th ese two y ea r s, the pro g ram s w e r e prese nt ed
in the Schools of Instruction throughout the Jurisdiction.
A group of capable Instructors from districts across the Commonwe alth pr e sented the program s of vari e d M as oni c topic s r a nging from " The History of Freemasonry " to "How to Develop a Lodge Budget." For each t o pi c , the M as oni c Edu c ation Co mmitt ee provid e d print e d pr o5
grams and educational material s
After this December , when the full two years of programs have been presented in th e S c ho o s of In stru ction, th ey will be collect ed in a bound publication. Each Lodge in the Jurisdiction will receive a copy a s a valuable resource for future Lodg e program s .
Masonic Homes
Construction Update
Masonic Homes' Cottage Expansion Progresses
Children's Home Remembers
The Events of Summer 1995
Many years ago when the Brown Home was a boys' dormitory, a large bell would toll, and the boys had five minutes to return to the building from play That bell will now be preserved for future generations at its new home near the Children's H ome buildings. The "Meneley Bell" was cast in 1921 ,
and i s a duplicate of a bell Captain Brown and his brother, Samuel V. Brown, had placed on a chapel they erected in Pittsburgh in 1908 as a memorial to their mother. Through donations from the Masonic HomesPatton School Alumni Association, the bell was restored to its original beauty.
The inspirational inscription on the bell was copied from a bell at the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus, Syria. Originally a temple dedicated to Jupiter, the building was turned into a cathedral in the fourth century and dedicated to St. John the Baptist. Betwee n 661 and 750, th e ca liph ate purchased the ca th ed ral and turn ed it into what is now the Umayyad Mosque. Th e inscription reads, "Thy Kingdom, 0 Christ, is an everlasting Kingdom, and Thy domain e ndureth throughout all generations."
A flagpole, purcha se d with donation s in memory of the late Bro. Paul
Brother Paul M. Dennehy Gives
Brother Paul M. Dennehy, an accomp li shed art st who h as exhib ited a rtwork at severa art shows, has now given one of his works to the Masonic Homes. Th e painting entit l e d "Masons Care," mad e spec i f i ca ll y for the Masonic Homes, is the epitome of the three elements of the C ircle of riendsblp. A sy mbolic work of art, it depicts in hi s own words, " a widow and orphan being admitted to the Masonic Homes coming out of the stor m of h ope ess n ess and a dv e r s ity to a p l ace of
Rodenhauser, a former resident of Masonic Homes, has been installed at the new Children's Home. The flag was donated by his wife, Ha zel, who current ly resides at the Masonic Homes A new basketball court was constructed near the Llo yd Cottage and the youth are making use of it. Smaller ch ildren are thrilled with the add ition of a new play area w hich includes swings, s lide s, a seesaw, sand box, climbing ladder, and cha et house.
Th e summer finale at the Children's Home is always group vacation time. Each cottage family p lanned its own vacation, from shore points in Maryland to Wil li amsburg and from Sesame Place in Pennsylvania to Niagara Falls in New York and Canada.
Original Painting to Masonic
warmth and security." Many of his other pa intin gs are in private co lle ctions and fraternal organizations.
Brother Dennehy retired from AMP, Inc., a large manufacturer of e l ectronic connectors bas e d in Harrisburg, where he worked as a commercial / technical artist. At the time of his presentation, Brother Dennehy resided in Avon Park, Florida and was a forty-two year Member of Perseverance Lodge No. 21 of Harrisburg.
On July 28, 1995, the Committee on Masonic Hom es approved the plans for the development of additional Independent Living Cottages at the Masonic Homes. Plans for the project have been submitted to the Lancaster County Planning Commission and the loc a l township Board of Supervisors for review and approval.
We plan to have a contractor ready to begin construction of the first phase of the cottages in the fall of 1996. Eighteen cottages should be comp leted within the first six months.
Th e residents wi ll pay an entrance fee and a monthly fee for a full array of services. Residents wi ll have access to health care serv ice s on the Masonic Homes' campus on a feefor-se rvice basis.
The plans allow for as many as one hundred cottages with thre e basic floor plans and the ava ilability of basem e nts in some, depending on th e site. As of Septe mber 1, 1995, twenty-six cottages hav e been r ese rved, and Phas e II cottages are now being sold. The first phase w ill comprise tho se cottages sold at the time construction is to begin.
Watch for Masonic H omes' Construction Upd a tes for further developm e nts on this and other exciting project s. Contact the Ind ependent Li v in g Marketing Staff about p l anning for your future at Masonic Homes' Independent Living Call 717-361 -4514 or 1-800676-6452.
Reaching Out-
Th e Masonic Homes Outreach Program H e lps
Pennsy lvania Freemasons Across the Country
The Masoni c Homes Outreach Program is a fine example of Freemasonry in action-helping Pennsy lva nia Freemasons across the United States. Recently an eld erly couple li ving out-of-state was referred to the Outreach Program by a friend who had been reading his copy of The Pennsylvania Freemason. This couple had been struggling financially for some time, but, through wise budgeting and the help of family, they were making it.
Unfortunately, the husband required laser heart surgery and had to travel to Lou isvi lle , KY to have the operation. The cost of the procedure was to be picked up entirely by the Audubon Regional Medical Center. Beyond that , the overall impact on their finances and health appeared to be devastating. They not only had to fly half-way across the country, but the wife needed lodging, local transportation, and meals for the duration of her time in Louisv ille
A collaboration of effort among family, friends, and the Audubon Regional Medical Center, directed by the Outreach Program, helped these people have their needs met without any additiona l or undue burden. A family friend offered hi s frequent flyer miles for the airfare. Audubon Regional located an apartment for the wife while her hu sband recovered. The M edical Center also offered assistance with meals. The Outreach Program attempted to secu r e transportation between the apartment and the hospital , but afte r it became clear that this co uld not be arranged, Audubon Regional Med ical Center personnel sec ured a room in the hospital. Transfers betwe en the airport and hospita were arranged at no cost. Medical coverage was reas sig ne d to Medicare. Up on returnin g home , the coup e's HMO coverag e was rei nstated to cover prescription charges.
Th e Outreach Program 's effo rts did not end th ere. In r eviewing thi s couple's financia l situation it was determined that an on-going ne ed for financial assistance existed. To help meet their monthly expenses throughout the difficult period of r ecovery, and until th e f in anc al need no longer existed, the couple was recomm ended for Home Assistance With help from the Lodg e Secretary, who initi at ed the app ication process, they received approval.
This couple s ne ed s were m et with a collaborative effort by many parties, not the least of which was the Masonic Home s' Outreach Program. Finances, housing, transportation, meals, and insurance prob lems were met h ead on with cooperation and the r eso l ve to solve the problem s that were presented. The end result was peace of mind, comfort, health , and security fo r a co uple who otherwise would have had nowhere to turn.
Committee Members on Masonic H o mes Officially Opened the Brown A partments With a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Friday, September 22,1995.
From left to right a re: Bros. Jo seph E Mu rphy, N HA. Executi ve Director, Masonic Hom es; R obert L. Engel; D ean Vau ghn; William L. Mc Ca rri er ; George H. H oh ens hildt, R. W. G.M. ; Jam es L. Em el le, R. W.S. G. W. ; Carl R. F lohr, Cha i rman Bu il d ing and Grounds Subco mmittee; Rob ert Dluge, Jr. , R. W.JG. W. ; Edward 0. Weiss er,
R. W.D G M; Ma rv in G. Spe ic he r, R. W.G T. ; Thomas W. Ja c ks on, R. W.G S. ; Norman A. Fox; Marvin A. Cunning ham, D.D.G M. , Dis trict 6; D. William Ro berts; and Raymond E. Tiern ey, Indep endent Living Mas onic Hom es
Lodge No. 43 Masons, Families, Youth
Volunteer In United Way "Day of Caring"
Fifty volunteers - Masons of Lancaster Lodge No. 43, their families, youth from Job's Daughters Bethel No. 4 and Lancaster Chapter of DeMolay - joined with the [ communitvlto support the annual "Day of Caring" of the United Way of Lancaster County.
The "Day of Caring" is the kick-off of the annual United Way campaign with volunteers to work one morning throughout the County on projects needed by U. W. agencies Lodge No 43 volunteers assisted the Lancaster YMCA with it s annual triathalon at Speedway Forge Lake in Lititz They provided water, race and traffi c control for the athletes during the compe tition An afternoon picnic followed the morning work session.
Syria Cornerstone
Families of Freemasonry
The Geary Family
District Deputy Grand Master Bro. Dieter G. Dauber of the 15th Masonic District explained that Bro William J. Geary, Sr., a Past Master of Factoryville Lodge No 341 , heads a family of truly active Masons that includes: his three sons, Bros William, Jr., Kenneth, and Richard, all Past Masters; his son-in-law and nephew, Bros. Martin Migliori and George A. Stephens, Jr., respectively, both of whom are Past Masters. Bro. Stephens also is serving as Secretary.
The distaff part of the family is just as active The senior Geary's wife, Kitty, is a Most Worthy Matron and Treasurer of Tunkhannock Chapter No. 74, Order of Eastern Star. One daughter, Judi, is now Worthy Matron of the Chapter and another, Kathy, is a Past Worthy Matron and remains active in the Chapter.
Also, the senior Gearys have si x granddaughters in Sunshine Assembly No. 41, Order of Rainbow for Girls: Angela serves as Grand Hope in Grand Assembly; Missy is Grand Representative to Kentucky; Katie is Grand Usherette; Jennifer is Grand Lecturer for District 31, and Maria and Candy are active Assembly Members Kitty Geary serves as Mother Advisor and Grand Deputy to District 31 and Kathy Geary serves as Secretary and Treasure r of the Ad v isory Board. Finally, Bro. Bill, Sr., is on the Advisory Board .
The Collins Family
It's three in a row for the Collins Family in Canawacta Lodge No 360, Susquehanna, in the 15th Masonic Di strict. Bro . Frederick E. Collins is the prese nt Worshipful Ma ste r ; his son, Bro. Clark, follows him as Senior Warden , and his brother, Bro. Edward preceded him and is the Imm ed iate Past Master and Representative to Grand Lodge.
Bro Edward is al so Chapter Chairman of Mountain Laure l Chapte r, Order of DeMolay, of which his son, Joshua , is a Past Master Counselor and District Rep rese ntative. Bro. Frederick is Chapter " Dad," and Bro Clark is Chapter Advisor as w ell as th e 15th Masonic District's Youth Chairman.
The Worshipful Master's wife, Judy, is Associate Matron of Gill Chapter No. 12, Ord er of Easte rn Star, Great Bend
Medal of Honor Winners Meet In Grand Lodge
During a lunch eo n in th e Grand Banquet Hall in the Masoni c Temple, Phil ade lphi a, on September 26 , Major General Patrick H. Br ady, President of the Congressional Medal of Honor Society, prese nted R.W . Grand Master George H. Hoh ens hildt with a copy of Above and Beyond, a book of storie s and pictures of Co ngress ional of Honor winners. Seventy perc e nt of living Congre ss ional Honor w inners attended. Also atte nding th e lun c h eo n were R.W . Deputy Gr a nd Master Edward 0. Weiss e r and R.W. Grand Secreta ry T h omas W. J ac k so n.
Presi dent of Second Chance 7210 B ra dford Stree t Philade lphia, P A 19149-1303
I bring y ou gree tin gs from seven Freemasons w ho have been given a second chance in life by recei v in g a life-sav in g heart tra ns plant. Our su ppo rt gro up is ri ght ly !mown as " Second Chance," and we re present heart transp la nt recipients and their families f:i"otn both Hahn e mann and Temple Uni ve rs ity Hospi ta ls here in Phi ladelphia
Each year, we ha ve a ga la ce leb ration di.tme r danc e. Here s a pho tograph of us seven who ha ve gotten he a11 ransplants and are in attendance at our N inth Atmu al Dinner Dance on Ma y 13. C loc kwis e from upper left are: Edward R Green, Sr. , Past M aste r St. Alban-S wa in Lodge No. 529; S F red erick Sch le ge l, Past Master, William Penn Lo dge No 732 ; Waym a n Walker James W. Bell-A lle n Lod ge No. 9 7, Prin ce H a ll ; Joseph Pe ar l s t ein (myself), Junior Maste r Cenn s, Shekinah Lodge No. 246; Thomas Pe r k i ns Jr. , Norri stow n Lod ge No 620 ; F ra n k M Gell Senior Warden, Quake rtown Lod ge No 5 12; a nd H erb Ostroff Bra ndywin e Lodge N o 33 (Delawa re).
If we can be of ass istance to an y othe r Brothers or the ir fa mil ies wh o may have to undergo th e same procedure, ple ase do
Si.t1cere ly a nd frate rnally , J ose ph Pea rl stein , J.M .C Shekinah Lodge No. 246 The Annual Grllnd Cotnmunication and Grand Master's High Hat Gala Set for December 27, in Philadelphia.
Th e Annual Grand Com mu nica tion of The Grand Lodge ofPennsy lvania is schedu led to be held in The Masonic Temple, On e North Broad Str ee t, Phila d e lphia, P e nn syl vania , on Wednesday, Decembe r 27, 1995, beginning at ]0:00a. m
Th e Co mmunication will mark th e e nd of t he Administration of Bro. George H. Hoh enshildt as the R. W. Grand Mas te r and th e beginning of the e.\pected term ofBro. Edward 0. Weiss er. Tickets fo r the Grand Mas ter 's High Hat Gala are available for $30.00 per person and will be so ld through Lodges or th e Grand Maste r's Office on a firs t req ues t basis. Early reser vations are encouraged See coupons on this page
A Cent:er For Fit:DI!!i!i
The Social Hall of H owe ll Lodg e No. 405, Hon eY, Brook , h as become an m:ducation1 center for fitne ss , we llne ss, health and person a l impro vement for the t.c_ommunitv1 Recently, th e r e ha ve been free seminars co ndu cted by the Ephrata Wellne ss Center on walking , fitness, women's h ea lth ss ues , org an t i ssue donations and r es ume wr ing and interview in g, as we ll as a blood te st and health sc r ee ning. After each s eminar or program , th e Lodge H all wa s opened for those who are inter es ted in see ing a nd learning abo ut the Fraternity.