The Pennsylvania Freemason - Spring 2002

Page 1

Complete and retu rn t o Tho Office of Gift Pl&nnlni

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-I send me a brochure on mem.bOr&hip ln the Franklin LegO<:y S...lety•

...J we have remembered lh• M atonk: Homes tn my/ 04Jr ntate plan


During the lirst lour months ol thos year, I hJve been where Ma500ry is really alive - irl Blue Lodge> .ocross our state In every lodge we \/lSI ted, rural or urban, small or large, brotherhood reigned, fell ow· ship prevailed, and the pride of being a Mason was pre-domu'li.111l ll hc.s beer\ a (raterndl rnsptration and a very sauslyu19 for me and for U1e Grand Lodge team to be omong Ule Brethren In th e ir lodg es Sevenl('en of Lhose wtlre to new Ois· trlct Deputy Grand Masters In their home lodges. Together as Brethren, we wdtchcd and heard each new Deputy accept the solemn charge ol his olllce and we recognized the magnitude of his comm itment to serve and hi.s ded ication to the Fraternity - and we ;appteciate it At the s.1me time, we s.1rd thank youN to those who ,,,.,ed .. ,1fter years of seNice itnd became Past Oinrkt Deputy Cr•nd Masten Thfin was a job well done Ounng the Quarterly Cornrnu,uc at,o n of Grand lodge on March 6, I announc ed a deCISion that pellt1om now may be accepted from apph· cant> 18 years of age or older. That decis ion Is of great interest to many wonhy young men, particularly the young adult leaders of OeMolay, students matriculating into coll eges or stMting out in the business wo1ld, Mid men going into their country's military services.

The I'IE'X t Quarterly Conul'l unic<llion will bt on Wednesday, June S, in Corin thion Hdll of the Mason ic Temple In Philadelphia. It would be my pleasure to greet you there.

Membersh ip growth is our biggest c hallenge, both in welcoming wor thy new members and keEping the Brethren that we have. A> I say every c hon<e 1 get, "We're capable ol meeting the challenge and we will SU<· cccd ." Our new Membership Committee h it the ground running with a two-pt0t'9ed prog r.1m, called " Ope< a11011 tl>at calli upon perwnal c ontact to get the job done Committee members in the Lodg• will " res<ue• Brethren in jeopardy of recently ed 1 o r res.ignation. To spur '"recovery"' of our membership sla · tus, lodges will host Frlend -to Frlend get togethers to tell friends, neigh· bors, and rcl tHlves "who we arc, what we arc, Jnd what we arc all :.boul. Every Mason c an h e lp - and I ask you to do !0 - by speaki119 Brother-tO· Brother when you know someone is delinquent in dues, and Friend -to.. Fri e nd whe"""'er someone asks about the Fraternity Two C Mas ter's Charity Coli that are in the works for the Fall w1ll provid e excellent Brothcr lo Brother and Frlend to Frl e nd o pportunities In Western Pennsylvania , the Grand Master's Cha rity Golf Out1ng to Bencht Ule Mason1c Village at Sewickley will be at Ota · mond Run Coli C lub on Sept. 16. In Ed l tetn Pennsylvani•. the Grand MastN's Chority Golf Outing to Benefit th e Mason ic Children's Home at wi ll be at lulu Country Club on Sept. 23

1hank you Brethren lor your support.

Inside rrhis Issue


The R W. Grand Master's Word To The C raft.. ....•. 2

State Master Counc ilor of DeMolay becomes a Master Mason 3

DeMolay Make s Good Men • Most Make Good Mason s

When l>t•\lolay Leudt•r!>hip Confer.,

Tin fc,nJ\ w,l\ nn ..u..okt \1.t,h·r < vunc.Uur of the Orde-r nf UcMolay In l'cnll\)"lvanla, Brothct Keith ,\. llort,, Jr., wlwn the Master l>t•grt'\' \\'•" f.onrt• u t.-'(1 during an cxlrd UlL'\' lln g ul lln l u n No. ()11, 'Xf.-.r 2.3. R.\V <.r and t\ <-tull1utg· ham. .• w.t\ ph:Wnt. was R.\V l'a\l Grnnd \fJ\tcr 'l.unud < \\llllam.son the former hl"<"Ull\c lllh<er ut l'ctUlS)h·ania \\'hll \.lllll' .tUO'o\ the Stale tO make a pn."'\ nt.tUun I hom.1, R. l..dl3gh . 1)\i., Abr.lhoHII ( ln.·tc.hh:r l.o c.fgt· :>:o. OS2. llll.lhe\htm,n, lhe

lay. ;m d I '""'li'e llii\Xtor of the

*be J \Ia.-.on tll an ' .ulh.:r \\ llh· utll IllS l>c\fola)" Ollll"\·t u,tt), he might hil\"t tx-cn di'i:tta<h-d I rom tontlnu· ul,N hi\ fr.lCcrn.l1 Hut not t'H'C) <..111 tX' c1 St.lh.' M,t\lt' l ( ounc 1hi1 . hHh.•t•d, 110l l"VC1)' II Mil olll IX• •' lh.•Molay. I h(' it I"MI\\Ihlt• lor \·oung adu l t' to mcmlJ\or,h lp m our Craft when lhev arc n:JdV lor it .. nw monuments \\e build J' \(M.'t--ula tl\l" \Ia."'"' Jre not ol ot \1,.,,1 , l>ut fJlht.·r, tilt" t"tlifiu."'\ o£ liWf.t(.h:l ln U\lf· -...1\\,.utdulthcr.c'\\'tdlt. for lhtrl·tJil tx.• no more profound \1,,-.c uut .1lhn Ihan traln1ng our )·outh , JPJ•r..-UIIC\'' In vi rille

On Th e Cov er


Marvin A. Cu nningham Sr., R.W Crond Master

The Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Award

Decision Allows 16 Ye ar-olds to Petition a lodge

A.E.D. Donations Abound

Mason ic l lome s Admission Counse lo rs and They l le

Florida Masonic Rl'unlons

Pre-Age Qualifying Now Avai lable at Elizabethtown and Sewickley ..•..•.•••..•..•..........

End of a " Power-Full " Era - The Original Power Plant at Masonic Homes to C lose 16

Did You Know ...

R W. Grand Secretary's Message I

Ill·\Inlay Offlo:r, when 1"'"'11111"<1 h)

Ut< lodg, tho:v petttton lie 'l.tld. ··1 h>w "'"''' lorgutten the thrill ol gr<'-1'-d h\ "dqtfl'(' team of h.·dtk·n when I "'-''1\\"C.I Ill\' \t.l.'liDni.._ d"-'g''"'-" mJn\' ·•H"· \\ilul4..• ihl\ ., •• grt·.tl tm tlw<>nJcr uf in rcunwh JUI.t to \lum ofl it\ l>t.·'t ,tnd tlw ll;,l,ll'l"'hip HI tht• (,ran<.l l..()(.lge of ,uu.l to tlw ltll·thll'll of the l•ratcrnlty, llw ICJlll\ of lhc day I\ on one person onl}' \V4..• :m· hNl' to tubule to a young lllJil whom 1\C all l(ri"Jtly We all fwl prh lll'JilU to be ll\'fiiUth·d to o.mft·r lht dt;grt."<" on Rro. Kctth \ llortL, Jr I he r.ICR'<"\! team mdudt<l \ll<n 0. \tn\tr, J'\f., \'a.ux ·IUh.•u1d It-gal Coun\(.'1, l>t>\1ol.1\. ,1, \\",mkn; RickS. I'.M., Corlnthl· .ul \\'ill l,tm"'n .!1>8, Dt·pul} ht'CU· liVl' OffllW, '" Junlol w.ud(•ll; l'h lllp II.

tt\"e Officer of l'etUl\ylvant,, lleMol'cnnsylvania Yout h l'oundatlon, '-' confort<'<lth<• 'upport<d hy a ]. / Bro. 1.1bagh ho' made It ,, prlor1t) to 1>.utklpn t e In conferring on \t•nio 1 I)••Mular' "''hl' '''vt•r JlO\\iblt• ,uu to conft•r dt'W'-'\'' Ull fmnu.:r h \Hll• UJl nt lllt•IHbl'l\ o( tht.• State Dt•\lol•> I t·.t<l!•f\lup. indudinl( Keith'' fatll!"r .utd gr.mdf.tther llte lAid!:' room nt-.uh hlh."\\l)\ the Mate \l•nh·r Councilo r's \\C:Il·\\hhcn, many ol them OeMoiJI.. \dl """ •nd lri•·nds from the 7th \1,\\0illf tli\IIU t. to \\l'koiUl! 1\:t.•lth on hh lntu thl' C'r.lft followill!t IIH' fCJil(t nAI, Keath \t1H1, "'The lllt'r>t \IP JM.'ollln.,; JMrt of l Is the brotlll'rhUO<I. people whu become tor II h.'- that Is a great fe-eling! a l,as tntly made me a better pcr10n. I hopl" that Fr<"'ma· wnr\ \\ill ..-onumu.· to motd thi\ Jk"hOil ·I h.\\, ,.._., unw, .md llML.t• h\·ttt:r citizen of my <. o mnluntl) . Grnnd \!.1\l" l unmngham s;ud that Keith demon>tratc> pcrfe<ll) wh) the recent dt'CI\Ion w•\ i>SUl'<l to allow lodges tO rKein• !X•Illhlll\ from 18·)'t.-'Jr..Oid\. '' Her\' J\ '' )'Otulg who rr.tdy tn

Bor U.Ir. St.lte Ma>l« Ccuteb of the Ordo.., of D< in Ptnnsylvania, highlight«! the Malonr)l> SUI'flOO of )<>Uth progt"''" throuc;h Uw l,f'n n1<ylvttt\t•l Y()t.rth FOUI"rl.lhon of Cr•nd lock)C o f Pennsytvama • nd undeocored the •mportance of the d e-c;hc:.alt-'C.I !letvic (') uf th(i youlh ol(.fvls.Qf) 11'1 lhP IOl dl lodges M.liOil > conccm for youth c.empl' lies the Gnmd M.1 $ cr's U1eme ol "' H 0 PI Hetpmg OII'Wt'S h cel14:'nce."' The MJSOI\), IMn•ty and yotJlh picturoo on the cove< person1ly t he cyde ol leader)tnf>, m.11unty, a nd e xtelk'oc:t• that " loorld "' t hr.•>tC r<.'l.l · tionshlp. In t he OO<k rCI'v are (1-<): 5.lmue4 c. Wtllaam)On, RW PG. M ; MalVIn A. Cunmn<J· h..lm, SJ., RW.G. M.; .u1d Tho 1na.s R. Llb.lgh, P M Ex&utP.Jil Othcc r o f Pennsylv(H'Iia OeMol(ly lr'l the: foreqround nr (l·r) Rro Bort1, j(.; hi\ f,1Hwr, K('ilh A 8ott.t, Sr., J Chapt<r Advi sor; hi <qr,llldlathcr, Kffine th L Bortz. lodQC and Ch ris Laureano, ·' Y"'"'9 ol Re ading Chapte<.

Batula. '-.-nk'l \\,ard ·n ot 'n 'I Jl\d Dtr«:tor ol l Onll" lltiOfl\. p,,,, con; JWnr.l\ l lo.tUJ>p, l>I'-'Cl<>r ot l.on tl\ runiOI I}(.'JCOn; Br..:nt ll. RidlJuh, 1'\.\f.( ., ,ul(l P.Yh Admini\tr,l tiq.• ,1\ "':mm "\ithkr of C l'lt'· monlt•'.l: I t'\1 I < ·riHn, Jr•• r.M .\.., ul LOdjto 1\u q, '""I Deputy hl·wlive 0111· ccr, junior MJ,h:r of ( ·el\•monh;\; lt•y mond w. l•ott...:h.tll, Ill, l.odgo '.;o IQ llir'-".tm ol \d,·i><u lrJtn in_gJnd Gmw. 1,\.\1 C , llin't.tur ot \tdtt• C.)lhHf ·" < h.tp1 un; luhn I \\ I· man. l'.\1 .• <h.llldkr lodgl' !2 7 .nul \h:mlx·r for lnttrnJ\lOil · al. ,,, 'K'Crelar), k.cnneth L 110rt7. granut.t ther ol In his role a\ het1\tn cr; 1\t•lth A. Uw11, Sr., l.llher, Chapter Advl fo1 R\'iiCIIBH lk\, " C'iuidt.•, f,n'lit'' A R\t)·. 1'\t,. llir,un t odgt• \:o. 8 1, llm'\ l ui of Ritu;.•l. R·'"" tlw < hMge; .md < \\llliJmwn. R \\ f'(, \t , and 1',.,, f tJve Ottilcr lor PcOil\)h.tnia l>t:\1ol.l\ pt<-wlllnlth< llo. \lolJI 1\la\Onlc lope I pm fk·(ow 1tw \.'\\'IHng \'\Ira nwctl11)t t•l Umon I udgt·, mnn· th.u' 75 \t,J\.UII\ tnjoyt'<llr.llorMlt, llcm\lup Jnd J dimh.:l 'eo·l"ll lJy l'IHht ml·mhl:'r.

DeMolay Makes Good Men Most

Make Good Masons

The Order of UcMolay and I reemosonry nrc

«> lntercwlned that they comp lement and sup()()tt c.ld\ other. l)r(-Molil) a4; not a uainlllg for M.t'SOI1\ Jnd i\ t.:dll. ful not to r('{"'mil llh:mh..-1\ (m tlw (';rd fl, bu t lhere he no doubt tlhlt it h- t..'J:>y for young members and their families to 1(31n fa,·o roble Impressions

His modi81. Jay Sortt. e:l' et "'OMMIIy has llll4le I IIIII doflere01:8. Wlienbe jooled II was slit _... __ ...

Look 111 him today!"

through their Interactions. T hi s is well cxcmpllfiL'tl by A. Borll , Jr., State Mast« Coun(tl<>r of l1cMolay in and now a Mason In Union Lodge No. 4 79 llirdsboro, I'A. Tho clay th at Rrn 8ol'l/ lx.·<..cll li\.' tl \.lawn nJt"C\rded a\ jan 2.4 , 2002, when fellow UeMolay l'a>t State Moster Councilor Brent D. Richards conferred l ntC' fcd AI')Pff.. lltiC\· Ma!\on\ Degree. evtr, ltlentifyit1lot when Kcoth for.t 50\lght in h" heart to become a Mason 1S n1 t as ca 'i y. II occurred after Oct . zs. 1995. when he joined Reading Chapter, Order of DcMolay. I hat \\aS • tuoning point In his life and it had a rroround efr<'<'t O il hh whnl(' f.·uHily.

Keith said: 1 1 joim:d one of rny friemh told nw about thl' • really cool"' (tUU I) invited me to d <.:hapter open house. I wa> so ld on the p ro-

mttmber\ w.:re hie; oppolhH)ily to lu lvancc c.'\l nt e hh ln U1at ion lmt it

nlli took four years to get h im to serve as Master Coun cilor in june of I !19'1 A year later, he was called on again to serve as Master Coun\:ilor A u o t hcr yclu later, IM\Cd on hb tion for r('liabil it y, he rlrc t ('d Staw Councilor for all of uua Uro. observed. " (lhis youth ) who \po ke so and was un su r<.! o f h is ta iNll !i has grown into the >ell-assured young man whose leadership skills arc undeniable .•. a testament to " 'hat INMolay do! " an ex:unplc tha t )>C TSUnifi l...., Frce m(l,OI'Ity's of li .O.P.E. to youth in " ll eiping Ot her> Pur"'" F.xcelicn<'t! ." Keith " I can't pinpuhn one that made me decide to beco1m: il Ma:,.on, but the m ore tim e 1 spe nt li t th l' Ce nt er (Heading Masonic C:cnter where his DeMolay Chapter meets) Jll<l the more t tall.ed to, the more 1 rc•.l1itcd that I wcm tl'd t u he a JMIL of thh grou p. r h t• n my fa th er he<:a m e Masons om) that Ju:.t wall.ttl the " It b not uncommon for rathen uf to make decision to join the Fraternity. As they become in volved wiill th e Cha ptc o'laC tiV· lti<!S, they have same e.\perlcnce of learning thr C.raft along with their h '''aS a double bo11m for Unio n Lodt;<" to get hn t h Kei th Uortz, Sr.• nn d hh K4.! 111H.!l h Uortl., it the <ame time Ken h35 hc'Cn e il'Ctcd as the l.odge treasurer.

Keith, Sr observed, "'Lklng involved with DcMn lay put me In close co nt act with the Fratemity (and) I rea i izOO jull what the subtle hinb and 1 h&t<.l "ith Ill) grdndfa. ther (C:tm rles Fncht) yect r\ agu :u..IUally

Brethre n , Ta ke Notice:

The Quarterly Communication of the Gr a nd Lodge of Pennsylvania will o pen a t 7 p. m. , Wedne sday, June 5 , 2002 in Corinthian Hall of the Masonic Temple , Phila,dclphia PA·.': ._ f.H .'t..\ ',,\

Masons Who like Having Fun!

"'The sounde)t mvcstml•nt we can nMke is an investment nl thC' youth ol our land, for they thttleade!rs of the future. From ranks w;n conw- lhP f'dLKaton, pol1tidan,, mini\tPr\, \ci••nti\h, and futurP prf'\ldPnt\ of th h fJ II'ilt c.ou n lly, fHld l:n•••Ol(t\Onry mmt mtJ kf! quit" \ure th.11 it t1 y-t'netOU} portion ol th.ot k>.xle<\hip."

Somutl C. Wilhamson, R. WP.C.M. & Founder of Pel"lmylvonio Youtlt

Masonic Education Active In Pursuing Excellence

Bu lld l1lg up0 11 t lw vision of A Cum!lnghanr, Sr , R. W.lo . M. , of II .O.P.I..1lolptng Othe" l' ur sue Excellence, , the ( :omm1ttl>e on Ma)on· ic F.ducatlon expedited Its efforts 10 (ltovide training for the future h..'ntkrs of yo\ar 1od g\'"· During th ll thrt'f monltl\ of 2002. U>c C'.o 11umlt<"'· chair(-d b)' l'dward 0. Weisser, R.IV.P.G . M., ha< conductod o ne-day Lodge O ffl

J. R. Eisenhart II is D.D.G.M. For The 42nrl Masonic Dis tricl


cbseMii. "{Thts yooth) wko spukll IClloJtly ..-wu-11111

taieRis Ul lfliWI Jha sali-11111111d voonu ..........., sUknllldliMie

•• a testamtml 10 what IIIM*t Ill.,.

Hi< mo t her, joy llort7, explain«!: •noMo lay has rlhlc.ll ' a \\fhet1 lw ioin('\1 hi! shy and unwre of himself \\hen tht! adviso r a1ked him about running for j unior Coundlo r, he thought he wu idn t handle the public speaking and almost turned It down. Look ot him today! I ha\ C se<>n him mak< illiiJI UIII J)hl \j)C't..•Chl.'S tlt,U juSt cii Uol/l' H'H.'. gaw Kdth a bl'llcr i n himw l r ... • At ag<• 16, Keith camelnt c to De\lolay :..lost

and money for the initiation fee. 1<\.'llh dle)S.(" to f>elihon Union LodHl' "'ill larg\.' I)Mt ()( th e ramlly h isto ry 111111 was t here • . . • it is his Intention to •go through the chairs· C\'entually ''ith his father, who had been in the ofllcer corps but dropped o u t Oe\iol.ay him 111 lhe i..l")

leadrl'ihltJ JX»itlon Hnd "' ChaJ>ter Adviwr. The: f;:tllwr h,l) dt'C ided that when Keith Is ready, he would start •gain and go through the Uno

\\ith him.

I li s, f\•thcr R"Ct' ll l'd nu ln \.'tOl \ et'lnvt..•r\ atio n s iu which Keith expressed a d<>lre to join the frall>at was enough to prompt Keith's par<.' llts t o him with "'hat he really wanted ro r h b 2 1st birthday- ;1 pet i tion. gram . .. I would have the chance to mc,·t people from many other t.liMricb." lla) C.olt St ll illl, P.M., H{•:uling Lodge !'u. 549. C hdorma11 of ReadIng <.:hapter's \d,•tsory <.:ouncll. Keith as "' a quiet, sensl · Hve you ng man who didn't say much but had a reputation for rcllab•ht) and \howcd lots of prollli:>l.'. " lt dhhl't t i k•: ltH)lt for the UcMolay cxpcrie ll <e ur pu blic 'pcaklng. ritual l>frforman c• , leadership training. and social de.-elopmcnt tn work it> magic on Keith.

Rnv (io tt :schall . who oon f<·rr<'d Kdth\ fellow · cra ft· 04.•grllf!, renwml.>er' the i mJJ-.'llt that h i' OeMol.s)· AdviWD h.Jd 011 him, and ) how well 1 =masonry In benefit> from supporting the OeMn iay C hapt er. li e su ms it up nicely: "I IOOk<'<i at Keith years ago a nd sa id , ' What • Ma>on he wiU make!' DcMol•y helps to build good men. 11 lh<"m lht tl').J>C'ri(>nC,P and the lmowlcdJ.;C and l hC' ,llJi lity that loc..lbl"S need today-It gives the111leadcrship. Nut every man should be a Mason , hut most would make good Masons.·

James Raymond Eisenhan II , P.M., Hebron LodgP No. 46S, has been appoin ted D•slnct Deputy Grand Ma>te< for th e 4 2nd Maso nlc District lie John J, Shannon, Jr. Bro. Eisenhart Is a systems eng•neer and consultant with Hi9hm.1fk, Inc in Camp Hill He w.Js l'l'ltlde d Mawn in t981 &nd Hebron Lodqe •• Worshopful Masler twice, ten npnrt in 1988 and 1998. He w3s serving os of IN> lodge until his appointment dS a D.D.G M. Bro. Eisenhc-.rt and hi) wifP, J•ne, reside in New O•ford They have fOUf' choldrm: Jam<:S Ill, [nl<, Nathan, and Arny.

Ask any or advosor of • Masonic youth group w hat th ey thought was needed most lor th eir organiza ti on to grow and succeed and th e uniwrsal answer would II<>: Ad ul t l eaders ! Right now, the Masonic youth grou1>S •n Pennsylv,uoia - th e Order of fo r young om>n ages 12 to 21, the Order of lob 's Daughters for young women llgeS 11 to 20 with a MasoniC rot alive and the Order ol Rainbow for Gins for women I 1 to 20 have th e same impor t J r'l l ,,ccd: adults to voluntcN their ti m(' to wotk with an outst.Jnding group ol yoong people. Whatever your interem. hobble>, or favorit• activities may be, th e young men culd wom en of the Masonic group' need your tal ents and timcl Wh.11 do you like to do in your free time? Play or coach soltbaii? Tea<h ntua!istoc cxccnence? Don camoullagc and take in a round ol painlb.lii ? Work with community service projects? Cool< lor a crowd' Pitch • lent for a wt>el<end of umpu>g? Mentor young people on developong leader>hop skills? Take in a round or golf? Attend a dan ce? Bowl a strike or two? Eot IJIUO, tacos and w111gs? Do you have what it lakes? OUr young people hope so! What it really takes is: 17mP the most impot1.:Ull f04Jr·ICtlet word, ;, prll<i<xn commodity in our lr• •>tic: and frenetic: daoly hYt\! Rut. do you lcnow what? 0\1< youth grouf)\ •ren'tlooking for a >UJ><•rman wtlo Will gove a doz•n days a monU> o u r youth grou ps arc looking for a dOlen men wtlo will give one or two nights a month helpong with ao adlllity or mc'Cting. /nwresr • a genuine and sincere desire to help young men and women live lives based upon Masonic idec•ls that will rnokl tJ1em ••llO better leaden, better otl.lens and belter sons and d•uqhters. II you start off by giving one or two nights a month, you may find rcwMds so grcal and enriching to your life that you will want to give more.

ft.'Ver lOt • clttitude i) everyth•ng 1n worku1 g wllh our young pcopie and if you lfkc to have fun in everything you do, you definitely will want to >pend t.ome woth youth The secret that we don't tell them is that while they're having fun, they arc l earning th e and virtul'S that them bellet men and women . Are you onteresled? We so! If you are, just pick up the phone 3nd call toil free, 1 (800) 266-8424 and a member of the P.Y.F. slalf will arrange to dl!cuss how to be<ome involved with one of our youth groups

Ttaining for Senior and Juruor Wardell'> on all of tile \{·ven Reginn' of re nfl \)'1· VilU i\l a11d h d d an l nfOrtlHJt lon· packed Seminar for District Ma>Un· lc Education Chairmen at Llll\3 · bC'th t own ahe work\hOp5 and >'' lllina r pru vld<:d the lod ges' icn<l · tr\ ,.,rith that will rnablr thcrn to btlild a strons \tntCtun: uf Masonic hlucalion and help tlo<lr ll)('lges grow n nd prolipN. Workshop ror Wardens lopics during the WorkShops for Woodens Included the dennltion of how Masonic rlt· uJI provide\ .l '>lrvng found.uion upon wlueh o ur I ratcrmty h btult, why th ere ;arr lodge!,, the rok uf vario u > lodge office,, som e uf t he Grand Moster's programs, how to ludge the <luality and effccti\eness or " lndge. a nd th e import ant for a \Ciliur wnrdca alo pl.ln for hh yt>ar in tlw t-: v.tha.l· tlons by the> of th<· workshop> Indica te pmKrCS> In he lp in g the brethren pursue e\ccitenre in the leadership of tlu:ir lodgl"S. Any \vardcn who \\as to a tt end nne- of workshop,. or a hrot h t:r w h o h i n a position to mov..- through the elected chairs, can contatt his

lodg(' F.duc.u1o•' Chainu\ln to about next Olstriet P.durntlon Chnlrmen's Sronlnar All d istrict\ In Pcuu)ylv•t· nl3 and the va>l majority of the lodges ha\'e Masonic Education chalnn en to l>elp carry forth the programs to pursue cxcc ll cru..c in fn-emasonry. The Gr.lnd MMtl.'r atttndrd tht' th\tri<'t <.h,urmen\ lll4.''t:tm.g m the l lome\ at l.litnbethtown in I where a n Introduction to the philosophy and the mcch.mln of M•-.onlc Education was presented. Since that t hr distric t will h ,l\'\.' had oppmtunitll..'' lfJ fllt\..'1 with thl'ir lodgt.• d1itirmen and to the programs . llle Gril ml Milster told the dlmlct chairmen that he believes lhc Important job< for oach lodge Is to get new ntt:mbcn, to rl'tain llw tht:)' h ,l,'<', am i 10 rc.hlt"tth' the nwmhcrs ,lhOUI Vl r fr.t l l'rflity 1h hdp ,U,:t.'(Hn• plbh thO>C l<ll». lodge '-'lasono< Wucatlon chairmen ha,·e lx-cn asked to prca progrtun will hei iJ every member to understand more abOut the hcm.·fib of bdng d Md\Uil in rcnn\yl· \"Mlla. Am0 1lg the g(l.'"IICi i\ to h.Wf' the •ttt•ntbcr., gul n a full of the Masonic Charitll'\ a nd u !Jetter understanding of what our Ma!Onlc tlomes has to offer our Masonic family.

A Qujz on Pursuing Excellence In the pul'iutt of rwrl Mason )hou1d become increl\,lngly knowledge(lbic about his rratcrnity and to feel comfortable discussing rrecma<onry w1th hll friend\ and ·ollowin g ore thrct t11ken from basic Masonic t:ducatlon Information

1 What i\ 2 Why du we have ludJie>? I. Whnt h ynur role a\ a l.odge mt•mher to the brethren and to SOCiety?

James R. II, O.D.C.M, 4 2 nd Ma sonic Di stri ct

m3n ot h1\ sLill. ller70J: propos«! .1 ><'1: un d pllm for ltnll

fly I .uu.r Lfot.t ( llfolll'r IJ,, 1\f..,,.,m, I .ue.J l\lt4•111tH flj PcJuhyrllollll,l

MFriend-To -Friend In Scouting, The Daniel Carter Beard Masonic Award

Mason s of Note

St,•rlln,.; \\ilh a richl)' ll.:llntccJ anti t:-off\:U.'\1 u•thng, Ht.·uog then 1ocuU"Ct on 1he figun.•' r('C'hning O\'ff tht archC'\ . (ltrtaln CM\ 111 hts.lor)', the Mt' ln period clothln,; and arc ho lcl il lg t ha l Wt!tC u!ied during t h e: ti ul t.'\ t.•x:uninC<"I ru rt hN, it i\ pu\\lhll' tn ic.lcnllfy t il e ,.unc rigun.'\ hi the chow th.ll wen•

Got iM. llenalssanre l, <H'Ic-1 p;1n · ch. "l lw .u'Cas

t hr M<.hW 1)Mi were ldt t.:mpt) ,md hldnJ..., tM.'t · hap> •lr.ady "'' J>I<W as <pace l<>r the ponralts oii'J\t t;rnnd \ta\lcr\

The hnJI rendering too the Motin llall os ot tht• clt·,lgnpmposcd for t i ll' S< 1CC n across E\ast Fnd uf Mllin l la ll , J:i ro;t l'locH• ."' This dc, ign h in!l>tant1)• 1\'c;vgni.-(abl..: h>' .u •yon'-' who h,,.. patd a ,·hit to the Ma\Omr Tom plr. Upon glantC' It

Ol)jl<'.ir< th,ll li ttle vf 1 ur girM I clt-'\IJ;n was aht•rftl But updn fur· thor lnw"IJ;a· tion, t i ll' differ

any tx.·uplt.' .ul111m.· the.· opuh•nt dC'('Or.lliOII\ Uf the \1;1\(lnir ll'lll· pt.,, on l'htl,od<'ll>hia, not c-----------o:;r "'""'''(' 111 the tt•ll. the)· arc from the thot what thl')' look upon m.t) not h3n• I)L't'll wh.ll the artist 11.'(1 ror t hem 10 ,._ ._, Cic•orgc I h.' I/O).t. ll l'\igl tt:r m1c.J f01 tiW 11MjHI'ity of lhl trlh:rtur of tht• h:•nph.•, w,l\ •' t,•ltntC.'<-1 man \:1\ltm: however. dlH.' tu union-seen such as tinw, or c-n·n thl' of lhr mcun 1 \ollH:I i llll'' hl't oligin a1 p1.ul\ \Wfl' ,llh•h'd. l lw Mn\Oilh" Uhmry olthi I'I.'IIU'J)'Iv,uu,l h furtun{ltt.• to 1"•""-''" \()111l' nf llt?rLOJ.!'\ pl.ut\ ,111tl u.·ndcnllRS ror St\'\·r:-1 of the arcac; of th(' ll·mph.·. o;tand d\ "nr.._\ HI .111 have lx'cn drawn and pnlntc.'<l by h.uut, nnd au' ollt'll gnl< l·lt•afed. In ;\p •il nf IX9S, l iN tOM Wlh Hitlt ••Hll•d h\ I ht• Cmnmitlt'l' Ull rl•mplc to lkc. or,ltc• IIH.' \littrw:.w\ ;111d c:urrtdur'\ nf tlw Or"it, 'l"C.nnd. and tlurd f1oor!!- of the \l tl\OUit lunplr. had dcmonstratto<J his wwral )C>rs holoro, MsignhtR and tll't (U :II i Il K II all (I XXlJ), Ionic 11 .111 (I R?O). un li Nu oon.1n ll oll (I 1). lhh't uf Ht'rlt1g'\ d<''i); IH for :O.Iain lf,tll 011 thl.' ftr.,\ nuur \\lr\ 1\'l', ,IIlli ptH\'Itl\' tlU ,;lnt1JlW or what nnght bt.,·n llte flrsl rl·ndrrhlR pre\Cnt\ a vl('w nl the 'IOUlllhl'\h'rn c:nrner of th\!' \1;un l l.oll Tile wlo o )t ll< llle is subdued wit ll IHih'\ of ivory, ll)l. lll hl u l'", nnd IIH' ,m h i l('(h u l lllW1if'i c)( tlw I I.• II r<'c.<•iv(' thl· majortty or th.'C.'(Jr,l1ion. wtlh ;uul floral d("''l),tJl\ in kat _ In tim. to \t"e tlw <trtist's mind at work: over th<- arch, llc•oog in the figure c')f r('cllnlnx PrdlfiJl' (('f• l ing l h<' rno m "'•'' lHn p l11 in , or JX-'f h •• P t'Vt.' ll l ou Silllplc for ••

Clh t'\ ll'( O l lh' m on: IIPJMic ll t: l lcrzog':, wns VCI'Y colodu l ,m\ 1 IH' pt..·rh:ll" ul,lY h aV(' wantl.'<.l thr O\'Cr lhl' Mdl\'•\')'' tu lk' dtnlt.' in fr'-'"-0 sercco (JMitHl•d on a pl.a)ter \\Ufan.·) 111 thl' mannrr as much ol hi\ d('('oralin• not •" gil<.lt'<l high rdlcl they todd)'· l11l' fountain ha) 1etillncd Its crn1 1,11 p<'hi ion nnc lm o'ia i c t iling, h t1 t now consis t s o f (I \'Jll ltl huhhlll) 1 fllllll Which t h e W;'lh't spout,, ollld not two intcrtwhu:d fi\h •'\ 111.'1/Ug erwi.slottl"Ct 1l1e <Joffcr· ences -.nd slml· lari11<'\ c.-.11\ he d hUI \\\'d infin jf(A)V, ,nul .m• left io tlw ,1,1· tor to umtl"nt platr. 11"' no" time you vhil th(' M3\(llliC lf.'lllph•, ta l-a+ il )oolr., oil l)ll' hC,.'. IUiy thlll II I (UII IlCh }'0\1 1 ept.>ti,llly tiMt or the ofh.'U M,lill and wonder what ciS<• (o<.""l,'<' llem>g tliJy ll.:td In mind.

A Jay G B r ouma n , • J9\' member of Ephma Lodge No. 665 for 45 and now • resident of Fri>eo, CO, is wvinq as Mlsl<r of llrecMt>t\dge Lodge on Colorado, whefe he holds dual membershop. The Summot Doily News ol Fri>eo reponed his in>ta ll atlon "' Master ol the Lodge in a ftoture artocle that was heddlu\Cd, "'Su mmit Coun· ty's st!nlor skolng st!nsatoon radcs up the days. • AS o/Jan 24, Bro. llrossman. who is "70· something• and had a five-way bypass ol d010n years agO, had skied I 00 days this season .o11d has "'' hos 1oghts on 250 days by the end ol the st!asort

A When Du st in James • D•vls was rais('-d recently, hr b<'tame the third generation of his lamily to be Freemasons In Ligonier Lodqe No. 33 t Ja m es P attenon Davis, Sr., has been the 11e•· surer of Ligonior lodge for si• years, ,\r\d Ja m e s Pa tterso n Da vb , Jr I\ a pa\t mdster and active in youth group .

Contribution to CARE For Children

0IJeration Hescuc/Rccovcry t s und er· way and already makin g a positive Impact in two vit.ll of sh•P concern: lly retoorung Brethren whO are in jeopardy ol betng suspended for non·payment of or by b ringi ng loc · r'r'l er l'ntmben back Into the family, a n d by invltln q an d fri en ds t o learn nl>ou t 1-recmM.onry an d cxpertC"ncc the fellow. ship of the fraternity.

This two-pronged attack is the program ol the new Membershop Commillee ol til<' Cr •nd lodge It " desogned to stem the tode o f dPCiining membership by spread· lng t he lig h t ol loca lly t hrough th e lodges. Personal interaction Is a key In both tllrgeted areas - Brother-toin rescu i ng faltering Of form(lf m(tmbets and Fl'tefld-to-fnend in r ecove rin g our membershrp status. AccordtnCJiy, there is the opportunoty for every Brother to h e lp. II involves talkin g Brothcr·IO· Bro th e r, In vitin g a wo rthy fri e n d, a nd bc>ing part ol a comfortable Fricnd-tofneold get-togelll(?r.

Tt>e Membershi1> Commtttee wa>ted no tunf' in diving into thh Operation During the fors t qua rt e r of t h os year, the eflort w as introduced t o hun dreds ol lod ge o rt iccrs at various Maso n ic sc h ools, workshops. a nd meetings.

Recov ery: In lodg<'s across the state, MXOns already haw hosted or sche<ktled to tl())l worthy men 11 1 •nfonnal get·togetfter) designed to acquaint t hem w it h "Who Wf! a re , w hat w e a re, and wha t we a re a ll about. " Th e Friend tO·f rlcn d meetings ,oo e designed and presented by the local lodge. (..-ne<ally they arc C\I('Oing meetings. pet· holps preceded by • donner or with ments followinc;: llowNer, some haw opted lor luncheon o r qet·toget her>.

SinN lnr<'ptl o n of lh t.• n ,. n i d C.Ht ('( U('a f cl

St.'Ou tc r Aw;mJ ir 1

ju n e 2001 a n cl the fi rs• n•."(.-lp ienb fli.tvlll)t lx."tn rt.'C·

QJ:nlzed at thr lleccmber

Qu.1rterly \.ommuniC'3tion, thC' award ha5 IX"rn gaining mu ch a ll e n lio n ,111<1 iniC i l":ll.l

Jle nn 'iy l v;m l a :li Ht l h t:'

United Created In honor ol t he Ma>c>n and Scouter, l)anlel Beard, who w>< for bringing lhr move.. nll'n l tu J\nwrhd, the l l't.Ogrtizcs thow w h n i n ll w 'wW W work t i w· lessly l u ) UJ)po rti u g yo ut h thm ug ll

Scouti n g. Mon.• t h a n 100 :JW{ttd peti· tions have bee n received 'l n ce the beginning of the program and national· ly "'-""''"1 (;oJotd l.odge jucl>dlctlons a l so ac1optl"((lhf' award.

t\ 11 M,l)h.'r Mi1 \ (HI::, om: invi l t.-tl to I'('Co mm c ru.l :1 c.:on temponuy ro r th e award. PN it lons and crltt• r'" for t h e award c.111 be obtainet.l throult h lodge sccrctorlrs or by visiting thr Grand (iltC. The OlWarcJ tcmSbt.S Of 3 t' llctol'c;Ni by t ht• Maste r nm l 1 Hny Stouh or ;\ m t: l iCa apprOVl'( fl t.'<'k m ec.l alli on nm l k n o t patc h to lJc wo rn wit h •• St·ou t u ni for 111 '111c award Is pre:sent<o<J at of the Grand Master.

On n__'\_·urtl.&\ of mh.I·Mtm.h. re<ipients of t lh• 1),'\nid (".ulrr ll<'arct Aw;ml nre:

j oSC J>h Uo ndl , Jr , 1-A..:Kigc No. 21!2, l lollldaysburg Leon a rd Ur o w n s tein , l.o<lgc No. Chestnut IIIII

Ocnn R . Girtun , l odo"" No. <1()0, Orangeville

John U G r een , \ Voud hury l.odgc No S.\9, Ko.1r1ng Spring

Uat e W . Gro••e . White Rose Lodge Nu. 706, York

On jan. 17 Union lodge.> "Jn. .134, Uradlord, St,OOO to till' \ltKean Cmntt) C:ARf. ftH C hildn:n. 1 hl' \ht"t t... wa:;. l>y Michae l t. lattu, W.M. (le tt ), accompanied by llro. Wlneherg, nccclving thl' contribution (at right) ;\nn .\mhu,le, Oir\.'<..hlf u( \lcKl'41tl Count) CAKl fur <..hlldrcn. and Klonlwrly ling>trcnn, l'resrhool llirettor.

Re scu e: A p ractico l new initiative was Int roduc ed lo r th is phase; w h ereby the Com m ittee on Grievance ol each lodge is t he hub ol the activity. The Secretilry ol the lodge proW:k's the Conunittee on with a h>t o1 existing >t.>>f>el''""" and tl.e• the Com m •ttee whenever he receives a request f or a resig nation. A mem ber o l the Corn m ittce makes a personal c ontact in an cllort to ascertain the reason l or his los.s ol int..,.est. The Membenhip Committee ft'el\ optrmislM: about plkl>e ol the p<O<Jr.Vn becou>e, though ot " very early on the elfoo, there h;we been members rescued There Is an add itional benclit lor the Fra t ernity IJCC,luse it lollows th,ot the datil acquired by tht petsonal contiK'1S i\ to be t urned ovPr to tloe Lodge for future pl.lrtroio-.g

John E. Adams, Jr., •• Chatrman and Terry 0. Benuel, P O.O.C.M., os ASsistant Chalnnan of the Mcmbcrshop Commit t ee thnt Inclu des t en P.D.D.C. M.s.

F.d w in 11 . ll r uba k c r, Gao'flci<J l.odgc No 559, Dullni< Harr iss A Uutlcr, Ill , l..od)ll' No 569, Uonuhl t. <At hi c k , J r Ivy l.odJ:C No. JIJ7, Williamsport

J o hn R C.o r ey, Gennonla l.odge No. l'l•'•sant

Thccn.lurc J. Oa v i , t hmpy

Lodt:l No. ?25, Uale A l) d .oz icr, n . o.O .I\f .. Lodge No. 21!2, Robe rt t . Olu g e , Jr , R . \ V. t • ( ;. M ., rty<hurg l•ldgc No. 414

John J . l> n nuti , Jr lldlk IAKigc No 327

Wttltc r W . 1.\c k , Hu gue n o t l.o<lgc

No. :177, Kutzt own

John 0 l'w ell , WilliamS \nyder

l.ttdjlc No. 756. Harrisburg

Geor ge C.. G cntlau c r , Cnnunc.Jia

Lodge "\o 07, jenl..ini0\\1\

A l cxa ud c r U Halhtrfi tU , G.lffi('ld I cKig•• No. SS?. DtoRHI\ \Vu y nt• U. li nmmmul, J tt l l inta l.c.-x l•w No 282, Spen ce r \V 1-inu e n \ t c ln , l.ogan I .(KI};t: No. 490, Altoona j o htl T. H offm a n , (iarflcld l.odgr Nn. SS9, Dt.aRc:n, Terr y U Ja c k.\ Uit , Ct•nwnnial lcxlgt· Nu. 5·14, C •mt.•};u,• T h omns \\'.ja c k s on, l t. W.I ' (; M ., Cum1Jc 1'· land Valley No. J 15, Stew art R Kru.b nc l.odge No. 265. utoomsburg O u nn1d Kcrklu; Sttplwn Bayard l.lx.lgc Nu. Fli-. olll:t 1o Ou v fct B Kleinfe lt e r 1-A•wis tow u l.od)lC No 20 3 Frnn c l s u . Layao u , Kh>S: u avld Lodge No. 76J. Kingston \ V J nm es Lee, 111 , Mountain LodAe Nn. 2111, Altoona C: lt r• F. L.cwh, \\'t.·,tmwl'l.lnd No. 5 1X, G rPt! n \hu l" G c tu ):"C n McA foosc Lodge No . 72<>, IV,mcn l'aul M M c llrld e , john I. l.acdleln IJ><Igo l':o. 707, \\>I>Ort fr ed e ri c k u. M c Ki nl ey, tewislown IJKig•· Nu. r•hilli(t J. Mc nli' Cr , Jun in l rt l..odgr Nv. 262, Ho ll id,oy>h• oo g I r n T . Kc ynohlY, No. 160, Susquehanna M ar lin J ltigg in , janw> COCilr.ln J.ot.l&l' No. 614, l>·"'son 1-l ur r )' C R o tc11hu ry, \V.K. Rray 1.odgt• No• ..& 10, H;ltiKuu Murk L. Shawley , ju n i(I W Lod ge No. 282, lloll tday\t>ttrl\ No r man A S n y der, M;Hion No. 562, Scottdale j a c k H S t> ce<:c , lliram l.ndge No. 616, ; \ hWut(t G e rald A . Sut h erland , No.5 t il, ( i cor,.;-c U Cu n co rc.lln l.odge No. 67. jrnkl n town ja c k K . W a.<l m hau g h , jamb Cochran 1-odgt..· 'Jo 61-1, O w nyn c E \\'c llin u , King SuJunum's No 146, \Uitllt.' ll wi ll t:' l{ t"nn c th \V. \-\1ct , l .udg4.' No IM I

Thm u a s C \\ hil c , 1 C\\'htowu Lodj.\.l' Nu. 203

O c nnl \' A . Yo un g , juniata Lotlgc'!o 282. 1\ltotnld

Father Confers Degrees on Son

As Family Members Fill the Chairs

It wa> iu>t about "All In the Family" in November, December, and Januury when Ri<:hnrd A. Ualas, P.M., con · ferred all three degrees on his son, Timothy M., in 011 City Lodge No. 710 For the degrees, the sta tions and p laces, one, we1e fil led by members of the family. Past Master sa id, "'Maso n ry has Ueen a rnajnr part of my life for more than 30 and •.. Jxoing able to confer all lh r<'c degrees on my so u far anything else."'

The degree team pictured and their relationships to Uro. ·nmoth y are (1-r): Fron t -Wayne Balas, uncle; F.dward ll rown, P.M .. cousin; ·nmothy; l'ast Master Balas, lather: ChM les \V. Turk, P.M .,u ncle; andjlhnes Rrown, P.M., cous in Rear - Thomas tyle, uncle; Charles Morrison , P.M close friend of the family; Thoma> Urown, cousin: and James Turk, W.M ., l'raternal Lodge No. 483, Rouseville, cousin.


Pride: W.M. Passes, Raises Two Sons

Earl T. Myers, Jr., Installed Supreme Tall Cedar l T. Myers, Jr., P.M ., Red Lion Lodge No. 649, was elec ted and installed as Supreme Ta ll Cedar or the Tall C('(1ars or Lebanon of Nort h America at the mid••lnter confcnmce in l.iUICaM!.! r in janua ry. Bro. Myers wa:. Installed by 6ro. I larold A. Gross, York Lodge No. 266, Pas t Supreme Tall C('(la r. Thomas W, jackson, R. W, l'a>t Grand Secretary ol the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, was the k<ynote speaker for the three-day conference. Bro. Myers served as Worshipful Master of Red !.ion LOdge in 1986. served as the Grand Tall Cedar of York l'orcst No. 30 in 199 1, is a life memlxr or the Tall Cedar Fou nda· tion, and ncmlt->d Toll Trustee of the- Yea r in 1995. The Supreme Tall CNiar or North America is picture<! with Rachel Lynn Markley or Springfie ld, OH, the Tall Cedar Goodwill Ambassaclor for 2002. The ou ts tanding (ifth grade student with ,. 4.0 grade point average was diagnosed with Spin;;tl Museu · lar Atrophy at the age of one. Financia l support for tlw Muscular Oy>trophy Assoc iation is the 1:111 Cedars' malor charitable effort, having contributed more than S 14 million <lnce 1951 to the jerry l.<'wh Labor Day telethon.

II was double th e pride and twice th e joy for William T. Reed, W.M. o f Susquehaot nd Lodge No. 364, Millersbury (center). when, with proper dispensation, he conferred the degrees to pass and rt1ise two or hh .som o n Nov. 2 1. Timothy W. ( eft) and Thomas W. (right} petitioned Susquehanna Lodge in September and were entered in November. The wanling his sons to made Master Mason s while he was still Worshipfu l Maste r in 2001, asked lohn D Witmer, Jr., th en-D.D.G .M ., 2nd Masonic for a dispensation to confer two dC9rees on the two sons ea rly and In t he same m ee ting .

Three Sons and a So n-in -Law Raised in St. J ames Lodge No. 457

Rol.x-rt C. Royd(•, SJ'., i'\ a p• oud Mason ic fa th er Fout of his fami _l y- thn.•e so n s m!d a w('re raised Occ I to th e Sublime Degree o l M11ster Mason In St. Jam es l..o<lgc Nn. 457, Bridgewater. Not only was he present for the conferrals, but he a lso participated in t he degree work. The: three sons arc ltobctt C., Jr., Thornas E., and 0. Jason.

T he son-in-l::.w is john R. Po11irk The clcgrccs were conferred by jerro ld G lloi)CJ l .)o, P.M ; Tt:rry L. SllMl'Y• P.M.; CUlc.l Wil li farn II. Weichsel, D.D .\. .M. , 37t h Ma><ln ic DiSiri< t. 'I h e offrttr) used c• g ;;av(•l uf 10 th e Uoyde fantily. The heiri()OIIl was usl-'tlmore than a hundred years ago by Robert Boyde, Sr.'s I larry C. lloyde, when he was Worshipful Master of Glasgow l.odge No. 485, Shippingport, during tile years 1880-1&!2.

Pift u n:d i:H{' the family and the Co ll fC'rring urnrers (l·r): John R. Pollick; Jerrold G Roberts, P.M.; ll<>hcrt C.. 1\oycle, Jr.; William H. W('khsel I).D.G.M.; Rol>ert

C. uoyde, Sr., holdin g the gave l; Terry L. Snarcy, P.M . ; Thoma1o- F. Ruyde; and ll. J ason llOyd<·.

Blood and Organ Donor Poster Contest Announced

The Masonic Blood H;.mk ancl Org.1n Donor Co mrn iucc <mllc) un ccd the :lr)nual Post Ct' Cuntc:,.t LO pmrnoh · blood a n d organ dcmor ami c,Ji'\trihutC..'t.l th r and require· i:l fn O n g lh (' (0\,,1( youth woups (lf(iliah:d with Mttsonry Th e contest is up<·u to m('mbers of the Order of DeMo lay, how for Girls, Job's l)aughtcr.;, a nd Knights of Pyt hagoras . !!..>c it l)()ster entered is to be 18 " x 24" and produced cts an indi vid ual 's project. Hrst prize in the ilt S300, second h $200, and th ird iSS 100 The rirM prize wilme r\ poMcr will IK• to a l Ma'\.oi'JiC (tnd you t h grou p.:; in P<'fln)ylvani<t . I he poster IS to promote blood and donor awareness: anti the Masonic symbol1 squar<! and compasses, in de.s1gn. It may he pmduced in any media appropriate for a pos.tcr. Posters w i ll b.c j udged o n ar1 s1ic meril cn:at ivit y, tnigi· nahty, competc:mcc w tlh I he me-dium cho'icn, c l n t ity of a nd quaHly of lt.:Hc1i ng. 0l'i:t dhru: for tntry is Ott 1 Entncs be )\IUmilted toE Rkk Knepper, P.LJ.D.G.M. , CoChal rm(ln, Mnsonlc ntond and Organ Uonor CommittN!'1 HGJ Hospitality Dr., ChambNsburg, P1\ 17201.

Grand Lodge Librarian Elected Secretary Of International Masonic Organization

Dr. Glenys A. Waldman, the Librarian ot the Masonic libr.lry and Museul'n of Pe nnsylva nia, ha s been e lected Se<:retary or the Masonic Library and Mu seum Associa· tio n, an international organization whose mission iii "'to assis-t and support, through education facilitation of comnu,1nica· tion, coordina tion of eHort, and other means, those individ · ual s charged with the collection, management, and preser· vation of th e Masonic herit(lge.N

Dr. Waldman joined the Grand lodge of Pennsylvania l ibrary and Museum start at the Masonic Temple in 1987 after working fo r the Historical Society of Pennsylvania for ten yea rs She holds her doctorate degree in German from the University of Pennsylvania, and a Master ot Library Science degree from Drexe Univer s.ity

The Association hdS nearly I 00 members representinfl nati ons worldwide. The a nnu al meeting, hosted by a member or institution, usually a Grand Lodge or a Scottish Rite Valley, is held in a different ci ty e ach October. 11'1s.titutions as well 1\.S indi vidual s m(ly joit) the organiz.a li on: the onty requirement is an interest in the work of Masonic libraries and museums. The Association web si te can be viewed at lma.htm.

Notes f rom the Edito r:

For lhe Record - In dfm oondng ten rnergen that wcfe appfoved at th<' O«ember Quilrter y mun•Ci'lion of Crtlnd il was reported (Page 13, Fcbnwy issue) that all ot the mergers were effective Dec. 27, 200 I. For he record, one of the mergers was effective Dec. 12, 200 1: Hum· boldt Lodge No. 329 wilh Hermann Lodge No. t 25 bcamc Hcrmann Humboldt lodge No. 125 in Masontc Oistncl A

How c01dd we uiiS$ tlw Ait Fotre?

- Bro . David P. Witmer, Jr., Lt. Col., USAF ( Ret.), appred•te<l the "S:arnily of articles in the spec_ial inaugur.1l especially the one on he Nation · "'Sojourners (P•g• 20). Bro. Wo tmcr is a member o f Ch.1ptcr No. 76, Harrisburg. He noted that missing from the listing of l hos.e who ate cligible for mernbtuship are members a nd retiree-s from the United State Ai r Force li e .)ure i.) c:om;ocl. Our apo ogie$ to those of the Air Force blue. Joseph, not John! The article was about IOseph t l Brown Lodge No. 75 I adopting it.s elementary school butlhe h eadlin e named it "fohn (Page S, February issue). Brethren of joseph H. Brown Lodge, pteMe forgive us.

Decision Allows lodges to Consider Petitions from Candidates Age 18

1\t th e Quartcrl>• Communic-<•tion of Grand Lodge on M-<lrc h 6 Marvin A. Sr.• lt\V. Grand Master announced amendment to the Digest of Decisions effective Immediate ly to auow lodges in Pennsylvania to accept r>etitions lor initiation and membership from men who have attained the age of 18. 1'he Article 85. t 4 or the Dige5t or Oecl$iom now is: 1'he general rule is that a Lodge may only consider a petition for Initiation and membership or membership if the petitioner has a ttained t he age of twenty-one years at the time hts petition Is presented to t he Lodge or by Dispensation from the Grand Maste r. Uy virtue of th is and In accordance with Article 19, Section 19.05 of th e Alwnan Rnon , any Lodge working under tho jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania may consider the peti· tlons for initiation and membership or membership of <tualifi ed men wh o have attained the age of eighteen year.; at the time his petition Is presented to the Lodge. fn addition, a Lodge may con · sider a petition of a petitioner who will not have attained the age of eightC<'n years at the time his petition is presented to the l.odge if it receives a specific Dispcons.atlon ftorn the Gra nd Master. If the petitio n s received pursuunt t o thi s are acted upon favorably by the Lodge, this decision authorize> Lodges working under tlte ; unsdoct 1011 of the Gra nd Lodge of t•ennsylva n ia to make Freemasons of these duly approved candidates without requestlng a spec ifi c Dispensation from the Grand Master. Deyoe, 1966; Cunningham, 2002

Prior u> thi s amendment, Article 85. 14 or the Diges t of Decisions statL-d that a peti tioner musl be 2. 1 years of age.


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l)rpan for CouDCII. w. 1\ $ R Sos»r1

Valley Forge Nalionalllistoric Park had mtl(h to cclcbr.>tc wh"n Melita lodge No 295, Philadelphia presented thetr second automated Pxtcnldt (A.f D ) to Brothe< and Pre>idffil G<'Ot!Jc Washington on hos borthday l he now two A.E.D. uniu on the care ol the Park Rar>gcrs arc the only unols .11 the Valley Forge park. Pictured on from of the hrstoric: Gene<al Washington headquarters burkling are (right) Kev.n C McCMn, the-n-W. M . w1th George W,l\fungtonimpersonator Carl Clos., and (1 -r) Kathryn DiPuppo, Amerocan ueart Asso dation; Arthur L Stewart, Park Superln· tendent; and Croce Volpe, Park Ranger.

Lodge No. 9 Places

Seven A.E.D.s

lOdge No. 9, Philadelphia, in conjunction with U>e Ame<ic:an Ucart Associatoon, placed sevtn automated external delribrillators (AE O ) woth v.liiOtos organildtions throughout the Three wen? distributed to fire companies at Red Uoll, East Greenville, and Pennsburg. two to the Community and the Lowe< Frederkk Regronal Ambulance ser· vic.-s; and one each to Evangelical Manor aotd th<> Baptist Home on Northeast Phitadelphra rhree Pa>t M.uter> (at right), Robert Auston, Wilham M Norris and George 8. Schcerbaum, lee L. W.M., and lohn A. Rtehords, Sec., to present the A.E O to the Lower Frederick Regional Ambulancr service. The others on the pic t ur£> a rt> (l ·f): from the American Heart Asso· ddtion, I edtt Pt'terson (1nd from the ambu· Lindi'l Mall Wells, and C h ie f lohn Coi b

Joint Effort Donates Eight A.E.D .s

Seven community service or<Jnnitatlons in the Brookvrlle area have received dona · tions o f lilc-s.-.vinq automated external defibrillators (A.E.D.) through the combined •!forts of Holsah lodgo No 276, Brool<vit"'. and the Clarion B<ao>c:h of tl\o luthe<an Brotherhood Two A.E.D. uniu were pre>ented to the Boookv.l"' Poli<e Department. and one umt each to the fire dcpartmenu ol Corsic:a, Knox Twp., Pinccrcek, Sigel, Warsaw, and to the B<ookvil"' Y.M.C.A. AI UIC presentatoons, Cha!Ws D. Uatogh, then-W.M , Hobolh Lodge, pr"""'ted ol dflp(Ki<l· loon to (prctured l r): B<os. BarT)' Could and Donald Molter, Holsah Co-charrmen, and R.l)l Ooolrtlle, luthe<an B<otherhood, who spearheaded the ellon.

\.E. D . l'or ('k•u·l'irld Po lic-e

I he Clearfield l'olire Department is now t'<luipp<'tl better for emergency servlt-e \IIlli' Clearfield l.odj;e No. J H donated an autoonatt-d cAtemal defibrillator (A.E.D.) llw borough had pu«hased 3 unit and tr'dhu...oc.J J)l'nomR'I to u...._. •1. that \I I) _ \\"a\ lit'(l up \Cl h'l'CJIICIIII)' at ani· dent 3 S(!C()Jld unit to 1110\ Ide bcttcr emergency •"ailabihty in lhc rommunity and .surroundin,; area. l'"""'"ting the ,\ F O to Polic.' Chief Jud ltlllml'r (h,:ft) M4.' Ric.l A. C:oudrict, then. \V, \f ., mul Dtll11t!l Spingola

Auction in Summer Spurred Project That Placed a Dozen REDs by" • ..

;-\ dO.f('ll JUIOIU,lh>c,l t \h.'lll.lf nllatof) (,\ f U .) ..uc.• m wrnc.:e t o '-<1\1.' li\ (>' in thr{"(> 't'hool district\ :mel nrw nrc company a s the result o f an effort that started with an auction eJrl) IJ1t summer b y or I h>l\ell Lodj;e No. -&OS , Hon('} nmol, .1nd t ulminJt · l"tl in dlllltltron' <1 'H-cllK•forl" Chu't· Cuopcr.ulng In tlw 1\uwril.tll I icart I le.ert · beat,'' the omd donated six unlu. pr('<('ll t('d ln

Ea.:.lrrn l .nnt\l\ll'J County Sthuul Di't · t rk t , Pt.'t fUt'•' Vn l l\'y Sdwu l Dhtrh I

Twin S< honl Dhtrh. t, .Hld ll tt•

Ulue l;ire Co l'il't u rt:d h t h l' p n: · sen t atlo n t o t he ·1\,•ln V:o ll cy Srh ool

D istric t h y l' hi ll lp II llcMam, t he n

W.M. :on cl Coordlnmo r· o f t he l'roject (cen t er, r ig ht ); J. ltlrh ar cl I'J>y, Sc<-. (l'ighl); Hto. K(' rlllt' t h ll l.l ) l1 1 t d t ); n ud Hro Gury I lu kl.'IIHII (lhlrd f rotH riJ; Itt ) t he A.l\. l l. lor 1\vln V;ollt•y

School Dis trict arc llr AI Cu nn ing

Assistant Su perintendent ('>t:C· ond from left); Melisso l lcrh, ''"1\ t ont U igh School l'rln<lpa l (center, left); tllltl Krhll'n lil'll)l'iu , '\t Ntn''' fmrn riRht) , ThL' rai)('t.l morH,')' til .m \lul·· lion that w:u h e hJ on june 16 ,wtl throuJ:h membership appeols, com munity donJt Jl.Utidp.ltlon hy Masonit )Oulll grouJh Jnd "h<M>IS. •nd with till' hc111 uf ltljtlll C.ut• .mll thl" I h •.trt Mtinn

The tJcnnsylvan ia Mnsonlc t inn f(')r C.hildc(' n hosted a group or 120 't u clcnls from llw Ag<linst Underage Drinking (P.A.I l. fl.) at the l'anun ('.ano· pu' in on jan. -1: throul).h 6. I'AU. I>. endeavors to train high· ...:hool student< throughout the Comrnom,r-.1111\ hy ha\ ing ( ollcgc.aged Stu · dt•nh infonnat ion about 1hc d,ulgt:r'\ of 111ltl e rage drug and akohol uw. .Jttendmg the r('tr('(U patIICII>alcd in a •-ariety of workshops that furthered their knowledge about the or drugs and alcohol and the c:on\t•qucn<.es or usc, and .ld\anrtd their public speaking and Jt.•lttity lJelJal'<.'O-I :rni, the l:.X("('UtiVl' Dlre<tor of I'.A .U. U. , said that the cnd conference was a huge SUlTess for the 1>anic i pants1 pro,•iding them with a w('tk('nd of l'>ot h education and fun Uru. R.•ylllond (;. RrO\Yil, t h e Di fcctor o l tlw C hi l<ln•n's lioundn t iu n a of r A.U.n. an d is o n

Its Cuonmlll\'t' that h.-11" tn detemllne which pro i«t' tu and hO\...- to ,,.utlclt).]t(' In thnw prujt'<l>. 1l1e Children s l·oundallon hn' ll('<'n inmlvt•l with r.A.U.t>. since lh t\t the end of llu.•<.:onfl•n•uu• , the <ha · dents a uoh: (pictured ahovc) and \t'lll It tC> till• Gr.lnd Master. 10 llluostr,l\4.' how nuu.h apprrcintl'tJ and how lrnporuuu to Ht4.' 'lll'lC''" or ll.J\ U, I>. th<' part n enhlp bt•hvccn l'cn "y l v.mion..; Ag.llrHt UndNage Urln l iug fii HI tlu- P\'""')' IV.I· ni a Mason ic foundation fur C h lld rt• rL

Lodge No. 45 Barking Up the Right Tree With "The World's Largest Dog Parade "

I-:1or t he past three years, a masterf ul 1c ll o rl for Lodge No . 4 5 in Pi t tsburgh has •gone to the dogs• and raised more l htu'l $8,000 ror a uni q u e ch a ri tab le p roject. •rhe Worl d's G reatest Dog Parade" is held annually in Green Tree during the borough's annual Octoberfest. Proc<>eds from the doggie march go toward training suppon dogs tor the d rs.lbled. The dogs are trained lrom puppies to help do Lasks lor those who are and add so much to the live ol persons It costs in excess ol sr 2,000 to train one dog Ulat meet< the strict requirements for the task and only one out ol ten dogs makes the grade to become a companion dog.

Each year, lodge No. 4S sets up and promote> parilde with the support ol the Rotary Club and the Knights of Columbus. Then dog owners do the rest.

They bri n g t h e ir dog in cos tume .lnd arc asked lo r a SS donntlon - t hough m•ny donate more. I hi.s ycetr t h ere were more than 100 dogs in the pMade. I u n prite> wore donated by merc h a nt s tor tho sma ll · est dog. targ<'<l dog, one woth the shortes t legs and longest tail, plus lust abou t any other pedigree d istinction conceivable.

Bro Eddie Crimes. who is necttted with being the brainchtld of the project in Green Tr<>e, calls It •a barking \ucce". • and s.-.ys that a dog -parade 1s the answer ·u a lodgP is looking tor an outstandong (ond easy-to-stage) project that wdl get wonderful publocity as well as good results. • Bro Crunes would be h•ppy to provide lnformatton to any kxtgf' ed in sponsorong ols own dog par•de. Contact him at (412)-921 - 1325

T he gro up tha t pu t t h e dogs o n parad e f o r l o dg e No. 4 5 are (l·r ): Bro. f ddle Grim es, M r s. Ba r ba r o M ec urlo, wh o Urs t presented a p rogram o n ser · vic e d o g s to th e lod ge; Davi d Mo nt z, Presid e nt o f th e Gre e n Tr ee Rota ry Club; Bros. C le n Smith a nd Sco tt Le nge l, r e pr ese ntativ es of l nrle p c n d c n cc Do g s o f Ch add s Fo rd, PA; P.M . Ke nn Pth Kwa sni e w ski, W.M. o f Lo d ge N o. 4 $; •""' Br o. Nonna n Aft hur s, P M ., Sec. o f Lo dg e No 45 Bro Crime s s t h e l ou r leg g e d o n e in fro nt is " Bro th e r" Ba ggl n s. E.\STERN

M \ SON I(: F\MIU PI CN I C S\'fl ROA\ . jt;NE 8

The 11th Annua l Eastem Pennsylvania Masonic Famoly Picnic wrll be at Dorney Par1<-Wild Water Klngdom, Allentown, on Saturday, lune 8. last year, almost 1,400 Masons and their families enjoyed 1 wonderful tome, plenty ol good food, and a great day lor the fratemoty. The lodges ol Masonic Region 1 provide complimentary liclteu to members ol DeMolay, Rainbow for Girls, lob's Oaughte<s, and youth from the Masonic Chtldren's Home at Elizabethtown Come to Dorney Par k -Wild Water Ktngdom and enJOY the fun, food, and fellowship. Roturn the atli>Ched form with your check by May 20. ..

1\f a.ooonl c rumll y l'l c ni c At llu


( 10

to 10 p.m .) A nd Wild Wulcr l{inJii,dOIU ( I 0

t o 7 p.m.) RAIN O R SHI NE S\1\utd ay, June 8, 2002 •ALL YOU CAN EAT" M[NU S[RVED I P M TO 6 P M. frit.•d Chicken, H._mbufge-t:s. Hot Dogs, Baked lk Potato Salad Soda Co!'ldilncnt:s. J ncl More!

ADULTS l 28 ACE 4 YRS. TO 4 8" TAll Sl9 S[ NIORS OvtR 60 YRS. S 19 ! ADM ISSION f•RICE PAYS FOR 80TH PARKS i DISCOUNTID PARKING S3 i COVUIED PAVIUON FOR MEALS . • : . . : ' M3i:l your tklcet requests 10: Guy T. Mauhew> 139 Rlchordson Ave LMM)ho<>"'• PA 19047-2927 _ No. ol Adult Toclceu 4t S28 No o1 r"'lteb e St9 SMd mt Discount Parting Coupon> to be porod lOr •t the 90te. (Do Not SCod Money lOr p.,fung) Addr<»

ABSOLUTE DEADLI NE FOR TICKET Rr S[RVATIONS - MON DAY, MAY 20 . .. . .................. . ..

Question: Wh at is an Admissions Coun selor ?

Answer: A person who is in strumental in helpin g peo pl e to apply to on e of our Masonic Hom es.

Couns('lors are Freemasons or or the Order of the St ar located throughout Penn· sylvania and Florida w h o arc spec i all y trained to visit prosp«tivc npplicanu a move lo the M<•\Onic t-lonl('S at FJI the M<llloOnk Vi ll age !>ewickley • the Masomc E.<•)tern Star l lome·East at \Varmlnster. ;-\sshtance Is avi•ilab le to those app li cants interestC!d In moving into the health care, ass i sted liv in g or residential living areas.

,\pplying to the Masonic Homes I\ tclativdy easy, e;;peci.llly wilh the a<.siS I:l11 C(' or lhl' Masons ,tumid ulntalt their Lodge SC'Cre tary, whllll Eastern Star mcmher> <hould wntact their C h apter Secretary, and ask a leiter be >ent to tho 1\dmissions Office at the appropriate location. rhe letter shou ld sta t e th e applicant's name, and phone nu m ber, confirm t he da t e- h e or the t<>etge or C h apt('r and Vl'rif}f t iHtl the t1 ppl i· cant Is in good standing . Additin nal information, such a con t act per'\on and the area in which the is hll er<..,ted, would ,olso be h e lpful When that leiter or a Masonic Jtcquest l orm Is received by the Admissions and Resident Services Department, a call w ill be made Lo th e app l icant to verify interest.

t\t [ he t im e the lcuer or request is co nfirnl ttd , th e need ror nn <:ouni.elor s I( that tw coun,clo1 is needed or des1red, one w ill be assigned from the of the app l kunt's residence The asslg1wd Admls\lo n'\ \.ou n se lor and the applicant or co ntact P< r>On work to compile the needed In fo rm ation fo r c ompleting of the applicatio n The co u nselor then the completed app li ca tion and requirc(_J in(or .-nation to tlw l)cpartrn('nt to b4.' submitted for ,tpprovdl. Upon appwval, the \taff will work with the ,tpplkant t(l rind "' ju"t t h e right fll " for the that person. Going thr()ugh tht applicJtion process and meeting with " counselor usually indicates a perso n has made a decision to move to the M;uonic 1-Jow('vcr, t hetc man y members " ' hO are not ..;;urc abou t w h at h offe re-d or I h e c riteria to bccOIIl(' il the ond Re sident Service< Departmco1t aL I (R00)-422- 1207 or vi,l e-rn:1il at for staff in ' "'"wcring questions or to reque-st an lnfor m:otlonal brochure

) e rseveran ce Lodge No. 2 1, Harrisburg, donated $10,000 to the M asonic Children's Hom e for the purchase of five n ew co rnputers This generous donation has e n abled th e Mason· ic:: Children s Hom e Resource Center to have Internet access with individual e- mail and compatibility w ith the local school's compute r system. TI1e Lodge's goal was to grea tly e nhan ce th e children's ability to complete assignments, reporLS, and research projects, which should lead to improved academic perfo rman ce.

Below: Mason ic Ch ildren's Hom e res idents Jake Pi lkerton and Dana Balmer en joy t h e new computers that were donated by Perseverance lodge No. 21, represented by Bros. Torn Fleischer, W.M.; Lodg e Secretary Allan lon gnakel', Sec.; a 1ld G David Kendig , Chap lai n

New Gift Planning Staff Member Announced

jane W. ninlry hns h cf' n (lppclinted Oirt·<·tor of G ift l'htn · ning-\•V('S I fo r lh l' Ma so ni c Hom es and Mawnlc:: Chartti e> o f th<· Gr•m l t<XIg• of Pe nn sy lvania

In thi s poslllon, Uln ley w ill h e respons ib le for assis t ing in plann in g , implem en ting and coord in at in g pi'Ogrdlll' d irec t ed t oward the solicita t ion of d efe rred gifl !l. an d o the r on behalf of the Ma so ni c Vlllase a t Sewickley ol h t•r }.•lason· iC' C.ha dt i('S of t h r G ra n d l.odgl' of PC 1111 Syh•<tllia Prinr to joining t1w Mnsonk ll omes, IJinlcy served as the direrwr o f d eve l op m ent for t hc Gradua t e Sch oo l of l uhlic a n d Affotirs tmd the Co llege of Genera l St ud ies a t t he Univers it y of Plllsburgh T h ere s h e coordinat ed all deve lopment ru n cl ion s :lnct major g ift !)olic italion s within the two <l c p :lflment'\. 1\e fore th at, '\.he w,:t'\ lJn:sidc nl of dl'vcloj)• mcnt ttnd publi c ror G ateway Re hab i litation Cen t er, Aliq u ipp a, PA, and d irector of gHt planning for t h e Amc l"i ca n Cn n ccr Socie t y, Pennsylvan a

A ml'mlJcr or the Nationa l Association of Fund raisers and t h e Pitt sburgh Planned Giv ing Cou n c il, ll in lcy h o lcls a l>a c h clor o f scie n ce d egree i n C() all· muni cat o n s f rom C lario n U ni · vcrsHy, Clar i o n , PA.

Res ident s l'elehmle Hm 11 Masonic Homes

Rliving residents a t th e Masonic Homes aL Elizabethtown didn't have 10 travel to Louisiana to exper ence the e xcite ment of Mardi Gras. Instead, Lhey enjoyed a Mardi Gras party on Feb 12 in the Srossrnan Ba ll r-oom at the Masonic Homes, comple t e w ith masks, beads, and favors.

The masqu e rade party fea tured a New Orleans-sty le buflet w ith shrimp and Cajun remoulad c sauce, swee t potato !!ticks, tendedoin w it h boutbOrl .saurCcd button mushrooms and crt:tbm ea t, and nan

They danced to the sounds or th e X- Factor Band after d inner

In t he photo below residents Bro. Russell Loeb, Mt. lebanon Lo dg e No. 226, a nd his wife, Grace, and Bro. Rob ert Steck, Spring Cree k Lodge No. 802, and his wife, Dorothy, e njoy th e Mardi Gras Celebration at t h e Mason ic Homes.

4th Annual Garden Show

The Maso ni c llomes at ell>-abethtow n hO>IM the 4t ll Annual Garden Show on March S and 6 In the Masonic llealth Care \.entor Roo.evelt Assembly Room. The s how w,os c nj oyo'<l by rclidents, Including Oro. Bill and Kit 1y Alth ouse (In phOto below), staff mrmh(n, a nd th e commun (ty.

The theme for this year's show wa > ,;Around the 'A'or ld in rlowers," featuring hor\1tultural :lnd displays by the Masonic Homes' L.mdscapc and Greenhouse Departm ents. T1w scene.< depicted France, Gerrnany, Holland, Italy, Japan, and the United States .

.June W llin lcy Oi rcctor uf G irt ! Ianning West !leg ion.

Committee on Masonic Homes Approves J Additional Construction in Sewickley!

1 he Commi tt ee on Maso ,l iC' fi omc(O approved I he con structlon o f t>hases two and three of rNirerneot livins at Lhc Masonic Vll lage a t Sewickley. Constru ct io n of pha\c one began last Fall and w ill be comple ted in the o f 2003 .

Phase one wi ll offer 76 apa rtme nts and a cl ubh ouse, fe;o· lu ti n g a b ran ch hank, comput e r resource center, co nve· nie n cc hair cafe center, craft mom, library, dining room, an d admin i sl rntive offile.s.

Phase two Is sc h eduled t o open for res ide nt\ in t he Surnm cr of 2003, adding 76 apartments and 35 villas.

Phase th ree ""'ill comp lete the current retirement area proje<:l i n t h e Summer o f 2004. This sect io n will add 76 ;,apMHncnts, for a of 22R apartmems 35 vill:'iS

Caregiver Support Group Meetings

f you or someone you know i s t1 ca reg ver to a loved one, you are invited to attend th e Caregiver Support Group m eetings, hPid the second Tuesday of eac h month Irom 2 to 4 p.m. in the Freemasons Cultural Center at th e Masonic Homes at Eliza b ethtowl) , RefH:shmen t s are served, and th ere is no cost to atte nd If that locat on is no r convenien t to you, contact Outreach, to help t o find tt sim ilar group in comm unity

Please R.S.V P to Oro. John Suc h anec, Ma son ic llomes' Ou treach Director, at (717) 361·5080

Masonic Village at Sewickley Address Changes

The Masonic VIllage at Sew ickley h as changed its addrcs< effe<·t iw immedia t ely 11 Is now 1000 Masonic Urivc, rcp l:ocing t h e 1190 Merriman Hoad address. Ma il to the residents of the St:or !'ohm Building will have a Wl>aratc addre•s for post office delivery 10 their post office boxes. T h e re<id<·nt <of Valley \.ore Maso n ic Center will use the lOOO Ma')nnic Dr ive ;1d drc'll.s..

If you have que-.,. rion'), pleasr KtHht Bt"on,g, :ol (412) 74 1- 1400, ext. 3040.

I he Admis> ion s Coun se l ors gather during a training sess ion at th e Masonic ll orncs at Elizabethtown.
Con.stnu; lion c.:o

Lifec a re vs . Other Re tireme n t Living Alternatives

When the Masonic Homes ol thp Grand Lodge ol Pennsylvania dccklPd to build a re-tiremen t community ir\ J)ennsytva nia, the lirst step was to talk With people to determine the type of retiremen t living option that ret1rees in that area desired. That as well as a thorough evaluation ol the marl<etpl6co, determined that the Masoo'ic: Village at Sewickley would be a Type "A" con tinuing cafe retirement commun•ty. Type " A " retirement communities are uS\•aUy ft-fened to d) ·l,fecare communi· toes • TI•ey are regulated by the Pennsylva· ma Department of insurance, and a portion ol the enttance fpe and the monthly maintenance fcc is used for resident> who tually require hight>r cost assisted hVIfl<J an<l nursing care service>. ReSidents nlOYin<J into retirement liVIng can count on fees remaining the same, aside from the cost of liVing adJUStments, throoghout the remainder of their lives, including assisted living and Song-term nursing care. Since tt por ·

Send me mo r e Info r ma t ion a bo ut t he M asonic VIIIDge a t Se wlck l oyl

Ph00<: (I____


r Ma"""c at Sewickley lkochur•.

0 Retirtn'M:fll Living 101t the M4.1WMlK Vii· laqe •t Sewickley Vodoo.

PSease complete coupon and rcoturn to: M•rl< tng Office M<I>OnOC V.Mq ot 1000 Mil\on•< [ln\jllf Sewicldey, PA 5143

lion ol the lees is to potential long·term assisted living and nursing care, there also is • tax deduction for those who qu,llify. rnediCcll condihons mighlrequire a d1llerent agreement. Type " B" continuing care retirement communttie} are the least common and offer residents a limited or days for ani U«< liv•ng or nursing care. After the contracted number is used, residents pay the full daily com for >uch servic:es. While 1he of movrog into 41 Type ""8• com· mllnrty may be les> than a Type "A," controcb must be read very carefully. Be sure to the linanclal impact of possible long·term care.

The M•sonic Homes at rtpresetHs a Type HC" continuing care ret•remef1t community. L1ke the others, residents recewe housing., services, ameni· ties, emergency response, and guaranteed Jc:ccss to assisted living and nursing care services. However, fees will change if addi· tion,l l cMc services are n eeded. Type ·c• Ctnl offt!r lt dynamic hfeslyle. for obvious reasons, this type of retirement community will have lower fees In reliremen l living than the oth er two .

So why Is Lhe Masonic Homes building a Type "A" com munity in Wes t ern Pennsylvania? lhc <lnswcr is qu i te sin1 pl e: We lis· tcned to those w ith whom we talked a n d fou nd othtl' Type ._A" li fecCtre communities in t h e Pittsburgh area are popular Active r1dults today a re p lanners as they look lorward to longer and healthier lives. Uving longer Call also mean dea ling w ith increa>· lng possib le hea lth in the future. A lifec.Me community allows for incr ett}ed con t•ol of your fintmddl ploitn perta1ning to <tr'l<Hn health bsues.

As the population ages, more assisted lill"'g an<l nursing servi<:es will be needed in Pennsylvania. Choosing a Masonic•spon· sor(!(f continuing ca re community will'" sure one f) for you shoutd you M<'d 11. r or more rnformation on an exciung hfe at the new Masonic Village at Sewickley. call Mary Jane Hyre at 1(866) 872·0664, or return the attaChed coopon.

Constructfon Completed at Valley Care Masonic Center in Sewickley

1 he first floor renov,1t 1011\ In t h<• Valley C.'<e Ma<nnl< Center at the Ma<nnic Village at !>ewlck ley wore completed In Fl'llrual)•. 1he renovJ tions Included largt.-r bigger brc,ok room, lock<rs for all lar)ler central <uppl)·, new laundry, nursing storage new conference rooms. lobb). and nt•w omces lor Human llusl

Ont'<tor of 'urslng, and Gilt lllanning

Tht> entrance to the Valle) ( ,,,. Ma><>nlc <:enter from the flm floor or the l'olnts Building i< now OJX'n, 3nd ca n the ( In the home to dC\."\.')) the units.

Retirement Living Open Houses at the Masonic Village at Sewickley

The Retiremen t Living Marketing 1Lafl a t th e Mo <onir ,,t Sewickley will Marke ti ng Open Houses on the fo ll ow in g dates : May I 6, Jun e 25, Aug. 22, Sept. 19, a n d Nov. 19. The open hou >es will lake place Irom I 0 a.m. - 2 p.m. in the retiremen t li ving apMll''ll<!l'l l ('' the Masonic Village ,,, Scwicklcy.

To reserve your !<lfli1Ct1 ttt any of the upcoming open houses, cont<"Ct Jan• Hyre at (4 12) 741 1400, C<t. 3530, or toll-frpe at 1 (866) 872-0664.

Masonic Reunions in Arizona Scheduled for November

Marvin ;\

R.W.C.M., announced that plans have lx.._.n made to hold a Ma<Onk Reunion at the Phoenix Airport Moll· rton. Phoenix, tV., on S...turdJy, No,. 16, lor l'enn<ylv•nl,o M11wn< and their ladil" who nnw r<">idc ncntly in AniOIM, or who are there <luring that time. I he purpose or the reunion Is to pre<cnt SO-yt•M I· mblems of Gold ami to awareness about thf.• 'ervitt'\ .lnd providt}d tl1rou).th tht• llornt'\ of the Grund l.odge or l'cnnsylvanla. will II<.' In l tht• ;-\ug. ISsue or I lit• Pt•tm.\J Il'tmia f'rft'mfllOII. Mark your n owl

Florida Masonic Reunions

Ulan 1,000 Pt..·nnsyh1 ::111ia th e ir 'I.Wlli\C\, wltlows. and rtunily m\•ml>cn. aucndl"<l the 2002 florida ir ·n-u• rt mlicnh \\tore hy Mnrvln t\. \.unnlng· lhnl1, Sr., lt.\V.C.. M and hi!. wife, Ro-;..1liP., wtlh IIW o th ("l (.,r,md l.odgc: Ofri<·ers. Past Grand mcmiJ(.' r\ of the: Committe.'<' on Masonic and their wh-e._, :t\ a' Mawnlc llomes' stall mrmbers. llte \1asonic JLomes' s tall shared lnlormatlon about the continuum of quallt)' care ser' icc' prO\ ided through the Ma'i<>nic Homes of the \orantll.odge of l)t'tHl') 1-.. ania. rhl' highhght vf th(" rc>uniorl' induc1rd thcC...rJIJd ,,,,.,_lc:r') vn-wntatton of 50-Year Embk•nt\ of Gui<.IIC) 1C\ \fa\(11\Ci

Pre-Age Qualified Retirement

and Sewickley!

Re<en lly, the Committee on Masonic Homes approved the development of a new, pre-age qualilled list lor in<lividual> to thcir names on a priority list lor retirement living at Hom._ .tt and the Masonic Village at If you diP •L le"'l 55 year> ol age, the new list giv"' you the opponun1ty to plan, well on advance, your move to the accommodatoon ol your choKe on rebrement hVIng. ThiS change " ln ,.,.ponse to requests from individUllls who, planning for thcir future retirement, were previously unable tO na1""' on lilt' retireffit'nt living priority list at flllabethlown.

AI• for the pr._..•gt> q"'Mied r.>t is re<lllired to com-

l lfty Y.,.·ar h mhk m of Go ld d u riug

Bro Willi a m ond Helen Schneider e njoy " s pring c •r ride throug h the Mns o nl c Home s Campus . plete a pnority application and include a check lor ll,OOO if their preference is it unit t,ulder the entrance fee plan, and S200 if the11 preference Is a unit under the rental plan (rental plan avai lable at only). In accordance with the CUI'fCnt procedure, deposits will be refundable un ti l au appllcont opplles and signs a resident agreement. The minimum ago requirement lor admissioll to retirement living at Elizabeth· lOWtl ,wad St'wirklcy wi ll conlinue to be 65 (in the case of married lOuple>, •L iea>t one rnu>t be •ge 65).

A\ mort pf'I\Ons th eir fPtirement years in lhe United States. th e i} cer'ltiinly not ctn exception to the Nag ng or <J••y•nq of America• phenomenon. Careful planmng for the luture Is extn!mely Importan t and the addition ot the pre-age qual11ied hst Will enable those Clig1ble individuals between ages 55 and 65 to pl•n now lor u,eir retirement.

lfty Year tmhlem of Gold during tht• Mar. lh:union at

Prf'-Age Qualified and Priority applications are available from the Retirement bving Marketrng Offic:e at Elizabethtown. You may oil t (800) 616-6452 for adchtoonal inla<mation. You can obtain Pre-Age Quahried applications from the Retirement l.Mng Marketing OffKe at the MasooK Village at Sewickley by calling I (866) 872-0664.

Your retirement should be the BEST you are f.'IXour.lCJ"d to 1>Lln now for tllt'lrlestyle you deserve. Get on the Pnonty lilt todayl

ICdirt'nwnt l.hing lnfunnation l.uneheon nt Ch c 1\ln.,onir llome!> ui Eli:t.alx•iltiOml

On Fnday, June 14, the Rel11ement Living Marketmg staff at the Masonic Homes at Elizabethtown will host a presen t,\tion cltld lunche-on in thr Freemasons Cultural Center for Interested rn retirement living option;. The presentation will begin •t 10 • m., followed by a lundoeon at 11 30 ,, ,m For more mformatton or to make reser'vation, call 1 (800) 676 -6H2 by Wednesday, JuneS.

The Masonic Village at Sewickley

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