The Pennsylvania Freemason - Inaugural Issue 2004

Page 1

Each of the Masonic Charities of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, including the Masonic Villages. The Pennsylvania Youth Foundation; The Pennsylvania Masonic Foundation for Children; The Masonic Library and Museum of Pennsylvania: and the Masonic Charities Fund offers charitable gift annuities at attractive rates (sec below).

The benefits include: t/ Fixed Income

t/ Dependa bl e P a yme nts

t/ Bac ked b y the Assets of the Masonic C harity Issui ng The Annui ty

t/ Payments P artially Tax-Free For A Period of Years

t/ Federal i

60 5.7%

65 6.0% 85 9.5%

70 6.5% 90+ 11.3%

*Rates recommended by the American Co u nci l o n Gitl

A nnu ities, effect ive J uly I , 2003.

Not e: 1\vo-life rates are less d ue to added life expectancy.

To learn how a g ift a nnu ity might benci'it you or someone you lo ve, in comp lete confidence a nd at no cost o r obl igation, fill o ut a nd return th e response coupon to the Office of Gift

Planning , o r call Bro. Alvin H. B litz, Chief D irector of Gift Planning, or Bro. John R. McFadden, Director of Gift Plan ning-East Region, at (717) 367-1121, ext. 33311, or toll-free (800) 599-6454. Brethren and Friends in Western Pennsylvania are invited to contact Jane W. Bin ley. Director of Gift Planning- West Region. by calling (412) 741-1400, ext. 3011 or toll-free (866) 872-0664.

The olliciol regostntion and finon<i•l infO«Ntion fo< any of the Muonic Charities may be obained 1\oom the P..,.,.,..,.,.. Dcp.nment of by toll-free. within Penrl$)'fvanu. (800) 73'2-0999 R-.;.tntion does not imply endors-t. Al contributlons are u.x.c:leduc:tible to the extent allowed by bw.

A ttention P ostmuter: Dated Ma t erial Enclosed


Ia Send me your brochure on Gin Annuities, I

10 Send me a sample illustration of a Gil\ Annuily based on I the following infonnatjoo: Age($): Amoune S 0 Cash OSIOCl<

I 0 Contaet me to discuss a possible Gift Annuity with a Masonic Charity

I 0 Send me infonnatioo on the Franklin l.qjacy Soeocty.

10 1/We b3vc mnemb<mllhe followong M..ooie Cbanty(ic:s) 1 in mylooz.,..te plan : -

The Sun is rising on a new threshold in Masonry.

S hare the Ught- a phrase you will be hearing and seeing during my two years

as y our Grand Mast er - on v e hicles, on letterheads , on signs, in the Pennsytvama

Freemason, on the internet, in brochures . on golf sh irts, in conversations. on lapel pins,

and in blue lodges

And I ask y ou, our members , to Share the Light of our great frate rnity, w th all t offers to humanity, w ith you r fam ly, friends , and neighbors as we launch a mass ve , exciting cam paig n to increase the membersh ip in Pen nsylvania by 10% com mencing o n Jan ua ry 1, 2004 and building to a c r escendo that culminates w th the M an to M ason stat e -wid e, one-da y conferral of the three b ue lodge deg rees o n Saturday , Octobe r 2 , 2004

I look forward to init ating 10 , 000 new m embers wh ich

will involve over 30,000 Masons servi ng as recommenders , mentors , investi gating comm ttees , administrative personnel, and background support Sha re t he Light bre thren and be a part of thi s fraternal building team of dedicated M asons w ho w ill tum this Fraternity around.

The M asonic CHIP Program will beg n in 2004 It is a comprehensi v e one-stop child identification program.

Read more about it on page 22.

August 10 through August 15, 2004, our motorcycl ing Masons will trav e to the a nnual motorcycle festival in Sturgi s , South Dakota Reservations a re now bei ng a coepted

We hope you like the new look of the Pennsylva nia Freemason wh1ch is g•v•ng b•rth to a new look in the a dministration o f the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania and the modernization of the fratemity in P ennsylva nia.

I w i sh eac h and eve ry o n e of you my sincere best w ishes for health and happiness in the N e w Yea r .

Yours , i n Shar i ng the Ligh t •

William Sla t e r II

R W Gran d M ast e r



General Chairman: William S late r II

Vice Chairmen:

One Day Class Date:

State-wid e Goal:

Th omas K. S turgeo n

District Deputy G rand Masters

Saturday, October 2, 2004

10,000 new me.mbers

Lodge Goal: I 0% in c rease in membership

Campaign P eriod: January l , 2004 to December J I , 2004

location Area Regional Coordinator R;tualistic Instru c tor

Allentown l<trry G. Newhard Ralph H. Sltdcr, Sr.

Altoona Dale A. Delo:ier Cltffor,l E. Reed, Sr.

Bloomsburg Luther J. Black John W. HltnC>, Jr.

Coudersport G. Robert Grant leonnnl F. Trc.u

Erie Kim W Jeffreys Wollbm Rabbiu

Harrisburg Gary P. We ndt j eff Moyer

New Cast le Fred]. liv ings ton H arvey E. McNnhh

Philade lphia D Mich ae l S mirh Jo hn A. Rose

Pittshurgh Will ia m M. Ko·auenherg Byrl J. Joh n.<on , Sr.

Reading Russe ll W &ke r larry A. Buuar.J

Scran tor\ A lfred W. Kotu la . Sr. Walter F. Lmdcmuth

Uniont<,lw n j e ffre y M. Wonde rli ng Byrl j. johnson, Sr.

Wtil imnsport A. Ja mes Bryden

The onc-<lay Man to Mason project is more than a one day conferral or all thr«! Blue Lodge degrees on Satu rdal'. October 2. 2004. lr os a year-long projecr that commences on january 1, 2004 and cn..b on December 31, 2004.

The ultnnate goal dunng that time frame ts to mcrease the membership m Penn.<ylvama by 10,000 new members wluch u a 10% oncrease in each Lodge in the Commonwealth.

The specoal 'Share the light Man "' Mo>On' p<mion should be used during 2004 whoch is a\·ailable through Lodge Secretaries, District Deputy Grand Masters. the Grand Lodge web site, and is printed on rage> 7 and 8 of th is issue of t he Frt..'\.'nl:llOn. Lodge Goal

Each Lo..lge gOOll is si mply 10% of its membe rsh ip. I ( the Lodge has ZOO memlxors , the goal during 2004 is 20 n ew

RicharJ L. Tulx> members.

Eifewve ]anuory l, 2004, .1 pewooncr ro a Lodge can elect to rt."Ccavc: 1he thrc(.• degrees ::u rhetr convcnu:ncc:

l. The nadtto<>nal way one p<r month for three month.<.

2. \Vat< for one-dar conferral of !he 1 hree degrees on October 2

J. Recel\'c the Ist and/or 2nJ and re«ive UlC Jnl at rhe one·day conferral Nou: those peuu\)nen the ZnJ and/or 3nl ar the onc·dal conferral must atteO<I all three de!!""'-' con· ferroo that d;oy.

Regardle;:, of the mcth.>.l sdectcd l>y the m rcceivtnJ: the dcs:rec.... the method hy which a petouoner :opplios for onembel'>htp remam.\ the ,;une wuh but one exception.

1. The peliuoner tnlbt n,k n Mason for n ()Ctirion. The r'!Ctith.1n signe-d by two MMtcr Ma1<ms first-li ne signer must be 1 <,( rhc Uxlttc rhc

Grand Lodge Representative

Stephen Gardner

Samuel C. Wil liamson

Robert L. Dluge, Jr

Gc'Otge H. Hohenshildt

Edward H f<>w ler, Jr.

Jeffrey W. Coy K. Srut·geon

Donald L. Albe rt

Willi am Slate r II

Mmvin A. Cunningh:-t m. S r .

Edward 0. We i.sse r

James L. Ernerte

Rona ld A. Aung>t, Sr.

pctiuoncr i) applying to- che second line can be a memher. tn good standmg. of PeMsylvania L.odge. 2. (flu: cxceptwn) If the petitioner docs no< know a Mason but calls the Grand Petition Hotline, 1·800· 990-1935, mquonng about 1-ecoming a Mason, the Grand Lodge wiU complete a peuuon over the phone and send it tO the &..:retary of the Blue Lodge nearest to hiS reoodence woth a Cop)' to the District Dcrucy Grand Master foc acuon. The petiuonec will then be contact(-d by the Secretary to ascenam if he knows a Mason on that rarucular Lodge. If he does, that member .hould be contacted requesri ng he hccomc the petitioners recommender. If he doe> not know any Masons, th e peti· tioner shou ld he im erviewed by rhe Lodge Memberslup Comm ittee. Once approved by the Comnuttee , a nd recommen ders the pet it ion is treated in the CJntim.I'C(J on l'l(cgc 6.

Man to Mas on Proj e ct

O>nunutd /rant""" s.

nonnal manner- it 1s read in Lodge, an committee is appointed and performs the or duty, and the petitioner is voted on at the next sroted meeung 11ot

Dl conm>l of Ufto is admitttd 10M l.ot.f&e lodges may hold Specoal Meeungs fO< balloting an •july, • August and •September and may ballot on petittontl$ without publishang the names an the nouce provoded the Commottee o( Investigation has reponed favorably. Mulupl e ballotong woll be permitted on any number of petitions. "11ot Masonac: Moruh ""l'""""""' is <WA..d ifa SP«jal Mmmr os called for balloti>1g.

A \'Oice ballot may be used for as many candodates as desired. Du es & Fees

1. The current structure of Dues &. Fees o( each lodge in rhe Commonwealth remains rhe sa me.

Z. Credit cards can be used, of desored, for p<lying the entrance fees. The Secreary of the Blue lodge must call the Petition Hotline number ( 1-800-990- 1935) to process the petitioner's credit ca rd l11e Grand Lo dge will then remit a check back to the Blue lodge on the amount of the fees charged.

3. Each candidate will be provided with ldencincation C redentials by the Secretary of the Blue lodge a ttest ing that the dues&. fees have been paid. This ID wo ll be used at registration on th e day of the one -day class, Sa turday, October 2, 2004. Th e One-Day C lass

I. Fo r th e one-day c lass o n Sacu rd ay, October 2, 2004, the Grand lodge wi ll prov ide eac h candidate with a Bib le, working tools, a nd apron.

2. Regional CoordinatOr$ nrc rcspa nsible for the venue, fur· niture, soundJ serup for regis1raci on, lunch coord ination. all facil ity issues.

3. Regional Ritualistic lnstnsctors are responsoble for the degree team seleetion, reheal$9ls, ment or instrucuon, and a ll issu<S rdating co the degree conferral

4 lodges are responsoble for providing (JOlt M<JUOI' for '-'<!1'1 frpr cartdidaus from rhe l.ot.f&e Mentors are to aso>lSt candidates in the conferral of rhe degrees and instrucuoo between degrees. MentO<S will be instructal by the RegoO<tal Rotualistic ln.sauctO<S in their dunes. Thne u..U bt at least rhnlt Masonic EducaUon brtw«n rhe dtgnlts

5. All candidates woll reeite the obligation dunng the degrees.

6. All candidate mformauon for rtglStrauon purposes per· raining to the one-day class must be completed and in the Grand Secrerary's office by Wednesday, September 15, 2004.


Call or E-m ail you r D eputy Grand Master his name, p h on e n u mber and e- m ail address is list ed in you r l..odgc Notice.

Petition Hotline: 1·8 00-990-1935

(Sec page 10 for detao ls)

William Slater II 115th

Right Worshipful Grand Ma s ter

Brother Willi am Slater II was born in Pitrsb.orgh, Pcnnsylvttnoa, on October 19, 1958, the fOil of Raymond) Jr and Doris Greiner Slater and has been a resodem of Allegheny O>tonty his entire life. He graduated from the Valley Forge Military Academy in 1976, Thiel College in 1980, Pittsburgh lnstinu e of Mottuary Seience in 1981 He is a member of the Wallace Memoria l Presbyterian Church, where he served us a Deacon and former member of rhe Christian Educnrion Committee. Brother Slater is t he Owner and Pres ident of Wm SIMer & Sons, Inc. which ope rates eigh t fu ner.•l home-s in t he Pitts bu rgh area. He is ac t ive in community affitirs and h o lds m embership i n .several civic organizations i nclud ing having recently $Crved ns President of Green Tree Ro rary Cluh. A lso an av id boate r, Bm . Slater is t he !ather of Sydney Slater nnd William (Wes) Slooc r Ill . Brother Slater's Mason ic record is as fo ll ows: He is a member of lodge No. 45 where he served as Worshipful Masrc r in 1987. He belongs to Royal Arch Chapter No. 268, Liberty Va ll ey Counci l No. 50, Royal and Se lect Master Masons, and Duquesne Coonmandery No. 72, Knights Templar. In the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, he is a p<lSt Commander-in-Chief of Pennsylvania Consistory, Valley of Porrsburgh I fc was coronet• ed a thiuy·third degree Mason on September 3, 2002 in llosron, Massachusetts.

ln the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, he was appaintal Grand Sword Bearer during Bro. Edward H. Fowler, Jr.'s rerm as R.W. Grand Master. He was elecred R.\V. )unoor Grand Warden at the December Quarterly in 1997, serving worh R W Grand Master )ames L ErnetTc during his term He subsequently was e.lectal R. W Senior Grand Warden and R W. O.,pury Gr.and Master.

Olh<r Masonic affiliations include the Conosam C lub of Me. Washington (Pittsburgh), serving as President in 1997; Syria Shrine, A.A.O.N.M.S.; serving as an Ambassador; the blam Grotto, Royal Order of jesters, Pntshurgh Coutt No 2 ond the Royal Order of Seotland.

Brother Slater will be the youngest Omnd Master in 100 yean to serve the Grand lodge of Pennsylvanm as R. W. Grand Master. • Ed. Note: Sec related artic le o n page 27.

Date Present ed Committee Chaimtan

Wuh •uch a flll'-'"m tH -.crve

onJovodual' of all :lj:C< 111 .111.!!WJ...'C:t \'lf thi.'l( lh'cs. 1hc

Vill.oge<o Sh are ohc Liqht hrn'IJ.;.. il'll; l o life inw Lht.· hearts of whom we o:crvc the benevole nce of Frecm;1sonl)'.

We have hccn with ma ny upport uni t iCl't over 1w w in response w'l th• for 1\l \ V ,w1d exrn:uRit.'\1 services. Th 1s hns cnnhk"<.. us m pn)\'ide members. n nd t heir fnnulie::wirh :md w he ft>t.r prcnucr luc;mons for rece ivi ng UCI'OIS,') the O:.lt1i lll(.ll l \VC,IIrh

Since we've tx·gun wHrking wnh rL"Sidcms, .!ltaff JnJ Buoml1>( l )lrCCh1f"' n( the Hnmc of Pcnn')'k,ln la tit l.;o(ay<ll< Hill. I h,ovc i'<:cl\ '"n:ondy cxclh '-1 ;lho-.u vur }; I, ZCJ04 tur m.tny rc-.),.;oon Ju'l a 1 hac.l .11\ nrpont.nur tn ltll.'Cl \\1th !'!l:tff hl uur lr.ll\.,ttlon tnl(. one fam•h. I m·crhl-.trd .-. th:n, '\1111)' C\'C"• I co ul\1 howe\1 raktn!.! rl.tet.• .n Ell:.lf',cthhl""n, ur W.trnun ..tcr. A )!n)UJ' ,i "..mrluyl'l "' were c.:umf\lnmt: ,t tn•r-.m.: , JX'N10 wh(litl I o\'.''•UII'k.-..1 h;lol.lln_.... ,i to nntly mcmh:r. A u f\lm' \lllt, tw w.b J..>Til \'10!.! o\'cr thc J,: uh n( ,, n.•,tdcnl hw wlhmt h:'kl c m•d ftn ,, ),,n)l. wm Her lu\'c h>r tht' 1\.''iJcm, ,, well ·'" h ·r ft,:l· low t:mpiH)'C'C'' con(crn .. for her, \\'Ob i'l" hc-artfdr :tS thl· Mmnu Nmd.., we: exp.:n· t.•ncc :u all of our cununnnuu.:s. "Yc ,'' I thouc:ht ft) mywll, " du unit II\ j, U'll·,mt H hl' ," Alun)! wnh growth c:unll'., c h. u'lgc ,

""" arret 94 of opern ri o n as the Hnmcs , we will become the Mo,unoc Village• or rhe Gmnd Lodge or l'cnnsylvama on January l, 2004. Th is name unifu;.-, all of tl\lr communi1ies (tnd eltmln;:ttes C(ln(u,u.)r\ among ow: loca -

A M.Ner Plan has been developed for M<lS<moc at Elr..abednown campu>, ,lcr.oiling 11 prugrnnl !.""Is co be U\ er me next Is to 20 yean. "'''\m for rhe fumre of rhlS campus •ncluc:lo pl:ln' fi)l' ;tt.kfirronal retirement ."ltCOtnlll<.'klatttlt'b.. li\•ing uruh .u\J oprt)numtit."'; for u rotcnual marl:erpl:teto: for re in\'ennng cxhun,:: rn.tetun.":loo. :ulll more. In October, rhe Commuccc un M.•:<mic Homes ilJ'I'J'rtl\'t..J rhc c,llbtruction o( approxinMtdy 100 retirement hving whach Me expecred ro be com r>lco<"l "' 2004, 2005 and 2006. M.,jt•r R.·nov.llit•n. otnd enh:lncenlents have lx't: t\ unt.ltm'.l}' nt the VrU.,,:c at Wnnmnster lO improve the t 1Ul1li1}' of li fe for rcsid<: nts. \Y/c arc 1hun kful ttl r hc Smr members, cha pt ers ::md k-,cls:es th:-)t .,uppnrtt•d greatly Jl<'cdt.•d projec t. Anut h l•r event happe n01.l o n Mny l::), wht.·n the commu n iry receiv<.--d a g i(r from rhe Smtrh;lm pto t\ Cluh (unl new htt ilding (or rcsi dent 5<1\1:\rc Club meetings, :mtl meetings of Ma.\CU'Iicn l ly rd01rct.l org..1nization.'i. The new mom .hou ld be complered on 2004.

Much .•nd change hilS t.lCcurred dunng 1003 at the Mtl5<lnJC ar Sewockley. The communny "clcom\.-d ah flrsl reuremem hvmg <km, on February 15, ""h rhe comple· ttun of the hrs.t 76 ap;mruenrs.. In Augtb!, chc GmnJ Lod::c of Penl\'1\'h"<'ma performed a daresrone cere mony coo <clcJ,mce the near completion of 1hc duhhtllhC .tnJ rettrement fi,•an_g :ll\ tnmems anJ vtllas The project was C4.,1llJ'lercJ tn September, wirh a total of ll$ ;lp:>nonenr, and 35 vollns. Se'•cr.1l renovations and (•nhdi\Ce mcn 1., were comp1cteJ 111 November in ohe V.1llcy C"c M:c<;Onic Ccmer.

We look fom·•rd ro our Gr.u\d L11dgc ami Ornnd M;bcer S .ner Sh<m: 1he l,..tgl n with m tr continut:tl quest (,u exce ll ence tn prov1ding our "Mi$ion ,,(Love.'' a


tr Hotline


Use the new. fast. efficient. and secure Grand Lodge Petition Hotll,. ro register your candodate for membership on your Lodge. Call the toll·free 800 numberf A Grand Lodge employee will completo the petition for the candodate over the phone. accept payment by credrt card, d desored. clear lhe candidate on the books and lorward the pellllon to the lodge Secretary for actoon Wflh infor· mation provided ro the DDGM. T he LOdge Secretary woll process the petition In the normal l odge manner II lhe fee was paid by credo! card, the Grand Lodge w il fOIWard payment to the Lodge. Two recommenders are necessary to sponsor a candidate. Qu estio n s? Call you r OOG M

Gr.r&J]lcrll Sharing the Light


William Slater II R.W. Grand Master
Matllln A. CUnningham. Sr. ll'l'lme<blo Put R.W Grand Mastel 200:! 2003
WAam SlatO< II
RooaJd A. Aungst. Sr Slepllen Garcfner ThOmO$ K Sourgoon Jeffrey W Coy
Graner Treasurer


Athelstan 482

Henry L Jel1sen E<I'J<I)I 591 , , Lee H Schafler

District 7 Mafk A Haloes. DOGM

ledge 62 Mdlael K. Wertz

Challdl<lt 2'21 Redotlck I. Ktah

Teufonta 367 • • John Printz

Huguenot 377 Luther W Moyer

Vaux 406 •

• Michael A Slack

St John s 435 , • Bruce E. Gaston Union 4 79 • Jolln Huglles

Reaaong 549 .• Marlin I Mclain l$$aC H.ester 660 John R. Nester

District 17 - Garv B. Stabley. DDGM

Osseo 3 7 Boe:llaro H Moore, II

Sloss 350 • • • • Bobby E Buchal1an Cowanesque 35 1 . Darfl"ll R. Griffin Tioga 373 Btian M Heck

The Grand Lodge 20 0 4 District Deputy Grand Master Corp

Univet5'ty 51 • • Washington 59 ••••••• Philadelpllia f'olter 72 , , Mozatt 436 , . . • CoVG"nanl Excelstor 456 • Fernwood 543

Pilgum 7 12

Wi'loom Penn 732

Allan w Slrtzet

Robert E H;a

•• Stopl1en I. Kosh

• Jamos C. Rao

Robon F. Hettinger

Ft ed L Hoathert>y 'lhoma$ Hol)lcins

Ha"** F Vlanl<e!

Columbo • Bart Sl<laJ Lodgo 126 • • • • • Wifyno W Kraomot Patasbne l1o><O<>roogl\ 135 • Arthur W Shannon Wlltoam Had<enberg Moont Moriah 55 • .. . .. , . .. .. Chrlstophor C..rro!t 368 • Fred Berman St. Albao-S <lin 529 Eelward Coles

Oistli<:t 18 • RiclJar!l A. LO<oman OOGM

loelge 9 . . . . . . . Stcpl1en G

Harmony $2 Allred K. Edwards, ttl

Wode<1er AI)OIIO I<en$lngton 2 Donalcl l. K• ne

Frank ord 292 . • • . . . Fredorick P. Ewing

JeMatom 506 • • Matthew J Kulpa, Jr

Tacony eoo

, , , Fre<ler'icl< J Sci>Gmm

H8l1y A. Housoman 717 " • " "

Thomas P Murgot<O)'do ttl

JoMph H Btown 751 • Weon D Harris A. Deloz:!tt QDGM

laFayette 199 • • •• BOI>W1 R Stl!dlnan

LaBella Valkle 232 • Daniel P. Molnar Muncy 299 • • Douglas K McClintock

Friendohop 247 •• Jolln B. Coole r--=--, Lodge 106 • 'lhoma$ L Coley ,4._,

OscooJa 42 1 • , • DavidS. Stocum

Westfield 4 77 Dav;c, R. Grost

LG'o'oisv.lle 558 GaletOO 602

•• TOdd C. Hamitton Ft- R. Hollar

6<1t!er 272 , . Eric L Smotll Argyle 540 , , Thomas H Shcfw;n l e_,g 577 • Alvle E Esh<llman, Sr Vtetory 694 •• , • James E Schoonover

Jotln E. Ma1r 729 . . .. . . A;cha rd E. Dunm ire W o..., H Mouor 769 • Nocholas J Oickoy Scneea 805. • Paul G JaCkson

Eureka 335 • .• .•• • Koith E Molhersbaugh Ivy 397 • James A Sha ible Watson1own 40\ • ..• W•IM m W Groom

John F. Laedteon 707 • , , , John T Ingraham D"'tnol< Lamad9 755 Rifymond L George Oistrj ct 29 • Thomas M Gosm ce DDGM

Waslw>g!OO t64 Gootge D. Black

Bealts'"l!e 237 Kenyan L Nicholl

Chartie<s 297 . Robert M f'olander

CtifySvolte 447 • • • • • DavidS. Reynolds

Richard Vaux 454 • • • • DanDOI Takah

Va)toy 459 •. •••.•. Gregory S Wilson

D-.ayne I WOOdnng Adams 3t •

'lhoma$ J Sheaffer Unoon 3<4

StOllen G Ramsey Tennis 37 t

, , Jolln E Baney MoVoytown 376 ,

, , , , Kennotll E Harsptor Nowport 38 1 , , . , . , , , Mleh&ol E Kunkel

Po!rry 458 • " " " " " lee e Bartllol

Ponage 220 .. • .. ..... Scott D Mas1ano1< Moontaon 28t .•..•••.•• Mdlaet C Deon-.ot

Junoat.l 262 , , Pllolop J Mentzer

Logon 490 •..

Tyrooo 49 4 ..••.•.

Bol>ert E Coonsman, Jr

John E Morr1ssoy. Sr WOO<Jbury 539 • ••• • Horscholl 0 Vamer


Sunset 623 • . . , Jolln W Snieler, J r. l"''""""'"' 275 -·w.PlpOf 1Jgoniet

Jolln R PallOI'I Kll'lg Sc>lomon's 346. Jsmo$ R,;ns Wostmo<e.and 5 t S • • .• •. Oavlcl D. Ssnders Mat;on 56 2 .•• ••••••• Robert S Zelmore laMoote • , • , Wolllllm 0 Chlshko Shod!e 60 I .•

Chrlstophat S lasswell James Coolmn 61 4 • Josoph L. Orszutak Joannotte 750

.. .. . . . John D. Copelaf1d Dlstdct 41 - J ohn D Beam DQY..M

lndiana Franl<lon 3 t 3 Aot>&rt E lolv """"""" 75 Cl\nstophet J. 'iloilO< .-- - - -, C..ITlll<oa , , ,

WAim D Bu!ge< Acaaa 355 JollnW Ba-ugh Sloe:ll:e< 254 Alwltew E

A. PcloCk woa.amson 43 t J D>engood Pd<er'ong <Wl Charles E. Groff• ./1 - .358 Donald c . Alltigllt ApollO <37 Kenne!h A. Pavem Spnng Coty 553 • Tomottoy L Plelehcr Gu>atat .JohtlsloY.n 538 NM E Jusl Jolln W 534 Elvin S. Snyder Royersford S8S Thomas P.l<omsey Meyo<Sdala S54 • . • Al>ort D Knolilach II Ki$k.Mrunetas 617 •• •••• HatW Kester Pcrkiomen 595. ,. • Mattt\ew F Wrigh t Soyorto\•m 74 • ••• W1lham E Ha;ne.r Ill

Chatteroi 6 t 5 .. . . ...... Timothy J. Lundy Oot>om 626 Oonnls L BYek

Monessen 638 • • • John A Habel, lit Bello Vernon 643 .. .. .. . . DaV'od E. Cook Laurel Rodge 65 1 Robert P. Sbne

42 • James B Eignbartll. QQGM 'lblk 266 Craog L Wagmoo Good Samarollll1 336 Enl< J Wilt Pa!mOO

VoctOt K CIOOI!s. It Stv-.ry 423

James E Good :Z.!!odallla 45 t , ••• , RIChard 8. Sctvoeder. It

Hol>too 465 . Jolln H. GrWtoe Jr. R voftkSo 503 • ••••• Albetl H Wotsser

Bed l iOO 649 • •. • • Scott A Thomason Ft erldship 653

Paut Ne$1litt Wh to Boso 706 ....• Michael Cende Emponum

Qllld ct 30 •


Bradlord 749 ...

A. Joseph Graves

S loven A.

D strict 34 • Alc hg rd L. Wagner. DDGM .-----,= --, Mt Moriah 300 . Anhur 0 . McDaniel

Bedlord 320 Richard E GoodmM

Evereu 524 Fred A Batzel


Q stdct 2 - Kenneth E Beard

Perseveranoe 21 S1ep1>en J Sigel

Suscuehanna 364 • •. .. 1hecdore A. De<trich

Roller! Bums 464 ..•..... Rocha!d E Myen1

P rince Edwin 486 • • Duane A. Slilwel

Hal!isburg 629 Dale H

West Sho<e 66 1. Keilh E Murray

Wol<atn S Snyder 756 •.••••• David M 0.. n s lee P. Plsano

lOW!he<.......,.781 ...

Di s tric113 • Gonion M . Conni H QOGM

.---:---, tJnoon 291 Lance SW1ge J<

Pe!er w.,.mson 323 • • James w Sharp

Hyde Park 339 PaiA E Cool<

ShOBer 345 • Do-Ad VI Reese

Aurora 523 Brian Gasper

K1ng Solomon 584 JaM Memo

Orienlal S1ar 568 • • • Thomas w TaylOr

Green Rodge 59 7 Todd Parry

p jstrjct 23 - Gerald L Gates . DDGM

Myrtle 3!5 Tracy H. MoDer. Ill

Pe uolla 363 •.• •. Dave l Reddinger. Jr.

lake 434 David J. Kanya

Frawnal 483 • • • Josejll1 E. Sponce

Edenburg 550 • • •. D BIKkl Thompson

City 710 • •• Richard W. Mclnllre. Jr Tii USVille 754 Davtd L Parker

Oi$trJct 3.5 • Luther J Black DDGM

.--- --,,..---,

DanYIIIe-Mahon ng 224 ..•. Edward E. Moyer

Washington 265 ••••••.•.. John C. Pollard

C..lawossa 349 • • John F Bratton

George Wa· OOQ:OO 143 R'oo:llard l. K1.,.,..,,11

Cumberland S. 197 Thomas A. Barwid<. Jr

St Johns 250 • • James E. Loshe< 0trs1ov.n 2o2 5,._, G Hurden Eurol.a 302 • John G AruMch Jr KoMn S Angle e.g $j)nng I • Jay B. Wed<e4 Mount Pts9ah • 13 • • Robert K.ldCC<Aioh Acac>a 586 .. • . .. D. Lamar Sease Gon ......_ ":>\. -.. 801 Jellrey Deshong Ol s tdct 14 • A IY1 n}'/. Hollister. DQGM ._18218

Carbondale l49 • JaM Senoo Solem 330 . .. ... Alan G344

• Robert G Morrison Kongsbury 486 Robert P. Egan WIY""rt 542 Richard P.l(ozic:h

A...Sny,dor PDGM

Lillo 347 • • •... Robert l. Crowe

Tynan Commonwealth 362 James K. Fishet Euroka 366 Ralph L. Ccle Perry·K<lystono 392 .••..••. Dale E Konen Norlh EIUI 399

Morgan T. Holmes Oo sls 4 16 Douglas J Roberts Lawronce 70S •..•.. James R Laird

Cromwoll512. KAnnellt D. Semple. Jr HyYtdmall 589 • Donald A Sha!ler MourtllJ<>Ioo 688 Wonoam MeEitatll Moun! Zion n 4

Sylvania 354 Delberl Worth

Orlen!al460 Edward A. Harris

F. c;.ne Hea<IY

Knapp 462 Terry D Benton 661 Daniel C Peterman

Choslor 236 Ronald Mayo Jr Geo<ge Paul Sand 298•••••••..•• • • • Henry C Clemons 576 • • • William L. Young Jr Coneotd 625

Allen a Brows1er Penn 709 • Otfando p Salv.liO. Ill u-.. 711 .. Richard

MiChael J Tooch

Wooellav.n 612. . • Gary l . Myers Ambndge 70 1


• Broan A MoltuSh Monaca-t4ntor 791 • • Paul J Reynold$

D jslcjct 46 • William R. S wioebarL DCKiM lodge 22 • • Teny M. l'eler$ 1« Gary A OeuUcllle Lela)oeue 194

M.!ton 256

M.!ff.nburg 370 •

• Samuel A.lore110

Dalo E Sf

• Ched B Shod< Eu<eka 404 , • • l<eMeth R Rush Jr. Modd!eburg 619 Roy A Kong Jr Homdon 702 . l8maJ D. Schretner

Di stri ct 58 • John

Shamokon 255

• Barnard A Sf. A shland 2$4

K Seller Mahanoy Ct y 351

Di st rict 47 • D William Roberts. DQGM

Guyas.J!a No 513 •• Rochard J. Parrish Jr.

Cen!- No 544 Oavod A.-

Done No. 630.. Joses>h T a.d6

Lalayet:e No. 652 James A.llilriosky

C<alton No. 653 •... , • M Thomas McKo11rick

Avalon No. 657 Curbs W Keyser

Cor.wpois No 674 Harry J Jackson

O..kdale No. 669 ••••••. Wilson L Sturgeon

D j st r!ct 59 • Victor J . capooct. DOGM

.-------, St. Jchns 233 ••.. . .. . John G. Rd\ards. Sr.

w averly 301 Barry Knoch

Wyoming 466 .......•... Robert l Stan4ey

Valley 499 Clayton C Dymond

Moscow 504 . Jeffrey J Bogdanski

Acacia 579 Allen W Connor

M OOSIC 664 • .• ChatiGS w. CObb

Robert J llalematl · J,H. A.

Sharing the L ight Through Fifty Years of The Pennsylvania Freemason


he Masonic Library a nd Museum of Penruyl\•an ia an imn"lense coll ection of books., nnd mu$Clll'l\ objects chat serve to infonn the Brethren and public of the history. customs. and goals of Frcemawnry. One of the ways in whic h t his information is disseminan.:d i$ th l'Vugh Tlte frecnwson, a quarterly publication C$ttlh· liohc'<l in l954. Availab le to all thooc who wish to k>-am a bout the Fra(ernir:y, every issue is an invaluable resource coverin g topics that range fro m curre n t Blu e lodge happe nings to one of a ki nd a rt ifacts in the mt1seurn. collection.

Kenneth McCany On December 28. 1953, in his inaugural address. Orand Mascer Ra lph M le hr (1954·1955) suued seven goals. Of them, t he first was co a commi ttee to edit and publish a periodica l on the 'State of the Craft' for our entire membersh ip.'' TI1 e second \\tnS ro appoim "an Ecliror of PublicMiOI1S who will also se rv e as a Di rector of the Libracy and Museum." Another was to ;•reorgan ize rhe Committee on Lihrary and Museum." TI1c other four goo is concerned M<tsonic cJucat ion. In the Grand lodge Proceedings for l95 4, the reporr of the Committee on Library and Museum said rhAr the 1nost important part of ils repol'r was very rccend)r accomplished when Volume One , Number O ne ofTite

R.1msylvanic1 Freenw.scm w ..-'I..S publ ishC:i.l . "As the name irnpliC5, this p ubli cntion belol'tg.:i t o the Freemasons of Pennsy lva n ia "

The Commirree wamed rh c Brethren ro bear''" cert3 in measure of respons ibility.. for the o( Tlte Pennsylt!!.mitJ Freemt1son a nd t o know t heir wishes "with respect ro lhe comem:s of their p uhlica-cion."

At the end of the first full ( 1955) of publication, the Comm ittee o n Masonic Cu lrure. now responsible for The PennS)'lwmia Fteemcucn , reported a tion tlf 90,000. At dm.t time, it was sent only to Bret h re n who had requested t h at t heir names be on the mailing list. In 1962, R.W. Orand Master McKi nl ey ( l962·1963) orJered t hat eve!)' Pennsyl\' ania Mason should receive a copy, in order tO be informed a bout the a ctivities of rhe Croft. S ince t hat decree, e very Penn sy lv Jn ia Mason automatiCfll l y receives_. copy.

The Pemt<ylvania Fn!emason had been distributed (1Xlll1 the M!ISOnic Temple by Or•nd l odge stafl' However, in on.ler tO ttca.,mmodate t he now task of mailing, Brothe.r William A Carpenter (Eclitor 1954· 1969, 1980-8 1: libraria n a11d Curato r 196 1·1969: Grand M<>Ster J984-l985) c;rabli shed" distributiOil office at the MliSOilic Hon1c>s in Elilabethtown. The a rtic le written fo r the 30t h anniveJ:Snr,: of Tlte Il'1ul$)'lwmill Fn!<"nCl.i<l>l in November I984 reflects on the move, seati ng that the Masonic Homt!s had severn) advnntagl"S fo r mailing tnore l h a n 256,000 copies each quarter: thete was mote members o f t h e P<>St Office Square Club volun· teered hundreds of off-duty hours to set up the mailing syslem, and reside nts of the Masonic Homes helped by updating the membership ft les a1\d preparing eac h mail· ing for t he addressing machine. Resi dents cont inued ro h elp, as part of t he tional therap)' program, until l982. With new COI\lpurerized membershi p files and high-spc>cd labeling machines, it seemed best ro return the distribution operation co the Ma.o;onic lcmple in f>hil"de lph ia, where it was insm ll ed on t he fourth floor. Enter now-retired Distribut ion Manager 1-=lannah Erdman , w h o shar ed her me tnorie.s. Mr$. Erdman said cha t The lbms)'lvtn!itt and rhe tna ili n.g labels were shipped to Grund Lodge , where 14·16 people under he r d irection operated a huge, c lanking Cheshi re label·

i ng mach ine. which a(fixed a label t o eac h copy. With the aid of tying machines, rhc c rew then t ied and bagged about 210,000 copies accord ing 10 t ip code. and dcliv· c red the bnj;s to the bu lk •Mil departme nt of the post of{ice, which WOLlJd promptly st•nd lxK k a whole bag if rhere was any sma ll mistake. The s hipp ing back and forth ofte n in the back seats o( emp loy· ecs' cars was cumbersome. FcMs for t h e safety of t h e employees a nd rh e Sl l'l tCt \.lre of the Masonic Ten,ple, because of d1e stress of rhe hcnv)' l\l3<.:hinc::cy on the fo urt h floor, made the whole process rather nc rvt wracking. Streamli n ing became absolute ly neceSS<''i'· By t he late l980 's, the who le post·editOrial operation was given over to a jobbc r..facil i rtl tor, who coord inated all of the necessary paper sup· pliers, desig ners, and pr-imers, as we ll as \Varehot..•.sing and .sh ipping (acililit..-s. For the seasoned vetera n of Masonic research, or the cru;ua11y interested St\.1 dent, t he flfcy-yenrs of Tile l'ennS)•/,,mia f'n:eJnaS()JI shed light <) 1, the his tory, C<IS· toms, a 1'\d goals of Frc-t:n'la...;,() nry in Pe nnsy lva ni n, mnking it a viral part o f t h e collection of The Ma!Sonic Library and Museum of Pen nsylvan ia , •

Grand Master's

Itin e r ary

January 2004

12 Presentation of Barry L. Wheeler DDGM 31· Fayene Lodge No. 228.

15 Presentation of Jeff Bidd le , DDGM 49 • Stephen Bayard Lodge No. 5 26

19 Presentation of Thomas K Sturgeon. Junior Grand Wa rden • Oakdale Lodge No . 669

24 Breakfast with Lulu S hri ne .

February 2004

15 Conference of Grand Masters, Wash ington. D C. Florida Reunions :

26 Tampa, FL

27 Sarasota, Fl .

28 Palm Beach , FL..

Mru:.cb 2004

13 150Jh Anniversary Columb ia l.,odge No 286.

27 49th District Retiring Maste rs Banquet.

1. Complete Sections ' I>: and ' D' of \he Application belo w. 2. Make c/leck fo r $20

3. Mail Application a,Jong with your check to: The Grand Lodge of Penn s ylvania Masonic Temple

One North B ro ad S

Wi ll iam Slater II - Youngest Grand Master m

Be Proud of Your Masonic Frate rnity!

Share the Light of Freemasonry

Display the Pennsylvania 'B l ue Lodge ' License plate on your vehicle. It 's as Easy as 1 -2 - 3!

(Complete a pplication on revers e side)


• Fee required with th is application is $20.00. Payment is to be made by check or mon ey orde r payable to " Commonwealth of Pennsylvania". DO NOT SEND CASH.

• No special organization registration plate will be duplicated. If your plate is lost, stolen or defaced, we will reissue you the next available plate in our series lor $7.50. To apply for replacement. complete form MV-44 and submit the requi red fee.

• Requests for special organization registration plates are restricted to passenger vehicles, tnucks and motorhomes with a registered gross weight of not more than 9.000 lbs. Motorcycles and trailers do not qualify for specia l organizat ion registration plates.

• NO REFUND OF FEE will be issued when applicant cancels request after order is placed.

• Mail this application, completed in lull, along a check or money order (payable t o -commonwealth of Pennsylvania") to : The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, Masonic Temple, One North Broad Street. PhUadelphia, PA 19t07-2598, ATTN: PA-LIC for validation . The Grand Secretary s office will forward to the Bureau of Motor Vehicles in Harrisburg.

• When the applicant ceases to be a member in the organization as listed in Section B. the registration plate must be returned to the Department . Complete Form MV-44 and submit a fee of $7.50 for reissue of a regular series registration plate.

• All telephone numbers will be held in confidence and used only in the event of a problem with your application

• Special organi zatoon plates are in number sequence only and may not be personalized.

• To avoid possible problems with citations with your old registration plate, return it to: Department of Transportation, Bureau of Motor Vehicles , Return Tag Unit, P.O. Box 68597, Harrisburg, PA 17106-8597 after you have received your special organization plate.

,..,e Pennsyl,oania 1 Academy of Masonic Knowledge wrll .str ive to create an environ· ment Lhat will Masons to S<.'ek a unJcrsranding of the nature nnd purposes of Free:nmsonry all i rs many ilSI)l."'C.C.:,, past, prc,.;tnt, and fumre. and t o sha re th:tt understand ing with others

To this end , the Academy will offer learning oppo rn 1nitie.s in which Masons may pan ici r,:uc in dialogues with sim iL·uly i n cli n ed b rethren, win1ess promincnL Masonic discussing various aspects of F re-emasonry, and pursue home study at £heir own P'\Ce nnd i n their own areas of interest, through publicarions o n Masonic subjects recommended by the Academy.

(n a ldarion to providing a learning expe rience (or Freemasons, the Academl' will be a vehicle affonling recognition to Masons who sh.•re therr knowledge of Fteenwonry with fellow Masons 0< the public b)' the written or spoken word.

Th< AcO<iemy of Ma.omc has now completed its fourth rear of extstencc as an educational structure in the Grand Lodj,.., of Penn:.1·h'aftia. Its purpose is commiunent to >tudying and learmng rhe philosoph real pui'JXb", characteristics, history. accomphshrnents and comribuuons of Frem<UOI'Ir)', and ro provide rhe environment and oprortunory for rhose Brothers to learn. It b the of the Academy co then surnul31e those Brotheo:s to think and co stud)' Freem::uonry, and to spread that interest and knowl«lge back tD their sulx>rdinarc lodges.

The ncadem\1 has been fortuna re co St."C urt a comm inee composed o f some of the l1e,;t M•sonoc scholars and in the junsd ict io n of Pcnnsy iV<'U)ia. 11'ei r commit#

100 Years to lead t he Grand Lodge

N ot since the 64th Cmnd M:l\tcr, Bro. &lgar A. Tennis ( 1902- 1903) has t here been a Cmnd Master elected to lea,l the Gr:ond Lodge of Penns)lvanoa. there have heen a total of 30 Grnnd M>SteNl-ecween the age of 25 anJ 45 • (h·c l>ctwcen o( 25 h> 28, ten betwcen the age of 31 to 39 and fifteen bctwc'Cn '10 t<l 4S Abo to note LS that un the comrJc-.. N.1me Age y._....u llon of Bro. TenniS' tcnn of <lffoce, the next 2. Allen 16 1731 Grand Bro. Jan!<., W. Bruwn ( 1904- 3 . Humphrey MutTay .f3 1733 1905) ""'from PoU>huq;:h . 4. llen)am>n Fmnk1in 16 t7 H

Losted to the left, on O<tlcr of chcir ''""oce 5 James Hamrlton 25 1735 as GrnnJ Mascer. and the yc:1r they >erveJ 6 Thorn,,. Horkin<Ofl 27 1736 arc the l'OOflJ.'CSl men m lead the Frntemuy. 7 Wrlliam Plum:,fl-ad 28 1737 Q,mpoW {ron Th< O..ldm. IIi Ill Go...! 8. Joseph Sh'PI"'" 31 1738 • 9. Phrlir Syng 37 1741 10. Wollram Ball 31 1761 "''"" to the J'UI'Jl<"" of rhe Acadcn\)' has 11. Willian• M. Smith 37 1796 C.'1uscd ittu t'C 1\."C(>t:lll:t.'tl \\Orld" 11.IC, nn\1 a 15. Jnrncos Milnor 33 1806 number of othca Orond are n••w ere- 16. Rochard Tylx>ut 38 1814 ating m t hc ar JUr!"-IICtil"ut,:,. 17. Snmud F. Bradford 39 1815 Twacc a year rhe Academy n 'cCilt .u 19. Bny,;c Newcomh 38 181 8 Eli;abcthtown, .It which ume: Lwo ,,( 1he worlds bc:,t scholn r::. tlu1 mee t on 20. john .33 1822 a Masonic m rlu•lr fid,l uf txpenhc 21. john B. Gibson 44 1824 To date 16 of thc>e sch<>la rs have ad,lr c,scd 22. James Harpe1· 43 18 25 ('>ur mcctinJ,ts, Oli. mnny diverse MaS<'I n ic :;ub- 23 . Thoonus Kittcl'll 37 1826 jects, some o f u hiMoric nuru t·c with mhcrs 24. Samue l Badger 43 18 29 of prese nt -day rclcvt\ncc. 25. Michnel Nisber. Sr. 43 1831

There arc 153 mcnobcrs current!)' W<1rk- 26. john Steele 45 1833 ing cownrd Ac.;dcn1y ccrtlficotion and t he 27. George M. D.rllas 43 1835 tide of, Ma,;tcr Mn><mic Scholar. 29. john M. '10 1837 l11e academy nrr open lt') ony 30. Samuel H. Perk ins 42 1839 6rorher who wishes to uttend. \Y/c encutlr· 47. Rohert Lamberron 45 1870 age you to take tk.lvantas=e of this unique opportunuy to le(lm the l:fColt

48. Samuel C. Perkins 44 1872 minds on to.lay's world 51. James M. Port•r 44 1878

The mectong> for 2004 .ore March 27 :mJ 53. Samuel B. Dick 44 1881 October 16. We inntt )'OU to t<>in wuh us M. & A. Tennrs 45 1902 and awaken )'0\tr tn uur Cr..ttr . • 115. Slater II 45 2004

THE fREf...\IA\0)\•. 1·01.. U. JA:O."t .IR\' 1004. :o/0 I ...... -a !'\. l"''J":o'i:f- I+" J ...,. ,:-""'..,. a,.v.t..J...fQUW!<rhtt.r" ' M '""' f. •. (tNNJ n .... ..h.., ILill. rt .&J"' .\IAIC'l. -...... R\t l. 11 ...:.vrt..TO.-..Rlr.-,..(iu!Jlt"...W ,. l'\. ..IJL two PC"nn,, I\'Wrba f 'fftna.on CommiU<'C' )._,.If:.,. rc-.Jl\\J't·M f' .\ t Ptol.ot f p.,...,, & " 1\.n..ICaitJIII.rM \ttlluml' J


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