Home's Grown Kids - Fall, 2021

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home’s grown

FALL 2021

Finding Himself Through Theater

Masonic Village at Elizabethtown resident Sonja Alcon with youth from the Masonic Children’s Home.

Combating Loneliness Through Buddy Benches


FALL 2021

Youth at the Masonic Children’s Home recently sorted through plastic caps and lids collected by the local community to send to Green Tree Plastics, LLC, in Evansville, Indiana. The company makes benches out of the recycled plastics for elementary schools.


Masonic Village at Elizabethtown resident Sonja Alcon is a mentor for the program and said this will provide Bainbridge Elementary School, Elizabethtown Area School District, with two “buddy benches” for their playground. Students can sit on buddy benches if they are looking for another student to come play with them.

Sammie (Samantha) Vance, of Fort Wayne, Indiana, stands behind one of her benches. She gave visibility to the “Buddy Bench” project and wrote a book about it. With the help of youth at the children’s home, Sonja Alcon has ordered two benches similar to this for Bainbridge Elementary School. Each bench will be six feet in length and in the school color of bright blue.

“The purpose of this project is to explain to young people the importance of recycling and the importance of buddy benches for children,” Sonja said. “It’s wonderful how many Bainbridge Elementary School parents and children have also become involved, along with youth from the children’s home.”

“We ended up with enough bottle caps for two benches for the school,” Sonja said. “The concept is so great. We haven’t received the benches yet due to the pandemic and illness. We need to deliver the bottle caps to Illinois. My son has agreed to drive his truck. Once we take them out there, the benches will come back with us.” The benches cost $250 each. Bainbridge Elementary School will pay for one bench and Sonja will pay for the other. Sonja said she hopes to receive the benches by this spring. “Collecting the caps was really nice because we were able to get the entire community involved, and the kids were excited to bring in the caps,” Amanda said. “The whole idea behind the bench - that we do not want kids to be alone at recess – I love that we get to add that to our playground.”

Mercy Jacobs from the Masonic Children’s Homesortsbottpe caps and lids during one of six days of sor…ng8

FALL 2021

It takes between 300 to 400 pounds of bottlecaps to make a bench.


Sonja learned about the program a few years ago. When she was Worthy Matron of the Elizabethtown chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, she asked the sisters to start saving bottle caps. It takes between 300 to 400 pounds of bottle caps to make a bench. The wife of the previous superintendent of schools was a sister in Sonja’s Eastern Star chapter. She put Sonja in touch with Amanda Baxter, the principal at Bainbridge Elementary School, and the students started collecting there.




FALL 2021

Succeeding Together

What is your favorite thing about living at the Masonic Children’s Home? Cyrus: Meeting new people and the delicious food that Mrs. Mendez [a primary house parent] cooks for us. I’ve also learned how to cook. Shedrack: Meeting new people and exposure to new experiences and opportunities. What has it been like going to school in Elizabethtown? Cyrus: When I first started school, I was nervous, lost, as I thought I might get lost and I didn’t know many people. Since I’m more familiar with my school now, I no longer have those concerns. I like my teachers and my classes. I like playing with my friends, and I especially like recess and gym. I like that we get a good education.

Have you made friends at school or at the children’s home? Cyrus: I have many friends at school, and my best friends are Rudy and Emmett (two other residents in his cottage). Shedrack: I have a lot of friends. I like playing outside with them. Sometimes I hang out with the house parents. How have the staff at the children’s home supported you? Cyrus: The house parents help me on a daily basis, and the tutors help me with my studies. Shedrack: The staff provide structure and routine, so I can focus on bettering myself. Who do you look up to at the Masonic Home? Cyrus: Our older brothers Shedrack: Our older brothers What are some of your hobbies? Cyrus: Playing outside and watching TV – especially Disney+. I really like to play sports, like basketball and football. Shedrack: Playing video games, reading, playing basketball. Thanks to those who support the Masonic Children’s Home, Cyrus and Shedrack are able to remain close withtheirbrothers6accessagoodeduca…on6findthe supporttheyneedandevenhave…meforac…vi…es they enjoy. Best of all, their future looks bright.

FALL 2021

Below, the boys discuss what they enjoy about living at the children’s home, from the delicious food to meeting new friends.

Shedrack: I really like some of the teachers that I’ve had. Right now, my favorite class is English Language Arts. We are currently reading “The Outsiders.”


Cyrus and Shedrack, from Darby, PA, came to the Masonic Children’s Home in 2019, thanks to financial support from Masons and other donors. Their two older brothers, Techeal and Anthony, joined the program in 2013. Cyrus is 9 years old and attends fourth grade at Bear Creek Elementary School. Shedrack is 13 years old, and he is in the eighth grade at Elizabethtown Middle School. Both boys are well-liked by their peers and have made many friends in the Elizabethtown Area School District.


Children’s Home Alum is Thankful for the Experience Jesse Goranson has a lot of people to thank. During his time at the Masonic Children’s Home, Jesse met and was mentored by several individuals who he said helped shape the person he is today.

“I couldn’t have asked for better people to help me develop as a young man with interests and hobbies,” he said. “I’m so grateful for that experience and the opportunity to find out who I really am.” Today, Jesse, 24, has a master’s degree in Community Psychology and Social Change from Penn State Harrisburg, in addition to a bachelor’s degree in Sociology with a minor in theater. He lives in Elizabethtown. While figuring out his next steps, Jesse is currently working part-time as a production assistant in Penn State’s theater program.


FALL 2021

“I do a lot of video work and work in theater,” he said. “My two passions are for the social sciences and the entertainment/performing arts. Right now, my plan is to stick around Penn State and eventually get a full-time job. If not, I’m looking into social work or working with Child Protective Services just because of how much they helped my life and set me on the course to be at the Masonic Children’s Home.”


Jesse grew up in Santa Clarita, California, and was in second grade when his parents divorced. In the sixth grade, his mother moved him, his brother and sister to Pennsylvania to be closer to family. Struggling with money and mental health issues, his mother didn’t feel she was fit to care for her children, Jesse said, so his sister was sent to the private Milton Hershey School and a social worker, Brenda Ryan Drawbaugh, eventually found a place for Jesse and his brother, Jacob, at the Masonic Children’s Home.

“I went for a weekend visit to feel how the space was [at the children’s home],” Jesse said. “I remember just being so at ease. It was nice not having to worry about adult issues as a child and just able to hang out with kids your own age. From that first weekend, I knew that Masonic Children’s Home would be a really nice time in my life.” Growing up at the Masonic Children’s Home, Jesse attended Elizabethtown Area High School by day and was able to explore his creative side at night. “The children’s home really gave me the space to explore myself as an individual,” he said. “John Tracey, one of the house parents, would lend me painting supplies and mentor me through different art projects. Scott Lauzon would share movies and old video games with me. Sean Gomes brought religion into my life, and we had lots of late-night discussions about different books in the Bible. It was such a great space facilitated by the house parents.” Jesse also credits Donna Shaffer, education coordinator, with keeping his academics on track. “She has been nothing but a blessing in my life,” he said. “I can’t say enough good things about her.” Jesse and Jacob were roommates at the Masonic Children’s Home and did everything together. Jacob is currently applying to be in the state police program in Pennsylvania. Jesse, his sister, Brittnay, and his fiancé, Emily, are living in an apartment together. He met Emily through the theater program at Penn State. Today, Jesse is on good terms with both of his parents and said things are “a lot brighter than what they used to be.” “I credit the Masonic Children’s Home,” he said. “If it weren’t for them, I have no idea where I’d be. I don’t even want to imagine it. It would be a completely different world. “I’m pretty happy with where I’m sitting.”


Jesse Goranson


FALL 2021

Four Ways to Help Kids in Need this Holiday! 1.

Make the season SNOW much brighter for our kids!


Are you ready to plan your will or trust and would like to include the Masonic Children’s Home? Use our FREE Estate Planning Guide to help successfully plan your estate. It can also be used to record your family information and estate distribution plans. Visit the Masonic Charities Planned Giving website at MasonicCharitiesLegacy.com.




FALL 2021



If you are 70½ or older, you can use your individual retirement account (IRA) to support the Masonic Children's Home. Call 1-800-599-6454 and ask for our QCD planning kit. You may also use the enclosed envelope to request information. If you are making a QCD gift, please notify our office so we can be sure to credit the correct individual.



Visit MCHGivingCatalog.org to purchase items for our kids this holiday season.

Authorize a specified amount of money to be electronically transferred directly from your checking account or credit card to the Masonic Children's Home monthly. This is the easiest form of giving – plus, you will receive a yearend statement of monthly giving for easy tax preparation. You can cancel your authorization at any time. To join, complete and return the enclosed envelope, call 1-800-599-6454 or visit MasonicChildrensHome.org/donate-now.



Marcia Zinkel

eppy K CharitabpeRemainder Annuity Trust

Mar…nRay MargaretHoffmann Stuart and Barbara Brown Ginger Weismantel

Lodge No. 009

MENTOR DONORS SamuepandJoyceReed

EDUCATOR DONORS Carol Chew Luther and Kim Zarfoss

If you are older than 70 ½ and have a traditional IRA, a QualiThed Charitable Distribution (QCD) is usually the number one way to give to the Masonic Children’s Home. You avoid tax on any amount given from your IRA to charity, which is like getting a f deduction. Yes, it’s more complicated than writing a check, but once you do, you wil never look back. lP ease contact fie M Charities O ce of Mission Advancement and Development (previously known as the O ce of iG lP anning) for a FREE QCD iK t, then talk to your advisor about dividing up your QCD among your favorite charities, including the Masonic Children’s H Remember, if you don’t need your Reuq ired Minimum Distribution, then turning it into a QCD is an added beneTht. Carol Chew is a Masonic Vil age resident who decided to create a QCD in support of the kids at the children’s home. Financ professionals suggested a QCD to her, and she decided to donate in memory of her husband, Charles. Charles and Carol met while golThng at Masonic Vil age, and were married for 15 years. Carol remembers Charles by his ge sel ess spirit and wanted to honor him. “He showed true kindness and was a beautiful person,” Carol said. “He had always loved children, having four sons of his mentored kids who faced di culties in his free time during retirement.” eW can help you create a QCD to achieve your goals w supporting our mission. lP ease contact us at 1-800-59-6454 or visit our website at www.MasonicCharitiesLegacy.org for more information. Everything we do for you comes with no cost or obligation.

The First Day of School



Joan Allen


Larry and Linda Brand

Barbara Kolchin

Sebastian David Burrier

David Burrier

Zella Dervin

Larry and Zella Phelabaum

Lori Dixon

Barbara Kolchin

Shaun Donmoyer

Barbara Kolchin

Doric Lodge No. 630

RobertandAnnaMarieusnirak K

Robert H. Glasser


Luke and Eli Schneider

Eleanor Schneider

Edward J. Stumm

Glenn and Laura Henry

Kaila and Reed Terwilliger

Shawn Terwilliger

Financia informa on about Masonic Vi age can be obtained by contac ng us at l 355 232 In addi on Masonic Chari es is re uired to fi e financia informa on with severa states Co orado Co orado residents may obtain copies of registra on and financia documents from the office of the Secretary of State •1 1 l52 0 l http www sos state co us F orida SC No 442 A COP OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION MA BE OBTAINED FROM THE DIVISION OF CONS MER SERVICES B CALLING TOLL FREE WITHIN THE STATE l HELP FLA Georgia fu and fair descrip on of the programs and ac vi es of Masonic Chari es and its financia statement are avai ab e upon re uest at the address indicated above I inois Contracts and reports regarding Masonic Chari es are on fi e with the I inois Attorney Genera Mary and For the cost of postage and copying documents and informa on fi ed under the Mary and charitab e organiza ons aws can be obtained from the Secretary of State Charitab e Division State House Annapo is MD 0 2 •l l03 23 Michigan MICS No 45 Mississippi The officia registra on and financia informa on of Masonic Chari es may be obtained from the Mississippi Secretary of State s office by ca ing lll 01 4 New Jersey INFORMATION FILED WITH THE ATTORNE GENERAL CONCERNING THIS CHARITABLE SOLICITATION AND THE PERCENTAGE OF CONTRIB TIONS RECEIVED B THE CHARIT D RING THE LAST REPORTING PERIOD THAT WERE DEDICATED TO THE CHARITABLE P RPOSE MA BE OBTAINED FROM THE ATTORNE GENERAL B CALLING •541 3 2 0 3 AND IS AVAILABLE ON THE INTERNET AT www njconsumeraffairs gov ocp htm charity REGISTRATION WITH THE ATTORNE GENERAL DOES NOT IMPL ENDORSEMENT New ork A copy of the atest annua report can be obtained from the organiza on or from the Office of the Attorney Genera by wri ng the Chari es Bureau 0 Broadway New ork N 04 North Caro ina Financia informa on about this organiza on and a copy of its icense are avai ab e from the State So icita on Licensing Branch at lll l1 25l5 Pennsy vania The officia registra on and financia informa on of Masonic Chari es may be obtained from the Pennsy vania Department of State by ca ing to free within Pennsy vania l 410 555 Virginia Financia statements are avai ab e from the State Office of Consumer Affairs P O Box 1 Richmond VA 010 l Washington The no ce of so icia on re uired by the Charitab e So icita on Act is on fi e with the Washington Secretary of State and informa on re a ng to financia affairs of Masonic Chari es is avai ab e from the Secretary of State and the to free number for Washington residents l 110 22l1 West Virginia West Virginia residents may obtain a summary of the registra on and financia documents from the Secretary of State State Capito Char eston WV 031 3 REGISTRATION IN THE ABOVE STATES DOES NOT IMPL ENDORSEMENT APPROVAL OR RECOMMENDATION OF MASONIC CHARITIES B THE STATE

Happy First Day of School from the Masonic Children’s Home! We’re excited to see all that our youth will achieve this school year.



FALL 2021





FALL 2021




Neva Allis


Bert Antes

Jennifer Perry

Edward M. Arnold, Sr.

Edward and Dorothy Arnold

Ralph Austin

Kirk Hinkley

Janice Bain

John Bain

Cynthia Beaver

Donald and Tina Marie Simington

Anne R. Berlin

Mary (Forrester) Hedglin

Thomas Senior

Sidney S. Hersh

Joel Hersh

Kirk S. Hinkley, Sr.

Kirk Hinkley

Chaplain Fredrick H. Hoffmann MargaretHoffmann Melvin M. Hollenbach

Dale Hollenbach

Gerald S. Hossler

Martha Hossler

Bermer L. Hummel

UnionSchoopopice P Officers

Janet F. Hyrb

Tim and Judy Farabaugh

Cheston Berlin

Carolyn Olivieri

Nancy Biehl

W. Clark Biehl

A. Everett U. and Myrtle H. Iander Carl and Laura Chegwidden

W. Dale Bissey


William M. Jackson

Mary Jackson

Donna L. Brandt

Jerry and Pat Kemmerer

Dale R. Jones

Carol Jones

Fred and Mary Jane Sample

Barbara M. Jordan

James Jordan

Daniel B. Breneman

Patricia Breneman

Thomas Kilduff

Keith Jones

Patricia A. Breneman

Fred and Nancy Klages

Peter and Eva Kolchin

Barbara Kolchin

Norman Brouse

Michael and Heather Dreese

David Krout


Edward G. Bryant III

Ethel Bryant

Arlene M. Landes

David Landes

Vida and Harry Burchfield

John and Carol Bream

Jerry Lemon, Jr.

Dwight and Brenda Nichols

William L. Burdick


John D. Lucas

Jane Lucas

Gaylon C. Cathcart

Michael and Barbara Cathcart

Michael MaGilton

Diane Pagliaro

Jack F. Cavendish

William Cavendish

Watson B. Maier

Adelaide Maier

William A. Chapman

Andrew and Doris Zelez

John David Marryman


Linda Cherris

Ann Finkbeiner

Jeff, Jason, and Natalie McGown JosephandBettyMcGown

Lucille C. Dowell


Anna Kolchin Mellin

Barbara Kolchin

Lena Eberly

Michael and Heather Dreese

Adam Miller

Larry Miller

Lewis G. Ebersole

Gerri Ebersole

Alex Nagy

Thomas Nagy

Doris Elanjian

Paul Elanjian

Daniel Padezanin

RichardandJudithMcEen w

Donald E. Eshelman

Norma Eshelman

Kathy A. Peifer

Kenneth Peifer

Carl M. Etzel


Paul B. Richards

Carol Meckley

Robert C. Forney

Gerald and Pat Kemmerer

Ellis F. Riebel


Phyllis Masenheimer

Helena R. Roberts


Fred and Mary Jane Sample

Alan and Elsie Saylor

Colemanville United Methodist Women

Norman Fox


DonegapChapterNo868E O 8S8

Jean Fuselier

Andrew and Doris Zelez

Bryan and Eileen Hill

Ruth Getz

Thomas Getz

Tom and Anna Hipple

Barry E. Hair

Gertrude Hair


Joan H. Hall

William Hall

James and Kay Miller

Bonnie Harding


Tammy Miller

Wesley and Caroline Hartman

Wesley and Patricia Hartman


David S. Hedglin

Thomas Senior

Northtpan…c A Team


MEMORIAL GIFTS Helena R. Roberts

Marie Stallbaum


Larry and Nancy Webster

Nancy Weikel

Tammy Whelan

Larry and Carol Wolford

Arline Rochkind

Shirley Lou Thomas

LeWayne E. Rottman


Robert J. Schmitt


Elaine S. Sertway

Jon Sertway

Dewey R. Showalter

Carol Showalter

June E. Smith



Frederick F. Stange

Carol Stange

Julian L. Sturgis, Jr.

William Strimple

Raymond “Mick” Styer

Whitey and Arlene Von Nieda

Henry E. Sulkowski

Margaret Sulkowski

George Vurdelja

Fred and Mary Jane Sample

Robert R. Walker


Edward O. Weisser

RobertandLouiseAuarter w

Noel Wenrich

David Newall and Judith Singer

Elaine Werkheiser

Jerry and Pat Kemmerer

Charles Werner


Ralph H. Wiley


Jennie Mae Williams

Paul and Nancy Williams

John C. Williams


John E. Ziegler

Jerry and Pat Kemmerer


FALL 2021

We have taken great care to ensure the accuracy and thoroughness of the names listed. If an error has been made, ppeasecontacttheffice O ofission M dvA ancementand evD epopmentattHHsdHsH6ext8d or by emailing giving@masonicvillages.org. Thank you.


MASONIC CHILDREN'S HOME Masonic Charities Office of Mission Advancement and Development One Masonic Drive • Elizabethtown, PA 17022-2219

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