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Senior Picnic 2023
The two graduating seniors, Breanne and Joy, enjoyed a picnic in their honor, attended by Masonic Children’s Home youth and staff members.

If you are older than 70 ½ and have a traditional IRA, a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) is usually the number one way to give to the Masonic Children’s Home. You avoid tax on any amount given from your IRA to charity, which is like getting a free tax deduction. your advisor about dividing up your QCD among your favorite charities, including the Masonic Children’s Home. Remember, if you don’t need your Required Minimum Distribution, then turning it into a QCD is an added benefit.
Carol Chew is resident who a QCD in at the children’s professionals to her, and she in memory Charles. Charles and golfing at and were years. Carol by his generous and wanted to “He showed was a beautiful “He had always having four and mentored difficulties during retirement.” We can help you create a QCD to achieve your goals while supporting our mission. Please contact us