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Youth Appreciation Day
A ballroom full of staff, family members, educators and donors watched as the 33 residents of the Masonic Children’s Home were celebrated for their academic, athletic and extracurricular achievements at the 98th annual Youth Appreciation Day.
deduction. Yes, it’s more complicated than writing a check, but once you do, you will never look back. Please contact The Masonic Charities Office of Mission Advancement and Development (previously known as the Office of Gift Planning) for a FREE QCD Kit, then talk a Masonic Village decided to create support of the kids home. Financial suggested a QCD decided to donate of her husband, Carol met while Masonic Village, married for 15 remembers Charles and selfless spirit honor him. true kindness and person,” Carol said. loved children, sons of his own kids who faced in his free time or obligation. you are older than 70 ½ and have a traditional IRA, a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) is usually the number one way to give to the Masonic Children’s Home. You avoid tax on any amount given from your IRA to charity, which is like getting a free tax deduction. Yes, it’s more complicated than writing a check, but once you do, you will never look back. Please contact The Masonic Charities Office of Mission Advancement and Development (previously known as the Office of Gift Planning) for a FREE QCD Kit, then to your advisor about dividing up your QCD among your favorite charities, including the Masonic Children’s Home. Remember, if you don’t need your Required Minimum Distribution, then turning it into a QCD is an added benefit.