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A Step in a New Direction
IT’S NO SECRET that health and wellness should be a priority in everyone’s life. Nor is it a surprise that the more convenient it is to exercise and live healthy, the more likely people are to participate in opportunities.
Adding to the wellness repertoire at Masonic Village at Dallas, CIP Rehabilitation now offers services on-site in the Irem Clubhouse, including physical, occupational, speech and massage therapy and a Senior Fit Club.
Outpatient rehabilitation services can assist after a hospitalization for an illness, injury or surgery, such as a hip or knee replacement. They can address pain management; generalized muscle weakness; arthritis management; a decrease in cognition or swallowing; poor aerobic conditioning related to hypertension, heart failure or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; and neurological conditions including Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis and dementia.
Rehabilitation is also ideal for strengthening and conditioning. Therapists can provide balance and coordination training, gait and ambulation training, and body mechanics and postural training, as well as recommendations for home or activity modifications and the use of durable medical equipment.
The Senior Fit Club meets every Wednesday and features chair and floor exercises that test an individual’s balance, including walking on dots and stepping over objects. Each exercise is repeated, and instructors encourage participants to work harder than they would if exercising independently.
“They push you a lot harder,” resident Bob Boone said. “There are some days I go home, and I know I used muscles I don’t normally use.”
“It’s important to keep everything moving,” resident Barbara Boone said. “You can’t sit in a chair and say, ‘I’m retired. I’m getting old.’ Then everything stops working. You have to keep moving. It helps when you come, and it’s fun to be with other people. It gives you some incentive. I wouldn’t exercise at home alone. I should, but I don’t.”

Started by brothers Anthony and Rich Cipoletti, CIP Rehabilitation offers services for Masonic Village residents and the greater community at their Irem Clubhouse location.
“Our primary focuses are health, wellness, mental and physical well-being and really getting people up and moving,” Rich said. “From a therapeutic standpoint, we address if they have pain, weaknesses, decreased range of motion, balance issues or any other deficits,” Rich said.
“The ultimate goal is to reduce hospitalizations and improve daily function to promote better quality of life,” Anthony said.
“We’re always exploring ways to expand options for our residents,” Noah Davis, executive director, said. “Our goal is to offer convenient opportunities for them to be as active and engaged as they want.”