IS-IT Project Office set-up in complex environment. A post-merger case (PRAGMATICA MC)

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BigCORP Post-Merger IS/IT Project Office Mission and Operating principles PRAGMATICA Management Consulting


This document proposes an approach focused on answering some of the main merger IS/IT challenges from a pragmatic point of view Document contents

… Some of the main BigCORP Integration IS/IT requirements

The merger and challenges for IS/IT management

What can help in this situation?

Value proposition of a Project Office

Why will it be useful?

Project Office Mission and principal functions

How is it going to work?

… and, What is next?

Project Office operating principles Organizational implications

Setting up the Project Office Next steps

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Table of Contents


The merger and challenges for IS/IT management


Value proposition of a Project Office


Project Office Mission and principal functions


Project Office operating principles


Organizational implications


Setting up the Project Office


Next steps

PRAGMATICA Management Consulting



BigCORP has to face and integrate an increased number of complex IS/IT projects to be delivered on time and budget, as part of the great merger challenge A highly complex merger project…  Merger to be completed in a 24 month horizon focusing on the challenges of…  Business continuity  Synergies to capture  Organizational change  High complexity of the merger project  several parties  International setting  Considerable differences in company culture  To date, no central integration management

… and a difficult context for IS/IT service delivery  IS/IT related projects are critical to the success of the merger  IS/IT projects contributing to the merger are fragmented in terms of owners, deadlines, size, complexity and impact  Business sense of ongoing projects may be affected by the merger and need to be re-evaluated  Many important IS/IT merger projects are transversal (corporate, cross sector, cross BU)  IS/IT resources do not match the transversal scope of projects, mainly decentralized and reporting to business

IS/IT to deliver an increased number of complex projects on time and on budget   

Complex mix of projects driven by the business transformation Risk of delay due to dependencies and IS/IT resource availability Budget risk due to redundancies, overlapping and external contracting

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The challenge is relevant at all IS/IT levels, but a corporate perspective is necessary to making a reality possible cross-sector synergies in knowledge, organization, information and costs Management Board

Synergies never materialize on their own. Their achievement must be managed IS/IT Steering Committee

Sector Head

DG Platform

Sector Head

Information Systems Planning

Sector vision


BU Head

Corporate vision

BU Head

Information Systems Services and Resources

Plant Head

IS/IT project

IS/IT project

IS/IT project

IS/IT project

Sector vision will be a success factor, pivotal as per market realities, but a transversal vision of the activity across different sectors / businesses is also necessary in order to manage the achievement of synergies.

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Specifically, project development presents information, monitoring and management needs on a “corporate perspective” level 

Which projects and who’s responsible?

With what priority?

Which resources?

What’s the cross-sector impact?

Are there redundancies?

Can different BUs profit?

BigCORP Merger: IS/IT scenario New requirements New Organization

On-going projects New projects

Corporate requirements

Align projects with IS/IT strategy and identify critical projects

Rely on an “information hub” with standard information

Have elements for assessment in order to establish mapping of priorities

Facilitate & Monitor progress of transversal and critical projects

Identify redundancies

Which projects, what’s their priority and who’s responsible?

What resources do I provide / receive for corporate projects?

How can I take advantage of other sectors’ achievements?

Are arbitration facilities between projects / sectors available?

Can I access up-to-date information on “state of the art” for projects in other sectors and projects which may affect me?

Sector/Business requirements

 Coordination with

projects in other sectors and standards for

monitoring  Be

aware of and follow critical projects with transversal impact

 Access

to achievements in other sectors, that can be used in my own sector

 Identify


 Possibility for  Rely


on an “information hub” with standard information

facilitate project development and “service delivery”, prioritizing critical projects and maximizing synergy exploitation PRAGMATICA Management Consulting


Table of Contents


The merger and challenges for IS/IT management


Value proposition of a Project Office


Project Office Mission and principal functions


Project Office operating principles


Organizational implications


Setting up the Project Office


Next steps

PRAGMATICA Management Consulting



Creating a Project Office will substantially facilitate the identification and management of inter-sector questions of interest for BigCORP

Transversal and cross-business/function projects… Domain  HR  Purchasing  Accounting  …

…monitored by the Project Office support

Organization  Flat Carbon  Long Carbon  Stainless  …

IS/IT Steering Committee

Transversal  Network  …

Report on Sector level

Merger issues, quick wins, synergies…

  

Issue Quick Win Synergy


Report on Corporate level



Project Office

Resolution /Capture

Task Force Ad Hoc Mission

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Critical Project

Critical Project

Critical Project

Monitor Progress



Having a Project Office adds value for all stakeholders of the projects

Sector & BU CIO’s Information Systems Planning Information Systems Services and Resources

… providing transparency on critical projects in decentralized service Business Owner / Leader delivery … helping to ensure delivery of critical projects

 

Project managers

IS/IT Project Manager

… providing an “information hub” … supporting and providing standard principles of monitoring & reporting

 

DG Platform Sector CIO’s

IS/IT Steering Committee

… informational and project monitoring support to facilitate the task of coordinating sector and corporate visions

 

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Transparency on interdependent projects and option for coordination Assistance for the identification of issues in a changing environment A direct and efficient way to communicate issues and ask for decision Promoting arbitrage when necessary

Information efficiency  Action oriented synthesis  Filtering of project-related information Transparency on interdependencies, resource usage Identification of eventual redundancies

Early recognition of issues and risks leading to resolution Information efficiency  Decision oriented reporting  Filtering of project-related information Transparency on progress


Table of Contents


The merger and challenges for IS/IT management


Value proposition of a Project Office


Project Office Mission and principal functions


Project Office operating principles


Organizational implications


Setting up the Project Office


Next steps

PRAGMATICA Management Consulting



The Project Office’s mission is to provide service to the direct “stakeholders” of the projects in order to facilitate decision making

  


Principal functions

Direct stakeholders

Ensure coordination and follow-up of IS/IT critical projects Ensure transversal coordination of projects Identify and facilitate arbitrage on conflicts/trade-offs between isolated projects Provide transparency on risks and initiate early mitigation

Business Owners / Leaders

Project Managers

IS/IT Steering Committee

Represent the “information hub” for the program 


For whom?

Facilitate and monitor progress 


How so?

Ensure “information efficiency” by consolidating the project reporting Harmonize and share project-related information

On demand, support project managers in integrating with other projects, on methodology aspects or planning of project

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Project Office’s mission concentrates on project delivery, but its activities provide transparency to assist throughout the project lifecycle Project Office support

Project lifecycle Project Office services


Conceive 

Project Office provides support on demand in project planning  Methodology  Resources with required skills (having participated in similar projects)

 

Project Office provides standard templates Project Office provides information that allows stakeholders to quickscan arcelor environment to identify project alternatives before qualification  Project interdependencies  Project overlap or redundancies  Possible synergies, integration with other projects

Project Office focus

Project Office support


Evaluate and Learn

Project Office provides standard templates and tool for monitoring and reporting Project Office directly monitors and reports on critical projects Project Office provides support on demand in project management Project Office serves as a channel for communication  Escalates issues  Provides information for decision-making

 

Project Office promotes data base Project Office supports objectives tracking for success/failure qualification Project Office provides information for continuous improvement measures Project Office monitors and reports on task forces that implement improvement measures

Projects must be managed in coherence with the BigCORP principle of subsidiarity, with Project Office interacting at relevant levels to add value through transparency and monitoring PRAGMATICA Management Consulting



Table of Contents


The merger and challenges for IS/IT management


Value proposition of a Project Office


Project Office Mission and principal functions


Project Office operating principles


Organizational implications


Setting up the Project Office


Next steps

PRAGMATICA Management Consulting



The Project Office operating principles can be described by answering a number of key questions  Which projects will be on the Project Office radar ?

 How to register new

projects ?

 What are the roles of the Project Office organization ?  How does the Project Office

communicate with the different stakeholders ?

 Which information is managed by the Project Office ?  What do « monitoring » and « reporting » mean ?

 Which tools can be used by the Project Office?

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Which projects will be on the Project Office radar?

The Project Office will primarily monitor those projects approved by the Steering Committee Criteria for qualifying a critical project 

Projects approved by the Steering Committee Projects

Approved by IS/IT SC


size > ____ Euros


Monitored by IS/IT SC

with cross-sector or cross-functional scope

whose non-completion pose an operational risk

Projects relying on resources loaned by other sectors

Those projects, new or ongoing, defined as such “on demand” Projects By

“visible” at board level

a member of IS/IT Steering Committee

IS/IT Steering Committee must approve and publish criteria determining which projects must be submitted to the Steering Committee •Must have a clear guideline for acting •Decentralized Service Delivery staff must understand which projects must be reported PRAGMATICA Management Consulting


How to register new projects ?


Process for qualifying a critical project

•Sector CIO /ISSR/ ISR (Owner/Leader) •Project Manager •Project Office Interact “directly” around the project

Proposes On-going projects

•Management Board •Sector CIO •ISSR / ISP •Project Office

Qualifies (Approves)

Project Qualification (*)

New projects

•Management Board •Sector CIO •ISSR / ISP

IS/IT Steering Sector CIO (*) Committee Owner /Leader

IS/IT Steering Committee

Critical Project

Critical Project

IS/IT Steering Committee

Project Manager Manager / Delivery

Project Office Monitoring & Reporting support

(*) Or ISSR or ISP

dossier Project Qualification (*)

The project begins to be monitored by the Project Office

ISP: Information Systems Planning. ISSR: Information Systems Services & Resources

(*) See next slide

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