De Waterpoort

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FACADE DESIGN REPORT By Sophia Kouvela and Pragya Chauhan

MEGA team 8: De Waterpoort

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MEGA team 8: De Waterpoort

Table of Content 3. Facade Design 3.1 Introduction

3.2 Building Concept Landmark Future Proof Community Driven 3.3 Context and Climate 3.4 Design Process 3.5 Facade Concept Facade Overview Functional Integration 3.6 High Rise Functions and Goals Climate and Optimization Visual Impression Detailed Drawings Variations Structure and Installation Maintenance 3.7 Low Rise Functions and Goals Climate and Optimization Visual Impression Detailed Drawings Variations Structure and Installation Maintenance 3.8 The Green Band Details Visual Impression 3.9 The Atrium Functions and Goals Visual Impression Details 3.10 Reflection 3.11 References 3.12 Appendix

MEGA team 8: De Waterpoort

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1.1. Introduction

‘De Waterpoort’ was the outcome of 10 weeks of a collaborative effort among the different disciplines of architecture, facade design, climate design, computation design, structure design and management. It is a 150 meters high, 37 floor mixed use building and is located in the M4H area of Rotterdam. The base of the tower contains the functions such as the distribution center, data center, robotics lab and the offices, whereas the high rise part contains the functions of hotel and housing. At the core of our design is the idea of community. The building should integrate the shared public spaces wherever possible so as to create the feeling of a community and it should be future ready regardless of its complex functional program.

1.2. Building Concept

As facade designers, we imagined creating a building envelope which complimented the architectural form of the building as well as the overall vision.

1.2.1. Landmark

To create a landmark, we wanted to emphasize the verticality of the tower as much as possible. For the envelope to reflect the fluidity, we use composition of horizontal lines on the facade which differ in material and opacity.

1.2.2. Future Proof

To be ‘future proof’, we interpret it as being adaptable to different functional, climatic needs that might arise in the future. For this, it should be possible to easily renovate the facade in 20-30 years’ time, or replace parts of the facade that have been damaged. This can be fulfilled by having a facade which is connected to the structure using dismountable connections so that it can be removed easily. Moreover, there would be a need to reduce customizations as much as possible so that it is easier to manufacture and also replace if need arises in the future. Thus, designing the envelope around the building’s irregular shape was one of the key challenges we faced in the project. After much deliberation, we chose to design a facade which is recessed in the irregular part of the building such that it forms the second layer of visibility. In this way, we could still design a modular facade with largely standard, and prefabricated elements.

1.2.3. Community Driven

The facade needed to support the overall vision of creating a ‘community’. We provided for this in the form of shared and private spaces on most floors of the building. Some examples of these are created at various instances. First, the atrium, which is almost a covered outdoor square. This space acts as a transition between the two plazas and hence the facade is designed to be as transparent as possible, with a large focus on the internal walls covered with artwork. Secondly, the facade at the junction of the low rise and the tower is recessed to accommodate greenery and garden space. Thirdly, on all floors of the tower, the terraces become shared and private outdoor spaces which can be used by the residents of the building. The facade in these places is designed to allow great views of the city.

Figure 3.1. View of the building from the South East (on the right)

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MEGA team 8: De Waterpoort

MEGA team 8: De Waterpoort

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1.3. Context and Climate

Figure 3.2. Daily horizontal irradiation in a year

Figure 3.3. Ambient and ground termperature in a year

Figure 3.4. Wind speed in a year

Figure 3.5. Cloud cover in a year

Figure 3.6. Daily rainfall in a year

Figure 3.7. Atmospheric pressure in a year

Rotterdam presents difficult climatic conditions which had to be tackled while designing the building envelope. The city experiences significant rainfall, approximately 835mm annually and a high relative humidity. It also has a high solar irradiation especially in the summer months - because of this we decided to provide for natural ventilation in most functions. This was a challenge due to the presence of high speed winds throughout the year. The design development was done in close coordination with the climate engineer so as to achieve a high comfort level, with integration of building physics, fire safety and building service.

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Figure 3.8. Sun radiation on the building from the South East and North West side respectively (Refer COD)

Figure 3.9. Wind speeds around the building as seen from the South East and North West side respectively (Refer CLD)

The sun radiation analysis on the facade showed that the south west facade received more than 900 kWh/m2 radiation, thus ideal for planning BIPV (Building Integrated Photovoltaics) in the facade. For the low rise, the functions were located based on this radiation analysis. The wind speed analysis showed that the wind speed significantly increased after 70m height. These observations were important for us to come up with different concepts for the different parts of the building.

MEGA team 8: De Waterpoort

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1.4. Design Process 1.4.1. Week 1

In week 1, together with the entire team we discussed the vision for the entire project. With this in mind, we came up with some strategies for the facade design. These were • Circular design - design for modularity, design for disassembly • Use of low embodied energy materials • Use of bio or recycled materials • Storage and use of rainwater • Easy maintenance for replacement and end of life • Sun shading strategies on the glass elements, to reduce energy consumption • Use of PV panels to produce energy

1.4.2. Week 2

In week 2, we came up with some sketches as an initial design vision. Option 1 was reducing the transparency on the facade depending on the functions and Option 2 was reducing the transparency on the sun and wind factors. Eventually, we decided to go ahead with Option 1 which would allow more standardised facade elements. We also discussed how we will integrate the green elements and shading elements. We determined that the green elements will not be used on the whole facade but only as a ‘strip’. We also determined that the shading elements will be horizontal extensions of the floor slabs instead of additional vertical elements. In this week, we also contributed to the massing of the building and developed design ideas for the same.

Figure 3.10. Option 1

Figure 3.12. Initial volume distribution

Figure 3.11. Option 2

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MEGA team 8: De Waterpoort

1.4.3. Week 3

In week 3, after the pin up presentation, we finalised a massing option which had only one tower. The functional distribution was also fixed and hence we developed the facade and appearance visually, resulting in 3 options of the facade. For each function, we determined the basic wall to window ratio, appearance in terms of material, and functionality such as openable windows or possibility terraces, etc. Although we were considering the use of copper or corten steel, we found that it would require a lot of customisation on the facade, thus reducing the modularity and standardised elements.

Figure 3.13. Option 1

Figure 3.14. Option 2

Figure 3.15. Option 3

Figure 3.16. Preliminary facade concept with respect to functions

MEGA team 8: De Waterpoort

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1.4.4. Week 4

In week 4, we further developed the facade in relation to the functions. We came up with the ideal window to wall ratios in collaboration with the climate engineer. These facade types were then placed on the form of the building to get a first elevation. We also made sketches to introduce design aspects such as fluidity and integrate the aesthetic and functional aspects of the building.

Figure 3.17. Facade impression

Figure 3.18. Facade Impression

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MEGA team 8: De Waterpoort

1.4.5. Week 5

By week 5 we had determined the type of facade used in the building in regard to unitised and stick systems. We also came up with two facade elevations, and the variations of the panels used in these elevations. These panels consisted of transparent and opaque surfaces and were developed using a grid logic. We had also now started to collaborate with the climate engineer and the computational designer on more detailed aspects of the design such as length of slab extension, location of PV elements on the panel, amount of surface openings for ventilation, etc.

Figure 3.19. South elevation and North elevation

Figure 3.20. Different facade systems used in the building and corresponding panels

MEGA team 8: De Waterpoort

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1.4.6. Week 6 and 7

In week 6 and 7, we split the design of the two parts of the building. One facade designer developed details for the double skin facade on the low rise part of the building in close collaboration with the climate engineer. The second facade designer developed the details of the high rise facade panels in close collaboration with the computational designer. In these weeks, we also modelled the building on Revit to integrate the disciplines of architecture, structure and facade fully. Problem areas were identified and then resolved with the respective disciplines. This is explained in further sections of the report.

1.4.7. Week 8 and 9

In week 8 and 9, we developed the 1:5 scale typical details of the facade. We discussed aspects of building physics, maintenance and installation and also modelled the individual panels on Rhino. The whole process required a lot of prior research in detail level design and also studying the facade products already available in the market. We made decisions regarding material used in the profiles, and revised the facade system used in the buildings. Thereafter we prepared for the final presentation. This is explained in further sections of the report.

1.4.8. Week 10 and 11

Week 10, 11 were spent in making graphics, visual representations and writing the report.

1.5. Facade Concept

This section explains the aesthetic and functional aspects that were considered while designing.

1.5.1. Facade Overview

Visually, the facade is designed to appear ‘heavy’ on the bottom and lighter, more sculptural as it goes higher. The facade will be autonomous and the structure will not be visually integrated with the main facade. The facade is split into three main types. The low-rise consists of a unitised curtain wall and a double skin facade, while the high-rise consists of unitised mega panels with balcony access. Within the low rise, the facade envelops the functions of offices, data center, mixed use plaza, robotics lab, workshops and exhibition center. Within the high rise, the facade envelops the functions of housing and hotels.

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Mega Panels (Unitized) Curtain Wall (Unitized) Double Skin (Stick)

Figure 3.21. Facade systems (South East)

Mega Panels (Unitized)

Curtain Wall (Unitized)

Figure 3.22. Facade systems (North West)

MEGA team 8: De Waterpoort

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1.5.2. Integration with Functions

Figure 3.24. Requirements of the Climate


Conference rooms Hotel rooms with shared spaces in the middle Shared roof terrace; green and PVs Lobby Restaurant Offices wrapping around data center and robotics labs

Entrance hotel and apartments

Robotics spaces with atelier around

Café and lunch room

Figure 3.23. Function distribution in the building (Refer AR)

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MEGA team 8: De Waterpoort

and Facade disciplines for each function

We expect the combination of the different and very diverse functions of the building to impact the facade as well. Each function is characterised by a different need for natural light and openness or privacy. The lower levels that include functions that do not require a lot of natural light will be characterized by a more obvious relation of the boundaries between opaque and glazed elements. While in the upper levels, where a fragmentation of the floor plan in smaller spaces takes place, a more different relation between that transparent and opaque surfaces can be explored. We came up with a basic list of ‘requirements’ of the facade in collaboration with the climate designer early in the design process.

MEGA team 8: De Waterpoort

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1.6. High Rise

Visually, the facade is designed to appear ‘heavy’ on the bottom and lighter, more sculptural as it goes higher. The facade will be autonomous and the structure will not be visually integrated with the main facade. The facade is split into three main types. The low-rise consists of a unitised curtain wall and a double skin facade, while the high-rise consists of unitised mega panels with balcony access. Within the low rise, the facade envelops the functions of offices, data center, mixed use plaza, robotics lab, workshops and exhibition center. Within the high rise, the facade envelops the functions of housing and hotels.

1.6.1. Functions and Goals

As a first principle we wanted to create a facade typology that breaks down the myth that all high rise buildings need to have fully glazed facades. Hence, we opted for an optimised window to wall ratio according to the function and orientation. The ratios derived from a collaboration between the climate and computational designer in order to make sure that the desired daylight and views are achieved while overheating is avoided. Moreover, an important aspect that we wanted to integrate in this face typology is the use of building integrated photovoltaic panels as the south and west facades of the high rise part of the building can absorb a lot of unobstructed sunlight making them ideal for energy harnessing. After meticulous research on ways in which we can create unitised facade panels that combine windows, opaque parts and photovoltaic integration we decided to create a so-called “Mega Panel” of 10 m wide and of floor height subdivided in a way that follows the architectural and structural grid. The main principle behind the technical aspects of this panel is the combination of a rainscreen facade with conventional double glazed windows with aluminium frames. The integration of the pv panels is in the use of the cladding. The main advantages of this panel is the combination of traditional building techniques in an innovative way of creating a prefabricated unitised panel with very low u-values for the opaque elements and the use of photovoltaic elements in a way that can easily be maintained and replaced. The connections of the panels on the building structure is made on site using typical curtain wall facade panel anchors on the top and bottom of the slab that facilitate the connection while allowing for tolerances and movements of the panels.

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MEGA team 8: De Waterpoort

MEGA team 8: De Waterpoort

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1.6.2. Facade Logic

Despite being a curved building shape, we developed the facade to be in straight lines such that it is easier to develop floor plans in a standard manner. This gave us varying widths in the balconies, and varying lengths of the facade. For the sake of uniformity and standardization, we developed the facade panel following the structure grid of 10m x 5m. One full Mega panel would therefore be 10m long and 3.6m wide. A half panel would be 5m x 3.6m in size. There would also be corner panels that would be available in sizes 2.5m, 1.25m to cover the length of the facade.

















Figure 3.25. Integration of the facade panel grid with the architecture and structure, for typical housing and hotel level 1




1.6.3. Climate and Optimization

For developing this facade, we collaborated with the Computational Designer to suggest ways in 1 optimizing the window to wall ratio. This was done with an aim to achieve maximum daylight and views while reducing the solar gains. We also extruded the slabs here so as to provide shading on the facade. 10 Thereafter, the ideal locations for the PV panels was also optimized. This was the primary basis of the desgin of the Mega panel. 1

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MEGA team 8: De Waterpoort Offices

Figure 3.26. Optimizing the extrusion of the slab to reduce / break wind force (Refer COD)

Figure 3.27. Optimizing the height of solid panel, with respect to view (Refer COD)

Figure 3.28. Optimizing the window to wall ratio with respect to sun radiation (Refer COD)

Figure 3.29. Optimizing the window to wall ratio, and louvers with respect to daylgiht (Refer COD)

MEGA team 8: De Waterpoort

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1.6.4. Variations

3.602.00 The optmization by the computation designer was done separately for he Hotel and Housing building envelope. And within this, there was a different optimization for the South and East facade, and a different one for the North and West facade. In this section, we show the panels that were developed as a result of the following window to wall ratio. 0.90





South and East 0.60





North and West 0.75



0.5 - 0.53











Figure 3.30. Basic dimensions of the Mega panel in Hotel floors


2.00 3.60









Figure 3.31. Basic dimensions of the Mega panel in Housing floors


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MEGA team 8: De Waterpoort

Figure 3.32. Mega Panel, Hotel - North and West Facade

Figure 3.33. Mega Panel, Housing - North and West Facade

Figure 3.34. Mega Panel, Housing - South and East Facade

Figure 3.35. Mega Panel, Hotel - South and East Facade

MEGA team 8: De Waterpoort

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1.6.5. Facade Impression

Figure 3.36. Impression of the bu

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uilding envelope around housing

MEGA team 8: De Waterpoort

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1.6.6. Detailed Drawings

Figure 3.37. Mega Panel 1:20 Detail

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Figure 3.38. Double Skin Panel Isometric View

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02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Figure 3.39. Mega Panel 1:5 Vertical Detail

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LEGEND 01 Window Sill 02 Cavity 30 mm 03 Pv Cladding 04 Rainscreen Cladding Anchor 05 Vapor Permeable Foil 0.20 mm 06 Rainscreen Anchor 07 Mineral Wool Insulation 150 mm 08 Vapor Retainer Foil 0.20 mm 09 Plasterboard Sheathing 12.5 mm 10 Mineral Wool Insulation 100 mm 11 Plasterboard Sheathing 2x12.5 mm 12 Steel Frame Track 2mm thickness 13 Slab Anchor

19 20

14 Metal Sheet for concrete slab tolerances 15 Precast Steel Channel 16 Concrete Slab 17 Sealant 18 Thermal Break


19 Ventilation Trickle 20 Aluminium Openable Window Frame 21 Double Glazing with Cavity

Figure 3.40. Mega Panel 1:5 Vertical Detail

MEGA team 8: De Waterpoort

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LEGEND 01 Steel Frame Vertical Stud 2 mm thickness 02 Aluminium Frame Openable Window 03 Interior Window Sill 04 Double Glazing with Cavity 05 Exterior Window Sill

Figure 3.41. Mega Panel 1:5 Horizontal Detail

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LEGEND 01 Plasterboard Sheathing 2x12.5 mm 02 Mineral Wool Insulation 100 mm 03 Plasterboard Sheathing 12.5 mm 04 Vapor Retainer Foil 0.20 mm 05 Mineral Wool Insulation 150 mm 06 Steel Frame Vertical Stud 2mm thickness 07 Rainscreen Anchor 08 Vapor Permeable Foil 0.20 mm 09 Cavity 30 mm 10 Horizontal Rainscreen Anchor 11 Pv Cladding Figure 3.42. Mega Panel 1:5 Horizontal Detail

MEGA team 8: De Waterpoort

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1.6.7. Installation and Assembly Order

01. Building Structure

02. Thermal Break Installation and Balcony connection

04 and 05. Metal Frame Assembly

06. Exterior Sheathing

09. Insulation Between Metal Studs and rainscreen

10. Facade Panel Anchors Installation

13. Pv Cladding

14. Horizontal louvres

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03. Facade Panel Anchor Installation on Slab

07 and 08. Rainscreen Anchors Installation

11. Horizontal Rainscreen Anchors Installation

04 and 05. Metal Frame Assembly

07 and 08. Rainscreen Anchors Installation

12. Window Frames, Glazing and Sill Installation

15. Connection of MEGA PANEL to building Structure via anchors MEGA team 8: De Waterpoort

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1.6.8. Materials and Products

SCHÜCO AWS 75.SI+ U value of 1.2 W/(m2K)

Mineral Wool Insulation 100 mm (R value: 2.50) Mineral Wool Insulation 150 mm (R value: 3.75) Total R value of opaque parts: 6.25

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Matinex Power Harvesting Facade Cladding

Matinex Power Harvesting Facade Cladding

MEGA team 8: De Waterpoort

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1.6.9. Maintenance

For the maintenance of the tower, we separate the structure into two parts. The South, East and the West facade are fairly straight and will be cleaned and maintained by the building maintenance unit (BMU) installed at the top of the high rise building. This BMU will be mounted on rails so that they can move along the perimeter of the tower slab. The working platforms can be attached to the BMU and then can descend along the height of the tower. The North facade of the tower is sloped but also has terraces which allow access to the facade on the outside. The system xxxx by xxxx will be a suitable fit in this situation. Being a unitized system, the facade panels can be demounted and replaced if needed.

Accessed per floor

Accessed from the BMU on top of tower

Figure 3.43. Maintenance Plan from the South East and North West views

Figure 3.44. Roof traversing BMU by XS Platforms (

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Figure 3.45. View of the facade from the South direction

Figure 3.46. View of the facade from the South-East direction, showing the extruded slabs

MEGA team 8: De Waterpoort

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1.7. Low Rise 1

The low rise part of the building was designed to be a solid ‘base’ on which the sculptural tower rests. Since there were a lot of functions with different climatic requirements, we decided to use one facade system overall which would result in a uniform facade. In the appearance, we tried to create different patterms by varying transparencies of the panels - clear, translucent and solid. Housing


1.7.1. Functions and Goals 1/2

For the facade enveloping the offices on the South and West side, the climate engineer proposed 5 use of a climate facade. For the data center, we wanted a solid facade with minimum use of glass and for the robotics lab, a translucent facade which would show the activity of the users and machines inside 1 without compromising on the privacy. 1/2



1.7.2. Facade Logic

The panels that we use in this part of the facade are standard 5m in size and 3.6m or 4.2 m in height. The corner panels are 2.5m and 1.25m in size. These were integrated with the structure and Hotel architecture grid as far as possible to encourage modularity.









Figure 3.47. Integration of the facade panel grid with the architecture and structure, for typical office floor level

1.7.3. Climate and Optimization

The double skin facade was developed with the entire indoor comfort scenario in mind. It combines radiant floor heating and cooling, natural ventilation, and conditioned air (hot and cold) through a mechanical system. This is best represented in the graphics below.

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Figure 3.48. Summer climate concept (Refer CLD)

Figure 3.49. Winter climate concept (Refer CLD)

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1.7.4. Variations

The panels vary only in terms of the infill material and not the basic composition. The main panel of the offices is made of completely transparent glass 6-12-8 [mm]. The robotics lab used translucent glass and the data center uses a lightweight fiber cement board. Variations to this main system is generated to create patterns on the facade.


3.60 3.00



2.50 5.00

Figure 3.50. Basic dimensions of the Curtain Wall panel in the low rise part of building

Figure 3.51. Weights of the fully glazed and fully solid panel

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Figure 3.52. Curtain Wall Panels - Offices, Data Center and Fabrication Lab

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1.7.5. Facade Impression

Figure 3.53. Impression of the buildi

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ing envelope around fabrication lab

MEGA team 8: De Waterpoort

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1.7.6. Detailed Drawings

Figure 3.54. Mega Panel 1:20 Detail

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Figure 3.55. Mega Panel Isometric View

MEGA team 8: De Waterpoort

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02 03 04 05

06 07 08 09

LEGEND 01 Curtain Wall Transom 02 Insulated Sandwitch Panel 03 Rockzero Insulation 100 mm 04 Plasterboard Sheathing 12.5 mm 05 Rockzero Insulation 30 mm 06 Curtain Wall Mullion Anchor 07 Curtain Wall Slab Anchor 08 Cast-in Steel Channel 09 Concrete Slab

Figure 3.56. Curtain Panel 1:5 Vertical Detail

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02 03 04





LEGEND 01 Curtain Wall Slab Anchor 02 Curtain Wall Mullion Anchor 03 Cast-in Steel Channel 04 Curtain Wall Mullion 05 Rockzero Insulation 30 mm 06 Plasterboard Sheathing 12.5 mm 07 Rockzero Insulation 100 mm 08 Insulated Sandwitch Panel

Figure 3.57. Curtain Panel 1:5 Horizontal Detail

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1.7.7. Installation and Assembly Order

01. Building Structure

02. Anchor Installation

03. Mounting of Facade Panels on Anchors

04. Raised Floor studs

05. Floor Finish and Spanderel insulation

06. Installed Panel

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Figure 3.58. Tolerances in the Curtain Panel fixing

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1.7.8. Facade Impression

Figure 3.59. Impression of the buildi

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ing envelope around fabrication lab

MEGA team 8: De Waterpoort

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1.7.9. Detailed Drawings

Figure 3.60. Double Skin Panel 1:20 Detail

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Figure 3.61. Double Skin Panel Isometric View

MEGA team 8: De Waterpoort

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01 02 03 04

05 06 07 08 09

Figure 3.62. Double Skin Panel 1:5 Vertical Detail

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LEGEND 01 Double Glazing with Cavity 02 Curtain Wall Transom 03 Ventilation Grilles 04 Ventilation Box 05 Concrete Slab 04 Cast-in Steel Channel 04 Curtain Wall Mullion 05 Rockzero Insulation 30 mm 06 Plasterboard Sheathing 12.5 mm 07 Curtain Wall Mullion Anchor 08 Insulated Sandwitch Panel 09 Rockzero Insulation 100 mm 10 Double Skin Connector 11 Double Skin Maintenance Walkway 12 Single Glazing 13 Curtain Wall Second Skin Transom

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LEGEND 01 Cast-in Steel Channel 02 Curtain Wall Mullion 03 L-Shaped Mullion Anchor 04 Double Glazing with Cavity 05 Double Skin Maintenance Walkway 06 Single Glazing 07 Curtain Wall Second Skin Mullion

Figure 3.63. Double Skin Panel 1:5 Horizontal Detail

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Figure 3.64. Tolerances in the fixing of the double skin facade

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1.7.10. Installation and Assembly Order

01. Facade Anchors

02. Mullion Installation

05. Transoms

06. Double Glazing and Spandrel

10. Outer Skin Mullions 09. Outer Skin Mullions


14. Finished Double Skin 13. Outer Skin Single Glazing 3. 56

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03. Mullion Connection

04. Next Floor Mullions

07. Finished inner skin

08. Double Skin Connecting Element

11. Next Floor Outer Skin

12. Outer Skin Transoms


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1.7.11. Maintenance

The low-rise facade is maintained in a different way than the high-rise. The panels behind the outer skin of the double skin facade are accessible from the inside using maintenance walkways. The outermost facade, along with the curtain wall system on the rest of the facade can be reached by cranes from the plaza on the periphery of the building. For this purpose and for fire hazard reasons, this area is kept completely free. The ‘green strip’ allows easy maintenance since it is accessible from the intermediate roof of the building.

Accessed through mobile crane on street

Access per floor and from crane on street

Figure 3.65. Maintenance Plan from the South East and North West views

Figure 3.66. Haulotte HA15IP articulated boom lift. HA15IP_lift.jpg

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Figure 3.67. Techincal details of Haulotte HA15IP articulated boom lift.

MEGA team 8: De Waterpoort

Figure 3.68. View of the facade from the South direction

Figure 3.69. View of the facade from the West direction, showing the envelope around the data center

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1.8. The Green Band

In the two intermediate floors, the ‘green band’ is only visible as a solid balustrade which also integrates a planter. Here, the window-wall facade is recessed by 2.5m.

1.8.1. Details


Walkway or PVs on struts


e Level



Build-up balustrade (top-bottom): -vegetation -(erosion control blanket) -planting soil -filter faric -drainage deck -waterproof membrane -cavity between timber columns -200mm pressure proof insulation material

Build-up green roof (top-bottom) -vegetation -(erosion control blanket) -planting soil -filter fabric -drainage deck (dimpled plastic sheet to prevent root growth and to store rainwater) -waterproof membrane -200mm pressure proof insulation material -140mm metal deck/concrete floor -440mm concrete beams with ducts between

Figure 3.70. Schematic section of the green roof and balustrade [Refer AR]

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1.8.2. Facade Impression

Figure 3.75. View of the facade from the South direction

Figure 3.76. View of the intermediate green level

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Figure 3.77. View of green intermedia

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ate level from the inside of the facade

MEGA team 8: De Waterpoort

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1.9. Atrium

The atrium is the key aspect of the building in terms of the architecture. It acts as a transition space - almost like a covered outdoor square - which will attract visitors into the building and connect the two urban plazas in the north and south of the building.

Figure 3.78. View of the at

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1.9.1. Functions and Goals

The facade had to be designed to have maximum transparency and seamless connections, to support the architectural concept of the atrium. The interior of the atrium has 3 walkways which are suspended from the structural trusses above, and large artwork on the walls which will engage the visitors walking through.

trium from the South plaza

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1.9.2. Facade Impression

The facade in the atrium is a cablenet facade that is inspired from the facade of Markthal in Rotterdam. The cables along with the suspension system was designed primarily by the structure team. Since the space is more related to the outdoors than the interior of the building, the aesthetics were prioritized over the building physics aspects. As facade designers, we gave the specification for the glass, which will be clear, heat-strengthened float glass. Each unit will comprise two glass panes of 6 millimeters. To make the facades as transparent as possible, no coating was applied to the glass. The total size of one side of the atrium facade is 35 x 28 [m]. Individual glass panels will be 1.25 x 1.25 [m] in size.



Figure 3.79. View of atrium elevation

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1.9.3. Details

mm thick glass

mm thick glass Figure 3.80. Cable net facade, Markthal, Rotterdam

Figure 3.81. Cable net facade, Markthal, Rotterdam

Figure 3.82. Cable net facade, Markthal, Rotterdam

Figure 3.83. Sectional view of atrium (Refer AR)

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1.10. Reflection

During the Mega Course we faced the challenges of being part of the design team of a complex in size and program high rise building. The decision making of the facade design consisted of the combination of different parameters that involved other disciplines like the architectural expression, the orientation and climate conditions with optimisation techniques, the structure and last but not least the feasibility and ease of construction. A specifically challenging aspect proved to be the harmonious integration of the many different functions that had different climate and functional requirements. Taking that into account our main design principles were based on using big gestures such as showing the slab lines in the upper part of the building while using a more uniform and planar facade in the lower part of our facade in order to highlight the architectural form and blend the different functions in one uniform facade. Moreover, for our facade typologies we opted for unitised systems as much as possible in the high rise parts and in functions as the data centre where the ease of disassembly and reuse would prove useful in case of future change of functionality. In the lower parts of the building where functions as the offices were placed we chose on-site assembly in order to minimise the cost of production. Finally, a crucial factor for our design decisions and technical solutions were the sustainability needs. With that in mind, we opted for as low window to wall ratio as possible with the help of computational optimisation and the selection of good insulating materials and integration of photovoltaic cladding. The most challenging part of the facade was the “Mega Panel” typology that was used in the apartments and hotel part of the high rise. The challenge consisted in finding ways to make feasible a unitised panel that combined opaque parts with windows in one element. We are quite satisfied with our solution in terms of thermal performance and aesthetics. At the same time, we are aware of the fact that the connection of each panel to the floor, ceiling and the connection of the panels where there is no slab between could use extra time to be solved perfectly and minimise the need for on-site work. Having these challenges in mind we are happy with the procedure of solving this facade typology as it provided us with a lot of insight regarding the combination of different facade elements, such as rainscreen type with windows, as well as with information on how to solve the building physical requirements for a continuous thermal line and a provision for wind and water tightness. Reflecting on all that we could also argue that a simpler facade type such as a window wall facade with integrated sandwich panels for the opaque parts might have worked and might have been easier to solve in a technical level and on-site installation. There were also some critical points during the project when we realized that the scale of the building was massive to be able to resolve all the finer problems - such as varying heights of the slab and varying lengths of the facade line. To tackle the varying lengths, we were able to come up with a facade ‘logic’, which we explain in a section of the report - however, there are parts of the facade which could be developed more accurately in terms of varying floor heights. Early on in the design, the vision was to have a modular construction so that the building envelope could be changed easily in the future if required. However, with the form developed to be curved - we faced a lot of challenges in placing the facade. We tried to balance between complete customization of the facade (that would follow the form) and standardization to make production and construction easier. Overall, we are happy with the depth that we have been able to explore in the design of the facade, trying to keep it as practical and close-to-real life as possible.

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1.12. Appendix

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MEGA team 8: De Waterpoort

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