Real Estate Preview
There are more than 180 typical actions, research steps, procedures, processes and review stages con ducted by a Realtor during one residential transaction
Each engagement in the community is a job inter view, and if a client isn’t successful, the Realtor doesn’t get paid
For those efforts, and for their service to the community, several Real tors were honored during the Royal Gorge Associa tion of Realtors’ Annual Installation and Awards Banquet on Friday at the Abbey Events Center
Jennifer Vernetti, out going RGAR president, was named Realtor of the Year, the most coveted and time honored award
“There are so many of you who are so qualified for this (award),” she said. “This is a great honor ”
She said opening a new business EXIT Eleva tion Realty, located at 622 Main St and serving on the RGAR board as presi dent this last year was not for the faint of heart
Vernetti actively has been involved in RGAR her entire career, serving on many boards and com mittees and holding many different offices
“She has been a mentor to other brokers, whether they are seasoned or newly beginning their careers,” said David Madone, who presented the award “ She has really set a new high standard as presi dent She has great Real tor spirit ”
Vernetti began her real estate career in 2002. Prior to getting her li cense, she started out as the marketing director for a townhome project for the late Roger Ober helman at Century 21
Helping people is why she does what she does.
“Out of all 20 years, my most favorite transac tion was an elderly lady who had moved from her family home to this house with her husband and they lived there for 50 years,” Vernetti said
“She had macular de generation so she couldn’t see and she couldn’t drive We were able to move her into a townhome, I helped her write her bills and I picked her up to take her where she needed to go be cause she needed help Out of all my transactions that is ‘why ’ That fills the cup ”
Kevin Marushack, a 26 year teacher at Cañon City
High School and sponsor and co founder of The Pride, was named Citizen of the Year
The Pride is a school wide inclusion program with two main objectives: to provide a sense of be longing for all students and to make a difference in their lives
Incoming board presi dent Carla Braddy, when presenting the award, said it is because of educators like Marushack that she is able to with integrity and honestly tell new people coming into the commu nity that Cañon City has a “fantastic” school district with teachers who try to make a difference to every single student
During his acceptance speech, Marushack re ferred to the tumblers that were gifted to the banquet attendees that referred to Realtors as “Miracle Workers ”
“One of our objectives is to make a difference, and I think we are a lot alike,” he said
“Miracle workers that’s what you guys do you make a difference in the lives of people, whether it’s a family’s first home or somebody passes away and you have to sell that estate or someone new coming to the com munity you guys defi nitely make a difference, and you are miracle work ers in what you do ”
The Lifetime Achieve ment Award is presented to someone who is active in the community and maintains a professional image.
This year’s honoree was Debbie Stevens.
“She has always been so honest, all of us know that,” said JoAnn Grenard, who presented the award
“When you do a deal with Debbie, it’s a smooth transaction She is al ways there to be pleas ant and always willing to step forward and help the other Realtors, and she is so kind to all of the new Realtors when they come into the business ”
Others receiving awards Friday include Rookie of the Year Hallie Kerr; Educational Achievement Kristi Meyer; and Dis tinguished Affiliate Gina Grisenti
2022 Awards Recipients Realtor of the Year: Jen nifer Vernetti
Lifetime Achievement Award: Debbie Stephens Citizen of the Year: Kevin Marushack
Rookie of the Year: Hallie Kerr
Educational Achieve ment: Kristi Meyer
Distinguished Affiliate Award: Gina Grisenti
As incoming president of the Royal Gorge Asso ciation of Realtors Board of Directors, I recognize that some residents in Fre mont County might won der what our Association does and how we serve our community Our goal this year is to educate the pub lic on the differences be tween a Realtor and a real estate agent and to high light how we give back to
Fremont County Of equal importance is under standing why using a local Real tor, who un derstands the intri cacies of our unique area, actually saves you money and headaches Many people might not know that Realtors are real es tate professionals who be
come members of the Na tional Association of Real tors and as such, are held to a higher standard than their agent counterparts We follow a code of ethics that revolves around treat ing all parties honestly; this code is revised yearly to reflect current laws and practices Realtors are re quired to complete con tinuing education each year and these require ments benefit buyers and sellers in many ways
The Colorado Associa
tion of Realtors reminds us that:
98% of top producers are Realtors
Realtors list and sell twice as many properties as other licensees
Realtors make up about half of all real estate agents, yet make 90% of the earnings
The average dol lar volume for Realtors is three times higher than that of other agents
Homes sold by Re altors consistently have
Realtors offer fewer concessions
Realtors are required to take an ethics course every two years
Real estate agents are more likely to act in a con flict of interest than Re altors
Look for updates on the real estate market in this space, where we may speak to topics in the news, such as interest rates and housing avail ability Realtor com re
cently stated, “This fall, a more moderate pace of home selling, more listings to choose from, and soft ening price growth will provide some breathing room for buyers searching for a home during what is typically the best time to buy a home.”
If you are wondering if now is the time to buy or sell, contact a local Re altors from the area who will discuss your scenario so you can make the right decision
ROYAL GORGE Carla Braddy After she got her real estate license, she worked for Century 21 for 18 years and then had a brief stint at Re/Max before opening EXIT Elevation Realty in PHOTOS BY CARIE CANTERBURY DAILY RECORD Jennifer Vernetti is presented with the Realtor of the Year award by David Madone during the annual Royal Gorge Association of Realtors’ banquet Friday at the Abbey Events Center Kevin Marushack is presented with the Citizen of the Year award by Carla Braddy during the annual Royal Gorge Association of Realtors’ banquet Friday at the Abbey Events Center Hallie Kerr, left, is presented with the Rookie of the Year award by Jennifer Vernetti during the annual Royal Gorge Association of Realtors’ banquet Friday at the Abbey Events Center Gina Grisenti is presented with the Distinguished Affiliate award by Harvey Church during the annual Royal Gorge Association of Realtors’ banquet Friday at the Abbey Events Center Kristi Meyer, left, is presented with the Education Achievement award by Carla Braddy during the annual Royal Gorge Association of Realtors’ banquet Friday at the Abbey Events Center