The Old Harrison Park was acquired by the Recreation District in July of 2008 from the Cañon City RE-1 SchoolDistrict. Thanks to a grant from Great Outdoors Colorado the park was renovated and opened in late 2012 Now this neighborhood park features a pavilion, upgraded playground, basketball court,climbing boulders, restroom facility, and a large field The facility hasbecome a popular location for family gatherings, birthday parties, and sports practices If you would like to reserve the pavilionat HarrisonPark, there is a charge of $25 for two hours
Pathfinder Park opened in the fall of 2007 and over the past 17 years a lotof improvements have been made,thanks in part to multiple grants from Great Outdoors Colorado and the Gates Foundation, and strong community support The park includes a playground, fishing pond, trails and multiple sports fields The Miners Pavilion is booked several weekends each month forparties, reunions and even weddings Trail additions and bridges have been made thanks to the Cañon City High SchoolCivicsclasses and local Boy Scout Troops We continue to expand trails throughoutthe natural areas between the developed park and the ArkansasRiver.If you would like to reserve the pavilion at Pathfinder Regional Park, there is a charge of $25 for two hours.
Rouse Park
Rouse Park was the first park owned and operated by the Recreation District with fields, pavilions, and a playground area.The baseball and softball fields are used for 9 to 10 months outof the year by recreation programs, Cañon City High School,and area traveling teams This facility hosts several baseball and softball tournaments throughoutthe year which include manyteamsfrom outside the community. The west end of the facility is used for football and soccer practices and games and the pavilionshostparties, weddings, and other functions throughout the year. In the fall of 2016 renovations to the southwest corner ofthe park added six new pickleball courts and an improved basketball court. The pickleball courts are busy seven days a week and have alreadyhosted tournaments. In 2022 and 2023 all of the stadium lights were replaced with LED fixtures, shade structures and apavilion were added around the ballfields, the dugouts were covered, and the backstop on Field A was replaced to match Field B. Rouse Park is one ofthe most used parks in the Recreation District and the community as a whole.
The Cañon City Area Recreation and Park District’s Arkansas Riverwalk Dog Park opened in June of 2011. This park was made possible by the Recreation District, the Dog Park Committee, and with several financial contributions from local businessesand individuals. Since that time, it has undergone several changes and improvements, including an agility course, pavilion, and awalking track. The District is currently working on grants for additional upgrades to the facility.
The Archery Range, located at 575 Ash Street justeastof the office building, is open to the public at all timesduring day lighthours. There are targets at 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 yards. New targets have been placed this year. The Archery Range also features a shooting platform and 3D targets. The rules for the facility are posted atthe range. Please come down and utilize the facility and allit has to offer year-round!
At the intersection of Colburn Lane and New York Ave. are the Eagle Wing Trailhead and Schepp Open Space.Thisisour mostrecent trail addition and provides recreation access to several popular and existing parks and trails in the southwest area ofCañon City, including Ecology Park and Temple Canyon. It is an access pointto the 10 miles of the South Cañon Trail system located on BLM land, Fremont County land, and Recreation District land. Located atthe Trailhead is the Hecker Family Memorial Picnic Shelterfunded through local contributions. In 2020 a flow trail called “Smooth Criminal” was added thanks to funding from Fremont Adventure Recreation (FAR) and support from Terra Firma Trails, the City of Cañon City, and FremontCounty. In 2021, thanks to funding from FAR once again, we opened “The Yard” Bike Park at the trailhead. There are two differentlines to enjoy and improve your skills.The City of Cañon City and Terra Firma Trails were involved in the projectas well.
Sign up for ACTIVENET today by following the link on our website.
Scholarships are available for all youth sports programs (Not including camps)
Sponsorships are available for all youth sports leagues.
Visit our website at www.ccrec.org and register on-line
Nick Sartori
Melissa Smeins
Andrew Palmasano
Cooper Trahern
ROUSEPARK 1600 Park Avenue 269-3661
PATHFINDER REGIONAL PARK 6639Highway 115 275-1578
OLDHARRISONPARK 490 NorthCottonwood 275-1578
New York Avenue &Colburn Lane 275-1578
Kyle Horne, Executive Director
Dawn Green,Finance Director
Carly Poe, Administrative Assistant
TawnyMcCall, Programs Director
Jaimee Southern, Kids Klub Director
Cody Bennett,SportsCoordinator
Jade Leibel,Receptionist/ RecTech
Devin Everhart, ParksDirector
Matt DePasse, Parks Crew
JimFuhr,Parks Crew
Tony Pewitt,Parks Crew
John Province,Parks Crew
John Zeleznikar, ParksCrew
RickBradshaw, SeasonalParks Crew
John Hecker,Seasonal ParksCrew
To providea full rangeofeasilyaccessible recreation andparkprograms, services and facilities forparticipantsofevery age, ability level, cultural background and financialstatus.
The Cañon City Area Recreation andPark District is aspecial district that was established in 1965. The District’s main source offunding comes in the form of property tax, which is collectedfrom an area that is approximately 115 square miles in size.
The District is governed by a five-member Board,whoare elected at large from citizens living or owning property within theDistrict boundaries. Electionsare conducted in May of every odd year. The Board conducts monthly meetings at the District’s main office,575 Ash, St., on thesecond Tuesday of every month beginning at 7:00 pm.
The District currently owns and operatesRouse Park,John Griffin RegionalPark, OldHarrison Park, Arkansas Riverwalk, ArkansasRiverwalk DogPark, Ash Street Community Garden,Ash Street Archery Range, Schepp Open Space and Eagle WingTrailhead, and the Community Room, which is located within the main office.The District co-ownsand operatesPathfinderRegional Park with Fremont County. The District closed the 57-year-old R.C.Icabone Swimming Poolin May of 2023 due to numerous maintenance and safety issues. An independent study stated the structure had outlived its useful life. It exceeded its expected life by nearly 30 years.
Every year the Board of Directors and the District Staff strive to improve the programs and facilities offered to the community. All the programsand activities listed in this Activity Guide are designed to meet the recreational needsof the public.We of course welcome anysuggestions or input as our goal is to better serve the community.
The District works in conjunction with the City of Cañon City, Fremont County, CañonCityRE-1 School District, Florence-Penrose RE-2 School District, Fremont Sanitation District,CañonCity Fire Protection District, and many localbusinessesand non-profits to provide services tothe citizens of the community.
The District currently employs 12-full time employees andabout 130 seasonaland part time employees.
The District is always seeking and recruiting volunteer coaches, officials, supervisors,and instructors, who have a skill or interest to share.Again your suggestionson improving our programs or adding a program are always welcome.Please call usat 719-275-1578, visit our office at 575 Ash, our website at www.ccrec.org orour Facebook page. Happy recreating!
All Kids Klub sitesare statelicensedand certified as childcare providers.
TheRecreation District offersanoutstanding childcare programfromthe convenienceof your child’s school knownas Kids Klub.This programhas been operating forover30years andprovidesa safe andsecureenvironment foryourchildren. From before andafter school when youmustworkorjustlooking fora funplace to take your child when there is no school,thisprogram hasitall.
Registration: Registration packetscan be picked up at theCanon City Area Recreation andPark District office.Registration packetsand acopyofyour child’s immunization records must be turned into the Kids Klub Director before attending.
Ages: 5through 12 yearsold.
Times: Before School-6:45a.m. till theschool bell rings
After School-whenthe school bell ringsto6 p.m.
No School Days-6:45a.m.- 6 p.m. (AtWashingtonSchool Only)
WashingtonElementary 606North 9th St.
McKinleyElementary 1240McKinleyAve
Locationsfor Before School:Locationsfor After School: Location forNoschooldays:
Washington Elementary 606North 9th Street
McKinley Elementary 1240 McKinley Ave
LincolnSchool of Scienceand Technology 420MyrtleSt.
Washington Elementary 606 North9th Street
CanonExploratory students aretransported in theafternoon only to Washington Elementary. (Subjecttochangeasneeded).
HarrisonElementarystudentstransported in theafternoon only to McKinley Elementary.
Thebasketballprogramisgearedtowardteachingthe fundamentalsofthegame,sportsmanship,teamwork,andhaving un.GameswillbeplayedatHarrisonSchoolandCañonCity dleSchool.Theseasonwillbesevenoreightweeksdependingon vision.
Register: October14th –December5th
(RegisterbyNovember27th andsave$10)
SignupattheRec.DistrictOfficeat575AshSt. oronlineatwww.ccrec.org
Divisions: LittleSlammersCoed(6-8yearolds)
**Boys andGirls divisionswill be offered if numbersallow**
Clinics: TBA
Games: GamesareplayedonSaturdays,beginningJanuary11th
Practices: Nomorethantwodaysaweek
Cost: $55fortheLittleSlammers
If you are interested in coaching or officiating please contact the Office at 275-1578.
Thepurpose of this programistoemphasize skilldevelopment,fairplay, sportsmanship, and aboveall having fun. Allparticipantsare guaranteed equalplaying time.
Registration: January 2nd –February13th
**RegisterbeforeFebruary7th andsave$10**
Divisions: Kneekickers(3to4 years)
Strikers (5-6 years)
United League (7-9 years)
WorldCup League (10-13 years)
(14-year-old childrenwill be considered if they areinthe 8thGrade)
Games: SaturdaysatPathfinderRegionalParkbeginning March22nd Practices: Twicea week beginninginMarch forUnitedand WorldCup Leagues
Oncea week forthe Strikers League beginning in March
No practice forKneekickers
Fees: Kneekickers: $35.00 (In-District)$50.00(Out-of-District)
Strikers /UnitedLeagues:$45.00(In-District) $60.00 (Out-of-District)
World Cup/ PremierLeagues:$55.00(In-District) $70.00 (Out of District)
This program is for boysand girls wanting to participate in the fast-paced game of Futsal. The purpose of the futsalprogram is to emphasize skill development, fair play, sportsmanship, and fun. This is a game that will improve yourpassing and footwork skills. All gamesare 5-on-5 and there are goalies. Thefutsalballisa weighted soccer ballwhich createsa greateremphasis on ball controland passing.
Registration: October 21st through December 12th
**Sign up before December6th and save $10.00**
Divisions: Elementary League (9-11 year olds) Middle School League (12-14 year olds)
Games: Saturdays at CCMS beginning January 18th
Practices: Once a week beginning in January for Elementary and Middle school Leagues
Fees: $45 00 (In-District) $60.00 (Out of District
Don’tmissout on thereturnofthisprogram.Teams will consist of 4players,with2 playersparticipating in each game.Thisis aco-ed league.Games will be played inside at theRecreation District Community Room,soweather won’tbea problem! Scoringwill useACA guidelines with localmodifications.
Registration: November 18th throughJanuary 3, 2025
Dates: January10th throughFebruary28, 2025
Tournament: Saturday,March 8, 2025.
Time to be announced
Cost: $100.00per team
Games will be Friday nights starting at 5:00 pm.
Must be 18 yearsorolder.
Location: 575Ash Street -Recreation District Community room.
Join us forthe 5th annualscavenger hunt. Thehuntwill beginsometime before Easter.Eggswill be hidden alongour part of theArkansas Riverwalk, as well as thewoodsand trails of PathfinderPark. Prizes will be awardedtothose that arelucky enough to find one.
***Rules andDetails will be provided before theevent starts.***
***Ifyou or your businesswould liketosponsor aprize basket, please reachout to us.***
Play Ball!The CañonCityAreaRecreation andParkDistrictwilloffer summerco-ed baseball for5–14-year-olds. Thepurpose of this programistoemphasize skilldevelopment,fairplay, sportsmanship, andhavingfun.The Minorand MajorLeagues aresponsored by theCreditUnion of Colorado
Registration: March10th –April 24th
**Sign-upbyFridayApril 18thtoget $10 off!**
Ages: T-ball:5 years– 6years old
Rookie:7 years– 8years old
Minor: 9years –10years old
Majors:11years –13years old
*14years oldare eligible to play if they aregoing into 8thgrade
Practices: Once or Twiceper week
Games: T-ball:TuesdaysatCCMS(Make-ups on Thursdays)
Rookies: MondaysatCCMS(Make-ups on Wednesdays)
Credit UnionofColoradoMinor:Tuesday andThursdayatRouse Park
Credit UnionofColoradoMajor:Tuesday andThursdayatRouse Park
OPENINGDAY:Saturday,June7th atRousePark(AllTeams)
PICTUREDAY:Saturday,June14th atRousePark(AllTeams)
Fees: T-ball:$45.00(In-District) $60.00(Out-of-District)
Rookie:$60.00(In-District) $75.00 (Out-of-District)
AllOther Leagues: $65.00(In-District) $80.00(Out-of-District)
*T-ball/Rookie/Minorshavea $15.00Uniform DepositFee
*Major League hasa $50.00 UniformDeposit Fee
This programisfor boys andgirls wanting to participate in an introductory YouthVolleyballLeague. Thepurpose of this Recreation District YouthVolleyballprogram is to emphasizeskill development,fairplay, sportsmanship, andfun!Eachparticipant will play in each game,learningbasic volleyball fundamentals andrules
Registration: March10th –April 24th (Sign-up by April18th andsave$10)
Ages: 9-11-year-old girlsand boys 12-13-year-old girlsand boys
*14yearsoldare eligible toplayiftheyaregoinginto8th grade
Practices: MondaysorTuesdaysstarting in May
Games: Thursdaysstarting June 5th
Location: HarrisonSchool
Fees: $50 (In-District)$65 (Out-of-District)
The 2025 Adult Softball program will consist of two seasons.The First Season will run from late April through the middle of July The Second Season will follow, and the start date will be subjectto when the first season finishes. The First Season information is posted below.Teams must provide their own balls.Rules and policies will be reviewed at the managers meeting before the season begins.
Teams will play an 8-game season followed by an end of season double elimination tournament.Regularseason games may be made up on weekday evenings and the tournaments for Season Icould be played on a weekend if rainouts occur! Each team is guaranteed 10-games.Leagues and teams will be adjusted basedonnumbers. Theendof season double elimination tournamentwill determine each league’s champions. Leagueplayisfor tournament seeding only. The designated nights ofleague play are as follows:
MONDAYS: Co-EdLeague
WEDNESDAYS: Men’s League (Upperand Lower Division)
REGISTRATION: February 3rd – April18th
GAMES BEGIN: Week of April 28th
**Game times can start as early as 5:30pm and as late as 9:30pm.Game timesper team are not guaranteed.**
AGES: 18 and older
PLACE: Rouse Park Fields
FEE: $400.00 per team & $200 Umpires Fees
October8th throughApril29th
This is agreat wayfor Adults 18 yearsofage andolder to play pick-upgames andget some exercise.Thisisalsoan opportunity to getintogameshape forthe winter adultsportsleagues.
• Anyone underthe ageof18will notbeallowedtoattend.
Where: Harrison School Gymnasium
When: TuesdayNights
Time: 7:00 to 9:00 pm
Cost: $5 perperson/per time
Games begininJanuary.There must be at least threefemales andthree males on each team.All matches will consist of bestout of 5-gamesusingrally scoring.All matches will be played at the HarrisonSchool Gym.
Registration: October14th–December 12th
MatchesBegin: January 12th
Ages: 18-yearsand older
Days: Sundays
Place: Harrison School Gym
Fee: $300.00 perteam
Hoop it up! Runthe courtand play some basketball this winter.Weare lookingfor men’sand women’steams so don’t delayand getyourteamtogethernow.The season will conclude with ourversion of MarchMadness!
REGISTER: November 12th – February 7th
Women’s Rec at Harrison School
GAMES: Sundays beginning February 16th
AGES: 18 and older
FEE: $450 00 per team
Play soccerinsideina fast paced, exciting game!Co-Ed rulesapply. Five playersare on thecourt at a time.Adult Co-EdIndoor Soccerisa greatway to pass thewintertime blues. If youenjoy playingsoccer, youare goingtoloveit indoors. We play usingfutsalrules.Don’t miss it!
REGISTRATION: December 23rd – January 31st
GAMES: Sundays starting February 16th
AGES: 18 and older
PLACE: Cañon City Middle School
FEE: $300 00 per team
TheRecreation District’s annualTurkeyBowlwillbeheldon Saturday, November 23rd.The Turkey Bowl is a4-on-4Flag Football tournament with 7-differentdivisions.Rosters are limitedto6-players.The Turkey Bowl is open to teamsinthe age groups listed below. Register earlyasonlythe first60 teams to register will be accepted due to thelimited number of fields
MEN’SDIVISIONS: 12 andunder(Wings)
13 to 15 (Legs)
16 to 18 (Thighs)
19 to 30 (Toms)
31 andover(Gizzards)
WOMEN’SDIVISION: 18 andunder(Chicks)
19 andover(Hens)
$80 perteam, 3-game guarantee DEADLINE: Tuesday, November 19th @5 pm
***No late registrationswill be accepted***
DATE &TIME: November 23rd @8:30am(OneDay Tournament)
LOCATION: PathfinderPark
MANAGERS MEETING: 8a.m., morningofatPathfinderPark AWARDS: Turkeysgiven to allmembers of winningteams
TheCañon City Area Recreation andParkDistrictwill host theTurkeyTrotFun RunatPathfinder Park on Saturday, November 23rd. The5Krun will beginat10a.m.The course is on maintained trails anddirtroads with little to noelevation changes. This runisall abouthavingfun as it is nota timedevent.Weencourage allparticipantsto dressintheir best Thanksgiving costumeand we will have an awardfor thebestcostume.Thisrun is to encourage people to getoutside,havea good time,and getsome exercise.Petsmay participate in theevent,but theownersare responsiblefor cleaning up after them, andtheymustbeona leash. Pets candress up too! Followingthe run, we encourage everyone to hang outatPathfinderParkfor awards andenjoy ourfoodvendors.All early registrants will receivea t-shirt, andparticipantswho register late will geta t-shirtwhile supplieslast.
Distance: 5K
Date: Saturday,November23, 2024
Time: 10 a.m.
Location: PathfinderRegionalPark, 6639 Colo.115 Florence,CO81226
Fee: $20 by November 15th/ $30 from November 16th throughrace time (includesa t-shirtwhilessupplieslast)
Awards: Best costumebothrunners andpets Multiplerandomdrawings(Canonlywin once perperson)
Registration: www.ccrec.org or at theoffice,575 AshStreet
species of birdsand fowl alongthe Arkansas Riverwalk. Be sure to keep alookout forwild- lifesuchasbears and mountainlions,theyhavebeenknown to frequentthe areas around thetrail as well
Trailheads andparkinglotsare locatedinseveral locations. TheRaynoldsTrailheadisjustoff theRaynolds Bridgebesidethe Recreation District Office andcan lead you in twodirections, west into John GriffinParkoreast towards Mackenzie Ave. From 9thStreetthe trailexpands intwo directions, east into John GriffinParkpastthe Recreation District’s RopesChallenge Course andwestto Centennial Park
TheMackenzie TrailheadisjustwestofMackenzie Avenue and will take youwesttowards
CañonCityand theRecreationDistrictOffice.
TheTunnel DriveTrailheadislocated west of CañonCity off of Highway50and overlooksthe Arkansas Riverand railroadtracksasitheads west into theentranceofthe Royal Gorge.Itisanarrowtrail thatwinds itsway throughthree tunnelsofsolid granite!
TheArkansasRiverwalk has expanded west from Centennial Park to Tunnel Driveand PuebloCommunity College. Getout andenjoy theArkansasRiverwalk expe-rience,be courteoustoothersand take outwithyou what youtookin.
Haveagreat time!
Th eA rk an sa sR iv er wa lk
The Canon City Area Recreation and Park District and The City of Canon City willbe partnering again this year for the 2024 Clean Up / Green Up The Arkansas River and Riverwalk along with other trails Throughout Canon City will be the focus of this year’s Clean Up
Breakfast will be offered to all of our volunteers. Everyone is encouraged to attend,especially the Riverwalk users. Plan to join us for breakfast at 8 a.m.With cleaning beginning at 9 a.m.Garbage bags will be provided. Please bring your own work clothesand gloves.
When: Saturday,April26th
Time: 8:00a.m-Breakfast
Where: Meetat
RecreationDistrictCommunityRoom 575AshStreet
Saturday, November 2nd at Citizens’ Stadium
All Credit Union of Colorado Tackle League Football Teams will play.
5:00 Consolation Game
7:00 Championship Game
ADMISSION: Donate one new or used toy, one non-perishable food item, or pay $1
Food and toy donations will be given to local families for the holidays.
Toy Bowl programs will be available for $1.
The Toy Bowl is hosted by the Cañon City High School Activities Department.