Salute to the senior classof’24
Cheers to Estes Park graduates
By Ruby Bode Superintendent of SchoolsDear Classof2024, Congratulationsonreaching this significant milestoneofgraduation.Yourhardworkand dedicationdeserve to be acknowledgedand celebrated by theentire community. It hasbeenan honor forme, alongwiththe rest of thestaffat EPSD,towatch you grow over thepasttwelveyears andbecomethe remarkable individualsyou aretoday When Ireflectonthe global outcomecompetenciesour community desiresfor EstesPark graduates, theone that stands outmostfor this classis“perseverance.”You endedyour8thgradeyearwiththe abrupt school
closureinMarch dueto theCOVID-19 pandemic andbegan your high school journeyvirtually in 2020.Additionally, wildland fires
ledtothe evacuation of EstesPark andthe complete shutdown of theschoolduringyourfreshman year.The challenges of starting high school were compounded by this unprecedentedsituation Despitethese obstacles, yourefusedtobedefeated. Youkeptservice clubsactive, participated in athleticsand activities,and supported one anotherthrough the loss of abeloved teacherduring your senior year.Yourloveand compassion foreachother and your teachers were evidentduringthese difficulttimes.Nomatterwhatbarrierswereplacedbefore you, youovercame everyobstacle with apositiveattitudeand astrongfocus on success This classcomprises many impressive youngpeople, including statechampionathletes, deco-
ratedleaders,summa cumlaude scholars,masters of multilingualism, accomplished musicians, talentedperformers, anddedicated communityservants. Iamincredibly proud of allyourachievementsand thetalents youhave honedthrough perseverance
Youare aclass of change-makers, leaders, andcommunity stewards.You deservethe admiration andrespect of ourcommunity foryouraccomplishments.Your legacy at EstesParkSchool Districtwillinspire future generations. Youwillberemembered andcherished Iwishyou well on your journey aheadand eagerlyanticipatethe wonderfulaccomplishments that awaityou in thefuture.
By EstesPark High School BandThe2023State journeyfor EstesPark High School (EPHS) Marching Band was marked by challenges,resilience, andan outstandingperformance.Thisexperience beganwithasnowstorm andapower outage. Thebandadapted to an alteredcompetition format,ultimatelyclinching a well-deservedthird placefinish.Congratulations to theEPHSMarchingBandfor theirremarkable achievement!
TheEPHSMarchingBandprogram extendsits heartfeltgratitude to theirmany
supporters.DirectorKaylinBrennan, alongwithWillPeters, Shiloh Daricek, Cheyenne Keezel,and SabrinaBasch,deservespecial recognitionfor theirexceptional contributionsincreatingatruly remarkable show
Aspecial shoutout goes to ourdedicated busdrivers,JohnLaughlinand Stacey Adams, forensuringthe band’s safe journey to Pueblo andback. TomHoskins deserves around of applause fortowingthe trailer andproviding countlessfixesand finetunings to theprops andbeyond. Ayahoo to theEPSchoolDistrictheroes—Eric, Denali,Craig,and Steve— whoquickly arrivedwithplows andshovels,clearingthe
wayfor equipmentand busloading
We also want to expressour appreciationfor thecontinued supportofour School District,HighSchoolAdministrators,and theSchoolBoard.Melinda and Cory Workman’seffortsincoordinating the newtrailer projectwerepivotal,and we must recognizethe outstandingwork of Bobcat alumni,Aaron Petrie from Unink Printworks,for wrapping thetrailer,makingitlookits best just in time forState TheEstes Park Mountain Shop and Kirk’s FlyShopstepped up with hand warmers, whichweregreatly needed and appreciated in thechillyconditions. The
By EstesParkUnited MethodistChurchForthe Trail-Gazette
On Monday,May 6, EstesPark High School graduating seniors received scholarships from various localentities. Forthe first time,Estes Park United MethodistChurch awardedfive scholarshipsof$2,000 each.Pictured arethe recipients of theDorothyScott Memorial Scholarship. Daphne Parker,EPUMC Pastor AnnLantz,BradenBetts,Eric Lopez, Ciel Sugar, andFiona Owensposefor acelebratory picture at this week’s scholarshippresentation ceremony.EPUMC wants to invest in youthand families in ourcommunity.The church is branchingout by utilizingits resourcestoinvestinthe future EPUMCwillbeusing another $20,000 to invest in theyouth of EstesParkthisyearinadditionto this scholarship money.
By MayorGaryHall ghall@estes.orgCongratulationstothe EPHS Classof2024, to everygraduating senior!Everyoneofyou hasfollowedadifferentbut overlapping path to gethere. You’re allunique butall bonded by yourcommon experiencesand,inmanycases, friendships.
Younow embark on thenext greatadventure of your life.There aresomanydirectionsyou could take,and you’re well-prepared from your yearshereinthe Estes Park school system By now, you’ve foundmany things that interest youand perhapsyou even know what youwanttopursueasacareer. Most importantly, as yougointo theworld of employment,further schooling, whatever,please bringyourhumanitywithyou andwield that alongwithall the skills andeducation andwisdom andexperiencethatyou gain
Thankyou forthe lightand energy you’ve broughttoEstes duringyourtimehere. Congratulations,goodluck, you’re readyfor this, go forthand make theworld abetterplace
Youwillhavetoworkwithso many different typesofpeople, personalities, perspectives,and philosophies, andsoyoursuccess will be heavilyinfluenced by your abilitytoremainopentoalternateviews,and your abilityto continue to learnand to assimilate newinformation foryourentire life
Graduating senior,DaphneHightower-Parker, has been awardedthe prestigiousDaniels Fund Scholarship.
ESTESPARKHIGHSCHOOL—COURTESYPHOTO Bennet Kemp hasbeenrecognizedasthe most outstandingChemistry studentatEstes
this year
EPHS studentcelebrations
By EstesParkSchoolDistrict
Forthe Trail-Gazette
American Chemical SocietyStudent of theYear: BennetKemphas been recognizedasthe most outstandingChemistry studentat EstesParkHighSchoolthis year.She hasthe topgrade forbothsemesters combined. Bennet worksincredibly hard to excelinschool andChemistry is no exception.She comesinwitha
positive attitude dailyand appreciateslearningnew things.Bennetwillattend theawardsceremonyat the School of Mineson Sunday, April28thwhere shewillbe givenamedal from theACS andwillberecognized with othertop chemistrystudentsthroughoutthe state. Shewillbeaccompanied at theawardsceremonybyper parentsKaris andRandy Kemp,and herChemistry teacherPamFrey. Greatjob,Bennett!
EPHS is also thrilled to announcethatgraduating senior,DaphneHightowerParker,has been awarded theprestigious Daniels Fund Scholarship. This scholarshipisa testament to Daphne’sexceptional academic achievements,leadership qualities, andcommitmenttocharacter and community service. TheDaniels Fund Scholarship is ahighlycompetitiveaward that provides financial assistance to de-
serving students to help them pursue theirhigher education goals. It covers thecostoftuition andfees, as wellasother expenses such as room andboard, books,and supplies
In addition to being awardedthe DanielsFund Scholarship, Daphne has been accepted to CU Boulderinthe honorsprogram, wheretheywillbegin their journeythisfall.
EPHS Band Programextendsits gratitudetothe Band Boosters, Shannon Faith, families,friends,and theentireEstes Park com-
munity fortheir unwaveringsupport,makingthe experience at Stateboth memorable andfun Aheartfelt thankyou goes outtoour trailersponsors whohelpedustotransport theinstruments and equipmentinstyle:Summit Church,Rocky Mountain
ChocolateFactory,Community HearingCenter, Twin Owls Steakhouse & TaharraMountain Lodge, Wild Spirits, Glen Haven GeneralStore,Terra Constructionand Remodeling, Creativity Cabin, Burger& GyrosonMoraine,Bankof EstesPark, FirstColorado
Realty,State Farm,Colorado Highland Realty, and theEstes Park News.Itwas your supportthatturned this trailerdream into areality.The 2023 season will be remembered as atrue testamenttoteamwork, determination, andthe power of communitysupport
Superintendent Councilinspires perseverance in EPSD students
By EstesPark High SchoolOn Monday,March 11, theSuperintendentCouncil, in partnershipwiththe EstesParkEducation Foundation (EPEF),had thehonor of hostingAlexSheen, founderofBecause ISaid IWould,for apresentation to middle andhighschool students.Thisinitiativewas sparkedbythe profound impact of Alex’s talk at the Colorado Associationof School Boards (CASB) conferenceinDecember, which left students andBoard of Educationmembers deeply inspired.Driven by Alex’s powerful messages of resilience,perseverance, and theimportanceofkeeping promises,the groupwas eagertoextendhis inspirational insights to awider audience withinthe student community
EPHS Boys swim team celebrates strong season
By EstesParkSchool District Forthe Trail-GazetteCongratulationstoour
Boys Swim team forqualifying for4ACHSAA State afternarrowlymissing out last season.Prelims were held at Veterans Memorial AquaticCenter(VMAC) on Thursday, May9,2024. Theteamwas sent off with aschool-wide clapouton theirway to VMAC
Here arethe events that qualified forState:
50 Free —EvanMarcantonio
100Free—Henry Thomas
200FreeRelay —Lincoln Dammes,AlexRegalado Flores,EvanMarcantonio, HenryThomas
Unfortunately, ourprelimtimes on Thursday did notqualify forfinalson Friday,May 10.Weare so proudofour team though Qualifying forState is a HUGE accomplishment and farsurpassed expectations forthe season.Big thanks to CoachKassi andCoach Russ forpreparing them throughout theseason!
Alex’s transformative message.The eventhad asignificantand lastingpositive impact with students leavingequippedwithpromise cards, atangiblecommitment to betteringthemselves andtheir community. Sophie Kamprath,Chairwomanofthe Superintendent Council, remarked on theevent’s tangible outcomes: “Seeinga student givea promisecardtoa teacher, committing to beingontimeevery dayfor class, wasatestament to theimpactofAlex’smessage.”
Mica Bertucci andGaby Acedofeltaprofoundsense of prideastheyreflectedon thegroup’s achievementin realizing theirgoalofbringing Alex to speaktothe students. KennethCromerand Oliver TapiaVillegasalso shared theirobservations, noting theinspirational effect on students andAlex’s abilitytoresonate with the audience,furtherunderscoringthe event’ssuccess TheSuperintendent Council, underthe leadership of Superintendent Bode,focuses on amplifyingstudent voices andfostering apositiveschoolenvironment. Theirinitiatives, includingthe Cat Chatsfor engaging discussions,the CatChatPodcast to broadenstudent perspectives, andvarious school events,highlight theirdedicationtoenhancing the educationalexperience. Theseefforts underscore theCouncil’s role in not only bringing motivational speakers like Alex Sheento thestudent body butalso in actively contributing to theschooland community’s positive development
Coop named 2ndteam All-Conference
By EstesParkSchool District Forthe Trail-GazetteCongratulationsto
ChloeCoopfor beingname to PatriotLeagueAll-Conference2nd Team forthe 2024 GirlsSoccerseason. Congratulationsto ChloeCoopfor being namedtothe Patriot League All-Conference 2ndTeamfor the2024 GirlsSoccerseason. The PatriotLeaguecoaches mettogetheronSaturday, May4after theseason concludedtodetermine All-Conference recipients Chloewas selected forher defensivetenacity. Chloe hasbeenasignificantcontributor to theGirls Soccer programinher four years at EstesParkHighSchool, primarilythrough her speedand defensivemindset. CoachKirby Hazelton states,“Beingnamed as an All-Conference player is an impressive feat becauseit requires theacknowledgement of theother teams’ coachesofthe player skill, work ethicand overall
demonstrationofgood soccer. Chloeissodeservingofthishonor andI am so proudofher forbeing namedAll-Conferencefor thesecondyearina row.” Greatjob,Chloe!
EPHS Bobcat CupCelebration
By Daniel Sewell sewelld@eptrail.comEstesParkHighSchool
students participated in a newprogram this year.All of thestudentswereassigned adifferent house to be in:Ram,Elk,Bear, andCoyote. Within these houses,the students were splitintoAdvisoryGroups, andthese groups would regularlymeettomonitor students’progress.
Theprogram hasbeen an excellentenhancement fortrackingattendance, increasing awarenessabout grades betweenstudents andparents,and adding positive reinforcementin competitions like trivia, bingo, dodgeball, andthe overallchallenge,which wascalledthe Bobcat Cup. Points forgames and grades over theyearwere
added, minuspointsfor unexcusedabsenceswereaccountedfor,and theoverall Bobcat Cupwinnerwas the RamHouse.Tocelebrate, theAdvisoryGroupsinthe RamHouse were awarded ahalf-dayfieldtriptoRide aKart, alocal amusement park
Thestudentsthatwere able to attend thecelebration on May15, commented abouthow theAdvisory Groups hadbeenfun and that this helped them stay motivated. Oneofthe Advisory GroupTeachers, Mr JonAnderson, explained theprogram’s goal:
“Wewantour students to be internally motivatedto succeedbecause we know theexternalworld doesn’t always give us that motivation.A programlikethis is greatbecause themain focusispositivereinforcement.”
Much credit forthe fun andengagingprogram is giventoEPHSteacher Alex Harris,who wasnot in attendance at theBobcatCup Celebration. Still, therewas an approved excuse on record so we won’tbegiving
Overall, theprogram seemstobewell-received, andhopefully,everyone involved cantakehomethe idea that funand games canhelp buildtowards greatersuccess
Acommunity better together
Embracingthe newschoolyear ahead
By Ruby Bode Superintendent of SchoolsNote:Thisarticle was originally published at the beginningofthe 2023-2024 school year
Dear CommunityMember, Thedaysare becomingshorter, thewinds are pickingup, thetemperature
is coolingand theelk will soon be bugling. Allofthese aresigns that thestart of anew school is near.And as it nears, Iamincreasinglyfilled with excitement, hope,confidence andoptimism forwhatliesahead Iamexcited because, aftermorethanadecade— during whichthe school district facedchallengesin academic performance, attendance andyouth behavioraland mental health last Maythe BoardofEducationadopted afive-year strategicplanhttps://www
trict/strategic-plan that addressesthose challenges.I am hopefulbecause the plan wasbrought forthby arepresentativegroup of parents, communitymembers andEPSDstaff. Iam confident becauseitisconsistentwiththe District’s mission: to engage alllearnersinauthentic learning forglobalapplication,and with theDistrict’svision statement: ExcellentEducational Experiences, EveryStudent,EveryDay Lastly,I’m optimistic becausethe plan acknowledgesthathavingwelledu-
catedstudentsismorethan just aclassroom endeavor It is acollaborative process that unites families,educators,community members andother stakeholdersinsupport of thelearningand development of our children andtheir teachers Anetwork of supportthat enablesand encourages studentsthatextends beyond the school wallstoforma diverseand wonderfultapestrythroughoutthe Estes Valley You have an important role to play in theattainment of thegoals setforth
GirlsGolfcelebrates asuccessfulseason
By EstesParkSchool District Forthe Trail-GazetteIt’s safe to saythatGirls Golf is back in EstesPark! As theschoolyearwinds down,sodoesthe Girls Golf season
Theteamstarted in late February with sixgolfers, allofwhomhad never played golf before.They braved many cold,windy, snowydaystopracticeand learnthe game.The perseverancepaidoffasthe team finished3rd at thePatriotLeagueJVChampionship in Sterling last Friday Iamproud of thegirls andamimpressed by theirprogress. Ihopeto seemanyofthemonthe team againnextyear,”said CoachRische.
We hope to continue to grow thesport forgirls in EstesParkand buildoffof this season.Pleasereach outtoCoach TimRische at Tim_Rische@psdr3.k12 co.usifyou areinterested in learning more about GirlsGolfinEstes Park
BigthankstoCoach Tim Rische forreestablishing GirlsGolfthisseason. Also,
It’s safe to saythatGirls Golf is back in EstesPark! As theschoolyearwinds down, so does theGirls Golf season.The team startedinlateFebruarywithsix golfers, all of whom hadnever played golf before.Theybravedmanycold, windy, snowydaysto practice andlearn thegame.
thankyou to Austin Logan andAaron Tuleyfromthe EstesParkGolfCoursefor theirsupport of theprogram this season
2024 GirlsGolfTeam
MadisonDavis, VanessaGonzalez, Lexi Hennig,Rylee Nelson,FatimaRojas andAmy Schwartz
EPSD celebrates teachers at annual endofyearreception
By EstesParkSchool District Forthe Trail-GazetteOn Friday,May 10,the EstesParkSchoolDistrict (EPSD) hosted itsannual EndofYearStaffReception at Mother’s Cafe to honor thededicationand achievementsofits teachers.This celebrationmarkedthe culmination of TeacherAppreciation Week.SuperintendentRubyBodeopened theevent by expressing her gratitude, stating, “Mysincerest thanks to allofyou fora wonderfulyearand foryourdedicationand commitment to thestudentsand families of the EstesValley. In addition, thankyou forthe remarkable supportyou give to oneanother.Itisthrough thesupport we give to one anotherthatweare better together andcan grow to be themostexcellent educators that we canbe. Theevent also recognizedretiringstaffmembers,including Keri Vik, JoeFrey, PamFrey, Butch McCown,Kathy Klipstein, andJanet Fanning. Col-
by theirpeers.JohnWolf received theSubstituteof theYearaward,AlexHarriswas namedCoach of the Year,Kristin Hill earned theVolunteer of theYear award, andTrishaJones washonored as theClassifiedEmployeeofthe Year Thehighlight of theevening wasthe presentation of theTeacher of theYear awardto Anne Leija, who received abeautiful paintingdonated by localphotographerand artist James Frank. Onenominationfor Anne praisedher decades of work,stating,“Shehas been laying thefoundation forour youngest learners with kindness,compassion, andcreativity. Sheprovides ajoyfullearningenvironment whereher students grow throughimaginative play andengagingmusicexpertlyblended with structured learning.”
in theplan. They presentwaysthatcommunity memberscould help studentsexploretheir passions, embracechallenges anddevelop theskillsnecessary forthrivinginan ever-changingworld.Specifically,eachmajor focus area of theplanhas family andcommunity partnership components.Check them out. Perhapsyou could serveasatutor,careerexpert,and mentor to students. Or,maybe acommunity organization of which you’re apartwillextendactivities forstudentsbeyond
theschoolday that enrich theirextra-curricularexperiences. Or maybeyou’llattend events andactivities to cheer forstudentsand encouragetheir endeavors. To learnmorego to https:// Thankyou in advancefor your support. Iamexcited, hopeful, confident andoptimistic aboutthe school year aheadbecause we arebettertogether.
With gratitude, Ruby Bode Superintendent of Schools
Welcome, RyanHarris!
By EstesParkSchool District Forthe Trail-GazetteEPHSwelcomesRyan Harris to theBobcatFamilyasassistant principalfor 24-25schoolyear!
Dr.RyanHarrisstarted hisprofessionalcareer in Missouri at Park High School in Riverside, Missouri. Foreight yearshe taught special education andcoached soccer.Duringthe summer of 2022,Dr. Harris andhis family relocated to Colorado. Forthe past twoschoolyears,he hasservedasthe Instructional CoachatWinograd K-8schoolinGreeley,Colorado. Dr.Harrisreceived hisbachelor’sdegreeinSpecial Educationin2014from theUniversityofMissouriColumbia.Desiringtobe-
come aschoolleader, he graduatedwithhis master’s degree in EducationalAdministration from theUniversityofKansasin2018 andaDoctorate in Educational Leadership andPolicyAnalysisfromthe University of Missouri-Columbia in 2022
Dr.Harrisisaproud husband andfather. Whilenot at work,heenjoysspendingtimewithhis family andfriends.Healsoenjoys sports andspending time outside. He looksforward to workinginone of the most beautifulplaces on earth. Dr.Harrisispassionateabout building relationshipswithall stakeholdersbased on trust, student success, well-being andachievement,and helpingall students meet their full potential.
leaguesdelivered heartfelt speeches,celebrating the retirees’contributionsand expressing howmuch they
will be missed
Several awards were presentedtostaff members whowerenominated
Thereception wasafitting tributetothe hard work anddedicationof EPSD’s educators, celebratingtheir contributions to thecommunity andthe positive impact they have on theirstudents’ lives.
By Ruby Bode Superintendent of SchoolsAs part of ongoingefforts to best servestudentsand community, theEstes Park School District is excitedto announceanevolution in ouradministrativeteam’s structurefor theupcoming school year
In response to changing enrollment patterns,SuperintendentBodehas carefullyconsideredresources anddecided to introduce amorestreamlined leadership team.Thisnew configurationwillconsist of two principals andthree assistant principals,designedto optimizeour resourcesand focusonproviding thebest possible educationalenvironment. This is achange from thecurrent composition of four principals and one assistantprincipal for astudent population of approximately950 students
Erin Miller,currently servingasthe Principal forgradesPK-2, will transition to theroleofElementary Principal, expanding herleadershiptoencompass grades PK-5 andfo-
cusing on theeducation of ouryounger learners.Concurrently, SonjaGreenway, ourMiddleSchoolPrincipal, will assume theresponsibilities of SecondaryPrincipalfor grades 6-12,guidingthe academic journeyof ourolder students We arealsopleased to sharethatMaryBarron, presentlythe High School Principal, will bringher expertiseand passiontothe role of AssistantPrincipal forgrades6-8.Aswelook to complete ourleadership team,weare in theprocess of selectingAssistant Principals forgradesPK-5and 9-12,withthe goal of findingdedicated individuals whowillcontribute significantlytoour community. This newleadership modelistailoredtomore effectively supportour current studentbody, enhancingeducational outcomes andproviding more opportunities forstaffdevelopment andleadership. Set to be implementedinthe 2024-2025schoolyear, we areconfidentthischange will usherina period of renewedfocus andinvig-
EPSD mid-year report
By Ruby Bode Superintendent of SchoolsNote:Thisarticle was published back in February
Dear Community,
As we reachthe midpointofthe school year,I’d like to pauseand reflect on theprogresswe’ve made toward theobjectivesoutlinedinour strategicplan.
Earlyon, theBoard of Educationand Iprioritized thedevelopment of acomprehensive 5-year strategicplanfor ourschooldistrict. This endeavor serves as ourguide to enhancingacademicachievement andgrowth, fosteringrealworldlearningopportunities forstudents, andpromoting wellness within our school community.
I’mpleased to acknowledge thededicationofour staff,students, andfamilies in striving to achieve thegoals we’veset.Significantstrides have been made,and Iamproud of ourcollectiveaccomplishmentsthusfar.Thiscollaborationreinforcesthe notion that we arebettertogether
Sincerely,RubyBode Superintendent of Schools
FocusArea 1: Academic Achievementand Growth
Underthisfocus area, both staff andstudentshave dedicatedthemselvestoenhancingacademicachievement andgrowth. This year, ourstrategic plan involves several initiatives, including thecreation of public-facing curriculum maps that outline thescope andsequence of topics andlearningtargets.Additionally, we’ve implementeddaily lesson planning standardsthat encompasssix essentialelements of lesson design: review,learningtargets real-world connections, instructionalstrategiesfor all, formativeassessment, andfeedbackopportunities Thesecollectiveeffortsaim to ensure that ourteachers deliver high-quality lessons everyday,effectivelyengagingeachand everystudent in thelearningprocess Consequently,the winter assessment data,including norm-referencedtests,revealed marked improvementsinstudent achievement andgrowth, particularlyinmath, compared to thepreviouswinter.
FocusArea2:Real WorldLearning
Pathways to Teaching (P-Teach)
TheP-TEACH Program hasbeenanew addition to EPHS that offersstudentsa jump startontheir career as an educator.P-Teach is made possible through apartnership with Saint VrainValleySchools and it introduces EPHS studentstoacareerasaneducator by offeringavariety of concurrent enrollment courses. Students canearn credit throughUCDenver, as well as participateina varietyofenrichmentactivities such as field trips andclassroom internships. They also hadthe opportunity to attend theUNC Aspiring TeacherConference to learnabout acareerin education. This pathwayopportunityistaughtbylong time EPES educator Rachel Graham EPHS Mentoring Program
TheEPHSMentoring Programisanother newaddition that offersstudents real world learning in the
onstrate theessential skills needed forpolitical debate to simulate alegislative session in theclassroom.Here they preparewithastrategycalledaninside-outside circle
Critical Thinking
Students in Mr.Siler’s 8thgrade Englishclass analyzethe next chapter in theirbookusing oneof theDepth andComplexityicons to thinkabout the chapters underone of the critical thinking frames FocusArea3: Wellness
Positive Behavior Support Systems(PBIS) What is PBIS?
Bobcat Corner: Senior week, retirees
By EstesParkSchoolDistrict Forthe Trail-Gazette
EPHS This Week
Senior Week Activities
1) Senior Clap Out— Wednesday, May22ndat 1:05 pm
Seniorswillweartheir gownsand allES, MS and HS students clap them out
2) Senior Breakfast Thursday,May 23rd from 9:00-11:00 am at Twin Owls
3) Graduation Practice —Thursday, May23rdat 11:15am
Allseniors report to EventCenterfor practice, afterseniorbreakfast
4) Senior Gift —Thursday, May23rdat1:00pm EPHS Librarytounveil theseniorgift. Allseniors encouraged to attend
5) Baccalaureate— Thursday,May 23rd from 6:00-8:00pm Ruesch Auditorium YMCA of theRockies (not aschoolaffiliatedevent)
6) Graduation —Friday, May24that11:00 am SeniorsarriveatEvent Center at 10:00am
EPHS Retirees
EPHS wantstohonor twoofour ownretiring this year
ButchMcCownhas been teaching for28years in theschooldistrictasa PE/Healthteacher as well as Wildland Firefighting educator
skills of beingamentorto youngerstudents. This opportunityismadepossiblethrough apartnership with Colorado StateUniversityand SummitStone Health Partners.The vision forthe programisto providepeermentoring for students that createsopportunities to build confidence andexplorehighereducation opportunitieswhile helpingdispelmyths and breakdown perceivedbarrierstoacademicsuccess.
ExpandingCTE Opportunities
We areexcited to announceour addition of auto mechanicsatthe high school.Welcome ournew auto mechanicsteacher TJ Appel!
Thompson Career Campus (TCC)
Throughapartnership with Thompson School District, students at EPHS are able to participatein programsatTCC.Through this partnershipour students canenrollintechnicaleducationpathwaysthatare notavailable at EPHS such as Cybersecurity/IT and Health Sciences.
Communityand Business Partnerships
At EPSD,wehighlyprioritizecommunity andbusiness partnerships,recognizing theiressential role in offeringstudentsauthentic, real-world learning experiences. We arededicated to enhancingand broadening thesepartnershipsasoutlinedinour strategicplan’s focusarea. We encourage youtoexplore thediverse rangeofcollaborationsthe school district hasestab-
lished with communityorganizationsand businesses, allaimed at enrichingthe educationalexperiences of students at EPSD
Global Awarenessand Compassion
Comput er sc ienc e teacherPolly Greenblatt andtechnology manager Nick Goochcollaborate to instruct fourth-grade studentsinsoldering lampsto donate to communitiesfacinglight poverty
Dedicatedstudentsat theelementaryand middle school putinextra hours afterschooltoimprove their skills in math
Physical, Social and EmotionalWellness
EveryWednesday,Coach Bprovidesextra time for addedphysicalmovement forall students andMs. Silvaprovidesimportant lessonstoteach prosocial behaviors.
Elementary students in Ms.Cargill’s artclass showcase theirartwork in theMaskArt Show at the ArtGallery of EstesParkon Feb. 10
Students in Mr.Harris’s sustainability classcollaborateto createa newzerowasteloopideathatfuture sustainability students can use. Students ElliottFlavin, Ella Battin,and Tayen Applegatepresented their ideastothe BoardofEducation in January.
In 8thgrade US History, Mr.Bradley’s students dem-
Positive Behavior Support Systems(PBIS)isan evidence-basedapproach aimedatfostering apositiveschoolororganizational culturebyproactively addressing behavioral challenges.PBISemphasizesthe teaching of behavioral expectations andthe reinforcementofdesired behaviors.PBISseeks to prevent theoccurrenceofproblembehaviors andimprove overalloutcomesfor individuals.
Thedataabove signifies an improvementthisyearin thereduction of themajor discipline infractions. We attributemuchofthe improvement in behavior to ourschool-wide efforts to implementPBISplans in each school as aresultof theactions in ourstrategicplan. This approach involves thecollaboration of educators, staff,students, andfamiliestoestablish clearbehavioralexpectations, provideconsistent feedback andreinforcement,and implementinterventionstailoredtothe needsofeachindividual.
Improved Attendance
ThroughPartnership Centraltoacademic achievementisthe steadfast commitment to regularattendance. As outlined in FocusArea3:Wellness, we areactivelyengaging in initiativestocollaborate with families in enhancing thewell-beingofeachstudent andpromoting consistent attendance.Our comprehensive family partnership plan,accessibleonour website, delineates thespecific rolesofbothfamilies andschoolstaffmembers
Thepresenceofevery childenrichesthe fabric of ourentirecommunity
ButchMcCownhas been teaching for28years in theschooldistrictasa PE/Healthteacher as well as Wildland Firefighting educator PamFreyhas been teachingfor 16 yearsinthe school district as aScience teacher. They will be GREATLY missed andweant to thankthemfor theirservice to ourstudents!! EnvironmentalClub Clean-Up
We want to show appreciationand dedication to theclean upsthe EPHS EnvironmentalClubhas been doingrecently. This awesome club cleaned up our school district grounds, track&field, EstesPark lake andEstes Park golf course.
Family/School Relationship Survey
Supporting students to do theirbestinschoolrequires acollaborative effort.Parents,students, and school staff areanintegral part in this process. The Family-SchoolRelationshipsSurveyisananonymoustoolthathelps us collectyourinput.Please providehonest,thoughtfulresponses to help us learnhow to make your child’sschooling experience as positive andbeneficial as possible.Weappreciate your time in completingthe survey Please complete asurveyfor each building in whichyourchild(ren)is/ areenrolled. Allbuildings areavailable in thelinkbelow. If youwould like to take thesurveys in alanguage otherthanEnglish,click thedropdowninthe top left corner to select adifferent language
Enrollment Information Needed
Thankyou forbeing a part of ourBobcatFamily! To preparefor theupcoming 2024-25school year,weask each family to verify,updateand con-
PamFrey hasbeen teaching for16years in the school district as aScience teacher
firmthe informationthat we have foryourfamily. Historically,wehaverequestedthisupdatein August.Inorder to better preparefor theschoolyear, whichincludesclass placement,weare moving this processtothe spring To confirmyourstudent’s re-enrollmentatEstesParkHighSchool: LogintoyourPowerSchool accountonthe web or mobile appUpdatethe followingforms foreach studentHome/Contacts Home Language Survey HousingHealthInformation Annual Agreements Transportation Please complete your re-enrollment confirmationbyMay 8th. Youcan usethese directions on howtocompletethisprocess in Powerschool
Bobcatcup award
This week,the winning houseadvisorythe “RAMS” wonthe Bobcat Cupaward givenfor best attendance andleast tardies andwinners of the trivia contestand “caught doinggood”.These students were awardedwith afew hoursatRideAKart here in town wherethey gottoridebumpercars andplaymini-golf.Good jobRAMS!!
EF exchange host families needed!
Host families canhost for5 or 10 months andmay choose astudent from one of 13 countries. TheEF team will help matchstudentsand families.It’sa greatway to sharecultures andcommunity EF offerstravelopportunities andprogramsall around theglobe.Host families areeligible for discounts.