Living Well in Estes - Spring 2024

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Spring 2024

Photo by: Julie

•Allergy &Asthma


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Mountaintop Medicine Quality Care FRIDAY,APRIL 26,2024 LIVE WELL | 3

Live Well this spring in EstesPark!

Welcometospring, Estes! As we thaw from awinterseasonfilled with sporadicwinterstormsand frigid temperatures,April andMay have broughtus blue skies, bloomingflowersand perfecttemperaturestoexplore thewildlife andtrailsour beautiful town hastooffer.

In this edition, youwill find everything youneed to live well in Estes, from healthcare needsand real estate advice,tofun factsabout theseasonalwildlifeand events happeningthroughoutthe next fewmonths.

We hope youenjoy this edition, andtakeadvantage of what spring hastooffer! Happyreading!

—The EstesParkTrail-Gazetteteam Theweather is wonderful, theplantsare blooming,and theriversare running. It’s a greattimetoget outsideand a good time to take care of your physical health.Estes Park Health offersmanyscreening tests, urgent andemergency services,physician visits,and surgeries to help youmaintain your optimumhealth.

In this issue, youcan find informationonawealthof topics,fromhealthcareplanning to dealingwithknee pain.There’s even astory abouta beautifulnew muralatEPH paintedbyalocal artist.You must stop by and seeit.

So, spring into action and flipthrough thesepages to inspireyou on your path to a healthierlife!

-Estes Park Health

Improving lives with better hearing! Your journey to better hearing starts today! Customsolutions for everybudget with caring andcompassionatecare. It’s timetocall Dr.Cory! •Diagnostic Hearing Evaluations •Tinnitus Evaluation and Management •Hearing Aid Selection and Fitting •Wax Removal •Hearing Aid Repairs •Custom Earmolds and Ear Plugs Our Comprehensive Hearing CareServices: Cory Workman, Au.D. Board Certified DoctorofAudiology 1186 Graves Avenue-Suite B•Estes Park, Colorado 80517 •(970) 586-5255 Exceptional CareClose to Home! ACCEP TING NEW PATIENT S! 3650 East15th Street Loveland, Colorado 669-1107 • K ir kE ye Ce nt er Se ea ll that you ca n Dr. Dustin Asay and Dr. John D. Kirk, at Kirk Eye Center Common Eye Condition Treatments: Cataract Care •Glaucoma DiabeticRetinopathy •Retinal Disease Macular Degeneration•Dry Eye Specializedcontact lens fittings On-Site Surgery Center for Great Patient Care and Convenience Precise,Expert Eye Care for the Estes Park Community |LIVEWELL FRIDAY,APRIL 26,2024 4
Anewborn elkcalf(Cervus elaphus) stands in afieldofgolden banner flowers in RockyMountainNationalPark, Colorado

TrailRidge Road clearing opensroadtohikersand bikers

Thereisashort window of time each MaywhenTrail RidgeRoadisopentohiking withoutvehicles.

Starting in mid-April, crewsfromRocky Mountain National Park startthe dauntingannualtaskofremoving snow from theroad, pull outs andparking areasalong Trail RidgeRoad. Thesnowcan be up to 22 feet high in some spots, requiringthe crew to chew throughthe snow with plows, shovelsand backhoes in preparationofopening the road by Memorial DayWeekend.

As thecrewclearssections of theroad, thosesnow-free segments become atrail.The availableroadfor hiking gets longer as themonth of May marchesonbeforethe full road is clearedinanticipation of openingonMemorial DayWeekend

ExploringTrail RidgeRoad during this time,which can be done by foot or bike,gives thetravelerauniqueopportunity to look over theedgeinto thecanyons belowalong the highestcontinuouslypaved road in theU.S.

To enjoythiseasybut high-elevation opportunity, startatthe parkinglot at RainbowCurve alongTrail RidgeRoad, whichsitsatan elevationof10,830feet.

Snowbanksinthissection of road areexceedingfive feet high,and many exploringthe road enjoya photostanding in frontofthe largedriftsrisingabove theirhead.

Youwillquickly beginto feel theelevation in your lungs. Take it slow andallowyourbodytoadjustto thealtitude. Except forthe most adventurousskiers andsnowshoers, most peopleprobablyhavenot been at this elevationsince Trail RidgeRoadclosedonOctober18, 2023.

As yougiveyourlungs time to fillwithair,listentothe al-


Tall snow driftsstretch alongthe side of TrailRidge Road before it

theseasonin RockyMountainNational Park,Colorado.

pine sounds around you. Pikas will chatteronthe distanttalusslopes. Meltingsnowcreates aloudgurgleasits liquid form passes belowthe packed snow on theshoulders ofthe road.A Clark’s nutcracker will yell outto afriendwith

itsdistinct“kraah” call.

Therolling cloudsreveal viewsofsnow-covered MountChapin, MountChiquita andYpsilon Mountain to thenorth.

At 0.7miles,you canlook down to thesouth or the

northfrom11,050feetnear tree line alongthe road.

Continue another0.3 miles to take in theunobstructed view of an unnamedpeak to thenorth with a steep slopeonits face.Pause here

PHOTOS BY DAWN WILSON PHOTOGRAPHY Road in RockyMountainNationalParkopenedfor thesummerseasononFriday, May 28,2022.

AidenSinclaircelebratesten yearsatThe StanleyHotel

When AidenSinclairperformed an impromptuperformance of magictricksin thelobby of TheStanley Hotel in 2014,henever anticipated that tenyears later, he would have notonlya show,but a theatrededicated to hiscraft in thehistorichotel

On Saturday,April 13,Sinclairmarkedthe tenthanniversary of hisfirstshowat theEstes Park hotel, theonly full-timeresidency show in a Coloradohotel dedicatedto magic.

“It’sbeeninsane,”saidSinclair. “You don’treallyrealize it untilaFacebookmemory pops up andholycrap, that’s been tenyears.How didthat happen?”

At that point, Sinclair willinglyturnedhimself in to authorities, spenttimeinprison, andcameout with anew perspective on life andwho he wanted to be.

He knowshewas lucky to find hisgift, thanks to thebook“HowtoDoCard Tricks”while in prison,and he enjoyedhis gift of sleightof-handtricks. That interest andtalentcajoled him into learning more magictechniques,tricksand methods.

As Sinclair reflectedon thoseten years, hisenthusiasmand passionfor what he does notjustthe magic butthe abilitytobuild abusiness that nowhelps otherperformers— canbeheard in his voice.

Buthis ten-year storystarts farther back,as most stories do, with challengingtimes andareflection on hispast leadinghim to askhimself whohewantedtobecome.

“I hadanot greatstart in life andreallykindofmade my wayinthisworld in a pretty badway,” said Sinclair. “Itculminatedinmerunning very illegalpoker roomsand runningasa fugitive foralmost 15 yearsofmylife. In 2004 or 2005,Ijusthad this weird, ‘I don’twanttobethis person’moment.”

He returned to hishome stateofWyoming andwas hiredtodomagic fora fundraiser fora domestic violence safe housefor women.

This turningpoint, oneof many in histwenty-year path to whereheistoday,taught himthe powerofthe onemagic-trickshow.

Sinclair’s perspectiveon magicwas that it takespeople away from reality. Herfund-

AidenSinclair, magician,illusionist andapparitionist,is celebrating tenyears of performancesatThe StanleyHotel in EstesPark, Colo

Ways to loweryourgrocery bill

This week on Nutrition Notes, Iwanttodiscuss grocery shoppingand howto save moneyonthe bill.Iam sure we areall feelingthe effectsofinflationright now anditiscertainly noticeable in ourgrocery storebills.We arecurrently seeing significantly higher prices on staplefoods like eggs,grains, andmilk. However,there are ways to help spendlesson groceriesand stillput nutritiousmeals on thetable

Here aresometipstocut back on costsatthe grocery store:


Plan your mealsand createa shopping list.Havea fewbreakfasts, lunches, and dinnersplanned.Thishelps

youavoid impulsebuysand ensuresyou only purchase whatyou need.You aremore likely touse what youbuy andwhat youalready have on hand, whichhelps to cut back on costseven more.It isestimated that theaveragehousehold throws away 30%of the foodthatthey purchase.

Shop seasonally

Fruits andvegetablesthat areinseasonare typically more affordable andtaste better too! Youcan even opt forfrozenor canned options

(watch outfor addedsugars andsalt) to save even more.

Know what expiration datesmean

Otherthaninfantformula (which gets asafetydate), foodsare labeledwitha“best if used by,” “sellby,”or“freeze by”datethatindicates freshness andquality usingstandardsset by theUSDA. You do notneedtotreat these datesashard andfastrules to throwawayfood. When food begins to grow mold or turns rancid-thisisasignthatthe food is expiredand should be thrown away.

Avoidshopping whenhungry

Shoppingonanempty stomachcan lead to impulse purchases andoverspending.

Buyin bulk

Purchasingitems in bulk canoften be more cost effective,especiallyfor non-perishable itemslikegrains, pasta, andcannedgoods.Theycan be especially helpfulfor largefamilieswho need to stockupona lotoffood. Youmay findthatit makessense to buycertain staplefoodsinbulkbecause of the significant cost savings. Youdo nothavetohaveamembership to awarehouse

grocerystore like Costco or Sams Club or alot of space to storeextra food at home, just buying larger sizesat your regularstore canhelp yousave.

Look forsales andcoupons

Keep an eyeout forweekly salesand clip couponsto



DINNER4:30 PM -8/9 PM


SixadventuresinEstes Park

Whetheryou’restrolling around Lake Estesorcampingonthe side of acliff, Estes Park is primed forand welcomesevery levelofadventure.Whenitcomes to thrillingoutdoor experiences, we have theclassic andthe unexpected.


To climbavia ferrataisto climbironrungs bolted into therockfacewhile beingtied into steelcablesalsobolted into therockface. It’s adifferent andexhilaratingway to rock climb, funifyou’rea climberand funifyou’venever climbed. Kent Mountain Adventure Center (KMAC) takes outprivate groups to climb theirtwo viaferrata routes. They provideall of thegear andguides. Viewsfromthe routelookacrossthe Estes Valley andintoRocky Mountain National Park here,too. It’s stunning


Wouldyou willinglysleep on thesideofamountain?

Even if youanswered“No” to that question,chances are, youhavequestions.Kent Mountain Adventure centeroffers acliffcamping experience,which allows non climbers andclimberswitha smallerskillsettoexperience sleeping on aporta-ledge. Here arethe answerstoall of your burningquestions.


Formountainbikingtrails in EstesPark, RooseveltNational Forest offersthe most abundant opportunities, as RockyMountainNational Park doesn’tallow mountain biking on theirtrails. Dozens of trails coverhundredsof milesinthispreserved area

EstesParkissurroundedbyatreasureofnatural wonders.

Pedalthrough pine-filled forests,acrossopengrasslands andinto terrain studdedwith rocksand hills.


Colorado’sEstes Valley hasbeena hubofrock climbingand mountaineering activity sincethe 19th century, so it’s no surprise that the area is chock-full ofsomeof America’smostclassic routes. Whetheryou’relooking for bigalpinelines,boltedsport climbs,orhigh-countrybouldering,there’s no shortage of high-quality rock in and around EstesPark.


Coming into itsown as a

VisitEstes Park

well-known destinationfor trailrunning, RockyMountain National Park possesses thequalities trailrunners seek:soft, varied terrain; solace;natural beauty;and different habitats.These run-

ners want to engage andexperience theirsurroundings. Theywantvariety.And they want thebenefits of working theirwhole foot andleg


Horsebackridingoutfitters throughout thevalleyoffernumerousguidedridesfrom 1-hour to 8-hour to overnight. Some offer breakfast or steakdinnerrides.Othersofferpack tripsthattakefishermentoremotelakes and streams. Bringing your own horses? Thereare plenty of trails to checkout,including thoseatHermitParkOpen Space.


Healthcare planning needstobeproactive EPHphysicians give


No onewants to think aboutend-of-life planning. However,there aresteps you cantakenow to make theprocess as simple as possible for youand your lovedones.

“Our stateofhealthmay change at anymoment,”said Dr.Nicholaus Mize,aninternalmedicinephysician at EstesParkHealth. “Planningfor health changesallowsthe patienttobeincontrol of what path they want themedical field to take forthem. It aids allcaregiversathome, afacility,orinamedical setting know what thepatient wants in relation to thepatient’s statewhenthe patientmay nothavethe abilitytodoso. It takesweightand distress away from lovedones, friends, and even themedical team when therehas been adiscussionincludingthe patientwiththeir PrimaryCarePhysician about treatmentgoals,ordirectives at different states of health.At theveryleast,developingendof-lifewishes, albeit at times difficulttocontemplate,isimportantfor allthose reasons. Theplanningcomes from a placeofloveasweall tryand protectour lovedonesfrom beingthe voiceofthe patient during theirown heavyemotions.”

Five Recommendations from Physicians

1. Establisharelationship with your PrimaryCarePhysician (PCP). Your PCPwill have appropriateconversationsabout your condition andfutureoptions with you.

2. Know your insurances and/or your financialresources.

3. Identify your family and friend resources.

4. Make your wishes known throughanAdvance Health Care Directive, Living Will,


“Planningfor health changesallowsthe patient to be in controlofwhatpaththeywant the medicalfieldtotakefor them,” said Dr.Nicholaus Mize,anEstes Park Health Internal Medicine Physician.

Colorado MedicalOrdersfor ScopeofTreatment.Alsosee

5. Appointsomeone to speakonyourbehalfifyou cannot.Medical Durable PowerofAttorney.

EstesParkHealthChief NursingOfficePat Samples stressed that end-of-lifeplanning canbedifficult for everyone.

“There aresomeresources to supportyou andyourloved ones (which canbefamily and/or friends) talking throughtheprocess,likethe 5Wishesdocumentand,” Samples said.“Thedocuments to complete canvarydepending on howdetailedyou want the plan to be.The MOST (MedicalOrdersfor ScopeofTreatment)formis onepage. Alivingwillinclude your identifiedmedical powerofattorney andyourwishesbased on the circumstance. Be sure to includeyourprimary care providerinyourdecisions to ensure youand your lovedones have agoodunderstanding of thedifferent options.There is no oneright form or document, it is individualized.”

AboutEstes Park Health

EstesParkHealthiscomprised of skilled, compassionatecaregivers. We area criticalresourceinour mountain community, providingthe full spectrum of care forour

friends, neighbors, andvisitors,frompediatricstogeriatrics.Withapersistent dedication to patient-focusedcare, we continue to scorehighon keymeasuresinpatient satisfactionsurveys.Estes Park Health wasfounded in 1975

as theElizabeth Knutsson Memorial Hospital pera taxsubsidy votedon by thecitizens of EstesPark. Today, more 18,000 patients—residents and visitors alike—seeour healthcare teamsfor both outpatient andinpatient services.

Hometown Banking atits Best! Locations: Main Branch: 255 Park Lane EstesPark, CO 80517 (970)586-4485 St VrainBranch: 501S.StVrain Ste100 Estes Park,CO80517 (970)577-1234 FRIDAY,APRIL 26,2024 LIVE WELL | 9

AStanley Hotel History: Part Four

TurningThe StanleyHotel into a profitablebusiness

Note:Thisisthe fourth installmentinaseriesthat examines thehistory of owners of TheStanley Hotel as thepropertyapproaches atransitionofownership

In 1909,The StanleyHotel wasanopulent,modernhotelwithamenities notfound in otherhotelsofthe time,especially in aremotemountain valley.

EstesParkwas afledgling town,withonlyafew businesses andlog cabins flankingdirtroads in thearea that wouldeventuallybecome downtown.The two roadsintotown—whatare nowU.S.Highways34and 36 —wererough at best,more comparable to what would todaybedescribed as primitive,four-wheeldrive roads.

Butthatishow this mountain valley startedits path to becoming oneofthe premier recreationdestinations in theU.S.

TheStanley Hotelopened on June 22,1909. At that time,itwas thefirsthotel in theworld to provideelectricitythroughoutthe building,a rarity even forthe more established,high-endaccommoda-


TheStanley Hotel, oneofthe landmarksinEstes Park,was builtin1909and hasbeenapartofthe filmproduction communityinEstes Park

tionsinplaceslikeNew England, NewYorkCity, Chicago andNew Orleans.

Butfor allits gloryindesign,appearanceand accommodations, TheStanley Hotelstruggled to make aprofit. Underseveral owners,includingthe hotel’sbuilder and namesake,F.O.Stanley,the hotelcostmoretorun than it collectedinrevenue.Under themanagementofa couple of owners afterStanley,itfell into bankruptcy anddilapidateddisrepair

Allofthatchanged when an envelopewas opened in April1996.

Inside that envelope was thebid John Cullen andhis fellow partners at GrandHeritageHotel Groupsubmittedseveral months earlier.

That bid in thethird envelopeopenedduringthe bankruptcy auctionwound up beingthe winningbid.

Ahotel in Amsterdam

John Cullen spentthe first fewyears of hislifein Ohio.

this elevation.

to listen forcrackingice and packed snow as it slides down thesteep slopes.FallRiver flows heavilydeepinthe canyonbelow.Juncosand mountain chickadees bounce from tree to tree as they look for thescarcefoodsources at

By May15, 2023,1.56miles —and an elevation gain of about450 feet from Rainbow Curve—wereopenfor hiking. Theroadisclosedbeyond thesigns to allowthe crews to finishtheir work as quickly andsafelyaspossible.More sections of road will open as crews remove thesnow. Theroadcrews hope to have theroadready forvehi-

When Cullen wasfive years old, hisfather, whowas a business consultant,accepted aposition in theNetherlands. Thefamily, includingJohn andhis sister,motherand father,moved to thehistoric town of Laren, Holland.

This small, affluent town in theAmsterdam metropolitan district wouldbecome Cullen’s home forthe next six months whereheand hisfamilylived in thehistoricHotel Hamdorff.

Whilehis mother wouldbe away from home pickingup hissisterfromkindergarten, thehotel’s engineeringteam wouldwatch Cullen.

Thesefew individuals wouldbecomesomeofthe most unintentionallyinfluential people in carvingout thepathCullenwould follow forhis career.Intheir care, he wouldlearn Dutch, play with theengineers andhold thetools they used.

Believinghewould follow a path as an architectorengineer,Cullenpursued physics

cletraffic by Memorial Day Weekend, barringany setbacksfromMotherNature. Once theroadisopentotraffic,walking theroadisnot advisedsoenjoy this beautifultimeofyeartoexplore TrailRidge Road by foot.

Thereisadaily entrance feefor RockyMountainNational Park,ora federalinteragencypassmay be used. This sectionofroadrequires

in college, butmacroeconomicsalsofascinatedhim.He quicklyfellintoworking in real estate aftercollege,takingaroleatarealestateconsultingfirm as aLotus 1-2-3 software engineer.Thisnew platform,launchedin1983, wasconsideredthe most powerfulspreadsheet software available.

“I became thefastest problemsolverinthe room,” said Cullen.“Idon’t thinkI was gettingpaid$10 an hour at thefirm.Ivolunteered foreverysingletravelassignment becauseI gotamealstipend. Literally, in my firstyear workingfor this firm, Ihad 200plusdaysonthe road in hotels,consultingonhotels andfixing hotels.”

Cullen wasinhis early20s andconfidentlyadmitsthat even then he wasgoodat runningnumbers to solvethe problems of struggling hotels.

He wasquickly recruitedby aconsultingfirm in Annapolis. Whilethere,hereceiveda $40,000bonus (equivalentto about$84,000 today),which he used to starthis first hotelcompany.

That companyisnow GrandHeritageHotel Group, thecompany that owns The StanleyHotel.

Theenvelopethat changedeverything

In thesummerof1995, Cullen’scompany managedThe Stanley Hotelinanattempt

aParkAccesstimed entryreservation from 9a.m.to2 p.m. starting May24, 2024.

Formoreinformation aboutTrail RidgeRoad, visit planyourvisit/trail_ridge_ road.htm.Tolearn more aboutcurrent road conditionsinRocky Mountain National Park,visit https://www. road_status.htm.


SpringingintoThe StanleyHotel

With spring coming into bloom,Estes Park is entering into anew season of liveliness andentertainment.

No matter thetimeofyear though,The Stanleyhas events to keep people enthralled throughany season. Here is your guidetofinding theonesthatcaptivate your interests.


Locatedinthe elegant, historic musicroominside of TheStanley’s main lodge, visitors of the217 Wine Bar cansip from some of thefinestwineselectionsinEstes Park whileenjoyingafrontrowviewofthe snow-capped RockyMountainbackdrop.

When attendingthe new spot,guestswillhavemore than 50 winestochoosefrom whilesnackingonassorted charcuterie offeringspreparedbythe houseMichelin Star chef in oneofthe many conversational areasthatallowfor aquaint, communal atmosphere.

217’smaîtred’regales his listenerswithstories about thevenerable oldhotel and wine-parodiedshowtunes.

AmagnificentSteinwayand Sons concertgrand piano beneathagold-leafed dome stands at theready to fillthe entire room with music.


Lookingfor something more exclusiveinyourwhiskeytasting?Looknofurther than TheVault.Located on thelower levelofthe main lodge, TheVault will be any whiskeyconnoisseur’sdream come true with aroomfullof single barrelsand specialbottles—a majority of whichare oneoflessthan200 in existence. TheVault offersprivate,curated tastings,exploringwhiskey history, classificationsand tips on thebest

waytoenjoy thedrink.

Clutch live at TheStanley

StanleyLiveand 107.9KBPI

Presents Clutch!Get readyfor an unforgettablerockexperience at theHistoricStanleyHotel!Clutch, theiconic American rock band hailing from Frederick, Maryland, is settoignitethe stageon May2nd andMay 3rd. Born in Germantown andfueledby thecreativeenergyofFrederick, Clutch is notjusta band; it’s ahometownrocklegacy.

Don’tmissanunforgettablenight with specialsupportingperformancesby Blacktop Mojo andThe Native Howl.

Formoreinformation on entertainmentatThe Stanley Hotel, interested personscan go to


Be apartofhistory as The Bouncing Soulskickofftheir first-everconcert at thehistoricStanley HotelonAugust 9th, 2024

TheStanley Hotelwillbe thefirstvenue forthe band as part of theirthree-night of pure punk rock across four cities,celebrating fiveoftheir legendaryalbums.

TheBouncingSouls have been rockingsince 1989. They’repioneersofpunk rock,known forinfusingfastpacedand light-heartedtunes into thescene.Joinusaswe ignite thepunkspiritand bringbackthe “pogo” element to NewJerseypunkrock!

Don’tmissout on this incredible journeythrough the decadesofpunkhistory.

Gettickets at


For sixyears running, Devotchkaand theirdevoted fans have transformedthe hauntingly beautifulStanley Hotelintoamesmerizing realmofwonder. Join us for an unforgettable nightatour HalloweenCostume Party, whereelegancemeets eccentricityina celebrationlikeno other.

DevotchkaLiveatThe StanleyHotel October31st, November 1st&2nd,2024 TICKET PACKAGES ON SALE NOW!

ImmersiveSpectacle: Slavic SistersMacabre Circus Sideshow Experience themysteriousallureofthe Slavic Sisters macabrecircussideshow, wheredeath-defying aerialists andexoticbelly dancers captivateyoursenses.

Extended SetbyGrammy-Nominated Devotchka: Be prepared foranextended setbythe critically acclaimed, Grammy-nominatedDevotchka.Loseyourself in themelodic symphony as they take youonamusicaljourney that transcends genreand transports youto newrealmsofsonic delight.

ExclusiveAccess-Tickets AvailableExclusivelytoHotelGuests: Immerseyourself fully in theenchantment by securing your exclusivetickets, availableonlytoStanleyHotel guests.Don’t miss your chance to be part of this one-of-a-kindexperience.Elevate your Halloweencelebration with astay at theiconicStanley Hotel. (Packagesinclude room + access to allevents).

This is more than aparty; it’s an experience of alifetime.Embrace themagic,the music, andthe mystique at Devotchka’sAnnualCostume Party. Join us foraHalloweencelebration like no other at TheStanley Hotel! Tickets packages on-salenow!

PHOTOS BY MATTHEWPOUST/ESTES PARK TRAIL-GAZETTE Themiddleconversationsection at the217Wine Bar.
333E WONDERVIEW AVENUE ESTES PARK,COLORADO Call to Scheduleyour Reservation! 970-577-4000 LearnMoreat: Package dealsavailablewithovernight accommodations. Sojournthrough time with our Historic Tours and learnabout acenturyoflegendand loreatThe Stanley Hotel.Welcome our “active” phenomena andspirit folkloreinthe darkened spaces of the NightTour. 11 12 AM |LIVEWELL FRIDAY,APRIL 26,2024 12 FRIDAY,APRIL 26,2024 LIVE WELL | 13

raiser needed to show them reality, show them thechallenges thesewomen arefacing.

In achangeofformfor hisshow, Sinclair scripted a wholeshowthatwas more theatrical,called“From aPaddedRoom.”Itwas a90-minutenarrative storytoldon stagethatstill made people forget butcreated akindof sleight-of-handtechnique to make people realizethe challenges thesewomen arefacing. Abouthalfway through theshow, hisassistant came on stage, alarge manfrom theaudienceplacedher in a



save moneyonyourgrocery purchases.Iliketolookat what is on sale first,then addsomeofthose foodsinto my meal plan forthe week.

straitjacket andthensat her in thecornerfor theremainder of Sinclair’s performance. At theend of histheatrical story, Sinclair explainedthat theasyluminLondonisnow thelocationofsomeofthe most expensiveapartments in that world-class city

“I looked at theaudience andasked,‘Many of youafterthisare going to askifeverything wastrueinhis show, andifeverythingI told youis true,thenhow canall of these horrible things done to these womenhavebeenforgotten?’ AndI letthathangfor aminuteand Ilookedatthe audience,and said,‘Ladies and gentlemen, howmanyofyou have forgottenthe lady in the straitjacket?’”

This way, Iamnot adding lots of extrafoods just becausetheyare on sale.

Buygeneric or storebrands

to help turn it around.

Thepropertywas in severe disrepairasthe owner, Frank Normali, struggledtomake moneyonthe historic hotel. Badinvestments andneglect left Normalistrugglingto maintain theproperty. Three buildingshad been condemned.The roof of theconcert hall hadaholeinitbig enough to seethe weatherin thesky above. Eleven of the14 buildingsnolongerhad utilities supplied to them because they didnot meet code Cullen,at30years old, had invested about$100,000 into thepropertytohelpget it back on theright path.

What he didn’t know was that thehotel wasalready in bankruptcy proceedings, and hisinvestmentinThe Stanley Hotelwould fall to thebottomofthe priority list forre-

It is theseout-of-thebox, sleight-of-handtricks that have broughtSinclair to whereheistoday.These showsare more than just magicshows.Theyare faces of Sinclair andthe powerful messages he wantstoshare. Theentertainment business he hasdeveloped hasbecome away forhim to give back.

On that dayinthe lobbyof TheStanley Hotel, John Cullen, ownerofThe StanleyHotel, happened to witnessthe crowd gatheringand he was intrigued, accordingtoSinclair. Shortlyafter that lobby show Sinclair wasperforminghis magicfor audiences everySaturdaynight at The StanleyHotel.

Thepopularity of hisshow

Often, genericbrandsoffersimilar qualityatalower pricecomparedtoname brands.


When ajudge orderedthe bankruptcy to be changed from aChapter 11 protection to aChapter 7liquidation becauseof thesignificantdebt owed by theowner of thehotel, abidding processcommenced forthe hotel.

Becauseofhis knowledge of thehotel,Cullen’sgeneral counselsuggested he putina bidtobuy thepropertyout of bankruptcy court.

“Mygeneral counselcomes in andtells me it is as simpleascaketoput in abid,” said Cullen.“Firstofall,the phrase is as easy as pie, but no,Iwasn’tgoing to putin a bid. Buthefinallycajoled me to submit abid,sayingjust putinajokebid.Isaidfine andyou have alreadyheard my number.Idecided that wasmybid.Iput in a$3.14 millionbid becausethatispi.”

Cullen said he never thoughtheand hissix partners in GrandHeritageHotel Groupwould winthe bidding

ledtothree days aweekand thenfive

“The showsatthe Underground areverynarrative, they tend to be very heavy,” said Sinclair.“Thereisalways subtexttothem, dealingin mattersoffaith anddestiny.”

Today, Sinclair hasa staff of 12 andisconstantlylooking forwaystochangethe show. TheUnderground hasevolved from just himperformingto nowincluding guestperformerswithunique, solidshows.

“The last tenyears have gone by in ablink,” said Sinclair.

Formoreinformation and to purchase tickets, visit

Cook at home

Preparingmeals at home is notonlyhealthier,but it canalsosaveyou money comparedtoeatingout or ordering takeout.

Iofferoutpatientnutrition counseling andeducation

with such alow amount so,aftera delayinthe auctiondate, they proceededtopurchase anotherhotel in SanFrancisco from theFourSeasons.

Then March 1996 rolled around andthe envelopes with thebidswereopened.

“Theyopenupthe first bid; $10million,” said Cullen. “Phew! Iwould getmy $100,000 back.”

Butthe courtrejectedit becauseofalegal matter with thebidder.

Asecondbid from aCalifornia investor withacollection of boutique hotels was also disqualifiedbecause it wasnot an all-cash offer,arequirementofthe bankruptcy court.

Then thethird envelope wasopenedrevealing thepi number.

“Not only do Inot getmy $100,000 back butIhaveto raisethe other$3million in 29 days,” said Cullen.“Before, when we were lookingatbuyingit, we hadpartner money

services at EstesParkHealth. If youare interested,contact your healthcare provider for areferral. If youhaveany questionsorifthere areany nutrition-relatedtopicsthat youwould like me to discuss here on NutritionNotes, please reachout at

available. We hadspent it on theFourSeasons CliftHotel. That wasour down payment on theClift.

Afterborrowing $3 million from an L.A. lawfirm to payfor thehotel,the partners hadto come up with another$500,000 of equity.

“Myshare [ofthe bid] was $57,000,” said Cullen.“Ihad $51,000inchecking. Iput the last $6000 on my Visa card.”

Yes, themanagingpartner of theGrand Heritage HotelGroup wasnow theproud ownerofthe once lavish but nowdilapidated historic hotelinEstes Park thanks to theswipe of acreditcardmachine.

Even though thehistory of thehotel is bookendedby twovisionaries —F.O.Stanley andJohnCullen—it feelslikethe historyofThe StanleyHotel is just getting started. Since1996, Cullen hasgiven thehotel itsown Renaissance, butthe storyis farfromfinished

Sinclair FROM

What’s Quackin’ at EstesParkDuck Race 2024

An interview with BigDuck ScottRobbins

TheEstes Park Duck Race hassomeexcitingnew things in storefor 2024 including live musicannouncements andthe addition of anew venue. This year,“BigDuck” ScottRobbins is leadingthe charge forthe 36th annual Rotary Duck Race,and backinghim up arethree eager “LittleDucks”, alongwithan active Duck Race Committee. Little DucksScott Thompson, KarenThompsonand Beth Weisberg areseasonedpros, readytotakeonthe challenge. Aheadofthisyear’s festivities, BigDuckScott Robbinsshareshis thoughts on behalf of theRotaryDuck Race Committee. Learnall aboutwhat’snew forthe 2024 Duck Race in this exclusive interview.

Q: What strikesyou as the most amazingthing aboutthe EstesParkDuckRace?

A: It’s theremarkable level of communityengagement.Sponsors, merchants, ourparticipating organizations, theTown, VisitEstes Park andour residentshave allembracedthe event. It is nowthe single largestfundraisingeventinthe EstesValley. We expect to return over $200,000 to thesixty-three participatingorganizations in 2024.

Q: Canyou tell us what’s newin2024?

A: We have twobig changes in 2024.The first is increasing ourpayouttononprofits from $22per $25duckadoptionto $23per adoption.Whenyou applythatto10,000 ducksin thewater that’s asignificant chunkofchange.

Thesecondbig change in 2024 is emphasizingthe festivalaspectofthe Duck Race

Bigsponsor duckslineup waitingfor people at the annual sponsorevent in Riverside PlazaonWednesday TheannualEstes Park Duck Race is thefirstSaturdayin May.

by addinga full dayofactivities at Bond Park.After along winter,local residentsand visitors areready to getoutside in ourbeautiful mountain communityto celebrate Spring!Big Quacktothat! Ourheadliner musicalact is CowboyBradFitch. Cowboy Brad is afixtureinthe local entertainment sceneand we couldn’t be more pleasedto have himperform.Prior to Cowboy Brad,Sunny BoyJim Jack Joneswillplayguitar musicgearedtoyoung listeners. TwoWest African-style Djembe drum groupswill kick off theentertainment at 10:30a.m.followedbyacommunity drum circle forpeopleof allagesthat wantto join ourDjembeWestAfrican-styledrummers.

We areecstatictohavethe YMCA of theRockies leading children’s gamesand family activities at Bond Park. Who couldbebetteratengagingfamiliesthan theYMCA!

We will also have threefood trucks available throughout theday.Finally,anumberof organizationsand sponsors will have informationaltablesatBond Park

Q: Whatdo we need to know aboutthisyear’sRace Day?

A:RaceDay will startat 9:00 a.m. with the5KDuck Waddle.Weexpectover 10,000 duck adoptionsthis year.All duck adoptionswill be made online only, andit’s fast andsimpleto do so by go-

ingtoour website, or clickonthe QR code on duck race posters yousee aroundtown. Anyone canadopt aduck from their cell phone,iPad, computer, or otherdeviceinjustacoupleofminutes.Who knows, adopters mayalsowin one ofthe hundreds of prizes donatedbyour localmerchants or oneofour bigprizes: $10,000cash, $6,000 cash, $4,000 cash,ora stay at historicCampHale, CO.Follow thelivestreamonyourphone by goingtothe website. It’s a communityfestival, a major fundraiser,and a dayfullof funwithhundredsofchances to winprizes. It does notget anybetterthanthat!

Enjoythe entertainment offerings at Nicky’sResort, PerformancePark, George HixRiverside Plaza, andBond Park starting at 10:30a.m. andrunning through4p.m

Q: What is theRaceDay highlight, in your opinion?

A: Themomentwhenover 10,000 little yellow rubber duckiesare dropped into Fall River fromthe duck cage suspended high in theair.Suddenly, theriver turnsbright yellow with abig splash,and away theducks go down the river to Riverside Plaza!

Aclose second is learning howmuchrevenue hasbeen raised forthe participating organizations. Theservices they provideare essentialto thequality of life here in the EstesValleyand it’s aprivilege to contribute to theirsuccess.

Q: Many localresidents andgroupsparticipateinthe Race volunteering,entertaining, sellingadoptions,servingassponsors, walkingthe river, etc. Does that make a BigDuckhonkwithhappiness?

A: That’s abig Quackity-quack!Our partnerships with VisitEstes Park andthe Town have been indispensable in 2024 as have thesupport of ourbusinesssponsors, merchants,and allthe volun-

teersfromthe community.

Q: Here’s your chance to send some thankful quacks before theducks drop

A: Thereare so many peopletothank.Weare especially grateful to Poppy’s Pizza andGrill andMama Rose’s Restaurantfor being ourNamed Sponsors.This hasenabled us to have the RockyMountainChannel andNickMollepromote duck adoptionsand live-stream theDuckRace. VisitEstes Park hasdoneanincredible jobmanagingour Facebook page andpromoting theDuck Race throughpress releases andother publicityoutreach.

ThetirelessworkofKaren Thompson as ourvenue and entertainmentcoordinator is as appreciatedasitis essential.Weare also indebted to allofour musicianswho generouslyshare theirtalents with us

TheDuckRaceCommittee’sTechTeamofBob Fulton, JeffLindberg, LarryTrifiletti,Lee Lasson,and Sandy Lasson have volunteeredtheir services to createand operate much-needed e-commerce system to manage adoptions, acustomerrelations system to manage communications anddata, as well as auser-friendlywebsite with portals forall keystakeholder groups. Ican’t thankthem enough fortheir “backoffice” work that makesthe race work.

Three very able Rotariansare managing RiverSecurity this year:CarlRobicheaux, Sheriff;Jim Austin, ourRiver Expert Emeritus; andBen Vander Werf overseeingthe finishlineduckplucking. Riversecurity is crucial to thesafeoperation of the Duck Race andgives adults an excuse to wade in thewater!

Coordination of volunteers hasbeenablyassumed by Andrea Escorcia.Andreahas successfullyherdedover100 duckling volunteers to cover


Theultimateguide to events in EstesPark

Preparefor an exciting ride as we guideyou through theastoundinglineupof events setagainst thebackdrop of Colorado’sbreathtaking mountain landscapes Getthe adrenaline pumpingwithevents like theEstesParkMarathon andHalf Marathon,orimmerse in therichmusical rhythms at theFriends of Folk Festival. Go full cowboy at theaction-packedRooftop Rodeoor marvel at twinklingholiday lights during Catchthe Glow Thelistdoesn’t endthere. No matter what your interests are, ourevent calendar is sure to become your event calendar.


This is ourfavoriteseason forfun events in EstesPark becausewho doesn’tlovea backdrop of yellow andgold leaves!Compete in thebuglingcontest at ElkFestand danceamong thegold aspens at Autumn Gold!




EstesParkjustwouldn’t be EstesParkwithout itsresidentelk,and that’s whyeveryyear, this family-friendly festival throws acelebration during theElk RutSeason— perhapsthe most active and fascinatingtimes of year for ourelk.Fromrivetinglive musicand Native American dancingtoengagingstorytelling, educationalsessions, andafun 5k RutRun,Elk Fest rollsout thered carpet forits elk.



As if thefallcolorsweren’t reason enough to come to Estes, Autumn Gold is the

No matter what your interestsare,our eventcalendarissureto become your eventcalendar.

cherry (aspen leaf?) on top! Afestivalofbeer, bratsand bandsin Bond Park makesfor agreat settingfor baskingin thefallcolors.


Take themovementthat alreadycomes with amountain vacation to thenextlevel by signingupfor oneofthese challengingevents.



June 15-16, 2024

TheEstes Park Marathon andHalfMarathon aretotalColoradoclassics! Forbes Magazine even gave them props, rankingtheminthe top7 most scenic courses in theUSA.Bring thewhole gang to EstesParkfor ajampacked weekendofrunning andmountain fun. Enjoy that crispmountainair,soak in thoseepicsnow-covered peaks, cruise down to EstesParkvalley, runthrough meadows, andwrapitall up at thetrack andfieldfinish line.



July 28-29, 2024

TheRocky Mountain Half Marathon,5K, andElk Double(Half Marathon +5K) of-

feryou thefreedom to select your idealadventure. This coursepromisesachallengingyet picturesquerun alongpaved roads. It starts andendsatStanley Park near Lake Estes, ensuring you’re treatedtobreathtaking mountain views. Theseevents areaccessible to individuals with strollersand disabilities.


Rocky’sBackyardUltra is a4.167 mile trailloopconsistingofasmall sectionof gravel road andsingle-track trails.Thisracerunsonthe YMCA of theRockies campus borderingRocky Mountain National Park.The Backyard UltraisaformofUltra Trail race whererunners must complete 4.167miles in less than onehour, everyhour, untilonlyone runner remainsto complete alap


In EstesPark, we valuebelongingand creating places wherewecan trulybeourselves!


Come show your prideat PerformanceParkthisJune!

This annual family-friendly eventisoverflowingwith love,livebands,guest speakersand performances,food trucks andsomuchmore!


July 5-10,2024

Knownas“TheRodeo with Altitude,” theRooftop Rodeo is therodeo held at thehighestaltitudeinthe United States.Unlockyourcowboy at events like bareback riding, saddle broncriding, bull riding, mutton busting, tie-down roping,teamroping, steer wrestlingand barrel racing!


Of course,almostevery eventinEstes Park comes with live musicbut here are afew completely dedicatedto thesongand dance.


July 12-14, 2024

Setinthe stunning StanleyPark, getready for3days at Snowygrass,anEstes Park traditionthatshowcases some of thearea’sbestroots,bluegrassand Americanasingers, songwritersand performers. Bringyourpicnicblankets, campingchairsand maybe even your camper if youwant thefullexperienceofstaying on-site.



Thereisaninexplicable energy manifested at the FriendsofFolkFestival, one that canonlybeattributed to thecommunity’s love for locallegendDickOrleans. Dick Orleans’ legacy lives on in many ways,Friends of Folk Festival beingone.This music-packed eventisput on annually at Performance Park,abeautiful amphitheater backed up by adramatic rock face.Comedance to localand national talent in late June


Travelinghealthcareworkers choose EPH

What does it sayabout an organization when people sign up to be temporaryemployees, andthenchooseto become staff andstay? At EstesParkHealth, we thinkit speaks volumes.

Take Angela Waldon who took ajob as atraveling healthcare worker at Estes Park Health.She is aCTtechnologist,conductingimportantdiagnosticimaging scans forpatients.

“I startedworking as a traveler afterCOVID at the endof2021,”Waldonsaid.

SheisfromColorado, but hadmoved to Florida, travelingtoseven different work locationstryingtofind theright fit forher.Whenshe came to EstesParkHealth, shestarted with athree-monthcontract, extended it to six, andthen realized this is theplace she wanted to work permanently. So,she took afull-time jobat EPHand movedbacktoColorado.

“I foundmytruehome,” Walson said.“Iwalkedin, and Iimmediately knew that.We have time to spendwithour patients.Weare well staffed We do have agoodwork/life balance. We’retreated well. Ourequipment is some of the best I’ve ever worked on.”

Waldon always gets agreat response from herpatients when shetells them sheis stayingatEstes Park Health. “Whenever Itellthemthat I’ve decidedtostaytheyalways say, ‘Welcome home andwe’re so glad to have you.’” Waldon said.“They’re veryappreciativeasweare of them.”

BrandonLetcher hasalso made thedecisiontostayat EstesParkHealthasa surgicaltechnologist.Hesaidhe canspota good placewhen he finds one. He should know. Letcherhas worked at 28 different hospitalsasatraveler.

“I decidedtocometoCol-

orado,”hesaid. “And in my career,Ialwaysvisited Estes Park.I’vebeencominghere forvacations forthe last 10 or 15 years, stayingatThe Stanley. Inever even knew there wasa hospital here.And then when Iwas lookingatjobsfor traveling, they hadatravelassignment here.So, Idecided to take it,fellinlove, andhere Iam.”

Letcher callsEstes Park Health alittlegem up in the mountains. He said he likes servingthe EstesValleyby helpingtoprovideexcellent surgical care closetohome.

“I know my skill, my surgeon,” he said.“We getthem inhereand we getthemout of here insteadofhavingtosend them down themountain. We can do alot of surgeries here.”

Letcher’s communityof co-workers have made him feel rightathome.

“Ifyou need help,they’re theretohelpyou,” he said. “One dayIwas sick on call, andIwas off thenextday,and Iwas in asleep roomhere. Everybodycameand brought me stuff toget better.Itwas amazing. It wasa tear-jerker forme. AndIknewright then andthere,these aremypeople. It’s just ablessingto be


OneofLetcher’s partners in theoperating room is surgicaltechnologist DonnaEubank,atravelerwho is also planning on becoming apermanent part of theEPH staff Shehas spentmorethan24 yearshoningher surgical tech skills.

“I love knowingthe surgery,knowing thesteps,and having everything readyfor thesurgeon when they need it before they askfor it,” Eubank said.

EstesParkHealthsurgeons performtotal jointreplacements, arthroscopies, colonoscopies, eye, andfootprocedurestonameafew.Eubank likesthe variety.

“Since we’resuchasmall hospital,weall wear many hats andwedoitall,” shesaid. “That’s fun.”

Eubank is considered alocaltravelerbecause shecommutestoEstes Park from Windsor. Sheenjoysthe small size andthe senseofcommunity shehas foundhere.

“I worked at averybusy placebefore, andIdolike thesmall communityhospital,”she noted. “I come from asmall town andthat, forme, is theappeal. It’s nice to slow

down butalsobeinvolved with thegrowthofthe place, too. Youwalkdownthe halls andmostofthe people know your name.”

Fordedicated staffwith an eyetowardthe future of healthcare in theEstesValley, thinkEstes Park Health.

To watchavideo aboutour travelinghealthcareworkers whohavebecomeEPH staff, go to

AboutEstes Park Health

EstesParkHealthiscomprised of skilled, compassionatecaregivers. We areacriticalresourceinour mountain community, providingthe full spectrum of care forour friends, neighborsand visitors,frompediatricstogeriatrics.Withapersistentdedication to patient-focusedcare, we continue to scorehighon keymeasuresinpatient satisfactionsurveys. EstesPark Health wasfounded in 1975 as theElizabeth Knutsson Memorial Hospital per atax subsidyvoted on by thecitizensofEstes Park.Today, more 18,000 patients—residentsand visitors alike—see ourhealthcareteams forboth outpatient andinpatient services.

—ESTES PARK HEALTH Brandon Letcherand DonnaEubankare surgical technologistsatEstes Park Health

EstesValleyand it’s aprivilege to contribute to theirsuccess

Q: Many localresidents andgroupsparticipate in the Race volunteering,entertaining, sellingadoptions,servingassponsors, walkingthe river, etc. Does that make a BigDuckhonkwithhappiness?

A: That’s abig Quackity-quack!Our partnerships with VisitEstes Park andthe Town have been indispensable in 2024 as have thesupport of ourbusinesssponsors, merchants,and allthe volunteersfromthe community.

Q: Here’s your chance to send some thankful quacks before theducks drop.

A: Thereare so many peopletothank.Weare especially grateful to Poppy’s Pizzaand Grilland Mama Rose’s Restaurant forbeing ourNamed Sponsors.This hasenabled us to have the RockyMountainChannel andNickMolle promoteduck adoptionsand live-stream theDuckRace. VisitEstes Park hasdoneanincredible jobmanagingour Facebook page andpromoting theDuck Race throughpress releases andother publicity outreach.

ThetirelessworkofKaren Thompson as ourvenue and entertainmentcoordinator is as appreciatedasitisessential.Weare also indebted to allofour musicianswho generouslyshare theirtalents

with us

TheDuckRaceCommittee’sTech Team of BobFulton, Jeff Lindberg,Larry Trifiletti, LeeLasson, and SandyLassonhavevolunteered theirservicesto createand operatemuchneeded e-commerce system to manage adoptions, acustomerrelations system to manage communications anddata, as well as auser-friendlywebsite with portals forall keystakeholder groups.Ican’t thankthem enough fortheir “backoffice” work that makesthe race work

ThreeveryableRotariansare managing RiverSecurity this year:CarlRobicheaux,Sheriff; JimAustin, ourRiver Expert Emeritus; andBen Vander Werf overseeingthe finishlineduckplucking. Riversecurityiscrucial to thesafeoperation of the Duck Race andgives adults an excuse to wade in thewater!

Coordination of volunteers hasbeenablyassumed by Andrea Escorcia.Andreahas successfully herded over 100 ducklingvolunteerstocover allthe duties necessaryfor thefestival

Last year’s BigDuck, Bill Solms, hasstepped in as our Sponsorleaderand hassecuredour sponsors forthe 2024 race festival.

LarryWilliamshas taken on the task of overseeing the applicationprocess fororganizationsinterestedinparticipating in theracefestival.

Thegenerousdonations from ourmanyMajor and

AssociateSponsorsare helpingtounderwritethe event expenses.Delaware North, ownerofthe HolidayInn,has once againdonated anicevacation packageand hasbeen instrumental in hostingduck race meetings

Ourtown’ssupportive merchants have donated hundreds of wonderful prizes forduckadoptersto win. TimMoore,BethWeisberg &their legionsofvolunteershavespent countless hours securingthese prizes Thanks to allofyou.

We continue to be impressedbythe Participating Organizationsandtheir enduring commitment to sellingduckadoptions andproviding volunteers to help with theDuckRace.

TheEstes Park Police Department Auxiliaryisdonatingtheir services forcrowd andparking controland keepingthe duck race safe forour festivarians

TheDuckRacecouldn’t happenwithout thededication of theDuckRaceCommittee andthe Rotary Club of EstesPark. Irelyheavily on thewisecounsel of my Little Ducks. Ican’t wait to seewhere they take therace in 2025.For anyone notreceivinga shout-outbyname, just know that virtuallyeveryone Ihavehad thepleasure of workingwithonthe 2024 Rotary Duck Race Festivalisappreciated.I am grateful to youall.

Q: Canyou describe the experience of leadingafundraiser of this scale?

A: TheDuckRaceisan

EstesValleyinstitution,and it trulyisaprivilege to help carryonthistradition.Itis absolutely alot of work,but that work is made lighterby the“many hands” that help out. There arealot of Rotariansthatknowalot more aboutthe race festival than Idoand theirexperience greatlyenhancesthe event. Thebestpartisthe people youworkwithwho do what they do becausetheylove theduckracefestivaland theway it benefitsthe community.

Q: Do youhaveadvicefor future BigDucks?

A:I highly recommend it to anyone whoiscurious what it wouldbeliketolead ateamofhighlycommitted andcompetent people who appreciate theplace this festivalhas in the community. Bringing people to help who areasenthusiasticabout fun andservice as youare.With everyone workingtogether, theDuckRacecan go on for another36years!

Q: Do youneed volunteers on Race Day?

Yes! Please emailmeatBigDuck@epduckrace.orgorAndrea Escorcia,volunteers@ to helpmake Race Dayasuccess.

TheEstes Park Rotary Duck Race Festival occurs annually on thefirst Saturday in May. TheAnnual Duck Race continues atradition startedin1989, whichhas returned over $3 million to localEstes Park charitiesand groups.2024 marksthe 36th annual Duck Race.


NewEPH muralbringsColoradosplendorinside

When youthink of healing, life-affirming colors, youthink of rich greens and beautifulbluehues. That’s what muralist MichaelYoung thoughtwhenhelookedata plainwallonthe second floor waitingroomofEstes Park Health anddreamed of somethingmore, somethingbeautiful.

“A hospital is just like banksand pharmacies,” Youngnoted.“They’reall brown, whichisfine.That’s what youhavetodofor abusiness.But Iwalkedinand the first thingInoticed wasthere were no lightgreensorblues. We live whereGod createdthe greatest scenery, so Ijustlike to bringitin. Youneed somethingtobring up thespirits.”

EstesParkHealthloved Young’sideaand hiredhim to turn twowalls in thelab anddiagnosticimaging waitingareaintoa tributetothe faunaofColorado.

“Aspen treestakeyou from thegroundand they move you up,” Youngsaid. “You have to have greenery andbluesky.”

DonnaMcClearyworks rightacrossthe waitingroom from themural project. She’s been with EstesParkHealth for21years.She lovesthe idea of public artwork.

“Oh, it is amazinghow he does things,” McCleary said.“He starts off with just awhite background andit slowly comestogether. It’s goingtoberemarkableonceit’s done.He’sdonequite afew murals in town.Weare very luckytohaveitdonehere. Andyou know,that’spartof Colorado is theaspen trees, thecolumbines. Very Estes Park.”

McCleary said patients will appreciate thebeautiful addition.

“I thinkthey’re goingto love it,” shesaid. “It’ssomethingthat’ssoothingand it’s verypeaceful.”

As aprofessionalfreelancemuralist,Young has alreadycreated29murals in 23 locations. He felt drawntocreateanoriginal piecefor EstesParkHealth. He credits EPHwithhelpinghim with twohernia surgeries, treatmentfor a broken wrist, andanemergencyheart problemthat earned himahelicopterride from theERtoanother hospitalwhere he hadan eighthour surgery.

“The staffhereisjust incredible,” he stressed. “They’re allgoodpeople.You never know when you’re goingtoneeda hospital,but when youdo, this placeis righthere.”

Youngfollowedhis design andspent hiseveningscreatinghis vision.One of the walls features 82 columbines, representing theyearhegraduatedfromColumbine High School.Overall, he meticulouslypainted 135trees and


“Whenpeople Idon’t know walk by andsay it lookswonderful,it’slike, ‘I’m doing somethingright,’” he said.“I just love to paint.”

Arthas been used in hospitals sincethe 14 th century. Theintegration of artintoa healthcare facility notonly provides arestorative and pleasant environment, but also reduces stress andprovidesopportunities fora positivementalescapeina clinical setting.

Young’s27paintingsessionsover amonth’s time resulted in “Aspen Splendor.” Themural is repletewith beautifuldetails,includingsomefun hidden Easter eggs forvisitorstofind,like amoose andan alien.

At EstesParkHealth, we practice theart of medicine andembrace thepower of healing.

To watch avideo about the painting of themural,goto

MichaelYoung’s othermurals

YoucanfindMichael Young’sother murals at the followinglocations:

—RedrumTattoos—MochaAngelo’sSimplyChristmas(3)—Poppy’s—Estes Valley Librarychildren’ssection—Bart’s Liquor (4)— RockyMountainPharmacy (2)— Bank of Colorado

—Sugar Shack— Riverwalk electrical boxbehindMama Rose’s

—Bond Park electrical box that lookslikeacabin—Raven’sRoast Coffee— Christian Church of Estes Park—Estes Park Museum

-RailMuseuminGolden Cliffhanger Books(2)—KOA Campgrounds— Iceboxes at Ferncliff Food andFuel— QualityInn—Fauxwoodwork in theMacgregor DiningRoomatthe StanleyHotel

PHOTOBYWENDY RIGBY—ESTES PARK HEALTH As aprofessionalfreelance muralist,Young hasalready created29muralsin23locations.

Tips forelk calvingseason

We have reachedthattime of year when theeffortsbythe elkduringlastfall’srut materializeintothe birthofthe elkcalves.

Starting around thethird week of May, theseason’s earliest calves areborn. Most cows give birththe last week of MayorfirstweekofJune, butcalvesconceived late in therut season couldbeborn as farintothe summer as late June.

Aruleofthumb forthe timingofthe beginningofcalvingseasonistowatch forthe appearance of thesmooth coatsonthe cows aftershedding theirthick winter coats, whichtypically happens around Memorial DayinEstesValley. This indicatesthe weatheriswarmenoughfor thecalves.

Thetimingofelk calving season,ormoreimportantly, thetimingofthe fall rutwhen consideringa245-day gestation period foranelk calf, fallswhenthe grassesand forbsfor thecowsand calves reachtheir peak growth season. Food is abundant and provides thenourishment the mothersneed to producethe milk forthe calves

Elkcowstypically only give birthtoone calf;twins areveryrare. At birth, the calf weighs about35pounds andcan standwithinabout 20 minutesofbirth.Calves grow veryquickly,weighing as much as 175poundsby theirfirstwinter.

Elkcalvesare coveredin whitespots forabout the first threemonthsoflife, a survival adaptation to help them camouflagefrompredatorswhenhidinginwillows or otherbushes. They arealso born scentless, anothertechniquetohelpkeepthe vulnerable babies hiddenfrompredators.


An elkcalf (Cervuselaphus)rejoins itsmotherafterfalling into theBig Thompson Riveronasunny morninginRocky Mountain National Park,Colorado.

healthyelk population of at least600 to 800elk. Although notall cows will successfully breed,those thatdowillfind aquiet,secludedspottogive birth. Forthe firstcouple weeksofthe calf’s life,itwill be shelteredbytheir mom, hiding whileshe feeds, before joiningback up with the

butasa method of protecting theirnew babies, andmoods canbeunpredictable.Being vigilant around elk, especially with adog present, will keep people,dogsand elksafe. Although elkmay give birthanywhereinEstes Valley, some of themorefrequent locationsare near theLake EstesGolfCourse, EstesPark 18-HoleGolfCourse, theMatthews-Reeser Bird Sanctuary on thewestend of Lake Estes, andinWapitiMeadows. In RockyMountainNational Park,Sprague Lake,Endovalleyand MoraineParkare areasfrequentlyusedbycow elk forgivingbirth.

During elkcalving season, look around cornersbefore exitingbuildings or around cornersaselk calves bed down next to buildings, under cars andinbushesand shrubs used in landscaping.Watch a cowelk forsigns of distress, such as pinningdownher ears or intently staring. If a cowdoeschargeorchase you, findsomething sturdy to hide in or behind,likeacar Elkknowfew boundaries, butpeople, however,can make decisionstokeepboth animalsand humans safe Usecommons senseduring calvingseason, keep asafe distance from wildlife and take your time to stay alert to your surroundings. Remember to give them room anduse azoomwhentaking photos.

Andwhenyou do seean elkcalf, enjoy themomentto watchthe beauty of nature at work.

larger herd.

It is during this period that thecow elkare most protective of theircalves.InEstes Valley,itisimportanttokeep awatchfuleye forcowsinthe area.

Each year,localsand visitorstothisareaare chased by cows notout of aggression

Dawn Wilson is theoutdoor reporter forthe Estes Park Trail-Gazette.She also guides in RockyMountainNational Park,leadsphoto workshopsthroughoutNorth and SouthAmerica,sells prints of herphotographs,and recently published 100ThingstoDo in EstesParkBeforeYou Die. Informationabout elkcan be foundthroughoutthe book

Asignalong theLakeEstes Trailwarns pedestriansof protective elkinthe area

EPHsurgeon attacks knee pain on allfronts

Knee pain is an extremely common medicalproblem that canbecausedbyinjury, wear andtearorarthritis. Thereare many approaches physicians cantaketofix knee issues,fromminor treatmentstomajor surgery.

“The knee joint, even though it is ahinge joint, is a fairly complexjoint that has alot of different anatomical partstoitthatcan be fairly complicated,”saidEstes Park Health orthopedic surgeon Dr.Gavin Bishop.“Thecause of pain with akneecan be multiple sources. Oftenpeoplethink that it is just arthritis, butthere’s also apossibilitythatitcould be amultitude of things.”

Some of themorecommon causes of knee pain include patellafemoral syndrome wherethe kneecap is involved in asignificant amount of forceonthe frontofthe knee.

“Whenwe’re standing,it’s abouttwo timesour body weight,” Dr.Bishop said. “Whenwe’re goingupand down stairs or hiking up a mountain,it’sabout eightor nine timesour body weight.”

Patients canalsoexperience ligament or meniscus problems.These createstabilityand cushionfor theknee.

When people come to see Dr.Bishopthe first time,he must assess what is goingon.

“The first thingwedois get astory,soweknowhow or wherethe pain or discomfort is coming from,” Dr.Bishop said.“We also getx-raysto evaluate thebonystructures of thekneeand then agood physical exam.”

Dependingonthe diagnosis, specialistshavemanyinterventionstotry andease thepainordiscomfort.

“Physicaltherapy canbe exceedinglyhelpful as far as strength around theknee andbalance in theknee,”Dr. Bishop said.“Thereare certain kindsofinjections. Cortisone

“Wedon’t have away to bringthe cartilageback,”Dr. Bishop emphasized.“Theonlysurgicalfixfor that is atotal knee replacement. We cantry more conservative approaches untilit isn’tworking anymore. Then it’s ultimately up to thepatient to decideifthe next step is jointreplacement.”

is oneweuse afairamount, whichisastronganti-inflammatory whichhelps dull,achingpainwithinthe knee.Anothertypeofinjection which is only approved by theFDA forthe knee but is currently used forsomecosmetics is hyaluronic acid.That, too, can help with some of the inflammation in theknee. Some peopleliketothink of it as somethingthatcan help smooth out theknee. Anotherapproachis amultitude of braces,everythingfromaneoprenesleeve to abrace that has struts and supports that canbehelpful forthe specificneeds of that knee.”

Dr.Bishopalsoadvises certain patients to useheat, ice, non-steroidalanti-inflammatories,orTylenol

Alot of theseinterventions canmakekneeproblemslike irritation or limitedrange of motion more manageable,especially in thecaseofosteoarthritisordegenerativejoint diseasewhere thecartilage is just worn down.

“However,wedon’t have away to bringthe cartilage back,” Dr.Bishopsaid. “The only surgical fix forthatisa total knee replacement. We cantry allthose approaches untilit isn’tworking anymore.Thenit’s ultimately up to thepatient to decide if thenextstepisjoint replacement.”

is essentiallyaprocedure in

whichthe surgeonremoves theold part of thekneeand insertsanew device,replacingthe jointsurfaceswith metaland plastic.

During thesurgery,Dr. Bishop makesanincision rightupthe frontofthe knee,right over thepatella. Underneaththe next surface, he makesacurvedincision around thepatella to move thepatella outofthe way. Then he exposesthe femur, thetibia,and thepatella.He uses specialdevices to make accurate cuts of thosebones Then he places metalon thosebonesand then plastic in betweenatcertain stress points so that theligaments canfunctionthe waytheyare supposed to function.

“The ultimate idea is to recreatethe alignmentand the function of thekneeasitwas originally designed by takingoffaslittleboneaspossible andputting on an implant that will recreatethatjoint,”

Dr.Bishop said

Patients getupand move on thesameday as theirprocedure.Mobilityisimportant shortlyafter surgerytomaintain that rangeofmotion, so scar tissue does notdevelop. At twoweeks,mostpeopleare walking(some with an assistive device). By sixweeks, most people arewalking withoutthe assistivedevice.

“It’sthe outcomes that are most valuable to me,”Dr. Bishop said.“Ilikeitwhenpa-

tients do well andget back to theactivitiestheyenjoy doing like hiking andtakingpartin sports.”

Oneofthe many advantagesofhavingyourtotal knee replacementsurgery at EstesParkHealthisbeing closetohome. If youlivein this area andyourfamilyand friendsare here to support you, that canbeextremely valuable in your recovery.

“I have yearsofexperience doingjoint replacements in Longmont,” Dr.Bishop said. “I have alarge groupofpatients whohavebeenvery happywiththeir procedure. I’mexcited to bringthatsame technology,thatsameability, here to EstesPark. Come see me.Itstartswithaconversation.I’d be happytosee you. We woulddiscuss what the mainissuesare,what’sbotheringyou,whatthingswecan offer youtoimprove your activity andwhatyou want to do in your life.”

To listen to apodcast featuringDr. Bishop talkingabout knee pain treatmentatEstes Park Health,goto mountaintop-medicine-fromestes-park-health-estes-parkhealth-surgeon-attacks-kneepain-on-all-fronts/.

AboutEstes Park Health EstesParkHealthiscomprised of skilled, compassionatecaregivers. We areacriticalresourceinour mountain community, providingthe full spectrum of care forour friends, neighbors, andvisitors,frompediatricstogeriatrics.Withapersistentdedication to patient-focusedcare, we continue to scorehighon keymeasuresinpatient satisfactionsurveys.Estes Park Health wasfounded in 1975 as theElizabeth Knutsson Memorial Hospital peratax subsidyvoted on by thecitizens of EstesPark. Today, more 18,000 patients—residentsand visitors alike—see ourhealthcareteams forboth outpatient andinpatient services.


Caring forUkraine

Ukraineisonthe opposite side of theglobe from the smallmountaintownofEstesPark, Colorado.Despite this distance,Estes Park is home to anumberofUkrainianswho have valiantlysupported theirfamilyinthe war-torn country.

IrynaIrkliienkoand Natalyia Pleshkovahavechampioned theeffortswithother family membersand volunteersbyserving atraditional Ukrainianlunch everyweek. They beganthe Ukraine KitchenonFeb.24, 2022, within thefirstweekofthe RussianinvasionofUkraine to fundraisefor endangered Ukrainians

Both Irkliienko andPleshkova were able to help their mothersescapethe area,and theirsupport wasintegralin helpinganother family find refuge.Funds have also supported Ukrainian’sbasic needsfor clothing andfood and, perhapsmostimportantly,helpedfortify theirsecurity to protectthemfrom incoming forces.

Ukrainebecameindependent in 1991 duetothe collapseofthe Soviet Union. Within just threeyears,Russian forces turned thearea into awar-zoneagain and thebattlehas been hotsince.

“Whenweheard that the warinUkraine wasescalating, we immediatelybegan thinking of ways to step up andhelppeoplebackhome,”

Pleshkovaexplained.“We canonlyfight with what wecan.Wefight with our spirit andwespreadthe word that Ukrainianculture is lovely andunique. Themessage we aretrying to send is that Ukrainians areherefor each other, and so areourallies.”

UkraineKitchen offersa 3-course meal fornocharge— only adonationisrequested Initially, UkraineKitchen was operatingatthe RockyMountain Deli everyWed., but nowthe UkrainianKitchen serves at theRocky Mountain Church at 451Promontory Drive, near Mary’s Lake from 11:00a.m.until 1:00 p.m. everyTue.

Over thepast30months ofthe war, theUkrainiansof Colorado have been able to raiseclose to $30,000tohelp Ukrainians in need Estes Park hasbeenastrongcontributor to this worldwideeffort.Our localnativeUkrainianshavemadeextraordinary stepstosupport this community andtheir homeland with consistent serviceand donations!

As we strive to live together in peaceand harmony, we must learntogivewhenhumanity is in crisis.Thisconflict is aburdennoone wants to carryalone,sopleasehelp supportour closestfriends impacted by thewar andfeel free to contactIryna (970) 691-6331 or Natalyia (970) 481-9483 formoreinformation on what canbedoneto help

Eating outfor good reasons

Goingout forlunch or dinner in EstesParkdoesn’t have to be abig ordeal,but thereare anumberofrestaurantsintownthatcater to specialevents, includingthe dynamicduo locatedinthe Benbrook Plaza, that being Mama Rose’s Restaurant andPoppy’s Pizzaand Grill.

During thewinterseason Mama Rose’s is only open for dinner services,but starting Fri. May10th, theirhours will change to be open all day, starting at 11:30a.m forlunch, then servingdinnerfrom4:30p.m.toclose, with happyhourinbetween from 3—4:30p.m.daily.

Thespringseasonalso brings with it an endtothe DailyWinterSpecialsatPoppy’s Pizza, thespecialsend Fri. May17th, so there’sstill time to stop in foragreat meal at the$9.75 deal price.

Spring time weatherisa wonderfultimetoget out andcruisearounddowntown,and with thelonger days come longer hoursof operation,soexpectPoppy’s Pizzatobeopenuntil 9p.m. soon.

Take some time to enjoyahomestyle meal away from home at thewelcomingMamaRose’sand Poppy’s Pizza. With theirgreat selection of Italian-styleand classic American cuisines there’scertainly afavorite entree foreveryone.

This year theownersof Poppy’sand Mama’s,Rob andJulie Pieper,havegone aboveand beyond to support thelocal EstesParknonprofitcommunity by taking on theTitle Sponsorrolefor theEstes Park Duck Race, happeningSat.May 4th.

TheDuckRaceisa fun

andexcitingway to support your favorite localnon-profit with achancetowin great prizes forthe fastestrubber ducksthatmakeitdown Fall River.The Pieper’s have shownthiscommunity dedicated supportfor essential services from theverybeginning —sodon’t delay, stop in foramealand show your appreciation fortheir commitment.

Thefollowing week on Wed. May8th,The LearningPlacewill host their annual fundraiser dinner at Mama Rose’s.Thisisa greatopportunity to support extra-curriculareducation forEstes Park as The Learning Placeoffers specialized tutoring forschool ages andadvancededucation foradults.

Theannualfundraiser forPartners, thenonprofit groupthatsupportsat-risk andunderserved youthwith guidance from caring mentors andadditionalenrichingexperiences,has already takenplace in March.This fantasticeventisaninspiration forall on what a strong communityprovidesfor the less privileged.

Foranother opportunity to supporta greatorganization in town,pleasedon’t forget theannualDecember Dinner forthe EstesValley RestorativeJustice Program, whichhas been workingto resolveconflict throughcollaborative supportinstead of punitive punishment since 2002.

Together we cancreatea caring communitythatsupportseachother all-year round. Don’tdelay,get your friendsand family together andenjoy awonderfulmeal together,ateitherofthese lovely restaurantsinEstes Park!

From lefttoright:NataliyaPleshkova,Iryna Irkliienko,and fundraisingpatronwho hasfamilyinWestern Ukraine.
•Noappointmentsnecessary •After-hours/weekend care •Costs less thananERvisit •X-rayand some pharmacy Estes Park Health Urgent Care 420Steamer Drive 970-577-4500 OPEN DAILY: 8AM-6 PM MountaintopMedicine, Quality Care |LIVEWELL FRIDAY,APRIL 26,2024 24

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