Estes Park Vacation Guide 2024

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2024 Vacation
Photo by: Julie Webb
•Noappointmentsnecessary •After-hours/weekend care •Costs less thananERvisit •X-rayand some pharmacy Estes Park Health Urgent Care 420Steamer Drive 970-577-4500 OPEN DAILY: 8AM-6 PM MountaintopMedicine, Quality Care |VACATIONGUIDE WEDNESDAY,MAY 29,2024 2

Enjoya RockyMountain vacation in Estes Park

If youhavebeentoEstes Park many timesoryou are planning your firstvisit,there is somethinginthis2024Vacation Guidethatwillpique your interest!

As agateway to Rocky Mountain National Park,EstesParkhosts more than 4 millionvisitorsayear. Some people come forthe day. Othersstayaweek, amonth or perhapsanentireseason.

Thereissomething magical aboutthismountain town of 6,300peoplewhich sits at 7,522feet. When you first driveintotown, themajestic mountains whichsur-

Horseshoe Park seen from Rainbow Curvein Rocky Mountain National Park


ingfor thevalley.

From drinks anddiningto boutique shopping,Estes Park offersbeautiful places to stay andmanyfun activities for visitors of allages.

Thanks to ourmanysponsors whomadethispublication possible.

Whether it’s fora fewhours or afew months,enjoy your vacation in EstesPark!

roundthe town createanincredibly beautifulsurround-

Michael Romero,Publisher WilliamOster,Reporter Dawn Wilson,ReporterDanielSewell, Advertising

Avisitor’s guidetoEstes Park

EstesPark, Colorado, is surroundedbyatreasureofnatural andscenicwonders. It’s theperfect basecamp foradventure,boastingmorethan 300shops that showcase everything from handmade localgoods to outdoorgearto good food anddrink.It’sbecome adestination forartlovers,foodies,and craft-beer enthusiastsalike.And with it allcomes with thoseincredible viewsthatattract visitors from around theworld.Here aresomeofthe ways to spend your time in this scenic Colorado town:


EstesPark’sbustlingdowntown is filledwithshops,boutiques,and galleriesoffering somethingfor everyone.At PattersonGlassworks, you shop forexquisite handmade bowls, pitchers,and ornaments, to name afew of itsofferings. Thirty BelowLeather specializesinhigh-quality


Theoutdoorsdominates theactivityhere, from hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park to rock climbing in Lumpy Ridge.

leathergoods like purses, backpacks, wallets, gloves, andmore. Andtokeepitinteresting, everything in the storeislessthan$30.(Getit? …ThirtyBelow.)

EarthwoodArtisansfeaturesthe work of 240differentartists that create American-madepottery,jewelry, photography,prints, paintings,art glass, metalart,

wind chimes,kaleidoscopes, woodworking, andmore. Oftenthere areafew of theartists on-site fordemonstrationsand meetingpeople. Trendz hasthe largestselection of contemporary home decor, decorative accessories, jewelry, andgifts in town.As youwanderaroundtown, you’ll seemuralsand even utilityboxes that have been

turned into art. Stop by Inkwell andBrewand notice the newest mural, dedicatedto thefirefighterswho defended EstesParkfromwildfireslast year or walk down theriverwalk past Kirk’s FlyShopfor this one.

If you’re gearingupfor an outdooradventure,stop by theEstes Park Mountain Shop (onBig Thompson Avenueonthe northsideofLake Estes).Itoffers gear forall mannersofoutdoor sports from hiking andclimbing to campingand skiing.Rent atentand othercamping equipmentsoyou don’thave to bringyourown.You’llalso findguidedtrips to help you enjoythe best outdooradventuresinthe region.Theyeven have aclimbinggym to put your skills to thetest. Seelistingsfor allofthe shopsaroundEstes Park at




2024 RockyMountain National Park Guide

Thesun risesabove LumpyRidge during alate-summer sunrise lookingout over HorseshoeParkfromRainbow CurveinRocky Mountain National Park,Colorado.

Incredible mountain peaks, wide open valleys, andglistening alpine lakescreate thelandscape of theRocky Mountains. Theseinspirational scenic views, along with therichvariety of wildlife that call theparkhome, have awed andinspiredpeoplefromall over theUnited States andthe world formore than 100years

Riverand theCache la PoudreRiver,Colorado’sfirstand only designated Wild andScenicRiver.

Rockyishometoanincredible varietyofplant andanimalspecies.There are66species of mammals, 280species of birds, 142species of butterflies,seven native speciesof fish, andover 1,000 speciesof vascularplants.

TimedEntry Permit

Reservations will be required to visitRocky MountainNational Park from May24toOct.20, 2024

Horseback Riding

Offering beautiful mountain trails with rides into Rocky Mountain National Park!

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National Park Gateway Stables (970) 586-5269 Highway 34 West at Gateway to Rocky Mountain National Park

In thelate19thand early 20th centuries, people like Enos Mills, F.O. Stanleyand Mary BelleKingSherman also knew that Rockywas special andneeded to be protected. Theiradvocacyand outreach work paid off andonJanuary 26,1915, RockyMountainNational Park wasestablished by PresidentWoodrow Wilson, making Rockyour nation’s 10th national park.

What aresomeofthe thingsthatmakeRocky MountainNational Park so special?

Rocky’snatural andscenicbeauty, alongwithbeingone of theoldestnational parksinour country, make it extremelypopular. In 2023, RockyMountainNational Park wasthe fifth most visited national park with over 4.1million visitors.Thatnumberrepresentsanapproximately 12 percentdecline in visitors sincearecordhighof 4.67 millionvisitorsin2019.

Cowpoke Chief: Jessica Kokjohn

RockyMountainNational Park is 415squaremiles (265,807 acres) anditencompasses aspectacular rangeof mountainenvironments. Rockyisawildernesspark. Ninety fivepercent of thepark is designated wilderness.

Thereare 124named peaks 8,789feetorhigherinthe park.The highestpeakinthe park is LongsPeak, with an elevationof14,259feet.

Aboutone-third of the land in Rockyisfragile alpine tundra,makingitone of thepark’smostwidespread andsignificantprotected resources

RMNP is home to theheadwaters ofthe mighty Colorado

Visitorcrowdingand congestionhaveled to increased negative impactstovisitor andstaff safety,resource protection,visitor experience andoperational capacity. Theparkhas pilotedvarious visitoruse management strategies over thelasteight years, includingmanagingvehicleaccesstofirst-come,first served (2016-2019)inhighly congestedareas.These firstcome,first-served restrictions hadsomelimited success initially,but over time beganto lose effectiveness andpushed impactselsewhere.Recognizingthe need to trysomething new, theparkthenpiloted different park wide timedentry permit reservationsystems

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Things to do in Estesthissummer

Hiking makesthe list for just aboutevery summer vacation in EstesPark, and definitelyshouldnot be overlooked,but didyou know thereare also oodles of things to do forthe historybuff,musicconnoisseurand foodie? Andwithreservationsand construction happeningin RockyMountainNational Park andEstes Park this summer, theremay be aneed to be flexiblewithyourplans but here aresomeoptions to keep your summer visitstressfree. Ihavelived in northern Colorado formorethan20 years, includingsix in Estes Park.Mylatestbookmay be titled “100 Things to Do in EstesParkBeforeYou Die,” butthere areactuallymore than 200ideas within the book.These things aresureto roundout anysummervacation in oneofthe best mountain townsinthe U.S.

DreamLakeinRocky Mountain National Park,Colo.,is accessed with aTimed Entry+ timed entryreservation

Let’slookatsomeofmy favorite things to do in and aroundEstes Park during the summer —and yes, hiking definitelyranks near thetop of my list —but thereisa lot more exploringtodointhe town that boastsbeing the basecamp forRocky Mountain National Park

Startwithasunrise hike to DreamLake

EstesParksitsonthe easternsideofRocky Mountain National Park,givingaccess to awidevariety of photo hotspots forasunrise scene. Oneofmyfavoritemorninghikes forits shortdistanceand stunning viewsis to DreamLake. This alpine lake below12,720-foot-high HallettPeakand 12,323-foot FlattopMountainisone of the iconic mountain lakesinthe park.Stand on theeastsideof thelakewhere youcan watch Hallet andFlattop mountains glow in thewarmthofthe morningsunlightand experience whytheyare referred to as purple mountains. Be sure to enjoythe viewsatNymph Lake andofLongs Peak along theway from DreamLakeaftersunrise.Thing #71

Takeawalking tour of theBirch Ruins

The EstesParkMuseum andtheir knowledgeable docentshostwalking tours throughout thesummer, includingtothe BirchRuins at Centennial Open Spaceat Knoll-Willows. BuiltbyAlbert

“Al” Birchin1905, thebuildingburnedinDecember1907, leavingonlythe stonewalls, iron frameand thefireplace wherethe blazestarted Thesefeaturesand thehistory behind them,including theonly time thereplacement cabinisopentothe public,are explainedduring thetours.Visit dates andtimes.Thing #83

DriveacrossTrail Ridge Road

Thereare very fewplaces in theU.S.where apersoncan reachthe tundra withouta long,exhaustinghike. Trail RidgeRoadinRocky Mountain National Park offersone of thefew places wherethat canbedonewithnohiking, andbonus:itisalsothehighestcontinuouslypaved road in theU.S.,anaccomplishment that should be on any bucket list.While abovetree line,lookfor elk, bighorn sheep, coyotes, yellow-bellied marmotsand theadorablelittlepika, ayear-roundtundra resident.Thing #50

Take theghost tour at TheStanley Hotel

With areputationfor beinghaunted,The Stanley Hotelhas embraced itsother-worldly fame by offering ghosttours.Even Stephen King,the best-selling author of horror, crimeand suspense novels,felttheir presence,inspiringthe plot forthe book and subsequent movie, “The Shining.”While at thehotel, visitthe WhiskeyBar and Lounge at Cascades Restaurant to calm your nerves with adrink from oneofthe more than 1,200 bottlesofwhiskeys in thehotel’s collection.And newin2023isthe Cryogenics Museum,completewithEstes Park’s very ownFrozenDead Guy. formoreinformation. Thing #74and #20

fast-acting pills,and more! |VACATIONGUIDE WEDNESDAY, MAY29, 2024 6
sodas, tinctures,
chocolates, gummies,

Family optionsfor summer hikes

Thefirst dayofsummer vacation hasalready arrived forschoolchildren. Have youconsideredwhattodo with them whilevisitingEstesParkduringyoursummer visit?

Take your family on ahike —fromthe family friendly optionstomorestrenuous adventuresfor theeager explorers.

Nice andEasy:Lake EstesTrail

The3.75-mile pavedtrail around Lake Estesoffers one of theeasiest treksinthe area with minimalelevation gain Theentiretrail loop canbe completedinabout 90 minutes,orashorterportion of thetrail canbefinished as an out-and-backwalk.

Thereare multiple access points:CherokeeDrawon thesouth side,WapitiMeadowsonthe east side,Fisherman’sNookonthe northside andthe VisitorCenterParkingGarageonthe west side.

Allalong thetrail,which passes theLakeEstes 9-Hole Golf Course, theMatthew-Reeser Bird Sanctuaryand sectionsofthe BigThompson River,yourfamilywillenjoy thestunningviews of Longs Peak andthe mountainsof theContinentalDivide. There arealsomanypopularspots forfishinginthe lake along this route.

Keep an eyeout forthe resident pair of bald eagles as well as baby elkthatenjoyfrolickinginthe water. Be cautious of mommaelk who maybeprotectiveofher littleone.

AKid-friendly Adventure: Hidden Valley

Snow lingersatthe topof Hidden Valley well into July in RockyMountainNational Park butthe lowerelevation at theparking is quicklyreleased from winter’s grip into mountain meadowsfull of wildflowers alonga moun-

Theviewof EstesValley, LumpyRidge andthe MummyRange as seen alongthe Kruger Rock Trail, atrail open to dogs,in Hermit Park Open near EstesPark, Colorado

tain stream.The Hidden ValleyLoopTrail,which starts at therangerstation near the parkinglot,isanideal place to take thekidstoburnoff some energy.

Locatedalong TrailRidge Road 7miles west of theBeaverMeadows Entrance,the largeparking lot forthe trail offersa warminghut andthe only heated bathroomsinthe park in thewinter.

This short, 0.4-mile loop trailstartsnearthe frontof thewarming hutand heads into thevalleytothe west. Families cantakethe loop in either directionasitpasses meadows, forestsand Hidden Valley Creekbeforereturning to thewarming hut.

Forthe Doggies: Kruger Rock Trail

Starting in HermitPark Open Spacealong U.S. Highway36, this 4.0-mileout-andback trailnavigates alongthe west-facingsideofmountains on thesoutheast side of Estes Park andfinishes in Roosevelt National Forest.

Rising about975 feet,the moderately difficulttrail passes throughponderosa forest alongsomeswitchbacksand stepstonavigate steepsectionsaswellasa few dips in elevation.

Arriving at Kruger Rock at about9,360 feet makes

theworkout worththe effort. Theviews from this point, as well as severalspots along thetrail,put into perspective thevastnessofthe mountain ranges surroundingEstesValley.

Leasheddogsare permittedonthistrail.HermitPark Open Spaceisopenfor the summer season but parking canbelimited on busy weekends andholidays.

ASummerEscapade: DreamLakeTrail

Oneofthe best trails in the park anytimeofyearisthe DreamLakeTrail in RMNP Popularwithtouristsin summer,Dream Lake is a beautiful, scenic hike that passes NymphLakeand viewsofLongs Peak alongthe trailbeforearriving at thealpine lake belowHallett Peak andFlattop Mountain.Ifinto photography,seekout leading linesand foreground subjects like logs andbouldersfor interestingcompositions.

The2.2-mileout-and-back trailrises about500 feet from Bear Lake to DreamLake


Spotlight: BlackCanyonTrail hike

Late spring andearly summerare lovely timestoexplorethe lowerelevationsof RockyMountainNational Park.While thesnowcontinues to melt off thetrailsat higher elevations,the lower meadowsand montaneforests aregreen with life from lush grassy meadowsand aspentrees sporting newleaves.

BlackCanyonTrail,which navigatesalong thebaseof LumpyRidge on theeastside of RockyMountainNational Park,isone of theseideal locationsfor aspringhike.

This moderate 4.2-mile out-and-back hike is just a portionofthe longer 10.4-mile loop around LumpyRidge.Its viewsofLumpy Ridgeand MacGregorRanch —Estes Park’s last workingranch mostly gentle landscapeand closeproximity to EstesPark will give hikers plenty of incentivetomakethisa destination hike outsideofthe busierregions of RockyMountain National Park.

Thetrail starts at the LumpyRidge parkinglot alongDevilsGulch Road near theinterpretivesignand bathrooms. Take thetrail to theleft; theright trailheads up to GemLake.

Thebeginning of thetrail passes throughprivate property,soitisimportant to stay on thetrail.

Pass throughthe first gate, whichmarks theboundary of theprivate property,and climbthe only steepsection of this trail. Don’tlet thefour dozenorsosteps discourageyou;there is anotherset of stepsgoing down immediatelyafter youreach thetop andthe trailfollows gentle risesand declines forthe remainderofthe hike.

At thetop of this hill is arockoutcroptothe right called Henand Chickens.See if youcan make outhow this formationgot this name.

TheBlack Canyon Trail hasmanyviews of therockoutcrops on LumpyRidge,including thePear, Needlesand Batman,in RockyMountainNationalPark.

Thebeginningofthe Black Canyon Trailbegins at the LumpyRidge parkinglot on thenortheast side of Rocky Mountain National Park

TheBlack Canyon Trail navigatesalong thebaseof LumpyRidge,offering closeup views of theprominent Twin Owls rock outcrop.

unmaintained waterfountain.Shortly afterthismemorial,there is anotherjunction forclimber access to the Batman andCheckerboard climbs.Staytothe left forthe BlackCanyonTrail.

Anotherfence at 0.92 miles marksacrossingbackonto privateproperty. Continue to follow thetrail as it passes aboveaverygreen MacGregorRanch andpastaninterpretivesignabout theraptors of LumpyRidge.Portions of LumpyRidge areclosedfrom February 15 to July 31 to allow thebirds to nest undisturbed in thecrags,cracksand crevices of therocky formations. Some of thebirds that might be observed includeturkey vultures,peregrine falcons andred-tailedhawks.

Afterafew more junctions with climber-accessroutes (continuetostaytothe left at thejunctions with theBook area andthe Pear rock outcrop), hikers will reachanothergateat2.1 miles. This gate marksthe boundary of RockyMountainNational Park.

Thetrail wandersthrough juniperand ponderosatrees. Keep an eyeout on the ground forwildflowersthat arejuststartingto come into bloom.Plantslikegolden banner, pasqueflower, wild iris andsandliliesare currently blooming,but more will appear as thesummermonths progress

At 0.47 miles, youcross a smallfootbridgeoveraseasonalcreek —another reasonthe spring is awonderfultimetoenjoy this trail— andthenat0.62miles,you pass throughanothergate

As youcontinuedownthe trail, youwillhaveyourfirst of many viewsofTwinOwls at 0.18 miles. This prominent rock formationcan be seen from many areasin Estes Park butthe perspectivethat makesthe appearance of two owls nestledtogetherisbest viewed from thesouth.

back into RockyMountain National Park.Justbefore this gate,enjoy theviewof Mt.Meeker, LongsPeakand theContinentalDividetothe south, oneofthe many perspectivesofthisstunning scenealongthistrail.

Afterpassing througha smallstand of aspentrees lining thetrail,there is a junction forseveral climbing routes,Gem Lake andthe trailtoLawnLake. Follow the trailtothe left to continue on theBlack Canyon Trail.

Shortlyafter thejunction, thetrail crossesapaved section.Thisusedtobearoad andparking lottoTwin Owls, butwas closed foruse in 2004 to accommodatea larger parkingareaatthe currentlocation on Devils GulchRoad.

At 0.73 miles, thereisa memorial forclimber Kevin ScottGlendenning andan

The trailcontinuesaloop around LumpyRidge via LumpyLoop, CowCreek and GemLaketrailsina10.4-mile routethattakes hikers back to theLumpy Ridgeparkinglot.Orturnaroundand head back on thesametrail to reachthe parkinglot.

Theentire4.2-mileoutand-back trailtakes about two-and-a-half hourstocompletewithabout 615feetofelevationgain.

TheBlack Canyon Trailrequires anationalparks pass (federal interagencypassora daily, weekly or annual Rocky Mountain National Park pass) plus atimed entryreservation from 9a.m.to2p.m.Petsare notpermitted on this trail.

This is apopular trailespecially on weekends andholidays,and theparking lotcan filltocapacitysoarriveearly or hike later.

Formoreinformation abouthikinginRocky Moun-


Spring into summer fun with some time in nature

We have hearditover and over again: time in nature canimprove ourmentalclarity, ourmoods andour overallhealth.

Time in thewarmsunshine —albeitwiththe proper sunscreen —providesour bodies with vitaminD,which helps to keep bones, teethand muscles strong andhealth. VitaminDcan also help reduce depression symptoms and boosts immunity.And after severalmonthsoflong, dark winter days,the warm sunshinejustfeels good on our face.

Accordingtothe Mayo Clinic,vitamin Disimportanttobuild healthybones becausecalcium is only absorbed when vitaminDis presentinthe body.VitaminDisalsoananti-inflammatory,antioxidant andhas neuroprotectivepropertiesto supportimmunehealth, musclefunctionand braincellactivity.

Although we maynot be quitefinishedwithsnowstorms (itisn’t uncommon to have astorm pass through in MayorevenJuneinEstes Park), thereare nowmore hoursofdaylighteachday andMotherNatureisreleasingthe trails from herwintery grip.

The Lake EstesTrail is awonderful path to usetobikeorwalk to work,recreate or take abreak from astressful day.

Here aresomesuggestions forway to enjoynaturethis late spring and summer

Take ahike

Alittleexercise,likea hike in thewarmspringsunshine, will notonlyboost vitaminD levels,the increasedactivity mayhelpyou sleepbetterin theevening.More sleepcan lead to more energy during theday andbetterfocus on thetasks askedofyou during theday.

TheMayoClinicalsorecommendsatleast 30 minutes of moderate physical activity everyday.Other fitnessgoals,

like weight loss,may require more time being active.

If hiking on steepmountain trails isn’tyourthing or youdon’t want to delve into thereservation system in RockyMountainNational Park,considerabikeride around Lake Estesorawalk downthe Fish CreekTrail or through downtown Estes Park alongthe Riverwalk.

Work in thegarden

Theruleofthumb in Colorado is to wait untilMother’s Daytoplant spring flowers. Accordingtothe Farmer’s Almanac, theaverage last frost

date in EstesPark, however, is June 4.

Just becauseyou can’t plantflowersuntil thechance of frostpassesdoesn’t mean youcan’t work in thegarden.

Thepulling,bending, reachingand tillingcan allbe formsofmovementthatcan work towardsthe 30 minutes of dailyphysicalactivity. And thesesteps areall required to make sure the garden hasthe best preparationfor thelittle tender plants.

Thereare also many ways to enjoylocal gardenswithout thestressofmaintaining your own. TheEstes Park 18-Hole Golf Course hasaward-winning flower beds andMrs Walsh’sGardenonthe west endofdowntownEstes Park is easily accessed viathe free EstesParkShuttle forastop acertifiedgardenfullofColoradonativeplants.

Look formigrating andnesting birds

This is oneofthe most rewardingthingstodoinlate spring andsummer. Notonly does gettingoutdoorstolook forbirds provideaformofexercise,being witnesstothose otherspecies that we share outdoorspaceswithcan be


Tips forstaying cool outdoors

In thefirsthalfof2024, theclimate patterncalledEl Niño,which hadbeeninplace forthe winter,transitioned to thecurrent patternofLa Niña.For many,thatmay not mean alot or raiseany cause forconcern.

It does,however,meanthat acooler, wetter climatepattern hastransitionedintoa hotter,drier situationthanks to coolingwater in thePacific Ocean. (Yes,thatsounds backwardsbut it hastodo with howthe airmoves the JetStream.)The effects vary fordifferentregions of the planet butfor us in Colorado, theNationalOceanic andAtmosphericAdministration (NOAA) predicts that theLa Niña patternwilllastthrough thewinterof2024.

Even within Colorado, the patternchanges depending on location andelevation.Accordingtoclimatologistsat theColoradoClimate Center, southwestColoradomay see adrier-than-normal summer, buteastern Colorado maysee increased rainfall.

Andaccording to TheOld Farmer’s Almanac, that stalwart forweather predictionssince 1792,the summer weatherwillbewarmand seasonably stormy

EstesParkwillnot be,however,experiencingthe brutal heat wave currentlyhappeninginthe southern U.S. From ArizonatoFlorida,the National WeatherService anticipates approximately80million peoplemay experience a heat indexabove 105degrees this summer.

So,even in thecoolertemperaturesinEstes Park,in comparison to thesouthern states,staying cool in thesun andheattakes afew simple tricks.

First, always drinkplenty of waterwhenoutdoors, anddon’t wait untilyou are thirsty. Theruleofthumb is onehalf-literofwater per hour of moderate activity.As theintensity of theactivityin-

Ahiker drinks in thebeautyofMills Lake

creases andthe temperature rises, thewater intake should also surge. Drinkmorewater theday before beingoutdoors toosoyou starthydrated rather than playingcatch up Andremembertodrink often rather than chugging alot at onetimetostayhydrated.

Second,wearaheadwrap or neck gaiter soaked in wateraroundyourneck. It does an amazingjob of coolingthe bloodthattravels through your neck to your head and to therestofyourbody. Soak thewrapenoughsoair can pass throughthe fabric yet doesn’tdripwater.Refresh as needed whileoutdoors, and make sure it isn’ttoo tight on your neck so it doesn’trestrict blood flow.

Third, hike in theearly morningwhenthe temperaturesare cooler.Thiswillalso help preventbeing caught in theafternoon thunderstorms. Earlymorning hikesalsoincrease your chancesoffinding better parkingspots

Fourth,findshady trails to enjoy. Many of thetrails, like theFernLakeand Green Mountain trails,thatburned during theEastTroublesome andCameron Peak Firesare nowprofoundlyexposed to sunshine withoutthe canopy coverfromthe trees. This provideslittleescapefromthe sun’shot rays Next,wearlightweight,

moisture-wicking, loose-fitting hiking clothes. This type of clothing will help with air flowand allowsweatyclothes to dryfaster.

Finally, freeze awater bottlethe daybeforeyouroutdoor adventure. This helps

keep thewater cooler longer. Don’tcompletelyfill thebottle. Waterexpands when it freezessoyou need to give the watersomespace to go as it freezeswithout breaking the bottle.And don’trelyonjust onebottleofwater.Bring as much as possible usingproducts like bladders that go inside abackpack.

Enjoythe outdoors in summerbut be smartabout the impactsofheat. As yousweat, your body losesimportant nutrientssoeat saltysnacksto help replenishthe lost essential minerals,likepotassium andsodium. Take breaks often, reduce thetimeoutdoorsasneeded andlistento your body’s warningsigns if it is beingpushedtoo hard. Things like nausea,headachesand lightheadedness areyourbody’sway of saying it is notdoing well.

292 Moraine Ave. Estes Park • Live music on Fridays HandcraFted in estes Park -Galileo - Galileo “Wine is sunlight, held together by water” Visit us and HaVe aglass oF liquid sunsHine at tHe end oF your trail. Mention this ad for afree gift! SnowyPeaks TastingRoom Live music on Fridays |VACATIONGUIDE WEDNESDAY, MAY29, 2024 10



7,500feetabove sealevel, andall that outdooradventure (and shopping) makesfor hungry andthirsty visitors

Fuel up forthe daywitha good breakfastatBig Horn Restaurant,afamily-runfavorite since1972. Trythe eggs Benedict,huevosrancheros, or oneoftheir croissant breakfastsandwichesAtthe Mountain Home Café,locals andtouristsalike sitdownto enjoyall thebreakfast staples from itsbig menu featuring everything from aveggiescramble to countryfried steak. If grabbing acoffee before headingout,KindCoffee andCoffee on theRocks are theplacestogo.

Forlunch anddinner, you canchoosefromalmostany cuisineyou couldwant. In themoodfor Mexican? Ed’s Cantinaisalocal favorite and climberhangout.Esmeraldas Tamale Houseisn’t fancy, but visitors love theirsignature tamalesaswellasother traditional Mexicandishes.

ForItalian,MamaRose’s andthe Dunraven Innare both good sit-down spotsfor thosewho like hearty pasta, steak, andseafood.And while some arguethatit’shardto findlegit NewYorkPizza west of theMississippi,Antonio’s Real NewYorkPizza is runby real-lifeNew Yorkers. They’ve nailed it.

Foraspecial nightout,do notleave town withouthavingdinneratBirdand Jimor Seasoned.Birdand Jimcelebratesthisbeautiful mountain town andit’shistory throughIsabellaBird’sand Mountain Jim’spioneer,nonconforming,mountain-loving spirit.Seasonedhas formed partnerships with family farmsall over Colorado to supply local, seasonal ingredients—and theresultisout of this world. Cascades Restaurant andLoungeatthe StanleyHotel is anotherfine-diningoption, with an innovative menu andanoutdoor patio that offersincredible views

of theCascade waterfall. With allthe cattle ranches in Colorado, therehas tobe agreat steakhouse,right?Of course thereare.TwinOwls hasservedas an areastandard for20years. It’s housed in theTaharaa Mountain Lodge, whichboastssomeof thebestviews in thevalley, handsdown. If lookingfor aluxuriousand comfortable B&B, look no further. Hunters Chop Houseis acasualsteakhousethatfeatureshand-cut beef aged in-house,along with chopsand some unique wild game dishes.For hamburgers, Latitude 105Alehouseat theRidgeline Hotel hascreations that will undoubtedly turn heads. Try“TheWoodrow,”which includes Colorado cherry jam, prosciutto, brie,and arugula. Grubsteak is anotherfamily restaurant that’s perfectfor beef lovers—andthose whowantto trybuffalo, elk, andyak.It’s also gotexcellent burgersthat hitthe spot aftera long day on thetrails.

Youcan’t possibly still be hungry, canyou?You’ll want to save room to getat leastascoop from Munchin House, which hasbeenservinghand-made sweets since 1968.Choosefrommore than 40 flavors of all-naturalice creaminadditionto fudge, chocolate, andcaramel corn.It’salsoa good spot for espresso,coffee,and tea.

Peruseall of theEstes Park restaurant listings at

To Do

Theoutdoorsdominates theactivityhere, from hikinginRocky Mountain National Park to rock climbinginLumpy Ridge. Butif you’re lookingtosamplea little historywithout much work,headtothe KnollWillows Open SpaceTrail.It’s rightdowntown, anda milelong trailfeaturessomehistoricremains of earlysettlementsand acabin.Dig alittle deeper into theareahistory at MacGregorRanch,aliving historymuseum. This workingranch wasstarted in the 1870sand showcasesthe early

life of settlers andhomesteadersinthe Colorado Territory. TheEstes Park Museum featuresmorethan30,000artifactsfromthe town’s history. Thereyou cantakeadvantage of StoriesUnder theStars,a spacewhere visitors canlistentorecordedstories from EstesParkpioneers.

If you’re gearingupfor an outdoor adventure, stop by the EstesPark Mountain Shop on Big Thompson Avenue.

Who’supfor ascavenger hunt?Pikas in theParkisa funadventure foreveryone, especially thekids. Thereare 12 bronze sculptures of pikas, thefriendlylocal mammal, scattered downtown.Seekingthemout provides atour of thevillage alongwithhistoricalfacts in honorofthe EstesParkCentennial. Catch all12and claimaprize at the visitorcenter.

This shortlistbarely scratchesthe surfaceofall that is to see, do,and eatin this mountain town.Did you know youcan setupatarot card readingwithMyTarot Mom? Theoptions areendless.So, sure,makethe trip to RockyMountainNational Park.But thenexttimeyou’re in EstesPark, take advantage of allthatthe town hastoofferaswell.



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and learnabout acentury


Guided Hiking Program

Hiking in themountains is no simple feat butatthe YMCA of theRockies,the fantasticstaffare available to help plan an excellenthike or even guideyou andyour grouponanexpedition. You cansignupfor aguidedhike at theBoone Family Mountain Center in person via emailatepcprog@ymcarockies.orgorat970-586-3341 x1311.

Hikesrange in difficulty from simple nature walksto climbing mountain peaks. To attemptthe tallestmountain in RockyMountainNational Park (RMNP),Longs Peak, onemustpasstwo prerequisite hikes.

Specializedhikeswillshowcasehow uniquethe YMCA of the Rockieshikingprogram is

Some routes responsibly go off-trail,while others requirea daypasstoRMNP. Thesepasses areavailable at theBoone Mountain Family

Center andcan be purchased theday before thehike, so you canget an earlystart!

Guided hikesare included

with aday pass andopento thepublic,but groups lodgingatthe YMCA canscheduleaprivate hike with aHikemaster.Private ratesare $25/ hour.Hikemasters cantakea ratioof9:1 foron-trailhikes and5:1 foroff-trailhikes. Additionally,anyone can join theYMCAHikingClub to keep trackofthe mileage youcover on Y-hikes. It only costs$15 to become amemberand startearning credit foreachmilestone youreach. TheYMCAwillhelpyou recognize howfar you’ve gone with specialpatches documentingyourachievements. Register andlog your hikesat theBoone Family Mountain Center aftereachY-hikeyou complete.Hikemasters will sign off on your milessheet andthe YMCA will take care of therest!

Nature Workshops of Summer

TheYMCAofthe Rockies’ educationalNatureWorkshopsseriesprovidesanengaging,hands-onapproachto exploringthe wondersofthe naturalworld in thebeautiful RockyMountains

During aworkshop,participantswillhaveachance to learnabout theecosystem throughvariouslensessuch as geology, flora,fauna,and more.Participantswillhave an experiencedguide leading theirsmall groupofpeoplein amulti-day explorationofthe amazinglocal environment.

Thesummerworkshop series starts thefirstweek of June andrunsregularly throughthe beginningofOctober. Alltransportationand coordination is included with registration

Registration is required, and the workshop costs$195/ person.You do notneedto be aguest or member of the YMCAtoparticipate.Questions? Call theActivityOffice at 970-586-3341 x1104orvisit Upcoming WorkshopsDetails:

June 2-4—ColoradoLife Zones

By SteveJohnson:Spend time in each locallifezone, gaininginsightsand discoveringconnections between plants,animals,geology,and climate.

June 19 -21—Birds of Habitat

By Debbie Bangs: Gain foundational knowledge aboutthe birdsfound in the mountain throughalpinetundralifezones in thespring andsummerseasons.

July 8-10 —Rocky Moun-

tain Wildflowers

By Virginia Kent:Locate andlearn aboutthe many wildflowers in RockyMountain National Park.

July 22-24 —Geology of RockyMountainNational Park

By Harvey Haines:Explore thegeology of RockyMountain National Park,learning howand when themountains were formed

August 4-6—OnThe Trails

By SteveJohnson:Awaken your curiosityand experience some of thelesser-known trails in andaroundRocky Mountain National Park.

August12-14 —History of RockyMountainNational Park andthe EstesParkArea

By LarrySchneider: Learn aboutthe playersand events that defined thenow Estes Park area,YMCA of theRockies, andRocky Mountain Na-

tional Park.

September29- October1 Elk Ecology

By SteveJohnson:Fallis thetimefor elktobeinrut. Join us as we explorethe amazingworld of theWapiti (elk) in theheart of theRocky Mountains.

October7-9 —Astronomy at theYMCA

By Dr.RobertPotterand Dr.Jim Gallt: Participants will learnabout thehistory of astronomy, howtoobservethe sky, thesolar system, starsand constellations, andthe basics of stellarbirth anddeath,including white dwarfs,neutron starsand blackholes.

November 25-26—WinterNativePlantsand Nature Wreaths

By MeganBachand Debbie Bangs: Join us to learnwhy native grassesare important,


Ways to loweryourgrocery bill

This week on Nutrition Notes, Iwanttodiscuss grocery shoppingand howto save moneyonthe bill.

Iamsureweare allfeeling theeffectsofinflationright nowand it is certainlynoticeable in ourgrocery storebills.

We arecurrently seeing significantly higher prices on staple foodslikeeggs, grains, andmilk. However, thereare ways to help spendlesson groceriesand stillput nutritiousmeals on thetable.

Here aresometipstocut back on costsatthe grocery store:


Plan your mealsand createashoppinglist. Have a

fewbreakfasts, lunches, and dinnersplanned.Thishelps youavoid impulsebuysand ensuresyou only purchase what youneed.

Youare more likely to use what you buyand what you alreadyhaveonhand, which helpstocut back on costs even more.Itis estimated that theaverage household throws away 30%ofthe food that they purchase

Shop seasonally

Fruits andvegetablesthat areinseasonare typically more affordable andtaste better too! Youcan even opt forfrozenorcannedoptions (watch outfor addedsugars andsalt) to save even more.

Know what expiration datesmean


(which gets asafetydate), foodsare labeledwitha“best if used by,” “sellby,”or“freeze by”datethatindicates freshness andquality usingstandardsset by theUSDA. You do notneedtotreat these datesashardand fast rules to throwawayfood. When food begins to grow mold or turnsrancid- this is asignthatthe food is expired andshouldbethrownaway.

Buyin bulk

Purchasing itemsin bulk canoften be more cost effective,especiallyfor non-perishable items like grains,pasta, andcannedgoods They canbeespecially helpfulfor largefamilieswho need to stockuponalot of food

Youmay findthatitmakes sensetobuy certainstaple

foodsinbulkbecauseofthe significant cost savings. You do nothavetohaveamembershiptoawarehouse grocery storelikeCostco or Sams Club or alotofspace to store extrafood at home,justbuyinglargersizes at your regular storecan help yousave.

Buygeneric or storebrands

Often, genericbrandsoffersimilar qualityata lower pricecomparedtoname brands.

Cook at home

Preparing mealsathomeis notonlyhealthier, butitcan also save youmoney comparedto eating outororderingtakeout. If youhaveany questions please reachout at


SummeratThe Stanley

With spring slowly moving into summer,Estes Park is entering into anew season of liveliness andentertainment. No matter thetimeofyear though,The Stanleyhas events to keep people enthralled throughany season. Here is your guidetofinding theonesthatcaptivate your interests.


Locatedinthe elegant, historic musicroominside of TheStanley’s main lodge, visitors of the217 Wine Bar cansip from some of thefinestwineselectionsinEstes Park whileenjoyingafrontrowviewofthe snow-capped RockyMountainbackdrop.

When attendingthe new spot,guestswillhavemore than 50 winesto choose from whilesnackingonassorted charcuterie offeringspreparedbythe houseMichelin Star chef in oneofthe many conversational areasthatallowfor aquaint, communal atmosphere.

217’smaîtred’regales his listenerswithstories about thevenerable oldhotel and wine-parodiedshowtunes. AmagnificentSteinwayand Sons concertgrand piano beneathagold-leafed dome stands at theready to fillthe entire room with music.

Whiskey Bar andLounge

Anyguestscraving more of astiffbeveragewillhave to travel just across themain lobbytothe WhiskeyBar andLoungeatthe Cascades Restaurant.Withmorethan 1,200selection to choose from,the barboaststhe largestvariety of whiskeys and single malt scotches in Colorado—inclusionsthatearned it aspotonMen’s Journal’s topten list of “Besthotel


Whiskeybottles sitatop barrelsinsideofthe vault room at TheStanley.

whiskeycollections to samplearoundthe world,” this past December.Whether sipping on thehouse favorite 291 smoked oldfashionedorthe signatureredrumpunch,this spot provides theperfect remedyfor meltingawaythatColoradocold


Lookingfor something moreexclusive in your whiskeytasting?Looknofurther than TheVault.Located on thelower levelofthe main lodge, TheVault will be any whiskeyconnoisseur’sdream come true with aroomfullof single barrels andspecial bottles—a majority of whichare oneoflessthan200 in existence. The Vaultoffers private,curated tastings,exploringwhiskey history, classificationsand tips on thebest waytoenjoy thedrink.


Be apart of historyasThe Bouncing Soulskickofftheir first-everconcert at thehistoricStanley HotelonAugust 9th, 2024.

The StanleyHotel will be thefirstvenue forthe band as part of theirthree-night of pure punk rock across four cities,celebratingfive of their


TheBouncingSouls have been rockingsince 1989 They’repioneersofpunk rock,known forinfusingfastpacedand light-heartedtunes into thescene.Joinusaswe ignite thepunkspiritand bring back the“pogo”element to NewJerseypunkrock!

Don’tmissout on this incredible journeythrough the decadesofpunkhistory.

Gettickets at

Devotchkaisback• Halloweenweekend • 2024

Forsix yearsrunning, Devotchkaand theirdevoted fans have transformedthe hauntingly beautifulStanleyHotel into amesmerizing realmofwonder. Join us for an unforgettable nightatour HalloweenCostume Party, whereelegancemeets eccentricityina celebrationlikeno other.

DevotchkaLiveatThe StanleyHotel October31st, November 1st&2nd,2024


ImmersiveSpectacle: Slavic SistersMacabre Circus Sideshow Experience themysteriousallureofthe Slavic Sisters macabrecircussideshow, wheredeath-defying aerialists andexoticbelly dancers captivateyoursenses.

Extended SetbyGrammy-Nominated Devotchka: Be preparedfor an extended setbythe critically acclaimed, Grammy-nominatedDevotchka.Loseyourself in themelodic symphony as they take youonamusicaljourney that transcends genreand transports youto newrealms of sonicdelight.

ExclusiveAccess -Tickets

AvailableExclusively to HotelGuests: Immerseyourself fullyinthe enchantmentby securing your exclusivetick-

ets, available only to Stanley Hotelguests. Don’tmissyour chance to be part of this oneof-a-kindexperience. Elevate your Halloweencelebration with astayatthe iconic StanleyHotel.(Packages include room +access to allevents).

This is more than aparty; it’s an experience of alifetime.Embrace themagic,the music, andthe mystique at Devotchka’sAnnualCostume Party. Join us foraHalloweencelebration like no other at TheStanley Hotel! Tickets packages on-salenow!

AmyBruni at the Stanley: Walkingwith Ghosts:RealLife Haunting with Ghost Hunter (Oct.5@ 7 p.m.)

Paranormal investigator, author, podcasterand star of KindredSpirits and GhostHunters,Amy Bruni shares hair-raising tales from hercountless hours huntingghostsatAmerica’s most hauntedlocations.Amy shares heruniqueapproach to interactingwiththe spiritsofthe dead andthose who encounterthem. By theend of thenight,you will question everything youthought you knew aboutthe spirit world, andlifeafter death.

HauntedObjects Live! (Oct.6@6 p.m.)

Areyou readytouncoverthe chilling true stories behind theworld’s most hauntedobjects?JoinGreg andDanaNewkirk (Travel Channel’sKindred Spirits, Amazon Prime’sHellier)for aninteractive presentation that will leaveyou on theedge of your seat

As twoofthe world’sonly full-timeparanormalinvestigators,the Newkirks have spenttheir livescollecting andcaringfor cursed artifacts, possesseddolls,and


Emberopens Memorial Dayweekend

In touristtowns,restaurantsand bars come andgo, butEstes Park hasalonghistory of eateries andtaprooms with stayingpower.

Theanticipationisthat Emberwillbenodifferent.

Ember, whichopenedat TheEstes Park Resort on May 25,isthe fifth restaurant from ownerand Certified Executive Chef,SeanGafner. With alongfamilyhistory of raisingcattleinBoulder County, Gafner brings hishands-on experience of growingupon theranch andadedicationto qualityingredients to hisnew venture.

Gafner describesEmber as amodernAmericanrestaurant that will offer oneofthe best burgersintown. Inside thecompletelyremodeled dining location,which is beingdesignedtohonor nature rather than competewith it,patrons will enjoyexpansive viewsofLakeEstes,aca-

Oneofthe entreesofthe newEmber Restaurant and BaratThe EstesParkResort featuresscallopsand shaved blacktruffles.

sual yetupscale setting, and amenuwithseasonal andlocallysourced ingredients.

“Our vision forEmber extendsbeyondbeing just a restaurant,”saidGafner. “We aimtocultivate awelcoming spacewhere guests cancommemorate life’s milestones

FunCity’snew toys

FunCitywas foundedin 1969 andthisyearmakes it the55thanniversary of beingthe most FunCityin town!New gameshavearrivedthisyear, with an inflatablearena Maze Runner —similar to Capturethe Flag, with Gel-Blasters —which is a combinationofpaintball and lasertag,thatusesa small waterbeadvs. apaint ball that won’tstain clothes! Also newtoFun City in the last fewyears areInflatable WaterWalking Ballsand a GemMiningSluicefor Mineral Panning, plus newGoKartsand Mini-Golfgrass on all36holes!The Arcade Room hasbeenexpandedwithnew gamesand they have agreat redemption room of prizes. Theclassic amusementpark WaterGun Shootout Game is anothergreat prizegamevs.

andour dedicatedteammemberscan flourish andfeelappreciatedfor theirexceptional work.”

As theon-site restaurant andbar forThe Estes Park Resort,Ember will servefood at breakfast, lunchand dinneraswellasprovide room service. Thereisalsoa banquet spacethatcan seat about 200peopletoaccommodate specialevents in oneofthe most picturesquelocations in EstesPark.

“After carefulconsiderationofvarioushospitalitygroups, we choseGafnerHospitality Groupdue to theirexceptional skillset, experience,and shared values,”sharesPatrick Sullivan of EstesParkResort. “Weare thrilled to collaboratewith them.Their meticulous attention to detail,professionalism, ExecutiveChefSean Gafner’s skilland creativity, anddedicationtoensuring

everyguest enjoys an exceptional experience make them an idealpartner.Webelieve Emberwillbeafantastic additiontoour resort andthe EstesParkcommunity.”

According to apress releasefromGHG,the menu at Emberwillfeature signature dishes that reflect the mountain setting of Estes Park.Someofthe menu optionsthatplayhomagetothe flavors of theregion include elktenderloinwithlingonberrydemi-glace, chanterelles,cambozola potatoes andbrussel sprouts.

“I’m excitedtoput on my chef coat againand experiment with some exciting ingredients,”saidGafner. “We envision Ember as astunning destinationofferingexceptional dining experiences.” Emberwillbeopenseven days aweekstartingMay 25 Additional informationisat

themorecompetitive Bumper Boatsand WaterWalking Balls.

This year theBumperCars will notbe running, as they were no longer feasible to maintain withthe continual maintenanceneedsand the development of newgames. A newFigure-8RollerCoaster attraction willreplacethe Bumper Cars,pending finalapprovalwith theTown andon-tracktoberunning next season.This coasterhas four cars with four seatseach that spin-round whilegoing around afigure-eight track, foranexcitingride! Now, thereisanew traffic patterntoaccessthe parking lot, newsigns,new paintand upgraded bathrooms. Fun City also hasanew pointof sale system that makespurchases easier andwithmore rewards! FunCityisnow open dailyat10a.m.for the season untilSep.15, 2024.

HOURS:5:30 AM -11:30 PM

1110 Woodstock Dr |Sinclair Gas Station |Hwy 7 970-586-1614

EVRPD delivers an actionpacked summer in EstesValley

EstesValleyRecreation andParkDistricthas already startedtoopensomeofits facilities forthe summer season, with alloperationscommencingbythe endofMay

With opport un it ie s throughout EstesValleyfor awidevariety of interests, thereissuretobesomething foreveryone to enjoy.

In addition to recreation activities,the EVRPDteam is also workingtowards makingapositiveenvironmental impact with theopenspace in theircare. At theEstes Park 18-HoleGolfCourse, the team,along with agroup of high school students,has establisheda newpermaculture program. As they integrate land,resources,peopleand theenvironment into ano waste, naturalsystem, they plan to establishbee colonies on thepropertyasone of the first projects.

“Also, construction on the newskate park will begin next month, with Artisan Skateparks (general contractor) expected to arrive in early May,”saidTom Carosello, EVRPDExecutive Director. “Constructionwilllikelylast into August,weather permitting.The newparkshouldbe ‘skateable’byearly September, if notsooner.”

Caroselloalsohighlighted that StanleyParkisnow equipped with Trailblazer broadband, with work being done to extend theservice to theouter reachesofthe park, as well as planstoinstall security camerasthroughout StanleyPark.


With stunning viewsofthe RockyMountains surroundingthe valleys, thetwo golf coursesinEstes Park have some of themostscenicperspectivesinColorado.The coursesare also frequented

by elk, auniqueaspectof golfing in the valley.Rememberthatelk calves areborn in late Mayandearly June so keep an eyeout forany protectiveelk mothersand give them plenty of space.

TheLakeEstes 9-Hole Golf Course, locatedat690 BigThompsonAvenueon the northwestsideofLakeEstes, opensfor thesummer2024 season on June 1. Thereis also adiscgolfcourseatthis property.

TheEstes Park 18-Hole Golf Course,located at 1480 Golf Course Road,openedfor theseasononMay 1. Thereis also arestaurant, Mother’s Café,atthe clubhouseat this course.


EVRPDhas an extensive list of classesand activities nearly 300—for youth, adults andactiveadultsfor awide arrayofinterests.Their comprehensive programthroughoutthe summer nowincludes hiking,skateboarding,cooking, art, fitness, aquatic classesand much more.

Youngadultsfrom11to14 interested in learning how to be alifeguard canregister forasix-weekprogram that teaches thefundamental aspectsofCPR,firstaid andwatersafety. Students also learn job-relatedskills, such as resume writing, workingwith ateamand communication, that develops importantproficiencies required throughout theirfuturecareers.

Forfamilyand youthactivities,considerjoining their glow swim events on specified summer evenings at theleisure pool.

Foradultslooking forafun waytoget active andsocial, sign up forthe 100-mile swim challenge, join asummer softball league team or take the paint-and-sip class.

Children andteenagers lookingfor somethingto do this summer cansignup formountainbikingskills classes, thehikingcluborthe summer teeballleague. Programsare availablefor certain agegroups.

Onenew programinparticularthathas been popular is Bobcat Adventures.

“Thisprogram is asix-week outdooredprogram that will be ledbyRec staff,” said LaurenPavlish,RecreationManager forEVRPD.“Participants will learnbeginnerbackcountryskills, backcountrycooking, nature-based arts and crafts andplayadventure themed games.”

Pavlishsaysthatmostsessionswilloccur at Stanley Park andthe programisopen to 6- to 14-year-oldchildren.

TuesdayNight Live is also back this summer at theLake EstesMarina, hostingbands on June 11,July9and August 13 from 5:30 to 9p.m

Formoreinformation,includingthe full schedule of programsand to register,visit

Rentalsfor Special Events

Thereare numerous shelters,pavilions andindoorfacilities throughout EstesPark availablefromEVRPD forreservations. From smallbirthdayparties to largerehearsal dinners, avariety of indoor andoutdoor locationsofferan inexpensiveand convenient option foraspecial event.

At Lake Estes, thelarge pavilion at themarinaisavailable forbiggergroups, seatingupto120 attendees, or reserveone of themanyshelters around thelakefor asmaller specialevent.

TheEstes Valley Community Center provides an indoor option forgatheringsof

up to 202people. Thereare severalspacesavailable for rent forvarious uses,likethe gymnasium, multipurpose room or classrooms,thatare idealfor lectures,wedding receptions,rehearsal dinners, family reunions,birthday parties, memorial services or graduation parties.

“Lastyearwestarted anew packagefor theseeventsthat permitspeopletocomeinat 12 noon to decorate,thengo to theirwedding or rehearsal, andcomebackfor afour-hour event laterinthe afternoon/ evening,”saidTonya Russell, EventManager forEVRPD. “Thishas proven to be popular!”

To reserveafacility, visit estes-valley-community-center-venues-for-rent.

EVRPDfacilities are open throughout the summer.Currenthours include:

EstesValleyCommunity Center:6 a.m. to 8p.m.weekdays;9 a.m. to 6p.m.Saturdays;12to5p.m.Sundays; poolsclose one hour priorto themainfacility

Lake EstesMarina: open 8a.m.to6p.m.Friday, Saturdayand Sunday;hours extend to 8a.m.to6p.m.daily in May; boat rentalsare not available on Tuesdays MarysLakeand East PortalCampgrounds:openfor reservationswithcamping datesstartingMay 24.Toreservea campsite,visit evrpd. Hoursvaryfor thegolf coursesthroughoutthe season. Visit teetime.

Formoreinformation aboutEstes Valley Recreationand Park District, visit


EnjoyThePostChicken andBeer

Born andraisedinthe mountainsand plains of Colorado, ThePostChicken and Beer serves family-style comfort food cooked with thelove of your grandmaand theskill of atrained chef.Featuredby GuyFieri on Food Network’s “DinersDrive-Ins,and Dives,” theirfried bird is better than therest.

ThePostChicken &Beer friesupthe crispiest, juiciest friedchicken —which just happenstobegluten-free —and pairsitwiththeir award-winningcraft brews. At this ChickenParty,The Post serves up fresh, all-natural chickenthathas been brined forhours,dippedina

ThePostisopendaily forlunch,dinnerand brunch on the weekends

buttermilk bath,and dunked in seasoned gluten-freeflour.

Thepressurefryerskeepthe bird juicyonthe inside and crispy on theoutside,even late at nightwhenyou are snacking outofthe fridge or outonthe trailwhile exploringRocky Mountain National Park.

ThePostbelievesthathot chickenand cold beer is one of thebestpairingsinthe universe,which is whytheir brewersworksohardtocreatedelicious brewstogo with ourbird. Locatedonthe groundsofthe historic StanleyHotel,the menu also includes farm-fresh sides, salads, sandwiches,tenders,and scratch-made desserts

ThePostisopendaily for lunch, dinner andbrunchon theweekends. Make areservation to dine on thepatio with unbeatable viewsofthe Park, throwaparty in oneof theirprivate dining rooms, or getittogo. ThePost’sbirdis perfectlyportable andcan be enjoyedonany of your outdoor adventures.Check it out at www.postchickenandbeer. com/


entertaining,educational and awonderful social activity.

In late Maythrough early June,not only do summer birdsreturntoEstes Park,but migratorybirds frequently stopover at Lake Estesand thesurrounding parkstorefuel before flying over the ContinentalDivide.

In 2020,flocks of whitefacedibis, whichonlymigrate throughfor afew days,visited Lake EstesonMay 9. In 2017, it wasApril 24.

In 2021,ahoodedwarbler made arareappearancealong theBig Thompson Riverin earlyMay.And in 2017,several American avocetsvisited Lake Estes.

Resident birdshavealsoreturned.Mountainand westernbluebirds have been back foracoupleofmonthsand are busy raisingnestlings.American dippershavestarted to move back into thevalleyand into higher elevationdrainages from thecanyons now

that theice hasmeltedon therivers.The butter butts (the funnamefor theyellow-rumped warblers)and warbling vireos areback andsinging in themountain meadows.

June andearly July canbe awonderful time to watch nestingbirds,including the red-napedsapsuckers, tree swallows andnorthernflickers, whichall like to useaspen treesfor theirnestcavities.

Look for birdsinopen meadows, forest edgesand near standing waterwhere bugs maybeplentiful.The trailaroundLakeEstes, whichpassesthrough Wapiti Meadowsand Matthews-Reeser Bird Sanctuaryand along theedges of theBig ThompsonRiver,CherokeeDrawand theLakeEstes 9-Hole Golf Course, also offerswonderful bird viewing opportunities. In RockyMountainNational Park,Endovalley, UpperBeaverMeadows andMoraine Park offerwonderful bird viewingopportunities.

Explore forwildflowers

Like birds, discovering the

first pasque flower, oneofthe earliest flowers to bloomin this region in thespring, can putasmile on anyone’s face.

Butflowers bloom from Maythrough August in the region,including thecheerfulyellowgoldenbannerin earlyJune, wild iris in late June,Colorado’sstate flower —the blue columbine—and thecomical lookingelephant headsinJuly, andfireweed andfleabane in earlyAugust, just to name afew. It is areminderofsum-

mer’sharbinger of warm, sunnydaysand agentlereminder that winter is in the rearview mirror.

As late spring andearly summer progress, Rocky Mountain iris, thosepurple beauties that fillwetlands, will starttobloom in the marshy lowspots of meadows.

Thesunshine-yellow golden banner will also start to fillroadsides andmeadowsinlower elevations in late Mayand earlyJune.



at theweekly EstesValleyFarmers


Held everyThursdaymorningfromJunethrough September,the farmersmarkethosts more than 30 vendorsbringingawidevarietyofColorado-made products:fruits, vegetables, fresh breads,plants, hangingbaskets,freshly made tamales, honey, cheese,and much more.Heldrainorshine,stop by to select freshfruitsand vegetables, hand-cut meats andcolorfulbouquetsofflowerstoenhance your visitand patiomeals in EstesPark. Thing#92

Experience thethrills of amountaintramride

Thehistoricand first-of-itskind design,the EstesTramis oneofonlya handfulofaerial



alonganeasy-to-followpath. Some sections arecrumbling pavement butmostisgravel or dirt so best to be prepared with sturdy,closed-toeshoes.




Anothereasytrail when lookingatlengthbut difficult when consideringelevation is theTundraCommunities TrailinRMNP.

Starting at theparking lot



othercreepyartifacts said to displaysupernaturalactivity. Nowyou canexperience theirspine-tinglingtruetales

Thefirsttramcar to ride up with guests on thegrand reopeningday in May2024atthe EstesTramin EstesPark.

tramsinthe U.S. Taking ridersupnearly1,400 feet in five minutestothe topofProspect Mountain,the EstesTramoffers oneofthe best viewsof EstesValley. Formoreinformation,visit Thing#29

Enjoya Brad Fitch concert

With an uncannyresem-

at Rock Cutalong TrailRidge Road,the Tundra Communities Trailclimbsashort0.6 milesfromthe parkinglot to thetop of aridge on thetundra.

From adistance, this trail mayseemprettynondescript buttakea closelookatthe ground alongthe edge of the trail—donot strayfromthe path as this is adelicateenvironmentthattakes avery long time to recover— and thekeenobserverwillnotice tiny plants,colorfulflowers andmaybe an alpine critter, like theAmericanpika or white-tailed ptarmigan, moving aboutthe open landscape. Larger animalswalk-


During this presentation, theNewkirkswilltakeyou on ajourney throughhistory,folklore, andtrue-life accounts of encounters with objectsthatseemtopossess alifeoftheir own. Learnthe untold truthabout famous

blance to John Denver yet boasting hisown styleof original folk music, classic cowboy tunes, andyes,John Denver songs, Brad Fitchalways hostsa casual andentertaining eveningofmusic. PlayingconcertsatBondPark throughout thesummer, Fitch will have attendeesontheir feet with hiscontagioussmile andfun songs. Visitcowboy-

ingacross thetundramay be elkorcoyotes

Lookingupfromthe trail revealsmountainpeaks in everydirection,dappled in snow andreachingintothe thin air.

This trailstartsat12,110 feet andalthoughitonlyrises 176feetinelevation to 12,286 feet,the thin airwilltake your breath away with ever step alongthe trail.

RMNP is open year-round. Theparkcharges an entrance fee, whichcan be coveredby an interagencyfederal recreationpassorpurchased at theentrancegates.FromMay 24 to Oct. 20,RMNPalsorequires atimed entryreserva- fordates andtimes


Indulgeinanice cream cone whilestrolling down theRiverwalk

Nothingsayssummerlikea creamy, frosty icecream cone Severallocations in downtown EstesParksellthe sweet treat, includingThe Munchin’ House, DairyQueen andHayley’sIce Cream. Whileenjoyingthe mouthwateringsweetness,strolldownthe Riverwalk,apaved path alongthe BigThompsonRiver through downtown EstesParktofamiliarize yourself with the galleries, shops, restaurants andcoffee shopsofthisquaint mountain town.Thing #9 Sincethislistincludesonly nine things to do in Estes Park,and thereare 199more in thebook—plentyfor fillingasummer of fun—pick up acopyatshops andvisitorcenters throughout Estes Park or

tion from 5a.m.to6p.m.for theBearLakeRoadCorridor andfrom9a.m.to2p.m.for theremainder of thepark.

Hermit Park also charges an entrance feewhich is not coveredbythe pass forRMNP. That pass is currently$10 per vehicleand canbepurchased at theself-servicekiosk at theentrancetoHermitPark (credit/debitcardonly)

Formoreinformation aboutRocky Mountain National Park,visit https://www.

Formoreinformation aboutHermitPark, visit naturalresources/parks/hermit-park.

cursed objectslikethe CryingBoy Painting,discover whythe Dybbuk Boxisscarierthanthe demonit’srumoredtoimprison, andtag alongasGreg&Danareveal howtheybroke thecurse of theCatskills Crone!

You’ll even have theoppor-

tunity to help theNewkirks createa newhaunted artifact, live andinperson, with just thepower of your mind!

This interactivestage presentationisamust-seeevent foranyoneinterestedinthe paranormal,history,orjust lookingfor agoodscare!

To do

Mountain CoasterSummer

Areyou lookingfor afun waytokickoff2024? Head up to EstesParkwhere you’ll see some of America’smostspectacularscenicbeautyand what better waytoexperience it than on aridedownthe MustangMountainCoaster! As theweather gets warmer theMustang Mountain CoasterinEstes Park

staysopenlonger! Staring in March, thecoaster isgoingtoberolling everyday,except Wed. from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. with extendedhours on Sun. they will be open 9a.m. to 5p.m

Don’tdelay,gotoday,becauseduringApril thecoaster will be closed Mon. —Thu. butinMay it really will be open everyday!For full details visitthe

TheMustang Mountain Coasteroffers more than 2,000feetof twists andturns as it travelsdownthe mountain

TheEnduringLegacy of MacGregorRanch

Nestledinthe rugged beauty of Colorado’sFront Range, MacGregorRanch stands as atestament to the enduring spirit of theAmerican West.Withits rich history dating back to thelate 19th century, this historic ranchhas wovenitselfintricately into thefabricofEstes Park andits neighbor Rocky Mountain National Park, servingasasymbolofconservation, stewardship, and thepioneeringspiritofthose whosettled theregion.

Thestory of MacGregor Ranchbeginsin1873when Alexanderand ClaraMacGregor first arrivedinthe EstesParkValley, during which time Colorado wasstill aterritory.Recognizing thepotentialofthe area forranchingand farming, they establishedwhatwould become oneofthe oldest workingcattleranches in Colorado.The ranchhas remained raising itsBlack Angusherddating back to theearly 1900sasa cowcalfoperation to this day. Whileoverthe decades, three generationsofthe MacGregor family worked tirelessly to expand anddevelop theranch, facing thechallengesofharsh weather, economic downturns, andchangingtimes

Visit thehistoricMacGregor Ranch, established in 1873 andmaintainedasaMuseum andworking cattle ranch by theMurielMacGregor Charitable Trust.

with resilience anddetermination.

Beyond itsroleasaproducerofgrass-fed andfinishedAngus beef,MacGregorRanch stands as acornerstone in theconservation efforts of the EstesParkarea. Demonstratingits dedication to preserving theland’sintegrity,the ranchhas designated approximately1200acresfor aconservation easementwith RockyMountainNational Park. This strategicmove ensures thecontinuation of ranching practiceswhile safeguardingagainst future development, thus perpetuating

theregion’snatural beauty andecologicalbalance.

Situated as agateway to oneofRocky Mountain National Park’s most frequented areas, LumpyRidge,MacGregorRanch maintainsits autonomy as privateproperty whilegenerouslygranting traileasements forvisitors of RockyMountainNational Park.Ashikerstraversethese trails,theyare treatedtopanoramic viewsofthe lush hay meadowsand historic cattleherd, painting avivid picture of theranch’s richheritage andongoing agricultural practices. However, it’s essential forvisitorstoexercisecaution andrespect theboundariesofMacGregor Ranch. Whileenjoyingthe trails,it’s imperative to remain on des-

ignatedpaths untilre-entering RockyMountain National Park.Thisensures thepreservation of theranch’s delicate ecosystemand respects theranch’s commitmentto both conservation andpublicaccess.

Today, theranch operates a historymuseum, offeringvisitors aglimpse into thedaily livesofearly settlers and ranchers in theWest. Historicbuildings,artifacts,and exhibits tell thestory of the MacGregorfamilyand their contributionstothe development andpreservationofthe EstesParkValley.

As youplanyoursummer adventures,don’t miss theopportunitytoexperience the historywoven into thefabric of MacGregorRanch.

415 W. Elkhorn Ave. (byRam’s HornRestaurant) no appointment needed WEDNESDAY, MAY29, 2024 VACATION GUIDE| 21

(2020-2023)and will usea similarsystemin2024with some slight modifications from 2023.

Timedentry permit reservationswillberequiredtoenterthe park betweenFriday, May24and Tuesday, October 15,2024for theTimed Entry reservationand betweenFriday, May24and Sunday,Oct. 20 forthe TimedEntry +reservation (see belowfor differences in each reservation type). Reservations arerequired in addition to an entrance feeorvalid park pass, such as adaily,weeklyorannual RockyMountainNational Park or federalinteragency pass,per vehicle.

Holdersofaservice reservation,suchasanin-park campingreservation,horseback riding reservationor commercial tour reservation do notrequire an additional timedentry reservationtoenterthe park.

There aretwo types of timedentry permit reservations:

TimedEntry Reservation: This option is greatfor visitors planning to driveover TrailRidge Road,visit the Alpine VisitorCenter, explore theKawuneecheValley, hike at Wild Basinorvisit anyarea of theparklocated outsideof theBearLakeRoadCorridor. Park access timedentry permits arerequiredtoenter the park anytimebetween 9a.m. to 2p.m.MDT.Witha Timed EntryReservation,access to theBearLakeRoadCorridor is excluded.

TimedEntry +Reservation:Thisreservation includes access to destinations locatedalong theBearLake Road Corridor,aswellasall otherareas of RockyMountain National Park,includingbut notlimited to destinationslikeMoraine Park, SpragueLake, BierstadtLake andBearLake. Thesetimed entrypermits arerequiredto

enterthe Bear Lake Road Corridorbetween thehours of 5 a.m. to 6p.m.MDT.Visitors with TimedEntry + Reservationswho enterthe Bear Lake Road Corridor andwho want to exit andreturnlater in the day, mayre-enterthe Bear Lake Road Corridor anytime after2p.m.onthe same day as thereservation.

Foreitherreservation option,visitorsmustenter the park betweentheir two-hour window on thereservation

HowdoIget a timedentry permit reservation?

Timed entrypermitreservationsfor Rockyare only availablethrough,bycalling recreation.govat877-444-6777,or usingthe app, andare issued fortwo-hour windowsfor theselecteddate. Timed entrypermitreservationscannotbeissuedatpark entrance stations,visitor centers or viathe park’s information office.Timed entrypermitreservationswillbereleased in phases:

Reservations will become availableonMay 1at8 a.m. (MDT) forreservationsto enterthe park from May24 throughJune30.

Reservations will become availableonJune1,at8 a.m. (MDT)for reservations to enterthe park during themonth of July (and anyremainingdaysthathavenot been booked forJune).

Reservations will become available on July 1, at 8a.m. (MDT)for reservations to enterthe park during themonth of August (and anyremainingdaysthathavenot been booked forJuly).

Reservations will become availableonAugust1,at 8 a.m. (MDT)for reservations to enterthe park duringthe monthofSeptember (and any remainingdaysthathavenot beenbookedfor August).

Reservations will become availableonSeptember 1, at 8a.m.(MDT) forreservations to enterthe park duringthe monthofOctober (and anyremainingdaysthathavenot

been booked forSeptember). What if Icannotplanmy trip that farinadvance?

Up to 40 percentof available timedentry permit reservationswillbeheldand made availablefor purchase, by calling877-444-6777 or usingthe appthe dayprior at 7p.m.MDT.For example, if youwanttoenter theparkonJune5,additional permitswillbereleasedat5 p.m. on June 4. It is best to plan ahead when possible,asthese permits sell outveryquickly.

Where canI learnmore?

Interested in learning more aboutRocky’s timed entrypermitreservation system? VisitRocky Mountain National Park’s websitefor more detailsathttps://www. timed-entry-permit-system. html or visitthe recreation. gov’sapp.

Planning atrip to Rocky with your pet?

We allloveour pets,but thereare places wherepets should nottravelwithyou. When your friendsask,“Can we take ourdog,cat,bunny, tortoise…onparktrails?”let them know that pets areprohibitedonall park trails,alpine tundra andmeadows in RockyMountainNational Park.Leashed pets canonly accompanyyou whileonestablishedroads,parking areasand in establishedcampground andpicnicareas;basically, places in theparkwhere cars cango.


my doggo hiking with me?

Rockyisawildernesspark andall dogs arenatural predatorsthatcan chase, scare andtransmitdiseasestowildlife like deer,marmots,rabbits,birds andmore. It is importanttorememberthat dogs arealsonatural prey and couldattract theattention of predatorslikecoyotes,mountain lions, bobcats, hawksand greathornedowls.

People come to Rockyto

experience thewonders of watching native wildlife.Park visitors should be able to enjoynativewildlifeintheir naturalenvironment at Rocky Mountain National Park withoutdisruptionfromother visitors’ pets

Areyou planning to go camping? Please rememberthatcamping in Rocky Mountain National Park requires apermit. Permitsare available forcampgroundand wilderness campingtrips via To learn more,visit thepark’swebsite at

Always be fireaware.When your friendssay,“Let’shavea campfire,”pleaseshare with them that Rockyalwayshas firerestrictionsinplace.

Campfires areprohibited except within designated campfirerings in picnic areasand frontcountry campgrounds. In thefallof2012, theFernLakeFirestarted from an illegalcampfire. That fireburnedover 3,000 acres, caused theevacuation of aportion of EstesPark, and cost more than 6million dollars to suppress.

Help protectwildlife. Remember that it is illegalto feed wildlife in thepark, big or small. This includes chipmunksand birds.

Please practice LeaveNo Traceprinciples. Help protect theparkfor currentand future generationsbystayingonexistingestablished trails,packinand packout your trash. This includes takingapple cores, orange peels andeverythingelseyou and your friend broughtintothe park with you, andremembertotakeonlymemories andphotographs

It is illegaltotakeanything from thepark, includingantlers,rocks,pinecones and wildflowers.Whatwould happentoRocky if over 4million people each year took somethingfromthe park?

Whetheryou areplanning acasualday hike or areembarkingonanadventurous backpackingtrip, thereis somethingfor everyone to enjoyand discover in Rocky Mountain National Park




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