Catch some of the area's beloved holiday events and make this season one to treasure.
St. Nick on the Bricks
November 29
Kids of all ages can visit with Santa at the Visitor Information Center on the Pearl Street Mall for FREE. Bring your list and a camera to capture priceless holiday memories. Suggested donation of $10 per group. 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. boulderdowntown.com/lightup-the-holidays
November 29
Enchanted Evening in Niwot
Usher in the season with a vintage Niwot holiday spectacular. Help welcome Santa to town with the
annual lighting of the tree, enjoy holiday carols and visit local stores and vendors for unique holiday gifts. Santa arrives in a horse-drawn sleigh at 6 p.m. 6 to 9 p.m., 2nd Ave. and Cottonwood Square, niwot.com/ events/enchanted-evening3/?occurrence=2024-11-29
november 30
Natural Highs Winter Craft Market
Vendors of all ages will be selling handmade arts, crafts and other goods. Support teens, mental health and healthy alternatives to substance abuse in Boulder. Learn about
self-care practices while exploring museum exhibits and sampling from a yerba mate and herb bar as well as a free “AcuDetox” station. Museum of Boulder at Tebo Center, 2205 Broadway, Nov. 30, 1 to 5 p.m., museumofboulder.org/events
November 30
Niwot Holiday Parade
Santa returns to Niwot for the annual holiday parade. Route will lead from Murray St. to Niwot Road on 2nd Ave. After the parade, meet with Santa at the Niwot Grange until 1 p.m. Parade starts at 11 a.m., niwot.com/ events/niwots-annual-holiday-parade2024/?occurrence=2024-11-30
November 30
Dress Up Downtown Santa Crawl
Longmont’s monthly costume crawl becomes the Santa Crawl in late November. Participating businesses will offer themed food and drink specials, games, challenges and more. Starts at 5 p.m., Downtown Longmont, downtownlongmont.com/ creative-district/events/holidays
November 30 & december 1
Kick off the season as you delight in holiday magic with Boulder Phil
and Boulder Ballet’s Nutcracker Featuring Tchaikovsky’s unforgettable score, beautiful choreography and stunning costumes, this enchanting performance will captivate all ages. Thanksgiving weekend at Macky Auditorium. BoulderPhil.org for details and tickets.
Holiday season through Jan. 3
Longmont Winter Passport
Be rewarded for your patronage even as you enjoy everything the Downtown Longmont neighborhood has to offer this holiday season. Pick up a passport at participating businesses, collect stickers as you make purchases and earn prizes downtownlongmont.com/creativedistrict/events/holidays
december 1 & december 8
Christmas Craft Fair
Unity of Boulder presents its annual celebration of community artisans, featuring jewelry, clothing, art, ornaments, candles and more. Enjoy complimentary holiday cider, Christmas cookies, coffee and tea, as well as a raffle for holiday goodies. 2855 Folsom St., Dec. 1 and Dec. 8, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., unityofboulder.com/ events
december 5-7
WinterFest at Chautauqua
The Colorado Chautauqua’s fifthannual WinterFest offers festive holiday activities for all ages, including new attractions like a petting zoo and a winter fairy forest. Highlights include holiday concerts, tree lighting, carriage rides, Santa’s Cottage and a holiday market with local gifts. Chautauqua Park, Baseline and 9th streets, Dec. 5-7, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., chautauqua.com/events
December 6
Visit with Santa at the Callahan House
Meet with Santa at the historic Callahan House. Parent may bring their own camera to capture the moment. Admission is free; registration is required. 3:30 to 7:30 p.m., Callahan House, longmontcolorado.gov/calendar/visitwith-santa-at-the-callahan-house-3.
december 6
Erie Parade of Lights
Gather with your family and friends for this dazzling parade as it travels through historic downtown Erie. Come out and enjoy the downtown area, local school choirs, free Carriage Rides and a visit with Santa just before the Parade of Lights! Enjoy Open Skating! 4:30 p.m to 8:30 p.m. eriechamber.org
december 6
LOUISVILLE chamber parade of Lights
A holiday tradition and a favorite for more than 30 years, the Louisville Parade of Lights is set to take place on December 6 in Historic Downtown Louisville. Festivities begin with musical entertainment provided by local schools and churches and visits with Santa, from 5:30 p.m. to
6:30 p.m. behind Bittersweet Cafe in the Courtyard. Parade starts at 7 p.m. Free hot coco & treats. Plus much more fun! louisvillechamber.com/ parade-of-lights
december 6-8
CU Boulder’s Holiday Festival
Be immersed in the comfort and joy of twinkling lights, seasonal greenery and beautiful music at CU Boulder’s Holiday Festival, an enchanting annual tradition for all ages. Boulder’s beloved longstanding celebration brings together student choirs, bands, orchestras and worldclass faculty performers for a winter concert of both holiday favorites and new delights. Tickets are $25 to $85. Macky Auditorium Concert Hall, 1595 Pleasant St., Boulder, cupresents.org
December 6-8
St. John’s Christmas Market
The three-day market features European-style Christmas booths offering handmade crafts, holiday gifts, local jewelry, baked goods and beer and mulled wine. Take a horsedrawn wagon ride and meet Santa too Dec. 6: 4 to 8:30 p.m., Dec. 7: 12 to 7:30 p.m., Dec. 8: 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., 323 Collyer St., eventbrite.com/e/the-stjohns-christmas-market-longmont-cotickets-1023146989187
December 7
Lights of December Parade
Join us for floats created and decorated by local businesses, churches and civic groups. Includes marching bands, lit fire engines, holiday carolers and much more. The grand finale includes an appearance by the jolly old man himself - Santa Claus! 6 to 7:30 p.m. boulderdowntown.com
december 7
Rinn Gift, Craft and Bake Sale
Have you seen that cute little church by the side of I-25? Wondered what it’s like inside? Come find out at Rinn United Methodist Church’s Gift, Craft, and Bake Sale featuring handmade gifts by local artisans, as well as a homemade soup luncheon and a visit from Santa. 3783 Bella Rosa Parkway (WCR20), Federick, Dec. 7, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
december 7
Kinesis Dance Winterfest
Celebrate the season with Kinesis Dance, featuring songs by Elsa and Anna and plenty of hot chocolate and treats for visitors of all ages Visit Santa’s Workshop, explore the Nutcracker Room and dance at the glow party. Dec. 7, 4 to 6 p.m., kinesisdance.com
december 7
Winter “Wind”erland with Boulder Phil
Celebrate the season at Sanitas Brewing Company, where the Boulder Philharmonic’s Woodwind Quintet presents an evening of holiday classics by Tchaikovsky, Anderson and others. Cozy up with a drink, grab some bites and let the festive music lift your holiday spirit. 3550 Frontier Av.e, Ste. A, Dec. 7, 3 p.m. (doors open at 2 p.m.), BoulderPhil.org
december 7-8
Home for the Holidays Tour
Historic Boulder presents the 38thannual home tour, an enchanting self-paced walk through a selection of historical homes. Explore architectural marvels, exquisite craftsmanship, festive décor and captivating stories inside Boulder’s earliest homes. Dec. 7 (11 a.m.) and Dec. 8 (4 p.m.), historicboulder.org
december 7-8
Holiday Artisan Market & Silent Auction
Eldorado Mountain Yoga Ashram hosts a winter wonderland off the beaten path. Discover handmade gifts, pottery, paintings, jewelry, skincare and more. There’s also free yoga, meditation, alpaca visits and kids art at this festive, peaceful and scenic destination. 2875 County Road 67, Dec. 7-8, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., eldoradoartisanmarket.com
December 7
Niwot Holiday Market
Celebrate the holidays and the joy of local community with a holiday pop-up market at the Niwot Grange and in businesses across Downtown Niwot. Dec. 7 and 14: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., 2nd Ave. and Cottonwood Square, niwot.com/events/niwot-holidaymarket-2024/?occurrence=2024-1207&time=1733565600
December 7
The Gentle Nutcracker
The Longmont Symphony Orchestra and the Boulder Ballet will present a sensory-friendly, abridged version of Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker Ballet for individuals with special needs and their families. 1 to 2 p.m., Vance Brand Civic Auditorium, longmontsymphony.squarespace.com/ season-concerts
December 7
Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker Ballet
The Longmont Symphony Orchestra and Boulder Ballet will bring this holiday tradition to life with exciting choreography and a full orchestra. 2 to 4 p.m., Vance Brand Civic Auditorium, longmontsymphony.squarespace.com/ season-concerts
December 7
The Holiday Show
The Longmont Museum’s holiday tradition returns for ninth year with performances by the Longs Peak Chorus, the Flatirons Jazz Orchestra and Bonnie & Taylor Sims. Cash bar with signature holiday drink. 3 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. (two performance options), Longmont Museum, longmontcolorado.gov/museum/ events-performances/longmontmuseum-presents
December 7
Holiday Ice carvings and Photo Opps
Downtown Longmont will host ice carvings in multiple locations throughout the district, as well as a 10-foot walk-in holiday photo opportunity at St. Stephen’s Plaza. All day, Downtown Longmont, downtownlongmont.com/ creative-district/events/holidays
December 7-8
Boulder county farmers markets annual winter market
Boulder County Farmers Markets
Winter Market gathers over 150 local farmers, ranchers, food producers and artisans, offering a holiday shopping experience that celebrates small businesses. Everyone is invited to enjoy this free, family-friendly event! 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. 9595 Nelson Road, Longmont, bcfm.org
december 13-15
Rocks & Rails Show
It’s time for the 18th annual Rocks & Rails show at Boulder County Fairgrounds in Longmont. Experience model trains and all of their accessories, plus gems, minerals and lapidary — all under one roof at the Main Exhibit Hall. Dec. 13-15, flatironsmineralclub.org
December 13
Longmont Lights Festival
Enjoy the lights, costumed characters, cocoa carts and vendors in Roosevelt Park and visit with Santa at the Longmont Senior Center. Children are invited to build a toy with Santa’s Head Elf at Santa’s Workshop in the St. Vrain Memorial Building. Stay for the holiday laser show at 7:45 p.m. Festival events from 5 to 7:30 p.m., 700 Longs Peak Ave., longmontcolorado.gov/recreationservices/community-events/ longmont-lights
December 13
Open Skate at Longmont Lights
On Dec. 13 and 14, skate until 9 p.m. during Longmont Lights at the Longmont Recreation Services’ Longmont Ice Pavilion. Dec. 13: 6:30 to 9 p.m., includes free ice skate rental courtesy of Longmont Recreation; Dec. 14: 1 to 6 p.m. and 6:30 to 9 p.m., regular rates apply. longmontcolorado gov/recreation-services/communityevents/longmont-lights
december 14-15
Messiah Sing-Along
Celebrating its 40th anniversary, this community event welcomes anyone who wants to sing along on the choruses or just listen to the oratorio
The event features a 50-voice support choir, a 31-piece chamber orchestra and four soloists. St. John,s Episcopal Church, Dec. 14 (5 p.m.), Dec. 15 (2 and 7 p.m.), messiahsingalong.org
Freezie Fest with Cookie Crawl
December 14
Join us for a celebration of winter and all things snowmen! This snowman extravaganza includes FREE train rides, visits with Santa and Reindeer Games (crafts and other activities) for all. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
boulderdowntown.com/ light-up-the-holidays
superior winter festival december 14
The Superior Chamber of Commerce, Town of Superior and Blue Sport Stable invite you to join us for a captivating holiday experience that immerses you in the spirit of the season. Mark your calendars for this extravaganza where the spirit of the season, community unity, and unforgettable experiences come together in a truly superior celebration of winter’s enchantment Capture cherished moments with Santa in festive photos, delight in live performances, savor hot chocolate, and shop for special gifts 1 to 5 p.m.. Downtown Superior. superiorchamber.com/winter-festival
December 14
Niwot Holiday Market
Celebrate the holidays and the joy of the local community a holiday pop-up market at the Niwot Grange and in businesses across Downtown Niwot. Dec. 7 and 14: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., 2nd Ave. and Cottonwood Square, niwot.com/events/niwot-holiday-
December 14
Longs Peak Chorus Holiday Show
Celebrate the holidays with the Longs Peak Chorus, the performing arm of the Longmont Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society. The chorus will perform beloved holiday classics at their annual show. 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. (two performance options), Heart of Longmont Church, longspeakchorus.org
December 14
Candlelight: Handel’s Messiah
The annual candlelight concert features the Longmont Symphony Orchestra, the Longmont Chorale and soloists performing the Messiah oratorio by George Frederick Handel. 4 to 6:30 p.m., Vance Brand Civic Auditorium, longmontsymphony. squarespace.com/season-concerts
December 14
Longmont Parade: Timeless Holiday Tales
See the twinkling floats, complete with Santa, as they make their way down Kimbark Street and Main Street in Longmont. Parade starts at 5 p.m., longmontcolorado.gov/recreationservices/community-events/ longmont-lights
December 21
Longmont Winter Solstice Celebration
Mark the Winter Solstice with themed crafts and activities inside Longmont businesses. Check out the sidewalk astronomy celebration at TinkerMill to peer through telescopes and learn about the cosmos. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Downtown Longmont, downtownlongmont.com/creativedistrict/events/holidays
HistoricNiwotisacharming communitywithavibrant downtown.Browse independentstores,coffee shops,dineorgrababeerat thebrewery.Ashadychildren’s park,biketrailsandyear-round eventsschedulemakeNiwotan idealfamilydayout.Exploreall thatNiwothastooffer. // niwot.com
StepintoFewofaKind,a hiddengeminacentury-old blacksmithshoponOldTown Niwot’shistoricmainstreet. Discovertimelesscharmin ourcuratedmixofvintage treasuresandartisanal goods.Shopsmallthisseason andbringhomequality, craftsmanshipandone-ofa-kinditemstoenchantyour holidays. // (720)727-8941, fewofakindvintage.com
NiwotTaverniswhereyou meetfriends,laugh,eatand celebratetheseason.The taverniscurrentlytaking donationsforits5thannual ChristmasDrive.Itwouldlike blankets,socks,jeans,coats thatitwilldonatetothose lessfortunate.
// 303.652.0200, niwottavern.com
By sarah huber daily camera/times-Call
Boulder’s beloved community performance and sing-along of Handel’s Messiah will be presented for the fortieth year on Dec. 14 and 15 at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Boulder, with many of the musicians and chorale members again returning for the three showtimes. Robert Arentz founded the Boulder Messiah Chorale and Orchestra in the early 1980s and serves as musical director and conductor
Now 78, Arentz considered setting down his baton after 20 years of leading the chorale and orchestra, but has continued, he said, “because of the momentum.” He added, “Many people come back year after year. They sit in the same pew, wear the same
sweaters, and it has great meaning for them.”
More than 800 people attend the Messiah sing-along each holiday season. “When the choir is singing, the timpani is rolling, the violins are going
nuts, it is very stirring, very moving,” Arentz said. Not a “religious person,” Arentz notes that the grandeur of the piece is “always amazing, especially when enjoyed in community.” He explained, “It’s an epic that is about
that deep sense of community, family and humanity and is truly rewarding.”
Arentz became enthralled with Handel’s Messiah after serving as the page turner for the organist at a performance of the piece at St. John’s in 1981. He stepped into the director role two years later to ensure that the annual event would endure. “I saw the faces of the audience and how much it meant to them,” he recalled. Although this will be Arentz’s last year to lead the Messiah, he is helping with the transition and said he will always love being part of the community that has been created around the sing-along
The audience is invited, but not required, to sing along with performances. This year shows are at 5 p.m. on Dec. 14 and 2 and 7 p.m. on Dec. 15. Tickets are available at messiahsingalong.org
300 2nd Ave, Niwot, CO 80544
Open Saturday & Monday 10-5
Tuesday-Friday 10-6
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By Lisa Grayston (BPT) VP of Commerce Operations, Coveo
The holiday season is a time most retailers, and people who love celebrating and gift-giving, look forward to above all. While making predictions may seem risky, a number of indicators point to a jolly holiday season for shoppers and retailers alike this year. To get our finger on the pulse of 2024 shoppers, Coveo conducted an annual holiday shopping outlook report, “Gift or Grinch? Unwrapping This Season’s Shopper Spending Plans,” based on a survey of 4,000 consumers in the U.S. and U.K., in partnership with Arlington Research. Going a step further, we compared those shoppers’ views with retailer perceptions from last year’s holiday report surveying retail executives from 92 U.S.-based retailers, most with revenues above $250M.
The upshot? Many approaches top retailers are pursuing to improve retail sales – optimizing Black Friday/Cyber Week events, using AI to offer shoppers personalized recommendations and maximizing promotions to improve shopper loyalty – also create what shoppers want: opportunities to find the perfect gifts for everyone on their list while scoring great deals
2024 consumer shopping outlook
Over three-fourths of surveyed shoppers (76%) say they plan to maintain or increase gift purchases this year, which retailers will be happy to hear. In fact, 59% of shoppers say they plan to cut down on everyday purchases to prioritize their gifting budgets.
While the 2023 retailer survey found that most retailers (84%) feel consumers can get deals anytime, the majority of retailers (58%) believe holiday events remain a powerful source of revenue, with 76% of the above-average retail performers supporting this idea. Retailers say they approach the shopping peak as a coordinated effort to create brand excitement, and shoppers agree.
In the Coveo 2024 Holiday Shopping Report, 68% of U.S shoppers said they plan to shop at one or more stores on Black Friday or Cyber Monday, with big box/ department stores being the top holiday shopping category. Electronic stores (37%) and fashion/apparel (36%) were the top two shopping choices for Black Friday or Cyber Monday.
There’s no question AI has changed –and will continue changing – how we
shop. For retailers, that means learning how technology can create a positive user experience that also drives sales and builds brand loyalty. For consumers, this means making the search for the perfect gift seamless: a quicker, more personalized, more convenient and satisfying way to shop
The Coveo 2024 Holiday Shopping Report found digital shopping continuing its upward trend, with 80% of shoppers finding special offers purely through digital channels (email, social media, online search and online marketplaces). Shoppers appreciate shopping assistance, with 61% of consumers saying that pre-set search categories like “gifts for dad” or “gifts under $50” are helpful. Nearly one in three shoppers (31%) also say having generative AI provide specific holiday gifting recommendations would be useful - rising to nearly half (44%) for millennials.
When it comes to online shopping, shoppers are only a browser window away from a better experience. Shoppers expect personalized and relevant experiences, similar to what they would get from a knowledgeable store associate. Only AI can effectively help companies successfully deliver individualized, trusted and connected experiences at a scale that meets and exceeds people’s expectations. And if you add GenAI to the mix, you can not only provide shoppers with answers, but you can provide them with a deeper level of advice – such as which lotion is best for your particular skin type or problem area.
The Coveo 2024 Holiday Shopping
Report also found an impressive 90% of shoppers are open to adding items to their existing orders during the holidays, presenting a golden opportunity for retailers to boost sales. Offers like free shipping, relevant special promotions and personalized recommendations also delight shoppers by helping them find the perfect gift while maximizing value.
When this year’s survey asked consumers what would compel them to add to an existing order when shopping online, “Meeting the minimum spend to get free shipping” was the top answer (62%). The second highest response was, “Relevant special offers popping up” (48%), followed by “Recommendations for family members” and “Recommendations for other items” (both 26%).
Top-performing retailers from the 2023 study recognized this growing interest in receiving relevant personalized offers. Clearly on track with what today’s shoppers expect, 90% of retail executive respondents said the ability to provide personalized offers was moving from “nice-to-have” to “must-have.”
The surveys of both retailers and consumers make it clear that “one-size-fits-all” thinking no longer motivates sales. In today’s digital, AI-powered shopping landscape, it’s crucial to offer increasingly personalized offers and deals both to please consumers and to stay competitive. Business success during the busy holiday season means creating deliberate, hyperpersonalized, focused strategies that reach and delight each consumer, wherever they are on their shopping journey.
To learn how Coveo helps businesses make the most of AI in today’s digital shopping environment, check out the free ebook at Coveo.com.
By wendy mcmillan daily camera/times-call
It’s the season of giving–but it needn’t take all your time and energy away. Instead, why not discover joy and wonder, while tackling your to-do list, too? FlatIron Crossing in Broomfield offers festive, fabulous one-stop holiday shopping, freeing up room for you to make the most of the holidays with the ones who make you truly merry.
Much more than a mall, FlatIron Crossing is an experience. Visitors enjoy Colorado-reflective architecture and open design while discovering something special for everyone on the shopping list, plus a world of inspiration. Find the best stylish
home essentials and décor at Crate and Barrel and Pottery Barn; elevate your holiday baking with a little help from Williams-Sonoma; delight in exploring gift ideas from fragrances to plushies at Miniso and Five Below; find the just-right fit at DSW; boost your stamina for it all and tantalize
your taste buds with any of the dazzling array of crave worthy eateries and Food Court restaurants The opportunities are endless.
At FlatIron Crossing, holiday shopping is anything but a chore. Thoughtfully planned events and initiatives offer invitations to relax, give back and enjoy.
“FlatIron Crossing is definitely the go-to destination for the holiday season for festive events, shopping and community experiences, including our Holiday Heroes campaign,” says Senior Marketing Manager Heather Drake
Extended hours throughout the holiday season open enhanced opportunities for reveling in the season — and for giving others the chance to do the same. Visit flatironcrossing.com/holiday for information on celebratory events the likes of Sights & Sounds programs with local schools and community groups throughout December, the Grand Hannukah Menorah Lighting and Celebration on December 29, and more. Come join in the festivities and be sure to stop by the Food Court for a delectable bite and a peek at some poignant, special trees
Again this year, FlatIron Crossing is partnering with A Precious Child to help children in need in eight local counties. Ongoing from November through Christmas Eve, guests can pick a tag from the Precious Gift Giving Trees located in the Food
Court, bringing a child in need that timeless joy of anticipating and unwrapping gifts by purchasing the listed items. Unwrapped gifts need to be returned by December 15, but guests can also make a virtual donation through December 24.
When it comes to the ho-ho-holidays, the Big Guy gets a segment to himself. At FlatIron Crossing, the cherished tradition is facilitated with the utmost care. Like the many stores and activities collectively offering something for all, visits with Santa offer a range of experiences. Opportunities include Santa Storytimes, Pet Nights with Santa, Baby’s First with Santa, and SensoryFriendly Cares with Autism Speaks. No need to spend all your time waiting in line, either. Book your slot at flatironcrossing.com/events
Looking ahead with Grand Imagination
It goes without saying, nestled in its prime location between Denver and Boulder, FlatIron Crossing is a beloved showcase for some of the region’s best offerings. And, it’s getting an upgrade. The high-profile campus is being transformed into the ultimate Live-Work-Shop-Play destination.
Inspired by some of Colorado’s most popular and vibrant urban neighborhoods, HiFi is a new, fivestory, 345-unit luxury multifamily residential community in a reenvisioned outdoor village at FlatIron Crossing. Centered around 2.5 acres of public amenity and event space, the redevelopment offers a true gathering space with unmatched walkability and pedestrian experience. The first phase of this exciting redevelopment is projected to open for the holidays in 2026 – never too early to mark those calendars! Everyone’s invited! Find all the details on holiday events and offerings at FlatIron Crossing, as well as plans for redevelopment, at flatironcrossing.com.
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By Aimee Heckel TravelBoulder.com
This article first published in TravelBoulder.
Beautiful clothing and lingerie is more than a style statement for Barbara Wilson. It’s a part of her DNA.
She grew up in this world. And over the past 40 years, she has shared it with Boulder.
Wilson is the owner of Christina’s Luxuries, 2425 Canyon Blvd., unit 100, in Boulder. Christina’s – named after Wilson’s only daughter – is best known as a high-end lingerie store But it’s much more than that.
It’s also a women-led, local business and third-generation family legacy. And it carries much more than bras and underwear
Some of Wilson’s earliest memories revolve around clothing. Her grandma ran a clothing store back in New Jersey, before sharing the passion with Wilson’s mother and her aunts. Wilson remembers the women in her family pulling her out of school to go on buying trips in New York.
She remembers sitting next to her mom and grandma on the train – the excitement growing as they got ready to go select the shop’s inventory for the upcoming season.
“I had the most fabulous childhood ever,” Wilson remembers. “It’s the greatest job a girl can have and still call it work. Who gets to go to LA and New York and shop for a living? And then working with a bunch of women is superb.”
Wilson worked with her family until her husband’s job relocated them to Colorado in the ‘70s She decided to open her own store, an extension of and inspired by her grandma’s legacy. The goal: “Timeless, effortless fashion that encompasses quality and comfort to enhance and support women in their everyday life,” Wilson says As she sees it, her job is to help people look and feel amazing so they can go on to accomplish great things “It’s all about polished ease,”
she says
What that looks like today? The opportunity to work with a personal shopper and expert who can fit you perfectly in clothes. That’s a far cry from the impersonal, often cheap experiences of fast fashion online.
Indeed, Wilson says she has tried to preserve as much of that original family legacy – of impeccable customer service, quality and finely curated apparel and also authentic camaraderie – in Christina’s Luxuries In addition to lingerie, you can also find luxurious pajamas, denim, swimwear, jackets, body care, and all kinds of clothing, from cashmere sweaters to dresses for special occasions. Cozy flannel PJs and warm socks. Comforting body oil and candles. A stunning bra and panty set. Maternity clothes. Even a bridal registry option.
The list of brands carried is extensive, too, spanning the likes of Velvet, Ugg, Spanx, Nicole Miller,
Heidi Klum, Calvin Klein, American Vintage and many more.
People are often surprised by how much variety they can find in Christina’s, Wilson says
“We’ve been carrying clothes for more than 30 years, but people still walk in and say, ‘Oh, I thought you only sold bras, and I don’t need lingerie.’”
That being said, Christina’s does specialize in bra-fitting. And it does carry a vast selection of lingerie brands and sizes. Wilson can think of clients who shopped Christina’s for their wedding and years later bought their daughters in to be fitted for their first bra.
“Today, people buy everything online, but as they get tired of trying to figure out their size – there’s not a whole lot of standardization in sizing and every brand and style is different – they come to us for the correct fit,” she says. “We pride ourselves in exceptional customer
service and working with people individually, which is really special after impersonal online shopping.”
Of course, you can still shop Christina’s online, too; christinasluxuries.com displays all inventory available in the store, so in that, you can have the best of both worlds: personalization and/or ease of one-click shopping
A few things have changed over the decades. Lingerie has evolved. Christina’s now carries what Wilson calls the world’s most comfortable undergarments for men.
But ultimately, the heart remains the same, Wilson says
“Women are still the same. We love lingerie and the perfect fit, regardless of the styling possibilities,” she says. “You have women who want no construction or women who want a super lift. There’s products for everybody. Everybody’s idea of beauty is something different.”
designed By ben haney
The Tilted
Take a break and indulge in some art therapy. Color Cubes art sets collection invites full creative expression at a moments notice.
These beautiful artistic sets are a new and innovative idea of sculpting clay to make a beautiful 3 dimensional picture. The frame, clays and instructions are all included, as well as sealing varnish to preserve your work. The sets come in child & adult versions with ranges of difficulty
Come choose from our wide range of artist grade watercolor gifts and products Beautiful watercolor postcards, coloring books and workbooks that guide you through steps in creating watercolor pieces of art. We can create the perfect gift for the beginning artist or the accomplished professional.
Pumpkin Spice Syrup
Wild Birds Unlimited Longmont Bird-Friendly, eco-friendly, small batch syrup from Vermont’s familyowned Runamok Maple Syrup. Try this wonderful syrup in your winter cocktails, lattes, or holiday desserts.
5. 300 Suns Brewing Gift Cards
300 Suns Brewing
Yummy beer, cider, cocktails and delicious comfort food from your favorite locally-owned brewpub? Look no further for a gift for that craft beer lover in your life!
6. 300 Suns Branded Pints or Tulips
300 Suns Brewing
$ 6.50
‘Looking for the ultimate holiday gift? Our branded tulip and pint glasses are perfect for showcasing craft beers, ciders, and cocktails. Pint glass has a matte
bronze logo. Pair with a gift card for beer lovers, holiday hosts, or anyone who enjoys sipping in style!
7. Georgia Boys BBQ Gift Card
Georgia Boys BBQ
$ 25
Give the gift of delicious Southern Smoked BBQ from Georgia Boys BBQ Our gift cards can be purchased at our restaurant or online at georgiaboys.com. We can customize your card to the dollar amount that fits your budget and our gift cards don’t expire.
8. Georgia Boys BBQ Gift Basket
Georgia Boys BBQ
$ 35
Give the gift of BBQ sauce and seasoning this holiday! We package up some of our best selling Georgia Boys BBQ bottled sauces and seasoning in a beautiful gift basket and present it wrapped with clear
shrink wrap and a beautiful bow. It’s a great gift for the grill master in your life! Available in a small basket at $35 or a large one at $60. Stop by Georgia Boys BBQ and pick yours up!
9. Georgia Boys BBQ Sauce
Georgia Boys BBQ
$ 8
BBQ Sauce from BBQ Experts! At Georgia Boys BBQ, we are experts at seasoning and smoking meat. We are also experts at selecting the right ingredients in a sauce to enhance the flavor of the meat, not cover it up
10. Give the Gift of Classic Dining
The Den on Eleventh Now through Dec. 26 get 20% off gift cards valued at $75-$150. These can be purchased online using code “GCHOLIDAY24” at checkout. Gift cards can be purchased in person as well.
Women’s Buckeye Waterproof ShoeComfy, Durable, and Waterproof Ariat.
12. Men’s Nano-Toe UltraLite X Work Boot
Whiteside’s Boots Western & Work Wear
Revolutionary UltraLite X material, this boot is lighter than a traditional work boot by 20%.
Ugg Tasman with suede upper and sheepskin lining. Available colors are Chestnut, Black and Atilope.
15. Ugg Goldenstar Clog
Brown’s Shoe Fit
Guarantee double takes right out of the gate wearing this cool-looking jacket Jeans
Crafted from velvety suede, this versatile platform clog offers a wear-witheverything style. If you are reaching for a clog, you’ll want comfort, and the Goldenstar Clog delivers! The heel strap features a swivel design for a 2-in-1 wearing option -- wear it as a heel strap or stacked on top for an easy on/off, open back option. An ultra-lightweight outsole provides all-day cushion and support
16. Haflinger wool clogs
Brown’s Shoe Fit
Enjoy the casual style and premium comfort of the Haflinger GZL clog. The
upper features 100% pure wool felt which allows for breathability and durability
Your feet will feel cozy and comfortable in a natural material that keeps the temperature constant whether for indoor or outdoor wear.
17. 300 Suns Brewing Logo Ball Cap
300 Suns Brewing
Get a 300 Suns ball cap for the craft beer and food lover in your life. Adjustable to fit. We have different colors and style available!.
18. 300 Suns Shirts
300 Suns Brewing
‘We have a variety of branded shirts, from I love beer flavored beer, to logo shirts and even a branded hoodie. Come shop our merch shelf!.
19. Lucuma Owl Gourd Ornament
Wild Birds Unlimited Longmont
These gourds are designed and handcrafted by fair-trade artists in Peru, bringing a modern flair to a 4,000-year-old traditional carving and burning technique.
20. Olive the Owl Seed Character
Wild Birds Unlimited Longmont
Add a little character to your yard with an adorable owl available only from Wild Birds Unlimited.
21. Holiday Seed Wreath
Wild Birds Unlimited Longmont
Our Seed Wreaths are solid seeds, shelled nuts, and cranberries - a real holiday treat for the birds. Attractively presented in a gift box with bow, they are a great way to let friends, neighbors, co-workers, and teachers know you are thinking of them during the holiday season.
22. Snowy Owl Shaped Puzzle
Wild Birds Unlimited Longmont
The Snowy Owl from SunsOut is a hoot! This gorgeous collage style image from Lori Schory makes the perfect shaped puzzle. SunsOut puzzles are 100% made in the USA with eco-friendly soy-based inks on recycled boards and are not sold in mass-market stores. Come in to Wild Birds Unlimited to see all our unique jigsaw puzzles!
23. Black Logo Insulated Bottle
300 Suns Brewing
This black, 64 oz. Stainless Steel bottle (Growler) features double-wall vacuum insulation with a swing-top lid and a 300 Suns Brewing logo etched in silver. These Polar Camel Growlers are 2X heat & cold resistant compared to normal growlers Use for water or other beverages for
travel, hiking, camping or just for bringing beer home from 300 Suns to share with friends
24. 300 Suns Brewing Tumbler
300 Suns Brewing
This 20 oz Orange stainless steel tumbler has a no-sweat design and is 2X heat and cold resistant when compared to glass or plastic bottles. Rubber ring seal separates from lid for easy hand washing.
25. Milwaukee 0960-20 Wet and Dry Vacuum
Budget Home Supply
The Milwaukee 0960-20 Wet and Dry Vacuum has a 1.6 gal capasity and sports 45 cfm Air, 87 dBA, HEPA Filter, 12 V and a Black/Red Housing!
26. Goat’s Milk & Olive Oil Soap with Sponge
The Happy Turtle Soap Shop
Crafted to perfection, this luxurious soap combines the nourishing benefits of goat’s milk and olive oil with the exfoliating properties of a natural sea sponge.
27 Mediterranean Sea Salt Body Scrub
The Happy Turtle Soap Shop
Our luxurious Mediterranean Sea Salt Body Scrub is a revitalizing treatment that exfoliates and invigorates your skin, leaving it silky smooth with a luminous glow.
28. Cactus Bristle Dry Body Brush
The Happy Turtle Soap Shop Unveil smoother, revitalized skin with our Cactus Body Dry Brush. Crafted with
a long wooden handle and soft cactus bristles, it massages, exfoliates, and invigorates circulation, even in hard-toreach areas like your back. Perfect for banishing dry skin with regular use.
29. VitaCE with Freulic Acid
Anti-aging Serum
Crossroads Dermatology
$ 99
This highly potent antioxidant serum dramatically reverses signs of aging by increasing collagen production, providing superior antioxidant protection, correcting hyperpigmentation, and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. To purchase, call our office at (303) 848-8334 or stop in at 2350 17th Ave, Ste 100 in Longmont
30. HA Physical Tint SPF 44 Sunscreen Crossroads Dermatology
Holiday Special Price: 25% off: $39.75 (normally $53.00)
Our office’s favorite sunscreen, HA
Physical Tint SPF 44 is a water-resistant, physical sunscreen that features a moisturizing base with a sheer, universal tint beneficial for most skin types
31. Clear Defense SPF 45
Crossroads Dermatology
Clear Defense is a lightweight SPF 45 sunscreen that contains an innovative blend of active ingredients
32. Intensive Recovery Cream
Crossroads Dermatology
Intensive Recovery Cream is specially formulated with cactus and yeast extracts to significantly reduce irritation caused by AHA’s and Retinoids
33. Holiday Tea Box
Ku Cha House of Tea
Will you have tea under Christmas tree? Holiday teas to bring you holiday cheers! In this box you will find six popular wholeleaf holiday teas in cute tins: Holiday Apple Frost Green Tea, Hot Cinnamon Black Tea, Vanilla Rooibos, Organic Winter Chai, Chocolate Mate, and Winter Wonderland Fruit Tea. A perfect holiday gift for tea lovers!
34. Cormorant Creek Puerh Leaf Puerh
Ku Cha House of Tea
Cormorant Creek is Ku Cha’s special collection of purple leaf raw puerh cake from Yunnan Province, Southwest China This tea has high level of anthocyanidin, which gives it a purple tone in color, hence the name. Anthocyanidin in tea can help with weight loss, enhance memory, and
improve visual and neurological health. The tea is floral, fragrant, with notes of blueberry fruitiness.
35. Iwachu Cast Iron Tea Pot
Ku Cha House of Tea
Iwachu is a world-famous cast iron manufacturer from Morioka, Japan. At Iwachu, the process of making tetsubin (cast iron teapots) usually consists of more than 60 steps, most of which are still done by hand. Iwachu cast iron teaware is cherished by world tea lovers for its superior quality, artistic beauty, and lasting durability
36. Premium Matcha Tin
Ku Cha House of Tea
A premium grade matcha with vibrant green color, delicate sweet and umami taste and fine texture.
37 Rudolph the Red Nose Rooibos
Ku Cha House of Tea
A seasonal holiday blend with shiny flavors! A caffeine free rooibos blend has the flavors of rich cinnamon and peach, and is grounded with the earthiness of St Joh’s wort. This tea is sweet, fruity, and spicy warm drinking it will have you see stars!
38. A Wonderful Christmas Chai
Ku Cha House of Tea
Our seasonal holiday Chai blend with chocolate and warm spices. “We are simply having a Wonderful Christmas Chai”, sing along and have your own Wonderful Christmas Chai to warm you up on these frosty/snowy days!
Shine bright this holiday season with this beautiful Sapphire bracelet! Layer it up with gold accent bracelets - check out the Sapphire necklaces too at leelainspired.com.
40. Beautiful, Colorful and Playful!
Snyder Jewelers, Inc
14kt rose gold necklace with Amethyst, Blue Topaz and Diamonds bring color elegance and fun!
41. Once Upon A Time
Wild & Thoughtful Wicks
Gifts for the artist! From craft days to
your magnum opus, light our candles for creative inspiration. Find us at wildandthoughtfulwicks.com. At Wild & Thoughtful Wicks our candles are nontoxic, they do not contain any plastics, parabens, petroleum, phthalates, lead or synthetic coloring
42. Balancing Stones
Wild & Thoughtful Wicks
This highly potent antioxidant Wonderful candles for the yogi in your life! Check out our collection made for mindfulness at wildandthoughtfulwicks.com. At Wild & Thoughtful Wicks our candles are nontoxic, they do not contain any plastics, parabens, petroleum, phthalates, lead or synthetic coloring.
Breeze Thru Car Wash
Go for BOGO! For a limited time, buy one gift card, get one FREE! Treat your loved ones (and yourself) to the gift of a clean car. Purchase any gift card $30 or higher, and Breeze Thru will double the value! It’s the perfect way to keep it clean this holiday season with Breeze Thru Car Wash. Visit breezethrucarwash. com/gift-card-bogo or stop by any of our 15 locations starting Black Friday to grab your BOGO gift cards today! Make this gift a Breeze!
44. Racks & Bags
Longmont Bicycle Co. & Front Range eBikes
Gear up for adventure with all the essentials! Our bike racks and bags are perfect for daily commutes or weekend trips, especially during winter months when extra gear and layers are often required. Load up, roll out and "sleigh" the season.
45. Bivo Water Bottle
Longmont Bicycle Co. & Front Range eBikes
The holy grail of insulated water bottles! Eco-friendly, mold-resistant, designed by an ex-NASA engineer and fits bike cages! Treat your loved ones with their very own Bivo - it's the perfect gift!
46. Trek Verve+1 eBike
Longmont Bicycle Co. & Front Range eBikes
Sleigh the holidays with a new eBike! The Trek Verve+ 1 is a lightweight hybrid eBike for daily cruises, commutes, & workouts with just enough boost to remove barriers & build confidence.
47. 5 weeks of Holiday Gift Market
Harlequin's Gardens
Harlequin’s Gardens Holiday Gift Market is open 10-5 Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday from November 21st through December 22nd. Make us your first stop for holiday gifts and find something for everyone from our unique, large and exceptional selection of fine LOCAL handcrafted artisan goods and
other useful, sustainable products. Sip hot spiced cider while you shop in a relaxed country atmosphere, only 5 minutes from downtown Boulder. Weekly drawings for valuable door-prizes! 100% of our plants are free from bee-harming neonic pesticides, and our soil-building products, non-toxic pest-management products and empowering classes support gardening organically
48. Holiday Shopping
Twenty Ninth Street
Knock out your Christmas shopping this season at Twenty Ninth Street. Trusted brands like Carhart, Nike, Nordstrom Rack and more can be great places to find gifts this holiday season!
The holiday season brings a bustling calendar of events, shopping and social gatherings. For those looking to recharge and reconnect with nature amidst the busy season, these local hikes offer the perfect escape. Colorado’s snowy landscapes transform these trails into quiet, wintery sanctuaries that let you embrace the peaceful side of the season. Bundle up, grab your warmest gear and set out to explore some of these local winter hikes.
Chautauqua Park and Bluebell-Baird Trail
Location: Boulder
Distance: 1.5 miles (Bluebell-Baird Trail), with options to extend Difficulty: Easy to moderate
Chautauqua Park is a beloved destination year-round, and its winter trails offer a serene escape from the holiday crowds. The BluebellBaird Trail is a short loop that takes hikers through a peaceful pine forest and provides beautiful views of the Flatirons dusted with snow. Winter transforms the area into a quiet wonderland and the snow-covered landscape offers breathtaking vistas. The park’s trails are well-traveled, making them accessible for most hikers, even in winter. For a longer hike, consider connecting to the Mesa Trail or the First and Second Flatirons.
Rabbit Mountain Open Space
Location: Longmont
Distance: 2-5 miles, depending on the
chosen trail
Difficulty: Moderate
Rabbit Mountain offers diverse trails with scenic views of both the plains and the foothills. The Indian Mesa and Eagle Wind Trails are popular winter routes, with open vistas and ample opportunities to spot local wildlife. You may even encounter mule deer and raptors along the way. The open landscape makes Rabbit Mountain ideal for sunny winter days, as the trails warm up quickly with sunlight These trails provide a quiet retreat without the crowds, making them
a perfect way to unwind from the holiday chaos
Sanitas Valley Loop and Mount Sanitas Trail
Location: Boulder
Distance: 1.5 miles (Sanitas Valley Loop), 3 miles round trip (Mount Sanitas Trail)
Difficulty: Easy to challenging, depending on the route
Mount Sanitas is a popular destination for Boulder’s hikers, and it takes on a new kind of beauty in winter. For an easy outing, take the Sanitas Valley
3783Bella Rosa Parkway, Fredrick,CO80501 303-776-1578
Saturday,December 7, 2024
Saturday,December7th, 2019 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Luncheon includes avarietyofhomemade soupsand Christmas cookies fordessert
Servingfrom11:00 am to 3:00pm. Adults -$8.00, Children under 10 -$5.00
Please join us this year forour Christmas Craft Fair and Meal!
Loop, which offers gentle slopes and panoramic views of Boulder. Those looking for more of a challenge can hike up the Mount Sanitas Trail. The trail can be steep, but it rewards hikers with stunning views over the snowy landscape. The mountain’s south-facing exposure means it often receives good sunlight, making it more accessible on cold winter days.
Location: Boulder
Distance: 3.3 miles
(Canyon Loop Trail)
Difficulty: Moderate
Betasso Preserve’s Canyon Loop Trail is a peaceful, well-maintained trail through ponderosa pine forests and meadows. The hike offers mild elevation gain, making it accessible to most skill levels, and provides scenic views of the mountains and surrounding valleys. The preserve is typically less crowded in the winter, giving hikers a chance to enjoy the solitude. Snowfall can add a picturesque layer to the landscape, turning this trail into a winter wonderland. It’s an excellent option for those seeking a quiet, refreshing outdoor experience.
Location: Boulder
Distance: 5 miles round trip (Lichen Loop and Wapiti Trail combination)
Difficulty: Moderate
Heil Valley Ranch is a great place for winter hiking, especially on the Lichen Loop and Wapiti Trail. The trails meander through meadows, forests, and rocky terrain, offering a variety of landscapes In winter, the ranch is calm and quiet, with less foot traffic and plenty of opportunity for solitude. The open areas are often
sunlit, making them ideal for chilly winter days. Pack microspikes or sturdy boots, as sections of the trail can become icy.
Location: Boulder
Distance: 1.2 miles around Coot Lake, with options to extend along Boulder Reservoir trails
Difficulty: Easy
For those seeking a flat, accessible trail, Coot Lake offers a peaceful, scenic walk around the lake. This easy trail provides views of the snowy foothills and the occasional chance to spot winter birds and other wildlife. For a longer hike, continue to the nearby Boulder Reservoir trails, which offer wider paths with panoramic views. The flat terrain is perfect for beginners or anyone looking to enjoy a leisurely winter stroll. Bring a thermos of hot chocolate and enjoy the peaceful water views against a winter backdrop
Winter Hiking Tips
Before heading out, check the weather and trail conditions to ensure a safe hike. Winter trails can be icy, so bring traction devices like microspikes and dress in layers to stay warm. Don’t forget essentials like water, snacks, and a map. While many of these trails are well-marked, winter can bring unexpected changes, so it’s always wise to be prepared.
Whether you’re in search of a peaceful walk, a moderate hike, or a more challenging ascent, the Boulder and Longmont areas offer countless trails for escaping the holiday bustle. These winter hikes invite you to slow down, take in the beauty of the season, and reconnect with nature — an ideal balance to the holiday season’s busy pace.
As the holiday season approaches, many of us feel a desire to give back to our communities. In the spirit of generosity, there are countless ways to make a meaningful impact in Boulder County, whether by donating time, skills or resources. Here are some heartfelt and impactful ways to support local organizations, help neighbors in need and spread holiday cheer in our community
Food insecurity remains a critical issue in Colorado, especially during the colder months. Community Food Share in Louisville, serving Boulder and Broomfield counties, distributes millions of pounds of food each year to individuals and families. Consider donating funds, non-perishable items or even time as a volunteer.
Longmont’s OUR Center, which provides food assistance and essential support, also welcomes donations and volunteers. A little time at these organizations can make a significant difference for many families
How you can help:
• Donate: Non-perishable food, toiletries, and monetary donations are always appreciated.
• Volunteer: Help sort and distribute food or assist with their mobile pantry services
• Spread awareness: Share their mission on social media, inviting friends and family to contribute.
Every child deserves a magical holiday season, but many families struggle to afford holiday gifts. Local toy drives, such as those organized by Boulder County Toys for Tots, collect new toys to distribute to children in need. Many toy drives have local drop-off locations and specific donation events, making it easy to contribute.
How you can help:
• Donate toys: Look for donation bins around Boulder and Longmont or check with local businesses partnering with Toys for Tots
• Host a toy drive: Organize your own collection among friends, family, or coworkers to benefit local children
• Volunteer: Assist with sorting and distributing toys to ensure they reach families in time for the holidays.
homelessness, including warm clothing and essential supplies Donations of new or gently used items are invaluable, and volunteering is another way to make a hands-on impact.
How you can help:
• Donate warm clothes: Coats, scarves, gloves, and blankets are especially helpful.
• Volunteer: Many organizations need assistance sorting donations, distributing items, or running seasonal warming centers.
rehome animals. They rely heavily on donations and volunteer support
How you can help:
• Donate supplies: Shelters often need pet food, toys, blankets, and cleaning supplies
• Volunteer: Help with daily animal care, fostering, or adoption events
• Adopt or foster: If you have room in your home, consider fostering an animal to give them a warm, temporary place to stay.
The cold winter months are tough on those without adequate clothing or shelter. The Coat Drive for Boulder and Broomfield Counties collects gently used coats, hats and gloves for distribution. Additionally, Boulder Shelter for the Homeless and HOPE Longmont provide resources to people experiencing
• Consider a fundraiser: If you’re unable to donate directly, consider organizing a small fundraiser to support these organizations’ work.
For animal lovers, giving back to pets in need can be a fulfilling way to spread holiday joy. The Longmont Humane Society and the Humane Society of Boulder Valley work tirelessly to rescue, rehabilitate and
The holidays can be an emotionally challenging time for many, and mental health resources are critical for those in need. Mental Health Partners in Boulder and Longmont provide counseling, crisis support, and a range of mental health services to individuals and families
How you can help:
• Donate: Monetary donations
support services like counseling, crisis intervention, and mental wellness programs.
• Volunteer your skills: If you’re trained in mental health support, some organizations offer volunteer opportunities for skilled individuals.
• Raise awareness: Spread the word about available mental health resources in our community so that those who need support know where to find it.
Sometimes, small gestures of kindness are the most impactful. Acts like paying for someone’s coffee, writing a kind note, or helping a neighbor with holiday decorations can brighten someone’s day. Organize a small kindness initiative with family, friends, or coworkers—whether it’s baking cookies for a neighbor or leaving holiday cards with thoughtful notes in your local park.
Many local nonprofits depend on year-end contributions to fund their missions for the following year
Organizations like Emergency Family Assistance Association (EFAA) in Boulder work year-round to support families with financial assistance, shelter, and essential needs
How you can help:
• Donate funds: Even a small financial contribution can make a big difference.
• Fundraise: Consider hosting a virtual or in-person fundraiser with friends or coworkers.
• Become a monthly donor: Consistent support helps nonprofits plan and sustain their programs throughout the year.
The holiday season is a wonderful time to reflect on how we can uplift our community, one small act at a time. Whether you’re able to give a few hours, donate essentials, or simply spread kindness, each action contributes to the collective wellbeing of Boulder and Longmont. This year, let’s come together to make the season brighter for everyone in our community
By Kaitlyn Keegan, Tribune News Service (TNS)
As it nears Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah and other winter holidays, families and friends are preparing to gather. If you’re the host for this year, having dozens of people in your house may seem daunting. Cooking for your entire family/friends, making sure everyone has a good time and cleaning up after can be overwhelming and tiring. It’s hard to open up your home and guest rooms to visiting family It’s a lot of food to cook, bedding to wash, cleaning to be done – before
they arrive at your doorstep. We have collected some tips and tricks for hosting over the holidays and the best way to survive the chaos and happiness it brings.
Grocery shop early. Make a detailed list and stick to what meals you decided to prepare. Avoid holiday crazy times at the grocery stores by getting out early
Clear space whether it be in the guest room or in your fridge. You’ll need to fill your fridge with more food than your usual family eats Overnight guests also need room for luggage, toiletries and other essentials
Thanksgiving is a holiday that is all about traditions, so prioritize the sides that are the most important
to you and your guests. Put away breakables. You may have a family bringing young children or just a lot of people in your home may get rowdy. Stash those precious heirlooms so if anyone bumps into anyone else – or imbibes too much in the holiday wine – they will be safe and sound.
Plan and prepare ahead for meals and activities. Make sure to plan a few dinners or lunches that can be refrigerated or frozen a day or two ahead of time. Stock a stack of board or card games to play that will help fill down time. A group puzzle or an easy game of Uno are all good choices
Say yes to store bought and don’t be worried about cooking everything homemade. Serve up a local shop’s cake on one of your platters and your family won’t notice a difference.
Don’t refuse help. Not everyone should be in the kitchen at the same time, but if a family member offers to pour drinks or set the table, put them to work. Don’t try and do everything yourself. You’ll just burn yourself out faster
Don’t experiment. This isn’t the time to substitute flours or break out the Pinterest board. Cook tried and true recipes that will 100% come out of the oven delicious and ready to go
Use disposables. Yes, fine china looks great, but it’s also a ton of work. Don’t be afraid to pull out the plastic.
Be ready for people staying overnight. Count the sheets and towels and make sure everything is clean and ready to go days before guests get there. Stock some extra toothbrushes and things too. People will forget something. Don’t forget about extra toilet paper too. More people in your house means more bathroom usage!
Offer alcohol but have nonalcoholic drinks too. Not everyone will want a glass of wine during dinner.
Set aside time to relax. Just because you’re hosting doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get a break and enjoy the holidays too
©2024 Hartford Courant. Visit at courant.com. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC
Discover more holiday recipes by visiting Culinary.net Hearty,
Don’t let turkey and ham have all the fun this holiday season. After all, you know your guests are likely to have plates piled high with all their favorite festive side dishes.
These hearty solutions are inspired by
harvest season, offering comforting taste and mouthwatering flavors to make your holiday meal truly memorable. There’s nothing wrong with the classics – mashed potatoes, green bean casserole and the like – but these recipes from “Cookin’ Savvy” can give your gathering a special seasonal spin.
Bookcliff Vineyards offers Colorado wine at its finest. As always, its tasting room in Boulder has all of our distinguished wines open for tasting and offers many varieties for you to gift this season. Bookcliff’s production facility is available for private holiday events as well. Cheers! 1501 Lee Hill Drive, #17, Boulder; 670 39 Road, Palisade, 303.449.7301, bookcliffvineyards.com.
Enjoy the ultimate, hyper-local craft experience. A wide selection of craft beers in a comfortable Longmont brewery that inspires good conversation with good friends. With 15 to 18 beers on tap, including the crowd-favorite Lazy Hazy Crazy Day-z NEIPA and a rotating selection of local ciders, seltzers and nonalcoholic options, there’s something for every palate. Come pair your beer (or cider, wine or local canned cocktail) with scratch-made food inside 300 Suns! Pets welcome on the deck. 335 1st Ave., Longmont, 720.442.8292, 300sunsbrewing.com.