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Expert advice and inspirationtohelp you createthe perfect living space.

Howto choose awater heater:Finding the best fit

(BPT)-American homeowners maynot realizethattheir water heateraccounts for roughly 13% of annual residential energy use.Recently,the DepartmentofEnergy (DOE) passed new water heaterefficiency standards thatwill help save approximately $7.6 billion and reducemore than 332 million metric tons of carbon emissions

Thefederal-level Inflation Reduction Actpassed in 2022,along with a varietyofstate and municipal programs, which can be found through tools such as Rheem® Rebate Finder website, offers rebates and tax incentives to make it easier to upgrade to moreenergy-efficient models

Whether youare looking foraheatpump water heateroramore conventional option, hereare steps to help identify the idealwater heaterfor anyhome

Assess your hot water needs

Keep in mind the number of people in the home and estimate hot water usage (in gallons) foractivities like showering,dishwashing laundryand cooking

Identify peak usage periods such as mornings and evenings when the

demandfor hot water likely increases and consideravailable energy sources. Choose the righttype of waterheater

Each categoryofwater heaterhas itsown set of unique advantages. Selecting the right one depends on each household’s specific needs,budget andspace availability.Rheem® offersafull lineofheat pump,tankand tankless waterheaters,each designed to meet the demands of diverse homes andoccupants while providing long-termsavings

With threeprimary typesofwater heaters, here’swhateachstyle hastooffer

Heatpump water heaters (HPWH): These units use electricitytomove heatfromthe air to heatthe water,making them significantly moreenergy-efficient than conventional electric water heaters Benefitsinclude lower environmental impact duetotheir high efficiency. These units also provide savings on energybills. In fact, by upgradingtoamore efficientheatpump water heater, the average homeowner savings could reach $1,800 over theappliance’slifetime,

with moreadvantages forrenters andlowincome households.All of these features make HPWH’s acost-effective option forthe long-term. Conventional storage tanks: Available in electric,propane and naturalgas options, these units can store alarge volume of hot waterinatank thatis ready foruse at any time and maintain it at aset temperatureuntil needed.Features include alower initialinstall cost and the abilityto provide hotwater during poweroutages(forgas models). Keep in mind thattank-type options requiremore floor space than atankless water heaterand useenergy to replaceheatlosses from the tank

Tankless water heaters: Also known as“instantaneous”or “on-demand”water heaters,tankless models areavailable in natural gas,propane and electric -and heatwater only when it is needed

Tankless technology does notstore hotwater, ratheritheats the water as it passes through the unit,providing a continuous supplyof hot water. These units aremuch smaller than conventional tanks, which helps to save space. Homeowners will

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seelong-term benefits while saving on energy bills,as energy isn’t wasted on maintaining hot water. Heating waterinstantaneously requires high energy consumption forashort periodoftime, so a review of the home’s existing electrical or gas systems to ensurethey arecompatible with the chosenmodel is recommended Consider energy efficiencyand technology features Energy efficiency and decarbonization: Energy-efficient models employadvanced technologiestominimize energy waste. This provides homeowners with substantial savings on monthly energy bills while also lowering greenhouse gas emissions

Additionally,anumber of environmentally-and budget-friendly options exist, with manywater heaters being ENERGY STAR¬Æ certified, including severaloptions from Rheem®

Regulatory changes: TheDOE’snew energy efficiencystandards for waterheaters,effective in 2029, aim to save consumers billions in energy costs.Electric waterheaters will shift to heat-pump

technology,using less than half the electricity of older models,while gas-burning heaters must also meet higher standards.Tomaximize savings and ensure compliancewith the latest standards,it’s essentialtoselect models thatcomplywith the new regulations

Be sure to check the updatedstandards and guidelines to make an informed decision.

Technology and innovations in water heating:Innovations such as smarthome integration and Wi-Fi connectivityprovide greatercontrol over the water heating system and contribute to increased energy efficiencyand cost savings.For instance, manyRheem water heaters include features such asEcoNet,hot water availability indicator, vacation mode forenergy savings, easy energy usage

tracking,and proactive leak detection and prevention. With asharpfocus on decreasing carbon emissions and reducing energy costs forhomeowners, manufacturers such as Rheem arechanging the global water heating industry. Homeowners focused on these regulatory and manufacturing changes, as well as the ongoing rebatesand incentives being offered,can leverage these trends to increasetheir comfort with new energyefficient water heaters When selecting the ideal water heater, remember to startbyfully assessing the home’s hot water needs,then prioritize factors such as comfort and maximizingenergy savings.And, finally, research the model’s warranty details to ensurethe unit will serve the home for manyyears to come

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Laminate Flooring in 2024: ModernTrends and Innovations

Laminate flooring

onceconsidered a humble alternative tonatural wood and stone,has evolved significantly and gained substantial popularity in 2024. Knownfor its affordability, durability, and ease of installation laminate flooring continues to be atop choicefor homeowners and designers alike

This article explores the current trends innovations,and benefits of laminate flooringin 2024, highlighting why it remains acompelling option formodern interiors

Advancements in Design and Aesthetics

In 2024, laminate flooring has embraced remarkable advancementsindesign and aesthetics.The technology behind laminate flooring has improved,allowing manufacturers to produceplanks that closely mimic the look and textureofnatural materials.Highdefinition printing and embossing techniques nowdeliver more realistic wood grain patterns and even exotic finishes.This

meanshomeowners can achievethe highend look of hardwood withoutthe associated costs andmaintenance

Additionally,modern laminateoptionscome in awide rangeofstyles, colors,and finishes

Whether you’re seeking aclassic oak look,arustic barnwood appearance orasleek contemporary finish, thereisa laminate designtomatch every interior theme.This versatilityenables homeowners to create customized looks that complementtheir decor while staying within budget

Enhanced Durability and Performance

One of the significant advancements in laminate flooringisits improved durability. In 2024, laminate products areengineered to withstandthe rigors of daily lifemoreeffectively than ever before. New innovationsinclude enhanced wear layers that resist scratches, dents,and stains,making laminateanexcellent choicefor high-traffic areas, homes withpets, andbusyhouseholds

Moreover,advancements in core technology haveled to morerobust andwater-resistant options. While traditional laminate flooringwas

susceptible to moisture damage,newer models featurewaterproof coresorenhanced water-resistant properties,making themsuitable foruse in kitchens,bathrooms,and basements.This progress ensures thatlaminate flooring maintains its integrityand appearance even in areas prone to humidityand spills

Sustainabilityand Eco-Friendliness

Sustainabilityisan increasingly important factorin flooring choices, and laminate flooring in 2024 has made strides in this area. Many manufacturers now focus on eco-friendly practices, such as using recycled materials and reducing harmful emissions

Laminate flooring is oftenproduced from wood byproducts and synthetic materials thatcan be recycled, contributing to alower environmental impact comparedtosome other flooring options

Additionally, advancements in production processes have ledtoreduced use of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in laminate flooring.This makes modernlaminate ahealthierchoicefor indoor air

quality, aligningwith the growing demand forenvironmentally responsible and safe building materials

Improved Installation and Maintenance

Installation technology has also evolved,making laminate flooring even moreaccessible to DIYenthusiasts and professional installers alike.The click-lock installation system, which was alreadypopular,has seen refinementsto improveease of use and precision. Many laminate products now featurepre-attached underlayment, which can further simplify the installation process by eliminating the need for separateunderlayment layers

Maintenanceremains one of the standout benefits of laminate flooring.In2024, laminate is designedto be low-maintenance, requiring minimaleffort to keep it looking its best.Regular sweeping or vacuuming,combined with occasionaldamp mopping,isgenerally sufficient to maintain its appearance. Newer laminate designs are also moreresistant to stainingand wear, further reducing the

need forintensive cleaning or upkeep

Cost-Effectiveness and Value

Cost-effectiveness remains akey advantage of laminate flooring.In 2024, laminate continues to offer an affordable alternative to natural wood and stone flooring

While thecostofhighqualitylaminate maybe higher than in previous years,itisstillgenerally morebudget-friendly compared to solid hardwood or natural stone.This affordability allows homeowners to achieveahigh-end look without the significant financial investment required forauthentic materials

Thevalue of laminate flooring is further enhanced by its durabilityand longevity. Modern laminate products arebuilt to withstandthe demands of everyday life, reducing the likelihood of needing

repairs or replacements

This long-term performancecontributes to laminate’s continued appeal as acost-effective flooring solution.


Laminate flooring in 2024 has evolved to offer an arrayofbenefits thatcater to modern designpreferences, durabilityneeds, and sustainabilityconcerns Itscost-effectiveness coupled withthe latest innovations,ensures thatlaminate remains apopular choice for homeowners seeking astylish, practical, and affordable flooring solution. Whether you’re renovating your home or embarking on anew construction project, Floor &Window Covering Connection is heretoassist with a wide varietyoflaminate options thatwill transformyour living spacewithout breaking the bank

Make home modifications for independence

Being safe and comfortable at home is a large part of living well Home mod-

ifications and repairs can help everyone prevent accidents and maintain an independent lifestyle, especially older adults and people with disabilities.

Many older adults prefer to live in their own homes for as long as possible, but too often don’t think about whether a home can adapt to their needs as they age. Making improvements before they are needed is a good way to ensure that a home is ready for aging in place.

Forward-thinking improvements can also prevent falls, which often result in the need for longterm care.

Changes can be made to improve both the accessibility and adaptability of a home. Accessibility improvements involve tasks like widening doorways and lowering countertop heights for someone who uses a wheelchair.

Adaptability changes, such as adding grab bars in bathrooms, are improvements to assist people for whom strength and balance may have become a challenge. These changes can usually be made without a major redesign or full-blown renovation

You can get started making your home ready for long-term living by con-

ducting a top-to-bottom assessment Home assessment

Frying bacon, broiling marinated chicken, straining boiling pasta what do they have in common?

In the past, these activities could cause steam or smoke

to set off the smoke alarm unnecessarily, causing stress and disruption when trying to get through family dinner prep in peace To help limit nuisance alarms and protect what matters most, follow these safety tips

• Ensure your home is

• Are exterior walkways and entrances well-lit?

• Is there a step-free entrance to the home?

• Are entrance doors easy to lock, unlock, open and close?

• Does the main floor include a kitchen, bedroom and full bathroom?

Before making any changes, look at the entire home Keep in mind items that may be needed now as well as in the future. This checklist can help identify areas that might need improvement Everyone has different needs, but in general, a “no” answer may be cause for action.

• Is wall-to-wall carpeting secure and in good condition (flat, not bunched up)?

• Are area rugs secured to the floor with non-slip padding?

• Are walkways free from obstructions and hazards like cords and furniture?

• Are doorways wide enough for someone using a wheelchair walker or service animal?

• Do stairways have sturdy handrails on both sides?

• Can bathroom and kitchen cabinets be easily reached?

• Is there a step-free shower entrance?

• Are grab bars available near the shower and toilet?

• Do bathtubs and showers have non-slip mats, adhesive strips or slip-free

• Will smoke detectors provide visual as well as audio alerts?

• Are telephones easily accessible on all floors? More information about home modifications, including a detailed home assessment checklist and information about financial assistance, can be found at eldercare.acl.gov.

properly equipped with updated technology Having functioning alarms installed throughout your home is the first line of defense for fire prevention. First Alert recently introduced Precision Detection advanced sensing technology smoke alarms, which

are designed and tested to provide early warning in the event of a home fire emergency, while also reducing nuisance alarms as the technology better differentiates non-threatening from threatening smoke.

• Never leave the stove or oven unattended. Always stay in the kitchen when cooking to keep an eye on the meal If you must leave the room, assign watching duties to another member of the household

• Keep children away from stove-tops and open flames Create a boundary of 3 feet around all ovens or stoves being used Avoid any accidents or fires by letting children know the stove is hot and that it is important to be alert. Also,

make sure to keep any lighters and matches locked in a high cabinet to avoid starting a fire

• Be mindful of cluttering cords. Electric mixers, coffee makers, and plate warmers can be an electrical fire hazard due to the amount of electricity running through the outlets Also ensure cords are not dangling off the counter within arm’s reach of children

• Test your smoke alarms Having working smoke alarms is the first line of defense. Roughly three out of five fire deaths happen in homes with either no smoke alarms or no working smoke alarms Fire spreads fast and working smoke alarms give you early warning so you can get outside quickly. Test your smoke alarms regularly to ensure they’re in functioning condition and replace the batteries at least every 6 months Smoke alarms don’t last forever and need to be replaced at least every 10 years • Have a fire extinguisher on hand.

Brightenyour autumn garden withthe charm of pansies

(BPT)-Autumn has arrived, welcoming cooler temperatures and anew chance to enjoyseasonal flowers.Fall presents anew opportunityto embracethe beauty of the outdoors.It’s the perfect time of year to decoratewith the colors of fall and experimentwith plants thatthrive in the crisp air and warm soil,such as Cool Wave®Pansies

Flowers with a friendly face

Pansies arelively plants that flourish throughout the autumn season. Flower choices like Cool Wave®Pansies arethe key to bringing aburst of color to your garden as the weather turns colder.These cheerful,hardy flowers outperform other pansies,quickly filling your garden with brightblooms They areincredibly resilient, enduring frost and providing beautiful color alongside other fall

favoriteslike mums and ornamental kale

Cool Wave®Pansies area low-maintenance, fast-growing, long-lasting trailing pansy available in avarietyofcolors, making them perfect forrefreshing your outdoor space and customizing the garden for fall.A cool-season gardener’s dream, these blooms arereliable and thrivethroughout the season, even as temperatures fluctuate

Combos that count

While youcan plantpansies in asingle color for amonochrome look,why not try combining different hues? Planting

Cool Wave®Pansies in avarietyof colors allows each individual shade to complementthe other, adding apop of color thatwill brightenupyour

space. Trymixing differentshades forastunning combination.

As asolo star,enjoy thevibranthue of Cool Wave®Golden YellowPansies

While they are versatile enough to be used in gardens across seasons,they make especially charmingfall garden decorations, adding atouch of friendly pansy cheer,especially at your frontdoor for seasonal visitors.

Or,pair these yellow pansies withCool Wave®Purple and Cool Wave® Violet Wing fora captivating contrast in your cool-season garden.The deep shade of Cool Wave® Purple adds arich, moody feel to your designs.The Violet Wing Pansies feature adarkpurple cap atop acheerful white-and-yellow center,bringing adramatic flair to winterlandscapes

Howtokeep your pansies thriving

Perfectfor any spaceneedingan overflow of flowers, Cool Wave®Pansies can be plantedin landscapes,hanging baskets,balconies and patio containers

To ensureyourCool Wave®Pansiesthrive this autumn,follow these fewsimple rules:

*Planting: Plant pansies in loose, moist,well-drained soil.They prefer full or partial sun and cooler temperatures, withanideal location receivingmorning sun while avoiding theheatofthe late afternoon

*Spacing: When planting directly in the ground,space pansies about10-12 inchesapart. They will spread about2430 inches and grow 6-8 inches tall

*Containers: Pansies aregreat container plants.Plant3-4 Cool Wave®Pansies in a 10-12”container, placing them evenly around theedge of the container so they trail over the sides.

*Watering and feeding: Water pansies regularly to preventwilting,but avoid oversaturating the soil. Apply a general,all-purpose fertilizer everytwo weeks before ahard frosttohelp them

grow.Remove faded or dead flowers to encourage more blooms and prolong the blooming season.

*Companion planting: Placeyour Cool Wave®Pansies whereyou’vealso plantedspring bulbs

Their hardiness (USDA zone 5a) ensures they will be amongthe first flowers to reappear in the spring,giving youtwo seasons of vibrantcolor Brightenupyour outdoor spaces this autumn with welcoming pansy color.Tolearnmore aboutthese fallfriendly plants,visit WaveGardening.com

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Areheatpumps worthit? Debunking 6common heatpump misconceptions

(BPT)-Heating and cooling oftenmake up the bulk of utility bills -and the right HVAC system can make aworld of difference in both energy bills and home comfort. Recently,heatpumps have become atrending topic in the newsfor their abilitytoaddress both of these needs by providing sustainable home comfortwhile simultaneously lowering utilitybills.But can they really do both?

To answer thatquestion, it’s importantto first understand howaheat pump works. When the thermostattemperature is raised and heatis needed,the system pulls heatenergy from the ambientair outside the home to heatthe home When air conditioning is desired,itdoes the opposite, removing heat from inside the home and expelling it to make the home cooler

Because heatenergy is movedaround rather than being produced directly,heatpumps can provide more sustainable -and more efficientfuel source alternatives.Inaddition, recent advancements have made heatpumps far moreefficientand morereliable than ever before-evenin colder climates. As a

result,both federal and local agencies are offering money-saving incentivestohelp more homeowners switch to heat pumps making it an ideal time to invest in anew heat pump

But even with these benefits,thereare still alot of myths about howheatpumps work We’redebunking some of the topheatpump misconceptions

Myth 1: Heat pumps won’tworkincold climates

Fact:Today’sheatpumps can provide efficient heating in colder climatesthanever before

In the past,some older heat pumps could struggle to heat a spaceefficientlywhen outdoor temperatures were especiallycold

However, today’sheat pumps areengineered to function as the primaryheating source in almost all geographic regions,evenwhen temperatures drop belowfreezing

Thekey to providing sufficientheat capacityinespecially cold climatesisthe compressor -the part of aheatpump that movesheatthrough the system. In the past, heat pumps typically

relied on single-speed compressors that functioned like an on/ off switch, makingit harder forthe system to cope with extreme swings in temperature. Today’smoreadvanced heatpumps leverage variable-speed compressor technology to make incremental adjustments thatkeep pacewith changing temperaturemore efficiently and more accurately.Inaddition, manyheatpumps ratedfor cold-climate use nowfeaturevapor injection technology which further boosts cold-weather heating performance.

Myth 2: Heat pumps don’t really save money

Fact:90% of homeowners can reduce their utilitybills with a heatpump

TheEnvironmental Protection Agency(EPA) estimates thatalmost all homeowners can expect to see cost savings by switching to an energy-efficientelectric heatpump.Today’s heatpump offerings arewide-ranging and can meet the unique needs of almost any home,comfortlevel,or budget. Innovations in energy efficiencymean less electricityisused

to cut costs in most homes.For example, the newly launched YORK® HH8 SideDischarge HeatPump can precisely match ahome’s changing comfortneeds while reducing homeowners’ energy bills by up to 50%compared to less efficientHVACsystems

Myth 3: Heat pumps arenoisy

Fact:Manyheatpumps areasquiet as a dishwasher

No one wantstohear excessivenoise coming from their HVAC system. Premium heatpumps combine insulated cabinets andlowsound fan designs to deliver whisper-quiet performancewhen operating in both heating and AC modes

Myth4:Temperatures will be inconsistent

Fact:Heatpumps seamlessly move between heating and cooling forconsistent comfort

We all want to feel comfortable in our homes. Variablespeed heatpumps automatically move between heating and cooling modes throughout operation to maintain precise temperatureand humiditylevels.These

seamless adjustments provide unmatched home comfortwhile helping to maximize energy efficiency, especially when comparedtosinglephase heatpumpsthat simply turnonand off and provideinconsistent inside temperatures

Myth 5: Heat pumps requirealot of space

Fact:New compact designs are30% smaller thantraditional equipment

Innovative, new heatpumpdesigns likethe YORK® HH8

Side-Discharge Heat Pump offer top-tier efficiencyand variablespeed performance in acompactsize. The side-dischargedesign allows theheatpump to be stacked, placed under raised decks,or installed in zero-lot-line neighborhoods

Myth 6: Installing a newheatpump is expensive

Fact:Awiderangeof rebatesand incentives areavailable now

Ahistoric number of savings programs are available to help offset the cost of installing a high-efficiencyhome heatpump.Through acombination of immediate discounts tax rebates, and utility and manufacturers’ offers,some qualifying homeownerscan offset 100%ofthe cost of installing aheatpump

Additionally,some manufacturers offer simplified financing options with fixed monthly payments to make the investment moremanageable

Learnmoreabout today’sheatpump innovations and cost-saving programs from YORK®: https://www.york.com/ residential-equipment/ heating-and-cooling/ split-system-heatpumps

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