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As thelargestlocally owned bankinLarimerCounty, Home Stateisbig enoughtooffer world classbankingservices, but small enoughtorememberthedifference between abig-citybankand atrue communitybank.

You’ll findthemtobearefreshing alternativetobanksthataresimply toobig to providesincere, personal service. That’s whythey’re themost popularlocally ownedbankin LarimerCounty.

Metric Motors has been Loveland’smost trusted automotive repairshopsince1976.

Frombrakestoclutches,tuneups to timing belts,theirskilled technicianshave theknowledge and experience to keep everyvehicle runningits best.

They will only recommend servicesthataretruly needed to keep vehicles operatingsafelyand dependably.

SpeedySparkle CarWash offers awiderangeofservicesfromthe ultra affordableSpeedyExterior Wash for $5.95 to aPremiumDetail of astandardcar for a$229.95base price.

They arethe only fullservice carwash between Fort Collinsand Longmont, providinganimportant, high-demandservicetoLoveland area residents.

Safelite/Elite’smissionistobe customer driven.Theyare powered by their peopleand asense of prideiswhatmotivatesthe Safelite team. Their technicians work hard to delivercustomerdelightand surpasscustomer expectations everytime.Quitesimply, their goalis to be theircustomers’ neighborhood glassshopfor life.

To be recognized as Loveland’s choice is agreathonor.

Approaching10 yearsinbusiness, EsteemCarpetCleaningstrives to bring exceptional quality, innovationand superior technology togetherinthe very bestcarpet cleaningserviceinall of Northern Colorado.Withthehelp of their loyalcustomers,they’ve become asuccessfullocally ownedsmall business. They extendtheirthanks to theircustomers,referrals,andthe Reporter Herald for this awardand recognition.


At TheSunshine House, children learnskills to prepare themfora brightfuture.

Utilizing aunique, brainbaseddevelopmentcurriculum, their programsarefocusedon encouraging everychild’sunique talentsandindividualitywhile building asolid foundation for school readinessandsocial development. TheSunshine House isnowenrolling.Call970-635-0111 or schedule atour today.

K-9 Islandunderstandsthat peaceofmindisimportant where your dogisconcerned.That’s whytheyoffer asafe, cleanand monitored environment wherepets can runandplaywithnewfriends, humanandcanine.

Thestaffseestheir roleasmore than justcaretakers,theyarea secondfamily, caring for alldogsas theywouldtheir own.

At Amy’sGreen DryCleaning, theyarecommitted to servingtheir customers and community.

With convenientstorelocations andvaletservice,Amy’s is dedicated to providingthehighestlevels of qualityand convenience.

They usean environmentally friendly cleaning processthatleaves clothes clean withoutthat “dry cleaning”smell.Theyalso offer free pick-upand delivery.

In 1991,Dr.John Kirk founded Kirk EyeCentertobring better eyecaretothe people of Northern Colorado.

He opened astate-of-the-art clinicineast Lovelandin2005 to providethe roomfor more comprehensive patientservices.

Dr.John Colvinjoinedthe practicein2003 to helpDr.Kirk meet the demand for eyecareby currentandnewpatients.

Investment Centersof America, Inc.is afull-servicefinancialfirm thatcan provideprofessional financialstrategies to Colorado individualsand business owners.

Even thoughtheir Loveland officescurrentlyserve over 2600 clients,theystill takethe time to understandtheneedsand goals of each client offeringassistance withinvestments,investment strategizing,retirementobjectives, taxstrategies,insurance,andmore.

Viegut FuneralHomeopened in2000andhas grownevery year since,leading to Viegut being voted the numberoneFuneralHomein Loveland.

Beingthenewestfuneralhome has giventhemthe opportunity to providenewandinnovative services. Being asix-generation familyofLovelandhas giventhem extensive knowledgeof the Loveland community.

Mariana Butteisapremier, 18-hole course featuringsoaring elevated tees, challengingholesthat border the rushing BigThompson Riverand breathtaking vistas of the RockyMountain FrontRange. Eighteen holesneverlookedsogood.

Mariana Buttehas beenrated four-and-a-halfstarsby“Golf Digest’andis repeatedly chosenas oneofColorado’s favorite courses.

At ShearNV Salon,itistheir goal to makeeachperson whosteps throughthe door lookand feel their absolutebest.

They arecommitted to excellence throughtheir extensive on-going training,aswellastheirstrong communityoutreach.

They look forwardtoproviding more people with agreat experience everytimetheyvisit.

AllAbout Hearingis aregional audiology practiceowned and operated by the physiciansat Alpine Ear,Nose&Throat, P.C., apremier medicaland surgical practicein Northern Colorado.Theircertified audiologistsarecommitted to providingthehighestlevelof hearinghealthcareandhearingaid salesandserviceinacomfortable and professionalmedicalsetting.

Albracht’s One Hour Heatingand AirConditioning offers installation andserviceofall majorbrandsand offers 24-hour emergencyservice. Thecompanyisknown for fair and consistentpricing withno hiddenfeesandhas beenselected asanXcel Energy“Top5”Heating RebateProducerfor thethirdyear in arow.

Embassy Suites, featuringthe full-serviceSpa Botanicaand Rocky RiverBar &Grill,offers more to Loveland residentsthan agreat place to stop andstay.

They have thethirdlargest hotel ballroominthestatefor conferencesandsocial events of all types.

Thisall-suitehotel features cooked-to-orderbreakfastanda two-hourmanager’s receptiondaily.

LovelandDesignCarpetOne has beenproudly serving Colorado since1970. Whetherdealing with anew constructionorthe perfect remodel,theycanhelp youfind asuitable designsolution. At LovelandDesignCarpetOne,the DesignConsultantshave decadesof combinedexperienceand extensive productknowledge andtheywant to shareitwiththeircustomers

Colorado GreenbeltManagement is acommerciallandscape maintenancecompanyservicing Northern Colorado.With over 20 yearsofexperienceinLandscape and Irrigation Management,they staystrongintheir visiontoservice the greencommunitywith adaily “hands-on” approach to property maintenanceand proper water management.

McKeeMedical Center is proud to be Loveland’scommunity hospitalsince1976. With astaff of nearly 800,thehospitalstrivesto provideexcellentpatientcare. They couldn’t do it without supportfromtheir corporateteam at BannerHealth,theirindependent physicianpartners and physicians in BannerMedical Group,the McKeeVolunteers andthe McKee Medical Center Foundation.

As thelargestlocally owned bankinLarimerCounty, Home Stateisbig enoughtooffer world classbankingservices, but small enoughtorememberthedifference between abig-citybankand atrue communitybank.

HomeStatemortgageadvisors assisthomebuyers infindingthe bestmortgagefortheirindividual needs,andsincethey’re local,they understandthearea betterthan nationalmortgage lenders can.

Jiffy Lube tookthe topspotfor oilchangefor the fourth yearina row and with good reason.

TheJiffy Lube SignatureService Oil Changehelpsmaintain thevalue of theircustomers’ vehicleinvestment by changing, inspecting, checking,fillingand cleaningessential components of the vehicle,helping to keep everything runningsmoothlyyear after year. GreaseMonkey RockyMountain QuickLube

Action Plumbingand Heating workstirelesslytoensurethe quality of boththeirplumbing work and theircustomer service. Their technicianshave an average of 25 yearsofexperienceandthey putittoworkearningcustomers’ trust. Action techniciansinstall qualityplumbing productsat reasonable prices, doingthejob right thefirst time to avoidhaving to fix avoidable problemslater.

HomeDepotismore than justan extensive choice of home improvement supplies. They’realso theirhelpfulstaff,guaranteed low prices,andguided instruction. Fromthefirst-time Do-ItYourselfer to theseasonedpro, HomeDepothasthe righttoolfor the rightjobandthe expertise to help youuseit.

Endless SummerTanningis Loveland’slargest, cleanestand coolesttanningsalon.

In additiontobeingSmartTan certified,theirstaffishighlytrained incustomer serviceand product knowledge.

They takepride inalways making their clientsthe numberone priority,andmaking everyeffortto satisfyeach client withtheirdiverse productsand equipment.

TravelLeaders is alocally owned agencythatspecializesinarranging alltypes of travel. They canassist with weekendgetawaysorthat “trip of alifetime” yourfavorite dogwashes theaternights

Thereare no fees for arranging avacationorcruisepackage,so stop inandmeet with oneoftheir travelexperts todayfor theirspecial promotions on travel. They areopenfrom8a.m. to 5:30 p.m. weekdays and 9a.m. to 1p.m. on Saturday.

ChilsonRecreation/SeniorCenter is Loveland’s recreationcenter. Workingoutiseasy with amenities such ascardioand weight equipment,indoorcycling, walking track, pools,steam room, racquetball, gymnastics center,dropin childcareandmore than100 group classes, personaltrainingand fitness testing.

Chilsonalso offers awing devoted just to seniors.

JoinhostsAshleyDean andQuentin Youngas theyturnthespotlighton diversemusicalactsfrom Colorado –andthosejust passingthrough. Watch bandstakeoverour compactstudio.Soakup thebanter.Findoutwhat makesthemtick.Sign upfortheSecondStory newsletterandimmerse yourselfinthescene.

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