2 minute read
Dr.JohnDildine, DDS
CoberlyChiropracticis dedicated to helping youachieveyour wellnessobjectives by combining skillsand expertisethatspan the entire chiropractic wellness spectrum.
Dr.Guy Coberlyiscommitted to bringing youbetterhealthand abetterway of lifebyteachingand practicingthe trueprinciples of chiropractic wellnesscare. Scott
TheFiresideCaféstrivestobring Loveland delicious breakfastand lunchwith welcomingandfriendly service.
They invite customers to relaxin the beautifullobby,warmyourself by thefire,sip ahotcup of coffee, and enjoyaleisurelybitewith friends.
Customers love thattheynever fail to go the extramile to bringa smile.
Dr.John Dildine’s dentistry firm has beenservingthe Loveland area for over 30 years. Hispractice provides for alltypes ofgeneral dentistry needs.
Fairgrounds Park,located atthe oldLarimerCountyFairgrounds location,hasthe
Implant &GeneralDentistry of NorthernColorado

McKee FamilyDentistry: Dr.StephenBallardWDDS
Whatever youhave inmind, you’re sure to enjoyaday outat Fairgrounds Park.
DEBurns Construction CompanyinLovelandis aprivate building contractor,establishedin 1977.
They have builttheir reputation on three keypractices; quality, integrity and experience.Customers knowtheycan expect that when theychoose ahomebuilt by DE BurnsConstruction.
If you’re looking for areputable builder whoisdedicated to theway Lovelandlives,callthemtoday. CustomOn-Site Builders,Inc.
With over 10,000squarefeet of space andeight awesome inflatables,plus dedicated toddler andparentareas withfree wireless internetservice,your visit to Bounce! will be comfortableand enjoyable.
Takeyour children 10 yearsold and younger to playseven daysa week or reserveone of theparty areas for yourspecial event. Either wayyouaresuretohave agreat timeatourindoorplayground.
Each yearin August TheLarimer CountyFairand Rodeotakes over TheRanchinLoveland.

It’s afamilyaffair with events such as areal dogand pony show, ropingandbarrelraces,jousting demonstrations,PRCA Rodeo,a nightlycarnival, food,livemusic and much more.
It also provides4-Hmembers an opportunitytodisplaythe projects thattheyhave raisedorcreated over the year.

Group Publishing’s people maketheirculture, whichiswhy the companyisverycareful when selectingstaff.
Grouplooks for people whohelp elevatethe company’scorevalues, friendliness,innovation,learning, excellence andservanthood.
TheGroup environmentis one of constant change. They’realways looking for “a betterway”intheir productsas well intheirinternal operations.

Colorado,Benson SculptureGarden has provided abeautifulanduniqueoutdoor setting for showcasingsculpture since1985. It isinthis peaceful 10-acregarden thatthe Loveland High Plains Arts Councilhostsits renowned Sculptureinthe Park eventeachsummer.
Currently, there are139piecesof sculptureonpermanentdisplayby world-renownedartists.

Re-establishedin2013, Cactus Grille Restaurantin Loveland, is auniqueandfunplace to eat, drink,hangoutand enjoyagreat atmosphere.Enjoythe beautiful decor, comfortableseatingand most of alltheamazing food that thisnewplace bringstothearea. Bringfriends,family, and neighbors to trytheirsignature dish; delicious,made-from-scratch Guacamole withfreshingredients.
Houseof NeighborlyService
Foundations Church
TheGrouphas180 realtors in fiveofficesserving Loveland, Fort Collins, Greeley,Windsorand surrounding communities.

They areowned locally by the people whoworkhere.
As themarketleader,theystrive to be THEsource of realestate informationfor Northern Colorado and to helptheircustomers,buyers andsellers,get wheretheyneed to be on time.

House of Neighborly Service has provided assistancetolowincomeindividualsandfamiliesin Southern LarimerCountyfor over 50 years.
HNSwasestablishedin1961 by thelocalpastorsof Loveland to be acentralplace inLarimer Countywhere theycould refer people for assistanceand provide ample resources, accountability, and compassionatepeople to minister to thoseinneed.
Habitat ForHumanity
Alternatives To Violence
Foundations Churchisanondenominational Christian churchthat began on Christmas Eve,2011. Since thatdayFoundationshas beencentered on God’sgrace.Nomatter whoare you, what you’ve done, or whereyouareon yourjourney, youwillbewelcomed.
They meet at ThompsonValleyHigh School on Saturdays at4:30 p.m.and Sundays at 9and11a.m. They arealso abouttostartrenovatingtheirfuture home-theold Metrolux Theater,at Hwy.34andDenver Ave.
RobProctor wouldliketothank Loveland for their votesandtheir confidence in@HomeRealEstate.
If youhaven’theard-it’sa seller’s market. If ahomeisingood condition, good location,andnot toooverpriced, multiple bidoffers arecomingin withinthefirst week of being on themarket.
@HomeRealEstatecanhelp both buyers andsellers achieve their real estategoals.
Tenantsfind awidevarietyof activities,securityand peaceof mind on the beautifully landscaped 50-acrecampus of GoodSamaritan, Loveland Village.
ColoradoDrives.com Page30 Sunday,September29,2013 READERSCHOICE