Reporter-Herald Readers' Choice 2013

Page 28

favorite...BUSINESS E S - F OOD & DRINK PEOPLE & PLACE S - S ERVICES f B O P v PL I ERV DR C r K 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE Sunday,September29,2013 Page1 READERSCHOICE
Catering,MeetingRooms &ConferenceCenter •BREAKFAST BURRITO •BUILD ASTACK BREAKFAST SANDWICH •FLATBREADPIZZAS •GRILLED PANINIS •HOUSEMADESOUP •SPECIALTYSALADS •HOMEMADEPIZZA •GOODGRAINSPIZZA •CHEF’SSPECIALS Seeourwebsite forfullmenus... HOURS M-F7:30am -3pm OPENTOTHEPUBLIC 1515Cascade Avenueinside GroupPublishing PHONE 970.292.4494 Become afanon facebookandreceive greatdiscounts& ChefKristin’srecipes. FullSaladBar,.50cents anounce Tuesday &Thursday, COME SEE WHY Loveland Voted UsBestfor Lunch Salads Catering& Customer Service FREE WiFi! CelebratingOur9THYear ServingLoveland L 20082008 2013 20092009 2010 2010 2011 2012 Page 2Sunday,September29,2013 READERSCHOICE
Over 75 LocationsNationally –Showroom &Service Locally *Minimum purchase required. ©Champion®,2013. OFFERCODE:26174 TOTHEREADER ’SOF THEREPORTERHERALD FORVOTINGUS THE BEST WINDOWCOMPANY OF THEYEAR! “PremiumQuality... Wholesale Value” Windows Sunrooms Roofing Siding Doors SingleSourceResponsibility... We Designit...Buildit...Installit...Guaranteeit. FREE In-Home Estimate 970-373-5210 LocalCrewsServing NorthernColoradoandSouthern Wyoming, fromBouldertoCheyenneandEstes Parkto Yuma •5850 BYRD DR.•LOVELAND MENTION THIS AD FORAN ADDITIONAL 5% OFF* Sunday,September29,2013 Page3 READERSCHOICE
2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE FavoriteBusinesses PAGE2 FavoriteServices Fa riteServices PAGE 14 FavoriteFood Fa eFood &Drinks PAGE 22 FavoritePeople FavoriteP &Places PAGE 29 MisterMoney 1411 Cleveland Ave.,Loveland s seccond d thhiirrd 14 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE At Mister Money, youwillfind alargeselectionofhighquality jewelry,gold, tools, electronics, DVDs, musicalinstrumentsand more,inafriendlyenvironment. In additiontobuyingand sellingmerchandise,theyalso extend checkcashingservices,pawn loansandpayday advanceloans. Mister Moneytreatseach customer with respectand confidentiality. Loveland Pawn FriendlyPawn BESTANTIQUEDEALER/ PAWNSHOP Loveland Museum/Gallery 503N.Lincoln Ave.,Loveland seccond d t thiirrd 50 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE Experience local, regionaland nationalartexhibitionsinany of thethree artgalleriesatthe Loveland Museum/Gallery.By presenting awidevarietyofexhibits the galleryhopes to inspireits visitors Come for theartandstayfor thehistory. TheMuseum presents thehistoryofthe Lovelandarea throughinteractive andfun displays. Columbine TIE -Art of theRockies &LovelandArtGallery BESTARTGALLERY BUSINESSES Loveland’s Favorite Happy Hour 3-5:30 BestAppetizers BestDessert BestHappyHour BestOutdoorDining Best Vegetarian Thank You Loveland!! 970-541-3020 222 E4thStreet foryourvotesand yourconfidence inAtHomeRealEstate Thank you AtHomeRealEstate Companyin LovelandColorado RobProctor ManagingBroker/Owner Office:970-203-1101 Mobile:970-481-2133 Page 4Sunday,September29,2013 READERSCHOICE
Still Dealing fromtheHEArT ofLovelandDowntown ABigThank YouforVoting forUs!! notall dealers are createdequal Sunday,September29,2013 Page5 READERSCHOICE

DavidsonGebhardt Dealerships

Davidson-Gebhardt Family Dealershipshave beenserving communitiesinnorthern Colorado andsouthern Wyomingsince1960. Adedicationtofamilyand communityhas giventhemastrong base of returncustomers,andtheir great pricesandselectionofvehicles continue to draw innewbuyers. Theyhaveover50yearsofproviding the bestcustomer experience availableinnorthern Colorado.

PeletonCycles opened in Lovelandin1992.OwnerRobin Torresstartedthe Colorado bike shopwithhis brother-in-lawoutofa love for allthingscyclingand adesire to learnasmuchaspossibleabout the bicyclebusiness.

Theshopoffers alarge selection of mountain, road,children’s and triathlonbikesas well asfull-service bike repair.

Breakaway Cycles

LovelandCycle‘n Fitness

Barnes &Noble, Inc.istheleading retailerofcontent,digitalmediaand educational products. With close to 700 retaillocations country-wide, oneofthelargeste-commercesites ,andtheNOOK Media, there’s almostnothingthattheydon’t carry.Browsetheirstorefor the best selectionandservice. Grab aquickbite atthein-storecafe. Attend oneofthe events on theircalendar.Whatever you choose todo,you’resuretobepleased atBarnes &Noble.

Proudly serving Northern Colorado since1967, LovelandDesignCenter puttheir yearsofdesignexperienceto work for you.

Offering exceptionalserviceas well as consistentvalue,theyare the purveyorofsolutionsusing quality materialsandcreativeconcepts to exceed the expectations of their clients.

From casual to elegant,theyhave Loveland covered.

All AboutFloors

CustomOn-Site,Inc.would liketothankyouforvotingus oneofthebesthome-builders inNorthernColorado. We have beenbuildingqualityhomesfor over25yearsandcommittedto buildinghomesofdistinction andexcellence.Bycombining ourdesignsandyourvisions wecanbuildthehouseofyour dreams.

Your supportand confidencein our family operated funeralhome hashelpedusdevelop strong rootsinour community andhas madeus thenumberone funeralhome of choicein Loveland.

We areproudto bea constantleader, providingcompassionate services forthe families we serve!

3880 Test Cir.,Loveland seccond t thiirrd d
DidG bh dF il BEST 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE PeletonCycles 1310 E.EisenhowerBlvd., Loveland s seccond d thiird d
Loveland Ford
BESTBIKE STORE Pl Cl di BE 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE s seccond d thirrd d Barnes &Noble 5835Sky PondDr.,Loveland 5 2 0 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE
Anthology BookCompany BookHaven BESTBOOK STORE LovelandDesign Center 360S.Lincoln Ave.,Loveland seccond d thiird d
CustomFlooring &Design BESTFLOORINGSTORE Pdli Nh Cld 3 BE B STF 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE
-Gateway Garden& HomeCenterANDJohnson
ThankYou Loveland!
210E.12thSt#100 Loveland,CO80537 Office:970-776-9614 Page 6Sunday,September29,2013 READERSCHOICE
AmericAn,AsiAn &europeAn Auto repAir 821S.Lincoln Ave.,Loveland,CO80537 970-667-2044 •Loveland’sMost Trusted AutomotiveRepairShopSince1976 •2Year /24,000Mile Warranty •FREELoanerCars •FREELoanerBikes •FreeWi-Fi Loveland’s ONLYCertified GARAGE GREEn 2013 2013 $20.13 OFF any service Pleasescheduleappointmentinadvance,not validwithanyotheroffer.Expires12/31/13. TireRotation with anyservice FRee forvotingus#1 BestAutoRepairShop Thank You or Sunday,September29,2013 Page7 READERSCHOICE

Rowe’s Flowers andGifts proudly servesthe Lovelandarea (andanywhere inthe worldvia wire services).

Family-owned and operated,they arecommitted to offering only the finestfloralarrangementsand gifts.

Friendly,hometowndesigners createtheir vision. Attentiontodetail withtheir personaltouchmatters to them.Goingaboveand beyondis theirspeciality.

American FurnitureWarehouse located in Fort Collinsis yourhome for thelargestselectionoffurniture in Colorado.American Furniture Warehousehasthelargestselection of furnitureunderoneroofinthe country -not just Colorado.They also keep costslow, socustomers enjoynot only unmatched quality, but alsounbeatablesavings. Stopby and browsetheir huge selectionof furniturefor the wholehouseandso much more.

LovelandGarden Center and Nurseryproudly growsplants in Loveland, for Loveland.

Peoplemakeall thedifference, bothintheirstaffandtheir customers,towhomtheyexpress theirthanks for votingthemthe numberonegarden centerfor the eighth consecutive year.

Theywillcontinuetostrive to createthe best gardening experience possible.

KingSoopersoffers aconsistently wide selectionofgrocery items along with aconvenientin-store deli,bakeryandflorist. Avariety of giftcards for awiderangeoflocal restaurantsand retaillocationsmake aneasywaytopickupagift ora thank you.

Shoppers areabletotaketheir savingsfurtherbyusingtheir King Soopers cards to receivediscounts on fuelatmanylocationsas well.

TheSunshineHousehasbeencaring for andeducating youngchildren formore than35 years.Ourprogramsarecreated to igniteyourchild’s passion forlearning andpreparethem forfuturesuccess inschoolandlife. Visitourschool to experiencethedifference!

Rowe’sFlowers andGifts 863N.Cleveland Ave.,Loveland seccond thiird d
Earle’sLoveland Floral &Gifts ForeverFlowers R’ Fl dGift 863 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTFLORIST s seccond d thirrd
Furniture 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BEST FURNITURE STORE American Furniture Warehouse 625S.W.FrontageRd., Fort Collins s seeccond d thiird LovelandGarden Centerand Nursery 1801 S.Lincoln Ave.,Loveland C 18 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE
Loveland Furniture&Decor Woodley’s Fine
Gateway Garden& HomeCenter GulleyGreenhouseand GardenCenter BESTGARDENCENTER KingSoopers 1275EagleDr.,and 253E.29th St.,Loveland seccond d
Safeway Sffi ttl 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTGROCERYSTORE INFANT |TODDLER |PRESCHOOL |AFTERSCHOOL Thank you, Loveland! forvoting usBestChildcare 2yearsin arow.
1801 Piney RiverDrive,Loveland |970.635.0111 -Caringandtalentedteachersandstaff -Clean,safeandlicensedfacilities -Research-basedcurriculum - FREE diaperingservice ($50monthly value) -Full-time,part-timeanddrop-in rates Get aFREE Giftfor Touring! Monday -Saturday9-5 •EveningsbyAppt. 1465E.Eisenhower •Loveland 613-0606 ThankYoufor Voting Us g #1Best Hair Salon!! 201 2 11 Th !! HairExtensions,Smoothing Treatments, Cuts,Color,Perms, Waxing, QualityProducts &ExperiencedStylists H Page 8Sunday,September29,2013 READERSCHOICE
lOvelandcHevy.cOm CenterraMotorplex •I25and crOssrOadsBlvd 3930ByrdDrive•3880 TestDrive,Loveland Davidson Gebhardt 970-622-1015 AskForSales •CHEVROLET •SUBARUOFLOVELAND• 34WDDoubleCAb lT MoDelSToChooSefroM! 2014ChevySilverado DoubleCab LT ASLOWAS $349permonth X39months Wo CA Mo Dou TheSilveradoisStk#T14047.MSrPis$38,515andresidualvalueis$24,264.45with10kmilesperyear.offer requires$2,500cashdown/tradeequity,1stpaymentandsalestaxdueatsigning.Monthlypaymentrequires additionalsalestaxpermonth.Thedealerfeeisincludedinleasepayment.Securitydepositwaivedwithapproved creditfromAllYbank. Vehiclessubjecttopriorsale.offerends09-30-13 4MAlibu’SlefTToChooSefroM! 2013ChevyMalibu ASLOWAS $198permonth X39months Malibuisstock#C13511.MSrPis$23,300.00andresidualvalueis$12,815.00with10Kmilesperyear.offer requires$2500cashdown/tradeequityandsalestaxdueatsigning.Monthlypaymentwillrequireadditionalsales taxpermonth.1stpaymentandsecuritydepositwaivedwithapprovedcreditfromAllYbank. Vehiclesaresubject topriorsale.offerexpires9/30/13. Than ouLovelan foVtingfoUs!! 2013 Sunday,September29,2013 Page9 READERSCHOICE

Orchards AceHardwareis Loveland’slocally andfamilyowned helpfulhardwarestore since1989. Going beyondthe average hardwarestore,Ace offers alaundry list of services such asscreenrepair, pipe threadingandcutting,custom shadesandsharpeningservices.

Theyworkhardtohavethe bestselectionofhardware,paint, plumbing, electrical,lawn,garden andhouseholditemsdelivered by smilingfaces.


American FurnitureWarehouse located in Fort Collinsis yourhome for thelargestselectionoffurniture in Colorado.American Furniture Warehousehasthelargestselection of furnitureunderoneroofinthe country -not just Colorado.They also keep costslow, socustomers enjoynot only unmatched quality, but alsounbeatablesavings. Stopby and browsetheir huge selectionof furniturefor the wholehouseandso much more.

JaredtheGalleriaofJewelry carries alargeselectionofjewelry including gemstones, goldand luxurytimepieces.

Want to createsomething unique? Their on-sitejewelers canhelp.Theyhandlealltypes of jewelry inneed of repairandtheir jewelers canmakemost repairsin onehour.

TheLoveland JaredStore also offers jewelry cleaningand inspectionabsolutelyfree.

LiquorMax Warehousehas becomeone of the premier retail wine,spiritand beer establishments. Providingtheir customers withthe best possible shopping experience istheir numberonepriority.

LiquorMax offers liquor, wine, andmore than800uniquevarieties of beerinits18,000square-foot warehouse.

Visit between 2and 6p.m. every Saturdayfor afreewinetasting. HouseofSpirits

Wilbur’s TotalBeverage

Orchards Ace Hardware 269E.29thSt.,Loveland seeccond thiird
HomeDepot Lowe’s Oh dA Hdi 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTHARDWARE STORE ST Jared theGalleria ofJewelry 5802Sky PondDr.,Loveland seccoond d thiird
Zales CustomGoldworksGallery BESTJEWELRYSTORE Jd th Glli fJl J 580 BEST 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE American Furniture Warehouse 625S.W.FrontageRd., Fort Collins A 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE HobbyLobby Pier 1Imports
secconnd d thiird
LiquorMax 1497E.EisenhowerBlvd., Loveland seconnd d third
Li MW hh 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTLIQUOR STORE LOVELANDLOCATIONS •222 W. EISENHOWER,LOVELAND •(970)663-1944 6020STALLIONDRIVE,LOVELAND,(970)4082 •pERkINSCOLORADO.COm kIDSEATFREE TuESDAyS &SATuRDAyS FREESLICE of AWARDWINNINGPIE with ENTREE on WEDNESDAYS AFTER4pm. ThanksLoveland! Forvotingus#1 inInvestments Tyler,Paul,KevinandAndrew InvestmentCentersofAmerica,Inc.(ICA),memberFINRA/SIPCand aRegisteredInvestmentAdvisor,is notaffiliatedwithHomeStateBank.Securities,advisoryservicesandinsuranceproductsofferedthrough ICAandaffiliatedinsuranceagenciesare*notinsuredbytheFDICoranyotherFederalGovernment agency*not adepositorotherobligationof,orguaranteedbyanybankortheiraffiliates*subjecttorisks includingthepossiblelossofprincipalamountinvested. ICAis ateamofdedicatedprofessionalswith aprimarygoalofhelping makesureyourinvestingexperienceanextraordinaryone. Callustodayforaninvestmentreview. 2695 West EisenhowerBlvd 970-622-7408 Tyler 935N.Cleveland Ave 970-669-9720Paul 970-613-2185Andy 300 E29thStreet 970-622-2366Kevin Thank you LoveLand! voTedBesT Burger InLoveLand 1419N.Denver Ave (970)461-0188 smashedfresh.serveddeLIcIous. hwy34 across from walmart 1419Denver Avenue/Loveland FREE Smashburger Entree BuyOneSmashburgerEntreeandReceivea 2ndEntreeofEqualorLesser ValueforFREE Valid at theLovelandlocationonly.Onecouponpercustomer. Notvalidwithanyotheroffer.Validwiththiscoupononly. Expires10/31/13 Page10 Sunday,September29,2013 READERSCHOICE
BestGroceryStores RandyKlatt StoreManager 663-4125 1275EagleDrive RobertSalomon StoreManager 669-6222 253E.29thStreet y We’reProud To Bea PartoftheCommunity! Thanksforvotingus Thank You Loveland Sunday,September29,2013 Page11 READERSCHOICE

TEN,an AVEDALifestyleSalon andSpa,is committed to providing everypatron,menand women withthe besthair,skinandnail care,andmassageservices. Though theycarry andusethenationally recognized AVEDAproduct line, TENislocally ownedand operated. Theirstaffiscontinually training inthelateststylesandmethods to providetheir clientelewiththemost comprehensive arrayof services available.

Colorado basedcompany, Mattress King,wasestablishedin 1998, with just onestore inDenver. Mattress Kinghas expanded to include over 40locations acrossthe FrontRange.

Mattress Kingholds truetothe recognizabletagline“Nobodybeats the King-Nobody!” withtheir Low PriceGuarantee:Theywillbeat anyone’s priceby5%.

Familyowned and operated, Loveland Musichas beenservingthe musicneedsofnorthern Colorado since2001.

They offer musicand voice instruction, musictherapy,repairs, rentals,sales,and aprofessional staff of working musiciansand performers thatareabletoassistall ranges of ability.

It istheirmissiontoopenthe magic of music to everyone.

As adivisionofJAX Mercantile, Inc., Loveland’sJAX storehas once again proven to be afavorite in multiplecategories. They have earnedtheir reputationasthe Best OutdoorStoreby not only carrying the topbrandsin gear,but also by providing excellentinformationon avariety of outdoorexperiences via their websiteblog. They also offer on-sitecourses, such as Hunter’s Safety,throughoutthe year.

TEN Aveda SalonandSpa 6045Sky PondDr.,#100, Loveland 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE
MassageHeights MassageEnvy BESTMASSAGE/SPA s secconnd d t thiirrd d MattressKing 1449N.Denver Ave.,Loveland s secconnd d thirrd d
DenverMattressCompany/ FurnitureRow JDay’sAppliance &Mattress BESTMATTRESS STORE C l d b d BE B ST M STM 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE LovelandMusic 343E.4thSt.,Loveland
Barnes &Noble BestBuy s second d thiird F il d d t d 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTMUSIC STORE JAXOutdoorGear -Ranch&Home 950E.EisenhowerBlvd., Loveland s seccoond d thhiirrd
Sportsman’s Warehouse Dick’sSportingGoods 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTOUTDOOR STORE 3DayClean CarSatisfaction Guarantee! UNLIMITED CAR WASHES from $1495 permonth We make youhappywitha cleancarinsideandout! 2664Buchanan Ave. Loveland,CO80538 (LocatedonUSHighway287 justSouthof29thStreet) 970-613-9000 Ifyourreturnfor awashwithin 3daysofyourpaid“FullService”or“Deluxe Wash”,wewillprovideyou afree “SpeedyExterior Wash” ShineOn! Unlimited WashClub Mon-Sat8am -6pm •Sun10am -4pm Weather Permitting Open Loveland’sOnlyFullService Car Wash &DetailCenter Thanksyouforvoting SpeedySparkleCar Wash The#1BestCar WashinLoveland MEMBERFDIC THANKS LOVELAND! Thanks foragain votingus BEST BANK AND BESTMORTGAGELENDER 1st PlaceinReadersChoice! Offeringallthe financialservices youneedwith hometownfriendlystyle. “Your home forbetter banking” financia om f ho 970.669.1699 Thank youfor VoTing forus! Limitonepercustomerandcannotbe combinedwithanyotheroffersMustbe 21oroldertoredeem! Bringthisinandhave ahappyhour drinkonmewiththepurchase ofanyfooditem. Page12 Sunday,September29,2013 READERSCHOICE

Whatever petsmayneed, PetSmartinLovelandhasit. They offer dog, cat,fish, bird,small animaland even reptilegoodsat affordable prices. Keep pets fed, entertainedhealthy, dressedup, or justallaroundpampered withtheir highqualityproducts.

PetSmartalsomakes one-stop shopping for petseasy by offering in-storegrooming,trainingsessions and veterinaryservices.

PetSmart 1715 RockyMountain Ave., Loveland seecond d thiirrd


Theappropriatefootwearis importantin Colorado,whether you’re shopping or climbinga Fourteener.JAX carries everything from fashionable to functional for men, womenandkids. Theyeven carry slippers andsocksfor those coldnightsin.

Discount Tire is America’s largest tire and wheel retailer. They provideexceptionalcustomer serviceatmorethan840storesin 23statesandhave proudly served Loveland for thepast four years. Thecompany’semployeesare knowledgeable,friendly andhonest. By offeringthehighestlevelof customer service,more product choicesandlowprices, Discount Tire hasearnedthe righttobe Loveland’strustedtireretailer. TIE -Big


As adivisionofJAX Mercantile, Inc., Loveland’sJAX storehas once again proven to be afavorite in multiplecategories.

2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTPETSUPPLYSTORE JAXOutdoorGear -Ranch&Home 950E..EisenhowerBlvd., Loveland seecconnd d thiird


Readers’ CHOICE

Whetherbuying or renting JAX can accommodateandsporting need. Dick’sSportingGoods

Sportsman’s Warehouse 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTSPORTINGGOODS STORE TS GGOODS JAXOutdoorGear -Ranch&Home 950E..EisenhowerBlvd., Loveland

arcThriftStoresis proud to bea Colorado ownedand operated nonprofitstorethat benefits Coloradans withintellectual/developmental disabilities.ShoppingatarcThrift Storesimprovesyourlifeand thelivesofothers in Colorado. Choosing reusing,helpsthe budget andtheplanet,and choosingarc ThriftStores supports alocal charity. Thearc team workshardtooffer the bestselectionatthe bestvalue.

Brown’sShoe FitCompany Famous Footwear s seccoond d t third d J 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTSHOE STORE arcThriftStore 3131 N.Garfield Ave., Loveland 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE

ChampionWindowsofFort Collins ensurestheircustomers’ experience arepleasurable.

Sincetheycustom manufacture their windows, doors andpatio rooms,theyare able to provide themoststringentqualityand craftsmanship available.

second third Ch 2 0 1 3

994E.EisenhowerBlvd., Loveland
Ti i A i ’ B 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE
Champion Windows of Fort Collins
It istheirnationwidegoalfor each and everyChampioncustomer to receivequalityproductsbacked by unsurpassedcustomer service and powerfulwarranties. LovelandGlassCo. HandyGlass Ch i Wi d f F
Hank’s PetFoodMarket PoudrePet &FeedSupply
Sporting goodsisawidely definedcategoryand JAXcovers it all. They have everythingneeded for teamsports,as well the hunting, fishing,skiingandcampingsport that Colorado isfamous for.
As adivisionofJAX Mercantile, Inc., Loveland’sJAX storehas once again proven to be afavorite in multiplecategories.
Goodwill Habitat forHumanity Re-Store BESTTHRIFT STORE s seccond d thirrd We ProvideQuality, Compassionate, LifetimeCareInOur FullServiceClinic BLUESKY ANIMALCLINIC Thank YouFor VotingUs #1Best Vet 2713 WestEisenhowerBlvd. Loveland,CO80538 Visitusat 970-663-6046 Sunday,September29,2013 Page13 READERSCHOICE


As thelargestlocally owned bankinLarimerCounty, Home Stateisbig enoughtooffer world classbankingservices, but small enoughtorememberthedifference between abig-citybankand atrue communitybank.

You’ll findthemtobearefreshing alternativetobanksthataresimply toobig to providesincere, personal service. That’s whythey’re themost popularlocally ownedbankin LarimerCounty.

Metric Motors has been Loveland’smost trusted automotive repairshopsince1976.

Frombrakestoclutches,tuneups to timing belts,theirskilled technicianshave theknowledge and experience to keep everyvehicle runningits best.

They will only recommend servicesthataretruly needed to keep vehicles operatingsafelyand dependably.

SpeedySparkle CarWash offers awiderangeofservicesfromthe ultra affordableSpeedyExterior Wash for $5.95 to aPremiumDetail of astandardcar for a$229.95base price.

They arethe only fullservice carwash between Fort Collinsand Longmont, providinganimportant, high-demandservicetoLoveland area residents.

MetricMotors 821S.Lincoln Ave., Loveland seecconnd d thhiird
Fred’s Automotive AdvantageAutomotive M i M h b 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTAUTOREPAIR/SER BESTAUT EPAIR/SERVICE Home StateBank InLoveland -300E.29th St., 935N.Cleveland Ave., 2695 W. EisenhowerBlvd., 1355E.EisenhowerBlvd. 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE
ChaseBank 1stNationalBank
second thhird
seccond d t third
WashMe Car Wash Wash TimeCar Wash BESTCAR WASH Sd SklC Wh ff B 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE SpeedySparkle Car Wash 2664Buchanan Ave., Loveland
Page14 Sunday,September29,2013 READERSCHOICE
Sunday,September29,2013 Page15 READERSCHOICE

Safelite/Elite’smissionistobe customer driven.Theyare powered by their peopleand asense of prideiswhatmotivatesthe Safelite team. Their technicians work hard to delivercustomerdelightand surpasscustomer expectations everytime.Quitesimply, their goalis to be theircustomers’ neighborhood glassshopfor life.

To be recognized as Loveland’s choice is agreathonor.

Approaching10 yearsinbusiness, EsteemCarpetCleaningstrives to bring exceptional quality, innovationand superior technology togetherinthe very bestcarpet cleaningserviceinall of Northern Colorado.Withthehelp of their loyalcustomers,they’ve become asuccessfullocally ownedsmall business. They extendtheirthanks to theircustomers,referrals,andthe Reporter Herald for this awardand recognition.


At TheSunshine House, children learnskills to prepare themfora brightfuture.

Utilizing aunique, brainbaseddevelopmentcurriculum, their programsarefocusedon encouraging everychild’sunique talentsandindividualitywhile building asolid foundation for school readinessandsocial development. TheSunshine House isnowenrolling.Call970-635-0111 or schedule atour today.

K-9 Islandunderstandsthat peaceofmindisimportant where your dogisconcerned.That’s whytheyoffer asafe, cleanand monitored environment wherepets can runandplaywithnewfriends, humanandcanine.

Thestaffseestheir roleasmore than justcaretakers,theyarea secondfamily, caring for alldogsas theywouldtheir own.

At Amy’sGreen DryCleaning, theyarecommitted to servingtheir customers and community.

With convenientstorelocations andvaletservice,Amy’s is dedicated to providingthehighestlevels of qualityand convenience.

They usean environmentally friendly cleaning processthatleaves clothes clean withoutthat “dry cleaning”smell.Theyalso offer free pick-upand delivery.

In 1991,Dr.John Kirk founded Kirk EyeCentertobring better eyecaretothe people of Northern Colorado.

He opened astate-of-the-art clinicineast Lovelandin2005 to providethe roomfor more comprehensive patientservices.

Dr.John Colvinjoinedthe practicein2003 to helpDr.Kirk meet the demand for eyecareby currentandnewpatients.

Investment Centersof America, afull-servicefinancialfirm thatcan provideprofessional financialstrategies to Colorado individualsand business owners.

Even thoughtheir Loveland officescurrentlyserve over 2600 clients,theystill takethe time to understandtheneedsand goals of each client offeringassistance withinvestments,investment strategizing,retirementobjectives, taxstrategies,insurance,andmore.

Viegut FuneralHomeopened in2000andhas grownevery year since,leading to Viegut being voted the numberoneFuneralHomein Loveland.

Beingthenewestfuneralhome has giventhemthe opportunity to providenewandinnovative services. Being asix-generation familyofLovelandhas giventhem extensive knowledgeof the Loveland community.

Eltite/SafeliteGlass 3204N.Garfield Ave., Loveland
Anchor Auto Glass &Tint HandyGlass s secconnd d thiird S f lit /Elit ’ i i i t b E 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTCARWINDOWREPAIR BESTC EsteemCleaning& WaterRestoration 51 EagleDr.#337,Loveland seccond d thiird
Ahi10i bi E W 1151 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTCARPETCLEANING TheSunshine House 01 PineyRiverDr.,Loveland 1801 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE
TIE -BrightHorizons
Amy’sGreen DryCleaning 6locationsin Fort Collins &Loveland
BurkeCleaners Van’sCleaners second third 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTDRY CLEANER KirkEyeCenter 3650E. 15th St.,Loveland second third
EyeCenterof Northern Colorado Dr.JenniferCecil,MD I 1991 D J h Ki k f d d 3 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTEYE CARE K-9Island 211Barberry Pl.,Loveland s second d t third
Dogs’OwnGrooming ClassyPupGrooming Salon 9I ld ddh 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTPET DAYCARE/GROOMER ET InvestmentCenters ofAmerica InLoveland -300E.29th St. 935N.Cleveland Ave., &2695 W. EisenhowerBlvd. In In & 2 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE
StateFarm EdwardJones BESTFINANCE/INSURANCE TF second t thirrd Viegut FuneralHome 1616 N.Lincoln Ave.,Loveland seconnd third
Kibbey-Fishburn FuneralHome Allnutt/ResthavenFuneral Service BESTFUNERALHOME BESTF 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE Page16 Sunday,September29,2013 READERSCHOICE
NEwcoNstructioN Quality•Integrity •Experience•Reputation Office: 970-669-8386 Builtby D.E.BurnsConstruction 4RanchPlansStartingat the$290,000’s VotedBestHomeBuilder Thank youfor youcontinuedconfidencein DE BurnsConstruction Sunday,September29,2013 Page17 READERSCHOICE

Mariana Butteisapremier, 18-hole course featuringsoaring elevated tees, challengingholesthat border the rushing BigThompson Riverand breathtaking vistas of the RockyMountain FrontRange. Eighteen holesneverlookedsogood.

Mariana Buttehas beenrated four-and-a-halfstarsby“Golf Digest’andis repeatedly chosenas oneofColorado’s favorite courses.

At ShearNV Salon,itistheir goal to makeeachperson whosteps throughthe door lookand feel their absolutebest.

They arecommitted to excellence throughtheir extensive on-going training,aswellastheirstrong communityoutreach.

They look forwardtoproviding more people with agreat experience everytimetheyvisit.

AllAbout Hearingis aregional audiology practiceowned and operated by the physiciansat Alpine Ear,Nose&Throat, P.C., apremier medicaland surgical practicein Northern Colorado.Theircertified audiologistsarecommitted to providingthehighestlevelof hearinghealthcareandhearingaid salesandserviceinacomfortable and professionalmedicalsetting.

Albracht’s One Hour Heatingand AirConditioning offers installation andserviceofall majorbrandsand offers 24-hour emergencyservice. Thecompanyisknown for fair and consistentpricing withno hiddenfeesandhas beenselected asanXcel Energy“Top5”Heating RebateProducerfor thethirdyear in arow.

Embassy Suites, featuringthe full-serviceSpa Botanicaand Rocky RiverBar &Grill,offers more to Loveland residentsthan agreat place to stop andstay.

They have thethirdlargest hotel ballroominthestatefor conferencesandsocial events of all types.

Thisall-suitehotel features cooked-to-orderbreakfastanda two-hourmanager’s receptiondaily.

LovelandDesignCarpetOne has beenproudly serving Colorado since1970. Whetherdealing with anew constructionorthe perfect remodel,theycanhelp youfind asuitable designsolution. At LovelandDesignCarpetOne,the DesignConsultantshave decadesof combinedexperienceand extensive productknowledge andtheywant to shareitwiththeircustomers

Colorado GreenbeltManagement is acommerciallandscape maintenancecompanyservicing Northern Colorado.With over 20 yearsofexperienceinLandscape and Irrigation Management,they staystrongintheir visiontoservice the greencommunitywith adaily “hands-on” approach to property maintenanceand proper water management.

McKeeMedical Center is proud to be Loveland’scommunity hospitalsince1976. With astaff of nearly 800,thehospitalstrivesto provideexcellentpatientcare. They couldn’t do it without supportfromtheir corporateteam at BannerHealth,theirindependent physicianpartners and physicians in BannerMedical Group,the McKeeVolunteers andthe McKee Medical Center Foundation.

MarianaButte GolfCourse 1ClubhouseDr.,Loveland
TheOldeCourse atLoveland CattailCreekGolfCourse seccond thiirrd M i B tt i i 701 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTGOLF COURSE ShearNVSalon 1465E.EisenhowerBlvd., Loveland seccond d thhiird
TEN -AvedaSalonandSpa A Sh NV S l i i h i 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTHAIR SALON All AboutHearing InLoveland -3820Grant Ave., 2902GinallaDr. InLo 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE
UnityHair Studio
Hearing RehabCenter Audiology &Hearing AidCenter BESTHEARINGCENTER s seconnd d third Albracht’sOneHour HeatingandAir 487Denver Ave.,Loveland seeccoonnd d t thiird d
IMSHeating &Air MetalMechanicsInc., HeatingandCooling BESTHEATING&A/C Alb h ’ O H H i d Alb 4 BEST 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE EmbassySuites 4705ClydesdalePkwy., Loveland
LaQuintaInns &Suites BestWestern second third Eb Sitf ith 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTHOTEL LovelandDesign CarpetOne 360S.Lincoln Ave.Loveland second d
EheartInteriors Ll dD iCO 360 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTINTERIORDESIGN ColoradoGreenbelt Management 2549BrittanyDr.,Loveland C 25 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE
BelmireSprinkler &Landscaping HURRSprinkler &Landscape BESTLANDSCAPINGSERVICE TLANDSCAPINGSERVICE second t third McKeeMedical Center/BannerHealth 200Boise Ave.,Loveland s second
MedicalCenterof the Rockies/UniversityHealth MK Mdil Cid Cen 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTMEDICAL FACILITY Page18 Sunday,September29,2013 READERSCHOICE

As thelargestlocally owned bankinLarimerCounty, Home Stateisbig enoughtooffer world classbankingservices, but small enoughtorememberthedifference between abig-citybankand atrue communitybank.

HomeStatemortgageadvisors assisthomebuyers infindingthe bestmortgagefortheirindividual needs,andsincethey’re local,they understandthearea betterthan nationalmortgage lenders can.

Jiffy Lube tookthe topspotfor oilchangefor the fourth yearina row and with good reason.

TheJiffy Lube SignatureService Oil Changehelpsmaintain thevalue of theircustomers’ vehicleinvestment by changing, inspecting, checking,fillingand cleaningessential components of the vehicle,helping to keep everything runningsmoothlyyear after year. GreaseMonkey RockyMountain QuickLube

Action Plumbingand Heating workstirelesslytoensurethe quality of boththeirplumbing work and theircustomer service. Their technicianshave an average of 25 yearsofexperienceandthey putittoworkearningcustomers’ trust. Action techniciansinstall qualityplumbing productsat reasonable prices, doingthejob right thefirst time to avoidhaving to fix avoidable problemslater.

HomeDepotismore than justan extensive choice of home improvement supplies. They’realso theirhelpfulstaff,guaranteed low prices,andguided instruction. Fromthefirst-time Do-ItYourselfer to theseasonedpro, HomeDepothasthe righttoolfor the rightjobandthe expertise to help youuseit.

Endless SummerTanningis Loveland’slargest, cleanestand coolesttanningsalon.

In additiontobeingSmartTan certified,theirstaffishighlytrained incustomer serviceand product knowledge.

They takepride inalways making their clientsthe numberone priority,andmaking everyeffortto satisfyeach client withtheirdiverse productsand equipment.

TravelLeaders is alocally owned agencythatspecializesinarranging alltypes of travel. They canassist with weekendgetawaysorthat “trip of alifetime”

Thereare no fees for arranging avacationorcruisepackage,so stop inandmeet with oneoftheir travelexperts todayfor theirspecial promotions on travel. They areopenfrom8a.m. to 5:30 p.m. weekdays and 9a.m. to 1p.m. on Saturday.

ChilsonRecreation/SeniorCenter is Loveland’s recreationcenter. Workingoutiseasy with amenities such ascardioand weight equipment,indoorcycling, walking track, pools,steam room, racquetball, gymnastics center,dropin childcareandmore than100 group classes, personaltrainingand fitness testing.

Chilsonalso offers awing devoted just to seniors.

JoinhostsAshleyDean andQuentin Youngas theyturnthespotlighton diversemusicalactsfrom Colorado –andthosejust passingthrough. Watch bandstakeoverour compactstudio.Soakup thebanter.Findoutwhat makesthemtick.Sign upfortheSecondStory newsletterandimmerse yourselfinthescene.

Wells FargoMortgage ChaseBankMortgage seeccond d thiird Athl tl lld 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTMORTGAGELENDER Home StateMortgage InLoveland -300E.29th St., 935N.Cleveland Ave., 2695 W. EisenhowerBlvd., 1355E.EisenhowerBlvd. Jiffy Lube#86 1644 W. EisenhowerBlvd.,
s seccond d thiirrd
2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTOIL CHANGE ActionPlumbing andHeating 20112thSt.,Loveland seecconnd d thiird
L b k th f
AceHiPlumbing &Heating Paul’sPlumbing,Heating& Cooling Ai Pl bi dHi 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTPLUMBINGSERVICE BES HomeDepot 1100NickelDr.,Loveland s seeccond d t thhiird
Lowe’s Orchards AceHardware D ih 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTTOOL/EQUIPMENTCENTER TravelLeaders 610E.29thSt.,Loveland 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE
Loveland TravelKing NewHorizons Travel BESTTRAVEL AGENCY second d third EndlessSummer Tanning 18 Madison Ave.,Loveland second third
The TanningSalon EdlS Tii 151 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTTANNINGSALON Chilson Recreation /SeniorCenter 700E.4thSt.,Loveland second third
Gold’sGym Fitness 19 Gym il Ri
C 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTWORKOUT FACILITY BES CILITY LiveMusicInterviews TheInside Track
/S iC
Sunday,September29,2013 Page19 READERSCHOICE





Henry’sPubinvitespatrons to stepback in timeand experience thehistoric class of downtown Loveland while enjoying classicand contemporary American Cuisine made andserved withthe utmost attention to detail.

Thepub offers weeklylunch specials,nightlygourmetdinner specials,homemadedessertsas well as alargeselectionofliquors and wine. McGraff’sAmericanGrill

Next DoorFood &Drinkis devotedtodeliveringcreative, hand-crafted cuisine with excellentservice in afun,inviting atmosphere.Samplethetastytapas (as well as afulllunch,dinneror dessert menu)attheRialtoTheater Center from 11:30a.m.daily. Enjoyhappy hourfrom 2to 6p.m. on theoutdoorpatio, featuring Colorado only draftsand homemade sangria.

Henry’sPub 234E.4thSt.,Loveland 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE
Applebee’s BESTAMERICANFOOD s seccoond d thiirrd NextDoor Food &Drink 222E.4thSt.,Loveland s secconnd d thiird
BESTAPPETIZERS N D F d & D i k i BE 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE
Applebee’s Generations WineandMartiniBar
Youcouldbe gettingupto
microbrews spatreatments
minigolfdays carmaintenance houseoverhauls newduds freshgear andmuchmore. Thank YouLoveland! 2525 N. Lincoln •(970)635-0050 Breakfast &Lunch Open Mon-Fri 6:00AMto2:00PM Sat-Sun7:00AMto2:30PM We’re Eggs-cited tobe voted #1Best Breakfast #2Best Pancake ComeexperienCeour award winningsignature panCakes! Bringthisadinfor $1.00off the pancakeofyourchoice Onecouponpertable. Maximumof 2entreespercoupon. ValidatLovelandonly.Expires12/31/13. OrchardsAceHardware OrchardsShoppingCenter• 29thStreet &Highway287 970-663-2230 hank TYou LoVELanD FoR VoTInGuS ThEBESThaRDWaRESToRE! FREE TANNING &25%OFFBOUTIQUE FRIDAY OCT4TH (LIMITONEPERPERSONANYLEVEL TANNINGBEDS-EXCLUDES NONUVBBEDS) EndlessSummer Tanning &Boutique 1518 NMadision Ave#DLoveland,CO80538 970-203-0200 •Fax970-613-8602 THANK YOUFOR VOTING ENDLESS SUMMER TANNING &BOUTIQUE BEST OF LOVELAND Page20 Sunday,September29,2013 READERSCHOICE

Asian Cafe &Grill serves aunique variety of Asiancuisine,from traditional Chinese to Vietnamese, Japaneseand Thai.

They featureanarray of Asian favorites;sesame chicken, pho, teriyaki bowls, Thaicurries,fresh sashimi, cooked surf andturfrolls, vegetarianand gluten free.

Asian Cafe is afamily-friendly restaurant withsomething for everycustomer.

Aftertheirimpressive beginnings inEstes Park,Donut Haus opened asecondequallysuccessfullocation in Loveland. They don’tstopat donutsthough.Stop by theirshop forbreakfast burritos, coffee, pastries,piesandsandwiches, too. Comein oftenenoughandthey’ll knowyournameandparticular pastry preference.

Don’tforgettopickupacake for thatspecial occasion(orjust dessert)while you’re there.

Stakeout astooland experience the bestbarin Loveland.

Located inhistoric downtown Loveland, Pourhouse Barand Grill isallaboutgood food,greatdrinks, andlive entertainment.

With ahugemenuand great beerand cocktails, addedtotheir rotatingnightlyline-up of live events,theyare sure to make everyonehappy.

Nordy’sislocally ownedand operated.TheirLovelandand Fort Collinslocationsarefamous for servingthe bestbarbecuein Northern Colorado. Everyrib,brisket,pork,sausage andturkeyischecked individually by their expert pitmaster to ensure the juiciest,most tender meat around. Fordine-in,carry-out, delivery or full-servicecatering, there isno onebetterthan Nordy’s.


•BreakfastBurrito 2.00

•BreakfastBurritowith cheese2.00

Eggs, Potatoes&Chef’sChoiceofmeat (Ham, Bacon,ChorizoorBreakfast sausage)

SMO·3.50 DLX•4.75

Huevos Rancheros

2eggs,potatoes, greenchile,beans&

2tortillas •5.50

2Eggs, Potatoes &Toast With ham, baconor sausage•5.00

2Pancakes or French Toast•3.00


Phone-in •Carry-out

Dine-in •Catering


1477 E. Eisenhower




Tuesday-Saturday 6:00am -8:00pm

Sunday8:00am -2:30

Closed Mondays



Stuffed with anytwo items(excludingsteak)underthe burrito sectionthensmothered &deluxed •6.00

Tamales& ChileRellenos

Tamales -Plain •1.50 Smothered•2.50

Rellenos- Plain•1.50 Smothered•2.50

Indian Tacos



Beans,Rice, Beef &Tortilla4.00 Cheese Enchilada,beans&rice4.00


Chile Plain Inside SMODLX



Beef 2.252.503.755.00

Beef&Beans 2.252.503.755.00

Bean & Chicharrones 2.252.503.755.00

Chicken(w/rice) 2.252.503.755.00



Steak5.255.50 6.507.50


DLX-Smotheredwithgreenchileandtoppedwithcheese, lettuceandtomato

Additional itemsinsideburritosareanadditional .50 Additional itemsontopofburritos,pleaserefertosides


Hard ShellTaco BeeforChicken·1.50

SoftShellTaco BeeforChicken·3.75





Beans,rice, guacamole, chile&2tortillas •8.00

*Fajitas(Steak orChicken)

Beans,rice, guacamole&2tortillas •8.50

*Small Combo

Taco,tostada,cheeseenchilada &beanburrito smothered •7.00


Taco,tostada,cheeseenchilada,beanburrito smothered,tamale,beans &rice•10.00


Cheese,beef &chickenenchilada,rice&beans •7.00

•Mexican Hamburger•6.25

3Soft Taquitos

Chicken,beef or carnita, beans,rice&picode galloorgreenchile •7.00


Chicken,beef or carnita, topped with sourcream &guacamole,with sideofbeans &rice•7.50 GreenChile Bowl With 2tortillas •4.00 GreenChile Plate Beans,rice&2tortillas •6.00

•Tacos AI Carbon

3soft steak tacoswithsideofbeans,riceand picodegallo &guacamole•8.50


2smothered tamales,with beans &rice•6.50 Chile RellenoDinner

2smotheredchileRellenos,soft or crispywith beans,rice&2tortillas •6.50


2porkchops smothered with greenchile,beans& rice•9.00

Carne Asada

Beans,rice, chile&2tortillas •8.50



3shreddedbeefsoft tacoswithbeansandrice, guacamole, lettuce &tomato•8.50

Chile Fries •5.50




Sour Cream1.00 Potatoes1.50

Cheese 1.25 Chicharrones1.50


French Fries2.00

Rice 1.50 Guacamole2.00


Sopapillas•2.50 Churros•2.50

AsianCafe&Grill 1323EagleDr.,Loveland A 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE
Palace WonderfulDragon BESTASIANFOOD seccond d thiird DonutHaus Bakery&Chocolates 265E.29thSt.#A,Loveland secconnd d thiirrd
KingSoopers PaneraBread BESTBAKERY h i i i b i i Bak 265 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE PourhouseBar andGrill 124E.4th St.,Loveland 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE
NextDoor Food &Drink Henry’sPub BESTBAR seccoond d thirrd Nordy’s BBQ &Grill 4360 St.CloudDr.,Loveland seccond d thiird
Serious TexasBar-B-Q B-B-QBob’s BESTBARBECUE Nd ’i llldd 436 B 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE
FindourGreenChile in theFrozen section ofyourlocal grocerystore!
Guacamole Salad 4.75 3DeepFried Taquitos 5.50 Santi’s Sampler(Nacho Plate) 4.75 Chips&Salsa 1.50 Taco Salad 5.25
Bean4.50 Bean& Beef &bean5.25
Beef or Chicken 5.75 Carnita6.00
Bean 1.50 Beef &Bean 2.00 Beef, Chicken
or Guacamole
Bean &Guacamole
Quesadilla 1.50 Taco, Tostada &rice 4.00 GrilledCheese with fries 3.50
*= GreatValue •Santiago’sSignature Items
Cheese 1.75 Beef or Chicken 2.00 Smotheredwithgreen chile 2.50 3Cheese 4.50 3BeeforChicken 5.00 Smotheredwithgreen chile 5.50
Beans,Rice &Salsa Pint •3.00Quart•6.oo GreenChile Pint •4.00Quart•8.00 AmericanFood Hamburger Deluxe with fries 4.75 Cheeseburger Deluxe with fries 5.00 Menudo -Days Vary Pint •4.00Quart•8.00 Thank You LovelandBestBurrito! Sunday,September29,2013 Page21 READERSCHOICE


Santiago’sMexican Restaurants

Motheralwaystold youtoeata good breakfast(and lunch!). In this light, bright, cheerful breakfast-lunch eatery, itiseasy to do.

Omelettes,frittatas, whole-wheat pancakes, golden waffles,homemade soup,sandwiches,creativesalads,and exciting Mexicandishesareservedall dayby‘eggceptional’servers.

TheEgg &Iisopenweekdays from 6a.m. to 2p.m.andfrom 7a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Saturdayand Sunday. LovelandBreakfastClub


Santiago’sprovidesthe best green chilein Colorado.Pickyourheat -mild,halfandhalf, or hotand smotherLoveland’sbest burrito.

Santiago’sisbig on familyand theywant everycustomer to feel likeapartoftheirs. Thisfamily stylerestaurantwants to getitright thefirst time. When customers walkinthe door,theyare greeted by afriendlyface,andserved fresh, good,food that’s made withcare.

ExecutiveChef, KristinKling, openedTheFiresideCaféin2004, bringingherawardwinningtalents to Loveland.

Whetherit’sanofficemeeting for 10, aformaldinnerfor 120, athemedreception, luncheon, corporateevent,no detailis toobig or toosmall.FiresideCafécatering professionalsguaranteetimeliness, affordabilityandthe quality expected by theircustomers,every time.

Johnson’sCorneristhehome of the WorldFamous CinnamonRoll;sweet, deliciousandas bigasyourplate, but theirmenu goesfurtherthanthat.

Lunchanddinnerisalways deliciousand perfectlytoppedoff withtheirmouth-wateringpie.

Travel&Leisuremagazine recently namedthem“oneofthe top10best breakfastspotsinthe world”,andin 2004,the Food Networkranked them asthe “Top TruckStopRestaurant”in the country.

AtJiffyLubeyouneverneedan appointmenttodropyourcarofffora quickoil change.Justdriveinwhen it’sconvenientforyou! We pride ourselvesinofferingfast,stateofthe artautomotiveservicesthatmeetand exceedcustomer expectations.

TheEgg &I 2525N.Lincoln Ave.,Loveland 2525 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE
seeccond thiird
seeccond d thiird
1477E.EisenhowerBlvd. Loveland
Sa 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE GroupPublishingFiresideCafé 1515 Cascade Ave.,Loveland
QdobaMexicanGrill BigCityBurrito
Si ’idthb
Dorothy’sCatering TIE -B-B-QBob’s ANDCarter’s s seccond d t thiirrd Eti Ch f Ki ti Kli 151 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTCATERER Johnson’sCorner 2842S.E. FrontageRd., Johnstown seccoond d t thiirrd d
Vern’s DonutHaus Bakery&Chocolates Jh ’C ithh fth 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTCINNAMON ROLL ThanksLoveland! JiffyLubeisveryproud tohavetakentheawardfor Loveland’sbestoilChangeforthe
yearin arow!
LEAVEWORRYBEHINDTM NoWCeLebrAtiNg23yeArsiNLoveLANd. 1644 W. eisenhower -Loveland (970)667-7766 Thank You For VotingusBest GardenCenter/ Plant Nurseryalltheseyears We wouldliketothank everyonebyoffering anadditional 5%off allsaleitems Expires11-3-13 OnHwy287S.ofHwy402 1801S.Lincoln •Loveland 669-3577 Hours:Mon-Sat9-5 *Sun11-4 CHEERS TOYOU LOVELAND! Thank youfor making us your #1 choice forcoffee! Servingthebestbecause youdeservethebest! 620 E29th St.Loveland,CO80538 We arenexttothePostOffice Phone (970)278-1221 OpenEveryday6AM -6PM Page22 Sunday,September29,2013 READERSCHOICE

Loveland Coffee Companystrives to deliverthe very best experience to everysinglecustomer,every single timetheyvisit.

They offer up delicioushot or frozenlattés,smoothies,locallymade pastriesand breakfast burritos.

They have beencaffeinating Loveland for over eight yearsand look forwardtomanymore.

Next DoorFood &Drinkis devotedtodeliveringcreative,handcrafted cuisine with excellentservice in afun,invitingatmosphere. That goes double fordessert.Far from sticking to thebasic brownie, Next Doorgetsfanciful withsweets likethemaple pecantart, blackberry and peachcobblerand Italian Zeppoles.Eating dessert firsthere wouldnot be frownedupon.

TIE -Perkins Restaurant andBakery

Smashburger has beenvoted the “Best Hamburger”inLovelandthree yearsinarow!

Smashburger is extremely appreciativeofthis awardand works hardevery daytoprovide thehighest qualityfood,inafunandinviting atmosphere.Thesecret liesinthe “Smash”!

They encourageanyonewhohasn’t beentothe Loveland Smashburger yettostopby.




Next DoorFood &Drinkis devotedtodeliveringcreative,handcrafted cuisine with excellentservice in afun,invitingatmosphere.

Theatmosphere is extrahappy everyday from 2to6p.m. during Loveland’sBest HappyHour, featuring aColorado only taplineup.Ifbeerisn’tyourthing,they alsohave afullmenuofwinesand creativecocktails to suit everytaste.

LovelandCoffee Company 620E.29th St.,Loveland 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE
seccond d thiird NextDoor Food &Drink 222E.4th St.,Loveland s seccond d thiirrd
Starbucks CoffeeCompany TheCoffeeTree BESTCOFFEEHOUSE
4th StreetChophouse
2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE Smashburger 19 N.Denver Ave.,Loveland 1419 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE
ND Fd &D iki
BESTHAMBURGER s seccond d thhiird NextDoor Food &Drink 222E.4th St.,Loveland s seeccond d t thiird d
CactusGrille PourhouseBarAndGrill BEST HAPPYHOUR ND Fd &D iki BE 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE 3820GrantAvenue,Loveland •970-461-0225 1124 E. Elizabeth St. SuiteE-101 •FortCollins •970.221.3372 Thankyou ReporterHeraldreadersfor VotingUs#1 AllAboutHearingis aregionalaudiologypracticeownedandoperated by thephysicians at AlpineEar,Nose &Throat, P.C., apremiermedical andsurgicalpracticeinNorthernColorado.Ourcertifiedaudiologistsare committedtoprovidingthehighestlevelofhearinghealthcareandhearing aidsalesandserviceinacomfortableandprofessionalmedicalsetting. OURSERVICES AdultsandChildren •Hearing testingandevaluation •Vestibularandbalancetesting •DigitalHearing Aids •CustomEar Molds •Tinnitus Management
Sunday,September29,2013 Page23 READERSCHOICE
Dr.Renita Boesiger Dr.CherylHadlock

Backin1981, TCBY opened the country’s firstfrozenyogurtshopin Arkansas.

Realizing quicklythattheyhad aunique productthe country was clamoring for,theystarted offeringfranchise opportunitiesthe following year.

Sincethat time,theyhave continuedtogrow andnowoperate 450storesnationwide.

Visitthe Lovelandlocations, today.



At Carino’s Italian Grill,theyvalue customer relationships becausethat isthe truepulse of their success.

Visit Carino’s for auniquemeal includingpasta,pizza,seafood and original Italiancreations. Serveitup familystyle withtheirfamilyplatters or keepit personalwithindividual pizzas.

SignatureItalian cocktailsare served for the grownups, but don’t forgettocheck outtheirfunkid menu.



Italian Restaurant

whattheydobest, but when it comes to kids,theyrecognizethat onetastedoesn’t fitall. That’s whytheyoffer amenufullofkid friendly choicesincludingsides anddrinks, just to makethelittlest familymembersfeel special.

RedRobinwantsfamilies to feel welcomeand comfortable while diningandpartofthatishavinga fun environment for everyone to enjoy.

ExecutiveChef, KristinKling, openedTheFiresideCaféin2004, bringingherawardwinningtalents to Loveland.

FiresideCafemakes lunch an eventwithuniquepizzas, sandwichesandhouse-made soups. Choosefrom the chef-created menu itemsorbuild your own withtheirfreshingredientlist.

Topitoff with achai orblended coffee drink for alittlepick-me-up.

RedRobin GourmetBurgers 6005Sky PondDr.,Loveland RedRobinknowsburgers.It’s
McDonald’s Chick-fil-A seeccond d thiird R d R bi k b It’ 600 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTKID-FRIENDLYSPOT BES TCBY 3033N.Garfield Ave.& 1431 Denver Ave.,Loveland 14 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE
BESTICECREAM/FROZEN YOGURT TICECREAM/FROZEN seccond d thiirrd Carino’sItalianGrill 1455 RockyMountain Ave., Loveland seeccond d t thiird
BESTITALIANFOOD Ci ’ It liG ill h l Ca BEST 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE GroupPublishingFiresideCafé 1515 Cascade Ave.,Loveland Henry’sPub DaddyO’sGreenOnion s seeccond d t third 151 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTLUNCH
HomemadeFamilyRecipes DailyLunchSpecials Lunch11am -2pm MondaythruFriday DinnerNightly5pm -8pm ClosedSundays DinnerSpecialseveryFriday &SaturdayNight 414E.6thSt.,Loveland (970)669-9577 Adelita’s ThankYou again... Forvotingusone of your Favorite MexicanRestaurant! ThankYou LoveLand! We areproudto educateand nurture Loveland’syoungest citizens. Contactus to schedule avisit 2420 W8th Street 970-461-9802 Page24 Sunday,September29,2013 READERSCHOICE


Mexican Restauranthas afullarray of delicious Mexicandishes. Theirfamily is beyondthankful to theircustomersfor believingin what theydo, and for their preference and loyaltytoElPueblitoRestaurant. They welcomeeveryonetocome and give themthe opportunityto servegreat food withoutstanding service.


Adelita’s FineMexican Food

Grimm Brothers Brewhouseis devotedtotheartandscienceof beerand brewing. Apassionfor brewingand sharingexcitingflavors of beerare attheheartofthethis brewery’svalues.

Grimm Brother’sBrewhouse was founded by avidhome-brewers and beerenthusiasts wholove producing qualityflavoredbeers.

At mo’Betta

Next DoorFood &Drinkis devotedtodeliveringcreative, hand-crafted cuisine with excellentservice in afun,inviting atmosphere.Why not enjoy Loveland’sbestappetizers and dessertsonLoveland’sbestoutdoor patio?

Comesitoutsidefor happy hour from 2to6p.m. featuring Colorado brewsandhomemade sangria,and staytowatch the sunset overa deliciousdinnerand dessert.

GrimmBrothers Brewhouse 547N.Denver Ave.,Loveland 547 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE
LovelandAleworks BigBeaverBrewery BESTMICROBREW seccoond d t thiird ElPueblito Mexican Restaurant 1499 W. EisenhowerBlvd., Loveland seccond d third
A llf i El P blit Me 1 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTMEXICANFOOD NextDoor Food &Drink 222E.4thSt.,Loveland
CactusGrille The WapitiColoradoPub s seeccoonnd d thiirrd DF d&D iki 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTOUTDOORDINING mo’BettaGumbo 141E.4th St.,Loveland s second d thiird d
Gumbotheytake favorite familyrecipesand adda specialculinarytwist to their own brand of Cajunandlow-country cooking.
commercial building on Loveland’sthriving downtown FourthStreet artsand entertainmentarea,mo’Betta bringsaN’awlinsstyleflair to northern Colorado. CactusGrille NextDoor Food &Drink A’ BG bhk m 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTNEWRESTAURANT TAURANT Thank youfor votingus oneofthe Best Restaurant forKids! Hiring forallday-part-timeat We strive to be yourfamiliesfavoriteplaceto EAT, PLAY and WORK! OneDrink... Onebuck! AnySize...AnyTime... AnyFlavor, exp. the11-18-13. Sunday,September29,2013 Page25 READERSCHOICE

ThefirstInternational House of Pancakes opened in1958in Toluca Lake, California. Amarketing programintroducedthe acronym “IHOP”in1973. In November 2010,IHOP opened its1500th restaurant.

Dayornight -it’salwaystime forbreakfast. They usefresh ingredientsand greatflavors, andtheirmeals(andpancakes of course)arealwaysmadefrom scratch.

Arte Pizzeriaislocally ownedand operated by anativeofNaples, Italy. Theirauthentic Italian recipes usefreshingredientsandintegrate eco-friendly optionswhenpossible to help preservethe environment.

Each pizzais aunique work of art,crafted individually to order.

Experience theartistry ina relaxed environment, enjoytakeout or choose delivery to theirhome or office. Grazie!

ExecutiveChef, KristinKling, openedTheFiresideCaféin2004, bringingherawardwinningtalents to Loveland.

In additiontodelicioussalads, FiresideCaféalsocreatesunique pizzas,sandwichesandhouse-made soups.

Stop inearlierfor atasteofthe freshlydailybreakfastmenu anda cup of FiresideBlend coffee.

As thelocalseafood restaurant, Bonefish’s anglers hope to ensure thateach customer’s experience is outstandingeach timetheyvisit. Thoughtheyofferjustabout everythingoutofthesea,there are plentyofsteakand chickenentrées as well.

Withdifferentspecials everyday inthe restaurantandbar,there is sure to be something everyone will enjoy.

Arte Pizzeria 1467E.EisenhowerBlvd., Loveland 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE
PapaMurphy’s BESTPIZZA seccond d t thiirrd d IHOP 5450 StoneCreekCir., Loveland seecconnd thiird
TheEgg &I VillageInn fiI il Hf 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTPANCAKES BonefishGrill 4920ThompsonPkwy.,
RedLobster Fish RestaurantandMarket seconnd d thiird Athl lf dtt 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTSEAFOOD
FiresideCafé 1515 Cascade Ave.,Loveland seccond d t thiirrd
Henry’sPub NextDoor Food &Drink E i Ch f K i ti Kli 151 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTSALAD MORE CARS IN YOUR BACKYARD. ProudtoServe NorthernColorado Since1976 LovelandOffice 1401 W. 29thStreet Loveland,CO80538 (970)663-0700 CenterraOffice 5401StoneCreekCircle Loveland,CO80538 (970)613-0700 MulberryOffice 401 W. MulberryStreet FortCollins,CO80521 (970)221-0700 HarmonyOffice 2803E.HarmonyRoad FortCollins,CO80528 (970)229-0700 HorsetoothOffice 375E.HorsetoothRoad FortCollins,CO80525 (970)223-0700 FiveLocationsinNorthernColorado
1993Action PlumbingandHeatingInc. hasbeen afullserviceplumbingandhydronicheating shopdoingboth residentialandcommercialprojects. We welcometheopportunitytohelpyouwithanyofthe followingservices: repairand replacementofplumbing, hydronicheating,waterandsewerlines. We alsodo draincleaningandcancameraandlocatesewerlines. 24 Hour EmergencyService 669-6093 WeWelcomeneWcuStomerS! tHAnkSAgAIntoAll ofourWonderful currentcuStomerSfor onceAgAInvotInguSAS #1PlumbIngSHoP Thank you forhelping us celebrate20years in business! Page26 Sunday,September29,2013 READERSCHOICE

Forover45yearsThe BlackSteer hasserved itshouse-cutandaged, CertifiedAngus Beef,and for 11 yearsithas beenvoted numberone in Loveland.

Afteraging,the beefiscut and cooked to order,dailythenpaired up withmade from scratch soups, fries,dressingsand desserts.

Come for thesteak, comeback for thesalads,seafood andpasta. It’s allonthemenu at TheBlack Steer.

Sushi Zensaicaptured Loveland’s heartbyofferingfantastic lunch specialsand afresh, quality selectionofdelicious sushi,sashimi, standardrollsandspecial rolls. Beyond sushi,stop in for awide selectionofbento,bowlsand noodledishes,and be sure to ask abouttheir Chef’s Special.

WingShack is afamily-friendly, locally owned,casual wing restaurant. Whetherdining-in or taking dozensofdelicious wings home to thefamily, they’ve got cravingscovered.

WingShack uses fresh,natural wingstossedinhomemade signaturesauces.Each order is cooked fresh to orderensuring great wingsevery visit.

Next DoorFood &Drinkis devotedtodeliveringcreative,handcrafted cuisine with excellentservice in afun,invitingatmosphere. They serveafullmenuoflunch, dinnerandtapasattheRialto Theater Center from 11:30a.m. daily.

Enjoyhappy hourfrom 2to6 p.m. on theoutdoorpatio,featuring local brewsandhomemade sangria.

436N.Lincoln Ave.,Loveland 436 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE
StreetChophouse Lone Star Steakhouse
seecconnd thiird SushiZensai 198E.29th St.,Loveland seccond d t thhiird d
WonderfulDragon AsianCafé &Grill BESTSUSHI S hi Z i d L l d’ 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE WingShack 158E.29thSt.,Loveland
Buffalo Wild Wings TIE -PourhouseBar &Grill ANDHooters seeccond d thiird d 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTWINGS NextDoor Food &Drink 222E.4thSt.,Loveland seecond d thirrd
RainbowRestaurant AsianCafé &Grill ND Fd &D iki 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTVEGETARIAN HOTWINGS COLDBEER BestWings 2007 2013 and counting! thanks loveland! COMPLETECAREFORYOURCAR “FamilyOwned &Operated” T&TTIRES T&TTIRES THANKYOU LOVELANDFOR VOTINGFORUS! 1203N.Lincoln Loveland 667-1030 728MainSt. Windsor 686-6035 Picturedlefttoright: RandyParker,RonFrei,BinkyGeisler,BrettDavis visitourwebsiteforcouponoffers ReporterHeraldReaders.... WELOVE YOUTOO! Thanks Vo ForUs! We aresopleasedthatyou votedus #1 PetFood/SuppliesStore Thankyouforshoppinglocal. 2601S.Lemay,Unit18,Ft.Collins 226-0277• 2100 W. DrakeRoad,Unit6,Ft.Collins682-2585 6204S.College,Ft.Collins225-1255 •622N.College,Ft.Collins482-2741 2012 2012 WELOVE YOUTOO! Thank youforshoppinglocal… $5Off Purchase of $50 ormore Mustbe$50pretax.Notgoodwithanyotheroffers.Expires10/31/13 Sunday,September29,2013 Page27 READERSCHOICE


Dr.JohnDildine, DDS

CoberlyChiropracticis dedicated to helping youachieveyour wellnessobjectives by combining skillsand expertisethatspan the entire chiropractic wellness spectrum.

Dr.Guy Coberlyiscommitted to bringing youbetterhealthand abetterway of lifebyteachingand practicingthe trueprinciples of chiropractic wellnesscare. Scott

TheFiresideCaféstrivestobring Loveland delicious breakfastand lunchwith welcomingandfriendly service.

They invite customers to relaxin the beautifullobby,warmyourself by thefire,sip ahotcup of coffee, and enjoyaleisurelybitewith friends.

Customers love thattheynever fail to go the extramile to bringa smile.

Dr.John Dildine’s dentistry firm has beenservingthe Loveland area for over 30 years. Hispractice provides for alltypes ofgeneral dentistry needs.

Fairgrounds Park,located atthe oldLarimerCountyFairgrounds location,hasthe

Implant &GeneralDentistry of NorthernColorado

McKee FamilyDentistry: Dr.StephenBallardWDDS

Whatever youhave inmind, you’re sure to enjoyaday outat Fairgrounds Park.


DEBurns Construction CompanyinLovelandis aprivate building contractor,establishedin 1977.

They have builttheir reputation on three keypractices; quality, integrity and experience.Customers knowtheycan expect that when theychoose ahomebuilt by DE BurnsConstruction.

If you’re looking for areputable builder whoisdedicated to theway Lovelandlives,callthemtoday. CustomOn-Site Builders,Inc.

Coberly Chiropractic 3025N. Taft Ave.,Loveland 302 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE
BESTCHIROPRACTOR s seeccond d thiirrd GroupPublishingFiresideCafé 1515 Cascade Ave.,Loveland seccond d t thiirrd
FamilyHealth Chiropractic DawsonChiropracticand WellnessCenter
AspenHouse Chick-Fil-A 151 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTCUSTOMERSERVICE TOMERSERVICE Dr.JohnDildine, DDS 2664 AbarrDr.,Loveland 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE
BESTDENTIST seconnd d thhiird d PEOPLE
DEBurns ConstructionCo. 373E.27th St.,Loveland
second thhiird
SageHomes BESTHOMEBUILDER BEST 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE Fairgrounds Park 700S. Railroad Ave., Loveland F 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE
bestvariety of activities for the wholeinthe Lovelandarea.Gofishing,hitthe skatepark, bring your dogout to
dogpark, or tryyourskillsat thebattingcages.
LovelandLaser Tag Chilson RecreationCenter BESTFAMILYFUN s second d third 1499 W. Eisenhower Loveland,CO80537 970-593-0008 Thank you Loveland for Voting us The Best Mexican Restaurant! MexicanRestaurant Customer AppreCiAtion 10% oFF* Yourticket *Onecouponpertable pervisit.Notvalidwith anyotheroffer.Must presentattimeof ordering. Page28 Sunday,September29,2013 READERSCHOICE

With over 10,000squarefeet of space andeight awesome inflatables,plus dedicated toddler andparentareas withfree wireless internetservice,your visit to Bounce! will be comfortableand enjoyable.

Takeyour children 10 yearsold and younger to playseven daysa week or reserveone of theparty areas for yourspecial event. Either wayyouaresuretohave agreat timeatourindoorplayground.

Each yearin August TheLarimer CountyFairand Rodeotakes over TheRanchinLoveland.

It’s afamilyaffair with events such as areal dogand pony show, ropingandbarrelraces,jousting demonstrations,PRCA Rodeo,a nightlycarnival, food,livemusic and much more.

It also provides4-Hmembers an opportunitytodisplaythe projects thattheyhave raisedorcreated over the year.

Group Publishing’s people maketheirculture, whichiswhy the companyisverycareful when selectingstaff.

Grouplooks for people whohelp elevatethe company’scorevalues, friendliness,innovation,learning, excellence andservanthood.

TheGroup environmentis one of constant change. They’realways looking for “a betterway”intheir productsas well intheirinternal operations.


Colorado,Benson SculptureGarden has provided abeautifulanduniqueoutdoor setting for showcasingsculpture since1985. It isinthis peaceful 10-acregarden thatthe Loveland High Plains Arts Councilhostsits renowned Sculptureinthe Park eventeachsummer.

Currently, there are139piecesof sculptureonpermanentdisplayby world-renownedartists.

LarimerCounty Fair &Rodeo The Ranch,Larimer
CornRoastFestival LovelandLoves BBQBands &Brews seccond d third nty rgr hi AThi 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE CH BESTLOCAL EVENT Bounce! 1020S.Lincoln Ave., Loveland 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE
Old Fashioned
BESTKID’S PARTYPLACE RTYPLA seccond d GroupPublishing 1515 Cascade Ave.,Loveland seccond d t thiird
TIE -LovelandLaser Tag ANDJumpin’
AspenHouse TheCityofLoveland G P bli hi ’ l 151 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTLOCALEMPLOYER Benson SculptureGarden 2908AspenDr.,Loveland second d thiird
at2908 AspenDrive in Loveland,
JaneDeDecker George Lundeen L d 2908 A D i 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTLOCALSCULPTURE Delivery Dine-In Take-Out 1467 W. Eisenhower (NexttoAlbertsons) 669-9000 r ) 0 Thank youfor makingus #1 HealthyPizza, HappyPeople 7days aweek 11amto10pm FreePick-Up &Delivery Revolutionar reenProcess Non FreshCleanScent GentleOn urClothes SafeForTheEnvironment PoweredBy: Thank You Loveland! For Voting Us#1 &DeliveryInfo /ToSchedule 669-2505 Drake plaza rIGDeN FarM OrCHarDS ColumbineCenter 2241WeisenhowerBlvd loveland 776-9163 NOWOPEN! your nextorder appliestodrycleaningonly 25%OFF not validforshirtlaundry, alterationsorpressonly.not validwithanyotheroffers.Expireson12/31/13 353 W. Drake#150 Fort Collins 226-0720 2608S.Timberline Dr.#100FortCollins 232-9524 273 D29th St. loveland 667-1177 Free pick-Up HarMONY DOWNTOWN NOWOPEN! 1829e. Harmony Fort Collins 226-0453 550N. Jefferson loveland 669-2505 Sunday,September29,2013 Page29 READERSCHOICE

Re-establishedin2013, Cactus Grille Restaurantin Loveland, is auniqueandfunplace to eat, drink,hangoutand enjoyagreat atmosphere.Enjoythe beautiful decor, comfortableseatingand most of alltheamazing food that thisnewplace bringstothearea. Bringfriends,family, and neighbors to trytheirsignature dish; delicious,made-from-scratch Guacamole withfreshingredients.


Houseof NeighborlyService

Foundations Church

TheGrouphas180 realtors in fiveofficesserving Loveland, Fort Collins, Greeley,Windsorand surrounding communities.

They areowned locally by the people whoworkhere.

As themarketleader,theystrive to be THEsource of realestate informationfor Northern Colorado and to helptheircustomers,buyers andsellers,get wheretheyneed to be on time.

House of Neighborly Service has provided assistancetolowincomeindividualsandfamiliesin Southern LarimerCountyfor over 50 years.

HNSwasestablishedin1961 by thelocalpastorsof Loveland to be acentralplace inLarimer Countywhere theycould refer people for assistanceand provide ample resources, accountability, and compassionatepeople to minister to thoseinneed.

Habitat ForHumanity

Alternatives To Violence

Foundations Churchisanondenominational Christian churchthat began on Christmas Eve,2011. Since thatdayFoundationshas beencentered on God’sgrace.Nomatter whoare you, what you’ve done, or whereyouareon yourjourney, youwillbewelcomed.

They meet at ThompsonValleyHigh School on Saturdays at4:30 p.m.and Sundays at 9and11a.m. They arealso abouttostartrenovatingtheirfuture home-theold Metrolux Theater,at Hwy.34andDenver Ave.

RobProctor wouldliketothank Loveland for their votesandtheir confidence in@HomeRealEstate.

If youhaven’theard-it’sa seller’s market. If ahomeisingood condition, good location,andnot toooverpriced, multiple bidoffers arecomingin withinthefirst week of being on themarket.

@HomeRealEstatecanhelp both buyers andsellers achieve their real estategoals.


Tenantsfind awidevarietyof activities,securityand peaceof mind on the beautifully landscaped 50-acrecampus of GoodSamaritan, Loveland Village. Page30 Sunday,September29,2013 READERSCHOICE

CactusGrille Restaurant 119E.4th St.,Loveland
seeccond d thiird R t bli h d i 2013 C t 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTNEWBUSINESS BESTNON-PROFIT
565N.Cleveland Ave., Loveland BE Ne 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE
seccond d thiirrd
Office:1905 W.8th St., #101,Loveland s seeccond d thiirrd
SaintJohntheEvangelist CatholicChurch GracePlace #101, Loveland 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTPLACEOF
TheGroup RealEstate 375E.HorsetoothRd., Ft.Collins
second third 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTREALESTATE COMPANY RobProctor@Home RealEstate 231W.4th St.Ste.111 Loveland secconnd d third d
KevinCook -TeamCook RealEstate Services
SuzannePlewesRE/MAXAlliance @H 2 0 1 3
R b P ld lik h k Readers’ CHOICE BESTREALESTATE AGENT GoodSamaritan -Loveland Village 2101 S.Garfield Ave., Loveland second third TheHillcrestofLovelandSeniorLivingCommunity AspenHouse BlueSky AnimalClinic 2713 W. EisenhowerBlvd., Loveland second third NorthShore A Bl Sk A i l Cli i h i 2 2 0 1 3 Readers’ CHOICE BESTVETERINARIAN
At BlueSky Animal Clinictheir purposeis to provideclientsand their pets withthemostup-todate, qualityveterinarycare.Each animal’shealthand well-being areofthe foremost concernand theirfullrangeofservicesare provided in afriendly, clean,and accessible environment. Through clear communication, continuing education,and compassion, Blue Sky Animal Clinic providesthe best carepossible for your pet.
AnimalHospital Dr.Worthington -WorthingtonAnimalClinic
Loveland Villageprovidesafull rangeofhousingandhealthcare services for those55andolder.
On-campustherapy,home health,andcarecompanionservices provideoptions for tailoringa lifestyleunique to each individual’s personalpreferences.
Gluten FreeMenuAvailable HappyHour Specials! Sunday -Thursday: 11:00a.m. -9:00p.m. Friday -Saturday: 11:00a.m. -9:30p.m. ReservationsAccepted 1323EagleDr. Loveland (Thompson ValleyShoppingCenter) FreeDelivery •Dinein •TakeOut 970.622.0688 Serving Loveland Since2003 Catering Available Chinese,Japanese,Vietnamese, ThaiCuisine &Sushi G 2009 2009 2010 010 202011 1 Sunday,September29,2013 Page31 READERSCHOICE
Page32 Sunday,September29,2013 READERSCHOICE

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