h]leo/ OG6/g];gn
P n]en Study Xavier International
A Levels
Level Programme
if you ….
Want success in higher education. Require qualifications for Universities worldwide. Wish to study courses specifically for an international audience.
Science • Management • Humanities
90 Seats
admissions are
NOW OPEN for POST-SLC Students
Admission Application forms are being distributed.
Entrance date:
25 April 2014 (12 Baishak 2071)
30 Seats
A-Level Results World Top
Nepal Top
(Accountancy, Economics, Mathematics, Biology)
107 A* Grades 277 A Grades 361 a Grades 100 out of 100 Marks
(Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics)
Best Across 4A Levels Best Across 3A Levels
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h]leo/ OG6/g];gn sn]h
GPO Box: 23603 Kalopul, Kathmandu, Nepal Tel: 4439471, 4439472, 4439491 Email:info@xavier.edu.np
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