Majuli is the world’s largest river island situated on the river Brahmaputra in Assam. The island is inhabited by migrated tribes of various backgrounds who formed a unique self-sustaining relationship with the island. It is also the birth place of a religion called the Ek Sarana Dharma that focuses on social reformation through art, culture and community practices. Majuli is thus a proposed world heritage site because of its rich socio-cultural fabric. However after an earthquake in 1950, it has been facing an environmental issue of erosion. With 60%of the island eroded the people of Majuli are not only at a threat of losing their homes but their means of income, their inheritance and their identity as a whole. The vision is to intervene in a way that will aid in the preservation and continuation of the ecology, economy and cultural heritage of Majuli. The project seeks to explore the interconnectedness of nature, culture and architecture and aim to find mutually inclusive design solutions .