Tips To Make the Fourth Quarter of the Year Productive With only 3 more months left until 2015, this is the time for entrepreneurs to get their brain back in productivity. Well, by all means summer is not the best months for workplace productivity. The beaches, the clear sky and dreams of heading to stunning destinations do divert your attention. And these are not just the plain talks but there is a research which backs up this fact. The study conducted by the Captivate Network indicates that the productivity of most businesses goes down by almost 20% during these months. Workplace absenteeism increases and employees get more distracted. Now with fall making its way, you must at this juncture pay more attention to your business and focus on making your fourth quarter of the year profitable. Here are four tips you can use to achieve the Q4 goals: 1. Finish Your Pending Projects You must focus on completing your pending projects, maximize the resources to get important work done in short time and attract the attention of customers. Close the deals that have been lingering for a while and those, which are important for your business. Reach out to your loyal clients or prospective customers whom you’d promised to get back soon but couldn’t. Time to seriously burn the midnight oil to get the rewarding returns!
2. Get Your Products In Front Of Your Customers To enhance the profits, it is important that more and more people buy your products or seek your services. For that, it is imperative you keep your brand in front of your customers. Give them a reason to buy your products. For instance, consider giving away promotional gifts to your existing or prospective customers, conduct webinars or events to inform your target audiences about your brand.
3. Know What You Did Last Fall Glance back at your previous year’s financial reports to know how your business fared last fall. Find out what worked and what didn’t, and also find out the reasons why some strategies didn’t gave expected returns. It is crucial that you find out the causes otherwise you would be
like an archer attempting to hit the target in total darkness. Dig down through the data and look for those golden nuggets and do the things that will give productive results. 4. Focus On Your Strengths As an entrepreneur, it is obvious that you may be wearing a lot of hats. But think of that one activity which you can do optimally, like –you may be good at generating business, profit, goodwill or revenue or anything. Try to do more of that thing as it will help you get the best return in your business. Also, rather than making everybody handle everything, allocate tasks to different people. It will ensure better productivity and greater customer satisfaction. To conclude, increasing the productivity in business is all about making the most of what you have right now. We at AWSUSA, hope these tips help you achieve the desired goals in the last leg of the quarter! By ArtworkServicesUSA