UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM ------ Study of House form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
Undergraduate research thesis Zaveri Pratik Arun 4003 pratikz@yahoo.com Indubhai Parekh School of Architecture Saurastra University, Rajkot, India.
…………………… dedicated to my parents.
APPROVAL UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH THESIS Vyavasayi Vidya Pratishthan’s Indubhai Parekh School of Architecture, Rajkot, India. The following study is hereby approved as a creditable work on the approval subject carried out and presented in a manner sufficiently satisfactory to warrant its acceptance as a pre-requisite to the degree for which it has been submitted. It is understood that by this approval, the under signed does not necessarily endorse or approve any statement made, opinion expressed or conclusion drawn here in, and approves the study only for above purpose; and satisfies himself to the requirements laid down by the thesis committee.
THESIS TITLE: Understanding the factors affecting the house forms. --Study of House form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch. Student: Zaveri Pratik Roll no: 4003
Guide: Kiran Vagehla. Signature: Date:
I - VI
Introduction to house
Shelter – basic human need.
Understanding of culture.
Factors affecting house – form.
The Relation of House and Settlement.
About the region
2.1 Introduction of the region – Kutch.
A. Geographical characteristics.
B. Political history.
2.2 Various communities in different parts of Kutch.
About the community
3.1 History.
3.2 About people.
A. Social belief and lifestyle. a) Life style. b) Ceremonies. c) Caste system. d) Religious belief. B. Occupation.
3.3 Community behavior.
3.4 House.
CHAPTER – 4 4.1 Identifying of case studies.
4.2 Case studies.
4.3 Analysis of case studies.
4.4 Conclusion.
Earth with its hidden forces have buckled the strata, and lifted and shifted the landmasses. And on the surface, the erosion of snow and rain and storm, of stream and ocean, of sun and wind, have carved out a natural architecture.1 Similarly, man has carved out nature and reorganized it according to his needs and requirements and has created wonderful manmade architecture. He has also become an architect of his environment, but he does not command forces as powerful as those of the nature do. Though he has advanced in technologies, he is not able to control the physical environment completely. With evolution, man left caves and started living in groups and communities, and created wonderful primitive and vernacular architecture. With the study of primitive and vernacular buildings, one finds a close relation between house forms, traditions and cultures. For understanding culture and its relation to the house form, one needs to understand first the relation of house form with man and nature and also the cultural and physical surrounding. The primitive buildings were built by people using their wisdom, ability, and resources to their fullest extent. They refer largely to certain technological as well as economical levels of development and also include aspects of social organization. The vernacular house form is the result of collaboration of many people over many generations, as well as collaboration between the maker and user of the building and other artifacts, which is defined by the term "traditional".2 Tradition has the force of a law honored by 1 2
Bronowski Jacob: THE ASCENT OF MAN, Back Bay books, USA, 1908, Pg. 91 Rapoport Amos: HOUSE FORM AND CULTURE, prentice-hall, inc., London, Pg. 6
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
everyone through collective assent. It is thus accepted and obeyed, since respect for tradition gives collective control, which acts as a discipline. This approach works because there is a shared image of life, an accepted model of buildings, a small number of building types, and finally an accepted hierarchy and hence an accepted settlement pattern.3 As long as tradition is present, the shared and accepted image is workable; when tradition changes, the picture changes. Today man has differentiated himself into various groups and communities based upon various aspects like origin, faith, beliefs and practices etc, and one finds that with passage of time these communities develops a rich and distinctive lifestyle and characteristic of themselves. They have their own peculiar way of living, may that be their celebrations, day-to-day activities, culture, traditions or customs. Building is result of interaction of man and his nature, aspiration, social organizations, worldviews, way of life, social and physiological needs, individual needs and group needs. However, today in our culture, “traditions" – which are the regulators – have started disappearing for various reasons. As houses being the direct expression of changing values, images, perceptions, and way of life, it becomes very necessary to understand this topic.4
3 4
Ibid, Pg. 6 Ibid, Pg. 12
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
A community evolves from the act of living to share a common culture and share a common collective image of life. According to condition prevalent in each region and the size of the settlements therein, each culture acquires certain types of form and concepts in their settlement patterns. Evolving out of the socio-physical and socio-cultural context and due to local acceptance of its validity over a period of time, they have become the traditional type of habitat of the people. As long as the main features of the context remain unchanged, the settlement pattern also retains its validity. The major contextual forces shaping these settlements can be enumerated as climate, available materials, technology and culture. These forces not only contribute to the form of the habitat, but at times to the development of the lifestyle of the people as well. Every community has something very special and unique about themselves, which cannot be found within other communities. The differences between the types of buildings in different area are result of differences in culture, rituals, ways of life, social organization, climates, and materials and technology available, while the similarities are the evidence not only of areas where some or all of these factors have coincided, but also of some basic constancies in man’s needs and desires.5 Hence one needs to study in respect to various viewpoints rather than only one constant which helps in understanding the change in culture, expressed in behavior, relating to changes in the environment, as shown by physical form.
Ibid, Pg. 15
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
AIM: The aim of this study is to understand the major factors affecting the house form of ‘GURJAR KSHATRIYA’ community in Kutch region.
OBJECTIVES: • • • • • • •
To study the culture, tradition, religious beliefs, life style, occupation and other factors and to understand there reflection in their built form. Identify various different house forms, if any. To study the peculiar characteristic of community houses. To study and analyze the spatial organization of various spaces and to identify the element that constitute. To study house form at various place and to understand the constant and the variable factors. An overview of the facade and ornamentation of the house. Understand the material and construction techniques, and their importance.
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
METHODOLOGY OF STUDY: • • • • • • • • • •
Collection of available data and literature. Verbal interaction with people. Understanding and correlating the available data. To understand the distribution of community and mapping it. Identify their settlement and their location in the town. Studying the built form by analyzing it and identifying the factors affecting the built form. Identifying various special features of built form. Study the cases in detail by documenting them. Finding constant and variable found in house form of different places. Common house form characters are tested against the cases studied in order to arrive at specific generator.
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
SCOPE AND LIMITATION: This dissertation is limited to the study of factors affecting the house form of ‘GURJAR KSHATRIYA’ community in Kutch region only. The study is limited to house form only and not any other type of community structure. While pursuing the dissertation I realized that there are various scopes of taking forward this research and continue the search by studying the community structures such as bridges, schools etc, also one can study the influence of colonial architecture on the house form of the Gurjar Kshatriya community and its façade details.
Which are the factors that affect the house form of the community and understand how they influence the house form? Find out the missing link between old design process and new design process. Upto which extent traditional house form has its contemporary validations.
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
Introduction to house
Shelter – basic human need.
Understanding of culture.
Factors affecting house – form.
The Relation of House and Settlement.
1.1 ‘SHELTER’ – BASIC HUMAN NEED: Shelter or house has always been the basic need of humankind, today and throughout history. In the past, nomad used to first live in open air, near to source of food and water. They choose location that could be defended against predators and rivals and that were shielded from the worst weather. Later with understanding due to evolution, they started living in caves or in the open air, with little of formal structures for living in, such as tents and huts.
FIG: 1 Cave man
Due to various factors, later they started living in the small groups. Because of which a community living started, where all people developed and followed peculiar ways of beliefs, religion, festivals, rites, and rituals, customs and traditions. With this, came into existence of occupation and culture. In order to survive and earn livelihood, people started commercial activities, by dividing work according to individual capabilities. People belonging to same group or sub – group and/or the occupation find it convenient to live in close proximity, thus forming an identifiable group or society. Society can be thus defined as a group of people occupying a
specific locality that are dependent on each other for survival and who share a common culture. Hence, a peculiar way of life develops in a society among the people. Culture and society are two closely related concepts. There can be no culture without a society, just as there can be no society without individuals. FIG: 2 Primitive shelter
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
1.2 UNDERSTANDING OF CULTURE: Culture and society are not the same thing. While cultures are complexes of learned behavior patterns and perceptions, societies are groups of interacting organisms. They are inextricably connected because culture is created and transmitted to others in a society. Culture consists of the values, beliefs, and perceptions of the world that lie behind people's behavior and which are reflected in their lifestyle. They are shared by members of a society and when acted upon, they produced behavior considered acceptable within that society.6 People maintain cultures to deal with problems or matters that concern them. To survive, a culture must satisfy the basic needs of those who live by its rules, provide for its own continuity, and provide an orderly existence for the members of a society. In doing so, a culture must strike a balance between the self – interests of individuals and the needs of society as a whole. Also, a culture must have the capacity to change in order to adopt the new circumstances or to altered perceptions of existing circumstances in order to survive.7 Changes take place in response to events as environmental crises, intrusion of outsiders, or modification of behavior and values within the culture. Although cultures must be able to change to remain adaptive, sometimes cultural changes can also bring unexpected and often disastrous results.8
6 7 8
Havilland William: ANTHROPOLOGY, Harcourt brace & company, USA, 1997, Pg. 345 Ibid, Pg. 345 Ibid, Pg. 361
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
CULTURE – That complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law,
morals, customs, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. -
British anthropologist sir Edward Burnett Tylor – 1871
Society is the union of individuals, all of whom have their own special needs and interests and share a common culture. Large societies often have subcultures, or groups of people with distinct sets of behavior and beliefs that differentiate them from a larger culture of which they are a part. The subculture may be distinctive because of the age of its members, or by their race, ethnicity, class, or gender. The qualities that determine a subculture as distinct may be aesthetic, religious, occupational, political, sexual or a combination of these factors.
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
1.3 FACTORS AFFECTING HOUSE – FORM: Houses that were built in past, were based on several factors ranging from socio-culture, economics to physical factors, where as today house form are based on different set of ideas/factors such as world views, rationalization and fashion. Modern man has lost the mythological and cosmological orientations, which was so important to primitive man, or has substituted new mythologies in place of old.9 Its not that house built today are illogical or irrelevant, but at the same time they are questionable. Rejections of old design process or modifying them according to contemporary time, shows that form still reflect old concerns. In past people were more concern about holistic orientations, were highly responsive to site, climate, topography for physical comfort and peaceful microclimate within the house. Today we have advance in technology that we can overcome several of these factors according to our need and desire. Today choices are excessive and vocabulary is not limited, which has given rise to new factors affecting the house form, which in the end seems to dominate our traditional values and cultural ideas. Phenomenal urban growth has put man into a very unprecedented environmental situation, to the extent that he is unable to relate himself with his habitat. Slower rate of changes in the past allowed sufficient contextual factors to come into play in the shaping of human environment. These contextual factors varied according to the
Rapoport Amos: HOUSE FORM AND CULTURE, prentice-hall, inc., London, Pg. 126
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
variation in the regional situation. Major forces acting upon the form were climatic, constructional, and social. Normally one or other force become predominant depending upon the context and found expressions in the form. These factors contributing to the life style of the people, also affected the form of the settlement. With the shortage of time today, a person appoints architects and designers to design their house that has his own myths and ideas. In the past, an individual himself possessed sufficient knowledge for construction of his house, while today we are depending on various agencies for providing various services. The old/traditional house represents certain values which may be different in architects designed house/building and which tells something about life style, which explains their acceptance and success. The house that people buy today or get built, reflects popular values and goals more closely than do they relates to culture or traditions. In general, one can argue that modern symbols related to house are as strong as those of the past and still take precedence over physical aspect ----- they are only different. 10 Modern man may still have his own myths and the form of house, while very different in their specifications, may be motivations, which are not completely different from those of the past, and still primarily be sociocultural.11 The physical setting provides the possibilities among which choices are made through the taboos, customs, and traditional way of the culture. Even when the physical possibilities are numerous, the actual choices may be 10 11
Rapoport Amos: HOUSE FORM AND CULTURE, prentice-hall, inc., London, Pg. 133 Ibid, Pg. 127
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
severely limited by the cultural matrix.12 Please refer the annexure for understanding how various physical and social factors have affected various communities and cultures all around the world.
Ibid, Pg. 47
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
1.4 THE RELATION OF HOUSE AND SETTLEMENT: As we all know that living pattern always extend beyond the house to some extent, it is necessary to see house as part of total social system, and not in isolation, which helps in understanding the relation of man to his settlement and landscape. House is only a small part of large settlement, and the way one uses the settlement affects the house form. Moreover, each of the settlements has its own customs, traditions, ideas, and different man – women relations. These differences can be seen in their houses, their forms and space allocation in them, even if direct casual relations cannot be traced. The use of public spaces and buildings, interaction spaces for each gender, ceremonial spaces, and educational spaces forms the part of settlement and affect its surrounding and settlement in total. Thus, it is important to see house not only in relation to the basic dichotomy of settlement types as settings for life and in relation to their variants along the total space use scale, but also as part of the specific system to which it belongs. It should be understood in its relation to the town, its monumental parts, non-domestic areas, and social meeting places, and the way they and the urban spaces are used. One should also consider the movement from the house, through the various transitions to the street, and then to the other parts of the settlements. 13
Adopted from Rapoport Amos: HOUSE FORM AND CULTURE, prentice-hall, inc., London, Pg. 73
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
2.1 INTRODUCTION OF REGION - KUTCH: Kutch is very peculiarly geographically located in the northwestern region of Gujarat, the western most state of India. Kutch is a princely state of India. It is the largest district of the state of Gujarat and the second largest district in India covering an area of 45,612 sq. kms. Kutch is very sparsely populated. Being a draught prone area, intense agriculture is not possible. Many communities in past came and settled in kutch adapting themselves to the physical surrounding and carrying forward their culture, out of which Gurjar Kshatriya community was one.
FIG: 3 Location of Kutch.
Kutch literally means something that intermittently becomes wet and dry; large part of this district known as Rann of Kachchh is shallow wetland that submerges in water during the rainy season and becomes dry during other seasons. The same word is also used in the language of Sanskrit origin for a tortoise and garments to be worn while having a bath. It is interesting to note that when its map viewed upside down, it resembles a tortoise, and henceforth it takes its name from the word ‘kutchua’. and so kutch was also know as ‘kutchdweep’ or ‘Kutchbet’ , as it looks like an island in monsoon time as water of sea entered to the rann, the desert.
FIG: 4 Map showing Kutch as an island.
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
A. GEOGRAPHICAL CHARACTRISTICS: Kutch stretches from 22o 44’ to 24o 41’ north latitude and 68o 09’ to 71o 54’ east longitude. Bounded by the Arabian Sea on the west and the southwest, by the Gulf of Kutch to the south, it meets the border of Sindh, which becomes a part of Pakistan after the partition of India in 1947, in the north. To the northeast, it runs along Rajasthan and in the east and southeast, it links up with other parts of Gujarat. Kutch is connected with the other part of the country only through a bridge called ‘SURAJ BARI’. The Kutch region can be divided into three parts running more or less horizontally in an east – west direction. The northwest part of the Kutch is the desert, which is divided in two parts - ‘MOTU RANN’ and ‘NANU RANN’. Motu rann is also known as ‘Great rann of Kutch’, which is completely barren. The central belt known as FIG: 5 Map showing Kutch as an island. ‘Banni’, which was fertile grassland, is sparsely populated. The southern belt of the district is a coastal belt and is most fertile and relatively densely populated. Many parts of Kutch were fertile in the past, but because of shortage of water, these areas became dry. The main water source for the Kutch was the Sindhu River, which changed its path after the earthquake that happened in 1819 A.d. Kutch is the only region where we get variations in landform and climate because it has desert on one side and sea on the other three sides. As a result of which, it has numerous ecology forming distinct ecosystem in each place, which in turn gave rise to distinct cultures to develop in each zone. The coastal area is humid right through the year where as the central and northern parts of the region are dry. Kutch as a region is characterized by its extreme intensities, the geographical space, the topographical formations, the climate, the vegetation – Its flora and fauna, and of course its people.
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
B. POLITICAL HISTORY: Due to variety in ecosystem and ecology of place, distinct cultures have emerged with each having special characteristics. Kutch is divided into several parts based on the cultures residing in that area. These parts are known as ‘PARGANA’. These divisions are as follows:
FIG: 6 Map of Kutch as divided into various ‘PARGANA’.
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
The human history of Kutch goes back to the time of Prehistory. The dry bed of the river Surkhi at a few miles in the northeast direction of Nakhatrana has revealed large flakes, hand-axes, and scrappers of the Paleolithic era made from local dikes and basalt. The people who lived here were hunter-gatherers. Around 2,600 BC, the Indus Valley Civilization made its way to Kutch with people settling down at Dholavira, an island city, located at Khadir Island to the northeast of Bhuj. Sakas were first to rule Kutch between 1st and 3rd century, and also did the Buddhism and Jainism did spread in Kutch. Followed by abhirs and guptas, Arabs attacked Kutch, through which Muslim came to Kutch. In 1304 Mogul sultan Allahuddin Khilji came on rule. From the available data, it is found that Muslim rule was limited only to the costal tract on the west and north. Defeating Jam Raval, Khengarji became the first ‘Rao’ king of Kutch in 1548. Ruling until 1585, Rav Bharmal came to throne. Following several centuries, Rao rule continued in Kutch. In 1819, Rav Desalji becomes the ruler while still and infant; regency council then managed the affairs. Pragmal II (1860 – 1875), Khengarji III (1876 – 1942), Vijayraji (1942 – 1948) were the success ding rulers with Madansinghji (1948) being the last ruler who signed the treaty of accession to the Indian union in 1948.
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
2.2 VARIOUS COMMUNITIES IN DIFFERENT PARTS OF KUTCH: Kutch as in the history was been invaded by variety of invaders and ruled for many centuries as a result we find a lot of diverse communities and cultures. According to condition prevalent in each region and the size of the settlements, therein each culture acquired certain form concepts in their settlement patterns. As long as the main features of the context remain unchanged, the settlement pattern also retains its validity. Due to variation in landform and climate, every community has evolved its house form according to the needs and comfort, which also varies from place to place. Various major communities residing in Kutch are Rabaries, Aahirs, Jats, and Harijans. Other minor communities include Maldharis, Raisipotra, Halepotra, Wankars, Sammas, Kodis, and Kanbhi etc. These communities have actually migrated from Pakistan, Afghanistan, Russia, Turkey, Iran and other area in Middle East and Central Asia.
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
AHIR COMMUNITY FIG: 10 Also known as ABHIRA, they are cow herders and shepherds. They are principally farmers who once sole milk and ghee but have changed their occupation because of irregularity of rain in Kutch.
RABARI COMMUNITY FIG: 7 They are originally herders from Iran and are basically Sunni Muslims. Men normally look after animals and women look after fields.
FIG: 8 – 9 They originally came from Marwar in Rajasthan. They are good in leatherwork, weaving wool and cotton. They always live in groups. They were former suspicious as untouchables.
FIG: 13 Bhatia’s are the trading community, are quite brave, and adventures. Originally, they were warriors of Jaiselmer. In the past, they also used to do farming. They belong to ‘vaishnav’ sect of Hindu religion.
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
FIG: 11 - 12 They are camel breeders, cattle herders and move from place to place by carrying their household on camels back. They live in circular mud house know as bhunga due to their climatic and social factors.
CHAPTER – 3 3.1 History. 3.2 About people. A. Social belief and lifestyle. a) Life style. b) Ceremonies. c) Caste system. d) Religious belief. B. Occupation.
3.3 Communal behavior. 3.4 House.
About the community
3.1 HISTORY: According to Sanskrit dictionary GURJAR means defeating enemies, gur – means enemy and jar – means defeating. They belong to north western part of India such as Gujarat, Rajasthan, Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab etc. This community also resides in other countries such as Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, Russia etc. In different countries they are known as gurjar, gojar, gorjar, godar, gorj, etc. They are mostly Hindus and very few are Muslims or Sikhs. They mostly belong to Kshatriya cast, and ruled over gurjara - pratihara kingdom i.e. 60% of south Asia during 8th and 9th century. Arrival of Gurjars in India has two opinions. According to one, it is believed that Gurjars migrated in India in 476 AD, with the white hunas and quickly assimilated into the local population as Kshatriya. They are believed to have originated from Georgia. In Persian it is pronounced as "Gurjiya". Gujarat is said to be named after them as they settled there in the 6th century. While from the books of great scholars, it is found that they belong to Aryan dynasty and were always a part of this country and were not outsiders. Historian believes that they had migrated to India from central Asia. It is also said that they probably might have settled in the Indian green territory during 5th and 6th century A.D. The gurjar traveled to India via Rajputana crossing Punjab and finally settling in Gurjratra, which they ruled for many centuries. They resisted the Arabian invasion successfully for 300 years till the fall of their kingdom, when the Muslim invasion arrived. In 1697 al-ud-din khilji
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
destroyed the last rule of Gurjars in India. During the Muslim invasion, their rule in India converted some and forced many Hindus community to migrate in all directions from north India and especially some of the politically affected Rajputs and Kshatriya communities of Rajasthan also migrated southward. After that Gurjars were ruthlessly suppressed and persecuted. Numerous plots began to be hatched against Gurjars. Under these bad and hostile conditions some Gurjars ran away for safety while other disliked to be called "Gurjars" and hence they converted themselves into communities, other than Gurjars. Instead of saying Kshatriya KUMAR, they recognized themselves as KHUMBHAR (PORTAR) to save their life from harassment and cruelty of Muslim (Mogals) rulers. After Muslim invasion the Gurjars turned to farming as their occupation. From the available information of certain researchers and very old preserved documents of barots (bhats), their ancestors arrived into Kutch from Rajasthan in 7th century to fight and repel the unwanted alien's attack from the Middle East to save the dignity of our motherland. In the 12th century, 1178 – 79, they made entry into village called Dhaneti, in between Anjar and Bhuj of Kutch district but they had to face harassment and were repelled by the local public, as a result they migrated further and started their livelihood at places where they were welcomed and accepted. Maintain their core identity of Kshatriya, they settled in Kutch, Halar and other parts of Saurastra region. Many of these people have migrated from villages to other places for better prospects and got themselves engaged in various other occupations as agriculture was not sufficient to survive.
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
Migration from Kutch and Saurastra continued to places such as Bihar, Bengal, and Maharastra and from Halar region people migrated to East Africa, from where they further migrated to United kingdoms due to political changes and upheavals. At that time, 18 main centers of the ancestors in Kutch
FIG: 14 Villages in Ugamana pat.
were Anjar, Vidi Meghpar, Galpadar, Nagalpar, Sinogara, Khambhara, Chandia, Lovaria, Kumbharia and Devalia. All these villages are near and around Anjar. These areas are relatively on the eastern side and are generally plain and called Ugamana pat. Regarding Dungra pat (area of small hills), there are 7 villages named Nagher, Kukma, Hajapar, Jambudi, Reha and Madhapar, where their ancestor settled.
FIG: 15 Villages in Dungra pat.
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
3.2 PEOPLE: As the name suggests, people of gurjar Kshatriya community are very brave and skillful. Evolved with the time and need, they took interest in activity like agriculture, mason and construction activities to suit with the situation. Believing in brotherhood and community development, this people are very co – operative and helpful in nature.
A. SOCIAL BELIEFS AND LIFESTYLE: a) LIFESTYLE: As people generally live in joint family system, generally man do all the work for earning livelihood, while women are mostly house wife, taking care of family and children. Very few examples are there where women, in the past, had step out of household activities and worked in the societies. “LAAJ” system still prevails at some place, i.e. women has to cover her head below eyes in front of elders of the family as sign of respect. A system of ‘LAAJ LANI’ used to take place in past, which has almost disappeared in the present days. In past man used to have second wife, if the first dies and also many times they used to have two wives.
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
b) CEREMONIES: CHATHI: In their families a child born and on the 6th day, the CHATTHI ceremony is conducted on a low stool (BAJOTH) along with lighted deep, pen and inkpot. Pen and ink signifies that the child is entitled to education. Some say that pen and ink are kept, as there is belief that on this day "vidhata" comes and writes the fortune of the child on the basis of his past’s good and bad deeds. A statue of horse rider with a sword in his hand is also placed on the bajoth. Horse rider with sword symbolizes that the child is from the Kshtriya family.
MARRIAGE: When the young male Kshtriya is getting married, he is holding a sword in his right hand. Sword is Kshtriya’s weapon that is one of the identity symbols within Hindu social fabric as a warrior, protector and administrator of the community and society. There is no "DAHEJ" system in this community. Chunri, hero, sankda, choiyu, and a pair of dress are the minimum gift one should give to girl at time of marriage. From the available information’s, it is known that they were the first to start ‘SAMUH LAGNA’ system in India. In 1972 they organized first SAMUH LAGNA in village called Raipur in Madhya Pradesh.
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
DEATH: Any female, if dies without having any child, then the parents of the dead (female) gets all the jewellery that were made in her in–law's house, when they visits for the rituals. If the female dies having a child, parents ask for the jewellery that were made by them from the in-law's family, which they claim to return after the child gets mature enough. Sometimes parents ask for nothing if the female leaves the boy child behind, whereas many times other even breaks the relations with in-law's family. If the dead person is girl, than the expanses occurred on the ceremony of 11th and 12th day are to be paid by her parent's side.
NAVRATRI: On the 8th and 9th day of NAVRATRI, there is family get together. All the people from that family around the world meet on these days and have havan's and puja's and have Samuah Prasad. In this ceremony people of other community are not allowed. Prasad consist of different types of eatables depending on the ‘Gotra’ type.
PADIAS: All the families have historical records of some outstanding persons who died defending their villages and are remembered as SHURAPURAS and have their PADIAS either in the public Chowk of villages or far out at
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
periphery of the villages, where today proper structures have been developed around them and have become place of worship.
GOTRAS AND KULDEVIES: As other Kshtriya communities, each family of communities have their GOTRA named after one of seven rishis such as GAUTTAM, KAUSHIK, KASHYAP, BHARDWAJ, VSHIST, VISHVAMITRA and other. They also have KULDEVIS such as CHAMUNDA, KHODIAYR, BRAHMANI, BHAWANI, MOMAI, BAHUCHARA and others attached to the families whom they worship and these symbolizes Kshtriya character. FIG: 16 Kuldevi – Chavalma Chauhan – Reha.
FIG: 17 Kuldevi – Brahmani Chauhan – Reha.
ASADHI BIJ: As ‘Asadhi bij’ is the New Year for kutchi people, there is a community celebration. People get together on this day at specific place and have lunch together.
MUNDAN: This ceremony of child has to be taken place at their native place where they have their ‘kuldevi’. After the ceremony all family members are invited for ‘PRASAD’. Prasad consists of different number of eatable items depending on the Gotras of the person. UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
SHASTRA PUJAN: As Kshatriya’s are warrior by nature, they pay a due respect to their weapon, and hence they incorporate weapon in many of their activities e.g. in marriage. On the day of ‘VIJYA DASHMI’, they carry out ‘SHASTRA PUJAN’ i.e. worship of weapons.
c) CASTE SYSTEM: The community is further divided into various sub groups such as 1) Maru, 2) ladva, 3) Khodiyar, 4) Makvana, 5) Vegad, 6) Unevar, 7) Kacha, 8) Solanki, 9) Parmar, 10) Bhalsoda, 11) Jethva, 12) Rathod, 13) Varu, 14) Chavada, 15) Savariya, 16) Vadher, 17) Vadav, 18) Gohil, 19) Dhokiya, 20) Tank, 21) Chauhan, 22) Bhardva, 23) Bhatti, 24) Kukadiya, 25) Vagehla, which are residing into kutch.
d) RELIGIOUS BELIEFS: Basically Hindus, they follow lord Ram or lord Krishna. Some of them also follow Swaminarayan sect. Every house has a specific place for worship.
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
B. OCCUPATION: After migrating from Rajasthan, community was in need of new occupation for livelihood for which they opted for construction. For the need of food and milk they did rain-fed farming for Âź duration around year. Some also reached upto international trading and mining occupation. Due to skillfulness and enterprising nature of community, they acquired the special preference by Britishers in the construction of railway industries and hence became the pioneers of railway construction in India. Due to occupation of construction many people of this community have spread all over India in places such Orrisa, Bihar, and Bengal in east, Karnataka and Tamilnadu in south and else where. Being in contact with Britishers and working with them, community earned very well and was considered as one of the rich communities. Today people of this community have spread all over India and engaged in various other fields for better job prospects. But yet many families are still engaged in construction work and few are yet attached with farming activities.
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
3.3 COMMUNITY BEHAVIOUR: People of this community have always believed in community progress along with individual growth. Believing so, in 18 of their exclusive villages, they have invited other communities in order to fulfill their social and occupational needs and allow them to reside with them and grow together with mutual sharing of skill and knowledge. Mobilizing their own resources, they have constructed several village facility structures such as pond, temple, school, bird feeder, guest house etc in all the villages. Moreover on ‘Bhim Agiyaras’ all villagers contribute in process of cleaning of pond according to their own strength. Also one finds a social fencing all around the pond. Pond is always kept clean and protected from entry of animals.
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
3.4 HOUSE: A typical Gurjar Kshtriya house is identified by its hierarchy of spaces, use of rich materials and high sense of details and construction techniques. Apart from a typical space use pattern discriminating between private and semi – private domain, it generally follows patterns of row houses, sharing two walls with the adjoining units. In a Gurjar Kshtriya dwelling the typical space organization is described below:
FIG: 18 Typical layout of dwelling
At ground level, the house starts right outside, on the street, where one interact first at ‘OTLAS’ which forms a very important junction for social interaction. Moving further one enters the house through street with raised plinth of 1 or 2 steps from the street level. Through the main entrance, one enters the anteroom known as ‘DELI’, which is semi – covered place used for informal sitting. Beside it, there is another room known as ‘BETHAK’ which is generally used for sitting of male members of family and limiting the entry of outsiders. Next is open to sky courtyard known as ‘CHOWK’, which generally house all the services of house. It consists of underground tank, drain line of dwelling, a special semi – covered space known as ‘AKELDHARIO’ for cows and storage of their fodder. Many a times, courtyard also consists of well. The space immediately after the court is semi – covered space called ‘CHAALI’. This is followed by a room known as ‘OSARI’, which finally lead to last room of the house known as ‘ORDO’, which is sanctum of Gurjar Kshtriya family’s life.
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
Generally staircase is located in the courtyard, which helps to lead to first floor space over Deli and Bethak space. Staircase leading to first floor over Osari and Ordo is generally housed in the Osari itself. Several times dwelling have double highted space, which helps to create a loft above which is known as ‘MEDO’, which helps for storage purpose. This type of layout of 1 Osari + 2 Ordo is called ‘1JOTO’, with loft over head is basic layout and afforded by average income group owner.
FIG: 19-20 Showing various spaces in dwelling.
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
CHAPTER – 4 4.1 Identifying case studies. 4.2 Case studies. 4.3 Analysis of case studies. 4.4 Conclusion.
4.1 IDENTIFIYING THE CASE STUDIES: Five houses are selected from 3 regions for detail study. Selections of case studies are based on: • • • •
Variation in sizes – area and volume Economic conditions Spatial organization Material exploration
- Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
- Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
OWNER: Kishorbhai Maru VILLAGE: Devaliya – Anjar (Kutch) NO. OF FAMILY MEMBERS: 3 AGE OF BUILDING: approx. 100 years USE: Residential OCCUPATION: Past - Farming and coal mining Present - Repairing of electronics goods and farming FLOORS: Two
FIG: 21
FIG: 22 Main entrance of the house.
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
FIG: 23 Mud flooring.
FIG: 24 Floor supported on wooden planks & beams.
House is a load bearing structure with random rubble stone masonry. Walls are 45 cms thick with mud plaster finish. Floors are also mud finished known as ‘LIPPAN’. The residents themselves do Lippan 2-3 times per year – holi, satam, diwali, on the floors and once a year on walls. Intermediate floors are made up of stone slabs with Lippan finishing and are supported on wooden planks and beams. In Chaali, iron I-sections, supported on wooden columns, are used for high strength, which acknowledges their knowledge of railway line construction. 2 – Way sloping roof resting on wooden beams is covered with Mangalore tile in front units of house and with country tiles on the rear unit of building.
FIG: 25 - 26 Use of I – section for strength, supported on wooden column.
House consists of two units, with common courtyard for all domestic and other activities. As one family has shifted to Madhapar, one unit remains close, and house is solely occupied by 3 family members themselves. The occupants of the house were in occupation of coal mining and hence were economically rich in nature. As a result, proportions of spaces are relatively large and have minor changes in the basic layout fulfilling the requirements. Starting with the street, one enters the house passing through the social interacting Otlas, where any passerby can sit and rest. House consists of very elaborate facade details, with fine stonework and details of the opening. Moving inside, one enters the anteroom known as Deli where elders sit and
- Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
while their time, beside which there is Bethak consisting of 3 rooms and 1 semi – covered Chaali. Deli also consists of the staircase leading to first floor above which consists of 4 rooms.
FIG: 27 - 28 Deli with its transition window and wooden staircase leading to first floor.
Next is open to sky courtyard, which encompass the services of dwelling, such as water services – inlet and outlet, storage and drying of fodder in summer. It consists of huge Akeldhario for cattle to stay and storage of their fodder. To provide further comfort to livestock wooden louvers are used for shade. Emphasizing on the point of privacy, it also consists of different W.C of guests in the courtyard itself. Moving ahead one passes semi covered Chaali, with W.C. at the end, and enters the large Osari, with Paniara and Rasodu at the end. Finally, one reaches the dark and cool Ordo, which is the sanctum of the house. Upper floor can be reached with the staircase located in the osari and has same layout as the ground floor.
FIG: 29 Viewing courtyard from Chaali.
FIG: 30 Akeldhario with wooden louvers for shading.
- Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
SPECIAL FEATURES & OBSERVATIONS: As compared to other case studies, the occupants are economical rich, which is reflected in variation in basic layout of house. The bethak space, which is generally of single room, here consists of 3 rooms and a semi covered Chaali. In addition, the Rasodo is located in line of Osari creating an extra room behind it. Moreover, Rasodo is of double height having loft above, which is used for storage of organic fuel used in kitchen. Courtyard consists of Danki, which is used to draw water from the well below. A very fine quality of painting is found on the ceiling of first floor depicting the initials of the residents. With construction as occupational background, a very proper sense of construction is found in the dwelling unit with very fine details. Windows are of different layers depending on its location and requirement. Even sill has very fine detail for drain of water, leaving wooden frame intact from decaying.
FIG: 33 Window with wooden louvers and panel.
FIG: 34 Window used for storage.
- Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
Very intricate carving is found on the wooden members such as eave boards, column capitals, window frames, railing and cupboards etc. Parapet wall are made of single stone piece with carving details. FIG: 35 Stone carving over deli.
FIG: 36 - 37 Carving on window lintel, eaves, and column.
FIG: 38 Wooden railing detail.
- Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
OWNER: Muktaben Liladhar Chauhan. VILLAGE: Reha – Bhuj (Kutch). NO. OF FAMILY MEMBERS: 5. AGE OF BUILDING: approx. 75 years. USE: Residential.
FIG: 39 Location plan of house
FIG: 40.
- Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
OCCUPATION: Past - Farming Present - Lab assistance in china Clay factory and farming. FLOORS: Single floor.
FIG: 41 Main entrance to the house
FIG: 42 Wooden beams used in Osari to support pitch roof.
FIG: 43 Wooden loft with mud covering.
House consists of double highted ground floor, with 45 cms. thick load bearing wall made up random rubble stone masonry. Ground floor has I.P.S flooring while the loft is supported on load bearing walls with wooden beam as structural member, with bamboo strips and Lippan as finishing material. 2 – Way sloping roof resting on wooden beams is covered with Mangalore tile in front units of house and with country tiles on the rear unit of building.
FIG: 44 View of Akeldhario and Bethak from courtyard.
FIG: 45 Use of Chaali for domestic purpose.
This is the most typical layout of house of the community. Comparing to other case studies, occupants belong to average income group. House is relatively small. Starting with the street outside, Otlas become social interacting juncture. The façade behind is quite blank and lacks any type of ornamentation or articulation. The Deli space is replaced with service block and a small water tank. Bethak besides consists of single room, which consists of loft due to its double highted space. Moving further, Chowk accommodates the services of the house such as underground water tank, drainage channel of the house and place for cleaning cloths and washing utensils. Akeldhario is now used for cooking and storage of fuel such as wood and cow's dung. Tulsi kyaro is hanged on the wall. Chaali is used for domestic purpose such as cutting vegetables, cleaning
- Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
grains, stitching cloths etc. Osari serves as dining space and lounge, while inner Ordo is used for sleeping and storage.
SPECIAL FEATURES & OBSERVATIONS: Belonging to average income group, house lacks the intricate carving work of stone or wooden elements, such as Paniara. The kitchen is recently modified to platform according to requirement, but still the owner herself prefers cooking on ‘Chula’ for which she sits out in Akeldhario and cooks her own food. Bethak is used as sleeping space. The loft created is used as storage while it also act as buffer insulating the space below and keeping it cool and prevent dust from the roof. Good quality of construction knowledge is present, which can be found construction of lofts and roofs. FIG: 46 Owner preparing food on Chula.
FIG: 47 Wooden loft.
- Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
OWNER: Lalji Mavji Chauhan. VILLAGE: Reha – Bhuj (Kutch). NO. OF FAMILY MEMBERS: AGE OF BUILDING: approx. 93 years. USE: Residential. OCCUPATION: Past - Contractor.
FIG: 48 Location plan of house
FIG: 49 Main entry to house.
- Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
FIG: 50 Main entry to house.
FIG: 51 External entry to Bethak.
STRUCTURE AND MATERIAL: House is divided in to two blocks; rear block is double storied high where as front block is of two floors. House is vacant from last 7 years and presently is under renovation. House is of load bearing structure with 45 cms. thick random rubble stone masonry. Rear block has I.P.S flooring with sloping roof covered with country tiles, while front block has tiles in flooring and has advance roofing system covered with Mangalore tiles. First floor is supported on iron Isections. FIG: 52 Osari with I.P.S flooring and wooden members used for roofing system.
FIG: 53 Bethak with tiles flooring and metal sections supporting upper floor.
DISTRIBUTION OF SPACE: Following the basic layout with Otlas outside, the Deli space inside is relatively large as compared to other case studies. It consists of underground water tank. Adjacent Bethak space has two entries, one from main street and other from the deli, maintaining full privacy of other spaces. Chowk consists of Akeldhario, stone staircase leading to upper floor over bethak and deli, a bathroom and a small over ground water storage tank. The bathroom in the past consists of well, which was shared by the adjacent dwelling, maintaining complete privacy within. The unique characteristic is that the rear block consists of two Rasodo at two end of Chaali.
FIG: 54 Chowk with staircase, bathroom, and water tank.
FIG: 55 Advance roofing system on first floor.
The upper floor is single space, with advanced roofing system of wooden members and covered with Mangalore tiles. The Chaali acts
- Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
as a buffer, insulating Ordo inside. The high compound walls and the surrounding Chaali on upper floor makes house quite secure in nature and introvert.
SPECIAL FEATURES & OBSERVATIONS: Belonging to above average income group, one can find relatively larger space and carved elements. As house consist of two kitchens besides Chaali, it can be divided into two equals half just by construction of single center wall. Moreover, the Osari consists of two Paniara’s, so one can have two smaller units completely functional. FIG: 56 Chaali with two kitchens asides and two columns offsets from center helps divide house in two equal half.
FIG: 57 Door with heavy work. FIG: 58 Column capital detail.
- Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
OWNER: Narshi Manji Rathod. VILLAGE: Madhapar – Bhuj (Kutch). NO. OF FAMILY MEMBERS: 4. AGE OF BUILDING: approx. 100 years. USE: Residential. OCCUPATION: Past – Farming Present – Construction company.
FIG: 59 Main entrance to the house.
FIG: 60 Main entrance to the house.
- Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
FIG: 61 Passage on first floor with bedroom on side and Osari at the rear.
FIG: 62 Chowk viewing Chaali with Osari at rear and dining on side.
FIG: 64 Chowk viewing Chaali with new W.C block and swing. FIG: 63 Kitchen and Dining space.
House consists of two floors and has two type of construction. The front block is new construction of bricks and cement mortar with R.C.C slab and the rear block is old construction with 45 cms. thick random rubble stonewalls and mud plaster. All the floors are now renovated to either tiles or I.P.S flooring. Moreover, the new construction has flat R.C.C slab on both the floors, while the old construction has wooden ceiling for ground floor and two way sloping roof covering on first floor.
DISTRIBUTION OF SPACE: With the rise in need of more space, one finds few variations in space distribution of the house. Starting from the Otlas outside, the house lacks Deli. Bethak is converted to storage and Rasodu. Moving further, the remaining space behind the Rasodu is used as dining space with dining table inside. The old Rasodu, which encounters the Chaali, is now being used as bathroom and also the width of Chaali is increased to encompass a new W.C block. Maintaining the original spatial organization in the rear block having 2 Ordo and 1 Osari, upper floor can be lead either by staircase inside the Osari or directly from staircase in the Chowk. The rear block has the same space distribution on the first floor as ground floor, while the space above the dining and kitchen is being used as bedroom and bathroom. Chowk consist of underground tank and Chowkdi, for washing cloths and vessels.
- Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
SPECIAL FEATURES & OBSERVATIONS: With the occupations of coal mining and being contractors in the railway industries in the past, the residents belong to above average income group. Hence, unit is made up of larger area of spaces and has intricate stone-carved elements.
FIG: 65 Osari with Staircase.
FIG: 66 Chowk with staircase and Chowkdi.
FIG: 67 Carving on cupboard.
FIG: 68 Paniara in dining room.
With introduce of dining table in the unit, requirement of new space is seen. As a result, the floor dining activity is now performed on elevated level, which gave rise to different height for windowsill. Swing, which is the element of Osari is brought out in Chaali, as a result the domestic kitchen uses are missing and is largely used as social interaction space. House is missing the most important and elaborated element of Paniara. With the conversion of the old kitchen into bathroom, elimination of the bethak space and bringing swing out in Chaali of one can see openness in the privacy concern as compared to other case studies.
- Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
OWNER: Amarshi Chauhan. VILLAGE: Reha – Bhuj (Kutch). NO. OF FAMILY MEMBERS: 5. AGE OF BUILDING: 6 years. USE: Residential. OCCUPATION: Past – Farming Present – Farming and Water pumps repairing. FLOORS: Single floor.
FIG: 69 Ground floor plan.
- Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
FIG: 70 Front of the house.
STRUCTURE AND MATERIAL: House is recently built after the earthquake in 2001. R.C.C is used as structural system and brick are used as infill in walls. House is single story, with terrace above. Flooring is done out of tiles and plaster is made up of cement.
FIG: 71 Showing entrance of the house from courtyard.
FIG: 73 Chaali opening to Kitchen and Living room.
FIG: 72 Showing entrance of the house from street.
FIG: 74 Courtyard with services.
DISTRIBUTION OF SPACE: Evolving with time and need, residents have evolved a new house form. Tracing the traditional layout, one finds various constant and variables in the new house form. Primarily, house has left old row house system and started as individual tenement leaving boundaries on sides. The bethak room, which is the first space facing the outside world is disappeared in this case. One enters the house directly through the open courtyard instead of deli. Akeldhario, which is present in the courtyard, is missing. Courtyard consists of staircase leading to terrace and W.C and Bath below. Moving further, one enters the Chaali with Rasodu on one side. Width long Osari is being modified into Living room and Dining and storage space. Bedroom modified from Ordo, yet occupies the last position at the house.
- Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
FIG: 75 Living room with swing and entrance to dining space.
Though evolved and modified with time, house seems to be struggling with old concerns. With the modification in building materials and technologies, house does not satisfy the thermal comfort needs of occupants. With the presences of several entrances to the house, the factor of privacy and security is indeed questionable. Though having and proper dining space occupants still prefer sitting on ground in kitchen, which shows there traditional habits and its importance. Bedroom, which is modified from Ordo, lacks the coziness and thermal comfort, which it needs to require in order to work successfully as sleeping space. Storage which was presence in all the rooms in one or other form in traditional house had meaning which is lost as all together one storage room is being created. Looking at positive side, house is maintenance free due to modern construction material. Swing, which has always been the part of Osari, is also the part of Living room.
- Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
4.3 ANALYSIS OF CASE STUDIES: Analyses of case studies are divided in two parts. First, we will understand how various physical factors have affected the house form and understand its importance and then we will learn the effect of socio – cultural factors.
- Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
PHYSICAL FACTORS: Physical factors are same for all the communities living in specific geographical region. Here we will understand how the gurjar Kshatriya’s house response to various physical factors.
a) SITE AND SETTLEMENT PATTERN: Selection of site was based on its topography and availability of fertile land for agriculture. Response of the settlement pattern with the site is very logical and thoughtful. As mentioned earlier, people of this community have invited other communities and allow them to reside with them and grow together with mutual sharing of skill and knowledge, hence each village have mix settlement pattern, having majority of gurjar Kshatriya’s. Each of the 18 exclusive villages has several common elements such as highly engineered and elaborated water harvesting system, temple, school and a Chabutara (Pigeon tower). Water harvesting system consists of 3 interconnected ponds and a well. Hence, village also gets sufficient water even in times of draught. Pond is designed in accordance to natural topography and placed on higher altitude, allowing it to have natural inlet and outlet of water. Pond is made up of 3 tanks, which provides 3 stages of filtration and hence providing each tank use differently for drinking water, bathing/washing cloths, and cattle. It is surrounded well-designed stone parapet wall with steps descending down. Temple is always located besides the pond.
- Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
Looking at settlement pattern, the street runs in north – south direction, which allows each house to open in east or west direction, facing either the rising or the setting sun. Following the grid pattern, streets are laid largely according to natural gradient of earth. Each Sheri’s consists of houses of families, which are in relation to each other in some way. Vendi are located in close proximity of house, hence they can be used in future for construction of house, with increase in family size, and thus there is the progressive growth of village itself. The designing of settlement pattern with specific orientation of streets and house form and location of various activities according to their needs shows their knowledge of planning with logics and rationale.
- Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
b) CLIMATE: The main characteristic of these houses are its central courtyards around which other spaces are organized. They help ventilate the whole house besides letting in light on the floors and lofts. This space forms the main hub of the house where various activities takes place. Courtyard together with 45 cms. thick walls helps in maintaining thermal comfort of house and making it climatic responsive. FIG: 76 Showing air circulation inside the house.
FIG: 77 Showing priority of space uses during winter afternoons and summer nights.
FIG: 78 Showing priority of space uses during summer afternoons and winter nights.
Because of variety of space, house can be used differently in different seasons. Ordo, which is the sleeping space, is located behind the Osari, which acts as buffer keeping inside cool. Moreover, the loft in the Ordo also acts as a buffer in hot summer afternoon and insulates the room below, keeping it cool. In addition, it covers ¾ of room area, which creates a dark and cozy space with less illumination appropriate for sleeping and protects the room from the dust from the sloping roof. As a result, in summer, it is used for sleeping in the afternoon, while at night people sleep either in Courtyard, Chaali, terrace, or the space on the first floor. During winters, a person closes all the doors and windows, maintains the inner temperature, and prefers sleeping in Ordo inside. Very intricate carved ‘CHHAJJA’ satisfy dual function of weather protection and aesthetics. In addition, the size of window and the type of shutter vary according to requirement and their position. The house can thus be called as all season’s house because, it can be used differently during the whole day according to requirement and also works successfully with change in seasons.
- Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
c) ECONOMIC CONDITIONS: Though not the house directly, economy factor governs various aspects of the house form. Depending on the economic condition one finds variations in – • Size of house ¾ Area - basic plot consists of 2 Ordo and 1 Osari and Is known as 1 Joto, with size of 32 feet X 64 feet approx. Size of plot varies in multiple of joto, i.e. ½ joto, 1 joto, 1½ joto or 2 joto. ¾ Volume – presence of Medo and Medi.
FIG: 79 various size of plot.
• Spatial organization - Following basic layout, each house has minor changes in the space organization in accordance with requirement. FIG: 80 – 81 Window with Floral ornamentation & depiction of human face.
FIG: 82 Elaborated carving on doors
• Material exploration • Articulation and ornamentation - Highly rich wooden artisanship and intricate stone articulation are found on columns, eave boards and on door and window lintel, parapet wall etc respectively. Some of the houses also used to have the JAROKHA windows in the front façade, which explains the social profile of family and also the influence of other cultures.
FIG: 83 - 84 Parrot and Elephant carved out on wooden members
FIG: 85 Jarokha window.
- Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
d) SECURITY: Descending from the royal background and belonging to Kshatriya community, fighting and defending the motherland and community was the core identity of this community in the past. And later being well in the field of construction, security from theft was one the main concern for the community. Hence, the sense of security and defense is inbuilt in them and can be observed at various hierarchy levels in the formation of clusters and dwellings.
FIG: 86 Delo at the entrance of the Sheri.
FIG: 88 House with high compound walls.
FIG: 87 Deli at the entrance of the house.
FIG: 89 Bhogar used for dual purpose at door of Osari.
Looking at the overall settlement pattern, some of the villages used to have WATCH TOWER, which used to keep eye on overall village. Being occupied in railway construction occupation, male member of house had to move from place to place for construction; hence, all the families prefer to live in close proximity to each other. As a result, SHERI used to have DELO i.e. entrance gate for each Sheri with the sitting space where elders while their time and keep the watch on the entry and exit of individuals. In the evening this Delo is being closed, hence no stranger can come within. Coming to the dwelling, its form is such that when they close the main entrance door known as DELI, the whole space is enclosed within high adjacent walls and build-up mass. In addition, the Deli has sitting arrangement, both inside as well as on outside for visitors. The adjacent compound walls are either two stories or one and half stories high which make it difficult to climb. The doors of the Osari inside have special type of wooden member known as BHOGAR, which is
- Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
used in locking the door and also serve the dual purpose by using it for floor near the door. Further, all the doors used for the entrance are relatively very heavy and strong. In addition, the storages have secret shelves known as SAFE, which are covered by stone plate. In order to open them, one needs to slide the stone plate with the help of a key that is also located secretively in the cupboard. The stone slab has to be slide only at specific angle in order to open.
FIG: 90 Completely introvert house with high surrounding mass.
Thus one finds the level of thoughtfulness of community altogether in factor of security, right from the individuals room to the whole village.
- Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
FIG: 91 Showing house with 45 cms. thick stonewall and use of toda in plinth. Note the stone base of column and intricate carving on column capital in wood and use of metal I-sections.
With construction as occupational background, knowledge of use of various materials and construction details is extremely fine. Sand stone is the local material used for construction of all the houses. The construction upto plinth is of compact random rubble stone masonry, to check the rise of damp from the ground. Superstructure is load bearing, having 45 cms. thick stone masonry. Dwellings are either two stories i.e. possession of Medi, or are single story with Medo (loft), above making them two stories high. New houses are having cement plaster while old houses still possess mud plaster known as ‘Randha gar’, which is applied using masons tools like wooden or metal planner. For semi covered Chaali, wooden columns are used which sits on stone bases to avoid decay from dampness. Upper floors are made up of either stone slabs or wooden planks, supported on wooden or iron beam spanning the walls, and both having mud finish known as Lippan. In renovated houses, finishing is either done by laying tiles. At several space metal I-section are used for strength and spanning, which explains the wisdom of blending of contemporary materials with traditional techniques. A 2 – way sloping roof resting on wooden beams is covered with Mangalore tiles or country tiles. Many time various functional elements such as Chhajjas, brackets for cantilever, column capital and column base etc are highly ornamented serving dual purpose of function and aesthetics. In addition, most of the dwellings have proved themselves resisting against both the earthquake of 1956 and 2001.
FIG: 92 Showing articulation between various highly ornamented elements such as column base, capital, lintel supports, window frame etc.
- Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
Various construction details:
FIG: 93 – 94 Roofing details with Country tiles and Mangalore tiles.
- Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
FIG: 95 Detail showing the junction between column capital and stone floor above.
FIG: 97 Column details.
FIG: 96 Window detail.
- Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
FIG: 98 Floor details
SOCIO-CULTURAL FACTORS: Socio-cultural factors are different for each community. They play most important role in explaining relation of individual with society and individual with house. Here we will understand how these factors affected the Gurjar Kshatriya’s house form.
a) RELIGION: Though not a major governing factor, each house of this community has a specific space in house to worship. Worshiping either lord Rama, lord Krishna or lord Swaminarayan at home and at temple, they also worship their Shurapuras in form of Padias in public space and also they worship Kuldevi’s of their Gotra, which is of much more significance to them. Moreover as ritual, they consider Tulsi as a holy plant and worship it daily. FIG: 99 – 101 Images showing belief in various God and Goddess.
FIG: 102 Worshiping space.
FIG: 103 Holi Tulsi.
- Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
FIG: 104 Semi covered Akeldhario and Bethak on the side.
Being engaged in profession of farming and construction together, there had always been need of variety of spaces in dwelling in order to fulfill their social and physical needs. Very few of them reached upto the occupation of coal mining, ship trading etc. As a result, a space known as BETHAK exits fulfilling their requirement of commercial interaction space in house. Also they needed space for keeping of cattle’s and their fodder and farming equipments, for which a specific semi-covered space arise in the Chowk known as AKELDHARIO. With the increase in the number of cattle, deli was also used for keeping of them. Moreover, some families also had a separate piece of land for keeping of cattle’s, fodder and farming equipments known as VENDI, which is in the close proximity to the house. In the early times people used to have storage vessels known as KOTHAR for storage of food grains which they collect from their farms. These vessels were made out of mud and were located in the Ordo of the house, where today they are replaced by cupboards.
FIG: 105 Vendi with semi-covered space for keeping of livestock.
FIG: 106 KOTHAR in the olden times.
- Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
c) NEED FOR PRIVACY: Factor of privacy has played very important role in creation of house form of gurjar Kshatriya. Because of the occupation requirement and the belief system, gurjar Kshatriya house is divided into four types of spaces – public, semi-public, semi-private, and private spaces. Depending on the relation of the visitor with the family, he is invited at different level of spaces. In addition, the layering of the window depend on its position and location in the house - whether it is facing public domain or private domain. The Bethak, which is semi-private zone, has two entrances, one external, and other internal. Hence, with the prior knowledge they close the internal door of bethak before meeting and maintain privacy of house. Very clear demarcations between man and women domain areas are found. Women domain area comprises of kitchen and store area where men are allowed for only a few hours in day for lunch or dinner. Similarly, women are not allowed in men’s domain areas such as Bethak. She is allowed only during nighttime.
- Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
4.4 CONCLUSION: With the study and the analysis of five case studies I have found that, the house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community reflects both, the occupation and the need for privacy as the principle governing factors. Fulfilling the needs of occupation and privacy in the spatial organization of house, it is distributed into various hierarchy and domain zone and reflects high sense of security. Construction background led them to very logical and rational use of that knowledge in construction their house form and settlement, which highly responds to climate, site and use of material, details and their articulations. Wisdom of blending contemporary and traditional materials and construction techniques was special characteristic of community. Maintaining the basic layout of house forms same through various generations and in various economy levels implies the cultural continuity and its acceptance over period of time. So overall, we can categorize the factors affecting the house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community in two parts – Primary and Secondary factors.
Primary factors
Secondary factors
Economic conditions
Building material and construction
- Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
FACTORS AFFECTING HOUSE – FORM: A. PHYSICAL FACTORS: Looking at the surroundings and context of site, there are many physical factors that give rise to many forces to which man have responded differently at according to their skills and requirements.
a) SITE: Landscape and topography has always influence the orientation of the house and settlement requirements, but yet there are several examples where one finds no response to the site. The southwest Pomo Indians of California after moving from coastal locations in summer to mountain ridges in the winter, their houses remained unchanged in spite of very different sites.
FIG: 107 Maldives hotel - huvaven fushi Bungalow.
Similar site conditions can also result in very different house forms, and similar forms can be built on very different sites. For example, if we take water as site, one can build either on pilotis, or on shore, or have a floating house. At the same time, house raised on pilotis have been used even far from water, and in some cultures different groups of people on the same site use houses either on stilts or on the ground. The courtyard houses were used on both flat and hilly sites, although some modifications did occur. Selection of site can be either a cultural, social, political, or a physical need. It influences both the city and house, but do not determine the form.
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
“Nature prepares the site and man organizes it to enable him to satisfy his desires and his needs.”14
FIG: 108 House of Athabascans
FIG: 109 house of Eskimo – Igloo.
Since past, human is struggling constantly to survive and protect himself against extreme climate and weather. Climate has always played the important role in determining the form of the shelter and the house. However, there are several examples where climatic determinist view is questionable. The more important consideration is why so many forms of the house have been developed within the limited number of climatic zones. Even the variation among micro climatic types is relatively smaller than the number of house types frequently found in areas of similar climate.15 House form of Eskimo and the Athabascans are very different from each other, yet they still live in the same region with similar climate. Moreover, the Eskimos have similar dwelling plan consisting of a central space with rooms arranged radially off it for both summer and winter dwelling – the tent and the igloo. Looking at the house form of Rajasthan and Kutch, a very distinct style of construction is seen. BHUNGAS, circular in form made out of mud and thatch, comprises the architecture of desert of Kutch, while HAVELIES takes the house form in Rajasthan. 14 15
Rapoport Amos: HOUSE FORM AND CULTURE, prentice-hall, inc., London, Pg. 29 Ibid, Pg. 19
FIG: 110 Hawa Mehal, Jaipur.
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
c) ECONOMY: Though several times, economies decide the position and status of individual in society, which directly relates to elaboration and richness of the house but it is not the major governing factor in determining the form of the house. Moreover, since house is less critical for survival than food, it is expected to be less affected by sheer means of economic necessity. FIG: 111 Yurts of Mongols.
Further, it is seen that with the same form of economy (agriculture, in example), widely differing forms of rural settlements, houses and their spatial arrangement are found. Wine growing areas in France show both concentrated and dispersed settlement patterns. Even nomads, for whom the economic base affects house form by imposing the need for mobility, use widely varying forms. The yurt of the Mongols, the hexagonal tent of the Tibetans, the numerous forms of the Arab tent, and the tepee and substantial, yet mobile, wooden houses of the Indians of the Pacific Northwest are all different.16
FIG: 112 Tents of Tibetans.
FIG: 113 Arab tents.
FIG: 114 The tepee.16 Rapoport Amos: HOUSE FORM AND CULTURE, prentice-hall, inc., London, Pg. 37
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
d) DEFENSE: The social explanations of the house form are mostly explained by the factor of defense and economy. Defense certainly plays a role in deciding house form, and use of stockades, palisades, and fences has defensive implications, but it never fully accounts the form altogether. Looking at the city level, defense is provided by the use of fortified walls, and at settlement level, many communities have system of DELO system that encloses the specific cluster or street of the residing community. FIG: 115 Masai houses.
Use of “VAAD” as a means of defense is seen for Bhungas of the Banni region in Kutch. However, within the platform, the spatial organization of units and their form is governed by the size of family and their requirement. Masai, for whom defense is obviously of great importance, the house form is related to their attitude to cattle, which is very different matter. For Cameroons, granaries are more important than cattle’s, and hence need of defense is handled very differently. Even within the same area, where the danger of attack is relatively constant, the forms differ depending on whether the family is polygamous or monogamous. In each case, there is concern with controlling access by use of a single entry, but the spatial arrangements vary depending on the family and social organization.
FIG: 116 Cameroon houses.
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
e) MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGIES: As house response to various physical stresses of climate such as heat, humidity, light, cold etc it also response structurally to various forces and mechanical stress such as gravity, wind, rain, and snow. The availability and choice of materials and construction techniques will greatly influence and modify the form of the building. They are best regarded a modifying factor, and that they do not determine form. They merely make possible certain forms selected on other grounds, and make certain forms impossible and hence act as a tool for modifying forms.
FIG: 117 Traditional Bhungas.
The very best example are seen in Kutch region where the traditional bhungas which were built out of mud with ramming it and now are also built out of bricks and also of concrete. Yet they still maintain the circular shape. The thatch used for roof is also replaced at various places with Mangalore tiles.
FIG: 118 Concrete Bhungas.
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
B. SOCIO – CULTURAL FACTORS: Various socio-cultural factors affecting house form are religion, belief system, family and clan structure, social organization, occupation, social interaction between individuals, privacy, lifestyle etc.
a) RELIGION: Religion is the most important factors that affect the house, settlement and even the city directly or many a times in a subtle way. The
cosmos may be reflected in a microcosm at a whole range of scales, from an entire land through a city, a village, a house as a whole, the space within a house, and the furniture in it. Each or all, may reflect the shape in which the world is visualized. The dwelling has symbolic and cosmological aspects. Symbolic impressions can be seen in various articulations, either representing the sacredness or identifying individual status in the society.
FIG: 119 A plan of central Madhurai, India, as it is today. Note the central temple, the major encircling streets, and the indirect radials or capillaries, which run between them. The plan coincides with the encircling procession, which takes place on special days.
At the larger scale the cosmic image can be seen in the city of Madhurai, in India, where in general scared is important, where even today, the city shape, the temples, the rites, and the mental images of residents, the locations of activities, the main roads and even the bus routes are all matched to the symbolic form of Mandala. It is the set of enclosing rings divided into squares in which the most powerful point is the center.
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
The house of Brahmans and Nayars, in south India, are laid out according to the religiously sanctioned rules for that caste. The compound is divided into four sections by north-south and eastwest lines. The house occupies the northeast, while the less auspicious, southwest quadrant is used as burial ground, cows shed are in the southeast quadrant, and the bathing tank is in the northwest. Further, the house is divided itself into four blocks around an open court, with a verandah on all sides. Here also strict rules prevail – the west block is for sleeping quarters and stores, and the north for kitchens and dining. The east and south blocks open to the court, and only there are visitors and guests received.17
FIG: 120 House of Brahmans and Nayars in south India.
Even inside the dwelling, the influences of symbolic attitude dominate where there are no physical needs. With regard to dining, the medieval pattern, involving hierarchy position along the table is still present in the peasant houses in Switzerland, where they follow a very strict seating order.18
FIG: 121 The dining arrangement throughout eastern and central Europe.
17 18
Rapoport Amos: HOUSE FORM AND CULTURE, prentice-hall, inc., London, Pg. 58 Ibid. Pg. 54
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
b) FAMILY AND CLAN SYSTEM: Depending on the family structure, form varies to a large extent. In the traditional African house, in polygamous situation, the man has no real house and visits his wives, each of whom has her own house on different days. While in the monogamous situation, same features are found – separation of man from the wife whom he visits, controlled, single entry, walled compound, and protection accorded the granaries – the spatial arrangement are very different. In case of the Foulbe, in the Cameroons, the man’s position is expressed by his place being in the center of the compound, surrounded by his wives. 19
FIG: 122 Mofou farm – Cameroon (monogamous)
FIG: 123 Moundang farm – Cameroon (polygamous)
For the Masai, cattle are not only wealth but have mystical, religious, and ceremonial importance transcending their economic value and forming the basis of Masai culture. The settlement pattern reflects this concern with cattle and the need to keep and guard them, and there are probably symbolic features in the circularity, the centrality, and the fence itself. 20
FIG: 124 Fulbe farm – Cameroon
Adopted from Rapoport Amos: HOUSE FORM AND CULTURE, prentice-hall, inc., London, Pg. 56 Ibid, Pg. 57- 58
FIG: 125 Masai compound
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
c) SOCIAL ORGANIZATION: The social organization of a particular settlement depicts the role of individual in the society and hierarchy of social order in that settlement.
FIG: 126 Social organizations in Dwarka.
The social organization of DWARKA town in the west coast of Gujarat, exhibits a strong and distinct social order with different caste occupying areas near to temple complex according to their social status. Brahmins, which are considered next to God and have direct relation with the temple complex have occupied vicinity of Dwarkadeesh temple on the northern and western edge. The area next to the Brahmins is occupied by lohanas, who deals with the commerce and merchandise. Further from the core, at the outskirts, all the lower caste people reside, who are known as Sudras.
FIG: 127 Pedhi in Bhatia’s house.
Influence of occupation on the spatial organization of the house form can be very well being seen in the BHATIA community residing in the Bhadreshwar town of Gujarat. They are traders by occupation and traded different goods such as dry fruits, wooden and iron articles etc. as a result; each house has specific room known as ‘PEDHI’. It is official working space in the house, which has two entries, one from the house and other directly from the street. As trading brought them in contact with many countries around the world, their house form reflects their successful scenario as traders. They used various imported articles such as cast iron grills, glazed tiles, Belgium glass, and highly elaborated wooden work can be seen in their house.
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
e) SOCIAL INTERACTION: Social interaction of the people is the basic need, as man is a social animal. Interesting is how and where people meet.
FIG: 128 Pond – as social interaction space for Women.
In the Chinese and Indian villages, people meet in the wider part of Main Street, which is known as CHOWK. For women meeting place would be either well or pond where they wash cloths or collect water for drinking. In several villages, people meeting space may be the steps of small shops, otlas on the streets or the fields. ‘PADAR’ and ‘CHORO’ are other interaction space. In several cultures, these spaces become more important than any other space as they pass most of their time there. Bhungas, the common style of construction, in the Banni region can very well explain this aspect. Bhungas are built on a common platform, which bind the entire cluster together. The space formed in between becomes space for social interaction, recreational and also used for domestic purposes.
FIG: 129 Plinth acts as social interacting space.
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
f) NEED FOR PRIVACY: Privacy from the stranger is the basic need of many of the cultures. Separation of domain for different gender is one common response in many of the cultures. In countries like India, Iran, and Latin America, buildings traditionally are introvert in nature in comparing to Anglo-American houses facing outward. In India, most of the houses are surrounded by a low wall and are facing inside towards the internal court while the wall facing the street is blank. A progressive transition occurs from the outside to inside towards to private domains. FIG: 130 Privacy realms – Japanese house.
Similar to India, houses in Japan also face blank façade of either walls or high fences to the external world, and are only open to the street if it has a shop, office, or workshop. Inside the high fence, there is little concern with privacy and no worry if people can hear one another and the house can be seen right through.
FIG: 131 Privacy realms – western house.
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
g) POSITION OF WOMEN: Planning of the habitat is greatly influence by the position of women in the family and society and privacy affect in location of her domain areas in the house. The position of women affects the traditional Japanese house, where the kitchen is one of the few places, which is woman’s domain and is physically different from the rest of the house. In Egypt, men and women are always separated, rich people having separate rooms and poor ones using different corners of their house. Islamic culture generally affects the form of houses and settlements through the demands of purdah, the harem and so on.21 The courtyard houses in Greece, North Africa, and Latin America, suggests extreme need for privacy for women. The windows and roofs of these courthouses are designed to prevent anyone from intruding into the intimacy of the house. For the same reason, house doors on opposite sides of the street may not face each other.
Adopted from Rapoport Amos: HOUSE FORM AND CULTURE, prentice-hall, inc., London, Pg. 65-66
UNDERSTANDING THE FACTORS AFFECTING THE HOUSE FORM - Study of house form of Gurjar Kshatriya community, Kutch.
AKNOWLEDGMENTS At the juncture of completing my academic thesis, I would like to take this opportunity to thank every individual who helped me in one or the other way in order to produce this dissertation. Firstly, I express my deep thankfulness towards my guide Mr. Kiran Vagehla for sharing his valuable time for me and providing me guidance at every step of research. I also express my thankfulness towards Mr. Jayant Sachde and Mr. Vinod Chauhan for providing me materials, contacts with various people of community and acquiring permission in all the places. To Professor Kanayalal Chauhan for providing fruitful information. I express my deep regards to my friend Siddharth for being with me throughout research for site visits, case studies, and documentations. In addition, I thank Anita, Komal, and Ambrose for various fruitful discussions they carried out with me. To all the faculties at IPSA under whom I have pursuit my studies during my academic years and without whose constant guidance and efforts I would not have been able to stand here. To my parents and family members for being supportive and patient during my entire academic program.
BIBLIOGRAPHY BOOKS: • THE ASCENT OF MAN Bronowski Jacob, Back Bay books, USA, 1908. • HOUSE FORM AND CULTURE Rapoport Amos, Prentice-hall Inc, London. • ANTHROPOLOGY Havilland William, Harcourt brace & company, USA, 1997. • KUMAR GNATI PRAKASHAN Vora Gaurishankar Jayshankar. • NANJI BAPANI NOTHPOTHI Tank Nanji Govindji, 1999.
RESEARCH MATERIAL: • VOHRA HOUSES IN GUJARAT Vastu-Shilpa foundation, Sangath, Thaltej road, Ahmedabad, 1983.
UNPUBLISH THESIS: • GENERATOR OF A HOUSE FORM – - A study of Bhatia houses in Bhadreshwar – Kutch Madhaparia Shruti, unpublished thesis I.P.S.A – Rajkot.
WEBSITES: • www.shreegkg.com • www.sgts.co.uk • www.kadia.org • www.kadiasamaj.org
CREDITS TO ILLUSTRATION Illustrations: 3,4,13,118, 127 Madhaparia Shruti, GENERATOR OF A HOUSE FORM –
A study of Bhatia houses in Bhadreshwar – Kutch unpublished thesis I.P.S.A – Rajkot.
Illustrations: 9, 12, 110, 117 Sanjay udgamale, Architecture for Kutch. Illustrations: 16, 17
Illustrations: 119, 126, 129 Unknown. Illustrations: 6, 14, 15, 18 – 106, 128, 130, 131 By author. Illustrations: 1 - www.chemcases.com/fluoro/images/caveman.jpg 2 - www.shypixel.com 5 – www.upload.wikimedia.org 7 – www.proxied.changemakers.net 8, 10, 11 - www.indianetzone.com
107 108 109 111 112 113 114 115 116
- www.magiclub.com – www.porcupineriverlodge.com - www.alaska-in-pictures.com - www.ummagurau.com - www.ackland.org - www.biblepicturegallery.com - www.shelterpub.com - www.theodora.com - www.jorisinafrika.com