Hair Loss Chemotherapy Side Effect
One of the most challenging and distressing chemotherapy side effects is alopecia or hair loss. For most people, hair is one of the most important parts of physical image; it is the way in which people look at a person’s appearance. Coping with hair loss is therefore physically and emotionally challenging. The journey of cancer is distressing enough, and the side effects of chemotherapy only worsen the entire path. Cancer specialists help patients to manage the side effects of the life-saving cancer treatment, chemotherapy, especially hair loss.
Chemotherapy medications are created for killing fast growing cancer cells. Some cells, like the ones found in the hair follicles, divide quickly and are easily affected by the chemo drug. Hair loss doesn’t occur with all medications given for chemotherapy and there are patients that might have unusual responses, even though they are using one particular medication. There are some patients that might have complete hair loss, while might experience hair thinning.
Hair loss normally begins within 10-14 days after the onset of chemotherapy. Hair starts thinning gradually, or even falls out quickly in clumps. Many patients are usually surprised at the hair loss; a patient might lose hair from the head and other parts of the body, too, such as eyelashes, eyebrows, facial hair, body hair, and pubic hair. Hair loss, however, is temporary. After 4 to 6 weeks from chemotherapy, hair comes back.
Caring for hair is very important during the course of treatment and even thereafter. When hair starts growing, it is equally important to take care of hair to prevent hair loss and ensure regrowth. People having long hair should consider shorter hairstyle. Shorter hair gives a fuller look and places lesser weight on the roots. Cancer specialists also recommend that patients should go for shorter haircuts.
During chemotherapy, many patients chose to simply shave their scalp when the hair starts falling out rapidly in clumps. Before shaving, one should find good quality head covers or wigs for styling and to prevent embarrassment. To care for hair after chemotherapy, using mild shampoo is the best. Hair should be brushed gently using a soft baby brush. Hair washing should be limited to twice or thrice a week. Braids and ponytails should be avoided and other accessories too. Hair dryers should not be used.
Love & Faith
Losing hair leads to a lot of emotional disorders too that ranges from depression to anger. Some people also start feeling quite conscious about their social presence, and others fail to go out to public places. Taking freely with loved ones becomes difficult. Seeking emotional support also involves a lot hesitation.
There are several methods that may help patients in diverting attention from hair. Looking away from hair, one has to try to concentrate on other features.
Some patients have found relief in visualization techniques. Visualization techniques help in analyzing the benefits of chemotherapy to shed the cancer cells; the benefits may help in overcoming the pain and agony of hair loss.