GraphicDesign semester4
I would like to thank my faculties for being that constant push to meet up challanges and guide to refinement. My batchmates have continued to encourage me and support me through good and bad times and for that I am grateful. Finally I’m thankful to my parents for giving me this chance and supporting my every step of experience.
Contents ProductionProcess Science and Liberal Arts Tragedy in Theatre
ImageMaking TypographyII ColourII OpenElective finding your personal voice
Bharat Suthar
Faculty: Duration: Credits:
2 WU
Print production was a theoritical course, supported by a few demonstrations and practicals conducted by daily lectures and a final educational fieldtrip to a printing and packaging production house. This course had been helpful in gaining deep and interesting insight in the various process involved in print and package production. As a Graphic Designer it is important for us to know the basics involved in print production to achieve the perfect and desired result in our work, this course served the purpose well.
a vast amount of information was covered in the two short week duration. It helped us gain good knowledge about the entire simple process from digital development to print. From choice of paper, digital set ups to the anatomy and funtion of the insides of the various print machines and how print is actually done. From Prepress to Postpress, printing technologies with master or without master and further more. “Print ke baarey mein jitna study karogey, utna kum hai‌â€?
Assignments involved making a poster in a group to be printed in various print methods to test our theories in practical and notice the quality differences in the various version of prints.
ook behind the mask
ARTOPRINT The fieldtrip was a good learning experience. After a week of classroom theory lectures and studies, we went through the experience of witnessing the process face to face to gain a better understanding. We visited “Art o Print� to witness mass print and package production on the making, both machine and labour based.
We also saw the whole procedure of making corrogated sheet boxes and the various kind of steps that corrogated sheet has to undergo to reach the final product.
We also Bound books in several styles, learning techniques from the experienced that would lead to better quality of the binding and easier work methods. We learnt little tricks on counting the papers by four to make signatures. The various styles that we bound the books in are: Spiral Binding, Pad Binding, Perfect Binding and Section Binding.
Spiral Binding
Pad Binding
Perfect Binding
Section Binding
Science and Liberal Arts
tragedy in
THEATRE Urmila Bhirdikar
Faculty: Duration: Credits:
1 WU
SLA was conducted through a week of lectures, notes, movie appreciations and play study. Insights on different culture theatre styles concentrating mainly on tragedy. Relating to semiotics and symbolisms in tragic plays. This course exposed us to theatre as a form of expression and it’s relation to semiotics.From the structure of the Greek Theatre to the meaning or development of plays were covered in this short time.
As an introduction we were given a clear picture of how Greek is the earliest example of plays in India, influenced by the British culture. Once available after 15th century became important. Birth of modern Indian theatre based largely on the fruit of English education. Rewarding the virtue and disregarding the bad qualities.
“Tragedy for Aristotle and Plato is something to do with the tracing of ideality…”
Greek theatres were open air theatres built as such that sound would resonate from the centre audible enough for the entire audience seated around the orchestra. (acoustic)
In the course durations we watched several movie. Movies of the drama scripts that were handed out to us before the start of the course. We watched the 1961 version of Antigone, Ghashiram Kotwal, a Marathi play written by playwright Vijay Tendulkar in 1972, a political satire, written as historical drama and Blood Wedding by Carlos Saura performed and expressed wonderfully in flemenco. The film was adapted from a tragedy by Spanish dramatist Federico GarcĂa Lorca, Blood Wedding. Shakespear’s famous, Hamlet
as an assignment I was to compare the dance performance with the drama script to study symbolism in action and the effectiveness of it in imparting the story with success.
Tridha Gajjar
Faculty: Duration: Credits:
3 WU
covering a few terminologies on our first day about the various elements that Graphic Designers use to communicate, we moved on with concepts of letter integartion, abstractions, posters and pictograms for the rest of the course to achieve clarity with practical experience. Observing negetive and positive spaces to manipulate them to convey your message the most effectively. Refining our visual language.
ASSIGNMENT 1 : letter integration
ASSIGNMENT 2A : abstraction
Assignment two required us to study an object and the light that falls on it’s plane, after which we take pictures and trace it by hand concentrating on the contours of the shade and light and estimating the negative positive spaces fo best representation and recreation of the object.
ASSIGNMENT 2B : poster
after studying our object we made posters using our chosen objects building a theme around it. The above poster was inspired by the comb’s cleaning aspect. While the poster on the left was inspired by the comb’s cultural value in Chinese culture.
ASSIGNMENT 2C : pictogram
Deriving a theme from any of our poster we made pictograms based on the theme. After choosing the theme “cleanliness and health” I made several simple pictograms to a pictogram revolving around a certain existing situation for use. I directed “cleanliness and health” to a narrower section of disposing medical waste at homes.
Tarundeep Girdher
Faculty: Duration: Credits:
2 WU
Oh, 17.5 PT
to plea∞e you.
This course was an enriching experience and really helped in developing a richer taste for typography. It made me realise how even little differences can make a huge impact (in type). After being exposed to good reading materials to strengthen our type terminologies we went through various classrom exercises which helped us understand page layout as an outcome and composition as a process, how to select a typeface for different context, legibility and readability, combining typefaces to effectively communicate through text. and much more
44 PT
ASSIGNMENT A1 : briefing
after going over useful type terminologies our first assignmet required us to study a typeface among many common typefaces that were given to us as options. We had to go through it’s fact file, designer, year, foundry, how it came to being, the family or versions and more. I chose Corbel. After a day of studying we were to share this information with our class in the form of a presentation. This helped us further widen our knowledge in the basics of typography and gave me a fresh perspective on looking at typefaces.
Corbel (2005)
Sans Serif ClearType Font collection:
a a a a
Calibri at 42 pt Cambria at 42 pt Candara at 42 pt Consolas at 42 pt Constatia at 42 pt Corbel at 42 pt
Regular Italic abc Bold abc Bold Italic abc abc abc abc
Clear appearance Numbers as Ƥ ǣ made for orSCREEN old style lower case numerals designed by Corbel:Jeremy 1234567890 Tankard
Constatia: 1234567890 Candara: 1234567890
* * * * * * * * Posting you
Love 2015 this year
Running along with our courses, suddenly it was the 31st of Decemeber and a New Year was about to begin. So, going along with the spirit of greeting another year, we teamed up with a batchmate and combined the typefaces we had to study to make postcards that we printed out fresh to be sent out with love. Combining Corbel and Palatino I along with Mrudula, my batchmate, made a series of greetings that we sent out to various addresses.
ne w
Ha p
Ha Happyyne ar p new e w year Happy y ne w
r Happ ew yea y pHy nnew y ar Hap appy eye ar Happy nnew ew y ear ear ewr y py neaar Hap yye new ew r ppy n w HaHappppy ne year yea ew Hap Happypny new neeww H yyear aa na pye ew p n HapHppypyH naewppy r a HappyHnew
Happy new year ar new ye Happy
r yera w a e n e Happ ppnyew yweayar r y naepw a y p H e H yenaewnye e H y new ppy rw ap y y arnew ear Ha apHpaypnew HHaapHHap pHap y e py n p e w n p ppHap p y y Hapy pyear p eapy y npepwyaHap rppyynew pypnynew H eynw new year Ha y nH aeeparpnew a a H p H year r H p a p a e y p a H a p wr H y n aw pHap neeayweyear apHry Hyae ar w ynew Hap py py w pepyy neyynew epaypreeypy ew eaarrppnyyeewanreyw n a enar n H y p Hap py y new ew py new Hap year py HaHpapp Hap n ew p w year eew new aHpappy y newyH yea a n H Hap p p new year y e p y n y y r yeanew new p ewe Happy ar r year a y p ear r Ha Happy new y ear Happy new year
#postcardlove #spreadlove #winter #love
#bliss #midnightawaits #cheersLove
#relaxreviverestore #resolutions #freshstart #AuldLangSyne ͗ Ƥ #sendinglovefor #2015 #anotherjourney #happiness
#allsmiles #yourlittlegift
#wishes #familytime
Here’s to having a fresh start at procrastinating, binge eating, binge watching and sleeping all the time like a lazy ass cat, making the same mistakes again cuz we are too lazy to change. Here’s to staying just as awesome as we were last year.
ASSIGNMENT A2 : admission brochure
After laying down the basics and playing with the fonts, we moved on to understanding heirarchy and emphasis. Imparting information to the public on admission procedure and exam dates for NID. After many test prints and observation and study of our layout and format we pasted it on a newspaper format for a final display.
ASSIGNMENT A3: calander
scale, pencil, cutter scissor, adhesive. After much digital work we put aside our screens and dug out our stationary to cut out a given template of numbers, days and months to arrange a calander layout. Multiple visits to the photocopy booth and a lot of cutting and sticking each of us presented two pages representing any two months in our calander layout.
2 01 5
mon tue wed thu fri sat sun
1 2
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
ASSIGNMENT A4: speech layout
Our final assignment was to design a layout for the NID convocation speech. We were to establish heirarchy, choose typefaces and maintain continuity over multiple pages. Keeping in mind to establish a relationship between the reader and text. I chose Bell MT for the heading and Bembo for the body text. After a few spreads of samples made we went forward with a final concept to finish our final assignment and a well spent course.
Rupesh Vyas
Faculty: Duration: Credits:
1 WU
Though this course was for a short duration, there was a good amount of learning and outcome. Each of us had a different approach and direction related to colour. My group concentrated on CMYK and RGB. By the end of the week we had a good amount of newly acquired skill and knowledge backed by theoritical and practical research.
ASSIGNMENT A: infographics
after observing how file sizes are related to the various changes made to a certain image we made an infograph to explain the differences between various colour mode/ bit-depth/ clour blindness. There are clear visual differences as shown in the infograph. (however you will notice no difference between RGB and CMYK mode visually here as this document was made for print. RGB is meant for monitor screens and has visually brighter colours as RGB can hold larger colour gamut compared to printing.)
INFOGRAPHICS Changing Image Mode and its impact on file size
Indexed Colours size: 4.69M RGB size: 14.1M
Bitmap size: 600.0K
CMYK size: 18.8M
Grayscale size: 4.69M
Changing Bit- Depth and its impact on file size
8 Bit size: 14.1M
16 Bit size: 28.1M
32 Bit size: 56.3M
Colour Blind and Impact on Colour Application
Color Blindness Protanopia-type
Color Blindness Deuteranopia-type
Swapnaneel Ray, Pratishruti Eswarary, AbhilashRadhaKrishnan | Course Faculty: Rupesh Vyas | Colour 2 | 4th Semester | Graphic Design | GD_B.Des_13 Typeface used: Myraid Pro
After some study and research on RGB and CMYK model we moved on to our approach of representation. We came across a visual concept which we were interested in understanding and recreating. The visuals are in classic CMYK but when you look at them through RGB screens the CMYK print get deleted, depending on the color the glasses have. Thus allowing us to stack visuals one on top of the other in CMYK and move RGB layers on top in gif format to shift between visuals. P.S- the RGB visuals that you are about to see related to this project are going to appear inaccurate in colour. Because this document was made for standard CMYK print. Apologies for the inconvenience.
Gary Taxali
Faculty: Duration: Credits:
1 WU
Open Elective has been a unique experience. With a whole new environment in Bangalore, “Drawing Your Personal Voice” helped me reconnect with my habit of sketching and illustration for good. Gary has really been a huge inspiration to the illustrator in us. Packed with numerous fun assignments the course helped us free our mind from controled thought processes to get in touch with our creativity. With regular critiquing sessions we were exposed to finding great potential in every style of work.
Offering Perspective –> no pencil, no editing –> but Refinement.
MINI 1st PROJECT : Object
On the first day we went exploring to a close by village market circle called Jalahalli where we could buy anything under Rs.15 and use that as a subject to draw different illustrations with different mediums. The motive was for us to break free from regular conventional stationary usage and use anything we find around us to make our illustrations. The object I chose was a syringe.
“Thoughts destroy creativity, stillness lets it flow�
MINI 2nd PROJECT : Silhouette
What do you see in a shadow? Our next project was to go outside and just make quick rough sketches of figures around us for the first half, then we took those sketches and played around with different medium to recreate their silhouettes and play with the composition.
MINI 3rd PROJECT : outdoor illustration
Our third mini project involved outdoor illustration during lunchbreak. So me and a batchmate, Serena, decided to take a metro to the closest station, for lunch and just draw and draw and draw.
MINI 4th PROJECT : article illustration
We had a short exercise in class where we were given a situation. “Your art director calls you, you’re asked to make a rough concept sketch of an illustration for a newspaper article for News York Times in five minutes. Title: ‘Professional women like to spend their free time doing chores while professional men spend their free time in leisure activities’” “Balance your Art and Commerce”
MEGA PROJECT : Illustrating secrets
We had recieved the brief for this project on day one itself. Each of us were handed out yearbook pictures of strangers and were asked to make up a secret that the person in the picture was hiding and express that secret through illustration. We were asked to refrain from common secrets and think about crazy possibilities and challange our mind to think out of the box. We had to work on this assignment aside our other mini projects and come up with rough ideas to reach a final one and take our time to illustrate it for the final day.
that’s how I met DAVE
The hunt for Dave’s story had been a constant chase of rough ideation doodles and little comic strips. From the very beginning his hair has been a very distinct feature. After various doodles, I wanted to give Dave a comical clutter feel going by his appearance.
So i came up with two little comic strip of secrets that Dave could possibly have. The comic to the right was hand drawn on glossy paper. Both my comics have a rough sketchy feeling to it to match up to the strangeness of my stories.
Dave lost control over his munchies and ate a pizza magician.
I tried playing with the panels here. I cut them up separately and arranged them on black paper, maintaining a sort of ununiformity in the allignment to give the entire comic a shaky motion effect.
Dave is a secret biological experiment. His hair is actallly uncooked noodle.
Conclusion It’s been a great winter semester enriched with good learning . Each course had it’s own impact and equipped us with skills that we can further refine with time and practice. With more experieces on the way, I intend to go on with a positive attitude to never put an end to refining my skills and experiences.
Page size: Vertical A5 typeset in Lato (Heading and Body text) and Sail (Cover, Content and Acknowledgement) Printed and bound by Siddhi Printech and Copiers