Prattfolio Fall/Winter 2013 "Visualizing Data" Issue

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Fall/winter 2013

Prattfolio the magazine of prat t institute

Visualizing Data Getting SAVI about GIS | The Art of Data | Breathing Life into Numbers

In Focus Sculpture graduate student Alexandra Kostakis (M.F.A. ’15) welds pieces of steel in the Pratt metal shop. In addition to taking welding and forging classes in the facility, Kostakis also uses it as a work studio to create a series of artworks based on chairs. The metal shop is one of the many specialized facilities on the Institute’s campus that give students the opportunity to learn and explore the range of tools and processes necessary for groundbreaking, interdisciplinary artists to develop their talents and express their creative vision. (Photo by Alex Weber)

fall / winter 2013


Features 8



Get ting SAVI About GIS Pratt’s nascent visualization initiative is providing important tools on campus and in the community beyond.

The Art of Data New directions in art-making

Breathing Life into Numbers With big data increasing and attention spans shrinking, infographic designers are the new storytellers du jour.

30 Work in Progress Visualizing the First Amendment

44 Celebrating 20 Years Since becoming President of Pratt in 1993, Thomas F. Schutte has transformed the Institute—and the local community.

Departments 2 Social@Prat t 3 From the President 4 Inspired Frank “Fraver” Verlizzo, B.F.A. ’72 Poster for The Lion King 6 Inside Look At home with John Pai, B.I.D. ’62, M.F.A. ’64, Professor Emeritus

32 New and Noteworthy Items in the Marketplace Created by Pratt Alumni, Faculty, and Students 36 Ryerson Walk Recent Campus News and Activities

47 Honor Roll Recognizing Pratt donors from July 2012 to June 2013

40 Beyond the Gates Pratt's Presence in the Public Realm

a bo u t the c ov er Adriana Lima, Vogue Brasil n303, from Digital Beauty, 2008 by Naroa Lizar (M.F.A. Integrated Practices and New Forms ’13) Digital Beauty examines the influence that the media, post-production techniques, and digital manipulation have on Western societies’ obsession with perfection and beauty. Lizar began with magazine covers featuring the five most desirable women of 2007, as determined by an survey, and altered the digital images’ code by inserting into it information on digital manipulation from a Photoshop manual.

Social @ Pratt Via our social media sites, we asked people in the Pratt community what they think of the tools and trends discussed in this issue. Here’s what they said.

Q. Augmented reality is a live view of a real-world environment whose elements are enhanced by computer-generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics, or GPS data. Does your work incorporate augmented reality?

A. I have done American military history painting for over 20 years. In 2011, I started Hand Held History, a company that provides mobile-app tours utilizing augmented reality in the camera feature of mobile devices. Now you can witness historical events on the very spot where they occurred! Dan Nance , B.F.A. Film ’96

A. My colleague Debbie Rabina and I found that 65 percent of the people using the augmented reality function in the German Traces NYC project had trouble with it, and that augmented reality is not intuitive for many users. If you are going to use this technology with people who are new to it, you have to do some training (preferably outdoors). Anthony Cocciolo, Assistant Professor, School of Information

and Library Science

Q. Has technology changed the art world for better or for worse?

A. Technology can be a double-edged sword. It enables things to be manipulated on a very precise level, but there is a barrier between being able to achieve such results and the user’s proficiency. Christine Sumner , B.F.A. Art and Design Education ’94

A. I am always amazed that you can draw a bunch of lines and shapes, press a button, and produce a fabulous rendering in minutes. Changes take very little time. An engineer can pick up my renderings and drawings and start the component drawings without a lot of translation. Peter Crum , M.I.D. ’72

Q. How have infographics impacted design and society?

A. They’ve had a huge impact. This medium is considered to be unique in that it engages both the left and right sides of the brain simultaneously. Powerful messages can be conveyed via infographics. Giselle Carr , M.P.S. Design Management ’13

Got something to add? Share your thoughts by following Pratt on Twitter @PrattInstitute, liking us on Facebook at, or by emailing

fa l l / w i n t er 2013


from the President Thomas F. Schutte

Prattfolio is published by the Office of Communications and Marketing in the Division of Institutional Advancement for the alumni and friends of Pratt Institute. ©2013 Pratt Institute

Pratt is home to a distinctly visual community. As one of the world’s leading art and design colleges, the Institute gives students in every discipline the opportunity to learn the very immediate and universal language of imagery. At the same time, our students, faculty, and alumni live in a world increasingly focused on information and data. This issue of Prattfolio examines some of the ways Pratt artists and designers are using their skills to transform cold statistics into meaningful stories—and, in turn, how data itself is inspiring new creative works. One of our students’ greatest sources of inspiration is the Pratt campus itself, which is known across the country for its architecture, sculpture park, and exquisitely landscaped grounds. We continue to enhance the campus environment and, this fall, dedicated the Engineering Quadrangle, which was completely redesigned thanks to the generosity of Pratt Trustee Emeritus and alumnus Bruce M. Newman (B.F.A. Interior Design ’53). The ribbon-cutting for this beautiful new outdoor area was a highlight of Alumni Day 2013, which brought more than 600 alumni back to campus for a full day of presentations, performances, and receptions as well as our second annual Alumni Art & Design Fair. Plans are already underway for next year’s Alumni Day on Saturday, September 20, 2014, so mark your calendars. The entire Pratt community is eagerly anticipating the reopening of Main Building next spring in addition to the opening of the new state-of-the-art Film/Video facility on Myrtle Avenue, which will support the department’s new curriculum emphasizing video as an essential communications tool. As you can see, it’s an exciting time for the Institute and for our alumni across the country and around the world. I hope you enjoy this issue of Prattfolio and share my sense of pride in the work that your fellow alumni, as well as our faculty and students, are doing.

Thomas F. Schutte President

Pratt Institute 200 Willoughby Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11205 V ic e Pre s ide n t for Ins t it u t ion a l Adva n c e me n t Todd Michael Galitz E x ec u t i v e D irec tor of Co mm u nic at ions a nd m a rk e t in g Mara McGinnis M a n ag ing Ed i tor Charlotte Savidge Cre at i v e D irec tor Joshua Graver Art D irec tor Kara Schlindwein S e nior Ed itori a l M a n age r Bay Brown Co n t rib u t ing D e s i gne rs Nakiska Shaikh Cop y Ed itors Ruth Samuelson Sarah Bruni Co n t rib u tors Amy Aronoff Jolene Travis Kate Ünver Hannah Holden S e nior Prod u c t io n M a n age r David Dupont Photo gr a ph y Peter Tannenbaum

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inspired Frank “Fraver” Verlizzo, B.F.A. ’72, Poster for The Lion King

Dubbed “the theatre poster legend” by Playbill, Frank “Fraver” Verlizzo has created the artwork for more than 300 Broadway and Off Broadway productions, including Sunday in the Park with George, Sweeney Todd, and Our Town. In 1987, he received a special Drama Desk Award for his “inspired artwork for theatrical productions,” an honor never before bestowed in this realm. Among Fraver’s most famous works worldwide is the poster image for The Lion King, which he designed for Disney Theatricals in 1997 when he was vice president/creative director at Grey Entertainment. Unlike many shows for which Fraver had previously developed artwork, The Lion King was already a successful animated film. It was up to Fraver to create a compelling image that captured the stage production’s unique look. Prattfolio talked to Fraver about the design process.

What inspired your design for The Lion King artwork? I recalled the cave painting image of Simba from seeing the movie years before, and the Broadwayshow design was heavily stylized based on African art. Disney supplied us with many of Julie Taymor’s costume sketches and Richard Hudson’s set design sketches to use as references. The graphic nature of the border patterns on the fabric specifically had a huge influence on me.

What challenges did you face designing the poster? The mane presented a challenge. There were so many ways to treat and interpret it. I eventually drew by hand at least 50 other Simba head sketches until I was seeing them in my sleep. Producer Thomas Schumacher then had legendary Disney animator Hans Bacher distill my designs into what became the woodcut-like icon.

What made the poster design distinctive? Its simplicity and use of solid black, red, and yellow. The Disney producers were drawn to it right away. As a result, the bold-type design (based on a Neuland font) never changed and the bright taxicab-yellow background remained as I first presented it. Opposite page: The Lion King, 1997, poster art. Verlizzo created this bold graphic treatment for the poster of the Broadway musical The Lion King based on the Disney animated film of the same name.





inside look

At home with John Pai, B.I.D. ’62, M.F.A. ’64, Professor Emeritus


Music plays such an important role in sculptor John Pai’s life that he once gave up an apartment for a piano. The piano he wanted to buy didn’t fit in his place. Fortunately, the couple selling it were planning to move. So, he simply moved into the apartment with the piano. Pai, whose passion for truly engaging in his interests led him to study ballet and modern dance as an adult—and even teach himself to play the clarinet after studying saxophone as a child— recalls, “As an undergraduate at Pratt, I became interested in the piano for its polyphonic qualities,” which related to his exploration of artwork based on complex three-dimensional structures. From that point on, the piano became one of his essential creative tools. Today, Pai’s home—a remodeled and expanded 18th-century Connecticut farmhouse—has plenty of room for the 1907 Steinway


grand he now owns. In addition, Pai has a small upright piano in his studio that he uses to take mental breaks during the daylong sessions of focused welding required to craft his sculptures. The house also serves as an exhibition space for several of his works, which demonstrate the shifts in his process and style since he first began exhibiting in the 1960s. These include a model of his monumental 31-foot Notes from the Stars, commissioned by the Seoul Institute of the Arts in Ansan, Korea. Offsetting Pai’s intricate metal sculptures are the early American pieces that his wife, Eunsook, has assembled over the years to furnish and decorate their home. The result is an environment as layered and harmonious as the musical structures that have inspired Pai all his life. “I need music,” he says. “It’s part of who I am.”

Above left: Pai at his 1907 Steinway grand piano; Above right: The cello Pai received as a 70th birthday gift, with a model of Notes from the Stars; Opposite page: The Pais’ sitting room.




saVi about gis by David sokol

Pratt’s nascent visualization initiative is providing important tools on campus and in the community beyond. If you ever zoomed into a Google map close enough to observe the relationship between streets and businesses, you know what GIS can do. The acronym stands for Geographic Information System, and this combination of hardware, software, and human effort transforms straightforward location data into overlaid maps representing different subjects’ relationships to one another. “GIS is not just about cartography,” explained a June 2012 report for Pratt and its community partners entitled Pratt Institute Geospatial Analysis Service Center and Research Lab Viability Test and Plan, led by Juan Camilo Osorio, adjunct assistant professor in the Graduate Center for Planning and the Environment (GCPE), and Jessie Braden, environmental planner at the Pratt Center for Community Development. Because it visualizes spatial networks, GIS “is about the power of data to inform decision makers, researchers, management, and regular folk,” the report states. The possibilities for this data are endless. An architecture student can maximize a building’s daylighting according to recent zoning variances and air-rights transfers; an anthropology professor

can help students understand ancient patterns of migration and trade; and a financial planner for a local diocese can coordinate real-estate investments with church-attendance trends. By committing to use GIS specifically for community improvement, the Pratt Center secured a $660,000 New York City Council capital grant to construct a campus GIS facility, which Pratt Institute matched with another $100,000. Pratt has provided $200,000 more for furnishings and equipment, and it will open the doors to the Spatial Analysis & Visualization Initiative (SAVI) in the ISC Building on the Brooklyn campus in early 2014. Even without a physical headquarters, SAVI consolidates the Institute’s GIS resources with an eye to social benefit. That means putting data analysis in the hands of community activists, students, and faculty. It also means making the products of GIS expertise visually legible and compelling so that the stories they tell will have as much impact as possible. With the help of Pratt’s Graduate Communications Design Department, the design of SAVI’s maps will make Left: SAVI Director Jessie Braden



Measles genotype map by SAVI team member and Graduate City and Regional Planning student Sadra Shahab for the Measles and Rubella Initiative, a partnership led by the American Red Cross, the United Nations Foundation, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, UNICEF, and the World Health Organization.

it easier for communities to interpret and use them as policy, planning, and decision-making tools. “At the end of the day, visual representation is as important as the quality of data analysis,” Braden observes. “Our vision for SAVI is to produce outstanding multidisciplinary projects with the highest-caliber visual display— making the invisible visible, both inside and outside Pratt’s gates.” John Shapiro, chair of GCPE, which is part of the Institute’s Programs for Sustainable Planning and Development (PSPD), says, “When I was a planner starting out in my career, GIS was a very expensive tool, and what you got was basically a computer-generated map. It’s grown up to be a whole other phenomenon.” As a partnership between PSPD, the Pratt Center, and the Graduate Communications Design Department, and overseen by the Office of the Provost, SAVI promises to show Shapiro and all of us where GIS is heading.

GIS in Its Prime Long before computers generated maps, GIS existed in principle. In the first half of the 19th century, epidemiologistgeographers Charles Picquet and John Snow used a layered-mapping technique to portray cholera outbreaks in Paris and London. In the 1960s, the Canada Geographic Information System used technology to map the soil, land use, and animal species of rural Canada. Several years later, Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design formed the Laboratory for Computer Graphics and Spatial Analysis, which would remain the hotbed of GIS innovation for the next two decades. GIS has since grown more democratic due to cheaper tech platforms and greater availability of data via public agencies and social media. “There’s a combination of the data opening up, increasing Internet speeds for easier data transfer, and access to open-source tools to work that data,” Braden explains.

“At the end of the day, visual representation is as important as the quality of data analysis.” –Jessie Braden Working the data to what ends though? “It’s not enough to be able to access the technology and generate a nice map,” Osorio says. “We want to teach students how to ask the right data questions. We want to use GIS in a critical way and continue developing that capacity.” Since he joined the Pratt faculty in 2010, Osorio has been ensuring that GIS projects are conducted with critical outcomes in mind. Beginning in 2011, for example, he assembled a group of faculty and graduate researchers to provide technical assistance to the New York City Environmental Justice Alliance (NYC-EJA). Forecasting different waterfront communities’ vulnerability



SAVI provided technical assistance to Pratt PSPD students Katy Donald and Humberto Martinez, and University of Pennsylvania landscape architecture student Emily Silber, who created this graphic as part of the RAMP Community Planning Studio.

to pollution in severe weather, the group mapped environmental permits within New York’s storm-surge zones. It then knitted data about potential toxic exposure—situations like exterior storage of hazardous materials—with income, age, health insurance, and other characteristics that give a fuller picture of residents’ ability to withstand the release of hazmats in a flood. The partnership is ongoing, and Osorio was recently named NYC-EJA’s director of research. In 2011, Osorio and his Pratt colleagues spearheaded a collaboration with Manhattan Community Board 3 to layer historic liquor license data, noise complaints phoned into 311, and current land use and zoning. The results are guiding the community board’s recommendations for where and how often to grant liquor licenses in this fast-changing area. “These projects are what I mean about GIS transcending technology,” Osorio concludes. “You supplement the capacity of the maps by

answering a research question with them or telling a story with them. We do that as urban planners.”

“We want to teach students how to ask the right data questions.” –Juan Camilo Osorio Both undertakings were cited in Braden and Osorio’s 2012 report, as part of a series of case studies showing what Pratt could accomplish by centralizing its socially-conscious GIS expertise. Under SAVI’s banner, students could find mentorship while professors shared best practices, researchers advertised for collaborators, and community activists sought the power of geospatial knowledge. The report revealed an even more compelling reason to launch SAVI: there was no known college- or university-level GIS lab with a mission to serve academia and citizenry simultaneously.

Telling the Community Story SAVI’s heart, in the basement of the ISC Building, will be exactly the lab that its seed funders envisioned. Digital hardware will hum in multiple rooms, staffed by technically astute graduate students overseen by Braden, who was recently appointed as SAVI’s director. It will also be a venue for general GIS instruction, research, and real-world applications, thereby making good on Pratt’s larger vision of GIS as an information tool and as an agent of the public interest. Already SAVI is working on a variety of public sector and nonprofit GIS projects. “Tasks vary from simply generating a map to a sophisticated two-year undertaking involving social network and time-lapse GIS layering,” says Shapiro. SAVI is creating a new edition of the Pratt Center’s widely distributed Transportation Equity Atlas, which compares transit mobility among New York City neighborhoods. The atlas was



first completed with data from 2000, and SAVI’s updates will help the Pratt Center and its partners understand how transportation access has changed over time as well as current challenges for low-income workers. The Pratt Center is a natural partner for SAVI as “the nation’s original college-based technical assistance provider to community groups,” as Braden puts it.

“You supplement the capacity of the maps by answering a question with them, or telling a story with them.” –Juan Camilo Osorio Meanwhile, together with Pratt’s Department of Art and Design Education, SAVI is assessing the impact of youth programs on local communities. SAVI is also engaging the Pratt student body by using RAMP—Recovery, Adaptation, Mitigation, Planning—an initiative focused on disaster resilience in coastal communities, as a GIS training workshop, providing them with data and technical support. Reflecting on SAVI as a pedagogical resource, Osorio says, “Communitybased initiatives form just one angle. We are coordinating a cultural infrastructure for collaborations that employ data and maps.” Braden, meanwhile, believes that starts with teaching the rules of analysis. “We can work with students and professors to make sure they are gathering the right data, following proper spatial analysis protocols to use the data

correctly, and presenting it in the right way to tell a meaningful story,” she says. Whether it is assisting communities or championing best practices, SAVI is charting a course for the GIS field, particularly in terms of standards for graphic and interface design, two of Pratt’s strengths. The partnership with the Graduate Communications Design Department “will allow exposure for students and faculty to the GIS process, provide access to data for research purposes, and aid SAVI by providing visualization and design expertise,” says Jeffrey Bellantoni, chair of the Graduate Communications Design Department. For example, this fall SAVI graduate assistant Jenn Boggs is evaluating students’ GIS visualizations and producing a cartography manual with Braden. In addition, SAVI will develop its own GIS products. One under way is UrbanNexus, which will track current and historical planning efforts and data creation by neighborhood, then weave the information into a single citywide map so that residents can discover and comment on every plan ever schemed for a neighborhood. The result could revolutionize planning in New York and elsewhere. As Osorio notes, “Considering that we embrace so many disciplines, we are uniquely positioned to frame that conversation.” Thanks to SAVI, Pratt can expect many more groundbreaking conversations to come.

Right: Juan Camilo Osorio

The New directions


art in art-making

data by Alix Finkelstein



For Pratt artists who operate on the frontiers of technology, electronic data is more than just an exciting source of new artistic material.

Above: Stills from BOUNDARY–America Shrinking, America Expanding by Liang-Pin Tsao (M.F.A. Photography ’10) Above right: Still from #happy is... by Brian Cavanaugh (M.F.A. Integrated Practices and New Forms ’10)

Savvy manipulators of multiple platforms—from the traditional mediums of painting and drawing to the digital realms of 3-D animation and advanced robotics—these artists arrive on campus keen to contribute to the evolving cultural conversation on the social and personal implications of information gathering. What is popularly known as Big Data—everything on the web from one person’s email inbox to a global corporation’s massive accumulation of business analytics—produced an astounding 30 billion gigabytes of digital information in 2005, and that number is expected to increase by more than 20 times in 2013, according to a recent report in The New York Times. “For artists who are engaged with data as material, we are living in a time when you could not ask for more,” observes Ben Fino-Radin (M.F.A. Digital Arts ’13, M.L.S. ’13), a digital


conservator for the Museum of Modern Art. “It’s all over the place. But data alone is not enough. The artist has to expose something deeper, whether it is a human story or a bias in the data, to make it art.” At Pratt, two graduate programs within the School of Art and Design are at the forefront of this creative inquiry. Both the Integrated Practices and New Forms M.F.A. within the Department of Fine Arts and the Interactive Arts M.F.A. within the Department of Digital Arts provide opportunities for artists to develop sophisticated visual statements from myriad data resources. And as the technologies advance for capturing, manipulating, and analyzing data, Pratt artists have responded by producing work of increasing complexity and beauty.

Crossing Boundaries Integrated Practices and New Forms is an interdisciplinary degree that allows students to explore both traditional studio practices and newer forms of creative expression. While some artists enter the program with a background in digital artmaking, for others, it is the emphasis on crossing boundaries and exploring new fields of knowledge that inspires them to incorporate data into their creative practice.


“There is a very eclectic use of information among New Forms artists,” says Ann Messner, adjunct professor of Fine Arts and a senior thesis advisor for the program. “Technology is present, but it is often one of many media the artist engages with.” As the recent work of New Forms artists demonstrates, data serves not just as content, but as a catalyst both for critical discourse and new directions in art-making. Liang-Pin Tsao’s (M.F.A. Photography ’10) video installation, BOUNDARY–America Shrinking, America Expanding captured the artist’s three-month journey to the farthest directional points of the contiguous United States and queried the scientific understanding and political assumptions of territorial borders. To reach the four extremes of the U.S. mainland, Tsao relied on a handheld GPS navigational system to pinpoint his destination. But in practice, variables such as atmosphere and the receiver quality of the GPS unit meant Tsao could only narrow the actual location of each farthest point to a space of a few meters, making it all but impossible to accurately identify the nation’s farthest boundaries. These logistical and epistemological concerns exposed the data’s vulnerability as well as furthered the artist’s questioning of nations’ reliance on charted borders to define territory. Tsao



now sees the empirical connotations of data as rich conceptual territory for the artist. “My realization was that we could never agree on a precise location of a boundary,” says Tsao. “It’s where you stand and how you see it that determines the division.”

Data as Metaphor For Naroa Lizar (M.F.A. Integrated Practices and New Forms ’13), physical engagement with data prompted her interest in data’s metaphoric potential. With only a rudimentary understanding of coding, Lizar typed 99 sentences from signs used in the 2011–12 Occupy Wall Street protests into the algorithmic code of a Google Maps photograph of Zuccotti Park. The result was a digital image that gradually fragmented in response to the intervening text. For her senior thesis exhibition, 59 Days (& Nights), the artist captured the fragmentation on video and added a scroll of the corrupted code running along the bottom of the screen. A social commentary on the media’s depiction of the Occupy Wall Street movement, 59 Days also featured 59 ceramic pigs and a 383-page book of the printed code with the 99 sentences interspersed among the code’s digits. “The installation challenges the media’s ability to control the coverage of Occupy Wall Street and the impact of the media’s intervention on our understanding of political events,” says Lizar. “Like the data itself, it’s always about what is there and what is not there. What you can see and what is hidden.” While Lizar and Tsao’s use of data has furthered their artistic aims, neither works exclusively in the digital realm. But alumnus Brian Cavanaugh (M.F.A. Integrated Practices and New Forms ’10) has made digital art the cornerstone of his creative practice. “I am a ‘techy,’ ” says Cavanaugh. “And throughout my time at Pratt, I explored the integration of programming, interactivity, and video with studies that spanned the Fine Arts program and took me into the Digital Arts program as well.” Cavanaugh’s most recent work, #happy is…, is a projected installation created from the collection of real-time information of Instagram photos tagged “#happy.” To capture and analyze the Instagram data, Cavanaugh built a software system that downloads the imagery from the web and analyzes each pixel to calculate the image’s average color. The information is then converted into an animated grid. Viewers watch as thin bands of color scroll down a large screen to become visual representations of a shared idea of happiness. “Digital technology is constantly increasing the ways in which data is being collected and how it is being used,” says Cavanaugh, who recently showed #happy is… at the Figment NYC arts festival. “It opens up a lot of issues I am interested in: everything from data privacy and transparency to how data advances our technologies and give us freedom to create.”

“ Data alone is not enough. The artist has to expose something deeper.” –Ben Fino-Radin



Still from 59 Days (& Nights) by Naroa Lizar (M.F.A. Integrated Practices and New Forms ’13)



Stills from Moment in Time by Qian Zhang (M.F.A. Interactive Arts ’12)



“ Moment in Time creates a record of the viewer’s presence on Earth.” –Qian Zhang

Seeking a Personal Connection Similar questions and a shared fascination with computerhuman interaction brings artists from around the world to Pratt’s Department of Digital Arts and its groundbreaking Interactive Arts program, where graduate students use various data-collecting systems, from GPS signals to motion-detection software, to create compelling visual narratives in which the viewer plays a direct role in the outcome. “Our students generate their own data through programming that captures a viewer’s movements and gestures,” explains Professor Peter Mackey, who teaches interactive media and programming. “That data becomes the basis for a multisensory experience of vision and sound that actively engages the participant. It is the potential for data gathering to enhance connectivity that ultimately drives our students’ creative practices.” Moment in Time, created by Qian Zhang (M.F.A. Interactive Arts ’12), beautifully demonstrates how data can be transformed into a rich, immersive experience. Viewers enter a darkened environment in which they are surrounded by a projection of a glowing galaxy. In response to the viewer’s movements, a new set of stars appears and ultimately takes the shape of a constellation. That constellation becomes a permanent part of the galaxy projection. “A record,” says Zhang, “of the viewer’s presence on Earth.” The tranquility of the experience belies the complexity of Zhang’s custom-built programming for capturing the data of the viewer’s movements and translating the stars’ animated motion. “It’s a difficult task to create art that actively responds to the viewer,” says the artist, “but the powerful emotional responses to Moment in Time made the project very rewarding.” An interest in the potential of data technologies to foster human relationships is also what attracted Eric Rieper (M.F.A. Interactive Arts ’14) to the program. “In its poetry and its

rhetoric, my art is wholly dependent on the participation of the viewer,” Rieper explains. “For me, interactive technology is a means to create a dialogue or a shared experience that is engaging and intimate.” Last spring, Rieper collaborated with Associate Professor Liubo Borissov and composer Konrad Kaczmarek to create PAVE, or Peripatetic Audio Video Ensemble, an interactive augmentedreality composition. The composition, when downloaded to the participant’s mobile device, uses GPS tracking data as well as the camera’s visual data to transform a walk along Lower Manhattan into a shared experience of superimposed sights and sounds. Of the collaboration, Rieper says, “I found in Liubo someone who was similarly looking at what these technological tools do poetically and how to use technological data to truly engage and connect the participants—rather than making the technology the central focus of the work.” Watching the participants make their way through the 10 sites of the guided walk at New York City’s 2012 River to River Festival, it was evident to the creators how the augmented-reality experience brought its participants into closer contact as they collaboratively engaged the application’s controls. “It all worked together to create a moment between you, your device, the people you were with, and your city, your actual environment,” recalls Rieper. “It was pretty wonderful.” As the art of data advances, Pratt artists will continue to develop the visual language that best exploits data’s material and expressive potential. The means and intentions for deploying data in art-making may be diverse, but, as Professor Mackey observes, “Ultimately, every artist wants to create a meaningful experience.”

Breathing Life into Numbers With big data increasing and attention spans shrinking, infographic designers are the new storytellers du jour.

by Ruth Samuelson



Previous spread: Graphic created by Lauren Manning (M.S. Communications Design ’11) for her thesis; Above: Graphic created by Greg Riestenberg (M.F.A. Communications Design ’13) and Chris Jensen, assistant professor, Math and Science Department, to illustrate the “Prisoner’s Dilemma.”


We’re living in a world that prizes accountability, testing, and research-driven conclusions. But mathematical figures alone don’t always produce answers. That’s where today’s data visualization wizards are stepping in to help break down big data and difficult concepts.

“Infographics have always been a part of design education,” says Jeff Bellantoni, chair of the Graduate Communications Design Department. “What has changed is the amount and accessibility of data that requires visualization. The proliferation of data has increased the demand for graphic designers to make sense of it, establish hierarchy and improve access to and communication of the data.” Graphics that can be “read” quickly are the natural outcome of a digital culture where audiences are inundated with information and brevity is prized. One byproduct of this infographic trend, prompted by the digital realm, is that those who have always been visual thinkers—many at Pratt—are finally being presented with media that resonates with their learning style in real-life settings like the classroom. And as these three stories prove, Pratt designers are at the vanguard of innovation with this evolving communication tool.

A Language Everyone Can Understand

There are several popular models for understanding game theory, including one called “Prisoner’s Dilemma,” which examines the different outcomes between two prisoners who have committed the same crime, have been placed in solitary confinement, and have the option to confess or stay quiet. The implications—with jail time, freedom, and other punishments at stake—vary depending on who admits to committing the crime. The model has a broad array of implications for the natural world as well. “If you get a resource by exploiting the kindness of another individual, that selfish personality type would win out against those who are naturally more cooperative,” says Jensen. But that kind of widespread behavior can be harmful for everyone involved. “Any time there’s a common resource— even though it makes sense to preserve the resource—the temptation to look out for yourself causes everyone to overuse it and it collapses.” In other words: cooperation is often the key to survival.

Teaching evolutionary biology and ecology to art and design students at Pratt, Chris Jensen knows that his students often learn best through interactive and visual stimuli. When he couldn’t find the perfect teaching tools, he decided to create them himself.

To illustrate these models, Jensen looked no further than the Pratt campus. Thanks to Pratt’s graduate assistantship program, he hired then students Jean Ho Chu (M.F.A. Digital Arts ’11) and Greg Riestenberg (M.F.A. Communications Design ’13).

In particular, Jensen wanted to produce a series of graphics related to game theory, the study of strategic thinking that examines the benefits of cooperation versus selfishness.

The project was a natural fit for Riestenberg, who was interested in creating pedagogical resources and better understanding “what visual communicators can do to help educators engage their audience.”

“Cooperation is very widespread in nature,” says Jensen, an assistant professor in the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences’ Math and Science Department. “There are bacteria that cooperate. They cooperate to fight the immune system of the host. Ants, wasps, and bees are cooperators.”

Jensen and Riestenberg, who worked together for a year, would outline their goals at the beginning of the semester and then meet weekly to exchange updates and feedback. For Riestenberg, the project crystallized “the fundamental fact that there are so many different styles of learning.”




Above and on opposite page: Graphics from Lauren Manning’s thesis project.

Charting the Quantified Self A few years back, Lauren Manning (M.S. Communications Design ’11) became interested in tracking her every move. Each day, she recorded personal data points: what she ate, what she drank, where she spent time, movies she watched, emails she sent and received, what subways she took, etc. Manning was unknowingly part of the “quantified self ” movement—a term coined by two Wired magazine editors—in which people monitor their behavior over time by recording it. The data soon came in handy with her academic studies. For her thesis project at Pratt, Manning took all the food-related data and broke it down into 40 visualizations illustrating the location of her meals, the popularity of certain foods in her diet, her 2009 diet compared to her 2010 diet, and other topics. She even devoted full charts to her monthly ham consumption and French fry intake. The project not only clearly displayed her habits and preferences, it provided “the foundation for my knowledge about infographics,” says Manning. Today, she considers it a great educational tool—a sprawling array of design possibilities—for designers just starting out.

“The ultimate audience is someone who’s doing data visualization for the first time,” says Manning. “If you’re coming across my project, you can see some of the pitfalls,” not to mention the final products culled from many hours studying data visualization. In particular, she voraciously read books by Edward Tufte, a statistician, professor emeritus at Yale University, and the “godfather of information graphics,” Manning says. She also studied work by graphic designer, architect, and TED conference founder Richard Saul Wurman, who is also known for his innovative approaches to creating simple visuals out of complex information. The project also helped Manning land her first job, at ad agency R/GA, after graduating from Pratt. Websites following the design world like Fast Company, Visual News, and Infosthetics featured the project. R/GA saw her work and contacted her to become part of their new data visualization team. (She recently left R/GA to work for Code and Theory, an interactive design agency.) Two years after graduating from Pratt, Manning looks back on the project as a seminal experience. “That exploration process was the best creative process for me,” she says.



Manning was inspired by the “quantified self” movement—the term was coined by two Wired magazine editors—in which people monitor their behavior over time by constantly recording it.




Graphics produced by Radhika Unnikrishnan (M.S. Communications Design ’12) for one of Hyperakt’s corporate and philanthropic clients.

Dumbing Down to Make Smarter When Radhika Unnikrishnan (M.S. Communications Design ’12) looks at a spreadsheet, she sees beauty—or at least the potential for it. As a designer with Hyperakt, a Brooklyn-based firm, Unnikrishnan transforms a mishmash of sober reports and reams of numbers into vibrant infographics that tell a story. Her firm’s clients include an impressive list of media outlets, corporations, and nonprofits, including, in this case, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The client provided a Word document and an Excel spreadsheet and some direction about the narrative they wanted to tell. From there, Unnikrishnan and a Hyperakt art director broke down the data according to different categories: tuberculosis prevention, the current challenge, the progress that’s being made, and what help is needed. “You put the information

into those different buckets and try to sort it out,” says Unnikrishnan. Many of her pieces are used for conferences, websites, or promotional materials that might be shared through social media. The clients are often extremely well-educated, accomplished professionals, and they’re trying to share their work so it’s palatable to wide a range of people. “The reader should be able to understand the graphics if they know nothing,” she says, “You need to keep breaking it down to the most essential parts and then you’ve succeeded.” Sometimes, it comes down to: “Can a first grader understand this?” Unnikrishnan knows that it’s her job to breathe life into numbers and reel in readers: “If you want people to care about what you’re doing and understand what you’re doing, you have to tell a story.”




Work in Progress Visualizing the First Amendment

Sonia Sotomayor made history in August 2009 when she became the first Hispanic justice to be appointed to the Supreme Court—and one of only four women appointed to the Court in its 224-year history. But what role have gender and ethnicity really played in Supreme Court decisions over the years? Until recently, that would have been a very difficult question to answer, since legal scholars have traditionally taken a case-by-case approach relying on textual analysis, making big-picture trends very difficult to see. But with the increasing use of data and digital methods for conducting and presenting research in a variety of fields, that is changing. Pratt School of Information and Library Science (SILS)Associate Professor Debbie Rabina and Assistant Professor Chris Sula are leading the way in developing visual tools to help legal scholars and the broader public spot trends in Supreme Court rulings over time. Their first such project, Visualizing the First Amendment, applies empirical methods and visualization techniques to create interactive data-driven visualizations of Supreme Court rulings on cases involving First Amendment rights. “We decided to focus on Supreme Court cases because they establish precedent,” says Rabina. The project provides a new examination and understanding of the First

Amendment by visualizing the key components of its historic development on both quantitative and qualitative levels. The project’s interactive website features a timeline of seminal Supreme Court cases involving the First Amendment; a case browser that allows legal researchers to filter selected First Amendment cases by criteria such as specific keywords, rights asserted, or chief justice; statistical visualizations that use a Supreme Court database, which records over 60 variables on each case, to examine patterns and trends in the history of the Court; and a citation network that looks at the conceptual structure of the law by visualizing citations between Court opinions.

“ Data visualization is about trying to find hidden patterns.” — Chris Alen Sula The impetus for the project came about when students in Rabina’s information policy class began noticing discrepancies in the awarding, rescinding, and interpretation of First Amendment rights and began looking for commonalities. For example, in Olmstead vs. United States (1928), the court determined that wiretapping a person’s home without a warrant was not a violation of the Constitution. Forty years later in Katz vs.

United States (1967), the court ruled that wiretapping a phone booth outside of a suspected criminal’s home did violate First Amendment rights. Did the change in the Court’s ruling reflect a trend and, if so, what were the ramifications of this shift? When Sula, whose areas of expertise include information visualization and interactive technology, joined the SILS faculty in 2011, he and Rabina teamed up to use these techniques to help answer such questions and reveal deeper legislative trends surrounding the First Amendment. “Data visualization is about trying to find hidden patterns,” says Sula. By using digital tools to visualize legal content, Sula and Rabina aim to advance legal scholarship and increase public access to legal history. “The visual nature of this project allows users ranging from law experts to members of the public to engage with First Amendment data— searching for patterns, observing trends in legal interpretation, and developing a deeper understanding of constitutional freedoms. Visualizing the First Amendment is scheduled to launch this fall at Sula anticipates that the methods and systems developed for the project will serve as a model for future visual legal scholarship.

by Charlotte Savidge


The First Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that compose the Bill of Rights.

Top: A visualization of Supreme Court cases involving First Amendment issues over the past 70 years; Bottom: A network visualization of citations among Supreme Court opinions relating to the First Amendment in schools. Conservative decisions are colored in red; liberal decisions in blue.




NEW AND NOTEWORTHY Items in the marketplace created by Pratt alumni, faculty, and students



Hive Cuff and Honeycomb Ring


T-Frame T-Shirt Display

Erica Schwartz, M.I.D. ’06 $35-$131

Prakhar Mehrotra and Caleb Ferris, both B.I.D. ’14 $30

Inspired by nature in all her designs, Schwartz took cues from the honeycomb pattern of beehives for the oxidized sterling-silver cuff and gold-plated stainless steel ring, both of which are manufactured using 3-D printing and lasercut technologies. Available at

T-shirt lovers Mehrotra and Ferris were tired of seeing T-shirts displayed in square frames incongruous with their true shape. So for a competition with design firm Umbra, they created a frame that preserves the T-shirt’s form, turning favorite graphic design tees, concert memorabilia, beloved sports jerseys, and the like into wall art. Available at

Eva Zeisel: Life, Design, and Beauty Pirco Wolfframm, Adjunct Associate Professor, Undergraduate Communications Design $37.50 (Chronicle Books, 2013) The career of industrial designer and former Pratt faculty member Eva Zeisel (1906-2011) is celebrated in this hardcover book, which features extensive photographs of her work accompanied by short essays. As a ceramicist, Zeisel designed household wares inspired by the forms of nature and became the first female designer to have a solo exhibition at MoMA. Available at

All photos courtesy of the artists unless otherwise noted


Destination PSP Collection Tom Dolle, Adjunct Professor, Graduate Communications Design $15-$45 Always a fan of mid-century Modernism, Dolle adores the bright colors and 1950s-70s architecture of Palm Springs, the Californian desert oasis. A frequent visitor, Dolle recently designed Destination PSP, a Palm Springs-inspired collection of mugs, T-shirts, towels, and sturdy melamine tableware, perfect for poolside dining and revelry. Macy’s carries the melamine tableware, and the line is also sold in the Palm Springs Visitors Center. Available online at
















Perry Ellis: An American Original



Cocktail Ring

Jeffrey Banks, Fashion Design, ’74 $54.14 (Rizzoli, 2013)

Carrie Bilbo, B.F.A. Jewelry ’09 $150

Banks salutes American sportswear designer Perry Ellis in this hardcover monograph featuring a foreword by designer Marc Jacobs. Photographs and sketches illuminate each season of Ellis’s career, which spanned 1976-86, during which time his chic, loose-but-tailored style delighted aficionados of womenswear and menswear alike. Available at

This 24-karat gold-plated bronze cocktail ring with lacquered inlays was crafted by Bilbo, who imagines her designs as wearable pieces of art rather than mere ornamentation. Her sources of inspiration include art nouveau jeweler René Lalique and symbolist painter Gustav Klimt. Available at 8

Why, What, Where Embossed Teal Journal

Pli (iPhone 5 Case) Adam Pruden, M.S. Communications Design ’11 $39.99

Katherine Robinson, M.S. Communications Design ’13 $10.95 The Why, What, Where Embossed Teal Journal is one piece from the latest series of back-to-school products created by Pratt students as part of the Institute’s ongoing collaboration with Barnes & Noble that was launched in 2009. Available at

If famed mid-century designers Ray and Charles Eames had lived during the iPhone era, what kind of cases would they have designed? Pruden channeled the duo and other contemporaries to create the unique piece, which features a carved walnut veneer. He submitted his idea to a 24-hour, crowdsourced accessory-design competition and won. Available at

Submissions Alumni, Faculty, and Students We invite submissions to New and Noteworthy. Send information and images of your latest creation for sale in the marketplace to with the subject “New and Noteworthy.”



RYERSON WALK Recent Campus News and Activities

The newly landscaped Engineering Quadrangle

Engineering Quadrangle Project Construction Completed

Main Building Reconstruction Efforts Under Way

Pratt’s latest campus beautification project, the redesign of the Engineering Quadrangle, was a collaborative effort by Trustee Emeritus Bruce M. Newman (B.F.A. Interior Design ’53), recent architectural graduates from Pratt and CUNY, and the Office of Facilities Management. The Quadrangle, bounded by the Chemistry, Machinery, and Engineering Buildings, was reconstructed to allow for better circulation and enhanced aesthetics, and to reinforce the design cohesiveness of the campus. New bicycle racks were also installed alongside the Chemistry Building.

Pratt’s Office of Planning, Design, Construction, and Facilities Management has been working on the Main Building rebuilding efforts and, as part of the renovations, the landmark building will feature a green roof. The Institute has retained Helpern Architects, which has significant experience with historic buildings, restoration, and sustainable design. Over the past several months, fire-damaged and water-damaged materials were removed, interior walls were reinforced, and temporary waterproofing was installed. A sidewalk bridge has been installed in the courtyard to enable access between the Newman Mall, East Building, and the Gallery Café. Re-occupancy of Main Building will begin in phases by floor in early 2014.



Alumni Art & Design Fair exhibitor Kelly Horrigan, B.F.A. Fashion Design ’98 (Photo by Alex Weber)

Alumni Day 2013 Draws Record Number Back to Campus More than 600 Pratt alumni returned to campus on September 28 for Alumni Day 2013. The daylong event included Pratt’s second annual Alumni Art & Design Fair, gallery exhibitions, an academic fair, campus tours, and an evening cocktail celebration. There were also special events for engineering and international alumni as well as those celebrating their 10th, 25th, 35th, 40th, and 50th+ reunions. Other highlights of the day were the Engineering Quadrangle dedication ceremony honoring Pratt alumnus and Trustee Emeritus Bruce M. Newman (B.F.A. Interior Design ’53) and a Creative Conversation between Pratt professor Tracie Morris and Motown singer-songwriter Valerie Simpson, who co-wrote such hits as “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” and “You’re All I Need to Get By.” The festivities concluded with an outdoor concert featuring Madame Pat Tandy and her trio, an alumni cocktail reception, and reunion class parties in local pubs.

New Programs Strengthen Pratt’s Curriculum The Institute has recently added to its curriculum new concentrations in media studies, writing, and sustainability. The School of Liberal Arts and Sciences recently created the M.A. program in Media Studies, which emphasizes the study of media through film, video, television, radio, and writing. The School of Arts and Sciences has added an M.F.A. in Writing. Lastly, the Social Science and Cultural Studies Department is launching a minor in Sustainability open to all undergraduates. Alumni Day Concert (Photo by Alex Weber)



Shaniya Carrington, Makayla Marchese-Reilly, and Joel Edouard, three of the 15 students chosen as Pratt Young Scholars

Pratt Launches Young Scholars Program for High School Students The Department of Art and Design Education and a team of faculty and staff from across the Institute have launched the Pratt Young Scholars program, developed with the support of the Pratt Institute Innovation Fund Award 2013. This four-year scholarship program will provide New York City high school students with access to year-round studio classes, workshops, field trips, and lectures at the Institute. The Pratt Institute Innovation Fund, a strategic partnership between the Office of the Provost and Institutional Advancement, provides seed grants of $20,000 for compelling projects and initiatives conceived by faculty and staff.

Architecture Professor Gia Wolff Wins 2013 Wheelwright Prize Gia Wolff, professor of undergraduate architecture, won the 2013 Wheelwright Prize. The prize, a $100,000 traveling fellowship from the Harvard University Graduate School of Design, was awarded to Wolff for her proposal to study the design of parade floats around the world. Her project, entitled “Floating City: The Community-Based Architecture of Parade Floats,” was chosen from more than 200 proposals submitted around the globe.

Gia Wolff’s 69° South at BAM Next Wave Festival, Brooklyn, 2011



Maria Damon Appointed Humanities and Media Studies Chair Maria Damon has been appointed chair of the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences’ Humanities and Media Studies Department. With more than 25 years’ experience in higher education, Damon also has an extensive background as a published author and poet, artist, and scholar. As chair, she will oversee the department’s B.F.A. program in Writing and new master’s programs in Writing and Media Studies along with a variety of elective courses for non-majors.

Professor Theoharis David Named Distinguished Teacher for 2013-14 Maria Damon

Pratt Professor of Architecture Theoharis David (B.Arch. ’61) was honored with the Institute’s Distinguished Teacher Award for 2013-14. This award recognizes exceptional dedication to Pratt’s mission and the recipient’s career accomplishments. David was the former chair of the Graduate Architecture Department and faculty president of the School of Architecture. His work as an architect and educator is continually published and exhibited worldwide.

North Hall Green Roof Developments Nearing Completion The newly constructed North Hall Green Roof will be planted with native species and will enable rainfall to be captured, thus improving the quality of Brooklyn’s waterways. A collaborative effort between the Institute’s Urban Environmental Systems Management and the Office of Planning, Design, Construction, and Facilities Management, it will monitor storm-water capture and biodiversity, and analyze the overall effectiveness of this renovation as a potential model for parking lot design citywide. Theoharis David

Rendering of the North Hall Green Roof by Pratt Urban Environmental Systems Management Summer 2012 Green Infrastructure Design & Build Studio students Michael Catalano, Catalina Parra, and Shane McCabe.



beyond the gates Pratt’s Presence in the Public Realm

City and Regional Planning student Natalie Vichnevsky explains her work in the green infrastructure course to Red Hook community members.

Anthony Villanacci (M.I.D. ’14) with a local artist in Malinalco. (Photo by Etty Beke, M.I.D. ’14)

Envisioning the Future of New York City’s Coastal Communities

Industrial Design Students Collaborate with Mexican Artisans

This summer, Ron Shiffman, professor, Graduate Center for Planning and the Environment, and Deborah Gans, professor, Undergraduate Architecture, initiated RAMP (Recovery, Adaptation, Mitigation, and Planning), an interdisciplinary program that is teaching the next generation of architects and urban planners to tackle the social, economic, and environmental problems posed by climate change as they work alongside local community groups. RAMP kicked off in May 2013 in the Hurricane Sandy-ravaged Brooklyn neighborhood of Red Hook, where students—led by a team of Pratt faculty members—focused on creating housing, green infrastructure, and community-planning solutions. In fall 2013, RAMP studios are envisioning the future of New York City’s Coney Island neighborhood and plan to focus their work in the Rockaways this spring. The initial success of the program helped the team secure a Kresge Foundation grant of $120,000.

Twelve students from Pratt’s Graduate Industrial Design program traveled to the small mountain town of Malinalco, Mexico, to collaborate with master woodcarvers, weavers, and welders on furniture, lighting, and other products over a two-week period last summer. The project was organized by Adjunct Professor Rebecca Welz and Ellen Calmus of The Corner Project, a nonprofit that works to aid families of migrant workers. Welz organized a similar collaborative project between Industrial Design students and artisans in Guyana in 2009. The student projects were on display in Pratt Studios in September.



Diver by Juliet Knuth (B.F.A. Painting ’13), from the Effigy exhibition

US President Barack Obama presents the 2012 National Medal of Arts to painter Ellsworth Kelly during a ceremony in the East Room of the White House on July 10, 2013 in Washington, DC. (Photo: MANDEL NGAN/AFP/Getty Images)

Effigy Showcases Work by Fine Arts Graduates

Alumni Recognized with Prestigious National Honors

Recent drawing and painting graduates, all of whom were affected to various degrees by the fire in Main Building earlier this year, exhibited new work this summer in Effigy, an exhibition at The Painting Center in Manhattan. Curated by Visiting Assistant Professor Mona Brody, the show featured work by 22 artists and was made possible in part through the fundraising efforts of recent Fine Arts graduate and Effigy artist Juliet Knuth (B.F.A. Painting ’13). Additional support was provided by the Institute and The Painting Center.

Ellsworth Kelly, a renowned painter, sculptor, and printmaker who attended Pratt from 1941 to 1943, received one of 12 National Medal of Arts awards from President Barack Obama in July. The National Medal of Arts is the highest U.S. government award given to artists. Kelly was selected for his role in shaping more than a half-century of abstract art and remaining a vital influence in American art. He was honored alongside opera singer Renée Fleming, playwright Tony Kushner, and filmmaker George Lucas.

Pratt Launches Brooklyn Fashion and Design Accelerator Pratt recently launched the Brooklyn Fashion and Design Accelerator, a new Institute initiative that will help aspiring design entrepreneurs start new businesses and provide them with small-run production facilities in New York City. Located in South Williamsburg, the Accelerator serves as an expansion of the Pratt Design Incubator for Sustainable Innovation and will offer fully outfitted design studios and microfinancing resources for 30 start-ups. Initial funding for the Accelerator was provided by the State of New York, the Office of Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz, and Pratt.

New York City Council Member Brad Lander (M.S. City and Regional Planning ’98), former director of the Pratt Center for Community Development, received a Champions of Change award from the White House in July for his work on participatory budgeting. He was one of the first council members to bring the initiative to his district and give residents the power to decide which projects to support with their tax dollars. Lander, who represents Brooklyn’s 39th District, was one of 14 honorees nationwide to receive the award, which recognizes extraordinary Americans working to improve their communities through technology, innovation, and civic participation.



Samantha Nania, far right, and Jenna Pierson (both B.F.A. Jewelry ’13) at LOOT: MAD About Jewelry 2013 (Photo by Gulshan Kirat)

Recent Graduates Participate in Prestigious Jewelry Show Samantha Nania and Jenna Pierson (both B.F.A. Jewelry ’13), two recent graduates from the Institute’s acclaimed studio jewelry program, sold their work alongside 50 emerging and celebrated jewelry designers from around the world at LOOT: MAD About Jewelry 2013. The annual juried sale and exhibition at the Museum of Arts and Design—the only American museum with a gallery dedicated to contemporary and modern studio and art jewelry— showcased one-of-a-kind artist-made jewelry and offered the public the rare opportunity to acquire pieces directly from the innovative jewelry artists.

The Black Alumni of Pratt 2013 Creative Spirit honorees (L to R): Anita Durst, Audrey Smaltz, Michele Oka Doner, and Andrea L. Taylor. (Photo by Julie Skarratt Photography Inc.)

Black Alumni of Pratt Celebrates Creative Spirit Benefit Gala On September 12, the Black Alumni of Pratt recognized four remarkable women at its 23rd annual scholarship benefit gala, Celebration of the Creative Spirit. Lori Stokes, co-anchor, WABCTV’s Eyewitness News, hosted the glamorous gala, which was held in The Allen Room at Jazz at Lincoln Center. Renowned artist and former Pratt Trustee Michele Oka Doner received the Lifetime Achievement Award. Creative Spirit Awards were given to Anita Durst, founder and artistic director of Chashama, an organization that connects artists with vacant real estate; Audrey Smaltz, founder and CEO of Ground Crew, a fashion show and event production company; and Andrea L. Taylor, director of citizenship and public affairs for North America, Microsoft Corporation.

Alumni Office Creates Regional Networks around the World The Office of Alumni Relations is establishing regional networks that empower alumni, parents, and friends of Pratt to nurture a lifelong relationship with one another and the Institute through events and programming. Networks are already forming in Washington, D.C., Boston, Philadelphia, and Roxbury, Connecticut, where more than 40 alumni and friends from the classes of 1958 through 2013 attended a regional network event at the home of alumna Elizabeth Lacy (B. Arch. ’84). For a schedule of upcoming regional events and information on how to become involved, visit


Students Caroline Matthews, Juan Sebastian Jacobo, Robin Oglesbee-Venghaus, and Dakota Sica in front of the Lipton Orb (Photo by Andrew Kelly)

Students Collaborate with Lipton Iced Tea Pratt teamed up with Lipton Iced Tea to bring 24 hours of “sunlight” to New York City on June 20 in celebration of the summer solstice. Led by Eric O’Toole, adjunct assistant professor, Graduate Communications Design, a select group of multidisciplinary students designed and created a giant, luminous orb that conceptualized the “taste of summer” and the grandeur of the warm season. Constructed in just two short weeks, the Lipton Orb installation was unveiled last June at Lipton’s Summer Tastes Party at Beekman Beer Garden Beach Club at the South Street Seaport in Manhattan. It will be permanently installed on the corporate campus of parent company Unilever in New Jersey. The students—a mix of undergraduates and graduates from Industrial Design, Communications Design, and Fine Arts—created and built every aspect of the orb, from the internal frame to the face-mounted LED lighting grid.



Celebrating 20 Years On Monday, November 11, 2013, at its annual Legends gala, Pratt Institute dedicated the Thomas F. and Tess L. Schutte Endowed Scholarship Fund in recognition of Schutte’s 20 years of visionary leadership at Pratt and his commitment to the creative successes of its students. Since becoming President of Pratt in 1993, Schutte has transformed nearly every aspect of the Institute—from the physical campus to the quality of the faculty—and converted Pratt into a residential college that attracts students from around the world. He has also led the revitalization of the surrounding Clinton Hill neighborhood and helped turn Myrtle Avenue into a thriving commercial strip that serves both the local and the Pratt community. To highlight some of Schutte’s achievements over the past 20 years, here is a snapshot of Pratt then—and now.


Faculty 1993 528 faculty 2013 1,070 faculty

1993 2,994

2013 4,688

Freshman Applications


1,179 6,149 $13 $120







A Growing Campus In addition to the acquisition of the Pratt Manhattan building at 144 West 14th Street, new buildings on campus include:

Stabile Hall

Juliana Curran Terian Design Center

Higgins Hall Center Section

Myrtle Hall

Film/Video Building (Opening 2014)


creativity begins with the fund for Pratt. the fund for Pratt begins with you. if each of Pratt’s

40,000+ alumni gave just $50 this year, together we’d raise over $2,000,000, enough to pay for:*

500 study abroad

books for 1,000

100 faculty projects

200 President’s

programs, or

students, or

and initiatives, or


make your gift today. Visit or call 718.636.3576 to learn more about giving to the fund for Pratt. *items listed are for illustration purposes and do not indicate actual Fund for pratt allocations. illustrations by anthony Bayoneto, B.F.a. Communications Design ’14

the fund for Pratt

Honor Roll A letter from Board Chair Bruce Gitlin

As chair of the Board of Trustees, I am pleased to extend my sincere appreciation to the many generous donors who made gifts to Pratt Institute this past fiscal year. The philanthropic support of each individual and institution listed on the pages that follow has helped Pratt excel as a living laboratory of craft and creativity and one of the world’s leading colleges of art and design, architecture, information and library science, and liberal arts and sciences. I know our students and faculty join me in expressing heartfelt gratitude for your generosity. Among the many initiatives that allow Pratt to offer a superlative educational experience, The Fund for Pratt touches every area of the Institute by providing essential, unrestricted resources that can be allocated wherever they are needed most. In addition, broad participation in The Fund for Pratt helps leverage corporate and foundation support for groundbreaking design studios, faculty and student research initiatives, curricular advances, and other initiatives that keep Pratt’s academic programs on the cutting edge. I am therefore particularly grateful to the nearly 2,000 Pratt alumni who made gifts this past fiscal year to The Fund for Pratt—the highest level of alumni participation in a decade. As many of you know, a fire in Pratt’s Main Building caused significant damage to the historic structure and resulted in the loss of precious artwork as well as supplies. I continue to marvel at the outpouring of support for the Institute and its students in the days and weeks following the fire. Everyone at Pratt remains extremely grateful to the individuals and organizations who made gifts-in-kind and contributions to the Main Building Fire Recovery Fund. I also extend special thanks to the nearly 200 Pratt faculty and staff members who participated in the Institute’s inaugural Faculty/Staff Fundraising Campaign. These individuals play a vital role in fulfilling the Institute’s educational mission every day and their commitment to giving back to the Pratt community is truly inspiring. As we look to the future to ensure that Pratt continues to provide an excellent education for the visionaries who will shape the 21st century, your generosity plays an essential role in our success. Bruce J. Gitlin Chair, Board of Trustees

All listings represent gifts, pledge commitments, and pledge payments made to the entire Pratt community from July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013. Alumni and Friends $2,500,000+ The Fern B. Macchi Revocable Trust Carole A. Sirovich & Lawrence Sirovich* Matthew I. Sirovich & Meredith Elson


Colgate-Palmolive Company* Cotton Incorporated* Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation Estate of Wanda P. Dick Laura P. Gregg & A. J. Gregg Susan Hakkarainen (Trustee) & Pekka Hakkarainen The Japan Foundation, New York

Taconic Foundation, Inc.

James D. Kuhn (Trustee) & Marjorie Kuhn*


Lipton, Inc.

Brooklyn Borough President's Office

Lutron Electronics Mertz Gilmore Foundation*

Empire State Development Corporation

National Endowment for the Arts

New York City Comptroller

David O. Pratt (Trustee) & Kathleen Pratt

Mike Pratt (Trustee) & Carol S. Pratt*

Mary O. Pratt*

Layton L. Register

The Scherman Foundation*

Juliana C. Terian '90 (Trustee)*

Thomas R. Pratt & Aleta Pratt The Spionkop Charitable Trust*


STV CS AKRF Joint Venture

Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Inc.



Bernard F. and Alva B. Gimbel Foundation

Brooklyn Community Foundation Conservation Services Group, Inc. Cranshaw Corporation CulinArt, Inc.* The David & Sondra Mack Foundation, Inc.*

Starr Whitehouse Landscape Architects & Planners, LLC Edmund S. Twining III & Diana Twining Umbra, LLC* Anne H. Van Ingen (Trustee) & Wesley Haynes Walentas Foundation, Ltd. Youth Ministries for Peace and Justice

Bill White & Bryan Eure Zazzle

Amy M. Cappellazzo '97 (Trustee) & Joanne Rosen*

Michael S. Zetlin (Trustee) & Gerri Zetlin

Kenneth I. Chenault & Kathryn C. Chenault (Trustee)


Christie's International, PLC

Cullen and Dykman LLP*

Estate of Eliot Miles Herter

Barbaralee Diamonstein-Spielvogel '10 (Hon.) & Carl Spielvogel* The Fascitelli Family Foundation* Michael D. Fascitelli & Elizabeth Cogan Fascitelli* Firmenich Fine Fragrance* Givaudan Fragrances Corporation*

Conrad H. Milster

The Hilson Family Fund

New York State Energy Research & Development Authority

William Hilson & Barbara Hilson*

Steven H. Goodstein '66 & Linda Goodstein* Hazel Roy Trust Frederic P. Herter & Solange B. Herter Julie Pratt Shattuck Charitable Lead Trust*

J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.

Katharine L. McKenna '84 (Trustee) & Mark S. Braunstein*


Mizuho USA Foundation, Inc.

The Knoll Group

Surdna Foundation

Michelle V. Nahum-Albright '75 & Donn Albright

KPMG International Lankler Siffert & Wohl LLP

Heidi Nitze

Estate of Naomi Leff*

David C. Walentas '61 (Trustee) & Jane Walentas*

Estate of Frances C. Northam*

Liberty Mutual Group, Inc.

The Richards Group*

Local Initiatives Support Corp.

William Randolph Hearst Foundation

Stan H. Richards '53 (Trustee) & Betty Richards*

The M&T Charitable Foundation

The Rockefeller Foundation

Raymond J. McGuire '11 (Hon.)

Two Trees Management Company, LLC

$50,000-$99,999 Anonymous Deborah J. Buck (Trustee)* CEC Stuyvesant Cove, Inc. Chinatown Working Group

David Saylor '69 The Selz Foundation Bernard T. Selz & Lisa Selz

*Donors who made consecutive gifts for 5+ years, P=Parent donor, (dec.)=Deceased

Mark D. Stumer '74 (Trustee) & Susan Stumer '69*

Capital One, NA

Hennessy, USA

Jean Raper

Howard S. Stein (Trustee) & B. Jill Comins

Kenneth P. Browne '75

Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation

Susan M. Kamm '67

State of New York

Diana Wege-Sherogan & Timothy Sherogan

George and Helen Segal Foundation

Bruce M. Newman '53 & Judith Newman*

St. Nicks Alliance

Joan L. Benson '50

Constellations Group, Ltd.

The Irene C. Shea Charitable Foundation*

Thomas F. Schutte (Trustee) & Tess L. Schutte*

Barnes & Noble Bookstores, Inc.*

Anne P. Hall

David S. Mack (Trustee) & Sondra Mack*

Peter P. Schreter '59 & Brouria Schreter

The Trust for Public Land

Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation*

Bruce J. Gitlin (Trustee) & Carol A. Schrager*

Norman Rosenfeld FAIA '56*

TD Bank*

Coach, Inc.

The Gino & Clarice Nahum Charitable Trust

The Ralph & Ricky Lauren Family Foundation, Inc.

Kurt B. Andersen (Trustee) & Anne Kreamer

Citigroup, Inc.

Estate of Irene Shea

P.M.S. Enterprises


Deutsche Bank

Estate of Robert W. Glenn

Robert I. MacDonald & Carolyn B. MacDonald

Robert H. Siegel FAIA '62 (Trustee) & Hazel Siegel*


Estate of Hugo H. Todebush Young Ho Kim '71

Ronald Shiffman '61 & Yvette Shiffman '74*

Mary Delaney Interior Design Leon Moed '54 & Marilyn Moed* Jane B. Nord '45 Norman Rosenfeld Architects, LLC John K. Orberg '75 & Janet I. Kuhl '77*

Urban Studio, LLC

Alexander C. & Tillie S. Speyer Foundation* Allured Publishing Corporation Aon Foundation Arcade Marketing, Inc.* Arkay Packaging Corporation Peter L. Barna '83 & Myonggi Sul Barna '82* Harold Behl Bentley Systems, Incorporated Freya Block '77 & Richard H. Block Dominique Bluhdorn & Hatuey De Camps Dennis Burns & Kimberly Burns C & N Packaging, Inc.* Carry Hot, Inc. Chad Lavigne, LLC Charles Pratt & Company, LLC Charles Stewart Mott Foundation Kristina Christensen & Jeffrey Christensen Con Edison, Inc.* CondĂŠ Nast Publications, Inc.* Constellation Energy Group Foundation, Inc. Weill Cornell Medical College Estate of Ruth Wallad Mildred M. Fatovic '72 Fractured Atlas Freya & Richard Block Family Foundation Estelle Y. Friedman '69 Jenie P. Fu '05 & John-Peter Lee

Robert E. Gallagher & Jane Gallagher


Dan Goese & Katherine Gallagher

Academic Federal Credit Union

Hanky Panky, Ltd.

AG Foundation*

Marguerite E. Hartl*

Shahara Ahmad-Llewellyn

Gary S. Hattem '75 (Trustee) & Frazier Holloway*

All HVAC Service Co., Inc.

Heinz Glas USA, Inc.*

Peter Arbeeny

Henry & Elaine Kaufman Foundation

Aptar Beauty & Home

HLW International LLP

Barbara and Donald Tober Foundation*

Romer Holleran & Deming P. Holleran

Beta Phi Mu / Theta Chapter

International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc.

Brooks Brothers

Rajeev Jain & Renu Jain, P '13*

Madeline Burke-Vigeland AIA '81 & Nils Vigeland*

The Joan Mitchell Foundation

Peggy Cafritz

Henry Kaufman '4 8 & Elaine Kaufman

Joan Carotenuto '52

Ted B. Lewin '56 & Betsy R. Lewin '59*

Charles E. Culpeper Foundation

The Lipman-Sherman Family Foundation

College Publications, Inc.

Mane Fine Fragrance

Mary Courtemanche & Robert Courtemanche

Martin County Community Foundation, Inc.

Consulado General de Chile

Mojo Stumer Associates Architects, P.C.

Mario Buatta '90 (Hon.)

Municipal Art Society of New York

Steven Capogna

Myrtle Avenue Revitalization Project Daniel M. Neidich & Brooke G. Neidich

CCS Project Management, LLC Chilean Council of Arts Funding Michael Cicale

New York Industrial Retention Network

Jean Coduri '61 & Giovanni Coduri*

Peter P. Nitze & Susan P. Nitze

Roger Cook '53 & Margit F. Cook '54*

Orlandi, Inc. Pontificia Universidad Cat贸lica Harold I. Pratt & Frances G. Pratt Princeton Architectural Press Proskauer Rose LLP RBS Citizens, N.A. Rochester Institute of Technology Michele Rollins, P '06 Sciame Construction, LLC Frank Sciame Jr. Julie Semel

Deirdre F. McBreen '82

Cutsogeorge Tooman & Allen Architects, PC

Michael Kors

George D. Cutsogeorge

John F. Morning '55 (Trustee)*

The Daniel M. Neidich and Brooke Garber Foundation

Leonard Sirowitz '53 & Myrna Sirowitz

Hiroko Nakamoto '55

Cabot Wrenn

Joanne F. Serraino '83*

Symrise AG

Leonard B. Comberiate '73

Coro New York Leadership Center George Denegre & Milly Denegre Joi Denenberg '90 Mark A. Dickson '70 & Katharine Dickson Dmarleigh Stable Ray H. Dovell Jr. '81 Marian Edmond '95 & Robert Edmond Anton J. Egner '52 & Joan R. Egner Mary J. Ellis '49* David Erb & Bonnie Garmus Estate of Jean S. Floon ExxonMobil Foundation* Feld Entertainment, Inc. Alan J. Feltoon '74

Richard Nasti '78 & Maura Nasti

Darino Films

Barbara D. Tober & Donald G. Tober*

James J. Nazemetz '72 & Patricia Nazemetz

Eduardo Darino

Tower Products, Inc.


Triton Construction Company

Neuberger Berman Group LLC

Andrea Dibner-Orozco '94 & Gerard Orozco '97

Michael V. Warlick & Amy L. Warlick

Todd M. Galitz & Kathryn C. Galitz

Robert H. Welz '51 & Mary Louise Welz*

George & Milly Denegre Fund Richard Gioscia '84

The Whelan Group, Inc.

Richard J. Glasebrook II

Janice S. Williams

Charlynn Goins & Warren H. Goins

OgoSport, LLC Pochet of America, Inc.* Harry L. Posin '76 & Lisa Posin Promotora Sunset Beach Clubs Ralph Pucci & Ann Pucci Qualcomm Martin E. Rich AIA '63 & Donna Rich* The Robert E. Gallagher Charitable Trust Charles D. Rogalski & Karen Rogalski* Daryl M. Rosenblatt AIA '77 & Susan J. Miller* Jack C. Rudin Saks Incorporated SGD North America, Inc.* John R. Shapiro AICP '79 Joan K. Sherman & Marc Sherman* Ruth L. Shuman '91* Joanna L. Silver Supima Cotton Takasago International Corporation (USA) Gene Taylor & JoAnne Taylor David Teiger Time, Inc. Tory Burch, LLC

Richard W. Eiger '55 (Trustee) & Ruth Eiger* Eula Eikerenkoetter Foxcroft Incorporated Anita L. Genco '81 & Alexander Dake

$1,000-$2,499 Anonymous

Erin Gray & Christopher S. Gray


Louise Grunwald

Russell S. Abell '98

Agnes Gund*

Frederick W. Ackerman '60

Guy Conti Art & Design, Inc.

Leila M. Adorney '47 & Charles S. Adorney '4 8

Jiwoo Hahn '07 Alice N. Hunt & Malcolm A. McCulloch

Evan Akselrad Alarmingly Affordable, Inc.

First Experience Communications Delbert I. Footer '53

Michael Gould Peter Green & Sharon Green William Gruen & Margaret McDonald Peter B. Halfon '60 & Carol E. Halfon* Michael Hambouz* Charles J. Hamm & Irene F. Hamm Hearst Corporation E. M. Herter (dec.) & Caroline L. Herter Gregg Horowitz & Ellen Levy

David P. Hunt

Sebastian L. Ambrogio '76*

Jahn Foundation

American Forest & Paper Association

Helmut Jahn & Deborah Jahn

John B. Anderson '51

June Kelly Gallery, Inc.

Andre Marquez Architects, Inc.

June N. Kelly (Trustee) & Charles D. Storer Jr.*

Joel Andre '79 & Georgie Marquez

Peter L. Kern '62 & Carol H. Kern*

L Philip Ayers

Nicholas P. Koutsomitis AIA '78 & Maria Koutsomitis

Andrew W. Barnes

Margaret R. Jacobs '85 & Howard Jacobs

Barneys New York, Inc.

Janney Montgomery Scott, LLC

Baron Capital Foundation

The Jeffrey Design Group

Kai-Uwe Bergmann

Noel Jeffrey '66

BIG Architecture PC

Johnson & Johnson*

Bloomingdale's, Inc.

Arlene D. Jonach

Michael Boodro

Berti S. Jones '70 & Robert Jones*

Bernice Kwok-Gabel & Christoph Gabel Life Fitness Lombardi Design & Manufacturing


Diane D. Hoyt-Goldsmith '73 & David L. Goldsmith* Sonoe Hutchinson Midori Imatake '62 Iowa Foundation for Education Environment & the Arts

Violife, Inc.

Sheila B. Marshall & George B. Marshall

YMS Management Associates

Herbert M. Meyers '49 (dec.)*

Samy Brahimy '80 & Lizanne Merrill*

Mi Ju '13

Zetlin & De Chiara LLP

Joseph Mizzi Jr. '91

George O. Brome '78 & Sheila Gibbs-Brome

Michael W. Kamen & Sandra Kamen Kevin L. Kane '75 & Mary Kane*

Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program

EJ Lee '92

Parham Santana Design, Inc.

Jeffrey S. Wilks & Lise Wilks

Kappa Sigma

John T. Parham '85 & Maria E. Santana '85

Ira W. Yellen '69 & Gail Tobin-Yellen

Parsons School of Design

Stuart B. Young Esq. & Toni Young*

Sally C. Greene '82

Robert M. Zaccone '71 & Paula Zaccone

Victoria Harmer & Wayne Harmer Sharon A. Harwood*

Rachel Zioulas

Mitsuhiro Hasegawa & Beverly Hasegawa

Kara Ross New York, LLC Guido G. Karcher '60 & Patricia A. Karcher* Kaufman Management George S. Kaufman & Mariana Kaufman

Samuel P. Peabody & Judith D. Peabody Beverly J. Pepper '4 2

James Young & Gail Young

Matthew P. Goodrich '03

Mary E. Kelly '61

Platt Byard Dovell White Architects LLP

Renee N. Khatami '93 & John R. MacArthur*

Pratt Printmaking Department


Bruce L. Hollander '62 & Suretta Hollander

Merrick F. Pratt

Judith Aaron & Mitchell K. Aaron


The Kolatch Family Foundation

Pursuant Ketchum

Betty B. Adams '53 & J. Allen Adams*

Jaclyn, Inc.

James L. Quinlan '51

Timothy Albrecht & Sue Albrecht

Johnson & Johnson Employee Funds

Raymond J. Ripper '63 & Barbara Fleming

Eleanor W. Anderson '49*

Bruce M. Jones '61*

Janet F. Anderson '60

Monique M. Rollins '06 & Marco Ceccatelli

Mitchell Kaneff

Artemis Development

Blaise T. Kavanagh '06 & Nicole C. Emmons '06

Richard Korchien AIA '53 & Sheila A. Korchien* Koutsomitis Architects PC Elenore Kowalchek '47* Abraham M. Lackman & Jeanne A. Lackman Theodore Liebman FAIA '62 & Nina Liebman* Lighthouse International

Keith F. Rosen AIA '79*


Yan Assoun

Kara Ross

Arsho Baghsarian '62 & Avedis Baghsarian*

Erica Kawas

Jack L. Rothschild '52 & Arlene S. Rothschild*

Christopher G. Barrett '97

Judi Kilachand David Kleinberg

Lise and Jeffrey Wilks Family Foundation

Safe Environment Business Solutions

Nicholas R. Battista '74 & Anna M. Battista*

Henry Loheac '55*

Giuseppe San Filipo & Lina Phillips

Susan A. Bickford '80

Jung Lee Sanders '81

Blaise Kavanagh, LLC

Maruchi Santana

Paula M. Bliss '82

Barbara Schumacher & John Schumacher

Hope Brown '98*

Louis Feinberg Foundation* Luigi Bormioli Corp. Edward W. Lukasiewicz '54 & Gail Lukasiewicz Lynn Magnus

Schwab Charitable Fund

Frank A. Mallalieu '57*

Donald J. Schwarz '51 & Anastasia Schwarz '53*

James Marden

Colleen V. Scott '97

The Martin E. Segal Revocable Trust

Martin E. Segal '76 (Hon.)

John I. Martone '4 8

Mark Seigle

Catharine C. Maslow & Harvey A. Eisen

Seno Jewelry, LLC

Emily S. May '99 & William May

The Sheldon and Judith Streisand Charitable Foundation

Robert M. McLane

James E. Shipp '75

Susan McLaughlin & Daniel McLaughlin

Suzanna B. Simor '77

Carmen McLeod & Mickalene Thomas '00

Margaret Spaniolo

Michael E. Menatian '94 & Erin L. Menatian Joseph G. Merz '50 MG New York Stephanie Micas Angie Mills '50* John L. (Jack) Moe '4 8* Arthur Moretti & Yvonne Moretti George T. Moy '56 Ted Muehling III '75* Mule Family Foundation Marian M. Mule '92 & Ed Mule Ann Mustard & Allan Mustard, P '12* New York University Nike Communications Patricia R. Nussbaum & Mark S. Nussbaum* Seymour Nussbaum '63 & Bobbie Kanter Michael T. O'Shea '04

Joshua L. Smith (Trustee)* Stephen Sills Associates Thelma K. Stevens '54*

James K. M. Cheng Diane B. Chichura '54* Christopher P. Coleman CH Doris D. Cohen '51 Christopher P. Coleman & Angel Sanchez Rosemary R. Connor '66* Anita Cooney '92 Core 77 Carter Craft David Kleinberg Design Associates, Inc. Bruce M. Degen '75 & Christine Degen Ronald H. DeLuca '49 & Lois H. DeLuca

Michael Kawas & Lora Kawas

Kum Kau Chinese Kitchen, Inc. Elizabeth Lacy '84 Leslie B. Lane '86 & Bruce Lane Beth C. Lawrence '79 Chi-Neng Lin '92 Lisa Kaye Design Associates, Inc. John Lobell and Alissa Grimaldi MAC Cosmetics Market Velocity, Inc. Robert G. Matthews '56 & Mary B. Matthews Helen Matusow-Ayres & Phread Ayres Alec Maxwell R. Beatrice McCalman '4 8 Walter B. Melvin '65 & Sarah G. Melvin Edward Miner & Sumaya Miner Emily M. Moqtaderi Donna L. Moran '71 & Charles Moran Theresa M. Moran '87 & Christopher Moran

Sheldon Streisand & Judith Streisand

Kevin L. DeVorsey '05 & Christina DeVorsey

Ronald D. Swann '77

Robert Diemer & Helen Diemer

Carrie E. Moyer '85 & Sheila G. Pepe

John M. Takeuchi '47

Mary Ann Dionne '59

The Namm Foundation

Joan E. Taylor '60*

Lisabeth During

Anne B. Namm '71 & Andrew I. Namm

Ted Muehling Inc.*

Edith G. Edson & Robert K. Edson

The Neiman Marcus Group

Thom Browne New York

Dan Evans IIDA

Nessim & Associates

Matthew Tragesser

Charles E. Fagan Jr. '85

Barbara Nessim '60

Peter P. Twining & Deborah S. Twining

Richard E. Feinbloom

Christopher Neville & Sarah Gamble

Lisa Kaye Fuld*

Dennis O'Brien '77 & Deborah O'Brien

Stephen A. Valentine '77

Carl E. Galioto FAIA '76, P '03

Toni H. Oliviero*

Tanya H. Van Cott '93 & Bruce R. Hannah '63

Philip Gallo

Jon Otis & Diane Barnes

W Magazine

Lori Garboushian & Herair Garboushian

Outside New York, LLC

Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Matching Gift Program

Donald M. Genaro '57*

Evelyn D. Pederson & Robert K. Pederson, P '11

Charles S. Whelan Jr. '74

General William Mayer Foundation, Inc.

Victoria Wiener


Stephen R. Wilkonski '89

Michael Gerbino '82

Kim Morque '83

Mary Y. Parr

William J. Peterson Mary J. Petras '67 & Charles F. Petras '74

Elizabeth Peyton


Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program*

Arkay Packaging Corporation

Peter B. Phelan & Cynthia L. Phelan

Arthur Larsen, Architect

Diane Pickering James Pickrel & Carolyn Woolley Leighton Pierce Mary S. Porter '72 & Brent Porter Arin A. Prisand Rekha-Leigh Punch Robert K. & Evelyn D. Pederson Family Foundation Robert Zaccone & Associates, P.C. Arthur Sackler & Elizabeth A. Sackler Juris Sarins '73 & JoDean Sarins Save A Sample! Corp. Alan Schwartzman '75 & Ruth Schwartzman* RitaSue Siegel '61 Stephen Sills Irene Treiber Urban Outfitters Mark Weber, P '12 Betsy Weis & Ron Weis Brendan R. Whalen '94 & Karen Glasbow Marion S. Wollmeringer Brian H. Wood '01 Constance Wright & David Stoldt Mary L. Young & Steven Young Jon R. Zogg '68 Bernard Zyscovich '71 Pratt Institute would like to thank its donors who have made gifts of up to $499, whose names are listed on our website. Please visit to view the complete list of donors.

CORPORATIONS AND CORPORATE FOUNDATIONS 3form 66 Communication Inc. Academic Federal Credit Union AG Foundation* Agalloco & Associates Alarmingly Affordable, Inc. Alexander C. & Tillie S. Speyer Foundation* All HVAC Service Co., Inc. Allured Publishing Corporation Amelia Panico Photography American Express Charitable Fund American Forest & Paper Association Andre Marquez Architects Aon Foundation Aptar Aptar Beauty & Home Arcade Marketing, Inc.*

Artemis Development Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi Barnes & Noble Bookstores, Inc.* Barneys New York, Inc. Baron Capital Foundation Bentley Systems, Incorporated Bernard F. and Alva B. Gimbel Foundation Beta Phi Mu / Theta Chapter BGC USA LP BIG Architecture PC Blaise Kavanagh, LLC Bloomingdale's, Inc. Blue Sky Studio Architects Bondi Garden & Design Boston Pedorthic Associates, LLC Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation* Brooks Brothers C & N Packaging, Inc.* C. Lewis Tomaselli, Architects Cabot Wrenn Capital One, NA Cappuccio Artworks Carry Hot, Inc. CCS Project Management, LLC Center for an Urban Future Chad Lavigne, LLC Charles E. Culpeper Foundation Charles Pratt & Company, LLC Chilean Council of Arts Funding Chinatown Working Group Christie's International, PLC Christopher P. Coleman CH Citigroup, Inc. Coach, Inc. Cognoscenti Coffee

Cypress Hills Local Development Corporation D. Douglas Virtue, Ltd.

James D'Auria Associates, PC Architects


Janet M. Anderson Trust

Darino Films

Janney Montgomery Scott, LLC

David Kleinberg Design Associates, Inc.

The Jeffrey Design Group

Designhype, Inc. Designtex

Johnson & Johnson Matching Gifts Program*

Deutsche Bank USA

June Kelly Gallery, Inc.

Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation*

Kara Ross New York, LLC

Dmarleigh Stable

Kaufman Management

Drawing Board Farm, Inc.

KCC Architects, PLLC

Educational Testing Service

Knoll Group

EXSA Americas

Koutsomitis Architects PC

ExxonMobil Foundation*

KPMG International

FactorsNY, LLC

Kum Kau Chinese Kitchen, Inc.

Fannie Mae SERVE Matching Gift Donations

Lance Wyman, Ltd.

Feld Entertainment, Inc.

Laura Bohn Design Associates Inc.

Fichthorn Brand Development Fidelity Brokerage Services, LLC Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Firmenich Fine Fragrance* First Experience Communications FourFiveSix Foxcroft Inc. Fractured Atlas Fraver Design, LLC GAP, Inc. GE Foundation* Gensler George Ranalli Architect Giannetti Architectural Services, P.C. Gilgal Associates Givaudan Fragrances Corporation* Global Impact Goins Family Fund, The New York Community Trust

Cohn & Wolfe

Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program

Colgate-Palmolive Company*

Greenpoint Pictures, Inc.

College Publications, Inc.

Guy Conti Art & Design, Inc.

Comerford Collection

Hancock & Moore

Common Ground Management Corp.

Hanky Panky, Ltd.

Con Edison, Inc.*

Harley House Design Group Corp.

CondĂŠ Nast Publications, Inc.* Conservation Services Group, Inc.

Harold Massop Associates, Architects, PC

Constellation Energy Group Foundation, Inc.

The Hearst Corporation Heinz-Glas USA, Inc.*

Constellations Group, Ltd.

HLW International LLP

Core 77

Hybrid Product Design & Development, Inc.

Weill Cornell University Medical College Coro New York Leadership Center Cotton Incorporated Cullen and Dykman LLP* Cutsogeorge Tooman & Allen Architects, PC

Jaclyn, Inc.

ING International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc.

Johnson & Johnson Employee Funds

Lankler Siffert & Wohl LLP Liberty Mutual Group, Inc. Life Fitness Lighthouse International L'innovate USA Co. Lisa Kaye Design Associates, Inc. Local Initiatives Support Corp. Lombardi Design & Manufacturing Luigi Bormioli Corp. Lutron Electronics, Inc. The M&T Charitable Foundation MAC Cosmetics Magnolia Tree Earth Center Mane Fine Fragrance Market Velocity, Inc. Martin Architects PC AIA Mary Delaney Interior Design Members Give Merck Partnership for Giving Metropolitan Life Foundation MG New York Michael Kors Mister Selman, LLC Mizuho USA Foundation, Inc. Mojo Stumer Associates Architects, P.C. The Municipal Art Society of New York Mycak Associates, LLC Myrtle Avenue Revitalization Project LDC The Neiman Marcus Group Nessim & Associates Network for Good Neuberger Berman Group LLC New York University

J.E. Stone Educational Consulting, LLC

Nike Communications, Inc.

J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.

Norman Rosenfeld Architects, LLC

NJ Institute of Music and Art, LLC

OgoSport, LLC

Tory Burch, LLC

Orlandi, Inc.

Tower Products, Inc.

Outside New York, LLC

Triton Construction Company

P.M.S. Enterprises LTD

The Trust for Public Land

Paoletti's Cleaners Corporation

Tunstull Studio

Parham Santana Design, Inc.

Two Trees Management Company, LLC

Parsons School of Design

Henry & Elaine Kaufman Foundation, Inc. The Hilson Family Fund Iowa Foundation for Education Environment & the Arts The Irene C. Shea Charitable Foundation*

Estate of Jean S. Floon Estate of Robert W. Glenn

Julie Pratt Shattuck Charitable Lead Trust*

Estate of Eliot Miles Herter

The Kolatch Family Foundation

The Fern B. Macchi Revocable Trust

The Lipman-Sherman Family Foundation

Estate of Frances C. Northam* The Martin E. Segal Revocable Trust

Pierz Architecture Interior Design

Urban Studio, LLC

Planned Parenthood of NYC, Inc.

US Architects Group, P.A.

Platt Byard Dovell White Architects LLP

USAA Matching Gift Fund of the San Antonio Area Foundation

Pochet of America, Inc.*

Verizon Foundation*

Pompeii Studios

Vincent Perez Studio*

Lise and Jeffrey Wilks Family Foundation

Pontificia Universidad Cat贸lica

Violife, Inc.

Louis Feinberg Foundation*

Postcards for the Painters

W Magazine

M. K. Trust 2

Princeton Architectural Press

Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Matching Gift Program

Martin County Community Foundation, Inc.

Westchester Design Group, Inc.

Mertz Gilmore Foundation*

The Whelan Group, Inc.

Mule Family Foundation

William Randolph Hearst Foundation

The Namm Foundation

Wineinger and Associates, Ltd.

New York Community Trust

YMS Management Associates, Inc.

The Ralph & Ricky Lauren Family Foundation, Inc.

Proskauer Rose LLP Pursuant Ketchum Qualcomm R.G.A. Incorporated RBS Citizens Financial Group, Inc. The Richards Group* Robert Cerutti Architect Robert Mark Parnes Architecture, LLC

Youth Ministries for Peace and Justice Zazzle Zeno Group

Estate of Wanda P. Dick

Janet M. Anderson Trust

Umbra, LLC*

Promotora Sunset Beach Clubs

Pratt Institute would like to recognize the following estates and trusts from which the Institute received distributions in Fiscal Year 2013.

Jahn Foundation

Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program*

Urban Outfitters, Inc.


The Robert E. Gallagher Charitable Trust

Estate of Naomi Leff*

Hazel Roy Trust Estate of Irene Shea Estate of Hugo H. Todebush Estate of Ruth Wallad

GIFTS IN HONOR In honor of Prof. Calvin Albert Peteris Krumins '79 In honor of Enid Astwood Gensler Keith F. Rosen AIA '79* In honor of Kathleen Barandy Mark Barandy & Maryellen Barandy In honor of Eleanor Baum

Robert K. & Evelyn D. Pederson Family Foundation

Anil C. Rao '88 & Padmaja Rao

Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Inc.

David A. Button '04

In honor of David Button

Robert Zaccone & Associates, P.C.

Zetlin & De Chiara LLP

Rochester Institute of Technology


The Rockefeller Foundation

Patricia Button, P '04

AG Foundation*

The Scherman Foundation*

In honor of Johanna Cantor

Alexander C. & Tillie S. Speyer Foundation*

The Selz Foundation

Marjorie Berman

The Sheldon and Judith Streisand Charitable Foundation

In honor of Jennil Crain

RPF Design Studio RUR Architecture, PC Safe Environment Business Solutions Saks Incorporated Save A Sample! Corp. Schwab Charitable Fund Sciame Construction, LLC Seno Jewelry, LLC SFMade SGD North America, Inc.* Spatial Design Studio St. Nicks Alliance Starr Whitehouse Landscape Architects & Planners, PLLC Stephen Sills Associates Structural Engineering Technologies PC Studio Dumitru STV CS AKRF Joint Venture Supima Cotton Symrise AG Takasago International Corporation (USA)

Barbara and Donald Tober Foundation* Baron Capital Foundation Bernard F. and Alva B. Gimbel Foundation Brooklyn Community Foundation Charles E. Culpeper Foundation Charles Stewart Mott Foundation The Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region*

Taconic Foundation, Inc. USAA Matching Gift Fund of the San Antonio Area Foundation William Randolph Hearst Foundation


In honor of Todd and Kathy Galitz Jennifer Cho Michael Hambouz* Michael T. O'Shea '04 In honor of Ross Gendels Joel Gendels & Stacy Gendels In honor of Daniel Gerzog

Cranshaw Corporation The Daniel M. Neidich and Brooke Garber Foundation

CEC Stuyvesant Cove, Inc. Consulado General de Chile

The David & Sondra Mack Foundation, Inc.*

Empire State Development Corporation

Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation

National Endowment for the Arts

The Fascitelli Family Foundation*

New York City Comptroller

In honor of Jack and Florence Goodstein

Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund

New York Industrial Retention Network

Steven H. Goodstein '66 & Linda Goodstein*

New York State Energy Research & Development Authority

In honor of Rudy Gutierrez

Freya & Richard Block Family Foundation

TD Bank* Ted Muehling Inc.*

George & Milly Denegre Fund


George and Helen Segal Foundation

Thom Browne New York

The Gino & Clarice Nahum Charitable Trust

Todt Corporation

Surdna Foundation

Allison Boyd

Brooklyn Borough President's Office

General William Mayer Foundation, Inc.

Time, Inc.

The Spionkop Charitable Trust*

Heimbinder Family Foundation

State of New York Supportive Housing Network of New York

Lloyd F. Lampell '65 In honor of Bruce Gitlin Barbara Kanter In honor of Amelia L. Golini Kathleen E. Golini & Donald J. Golini, P '10

Elizabeth Coddou & Wesley Coddou In honor of E. Ward Herlands Sarah Rizk & Robert Rizk In honor of Licio Isolani Steven Nedboy '72 & Kathryn Ryan

In honor of Dwight Johnson

In honor of Anne Van Ingen

OgoSport, LLC

Bruce M. Newman '53 & Judith Newman*


In honor of Professor Adrienne Jones

In honor of David & Jane Walentas

Rebeccah Pailes-Friedman '85 & Daniel D. Pailes-Friedman '83

Barbara and Donald Tober Foundation*

Maura A. Parente Rucker '07 Natalia V. Porter '03 & Daniel Holguin

Barbara D. Tober & Donald G. Tober*

RPF Design Studio

In honor of Rebecca Warlick

Scot Spratford '96


Studio BlueSkyy

Michael V. Warlick & Amy L. Warlick

Tanya H. Van Cott '93 & Bruce R. Hannah '63

Rachelle Etienne '01 & Stan Robinson In honor of Sidney Katz Watanachai Puntoompoti '73 & Mantshana Puntoompoti In honor of Marjorie Kuhn Judith Balsam & Arnold Balsam* Michael Hambouz* Daniel M. Neidich & Brooke G. Neidich The Daniel M. Neidich and Brooke Garber Foundation Michael T. O'Shea '04

In honor of Vernon C. Warner Kevin Wampler & Renee Wampler In honor of Stephanie & Roy Weaver Ellen Weaver


In honor of Ted Kurahara

In memory of George M. Beischer

Susan A. Rosenberg '83

Sharon A. Harwood*

In honor of Ruth Lande Shuman

In memory of Jane Cavagnaro

Michael Hambouz*

Irene Treiber

Michael T. O'Shea '04

In memory of Daniel Chait

In honor of Donald & Elizabeth Lanier

William B. Berensmann '59 (dec.) & Madelyn Berensmann

Jill L. Lanier '92*

In memory of Ardyth Cope

In honor of Ted Liebman

Paul Balliet & Judith H. Balliet

Emily K. Mann '65 & Samuel J. Mann

In memory of Morison S. Cousins

In honor of Sondra and David Mack

Michael A. Cousins

Baron Capital Foundation In honor of Richard Mayhew Susan R. Hebel '68* In honor of Samantha Mink Jerrold Mink & Barbara Mink* In honor of Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Mullin Christopher Mullin

In memory of Gloria Dinerman Dorothea J. Coiffe '04 & Sing Chin In memory of Robert Djerejian HLW International LLP Lettie A. McDonald & Ralph McDonald In memory of James R. Doman Jr.

Gregory F. Nichols '94 In memory of Daniel November

In memory of Patricia Harrison

Ceileidh R. Siegel '05

James N. Mehmet '69*

In memory of Anne Pfreundscheu

In memory of Max E. Hartl

Allyson K. Gracie '84

Frank J. Alexander

In memory of Peter Price

Cheryl Ancell

James P. D'Auria '68 & Jennifer D'Auria

Ann R. Borst & William Borst

James D'Auria Associates, PC Architects

Barbara Brand Sandra Dienes Gail Ford & Bob Ford Kristin M. Hartl Marguerite E. Hartl* Sharon M. Keenan & Craig Keenan Maryann Keeney Henry Lipschitz William C. McElligat & Eileen D. McElligat Taylor McGee & Michael McGee Jane Rideout Robert M. Silverman Ronald P. Smith

Goyer L. Gethers

Shirlee M. Topel

Adrienne Harris

David Warburton

Henry Kaufman '4 8 & Elaine Kaufman

Angie Lorenzo

Roberta M. Warfield

In memory of Lydia Skiff Ernst, William Skiff & George Ernst

James Young & Gail Young

Rhoda E. Bannon

Lynne Heston

In memory of Eugene Garfinkle

Teri Strickland & Ken Strickland

Rachel Zioulas

In memory of Taylor Hogrefe

In memory of Rick Goodwin Anonymous

Robert E. Hogrefe '64 & Laura Hogrefe

Emilian D. Cartis '05

In memory of Robert Jennee

Allan B. Chochinov '89

Louise Jennee

Margaret Ragsdale In honor of Joey P. Regan Molly A. Regan In honor of Marc Rosen

Joseph G. Merz

Jamie A. Hankin '82 & Laura Hankin

Henry & Elaine Kaufman Foundation

In honor of Margaret Ragsdale

In memory of Mary Ellen Linberger Merz

In memory of Forrest Nichols

Peter Green & Sharon Green

Ruth L. Shuman '91*

Nina D. Van Dyke '79

In memory of Naomi B. Hankin

Otis E. Taylor & Joanne Taylor

In honor of Charles Pollock

In memory of Etan Manasse

Michelle L. Zatta '03

Freya Block '77 & Richard H. Block

Aaron Pailes

Robert I. MacDonald & Carolyn B. MacDonald

In memory of Robert Natkin

Gene Taylor & JoAnne Taylor

In honor of the PailesFriedman family

Cranshaw Corporation

Michael P. Whitney '94 & Barbara Collins

Charlotte M. Bishop

In honor of Bruce M. Newman ‘53

In memory of Helen Babbott MacDonald

In memory of Charles Heston

Paul J. Golden '67 & Ellen G. Golden

In memory of Henry E. Romani Beatrice D. Miller & Richard Miller, P '94 In memory of Chris H. Sanchez Ana A. Sanchez-Preston '00 In memory of Elizabeth Santos Artemis Development Sally C. Greene '82 In memory of Linda Schlundt Michael Hambouz* In memory of Jerome T. Schwartz Emily S. May '99 & William May In memory of Monica Shay Crystal O. Backus '10 Peter L. Barna '83 & Myonggi Sul Barna '82* Goldman Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program Lynn Magnus William M. Schroeder '98 In memory of Miriam Lilian Dub Skolnick Sharon R. Skolnick-Bagnoli '66 & Bruce Bagnoli In memory of Jules Sobel Louise F. Saltzman & Melvin Saltzman In memory of Teresita Del Nino Jesus Tejada

Core 77

In memory of Doris C. Johnson

David S. Mack (Trustee) & Sondra Mack*

Design Hype, Inc.

Robert N. Johnson*

The David & Sondra Mack Foundation, Inc.*

Steve Diskin

In memory of Harley Jones

Jenie P. Fu '05 & John-Peter Lee

Michelle G. Brewster '85

Elizabeth E. Fuller '09

In memory of Herman Y. Krinsky

Thomas G. Greene

Myra A. Oltsik*

Hybrid Product Design & Development, Inc.

In memory of Lilyan Haber-Last

Robert C. Visser AIA '79 & Heidi J. Visser '82

Kenneth Haber

In memory of Joan Doblin Vogel

In honor of Jan & Evi Slaby Joshua Slaby In honor of Josh Sobel Doribess Fuller, P '10

MacKenzie A. King '05

David Kistner In memory of Eleanor B. Van Nest Elizabeth V. Braun In memory of Robert C. Visser

Helen C. Heller Stephanie Robiner

In memory of Benjamin Wallack

Kristi Davis

Rhonda Hurwitz

William E. Olivari '81

Peter A. Wallack*

Adriana DeCervantes

William A. Hutnick '11

In memory of Bernard C. Wollmeringer

Mary DeCervantes

Matthew E. Hyner '98

Parsons The New School for Design

Marion S. Wollmeringer

Dick Blick Art Materials Rosanne K. Dlugosz, P '10

James D'Auria Associates, PC Architects

MAIN BUILDING FIRE RECOVERY Pratt Institute gratefully acknowledges the generous donors who made contributions and in-kind donations to the Main Building fire recovery efforts. Anonymous (7) Evan Akselrad Diane E. Alexander '86 Elizabeth Andreadis Archigrafika Artemis Development Stephen R. Auerbach '59 L Philip Ayers Drew Babitts Nicholas Battis '89 Stephanie M. Bayard

Tim Donahue Robert E. Drucker '83

Kappa Sigma

Mary S. Durkee '71 & Stephen L. Durkee

Jesse Karp '09 & Maren Berthelsen Erica Kawas

Richard W. Eiger '55 (Trustee) & Ruth Eiger*

Michael Kawas & Lora Kawas

Karen Erani '77

Peter L. Kern '62 & Carol H. Kern*

David Erb & Bonnie Garmus EXSA Americas , Inc. Philip F. Farrell Jr. & Regina Farrell Fashion Institute of Technology Richard E. Feinbloom Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Alix Finkelstein First Experience Communications Kaylen M. Flugel '07 & Ryan Flugel

Jenifer L. Becker '02 William B. Berensmann '59 (dec.) & Madelyn Berensmann


Carolyn B. Betters BIG Architecture PC Brigid M. Bjorklund '12 Tina H. Blackburn '00 & Bruce Blackburn Blue Sky Studios Sheila S. Blunt '66 & John Blunt Allison Boyd Michelle G. Brewster '85 Karen Bull & Thomas Bull C.A.S. Paints Canson George J. Cambourakis Cappuccio Artworks Thomas Cappuccio '65 & Carol Cappuccio

Mi Ju '13

Rebecca E. Duffy '04 & Adam Duffy

Regina E. Ford Cahill '06 & William Cahill

Kai-Uwe Bergmann

Berti S. Jones '70 & Robert Jones*

Ilan Y. Gabai '07 & Laura A. Gabai '07 Gamblin Artist Colors Co. Cynthia J. Gardstein '77 Michael Gerbino '82 Lori M. Gibbs '07 Gabrielle V. Glickstein '08 Eugenie L. Goggin '67 & Edward P. Goggin Golden Artist Colors, Inc. Paul J. Golden '67 & Ellen G. Golden Sally C. Greene '82 Michael H. Grillo '77 William Gruen & Margaret McDonald Alexander M. Gryger '07 Kenneth Haber Jiwoo Hahn '07

Alison P. Kelly '04 Andrew Hyun Kyu Kim Carolina Kim '08 Rick Klein & Sarah Wesson Lloyd F. Lampell '65 Leslie B. Lane '86 & Bruce Lane Arthur R. Larsen '67 & Ellen Larsen Don A. Lasker '70 & Russell Lasker* Cathy A. Laskiewicz '06 Diana A. Lawson '64 Elizabeth Leeber Jonathan Lefcourt & Robyn Lefcourt Victor Leger John H. Lepak '07 Ted B. Lewin '56 & Betsy R. Lewin '59* Andrea A. Licata '84 Anna C. Lindell '12 The Lipman-Sherman Family Foundation Richard M. Longo '82 & Joann Z. Longo '82 Vanghel Lupu Emily M. Macdonald-Korth '01 Ellen Mann '61 Marc E. Mannheimer '67 Donald C. McCann '60 & Dianne S. McCann '64* Susan A. McCaslin '72 & George Corsillo

Susan Hakkarainen (Trustee) & Pekka Hakkarainen

Katharine L. McKenna '84 (Trustee) & Mark S. Braunstein* James N. Mehmet '69*

Robert D. Cerutti '77

Jamie A. Hankin '82 & Laura Hankin

Courtney A. Mendenhall '11

Cheng-Wei Chang

Junji Hase '99

Janet Merkt

Maryann Chang

Mary L. Meyer

Barbara Charton '74

Mitsuhiro Hasegawa & Beverly Hasegawa

Paula S. Chessin '81

Susan R. Hebel '68*

Donna L. Moran '71 & Charles Moran

Diane B. Chichura '54*

Nanci L. Hersh '81

ColArt Americas Inc.

Stephen Hilger

Comerford Collection

Frima F. Hofrichter

Karen A. Comerford '82

Robert E. Hogrefe '64 & Laura Hogrefe

Cutsogeorge Tooman & Allen Architects, PC

Clifford E. Holtermann '86

George D. Cutsogeorge

Bolin Hong & Zhou Yan


Susan Hubbell

Karen E. D'Angelo '10

Wilfred C. Hunte '79 & Sandra Hunte

James P. D'Auria '68 & Jennifer D'Auria

Dana G. Hurwitz '12

Mark Carter

Anna Hong

Richard D. Miller '61 Ann Mustard & Allan Mustard, P '12* Fiona M. Mustard '12 Jenica N. Nardacci Christopher Neville & Sarah Gamble New Museum of Contemporary Art New York Community Trust Timothy E. Nicholas '10 Heidi Nitze Judith L. Norinsky '12 Bekah Nunn

Maria Cristina Pattuelli Ismael Perez Orozco '05 & Michele M. Perez '05 Marianne L. Perlak '68 Pi Sigma Chi Caterina Y. Pierre Postcards for the Painters Pratt Inter-Greek Council Pratt Photo League Pratt Printmaking Department Pratt Student Government Association Shannon Price Robert W. Prigge Sr. '55 & Ruth Prigge* Michael A. Quackenbush '79 Denise Ramzy Jane Reed '80 Molly A. Regan Barbara Reitz William G. Rice III '81 Michael P. Richard '01 Robert Cerutti Architect Sarah Roberts & Lawrence Koplik Beatriz Rosabal '93 & Jorge A. Rosabal Daryl M. Rosenblatt AIA '77 & Susan J. Miller* Norman Rosenfeld FAIA '56* Loretta A. Rothstein '82 & Dan Rothstein Charles P. Rubenstein '93 & Rose Rubenstein James M. Rudnick '80 Keiko Sato Thomas F. Schutte (Trustee) & Tess L. Schutte* Harriet S. Selverstone '83 & Robert Selverstone* Joanne F. Serraino '83* Benjamin Shepherd Joan K. Sherman & Marc Sherman* Leonard Sirowitz '53 & Myrna Sirowitz The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum Jeffrey T. Starr '02 & Stephanie Starr Sarah M. Story '10 Structural Engineering Technologies PC Kathleen L. Su '10 Kaitlyn Sudol Joseph Tagliaferro John M. Takeuchi '47 Lorin M. Taylor '02 Linda I. Teichman '79 & Sam L. Teichman Christopher Telano & Patricia Telano Steven A. Terr '70 Benjamin Thoma Roy R. Thomson AIA '59 & Sally Thomson*

A.L.P. Thorpe Matthew Tragesser John W. Truxall Jr. '73 Richard J. Tulka '77 Hüseyin Ünver & Dianna Ünver Kate Ünver Utrecht Art Supplies

Gina B. Caspi-Levy '80 & Jay B. Levy '85

Jenny J. Lee & David White Esq.

Barbara Charton '74

Emma Legge

Carol Clark Anthony Cocciolo Anita Cooney '92 James Counts

Michael C. Volonakis '74 & Lauren Bakoian

George D. Cutsogeorge

Kevin Wampler & Renee Wampler

Eduardo Darino

Elaine Weber '70 & Michael McFadden

Theoharis L. David FAIA '61

Scott R. Weinstein '97 & Abigail L. Povich

Kristi Davis

Stanley B. Wilderoter '49 & Jane Wilderoter

Antonio N. DiSpigna '67, P '02

Rebecca C. Winters '04 Caroline H. Woodward '00 Blaikie Worth Yaryna Wynar '06 Thomas G. Yeaton '03 Mitchell Yee Ira W. Yellen '69 & Gail Tobin-Yellen Wilmer Zamora Gaviria '10 Robert D. Zera '74 Lewis Zurlo '58 Pratt Institute would like to acknowledge Larry Gagosian, Bruce M. Newman ’53, and Aby Rosen for their invaluable support of Flameproof, the thesis exhibition by Bachelor of Fine Arts students affected by the Main Building Fire.

FACULTY AND STAFF DONORS Anonymous (3) Judith Aaron & Mitchell K. Aaron Russell S. Abell '98 Lisa M. Ackerman '08 Evan Akselrad Lara Allen & Alyssa Armster-Wikoff Kevin J. Andreano & Elizabeth Andreano* Amy I. Aronoff L. Philip Ayers Drew Babitts Lizabeth Baiardi Peter L. Barna '83 & Myonggi Sul Barna '82*

Karen E. D'Angelo '10

Steve Diskin Tim Donahue Lisabeth During Olivia Eaton Philip F. Farrell Jr. & Regina Farrell Kathryn A. Filla '71 Patricia J. Fisher-Olsen '07 & David Olsen Jenie P. Fu '05 & John-Peter Lee Todd M. Galitz & Kathryn C. Galitz T. Ganse Anina Gayla & Edwin Gayla Barbara A. Genco '75* Michael Gerbino '82 Tula J. Giannini Ezra Glasgow Josh Graver Thomas Greene Thomas G. Hanrahan Joseph M. Hemway Meghan Hickey Stephen Hilger William Hilson & Barbara Hilson* Thomas Hines Frima F. Hofrichter Ann S. Holder Michael Hollander & Judith Hollander Gregg Horowitz & Ellen Levy Anne C. Hrychuk San-Ting Hsia '04 Samantha Hunt & Joe Hagan Wilfred C. Hunte '79 & Sandra Hunte Katie Hush

Elizabeth Leeber John Lobell and Alissa Grimaldi Irene Lopatovska Eugene Lorendo Vangheli Lupu Craig MacDonald Emily Mack Marshall Alan Mallach Hart T. Marlow '09

Amy B. Snider

Jennifer L. McNutt

Dorothy V. Staton

Aida Mejia

Ira A. Stern '85

Nadia Merzliakow '75

Jessica L. Tallman '10*

Julie Miller

Benjamin Thoma

Conrad H. Milster

Vinette B. Thomas '12 & Leeford Pennthomas

David M. Minder Jennifer Minniti Norman M. Mintz '63 Agnes Mocsy Laura Moore Emily M. Moqtaderi Donna L. Moran '71 & Charles Moran Mark O'Grady & Marijo R. O'Grady* Tetsu Ohara Toni H. Oliviero* Luis Ortiz Jon Otis & Diane Barnes Rebeccah Pailes-Friedman '85 & Daniel D. Pailes-Friedman '83 Rosemary G. Palms Janet Parsons Peter F. Patchen Maria Cristina Pattuelli Fitz Payne Leighton Pierce Caterina Y. Pierre Shannon Price Deborah L. Rabina

William Sayer Jr. '95

Gusty Lange '86 & Stephen Ettlinger

Matthew Tragesser Jolene Travis Anthony Tucker Jon W. Tucker Kate Ünver Stephen A. Valentine '77 Tanya H. Van Cott '93 & Bruce R. Hannah '63 Scott E. VanderVoort & Linda Stern Ellen S. Wallenstein '78 Joseph Weisbord '96 & Joyce Weisbord Compton Williams Robert M. Zaccone '71 & Paula Zaccone Marian C. Zacharow Karyn Zieve Marianthi Zikopoulos Carl Zimring Pratt Institute would like to thank the generous individuals who helped to secure gifts on its behalf.

Alexander E. Roland

Jesse Karp '09 & Maren Berthelsen

Alvin Campbell

Matt Townsend

Denise Ramzy

Hugh Sabre

Nicholas P. Koutsomitis AIA '78 & Maria Koutsomitis

J. Thompson

Mark Ramgoolan

Jeffrey S. Kapec '72 & Susan Kapec, P '08

George J. Cambourakis

Stewart Shum

Douglas Smith-McDonald

Herbert Beerman

Richard Korchien AIA '53 & Sheila A. Korchien*

Ronald Shiffman '61 & Yvette Shiffman '74*

Martin J. McManus

William B. Bedford '61 & Robin Bedford

Bay Brown

Robert B. Shaw

Terence Smith

Berti S. Jones '70 & Robert Jones*

Cindie Kehlet

John R. Shapiro AICP '79

Mara McGinnis

Yong-Wook Jo

Sheryl Kasak

Beverly A. Semmes

Megan McCurry

Nicholas Battis '89

George O. Brome '78 & Sheila Gibbs-Brome

Harriet S. Selverstone '83 & Robert Selverstone*

Carole A. Sirovich & Lawrence Sirovich*

Chris Jensen

Vladimir Briller

Michael V. Sclafani

Helen Matusow-Ayres & Phread Ayres

Andrew W. Barnes

Ashley M. Berger '06*

Thomas F. Schutte (Trustee) & Tess L. Schutte*

Sara V. Rothstein '05 Charles P. Rubenstein '93 & Rose Rubenstein Giuseppe San Filipo & Lina Phillips Laura C. Scarano '11 Rhonda Schaller Andrew B. M. Schloss '94 George H. Schmidt '63 & Christine J. Schmidt* Melanie A. Schmidt '91

Please address any questions related to the Honor Roll to: Anina Gayla Donor Relations Officer Pratt Institute Institutional Advancement 200 Willoughby Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11205 718.230.6810



Creating a legacy like Pratt’s takes time. start yours today with a 2013 charitable ira rollover—and skip the tax on your required distribution. if you are age 70½ or older in 2013, you can make a gift to the pratt program of your choice by transferring up to $100,000 directly from your ira to the institute. the gift will count toward your yearly, required minimum distribution, and you’ll owe no federal income taxes on the portion you donate to pratt. this provision is only valid until December 31, 2013, so don’t delay. act now before it’s too late.

For more information: Drew Babitts | major and planned gifts officer | 718.399.4296 |


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This holiday season, visit for gift ideas and products by Pratt graduates like Charles Churchward (B.F.A. ’71).


Pratt institute Institutional Advancement 200 Willoughby Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11205

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