Pratt Interior Design Spring 2022

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Through images and text drawn from their yearlong thesis investigations, we are proud to introduce the reader to Pratt Institute’s 2022 class of BFA and MFA Interior Design graduates.

Pratt Institute’s Interior Design curriculum prepares students for the profession, underpinned by a rigorous design thinking that expands what is understood as the discipline of Interior Design. Ideas, issues, histories, and cultures—each informing the other—create a more complex and nuanced understanding of Thisthe interior.year,we are graduating students who entered our BFA and MFA programs three years ago, spending just over one semester with us before the pandemic sent us all into isolation. With resilience and determination, they embraced new ways of learning and helped us learn new ways of teaching. The MFA students were joined the next year by a cohort already steeped in remote and hybrid ways of academic engagement. Forged by the pandemic and a clarion call for racial justice and social equity, it is no wonder that this graduating class demonstrates a larger global and humanistic vision for the built environment and their roles as designers and makers of those spaces.


The Interior Design Annual 2022 Now in its 3rd digital iteration, the Interior Design Annual book has become a traditional publication by the Department to showcase and celebrate its graduating classes of BFA and MFA students. Each year, our thesis students delve deep into areas of interest, questioning the bounds of the interior, contributing to our understanding of the spaces we occupy. They challenge the status quo and the expectations of the programmatic and behavioral conditions of occupied space. They test and engage new technologies to further the creation and visualization of their design investigations. And, critically, they locate their work within a larger global socio-political context.

David C. C. Foley Chair, Interior Design Special thanks to: President Frances Bronet; Provost Donna Heiland; Dean Anita Cooney, School of Design; Tania Branquinho, Assistant Chair, Interior Design; the Faculty of Interior Design; and Associate Professor Annie Coggan, our heroic Book Coordinator for her steadfast attention and focus acquiring the images and editing the texts. Thank you all!

Graduate Students


5 Omar MingfeiZhenJiJinRuitingKaeleeYuezhuKavyaUtkarshaAlanaStevieLiliyaYuningSarahXiRebecaZhuoshanYoungQianqianAqeelBaoJiByunCaiZhuCaoChenDevottaDingDzisFarinhasFriedFullerGargHanHelmsHuJungWonLeeLiLiu Zeyu GaJiayanLiuNiYoung


Queer Threads


This thesis project aims to develop a queer spatial strategy in which design can be leveraged to deconstruct preconceived binary restraints of the interior environment, specifically focusing on how interstitial conditions can mediate levels of awareness, connection, and intimacy between users. In a world of forgotten past and disappearing physical spaces, this thesis project aspires to create a space that facilitates celebration, engagement, and restoration by developing an adapt able interior language that provides accessibility and connection within all the various networks of queer identity.



Located in Chinatown, NYC, this Nostalgia Infirmary addresses the displacement of Chinese immigrants and the result ing blurry perception of their identity. Layering, superimposition, and recontextualization foster nostalgic connections within an experiential landscape between the places immigrants come from, and the spaces they make for themselves.


Blurry Nostalgia: Spatial layering of collective memory


SAFE SPACE: Fostering Belonging and Social Comfort in Transitional Public Spaces

Reframing the notion of “safe space,” the thesis explores the role of interior design in fostering belonging and social comfort in transitional public spaces. Facilitating interpersonal connectivity, increasing accessibility, and activating boundaries of interiority to promote an equitable public space that neutralizes the existing social stigma for all public occupants.


Space of Ambiguity Activating ambiguity as a potential driver of spatial experience, this thesis will question traditional models of spatial or ganization within familiar urban interiors. Reimagining spatial narrative through dream episodes with enhanced sensory perception, this project fosters uncertainty to unfold unexpected narratives within mundane urban life.



Towards a New Concrete Utopia Repurposing a Brutalist parking lot building on Roosevelt Island focuses attention on continuing to refine an New York City architectural utopian idealism of optimism and unity. Through a study of the past and present concrete geometrical form and plasticity, new urban interiors of different scales invite public communal interactive spaces.





Authenticity, Growth and Communication: A Transitional Housing for Teenagers

The project presented here stipulates that we, as interior designers, can support and reinforce a sense of personal au thenticity and place making by incorporating interactive spatial components in transitional housing.

The Archival House, located in SOHO on the Bowery in New York City, encourages the public to study how local history and its associated stories are understood through past and present urban architecture. Immersive “arched” displays and research spaces are designed with specific materiality to commemorate and invite new responses.




The “Ocular” Learning Center

The “Ocular” is an immersive learning center that is focused on providing experiences and classes related to visual impairment. Situated in Hudson Yards, NYC, the site allows light, sound and texture to be controlled and enhanced. The center’s goals minimize the stigma of impairment by inviting the public inside.



This Thesis project aims to create a space of a trauma-recovery facility deploying and manipulating textiles and with an implication of soft-shaped constructive elements and body-scaled built-ins allowing a body to find its place thereby creating a sense of belonging. The interiors will combine private and communal spaces using a combination of soft curvilinear shapes applied in design strategies.




This thesis seeks to challenge the role in which design has played in facilitating assimilation and lack of representation of marginalized communities by investigating and critiquing current cultural, structural, and spatial systems. In pro posing reimagined spaces guided by spatial manifesto principles, these systems are reconceptualized within spaces of higher education.



Curating a Latine Imaginary: Re-imagining Educational Spaces



Afterlife: Towards a Regenerative Interior Afterlife: Towards a Regenerative Interior is in search of a spatial narrative engaging the performative act of grief and sensation of emotion. The space, situated within a church ruin on the contested Hart Island, is defined through an em bodied ritual of bathing and the transient materiality of water, echoing the entangled processes of life and decay.


Non-Threat Stations

Non-Threat Stations focuses on enhancing the experience of vulnerable populations in transportation systems, spe cifically women, children and the elderly. It addresses issues of safety, alienation and accessibility by introducing art activation engagement in prototypical zones of the entrance, concourse, platform and path.


Performative Scapes and Historical Setting: The Dialogue A Cultural Urban Instrument


This thesis investigates the intervention of Performative Scapes in historical settings. It aims to initiate a poetic and indigenous dialogue between the old-new, and the local-global, which imagines, transforms, and re-cultivates places of cultural significance.




The VR+ An experimental living lab across from Union Square in NYC reflects the mixed-reality of alternative lifestyles possi ble in the current era. To investigate the merging of physical and virtual spaces an exploration of folded, rotated, and screened zones are meant to attract visitors into this community of virtual technology enthusiasts.

Surrealist Collisions Through the manipulation of scale, function and materiality, Surrealist Collisions aims to activate varying perspectival relationships by re-imagining the function and objective relationships of objects and spaces. Surreal glitches juxtapose ordinary moments in a workplace interior to ignite imaginative agency.



The Boundary of A Whimsical Room—Interior design strategies based on the context dependent memory What alleviates negative emotions? This thesis investigates a whimsical feeling developed from the “context dependent memory” and helps set up positive emotional feedback. In this project mechanism systems that create changeable floor plans depending on the “player typologies”—attract different kinds of people according to how they would interact with the outside world and each other.



CULTURAL APERTURE: Transporting the user through experiential spatial atmospheres


This thesis will explore atmospheric spatial filters as didactic devices to transport visitors to a foreign culture and con nect them to its sense of place.



RECALIBRATE: Interwoven spatial system

This project recognizes the need for the recalibration and evolution of workspaces as a result of the hybrid working model. It leverages the hybrid model’s ability to remove dedicated personalized workspaces and provides the opportu nity to weave pockets of the unexpected that help motivates people to come back to the office.



Around the clock

The infrastructure of interiors used for car storage can be reclaimed for the benefit of marginalized user groups by reimagining the paradigm of the inhabited module to collectively blur temporal boundaries and foster contingency and community.



Empty Vessel This thesis explores the contrast created when placing Japanese dry landscape principles in the fast-paced urban en vironment of Times Square. This juxtaposition will emphasize traditional techniques such as perspective, layering, and negative space to grant a place of respite for business workers, tourists, and visitors.




Coexisting Habitat: Empathy Education Lab

This thesis explores the possibilities of a mixed-use interior space in which reciprocal human-animal interaction deliber ately impacts the development of a children’s empathy. By interacting with animals in all these different ways, children will gain responsibility, empathy, and an increased appreciation and respect for animals and other creatures.

HAPPINESS FACTORY: A metaphorical space to process human behavior in the pursuit of happiness



This project explores happiness as achieved through hormonal responses to human sensory experience of interactions with inanimate but purpose-built interior environments. The factory is divided into workshops. In each workshop people will have diverse physical and mental challenges through movement, creation, social interaction, and nature.

Cultural Mosaic: Building connections across cultures

This thesis will examine the potential of interior design to operate as a link to memory. This project postulates that through the juxtaposition of materiality and immateriality as an artifact of time, the interior environment can promote empathy between users and become a catalyst to collective memories and experiences.





The feeling of Awe, inspired by the Sublime, is one of the strongest human emotions. Drawing on research in philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience this thesis investigates how Awe can positively influence mental health, and how “awe-in spiring” design elements such as infinity (magnitude, repetition, totality), silence, illusion of danger can create a broader realm to inhabit between the sacred and the profane.



Bank of Upcycle and Creation: A Respectful Spatial Dialogue with the Homeless


This thesis uses the banking metaphor to form a creative upcycle system serving the homeless and non-homeless. Combining banking terminology with storytelling, it aims to create a spatial, programmatic, and sustainable economic dialogue.


Intergenerational Dialogue Intergenerational Dialogue aims to explore intergenerational design, create a dialogue among generations and ethnic ities, and recirculate residential trends evoking nostalgia into modern living spaces. It focuses on traditional Eastern cultures as well as traditional American cultures, their collective trends, styles, and the nostalgic roots that trigger mem ories from the past.


Liberty State Market



Taking cues from a street market or bazaar, an historical site with a role in the late 19th C. Ellis Island immigration story, invites new experiences through a mosaic of cultures. Relating to the unique and temporal qualities of travel, the spatial methodology of transformability investigates how adaptable space can facilitate an environment of cultural exchange.

CONFLUX: an unusual student union By appreciating the imperfections and the impermanence of human existence, and the chaos that influences daily life, Conflux is based on Stoicism and Wabi-Sabi philosophies. Promoting inner tranquility and student exchange, a dialogue between two New York City buildings explores flexibly shifting spaces and interior volumes of light.




Interact: A bond to connect the neighborhood and around healing dysphoria in a community center

This thesis investigates the relationship between interior space and social interaction. By testing spatial strategies like “in-betweenness” and spatial proximity, the intention is to design an environment that fosters connections between people and, by extension, strengthens communal bonds.


Butterfly Effect: Experiential Interventions of Nature



This project will speculate that a series of controlled interior sensory environments placed in opposition to one another can operate as didactic spatial devices to foster awareness of extreme climatic conditions.


This thesis activates a cyclic economy to deploy water and waste production systems to reimagine the role of housing, as a tool, to foster opportunity. Creating an intrinsic network of resource production, sharing, accumulation, and waste; the Domino Sugar Refinery in Williamsburg transforms into a community generator by reimagining the food production cycle.

Circularity: Fostering opportunities through a circular economy in a live-work space



Learning [Space]


This project redefines an educational space as a way to foster empathy in an integrated kindergarten with neurotypical children and children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). It does this by implementing strategies to adapt the interior to provoke physical and cognitive spatial perspective training to trigger better emotional understanding.


Land of LoHaS (Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability)


This project is a comprehensive care center for the elderly to promote well-being and longevity. It explores the incorpo ration of activity zones within circulation spaces to promote varying degrees of intimacy, socialization, and coexistence with other user groups.

My Montessori Playground


This project investigates thresholds as inhabitable spatial components where play is inserted to promote behavioral de velopment and learning in children. The thresholds operate as experiential sensory chambers that are activated through the manipulation of materials, lighting conditions and spatial composition and proportion.


This thesis reframes the role of design in fostering occupant autonomy in a privately-owned public space, 590 Madison Ave. Activating natural processes of mobilization, transformation, growth, and decay, this project seeks to create a sym biotic relationship between the natural and built environments of the city.

Public (adj.) Public (n.): Infrastructure of Autonomy




BIO PHE LIA Therapy Center

BIO PHE LIA is located in Red Hook, a Brooklyn, a NY neighborhood going through environmental remediation, in vestigates biophilia principles and their phenomenological effects to promote self-discovery during the epidemic of COVID-19. Interior methodologies of blur, overlap, and weave aid social isolation, stress and anxiety are employed to test the spatial consequences of biophilia.


Heterotopic Theater As a glimpse into the Differential Space envisioned by Michel Foucault and a succession to David Wiles’s theory of the performance as rearranging social identity, Heterotopic Theater implants the concept of performance into NYC’s Port Authority Bus Terminal, as a series of inter-mixed pursuits for an ideal spatial citizenship.



Realm of the Sensory: Enigmatic Serendipity in a Dull World



By translating the phenomenon of synesthesia and sensory design into the concepts of interior design, a phenomeno logical space is created that fosters the synesthetic experience to make users aware of their own capacity for synesthe sia and to enable them to use it as a cognitive tool.

INTERPLAY Located at the heart of Union Square Park neighborhood, this thesis re-imagines interior as incubator for spontaneous encounters and unexpected interplay between strangers, seeking to re-establish interpersonal connections that are lost due to quarantine and COVID-19. Physical interactions are augmented by digital play, stimulating communal engage ment, sensorial experiences, and modular transformation.







47 Wenjing Cheng Xinyi MichelleZhuxianJaeminIrisHeesooDaehanXiaoxiaoYingYiJiyangJiayinMarloZiqiYuanWangyuXinyiLiuyiAlessandraAngelaChristineChengChildsChoClementeDingDuanFengYuanFengGaoGrahamGuoHeHeHuangJiangKimKwonLeeLeeLiTzu-ChingLin Erica ChengxingClaraKejingXiaohanQiaoYiyuanMengjieShiqiTianhaoJieHaierYuAiningZiqingZhaoyueRuisiQinyiZhengTiffanyJihyeonMatinNaPalerRuanWangWangWangWeiWuWuYangYuYuZengZhaoZhaoZhouZhouZhuZlotkinZou


Ritual of Learning


Rituals of learning, transform a residential complex occupying an ancient Buddhist monastery in Lhasa, China into an unconventional place of edification. By reflecting the ritualistic practices of the Buddhist monks on the upper floor onto the learning spaces inhabited by lay-people below, this school provides the opportunity for mutual learning, commu nication, and respect. Two parallel, yet physically separate paths intertwine providing a spiritual journey of common understanding.


The Satellite Student Union is a healing and support system which breaks the traditional centralized Student Union mo dality and atomizes the programs throughout Pratt’s campus. Taking the form of “coffee corners”, the satellites enhance a casual occurrence and bring the necessities of information, collaboration, and well-being directly to the students, making accessible basic student needs that otherwise seem opaque.





Subjectively Spoken

This thesis, Subjectively Spoken, is meant to break the contextualization of a library and use language to inspire a new conceptualization. Through a multi-sensory experience inside the Manhattan Mall, a space in desperate need of a recon textualization, an intimate relationship between words and built space will transport the occupant from preconceived notions of how language is perceived.



This thesis addresses the difficulties of year-round community activation for residents in Valdez, Alaska. By repurposing one of many abandoned sites in the town, this project aims to create a flexible and climate responsive space that sup ports the fluctuating and demanding conditions, and demonstrate the potential of utilizing derelict buildings and found material for isolated communities.

Maximizing Utility

A Part of Something A Part of Something explores the possibility of equity between the built environment and inhabitants through participa tory design. By newly conceptualizing people about to exit New York’s foster care system as the makers of their domes tic space, this thesis proposes their agency in a way that reworks physical systems of power.





Fresh Fuel Fresh Fuel rethinks urban sustainability by transforming existing gas stations into markets for fresh food and automobile charging. Electric trucks carrying repurposed shipping containers, based in Hunts Point New York, will travel around the city to stop and provide healthy fresh food as drivers stop to recharge their cars.



The project translates the methods of solving crimes in detective novels into life, showing the deductions that exist in our life, often hidden in small details that need to be carefully discovered. Referring to this method of storytelling in these novels, a post office for social hazard has been created in the ceiling of the Grand Central Terminal.

No One Knows


Going beyond boundaries: Rethinking the relationship between the viewer, space and art


This project integrates an “Extended Reality” Museum within an existing subway/train station in Gaochun, China. How can the confluence of speed, movement, technology and constant change create an experience that goes beyond the physical boundaries of a space?

Borderland Borderland is an experience installation that merges reality to dreamscape while introducing aspects of the psyche. Investigating the dichotomy between “inside” and “outside,” a connection is drawn to the shadow, ego, and self. The interaction between the bright/longing interior to the dark/peering exterior force forms a journey of searching and awareness as the light and dark come to find each other through the self.





Road to Ruin Road to Ruin addresses the phenomenon of the demise of individualism under the weight of technological advance ment. Viewed through the prism of the 1960s, the cenotaph of individualism allows the audience to re-examine history as a relic and interrogate anxieties born from the collated effect of scientific progress.


Buying Something New: Reconsidering the Experience of the Retail Realm


This thesis addresses the declining popularity of shopping in the physical environment, leading to the absence of phys ical sensations between users and their surroundings.Through intersecting the different consumer values of traditional in-personal shopping and modern online shopping, a new shopping experience is created.

VICE OR VIRTUE People’s decisions are influenced by factors that they are not aware of. Exploring this idea through a re-design of New York’s commuter ferry ships, this thesis creates an experience that questions the validity of free-will by tempting people into a maze of addictive activities that can only be exited by collaborating with other people.



P(eace)A(nd)L(ove) Teahouse PAL Teahouse understands that soft power can be used to change peoples’ minds. With a main hub in Times Square, the carts that make up its furniture can deploy quickly to sites of anti-Asian violence around New York City. Tea is given free to passersby while the main location remembers those who have suffered attacks.



This project addresses environmental conservation and rationalization of resource consumption in hospitality orga nizations by developing a new approach to the meaning of hotel. The project explores various strategies to minimize resource consumption and increase environmental sustainability in a hospitality setting that informs and educates users.



Rethinking Environmental Conservation



Resistance Resistance offers a way to rehearse voices contrary to messages sanctioned by governmental authority. Battery Park in Manhattan becomes a place for people to practice free speech and protest against political issues. This thesis explores methods of resistance by making a space that is equally, comfortable and secure that encourages people to express themselves freely.

Design as Praxis Design as Praxis is a project that addresses the decentralization of arts and creative practices via a network that extends at various scales throughout cities and towns. These extensions, their activations, and resultant residue are explored through the occupation of latent public spaces.




Hoesan Village Hoesan Village addresses mapping as an analytical tool to critically assess the past, present, and future possibilities of inhabitation. This is accomplished through phenomenological inquiry, the consideration of materiality, occupation, and actions that determine a diverse progression of formal structures of abandonment and reinhabitation in Hoesan Village, South Korea. Seen as a one-directional progression over time, the permutations concretize the latent characteristics of settlement.



Voyeurism | Surveillance Voyeurism | Surveillance focuses on the reciprocal influences within social media between people’s voyeuristic desire and ignorance of being surveilled. Spectacle as entertainment relies on virtual connections versus physical to allow for anonymity. In reality, virtual platforms expose rather than conceal. Through the use of AR (Augmented Reality), this project choreographs people’s movement through the Ewha Campus Complex in Seoul, South Korea, transforming the act of observation to that of being observed.



Productive Collisions: A Mixed-Use Building for the Community Combining a daycare center, a co-working space and a rollerskating rink within the Moore Street Market in Brooklyn, NY, this thesis aims to unite the existing community with future residents by providing community spaces while preserving this important historical and cultural focal point.




For stressed urbanites, my thesis investigates physical and psychological healing through rest, as provided by mini mal rest spaces distributed through-out the city. The pressures of everyday life adversely affect the wellbeing of city dwellers. My thesis proposes a solution of a compact and practical, quiet space for rest, alleviating stress for those who occupy highly dense cities.


Space and Power: The Transformation of the Traditional Museum

This project addresses the transformation of traditional museums into a more inclusive therapeutic space for both fam ilies and vulnerable communities undergoing physical and mental health care. This combined rehabilitation center and museum coexist in a space that can support and encourage the patients’ treatment process through exposure to art and opportunities for communication with the general public.



Inclusive/Exclusive Clubhouse for Para-Swimmers

This project proposes a clubhouse (exclusive) for competitive para swimmers. The clubhouse is a place designed (inclusive) for these para athletes to gather and socialize with one another and their families, using their super powers (swimming) to move through spaces.


Growing Potential Growing Potential provides space for young black girls in Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn, who are otherwise excluded from systems of power. Mentorship in this project overturns harmful assumptions and seeks to unlock repressed potentials of young black women. Gardens and unpartitioned spaces create a welcoming environment that supports the exploration of mentees’ interests.



Sacred Control



This project ‘Sacred Control’ questions the role of sacred space in today’s society. Comprising a public plaza, historic palace and the current seat of South Korea’s government, the thesis empowers the populace to re-contextualize the meaning of sacred space in relation to civic discourse.



Returning Lost Land on a Retreating Landscape Intertwining the vulnerabilities of time, space, and people, this project focuses on the reinstatement of the Montaukett Tribe at Montauk Point. It documents the transformative process of erosion and considers how architectural ruins can activate a place of commemoration of what was lost and what remains.



By adapting an industrial site to a cross species space, this thesis explores the establishment of a harmonious relation ship between dogs and the elderly. The needs of dogs (Good health, positive emotions, natural adaptations) as one of the users are considered equally in this project. The elderly, in turn, receive rehabilitation, emotional comfort, and social development from the interaction with the animals.

The One-Stop Dat Institution: A Cross Species Space for Dogs and Elderly


Fluid Directory Manhattan’s Bloomingdale store in SoHo is transformed into a space that eschews traditional gender categorization to challenge entrenched power structures. Reworking categorization based on gender binaries allows shoppers to practice attitudes rather than roles. The store is geared towards a diverse user base and emphasizes a free, fluid, and inclusive user experience.



Above the Sea: a layered exhibition & park space above city walkways

By reconstructing the parking floors of an office building and transforming them into a bike-friendly public space, this thesis envisions a place of gathering and refreshment for young office workers and students. Circulating through a ramp system, occupants experience sequential programs of parking, exhibiting, and relaxing zones.



The New Quarantine Hotel Society co-existing with the pandemic, revolutionized inhabitation. The Quarantine hotel took us to a new era. Interiors now practice the new model of care: revealing the protective system yet protecting people under boundaries, respect ing space flexibility for individuality, and connecting inside with the outside by synchronized interactions. The new quarantine hotel transcends the physical division and acknowledges deviancy as the new normality.



This project proposes a duality of spatial experience to inspire an exploration of historical architecture and artifacts. To preserve the vernacular architecture that faces demolition, its physical presence is paradoxically augmented using virtu al digital technologies including Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Mixed Reality.

Mix Reality Inhabitation



Seizing Power Situated in a fictional reality in 2050, this thesis converts the second floor of the Brooklyn Borough Hall into a long-term accommodation site for urban climate refugees of hydrological events in New York. Through subversive, sustainable, and psychological design, this project intersects the institution, the public, and the vulnerable for agency and communication.


Pause Through the reorganisation and integration of the Chinese Tea Tradition with the old culture of Chengdu, the project “Pause” creates an indoor park within the heart of Chengdu City that removes people away from the fast pace of urban life.  A series of sensory experiences are encountered along a choreographed path that provide people with a place of calm and reflection.





Oneiric Dreams offer non-linear insight into the subjectivity of visitors to this thesis located in a windowless telecommunication skyscraper in Manhattan. Offering a place for oneiric experience to be digitally represented using VR and AR visualizations, Oneiric materializes dreams through multisensory immersion that mitigates trauma and enriches understanding of self.

Taking philosophical principles from traditional Chinese scholar stones as a design methodology, this thesis hybridizes space, people, and culture. Located under the Manhattan Bridge, fluid spaces remove the traditional barrier between cultures to explore shared space, time, and experience among different user groups, forming a space that grows with the users.

The Potential of Cultural Coexistence and Hybridization




Memory Garden Biodesign brings nature into the interior to enhance the user’s sensory experience. This project is a memory care center located in Beijing’s Siheyuan, which provides care for the elderly. My design incorporates components from nature, focusing on light and material, blurring inside and outside.


Eroding Sensual Carnival Corrosion is always misunderstood as the decay of life and time in the cycle. Come into this alternative space which foregrounds the pleasure of life to elders which encourages them to explore sensual interaction by exaggerating senso rial experience in the space. Rethink and embrace bodict erosion, time and the surrounding environment through every tiny sensual nerve in the boiling blood.



Infinite Being Infinite Being emphasizes the eternity of life and lightness of death through a journey of its stages. From Manhattan to Roosevelt Island, people who have chosen the time of their death move from a large event space with the loved one to a crematorium where the last moment can be spent with an intimate family.



This project investigates systematic ornamentation to integrate spaces in a dorm building and to the industrial urban condition beyond. This space benefits the women who work on the production line in a highly-restricted electricity factory in China.


Domestic Empowerment



Train Shelter—A disaster shelter and school

This thesis explores a new supplementary shelter system while also being used as school before and after disaster in a train yard. The exterior and interior space will form an interactive playground for children and allow them to heal from trauma caused by drastic events.


This thesis addresses the sensory experience created between people and water by a built-in Spa program in the Qian tang River Museum. From the interaction between the museum and spa program, the project also creates a new way of the exhibition by immersed experience with water.


Water: Seeing & Being in Space



Performing Community

This thesis explores the social and cultural impact of new forms of art on the city which encourage social engagement in public. By testing operatic performances in shipping containers and flexible systems, providing opportunities in cities that are normally not exposed to art to break the boundaries between art and people.




Cycle Living & Farming Cycle Living & Farming questions how a space can stimulate and nourish the human body and mind towards a simpler lifestyle for a sustainable future. This project will give a roof to people between 18 and 30 years old that have a difficult time finding their place in society because of social-economic barriers. It will also serve as a learning environment for life skills and important values for a sustainable future. Here they will be able to learn how to cultivate vegetables for better health outcomes and use their hands to create everyday objects made of biodegradable materials.

The thesis project focuses on the issues of inclusion and exclusion existing in the interior public space. Boundaries exist between spaces and people, and the feelings and experiences of individuals are ignored. The design addresses the is sue by integrating different programs and subverts the conventional understanding of programs by applying new space arrangements, materials, and systems.



Inclusive Zone



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