Content of E-Newsletter 2013 Governance & Movement Building Global WSCF Programme & events Regional Women's Programme (RWP) Human Right Justice and Peace Programme (HRJP) Asia Pacific Student & Youth Gathering (ASYG) Ecumenical Networking Statements, appeal Prayers and Liturgies Announcement Upcoming Programmes Contact us: WSCF Asia Pacific Unit 1-2, 18/F, 280 Portland Street, Commercial Building, Mongkok, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR Te. 852-23852550 Email: Website: -----------------------------------------------------------------------Peace greetings from the World Student Christian Federation Asia Pacific Region! We genuinely seek and urge for peace especially during this time as the escalating tension between North Korea, the United States and South Korea is a threat looming large over thousands of life on the earth in the wake of a nuclear warfare. We expect that the conflict would resolve through genuine dialogue to sustain peace in the Korean peninsula and our sincere prayer to God that the time is now to fulfil the prophesy of Isaiah that “they will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks, and nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.” May we awaken by this prophesy to advocate peace with justice on this earth! We would like to share with you the WSCF AP activities and connect with you through the WSCF AP e News Letter. Please feel free to send us news to publish in our news letter. Shalom! Sunita Suna Regional Secretary – WSCF AP -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WSCF AP Leadership met during the 21st Standing Committee (SC) Meeting in Hong Kong
The Standing committee members of WSCF Asia Pacific met in Hong Kong for the 1st time after they were elected by the 20th Regional Committee in October 2012. The 21st SC was held during March 20th to 25th, 2013 at the WSCF AP regional office, Hong Kong. The six members were elected for the Standing Committee to lead the WSCF AP region with their collective leadership. Rev. David Anirudha Das (SCM Bangladesh) Chairperson, Ms. Chung Hiu Fan (SCM Hong Kong) – female members at large, Mr. Neil Ballantyne (SCM Aotearoa (New Zealand), - male members at large, Ms. Leni Valeriano (SCM Philippines) – female Global ExCo member, Mr. Immanuel Kitnan ( SCM Sri Lanka) - male Global ExCo member, two regional staff - Ms. Sunita Suna (SCM India) Regional Secretary, Ms. Nina Nayoan (SCM Indonesia) - Regional Women’s Coordinator, and Ms. Bronwyn Crowe (SCM Australia) - WSCF Global