April 2021 Jesus Calls International E-Magazine

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INSTANT HEALING Sometimes I used to have a burning sensation in my body and due that I found it difficult to eat properly. I became weak because of this. I went to the hospital and took treatment but had no relief. On August 29th (Saturday), 2020, I got the opportunity to speak to uncle Paul Dhinakaran and aunty Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran through Live Telephone Prayer program in Family Channel. Evangeline aunty prayed with much burden for the burning sensation to leave me. That very day I got delivered from it. I am able to eat well. I was healed without taking the pills the doctor gave me. I started gaining strength in my body from that day on. All glory be to God. I thank Evangeline aunty for praying for me. - Shanthini Esther. M, Madurai



his month, the Lord wants to reveal to you yet another way to be victorious. God says “Whatever may happen, all that you have to do is only rejoice.” It is true my dearly beloved. When armies came to battle against Jehoshaphat, he only rejoiced. “….appointed those who should sing to the Lord, and who should praise the

beauty of holiness, as they went out before the army and were saying: “Praise the Lord, For His mercy endures forever.” Now when they began to sing and to praise, the LORD set ambushes against the people of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, who had come against Judah; and they were defeated..” (II Chronicles 20: 21,22) www.jesuscalls.org - April 2021



When you


you get connected with the Lord who rejoices over you God wants you - His children to only rejoice. Because He loves you, He wants you to rejoice over God and His love. Rejoice that you belong to God and because you are His, you shall never weep but will see God come to you and turn your sorrow into joy (John 16:20). When the Bridegroom is with you, why should you shed tears? Your water will turn into wine! Everything will multiply. “Those of Ephraim shall be like a mighty man, and their heart shall rejoice as if with wine. Yes, their children shall see it and be glad; their heart shall rejoice in the Lord.” (Zechariah 10:7) God has chosen you to be mighty men and women of valor and our children are like arrows in the hands of a mighty man. Our God is Almighty, good and His mercies endure forever. Therefore, all that you have to do is to rejoice. “Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer.” (Romans 12:12) From now on, rejoice in hope. As you rejoice in the hope you have in Jesus, even if you are thrown into a den of lions, there will be an angel waiting ahead of you to bind the mouths 4

JESUS CALLS April 2021 - www.jesuscalls.org

of the lions and then open the door to the kings of the nations. You will guide the kings of the nations with the same spirit that God had given Daniel. This world can never give you hope and never help you in any way. Therefore, you should hope only in the Lord.

1. REJOICE IN THE LORD “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!” (Philippians 4:4) Yes my dearly beloved, rejoice in the Lord always - be it good time, bad time, honor or shame. When my grandmother would be attacked by epilepsy, she would roll on the floor, shriek with froth coming out of her mouth. Sometimes, biting her tongue, she would bleed and become unconscious. However, as soon as the attack happened, my grandfather would shout “thank You Jesus for suffering on the cross and shedding Your blood for my wife. Your blood is more powerful than the suffering of my wife. Thank You Jesus.” Rejoice always, rejoicing in the Lord. Again, I say rejoice. Why should you rejoice? When you rejoice, you are getting connected with the Lord who rejoices over you. God rejoices over you because you are formed by Him, chosen by Him and called by Him. “He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.” (Zephaniah 3:17) “He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him.” (I Corinthians 6:17) When God is connected to you, your joy is only the Lord so you also rejoice in the Lord. This is the life that God wants to give you from now on - always rejoicing in the Lord who

rejoices over you. When there is rejoicing in your heart and you get connected with God who rejoices over you, He comes to you as a King and does everything for you. You are going to see the Lord as a King from now on as said in Zechariah 9:9,

salvation (Psalm 40:16 and Psalm 70:4).

“Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your King is coming to you;”

You should know that God has a great reward for everyone who goes through much perseverance to do His will being devoted in prayer, persevering in tribulation, and rejoicing in hope. Such people receive a reward from the Lord. Your rejoicing should always be over the reward that God gives you. Like Mary, choose the good part which will never be taken away from you.

2. REJOICE OVER YOUR SALVATION “The Lord appointed seventy others also, and sent them two by two before His face into every city and place where He Himself was about to go. Then the seventy returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.” Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven.” (Luke 10: 1, 17, 20) Never look at anything that comes against you or in favor of you, but be concerned about your soul and only your soul. When your soul flourishes, you will live and no evil shall ever touch you. Only when your soul is filled with God’s glory, love, and peace, others can be blessed through the condition of your soul. When your soul is looking only at God and doing everything that He tells you and is filled with divine peace, your soul will be protected. Therefore, protect your soul and subsequently your

Yes, your soul will live when you rejoice in the salvation that God has given you.


*Reward of ruling over much As human beings, you cannot be perfect all the time, but God looks at the few things in which you are perfect, corrects your mistakes through situations, and perfects you. All that you need to do is humble and correct yourself.

God sees you faithful in small things and makes you


over many

“Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.” (Proverbs 28:13) The world criticizes you for your one small mistake even if you are right 99%. People pick on that one small thing and try to harass and finish you off. In contrast, when God sees you faithful in small things, He makes you ruler over many things and fills you with His joy as said in Matthew 25:21, “Well done, good and faithful servant; you were www.jesuscalls.org - April 2021



faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.” When you are faithful in small things God makes you ruler over many things - not just worldly blessings but heavenly responsibilities on earth. *Reward of God’s acceptance God also bestows you with another reward as said in Job 33:26, “Then he will pray to God and find favor with him, they will see God’s face and shout for joy; he will restore them to full well-being.” Here the reward is God accepting you when you pray. Therefore, you can pray with boldness. When you pray and when you get to heaven, you will see His face with joy and you will not be ashamed.

*Reward of laughter and joy “God does not reject one who is blameless or strengthen the hands of evildoers. He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy.” (Job 8:20 & 21) This is one of the greatest blessings God is giving you. He will never support the evil doers and will never reject a man of integrity. God will fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouting in the days to come. PRAYER: My loving Heavenly Father, I surrender my soul into Your hands knowing You will keep it safe. Help me to be patient and protect my soul in You. Let me only have Jesus in my soul, trust You and go forward to wherever You ask me to. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Degree Programmes:

B. Th and M. Div New Diploma Programs 1. P.G. Diploma in Biblical Entrepreneurship Eligibility: Any Graduate Duration: One Year Mode: Online Medium: English Highlights: * Industry Institute Interaction * Project Based Hands-on training

2. Diploma in Mission and Evangelism Eligibility: 10 / +2/ any degree Duration: One Year Mode: Online and Distance Medium: English, Tamil, Hindi, Telugu and Malayalam Highlights: * Expertizing in social media ministry * Missionary model from Apostle Paul

Certificate Programs 1. Gift of Prophecy Eligibility for all Mode: Only through Online mode Medium: Tamil, English, Telugu, Hindi, Malayalam Highlights: * Power ministry excerpts * Video Lectures * Powerful interpretation on Prophecy by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran * Rare teachings about Prophecy from (Late) Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran * Live Interactive sessions


JESUS CALLS April 2021 - www.jesuscalls.org

FOR THIS SUMMER VACATION IN APRIL AND MAY, COME TO BETHESDA FOR COMPLETE REJUVENATION. Yeah! Summer is here! What comes to your mind when you hear the word SUMMER? Yes, you are right! It is vacation! The past year has been really hectic for everyone - family and friends. In addition to all the uncertainties, everyone has been literally housebound and glued to their computers. The children were most affected with this untoward turn of events. With online classes as the new norm, they had no way to meet friends or play. What a relief it is to even just imagine spending few days laid-back and relaxed with no worries about targets, logins, web meetings, and online classes. Yes, everyone is longing for a break. What a great vacation it would be if you can spend few days in a place with a pleasant climate, surrounded by mountains, beautiful ambience and solitude filled with God’s glorious presence.

Your visit to Bethesda is definitely going to be a life changer - refreshing your soul and body. SPECIAL FEATURES: • Open every day, from 6 am to 8:30 pm. • Situated at a distance of just 25 km from Coimbatore town. • Bus facilities to travel back and forth are available from the Coimbatore Railway station, Gandhipuram bus stand, and Town Hall bus stop.

• Park for children to play and canteens are also available. • Dormitory and Guest House available for stay. • Tourist places like KovaiKutralam (6 km), Siruvani (11 Km), Malampuzha (70 km), Ooty (110km) are situated around Bethesda. For your stay please contact: • Manager, Bethesda Prayer Centre, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore 641114 • Phone: 0422-2614580/4581, 8754426134, 9487846545 / 46640 • Email: bobethesda@jesuscalls.org

We have also started to renovate Bethesda Prayer Center to augment infrastructure for the future as the number of people visiting from across the globe seeking God’s presence, healing, and comfort is increasing day by day. You can go around and see the constructions in person of what you have been supporting and thank the Lord. www.jesuscalls.org - April 2021




eeraja and Madhulatha had studied in the same college for four years. After a few years, Neeraja informed that she would meet with Madhulatha as she would be attending a friend’s marriage along with her parents and brother in Madhulataha’s town. As informed, they met at the marriage venue. Madhulatha was very happy to see Neeraja. “Hey, how are you” she said and ran to her and hugged her. When they came out, Neeraja’s eyes spotted a nearby Prayer Tower. It was the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower. “Come Madhu…let’s go inside” “Hey… you go and come back… it’s a place of prayer for particular group of people only…How can I come?” Madhulatha hesitated. “All can come… No restriction…” said Neeraja. With excitement, Madhulatha entered holding her friend’s hand. Neeraja asked, “You are here for so many years… You don’t know the Prayer Tower?” in surprise. “I’ve seen it when I crossed this way… I did not know that anyone could come…” said Madhulatha. “MY HOUSE WILL BE CALLED A HOUSE OF PRAYER FOR ALL NATIONS.” (MARK 11:17) They were screened with thermal gun and were provided with hand sanitizer. Inside, many people were seated in rows. There was enough space to be seated with social distancing. One person greeted those who entered with a broad smile and with folded 8

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hands and made them sit. They handed over a form saying, “please write your prayer requests here…” Neeraja said, “It’s been three months since I got my job, let me write for blessings in that job…” Once they finished writing, a person came and called them. Neeraja’s family went inside saying, “We will pray and be back within five minutes.” People who came inside the Prayer Tower were all seated in the reception area, wrote their prayer requests, went inside to get prayed and came back. The intercessors brought wheelchairs for the elderly and those who could not walk. In the notice board, several papers were pinned in a row. Madhulatha went near and began reading. The testimonials of many were pinned along with their photographs. One among them was, “ We belong to a family which has not tasted the love of Jesus. Both my younger brothers are running a twowheeler workshop. Due to the attacks of the devil, their business suffered and they became sick. Moreover, we also had a lot of debt. In this situation, we came to know about the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower through a sister living next door; so my mother and I went there, prayed and enrolled our family as partners. I enrolled my younger brothers specifically in the Business Blessing Prayer Mission. As I regularly came to the Prayer Tower and prayed, both of them were miraculously delivered from the attacks of the devil. Not only that, they continued to do their business. Due to this, the earnings increased. Followed by that, we began to give our offering towards the Business Blessing Prayer Mission each month. At present, the debt in our family has totally gone and we are living with joy and peace. Praise the Lord.” - Rachel, Tuticorin As Madhulatha finished reading, Neeraja’s family came back. Seeing the sign board ‘Chapel’, the family went in. Many were praying seated and some on their knees with social distancing. Madhulatha continued watching the video at the reception area. In the screen before them, the video of a person singing was playing. When Neeraja returned, Madhulatha asked, “Who is this?” pointing to the person in the video. Neeraja explained, “He is Bro. D. G. S. Dhinakaran. When he was distressed not being able to get a job and decided to commit suicide by falling before a train, he came to know about Jesus. After that he got a job in the bank. He kept working and prayed for others. He passed away in 2008. However, his son, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and his family are still praying for others till today.” “Do so many people come to one meeting?” Madhulatha asked looking at the photograph in wonder. Neeraja replied, “Until the Corona pandemic began, the

public meetings were held in which anyone could attend.” Madhulatha asked, “If it’s a meeting where so many people would come, the cost should be very high… how much is the entry fee?” To which Neeraja replied, “Hmm… not only for attending the meeting, there is no fee for any service being rendered here Madhu…” it surprised Madhulatha. A person began announcing, “Friday meeting has started.” “Go, attend it” said another. Many had come to the auditorium. Sanitizers were there to clean the hands. People were seated with social distance. Information regarding special meetings, their days and times were kept in the auditorium.

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“That evening after sunset the people brought to Jesus all the sick and demon-possessed… He also drove out many demons, but he would not let the demons speak because they knew who he was.” (Mark 1:32-34) Many went on to receive small bottles of something. "What is everyone getting ?" Madhulatha asked. "It is the blessed oil. If people are not feeling well, when they apply this oil on their body and pray trusting God, He will heal them," Neeraja explained. As they walked, Neeraja continued saying, “Even during the exam times prayer meets will be organized. When I was in my +2, I attended the student’s meeting. I enrolled myself as a Young Partner in that meeting.” “Young Partner? What do you mean by that?” – It was surprising to Madhulatha that her friend has joined in something without her knowing. “…Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it…” (Mark 10:13-16) “As they offer all these services free of cost, they call all those who wish to help through their offering, as partners. In the partner’s family, when they support the ministry as children who are unmarried and youngsters, they call them the Young Partners. They are praying continuously for all the Young Partners in Prayer Towers. With the help received from the Young Partners they are able to build and maintain the Prayer Towers like this.” “Are there other places like this Neeraja?” Neeraja replied, “Yes Madhulatha. Similar to this there are a 100 and above Prayer Towers and ambassador services in India. They pray for all those who come each day. Prayers are offered every day with absolutely no differences and conditions, for all those who come. It is a service of praying for the world. The National Prayer Tower is located in New Delhi. There, they are continuously praying for our country. They are praying for the protection of the nation, prosperity, development of the people, government and for everything.” To know the address of the Prayer Tower in your locality: 044-23456677 (7am to 9pm) Website: www.jesuscalls.org As they were walking, they saw a gentleman going to take his two-wheeler from the parking lot. Neeraja said, “Mom, this is the uncle who prayed for us. I think he is leaving for home after his duty” and asked, “Hello uncle, are you leaving?” He said, “Oh… it’s you… I am not going home… I am going to the hospital to meet the sick and pray for them in person.”

On the stage, a sister was testifying about her miraculous experience: “I am a Jesus Calls partner. I had two miscarriages. My heart was very broken because of this. In this situation, I went often to the Prayer Tower in Lakshmi mills, Coimbatore and prayed. The Lord heard the prayers of prayer intercessors and blessed us with a beautiful girl child on 24th January 2020 and made us happy. We named the baby, “Katelyn Deborah Sebastian.” On knowing that the name of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran’s granddaughter is also the same as our daughter's, we were overjoyed. We believe that even our daughter will rise up to do the ministry of the Lord. We have enrolled her in the Young Partners’ Prayer Mission. The Lord is giving us much more blessings and making us happy. Glory to God! -Junitha Francis, Coimbatore.

Neeraja asked, “Is this also a duty uncle?”


JESUS CALLS April 2021 - www.jesuscalls.org

He replied, “More than the duty, ministry is important dear child. On the request from visitors, we would get the address of the hospital, go there in person and pray for the people who are not able to come directly and are in the hospital. It’s not only a consolation to them; but when we agree together in prayer; the Lord will give miraculous healing.” “And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well.” (James 5:15) Neeraja’s father said, “I used to write letters even when I was very young.” The prayer intercessor replied, “Even today many are writing letters brother. One can explain what’s in their mind through letters only. They send emails; we pray for all of them and also send replies” explained the prayer intercessor. Madhulatha asked, “Wouldn’t it cost so much to do so much work uncle?”

He replied, “Surely there are many expenses. But, there is no fee for any of the services. Those who wish to support these services can uphold it. For youngsters like you, there is a special event called, “UTurn.” If you would download the “Family Channel” app in your smart phone, there is a program every Friday at 9pm in it.” Neeraja’s mother asked, “Brother, are there programs only for youngsters in the Family Channel?” He replied, “Sister it is a 24-hour schedule with programmes suitable for all age groups... It would be in Tamil.”

www.jesuscalls.org - April 2021



Madhulatha said, “Everything is OK uncle. But I want to pray to God in a quiet place where there’s no disturbance.” The prayer intercessor replied, “There’s a place for that too dear child. The Bethesda Prayer Centre is located in the outskirts of Coimbatore. It’s a very quiet place. You can go there alone or as a family and pray. At that place also prayer intercessors like me are there for your assistance.” “Ok let me go quickly and pray” said the prayer intercessor and left. Bethesda Prayer centre If you visit the Bethesda Prayer Centre your soul and heart would be revived; one could receive a life changing experience. Telephone: 0422 - 2614580 / 4581, 8754426134, 9487846545 / 46640 E-mail: bobethesda@jesuscalls.org When they all came to the entrance of the Prayer Tower campus, a lady entered swiftly. Madhulatha asked with surprise, “Aunty, where are you going so fast?” She was Madhulatha’s friend Nancy’s mother. “Hi Madhu…” said that aunty. “Aunty, she is my collegemate Neeraja. They are her parents. They have come from another town.” “Oh… is it?” asked aunty. Neeraja’s mother asked, “Are you working here?” That sister said, “No I am working in another office. I come here once a week and do ministry. Throughout the night I do the telephone prayer.” Madhulatha asked, “Aunty, do you get a salary for that too?” She replied, “No dear child, this is something we do for God out of our own desire. As the Lord has blessed us, we help others as much as we can. Like me many come daily, weekly once, or monthly once and do voluntary service. Many people call through telephone for prayer help. We give prayer help in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Marathi, Hindi, Guajarati and English.” Partners Training Program (PTP) Many are supporting the prayer ministry. To transform all the partners as praying partners, they give free training. Throughout India in all the Prayer Towers they give this training in all languages. After receiving this training once a week for 6 weeks, anyone can do voluntary service like this. Registration is free; Once the training is over, certificates will be provided. Jesus Calls Prayer Academy and Training (PAT) For those who are not able to come directly, training is given online through, “Knowing Jesus.” Weekly lessons are taken in 12

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Tamil, Telugu and Hindi. Certificates will be provided. It’s completely free. For online registration: academy.prayertoweronline.org For more information contact: 9487846630/9791936603 Trumpet Prayer Group (TPG) To pray for the nation and the ministries, the Trumpet Prayer Group is there. If one would join, they can pray for the given prayer points from their house in their convenient time. For more information contact: 9941588654/ trumpet@jesuscalls.org Let me tell you the experience of a sister who serves with us: “Though I live in Chennai, I did not know that a Prayer

Tower was here. In 1999, we went through terrible sufferings and fear. At that time my mother said, “You go to the Prayer Tower. The Lord will bless you.” From then, for 20 years till now I have come to the Prayer Tower. I used to attend all the meetings happening there. Now, for 13 years I am serving as a volunteer prayer intercessor. I serve in filling up the blessed oil bottles, praying for those who come to the meetings and helping during the meetings. More or less I come every day to the Prayer Tower and help. Due to that our 25 lakhs debt has gone; we are blessed in our work; our son received divine knowledge and protection. He completed his B. Tech in NIT (REC) in Thiruchirappalli. He also got a job. By the grace of God, he also received

grace in the eyes of the officials. My husband was affected with a heart disease three years back. Due to the prayers offered in the Prayer Tower, he was healed. Yes, as we joined with the Jesus Calls ministries, we have received so many blessings. - Savitha Gunasekaran, Chennai. Madhulatha said, “OK aunty. I am so glad. I will also begin to watch “Family Channel.” If needed, I will call for prayer help. Bye.” The sister sent them off saying, “Take care all of you. May the Lord go with you.” Neeraja’s family left happily.

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My precious partner in the ministry, Easter greetings to you in the name of our resurrected Lord Jesus Christ! We are blessed to remember and celebrate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ which symbolizes the hope every child of God has against every situation that poses a dead end. Even now the Lord says, “I am the LORD, your Holy One.” (Isaiah 43:15) On the resurrection Sunday morning, while the women were worried who will roll the stone away, God sent His angel to roll it away and proclaim news of the Lord’s victory over death. You might be worried about similar stones which shut God’s blessings in your life and God assures you today that Jesus, your Holy One, will roll them away for you and resurrect to life every desire and dream that has been buried.

Prayer Towers - Promising hope “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:5)

In over 100 Prayer Towers in India, prayers are offered by trained, dedicated and anointed 14

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p r a y e r intercessors for visitors who visit the Prayer Tower in person as well as for those who call over telephone for prayer assistance. You can call the prayer line 044 45 999 000 anytime from anywhere for any of your needs. Chain prayers are offered for those in desperate situations. You can also render volunteer service to pray for others. Contact the Prayer Tower manager in your area. Special training will be given to you.

Trumpet Prayer Group - Raising the sound of prayer “Put the trumpet to your lips..” (Hosea 8:1) God put a burden in my wife, Evangeline’s heart to establish the Trumpet Prayer Group to stand in the gap to pray for the nation’s protection (Ezekiel 22:30) and for the salvation of souls. The prayer movement has brought

blessings especially upon those who prayed and we encourage you to join the group and be blessed. You can register your name and choose the time you want to pray from your place of convenience. Prayer points will be sent to you. For information on how to join this group, you may visit the manager of the nearest Prayer Tower or contact us on phone number 99415 88654 or visit https:// www.prayertoweronline.org/tpg or contact us via email trumpet@jesuscalls.org

Television ministry - The Gospel to every corner "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” (Mark 16:15) The Television wing of the ministry has

Whatever has seemed to come to a standstill will be resurrected and restored so that your joy may be full advanced the kingdom of God taking the gospel to the ends of the earth through the various programs telecasted in 7 different languages through 8 television networks across the nation and the world. The TV programs that are prerecorded, prophetically minister to the present needs of the viewers. With the launch of the Family Channel, the truth that sets hearts free is proclaimed 24x7 everyday on all Tamil cable networks. Pray for our next step to bring this Family Channel (Tamil) into the Satellite network, so that we reach all the missed-out people true to our vision ‘No soul is lost.’

KATE - Spirit-driven

Theological Education “the Holy Spirit, will teach you all things…” (John 14:26)

The Scripture is given to us so that we understand the heart of God. The more we read and interpret we can move closer to our God. Theological training is one of the best ways to learn how to read the word of God. KATE provides new ways of reading the Bible and helps the reader to know the plan of God. There are a wide range of diploma and degree courses for children, women, business professionals and for those who have a desire to do ministry as per the leading of the Holy Spirit. E-learning, distance education and residential are the convenient modes of study for those who are working and for full-time learning. I will be glad to receive you as KATE student to train you for ministerial journey. KATE’s students will have their degree accredited by the Asia Theological Association (ATA) which is the largest accreditating body of theological education worldwide. Visit our website www.kate.education or give a missed call 9487846630 for admission.

PAT - Transforming every

partner into praying partner “Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.” (Ephesians 6:18) Prayer Academy and Training has trained nearly 1200 people under the topic “Connected to God”, a 6 weeks in-person training programme. God enabled us to launch online Prayer Academy Training “Knowing Jesus” Version 1.0, a 10 weeks programme in which 1075 have enrolled and embarked on a closer journey with Jesus. The course was conducted in 4 different languages such as English, Tamil, Telugu & Hindi. You are invited to join in the “Knowing Jesus” Version 2.0 launched last month and learn the secrets of an intimate relationship with God.

Karunya University - Graduate with grace “My only aim is to….complete the task of testifying to the good news of God's grace.” (Acts 20:24) www.jesuscalls.org - April 2021



Admissions for 2021 are open in Karunya Deemed University for your children to join in any of the variety of specialized courses available and pursue their higher education in any field of their choice. For more information on the courses and highlights of the college refer page 36. Your children will graduate as competent professionals and testimonies to God’s grace. I urge you to pray for my wife Evangeline on her birthday April 24th for God to use her mightily in the days to come and continue to fulfill His mission in bringing comfort to the broken-hearted. It was on April 28th, 1982 that I gave my maiden message in the meeting held in Virudhunagar, where Jesus walked among the crowds and performed miracles among them. The Lord has been faithful till today in accompanying me as a Father everywhere I go to minister and touching lives for His glory. I believe that the Lord who began a good work in me will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus (Philippians 1:6). Remember me in your prayers for me to carry the mandate of preaching the good news to the ends of the world and prepare the world for the Lord’s second coming.


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Now, it’s exam season everywhere. During exams you can call the prayer line 044 45 999 000 to pray for your children for God to bless them with victory. You can also pray along with my prerecorded prayers calling 044 61 999 000. The Lord of victory will give your children double measure of wisdom to excel in all their exams. Election Commission has already announced the poll dates for 5 states (West Bengal, Assam, Kerala, Tamil Nadu & Puducherry). Let us pray that the people will have a clear mind & wisdom to vote fairly. The Lord who has overcome the world (John 16:33) will fill you with His peace and fulfill His promises and prophecies over your life. Whatever has seemed to come to a standstill will be resurrected and restored so that your joy may be full. Do the one thing God wants you to do – ask! “Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.” (John 16:24) I assure you of my prayers for the Lord’s resurrected power to rebuild and restore you to an abundant life in this month. Your brother who prays for you,

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

Isaiah 43:15 - Holy God is He Meditation: Lev. 20:7,8; 1 Sam 2:2; Isaiah 57:15; 1 Peter 1:15,16 1 Chronicles 4:10 - Ask and receive Meditataion: 1 Sam. 7:9; Matt. 21:22; Mark 11:24; John 14:14 Psalm 40:1 - The Lord hears our cry Meditation: 2 Samuel 22:7; Psalm 34:15; 145:19; Isaiah 30:19 John 11:25 –Jesus, the resurrection and the life Meditation: Prov. 8:35; Matthew 20:28; John 14:6; Romans 5:17 Proverbs 18:10 - Strong tower Meditation: 1 Sam. 13:6; 2 Sam. 22:3; Psalm 31:2; 61:3 Matthew 5:12 – Great reward Meditation: Gen. 26:12,13; Ruth 2:12; Psalm 19:9-11; Luke 5:1-7; 6:35 1 Peter 5:6 - Humble yourselves Meditation: Psalm 105:17-22; Luke 18:10-14; Phil. 2: 5-11; James 4:10 Psalm 146:7 - Lord sustains you Meditation: Gen. 48:15,16; Psalm 146:9; Isa.42:1; Acts 13:17-20 Leviticus 26:11 – God’s dwelling place Meditation: Exod. 25:8; 1 Kings 8:13; Psalm 132:13,14; Rev. 21:3 Psalm 25:13 - God will increase your descendents Meditation: Gen. 22:17; Deut. 1:10; Josh. 24:3; Job 5:25; Psalm 112:2 Psalm 61:3 - God of refuge Meditation: Deut. 33:27; Psalm. 9:9; 46:1; Prov. 29:25; Isaiah 41:10-13 Proverbs 1:33 - Blessed is the person who listens to God Meditation: Deut. 28:1-14; Prov. 8:34; Luke 6:27; John 10:27 Ezekiel 36:27 - God gives His Spirit Meditation: Isaiah 44:3; John 3:34; Acts 1:8; 2:17,18; Titus 3:5,6 Leviticus 26:4 – Blessing in season Meditation:Deut.28:12; Psalm 145:15; Eccl. 3:11; Heb. 4:16 Mark 9:23 - Everything is possible if you believe Meditation: Dan. 6:23; Matt. 15:21-28; Acts 14:8-10
















1 Timothy 1:14 - God’s grace Meditation: Psalm145:17; Rom. 5:20; 2 Cor. 4:15; Eph. 1:5-8 2 Samuel 22:31– The Lord is our shield Meditation: Deut. 33:29; 2 Samuel 22:3; Psalm 18:30; Prov. 30:5 Job 33:4 - The Spirit of God has made you Meditation: Gen. 2:7; Job 32:8; 1 Cor. 15:45 Matthew 6:33 - Seek the Kingdom of God and righteousness Meditation: Deut. 16:20; Matt.5:6; Romans 14:17;1 Timo.4:8 Psalm 23:2 – The Lord will lead you Meditation: Gen. 24:48; Psalm 32:8; Isa. 58:11; Rev. 7:17 Deuteronomy 33:25 - God strengthens us Meditation: Psalm 89:21; Isaiah 49:5; Phil. 4:13; 2 Tim. 4:17 Jeremiah 33:3 - The Lord will answer you Meditation: Job 12:4; Psalm 50:15; Isaiah 30:19; 65:24; Luke 11:9,10 Isaiah 51:11 – God gives everlasting joy Meditation: Neh. 12:43; Psalm 119:111; Isaiah 35:10; 61:7; Hab. 3:18 1 Peter 2:9 - Holy nation to God Meditation: Exodus 19:6; Deut. 14:2; 26:19; Ezra 8:28 Isaiah 40:11 - Jesus, the good Shepherd Meditation: Psalm 23:1; John 10:11,14-16; Heb. 13:20 Jeremiah 32:27 - The Lord, your God Meditation: Exod. 6:7; Num. 15:41; Joel 2:27; John 1:12,13 Hebrews 6:10 - God never forgets us Meditation: 1 Sam. 1:11-20; Psalm 9:18; Isaiah 44:21; 49:15; Amos 8:7 Psalm 81:10 - Lord will fill you Meditation: Exodus 35:30-33; Jer. 31:25; Luke 1:53; Acts 14:17 Isaiah 65:19 - God will rejoice over you Meditation: Psalm 21:1; Isaiah 62:5; Zep. 3:17 Jeremiah 11:4 - You are God’s people Meditation: Lev. 26:12; Jer. 7:23; 31:1;
















Heb. 8:10; 1 Peter 2:9

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When darkness covers our lives due to unexpected sickness, lack or bondage and we wonder where to turn to for hope, the Prayer Towers shine God’s light promising hope to every burdened soul. The trained and dedicated prayer intercessors chosen by the Lord Himself declare God’s promises upon every soul and pray with anointing which has worked miracles in the lives of millions. Here are a few testimonies of the many wonders the Lord has done through these Prayer Towers.

Testimony from Mysore Prayer Tower, Karnataka Blessings lined up I suffered because I had lot of debts and I had no peace of mind. As a family we lost our happiness. In this circumstance, we visited Mysore Prayer Tower. When we shared our hardship, the prayer intercessor prayed for us with much burden. We were encouraged to become a partner of Jesus Calls ministry and we enrolled in the Family Blessing Prayer Mission. It was a wonder as God helped us clear our debts and my wife's work became permanent too. We enrolled our children in Young Partners’ Prayer Mission. We were making plans for our daughter's wedding and we didn't have enough money. We went to the Prayer Tower and requested prayers for our daughter and they encouraged us with the Word of God. Miraculously, God met our needs and our daughter’s wedding took place for God's glory. I thank God, the prayer intercessors at Mysore Prayer Tower and Dr. Paul Dhinakaran for praying for us. -Madeva, Mysore 18

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Testimony from Kottayam Prayer Tower, Kerala Gift of child I have been an active member in Esther Prayer Group and also been a partner in Jesus calls ministry. We were under big depression since my son Anil Philip was childless for 6 years. They have done a number of treatments which all went in vain. But then we came to Jesus calls Kottayam Prayer Tower and when we started praying to Jesus, the Lord did a great miracle by blessing them with a baby girl (Grace Sairah Philip). I thank Lord Almighty for showering His blessings upon our family and I extend my sincere thanks to the Jesus Calls ministry for helping us in prayers. - Saramma Philip, Kottayam

Testimony from Jalandhar Prayer Tower, Punjab Cysts disappeared I am living at R.C.F Kapurthala, Punjab. For the last ten years, I am a Family Blessing Prayer Mission partner at Jesus Calls. For two years I was suffering from five cysts in my stomach. Because of that, I had acute pain in my body. I was invited by Jesus Calls Jalandhar Prayer Tower, for a partner blessing meeting on 26th January 2021. I attended the event and shared about my sickness to the prayer intercessor and he prayed for me. From that day onward I had no pain in my stomach. After five days I went for medical observation and did ultrasound. It was amazing for me to hear from the doctor that there was no cyst in my stomach and the report was normal. I thank God for this healing. Special thanks to the Jesus Calls ministry & Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. - Mandeep Kaur, Punjab

Testimony from Vishakapatnam Prayer Tower A.P A child after 13 years! We got married in the year of 2008. God blessed us in many ways, but we had no children. We used to come to Vishakapatnam MVP Prayer Tower from 2011 and we attended the meetings in the Prayer Tower. We heard so many testimonies and we enrolled our names in the Family Blessing Prayer Mission. I got hope on God that He will surely bless me with a child and so I enrolled my name in the Child Anticipation Partner (CAP) as Young Partner on 31st March, 2014. Miraculously, God gave me a girl baby after 13 years of my marriage. A great joy came into my life and in my family. Many thanks to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family and the prayer intercessors who prayed for us and encouraged us to hope on God. - Vasavi Ananda Kumar, Vishakapatnam www.jesuscalls.org - April 2021



Testimony from Madurai Prayer Tower, Tamilnadu Needs met miraculously When my son Johnny was writing his 10th std CBSE exam on March 19th, 2020 we knew that Corona virus had started spreading in India. Due to this all the schools were closed. My son had one more exam to write. My husband and I called the Prayer Tower and prayed and sent our son for his last exam on March 20th. By God’s grace, he was able to complete the last exam well without any hindrance. My son used to feel that exams were very tough. We enrolled him in the Young Partners’ Prayer Mission and before his exams I always made him receive prayers offered by prayer intercessors. By the grace of God, my son got 399/500. Praise be to God. Also, due to corona many of the staff were laid off from their jobs in the hospitals and there were also transport difficulties. Patients visting the hospital got reduced. By God’s grace I faced no probems in my work at the private hospital or in my income. God guarded us financially and helped me to support many ministries. - Selina, Madurai

Testimony from Tambaram Prayer Tower, Chennai Showers of blessings My wife, Israel Rose and I, got married in December 2014. My wife had ectopic pregnancy twice and so doctors advised only alternative pregnancy (IVF). We went through almost five years of shame. When we visited the Tambaram Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in March 2019, God's Word was prophesied to us that my wife will be pregnant by July 31st, 2019. This prophetic utterance was so true as on 31st August 2019 her pregnancy was confirmed. People around us were teasing us saying it will not cross three months but by the grace of God she delivered a baby girl on 25th April 2020. In this time, God gave me privilege to attend 75 days Bible College training because I lost my job on January 2020. Almost 1 year I did not have a job but God did not leave me barehanded. My debt of 26 lakhs got cleared in this time 20

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of joblessness and Corona. This was possible only because of our Lord Jesus. God in His right time gave me a job on Nov 23rd, 2020 as Associate Manager in an unknown field which was a triple promotion. Last but not the least, my wife and I received the salvation experience in the year 2019. Praise be to God. I thank the Tambaram Jesus Calls prayer intercessors for their prayers. - Sathish Daniel, Chennai

Testimony from Dr. D.G.S Memorial Prayer Tower, Chennai An end to 19 years of alcoholism My husband has been an addict to alcohol for 19 years. Due to this there was no peace in our family. In this situation, I was watching mother Stella Dhinakaran’s program on TV and prayed for my husband’s change of heart. I brought him to the Tuesday fasting prayer in the Dr. D.G.S Memorial Prayer Tower, Chennai . On that day, the prayer intercessors prayed specially for those who were addicted to alcohol. I joined in that prayer and prayed for my husband’s deliverance. God heard that prayer and touched him. That very day, he was filled with the Holy Spirit. I continued to attend every Tuesday fasting prayer and prayed for an own house and God miraculously enabled us to build our own house too. Praise be to God.

- Sarvesya, Chennai

The Lord who performed these amazing miracles will do much more for you. Visit or call your nearest Prayer Tower for prayer support. To know the location of the Prayer Tower nearest to you, visit Jesus Calls website:www.jesuscalls.org

At the Chapel, Meditation and Personal Prayers can be done

 To receive prayer through Telephone, call:044-45 999 000 round the clock (in all languages)  To receive the recorded prayers of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran for you for each, need avail the DIAL A PRAYER service: 044-61 999 000 (Tamil & English)

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“I waited patiently for the Lord; He turned to me and heard my cry.” (Psalm 40:1) Today, you may also be crying to the Lord saying “will You listen to my prayers? Will You give me an answer? Father, I very desperately require this blessing for my family.” That is why David says, “Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.” (Psalm 27:14) When you look at the prayer life of David, he was waiting at the feet of God every day. He prayed not only in the morning, afternoon, and night but blessed the Lord at all times and praised Him continuously. Therefore, David says to wait patiently and allow the Lord to strengthen us. People may discourage you saying “God is not going to 22

JESUS CALLS April 2021 - www.jesuscalls.org

answer your prayers; see how long you have been praying for your spouse / children and you have not got an answer from the Lord.” However, nothing is impossible for the Lord. Let the Lord be your hope. Let us take the example of forefather Abraham. In the book of Genesis, we see the conversation between God and Abram. “The word of the LORD came to Abram in a vision: “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your very great reward.” But Abram said, “Sovereign LORD, what can You give me since I remain childless?...” He took him outside and said, “Look up at the sky and count the stars—if indeed you can count them.” Then He said to him, “So shall your offspring be.” (Genesis 15: 1, 2 ,5) How wonderful are the words that come from the mouth of the Lord! The words that came out from the mouth of Abram were “I am childless” but then the words that came out from the mouth of the Lord were “you will have multitudes of children like the stars of the sky.” The Lord says the same thing to you too. He is your shield and your very great reward. What more do you want in your life? Yes, dear friends, God is the only comfort that you can have in this world. Patience is the chief among skills even in family relationships. Patience is revealed in the long-suffering, slow-to-anger attitude God displays toward us. “You are a forgiving God, gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love.” (Nehemiah 9:17) From this we learn that God’s patience is a gentle, forgiving attitude toward someone even in the face of blatant disobedience. Family life demands a great deal of patience, without which life would grow miserable. Scripture says in James 3:2, “We

all stumble in many Patience is the ways.” Since we all chief among struggle with skills in family shortcomings, our relationships relationships need patience in the same way an engine needs oil without it, the friction will cause an explosion. Does your family see you reacting to other’s flaws by belittling them or gossiping about them on the phone, or they see you respond with patience? It is very essential that they see you respond to their failures with God’s attitude. Responding with patience isn’t easy. At times, it will go against everything we’re feeling, but patience is worth the effort it takes to cultivate. It strengthens relationships, increases joy and ushers peace into your homes. God is going to reward you for the patience you have shown – both in prayer waiting for God and in your relationship with others. He will strengthen your heart and give all your heart's desires. Abundant are the blessings that God has in store for you. So, be of good courage. Your patience is going to pay you off victory. “May the Lord direct your heart into the love of God and into the patience of Christ.” (ll Thessalonians 3:5) Prayer: My loving heavenly Father, what a good God You are to provide me with everything. Though I am crying saying that I have nothing, lacking in so many things and having no blessings, You say that You have everything for me. Revive and make everything new in my life. Make everything that I have lost come back to me. Help and bless me. I thank You for listening to my prayer and adding every blessing into my family. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen. www.jesuscalls.org - April 2021



Swollen liver turned normal In January 2020, my 6-month-old daughter Dhakshine was suffering from cold and unable to breathe properly. We were worried about our child’s condition and rushed to a doctor. Upon consultation, the doctor advised to take scan. After checking, we were informed that her liver was swollen and she had to be admitted in the hospital immediately. She was in observation for a week until doctors could take further steps. We were heartbroken and during that time, one person in the hospital told us to contact Jesus Calls Telephone Prayer Tower. We immediately called the Telephone Prayer Tower and the prayer intercessor over there prayed fervently for our daughter. After that, the prayer intercessor told with much faith that our child is normal and asked us to check. A long process of check-up and scans were done once again and the doctors were amazed and told that our daughter’s liver has turned back to normal and discharged her from hospital within three days. All praise and glory to Jesus for healing my daughter. - Sridevi, Coimbatore

An U-turn in academics In school I was a Biology student but after completing school studies,I opted BCA in college. Because I was not from mathematics background, I faced lots of difficulties in my studies especially in mathematics. In Jesus Calls Raipur Prayer Tower I started giving prayer requests and God started working in my life. I am now able to understand even difficult subjects well. I have also started attending UTurn Club Raipur Youth meeting regularly with my younger brother. Only by attending UTurn Club meeting, my brother who never passed any exam without sitting for supplementary exams passed this year without getting any backlogs. Praise God. - Anisha Shukla, Raipur 24

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Hindrances broken In 2010 I had called up Jesus calls prayerline as I was facing health problems (very low hemoglobin, kidney problem etc.) due to which I was not able to clear medical examination for a government job. I was very disheartened as all other applicants who came from different cities joined office. I had lost hope of getting the job, but due to the prayers by Jesus calls prayer intercessors I was not rejected straightway and was told by medical Board to come back after a month for reexamination. I went back home and prayed but there was not much improvement in my health. As I was told to come back after a month, I came back and kept praying before going to meet the medical Board again with my test results. There was very little improvement in my test results. But that day a miracle had happened as the main board member was replaced by another person who was considerate and the Board gave me the fitness certificate. Praise the Lord. I got the job and have completed 10 years of service. I am very thankful to God and the Jesus calls ministry for praying for me. - Mary Soreng, New Delhi

Top placement I want to thank God for helping me in my competitive exam. In 2020, I sent a prayer request to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran about my exam and job. I am so glad to share that I got through and I cleared my exam. I work in a bank now. God is so good and His promise never fails. He not only gave a job but also placed me in one of the top banks. I work for the Bank of Baroda and with His grace I got the best colleagues too. I am so thankful to the Lord and give Him glory. - Anjali Tudu, Janjgir

Instantaneous deliverance I praise God for the opportunity to serve as Staff in the esteemed organization of Jesus Calls. I am taking care of my elderly parents. My father is fully bedridden due to few health issues. My parents are in their eighties. My mother also has health issues. On June 5th 2020, my father had continuous hiccups. It was nonstop. I called the doctor and gave my father the prescribed medicine but it did not stop. If anyone has hiccups for even one hour, they would feel irritated and have chest pain. However, my father was suffering for almost twenty days. Our family went through literal agony during those days. As a family we gave up hope and prayed for the Lord to take him away as we couldn’t see him suffer. When Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was informed, he called me over phone, assured that my father will get back to normal and prayed for him on July 3rd. I placed the phone near my father’s ear and put the call on loudspeaker. My father joined the prayer and soon after the prayer was over, the hiccups frequency reduced and within few hours, stopped completely. It is a great miracle which the Lord has done for us through the prayers of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. Praise be to God. - Mary Ann Caster, Chennai

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Dearly beloved in Christ, following the reports on the Esther Prayer Group Conferences held in January in Vanagaram, Chennai, and in Madurai, published in the March issue of the magazine, we are giving below few testimonies that were shared there: SPIRITUAL GROWTH I am a member of the Youth Esther Prayer Group. The Lord has given me several spiritual gifts. Last year I could not conduct the Youth Esther Prayer Group because of the pandemic Covid 19. However, we had the prayer through Zoom meeting and prayed for the prayer points. When I was going to school, I never used to read the Bible in the morning; but now, I wake up in the morning and spend much time with the Lord Jesus. This helps me to grow in my spiritual life. - Kiruba Makila (YEPG), Madurai

PROMISE FULFILLED After the demise of my motherin-law, the Lord enabled me to continue in conducting the Esther Prayer Group, which she was leading. We could not gather to pray during the pandemic. At this juncture, our church conducted women’s meeting through conference call. On seeing it, I wondered why should not I conduct the Esther Prayer in the same way and immediately had the prayer through conference call. Because of this, the Lord helped me to start four more new groups. Also many 26

JESUS CALLS April 2021 - www.jesuscalls.org

couples joined the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group started by us. Now we are conducting Esther Prayer Group meeting for women, for the youth and for children online. Also, the Lord gives prophetic gift to whoever joins this Esther Prayer Group. My elder daughter is a dentist. I used to pray with burden for her marriage during the Esther Prayer Group prayer. I received the promise from dear mother that ‘Your daughter shall be raised near you’ and we were searching for a partner in the local area since she is running a clinic here. At this time, she got a good alliance from a place called Jeyankondan, which is far away from us. Yet, since her clinic is doing well, they have shifted here to Sivakasi, on their own. The Lord has settled her marriage according to the promise verse given by dear mother. Let His name be glorified. - Beulah Ananthi (EPG), Sivakasi

SOUL WINNING I am conducting the Esther Prayer Group in a village. Whenever I go there to conduct the meeting, I used to see an old woman sitting on a

grinding stone. She had no husband or children. So, she used to always abuse the passers-by. Several times, I had invited her for the prayer but she would refuse. After a while, by the grace of God, she accepted my invitation and started attending the prayer. After she joined the Esther Prayer Group, there was a great transformation in her life. Recently she told me that she doesn’t have anyone, but the Lord Jesus has done many things for her ever since she started attending this prayer. She had piles problem earlier and had severe itching, which would result in bleeding. Now the Lord has healed her completely. She also used to have continuous cough, which has considerably reduced now. She thus shared her testimony happily. The Lord helped me to fulfil His vision of turning the people, who do not know Him, towards Him. I offer all praises to Him. - Aruna (EPG), Sivakasi

GOD HONORED ME I am regularly conducting the Esther Prayer Group every month, since the year 1996. I lost my husband when he was 30 years old. After that, I educated my three girls with great difficulty and settled their marriage as well. God helped me to conduct the Esther Prayer Group without hurdle, even when my father passed away. Also I completed BD. Dear mother Stella Dhinakaran surprisingly attended the convocation. She hugged me with love and took a photo with me. I was thrilled! She gave me this photo when she met me next time during the meeting held in Pondicherry. I was moved to tears by this incident. The Lord helped me to get a doctorate degree also. I understood that God really honors His children when they do His ministry. - Devika Isaac (EPG), Chennai

WEAKNESS VANISHED; NEW GROUPS FORMED I used to be weak all the 365 days. I could not

do any ministry. Sister Esther Aruldhas encouraged me saying that I should be the leader of an Esther Prayer Group and conduct it. I wondered whether I would be able to do it because of my physical weakness. However, the Lord strengthened me. I am conducting the Esther Prayer Group for the past 8 years. My weakness vanished because of this. Also the Lord has helped me to start new Esther Prayer Groups. The Lord is giving new souls that do not know Jesus. He has helped my sister’s family to accept the Lord and has enabled her to start a new Esther Prayer Group. Glory to God! - Kushi Paul Jeyaraj (EPG), Chennai

DELIVERANCE FROM THE BRINK OF DEATH I consider it a great privilege to be a member of the Esther Prayer Group. On December 25, 2020 – Christmas day - when all of us were getting ready to attend church, my son took his bike and left saying that he would be back soon. Since it was getting late, we left for church. When we came back home, he was sitting quietly and when we asked him the reason, he said that he had fallen down. After a few days he told me that he went to the river to wash his vehicle. He saw a cup floating on the waters and tried to pick it up, in the process of which he fell into the waters. His leg got stuck in the mud and he struggled to come out of it, for nearly 20 minutes. He then cried out to the Lord. That time, a woman, who was going by an auto saw him and stopped her auto. She called out for help and some people took him out of the mud. He felt a hand lifting him up and he held on to it. It was the Lord’s hand. The Lord had done this miracle since I am praying in the Esther Prayer Group. I offer praises to Him. - Sumathi (EPG), Madurai www.jesuscalls.org - April 2021





I have been a member of the Esther Prayer Group since the past 30 years. The Lord has done several signs and wonders in our group. Particularly, many sisters in our group faced hurdles in getting married. When we prayed for them, the hurdles were removed and they got married. The Lord has reunited families, which were living separated for the past few years, through this prayer group. He has blessed those who had no child, with the gift of a child. He has delivered many from debt problem. The 20 prayer points sent by dear mother are of great benefit to us. Glory to God.

It is my habit to attend the meetings conducted by dear mother. Once when I attended such a meeting, I committed myself to conduct the Esther Prayer Group. The Lord graciously guided me. After my father’s demise, I could not conduct the prayer. For 18 years, we had been living in a house with thatched roof. In 2013, the Lord helped us to build a three storeyed house. We incurred heavy debt because of this. We were broken. One day, dear mother appeared in my dream and said, “Why are you crying? Continue to conduct the Esther Prayer Group.” From then on, the Lord helped me to conduct the group without any hurdle. The Lord miraculously delivered us from the debt problem. Most of the husbands of the sisters who attend our group were alcoholics. There was no love in their families. Since they attended this group, the Lord poured out His love in their families. Today, all of them are happy. Glory to God. - Saratha Kiruba, (EPG) Chennai

- Hepzi Packiyam (EPG), Madurai

PRAYER ANSWERED I am a member of the Esther Prayer Group. I attend the prayer every month and pray. Specially, I was praying for the marriage matters of many. The Lord answered by settling the marriage. We had no house of our own. The Lord has given us a house for lease. Glory to God! - Lydial,( EPG) Madurai

BURDENED TO PRAY FOR OTHERS I attend the Esther Prayer Group and pray for others. This is of great blessing and benefit to me. Before joining this, I used to request others to pray for me; but after joining this group, the Lord has given me the burden to pray for others. Every word in the prayer points sent by dear sister is always apt for me. Hence, I pray with burden and tears. This is useful for those who are struggling with problems. Since every prayer point is prayed for with burden, I am satisfied that others problems get solved when I pray for them. I see the name of God being glorified by this. - Jebi, (EPG), Tuticorin 28

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LEARNT ABOUT SPIRITUAL THINGS One of my neighbors is conducting the Esther Prayer Group. Since she invited me, I attended the prayer. I did not know how to pray, before that. During this prayer, she taught me how to pray, how to receive the anointing of the Holy Spirit, how to follow spiritual things to run the family as a wife and so on. As a result of this, I learnt to pray well, to meditate on the Bible, note down the points and to be patient in the family without arguing. Also I received the anointing of the Holy Spirit. We are praying for my husband’s salvation and God is bringing many changes in his life. Glory to God. - Jhansy Selvakumar, (EPG) Sivakasi

We are giving below the wonderful reports sent by Sis. Rene Pillay, Coordinator of the Esther Prayer Group, South Africa, for your encouragement.

INCREASE IN NUMBER The Junior Esther Prayer Group was conducted in January with four children. They felt the presence of God and were blessed. Two more will attend the next prayer fellowship. Sister Harona is regularly conducting the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group. From next month, two more couples will be starting new Esther Prayer Groups. Two sisters, who have not heard about this prayer before, are now eager to start new Esther Prayer Groups. After Sis. Hermon Singh started praying in the group, the Lord has done wondrous things in her spiritual life for which she remains grateful to Him. Every day she contacts me over the phone. I thank Aunty Stella Dhinakaran for her prayers and encouragement.

BUILT UP THE FAMILY The Esther Prayer Group meeting held in the month of February was of great blessing. Mrs. Hermon Shyama Singh, who is a member of the Esther Prayer Group, comes from a family that has not tasted Christ’s love. Her family has not known the salvation of Christ. This sister was praying for her husband’s salvation. We too prayed for that and advised her not to tell him anything openly but to continue to show him love and pray for him secretly. She was thrilled by the Esther Prayer Group and prayed for the prayer points for 4 months. Now she has started an Esther Prayer Group. Her family life is blossoming after 20 years. She has the teaching gift. She reads the Bible and prays much. God has healed her husband as well. Now he allows her to pray for him. We believe that he would be saved fully pretty soon. I thank dear mother Stella, who prays for South Africa and for all the prayer intercessors. All glory to the King of Glory. For the attention of those who would like to start a new Esther Prayer Group or attend any Esther Prayer Group: If the Holy Spirit urges you, please come forward to start an Esther Prayer Group (EPG)/Youth Esther Prayer Group (YEPG)/Junior Esther Prayer Group (JEPG)/ Couples’ Esther Prayer Group (CEPG) for the blessings of the people in your area. THIS IS THE END TIME. ARISE FOR THE LORD WITH ZEAL. For details: SISTER STELLA DHINAKARAN, Esther Prayer Group, 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028. Email: stella@jesuscalls.org.

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Answer: "If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.” (Romans 12:18) "Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord." (Hebrews 12:14)

'Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace etc., (Isaiah 9:6). In Ephesians 2:14 and in Micah 5:5, we read His name as ‘Peace’ and as 'God of peace' in I Thessalonians 5:23 & Hebrews 13:20, 21. Romans 16:20 says, “The God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly.”

God of Peace

Accordingly, whenever we pass through sorrows owing to various reasons and are without peace both in our personal and family lives, if we plead with tears to this God of peace, He would hear our pleas and with His power would crush under His feet all the works of Satan.

Several names were given to the Lord Jesus, who was incarnate as Man on this earth -

In a family of brothers and sisters, one of the sisters followed the Lord diligently in all

According to these Scriptures, we understand that it is necessary and it is the will of God, that we should live peaceably with all. Let us see in which ways this could be possible.


JESUS CALLS April 2021 - www.jesuscalls.org

reverence. However, one of her brother, who was annoyed with her because of her piety, shunned her totally, out of hatred. This sister was broken. She was pained that her brother detested her without any cause. The Lord said to her, “Daughter, I have chosen you to be at peace with everyone in your family. Get up and go to your brother's house. I will go before you and honour you today by my divine peace." Gripped by fear and anxiety, this sister went to her brother's house with the help of God and with a heart filled with Christ's love, as if nothing had happened. The Lord went before her as per the verse, “I will go before you and make the crooked places straight” (Isaiah 45:2) and since He had crushed Satan, who was the reason for the rift, under her feet, He granted them the grace to love each other and live happily, with divine peace, since that day.

From where does this mighty, divine peace come? As per Isaiah 53:5, the chastisement for our peace was upon the Lord Jesus. When we hold on to the Saviour Jesus Christ, who came to give us this divine peace and trust Him wholly, He will surely grant us His perfect peace ( Isaiah 26:3). Sufferings, afflictions, jealousy and enmity may attack us and make us troubled; at such times, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” ( Philippians 4:6,7) Accordingly when we do not magnify our worries but make our requests known to God through prayers and supplications and with

When you get filled with the presence of the Lord and are diligent to live jointly with Him, His divine peace will fill your life with joyful happiness

thanksgiving, the God of gods will guard our hearts and minds with peace through Christ Jesus. Whenever we are oppressed by the burdens of the God-given ministry or by the things related to family, as a family we would jointly pour out our problems in the presence of God, with tears. At such times, the Spirit of the Lord will strengthen us according to the verse, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13) and will encourage us and is using us to continue with His service. This work of God is really amazing! Even in the days when we were in deep sorrow, having lost our precious daughter Angel, the Lord has been immeasurably filling each one of us with His anointing, strengthening us again and is beautifully leading us in His ministry. Yes, dear ones! Perhaps your life too is filled with grief, affliction, tears, worries and burdens and there is no peace. But if you get filled with the presence of the Lord and are diligent to live jointly with Him, His divine peace will fill your life with joyful happiness. www.jesuscalls.org - April 2021



Hello friends, God wants to tell you that you are in this world to fulfill His purpose. The Bible says in Psalm 138:8: “The Lord will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever.” In the Bible, we see David who initially was just a shepherd boy. He was least in the family and nobody noticed him, but God gave him a passion - a passion to fight the giants so that he can fulfill God's purpose in his life to be one of the greatest kings of Israel. David diligently did whatever job was given to him, even delivering food for his brothers, who were great men in the army. David didn't think that his purpose was very small and never questioned why he had to do it. As he did it, God made him fight the giants and lifted him up in life to become the king of Israel.

I want to share with you how I found my purpose in life. From my very young age, my parents always pushed me to sing in the meetings. I never really had the joy of singing on stage. As I always felt that I was compelled to sing, I just half-heartedly did what my parents told me to do. There was no passion in me. As I grew older and was about 12 years old and entered my teens, I was very lonely in my life. I also had to move to a new place, where I had no friends or family members. I felt like I was all alone. At that point, I didn't know what purpose I had in life, why I had to feel that 32

JESUS CALLS April 2021 - www.jesuscalls.org

way or why there was nobody to love me. I was at the very lowest point in my life. It was at that juncture, I remembered something - I remembered Jesus dying on the cross for me. When I felt all alone, I saw Him being torn on the cross for me, bleeding through His flesh; He was hanging on the cross with all the shame, all alone with nobody there for Him. The image of Jesus on the cross made me realize the fact that Jesus understood my situation and that He died for me - to be my friend and take away my loneliness. This circumstance opened my eyes to the truth that God is the one who gave me those talents and I don't have to sit all alone because He will be my friend who not only talks to me but also will listen to me. This was how I found my purpose and found my best friend. Since then, He has given me a passion to sing, a passion for music, and a passion for young people. Today, I am living out this passion through the purpose and plan that God has given me. God has been true to His promise as said in Jeremiah 29:11: “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Likewise, you may be thinking that you do not have a purpose in this life, why you should be all alone, doing such a small job without significance and loved by none. My friend, be assured

The image of Jesus on the cross made me realize the fact that Jesus understood my situation and that He died for me to be my friend and take away my loneliness. because Jesus died for you, so that you can do His will and you can be lifted up in your life. Give your whole heart to Him and He will break all the chains and barriers in your life. You might think that you are fit for only small things but God wants to make you reign over many, make you a great person in life. However, for Him to use you for His glorious purpose and make you a great blessing, you have to break all the barriers in your life. When you give your life and heart to Him, He will remove all the obstacles, sickness, trouble, every failure in your life and give you freedom and victory. PRAYER: My Loving Heavenly Father, thank You for having a divine purpose and plan for my life. I completely surrender my life to You. Mould me in Your hands so that I can fulfill Your will and bring glory to Your name. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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My mother is an ardent partner of Jesus Calls in almost all the facets of the ministry. I am a Young Partner since birth and I have been bountifully blessed with wisdom to always excel in my studies. Whenever I needed prayers, I sent emails to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran requesting prayers. The promise verses sent in reply have encouraged me in many ways. Recently, I sent a prayer request mentioning my desire to pursue MBBS through merit in a good medical college. I received a prayerful reply and soon I got admission in the reputed CMC, Ludhiana and I am currently pursuing my first year there. Being a Young Partner has surely been the reason for God's wisdom and favor being poured in my life in abundant measure. All glory be to God. I thank the prayer intercessors and the Dhinakarans for praying for me. - Ashish Masih, Jalandhar

ANYONE FROM THE DAY OF BIRTH TILL THE DAY OF MARRIAGE CAN BE ENROLLED BLESSINGS FOR YOUNG PARTNERS • Prayer intercessors at the Prayer Tower will pray once everyday mentioning the name of the young partner to be blessed with the divine blessings mentioned in the plan • Personal birthday prayers, greetings, certificate and personalized prayers at partners’ meeting by Dr.Paul Dhinakaran ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... Recommended support of Rs. 5000/- or more, will help us build Prayer Towers where prayer intercessors pray for you every day. ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ EACH YOUNG PARTNER COULD SUPPORT THE MINISTRY EACH MONTH FOR THEIR BLESSING FOR THE MONTH

Details required for enrollment:

Mr./Ms...................................................................................................................Date of Birth: ............................................... Name of Father/Guardian........................................................Address for........................................................... Communication:....................................................................City: ................................... Pin code: ..................... Mobile No: ........................................E-MaiI........................................................WhatsApp.................................. HOW TO SUPPORT: • Through Prayer Tower: You can visit the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your area • Website: www.jesuscalls.org FOR MORE DETAILS: • Email: partnercare@jesuscalls.org • Call: partner care 044 - 23456677 (7 am to 9 pm, IST) • Address: Prayer Tower, 16, Dr.D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028

Call the 24x7 prayer line 044 45 999 000 for prayer support during exams. 34

JESUS CALLS April 2021 - www.jesuscalls.org

Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16, Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 28.Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran

Read the testimony of a Partner enrolled and blessed

Live interactive sessions with Dr. Paul Dhinakaran E-learning - video lessons, interactive sessions and periodic assessments COURSE HIGHLIGHTS – You will learn who Jesus is, what Jesus has done for you on the cross and what Jesus is doing for you now. COURSE AVAILABLE IN English, Tamil, Telugu & Hindi - Nominal Registration fee Register online at academy.prayertoweronline.org For information call: 9487846630/9791936603 NEARLY 1100 ENROLLMENTS IN PREVIOUS BATCHES

CLOSER WALK WITH CHRIST I was very glad to enroll myself for the Jesus Calls online course “Knowing Jesus” offered by Prayer Academy & Training. All 10 video lectures of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran were insightful and an eye-opener in many ways of understanding the Lord Jesus Christ. They have enabled me to enjoy a closer walk with God as they were profound prophetic truths and teachings. I was able to realize the unconditional love of God through the teachings on the Cross of Christ & how our prayers are answered by God. This learning has motivated me to connect and serve in Jesus Calls ministry in all possible ways. My appreciation goes to the PAT department and my sincere thanks to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Jesus Calls ministry. - Daisy Paul, Chennai

Enroll and bag the blessing of a deeper relationship with Christ


“CONNECTED TO GOD” - 6 WEEKS PROGRAMME - WEEKLY 1 CLASS Training conducted in all Prayer Towers in all languages. Contact the Prayer Tower in your area.

NO REGISTRATION FEE On completion of the course, a certificate will be given and you will get an opportunity to serve in the Prayer Towers as a volunteer and pray for others. 35

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