Jesus Calls | April 2016

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APRIL 2016

SEESHA | Holy Land Tour | Night of Joy | Esther Prayer Group

JESUS CALLS praying for the world





Holy Land Tour Page 18

New Life of the Cross Page 20


come lets give life.


GIFT A SCHOOL KIT, GIFT AN EDUCATION, GIFT A FUTURE! One of SEESHA’s most popular projects in the annual distribution of school kits to needy and orphaned children from downtrodden communities across India. As the new academic year approaches, SEESHA is getting ready to gift school kits to 25,000 children. Each school kit is a treasure chest for a child. It comes with a school bag, water bottle, notebooks, pens and pencils, and other stationery items. For children living in poverty, a school kit is a boost of self-confidence when that are with their peers. It is a motivation to go to school, preventing them from dropping out and helps them to have a better future.

SEESHA has been working with children since 2003. Over the years, our experience of working with them has made us sensitive to their unspoken needs. Children sometimes require more than just lessons and notes to face examinations. They need guidance and motivation to tackle their anxieties, prepare in smart ways and perform well in exams. Keeping this in mind, SEESHA organized a series of pre-examination guidance and career guidance programs in Chennai and Cuddalore, India for the Class X and Class XII students in the SEESHA Tuition Centers and Government schools from the communities we work with in Tamil Nadu. This was of great benefit to them.

Help us send children to school this June. To donate a school kit, go to JesusCalls. com/donate. 2

APRIL 2016

COME, LET US BUILD THE BENGALURU PRAYER TOWER • To pray for the nearly 70 million people in the state of Karnataka • To directly serve more than a million of people residing in the outskirts of the city of Bengaluru The new building of the Frazer Town Prayer Tower which serves in the central part of Bengaluru is to be set up in 30,000 square feet of land. THIS NEW BUILDING HOUSES: • Prayer Tower that offers 24 hours telephone prayer service • Counselling rooms that would serve 25,000 people every month through direct prayers and spiritual counseling. • Auditorium with a seating capacity of 2,000 • Chapel

• Chain Prayer room • Auditorium for Prayer Academy • Rooms for Prayer Warriors • Parking facility • Room for children • Library • Audio/Video facilities • LED screens, musical instruments • Seats

For your gift of $50, you could help build one square foot towards the Bangalore Prayer Tower. For your gift of $500, you could help build 10 square feet towards the Bangalore Prayer Tower.

To support the building of this Prayer Tower, go to

THE GOD WHO QUENCHES OUR THIRST DR. PAUL DHINAKARAN “Thirst” is a painful thing and ‘thirsting’ is an agonizing experience. But at the same time, quenching that thirst is a marvelous and pleasurable experience. There are many thirstings in our lives but God promises a wonderful quenching upon the areas of your thirsting in such a way that all the thirst will be washed away by the powerful flow of the quenching. God promises to remove our thirst by an abundant outpouring of living waters from His “river of pleasures.” As I was meditating upon the various “thirstings” that can affect our lives, the Holy Spirit, flashed an amazing verse from the scripture in my spirit. Let me quote that to you: “How precious is Your loving kindness, O God! Therefore the children of men

put their trust under the shadow of Your wings. They are abundantly satisfied with the fullness of Your house, and You give them drink from the river of Your pleasures” (Psalm 36:7,8). Although God has given us many blessings, yet there are certain areas in our lives where we thirst. Thirst for your needs to be met; thirst for a job so that you can have a source of income; thirst to get married and start a happy family life; thirst to shine in your studies; and thirst to get your insufficiencies filled. But when you come to God–our Father with all these kinds of thirst, He opens the flood gates of His “river of pleasures” which is the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and pours out streams of His life, and fills you with His glory.


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When His glory comes upon you, the Holy Spirit will descend upon you and you will be able to feel and experience the reality of “you” being “in” Christ; Christ being in the Father and The Father being in Christ (John 14:20). When you are filled with the anointing of the Holy Spirit your eyes will be focused on Jesus and His power alone and not on the devil or his powers. When your eyes are focused on Jesus, worry cannot remain in you. All your thirsts for finance, employment and marriage will be washed away in a moment by the flow of the power of God in your heart.

THIRST OF PAST RELATIONSHIP “And He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in your weakness.’ Therefore most gladly

I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me” (2 Corinthians 12:9). One of the terrible thirsts that can hurt us is the thirst of past relationships. These relationships leave behind pleasurable memories and whenever these memories are provoked the person experiences a “thirst” for the past relationship. This is a terrible thirst. Once a girl wrote a letter to me in which she said: “Two years ago, my parents found an alliance for me but at that time the boy did not have a job for himself and so my parents decided to postpone the marriage and wait till he found a job.

Shift your mind from past relationships and focus on Jesus. During this time of waiting for a job, the boy and I began talking to each other for hours and getting to know each other very intimately. We liked each other very much. Meanwhile, it took too long for him to find a job, my parents who could not wait for him, went ahead and fixed another boy who is a medical doctor. Now my wedding is fixed, but my heart is not able to come out of the past relationship. There is a deep thirst within me for that relationship and I am now caught between two relationships. I am confused now and don’t know what to do. I am suffering in confusion and emotional pressure. The thirst of the past is tormenting me. Please help me brother!” I took the letter into the presence of God and prayed for God to help me counsel the girl, and then I replied her saying, “As long as you live in this world there will be this human thirst in relationships. That is why Jesus said, “the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak” (Matthew 26:41). Yes! The flesh is weak and that is why you are not able to overcome this thirst of the past. The Bible teaches us

that this is the time you need to shift your mind from the past relationship and focus on Jesus. You need to think of Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls (Hebrews 12:3). Jesus suffered on the Cross in order to set you free from discouragement and weariness of your soul. So do not magnify human relationships that arises out of a thirst from the flesh, rather accept wholeheartedly, the relationships given by God and enjoy it. Don’t thirst after human relationships; do not magnify it and live only for it as if that is the only purpose of your life. You are created by God to live for His purposes; to fulfil His plans in your life. You need to discover God’s plan in your life and thirst after fulfilling that plan in your life. You need to be focused on God’s plan and seek to fulfil that plan. To fulfil His plan in your life you need to be filled with the Holy Spirit. You need to avoid unnecessary conversations, watching unnecessary pictures and encouraging unnecessary thoughts, rather you need to focus your mind on how you can do what God wants you to do at any time in your life. Meditate on these things, and your thirst for your past relationships will be washed away from your mind and heart. All that you need now is the strength of the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit comes upon you; you will receive strength and you will shine as a glorious witness for God (Acts 1:8). Instead of the thirst for your past, you will be filled with a thirst for God. Then you will say, “Lord! Not my will, but Thy Will be done. I will wholeheartedly accept and marry whoever You want me to marry and love that person with all my heart. I am willing to enter into married life through the strength of the Holy Spirit. So help me Lord!” You will surrender your life totally into the hands of God. God will give you the mental and emotional maturity to understand, accept and enjoy the Godgiven married life and be a blessing to the God-given spouse (Hebrews 13:4). “If only you are filled with the Holy Spirit every morning before you start the day, you will find God’s Will and plan alone being fulfilled in and through you on that day. Your mind will be filled with of Godly thoughts alone (Phil. 2:5). The thirst of the past, nor it’s thoughts will follow you. The hurting thirst of the past will be removed by the flood of anointing So cheer up and enter into a new life that God has given you through



the alliance that is fixed for you now and enjoy fulfilling the Will of God in your life.” This is what I wrote to her. Friend! Are you saying, “Brother! I was in love with a girl for many years with full-faith that we will marry each other. Some people who prayed over us even prophesied that this marriage will happen, but our relationship did not end in marriage. It broke miserably.” Is this your cry? Do not worry! You may ask how I can ask you not to worry in spite of knowing that your past relationship has been a painful failure? But please know the truth that God will fulfil only what He has planned and prepared for you in your life and that plan is the best for you. The Bible assures that the pleasure, plan and purpose of the Lord will prosper in His hands (Isaiah 53:10). No purpose of God can be withheld or thwarted (Job 42:2) and everything that happens to a child of God happens for good (Romans 8:28), therefore please understand that God is in control of your life. That is why I encourage you to boldly enter into the new life that comes your way. Place your trust in God and accept whatever comes your way as God’s Will and Plan for you and embrace it confidentially. Don’t blame anyone and don’t blame yourself either. Confess from your heart saying, “Not my Will Lord! But Thy Will be done.” When you do this, the blessings of God will flow upon you and fill your life with good things. Your thirst

Your thoughts will be filled with the thoughts of God. for your past relationship will be washed away. That thirst will never arise again. So, be filled with the Holy Spirit daily; be gripped by His power; be enveloped by His love and gradually your mind and heart will begin to fall-in-love with the new life that God Will given you and you will enjoy married life with your new partner (Isaiah 62:5). God will so powerful fill you with His flood of anointing that the thirst of your past

will dissolve and disappear from your heart and all aspects of your life will be renewed. Everything about you will become new (2 Corinthians 5:17). Your thoughts will be filled by the thoughts of God. However strong and pleasurable the thirst of the past relationship could be how much ever happiness it could have given you; however unforgettable the relationship could have become, God can enable you to throw it out of your life. So! Go ahead! And set yourself free from the grip of the past relationship with the help of the Holy Spirit. Then God Will be pleased with you.

THIRST FOR SEPARATION “‘Yet now be strong, Zerubbabel,’ says the Lord; ‘and be strong, Joshua, son of Jehozadak, the high priest; and be strong, all you people of the land,’ says the Lord, ‘and work; for I am with you,’ says the Lord of hosts. ‘According to the word that I covenanted with you when you came out of Egypt, so My Spirit remains among you; do not fear!’” (Haggai 2:4,5). Read the verse above. What’s important here is who is speaking these words. The Lord of Hosts Himself is speaking these words. These are not the words of an ordinary man. You are not going to do anything with your own strength and will-power; you are not the one that’s going to make things happen for you. As promised in His word, the God of Hosts will perfect everything that concerns you (Psalm 138:8) with His power, Love and wisdom. Note that in the first portion of the verse God says, “I, the Lord of Hosts am with you.” So, my friend, go ahead and conduct your business with confidence; go and enter the family life fixed for you boldly; go and pursue your studies without fear and God’s help will abide with you. Also note that in the second portion of the scripture quoted above He says, “When you were saved or born-again; when you started your married life in My presence, I made a covenant with you; I made a promise that My Holy Spirit will also be with you.” See! Our God is a promise–keeping God

and His words will never fail. He Himself expresses the unfailing nature of His promises in His own words saying, “Heaven and earth shall pass way but My words shall never pass away” (Matthew 24:35). So, God will remove the spirit of fear and the spirit of weaknesses from you and fill you with the spirit of strength and boldness (2 Timothy 1:7). With this strength you will arise with new power and rebuild the broken pieces of your own life, your family, your business, your relationships and all your endeavors.

neither gain popularity in the world nor for the praises and honor of the world, but to bring forth a holy generation unto the Lord for God’s holy purposes (Malachi 2:15). That is their important responsibility. The Bible says, that after Holy Matrimony, husband and the wife become one flesh and therefore what God has thus brought together; no man should put asunder or separate (Genesis 1:27, 28; 2:24; Matthew 19:6; Mark 10:9). If the couple have a heart that

With this strength you will arise with new power and rebuild the broken pieces of your own life, your family, your business, your relationships, and all your endeavors. Once, a heart-broken lady wrote a letter to me that said, “My husband is involved in gambling. Every day he comes home drunk. Due to his destructive habit our family fell into huge debts. Our creditors come banging at our doors everyday demanding their money. This is causing me and my children to shed tears of blood every day. In spite of all our efforts to change him it does not look like my husband will ever repent and so my children and I are thinking of separating from my husband. Please advise us brother.” The situation of this family broke my heart. With deep burden I prayed for this family and sought counsel from God and then I replied to her saying, “Marriage is a life-long covenant. The couple, during the wedding ceremony that happens in the presence of God and the presence of the saints of God and all people, exchange vows saying that in all the ups and downs of life, they will never abandon each other or separate from one another. Its only after such a mutual promise do they become husband and wife. It is such a strong covenant that under no circumstances of life, however terrible and hurting it may be, neither of the spouse should separate from each other, because the purpose of a marriage union is not to fulfil any humanistic or material needs or for mere physical pleasure. It is to


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loves God they will be single-hearted and no one can separate them. How can someone separate himself from himself? The husband and wife being one flesh, how can they separate themselves. They are so inseparably intertwined as one flesh, as one person. They are no longer two but one! Separating from each other would be equal to them separating themselves from God Himself. God Himself has united both you and your spouse and therefore you can’t separate from each other rather you both become one in God and unite your selves to God and become a three-foldcord and a three-fold-cord never breaks (Eccl. 4:12) The union that happens between husband, wife and God is a strong bond that would seldom break. When you unite yourselves to God then God will take over your married life and lead you both with His power and wisdom into an experience of knowing God deeper and deeper. “For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband; otherwise your children would be unclean, but now they are holy” (1 Corinthians 7:14) . The Bible says, “let those who are holy become more holy and those

who are unholy become more unholy” (Revelation 22:11). Let holy wife become more holy until her holiness becomes powerful enough to break the husband’s bondages to sins and addictions. As the scripture says in Luke 16:17, that as children of God we have the authority to chase-out demons in the Name of Jesus Christ, the wife should take this authority in her hands and use the name of Jesus Christ against the demonic forces that provoke the husband to get addicted to the habit of drinking and chase those forces out of him. Therefore, at this time you need to stop worrying over the issue of his drinking and gambling and dedicate yourself and your family more into the hands of our powerful God. Instead of focusing your faith on the strength and might of the addictive and enslaving habits of your husband and his weaknesses, turn your focus on the One whose strength and power is many times mightier than the power of the addiction. God is greater than your husband’s weaknesses. By His might anointing He can remove the thirst that your husband has towards that addictive temptation and set him free. “Remember that the Bible assures that He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4). Before the mighty outpouring of God from the rivers of His power, the strength of your husband’s thirst is nothing. The demonic forces behind his addictions will bow down and give way to the flood of God’s love and power and your husband will be set free.” This is what I wrote to her. Friend! Even as you are reading this message, do you find yourself in the same situation? Is your spouse addicted to some habit or chained to some weaknesses due to which the peace of your family is wrecked? That is wrecking the peace of your family? Do remember that everything works for good to those who love God (Romans 8:28). When you surrender your family life into the hands of God and bring it under His Will Power and Plan, He will bless it and lead it into a beautiful and miraculous future.

THIRST FOR PEACE While there are some negative thirsts that must be removed from our hearts, there are some positive thirsts that

need to be filled or quenched. This thirst itself is created by the Holy Spirit an also filled by the Holy Spirit, as psalmist David says, “as the deer panteth (thirsts deeply) for the waters so my soul pants (thirsts) after you.” (Psalm 42:1). One such thirst that arises in the souls of Children of God is the “thirst for peace.”

wedded. She would sit alone in a corner of the house and talk to the husband like she would talk to a stranger. So the girl’s father came and took her away to his home. Soon all the friends and relatives began to question the wife and found fault with her. All those who loved her began to turn against her.

“You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore” (Psalm 16:11).

The husband’s situation became so bad that he could not attend office. Every day he would fill his motorcycle with petrol and ride on the roads without any destiny, till all his fuel would be burned. The wedding that began with so much of excitement and energy soon faded into sorrow and pain. The husband became so depressed that he decided that the only way to end this mental agony was to end his life by committing suicide. It was at this juncture one day as he was walking down the roads he happened to cross the Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower. When he passed across the Prayer Tower something within him prompted him to enter the Prayer Tower and he did so. The usual Blessing Meeting was happening in the Prayer Tower and the preacher of that day was quoting a Bible verse saying, “For who has despised the day of small beginnings?” A wave of spiritual comfort went forth from that word of God and entered his heart.

There is a tremendous poverty of “peace” in families in today’s world. Friend! As you read this message are you too feeling a lack of peace in your life? Are you thirsty for blessings? Come to the Lord. He will teach you His ways (Psalm 25:12). He will lead you into complete happiness and eternal pleasures. Many years ago, a couple came forward to share their testimony in the Jesus Calls TV program.

Everything works for good to those who love God.

The wife was a B.Ed. graduate. She passed B.Ed. in first class. As her marriage date approached she was gripped by an unknown fear of marriage. On the day of her wedding she had created a big commotion saying, “I don’t want to get married.” The members of the family comforted her, counseled her and finally convinced here to get married and she got married, but she could not get into marital relationship with her husband. Things were not normal about her. Only after marriage the husband discovered this problem in her. He and the people in the family tried by all possible means, to help her get rid of that fear but her condition did not improve. They thought that the girl may feel better if they went away and lived alone as a couple, but as days went by her strange fear only increased. She continued to refuse marital relationship. There was no trace of the joy and excitement that would normally be found in a girl who is newly



He was so charmed with the word he that sat down and listened to the entire preaching. From that day onwards the husband continued to attend the Blessing Services regularly. Then he went and spoke to his Father-in-law. By that time the relationship had become so worse that it went to the court and to the Police Station, but God began to work in his circumstances miraculously and set the wife free from that strange fear. Soon all the problems that were spoiling the marriage were solved amicably. The marriage was restored miraculously. Then the wife entered into marital relationship with the husband and she conceived. The whole family were filled with joy, and happiness but another storm slashed against their lives. The wife suffered a miscarriage. The doctors who examined her said that her womb had become very weak due to over intake of medicines. They also said that the chances of her to have another child was very slim. They said it can happen only by God’s supernatural

intervention–a miracle– an act of His grace. But that husband and wife continued to attend the Blessing Meetings and kept writing Prayer Requests. One day the wife felt like visiting a doctor and so she went alone and asked the doctor to examine her. The doctor examined her and then looked at her with surprise and asked her, “Madam, did you undergo any special treatment?” “Why?” the wife asked. The doctor said with a smile, “Your womb is in a very healthy condition and the baby inside it is also safe.” Then the wife said to the doctor, “Doc! We never went through any special treatment. All that we did is that we continuously attended the Blessing Meetings conducted at the Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower and God has performed this miracle.

During the terrible days that they were without a child, it was unbearable for the wife to hear the hurting words of mockery from the mouths of the people around her. They thirsted for peace. But as they attended the Blessing Meetings and sought the Lord with all their hearts to quench their thirst for a peaceful family life the Lord moved upon them with grace and built their broken lives. The wife delivered a beautiful baby without any complications and immersed the whole family into on ocean of peace and joy. And not only that, God also blessed the wife with a government job. “For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free—and have all been made to drink into one Spirit” (1 Corinthians 12:13). Look at the word “drink” in this verse. The Tamil version uses the word

“quenched.” According to this verse you can get your thirst quenched by drinking from the rivers of the pleasures of God. So friend, be filled everyday with the power and strength of the Lord through the Holy Spirit and then you will receive wonderful spiritual experiences from God (2 Corinthians 5:6). No other thirst will disturb your mind. The weaknesses of the flesh will not affect you. The only way to overcome the weaknesses of the flesh is to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Every day we should live like we are more than conquerors in Christ (Romans 8:37). And so surrender your life into God’s powerful hands. Then, you will see His power manifesting in your life. God will prove through you that you belong to Him and you are His child and make you shine brilliantly for His glory. Peace, prosperity, success and all the other blessings that His Word promises you will come upon you and decorate your life.

PRAYER God of Love, I am suffering with the thirst and thoughts of past relationships that are tormenting my mind. Please pour your strength in the areas of my fleshly weaknesses. Help me not to blame anyone or harbor any ill-feelings about them in my heart. Let me look at the marital relationship you have given me as gift of love from you and enter into it with joy and peace and enjoy married life. Give me the grace to lean completely on You alone and honor you alone in my life. Help me to receive what you have prepared and planned for me and rejoice with a heart filled with joy. Fill my every day with ‘pleasures forevermore’ from your rivers of pleasure. Fill me with your perfect blessings and honor me before the eyes of this world and place me in the highest places of this world that I may shine for your glory. Command a spirit of unity that will bring me, my husband (my wife) and children together in perfect harmony. Help us to seek you as a family and behold your glory. Give me that spiritual authority by which I can pray powerfully. Give me the grace to sanctify myself and then deliver my husband (wife) and children from the bondages of the devil. Deliver me by the power of the Holy Spirit. Command blessings and prosperity upon my family.

I ask all this in the Name of Your son Jesus Christ, Amen.


APRIL 2016


at the Israel Prayer Tower At the Israel Prayer Tower, people are coming from throughout the world to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and pray for God’s Will to be fulfilled in the nations. We are inviting partners like you and prayer Intercessors to come to Israel and stay at The Israel Prayer Tower for 15 days to a month to pray God’s will over nations, Kings and peoples at this crucial time in world history. To find out more details and to register please go to May I also invite you to partner with us to help us fulfil this prophecy through your prayers and financial support. If you are willing to go to pray at the Israel Prayer Tower, you may please call our Dallas Prayer Tower office at 972499-4995 or our toll free number 855–JESUSCALLS. For our Canada Prayer Tower, please call 416–385–7576.

For your gift of $300, you could sponsor a prayer intercessor in Israel for 3 days, providing shelter, laundry and other basic needs. For your gift of $1500, you could sponor a prayer intercessor in Israel for half a month, providing shelter, transport and three meals a day.



& QA

QUESTION AND ANSWER WITH DR. STELLA DHINAKARAN QUESTION I want to have a good testimony in Christ and be a pleasing vessel to Him in my daily life. But, quite often, I fail in this. Would you please teach me the ways to live a successful life?

ANSWER “…that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God” (Colossians 1:9,10).

Full explanation for your question could be seen in the above Scripture Verses. First of all, you need to get filled with the knowledge, wisdom and understanding of the Lord in your daily life and fulfil His will. We read about the excellence of the Lord’s wisdom in Romans 11:33, Colossians 2:3, and Proverbs 2:6,7. Yes, His wisdom is unfathomable. The following verse tells us that He certainly gives His wisdom to those who ask for it with desire. “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him” (James 1:5). Today, we may be found wanting in many things. Take the case of the children, who would be appearing for their exams. An unknown fear and dread fill them during exam times, no matter how well they are prepared, and make them confused. But, according to this verse, if they ask for and receive this


wisdom from the Lord and then write their exams, there is no doubt that the Lord’s wisdom would grant them blessings in a miraculous way. Dear parents, explain this to your children. Tell them to kneel down and ask the Lord for this. The Lord is the One, who hears our prayer (Psalm 65:2). Besides, He lovingly heeds the pleas of the little children. So, dear mothers, apart from praying for your children, teach them to pray to the Lord to receive God’s wisdom. First of all, you should place all your fears and worries at His feet and trust Him (I Peter 5:7). Likewise, certain everyday things of the world cause us fear, anxiety and worries. To receive deliverance from all these, we need the divine wisdom of the Lord. So, kneel down and confess to Him saying, “Lord, my ways are imperfect’. When you live in the righteous ways pleasing to Him, according to the verse, ‘He stores up sound wisdom for the upright’ (Proverbs

APRIL 2016

2:7), He will surely grant you His wisdom. It would be an amazing experience for you! I would like to share with you an amusing incident that happened in my life. Until my marriage, despite my mother’s advice, I was spending my time in eating, sleeping and in dressing up. I got married! We started living on our own. In those days many relatives and friends would visit us quite often. I would be bemused by their visits because I would be terrified how I would cook for them and how much. It was a mountain like problem to me to run the family thriftily with a meager income. One day, I was alone at home perturbed over all these. I knelt down and prayed to the Lord saying, “Lord, when my mother advised me to learn everything, I ignored it, out of pride. Please forgive my pride. Now You are my everything! I firmly hold on to You alone. From today, let Your divine wisdom be manifested in me, in all the matters – both big and small. Yes, please guide me with wisdom in everything. Thank You, Lord”. That’s all! I felt as if I had received a big blessing. Even without my knowledge, I began to praise Him. That was all! Though I was alone that time, I could feel the Lord being with me. After that, God Himself was the wisdom to me in everything in such a way that all the guests and friends who visited us would appreciate me saying, “How beautifully you are running your family!”. Even in cooking, by the wisdom of God, I received His help to prepare different kinds of dishes. This experience gave me the grace to draw closer to the Lord more and more. My dear sisters, if you too would like to fear God and follow the righteous way pleasing to Him, ask the Lord for the needed wisdom. Do not give room for unwanted quarrels, suspicions, confusions and problems. Bitterness and agony fill our lives, especially family life because of such things. But you should hold on to the Lord firmly, walk in the ways pleasing to Him and ask Him for His wisdom. You would enjoy a great peace in your family. This is the divine peace given by God. Those who receive this would never have worries or fears. The Lord will give them rest on all sides. So, examine whether you are walking in the righteous way. Then you would surely receive His wisdom. W read in Ephesians 4:22-24 to put off our ”old man which grows corrupt.” Then the Lord will grant you a new spirit. The grace of God will abound in you to make you live a godly life with righteousness and holiness. When you cling on to the Lord with devotion and live a life of reading the Bible and praying every day, you will receive God’s image. You will then put on the ‘new man’ and become pleasing to the

Lord. He too would be pleased with you. Along with this, when you receive the anointing and fullness of the Holy Spirit that was in the life of Christ Jesus, He Himself would lead you to live a holy and acceptable life to Him. About this we read in Proverbs 14:1, ‘The wise woman builds her house’. Is your life destroyed today as you had failed to be a wise woman? If so, kneel down right where you are now. Commit yourself to the Lord. Confess all your shortcomings to Him. Then He will wash you with His blood and cleanse you. After that, learn to thank Him for all the benefits that He does for you. Let your words come out as the sacrifice of praise. As you keep offering Him the sacrifice of praise, the presence of God will over power you. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. He will lead you by hand in order that you would bear fruits of good works. The Lord has given me a ministry called ‘Esther Prayer Group’. This is a prayer ministry done by groups of women to pray for the needs of other women. The lives of many women, who participate in this, are changed by God and they live a new life because of holding on to the promises of God and praying to Him. Quarrelsome women get filled with peace and become children of God; sisters, who indulge in vain talk, now open their mouth only to glorify the name of the Lord. The reason, when all of them gather to pray, the Holy Spirit takes control of them, fills them with His Spirit and changes their lives upside down. This is the wonderful blessing that the women receive through the Esther Prayer Group. As a result they bear fruits of good works. Getting filled with the knowledge of knowing God, they help others. Also they excel as pleasing vessels to the Lord. My dear sisters, read and examine these carefully in the light of the Scriptures and ask the Lord for this blessing. He, who asks receives (Matthew 7:8). This is the Lord’s Word. He will fill you accordingly. God shows no partiality (Acts 10:34). He wants to fulfil all your wishes and pleas and change you into a vessel, pleasing to Him.

May the Lord grant this excellent grace to each one of you, who reads this, make you arise and shine as stars in your family and as sun before other women, even this year and bless you!




HEART My beloved friend in Christ,

called “Frazer Town” and it is here that the “Prayer Tower” is being constructed in 30,000 square feet of land.

Before I begin to pour out my heart I took a few minutes to pray for you from the bottom of my heart that this month of April would be a month of blessing for you. I have prayed for blessings in your personal life; upon your family, upon your business, profession and all the works of your hands and the blessings for which have been desiring and waiting. Let me also give you a promise from the unfailing word of God. Get this word straight into your heart. “Your sun shall no longer go down, nor shall your moon withdraw itself; For the Lord will be your everlasting light, and the days of your mourning shall be ended.” ( Isaiah 60:20) Since God Himself will be your light, you will shine. Every aspect of your life will shine. Even as you are reading this letter you might be sitting in darkness. You might be waiting for a miracle to happen in your life. But God will shine His light upon your darkness and transform your sorrow into joy. When Jesus was living in this world a great sorrowful incident happened in Mary and Martha’s lives. Their brother Lazarus, whom they loved so much, died and immersed the whole family into deep sorrow. Martha and Mary were filled with tears. It was at that time Jesus entered the situation. And the Bible records saying, “Jesus Wept.” Look at the God whose heart is moved to tears when He sees His beloved also in tears a God who shared their sorrow; felt their pain and like them, wept! (John 11:35). And note that Jesus was not just a sympathizer. He just did not stop with weeping helplessly. He went ahead and performed a historical miracle that sent waves of shock and surprise around the whole city and also reached the Roman Empire. It shook the foundation of the Pharisees and Rabbi’s of the Jewish world. He called out to a man who was dead since 4 days and said, “Come out!”. And the man Lazarus came alive! Friend! You and I have the same Jesus in us. He will bring back your dead losses alive. He will restore your losses and give you new life.

NEW PRAYER TOWER AT BENGALURU UNDER CONSTRUCTION: Bengaluru is a growing cosmopolitan city and a south Indian state called Karnataka. Around 10 million precious souls are living in that city. In a very important part of that city is a place


This Prayer Tower will keep on arising prayers for blessings upon the people of Karnataka, and the leaders of Karnataka, round-the-clock. Yes! 24X7 hours! The Prayer Tower will house a Counseling Centre through which in a month around 25,000 people will get prayed-in person, an auditorium where continuous prayer meetings will be conducted, a Meditation Room and a Training Centre to train prayer warriors to pray fervently for the people who visit the Tower. This is one beautiful opportunity for you to sow your seed of faith and love and pave way for your own financial blessing. You can participate in the building of this Temple of God by sending–in your generous donations through our website Come share-in the blessings. Build God’s Temple and God will build your home (2 Samuel 7:11)

PROPHETIC PRAYER CONFERENCE God has given us the mission of taking His love; His compassion and His healing power, to the millions of people in India and around the world - people of every nation, tribe and language. This can be done, not only by training people to pray effectively for themselves but also to pray fervently for others. This has to be done through teaching them under the direction and guidance of God. We have therefore planned to raise a group of people who can prayer powerfully and by waking with the Jesus Calls Ministries, prepare the world for the second Coming of Jesus Christ. “And I urge you also, true companion, help these women who labored with me in the gospel, with Clement also, and the rest of my fellow workers, whose names are in the Book of Life.” (Philippians 4:3) As described in this verse, I want to raise-up associate evangelists for the cause of the Gospel. The Prayer Training Academy has been started to give them an opportunity to co-labor with us and thus fulfil God’s calling upon their lives. We are working on conducting a Prophetic Conferences in Chennai from 27th May, 2016 to 29 May 2016. We will be teaching and training you on the prayers of my family and I,

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the different facets of the ministry and various other aspects. We are also making arrangements to make the sessions conducted not only in English and Tamil, but also in many other languages. This conference will enable the participants to get trained as Jesus Calls Prayer Intercessors, Jesus Calls Associate Evangelists, and Jesus Calls Ambassadors. So I extend a very warm welcome to you to come and participate in this conference. Let’s put our hearts and hands together and prepare our world for the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Please note that Prior Registration is important for this conference. Please look into the special advertisements on this Conference in the pages of this magazine to get more details regarding the same.

YOUR PART IN SAVING MANY The Lord is graciously using our family in carrying the comforting and delivering truths of God to many nations, to perform miracles, signs and wonders and to bring health and well being to them, and through these acts of love and compassion draw them unto Himself . The work of building the temple of God, - Prayer Tower and Counseling centers, is happening continuously. I here below like to give you a few details of the future mission and plead your precious prayers for the same: April 16th

Tampa Night of Joy

April 30th

New York Night of Joy

May 2016 Opening New Prayer Towers in Guwahati and Shillong May 21, 22 Family Blessing Meeting at Trivandrum, Chennai May 20–22 Shillong Prayer Festival (Meghalaya) May 27–29 Prophetic Conference at Chennai June 3–5 Jeypore Prayer Festival, Odhisa September 29 Opening Prayer Tower at Amristar (Punjab) September 30 Amristar Prayer Festival, Punjab October 15–16 Kochi Prayer Festival

I have laid before you the many opportunities that you can take advantage of and heap blessings upon you, your family and your descendants. Just imagine how much God will be pleased with you when you gratefully respond for the blessings He has given you, by partaking in His work of conducting these many Prayer Festivals, through which thousands and millions of hurt, hungry, desperate and sick and hopeless people will find healing, deliverance, comfort and peace. Pray and decide today your part in this great mission of God. We will be sowing every bit of your precious offering into the mission of taking the love of God, we will be sowing every bit of your precious offering into the mission of taking the love of taking the love of God to people, and you will partner with us in the harvest too – the harvest of abundant blessings upon you and your family.

COME! PRAYER AT ISRAEL PRAYER TOWER A 24X7 chain prayer is being conducted at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower at Jerusalem, Israel. You can have the joy and blessing of participants in this chain prayer. If you want more details on this please feel free to call our Dallas Prayer Tower at 972–499–4995 or toll free at 855–JESUSCALLS. For Canada, contact 416–385–7576. Get ready for this awesome tour by beginning to pray and prepare for it. You’ll enjoy every bit of this historical experience as you love through the days of our Lord Jesus Christ in the love where he loved , walked, died and resurrected. It’s just not a mere tour. We also want you to experience the touch and presence of God in this biblical land and so we are organizing a prophetic conference for you at Israel, as part of the tour.

YOUR CHILDREN AT KARUNYA UNIVERSITY Meticulous arrangements have been made for you to easily get the Application forms for admission into the Karunya University in both the Dallas Prayer Tower and Canada Prayer Tower. Most of the students of Karunya are being wanted, recruited and placed in attractive positions in several MNCs, through Campus Interviews. You’ll be glad to know that the leading newspaper called “The Pioneer” has awarded the Karunya University a “Five Star Status!” for more details please vvisit We are happy to inform you the Jharkhand state Government



in India has permitted us to start Karunya University in that state. We request your prayers for the fulfillment of this project.

PRAY FOR US It is our only passion and goal to fulfil and complete the ministries that God gives into our hands in perfect accordance with His will and His way. This mission demands our continuous work without rest and hectic travel schedules. We plead with you as a family to pray for the health, protection, anointing and guidance of God for me, my wife Evangeline, precious mother Stella Dhinakaran, and our children Samuel, Sharon and Stella Ramola. Pray and praise God specially for Evangeline who would be celebrating her birthday on the 24th April, she needs your fervent prayers. Please pray that God may bless Evangeline and enable her by His grace and power to take meticulous care of the family and the ministry. Pray that God anoints her with a never before new anointing so that she could present the Gospel to millions in India and around the world with power, signs and wonders. Pray that she be filled with spiritual gifts, to take healing to the hungry and thirsty masses.

your own brother. I feel so glad and relieved by sharing the mission with you too because I know you’ll shoulder it with me, and so with great love for you is prayed for you during which have received a promise for you from God. let me quote it to you: “And the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with singing, with everlasting joy on their heads. They shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away. (Isaiah 35:10) Its my sincere prayer and faith that His word will become true in your life and you’ll experience reward of despair and struggle and the filling of happiness and joy in your hearts. Always prayer for you,

Thank you for reading my letter like you’d read a letter from

Your loving brother who prays for you, –Dr. Paul Dhinakaran



Jesus Calls USA 8855 North Stemmons Frwy Dallas, TX 75247 USA

Jesus Calls Canada #SUITE 208, 50 Gervais Dr. Toronto, Ontario M3C 1Z3 972–499–4995 855–JESUSCALLS (toll free) 416–385–7576


APRIL 2016


EVANGELINE DHINAKARAN “For what great nation is there that has God so near to it, as the Lord our God is to us, for whatever reason we may call upon Him? (Deuteronomy 4:7)

Him, He comes near us and gently wipes away our tears, strengthens our spirit, comforts our hearts, meets our needs and showers us with blessings.

“Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer; You shall cry, and He will say, ‘Here I am.’ (Isaiah 58:9)


Look at the two phrases in this verse. “So near to us” and “Here I am.” How near is God to us when we pray? He is so near. The preposition “so” is a very deep word. God is nearer than we imagine He is. He is “so” near that He can hear even the whispers of our lips. He is “so” near that He could even read our thoughts and sense our feelings. Whenever we go into His presence and cry out to Him, He readily says, “Here I am.” There is another occasion when He draws nearer to us: when we worship Him. The Bible teaches us how to worship Him. It says we need to “worship Him in Spirit and in truth” (John 4:24). When we worship Him in Spirit and in truth, we can sense His presence near us. It feels like He is with us and in us. God has given us a position in our lives– the position of being His children (John 1:12), and from that position we have the freedom to call out to Him saying, “Abba! Father!” (Romans 8:15). God has poured into us the Spirit of sonship and so He is as near to us as a Father would be near His children. Are you able to imagine what a great privilege it is to be His children and have Him live so near us? Whenever we pray or worship

“He has not observed iniquity in Jacob, nor has He seen wickedness in Israel. The Lord his God is with him, and the shout of a King is among them” (Numbers 23:21). The people of Israel were crossing a vast dry desert which had no water for miles around them. They began to murmur against God saying, “No water! No meat! How better would it be if we died here in this desert than to starve and thirst.” They sinned against God but God did not see their sin; He did not count their iniquities. The Bible says that the people

The Lord is near.

of Israel are God’s beloved. He never left them nor forsook them. It is in the same way that God loves us too. We too are His beloved. He remains ‘so’ close to us when we are in trouble and when we call out to Him, He says, “Here I am.”



Friend! The mighty God remains with you. The majesty of the Kind remains with you, and therefore you will not face disasters any more (Zephaniah 3:15, 17). He will protects you like the apple of His eye (Zechariah 2:8), cover you and preserve you so that you are hidden from eyes of the evil one (Psalm 32:7). Once when we were in America doing God’s ministry, there arose a Tornado in the place where we stayed. All the channels in the TV. were warning the people about the coming of the Tornado. They were warning us about a mighty swirl of wind that would surround our small town, in a few minutes. But in the map that was showed in the TV News the place where we stayed was coloured green indicating that that was the only safe place which will not be touched by the Tornado. Our friends and relatives kept calling us over the phones and enquired our safety. One sister advised us to hide in a store room which had no windows so that the wind would not enter our house. But my husband said, “We don’t need any storerooms or places of hiding. Come! Let’s kneel down hold our hands together and pray. We knelt down held our hands together prayed saying, “Lord! We praise you because you have us covered and preserved under your mighty protection; We then began to thank God. My husband had so much of faith. But I was scared. I told Sharon not to get near the windows lest the glasses break and hurt here body but my husband was thanking and praising God. As predicted by the weather station, the terrible Tornado swirled

around our place but did not touch the area where we stayed. The places around our community were hit boldly. Houses were crushed to the ground and things were shattered all over the place but for us – God protected us under His mighty arms. It is the same way God is around you. He is ‘so’ near to you, covering you with His might and majesty, whispering into your ears saying, “I am here,” So Cheer up and smile. He is ‘so’ near you and listens to you when you pray.

man who claimed to be Holy, sat beside tax collectors and sinners and had dinner with them. “When Jesus heard that, He said to them, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy and not sacrifice.’[b] For I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.” (Matthew 9:12,13) So look at Jesus’ compassion upon the sick, the crushed, the broken hearted,

Jesus loves those who search Him and draw near Him. Immediately He too will move near you and stay beside you.

BESIDE YOU “The LORD is near to those who have a broken heart, And saves such as have a contrite spirit. ” (Psalm 34:18) Many times the problems of life may pressurise us so much, that under its weight we may cry and wonder whether God is really with us. You may doubt whether God is hearing your prayers. But it is your prayers that He will hear. He promises us in His word that He is `near’ to the sometimes your mind can be stormed with so many thoughts. You may say to yourself, “I live in an unknown and insignificant village. I am doing a very meanial job and no one respects me. Does Jesus know me? Do I matter to Him? Am I important to Him?” But it is to you that Jesus would come. It is people like you who His heart would be looking for. It is humble people like you would He has decided to transform into stars that would shine forth His glory. He will set you high upon a rock . (Psalm 27:5). He came to this earth to seek and save the lost (Luke 19:10). Jesus sat beside and stood beside tax collectors and sinners. During Jesus’ days the whole society hated the tax collection because they collected undue taxes from them and were loyal to the Roma Government. And look at the very interesting reply that Jesus gives to those self-righteous Pharisees who questioned why Jesus a

the hated, the rejected, the forsaken and the abandoned. The same Jesus is alive today and is standing beside you–waiting to heal your mind, heart and body and change your circumstances. Jesus is the Hope for the hopeless. He is abiding with us as our healer, protector and father. Jesus comes in search of anyone who searches Him truly. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. (James 4:8) Jesus loves those who search Him and draw near him. Immediately He too will move near you and stay beside you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:13) Friends! Search Him with all your heart, and you will find Jesus Coming to right where you are. However insignificant you may be; however remote the place where you live may be, God is a God who comes in search of you. Let us praise and worship our God who stays beside us – the God who does not remember our sins (Jeremiah 31:34). There is a lady named Amirthavalli who is living in Chennai – the capital city of


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Tamil Nadu State in South India. She did not even know who Jesus was. One day she discovered that she developed a cancerous growth in her breast. Despite many sessions of chemotherapy there was no improvement. So they doctors performed a surgery on her and removed one of her breasts, and the cancer began to spread into the other breast also and the doctors advised that the other breast also has to be removed. That lady burst into tears and began to cry aloud as she heard what the doctors said, she did not know how to react to her condition and whom to seek for help. She also did not know Jesus. At that time the help who was working at the neighbour’s house gave her a suggestion. She said, “Madam! Why are you keeping on crying? In Chennai, there is a prayer Tower in the “D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road. “People who go to that Prayer Tower and pray, get their diseases healed. Why don’t you try going there and seek God’s healing?” That lady immediately rushed to the Prayer Tower. That was Tuesday and the usual “Fasting Prayer was taking place there. She walked in and participated in that prayer. When she found everyone were praying with their eyes closed, this lady too thought, “Let me also close my eyes and pray to the God these people are praying to”. That was all she did, and in a few seconds, the presence of God filled the place where she stood. The lady broke into a vision in which she saw Jesus face -to-face. He appeared to her clad in a white robe. As soon as she saw Jesus a great joy filled her heart and body. Jesus moved beside her, held her hand and lifted her up. She went home as a joy – filled person. Then she went to the doctor and got herself examined. The doctors who examined here were shocked at that they sawthe cancerous growth was missing. She was overflowing with joy, surprise and happiness. The doctors, out of the doubt whether they examined her rightly, examined her again and again till they concluded it was a miracle. They were all surprised. Yes! This is the way our Lord stands beside us and performs miracles in our lives. He gets beside those who search for Him in their spirits. Friend, you too are invited to visit the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and pour your heart out to God. Open your heart and fell him all the things that are worrying you and hurting you. God hears the fervent prayers that are offered in the powerful presence of God. He will hear and answers your prayers too.

Then those who feared the LORD spoke to one another, And the LORD listened and heard them; So a book of remembrance was written before Him For those who fear the LORD And who meditate on His name. (Malachi 3:16) God delights in the `fear of the Lord’. Its like a sweet smelling fragrance to Him (Isaiah 11:3) and that is why when those who feared the Lord spoke to one another the Lord immediately descends amidst them and listened and heard them our God loves to descend amidst His people and when He descends He not only listens but also performs miracles, and that is why the church is a delight to Gods heart because it’s a gathering of His People – His children those who fear reverential respect and love Him, and that is why He performs miracles in the church. There is a Pastor who has a small church. One of the brothers who come to his church suddenly took ill and slipped into coma and was admitted in the hospital. One day as he was leading worship in his church, he heard that this brother has gone into coma. He immediately stopped the worship. He asked the believers to stand on their feet and said, “Bretheren! We are now going to pray for our brother who is in the hospital at the 18th ward-in the 3rd room. Lets unite our hearts and mind and pray for his healing. We are all going to travel into His room through prayers…” The church joined the pastor’s heart and they became one and cried with fears, unto the Lord. The Pastor lead the church in prayer saying, “Lord! Heal our brother right now”. What a miracle! At the same time they prayed for his healing the sick brother awoke from coma and began to eat, drink and walk. That day itself he received complete healing. See how much God honours the unity of His people and what happens when He descends amidst them. The fervent prayers of faith-filled man heal a person. God will raise him up from his sick bed. Even if he has become sick due to his sin, that sin will be forgiven him (James 5:15). When we come together of one-mind and oneaccord God descends amidst us. This happens even in our family prayers. God descends amidst a family when they come together and pray. God honour such united prayers and heads us and those beloved to us.

Once, we had a meeting to attend in Coimbatore. Just a few minutes before our scheduled time to leave for the meeting I was struck with a head ache. I did not know from where it came and how. I crashed on the bed began squirming with pain. My aunties who were one at that time did so many treatments with oil and ointments but the headache wouldn’t leave. Suddenly my husband came into my room to check whether I was ready for the meeting and saw me lying on the bed, squirming with pain. He heard what happened to me. He did not panic. He just laid his hands on me and offered a prayer silently. And what a miracle followed! The headache left me instantly. I got up and started to the meeting. Everyone around were amazed. When we join hands together and pray God descends amidst us and performs

God is good.

a miracle. Those who fear the Lord will talk with each other and the Lord will listen (Malachi 3:16). This is the reason we emphasize on Family Prayer where the Lord will descends amidst. Even before I could get married we used to have regular family prayer. My mother was a very religious woman. Even during the day my dad had not known the Lord, my mother convinced him to sit in the family prayers. She gave the `Jesus Calls Song Book’ in his hands and asked him to sing. My dad saw us clapping our hand and singing and to make us more happy, he too will joined us and sang. We used to pray asking God to save our father someday. He too sat there and listened to our prayers. The Lord heard our continuous regular prayers and how much we loved our dad and staying amidst our family and worked in the heart of my father and as a result one day my Father gave his heart to the Lord. My Father was touched during the Family Prayer because the Lord was amidst us. We were all so happy that out Father got saved. Only then they started to look out to get me married. Then they fixed my marriage. My thoughts began to wonder saying, “my dad is a businessman and I have no experience in ministry, and how am I going to do ministry?” Yet!



God gave me this blessing. We prayed as a family and since we feared God and loved Him, God chose my family. Today God is taking me to do His ministry all over the world. I never even imagined I will serve God like this. Through me, my family and even my relatives are being blessed. The same God will bless you too. God will intently listen to your prayers. Do not think that you are just a small family and wonder whether God will hear your prayers. Yes! He will whenever you come together to pray He will be there amidst you. We prayed in our family prayers years back saying, “Lord! Save our family; save our relatives; save our whole village. And God is answering each of those prayers today. That whole village where we loved has accepted Christ our Lord. Our relatives have come to the Lord. Today when I go to my village people flock around me asking me to pray for them. Thus the Lord has blessed my whole village. See how good God is. When we unite our hearts and pray. He comes amidst us and performs miracles. He saves us and our beloveds. Even today we never give - up on our family prayers. No wonder in which ever part of the world we are; however busy and hectic we are; even if we were to go seperately and serve God, we still get in touch and have our family prayers. That is why the Lord has blessed us so much. God is good and He only sees how much we love Him and fear Him. Look at Moses. In Exodus 33 he says, “Lord! Come with us. Stay amidst us. It is Your presence with is that makes us special people. Show us Your presence abide with us. This is what he prayed along with His people. They cried unto the Lord for His presence with them and God too came in their midst and stayed with them. He gave Moses a wonderful promise saying, “My presence shall go before you”. God will be amidst your family too. God will set a difference between those who fear him and those who do not fear him; between the sinners and the righteous” (Malachi 3:18). Yeah! God is staying amidst you. He is abiding so near you. He will respond to your prayers positively.

Tour starts June 12th, 2016


Israel, Jordan and Egypt! OPTION 1



$950 USD

$1150 USD

$1350 USD

for Israel only

for Israel and Jordan

for Israel, Jordan and Egypt

Rates include:

Rates do not include:

• • • • • • • •

• Air fare and insurance • Telephone, Laundry and any other personal and extra food at hotel • Extras, medical coverage • Any camel or donkey rides • Porterage at the hotel • Any services, not mentioned in “Rates include”

Meet and assist upon arrival/departure Hotel accommodations English speaking guide. All tours & transfers in a modern A/C bus Entrance fees to sites as per itinerary Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Israel Visa in case required. Tips to the Tour Guide and Driver included

For further details contact our Dallas Prayer Tower at 855–JESUSCALLS (toll free)/972–499–4995 or the Canada Prayer Tower at 416–385–7576. 18

APRIL 2016

itinerary 1 Arrival at Tel Aviv Airport, Nazareth, Cana, Mt. Carmel, Jordan River Baptismal Site

Tour starts June 12th, 2016


Overnight in Tiberias

Yad VaSham Holocaust Museum, Ein Karem, Jaffa, Tel Aviv Option 1 tour ends Option 2 and 3 tour overnight in Bethlehem

2 Sea of Galilee boat ride, Capernaum, Tabgha, Mt. Beatitudes, Galilee Experience

8 Church of Nativity, Sheppard’s Fields, Garden Tomb, Evening Jesus Calls event

Overnight in Tiberias

3 Qumran, Dead Sea swim, Jericho, Mt. Scopus overview

Overnight in Bethlehem

9 Allenby Bridge, Amman airport

Overnight in Bethlehem

4 Mount of Olives, Palm Sunday path, Garden of Gethsemane, Mt. Zion, Upper Room, Caiaphas’s House, Ein Karem

Option 2 tour ends Option 3 tour overnight in Nuweiba

10 St. Catherine Monastery, Sharm El Sheikh

Overnight in Bethlehem

Overnight in Sharm El Sheikh

5 Jewish and Christian Quarters, Southern Step, Western Wall via Dolorosa, Sisters of Zion, Saint Anne

11 Long drive Old Cairo, Memphis Nile Dinner Cruise Overnight in Cairo

Overnight in Bethlehem

12 Pyramids, Sphinx

6 Church of Nativity, Sheppard’s Fields, Garden Tomb, Friends of Zion Heritage Center, Evening Jesus Calls event

Option 3 tour ends

Overnight in Bethlehem

Option 1



Option 2

Option 3

NEW LIFE OF THE CROSS STELLA DHINAKARAN We read about a woman called Lydia in the Bible. She belonged to the church of Thyatira. She was a seller of purple and lived with the fear of God. One day, Paul, the man of God and his associates gathered on the river side where it was their custom to pray. When Lydia and certain other women went there, Paul and his co–workers preached to them. On hearing it, Lydia’s heart was greatly moved and she had a burden that she should follow the Lord with a faithful mind and heart. From that day, her life was transformed completely. Because of her genuine love for the Lord, she lovingly invited Paul, the man of God and his co–workers, to her house. Not only that, she immediately decided how she would delight the Lord’s heart by obeying His Words spiritually and focused on it (Acts 16:13-15). Thus, there was a turning point in her life. In order that we too, like Lydia, would receive a new life, the Lord Jesus gave up His own life on the cross. “In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” (John 16:33). According to this verse, taking upon Himself our sufferings, on the cross, He underwent terrible agony. “We esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted.” But it is not so. He suffered for our sake (Isaiah 53:4,5). In this world, we languish without peace because of wicked natures such as “disobedience, jealousy and haughtiness.” But the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, according to His name, “Prince of Peace.” This divine peace comes into us, when we trust Him and hold on to Him (Isaiah 26:3). Not only that, the power that proceeds out of His wounds heals our sicknesses and infirmities. Dear ones, if the Lord Jesus had not offered Himself as a sacrifice for us on the cross, none of us could have received this new divine life. Everybody should have offered sacrifice as atonement for every one of his or her sin. But, now when we meditate on Jesus, who suffered for us on the cross, the glorious new life paves way for us to live with Him eternally, forever and ever. Let us meditate on the blessings that we would receive by


thinking of the sufferings of the Lord on the cross:

BLOSSOMING LIFE “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (II Corinthians 5:17). “Jesus offered Himself up for me on the cross; there is forgiveness of my sin because of the sufferings and agonies that He underwent; I am sanctified when He washes and cleanses me with His blood.” When we have this faith and take it as our own, the Lord changes our old life and gives us a new life. He makes us, who are dead in our trespasses and sin and are living a filthy life, alive. By His sacred blood, the Lord makes us, who are dead in sin, alive just as how He rose up on the third day after His death. “By grace we have been saved through faith.” This salvation is an incomparable gift of God to us (Ephesians 2:8). Even today, many women form their lives according to the world, conduct themselves in the lusts of flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and are by nature children of wrath. So many families struggle because of filth in their heart caused by the lust of the eye and flesh and jealousy. Dear sisters, is your life truly transformed? Do you live with peace having received revival in your life? Please change your life completely so that such situation does not arise in your family and make someone shed tears. This world is transitory. What is the guarantee that we, who live today, would be alive tomorrow? “Behold, now is the accepted time” (II Corinthians 6:2). So, let us receive this life, in all reverence. Discarding all the paltry things of the world that are full of darkness, let us live by making our life blossom by receiving the life of Jesus and let us also delight others. With tears, let us confess all our shortcomings at the feet of Jesus. Let us receive from Him a life that would please Him. “Of course, this thing is displeasing to the Lord. Yet, somehow even without my knowledge, I am caught up in this. What should I do now? How to come out of it?” Dear sister, who

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thus languishes, first of all make a decision to discard your old bondages of sin and enter into a new life. Then the Lord will grant you the divine strength to be delivered from your old sinful life. After that, apart from making your life blossom, the Lord will also change you in such a way that you would make others’ lives blossom as well.

for a Prayer Meeting, he heard sweet things about prayer mentioned in Mark 11:24 and Matthew 21:22. Since then, he tried to follow it in his life. Those promises turned his life upside down. Every day, he sent 150 prayer requests to heaven and received answers for all of them, because of which he was called, “Warrior of Faith.”

There was a woman, who was leading a wayward life and was separated from her husband because of problems in her married life. One day, she realized the terribleness of her life. She sought the Lord Jesus and was filled with His divine peace. All the peace and joy that she had lost until then, came back to her.

“And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent” (John 17:3).

She committed herself to go to the Prayer Tower in her locality and pray for others and their needs. As a result, she recovered all that she had lost in life. Yes, her broken life blossomed again!

HEALING SHALL SPRING FORTH “Your healing shall spring forth speedily, And your righteousness shall go before you; The glory of the LORD shall be your rear guard” (Isaiah 58:8). In the beginning, the Lord, who created Adam and Eve, interacted with them in the cool of the day and found delight in their fellowship. Similarly, even today, He gives His presence to those who seek Him and finds immense pleasure in living with them. This is what is expressed by His dear disciple John, who says delightedly, “…our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ” (I John 1:3). Jesus Himself has said, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him” (John 14:23). So, my dear sisters, once we enter into the experience of this new life, it is highly imperative that we focus on living in unison with Jesus always. Talking to Him is a sweet divine experience. Today, the word “prayer” is bitter to many. No dear ones, prayer is opening up our heart and speaking to the Lord. We cannot speak to anyone in this world, hundred percent openly. At the same time, the other person may not understand us. Sometimes unwanted problems may crop up. Our Lord is the One, who does not forsake us even if our own father and mother forsake us. So, learn to talk to Him, who is full of love and mercy. It is good to allot a specific time for this. Not stopping with that specific time, if we keep talking to Him always, it would help us enjoy His sweet presence always. Also, your prayer life would bring God’s presence into your house and heart. There is no use with only mere prayer. Reading His Word and knowing deeply about Him through that is also important. Through His Word, we should know the width and length and depth and height of Christ’s love. After that, we should pray with faith according to that and receive blessings. A man of God by name George Muller, was afflicted with dreadful diseases because of his sinful life and lived like a zombie at the age of sixteen. Once, when he was going


We see here that knowing Him in the way He should be known is eternal life. Accordingly, when we love Him, understanding our love for Him, He comes and dwells with us. He perfects everything for us. Not only that, since you join the Lord Jesus Christ with you, God, the Father would be pleased with you. Your health shall spring forth.

ETERNAL LIFE “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). When we accept the Lord Jesus Christ as our Saviour, our life takes a new turn and we enjoy the privilege of living joyfully. Divine peace which the world cannot give us fills us. Once, we were conversing with a pastor. Prior to his ministry, he was serving as a higher official in the Police Department. In those days, people used to be scared of him. Even his wife was terrified of him. But once Jesus came into his heart, his life turned upside down. He said, “I was like a lion; now I am meek as a cow.” This is the true new Christian life! Today, do we have such change in our lives? We cannot be partakers of eternal life if we have the old human nature in us even after claiming, “I’ve accepted Jesus.” Today we see many children of God giving room to the devil, unable to join with God fully as the devilish natures such as pride, haughtiness and ego abide in their hearts. Their lives are darkened because of this. My dear sisters, the Lord offered Himself on the cross in order to give us perfect blessings. Do we have this fullness which is pleasing to Him, in our life? Let us examine ourselves. Let us plead to Him saying, “Lord, I am deceiving myself saying that I am holy. Please forgive me of all the faults seen in me, these days. Give me a humble heart like Your’s. Give me the grace to love others and to consider them greater than I. Give me the fullness of Your nine fruits of the spirit.” It is said, “But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away” (I Corinthians 13:10). Remove all my shortcomings in these days. Give me the grace to live all the days of my life with You and in the way pleasing to You. Prepare me so that when I die, I would die with the privilege of living with You eternally. Let us pray. Also, not stopping with receiving this life, let us also pray for other sisters like us, that they would enjoy receiving the glory of this life. We have come to the last days. Let us wrestle for our sisters, like Deborah did. Let many women enter into a new life because of our wrestling in prayer. Let the heart of Jesus, who patiently endured the sufferings on the cross, be delighted because of this. May the Lord give each one of you the grace to enjoy receiving these divine, glorious experiences!



1 Deuteronomy 33:26 “There is no one like the God of Jeshurun, Who rides the heavens to help you, And in His excellency on the clouds.” The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms. MEDITATION Jer. 31:3; Ezra. 3:3; Job 38:4,6; Heb. 1:3; Ps. 89:14; 104:5; 46:1; 37:39; Ruth 2:12; Isa. 46:4; Lk. 22:35. 2 Isaiah 41:13 “For I, the LORD your God, will hold your right hand, Saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.’” Fear not, I will help thee.

Meditation: Deu. 7:14,15; Ps. 30:2; 145:8; 147:3; 107:20; Isa. 38:16; 53:5; Jer. 30:17; Lam, 3:22; Mal. 4:2; Mat. 8:16,17; Mk. 5:24; 1 Pet. 2:24.

MEDITATION Ps. 65:2; 22:24; 102:16; 6:9; 72:12; 66:18; 135:14; Dan. 9:19-23; 10:12; Deu. 32:36; 31:6; Jud. 16:28-30; Mk. 11:22-26; Lk. 18:1; 1 John 5:14,15.

11 Mark 6:50 “for they all saw Him and were troubled. But immediately He talked with them and said to them, ‘Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.’” Be of good cheer, be not afraid.

4 Jeremiah 1:8 “‘Do not be afraid of their faces, For I am with you to deliver you,” says the LORD.” I, the LORD is with thee.
 MEDITATION Ps. 118:6; Deu. 31:6,8; Isa. 41:10; Gen. 26:24; 28:15,16; 31:3,42; 39:2,3,21,23; 48:15; 1 Sam. 16:18; Mat. 28:18-20; Mk. 16:20.

If you would believe, you should see the glory of God.

9 Leviticus 26:4 “ then I will give you rain in its season, the land shall yield its produce, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit.” I will give you rain in due season.

10 Exodus 15:26 “ and said, ‘If you diligently heed the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the LORD who heals you.’” I am the Lord that healeth thee.

3 Psalm 20:1 “May the LORD answer you in the day of trouble; May the name of the God of Jacob defend you;” The LORD hears thy prayer.

John 11:40 “Jesus said to her, ‘Did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God?’”

MEDITATION John 8:2-12; Lk. 11:34-36; Pro. 1:8; 20:20; 1 Sam. 2:9; Gen. 1:3; 1 John 1:5; Ps. 18:28; 27:1; 119:105; Isa. 2:5.

MEDITATION Levi. 26:3-5; 1 Peter 5:6; Gen. 18:10,14; 21:1,2,5; Ecc. 3:11; Gal. 4:5; 2 Cor. 6:2; Heb. 4:15,16.

MEDITATION Isaiah 41:10,13,14; 1 Sam. 14:45; Mat. 28:18-20; Acts 18:10; Ps. 56:3; Rev. 1:17.


Follow me lest your life be darkness.

MEDITATION Deu. 20:1,3,4; Jos. 1:5,9; Gen. 46:3; 2 Chro. 20:15,17,21; 136:1; Isa. 41:10,13,14; Mat. 14:27; Lk. 10:19. 12 Lamentations 3:22 “Through the LORD’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not.” It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed. MEDITATION Ps. 100:5; 63:3; 147:11; Gen. 6:8,14-22; 19:16-22; 39:21; 50:20,21; Deu. 4:31; Ps. 86:13; Mic. 7:18; john 1:14,16.

MEDITATION John 11:39-44; Mat.15:21-28; 2 Kings 7:1, 2,15-17; Mk.11:24; 2 Timo. 1:12; Jam. 1:6; 1 John 5:4. 6 Revelation 22:13 “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last.” I am the Alpha and Omega.

13 Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” I have a good future for you.

MEDITATION Isa.44:6;48:12; 46:10; 41:4; Neh.9:5; Deu. 32:40; 33:27; 102:12; Mat. 28:20; Rev. 1:8,17,18; 2:8.

MEDITATION Exo. 2:8; Gen. 47:6,11; Num. 10:29; Eze. 20:6; Lk. 15:17-24; John 14:1-3; Rev. 21:10-21.

7 Jeremiah 31:14 “ I will satiate the soul of the priests with abundance, And My people shall be satisfied with My goodness, says the LORD.” I will do good to you to your satisfaction.

14 Psalm 147:3 “He heals the brokenhearted And binds up their wounds.” The LORD heals the broken heart.

MEDITATION Gen. 33:9,11; Lk. 22:35; Dru. 8:10; 28:47; 32:13,14; Joel 2:26,27; Isa. 55:1-3; John 2:10,11; 6:10- 13,35,48-51; 16:24. 8 John 8:12 “Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, ‘I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.’”


MEDITATION Ps.51:1-17; 34:18; 10:17; 2 Sam. 12:13,16; Isa. 38:1-9; Mat. 8:1-3; 15:29-31; Mk. 10:46-52. 15 Psalm 147:14 “He makes peace in your borders, And fills you with the finest wheat.” I command peace in thy borders.

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MEDITATION 1 Kings 4:24,25; 1 Chro. 22:9; 2 Chro. 15:19; Job 5:23,24; 34:30; Ps. 29:11; 125:5; Isa. 9:6; Mat. 4:12-16; Lk. 2:14; Eph. 2:14-17. 16 John 14:18 “I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.” I, thy Lord will not leave you comfortless. MEDITATION Deu. 10:18; Ps. 10:14; 102:16; 113:7,8; 37:25; Heb. 13:5-8; Jam. 1:27; John 16:6,19-24; 20:20. 17 Psalm 92:14 “They shall still bear fruit in old age; They shall be fresh and flourishing,” The LORD is upright, my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him. MEDITATION Ps. 92:12-15; 19:14; 25:8; Num. 20:11; 1 Cor. 10:4; 2 Sam. 22:32,47; 23:3; Ps. 71:3; 78:35; Isa. 26:4. 18 Luke 1:30 “ Then the angel said to her, ‘Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.’” Fear not, for thou has found favaor with God. MEDITATION Gen. 6:8; 19:19; 24:27; Exo. 34:6; 1 Sam. 16:22; 2 Sam. 15:25; Ps. 57:3,10; 59:10,16,17; 66:20; John 1:14,16; Rom. 5:21; Eph. 2:8. 19 Isaiah 51:16 “And I have put My words in your mouth; I have covered you with the shadow of My hand, That I may plant the heavens, Lay the foundations of the earth, And say to Zion, ‘You are My people.’” I have covered thee in the shadow of mine hand. MEDITATION Psalm 91:1; 17:9; 36:7; Gen. 19:8; Num. 14:9; Ps. 57:1; 121:5; Isa. 25:4; 32:2; 49:2; Hos. 14:7. 20 Joel 2:28 “And it shall come to pass afterward That I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your old men shall dream dreams, Your young men shall see visions.” I will pour out my Spirit upon thee. MEDITATION Acts 2:17-19; Lk. 10:13; John 14:14-17; Acts 2:38,39; Rom. 8:9; John 20:22; Eph. 4:30. 21 Isaiah 46:13 “ I bring My righteousness near, it shall not be far off; My salvation shall not linger. And I will place salvation in Zion, For Israel My glory.” My salvation shall not tarry. MEDITATION Luke 19:1-10; Jos. 10:6-10; Ps. 3:8; 62:1,2; 119:155; Lk. 8:49-56; Gal. 4:5; Acat 4:12; 13:39; Heb. 9:28; Rev. 22:12,20. 22 1 Chronicles 22:12 “Only may the LORD give you wisdom and understanding, and give you charge concerning Israel, that you may keep the law of the LORD your God.” The LORD give thee wisdom and understanding. MEDITATION Deu. 4:5-7; 34:9; Jos. 1:8; 8:34,35; Isa. 11:2; Job 28:28; Ps. 111:10; Pro. 1:7,8; Jam. 1:5. 23 Zechariah 2:10 “‘Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion! For behold, I am coming and I will dwell in your midst,’ says the LORD.” I come, and I will dwell in the midst of thee.

Mk. 3:13-15; Jn. 14:1-3. 24 1 Peter 2:9 “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;” Tour art a royal priesthood, King’s son, an holy nation, a peculiar people. MEDITATION Exo. 19:5,6; Gen. 1:26,27; 32:27,29; Ps. 82:6; John 1:12; 1 John 1:7,9; Rev. 1:6; Jer. 2:3. Deu. 7:6; 14:1,2; Lev. 19:2; 1 Peter 1:15,16. 25 Psalm 147:11 “ The LORD takes pleasure in those who fear Him, In those who hope in His mercy.” The Lord delighteth in thee.
 MEDITATION Isa. 62:2; Ps. 19:14; 37:23; 149:4; Pro. 12:22; 15:8; 16:13; Isa. 42:21; Eze. 18:23; Lk. 2:14; 12:32; Rom. 12:2; 2 Cor. 9:7; Eph. 5:10; 1 Thes. 4:1. 26 Jeremiah 11:3 “ and say to them, ‘Thus says the LORD God of Israel: ‘Cursed is the man who does not obey the words of this covenant’” Ye shall be my people, and I will be your God.
 MEDITATION Exo. 6:7; 29:45,46; Levi. 26:12; Jer. 31:33; 32:38; Eze. 11:20; 36:28; 37:27; Hos. 2:23; Zec. 2:10; 8:8; 13:9; 2 Cor. 6:16; Heb. 8:10; Rev. 21:3,7. 27 Psalm 50:15 “Call upon Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you shall glorify Me.” Call upon me in the day of trouble.
 MEDITATION Jud. 16:28-30; 2 Chro. 18:31; Ps. 90:15; 34:17; 145:18; 18:6; Acts 2:21; Rom. 10:13. 28 Deuteronomy 28:12 “The LORD will open to you His good treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand. You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow.” The LORD shall open unto thee His good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thee. MEDITATION Gen. 22:1,2,10-18; 24:1,35; 1 Chro. 28:11; Eze. 28:4; Ps. 33:7; Levi. 26:3-5; Pro. 15:6; Isa. 33:6; Mal. 3:9,10; Mat. 6:19-21; 1 Timo. 6:19; Lk. 6:38; 9:16,17; Jam. 5:3. 29 Isaiah 54:8 “‘With a little wrath I hid My face from you for a moment; But with everlasting kindness I will have mercy on you,’ Says the LORD, your Redeemer.” In a little wrath I hid my face from thee for a moment.
 MEDITATION Job 14:13; Lam. 3:31-33; Ps. 30:5; 77:7- 14; 90:710,14,15; Isa. 57:16; 60:10; 64:9; Jer. 3:12; Mic. 7:18; Gal. 3:13,14. 30 Numbers 6:26 “The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.” God gives you peace. MEDITATION Isaiah 9:6; Mic. 5:2; Ps. 119:165; 85:8; 29:11; Job 22:21; Isa. 26:3; 48:22; Colo. 1:20; John 16:33; 14:27; Gal. 5:22; Rom. 8:6.

MEDITATION Levi. 26:12,13; 2 Cor. 6:14-18; Exo. 25:8; John 14:23;




in Esther Prayer Group WONDERFUL WORK


According to the verse, ‘The Lord has done great things for us, And we are glad’, the Lord has given His grace to all the sisters who joined the Esther Prayer group and did not know how to pray to now read the word of God much, pray boldly and have early morning as well as family prayer. It is amazing to see those who were feeling shy to pray initially, now praying cheerfully. Glory be to God.

I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. During the prayer time of the Esther Prayer Group, I felt a glorious light sur- rounding us; the sisters of the group too felt the mighty and glorious presence of the Lord. In a vision they saw a narrow path going to- wards the throne of the Lord. A bright light was surrounding the throne. Holy Spirit spoke to Sis. Alice and Sis. Avina and they were encouraged by the promise verses. Sis. Monalisa received fire anoint- ing. Sis. Sweety experienced divine peace and was strengthened in the Lord. Sis. Sarala was thrilled to see a bright light. Sis. Vimala saw Jesus standing in our midst. Glory to God for the divine experiences be- stowed upon us during the Esther Prayer Group prayer time.

–Ruby Paulraj, Madurai

GLORIOUS PRESENCE OF GOD I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. The prayer points and the promise verse sent by Sister Stella Dhinakaran for the Esther Prayer Group have a deep impact in our mind. Through them, we are able to enjoy the glorious presence of God. I give all glory to the Lord for such spiritual blessings which we are enjoying through the Esther Prayer Group. –Sumathy Dorcus Myker, Karnataka

MIRACULOUS CHANGE Sister Shara of our Esther Prayer group was backslidden and was far away from the love of Christ. We, as sisters in the Esther Prayer Group, prayed for her to be drawn back to Christ. Hearing the prayer, the Lord made her repent and become His child. Now she gets up at 4.00 AM and is progressing in her spiritual life by praying and seeking the Lord early in the morning. Glory to the Lord. –Dorin Antony, Sri Lanka

TUMOUR VANISHED A sister in our group had a tu- mour on her chest. She was scared. As a group we encouraged her with words of faith and prayed for her with burden. The very next day after the prayer, the tumour burst on its own accord and van- ished. Praise be to the name of God for doing this miracle.

–Rajini Pavos Mcvan, Gujarat

TUMOUR VANISHED I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. I had a tumour on my right breast and was in agony. All the sisters in the Esther Prayer Group prayed for my healing with tears. In the mean- time, doctors set a date for my sur- gery. On the day of surgery, when we went for a check-up, the doc- tor was amazed to see that there was no trace of the tumour. My joy knew no bounds. I give all glory to the Lord. – Anjana A. Kapur, Dahod, Gujarat

DIVISION GONE; FAMILY REJOINED. Sis. Usha was living separated from her husband since a year. We prayed for her with burden in the Esther Prayer Group. Hearing the prayer, God graciously helped that sister to rejoin her husband. Sis. Sahaya Mary was bedridden because of nerve problem. We prayed for her with burden, in our group. God heard the prayer and has granted her good health and has also helped her to go back to her job. Glory to God. –K.A. Hepsibah Ametha, C.I.T.Nagar, Chennai

MOVE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. During the Esther Prayer Group prayer time, the Holy Spirit cleansed

–Sahaya Selvam Jeyaraj, Coimbatore


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us and sanctified us. Three sisters, who always hesitated to pray, felt the mighty move, power and touch of the Holy Spirit. Now they pray for the prayer points with burden and tears. I praise the Lord for the spiritual blessings showered on our group. –Katherine Philip, Chennai

GOD SPOKE AND STRENGTHENED ME I am the leader of the Youth Esther Prayer Group. In the month of December, because of a tough situation, I was

highly dejected and in tears and was greatly distressed. At this time, at 10.00 PM, on December 16, I was watching the Jesus Calls Hour of Hope TV programme in the Sathyam TV. The Lord spoke to me through dear mother Stella Dhinakaran. Though I know that we should rejoice in the Lord, I always used to worry and shed tears whenever problems confronted me. Though I had the anointing, I had no joy. The Lord spoke about these things to me through dear mother, prophetically. He spoke to me through her prophetic words that in order to overcome this weakness I should get filled with the Spirit every day. Through this Hour of Hope TV programme, I got the hope that I can arise and shine for the Lord. Glory to the Lord.

My dear sisters, Accordingly, if the Spirit of the Lord prompts you to start an Esther Prayer Group or Youth Esther Prayer Group in your area or in your home or hostel or in any place convenient to you, so that the women in your area could be blessed, and revived, please come forward. These are the end times. Dear sisters, who pray in the Prayer Group, pray with much burden for the each and every prayer point sent to you and hold on firmly to the promise word given to you with fervency in the spirit. The Lord will do a miracle. He will also bless you.

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Esther Prayer Group contact: UNITED STATES


Esther Prayer Group 8855 North Stemmons Frwy Dallas, TX 75247 USA

Jesus Calls Canada #SUITE 208, 50 Gervais Drive Toronto, Ontario, M3C 1Z3 972–499–4995 855–JESUS CALLS (toll free) 416–385–7576



GOOD NEWS OF THE CROSS (MESSAGE SHARED BY THE LATE DR. D.G.S.DHINAKARAN IN THE YEAR 2001) “But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world” (Galatians 6:14). The President of a particular country loved me dearly. Quite unexpectedly, he was killed by wicked people. After that, his daughter once came to see me. She gave me a beautiful pen and said, “Sir, I know how much my father loved you. So I am giving this pen which was his precious possession, as a gift for you.” I got it from her, with trembling hands. My eyes did not look at the pen or at the daughter’s face, but I saw the face of the deceased. I shed tears, remembering him. Similar is the cross. There is nothing special about it to glorify it. But, we remember the Lord Jesus, the Lord of the cross and His sacrifice and hence we glorify the cross. This is because the Bible too says: “Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us” (Romans 8:34) “My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the


Father, Jesus Christ the righteous” (I John 2:1). The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin (I John 1:7). We all stumble in many things and this becomes a sin (James 3:2). Samuel, the man of God, says, “I would sin if I cease to pray for you” (I Samuel 12:23). Not doing good when it is in the power of hand is a sin (Proverbs 3:27; James 4:17; Genesis 4:7). Whatever is not from faith is sin (Romans 14:23). Thus, many kinds of sin are seen in our lives. Hence Jesus advocates with the Father, for us. Jesus, who died and rose again is today seated at the right hand of the Father (Mark 16:19). There He is seen as the slain. Even today, He is seated on the throne with wounds (Revelation 5:6; 13:8). At this state, He pleads to God saying, “This son/ daughter is weak. Forgive him/her of his/her sins. Let him/her not be punished for this wrong deed.” Yes, He intercedes for us, as the One who is weak.

DELIVERANCE FROM WICKED MEN Paul says, “...pray for us…that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men; for not all have faith” (II

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Thessalonians 3:1,2). Many are the problems in this world because of the wicked people. So Jesus pleads for us saying, “My Father, remember the sufferings inflicted upon Me by the wicked people; You made me lament ‘My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?’ (Psalm 22:1). So don’t forget My children who suffer thus. Help them.” When I was working in the bank, I had a higher official in one of the branches. He was a heartless man. On many days, I used to work up to midnight. Yet the next day I would go to the office at 8:30 AM sharp. One day I went to the office at 8.35 AM. I said “Good morning” and he asked me why I was late by five minutes. I said, “Sir, yesterday I went home from office

along with the pastor. I came back home at midnight. My wife asked me, “Do you know what day tomorrow is?” I said that it was Sunday. She said, “Not only that, it is also Easter. We’ve not bought a single dress for our son.” That time, we were walking through a terrible path of poverty. My wife used to happily wear a torn sari. She used to mend my torn pants for me to wear. We faced so much financial crisis. I went to bed. I could not sleep. I was thinking about our situation. Suddenly an angel appeared beside me. He said, “Get up; go and open the trunk box in your house.” I asked him, “My old clothes are in that box. Why should I open it?” He made me follow him to the trunk box and opened it. I saw the layer of old clothes and asked him, “Didn’t I tell you?” He said with a smile, “Remove those clothes.” I did so. I saw bundles of money beneath those clothes. All new notes! I could not believe my eyes. He asked me to use the money and vanished. I called out to my wife and asked her if she had kept money there and she said she had not. It was the happiest Easter for us, the next day. Yes, God does not show personal favoritism to any man (Galatians 2:6). He will do similarly for you too. God will never reject the pleas of Jesus Christ. Surely He will make you see signs and wonders (Micah 7:15).

The Lord knows what our needs in life are.

SAVES US TO THE UTMOST only at three–o’–clock early morning. So I was delayed a little. Please forgive me.” He said harshly, “I am talking about today. You are talking about yesterday.” I cried bitterly. Suddenly he was transferred to another place. I was given promotion and held the post of that officer. Days passed! I was posted in the Chennai Head Quarters as a higher officer. One day, I heard an argument going on near my room. I called a co-worker and asked him what was happening. He said, “Sir, an officer has come to see you. Since you are busy, I refused to send him to your room.” I asked him the name of the officer and he mentioned it. I was shocked since it was the same officer who used to harass me. Today, the Lord Jesus had lifted me up to such a great position that he had to wait before my room to meet me for two minutes. I went to him personally and brought him to my room happily. Yes, the Lord had now lifted me up to many more levels than his earlier position. Yes, dear ones, when wicked people constrain us, the Lord Jesus pleads for us that we should be delivered out of their hands. “Save My children”–Thus pleading, He saves us from the blast of the terrible ones (Isaiah 25:4).

PROVIDES OUR NEEDS He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? (Romans 8:32). The Lord knows what our needs in life are (Matthew 6:38). So He intercedes for us saying, “God, remember My poverty state when I was in the world” (II Corinthians 8:9). “I gave Myself up on the cross. So let My children live without any lack.” He thus intercedes for us who suffer in that state. Several years back, I was working in the city of Bengaluru. One Saturday, as was my custom, I did ministry in many places,


“Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them” (Hebrews 7:25). The Bible says that during the time of our sorrow, sickness and suffering, “I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him and honor him” (Psalm 91:15). I underwent a heart surgery in the year 1990. After that, once the doctor wanted to test me. He used to treat me with so much of love and concern and brought all the medical machines to our house. He made me lie down in a room and fixed those instruments to my heart. Three other doctors were observing the monitor. The light was switched off and I was lying down and praying. Suddenly I felt a thin hand touching my forehead and I opened my eyes. My granddaughter Sharon was sitting beside me. She looked pale out of fear that something had happened to me, her grandfather. She came close to me and gripped my hands. She did not take away her hands until the tests were over. So much of love and concern for me! Yes, do not worry. The Lord Jesus too would come closer to you at times of sorrow and place His hands on your forehead. He will hold your hands. He will save you to the utmost. “But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me, so that the message might be preached fully through me, and that all the Gentiles might hear. And I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion. And the Lord will deliver me from every evil work and preserve me for His heavenly kingdom. To Him be glory forever and ever. Amen!” (II Timothy 4:17,18). Accordingly, He will save you from every evil work. Finally He will take you to heaven. He will save us until then. A day will come when God would invite us saying, “You have toiled hard; come and rest on My bosom”. What joy! What a bliss! We will take rest on His bosom.


PROMISE MESSAGE STELLA DHINAKARAN “Yes, He loves the people; All His saints are in Your hand; They sit down at Your feet; Everyone receives Your words” (Deuteronomy 33:3). We read in this promise verse, how dearly the Lord loves each one of us and leads us. This in indeed pleasant! When difficulties crop up, many are troubles saying, “Oh, I am all alone; no one is there to show me love!” Dear ones, such thoughts are wrong. The Lord loves each one of us dearly, without partiality. It is His pleasure to be with us always and dwell with us. Let us think awhile whether we have this Lord as our dear Friend in our life. How would a person conduct himself with his friend? He would often think how he could be of help to his friend and how he could make him happy. Similarly, the Lord too wants to keep talking to us, help us at the right time and be a good Friend to us. When we study the life of Abraham, we see that God was with him as a good Friend (Isaiah 41:8, II Chronicles 20:7; James 2:23). We read in these verses that He was with Abraham as a good Friend. You too should enjoy this delightful experience. Let His words be pleasant to you! Every word in the Bible has


been written through the Holy Spirit. So, when we read them diligently, the Lord will speak to us through His Word. Do you know what a sweet experience this is? You too can talk to the Lord just as how Moses spoke: “as a man speaks to his friend” (Exodus 33:11). This is prayer. Today, many ask, “I don’t know how to pray. Please send me a written prayer.” No, dear ones, whatever you feel like saying, tell it to the Lord. Prayer is not a difficult thing. Speaking to God about whatever comes in your mind is prayer. Thank Him in faith for all the benefits that you will be receiving from Him. As you keep talking to Him, God’s presence will fill you. This is how Moses stayed in the presence of God for several days and spoke to Him. He didn’t feel lonely and was happy in the presence of the Lord. Heeding all that he spoke, the Lord led him by His hand. You too should follow this. You should never give room for anxiety or worry. “My Lord is sufficient for me. He will speak to me about what I should do, through His Word.” With this hope, you must read the Bible diligently and pray to Him, however terrible your situation may be. Once, in my life, I faced a hard situation. I received some

APRIL 2016

invitations from abroad for ministry. Until then I had never been to a foreign country by myself, only with my husband. So I was deeply troubled over this. It is my custom to go to church on the first of every month and submit all my pleas at the feet of the Lord. When I went to church that month, the pastor gave a beautiful message on the basis of this verse: “For by You I can run against a troop, by my God I can leap over a wall. As for God, His way is perfect; The word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him” (Psalm 18:29, 32). I, who was sitting there with apprehension and worry, felt as if the Lord was speaking directly to me through these words and I was made bold with strength in my soul (Psalm 128:3). After that I began to fast and pray to prepare eighteen

“My Lord is sufficient for me. He will speak to me about what I should do, through His Word.”

Lord. It is not an easy thing to approach the king and talk to him. The Lord was with her and put in her mouth the right words. By those words, she received only blessings and no other problem cropped up. The destruction which was about to befall on her and her tribe was changed upside and was made into a blessing. Please read this verse well and believe it so that this promise would bring you a great blessing. “Truly the Lord loves me. He is with me. He will never forsake me.” Secondly, hold on to Him fully believing. “I am under his hand; He knows what my needs are. He would surely give me whatever I ask Him by waiting at His presence, according to “Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us” (Ephesians 3:20). Thirdly, believing that the Word he reveals to us will surely come to pass, let us examine His teachings and strengthen ourselves.

messages which I had to share over the course of three days. God’s presence wonderfully filled me on all three days. He strengthened me; gave me the appropriate words; He Himself accomplished His will. I returned home joyfully. Yes, the Lord Himself perfected everything for me even in my journeys and ministry. Truly God was with me. Read the Book of Esther in the Bible. A great destruction was about to fall upon her Jewish tribe. What did she do? She humbled herself for three days and held on to the feet of the

A life devoid of prayer is vain. A family that does not pray is empty. So, mend your life and have fellowship with the Lord by joining Him through incessant prayer as much as possible. Then this promise will be fulfilled in your life and you will surely receive full blessings in your life no matter how much worry, burden and trial the devil may try to bring for you. You shall indeed be blessed. Do you live close with the Lord, as His friend? Examine this and confess all your shortcomings at His feet. “When Jesus, who is the perfect One has come, then that which is in part will be done away” (I Corinthians 13:10).

NEW JESUS CALLS PRAYER TOWERS 96th Prayer Tower in Theni On March 5th, Stella Dhinakaran inaguarted the new Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Theni, Tamil Nadu, India. Address: Jesus Calls Prayer Tower 442, Periyakulam Road, Opposite to PC Convent Higher Secondary School Thatti Villas Building, Theni

For prayers call: 04546–255059

97th Prayer Tower in Dindugal On March 6th, Stella Tower Dindugal District, Tamil Nadu. Dhinakaran inagurated the new Jesus Calls Prayer in Dindugal, Address: Jesus Calls Prayer Tower 72, Siluvathur Road, Near Kamaraj Marriage Hall, Dindugal Tamil Nadu, India.

For prayers call: 04541–2424599



Blessing Meetings


Every Saturday from 2–6PM Prayer Tower Suite 208 Canada Christian College, 50 Gervais Drive, Toronto, Ontario M3C 1Z3, Canada


Fasting Prayer

My name is Vasuki. I was born in hindu family. In 1997, all of a sudden my family faced crisis. Through these trials and tribulations, we were seeking diligently the true God. The living God reveal Himself through various experiences. Immediately, we received salvation and water baptism.

Every Friday from 10AM–1PM Prayer Tower Suite 208 Canada Christian College, 50 Gervais Drive, Toronto, Ontario M3C 1Z3, Canada

As soon as we received born again experience, we were all eager to learn the bible from beginning to end. The Lord placed in various crusades and seminars. In 2001, Jesus Calls ministry conducted a Power Ministry at Canada Christian college. We attended the 3 day power ministry seminar with our whole family. By the end of the day Bro. D. G. S. Dhinakaran prophesied over each person who participated in the 3 days. As a young christian, I was preplexed by our situation. But, at the right time Bro. D. G. S. Dhinakaran prophesied over me, “Don’t be worried about your future; I will take care of you! Says the Lord.” They taped it in an audio cassette and gave to me. Now almost 15 years later, as the Lord promised, He gave me an opportunity to study and received my diploma with honors and found my professional job and I was able to look after my family. He gave us a beautiful house to live peacefully. Also in my children’s life to receive professional academic fulfillment in their education and scholarships as well. Recently, my daughter received a full time permanent job in her career profession. Not only that, but also is very closed to our home. She is able to come home for lunch. I am so thankful for my Lord and what He has done in our lives. My children were enrolled in Young Partners Plan also. I am thanking for all the prayers from Jesus Calls Ministry and the founders as well. All the glory to God alone! He is the fountain of all blessings!

Bible Studies Every Thursday from 11:30AM–2PM Prayer Tower Suite 208 Canada Christian College, 50 Gervais Drive, Toronto, Ontario M3C 1Z3, Canada

Tamil Blessing Meeting Every last Friday of the month at 6:30PM Scarborough Action for Neighborhood 3600 Kingstron Road, (inside Scarborough Village Community Centre, northeast corner of Markham/ Kingston Road)

Youth Meeting Every 2nd Saturday of the month from 4:30PM–6PM Prayer Tower Suite 208 Canada Christian College, 50 Gervais Drive, Toronto, Ontario M3C 1Z3, Canada

Esther Prayer Meeting Every 2nd Saturday of the month from 1PM–3PM Prayer Tower Suite 208 Canada Christian College, 50 Gervais Drive, Toronto, Ontario M3C 1Z3, Canada

–Sister in Christ, Vasuki Balachanthiran #SUITE 208 50 GERVAIS DRIVE TORONTO, ONTARIO, M3C 1Z3 ADMIN@JESUSCALLSCANADA.CA 416–385–7576


APRIL 2016


PRAYER TOWER TESTIMONY I have been a Jesus Calls Partner for many years. We as a family are enrolled in the Family Blessing Plan and our daughter is also a children’s partner. After we became partners, Jesus blessed us in so many ways. We were spared from divorce, tempation of suicide, hopelessness and peacelessness. As Jesus came to give us abundant life–according to the word of God–we as a family were brought to the saving grace and were born again. We have tasted and seen that our Lord is good. We have so much peace, hope and joy in our lives. Last month I had an exam in my job and due to computer seating issues I started having neck pain and headaches during the exam. As a result, out of 140 questions I could not finish the last 15 questions. Though I have done my part by studying I was in so much agony after the exam. I prayed to Jesus. When the results came back, Jesus did a miracle and gave me success. I give all the glory and honor to Jesus alone. Jesus has also healed my asthma and my daughter’s sinus headache. Jesus is so awesome. Thank you for all the prayers from Dr. Paul and his family and the prayer warriors. –Geetha Samuel Anchorage, Alaska, USA

EVENTS Friday Night Blessing Meetings Every Friday at 7PM Dallas Prayer Tower 8855 N. Stemmons Frwy Dallas, TX 75247 April 1st, 2016 Evangeline Dhinakaran April 8th, 2016 Members of the Dhinakaran family will be sharing God’s word and personally be praying for everyone gathered. April 15th, 2016 Durai Pandithuri April 22nd, 2016 Evangeline Dhinakaran’s birthday celebration and the members of the Dhinakaran family will be sharin God’s word and personally be praying for everyone gathered. April 29th, 2016 Lincy Pandithurai

Esther Prayer Group 9:30 AM March 12th, 2016 Two locations: Frisco and Plano For more details contact the Dallas Prayer Tower. 9:30 AM March 19th, 2016 Dallas Prayer Tower 8855 N. Stemmons Frwy Dallas, TX 75247

For further details and prayers call us at 972–499–4995 or 855– JESUSCALLS (toll free) Email us at





With Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family

Join the Dhinakaran family for a special services in Tampa, Florida and Flushing, New York The members of the Dhinakaran family will be praying personally for everyone who attends.



Saturday, April 16th

Saturday, April 30th



Temple Terrace United Methodist Church

Promise International Fellowship Church

For more information contact: (813) 766–8961 or (972) 499–4995

For more information contact: (646) 267–5500 or (972) 499–4995

5030 E. Busch Blvd. Temple Terrace, FL 33617


130-30 31st Avenue Flushing, NY 11354


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