Jesus Calls International August 2019

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My beloved in Christ, I thank the Lord for enabling me to connect with you through this August month issue of ‘Jesus Calls’ magazine so that together we can praise the Lord for all the great miracles He has done in this ministry, to pray along with you for the future blessings to come in the ministry, in our families, in our personal lives and to share with you the things in my heart.

“…God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment…” (1 Timothy 6:17) According to this verse, may the Lord provide you with everything for your enjoyment in the month of August.

Prayer Tower ministries “Who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” (2 Corinthians 1:4) The Prayer Tower ministry was started with a vision that everyone should receive the blessings and comfort of the Lord. After my father accepted Lord Jesus as his personal Savior, for around 14 years, he preached the word of the Lord in the streets. At the end of the day after his work, he would share about the love of the Lord Jesus to people in the streets and pray for them. The Lord saw his faithfulness and sacrifice and promised him by saying, “From now on, I will use you mightily to tell the good news to large number of people”. At the age of 34 he was bedridden due to his kidneys being affected. When the fear of wondering whether he will survive or not gripped him, the Lord encouraged him by saying, “I will never leave you nor


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forsake you”. His life was revived. To understand what it meant to follow the Lord (Luke 9:23), and to establish a place of prayer so that people can get prayer assistance day and night, the Lord gave a command to my father Bro. D. G. S. Dhinakaran on 26th September 1977. My father had been praying for six years to get enough grace and financial facilities to fulfill this command of the Lord. According to the will of God on 12th August 1983, the first ‘Jesus Calls’ prayer tower was dedicated in Chennai. The prayer warriors prayed for the people who contacted through the telephone in Tamil and English. The Lord guided me on 29th July 1986 to erect prayer towers in each state capital of India and in every continent, where prayers will be offered 24 hours throughout the day and week. Accordingly, we worked towards it and today we have 123 prayer towers to serve people in India and around the world. In India alone, the prayer services are offered in eight languages.

Delhi Prayer Tower After my father went to be with the Lord, the Lord commanded me on 11th June 2008 to build a prophetical prayer tower in the capital of the country, New Delhi. On 4th September 2010, the prayer tower was dedicated in the same place, where it is functioning today, as it was shown to me in a vision. In the National prayer tower, people from all over India come voluntarily to stay and pray unceasingly for the nation and the leaders. If the Lord tugs your heart towards praying for the nation, you can register by calling the following numbers 8826340044/8826340033 or contact through email Following this, on 21st October 2010, the Lord guided me to establish prophetical prayer towers in different continents around the world. We started preparing towards it with much prayer.

Israel Prayer Tower “Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven

and filled the whole house where they were sitting.” - Acts 2:2 By the grace of God on 4th November 2013, the Israel prayer tower was dedicated in the city of Jerusalem. When I was explaining to all the leaders of the churches and servants of God about the vision behind the establishment of the Israel prayer tower, one of the closed windows of the prayer tower opened. A strong wind blew on me through that window which was facing the Mount of Olives. All those who were gathered that day in the Israel prayer tower saw it and were amazed! That top floor was completely filled with the glory of the Lord. Even now prayer warriors from across the world come to the Israel prayer tower to pray and prophesy, preparing the world for the second coming of Jesus Christ.

Works in the Mumbai and Bengaluru Prayer Tower “The people rejoiced at the willing response of their leaders, for they had given freely and wholeheartedly to the LORD…” (1 Chronicles 29:9) According to the detailed write up in the previous issues, the Ghatkopar prayer tower’s expansion work is nearing completion. The renovation was required due to the damage caused to it by heavy rains in Mumbai. By the month of September, the Ghatkopar prayer tower will be re-dedicated and ready to function. I request you to support the construction work with your offerings as the Lord leads you. In the same way, along with praying for the construction work of the Bengaluru prayer tower in Frazer town, I ask you to support it financially as the Lord urges you. You can see the simple ways to send your offerings towards the construction of the Mumbai and Bengaluru prayer towers in page 9 of this issue.

Technological effort We are arranging for an Omni channel facility to pray for the loved ones who contact us through letters, e-mail, website, Facebook, WhatsApp, - August 2019 JESUS CALLS


Fifty two out of 100 churches were already completed and dedicated and we dedicated the rest 48 on the 13th of last month.


SMS and phone calls. If this technology is in use, it will be possible to quickly respond to loved ones contacting the prayer tower. Omni Channel Prayer towers have been installed in eight locations across India. Through this facility, we can offer prayers for people faster and we can send the answers from God’s presence faster. Pray that the Lord may bless all these attempts and to meet all the necessary financial requirements.

Restoration work after the storm After the devastation caused by the Gaja cyclone in the district of Tanjore and other areas in the delta region, we attempted to repair the affected churches and rebuild them according to the guidance given by God. Fifty two out of 100 churches were already completed and dedicated and we dedicated the rest 48 on the 13th of last month. Not only that, through SEESHA houses too were built and given. All this was possible because of the generous

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offerings given towards the project. The Lord will not forget this act of love and will surely bless you.

Forthcoming ministries On August 4th and September 8th, a Special Blessing Meeting in Bethesda Prayer Tower and on November 8, 9, and 10 meetings are being arranged to be held in Nagaland. Pray that the Lord shall use us mightily in these meetings. May the grace of the Lord surround you throughout this month. “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights…” (James 1:17) According to this verse, may the Lord shower the good and perfect gifts from heaven upon you this month. Your loving brother who prays for you,

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

My precious friend,

“God who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.” (1 Timothy 6:17)

May God bless you in abundance this month. Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all the blessings shall be added unto you( Matt.6:33). May God’s strength remove all the fatigue in your life. May His glorious riches furnish everything you ever lack and His supernatural Spirit vanish all your spiritual weakness and make you perfect!

Glorious riches! The promise for this month is 1 Timothy 6:17. I’m changing the word ‘our’ in the verse to ‘your’. The final part of the verse says,“ Put your hope in God, who richly provides you with everything for your enjoyment.” Well, as the latter part talks about the aspect on to which we are supposed to put our hope, the first part of the verse talks - August 2019 JESUS CALLS


otherwise. It talks about the aspect that shouldn’t gain our hope. It explicitly warns the rich of the world not to put their hope in their riches. It doesn’t mean we aren’t supposed to be prosperous. On the other hand, God wants us to be well off (3 John 2). No matter prosperity or tribulation, God’s people turn out to be witnesses in regard to their ‘calling’. The Bible clearly teaches us not to love money; or to put our hopes in our wealth but in God who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment! As you do so, you’re not only blessed with glorious riches but as well with the grace to inherit and enjoy it for generations! So many millionaires and billionaires walk the earth unable to enjoy their own riches which they earned with their fraudulent ways. Despite their lofty bank balance, they’d move around in tattered clothing, ride on old wheels, rest on saggy couches and stay under leaky roofs. Yes, that’s the sad reality! Money might get accumulated but that’s all it could do if acquired of deception. Some billionaires simply survive on water or milk; such is the condition of their health.

As God intervenes, you shall by all means be granted good health, a wonderful spouse, wonderful children, a beautiful place to live. More than anything, His presence shall prevail over you. God shall be with you. And as you lead a righteous life, He shall make your name great! We, the ones in Christ must lack nothing. No accusing finger must ever point towards us. We must be a blessing to everyone. That’s the enjoyment the Bible talks about and God wants you to have it.

Aspects of Enjoyment We have to put our hope not on wealth but on God, who richly provides everything for your enjoyment. Psalm 37 lists things we must do to enjoy every blessing from God. Firstly, “Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.” Psalm 37:3 What a beautiful experience! You shall enjoy safe pasture! Safe pasture is nothing but money, wisdom and love reaching you whenever you need; God’s favor prevailing over you all the way. That’s safe pasture! The only thing we are supposed to do is to trust in the Lord and do good. Yes, do good. Trust in Him. We are asked to do good when we have the power to do so (James 4:17). There are powerful people in the world with health, wealth and what not; but if someone in need seeks them, they wouldn’t bother to help. Such would be their heart! They shall ever be mindful of their position, their glory and of the legacy of their wealth. This verse asks us not to have our faith in the money we have or in our possessions but to do good without ceasing (Gal. 6:9). As we do so, our possessions shall grow, our relationships shall flourish and we shall enjoy safe pasture in this very world. “Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart.” Psalm 37:4 Secondly, delight yourself in the Lord and start receiving everything your heart desires. Of course your desires shall resemble God’s plan for you. The desire of the righteous is certainly different from that of the worldly. What exactly is delighting ourselves in the Lord? What is it to have the desires of our heart?

Commit your ways to the Lord ; trust in Him and He will perfect everything concerning you.

One young billionaire who was dying of cancer, wrote a note on social media which said, “I became a billionaire when I was 40 and I am dying of cancer right now. My billions couldn’t save me. My fancy cars stay useless. I couldn’t enjoy anything! Right now, medicines are my food! I’m prohibited to have everything I like. I am all alone in the hospital, ever looking at the calendar as to when I would die! I can see no one who honored me when I made those billions, by my side now! I am dying all alone.” Dear friend, enjoy your food. Enjoy the company of the ones around. Enjoy life when you are healthy. Money is certainly not everything. This kind of enjoyment is simply carnal. It is God who grants His children the grace to relish life. “Moreover, when God gives someone wealth and possessions, and the ability to enjoy them, to accept their lot and be happy in their toil—this is a gift of God.” Ecc.5:19 8

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Bible assures “May He give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed” (Psalm 20:4). The earlier verse, Psalm20:3 says, “May God accept our sacrifices and our burnt offerings.” Burnt offering represents nothing but our obedience to God (1 Samuel 15:22). As we give up the lusts and worldly desires, God grants us the desires of our heart. As we abandon the ways of the world and turn towards God, our desires become holy and His plans get manifested in our lives. That’s the very truth behind our prayer that Jesus taught us which says, “Oh heavenly Father, let thy will be done in my life, let thy will be done in my life on earth as it is in heaven.” As this desire grows within us, God starts to fulfil such desires! Even today God is about to grant you that very grace of desiring His plan and bless you with all the glorious riches.

PRAYER Loving Heavenly Father, examine the hearts of everyone who prays with me to have Your desire in their lives. May Your plans for their lives resemble their very desires. Reveal Your mighty plan to them and show them Your ways. Let Thy Holy Spirit lead them. Let their hearts desires be fulfilled. Let their souls, their families, their

academics, their work and everything they initiate be richly blessed. Let all the blessings come upon them right now in Jesus’ name. Amen. My precious friend, This month, as we celebrate our nation’s Independence Day, let us pray that God’s blessing enfolds the entire population and the governance. May God’s light descend upon our nation and fill every heart. May God bestow His grace on us so that we take His word and His light to the whole nation. I indeed feel excited that we are about to celebrate the 36th Anniversary of the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower this very month. The first Prayer Tower was inaugurated on 12th August 1983 at 16, Greenways Road, Chennai (presently named as DR.DGS Dhinakaran Rd). Today, God has blessed us with 123 Prayer Towers in India and abroad. Of course we are also working hard to have more Prayer Towers across the country and in all the nations to pray for all people. I sincerely thank you for all your prayers and support in partnering with us. God shall surely build your life and your family with all the hope you need.



Who do the worship leaders say he is? Pastor Alwin Thomas, Senior Pastor, Ruah revival church, Chennai


he aim and calling of a worship leader is to make people connect with God. It is a worship leader’s responsibility to usher in the presence of God. By this perspective, I see dear uncle D. G. S. Dhinakaran as a pioneering worship leader. Even though people recognize uncle D. G. S. Dhinakaran through his words, the miracles and signs happened through him, I see him as a great worship leader. When he began to sing, “Ullamellam urugathaiyo” and “Jesus calls us all”, instead of Bro. D. G. S. Dhinakaran’s face, they saw the face of Jesus. There was holiness in uncle’s worship; when He sang, the presence of God was there! He served as an example for worship leaders. The people might be encouraged to search for God, looking at how a worship leader worships the Lord. Praise is to call upon the name of God; we can


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move ourselves that time or clap our hands. The peak of praise is worship. During the time of worship, a deep sense of submission to God is expected. Uncle D. G. S. Dhinakaran, lived in the presence of God and led people into it. That is why, a glory covered his ministry and the people who came for his meetings. In 1998, when I was nearing death, God met me and led me to conviction. He gave me salvation and changed my life. During those days, uncle’s messages comforted me and built my faith. Whenever I was going through a rough path in my life, I’d watch Uncle’s television programs. When I heard those messages, I felt that my wounds have healed. From that day onwards, I had a desire to interact with uncle and attend the Institute of Power Ministry, which he conducted. In 1999, I joined with Bro. Sam Jebadurai in his ministry called the “Daily Bread.” He was a good

spiritual guide to me but as I continued to work with him, I did not get any leave to participate in the Power Ministry. Yet in 2004, the Holy Spirit urged me in my heart to participate in the ‘Jesus Calls’ Power Ministry. Somehow, I felt within me that this would be the last power ministry that uncle Dhinakaran would conduct. Therefore, I decided to take part in the training. When I sat down and listened to uncle’s messages and the explanations he gave in the power ministry, a fire arose in my heart. The words of dear Bro. Paul Dhinakaran also created a great impact on me. But I could never forget that one night. Uncle was wearing a sandal colour safari and was answering questions that the people asked about his life experiences. When he mentioned all the diseases he suffered in his life and all the losses he faced, as he said these words, “Even in the midst of this I will seek the Lord; I will minister for Him. Till my last breath I will live for the Lord”, it broke my heart. After hearing that, I saw him as a diamond on a great crown among the ministers of God. A diamond will look black. But the more you purify it, the more it glitters. Likewise, uncle takes in the people who are black like that diamond into the power ministry and gives them shape to make them to shine. I see him as an Elijah who raised many Elisha’s. I was heartbroken when I imagined the countless troubles and criticisms uncle went through, but even in the midst of that, he was faithful to God.

A young man who wrestled in prayer at night On that day of the power ministry, everyone went back to their rooms after the meeting. I hid behind a plant near the auditorium and sat down. I think I was fasting for a full day that day. Therefore, I did not eat that night. After everyone went to their respective rooms, I fell down at the place where uncle preached and cried to God saying, “Lord, if I am doing ministry, it should be a mighty ministry like this. I should

live a life like this. Whatever may come, I should not backslide from you. Like uncle, I will serve you faithfully even in the midst of any sufferings. Please use me too.” I cried the whole night lying on the seat. The people who came to clean the place would ask, “Who is that?”, but when they saw me praying filled with the anointing they would leave me.

Spiritual father In this world, the Lord gives us three fathers. One is our Eternal Father and the other is our earthly father. We cannot select both of them; we cannot change them but we can choose our spiritual father. Today, as many of them do not have a spiritual father they are not able to rise and shine in ministry. I wholeheartedly saw uncle D. G. S. Dhinakaran as a spiritual father and cried unto him as Elisha cried. I cried in prayer, “I need this anointing which is upon him.” I believe, the Lord heard it and let me further explain this. The day before the final day of the Power Ministry, from among 1800 people, they chose one person to pray for uncle D. G. S. Dhinakaran on their behalf. The lot fell on me. I thought, “How will I pray for such a great man of God?” I fasted for the entire day and when I went there to pray for uncle, all the people began to pray loudly in tongues for uncle. That place was filled with the presence of God. We all cried together, “Let uncle live long.” We cried in a manner like how Joshua would cry for Moses and how Elisha would cry for Elijah. After the prayer, I went to - August 2019 JESUS CALLS


uncle. He said, “Alwin, thank you Alwin” and it made me happy to hear uncle call my name several times.

The Father who remembered the poor Everyone would tell about uncle’s memory power. I had only heard of it but for the first time I experienced it the day before I prayed in the power ministry camp. Everyone stood in a line and went forward to get the prayers of uncle. Uncle blessed everyone. I stood right at the end of the line. Uncle was very tired and two people were holding uncle’s hands and were keeping them on each one’s head. On my turn, they kept his hand on my head. I kissed uncle’s hand and moved on but Stella amma saw me and asked, “Brother! Are you not the one who comes in Bro. Sam Jebadurai’s TV program ?” At once she called uncle and said, “Appa, appa, look!This is Brother Alwin Thomas.” At once uncle saw me and said, “’Brother, marvelous programme. You ask questions from various perspectives to Bro. Sam Jebadurai. I always thought what I would do if you asked such questions to me. No matter where we go in the evening, we would come back home at night and watch that program. It is a blessed program.” It was like a mountain looking at a small hill and saying ‘I was always looking at you’. I am a small servant of God. It was a great blessing to me that he remembered my name, just an interviewer on the TV programme. In that training camp, I wrote a letter to uncle and gave it to the person who was helping uncle. Uncle wrote a reply saying, “The Lord is going to use you throughout the world mightily” as a prophecy and blessed me. In that power ministry training camp my life got transformed.

Even after losing what was there Uncle was like a father figure to us. But a true test for a father is in a situation like that of Abraham where the Lord asked Abraham to sacrifice his child as if asking, “Do you love me even now?” That test is not for all. Only some of us can write that test. Our dear uncle D. G. S. Dhinakaran, was really tested like Abraham and lost his beloved daughter in an accident. Amidst this tragedy, the whole world was talking that he will never do ministry again and that the ministry has ended. Despite that when he preached, “The Lord is good; He is a miracle worker; He will do wonders” and continued the ministry, I felt that he was like an Apostle of India and a father for all those who followed Christ in India. 12

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Considerate father We can say that dear uncle was a father to the fatherless. Truly, each time he ministered with a father’s compassion in his heart. He also kept other ministries in his mind. He would write down their names and every month he would send his tithe to one of the ministries as led by the Lord. When I was working with the “Daily Bread”, once, Bro. Sam Jebadurai was struggling financially. There was no money to give away the salaries. We all fasted and prayed, “Lord, meet our needs.” Suddenly a letter from uncle D. G. S. Dhinakaran came. After opening the letter, Bro. Sam Jebadurai said, “Praise the Lord.” I asked, “What brother?” Then I saw the letter written by uncle D. G. S. Dhinakaran that read, “I was praying for you, then the Holy Spirit said, ‘send money for Bro. Sam Jebadurai.’” The responsibility of a father is to know the needs of the children and meet them, take care of them, pray for them and protect them. Uncle D. G. S. Dhinakaran was like a father to many not only by his preaching but also truly he was an example of a father full of compassion, meeting the needs of the children and sharing the burden of a ministry. Not only Christians, even people from other religious backgrounds respected him

like a father. That’s why for his funeral, swarms of people who were gathered cried, “Father, you have left us.”

He is a prophet because… A prophet is like a fearless lion. Elijah was a prophet. Even the king feared the word that came out of Elijah’s mouth. The last citizen of the city also feared. What was the reason? That which comes from his mouth will be fulfilled. When uncle D. G. S. Dhinakaran was alive, we saw that all the prophecies told by him were fulfilled. His prophecy was not only for the present times but also for the future . He would say like, “This is going to happen; This person in this nation is like this” and as we read in Amos 3:8, “the lion has roared-who will not fear?” Uncle prophesied like a fearless lion and revealed whatever was said to him by God. He not only prophesied a specific man’s past, present and future, but he was a prophet for the nations. We read in the Bible that Apostle John who saw the future in a vision, was taken to high places and received heavenly experiences. The Lord gave these visions to a man through the Spirit. Uncle Dhinakaran was one such person who received these great experiences. He was the prophet of prophets. He was like an example, a guide and a father to all pastors. I could say, he was not only relevant to all religions but to all church denominations as well. Everyone was able to sit down and listen to his message. The reason why the Catholics, Reformed churches and the Pentecostal believers came running to sit down with him was,

he would prove the word of the Lord not only in words but also in deeds.

The true servant of God who encouraged many I recall this time when I had produced my first CD. At the time dear Sam, Sharon and Sweety would come to do their home- work in one of their dear aunt’s house. One day I was going through that particular way and had a desire to see the children. I thought to give the CD to Sam and ask him to give it to uncle. I wrote on the CD, “To my beloved spiritual father, with love” and gave it to him. Dear uncle, even in the midst of all his tight work schedule, travelling, TV program recordings, letter replies and office work, he did not throw the CD away thinking that someone gave it. But he listened to the songs on it again and again. Sam told me, “Grandpa was listening to your songs again and again playing it on a small CD player in his bedroom.” Not only that, uncle wrote me a letter saying, “Brother, the Lord has poured this precious anointing on your life. In this worship, I see anointing. Do not leave this anointing. There is anointing in this worship. Without rattling and jeering, it looks very precious. You will be a blessing to millions of people.” In his handwriting, he wrote the prophetical word “A faithful man will abound with blessings” (Proverbs 28:20). As we read in Mark 16:19, 20, ‘the Lord was with them and confirmed His word through signs’ I was astounded looking at the miracles performed through uncle. Truly, he was a father of fathers. According to “My father, My father, the chariots and horsemen of Israel…” (2 Kings 13:14), not only was he truly a father to all of us, but was a chariot and horseman to all those who are in India. He was a man of God who did the fire ministry of the Lord, an Apostle, a prophet, a shepherd of shepherds and a good father. What more blessings do you need? Even if uncle D. G. S. Dhinakaran is not there in flesh, his ministry and his life is still guiding us and is a blessing in our lives. - August 2019 JESUS CALLS


300 Prayer intercessors at the TELEPHONE PRAYER TOWERS 3 Shifts! 15,000 Calls! 800 prayer intercessors at the COUNSELING CENTRE! 2 shifts! 6000 visitors Thousands get blessed every month!

PRAYER TOWERS “Shoving grief through fervent prayer”  God’s children, with a burden for the unsaved and the brokenhearted, turn out to become prayer intercessors at the prayer towers and pray with much diligence...


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Keeping in mind the condition of every soul that enters the prayer tower with hope, we have installed meditation halls and chain prayer rooms at our towers!

Prayers for different purposes are hosted at the prayer towers everyday!

Souls in need of miracles step in with grief; and step out with joy!

Of course the prayer towers serve all day long; but we wanted to help the ones stuck at home as well! That’s when the “Telephone Prayer Tower” ministry was born; to serve a larger number…

No matter the place; anyone is free to call us from anywhere!

Grief-stricken souls call with hope for deliverance, for miracles, for consolation and so on and get comforted!

The Telephone Prayer Towers operate from Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Delhi, Trivandrum, and Ahmedabad, Coimbatore, Madurai, Ranchi and Kolkatta.

Right now we pray in 8 languages; English, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Hindi, Punjabi and Gujarati. We are planning to offer prayer services in Konkani, Bengali, Odia, Assamese, Khasi, Nepali and in Mizo soon.

Everyday multiple souls get healed from their issues by our prayer answering God through the earnest prayers of the intercessors! This ministry of prayer and testimony seems to expand day by day as the faith of the people expands...

Manifold blessings “I’m Bibiyana, from Tuticorin. I started suffering of wheezing when I was 9 months old. My condition was pretty bad and I was facing death. Whoever came to visit me told my parents that I’d die. My parents were worried! That’s when my father visited the Jesus Calls prayer tower and prayed. The intercessors there briefed my father about ‘the Young Partner’s Plan’ and he enrolled me in it. Soon after that, I was miraculously healed and became healthy! I used to visit the Jesus calls prayer tower and pray regularly; when I was studying. ‘Jesus Calls’ was my only hope. I witnessed God blessing me and granting me more and more wisdom. I took up teachers training. But even before completing the course I got placed as a teacher in a government institution!” - August 2019 JESUS CALLS


Incredible healing “I’m John Selvaraj and I’m 52 years old. I have 2 daughters. I was a lorry driver. All of a sudden, I fell sick and became diabetic. My system failed to digest anything I had. I went to the doctors. My endoscopy results revealed that I had cancer! Doctors advised me to undergo a surgery and I did. Even after the surgery, I couldn’t have food. I threw-up everything. The doctors operated me a second time. By then I wasn’t even able to walk. The agony was unbearable! I also underwent chemotherapy. In a situation as such, I visited the Jesus Calls prayer tower. The prayer intercessors prayed for me with great burden. I started visiting the Prayer Tower regularly. What a miracle! I started walking and was totally healed!

Tower of Hope “I’m Aparna from Trivandrum. Last year all of a sudden my mother felt an ache in her heart. We rushed to the hospital and found that it was a heart attack. Her condition was serious. We shifted her to a bigger hospital for a second opinion. There again she was diagnosed with the same. Back then, my father wasn’t there with us. It was just my brother and I. We were helpless and didn’t know what to do. Doctors lost hope. It was then, I called the Telephone Prayer Tower and told them about my mother's condition. With great burden, they prayed and told me that if I believed God right then, He is capable of working wonders for my mother. I believed and prayed with them! Within a few hours as all the tests were taken again, the doctors told me that my mother was completely fine and the pain in her heart was just of gastritis and nothing else. I strongly believe that my mother was healed by God. Glory be to Him! I praise God for the Jesus Calls telephone prayer support with all my heart.

My friend, We invite you to join the Jesus Calls ministry team to be a blessing to millions and impact lives by supporting the Prayer Towers Ministry. God will bless you and your generations. You can contact our Prayer Towers any time and we are here to pray for you. Remember that prayer is just a call away. 16

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I AM LED BY THE LORD TO SUPPORT (Please tick) For Prayer Intercessors who pray for the broken-hearted souls (includes salary, computer terminal, space, nationally networked private phone system, follow up materials ; for per person Rs 5000 for 1 week; Rs 20,000 for 1 month; Rs 2,50,000 /- for a year is required) I am willing to give Rs 5000 Rs 20,000/Rs 2,50,000 /Name:................................................Partner code (if any) .......................Date of birth........................ Address:..................................................................................................................................................................... Mobile: ...........................................................Email:............................................................................ (Mention the Telephone Prayer Tower that you would like to support – Chennai, Bengaluru, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Trivandrum, Coimbatore, Ranchi and Kolkata SIMPLE WAYS TO SEND YOUR OFFERING, KINDLY REFER PAGE 9 - August 2019 JESUS CALLS


Set the captives free I used to do drugs and I was caught up in other addictions as well. I was contemplating to commit suicide. Three months ago my father passed away. I used to get angry and annoyed with others very easily. In my anger, I used to hit people. From 2012, I was admitted in a rehabilitation centre. Just 10 days ago, my mother brought me out from there. As she took me to attend this first day meeting (April 2019, Punjab), even as I entered I felt very 18

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happy. But on going back, I faced obstacles that tried to keep me from attending the next day’s meeting. Somehow I overcame it and attended the meeting. Suddenly Bro. Paul called my name and I felt as if my heart stopped beating. First, I didn’t go to the stage doubting that maybe it was some other Nitin. But Bro. Paul continued with prophetic anointing and said, “I see a young man. His name is Nitin. You are in this crowd. You are planning to commit suicide. When you came to this meeting you were saying that there is nobody in this world to help you. But now you are experiencing God’s love in your spirit, Nitin. Yes, the demonic spirits are leaving you. Jesus is coming. Yes, for those who forsook you, God will

bless you, and you will become a blessing for them. Yes, you will have a job. You will rise up. Someday you will have your own business. The love of God is flowing into your life now.'' As Bro. Paul was prophesying, I felt the presence of God and His touch. My whole body was shaking. God delivered me from evil spirits and gave me a peace that man cannot give. After this deliverance, I have started to read the Bible, meditate and pray every day without fail. I praise and thank God for changing my life and I thank Bro. Paul who prayed for me. - Nitin, Jalandhar

Blessing of child after 28 years of marriage

Bro. Gurusamy: We are from Chennai and married for 28 years. We were childless. We’ve suffered a lot and went to many places for treatment. The doctors who checked us just said, “Everything is good.” We had been praying in faith since then. We had accepted the Lord Jesus Christ in 2010 and once God said in our prayers, “I will give you a child, wait for that day.” In 2016, when I was 47 and my wife was 46, we tried for test tube baby. My wife got conceived in the first attempt itself and we were filled with so much joy when we heard it. But in the 3rd month, she suffered a miscarriage and we went into great pain. We prayed to the Lord. We lamented that we spent for this treatment through our debts and alas this had happened! Then the Lord said, “You don’t need that child. I will give you another one. Go for the treatment." We went for the treatment. The same month, the child was conceived in the womb. Three months passed. And then the doctors told, after checking my wife, that her uterus was very weak, it seems that the child is about to come out and that they

have to do the stitching. At that time, we heard about the Family Blessing Meeting at Vanagaram and attended it. Dr. Paul prayed for us. While praying he said, “Lord Jesus, You should be with them so that they would come up here with the baby and share the testimony." After that, he also sent a comforting letter saying, “The Lord will give you a child in a normal delivery. And you shall come as a testimony.” In the same manner, the Lord gladdened us with a baby girl through normal delivery. It’s been three months and we named her Narmatha. Wife Pushpa: I used to visit Vanagaram Prayer Tower for prayers, specially the Tuesday prayers. I would neither loudly pray for a baby nor ask a prayer intercessor to pray for this because I felt ashamed to ask in this older age. I used to keep it within myself and pray. I used to attend the meetings of Sis. Stella Dhinakaran also. For the first time in 2018, at the New Year meeting I got her prayers and then went for the treatment. The Lord blessed me the same month. Bro. Gurusamy: Believing that we would be having a child, three years AGO we joined in the YPP plan in faith and just within a year, the Lord blessed us with the gift of a child. It’s been three months since the child was born. We give millions of thanks to the Lord for He has blessed us because we have joined the YPP plan. Prayer by Dr.Paul Dhinakaran: Thank You Father, for this child. This family believed you. And you have blessed them with a baby by honoring their faith. Even now, let this child be healthy. Let them enjoy this child not only throughout the year, but throughout their lifetime, O Father. Let her be blessed as she grows. Grant them a long life because of this child. Give them prosperous days. Grant them a long life and healthy days until they let her marry and see her prosper, O Father. I bless them, O Father. And also look upon those who are suffering because of childlessness even in this day, O Father. Let them conceive in Jesus’ name. Let the weakness of the husbands be removed from them, O Father. Please do them a wonder. Whatever may be the age, even in 100 you gave Abraham a child. Grant your children the gift of a child and prove that you're living in them, O Jesus. Bring into being things that are not. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Now is the time to glorify God by sharing your success story through letter (Address: 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028) or email to






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1 Timothy 6:17 - Lord richly provides all Meditation: Eccl. 3:11; 5:18-19; Acts 14:17; Heb. 4:16 John 16:20 – Your sorrows will turn into joy Meditation: 1 Sam. 18:6; Esther 9:2123; Jer. 31:13; 2 Cor. 7:4 Genesis 28:15 – God who fulfils the promises Meditation: Num. 23:19; 1 Chron. 28:20; Job 23:14; Heb. 13:5 Daniel 12:3 – You will shine like stars Meditation: Prov. 4:18-23; Isaiah 60:1-3; Matt. 13:43; 2 Cor. 4:6 John 6:63 – The words of the Lord are spirit and life Meditation: 2 Sam. 22:31; Psalm 119:105; Isaiah 55:11; Heb. 4:12 Proverbs 10:30 – The righteous will never be shaken Meditation: Psalm 16:8; 125:1; Prov. 10:25; Rom. 8:35-39 Deuteronomy 28:3 - You will be blessed Meditation: Gen. 12:2; 39:5; Isaiah 65:21-23; Eph. 1:3

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8 2 10 4 12 6 14

Ezekiel 37:26 – Lord will establish His Holy Temple Meditation: Exo. 25:8; Jer. 30:18,19; 2 Cor. 6:16; Rev. 21:3 John 13:35 – Love one another Meditation: Lev. 19:34; Matt. 19:19; Gal. 6:2; 1 John 2:5; 3:9-14 Jeremiah 24:6 - The Lord will plant you Meditation: Jeremiah 32:41; 42:9,10; Ezek. 17:22-24; 1 Cor. 3:6,7 Exodus 4:12 - The Lord will instruct you Meditation: 1 Kings 8:35,36; Psalm 27:11; Prov. 3:5,6; Isaiah 48:17 Isaiah 56:7 – The house of God Meditation: Isaiah 2:2,3; Mark 11:17; 1 Cor. 3:16,17 Jeremiah 31:25 – I will refresh the weary soul Meditation: Psalm 107:9; Jeremiah 31:14; Matt. 5:6; John 4:14 Jeremiah 31:16 – Reward for your work Meditation: 2 Chro. 15:7; Romans 4:4-7; 1 Cor. 15:58; Hebrews 6:10










Isaiah 61:11 – Righteousness and praise Meditation: Psalm 72:3; 85:11-13; Isaiah 48:18; 62:1-3 Proverbs 10:27 – Lord will multiply your days Meditation: Exo. 23:26; 2 Kings 20:1-6; Psalm 21:4; Prov. 4:10; 9:11 Genesis 26:3 – God will bless you Meditation: Gen. 22:17,18; 1 Chron. 13:14; Luke 24:50; Eph. 1:3 John 15:1 – Jesus, the true vine Meditation: Isaiah 5:1-7; 27:2,3; John 15:4-8 2 Chronicles 14:11 – God is your Helper Meditation: Psalm 79:9; 108:12; Mark 9:17-27; Romans 8:26; Heb. 2:18 Haggai 2:9 – Glory upon glory Meditation: John 1:14; 12:28; 17:24; 2 Cor. 3:18; 4:6; 1 Peter 5:1-4 Psalm 36:9 – The Lord is our light Meditation: Isaiah 60:19; John 1:1-9; 8:12; 1 John 1:5-7 Exodus 33:14 – God gives rest Meditation: Joshua 1:13; 2 Chron. 14:2-7; Matthew 11:28; 2 Thes. 1:6 Nehemiah 4:20 – The Lord will fight for you Meditation: Exo. 14:13,14; Joshua 23:10,11; Romans 8:31 Jeremiah 31:3 – The everlasting love Meditation: 1 Sam. 18:1; Prov. 17:17; 18:24; John 15:13-15 Matthew 21:22 – You will receive what you ask in prayer Meditation: 1 Sam. 7:9-13; 1 Chron. 4:10; Mark 11:24; John 14:13,14; 16:24 1 Samuel 2:30 – The Lord will honour you Meditation: 1 Sam. 18:30; 1 Chron. 29:12; Isaiah 43:4; John 12:26 Exodus 6:7 – The Lord is your God Meditation: Lev. 26:12; Jer. 11:3; 2 Cor. 6:16; Rev. 21:3 Genesis 31:3 – The Lord is with you Meditation: Isaiah 41:10; Acts 18:10; 2 Cor. 13:11; Philip. 4:9 Psalm 81:16 – God will satisfy you Meditation: Lev. 25:18,19; Psalm 91:15,16; Isaiah 58:11; Jeremiah 31:14; Matt. 14:14-21 John 14:27 – God of peace Meditation: Lev. 26:3-6; Psalm. 29:11; Mark 5:2534; 2 Thes. 3:16 Isaiah 41:15 – The Lord sharpens you Meditation: Zech. 6:7; Micah 4:13; 2 Cor. 10:4-5










(Wednesday) Special fasting prayers will be offered for your prayer requests in all the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers and the Dhinakarans will send prayerful replies for those requests. So hurry up! We invite you to SEND YOUR PRAYER REQUESTS THROUGH LETTERS, EMAIL, FACEBOOK AND WEBSITE Address: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Jesus Calls, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. E-mail: Website: Facebook: Dr.PaulDhinakaran/


31 - August 2019 JESUS CALLS


Wouldn’t it be a good tiding if someone tells you, that you’ve got a group of

sincere souls praying for your business? That’s exactly why the ‘Business Blessing Plan’ was intended; to seek God’s blessings upon your work! Remember the game of Chess? That’s how the gentiles plan their steps and battle their way through in this world. But we, the ones in Christ, have a different game to play...


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All we’re supposed to do, is let God play our part! The ‘Business Blessing Plan’ is an excellent place to start. Here is a testimony to encourage you. Read through and enjoy...

“I’m Delhi Babu and I’m from Pondicherry. My father was a business man. Till he was no more, I was totally ignorant of our business. All of a sudden, without my father to help me through, I had to handle the business single-handedly. I had no idea what we were dealing with back then in the business. I was totally distressed! Beyond everything, I was surrounded with debts all around. I was completely clueless of how I’d arrange for the money to be returned to the vendors. Then I came to Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and prayed. After some months, I happened to share my problems with the prayer warriors and they told me about the ‘Business Blessing Plan’ and the meetings. I enrolled my business. Just as I did so, the prayer intercessors started praying. After that God blessed me with the wisdom to run the business! Now, I’m abundantly blessed and so is my business! I praise God with my family for all the blessings He has bestowed on me through the “Business Blessing Plan”. Testimonies in large number drop in declaring God’s wondrous work, in every partner’s business! Dear friend, That’s the perk we get as we surrender our ways to the Lord. No matter the significance of your business, you shall be blessed in abundance and reap the following as you enroll your business in the ‘Business Blessing Plan’

• Prayers by the prayer intercessors at the Prayer Towers... • 24-hours chain prayer... • Exclusive prayers at the Business Blessing Meetings conducted every month at all the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers for the blessing of the business owners, entrepreneurs, traders, and industrialists... • Prayers of the Dhinakarans, for God’s hand to prevail over your business endeavors… Wouldn’t our God of love harken unto these supplications and bless every partner multiple-fold? Surely He would! Come on, reach us and enroll your business right away… Simple ways to send your donations to Business Blessing Plan is found on page 9 For more details, visit: Toll free, 1800 425 77 55 (7am to 9pm) 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai 600 028 - August 2019 JESUS CALLS



he twentieth convocation function was held at Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences at 2 p.m. on 6th July 2019 at the Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Centre. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Chancellor, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences presided over the convocation and distributed the certificates to the graduates. 2091 students (UG –1624, PG-406, MPhil3, Ph.D.-58) who have successfully completed B.Tech, B.Com, BCA, B.Sc, MBA, M.A., M.Sc., M.Tech. M.Phil & Ph.D received the degrees. The Chancellor's awards were given to Mr. Adamya Shukla, B.Tech (ECE), Ms.Thennarasi, M.Tech (Communication System) and Ms. Jessintha J, Bachelor of Commerce. Justice Paul Vasanth Kumar, Former Chief Justice of High Court of Jammu and Kashmir and Mrs. Grace Pinto, Managing Director, Ryan International Group of Institutions, Mumbai were awarded the honorary doctoral degree. The Chief Guest Shri. Jiji Thomson IAS, Former Chief Secretary, Government of Kerala delivered the convocation address. He encouraged saying, “The graduated students have crossed yet another milestone in their life. Be it higher studies or work, begin it with enthusiasm. We need to understand the social and economic status of our nation. Even though our nation has developed in many fields, there are lots of challenges that we need to overcome. The students must involve themselves in solving the challenges of population, food & water scarcity, unemployment, infrastructure and public health.” The graduating students of Karunya along with SEESHA have volunteered to donate Motorized Tri-cycles, Tri-cycles, Wheel Chairs, cerebral palsy chairs, etc., to the physically challenged people. This noble gesture is in line with the vision of the Chancellor, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran to serve humanity with social 24

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concern by finding solutions to human problems in areas relating to Water, Food, Health Care and Energy through scientific, social and technological research. The Vice Chancellor Dr. P. Mannar Jawahar, Pro Vice Chancellors Dr. E.J. James, Dr. Ridling Margaret Waller and the Controller of Examinations Dr. A. John De Britto made elaborate arrangements. Karunya Trustees, Sis. Stella Dhinakaran and Mr. Samuel Dhinakaran, Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran and the newly graduated students along with their parents participated in the Graduation Ceremony and graced the occasion. All glory to God. Registrar, Dr. R. Elijah Blessing Karunya Institute of Technology & Sciences - August 2019 JESUS CALLS



et me start by saying that the Lord alone can change your situation. The insufficiency in your family is the main reason for your fights. We have to stop it. It is God who makes our insufficiencies vanish. “For it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth” Deuteronomy 8:18 When my father and mother were about to get married, my father asked my mother, “I’m just a clerk. Can you run the family with the salary I get? If you think you can, we shall marry. In my spare time, I‘d go and preach about the Lord. If you’re okay with it I’m ready to marry.” As my mother agreed to everything my father asked, they were united in marriage. They had to face a lot after that. At first my mother suffered a miscarriage. Again, their second child was still born. Then I was born. After me, my dear sister Angel was born who went to be with the Lord when she was just 17 years old. Not only these, my parents went through a period of cruel poverty! My father would get his salary, but it would seldom sustain us the whole month. This was our plight till 1969. My parents were married in 1959 and their days of suffering lasted for about 10 years. In 1969 God told my father that He would make him prosperous and make him handle thousands. God also revealed to him that his days of despair and insufficiency were a test to check his faithfulness in the little that he had. 26

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God will keep you in perfect peace when you trust in HIM. May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels! God promised that He shall expand His mighty work through my father as he was found faithful. My mother just had 4 sarees. And my father used to wear the same white shirt and pants despite its pitiable condition. We couldn't afford to have servants in our home. My mother used to do all the household chores by herself. There were just 4 bathrooms for 25 houses. We would form a queue outside the bathroom with a bucket in our hand waiting for our turn. That’s the way I grew up. For a while my father’s salary remained the same but then, he was promoted in his work with a little increment; by the grace of the Lord, the same salary met all our needs. Today, the Lord has enlarged this ministry around the globe. We don’t think high of the money we have nor do we serve the Lord when we have money. We do what the Lord says. How great an experience it is to see God working! As we do, the Lord meets all our needs. We even give a portion from the ministry to other ministries around. God has enabled us to open our hands to help others. Giving to others gives joy indeed. We give by building churches as well. We have built 100 churches dilapidated by the Gaja Cyclone. The Lord grants us so much grace and has enabled us to walk without debts! It’s not that we have got so much in the bank. He grants us our daily needs and even makes us help others. Do the same and you shall be blessed. Disputes in families prevail as one does things unreasonably and the other steps up to clean up the mess. In general, husbands don’t listen to their wives as they come up with plans to solve

issues. One of the lessons I learnt in life was that blessings begin to descend as we humble ourselves and consider what our spouse has to say. God speaks through the spouse He has given us. The next thing is that, it doesn’t please God when we waste money. After Jesus multiplied the five loaves to feed the people, He sent the disciples to gather the crumbs. He did not leave those crumbs behind. The income you get is a blessing from God. Don’t ever think that you have earned it. As it comes from the Lord, it belongs to Him. We have to make sure we pay our tithe with it. After doing so, we must give some to the poor. Then before spending the rest, seek God’s counsel to guide you through. We must always make sure we don’t spend beyond our limits. One of our prayer intercessors is a poor widow and is a sweeper at the corporation. Due to her son’s pestering, she applied for a loan and bought him a motorbike. Just as he bought it, because of his rash driving, he met with a cruel accident and lost his life leaving his poor mother helpless. Who is left to suffer in the end? Love your family members. Never grieve them. Taking a loan is not a big deal. Growing in your status is not a big deal. But above all, God’s peace must prevail over our families. As you start loving them with all your heart and start giving to the Lord, He shall bless the little in your hands and increase it! There shall be no more divisions or quarrels in the family. This is the Lord’s plan for you. Brother, this is the answer. Henceforth, when you spend according to your income and give the Lord what you have, He will multiply your income and you shall experience God’s peace in your family and not divisions.

God bless you - August 2019 JESUS CALLS



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n 07-07-2019, the meeting began with prayer offered by Rev. D. V. Karunakaran, C.S.I. Presbyter. The students of Karunya led the congregation in a time of praise and worship. The Holy Spirit came upon everyone who had gathered and the Glory of the Lord filled them abundantly. People who received miracles in the previous Blessing Meetings shared their testimony and glorified the name of the Lord. Dear mother Sis. Stella Dhinakaran prayed for God’s blessing upon the blessed oil. Bro. Samuel Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Stella Ramola sang songs, prayed and encouraged the people through the scriptures “The Lord is our refuge and strength (Psalm 46:1)” and “He is our refuge, He is our salvation” (Psalm 71:3). Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared the

word of God powerfully and he encouraged the people according to Micah 2:13, “The one who breaks open the way will go up before them” and affirmed that “Jesus who breaks all the barriers will go before you and open all the locked doors.” He also spoke about Job who lost everything in one day (Job 1:8). The hand of the Lord left him. But, Job not only was faithful that he will meet the Lord but also prayed for those who neglected him (Job 42:10). Jesus went through the same way. In our situations too, the Holy Spirit will fill us and make us praise him with different tongues.” The students of Karunya went into the crowd and prayed for the people by applying oil on them. As Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed for the gathering, the Lord touched everyone and healed them. Great was the deliverance. Many rushed to the front and testified the miracles and glorified God. At the end of the meeting, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran and Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran offered individual prayers for all. People were touched and they returned home filled with great joy and peace. Praise be to God. - August 2019 JESUS CALLS



he snowfall stopped. The sky was clear and the breeze carried the fragrance of spring flowers. This splendid air woke the sleeping Koala in the forest. It kept itself warm under a thick blanket of leaves. And it was awestruck when it saw fresh leaves in the apple tree in a far away grove. It said to itself, “I’m tired of eating these eucalyptus leaves all the time. Let me taste those red apples.” The fresh green grass felt the soft furry steps of the Koala. There came a jittery squirrel squeaking at the Koala, “Hey Koala! Where are you going?” “I want to eat those red apples. I’m going to that apple grove which is at my far sight” said the Koala. The Squirrel replied, “I went to that grove last week. There are only leaves. No fruits yet so I came back.” The Koala replied, “By the time I reach there, I will have tasty red apples. Goodbye friend.” The Koala settled for a while near a cool pond. There appeared a frog which was surprised by Koala’s visit. The frog croaked, “Hi friend, where are you off to?” The Koala answered, “I am on my way to that apple grove which can be seen at a


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distance, to eat the red apples.” The frog said, “Why do you want to go that far? I will give you lots of flies and worms. They are very tasty.” The Koala replied, “They might be tasty for you but not for me. Friend, you enjoy them” and bid goodbye! The frog thought that the Koala was crazy. Ignoring all the discouragements, the Koala continued its journey and went at its own pace very happily. Buzzing came a honey-bee who was glad to meet the Koala on the way. “Hello furry friend! Where are you headed to?” asked the honey-bee. “I’m on my way to that apple grove to eat those tasty red apples”, said the Koala. “Oh! Is it? They have just started blooming. I had a taste of the nectar in those flowers. I did not see any apple on the tree though. Why can’t you eat these bamboo leaves found here. You are not fast like me to go that far.” “No, friend. I want to eat those red apples. When I reach that grove with my slow steps, I will find

apples for sure.” The honey-bee wished good favor and buzzed off! Though tired, the Koala kept those “tasty red apples” before its eyes, encouraged itself and further continued the journey. The peaceful long sleeps in between refreshed the Koala to move on. Suddenly passed a swarm of butterflies which stopped by, looking at the Koala. Flapping their beautiful wings they said, “Are you here in our flower field to admire these colorful flowers?” “No” said the Koala, “I am on my way to that apple grove to eat apples”, responded the Koala. “If you had wings like us, you can fly easily. Too sad that you can’t!” they said. “I already have what I need. My two feet and two hands would carry me through. I am determined to eat them. Have a beautiful day” said the Koala and bid goodbye to them. Almost near to the apple grove, the Koala met with few sparrows that were eager to know the journey of their friend. When they understood that the Koala desired to eat those red apples, they chuckled with surprise and said, “You sleepy friend, how did you make it this far?! Was it not hard with your slow paced steps and long hours of sleep?!” “Yes, it was. But, I was determined to eat those red apples. I met many friends on the way who discouraged me and said that my mission is impossible” replied the Koala. “That’s wonderful! You have almost made it. Good luck!” congratulated the sparrows. The sweet scent of the red apples sent an inviting message in the air from afar! At last the Koala entered the apple grove. Slowly it climbed up the tree and was astonished at the red apples hanging among the green leaves in big bunches. The Koala said in its heart, “It is worth that I did not care for the discouraging words of my friends. Now, I am here to taste these beautiful red apples.” Saying so, the tired Koala plucked the apple one by one and ate it saying, “It tastes like heaven!”

Do you know that the Word of God is compared to many things? Here are a few. Have fun in finding them and improve your Bible knowledge. Unscramble the following clues given in the box and fill the correct answers in the blanks. Then match the pictures with the correct Bible quotes.






Hebrews 4:12


Jeremiah 5:14


Deuteronomy 32:2


Psalm 119:103


1 Peter 2:2


Ephesians 5:26


James 1:23




Psalm 19:10

1 Peter 1:23

Jeremiah 23:29

Dear kids, the “red apples” in the mind of the Koala helped him to move on. Moreover, the Koala never bothered to care for the discouraging words of his friends whom it met on the way. If you want to be a winner, keep the “red apple” or your “goal” before your eyes constantly. Learn to leave behind all the discouraging words of others. Do not look at what you do not have. But, focus on what you have already. At the end, you would eat the fruit of your labor!

Contestants aged 5 to 12 years can send your answers to JESUS CALLS, 16 D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028 or simply scan your entries and send it to and state your full name, age, and gender. Your entries should reach us by 25th August 2019!

He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength (Isaiah 40:29).

The names of the winners will be published in the October edition of the magazine. - August 2019 JESUS CALLS



nce, an axe begged the trees to let him have one little piece of wood to make a handle and he would never trouble them anymore. He got it, and then he soon cut them all down! Yes, the devil only wants to wedge your heart with a little sin that you allow and you will soon be owned by him. The Word of God has always cautioned the lamentable consequences of the ‘small things’ that are despised. Take a look at these verses: “Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark” (James 3:5).

“As dead flies give perfume a bad smell, so a little folly outweighs wisdom and honor” (Ecclesiastes 10:1). “Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom” (Song of Solomon 2:15). “Your boasting is not good. Don’t you know that a little yeast leavens the whole batch of dough?” (1 Corinthians 5:6). “A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough” (Galatians 5:9). “A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest - and poverty will come on you like a thief and scarcity like an armed man” (Proverbs 6:10-11; 24:33-34). It is true that a small hole in a ship, sinks the ship. Have you ever seen any 32

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man, Samson, slept on the lap of Delilah just for a such ‘little things’ which you denied giving any moment and lost his awesome God-given attention to in your life? A little laziness in strength to fight against his enemies (Judges keeping yourself physically fit made you obese. 16:1-21). A small moment where Peter’s focus A little carefree attitude in not eating the right shifted from Jesus to the raging sea made him to things led you to be malnourished. A little careless driving led you to a devastating accident. sink in the sea (Matthew 14:29). A small place that you gave to a wrong person My friend, do not be discouraged by the damage cost you your whole life. Just a little more time done to your vineyard. Just chase those little with that filthy magazine stole all your dreams foxes away today! As the Google map always and goals. A small peek into those lust-filled recalculates your path to your desired destiny websites fired your whole brain. Just a small whenever you take a wrong turn, there is always desire to taste the wine landed you in shame and a way to chase these little foxes and stay in the poverty. That little attitude of unforgiveness, right path to reach your destiny. As you do this bitterness and jealousy caused you to be recalculation, you will become a fruit-bearing stagnant in your life. The little time that you did tree! God is with you in this journey. Cheer up! not give to God every day, ran you into spiritual Let us see what David, dryness. A small unclean Samson and Peter did after chat with your friend their aforementioned My dear friend, ask God spoiled the garden of your failures. life. A little unpunctuality to renew your strength. and lethargy made you lose Repentance a great profitable project. It will cause you to rise When the prophet Nathan Dear friend, are you able to convicted David of his sin, up again from the pit of identify with any of these David said to Nathan, “I have little foxes or all?! Instead sinned against the Lord.” your weaknesses like of being a healthy fruitful Nathan replied, “The Lord Samson whose hair garden, there are either has taken away your sin. You less fruits or no fruit in are not going to die” (2 began to grow again your garden at all. Those Samuel 12:13). And we can the prayer of David in little foxes you permitted after it had been shaved see Psalm 51:10-12 after to scurry around in your committing adultery with vineyard are the reason for Bathsheba – “Create in me a pure heart, O God, a barren garden. If you had not allowed those and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not little foxes, they would not have vandalized your cast me from your presence or take your Holy vineyard today. Is it not true that the little foxes and not big dinosaurs are the ones that spoil your Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain garden? If you find a dead fly or a cockroach or a me.” God heard his prayer and forgave him and dead lizard in your dinner plate, you feel also established the throne of David. Beloved, nauseated and throw away the food. You do not would you make this Prayer of David, your eat it. Right? If so, why do you tolerate the cockroaches, dead flies and lizards that spoil your prayer? “If you confess your sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive your sins and purify you mind and cost you your destiny? The reason is, from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). the consequences of ignoring the ‘little things’ at the beginning are not much visible but they erupt Repentance is the first step to recalculate your path towards your destiny. Your repentance fires as sudden volcanoes that scalds you completely. those little foxes! We read in the Bible that just a small lustful look Renewal of strength at Bathsheba led the great worshipper David into murder and adultery (2 Samuel 11). The strong We read in Judges 16:28 the prayer made by - August 2019 JESUS CALLS


Samson. “Then Samson prayed to the Lord, “Sovereign Lord, remember me. Please, God, strengthen me just once more, and let me with one blow get revenge on the Philistines for my two eyes.” My dear friend, ask God to renew your strength. It will cause you to rise up again from the pit of your weaknesses like Samson whose hair began to grow again after it had been shaved (Judges 16:22). Trust in the promise, “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6). Renewal of strength follows repentance.

back to Him by reaching out His hand and rescuing him. Beloved, God will save you from your weaknesses as you call on Him. This would cause you to focus on His goodness which in turn would increase your faith! He never condemns you. He is your helper. He has promised: “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” (Isaiah 41:10). Staying focused on Him would help you avoid taking the wrong turns in your life.

Focus on Jesus

Focusing on little things would bring about a 180 degree turn in your life!

Peter cried out, “Lord, save me” (Matthew 14:29). Immediately, Jesus brought Peter’s attention


JESUS CALLS August 2019 -

Catch those little foxes and drive them out today!.


Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner stone, in whom the whole building, being joined together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit. (Ephesians 2:19-22)


n several occasions, we lament in loneliness, “I am an orphan forsaken by everyone; who is there to show me love? To whom would I share my worries?’ But the Bible says, ‘You are not strangers; or foreigners. You are joined together in Jesus Christ, who is the chief corner stone and are grown into a holy temple of the Lord. Because of the various ups and downs in life and of family situations in life, so many worries fill our heart. It is indeed true. But if we keep on focusing on these, our

heart will be filled with bitterness, exasperation and dejection. Hence, like Hannah, we should learn to pour out our worries, burdens and sorrows in the presence of the Lord (I Peter 5:7; Psalm 55:22; 62:8; 121:1,2; 142:2). When we thus become vessels united with the Lord, what are the blessings that He would give us? - Let us meditate on it:

Divine Life of getting United with the Lord “Therefore submit to God.

Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you…” (James 4:7,8) The Lord created the early humans Adam and Eve, and kept them in a glorious way in the Garden of Eden, where there were trees that were good for food and pleasant to the eyes. The Lord had kept them there in an innocent state where they did not know good and evil. Yes, He had made man as an upright one (Ecclesiastes 7:29). He walked with them in the cool of the - August 2019 JESUS CALLS


day (Genesis 3:8). However, the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (I Peter 5:8). Knowing that he has a short time, the devil is trying in many ways to pull multitude of people towards the sinful ways and draw them to him (Revelation 12:12). He enters into the heart of some people and causes much havoc to others through them. He gives troubles to God’s servants as much as possible and tries to separate as many people as possible from Jesus. He ruins the peace in family life. Some mothers would be zealous in their godliness and other things. They would be very loving towards their child. So the devil would attack the child by making him/her suffer from fits or any other sickness and would try to ruin the godliness of the mothers. Similarly, seeing the weakness of ‘lust’ in Eve, he captured her and separated her from her life of union with God. Once, a woman was travelling through a forest in Africa. On the way she saw a shining necklace lying on the ground. Fearing that somebody behind her would take it, she hastily took it and put it in her mouth. Soon after this, she fainted and fell down. The reason was, she had swallowed not a necklace but a poisonous snake living in that forest. Its mode of survival was to curve itself like a circle on seeing people walking around. It’s shiny outward appearance lured that woman’s attention which proved fatal for her. 36

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Today, the devil easily deceives us also through such small lustful things. He brings big rifts in families through the lust of the eye, lust of the flesh and the pride of life. Adam and Eve did not give importance to the Lord’s word but to the devil as a result of which in the blink of an eye, they lost the glorious life living united with Him. Even now time is near. Only days are left. If you say, “It is

Your children are observing your lives. When your life is exemplary before them, you will be respected by them. enough if my family and I are well”, He will not fight with you or contend with you. Nor will He be always angry. He will never compel man (Genesis 6:3; Isaiah 57:16). With the zeal, “I have to work for the Lord; I should do whatever I could, for the glory of His name’ let’s draw closer to Him to receive His grace fully.

Blessed Life of Holding on to the Lord "for all these out of their abundance have put in of-

ferings for God, but she out of her poverty put in all the livelihood that she had." (Luke 21:4) Thus Jesus testified about the poor widow who offered her two mites. One woman brought an alabaster flask of very costly oil of spikenard, broke it and poured it on His head. She did what she could. While talking about her the Lord said, ‘wherever this gospel is preached in the whole world, what this woman has done will also be told as a memorial to her" (Mark 14:3-9). There was a blessed mother who was filled with the love of Christ. Several women used to share with her their burdens, difficulties and afflictions and she used to pray for them and also help them in whichever way she could. Her daughter was watching this good quality of her mother. She asked her mother, “Mom, you pray for all those who come seeking you; you give away all the things that you eagerly bought for you. Why do you do this?’’ The mother pointed out the verse from Proverbs 19:17, ‘He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord, And He will pay back what he has given’ and said, “When we give whatever we could to the poor and the needy and comfort them, the Lord is pleased with us. He will write that good deed in our account in heaven. He will bless us in this world as well. When you too would become a wife in a family, you should do such good

works with your whole heart and comfort the people”. That daughter kept this in her heart. After a few years, when she got married and had children, she followed her mother’s footsteps and did all good works. That mother’s exemplary life encouraged her to do such things. Like her mother, she too supported, comforted and helped the helpless people. Hence, the Lord honoured her in her family life and in the society. Yes, good works such as praying for others in their times of difficulties, comforting them at their time of sorrow by sharing the Lord’s word, helping them in whichever way we could, etc., are the good things and qualities that ought to be there in women’s lives. Dear parents, your children are observing your lives. When your life is exemplary before them, you will be respected by them. He will make this blessings get established in your family through descendants after descendants. In Acts, Chapter 5, we read about the family of Ananias and Sapphira. Both of them were zealous in following the Lord. As the Apostles were selling off their possessions and giving the proceeds to the Lord, deciding to do likewise, they too sold off everything. Here also, the devil entered into them. He put in them the worldly thought, “If you give off everything, what would you do if you need something for tomorrow?’

The Bible says, “he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.’ (James 1:8) "How long will you falter between two opinions?” (I Kings 18:21) “It is enough if we go to church regularly on Sundays. Otherwise we can lead our life as we like. There is no compulsion to be holy” – Thus many deceive themselves.

When we hold on to the Lord with our whole heart, He will grant victory in everything. He will make you enjoy double fold blessings for all that you have lost, right in this world. Christian life should be a genuine life and not of deception. The Lord wants us to be pleasing to Him in everything. When we depart from Him in certain trivial matters, the end is miserable. Jonah, the man of God, discarded the Lord’s word and went on his own way, as he liked. However, the Lord, who had called him, did not allow him to go like that. Jonah had to go through several hardships and God did not leave him till he fulfilled His command fully.

“My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.” (I John 3:18) Joseph was a godly young man. Unable to tolerate the wicked things done by his brothers, he told everything to his father because of which they sold him to the Ishmaelites for 20 shekels of silver. The Ishmaelites took him to Egypt. Potiphar, an Egyptian bought him and he was kind to Joseph and put everything under his authority. Hence the Lord blessed all that Potiphar had. Joseph was handsome in form and appearance. After these, his master’s wife cast longing eyes on Joseph and tried to deceive him. Even at that state, with the zeal, ‘How then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?" (Genesis 39:9); whatever afflictions that I undergo, I will live holy for the Lord”, he kept himself away from that wicked deed. ‘A faithful man will abound with blessings, But he who hastens to be rich will not go unpunished’ (Proverbs 28:20) According to this Scripture, though he was put in prison unjustly, the Lord exalted him in the nation of Egypt, in the end. He made the brothers who betrayed him to fall prostrate before him. Thus, when we hold on to the Lord with our whole heart, He will grant victory in everything. He will make you enjoy double fold - August 2019 JESUS CALLS


ings for all that you have lost, right in this world. The Lord who lifted up Joseph and blessed him will bless you and lift you up.

Blessed Life of Abiding firmly in the Lord ‘‘…rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer;” (Romans 12:12) Many wives would say with agony, ‘My husband never comes for prayer. In such homes, it is the wife who has to patiently pray for her husband and make him repent through her love and chaste conduct. Similarly, even if our children are going in the wicked ways, we need to pray diligently with fasting for them and the Lord will certainly change that situation. Before my son drew closer to the Lord, he was going in the wrong way and we tried to correct him by lovingly advising him and even punishing him. Yet there was no change in him. But when I knelt down before the Lord and prayed with fasting and tears for him, the Lord had mercy on him. David says, “It is good for me that I have been afflicted, that I may learn Your statutes.” (Psalm 119:71). The Lord Jesus says, "Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for 38

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them by My Father in heaven.” (Matthew 18:19) Zacharias and Elizabeth was an old couple. But both of them sought the Lord with oneness of mind (Luke 1:6). Since they jointly worked together in everything, the Lord granted them a precious treasure as a gift. Yes, He gave them a holy child called John. They held on to the Lord firmly, were righteous before God, walked in all the commandments of the Lord and were blameless. “Now the purpose of the commandment is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith.” (I Timothy 1:5) I have given below the testimony of Sis. Geetha Evangeline (Puducherry) who is filled with love and is established in the Lord firmly: “For 10 years I was living a sinful life, displeasing the Lord. I had no peace in my mind. I always had an empty feeling in my heart. I got married and had a girl baby. When my daughter was small, my husband died. I had no peace on one side and on the other side I was afraid as to how I would live in this world. That time, through my friend, I came to know the Lord and started visiting the Prayer Tower for prayers. As I thus began to pray by visiting the Prayer Tower, I received the Lord’s love. Also I became His daughter and

left all the things that were displeasing to Him. Since I had accepted the Lord as my Saviour, all my relatives deserted me and my daughter. Yet the Lord did not forsake us and was of help to us. Then I received the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Though we were alone, we were experiencing the presence of the Lord with us. By the grace of God, I got a good government job. Also, when my daughter was small, I joined her in the Young Partner’s Plan after which she started studying well. Now she is doing Nursing in Chennai. She too who loves the Lord dearly has received the anointing and is living for the Lord. She has formed a Youth Esther Prayer Group in her hostel and is leading 40 children to the Lord. From the day we received the anointing of the Holy Spirit, the fountain of living waters started flowing from us. Both of us are firm in the Lord and He is helping us to be of blessing to many others.” Dear ones, you are the temple of God (I Corinthians 3:16,17). Would you decide to keep your body, this temple, holy? The Lord asks us, “I died for you; what will you do for Me?’ So, let us unite ourselves with the Lord, hold on to Him with our whole heart and live a firm life in Him. May the Lord change every one of us into His temple where He dwells and help us to live a matchless life of glory and of being a blessing to everyone!

he crowd was overflowing. Shanthi was amazed to see such a huge crowd! Nancy aunty had compelled her to attend the meeting, saying that a reputed woman speaker from outstation was coming and that her message and prayer would be of much blessing.


she had to endure the sly looks of her colleagues and their subtle insults. Yet the Lord had given her the strength. The last few lines made a strong impact on Shanthi:

Her 8 months old married life was hell for her and that was the reason for her attending the meeting. “Oh, I wish she would pray hard for my wicked mother-in-law and my short-tempered husband to change...It’s enough if she prays for the transformation of my husband who always finds faults with me and my mother-in-law, who always pricks me with her words...” She mused.

“I started praying for those who troubled me. Enduring my pain, I started doing my duties with love. The Lord gave me the strength to be loving and humble towards them. I went on knees for several hours and prayed with tears. Soon the Lord changed them drastically and made me stand with head held high, by giving me a promotion. Also, He has given me this honourable ministry and has kept me as a blessing to many.”

The meeting began. The woman preacher started her message on the topic, “Let us Examine ourselves in the light of the Scriptures’. She continued, “Today, most of us hate and turn against those who trouble us; we do not tolerate them and yield to God’s will and do not pray to God, standing on our knees. That’s why family life is not successful...” Since the message was not in her favour, Shanthi did not like to hear it further and slowly walked out. She did not listen to even half the message. But while entering the meeting, she had bought two books of that woman preacher which she now took them back with her. That evening, feeling bored, she began to read one of those books. As she kept reading it, she was fascinated by the things written there - the sufferings underwent by that woman of God, how she had lost her mother when she was a child, how she suffered at the hands of her step mother and how she got married to a godly and loving husband who guided her wonderfully. On reading this Shanthi skeptically wondered, “what’s the big deal in doing ministry for the Lord when she has such a loving and caring husband? Would she do ministry if she had got a husband like mine...” So saying to herself, she continued reading. After a few lines, her heart began to race when she read about that woman’s husband who had died just when their son was four month’s old. Totally broken, she was in an utter helpless state and it was then her motherin-law and sister-in-law shattered her all the more by saying, “Hm... It’s just two years since she stepped into our family. She has already sent off her husband.” Tolerating this, she went to work where

Something made Shanthi read this passage again and again. She was convicted of her own behaviour. She was the first to enter the next day meeting. That day she was changed completely through that dear servant of God. She came back home happily. Her husband and mother-in-law were amazed by the presence of God reflected on her countenance. Her family life blossomed. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (II Corinthians 5:17). - August 2019 JESUS CALLS


now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory” (I Peter 1:8).

Faithfulness is very important for prayer ministry; therefore, being fervent in the spirit is of great value for this! As His fire burns in us more and more, the Holy Spirit Himself would undertake the responsibility of conducting the group – the Esther Prayer Ministry. That’s why every woman who takes part in this prayer ministry overflows with the Holy Spirit. There would not be any room for worldly things such as worries, worldly thoughts, burdens etc., in them. Forgetting all these completely, they enjoy the bliss of divine joy, being overwhelmed by the presence of God. “…whom having not seen you love. Though 40

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True ‘spiritual adornment’ happens when we experience the truth of this verse, causing us to shout with divine joy! When we lost our precious daughter Angel, though we were plunged in sorrow, we were regular in having our morning and night family prayers, in all reverence. One morning, when we were praying as a family, all of us were filled with the Spirit and opened our mouth and praised the Lord. As we kept on praising Him, being fervent in the Spirit, we were filled with joy. Through my dear husband Bro. Dhinakaran, who was filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the Lord spoke to us a few words as prophecy:

“My dear children, I know pretty well how grieved all of you are because of the heavy loss. I have challenged the devil and the Angels that you, My children, would not let Me down despite this and that you would continue My service and would not put Me to shame. Would you put Me to shame?” He asked us. With tears, all of us declared with one accord, “Lord, How can we put You to shame and continue Your ministry? Please strengthen us and use us in Your service. We commit ourselves to You with one accord”. Thus saying we committed ourselves at His feet with tears, and the Lord strengthened us marvelously! It is amazing that He has been filling and adorning us with the fire of the Spirit and leading us to fulfill His ministry for more than 30 years, for His glory! Yes, dear ones, the way in which the Holy Spirit revives us to fulfill His divine ministry with our whole heart and with joy, in spite of several losses, trials and pains of this worldly life, and not allowing us to get sunk into them is indeed wonderful!

Likewise, when my husband passed away, I was again plunged in sorrow and shock; yet the Spirit of God who is with me, changed that state completely and granted me an inexpressible divine comfort as the ‘God of all comfort’ (II Corinthians 1:3). The Holy Spirit spoke to me for nearly a year, taught me, counseled me and led me miraculously. He filled me with His strength, faith, hope and courage so that the lonely and forsaken state would not trouble me and is giving me the grace to bear more and more fruits for the Lord and to abide in Him (John 15:5). The Spirit Himself is giving me a divine zeal to accomplish His ministry with burden and thirst. By the strength of the Spirit, God led me to encourage a few sisters who had lost their husbands like me and were spending their days in tears; I wanted them to enjoy the divine bliss that I have and to rise and shine for the Lord and bring glory to His name. Some of them have been revived in their spiritual lives and are zealously involved in the work of the Lord.

WE SHALL SEE THE TESTIMONIES OF SOME OF THEM: Esther Prayer Ministry - verses strengthen and embolden Millions of praises to the Lord! without Hurdles - Esther Prema, Chennai. me. It encourages me to meditate I am conducting the Esther Prayer Group from the year 2000. I thank the Lord for giving me the grace to conduct the group every month, without fail. On 5th April 2005, my husband passed away and I became lonely. I was baffled as to how to live. Yet within 10 days of his death, I was able to conduct the Esther Prayer Group. I still wonder how I did it that month without any difficulty.

on the Scriptures more. The Lord is giving me the grace to start many more new Esther Prayer Groups by which I get tremendous peace. When my husband died, our dear Sister Stella Dhinakaran contacted me over the phone like a loving mother, inquired about my welfare and prayed for me earnestly. She told me, “From now on, you would do only ministry”. Consequently, the Lord gave me the ministry and has given me the

Since I conduct this Prayer

grace to draw closer to Him. Particularly, the Lord is using me to

Group regularly, it is of great blessing to me to get established in my

pray for many people, to give counsel, and conduct various meetings,

spiritual life. The promise verse given in the prayer points and other

and has kept me as a prayer intercessor in the Jesus Calls ministry.

Joy in Esther Prayer Ministry I have been conducting the Esther Prayer Group regularly for more than 21 years. I first of all thank the Lord for this. My family and I have been associated with the Jesus Calls ministry for more than 40 years and have been receiving many blessings. We are the partners in all the facets of this ministry. I came to know about the Esther Prayer Group through the Jesus Calls magazine. I too wanted to start an Esther Prayer Group. But I wanted to know if it was - August 2019 JESUS CALLS


God’s will and prayed over it and the Lord spoke to me through the Scriptures, particularly Philippians 2:4. So I expressed my willingness to Sister Stella Dhinakaran. With her concurrence, I gathered a few known sisters and started praying as a group. We were keen to conduct the prayer regularly no matter what hurdles we faced. The main reason for this was the cheerfulness and confidence of the sisters of our group. Without their cooperation I could not have conducted it regularly. My husband Dr. Biswas passed away quite unexpectedly in1999. At that time, the sisters of our group came to our house, prayed for me with tears and burden and comforted me. They asked me to attend the Esther Prayer Group conducted in Nagercoil and I did. Dear Brother Dhinakaran and his family were also continually praying for us, as a result of which the Lord has been blessing and guiding us thus far. God has been giving me the grace to conduct the Esther Prayer Group regularly, despite my physical weaknesses. Many sisters are receiving miracles through this. Sister Jeeva is getting healed now and God has granted peace in her family. Sister Christy’s daughter had no child even after 7 years of marriage. The Lord heard our prayers and has blessed her with two children now. She conducts prayer meeting in her house every week. Many sisters who did not know how to pray or who felt shy to pray have learnt well to pray by coming 42

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here. The sisters have testified that the prayer points are of much benefit to them. Out of jealousy, some people did black magic and witchcraft against us. They created a lot of problems with the intention to close down our hospital. The Lord fought the battle for us. Today He has lifted me up and my children. In spiritual life, He has saved my daughter’s and son’s family and has kept them as witnesses for Him. My daughter is in USA, with her family. The Lord has blessed her and has given her two children. He has helped my grandson to complete his Engineering in the Karunya University. My son is now doing medical service in the government and is also administering our hospital. I am a Jesus Calls Evangelist, Ambassador and Prayer intercessor. I support the ministry with my offering. Every day I pray for the Jesus Calls ministry and family. All praise, honor and glory to the Lord who has granted me this revived life! - Benita Biswas, Marthandam.

The Lord Strengthened Me The Lord has enabled me and the members of our group to conduct the Esther Prayer Group on every first Tuesday from 10 A.M to 12.30 P.M. The testimonies and prayers offered in the group are of blessing to the participants. In course of time, our maid servant committed herself to Jesus

since her sick daughter was healed because of prayers and her alcoholic husband came out of his addiction. This was a great joy to us. After that, 13 people from her family accepted the Lord and the Lord has helped them to get delivered from sins. It is the power of prayers offered in the group that made my righteous husband to obey the Lord’s commandment. It is the prayer of the group that was the strength of my soul when he was sick and made me help him patiently and be of comfort and blessing to him. When my husband passed away, I was inconsolable and even contemplated stopping the Esther Prayer Group. But the members gathered and prayed as usual and hence I was encouraged in the spirit. The Lord strengthened me to continue with the conduct of the Esther Prayer Group. All the members of the group, along with me have gained many good experiences through this group. In the Women’s Section of the Jesus Calls magazine, Sister Stella Dhinakaran had elaborated on her experiences of how she handled her grief when her husband passed away. This message was of great comfort to me. So I gave the magazine to my friend who had lost her husband recently and helped her to get comfort. In this end time, when the coming of Jesus Christ is drawing near, may the Holy Spirit use the Esther Prayer Group to build the Lord’s Kingdom, making the best use of time. - Flora Thiagarajan, Chennai.

My dear ones, how glorious and wonderful it is to get filled with the Holy Spirit, to become fervent in the Spirit, to get revived and to arise and shine for the Lord! The life of every woman, who faithfully carries out this ministry, would surely be filled with divine blessings, and there would be no room for dejection, tears or lack of peace which the devil brings in. Such prayer warrior’s life would be a life of being victorious in Christ all the time. Hence, my dear sisters who have not received the life of light, filled by the Holy Spirit and who do not yet have any desire for that, please seek after it with thirst as the Bible says. Pray incessantly to the Lord with thirst. I am sharing below my experience when I got filled with the Holy Spirit. After my husband Brother Dhinakaran got the joy of salvation, every morning, before going to the office and after the family prayer, he would spend time with the Lord for nearly 2 hours. He would read the Bible diligently and talk to Him. He longed more for the blessed life of being one with the Lord and began to increase in his spiritual growth. At that time, he meditated from the scriptures on how the Lord’s disciples received the Holy Spirit and he started praying unceasingly day and night for 7 years, to be filled with such ‘divine strength’. As a result, one day, when he came back home very late at night, after his bank job, the Lord filled him with the joy of heaven for three hours during the family prayer.

He was spiritually revived and he understood how the Lord was going to use him in future, being filled with the Holy Spirit. On hearing all these from him, I too had a great longing and thirst. About that time my son Paul was born (September 1962) and I was in my parents’ house. But every day my husband used to share with me his spiritual experiences in detail. So I too held on to the feet of the Lord, day and night and pleaded with Him to grant me such divine experiences. After that, when I went back to my husband’s place, with my son Paul, one evening after completing my chores I went into a room (a small room dumped with firewood) and knelt down in prayer. I, who used to be scared of darkness, did not bother about it that day and began to offer my prayers, by praising the Lord. As I started praising Him, I forgot myself. I was filled with the presence of God and began to praise Him loudly. My husband heard this sound and he was amazed. With the thought, ‘My wife never used to pray aloud; what happened?’ he came to see me. That day the God of gods graciously anointed me and filled me with the joy of heaven. After that, when the Holy Spirit kept filling me more and more my life grew spiritually. Through me, whose spiritual life was renewed and revived, today thousands of women in India and in other parts of the world who take part in this Esther Prayer ministry, are getting revived in their spiritual life and are shining for the Lord. What a joy this is!

Dear ones, Accordingly, the dear sisters, couples, young girls and children who want to start an Esther Prayer Group or Youth Esther Prayer Group or Junior Esther Prayer Group or Couples’ Esther Prayer Group in your area, please write to me immediately. For more details about the Esther Prayer Group: Sister Stella Dhinakaran (Esther Prayer Group) 16, D.G.S .Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028 Email: - August 2019 JESUS CALLS



his promise in the Book of Psalms gives us great hope. We are troubled when we face various kinds of problems in this life. “I’ve nobody to help me”, “How would I manage this all alone?” “I’m not keeping good health; I don’t have any money?” - Such thoughts make us hate life and we grieve, broken hearted. At such times, the Lord’s word and His promises give much hope and great faith to those who have habituated to read the Bible with reverence. ‘When there is a loving Lord, who hears my supplication and prayer and answers them, why should I brood over my problems and live without hope?” – This courage would rise within us and give us a new encouragement. Hannah, mother of Samuel the


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prophet, was in sorrow as she was barren, with no child. It was then the thought, “When there is a God, who hears my supplication and prayer and answers them, why should I be miserable?’ occurred to her and she immediately went to the temple of God, held on to His feet and poured out her soul before Him (I Samuel 1;15). As she kept on praying thus, the presence of God filled her. “The Lord will give strength to His people; The Lord will bless His people with peace.” (Psalm 29:11) According to this word of God, instantly, her sorrowful countenance changed and divine peace filled her. We read that ‘her face was no longer sad’ (I Samuel 1:18). Yes, Hannah was perfectly

blessed by God. Hearing her prayer for a child, God accepted her plea and granted her a blessed life. “How precious is Your lovingkindness, O God! Therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of Your wings.” (Psalm 36:7) According to this word of God, when Ruth, the Moabite woman, came to know about the glory of the God of Israel through her mother-in-law, she immediately took refuge under His wings, with full confidence, saying, “You are my God.” What was the resultant blessing that God gave her? Boaz tells her, ‘"The Lord repay your work, and a full reward be given you by the Lord God of Israel, under whose wings you

have come for refuge” (Ruth 2:12). Don’t we read in the Book of Ruth, how her life, which was hopeless as a widow’s life, beautifully blossomed? Yes, my dear sisters this is how we should read the Bible diligently, take the Scriptures for us and own it. By not reading it or by reading it as a duty, we fail to know the glory of the great and unique blessings that are in store for us. Realizing it, would you start reading the Bible from today and meditate on it? "You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and

these are they which testify of Me.” (John 5:39) Accordingly, it transforms those who read it, who believe in it and those who inherit the blessings for themselves in such a way to make them worthy of entering into heaven by giving them ‘eternal life’. What a privilege it is! This is how Ruth, the Moabite woman, came under the wings of the God of Israel and received great blessings. Similarly, won’t the Lord grant us plenty of grace and crown us with grace and mercy? So, my dear sisters, as in the first promise verse that we read,

when we read the Bible diligently, and when we are reverential and faithful in offering our supplications and prayers in the presence of the Lord, isn’t it certain that we too can receive the great blessings that most of the Bible women received? It is certain that the Lord will deliver you from all afflictions and sorrows that you face in your daily life and fill you with His divine joy and peace. “I will lift up my eyes to the hills; from whence comes my help? My help comes from the LORD, Who made heaven and earth.” (Psalm 121:1, 2)

Bible Portion from Deuteronomy, Joshua 1-12 Chapters & the Gospel of John (Answer with Biblical reference) (Please read the portion line by line carefully. Do not search for any other help.) 1. Who magnified which man in the sight of all Israel? Who did they fear before him? Till when? 2. Who administers justice? To whom? Who does He love? What does He give him? 3. Whom will He pray to? What will He give? How long will he abide with you? 4. How shall every man give? What is it according to? Who has given it? 5. Who was full of the spirit of wisdom? Whose son was he? Who had laid his hands on him? 6. Who does he believe in? As what says? What will flow as rivers? From where? 7. What has not been like that, before or after? Whom did the Lord heed to? What did the Lord do for Israel? 8. Whom should you abide in? What should abide in you? Then what will you ask? Then what happens? 9. Who chastens you? As whom? Where should it be made known? 10. Whom does God not hear? Whom does He hear? What should he do? Answers must reach us before August 25, 2019 Address: Bible Quiz – 90 Prayer Tower, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028 Email: - August 2019 JESUS CALLS


on Erode n i d l e gh d offere Meetin s g r n e i y s s a y Ble of the nd pr Famil y one ages a r e s e s h v t e e m d the e ch and God’s upon throng a , e g s d e n i o i a t t n h n anoi ssing stimo udes me. Multit ers of eat ble The te r w . g o 9 His na f h 1 s o 0 d 2 e e e i r , h f t e i 8 own magn June ting w ured d s and e mee o y h p t a d w g r n l o era duri he L in sev nts. T a m p e i h c t i t par lessed nies . He b estimo t e l e p o h t e p Through dear mother Stella Dhinakaran, of e: re few hat tim t d e r Here a the Lord spoke to me about peace, in sha eople that p this meeting. I had a burning sensation

in my leg. When dear mother prayed,

Rejoiced with Fire Anointing

the Lord granted me complete healing. I had not seen dear mother Stella Dhinakaran until

I am saved from a family that has

today. Now the Lord has graciously given me the

not tasted the love of the Lord. I came

chance to see her in person. My heart is now filled

to this meeting without any peace.

with peace and joy. May the name of God be glori-

When dear mother Stella Dhinakaran


started preaching, I felt the Holy Spirit coming upon

- Mallika, Kodumudi

Divine Peace given by the Lord’s Word

me as a fire. Even without my knowledge, I felt a big fire burning within my heart. I was praying, “Lord, give me a holy life. Give me the fruits of the Spirit.” That time dear mother said the same words in her message and the Lord moved my heart deeply. I received a mighty anointing of the Holy Spirit as never before. Now I am very happy. Glory to God. - Sakthivel Timothy, Erode.

Divine Peace given by the Lord My husband and son are separated from me. I came to this meeting without any peace in my life. 46

JESUS CALLS August 2019 -

I had no money even to come and attend this meeting. I could not pay my children’s school fees because of which they are unable to go to school for a week. Even now I borrowed money from a person and have come here from Bhavani. When dear mother Stella Dhinakaran was praying, I got peace. Also I could hear the Lord telling me, “Go back with courage. I am with you.” Now I go back with peace and with a hope that the Lord would show me a good way.

- Regina, Bhavani.

ANSWERS FOR BIBLE QUIZ – 88 1. Thus Israel saw the great work which the Lord had done in Egypt; so the people feared the Lord, and believed the Lord and His servant Moses (Exodus 14:31). 2. So when Aaron and all the children of Israel saw Moses, behold, the skin of his face shone, and they were afraid to come near him (Exodus 34:30). 3. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many (Mark 10:45). 4. And fire came out from before the Lord and consumed the burnt offering and the fat on the altar. When all the people saw it, they shouted and fell on their faces (Leviticus 9:24). 5. Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit truly is ready but the flesh is weak (Mark 14:38). 6. And the Lord had given the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they granted them what they requested. Thus they plundered the Egyptians (Exodus 12:36). 7. But he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is subject to eternal condemnation (Mark 3:29). 8. For I am the Lord who brings you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your God. You shall therefore be holy, for I am holy (Leviticus 11:45). 9. All the women who were gifted artisans spun yarn with their hands, and brought what they had spun, of blue and purple and scarlet and fine linen (Exodus 35:25). 10.And you will be hated by all men for My name's sake. But he who endures to the end shall be saved. (Mark 13:13).

BIBLE QUIZ NO. 88 WINNERS Chennai: Suchetha Francis Hyderabad: P. H. Swarna Vidyullatha - August 2019 JESUS CALLS


ANSWER: House Built by Wisdom We ought to know the inner meaning of the words, ‘Built on the rock.’ Rock is not a mountain. It is the ‘Lord Jesus Christ’ who is the “Rock’ (I Corinthians 10:4). David has written down his experiences as the Scriptures (Psalm 18:2, 31: 3; 62:2; 71:3). In several places in the Bible we read, “You are my Rock’. You too should realize this. Look at the Lord and tell Him, ‘You are my Rock’. You would feel divine joy flowing in your heart. Do you have this experience in your life? When this Rock, the Lord Jesus, dwells with you, His ‘wisdom’ will increase in you even without your knowledge. From the verses in Colossians 2:3, Romans 11:33 and I Corinthians 48

JESUS CALLS August 2019 -

1:30, we come to know how the Lord would be of wisdom to us. What did David do to have this experience? “I have set the Lord always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved” (Psalm 16:8). David always sought the Lord and kept Him before him. You too should ‘experience’ this divine experience! In several places in the Bible the Lord has said, “I am with you”. Yes, He delights to dwell with His people who seek Him faithfully. So, in your forsaken state, you need not worry about anything. When you call unto Him, He will surely answer you and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know' as He has promised in Jeremiah 33:3. I have experienced

this in my life and am writing this. On several occasions, at forsaken states and lonely times, I had cried out to the Lord loudly, in dejection. I have instantly felt His comfort consoling me. My dear sisters, the Lord Jesus Christ is alive; He is not dead; He will dwell with you. So, join with Him and call unto Him saying, ‘Lord, I don’t have wisdom, knowledge and intelligence. You alone are my wisdom.” Then the things that He will do in you would be wondrous. Before preparing the Lord’s message to share with people, I used to talk to God and tell Him, “Lord, not I, but You should talk to Your children. Give me the apt message.” Immediately the Lord would wonderfully give me

the message that He wants to give. I would write it down and I have seen it bringing much blessing to the people. This is how by interacting with God, He will become our ‘wisdom.’ So, do not underestimate yourself. However much you are educated and how many degrees you hold, they are purely worldly wisdom. But God’s ‘divine wisdom’ is amazing. It changes even the illiterate into intellectuals. Several years back, many servants of God used to visit our house frequently. Most of them would be ‘illiterates.’ But the prayers they offered and the prophecy they uttered were so profound and deep! We had often wondered from where such kind of divine wisdom had come upon those simple ministers of God. My dear sisters, the Lord is able to change you likewise. Do not worry saying, “I’m an illiterate. How to talk? How to do ministry?” The Lord will give you the wisdom to beautifully build your house. Go on your knees and ask Him to lead you, holding on to His feet. Then you would be filled with the divine wisdom given by God. This would be amazing to you. When I got married I had no idea of cooking and running the family. But when I got filled with divine wisdom, He perfected everything for me in a wonderful way. It was amazing to others. My dear sisters, do not be worried. The Lord will give you also this wisdom.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him” (James 1:5).

How to walk in the ways pleasing to the Lord? It is the Lord’s wish that we should be pleasing to Him and do things that delight Him. David dili-

(Matthew 3:17; 17:5; Mark 1:11; Luke 3:22; II Peter 1:17). His life is an example for us (I Peter 2:21). My dear sisters, we should try as much as possible to please God. In Psalm 33:5 we read, ‘He loves righteousness



Unrighteousness, iniquity, filth etc., in our daily life are things of the devil. But, Jesus wants us to live in holiness and righteousness. God’s reverence encourages us for this. When you follow the Lord with

Call unto God saying, ‘Lord, You alone are my wisdom.” Then the things that He will do in you would be wondrous.

godly reverence, it is not you but the Lord Himself will lead you in the way pleasing to Him. It would be marvelous in your eyes. You will be amazed by yourself wondering, “Are such things really happening in me?” Thus the Lord will lead you graciously. So, be careful to love righteousness and justice and walk in it. The Lord delights in those who hope in His mercy (Psalm 147:11) How to receive this grace? We

gently fulfilled the will of God and earned the name from God that ‘he was a man after God’s own heart’ (Acts 13:22). When a man like us could get such a name, why can’t we too earn that name? Examine yourself. If we do not read the Bible diligently, we can never please Him. This is because, His Word is very, very important. Look at the testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ. In several places in the Bible it is said, ‘"This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased"

read in the Bible, ‘He (the Lord) gives grace to the humble’ (Proverbs 3:34; James 4:6; I Peter 5:5). My dear sisters, if you want to receive this divine grace, first of all remove all the pride that is seen in your life. Never glorify your beauty, knowledge, status etc., Instead humble yourself before the Lord. Then you will see His ‘grace’ filling you in an immeasurable way. The more you humble yourself before God, the more He will fill you - August 2019 JESUS CALLS


with His grace. About this the Lord has beautifully said, “My grace is sufficient for you” ( II Cor.12:9). Just experience how this grace would sustain you. In my life, I could not study further as desired, because my father’s thought was ‘Why do women need education these days?” Yet, when I was filled with the Lord, the way in which the wisdom and grace beautifully led me proved that how true this is. Particularly I wanted to study further to become a Tamil Pandit. However though I could not do it, by divine wisdom, the Lord has led me to publish books and messages. How amazing this is! My dear sisters, when the Lord fills you, who have lacks, with His precious ‘grace and wisdom’, your lacks and shortcomings would be removed and the Lord would be able to take you to higher places. The Lord will fill you with His grace exceedingly abundantly above all that you ask or think’ (Ephesians 3:20). So, do not be worried. Yet, be careful about one thing. “What I do – is it pleasing to the Lord? Am I walking in His ways? – Examine thus and act with caution. Examine what is the will of God and act accordingly. ‘…finding out what is acceptable to the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.” (Ephesians 5:10,11) 50

Also, yet another important matter is, ‘God loves a cheerful giver” (II Corinthians 9:7). According to this verse, give as much as you can to the poor, to those who have nothing and to the ministers of God. Then the Lord will bless it and honour you by repaying it in many folds. You might have rendered only a small help, when you come to think of it. But the Lord will be pleased with you. Also, He

When you are careful to walk in the ways of righteousness, the Lord will be pleased with you. Your house will become a beautiful garden filled with the fragrance of salvation and the fragrance and sweet aroma of the Lord’s presence. will fill you with glorious blessings above all that you desire. My dear sisters, I can keep on telling how beautiful the house built on the Lord, the Rock, would be. Finally I would like to conclude with one thing. The fragrance given by the Lord should fill your house. When your house is built by His wisdom and when you do things which are pleasing to Him, and when you are careful to walk in the ways of righteousness, the Lord will be pleased with you. Your

house will become a beautiful garden filled with the fragrance of salvation and the fragrance and sweet aroma of the Lord’s presence (Song of Songs 4:12-16). After my father’s demise, whenever my mother used to visit our house, she would say, “Daughter, your house is a prayer house. Both of you are always praying. Here there is no room for vain talk. Your house is filled with the fragrance of the Lord. That’s why I often come here.” How thrilled I was to hear those words! My dear sisters, won’t you commit yourself to make your house also a house of prayer and a house filled with the fragrance of the Lord? Won’t you have communion with the Lord always and seek Him as a family? When you do thus, all the fights, arguments and lack of peace in your family will vanish. The Lord Himself will be present and fill your house with His abundant divine blessings. “Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. For we are to God the fragrance of Christ among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing.” (II Corinthians 2:14,15) According to this Scripture verse, He will grant you the life of diffusing the fragrance of Christ, as you desire.

JESUS CALLS August 2019 - Owned by Jesus Calls and Published by Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran from 16,Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai-28. Printed by Mr.Paul Aravamuthan at Bapuji Printers, 5, Kurban Ali St, Woods Road, Chennai-2. Editor: Mrs.Stella Dhinakaran

REGULAR MEETINGS: Healing Blessing Meeting

Every Wednesday from 7:00pm-9:00 pm;

wonderful time of praise and worship followed by the sharing of God’s Word by renowned pastors from different churches; Special

prayers for the sick and for specific prayer needs.

Esther Prayer Group/ Youth Esther Prayer Group

Every third wednesday of the month

at 10.30 am; This is a special prayer where Women / Young girls gather to pray for various needs faced by women all around the world. The prayer points are sent by

Women’s Fellowship

Every Wednesday at 10:00 am.

Bible Study

Every 4th Wednesday of the month; we

are currently studying the book of Genesis.

Location: 178 Ratu Mara Road, Samabula, Suva, Fiji Islands.

Mrs. Stella Dhinakaran. After praying over

Opening Hours: We are open from

the given points, we also pray for the prayer

9am - 5pm from Monday to Friday.

needs of the women who are in attendance.

Saturdays from 9.30 am to 12.30 pm. You can drop in any time during these hours for prayers. Toll Free Prayer Hotline: +679 - 9078961, available 24x7 to receive prayer calls

International Special

PARTNER WITH US  Become a PRAYER INTERCESSOR You can join us to pray with compassion for the needy, bringing hope and healing to the brokenhearted through your earnest prayers  Become a VOLUNTEER We have numerous tasks in and around the Prayer Tower where you could help  Become a ESTHER / YOUTH ESTHER PRAYER GROUP Member This is a special prayer group where women gather to pray for various needs faced by women all around the world. The prayer points are sent by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran. After praying over the given points, we pray for the needs of women who attend this prayer.

If you would like to start an Esther / Youth Esther prayer group in your place, please contact us.

 Become a JESUS CALLS PARTNER Join the Family Blessing Plan, Young Partners Plan, Business Blessing Plan, Prayer Tower Building Fund, Seesha, TV Club etc.

You may send in your cheerful donations through Money Order / Cheques written in favour of Jesus Calls Fiji, and post to: P O Box 3984,178 Ratu Mara Road, Samabula, Suva, Fiji Islands For Direct Bank Deposit and Bank Transfers, please use the following details: Account Name: Jesus Calls Fiji

Bank: Weatpac Bank at Laucala Bay

Account Number: 9806162401

For all details or enquiries about the ministry, please do not hesitate to contact the Prayer Tower co-ordinator Uma Prasad on: Phone: +679 - 3632925.


Face book:

International Special

Our vision is to stand by you and to help you become blameless and pure, children of God so that you would shine like stars in the sky in every aspect of your life, according to Philippians 2:15. We also desire to empower you to minister to others around you.

Struggling over a cruel past, a puzzling present or a doubtful future? Don’t worry, the feeling is nothing but mutual... every soul that walks the Earth passes through a path as such every once in a while... Have you stopped to ponder on the very purpose of the challenges that you face in life? Perhaps... it’s time you do... and UTurn is here to help...


Subscribe to our YouTube channel uturn jc to receive constant encouragement from Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran that will empower you in your walk with God and in your walk of life.

Dear friend, We strive to plant God’s love in you in such a way that it takes root and brings fruit in your life... Be it television or social media, we make sure we don’t miss any possible means to reach you. We have special TV programs for the youth being broadcasted in several languages! You can send your prayer requests to For more details on UTurn: 51

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