Jesus Calls International August 2021

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Miraculous healing from Covid-19 Even after 3 years of married life, we were not blessed with a child. We used to go to Ranchi Prayer Tower for prayers. We sponsored a Jesus Calls TV programme and in December 2020, my wife Priyanka conceived. When she was 5 months pregnant, our entire family including my parents and the two of us were affected with Covid. We were fearful as my wife was carrying the baby. During the Family Channel Live streamed online in Youtube on 24th April, when Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was praying for the Covid patients we joined with him in prayer. The Lord touched us and all four of us recovered miraculously. The child in my wife’s womb was also in good condition. All glory to God. We thank Dr. Paul Dhinakaran for his prayer and may God bless him and the Jesus Calls ministry. - Marshall, Ranchi


My precious friend, it's a great joy to bring you God's promise for this month. The Lord has been gracious to carry us through the past months. The Scripture says, “Because of the Lord’s faithful love we do not perish, for His mercies never end. They are new every morning.” (Lamentations 3:22&23) How true these words are! Let us be thankful to God for His mercy and protection. The promise word for the month of August is taken from I Samuel 1:17. “Go in peace, and may the God of Israel grant you what you have asked of Him.” These are the words of the high priest, Eli, spoken to a woman called Hannah. She did not have children. Her husband loved her very much, but she did not Jesus Calls


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conceive at all. Therefore, her husband’s other wife humiliated her and made fun of her. Hannah’s heart was broken. When her husband and she along with her husband’s other wife went to the temple of God to fulfill God’s commandments, Hannah ran alone to the tabernacle and poured out her heart in the presence of God. She could not bear her sorrow and humiliation, yet she did not open her mouth or cry aloud. She was praying in her heart and her lips were moving but her voice was not heard. The Bible tells, “Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.” (I Samuel 16:7)


As she kept on praying to the Lord, Eli observed her and thought she was drunk. He was angry and confronted her. Hannah said “I am not drunk but filled with sorrow. I was pouring out my soul to the Lord, praying here out of my great anguish and grief.” It is at this time, Eli the high priest says , “Go in peace, and may the God of Israel grant you what you have asked of him.” (I Samuel 1:17) We see three attributes of God revealed in this verse. Yes! He is a God who ~answers your prayers ~grants what you ask for ~makes you enjoy every blessing in peace. This is what God is going to do for you this month. Jesus said, “You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.” (John 14:14) Again in John 16:24 Jesus said, “Ask and you will receive, and your Jesus Calls


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joy will be complete.” God wants you to have joy in all its fullness. When you ask, God grants it to you because He has chosen you. “I have chosen you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit and so that whatever you ask in My name the Father will give you.” (John 15:16) Therefore, believe my friend that God has chosen you to be a blessing. God gave that heart to Hannah. She believed that she was called by God to produce a blessing for the nation of Israel. That is why she gave birth to Prophet Samuel, who anointed kings for the nation of Israel. Eli blessed Hannah saying, “whatever you have asked of the Lord, He will give it to you.” I believe she asked God for a prophet and not just a child; that is why she brought forth a prophet of God. In 2008, when I lost my father Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran, the Lord told me: ‘My son, it is no more going to be one Dhinakaran but thousands of Dhinakarans. From now on, I will pour My spirit upon all flesh in the world and I am going to raise young people, who will see visions and prophecy. The souls who are brought to Me through your ministry will testify about Me everywhere with prophetic power.’ “… it is the Spirit of prophecy who bears testimony to Jesus.” (Revelation 19:10) Yes, to bring forth God’s prophecies and God’s prophets is the mission of Jesus Calls. God’s plan for the ministry is to raise Samuel’s as prophets, who would anoint kings to build God’s kingdom in the world in the days to come. Yes, as a partner of Jesus Calls, Karunya and SEESHA, you are standing with us to raise God’s prophets and


kings to rule in righteousness in the world; Daniels who would find solutions to human problems; and caring for the poor little children and raise them up to be prophets of God. As God answered Hannah, God is answering you. The Hand of God will come upon you to bless you and increase you and your children. Secondly, Hannah did not stop with just praying to God for a son, who would be a prophet of God, to be born in her womb. She dealt with God again. After God gave her Samuel, she took her son back to the temple of God and surrendered him to God’s service. She would make dresses for him and support him. She never gave her son to the service of the Lord because she had other sons, but gave all that she had to God, even her only son. I have seen some people praying that if God heals their child who is not able to walk or talk they would give the child for God’s ministry. However, what God expects is not that but God expects a sacrifice. Your children can serve the Lord, wherever they are. I have seen some parents making their children study to great heights and become equipped to the best. Later, they give their children to God’s service and continue to work hard to pay for the expense of the children’s future. Yes, that is a pleasing sacrifice to the Lord. Parents enroll their child in Young Partners’ Prayer Mission and support the ministry on behalf of their child through their sacrificial offerings bringing blessings on millions of people. This is an aromatic sacrifice to God. When God saw that Hannah gave her only son to His ministry, God did not stop there but blessed her with five more children. She gave God one child but God gave her back five children. God is going to bless you five times in return for your sacrifices for the ministry. Your children will become prophets of God for the nations as they become partners of God’s ministry. The word of God’s servant will come true as found below. “The priests and the Levites stood to bless the people, and God heard them, for their prayer reached heaven.” (II Chronicles 30:27) The blessings and prophecies given by God through His servants shall come upon your children and there will be great increase. Jesus Calls


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Let this month be a month where God’s peace comes upon every area of your life where you lack a blessing; God’s provisions and answers will come upon you for whatever you have prayed for until now. However, be sure you make a covenant to serve the Lord and give Him back everything He gives you. Fulfill God’s word which says, “As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” (Joshua 24:15)

PRAYER: My loving heavenly Father, thank You for your protection and provision from the beginning till now. I thank You Lord for this month’s word of blessing. As You bless my family and me, help us to use our lives to declare Your wonders to others. Even in this month, I dedicate myself to Your will. Give me the grace to fulfill my covenant in Your presence. I give You all the glory for Your blessings upon me this month. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.



Job Blessing Prayer Mission is for you to receive God's covenant blessing in your work. It was launched by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran on August 17, 2020, as led by the Holy Spirit. This mission exclusively promises the blessings through the Word of God for every individual who either aspires to take up a job or awaits blessings in their job. By enrolling in the Job Blessing Prayer Mission, you step into God's favor to find elevation, honor and blessing in all your endeavors. Through the 'Job Blessing Prayer Mission', we serve those who need:  Wisdom to stand out from the crowd (Acts 6:10)  Guidance of the Lord to lead the projects successfully (Micah 2:13)  To overcome hindrances in the work spot (Isaiah 45:2)  Opportunities for kingly services (Proverbs 22:29) Great success (I Samuel 18:14)  Wealth and honor (I Chronicles 29:12)  Extraordinary skills and understanding (Exodus 31:3) Protection from the schemes of the jealous people (Isaiah 54:17) God will fulfill all these promises assured for each one who comes into this covenant by sowing into His kingdom work. 6

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Here are some testimonies to encourage you: Blessing of permanent & well-paid job I live in France with my family and for many years I have been searching for a permanent and secure job. In December 2020, my parents in India enrolled me in the Job Blessing Prayer Mission in Jesus Calls Ministry through Puducherry Prayer Tower. I am very happy to testify that the Lord Almighty has heard the prayers and blessed me with a secure and permanent job. He was with me during the selection process and helped me to clear the first (technical round) and the second round (HR round) successfully. I will be joining the new company (French Bank) as Integration Engineer with a good salary hike and additional perks. I thank our Lord Jesus Christ for answering our prayers. - A. Antony Paul, France Placed according to heart’s desire In 2020, my start-up could not go on because of lack of funds and with the pandemic situation, I was without a job in July 2020 . I started praying to God hoping He will sort out my life. He did answer my prayer and I got placed in a company in October. I was not happy with the work and I kept on praying. May 2021, I enrolled myself in the Job Blessing Prayer Mission. The Lord again showed His mercy and in the very same month, He placed me in a new company which is much reputed. I have just joined this new company and I like the work. Glory be to God. - Adesh Sarwan, Mumbai BY BECOMING A PARTNER IN THIS MISSION: • You will become a blessing to millions of people. •

Prayer intercessors at Bethesda Prayer Centre, Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore, India will be praying once every day for the assured promises of God to be fulfilled in your life.

You will be invited to events such as career planning organized at the Prayer Tower in your area.

You will be given preference to enroll in the online training courses and participate in initiatives for skill training.

Dear friend, as you enroll in this mission to bless others, we pray that God will open new doors of opportunity in your professional career leading to prosperity in your job. “For You, O LORD, will bless the righteous; with favor You will surround him as with a shield.” (Psalm 5:12)


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* At the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your country * Email: Jesus Calls


August 2021



JUSTICE ON TIME During this lockdown, while I was trying hard to make ends meet, my boss humiliated me and cheated me of my salary. It was quite difficult to find other alternative jobs in this pandemic time. I felt upset and unable to move forward in life. I called up the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in London and a prayer intercessor prayed for me. He assured me that God will change my struggles. That same evening my boss came back to me and promised me to pay my salary in full at the end of the month. All glory be to God. - Oliver, England NO TRACE OF ILLNESS My dad was almost dying of covid. He remained critically ill for 15 days. I felt helpless and I called the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in London for prayers. During the Sunday Evening Blessing meeting, the prayer intercessor prayed for my father. While praying, the intercessor faithfully called my father out of coma and ventilator. By next Saturday, he was completely healed and the amazing thing was that he does not remember that he fell sick. What a miracle! I thank the Jesus Calls Ministries and the intercessors for their prayer support and love. Praise God. - Jacob, London


Jesus Calls


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BLESSING MEETING Please come along with your family and friends and join us every Sunday at 6:30 pm at the Southall Church of GOD, 9 Norwood Road Southall UB2 4EA, United Kingdom. We will share God's word and pray for you. Don't miss it!

For more information, please contact: Call 0208571400 / WhatsApp 07841343560 or email Ministry resources available at Website at Facebook page DONATIONS TO THE MINISTRY For Direct Debit: You can set up a direct debit online. Please email us at Bank Transfer (UK Donors) : Account Name: Jesus Calls Europe

Account No: 71382535

Bank Name: HSBC PLC, 4, Wangey Road, Chadwell Heath, Romford RM6 4DD Sort Code: 401703 Bank Transfer (Europe Donors): Account name: Jesus Calls Europe

IBAN: GB82HBUK40170371382535


Please visit to make a card donation Donate by post: If you would like to donate by post, or in person, please send the enrolment form along with your cheque or postal order to: Jesus Calls Europe, 11B Norwood Road, Southall Please make cheques and postal orders payable to “Jesus Calls Europe”. For any further details or ministry resources, please contact +442085714900

VOLUNTEER Our callers are burdened with life's challenges and are longing for someone to pray with them! ‘Jesus Calls’ is committed to pray for each caller no matter what the need is. Our prayer intercessors are there 24/7 to intercede in prayer. Testimonies from our callers declare the power of prayer and God's love. If you believe in the power of prayer and ready to make a difference in people's lives and if you are willing to give a few hours of your week to pray for people in need, please get in touch by emailing us at

For more information, please contact the Prayer Tower at 7841 343560 or visit the website at Jesus Calls


August 2021



My dear partner in ministry, I greet you in the loving name of our Lord Jesus. The Lord has been sufficient for us until now and has led us without lack. I praise the Lord along with you. I pray that His strong hand will be with us and lead us in the month of August too. “Go in peace, and may the God of Israel grant you what you have asked of Him.” (1 Samuel 1:17) According to the verse, may our Lord grant everything you ask for in this month, bless you and fill you with His peace. The Lord is willing to do anything we ask for in His name (John 14:14). He makes everything beautiful in its time (Ecclesiastes 3:11). Therefore, He shall give all that you prayed for until now, at the right time this month. 38 years of the Prayer Tower ministry “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on 10

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earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.” (Matthew 18:19) According to the command God gave to my father Late Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran, the Prayer Tower ministry was started on 12th August, 1983. There are dedicated and trained prayer intercessors to render prayer to the dear ones who are tangled and are suffering in grief by quoting Bible verses and strengthening their faith. In India, there are more than hundred Prayer Towers. Anyone can go directly to the Prayer Tower from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. to get prayer help. The prayer intercessors will pray for them. In June 2021, through the Prayer Towers, 5421 meetings were conducted via Zoom. During pandemic times, our prayer intercessors contacted 2,88,439 partners through telephone and prayed for them. They have visited 3,077 families, who called for prayer assistance and prayed for them. On an

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average, 15,000 people receive prayer help through the Telephone Prayer Tower. We have taken new initiatives to computerize all outbound calls to our partners through SoftPhone technology. Pray for this service. Thousands visit Prayer Towers in person and receive God’s blessings. Around 400 prayer intercessors both volunteers and full-time, are involved in the prayer mission. After the prayer intercessors pray through the telephone, the prayer requests are sent to me each day. I pray at the feet of the Lord for all the prayer requests. The chain prayer is also done at the Prayer Tower. The expenses of the internet and computer facility for the prayer intercessors to take calls from everywhere , the rentals for the buildings where the Prayer Towers function, salary for the staff and so on are met by the sacrificial offerings given by the partners towards the ministry of God. You too can support the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower ministry as the Lord leads you. When you support the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower ministry, which serves with the motto, ‘Not one soul to be lost’, the Lord shall write the souls which were touched by the Prayer Tower ministry in your account. Not only will you be a channel of blessing for many, you will also receive the blessings of the Lord in your personal and family life. Please contact the Prayer Tower in your country any time for prayer support. If the Lord has given you the burden of praying for others, you can contact the nearest Prayer Tower and offer your valuable services.

Testimonies of Jesus “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my Jesus Calls


witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8) How did the Lord bring us unto Him? How did His grace be sufficient in our lives? When we tell others about the miracles He did for us as a testimony, their faith will be rekindled and it will enable them to wait upon the Lord and receive the goodness. I testified the experience of accepting the Lord as my Savior, for the first time on 13th August, 1980 in a ‘Jesus Calls’ public meeting in Tuticorin, India. He is strengthening me each day to stand as a testimony even today. I give Him all the glory. If you wish to share about the goodness you

Through the Karunya Academy for Theological Education, various courses which give importance to the word of God are offered with the vision of creating disciples who will explain the extent of the love and compassionate kingdom of God. received through the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministries, about the blessings He granted, about the experience of your deliverance, write to us; it will enable us to praise the Lord along with you. Many would come to the Lord on reading your testimony. If you wish to share your testimonies, you can share it in the Prayer Tower in your country or by email to

Special Television programs "...Be glad and rejoice. Surely the LORD has done great things!" (Joel 2:21) Through the Family Channel, every Friday at 9 p.m. (IST) Samuel Dhinakaran, Dr. Shilpa Dhinakaran and Stella Ramola are conducting

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The television ministry helps those who don’t have the opportunity to hear the good news to know about the Lord. special UTurn programs live. Every Saturday, Evangeline and I conduct the live program in Tamil at 8 p.m. (IST). Every Saturday, at 9:30 p.m. (IST) we conduct it in other languages. Through these programs, the Lord is doing miracles in the lives of many. I request you to watch and also inform your friends in India and above all to pray for these events.

to know more about the Lord and ministry. Now that all the Prayer Towers are open, certified trainers and accredited teachers are ready to conduct training courses in Prayer Towers. Considering the pandemic, and also for interested people to participate from wherever they are, this training is conducted even online. Those who complete this training, can do volunteer ministry in the Prayer Towers. To know more details, visit or call to +91 9789977807 / + 91 6380752257.

Karunya Academy for Theological Education “Preaching the kingdom of God and teaching the things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ with all confidence, no one forbidding him.” (Acts 28:31)

Job Blessing Prayer Mission ".... The LORD your God will bless you in all your works, and in all that you do with your hands." (Deuteronomy 15:10) On August 17, 2020, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we launched the Job Blessing Prayer Mission. The unexpected spread of the COVID-19 pandemic paralyzed all trade and employment opportunities around the world. This led many to lose their jobs. We have launched this mission for the blessings of the unemployed, those who do not get due compensation, the new job seekers and those who are waiting for a promotion in their work. You can join or introduce your family and relatives to join the mission and seek blessings. The full details can be found in this issue.

Prayer Academy Online “Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.” (Luke 24:45)

The Lord has blessed Karunya Academy for Theological Education (KATE) by giving students who are dedicated to undergo training to do the ministry of Jesus. Various courses which give importance to the word of God are offered with the vision of creating disciples who will explain the extent of the love and compassionate kingdom of God. I kindly invite you to get trained by the Holy Spirit through the Karunya Academy for Theological Education. There are ways to select according to your calling and dedication, in your comfortable timing, mode of education and language. The students are trained to prepare souls and minister in their own way for Lord Jesus. To know more details regarding this, call to +919487846630 or visit

The ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Academy and Training is functioning for people, who wish 12

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Couples’ Esther Prayer Group “Has not the one God made you? You belong to him in body and spirit. And what does |

the one God seek? Godly offspring. So be on your guard, and do not be unfaithful to the wife of your youth.” (Malachi 2:15) August 21st, is the day on which my dear mother Stella Dhinakaran received the experience of salvation. From that day onward, she is living with zeal for the Lord. The Lord is using her mightily through the Esther Prayer groups. Especially in the month of August, we remember the inception of the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group and glorify God. At present, 135 Couples' Esther Prayer Groups are functioning. When the families live with reverential fear, the next generation will rise up as testimonies.

On August 28th (4th Saturday), we will be conducting the Day of Deliverance prayer through Family channel, Facebook and other social media platforms. We along with the prayer intercessors in the Prayer Tower will pray for all the prayer requests you send on that day. Therefore you can give your prayer requests in the Prayer Tower in your area to be prayed for on the Day of Deliverance in the month of August. You can send your prayer requests to or through the website

Corona Relief Assistance “Blessed are those who have regard for the weak;" (Psalm 41:1)

Hour of hope – Zoom prayer ministry “But I have prayed for you, Simon that your faith may not fail.” (Luke 22:32) We read in the Bible that Lord Jesus prayed for His disciple Peter unto the Heavenly Father. The important purpose of the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministries is to pray for the people who want prayer help. During this pandemic period, the normal state has completely changed. In order to enable people to listen to the word of the Lord even in the time of crisis without any hindrance, my wife Evangeline and I share the word of the Lord and pray for the loving people who join in the ‘Hour of Hope’ program through the Zoom facility online. The Lord is doing great things through these online meetings. Every Sunday at 7p.m.(IST), this meeting is conducted region wise in Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam and English. I ask of you to pray for this new initiative.

To commemorate my father Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran's birthday on July 1, welfare assistance was provided on behalf of SEESHA in Chennai, Coimbatore and many other parts of India. We distributed essential food items, new clothes and sewing machines to the destitute women, elderly, auto drivers, transgender and the poor children whose lives have been affected by the corona pandemic and the lockdown restrictions. World Elders Day is observed every year on August 21st. According to the Scriptures, “They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green,” (Psalm 92:14), let’s pray that the Lord Himself should lead the elderly. Let’s honor them and care for them.

Day of Deliverance “You are my help and my deliverer; You are my God.” (Psalm 40:17) Jesus Calls


August 2021

“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (II Corinthians 9:7) Dear brother who prays for you,

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran |



Jesus Calls


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Jesus Calls


August 2021



Running a family comes with many responsibilities. Building a home involves sacrifice and a lot of strength. It isn’t an easy job to raise kids, provide for them and manage household chores. Especially, in families where both parents are working, challenges increase. However, the good news of God to people like us is that He will increase His strength in us as our needs increase.


Jesus Calls


Yes, this month as well as for your lifetime, the Lord promises that He will increase your strength each day according to Psalm 84:7, “They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God in Zion.” Our Lord is a wonderful and faithful God, who can keep increasing our strength. In the Bible, we see how Moses found strength in the Lord. Moses was 120 years old when he died, yet his eyesight was clear, and he was as strong as ever (Deuteronomy 34:7). This is the life God promises to each one of us. With God, there is no favoritism (Romans 2:11) and

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He is a generous God who does not cast away those who come to Him (John 6:37). It is therefore in our hands to seek and find this increasing strength. To attest to the above truth, Bible also says, “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:31 When we hope in the Lord, He will renew our strength. As God is faithful, let us also be faithful in waiting at the feet of the Lord. We can gain strength only by going to God. When we wait in His presence, though we might feel like breaking down, He strengthens us through His Holy Spirit who prays for us in our weakness (Romans 8:26), strengthening our inner man. God’s strength will then be perfected in our weakness. "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness...” II Corinthians 12:9

with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.” Psalm 103:5 Yes, eagles have the longest lifespan among birds. After 40 years when it becomes aged, it plucks its feathers and knocks its beak against a rock until it plucks it out. After 150 days of waiting, new feathers and new beak grow up with which it lives 30 more years. Just like the eagle, we need to wait at God’s feet. When we do that we will surely be renewed with strength, much more than we had before and experience ever-increasing strength through which we will live an abundant life leading our family just as Moses led the Israelites being strong as ever.

So don’t shy away from your responsibilities. God’s strength will fill you. Only hold on to His Word and let His strength rule over you. As we grow older, the responsibilities we need to shoulder only increase, but it is written just for us that God will even renew our strength like how an eagle renews its strength, returning to us the strength of our youth. “Who satisfies your desires Jesus Calls


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YES, HERE’S A SHORT COMPILATION OF GOD’S MIRACLES ACROSS NATIONS THROUGH THE JESUS CALLS MINISTRY. VISIT OR CALL YOUR NEAREST PRAYER TOWER AND TASTE THE GOODNESS OF GOD. MIRACLES FOR EVERYONE Sis. Roxanne whose wedding was delayed, got married and very soon her two sisters and her brother also got settled in life. Sis.Kasturi who was there right from the inception of the Esther Prayer Group, stopped coming but later joined after facing constant challenges with witchcraft problems. She started having Esther meetings when she moved away and received victory over all the issues. Sis. Rene also was trusting God for a church building for her son- in- law. It was one of the requests on Esther Prayer Group and the Lord made a way to have a building. We also have our first Junior Esther Prayer Group and Sister Rene’s granddaughter Alexis Zoe is the leader; so our next generation will follow to serve God. 18

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Sis. Vassie prayed for her son Preshen to succeed in life. We thank God for he received a promotion at work and he also opened his own business. For Sis. Shyma ,doctors said she will not have any children. But she gave birth to a boy and even then the doctors said the child would not live. We prayed in the Esther Prayer Group and trusted God. The child is now 3 years old. What a mighty God we serve. Praise the Lord. - Pinky Pill, EPG leader, South Africa

BARRIERS REPLACED WITH BLESSINGS I have a company, which buys and supplies heavy machinery from overseas to local factories all over Malaysia. Before the recent Full Movement Control Order (FMCO) was announced due to the Covid-19 pandemic, my largest client ordered a machine from my company and so as usual I had to purchase it from overseas for them. As the purchase went through successfully, the overseas supplier got everything ready to ship out the purchased machine. Then all of a sudden the FMCO began and the Government announced that only companies providing essential supplies are allowed to operate, so they needed to get their approval letters from the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI). As the nature of business for my company does not fall under essential services category, I could not get that letter from MITI. Without this approval letter, my company has to be closed throughout the FMCO. This will cause huge loss for my company. Therefore, my only option was to turn to my Lord Jesus Christ. I took the opportunity to call the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower every single day for 2 weeks and out of the blue, I received the approval letter. So my staff could return to work and I could prepare the documentation for customs clearance for my shipment which had arrived at the port. Truly it’s a miracle. All glory to God. - Lee, Malaysia HEALED FROM ILLNESS I had a minor accident at my workplace where my leg got injured. The wound in my leg did not heal and it got infected. Due to which my body started showing rare symptoms of diabetes. I had high temperature, loss of appetite and was profusely sweating. I became very weak and was admitted in the hospital. The doctors kept me under observation since I hadn’t taken food for almost three weeks. My wife kept praying for my recovery. She also contacted the Jesus Calls Fiji Prayer Tower where the prayer intercessor prayed for my healing with great burden. They also Jesus Calls


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visited me in the hospital and encouraged me through prayers. The Lord heard our prayers and healed me completely. The infection in my leg left and the wound got healed. Later I was discharged from the hospital with no symptoms of diabetes. Praise be to the Lord for this marvelous miracle. - Ronald Raj, Fiji

FREED FROM CANCER I am a partner of the Jesus calls ministry since I was in school. My mother made me a Young Partner when I was in school and I used to write to Dr D.G.S. Dhinakaran at that time. He used to personally write reply letters to me. Now I am married with my own family, and we are partners of the Family Blessing Prayer Mission. It’s been over 3 decades that we are partners in Jesus Calls Ministry, and we believe that God’s powerful miraculous hands are upon this ministry and the prayer intercessors. My Sister-in-law, Selma Gomes who got cured of pancreas and intestinal cancer was diagnosed with third stage of cancer about a year ago and had undergone an operation after which she went through 8 sessions of chemotherapy. Despite going through much pain she trusted in God to heal her completely. As soon as I heard about her diagnosis, I sent a prayer request to Jesus Calls ministry to pray for her and uphold her in prayer to our Lord Jesus Christ. Two weeks ago, she completed all her 8 sessions of chemotherapy and by doing another MRI and CT scan they found a few spots of the cancer left. She had to get her reverse Stoma surgery and during that time they also carefully removed the spots that were showing in the scan. She had another scan after the surgery and the doctors declared her cancer free. God was healing her every step of her treatment. He has His own time for every good thing that comes out of Him alone. All through her journey in recovery, Jesus Calls ministry did not stop praying for her. Without our Lord this would not have been possible. Nothing is impossible with God Almighty. Thanks to Jesus Calls Canada, for continuously praying for all my prayer requests. All glory goes to God. We praise our Lord Jesus for this miracle in Selma’s life. - Joy D’Penha, Brampton, Canada BLESSED THROUGH PROPHETIC CONFERENCE By the Grace of God, I along with my family attended the three days Jesus Calls Prophetic Conference held on June 2010 at “Catch the Fire 20

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Church” facility. The worship session, the message and the teaching sessions as well as the prayer sessions were such a blessing to me. It has helped me to grow spiritually and has equipped me to get one more step closer in my walk with the Lord. I witnessed several hearts of people being touched through the messages and prayers of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and being drawn to the Lord. Every session was led by the Lord and all were experiencing powerful deliverance through the word of God, revelations and prayers. I was particularly encouraged by the teachings on the ‘Gifts of the Holy Spirit’. On one of the 3 days, especially during the prayer session, I saw a vision of Jesus’ face. I heard a gentle voice of the Lord speaking to me, “Daughter I am blessing you to move forward to do My will. Daughter, my heart is for souls. I will give you the grace to win souls for Me in an unique way.” Since then the Lord has given me opportunities to serve Him in my Church, work place, in my home and even in Jesus Calls Prayer Tower as a prayer intercessor. I am looking forward to serve the Lord more in these last days, before His return. - Susan George, Scarborough Ontario, Canada STRENGTH TO OVERCOME STRUGGLES I am a Jesus Calls Ministry partner from South Africa. I suffered a lot in life due to witchcraft done against me. There was absolutely no peace in my life. I joined the Esther Prayer Group taking place in our area and was constantly encouraged and upheld by intercessory prayers in the Jesus Calls. The Lord began to work in my life and gave me victory over my circumstances. I then started a Prayer Group and began praying for others, for His glory. I praise God for helping me overcome my adversaries in life. - Kasthuri, South Africa

Jesus Calls


August 2021



The God of gods is the personification of love (I John 4:8,16). The Lord, who is the embodiment of love wants to stay within us and with us, always. That’s why He says, “I will set My tabernacle among you” (Leviticus 26:11). Also it is said, “in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit” (Ephesians 2:22). When God gets united with us, His love is perfected in us. When someone’s life that has no love is united with God, it gets filled with God’s love. Isn’t it?

How to accept the Lord, who is the personification of love and hold on to Him? “…that you may love the Lord your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days…’ (Deuteronomy 30:20) God loved us thus by offering His Son Jesus Christ as atonement of sin for us on the cross (John 3:16; Galatians 2:20). He drew us with His gentle cords of love and has made us His own (Hosea 11:4). He redeemed us (Isaiah 63:9). Out of divine love, He transformed the man called Saul, who was the chief of sinners and who was a blasphemer and a persecutor (I Timothy 1:15, 1:12) into a vessel of grace( Romans 9:23) , removed all the darkness in his life and beautifully made him into a blessed vessel. Have we committed ourselves to live this kind of a blessed life that is filled with the love of Christ? If not, tell Him right now, “Lord, You committed Yourself by suffering in Your body and shedding Your blood. Today I commit my life to You. Change me into Your daughter who would 22

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love You with all my heart and serve You.” Then the merciful Lord would deliver you from your sins, transgressions and unrighteousness and change you into His vessel, filled with His divine love!

Put on Love – the Bond of Perfection “But above all these things, put on love, which is the bond of perfection.” (Colossians 3:14) We read about the parable of the Good Samaritan, as said by Jesus. When a certain man was assailed by the thieves and was lying down half dead, wounded and hurt, there was no one to help him. In that condition, a Samaritan approached him and showed him love (Luke 10:30-34). About this the Lord has said in several places in the Bible, “Love one another” (John 13:34; 15:12,17). You should have fervent love for one another (I Peter 4:8). Today, the works of the devil such as rift, bitterness, and enmity abound in families because of ‘lack of love.’ Children make the elders in the family miserable by not respecting them, despising them and showing them hatred. As a result, many children are unable to receive any blessing in their lives and get affected by depression which either affect their minds or make them commit suicide. On the other hand, the family that is filled with divine love for one another, shines wonderfully for the Lord, with His peace and as comfort to others, bearing good testimony for their good works. In my life, when I came to understand the glory of salvation given by the Lord Jesus Christ, my family hated me as they were ignorant of this glory. Hence, I was deserted and shunned. At this juncture, one morning, when I was praying, the Lord spoke to me saying, “My daughter, I have chosen you to know the glory of my salvation and divine love. But you, on the other hand, have

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enmity towards them, without showing them the glory of divine love. Get up and right now make ways for divine love to flood into your family.” How to fulfil this? Though I was perturbed about their enmity towards me, the next minute I was filled with the Spirit. As divine love and godly zeal kept filling me, I set forward to accomplish this. “I will go before you and make the crooked places straight.” (Isaiah 45:2) According to this Scripture verse, the divine presence of the Lord led me wonderfully. Since I humbled myself, being filled with the love of Christ, the ‘darkness of hatred’ brought by the devil vanished completely. The love of Christ filled my family, granted them salvation and anointing, changed their lives upside down and increased in them the oneness of mind given by Him, unity and the tendency to sacrificially help one another. Today, the love of Christ has increased in many of them to such a great extent that they are shining as good testimonies for the Lord in a miraculous way.

Conquerors through Him who loved us (Romans 8:37) “In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) We read in the Bible that we must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God (Acts 14:22). The whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one (I John 5:19) and it is evil (Galatians 1:4). These days we see many terrible works of hatred happening in families because of which people languish in worries, tears and burden, feeling like losers. Doesn’t the Bible say that the Lord, who is the personification of love, has disarmed principalities and powers triumphing over them on the cross (Colossians 2:15) and thanks be to God who gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ’ (I Corinthians 15:57). I take pleasure in once again sharing with you the experience I had in my life, which I have frequently shared with you: We were living happily as a family till the year 1969. Suddenly my husband’s both lungs were affected and he was nearing death. I was heart-broken. I was shattered when the doctors told me that he would Jesus Calls


die soon. However, the next moment, I knelt down and pleaded to the Lord with tears. Is He not the Lord who hears prayers? (Psalm 65:2). He spoke to me saying, “Your husband will not die; he will live.” On hearing that divine voice I got up with a strong faith and being filled with great joy as if I had received victory, I began to praise Him with my whole heart and mind. Though it took four and a half months for my husband to get healed completely and go back to his job, my faith did not waver at any time. Yes! My dear ones, this is the victory that has overcome the world, our faith (I John 5:4). It is hundred percent true! Though the devil brought lot of tough situations in our family life, our eyes were always upon Jesus, ‘the Hill from whence comes help’, and hence we miraculously received abundant blessings from the Lord, who made heaven and earth (Psalm 121:1, 2). “Hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” (Romans 5:5) Yes, if we are diligent in seeking the things from above pertaining to holiness, the Lord who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us (Ephesians 3:20) will fill us with His divine love and make everything victorious by His power (Philippians 4:13). Cornelius, the centurion, was a heathen; Yet, since he sought the Lord with great desire, as a family, He made him joyful by filling him with the oil of anointing (Acts 10th chapter). Similarly, if you seek Him as a family in His presence in reverence and with oneness of mind, He will make you joyful and bless you with a perfect life, filled with peace and joy in Christ. The God of gods has given our family this divine blessing and has given us the victorious life of living for the glory of His name, generation after generation (Isaiah 61:9). In the same way, the Lord wants to fill you with His divine love and glorify His name. With Him there is no partiality (Acts 10:34; Galatians 2:6; Romans 2:11). The Lord hears the cries of those who call unto Him (Psalm 34:17). Hence, let us commit ourselves at His feet in order to be pleasing to Him in showing love to the family members and to others. Let us receive His blessings!

August 2021



According to God’s divine guidance, He gave a burden about the couples to Sis. Stella Dhinakaran and as a result of this, on 17th August, 2017 was born the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group for families to be built up and blessed through the couples. To commemorate, we are publishing this article. In this group, many couples can join together and pray for an hour at the feet of the Lord, once a month for the 10 prayer points sent by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran. Now this group has been started not only in India but also in other countries like America, U.K, Oman and Sri Lanka and at present 135 groups are functioning. As a result, the Lord is doing great and mighty things among the couples. We are publishing here a few testimonies for encouraging you to start such group and be blessed. By the grace of God, we are conducting the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group since the day it was formed. We are very much blessed by the promise verses and the prayer points Dr.S.J.Kingsley & Mrs. Vidi Kingsley sent by dear mother Directors, EPG every month. All the members of our group pray reverentially for the prayer points as a result of which everyone is growing much spiritually. Before conducting the prayer group, my wife and I would jointly pray and get prepared. Nowadays, we conduct the prayer through online. As a proof of how the prayer points are of blessing to everyone, I am giving below the testimony of one of the couples. - Mrs & Dr. S.J. Kingsley, Chennai 24

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As soon as I receive the prayer points to be prayed for in the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group, which are sent to me by Dr. Kingsley, I would read all the points. Last month, I was inspired by the 9th prayer point and during the prayer time I very much desired that I should be called to offer prayers for that point. Wonder of wonders, I was surprised to see my name allotted for that 9th prayer point. It was a common practice in our group that the husband would pray first for the prayer point followed by the wife. However, when it was our turn, I was asked by Dr. Kingsley to pray first, followed by my husband. So,I prayed for the prayer point I waited for. From this, I understood how beautifully the Lord fulfils even our smallest desire in order to reveal His deep love for us.

August 2021


This made me very happy and hence I share with others that the Lord is with us and particularly with the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group. Glory be to the Lord! - Mrs. Mayakannan, Chennai. As per the vision given to dear Sis.Stella Dhinakaran, the Lord enabled us to start the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group right on the day of its inception on 17.08. 2017. Five couples residing in our same street joined our group. Through this group, every couple is progressing in faith and prayer. In our street, one after the other, the voice of prayerful songs can be heard. In March 2020, our only son visited us as a family from Canada, after 10 years. However, when they were about to return to Canada, many flight services were cancelled because of Corona. Yet the Lord helped my son and his family to reach Canada, without any problem. Also, God blessed him with a promotion in his job there. The Lord also granted us many Scriptural revelations and used us in His ministry in places like Delhi and Mumbai. The Lord has helped us to join the Jesus Calls Trumpet Prayer and has made our home into a little Prayer Tower. Glory to God! - Mrs & Mr. Theodore, Coimbatore. We did not have children, even after three years of married life. At this juncture, Jesus Calls


Bro.Theodore invited us to take part in the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group. I, on the other hand, attended the prayer half-heartedly wondering how I would be able to pray for other couples. The very next month, the Lord blessed me and enabled me to conceive a child. In my personal prayer life also, the Lord is helping me to pray for others, understanding the longing of their hearts. When I was perturbed that my family was running with my husband’s sole income as I did not have a job despite my high qualification, the Lord opened a door for me to pursue my higher studies. I got admission in a good college that is nearly 40 km away from our place and travelling was quite difficult. However, this has now become easy because the classes are conducted online. Most of my friends, who study with me, have not tasted Christ’s love. The Lord helped me to send them every day a video containing messages on the Lord’s words. I thank and praise the Lord, who has given me both material and spiritual blessings. - Mrs & Mr. Jeyaseelan, Coimbatore. The Lord has graciously helped us to start the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group and pray in it with accountability. While praying as a family in the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group,

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we feel the mighty presence of God. In that one hour prayer time, the Holy Spirit fills each one of us in an immeasurable way. Now, my husband’s Bible reading time has increased. He has also gained good physical strength. Through two couples in our group, the Lord has graciously helped us to start two more new Couples’ Esther Prayer Groups. They too are faithfully conducting the prayer. What a blessing it would be if every leader of the Esther Prayer Group would also start a Couples’ Esther Prayer Group. God has helped the couples in our groups to get filled with spiritual blessings and fruits. Praise be to the Lord! - Mrs & Mr. Srinivasan, Sivakasi. We are contucting couples’ Esther Prayer in Oman, the couple Uday and his wife come from a family that does not know Christ. Bro.Uday is working in L&T in Muscat. His wife Kanaga in Sri Lanka, working as a nurse in a hospital got a job in Ireland but because of the ‘lock-down’ she could not get the necessary documents to go there within the stipulated time. At this time, she was informed that she should join the job within a few days or else should join after six months, in the next batch. However, within three days, the Lord miraculously opened a way and helped her to join the job. Bro. Uday was affected by Corona and was on ventilator, as he was struggling to breathe. All of us prayed for him. The Lord healed him. He gave a video call from the hospital requesting to get him discharged. Glory be to the Lord! - Mrs & Mr. Bennet, Oman. 26

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The Lord saved me in the year 2020. From then on, I started family prayer in my house. Initially, I was praying alone and then my husband also joined me in the prayer. After starting the Esther Prayer Group and the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group, my sons also joined the family prayer, one by one. Now all of us, including our daughter-in-law, pray as a family. In the noon, I join with anyone who is at home and pray with them. After starting the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group, the Lord has filled our family with His anointing during the prayer time. I eagerly wait for the prayer points every month. The moment we receive the points, we gather to pray with joy. Before starting the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group, I had bitterness towards a few people. After that, as I was filled with the love of Calvary, I could easily forgive those who had harmed me. I spoke in person with all those who were upset with me and manifested Christ’s love towards them. Today, revealing the love of Christ to other people, has become my life. If and when I commit a mistake I immediately humble myself and ask pardon from others, whether they are elders or younger ones. My elder son and daughter-in-law attend the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group because of which they have found many transformations in their spiritual life. Now, they seek the Lord all the more. I enjoy the peace of God in our home. All the problems in the workspot have also gone. I have found a few children of God in the company I work and pray with them. Here too, I enjoy God’s peace. A piece of land, owned by us, could not be evaluated since a long time. Now, all the obstacles have been removed and I am waiting for the documents. Glory to God! - Mrs & Mr. Selvaraj, Chennai.

August 2021


What great transformations have been brought into Mrs. Selvaraj’s personal life as well as in the life of her family members through her testimony! The Lord is raising such good testimonies in order that members of the family should thus be benefitted and be filled with divine joy and peace. Hence, those, who have not yet joined the Prayer Group may kindly commit yourself in the hands of God to join this prayer and receive full reward! - Sis. Stella Dhinakaran. I am conducting the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group since May 2020. Four couples from our family join together and pray in this group. Though we are in different places, we unite our hearts in prayer through conference call, in the presence of God. We are blessed both spiritually and physically. Apart from understanding the difficulties and problems in the couples’ lives, through the prayer points, we are urged more to pray for the Lord’s mercy and the blessings of families. While sending the report for the month, Aunty Stella’s comforting words of reply and the verses strengthen our spirit. Because of the ‘lockdown’, my parents and parents-in-law could not come to UK to attend my delivery. Yet the Lord was of help to me and strengthened me. We were asked to vacate our house, within a short span. It was difficult to find a house. I wrote to Aunty Stella Dhinakaran and her reply that

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God would surely give us a good house, gave me courage. Accordingly, the Lord, who hears prayers, granted us a good house even before the stipulated time was over. Similarly, He has made not only us but also many others in our group to share several testimonies. Since we pray for others in the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group, we are also blessed in many ways. Praise be to God! - Mrs & Mr. Vinoth, UK. I was amazed by the way in which my wife used to form the Esther Prayer Groups and conduct prayers and I was impressed by the prayer points. I realized that such prayers are highly essential for the life of women as well as for families, particularly couples, and it was at that time, Sis. Stella Dhinakaran, started the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group. Immediately, we started the Couples’ Esther Prayer Group. The prayer points sent by her every month are greatly encouraging, convicting and edifying. Many changes and progress could be felt in the life of every one of us in the group. Two Couples’ Esther Prayer Groups are being conducted in our church. These couples conduct the Couples’ Esther Prayer Groups in their locality as well, through which God is building up several families. We witness lot of testimonies every month. Praise be to the Lord for giving us the grace to conduct this prayer every month. - Mrs & Mr. Senguttuvan, Chennai.

August 2021



Hello Friends, I am really excited to share God’s word with you this month. Do you know what is special about this month? I think you have guessed it right! Yes, every year the first Sunday of August is celebrated as Friendship day and this year it is on the very first day of the month. A big shout-out to all my buddies out there - “Wish you a very Happy Friendship Day”. What the sayings say: We have heard many quotes about friendship and here are a few. “Show me who your friends are, and I'll tell you who you are.” “Friends show their love in times of trouble not happiness.” “Because of friends, we laugh a little more, cry much less, and smile a lot more.” Often, dog is referred to as a man’s best friend! “A dog will be your best friend no matter what.” “A true friend leaves paw prints on your heart.” Have you heard of Hachiko? He is a dog so famous that several movies have been made about him. Eizaburo Ueno, a professor at Tokyo


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University in Japan, had long wanted a pet puppy and found Hachiko. Eizaburo loved his dog the most and treated him as his son. The two became inseparable best friends. As Hachiko grew older, he started to see his owner off to work in the morning and went to pick him up in the afternoon at the Shibuya Train Station. One afternoon, Hachiko was waiting at the station as usual for his owner, who never showed up. It turned out that Eizaburo had died suddenly and unexpectedly while at work. Throughout the rest of his ten-year-long life, Hachiko kept going to the train station every morning and afternoon and waited patiently for his owner’s return. The dog eventually passed away near Shibuya train station. From The Bible: *FAITHFUL FRIEND: When nobody from King Saul’s army dared to fight against Goliath, David came in boldly and took victory. David became part of Saul’s army. Jonathan, the son of Saul, and David became very close friends. Their friendship continued on to their generations too. Jonathan was the Crown prince of Israel, but things changed with Saul’s disobedience. The Lord was angry with Saul and made David as the

August 2021


successor. Though Jonathan was aware of this, he befriended David genuinely and even went a step further to protect him from Saul’s treachery. *FAULT FINDERS: The man of God - Job had three friends, who visited him during his calamity. Instead of encouraging, they accused Job of sin to be reason for his suffering. I am sure you all have memories that you cherish about your friends. You may have a lot of friends and many may claim that you are their best friend, but I am going to share about someone who is longing to be your friend for a lifetime and beyond. FRIENDS OF JESUS: When Jesus sojourned this earth, He chose twelve men as His close circle and called them His friends (John 15:15). After Jesus died on the cross bringing salvation to mankind, He was resurrected on the third day. Having fulfilled the will of His Heavenly Father, Jesus was to ascend into Heaven. His disciples were full of fear, asking Him what they would do without Him. According to John 14:16, Jesus encouraged them saying: “I will ask the Father, and He will send another Companion, who will be with you forever.” Who is this “Forever Companion”? When Jesus was in this world, He was led by the Holy Spirit - the Spirit of God. Jesus promised that He would send them the same person, who would live in their spirits to comfort, take care, lead and always be with them. The Holy Spirit is very essential to every child of God because of his vital interventions (Romans 8:26 and John 16:8). Foremost, He makes sure to keep Jesus in your heart. The Holy Spirit helps in your weaknesses. He convicts you so that you don't give away your heart to sin but that Jesus can stay with you. Sometimes in your weaknesses, you mess things up and allow sin to enter, which would chase Jesus away. This is where the Holy Spirit steps in and convicts. He speaks telling: ‘My child, don't allow sin into your life. Check what you do. Don’t give way to worldly pleasure. Don't cheat, steal, or tell lies. Make sure you do not get into habits that ruin your body.’

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The Holy Spirit fights for you and makes sure you keep only Jesus in your heart. Thank God for the protection of the Holy Spirit! This month, the Holy Spirit will come into your heart and lead you. To Befriend the Forever Friend: For the Holy Spirit to lead you, the single most important thing that you need to do is pray daily asking Him to teach you God’s Word and teach you what to pray for. When Jesus went to the house of Martha and Mary, He sat down to teach His word. While Mary was sitting down at His feet, Martha was worried about cooking. It is true that she wanted to make good food for Jesus, but Jesus corrected her telling: “Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but one thing is needful; and Mary hath made the right choice, which shall not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:42 Martha was missing out on listening to the words of Jesus, which was much greater than the food she was preparing to serve Him. Being food for the soul, God's word is the most important. “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4 Indeed my friend, the Holy Spirit wants to live with you and listen to you. He wants to shower His love on you and receive your love. This is all that He wants. Will you not give Him that love? Invite Him into your heart as your best friend. Treat Him as the King and member of your family. When He is with you, you will lack nothing. That is the heart of God. His goodness and love will follow you for lifetime. Holy Spirit is such a lovingly true friend, who accepts you as you are but helps you to become who you should be.

August 2021

Prayer: My loving heavenly Father, I thank You for the promise that You have given me this month. I want Jesus as my best and forever friend. I invite the Holy Spirit into my heart and life. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit, who will teach me everyday Your word and the way in which I should walk. Thank You Lord for You will fill me with Your Holy Spirit, who will help me to lead a life that is pleasing to You and bring You glory. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.



HINDRANCES REMOVED I was worried about my future since my marriage was getting delayed even after years of waiting. I got associated with the Jesus Calls Ministry and I joined the Esther Prayer Group in South Africa and also became a leader of a group in a particular area. What a wonder! My wedding that was delayed got fixed and my marriage took place successfully. The Lord not only settled my life but also my siblings’ as well. After marriage I kept praying for a baby. I wrote a prayer request to Jesus Calls for prayers. The Lord heard the prayers and blessed me with a baby. I am so thankful to the Lord for removing every obstacle and fulfilling my heart’s desires. - Roxanne, South Africa SOUTH AFRICA PRAYER TOWER Our Address: Faith Revival Church, 34, Herrencroft Road, Longcroft, Phoenix 4068 Postal Address: P.O Box 61207, Phoenix 4080 Office Timings: Monday – Friday 09:00 – 15:00; Weekends - By appointment For further details or regarding donations/ministry resources, Kindly contact: (+27) 31 500 2484 ; (+27) 84 606 8515 Email Address: PARTNER WITH US You are most welcome to become a Jesus Calls Partner or enrol in any of the Godgiven plans of the Ministry - Family Blessing Mission, Young Partners’ Mission, Business Blessing Mission, Prayer Tower Prayer Mission, SEESHA & TV Club etc. You may send in your loving offerings through Cash / Cheque / Direct Banking. Please find below the bank details for online payment and funds transfer: Name of Bank: Standard Bank Branch Code: 44017 Account Number: 331730553

Name of Branch: Kingsmead Account Name: Jesuscalls Africa

Online payment can be done through the website with secured payment gateway: 30

Jesus Calls


August 2021


Some of our recent efforts as part of this Relief aid program are as below:  Celebrating the first birthday of tiny tot Katelyn Anna

The second wave of COVID-19 in India has worsened the existing hunger crisis and with the lockdowns depriving many of jobs & income, the underprivileged are going hungry. To free the needy from hunger & despair in this crisis, SEESHA has launched a mega relief aid program across our project locations recently and has served 2500 beneficiaries so far. .

Dhinakaran, SEESHA along with Karunya Deemed University organized a mega welfare distribution program in Coimbatore, which was presided over by Mr. K. Ramachandran - TN Minister for Forest. At the event, over 500 dry ration kits were distributed to the needy and sewing machines presented to 10 disadvantaged women as livelihood support. The Hon’ble Minister also launched the Chief Minister’s Comprehensive Health Insurance Scheme (CMCHIS) & inaugurated an ICU unit at the SEESHA Karunya Community Hospital.  A grand COVID-19 relief distribution event was organized on July 01st, commemorating the 86th birth anniversary of Dr. D.G.S Dhinakaran in Chennai, during which our Founder Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Bro. Samuel Paul Dhinakaran and Mr. Peter Alphonse Chairman of State Minorities Commission, distributed welfare benefits such as dry rations, sewing machines, school kits & new clothes to nearly 1000 beneficiaries across underprivileged & vulnerable backgrounds  Hundreds of deprived families have been benefited through our COVID-19 relief distribution in Cuddalore & Bengaluru.  Underprivileged patients are getting treated for free through the CMCHIS Scheme at the SEESHA Karunya Community Hospital & free medicines are provided for home quarantined patients.

As we care for the neglected and serve the sick showing true love in this hour of uncertainty, we invite you to join with SEESHA to serve 5000 more families through our relief aid program and help us vaccinate underprivileged people through our mega vaccination drive. YOU CAN SUPPORT US IN THE FOLLOWING WAYS – • Sponsor one health & sanitation kit – USD 22/• Sponsor COVID-19 vaccination for one underprivileged person – USD 10/-

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