Jesus Calls International December 2020

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RESTORED TO HEALTH I am blessed with two children who are Young Partners of Jesus Calls. We as a family are partners in the Family Blessing Plan. On 5th July 2017, suddenly I fell unconscious and was rushed to the hospital. The doctors who examined me gave up hope. I underwent a major surgery which lasted for 6 hours and was then transferred to the ICU. My family members were very much worried that they might lose me or that I would be paralyzed for life .They called the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower for prayer support and the prayer intercessors there prayed with much burden. The surgery was successful and the Lord graciously protected me. Though, at first, I had memory loss, the Lord helped me to recover gradually and granted me healing in that area too. By God’s grace, I was able to continue my work and lead a normal life. I thank and praise God for giving me life and also thank the prayer intercessors who prayed for me. All glory to God alone. - Joy Vijila Ambinathan, Kandy SRI LANKA PRAYER TOWERS Colombo Jesus Calls International 15/1B, Joseph Lane, Bambalapitiya, Colombo – 4. Telephone: +94-11-4488112 (General) Jaffna 32, Old Park Road, Jaffna, Phone: +94 21 2212737

Mattakkuliya 65/373, 5th Lane, Crow Island, Mattakkuliya, Colombo 15. Phone: + 9411 2521365 Kandy 132, Vihara Mawatha, Mulgampola, Kandy. Phone: +94 81 2225193.

TO KNOW DETAILS ON EVENTS WRITE TO Email:; Website: 24 Hour Prayer Hotline for Sri Lanka: +94-11-4488111


After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the One who has been born King of the Jews? We saw His star when it rose and have come to worship Him.” (Matthew 2:1, 2)


he Wise Men asked, “Where is the One who has been born King of the Jews?” However, I believe that people today are asking the question - Who is that king having power over all the evil, darkness and sin? Where can we find the

king who commands everything to order? Where is King Jesus who will bring Jesus Calls International


December 2020



deliverance in my life? The answer is YOU! Yes, Jesus has placed His

much.” When you are faithful in small things, the Lord will make you a leader

children as kings the world is searching for. You have been

over much. You will never be lost.

established by the Lord to be kings to reign on the earth (Rev. 5:10). How thrilling this is! Some say that whenever a king is born, a star appears to denote his birth. We don't know if it appeared for others, but we do know that it appeared for Jesus! The star for the King of the Jews appeared in the heavens. In Psalm 147:4 and Isaiah 40:26, we see how the Lord creates the stars and He gives each one a size, majesty, glory and purpose. God also determines a place for it; He gives each star a name, calls it every

When the Lord of lords was born as a child, the light that came from within Him gave light to the star; that star was only reflecting the light of the Son of God.


day by name and makes sure it’s in place. Not a single star is lost. Similarly, the Lord has created you to be a star, given you a form, glory, and a place where you need to rise up and shine. Daniel 12:3 says, “Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.” You have been called to be a star that brings many to righteousness. Therefore, be brave and courageous. Doubts may arise in your mind if you need to go elsewhere, find another job or leave your family and move to a different place to serve; It is not so. The Lord’s power will make you shine wherever you are. Luke 16:10 says, “Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with Jesus Calls International


December 2020

SHINE IN DARKNESS “The light shines in the darkness.”

(John 1:5)

The Lord has given you the light to shine for the purpose you have been created. What a blessing! You are precious to the Lord because it is He who has created you, in a wonderful and fearful manner (Psalm 139:14). Therefore, God will not reduce your light to a mere shimmer; He will not forsake you nor let the clouds hide your light. We see the stars shining in darkness, in situation and circumstance surrounded by gloom. Therefore, never be afraid when trouble surrounds you, for that is then the miracles of Jesus happen; when death comes, rejoice, because that’s when resurrection happens; when there is a lack, it is then the five loaves and two fish will multiply to feed thousands of people. Darkness should never terrify you. When the Wise Men saw the star, they recognized that it was not an ordinary star but that of a King, the King of the Jews. When the Lord of lords was born as a child, the light that came from within Him gave light to the star; that star was only reflecting the light of the Son of God. It had no light of its own in a physical context but was a unique light-reflecting star. That is why the Wise Men decided, ‘it was not the glory of the star but the glory of the King, whose birth it signifies’ and decided to follow it. |

Similarly, what makes you and me shine in this world is Jesus - the true Light of the world.

would have thought, ‘Ah a city fit for our King’s birth! Certainly we will find our King here.’ They

What attracts people to you is the light of Jesus that makes you shine; it’s not your words or songs,

were about to worship Jesus as a worldly king. Imagine what the star would have thought: ‘They

it is the light of Christ that is shining in you. You may have many weaknesses and lacks but the

followed me all this while, and we are only 12 miles away from Bethlehem, but the worldly

Lord chooses and sends His light upon the weak, the smallest among all, or those who lack faith.

splendor of Jerusalem has diverted their focus. How painful this must have been for the star!

Whoever does not reflect His light and does not fulfill the will of God, will have a tragic end like

However, did it stop shining? No, it continued doing its job.

Judas; but those who do the will of God will turn the world upside down like what the early

It may happen similarly in your job or service. People may shift their focus from the light that God shines

disciples did (Acts 17:6). The Lord has chosen you to shine

through you to worldly things of lust, power and pride.

forth the true Light of the world - Jesus Christ. The

When it happens, never be troubled. Instead, be

God who created light from darkness is living

like the star, and continue your service to

inside you. Therefore, His light will shine from you

humanity undaunted. Totally surrender yourself

in the upcoming year. “…The Lord rises upon you and His glory

to the Lord and let Him lead you to those whom

appears over you. Nations will come to

He has purposed for you to lead, reflecting the light of

your light, and kings to the brightness of your

Christ. You are not shining just for the sake of people’s

dawn.” (Isaiah 60:2, 3)

appreciation nor performing your work depending on their directives.

The days are coming when the Lord is about to bring kings and leaders to your light to guide them through prophecy, and they

Your mission in life is to reflect the light and glory of Jesus Christ and not to please the

will be transformed. You are also going to see the power of resurrection in the coming days.

people around you. You are a light giver receiving your light from the Lord and not from human beings


or from their judgement. Your light is not based on human standards too. Let your eyes always look

“Let us not become weary in doing good.”

upon Jesus, whose light makes everyone to shine forever, as well as in all circumstances.

(Galatians 6:9) Look at the star that guided the Wise Men till Jerusalem. However, on reaching Jerusalem, and viewing the royal grandeur that decked the city and the desirable throne of King Herod, they Jesus Calls International


SHINE IN ADVERSITY “My head will be exalted above the enemies who surround me.” (Psalm 27:6)

December 2020



The Wise Men went directly to King

Chennai with their letter. Awestruck by the statement and

Herod and the High Priests. Who were

filled with compassion, my father commanded the devil in

they? They were the ones who wanted

Jesus’ name to leave the family! The demons visited the

to kill Jesus. It was in fact, they who

rest of the family in Odisha at the same time and said that

eventually killed Jesus, but from their

they were leaving. Today, the Lord has opened a way in the

very own mouths the prophecy came of

state of Odisha and has made millions of people come to

where Jesus was born. They guided the

know the Lord through Jesus Calls Prayer Festivals and

Wise Men to Bethlehem, where Jesus

Prayer Towers.

was born.

If you are worried that people have left you or that

Many years ago, when we did not

they are talking ill about you, take heart, God will make

have Prayer Towers anywhere except in

prophecy come from their very lips that you are the star

Chennai, and had never visited Odisha

of God. Yes, you will be surprised! God is going to make

for ministry, we had a surprise visit from

those who want to destroy you to commend you and

a family of four from Sambalpur,

testify about you. They will send people and kings to you.

Odisha. They could speak only Odiya

However, be sure not to run after people, but only after

language and so a friend helped in

Jesus! The Holy Spirit will make people to come to you to

translating for us. They explained that

receive God’s blessings thus acknowledging that you are

they were much troubled due to demonic

God’s servant. As you keep shining, men of authority and

oppression. Every night, little demons

kings will come to your light in great numbers from all

and big ones would physically appear in

directions. Starting now, God is going to make you a shining

their home. The larger demons would

star- a star that guides leaders. You will experience His

hold the family members while the little

majestic blessings in full measure this upcoming year.

ones would bite them. They could see

The Wise Men came out of the palace and “When they

those physical wounds later. One fine

saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy”

day, the little boy in the family asked one

(Matt 2:10) and doubtless, it led them quickly to

of the little demons, “What should we

Bethlehem where they saw Jesus. When people look at

do to make you leave us.” It replied,

you, they will see Jesus and they will be filled with

“There is a person in Chennai called

exceedingly great joy.

Dhinakaran - if he asks us to leave, we will leave.” The family never knew who my Dad was neither did they know Jesus. By God’s providence, the family met someone from YMCA, who agreed to help them; they wrote a letter to my father stating that the devil had mentioned that if Dhinakaran would ask

Dearly beloved, is your heart troubled crying out why has God forsaken you? Don’t be worried. He will make you shine ever more brightly. Just keep praising the Lord. That is all you need to do. Keep thanking God saying, ‘I praise You Lord for reflecting Your light on me so that I may keep shining.’ The Lord is going to make you shine in every aspect of life as you move into the approaching year. “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make

the demons to leave them, they would

His face shine on you and be gracious to you; the

leave. The family then arrived at the

Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.”

Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Prayer Tower at

(Numbers 6:24-26) 6

Jesus Calls International


December 2020


Therefore, don’t be worried as surprises are awaiting you; the Lord is about to make you shine and perform great things for His glory. You will be the bright shining star that leads people to the Sun of Righteousness.

PRAYER Lord, I surrender myself to be a shining star for You. Fill me with Your anointing and gifts oh Lord and speak words of prophecy through me. Lord, I come to

Jesus Calls International


You just as I am. Fill me with Your fire and anointing. Remove all my weaknesses and heal me completely. Lord, make me and my family shine ever more brightly in the upcoming year. Gracious Lord, I thank You for You are going to make me shine as a star for You by making me a blessing to others. I praise You for Your new mercies and grace in the coming year. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

December 2020




es, the only way we can show God how much we prize His priceless gift is through our thanksgiving. There is no better way we can reflect our gratefulness than by giving this indescribable gift to another needy person even as we celebrate Christmas thus giving hope to the lost and brokenhearted across the globe. I thank you, for you have been instrumental in upholding the 'Jesus Calls Ministry' which is fulfilling its vision of wiping away the tears of millions of people all over the world through different facets – Prayer Tower, Letter Ministry, Web Ministry, Facebook, Books, Magazine, 8

Jesus Calls International


December 2020


Prayer Festivals, Television, Partner Training Programmes and many more. The Lord has also enabled us to start a Family channel, conduct Blessing Meetings and pray for countless number of people. God gave us grace to spread His love even during this pandemic period through these various platforms but all this was possible only by your generous giving. God has protected us and also enabled us to end this year with His presence beside us just like the ‘Fourth man’ in the fiery furnace. So this is the time of the year when we take His good news across to all people like the angels who brought the good tiding. To continue this God-given mission of spreading the joy of Jesus, we need your loving support, so I request you to partner with us. The Bible says in Hebrews 13:16

Jesus Calls International


'Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.' There is nothing greater than sharing the greatest gift - Jesus, who gives eternal life to mankind (John 17:3). It will be a blessing if every earning member in your family donates one day/first month's salary or portion of the earnings in work/ business for this good work and help us to comfort the broken hearted and share the love of Christ to the unreached. As you sow your first seed in Jesus Calls ministries for 2021 bringing blessings to millions of the people around the world, the Lord will take your offering in His hands and multiply the same to wipe away the tears of millions; the Lord will add the souls thus touched into your account.

December 2020



IN THE COMING YEAR 2021: Prayer Towers will continue to serve 24x7, 365 days of the year and we strive to reach 50 Lakhs of people through prayer. We have launched the courses and programs through the Karunya Academy for Theological Education(KATE) to train thousands of people who are willing to serve as praying partners. Even as people are compelled to work or study from home which causes frustration especially among youngsters and children, we have been conducting Live programs every week and helping them to cast their burdens on the Lord through prayers , uplifting their lives to hope for a better tomorrow. We will be continuing to serve the millions by reaching them through the digital platforms such as Website, Facebook, Twitter, Mobile App, etc, and hope to touch at least 10 million souls through these modes. We are also planning to start many new ventures to bring the Lord’s blessing and


Jesus Calls International


also have plans to open Prayer Towers in new places, reconstruct the old Prayer Towers as more people are coming whom we are not able to accommodate. We need to launch TV programs in many languages with new programmes. For the coming year we are also set to reach more than 5 lakh families and 20 lakh readers through our magazine across India in 7+ languages month after month. We aim to carry the prophetic word to those in need, setting them free through the truths in the scripture. Our prayer intercessors are dedicated to counsel and intercede with burden for all, irrespective of their culture or background in all our Prayer Towers across India, 365 days a year. No matter what challenges arise in the coming year, our prayer intercessors will continue to tirelessly attend calls and pray for people who visit the Prayer Towers bringing miracles specifically in such a time as this. Just as Esther was prayerfully prepared for the great task ahead of her, we are

December 2020


prayerfully hoping and getting ready to conduct our mega Prayer Festivals and special blessing meetings across India after the restrictions are lifted so that the power of God will be manifested - the sick receiving healing, people receiving answers and the lost finding their purpose of life in Christ. The Family Channel cable network ministers the word of God to all age groups, 24 hours, 365 days. We are set to touch the lives of more than 10 million people through our Television channel and programs telecasted over 20 networks and in 10+ languages every day and so on. As faithful as you have been to the Lord in supporting us even during this period of crisis, I pray and hope you will persist in partnering with us through the following ways: • Praying for this vision • Promoting this vision to your beloved ones by enrolling them in blessing plans • Providing the financial needs to reach out the millions - Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

Jesus says, “Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these my brethren, you did it to Me.” (Matthew 25:40)

Just as the widow of Zarephath chose to feed another even in the midst of her suffering, when you choose to feed the Bread of life, Jesus, amidst your needs, God will make sure that goodness and love flow nonstop within your walls in 2021. SUPPORT THIS GREAT MISSION AND GIFT JESUS TO OTHERS Jesus Calls International


December 2020



WEAKNESSES DISAPPEARED My baby’s name is Crystal Ataara. She was born on 20th April 2019. She had breathing problem and was in the ICU for twenty days. My husband and I were in great agony. We called the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and the prayer intercessors there prayed with burden for our daughter’s healing. Everyday we called the prayer intercessors in the Prayer Tower for prayers. On 29th April 2019 we noticed a change in her. All these days we had to give expressed milk to her in a tube. But after that she slowly started to drink by herself. Her breathing problem has completely disappeared and she is in perfect health by the grace of God. I thank and praise my Lord Jesus Christ and also thank the prayer intercessors of the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower who stood with us at those difficult times. - Dinesha, Colombo 12

Jesus Calls International


December 2020


PRAYERS ANSWERED I am a member of the Esther Prayer Group. God has done mighty miracles through our humble prayers. When the pandemic was spreading like wild fire in the US, God graciously heard our prayers and protected each one of us and our families from Covid-19. One of the sisters called Ruth was in need of a job. We were praying for her job. God heard our prayers and helped her secure a good job and join work. Sister Jesse was not able to walk. God healed her legs and has enabled her to walk again without any difficulty. All glory be to God alone.

a bank account first. I was dismayed and cried out to the Lord for a way. I called the Jesus Calls New Zealand Prayer Tower, explained my situation and asked for prayers for a breakthrough in this situation. The prayer intercessors prayed fervently and with faith. Sure enough, the Lord made a way and I have started receiving my pension. All glory to Lord Jesus, for answering my prayers. I want to thank the prayers intercessors at Jesus Calls New Zealand, who receive prayer calls and pray with faith. The Lord has done many miracles in our family. Praise be to God. –Sivam, New Zealand

- Soumya Venkat, USA


MIRACULOUS PROVISION I am 83 years old and I have been a long time partner of the Jesus Calls Ministry. Lord Jesus has always been faithful in answering my needs whenever I have called the Prayer Tower for prayers. Since arriving in New Zealand I have not been able to receive my pension from Sri Lanka. When I applied, they said I did not have an active bank account in Sri Lanka and so I would not be able to access my pension. They told me that I needed to travel to Sri Lanka and open Jesus Calls International


Sister Architha and I have been leading the Esther Prayer Group. God has graciously enabled us to pray for our group members and lead the fellowship amidst the lockdown. God has protected all of us and our loved ones and has given us good health. Sister Anu was sick and unwell. Doctors had suggested to do biopsy in liver. We were praying earnestly for her in our group. God graciously gave us the good report that her liver was normal and nothing was wrong as suspected. I thank God for hearing us and being near to us to deliver us whenever we called on His name.

December 2020

- Anusumalika Bugulu, USA |



her to return home within an hour. Also,

I have been searching for a job for long time. I was very burdened as I had many responsibilities. When I was looking for a way to have a breakthrough I was reminded of the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. So I approached the prayer intercessors and they prayed for me with much burden. Miraculously, God heard those prayers and soon gave me a job that I was longing for. A million thanks to God and I thank the prayer intercessors for their earnest prayers.

my younger brother's marriage was

- Maria Zultak, Florida

MULTIPLE BLESSINGS In June 2020, we admitted my aunt in the hospital in a very critical stage.


contacted the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and prayed for her. The Lord, who heard that prayer, made her well and enabled

getting delayed due to many hurdles.


We contacted the Prayer Tower and got

My father was having fever and cold

prayed. God heard that prayer too and

and showed symptoms of Covid-19. We

graciously helped us to arrange his

were very much worried and we

wedding. Two weeks back, my other

requested prayers for my father

brother got some discomfort in his

through Jesus Calls Facebook. God was

chest. I made a vow and called the

so gracious and He answered our

Prayer Tower and prayed. God listened

prayers as my father’s Corona test result

to it and turned all the medical test

became negative. He is much better now

reports to be normal by His grace. He

and we praise God that nothing

also blessed my daughter with 91% in

happened as we feared. Thanks to the

her exams. Million thanks to God who

Jesus Calls prayer team who prayed for

heard all the prayers and answered

my father. Praise be to God.

them. I also thank the prayer

- Nutan Xalxo, India

intercessors who prayed for me. Glory to God! - J. Devagi Samuelraj, India 14

Jesus Calls International


JOB REGAINED I was laid off from my job due to the corona crisis. I was very much

December 2020


perplexed and I wrote a prayer request

His name. I thank the prayer

to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran to pray for my

intercessors who prayed for us.

situation. God heard the prayers and

- Norma Scheckles, California

miraculously I got a call from my office asking me to come back for work and I


have regained the job which I thought

authority for water to disappear. What

I came to the Prayer Tower with lot of tension and worry because I had lost my job. I had attended more than five interviews, but I wasn’t selected. In the companies I was selected I did not get an offer letter. So, I came to the Bengaluru Prayer Tower, sought prayers and I also fasted and prayed. Within a week, I got selected and joined work the following week. Now I am working as a Software Engineer in a Software company. Praise be to God. I thank the prayer intercessors for praying fervently.

a miracle! On November 24th, the very

- M.Sweatha, India

I had lost. Praise be to God and many thanks to the Jesus Calls ministries. - Malti Govind, New Zealand INSTANTANEOUS HEALING My daughter conceived and all was going well until November, 2020 when the doctors informed us after a scan that there is water in the brain of the unborn baby. We were shaken by the diagnosis and were worried. We called to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower for prayers on November 23rd and the prayer intercessors prayed with

next day we went for a checkup and the

The same God who performed

specialist said that the baby is in good

miracles for these beloved ones

health and that the water had

is alive today and He can do a

disappeared. God is great. Praise be to

miracle for you too.

TO SHARE YOUR TESTIMONY Call the Prayer Tower in your Country / Region (or) email to Jesus Calls International


December 2020



My beloved brother / sister, It is such a joy to wish you a happy and blessed Christmas. God’s sheer mercy has protected and provided for us over the past eleven months. Let us be grateful to God for helping us to see the final month of the year. I’m sure you would have enjoyed innumerable blessings from God in your personal life, in your family and in your work. Last month, purely by the amazing grace of God and the prayers of loving partners like you, we were able to touch millions of people all around the world and proclaim God’s love, peace and grace through television programmes, specially the Family Channel, letters, e-mail, magazine, SMS, Zoom meetings, telephone prayer calls, DIAL A PRAYER, and social media platforms. DIGITAL MEDIA "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” (Mark 16:15) As promised in the above verse, the Lord has helped us to take the ministry far and wide across nations. The launch of Family Channel has been a huge step in obeying God’s command to preach the gospel to all creation. Technology made it possible for Family Channel to be available on android devices, iOS users and all android smart TV. We thank God for this added blessing through which millions taste the love of God. PRAYER TOWER MINISTRY “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1) Jesus Calls Prayer Towers have always been the refuge to many during difficulties. As the prayer intercessors call on God, a very present help in trouble, people have experienced deliverance and breakthrough in every kind of situation. We thank God for the advancement in technology through which our prayer intercessors had the privilege of attending all the calls requesting prayers and earnestly pray for the souls which has brought countless testimonies. The anointed and dedicated prayer intercessors were able to pray round the clock, day and night, even amidst the lockdown. 16

Jesus Calls International


December 2020


KARUNYA ACADEMY FOR THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION (KATE) All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness. (2 Timothy 3:16) The Karunya Academy For Theological Education (KATE) is established with a vision to mould servants of God by imparting holistic theological insight and practising with the passion to demonstrate the love and compassion of Jesus Christ bringing salvation and healing to humanity. The courses offered at KATE are B.Th, M. Div and diploma programmes and are well crafted, suited for varied interested audience. The lectures are offered by well equipped theologians who are led by the Spirit of God. Admissions have already started and I whole heartedly thank the maiden batch of KATE. For further information visit or call +91 9487846630. A TIME OF THANKSGIVING “Those who sacrifice thank offerings honor Me…” (Psalm 50:23) Our God is a good God and what He does is good. I am sure you would have received God’s blessings through ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry activities, such as Prayer Towers, Social Media, TV programs, Letters, Magazines, Emails, Telephone Prayer, Prayer Festivals or Special Blessing Meetings. It may be good health or own a house or gift of a child or a new job or promotion in your job or marriage. In the Bible, we see that there were ten men with leprosy whom Jesus healed. Though all were healed, only one of them returned and thanked Jesus. With much pain, Jesus asked where the remaining nine men were (Luke 17:16). Doesn’t our dear God love and rejoice over grateful people? It is our duty to thank God for all His mercies. As an expression of gratitude to the Lord, you can share your testimonies and also send your offerings if you so wish to the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministries with a thankful heart and the Lord will take that in His hand, multiply it a hundred fold and will bless millions (Gen. 26:12). Testimonies can be emailed to Every soul that will be saved and blessed through this ministry will be added into your account in Heaven. The Lord will surely send blessings from heaven for your good deed of supporting the ministry. Come! Here’s an opportunity to offer your Thanksgiving to the Lord as an act to honor Him. God has been blessing millions of people through the various facets of Jesus Calls ministries. As you enrol in these God given facets, I am sure the Lord will fulfil His covenanted blessings He has promised for every soul who sows into the ministry in that particular area Jesus Calls International


of need, be it your family, business, children, job and also by supporting the various missions of the ministry such as Magazine ministry, Campaign ministry, Prayer Tower building ministry, Digitisation, TV ministry, Training and Telephone Prayer Tower ministry. One tenth of the offerings we receive are used to support rural pastors who are not associated with the Jesus Calls ministries, to meet their ministry needs. So be assured that every dollar you offer will come back to you in hundredfold. With this year drawing to an end, here is a word from the Lord promising to establish and protect us. “In righteousness you will be established: Tyranny will be far from you; you will have nothing to fear. Terror will be far removed; it will not come near you.” (Isaiah 54:14)

Every soul that will be saved and blessed through this ministry will be added into your account in Heaven. The Lord will surely send blessings from heaven for your good deed of supporting the ministry.

God will establish you in righteousness, protect you from tyranny and remove terror far from you. Is it not a wonderful promise! May God bless you and your dear ones and help you complete this year in victory as He promised in the beginning of this year: “Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be.” (Job 8:7) As we are going to enter 2021 with thanksgiving, may the Lord help you to enjoy with many more blessings. We as a family and the prayer intercessors pray that you will be filled with God’s joy and peace and you will have a joyful year that is more special than it has ever been. Your brother who prays for you, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

December 2020



The Bible tells of wise men Who came from the east afar, To visit a babe in Bethlehem Born underneath His very own star. They found Him in a manger Wrapped warmly in swaddling clothes, And bestowed their gifts upon Him The very best each man had chose. Now this story happened long ago, And some call it a fairy tale today But those who are wise STILL seek Him; They're the wise men of today. These offer up their gifts to Him That are found in different form, The gift we bring Him at this time Is a heart that's been re-born.

You see, God commended His love toward us In that He sent His beloved son Who never sinned at any time Yet was rejected, scorned and shunned. So remember this and learn my child No sin on us is laid The sacrifice He made from love With ourselves we now repay.

You may think this is silly. You might not heed the rhyme. But soon the wise men will see Him The unwise will be out of time.


Jesus Calls International


December 2020


Jesus Calls International


December 2020


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y hearty Christmas wishes to you my dearly beloved in Christ. Christmas is a season of celebration and sending gifts to our loved ones. Do we know the reason for this season? It is because of a precious gift that God the Father sent us. Yes, it is a season of gifts because God gifted us an indescribable blessing. What is this gift? It is Jesus! Yes my

outside the hospital room waiting for his child to be born. Suddenly, the doctor came out and said that due to many complications he has to operate and get the baby out and took the wife to the operation theatre immediately. However, after some time, the doctor came out to give bad news that he was unable to save the baby. At that time, though the father was devastated, he asked for

dearly beloved, God the Father gave Jesus, His only begotten son. Shouldn’t we be thankful to God for sending Jesus into this world? John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believeth in Him should have everlasting life.” Certain parents went to the hospital to deliver their child. At that time, the husband was sitting

his baby’s eyes to be donated. Thus, the eyes were donated to two different people. This act of kindness brought great joy into the lives of two families. My friend, in a similar manner, the Lord of lords gave Jesus, His one and only Son for us. Christmas is the day when God sent His son, Jesus


Jesus Calls International


December 2020


Christ, to be born on this earth in the image of man (Philippians 2:7). The King of glory was given for us. Do we really know why God sent His son?

BRING LIGHT INTO DARKNESS It is God’s desire that we live in the light. He loves everyone who believes and accepts Him in their hearts and makes them as His own children. He came into this world to give us light, to remove the darkness in our lives, and help us live happily (Matthew 4:16).

EVERLASTING LOVE AND ETERNAL LIFE It is through Jesus that God revealed His everlasting love and kindness for mankind (John 15:13). With sending Jesus to this earth and sacrificing His life on the cross, God redeemed our souls from the clutches of eternal death and we could remain with Him for eternity. Every day, we need to thank God for this priceless gift given to us. If Jesus had not been born into this world, we would have been blind, walked in the way of the world and lost our lives. Today, there are many people who are unaware

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of the love of God but the Lord has enabled us to walk in His light. We should be very grateful to God for this indescribable gift. During this Christmas season, we should pray that not only for ourselves but also for our friends and family to know Jesus and walk in God’s light. Let us pray for the Lord to fill us even more and use us for His glory in the coming year. I praise God who has enabled me to share this wonderful message with you. It is not I who speaks, but these are the words of the Holy Spirit. Prayer: Our loving Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Your only Son into this world so that I would know Your love. I thank You Lord Jesus that you gave up all Your glory and came down for me so that I could have a life blessed in every aspect. Even though I am going through many struggles, I thank You for You will surely bless and change my situation. Lord remove all my weaknesses, shortcomings, and sins. I want to rise up and shine for You in the coming year. Let the Holy Spirit be poured upon me. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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“For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6)

Why did Jesus Christ get the name, ‘Prince of Peace’? The reason is that the Father in heaven, who sent Him to this earth, is the God of peace. We read in the verses Romans 15:33; 16:20; I Corinthians 14:33; Philippians 4:9; Hebrews 13:20; I Thessalonians 5:23 and II Thessalonians 3:16 that our God is the God of peace. Today, people all over the world are pining for peace. 22

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Once, a young man came to me for prayer. He held an important position in his job. I kept my hand on him and began to pray. Suddenly he began to weep and said, “Sir, all I need is only one thing; that is, peace in my heart and family. Please pray for that.” Once, I met the Queen of a particular country. She said to me, “Brother, I have a wonderful husband and lovely children. I have all the blessings like

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a big palace, smart staff members and everything. But I don’t have peace in my heart. Please pray for me.” My dear brother /sister, everyone in this world is passing through the path of tears. That’s why Jesus said, “In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world" (John 16:33). It is our belief that He has overcome this world. In this world, the only word that gives us assurance is, ‘God of Peace.” That’s why His Son got the name ‘Prince of peace.’ How did Jesus bring Peace into this World? “But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him…” (Isaiah 53:5) In order to bring peace into this world, the chastisement of peace came upon the Lord Jesus Christ. Once, I went to the Andaman Island for a visit. I saw the government officials working busily. The reason was that the Prime Minister of our nation was about to visit that Island. That night when I went there, one of the higher officials said to me, ‘Sir, only now I could get some leisure time. The whole day, we were busily working. We won’t have peace till the Prime Minister goes back safely. His safety is our biggest concern.” In the same way, our Almighty God called His only begotten Son and said, ‘Son, go into the world in the form of Man. I rest upon you the responsibility to bring

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peace into every individual’s life in this world. You have to pay the price for that.” It is for this purpose Jesus Christ came into this world in the form of Man. To whom does He give peace? Peace for the Sinners One day, Jesus went to a Pharisee’s house for dinner. When He was sitting there, suddenly a sinful woman arrived. She began to wash His feet with her tears and wiped them with the hair of her head. Also, she anointed His feet with costly fragrant oil. Jesus saw her heart. The Bible says, ‘man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart" (I Samuel 16:7). He said to that woman, ‘Daughter, your sins are forgiven. Your faith has saved you. Go in peace" (Luke 7:37,38,48,50). My dear brother / sister, when a man commits sin, it ruins his peace of heart. That’s why the Bible says, “Your sin will find you out” (Numbers 32:23; Proverbs 5:22). The only way of escape from this is to come to the Lord Jesus. Tell Him, ‘Father, You died for me; You undertook the responsibility of giving peace in my heart; Thank You; wash me with Your blood; seal me with Your Holy Spirit.” Jesus, the Son of God, came into this world in order to give us peace. He never forsakes a man, who lives in sin. Instead, He changes his life and grants him perfect peace. Yes, the Lord Jesus Christ can wash away your sins and cleanse you in a moment. The reason, He bore our sins in His own body (I Peter 2:24).

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Peace at times of Sickness A woman, who was suffering from issue of blood for 12 years, came to Jesus. But she could not draw near Him. Slowly she went near Him and touched the hem of His garment. What did Jesus say? He said, "Daughter, be of good cheer; your faith has made you well. Go in peace" (Luke 8:43-48). The moment she touched the hem of His garment, a divine power entered into her body through His garment and healed her. She had great peace in her heart. It is physical sickness that spoils man’s peace of mind. King Hezekiah was critically ill. The doctors as well as Prophet Isaiah said that he would die. Losing his peace, King Hezekiah cried out to the Lord saying, “Lord, I waited for peace; but all I got in my life is bitterness…” The Lord said to him, ‘"I have heard your prayer, I have seen your tears; behold, I will heal you; surely I will add to your days fifteen years.” So saying, He healed him of his sickness and added 15 more years to his life (Isaiah 38:5,17). King Hezekiah received peace at the time, when he was sick. My dear brother / sister, sickness is very bitter. The responsibility to give peace to man in the midst of the bitterness called sickness was laid upon the back of Jesus. "He Himself took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses" (Matthew 8:17). He was whipped by 600 Roman soldiers; His whole body was torn. The Bible says that yet He did not open His mouth but bore all the agonies patiently (Isaiah 53:7). This was because He had to carry our iniquities and sickness. 24

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Once, when I came out of a church, after preaching, a sister approached me and said, ‘Sir, I suffer from a headache all the 24 hours of the day; please pray for me.” At once, I remembered how the Lord Jesus would have writhed in pain when the crown of thorns was placed on His head. I placed my hand on that sister’s head and prayed saying, “Lord, I curse this headache in Your name.” Immediately she was healed. How does Jesus heal us? He went through these sufferings, for our sake. Our every sickness was laid upon Him. If you go to Jerusalem, you can see the paths through which Jesus walked, carrying the cross. In four specific spots, He stumbled and fell down, unable to bear the weight of the cross. He could not bear the burden of that cross. More than that, the burden of our sins was laid upon Him. Hence, today, He will carry your sickness upon Himself. Peace in the midst of Fear Then, the same day at evening, being the first day of the week, when the doors were shut where the disciples were assembled, for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst, and said to them, "Peace be with you." (John 20:19) After Jesus Christ was crucified and rose again, His disciples felt lonely. They feared and trembled. So, they went inside a room and locked themselves. They were scared wondering, “Our Lord is not with us. Now, what would the Jews do to us? What will happen?” Suddenly Jesus appeared before them and said, "Peace

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to you!” My dear brother /sister, do you feel lonely? Is your heart broken? Jesus Christ was incarnate as Man in this world, in order to comfort and console broken hearts and make them whole (Isaiah 61:1; Luke 4:18,19). Whenever our heart is broken, our peace is also lost. That’s why He came down to this world as the God of Peace to give us His peace. This world is vile and sorrowful. Nobody knows what kind of sorrow would knock our door, at what time. Jesus Christ hung on the cross, all alone, without any help. Everybody fled from Him. He cried out, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?" (Matthew 27:46). He went through that path in order to bring peace into your broken life. This world is a cursed one. We will have tribulations, till we close our eyes forever. But Jesus will give us peace. Whenever you face problems and mental agonies, remember the sufferings of Jesus on the cross. He alone is the

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solution. He alone can wipe away your tears and give you peace. That’s why He came to this world in the form of Man. When my precious daughter Angel died, we could not bear it. Every day we shed bitter tears. Whenever I took my Bible, I used to see her handwriting. Every single thing would bring back her memory. Immediately I would go to my room and cry my heart out, “One day I will go to heaven and I will see her there.” This is my only comfort. Every true minister of God and prophet should go through this path of agony. The reason, God allows them these agonies in order that they would understand others’ pain and sorrows and would pray for them with tears. Today, do you worry? Are you disappointed in life? Whatever is your problem, when you come to Him and cry to Him, He can give you the peace. During this Christmas season, may God fill your hearts with divine peace and guard you!

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eayyyy!! It’s the Christmas season again. I recently listened to a song known as ‘It’s THAT time of the year!!’ Yes, it is of course THAT time of the year - the season which we always look forward to, to spend time with family, to attend the midnight or the early morning church service, to exchange gifts with friends and everyone’s favorite, the special Christmas plum cake. However, there is no point in these celebrations if we forget about the most important message of Christmas, the love and forgiveness of Christ. The Bible says in Ephesians 4:32, “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” When the Almighty God Himself is able to forgive us, how can we not forgive our fellow brothers and sisters? Yes, it is hard and almost impossible at certain times, but with the help of the Holy Spirit, we will be able to forgive the person who hurts us. 26

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Every time I have struggle forgiving someone, I remember a particular verse in the Bible in Matthew 5:23, 24. This verse shows how important forgiveness is to our Lord Jesus Christ. It says, every time you come to the altar to give an offering or a gift, make sure you are at peace with your brother, in other words, make sure you have forgiven the brother/sister who has hurt you or caused you harm. That’s how important forgiveness is. Even before approaching the Lord at His altar, we have to make sure that we have shown forgiveness. I read a story of a young native Indian chief named Maskepetoon. He lived in Canada and accepted Christ through the preaching of some of the first missionaries. A few years later, his father was killed by a member of the opposite tribe. One day, Maskepetoon decided to go and meet the person who killed his father. Though he was still upset and heartbroken about his father’s death, he decided to forgive the murderer. Confronting the guilty man he said, “You have killed my father,

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so now you must be my father. You shall ride my best horse and wear my best clothes.” The murderer was amazed and shocked. He broke down to tears and realized that all the hatred in his heart was completely wiped away because of the forgiveness shown by Muskepetoon. It would have been so hard for Muskepetoon to speak those words and forgive him, but he still decided to do it and show the forgiveness of Christ. According to Matthew 6:14, “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you.” When we forgive others, Christ will forgive us for the sins we have committed. If forgiveness is so important, what better time to start showing forgiveness than from this Christmas season? This Christmas, Christ calls us to forgive those who have hurt us before we celebrate Him. Though it may not change what happened to you in the past, it will help you have a better and happier future and of course, Christ will love you for it! Have a very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!

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The Lord speaks thus to each one of us through the above Scripture verse. All of us want to live a blessed life in this world. Some people opt for shortcut methods to attain it. As a result, they eventually lose everything they have. In that case, how to receive the blessings mentioned in this promise verse? Divine life (Deu.8:3, Matt.4:4, Luke 4:4) We understand from the verses quoted above, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” We read that when the devil tried to tempt Jesus, He overcame him through the word of God. This is a good example for us. Hence, while passing through different trials and problems in life, when we too use the Lord's words and His promises and pray with faith, He will help us to get delivered miraculously. Abraham was a man of God. Yet, he and his wife Sarah were childless for several years and they waited with faith. Abraham kept on praising God with the faith, ‘My God is the One, who calls those things which do not exist as though they did’ (Romans 4:16, 17). As a result, when he was hundred years old, he was blessed with Isaac and thus had the privilege of getting His word fulfilled in his life. A couple, who were childless for many years, waited with faith and patience like Abraham and held on to the promise of the Lord. Read their testimony, which tells how the Lord, who is faithful in His promises, performed a miracle for them: 28

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“My name is Gurusamy. We are residing in Chennai. We were childless even after 28 years of married life. We were in agony because of this. We underwent several medical treatments but in vain. At this juncture, in the year 2010, we came to know of the Lord and prayed with tears. In 2016, I was 47 years old and my wife was 46 years. Doctors tried for test tube baby and my wife conceived. However, she had a miscarriage at the 3rd month. Again, we underwent treatment. At this situation, we visited the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and prayed. My wife used to attend the Tuesday prayers at the Prayer Tower. The prayer intercessors in the Prayer Tower prayed with burden for us. We also attended the 2018 New Year Blessing Meeting at the Prayer Tower. Sister Stella Dhinakaran’s prayers in that meeting brought miracle into our life. My wife conceived that same month, but the doctors said that she had to undergo a surgery since her uterus was weak. But by the sheer grace of God, we were blessed with a girl baby. Glory to God! (This testimony was shared in January 2019). Yes, dear one, we need to read the word of God daily in order that it would abide in us. In the Bible, we see Mary sitting at the feet of the Lord and listening to His word. Hence, the Lord Jesus spoke proudly of her saying, "She has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her" (Luke 10:42). Dear one, like Mary, you too should read the Lord's word carefully and continually, with

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reverence. As you thus keep reading it, it would be imprinted in your heart. After that, you would remember it at the apt time. At times of problems or sickness, claim these promises and pray. The Lord who is unchanging in His word will surely answer such prayer. "Do not My words do good to him who walks uprightly?" (Micah 2:7) As we read in this verse, if your life is pleasing to the Lord and righteous before Him, He will allow only good things and not evil in your life as you believe His word. Built on the Rock ( Luke 6:47,48) "But the righteous has an everlasting foundation." (Proverbs 10:25) This verse explains that the foundation laid on the Rock is eternal. Hence, nothing can shake you. According to I Corinthians 3:11, the Lord Jesus Christ shall be your foundation. You shall be immovable in the Lord, no matter how hard the devil or the demonic people try to shake you. According to Luke 6:48, when you lay your foundation on Christ, the Rock, nothing shall harm you. You shall abide in the Lord firmly (Luke 10:19). When you place your whole trust on Christ, the Rock, in the midst of your various burdens, despair, and crisis in this world, nothing shall shake you until you receive help from Him. Read the life of Job, the man of God, in the Bible. How many afflictions and sufferings came in his life one after the other! Yet, even in that state, how great was his trust on the God of gods! Hence, the Lord granted him grace to patiently pass through every one of them. About this we read, “Indeed we count them blessed who endure. You have heard of the perseverance of Job and seen the end intended by the Lord; that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful.” (James 5:11) In the same way, if you too, place your full trust at the feet of the Almighty God, instead of worrying and crying over the problems and sufferings in your life, it is certain that you shall also receive a blessed life just as how Job had Jesus Calls International


a blessed life at the end. Abiding in God’s word (Luke 11:28) Mary, the mother of Jesus is a good example for this. What did she say when she came to know through Angel Gabriel that God had chosen her to be the mother of the Lord? Saying, "Behold the maidservant of the Lord!’ (Luke 1:38), she submitted herself totally to the will of God. She praised the Lord with rejoicing because of the great things He had done for her (Luke 1:46-55). She delighted in magnifying the word of the Lord saying, ‘For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed.’ Yes, my beloved! If the Lord speaks to you through His word, you should magnify and trust His word like Mary did and accept it for yourself. On many occasions, when sickness attacked me or my family members, I used to look up to the Lord with much trust. Also, we read a wonderful verse in Jeremiah 33:6, “Behold, I will bring it health and healing; I will heal them and reveal to them the abundance of peace and truth.” Keeping this verse as the base, when we pray for our sickness to be healed, I have seen miraculous deliverance from the Lord who is unchanging and mighty in His word. If you, who read this also, read His word reverentially and make it your own, then your body, spirit, and soul will be blessed. When you do this, immediately, God’s word will work in you mightily. Even while praying for others hold on to the word of the Lord and pray with faith. Then you shall see His blessing getting manifested instantly. The Lord will thus bless you richly for His word to abide in you, for your prayers to be heard and for you to become His disciple, bearing fruit and bring glory to Him. Hence, my dearly beloved, read His word every day with reverence and meditate on it. Then you will hear the Lord’s voice. You will see His promise, the Word, getting fulfilled in your life beautifully. May the Lord grant you, who read this, a glorious and divine life!

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MARRIAGE BEAUTIFULLY SETTLED In 2017, I contacted Jesus Calls, Dallas Prayer Tower to pray for my wedding at Africa, which was scheduled for the 30th of December that year. Jesus Calls prayer intercessors prayed and told me that God will remove every obstacle in my way and will bless my life. On the day of my travel to Africa, I almost missed my international flight. At the airport, I called Jesus Calls team and they prayed and said God will not put me to shame. 2017 was a big battle for me and God helped me to overcome. I knew I had missed my flight but God delayed the airplane for close to 3 hours just for me and the air attendant told me that they were waiting for me. Secondly, I faced obstacles in the marriage arrangements too. But as soon as I got home (Africa) I still called Jesus Calls, Dallas and all the people who were against my wedding apologized and agreed to give their support. God touched their hearts and there was peace and the wedding was successful. The prayers I got from the Prayer Tower and from Dr. Paul Dhinakaran with the prophecies, helped propel the success I had. I always call Jesus Calls for prayers and my life has never been the same. - Nji, Dallas Be a part of the Hope and Healing Wall through your gift of $31 or more every month. For your generosity towards the HOPE & HEALING you will receive a beautiful golden wall plaque engraved with your name, family names, business name, or ministry, and the plaque will be displayed on our HOPE & HEALING wall at the Dallas Prayer Tower. ď ´ To give by cheque, you could write your cheques payable to Jesus Calls International and mail it to our Dallas Prayer Tower located at 8855 N StemmonsFwy, Dallas, TX 75247 USA ď ´ To give online, please visit OUR ADDRESS: Jesus Calls International, 8855 N StemmonsFwy, Dallas TX 75247 For Prayer Hotline (24/7): +1-972-499-4995 or 855-JesusCalls Facebook: OUR PRAYER TOWER IS OPEN FROM 9AM TO 6PM (Monday-Saturday) TO KNOW THE DETAILS ON EVENTS Email: 31 13


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