Jesus Calls | December 2015

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JESUS CALLS Daily Devotion | Seesha | News | Testimonies | Prophetic Message

the blessing of


Dear Partner in God’s Ministry, In the coming months we have the great opportunity to bring God’s word to people in USA and in Karnataka, Punjab, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Tamil Nadu, Andhra, Telangana, Kerala, Maharashtra and Delhi, India through the public prayer meetings. Through our 89 Prayer Towers we have the opportunity to bring comfort and healing to nearly 750,000 people this month. We are also going to clothe and feed 100,000 poor children from the streets this December unto Christmas. As you know we educate 150,000 poor children in the villages across India. We care for the physically challenged specially poor women through our physical

Would you join us to care for these little one, the poor and forsaken this Thanksgiving and Christmas and receive the Lord Jesus Himself in your life and home through that? “Give life and receive life”. May we invite you to clothe, feed and educate children for a month for $30 each? Or provide sowing machines to widows for $200 each and build her family. Or provide a Tri-wheel motor cycle to a physically challenged person for $1250. Or support the Prayer Festival to transform the lives of thousands among the 200,000 people gathering each night. Or co-sponsor a TV program watched by 10 million people for $300 a program. Blessed is the person who considers the poor. The Lord will deliver you in times of trouble. The Lord will bless you in the land. Psalms 41:1, 2. For your gift of $15 or more we would like to send you a copy of our newly released “Best of the Dhinakarans” CD which comprises of all the best anointed songs sung by our family members in the past years.

With lots of love and prayers, —The Dhinakaran Family Please go to to give online or send a check drawn in favor of “JESUS CALLS” to the below address: therapy centers and provide Tri-wheel motor cycles to them to pursue business. The poor widows are trained in tailoring and are provided sowing machines. They earn their lively hood and build homes and experience the love of our Lord Jesus enjoying hope. The Lord Jesus said, “If you receive any of these little ones in My name you have received Me”.


Jesus Calls International Inc. 8855 N Stemmons Freeway, Dallas, TX 75247




“He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he who is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still; and he that is holy, let him be holy still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. And, behold, I am come quickly; and My reward is with Me, to give every man according to his work shall be” Revelation 22:11,12

The time has come for this requirement to be fulfilled in the realm of God’s chosen ones in the world today as we see the happenings in the world relating to the signs of His coming. The vision to reach the world will begin to operate. As the glory of God’s holiness flows into us, His grace for miracles will now begin to flow to whoever calls upon His Name with sanctification. He said, “Behold I am coming quickly”. Unless the holy fire burns within us we cannot stand before the power and the presence of God. From now on it shall be manifested greatly in these last days. So He shall empower you with His glory of His holiness. That is going to be a gift from God for you. Til now, you may have been battling to sustain the glory of His holiness. But now on God is going to flow the glory of holiness through you. The same glory of His holiness, mighty in word and deed, is coming upon you. You shall show the glory of God; you shall walk in the glory of God; you shall live by the glory of His holiness. 3

“No weapon formed against you shall prosper” (Isaiah 54:13). All that God destined for you will come in search of you. You will never have to search for it. It will come to your children. It will come to your wife. It will come to your husband. It will come to your home. You shall have plenty of everything. You shall walk on the waters. No man shall be able to stand before you. This is the glory of His holiness that is coming to make us mighty in word and deed. Preaching the gospel with power and living that gospel is holiness.

MARY CARRIED JESUS “Then said Mary unto angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God” (Luke 1:34,35). Mary asked: “How will this come to be in my life? The angel said: “the Holy Spirit shall come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.” My friend, You are going to experience that from today. The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the most high will overshadow you. Confess right now: “The Power of the Most High shall overshadow me.” And because of that what will happen? “The Holy One will be born and He will be called the Son of God. The Holy One will be born in you. John 1:1 says that the Word became flesh. The Word is none but the holy form of God. That holy thing came into the womb of Mary, and it was formed as God in flesh. You shall have the God 4

of holiness himself being formed in you today as the power of the Most High God comes upon you. Mary brought forth the Holy One, the son of God to the whole world. Unless she had conceived the Holy One, she could not have given birth to God himself. You cannot deliver God to the world without you being pregnant with the Holy One of God. That is why Paul says in Galatians 4:19, “My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you.” Paul was in the pains of childbirth, until the Holy One of God was formed in his life. And he had to give birth to Christ to everyone. God expects you to become pregnant with this Holy One of God. And you have to be under the mighty power of the Holy One. You have been so. You may have lived in Christ, in the midst of all criticism, pain, sicknesses, loss. But in the midst of that you have been pregnant with the Holy One of God, longing for Jesus alone; longing for His holiness; longing for His righteousness, longing to do the works of holiness; never opening your mouth as Mary, saying you are His maid or servant. But now, He is going to be born through you and touch millions of people and you will be the most blessed among women. Now the time has come, for the power of the Most High to overshadow you. You are going to see a difference in your life. Yes, you will have the power, when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. Then whatever you say, it will come to pass. Yes, the mountains shall be moved, the kings shall come to power as you say. Plagues will stop, seas shall open and provision shall come. The dead shall rise up and Jesus Christ will be crowned up as King of kings in the hearts of millions of people.

For the next seven years you are going to see this glory of God starting from today. Are you ready for that? Get into this glory of God’s holiness. And you will rise up. You will never be destroyed. You will be the most blessed. Everyone shall bless you. Everyone shall honor you. No devil will be ever able to touch you. You will fulfil the will of God and live by the will of God. Let not your heart be troubled.

JOSEPH CARRIED JESUS What did Joseph do? How did he carry Jesus? If you read Matthew 1:20-25, “But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shall call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins. Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet saying, ‘Behold, a virgin shall be with child and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel,’ which being interpreted is, God with us. Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him and took unto him his wife: And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS.” The angel says, “Joseph, take Mary as your wife and also what is conceived in her through the Holy Spirit.” Not only Mary conceived in holiness and carried the Holy One of God, God gave her a partner, Joseph, who carried the one who was pregnant with the Holy One of God. Until then he was planning to secretly send her away. But the angel

said: “Receive her.” Jesus said: “If you have received one of these little ones, you have received Me.” You have also received this Holy One. You will have the power to bring forth God through you. Many times I wonder when people say: “Brother, only filth, and losses comes out of me to my family. All the time I have been sick. I have been giving only sickness to my family.” They cry: “Brother, will not any good thing come out of me?” But God says: “My child, you will give birth to Me. Not only will you carry the glory of My holiness, but also carry the other one who carries My glory of My holiness.” Joseph carried Mary, who carried Jesus. How did he carry her? Firstly, when Joseph woke up he did what the angel had commanded him and took Mary home as his wife. By his obedience, he not only carried Mary into his life, but also Immanuel who is ‘God with us.’ As you carry a servant of God, who carries this glorious anointing of holiness, you are carrying a holy thing. So God is with you. Yes, my friends, you have been careful to fulfill everything that the Lord has shown my father Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran (late), myself and our family members all these years. As partners you have said, “God has spoken to Bro. Paul Dhinakaran to build a Prayer Tower. I must give my offering to build that Prayer Tower.” God has spoken to Bro. Paul Dhinakaran to have the Family Blessing Plan. So, I must carry those families who are registered in that Family Blessing Plan. That’s how you have carried that holy thing which has been created by God, which God has asked me to carry. Yes, you have been faithful. You have carried this holy thing—the word that came from God. The Young Partners Plan is a holy thing. A Prayer Tower is a holy thing. The 5

Family Blessing Plan is a holy thing. The Business Blessing Plan is a holy thing. Prayer Festivals are a holy thing birthed by God. Each one that we do has been birthed by God in holiness. And you have been serving for that holiness and in His holiness. You have been serving with the anointing of holiness with all faithfulness to keep that Holy One birthed to millions of people. You have done it like Joseph did it. He received that holy thing which was formed by the power of the Most High God. Without Him providing it, we would not have it. Every Jesus Calls partner has been birthed by holiness by God. We carry them as Joseph carried the Holy One in Mary. Secondly, “Joseph had no union with Mary until she gave birth to a son.” Joseph never mixed godliness and his natural desires. He kept it separate. We cannot mix godliness and our lusts. It never goes together. It is a holy thing. In Jesus Calls, everything has to be a holy thing. He waited until his wife delivered the holy thing. In all our operations, in all that we speak, in all that we do, in the ministry we have to birth only by godliness. Yes, I try very hard for that to happen. Every day morning I get up and cry saying: “Lord, no lust of the flesh; no desire for money, no desire for fame should come and mix in my spirit as I have to birth holiness, the Holy One to the world.” Thirdly, Joseph did one more thing. When his wife Mary gave birth to the holy thing the Son of God, He named Him Jesus. Usually, the father would give his name to his son. But he obeyed God. He gave him the name JESUS. He received the child Jesus not for his glory. Joseph received this Holy One in Mary for the glory of God. JESUS means Savior. He received this Holy One for the salvation of the whole world. We receive everyone and everything in Jesus Calls. Why? For the salvation of the whole world, through Jesus Christ. That is our only vision and mission. No other name is given under the heavens by which men shall be saved except the name of Jesus. Is that name, that holy thing birthed in us? Today let us say: “Lord, let thy Holy Spirit come upon me. Let the power of the Most High come upon me. Otherwise, I cannot bear the glory of your holiness that is going to sweep me. Make me holy. I want to be birthed 6

with the Holy One, Jesus Christ for the salvation of the whole world. I want to carry the holy thing. Give me grace every moment, so that I can carry everyone and everything that pertains to Your holy work.”

PROVIDED FOR AND PROTECTED Firstly, when Mary and Joseph carried this holy thing and gave birth to Jesus Christ great joy came. That’s what we find in Luke 2:10,11: “and the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord.” Who brought this good thing, this holy thing which brings joy? It was Joseph who carried Mary, who conceived with the holy thing and through that joy came to the world. You too, as you carry the Holiness of God, will bring joy to your heart, your family, in your working place and the world around you. Also, as Jesus Calls partners, you take it to the whole world along with us wherever we take God’s word, through TV, Prayer Festivals, Prayer Towers, Karunya, Seesha and so on. Secondly, only because of His parents carrying His holiness in themselves Jesus was saved from the onslaught of Herod who killed all the children who were below two years of age. Their child was saved. Every other child was killed. As they carried the holy thing which was formed in the womb of Mary, God protected their child from death. It will be so for your children according to Isaiah 54:13. Finally, the three wise men, kings brought great gifts, gold and honor to the child. And all the myrrh, frankincense and the gold was for both of them, the father and mother who carried the holy thing. In the same way, dear partners, as you are carrying the holy thing, the will of God, the plans of God and supporting this ministry, these three blessings will come to you. You will be the carriers of joy. You will never have worries. Every blessing will come to you automatically as God shows you and speaks to

you through visions and dreams as to what you should do. Do you believe that? Say, “thank you Jesus.” It is going to happen to you from today. What God has prepared for you no eye has still seen, no ear has still heard. It is beginning from today for you. Just thank the Lord Almighty. Every direction will come to you. You will do the right things which will bring great joy. Your children will rejoice over you, your husband or wife will rejoice over you. In your working place your boss and those who work with you will rejoice over you. The relatives and your neighbours will rejoice over you. Everything is going to change. Let not your heart be troubled. And people will come to see you with great joy. Have people cast you out until this moment? From now on, they will come to honor you. They will come to be filled with joy by being in your presence. Praise the Lord. Your children will be protected from now on. No arrow of the devil will touch your family members. You will be taken away from the places of evil. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. It did not prosper against the baby Jesus. And because He was protected by Joseph and Mary, they also were protected. Your anointing will never be taken away. Your grace will never be taken away. It will be protected. Because Jesus is in you, He will protect you. Give all glory to Jesus. Thank you Jesus!

a hundred rupees. But God will put that hundred rupees back again in a supernatural way. That is how the Jesus Calls ministry is being run. Whether the offering increases or decreases, God provides money to pay all our bills. And He has protected us from debt. Yes, He provides. It is not that Jesus Calls has lot of money. Always our bank balance is zero, but then miraculously God pays the bills. He blesses every donation and donor because it is going to touch the souls and the lives of the people. Yes, it blesses millions of people. Every facet of this ministry is going on increasing. You will have an increase. The Bible says, you and your children shall increase. The Lord himself will send the provisions. Yes, He took care of the Holy One, Jesus Christ. He will give you all the provisions to carry Jesus to the world. From now on, nothing shall be lacking. You and your children will have finest blessing. And for that, the glory of His holiness is coming upon us. Shall we open our hearts, bodies, souls, families, lives and hands to receive the glory of this holiness and change our lives to carry Him.

INTERNATIONAL Prayer Towers UNITED STATES 8855 N. STEMMONS FREEWAY Dallas, TX, US, 75247 PHONE: 972-499-75247

Prayer Line

for USA


CANADA 50 GERVAIS DRIVE, SUITE 208 Toronto, Ontatio, M3C 1Z3, Canada PHONE: 416-385-7576 Postal Address:

PO Box Number 87181, RPO Village Square, Scarborough, Ontario, MIW 3Z2, Email: admin@

Prayer Line

for Canada

1855 522 7729 (TOLL FREE) / 416 385 7677

And every provision will come. Kings will come to your light. Kings will bring gold, frankincense and myrrh to you. You will be the most blessed person with nothing missing in your life. You don’t need to look to a man or a woman in this world for your provisions. Angels of God will bring them to you. You may spend 7

Testimonies From

South Africa Here is a testimony from an Esther Prayer Group member:

I, Mala Jagdeo, want to thank our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for the prayers that have been answered. I am in Esther Prayer Group and I have been praying for Roga and Michelle, who were married for 8 years, for them to have a child. Now I am filled with so much of gratitude and joy in my heart that God has answered my prayers and blessed them with a beautiful baby girl. All praise and glory God to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Esther Prayer Group Faith Revival Church Premises, 34, Herencroft Drive, Longcroft, Phoenix, ZA 4068. For prayers call 24/7 PRAYER LINE 0-800-981-929

Esther Prayer Groups Meetings from January 2016 Faith Revival Church, second Saturday of every month at 13:00 hours

Photos: Members of Esther Prayer Group



Dear Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, I requested you to pray for my life regarding a UK test. I took my test and passed it. I surely believe that when you pray JESUS answers. I am so glad we have this ministry for our needs. I am so glad and proud and blessed to be a member of this ministry. JESUS performs miracles through you. May God richly bless you, your children and family and whoever connected to this ministry all through our lives. This test was important for my indefinite leave to remain in UK application. May God bless you. —Sonia Collins, London, United Kingdom


INTERNATIONAL Prayer Towers SOUTH AFRICA Faith Revival Church Premises 34, HERENCROFT DRIVE, LONGCROFT, Pheonix, ZA 4068 PHONE: +27 31 500 24 82/87

Prayer Line

for South Africa: 0-800-981-929

EUROPE South Church of God Hall 9, NORWOOD ROAD SOUTHALL Middx UB2 4EA PHONE: 02085714900

Prayer Line

for European countries: France: +33 (0) 176758219 Germany: +49 (0) 69222213191 Switzerland: +41 (0) 445807196 Sweden: +46(0) 856642605 UK: +44 (0) 8000882370

STRAIGHT FROM MY HEART Dear partner, Loving Greetings to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, who was born in this world in lowliness, to redeem us, the humans, from sin! “The humble also shall increase their joy in the LORD, And the poor among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel” ­—Isaiah 29:19 According to this verse, this Christmas will be a Christmas that would increase your joy and gladden you! The Lord Jesus, who was born in this world, to bring deliverance from sin will grant you deliverance from all slaveries this Christmas (John 8:36).

EXPANDS THE TERRITORIES “Even so it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish” (Matthew 18:14). As per the Lord’s guidance, we are establishing Prayer Towers in various nations and cities. Dear partner, it is through your whole hearted support for the Jesus Calls ministry, that we are able to fulfill the Lord’s will concerning the expansion of the services of the Prayer Tower ministry. By setting up the Prayer Tower services in the various parts of the world, it needs to be possible for us to understand the prayer requests shared by the people in their respective languages and pray for them exactly, imparting to them the right counsels as led by the Spirit. This would pave ways for us to effectively minister to the people, who are in tears and sorrow and who long for God’s guidance in their lives. In accordance to this, on January 16, 2015, we launched a Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Avadi,

Chennai. The Lord Jesus has helped us to effectively activate 88 Prayer Towers and open 11 new Prayer Towers until October: Rajaji Nagar, Bengaluru, Ahemed Nagar, Ennore – Chennai, Ghaziabad, Panchkula – Utter Pradesh, Kadapa, Tirupathy, Gajuwaka, Vijayanagaram – Andhra, Alwal – Secunderabad, BHEL Ashok Nagar , CMC – Vellore, Mathavaram – Chennai, Nagpur, Pimpri Chinchwad, Navi Mumbai – Maharashtra. Plans are on the anvil to open up few more new Prayer Towers by the end of this year. It is the offerings sent by you, dear partners that help us take the love and power of God to the people who are in sorrow and who need miracles. God will not forget the labour of your love which you do for the extension of His Kingdom (Hebrews 6:10). Remembering it, He will bless you. Do not forget to send your offering for the Prayer Tower, even this month. Thus, we would be able to raise up His kingdom, jointly. “…and I will give You The nations for Your inheritance, And the ends of the earth for Your possession” (Psalm 2:8). According to this prophecy concerning His birth, since you are of great help to expand the territories of the ministry, the Lord will expand the boundaries of the blessings of your profession and business. He will make you glad by granting you pleasant inheritances.

UPCOMING EVENTS Continuous ministries are there in the following months. Samuel Paul and Stella Ramola will be attending the Youth Meetings to be conducted in various places and will be praying for young men and women. We would be inaugurating a few new Prayer Towers. Also we have planned to meet partners in person and pray for them. I have given below the schedule of the upcoming events. 9

Pray earnestly for these meetings. I warmly invite everyone who resides/works in that respective area to attend these meetings and be blessed. December 4—6: Pentecostal Fellowship Anniversary meetings – Bengaluru December 12: Prayer Tower Dedication and Partners’ Meet—Goa December 19, 20: Christmas celebration - Seesha and Prayer Warriors December 20:

U Turn Youth Meeting, Chennai

December 26—27: Year End Meeting (ACA), Chennai January 3:

New Year Blessing Meeting, Chennai

January 8—10:

Sawyerpuram (Tuticorin)

January 9:

U Turn Youth Meeting Raipur

January 10:

Special Blessing Meeting, Raipur

January 13: National Prayer Alliance Pastors’ Meet— Rajamundry January 14, 15: IPC convention – Antaravedipalem, Andhra January 16: Prayer Tower Dedication and Partners’ Meet— Bhimavaram January 16:

U Turn Youth Meeting, Ahmedabad

Janaury 17: Prayer Tower Dedication and Partners’ Meet— Eluru (Andhra) January 17:

Special Blessing Meeting, Vyara (Gujarat)

January 26:

Partners’ Meet, Chennai

January 28:

Prayer Tower Dedication, Coimbatore

January 29—31: Coimbatore Prayer Festival, Coimbatore February 3: Prayer Tower Dedication and Partners’ meet— Kanpur February 3, 4:

ABC Church Conference— Lucknow

February 7:

Students’ Meet— Chennai

February 11: Prayer Tower Dedication, Nellore (Andhra) February 12—14: Prayer Festival, Nellore


Much finance is needed to conduct these Prayer Festivals. Much expenditure is involved for the payment and mending of the venue, for audio/ video settings, advertisements, travel expenses for the organizing teams and for their lodging and food. In the days when the Lord Jesus was in this world, many provided for Him from their substance (Luke 8:3). Similarly, you too may support the Jesus Calls Prayer Festivals that bring blessings to a great multitude of people, as prompted by the Lord. To know the details of giving offering to the above mentioned Prayer Festivals, you may contact the Toll Free number 1800 425 77 55, at any time between 7.00 AM to 9.00 PM.

ISRAEL PRAYER TOWER PROPHETIC PRAYER CONFERENCE In order to pray for the peace of the world as well as Israel, the Israel Prayer Tower was launched in Jerusalem, on November 4, 2013. The whole city of Jerusalem can be viewed from this Prayer Tower. Men of God from different nations are praying and prophesying for Israel and the world, viewing the city of Jerusalem. A training program for Prayer was conducted in the Israel Prayer Tower, from October 10 to 13. Apart from the Jewish people, other people from Sri Lanka, the United States of America and the United Kingdom participated in this training. The Lord spoke through me and Evangeline about the prophetic apostolic era and on profound truths. It is certain that the Lord will use these people who attended this conference, for His glorious ministry. We are also making arrangements to set up a Praising Centre and a Prayer Academy that would function for 24 hours. May I invite you to be a part of this mission by sending us your offering for the expansion works of this Prayer Tower? “May they prosper who love you (Jerusalem)! (Psalm 122:6). According to this declaration of the Psalmist’s, you, who love this Prayer Tower in Jerusalem and send donation, would prosper. Kindly continue to pray for this Israel Prayer Tower that prays with devotion for the whole world to be prepared for the Lord’s second coming.

THANKS OFFERING TO THE LORD The Lord has been guiding us wonderfully all through this year. As per His promise given to us in the beginning of this year, He has blessed the year 2015 as the year of peace and achievements (Isaiah 26:12). This year has been a year in which your personal life/family life/career/business was crowned with goodness. Even this year, the Lord would have granted you many blessings in various aspects, through the Jesus Calls ministry. I believe that the Lord has blessed you by intervening with you through the promise letters which we send to you every month, through the prayers offered for you for your birthday or wedding anniversary, through the Blessing Meetings held in the Prayer Towers, through the prayers offered for your prayer requests, through the Jesus Calls magazine, books, website, social networks such as Facebook, and the mobile app, through the Television programs, message CDs, Prayer Festivals and their live telecasts and so on, in some way or the other.

org. You may also inform us of your prayer request through the Facebook: “He who is mighty has done great things for me… And His mercy is on those who fear Him from generation to generation. He has shown strength with His arm; He has…exalted the lowly. He has filled the hungry with good things…He has helped His servant Israel…” (Luke 1:49-55) According to this verse, the Lord will do glorious and great things for you, in this month of Christmas, and exalt you and fill you with good things.

Your brother, who prays for you,

—Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

As a token of your gratitude to Him, for all His benefits, I encourage you to send your thanks offering to the Jesus Calls ministry. You may send a portion of your income or your one day salary or a portion of your profit as offering. Plenty are the needs of the ministry. We carry the Lord’s love to the people, through various ways. I therefore encourage you to come forward to support any facet of the ministry, according to your wish. The Lord will rejoice over you, who support this ministry and bless you still more.

YOUR PRAYER REQUESTS We are always ready to pray for you. Your prayer requests reach us wherever we are, in any part of the world. We pray earnestly for every prayer request. Moved with compassion, the Lord gives you the blessings and miracle that you need. Please feel free to write to us your prayer requests concerning your expectations from the Lord for the coming year, and your needs for which you want us to intercede. We are waiting to pray for you. You may send your prayer requests to the address: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai -600 028 or by mail to paul@jesuscalls. 11


Christmas —Dr. DGS Dhinakaran

Christmas brings great joy and delight to all of us. It is on this day the invisible God took the form of a human being and came into this world. That is why people irrespective of religion, greet one another on this joyful day. They share their joy by sending gifts to one another. The following Scripture verses tell us as to why Jesus Christ came into this world. “She (Mary) will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the


Above art created by Freepik

name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21). “…Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (I Timothy 1:15). Yes, the Almighty God came into this world as Jesus in order to save humanity from sin.

I read a moving story. There lived a shepherd in the valley of a mountain in a western country. On a winter day snow was falling heavily and this shepherd found that one of his sheep was missing. Hence, he sent his son to search for the missing sheep. He searched for that lost sheep for nearly six hours in that severe cold and windy condition. He searched everywhere, even in between icy rocks. Finally he found the sheep and returned home happily. But since he was out in the cold, he developed a high fever and he was nearing death. His father sent for a Pastor to pray for his son. The Pastor came and spoke to the little boy. He explained the incident found in Luke 15:4-6 which talks about the lost sheep. After explaining everything the Pastor told, “My dear son, just like the shepherd you too found the lost sheep with great difficulty. But now you are fighting for life. In the same way, 2000 years ago the Almighty God came into this world as a Shepherd in order to

find people like you. Finally He gave up His life on the cross in order to save humanity”. The boy listened to him carefully and said, “Pastor, now I understand the love of God. I know that Jesus Christ came into this world in order to save sinners like me. He died on the cross in order to save humanity”. Then he said with a loud voice, “Lord Jesus, You gave up Your life on the cross of Calvary for my sake.” At that very moment a divine joy and peace filled his heart and he breathed his last and entered heaven happily. My dearly beloved, the Lord Jesus Christ came into this world in order to deliver people from the clutches of sin and to draw them towards Him (I Timothy 3:16). The Bible says, “…Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness” (Hebrews 9:22). How can blood forgive the sins of a man?

his eyes started burning and the little boy cried out saying, “My eyes are burning!” When his mother heard about it, she came running to see him. In the meantime, others who were there brought the local village physician. He said, “Bring a lamb or a cow immediately so that we can cut it and pour its blood into the eyes of this little boy, which will bring the limestone out of his eyes and thus we can save his eyes”. But the mother said, “Sir, we cannot search for a lamb or a cow at this time. You may please cut my finger and pour my blood into the eyes of my son”. The physician did accordingly. Even as the physician was pouring the mother’s blood into the eyes of the son, the mother asked her son, “My son, are your eyes still burning? Shall I pour some more blood?” The mother’s blood, which was a blend of her love and affection, cleansed the eyes of the son completely and his burning sensation stopped. That mother was willing to give any amount of blood for her son. That is the love of a mother.

The Bible says, “For the life of a creature is in the blood…It is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life….the life of every creature is its blood” (Leviticus 17:11,14). That is why Jesus Christ came into this world in order to shed His blood to redeem the mankind from sin. Now let us meditate as to how Jesus Christ who appeared in flesh can forgive the sins of the world, grant His Holy Spirit, as well as His abundant blessings to the people of this world.

The love of our

The love of our Lord Jesus Christ is incomparable. Just before He went to the cross, on the night He was betrayed, He took bread and when he had given thanks, He broke it and said, “This is My body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” In the same way, after supper He took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of Me” (I Corinthians 11:23-25).



Salvation Solomon the Wise says, “…There is no one who does not sin” (I Kings 8:46). The blood of a sinful man cannot redeem another person from sin. But the blood of Jesus Christ, “is precious, without blemish or defect” (I Peter 1:19). That is why Jesus Christ could challenge, “Can any of you prove Me guilty of sin?” (John 8:46). He shed His precious and blameless blood on the cross in order to remove the sins of the entire world. One day a little boy was playing with his friends in the street. Building construction was going on nearby. Hence, they kept lot of stones, cement, limestone, and et cetera. This boy accidentally fell upon the heap of limestone kept there. Both his eyes were filled with limestone, a powder-like stuff. Both

The mother mentioned in the above story shed her blood only for her son. But our Lord Jesus Christ shed His precious blood for the sins of the entire world. He was pierced for our transgressions; He was crushed for our iniquities (Isaiah 53:5). When He gave His life on the cross, wholeheartedly and happily, one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water (John 19:34). That is why the Bible says, “The blood of Jesus purifies us from all sin” (I John 1:7). The invisible God took a human form and appeared on this earth in order to save sinners like us. The precious blood that He shed on the cross is able to cleanse the sins of the entire world. Today cry out to God saying, “Lord Jesus, on this Christmas day, You came into this world as a baby in order to cleanse me from my sin and grant me new life. You shed Your precious blood to redeem me from my sin. Please do cleanse me also from my sin.” Then He will certainly forgive your sins and grant you the joy of salvation.



Abundant Blessing

When you receive the forgiveness of sins you are filled with the peace that passes all understanding. Then you have a confidence that you are a child of God and that He will give everything that you ask. It is God’s desire that you should also be filled with His Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18).

“…Though He (Jesus) was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor so that you through His poverty might become rich” (II Corinthians 8:9).

The Bible says, “I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! But I have a baptism to undergo, and how distressed I am until it is completed!” (Luke 12:49, 50).

Our Lord Jesus Christ who was so rich in heaven came into this world and became very poor in order to restore all blessings to you and to make you rich. He had no place to lay His head (Luke 9:58), He had no proper food or proper dress. When He sojourned on this earth, many were healed through the mighty power of His prayer. A few women among them supported him out of their own means (Luke 8:1-3). When Jesus Christ was hanging on the cross, the soldiers divided His garments among them by casting lots for them (John 19:23,24). The Bible says, “Drunkards and gluttons become poor” (Proverbs 23:21). Jesus Christ also became poor for the sake of everyone of us in order to redeem us from all our evil habits and restore all blessings to us.

Even after you are cleansed by the precious blood of Jesus and receive a new life, still the desire for the lusts for this world is lurking in a corner of your heart. Suddenly it will start rearing its ugly head. But once you are filled with the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit will burn the very root of sin (Isaiah 4:3,4). Once an youngster who did not know anything about the Lord Jesus went to a foreign country searching for a job. He got a job in the palace of the prince of that country. Even that prince knew nothing about Christ. Since this youngster was very depressed, he tried to commit suicide. At that very moment, the Lord Jesus appeared before him and said, “My dear son, I am Jesus who gave My life for you. I will give you the peace that the world cannot give”. As promised He filled that youngster with His divine peace. The young boy cried out to God saying, “Lord, please help me not to go back to my sinful ways”. The Lord heard his cry and filled him with His Holy Spirit. Then the youngster prayed, “Lord, my master is a very cruel person. Please do something for him.” Days passed by. Suddenly his master became very sick and was going through much pain. At that moment the Holy Spirit prompted that youngster to pray for his master. Immediately he approached his master and asked, “Master, can I pray for you?” The master replied, “Do something”. Filled with the Holy Spirit the youngster prayed, “Lord, please have mercy on my master and heal him”. At that very instant the mighty power of Christ surged through the body of his master. Immediately he got up from his bed and embraced that youngster. He did not stop with that. He called all his neighbors and relatives and explained as to how He was healed through the prayer of that youngster. Hence, all of them came to this youngster for prayer and he too prayed with much compassion for all of them. All of them received divine healing and miraculous deliverance. This is how the Lord honoured this young man who was filled with His Holy Spirit. Countless people were delivered from sin through his ministry. When you too receive this mighty Holy Spirit, He will enable you to lead a holy life on this earth. He will use you mightily in His ministry and make you a blessing to countless people.


How true is the above statement!

The Lord appeared to one of His saints and commanded him to establish a large Christian University. He was a simple evangelist who always obeyed the command of God. So he began to calculate as to how much it would cost to establish a University. He was stunned when he arrived at the final amount. When he tried to raise funds from the public for this noble cause, people discouraged him saying, “You can never raise this kind of money”. But he told them, “My dear friends, I have not launched this project believing any human being. My eyes are always upon my Heavenly Father who created the entire universe. He is the God of all riches. The earth and everything in it are His (Psalm 24:1). The great street of the heaven is of pure gold (Revelation 21:21). So I firmly believe that He will supply all my needs to establish this Christian University”. The Lord honoured his faith and graciously enabled him to accomplish His will (Ephesians 3:20). Jesus Christ came into this world for a noble cause. So meditate His birth during this Christmas season and also get ready for His Second Coming. It is imperative for you to receive His gift of forgiveness of sins, the fullness of His Holy Spirit and His abundant blessings from the new born infant Jesus. May the infant Jesus grant you all His blessings during this Christmas and bless you and your family in an abundant measure. May the joy of Christmas overflow in your heart and home.

D OH A — Report

The Doha Blessing meeting was organized by Pastor Selwyn and his wife Anita, Global Church for all Nations at the Anglican Centre, Doha on 10th & 11th of October 2015. The hall was jam packed, as nearly thousand’s eagerly attended and received God’s blessings in their lives. People from different parts of India, Nepal and other neighboring countries of Qatar and also from many nations attended this meeting and were blessed. The choir, representing twelve nations, brought divine presence of God through praise and worship. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline shared the word of God and prayed for the people. God revealed the problems of the people and delivered them. The manifestation of the power of God was awesome. All the glory to God who special thanks to those had been a great support in organizing the Doha meetings. May God bless them abundantly.

testimonies Dear Dr. Paul Dhinakaran,

Dear Bro. Paul Dhinakaran,

I am Sunil from Doha Qatar. I had attended your blessing prayer meeting in Doha October 2015 and I am much blessed. When you prayed for the people who had allergy in their skin, I believed and had hope that God would heal me too who had a similar problem. Now I am completely healed from the allergy in my skin. Thanks be to God who healed me.

I am Prabhu Raj Kumar. Thanks for your caring prayers and Word of God. I was healed having attended the prayer meeting, Doha-Qatar. We are praising God for His healing and love upon us. Thank you brother. We were really blessed through your meetings in Doha. Please continue to pray for us. 15

You are created with Hi friends,

I hope you are excited about Christmas this month with all new things! I am even more excited to write about an unsung heroine Amy Wilson Carmichael, who was also born in the month of December. Yes! She was born on 16th December 1867 to David Carmichael and his wife Catherine in a small village in Ireland as the oldest of seven siblings. She was raised in an environment to love and serve God, which helped her to know the importance of a total, unswerving commitment to Christ. As a child, Amy desired to have blue eyes rather than brown which was unattractive. So, she often prayed enthusiastically every night before she went to bed with great faith! Though she desperately hoped for God’s intervention, her


eye color never changed. Days rolled on…Years went by… In 1887, she moved to southernmost India to serve as a Christian missionary. During her mission work, she found that she was able to reach the Indian crowd who had brown eyes with great acceptance. Now, she reflected and understood why she had brown eyes instead of blue. She was greatly thankful to God for His intricate and elegant design, which made her fit for service in India. She even darkened her skin with coffee powder, wore Indian dress to further aid in her gelation into Indian culture. It was here that she realized God’s purpose in her eye color. Amy worked among girls and young women, some of whom were saved from abusive customs. She founded Dohnavur Fellowship in 1901, which later became a haven for homeless children,

a purpose. especially girls. When the children were asked what drew them to her, they most often replied, “It was her love and her Indian eyes.” It was no surprise that, Amy always insisted: “One can give without loving, but cannot love without giving.” It’s true! Love caused Father in heaven to send His only begotten Son. “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16).” This is why we celebrate Christmas. Christmas is a celebration of Father’s love for us. My friends, as you celebrate this Christmas, celebrate your birth also. Do not complain about what you don’t have or what you are not. Give thanks to God for everything. Because, God has created you with a purpose: to show His love to others. You are intricately and

elegantly designed to do God’s blessed will in your life (Psalm 139:14). My prayer for you: Lord, I thank You for You have fearfully and wonderfully made us. I beseech You to lead this dear reader into Your perfect plan. Amen.

—Stella Ramola


Ms. Gayathri D (2011–2015 B.Tech. Aerospace Engineering), Department of Aerospace Engineering, School of Mechanical Sciences I feel extremely delighted to jot down my views about the Aerospace department as I step out of this awesome place after spending a short span of 4 years. I consider it as a God given opportunity to earn my Bachelor’s degree from this young and well-established department. I can confidently state that every day in the campus was a new learning experience, enabling me to gain vital inputs through the lectures and laboratory classes of our experience faculty members. Certainly, Karunya has provided me a strong technical foundation with spiritual and ethical values so that I can stand firm in this competitive world. I remember entering this department as a timid and clueless girl but today I am happy that I could step out with an M. Tech admission at Madras Institute of technology obtained through merit based on my GATE score.

Karunya University is a nationally ranked, fully residential, private Christian university

I will remain thankful to my faculty and staff who were patient enough to teach me, guide me and motivate me. I also appreciate and thank the management for setting up state-of-the-art lab facilities, well-furnished library and a peaceful and homely residence that made my stay in the campus a memorable and productive one.

If you can picture yourself exploring the field of your interest, excelling in academics motivated by great teachers, growing spiritually guided by caring mentors and becoming a wholesome personality to bring a change in the world and to lead, Karunya is the right place for you!

I wish that the Department of Aerospace Engineering soars to greater heights fulfilling its mission in developing Engineers for the future.

For more details: 18

Testimony From


God lifted me up! I am partner of Jesus Calls Family Blessing Plan. I had sponsored T.V program in June. Sister Stella Dhinakaran prayed for my debts. Amazingly, I got interest free credit transfer from three banks and I cleared all my debts and now I am paying off interest free, which is so easy and I started saving money for my future India trip as well. On a Sunday when I went to church I heard a prophesy saying, “I will walk through the shadow of death with you.” I kept this promise in my heart as it touched my heart. On Monday, while I was at work helping a client in the pool, with no one around and not knowing how to swim I slipped into the deep side. Frantically I started waving my hand because I knew I was drowning. I drank water and water was above my head level. By the grace of God, a staff member who was passing by suddenly realized I was drowning and jumped to rescue me. The next thing I remember was I was at the edge of the pool gasping for breath and I called out, “THANK YOU JESUS!” Later when I saw the little lady who rescued me, I knew it was truly the hand of God along with her. I truly believe the prayers offered at the prayer tower every day for me and my family is the reason that I am alive today and ALL GLORY and HONOUR be to our Almighty Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. —Hannie Samson, Australia



COME LETS GIVE LIFE SPORTS DAY FOR THE DIFFERENTLY—ABLED The 4th annual KEMT Special Games was conducted on the 9th of October, 2015. Jointly organized by Karunya University and SEESHA, the one-day sports event for the differently-abled aims to break down stereotypes about people with disabilities and promote social inclusion. 272 young athletes from 10 special schools participated in this grand event held at the EMS Football Grounds in Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore.

International Day of Older Persons 1st October, 2015

World Students’ Day and International Day of Rural Women

Global Iodine Deficiency Disorders Prevention Day

SEESHA sponsored saplings and tree guards, which were planted along the roads by school students in Melkumaramangalam and rural women in Salai Nagar, Cuddalore. This initiative was taken with the aim of encouraging students and women to dream of a clean and green future for India.

Women from the regions in and around RA Puram, Chennai were given an awareness talk on the importance and significance of iodine as well as the effects of iodine deficiency. The program was jointly organized by SEESHA and the Community Food and Nutrition Extension Unit (Ministry of Women and Child Development, Govt of India).

21st October, 2015

15th October, 2015

The SEESHA Old Age Care Home organized a special program for the elderly in the Kulathupalayam village. During the celebration, SEESHA presented new clothes to the participants. Games and group activities were also organized by the SEESHA team.

CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR UNDERPRIVILEGED CHILDREN This Christmas, spread the love and joy of the festive season with little ones. Join us, as we give away 100,000 new clothes! Dear partner, be a part of this initiative. You may directly pay the donation for this cause at the nearest ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower or send a check made out to SEESHA to the below address: Jesus Calls International Inc., 8855 N Stemmons Freeway, Dallas, TX 75247

For more information contact 20

For online payment visit





“Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” II Corinthians 9:15 Christmas is a day on which the Almighty God sent His only begotten Son into this world as an indescribable gift. Hence it is our bounden duty to offer our praises to Him saying, “Lord, I praise You for sending Your only Son into this world as a precious gift to us!” Now let us meditate as to why the Almighty God gave His only Son as a gift to us and as to how we can remain grateful to Him.

The King “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich” (II Corinthians 8:9). The Almighty God sent His only Son into this world in a lowly and poor state in order to let you live in this world. There was a mighty king in Persia. He had a great concern towards his citizens and he did everything for the prosperity of his people. It was his usual practice to visit every home in his country in

disguise in order to find out whether his citizens were living peacefully. Once, he visited the home of a poor man in the guise of a beggar. That poor man treated the king with great love. With great reluctance the king left that house. Later on he visited the poor man quite a few times. Days passed by. One day while visiting this poor man, the king revealed himself as the king of Persia. Even then the poor man did not get excited. He told the king with great love, “Sir, you may be the king of this nation. You may shower your love upon the people. You may even give precious gifts 21

to many, but you have shown great love to me, a poor man. In fact you have given yourself to me. What else do I need? Although you are the king of this nation, please do not stop visiting my home. But you should visit my house only as my friend and not as the king”. “After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, ‘Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him’” (Matthew 2:1,2).

with gifts of gold and of incense and of myrrh (Matthew 2:9-11). Yes, the Almighty God has given His only Son as an indescribable gift to us. So let us bow down at the feet of Jesus during this Christmas season and praise Him with all our heart.

The Light “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned” (Isaiah 9:2).

When Jesus was born, there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their “Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to of the LORD rises upon you. See, darkness covers them, and the glory of the Lord shone around the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, them, and they were terrified. But the angel said but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news over you” (Isaiah 60:1,2). of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; As mentioned in the above Scripture verses, Jesus he is Christ the Lord. This will be a sign to you: Christ came into this world to show His light to the You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying people who were living in darkness. in a manger.” Suddenly a great company of the I present below the testimony of Sis. Anita heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising Antony as to how God brought her into light from God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and darkness. She came all the way from Bangalore to on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests.” attend a Prayer Festival held in Chennai, India. When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that Yes, the Almighty God has given His only Son as has happened, which the Lord has an indescribable gift to us. So let us bow down at told us about.” So they hurried off the feet of Jesus during this Christmas season and and found Mary and Joseph, and praise Him with all our heart. the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning “For the past four years I was mentally disturbed what had been told them about this child and hence I was living in darkness. I was deeply (Luke 2:8-17). pained at people making fun of me. I felt as if I was covered by darkness. All my relatives started In the same way the Magi from the east who heard about the birth of Christ began their journey calling me “a mad woman”. It was at this juncture my mother prompted me to attend the Jesus Calls towards Jerusalem. The star they had seen in the Prayer Festival held in Chennai. east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was born. When they saw As desired by my mother, I travelled to Chennai the star they were overjoyed! On coming to the along with her. During the first day of the meeting, house, they saw the child with his mother Mary I felt as if everything was dark around me. Hence and they bowed down and worshipped Him. Then I sat with much fear in a corner. During the prayer they opened their treasures and presented Him time, Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed 22

saying, “Close your eyes and look up to Jesus. He will surely dispel every darkness from your life and send His light into your life”. Accordingly, I too started praying along with her. At that very moment, I could feel a bright light piercing through me from head to toe and immediately I became

The Bible says, “…Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your father in heaven” (Matthew 5:16). The Almighty God has sent His only begotten Son as a precious gift to us for us to walk in the light. If only Jesus Christ had not come into this world as a child, we would be still living in darkness and our lives would be in ruins. Hence we must always live a life of gratitude to God for sending His only begotten Son into this world. but

“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, will have the light of life” (John 8:12; 9:5).

The Heart

completely normal. The pain in my body vanished. I received perfect healing. A bright light entered into my life. Praise the Lord!” How true is the following promise of God!

Jesus says, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me” (Revelation 3:20).

“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12; 9:5).

Even today open your heart and accept Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour. Give room for Him to dwell in your heart. Then He will come and dwell in your heart and reveal great and mighty things to you.

Here is another testimony: Since their daughter was in an advanced stage of pregnancy, the parents took her to a hospital along with her husband. The doctor who examined her said to her husband, “There are many complications in your wife’s body. So we can take out the child only through a surgery”. Then they took her into the operation theatre. Both her parents and her husband were eagerly waiting near the theatre to see the newborn baby. Suddenly the doctor came and said to her husband, “Sir, we tried our best to save your child, but we could not. Your child is dead.” All were shocked to hear this news. The next moment the husband said, “Doctor, since my child is dead, I would like to donate the eyes of my child. So please take its eyes and give them to somebody who is not able to see”. As desired by him, one of the eyes of that newborn baby was fixed to a person who was the head of a family. He was the only earning member of that family. Another eye was fixed to a mother in a family. Thus both these families who were going through darkness received great light. When the father of the dead child saw this, he said, “Although I don’t have a child, the eyes of my child have brought light to a couple of families.

Once, a family arranged a function to celebrate Christmas. The entire family was standing around the Christmas cake in order to cut it and glorify God. There was a chair placed for someone. One of the invitees asked a little girl, “For whom have they kept this chair?” The little girl replied, “Today is the birthday of Jesus Christ. Hence that chair is placed for Jesus to sit. We are going to cut this cake in order to remember the birthday of Jesus Christ.” The other person continued, “Have you purchased everything for Christmas? Are you very happy?” The little girl replied, “Jesus Christ is my greatest gift. He is with me all the time. So I am very, very happy!” In the same way when we give a special place for Jesus in our heart, He will happily stay with us for ever. So please open your heart and allow Jesus to enter into it. Keep on telling Him, “Lord Jesus, please come into my heart and dwell in me. Do not leave me. I praise You for giving Your Son as a precious gift to me”. Then He will come and dwell in your heart and do glorious things in your life. He will also graciously grant you His 23

abundant blessings. During this Christmas season cry out to God saying, “Lord, I praise You for your indescribable gift. Loving Lord, as I walk in the light, I want my friends and relatives also who are living in darkness to find the light. So please come and dwell in my heart so that I can arise and shine for You.” Always give first place to God and reveal Him to this world.

My loving Christmas greetings to you! INTERNATIONAL Prayer Towers NEW ZEALAND




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Young Partner’s Plan KIDNEY PROBLEM GONE


We have three children. Our third son, Tharun Kumar, in 2005 had a serious health problem. His face, hands and legs started to swell. When we went to the doctors, they advised for surgery. We did two surgeries. After that, his whole body was swollen again. We took him to the doctor again who took a scan and said that his both kidneys were affected. He was further advised for an immediate surgery. At this juncture, while we were watching the ‘Jesus Calls’ television program, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran spoke about the Young Partners Plan. At once, we joined him in this plan. Within two months, his swelling came down and he was healed. Now when we took him to the doctor, he did a scan and declared that there was no trace of any disease in his body. All glory to God.

I joined my daughter Priyanka in the ‘Jesus Calls’ Young Partners Plan even when she was one year old. The Lord has been blessing her since childhood. When she completed her B. Tech, we tried to settle her marriage. We approached even matrimonial centres. All our efforts proved futile. At this time, we sent an e-mail to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran seeking prayers that God should bless her being a Young Partner. We also gave a prayer request in the Prayer Tower. Through my sister, the Lord helped us to get the details of a good alliance. The wedding went on well. Now my daughter and son-in-law are living a blessed life. I was unable to get back a certain amount which I had lent to a person long back. I had requested Dr. Paul Dhinakaran to pray for this also. Now the Lord has helped us to get back this amount. Thanks to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and the ‘Jesus Calls’ prayer warriors who are praying for us.

­—Latha Selvam, Bengaluru.

—V.I. Vinoth Kumar, Andhra Pradesh

Dear Partner, “... Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil...” (1 Chronicles 4:10). Young Partners Plan is a God given plan to my father Late Dr. D.G.S Dhinakaran in the year 1985. Children and youngsters from birth to 25 years of age are enrolled in this plan. I along with my family and the prayer intercessors at the ‘Jesus Calls’ 24 hours Prayer Tower, pray for Young Partners every day that each young partner should be protected from evil, should grow in wisdom and enjoy a prosperous future. Truly God has blessed every Young Partner for the past years. We want your children to be led on God’s parenting plan that’s guaranteed to give your children, a healthy and a happy life.

—Dr. Paul Dhinakaran



q & a

question and answer with stella dhinakaran Question How to make the family life thrive, by being a priceless pearl?

Answer “Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies” (Proverbs 31:10) According to this Scripture verse, making us into a virtuous woman and a priceless ruby is in the hands of the Lord. If we see a few more verses after the 10th verse, far more excellent things could be seen. These verses explain that when all these things are obtained in our lives, we would receive glorious blessings and also would lead our family too in divine paths, and enjoy God’s full blessings. On June 17, 1959, the betrothal ceremony for me and Brother Dhinakaran was held. In those days, I loved the Lord dearly deep down in my heart but had no profound experiences of piety. At this state, the pastor who had come for the ceremony chose a portion from the Bible which was related to women. Betrothal is an agreement made by both the families of the bride and the groom to get them married. But when that pastor asked us to read the portion related only to women, many questions cropped up in me. But on the other side, as it was read, the Lord began to speak to me clearly through each and every word given there. That day I realized that I was lagging behind in my spiritual life, in a life of living close relationship with


God. I thought that the pastor might have chosen that portion, for this reason alone. Well, let it be gone. Now, all of us should know the importance of those verses and act diligently according to the above title as to how to live as virtuous women and as priceless rubies in family life.

MUCH LOVE ON THE HUSBAND: We read in verse 11 that the heart of the husband, whose wife loves him dearly, would safely trust her. She would do only good–not bad–for her husband, all the days of her life. After the betrothal ceremony, the Lord granted me this divine character. After these verses were read during that ceremony, I did this: I prayed with devotion, “Lord, I don’t have anyone of these good things seen here. But everyone says that the partner whom You are going to give me is godly. Give me the grace for that and lead me”. Truly I tell you that once I thus committed myself to the Lord, He gave me that grace from that moment and led

me. That’s why, according to the above heading, a divine love for my God given husband, filled my heart. From then on and until he went to the Lord, there was no change in that divine love. I did continuous service for him and prayed for him incessantly, considering it a great privilege to serve him, who was a true servant of God. The Lord knows this fact. My dear sisters, try to love and honor your husband, no matter how he is, considering him to be the life partner given to you by the Lord and make him happy saying, “He’s the partner given to me by the Lord.” This is a pleasing deed in the sight of God. “..submitting to one another in the fear of God. Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:21, 22). According to these verses, when the fear of God, rules over you, you would obey your husband in everything, even without your knowledge. Both of you would become one flesh (v.31). Then God will help you to love your husband

as you love yourself and be respectful to him. Your husband, who sees this, would trust you fully. Even if he is found wanting in this, the Lord will change every situation in your favor, when you ask Him. When you love your husband with reverence, and when you keep him in the place next to the Lord, every lack and need in your family will flee away. Happiness, blessing and peace which the Lord gives would always stay in your family. By constant prayers and fasting, a good wife, who knew the Lord, had the privilege of changing her husband, who was addicted to alcohol for 17 years, to know the Lord. If so, isn’t it certain that if there is any shortcoming in your husband, the Lord who changed that woman’s life and flourished her, would make your family too to thrive, when you pray day and night like her?

ACTIVE LIFE Read the Scripture verses in Proverbs 31:16-18. We see the virtuous and priceless woman, actively and cheerfully working. She was not idle. She watches over the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness (Proverbs 31:27). Accordingly, not eating the bread of idleness, she would be busily watching over the ways of her household and whether there is any lack in that. By this, whatever she does will prosper. Not wanting to sleep, she would rise up while it is yet night and enjoy the blessed life of getting His guidance every day (Proverbs 31:15). My dear sisters, do you prefer to sleep? Doesn’t the Bible say that those who seek the Lord should rise up early in the morning and seek Him? When we ask the Lord, with desire, the Bible says that He awakens us morning by morning (Isaiah 50:4). So examine yourself. If the life of a good wife has to prosper, the first thing you have to do is to rise up while it is yet night, hold on to His feet firmly, read His words diligently and ask and receive the blessing for that

day from Him and then start doing that day’s chores. Such a seeking would truly prosper your family. I have been doing this for the past several years. Getting up early in the morning, talking to Him quietly and reading His Word diligently, will be of great blessing to our spiritual life. That time, we would receive the assurance of Lord coming into us and He doing everything for us. Similarly His guidance throughout the day would be beautiful and blessed. I write to you this from my experience and you too should enjoy this experience in your own life. According to His Word, the Lord will go before you, and will be your rear guard (Isaiah 45:2). Whatever may be the problems in your life, He will make the crooked places straight and make you happy (Isaiah 45:2). How joyful is this experience of getting united with Him! My dear sisters, I humbly request you to enjoy this glorious experience.

LOVE FOR THE POOR But I am poor and needy; Yet the LORD thinks upon me. You are my help and my deliverer; Do not delay, O my God (Psalm 40:17). David thus says, enjoying the Lord’s love in his life. “I passed through lot of sufferings, underwent pain and sorrow and was humiliated. But, the Lord, whom I trust, is always with me. He will be my help and exalt me in everything”—With this faith he has written this. Dearly beloved, accordingly let us also enjoy the Lord’s touch and presence and receive blessings. Also, not closing our eyes and not blocking our heart to the poor and the needy and those in sorrow and distresses, it is good to show love to the poor just as the Lord did and receive His grace. This is priceless in the sight of God. He who has pity on the poor lends to the LORD, and He will pay back what he has given (Proverbs 19:17). The more we show pity to the poor, the more the Lord will be merciful to us. Do not despise those who are in difficulty and are sorrowful in your family. When we see their need, let us encourage them by doing whatever we can. Above all show mercy to them by finding their

lacks and removing them. Pray with tears for them. These are the things that please God. Once, a servant of God who was a woman, was very much despised and persecuted by her relatives. Yet the more she was persecuted, the more she began to pray at the feet of God. As she kept on pleading to the Lord, He began to work in the hearts of the relatives. God made them come to her one by one and ask her about things related to Him. Finally the whole family became the Lord’s possession. If your family too receives the Lord’s abundant blessings, you would be a blessed woman. When this blessing comes into you, how great would be the joy given by the Lord! Also according to Philippians 2:5, let the mind of Christ Jesus be always in you. Receive the life of being filled with the love of God given by the Holy Spirit in order to reveal Christ’s love to everyone. The Holy Spirit teaches you what things should be done at what time and how to exhibit love. He will guide you wonderfully. Finally the people of your household and your dear ones will say, “Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord.” (Luke 1:45).

GIRDING WITH THE STRENGTH OF GOD; She girds herself with strength, And strengthens her arms (Proverbs 31:17). From where does this strength come? The firm faith and hope you have on the Lord, gives you this divine strength from the Lord. Don’t we sing, “Enna vanthalum nambuvane” (Whatever comes I will trust You)? Such kind of strength would be given to us only by God. When Paul had physical weakness, thrice he asked for healing from the Lord. But He said, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” (II Corinthians 12:9). My dear sisters, we read in the Bible that “Women are weaker vessels” (I Peter 3:7). But let us read the Bible and strengthen


us in the Lord through those verses. Also let us get filled with divine strength by waiting in the presence of the Lord. Above all, when we are filled with the matchless strength of the Holy Spirit, the Lord will use us as a witness to make our whole family a witness. When we read about Mary, the sister of Martha, in the Bible, we see how wonderfully the Lord testifies about her: “Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:42). Accordingly, would you choose that good part? Surely the Lord will exalt you too. He will tell you many things as counsels. By His guidance, you too can receive divine strength in your body and soul. For a few years, as if to test me, the Lord gave me plenty of continuous ministerial works in our family life. I had to work hard relentlessly. There was no rest. One day, I prayed to the Lord saying, “Lord, I very much want to wait in Your presence for several hours and pray. But what can I do under this hard situation? I don’t have time to have a close interaction with You.” Do you know what the Lord said to me? He said, “Daughter, look up to me while you cook or do some other works and keep talking to me. Then I will fill you with My presence. I will exalt you with all the blessings. At the same time I would also pour down my blessing on whatever work you would be doing.” He taught me this secret. Yes, dear sisters, how wonderful it is to commune with the Lord! He will remove all the burdens and worries in our heart. He will exalt and embolden you. He will fill you with His blessings. About this we read in Psalm 128:1, “Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord!”

LIFE OF OPENING THE MOUTH WITH WISDOM: “She opens her mouth with wisdom” (Proverbs 31:26). Wisdom is one of the blessings given by the Lord (Proverbs 2:6). He stores up sound wisdom for the upright (Proverbs 2:7). My dear sisters, perhaps you lack


in wisdom. Your intelligence may be dull. “Oh, I don’t know how to do these; how will I run my family? How will I please my husband and the elders in the family? Is it possible for me?”—Don’t despair thus. You can do nothing on your own effort. This is a fact. But when the Lord who is the wisdom and knowledge is in you (Colossians 2:3), you will be a different woman. You would be amazed to see the way in which the Lord would use you. When I entered into family life, I did not know how to cook and how to run the family. In that situation, I used to kneel down and pray at the feet of God before doing anything. I would offer a short prayer and tell the Lord, “I am an ignorant woman. I don’t have wisdom. You should be my wisdom. Thank You.” After committing myself to the Lord in this manner, I found the Lord’s wisdom, righteousness, and guidance coming into me. He granted excellent blessings in all things. Similarly, even in the ministry, I was a novice and was useless. When the Lord called me, I confessed my shortcomings to Him. But the Lord filled my mouth with His wisdom and is leading me wonderfully, to this day. The Lord filled me with His grace in such a way that those who knew my previous ignorant and timid life, exclaimed with wonder, “Oh, how you have changed!”, when they saw me after several years. The same God will do this for you too. Hold on to Him firmly in your ignorant state. Commit yourself to Him in prayer. Read the Bible verse , receive His promises and walk by that. Then the treasures of the Lord’s wisdom and knowledge would be richly given in your life too. My dear sisters, read all these and commit yourself holding on to the Lord firmly and praying, “Lord, according to the verse, ‘But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away’ (I Corinthians 13:10), change my lacks and fill me with Yourself. I commit myself for the lacks in my family to be removed and for the Lord’s prosperity to be received, for the glory of Your name”. Then you would see the Lord’s benefits, good things and prosperity forming in your family life. The Lord will make all those who see you to be wonderstruck. He will help you to be a priceless pearl and a virtuous woman.

Esther Prayer Group DELIVERANCE FROM DEATH Six months back, Sister Thangam was affected by cancer in the uterus and was taking medical treatment that she spent 1 ½ lakhs of rupees for. However the doctors informed her husband that she had reached the last stage and that she would not survive. She could not get up or walk or take any food. Confined to bed, she was expecting death. Her whole family was broken. Her husband and two children were always in tears. At this critical situation, hearing about the Esther Prayer Group, she came for prayer. We gave her the Scripture verses, encouraged her by sharing about God’s miracles and prayed for her with burden. Hearing the prayer, the Lord has completely delivered her from cancer. We give all honor and glory to the God of gods who has given her a new lease of life. —E. Prasanna Kumari, Vellore. (Leader of EPG)

Dear Sisters, if the Spirit of the Lord prompts you to start an Esther Prayer Group or Young Girls Esther Prayer Group in your locality so that people in your neighborhood could be blessed and revived please come forward and write to us. Dr. Stella Dhinakaran Esther Prayer Group Jesus Calls 16, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road Chennai – 600 028

A Special Prayer

To Give and to Receive Loving Lord Jesus, You are the one who gives wealth, riches and honor. The earth and its fullness are Yours. Everything in heaven and in earth is Yours. Rich and honor come from You. The Bible says that everything comes from Your hand. Believing that all blessings and good gifts come from You who is the Father of lights, I offer my praises to You. Father God, the Bible says that it is better to give than to receive. You have also promised, “Give and it will be given to you.” You are the one who gives riches and wealth and enable us to enjoy the work of our hands. I want to give a portion of the riches and wealth that You have given to me to Your ministry in order to receive Your blessings. Almighty God, graciously help me to sow a seed from my monthly salary in a ministry which brings blessings to a large number of people. Also help me to fulfil my vow. Lord, help me to fulfil my part in the ministry as well as for saints without expecting anything in return. Please bless the work of my hand. Lord, open Your treasure house and shower Your richest blessings upon me. Lord Jesus, the man looks at the face, but You look at the heart. That is why You testified about the poor widow who offered just two coins for Your ministry saying, “This poor widow gave more than everyone.” Even those who lived during the Old Testament period gave liberally for the ministry and enjoyed Your blessings. You commanded Moses, “Tell the Israelites to bring offerings to Me. Collect offering from those who give wholeheartedly.” Accordingly when Moses Appealed to the people saying, “Give a portion to the Lord from your wealth as an offering. Let those who have a heart give to the Lord”, many were prompted in their hearts and brought their offering to the Tabernacle and its various other facets. Both men and women from the Israelites gave

their offering wholeheartedly. I too give a portion from what You have given to me as an offering to You. Please accept my offering just as You accepted the offering of Abel. Heavenly Father, graciously help me to give the first fruits, tithes and offerings to you. Help me to honor You with the first fruits of my yield and receive Your blessings. Loving Lord, the Bible says that the one who lends to the poor lends to the Lord and You will give it back to Him. I know that the righteousness of the one who helps the poor shall remain for ever and he will have riches and wealth. A liberal soul will prosper. The one who waters will be watered. The one who sows scarcely will reap scarcely and the one who sows liberally will reap liberally. Lord, You have promised that You love the liberal giver. Please help me to give for Your ministry with great joy, liberally and more than my ability just like the people of the Church of Macedonia. Lord Jesus, please continue to help me to give to You and Your ministry and thus receive Your blessings. Above all, just as You gave Yourself as a fragrant offering to Me, I too offer myself as a living sacrifice for You. I offer millions of praises for hearing my prayer and accepting my offering and for making me a blessed person. I pray this prayer in the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

(The Scripture verses on which this prayer is based are: Ecclesiastes 6:2; 5:19; I Chronicles 16:29; 29:11,12,16; Psalm 24:1; 16:2,3; 96:8; 112:3,9; Acts 20:35; James 1:17; Luke 6:38; 21:1-4; I Samuel 16:7; Exodus 25: 2; 35:5,21,29; Genesis 4:4; Leviticus 2:12; II Chronicles 31:10; Malachi 3:10; Proverbs 3:9,10; 11:25; 19:17; II Corinthians 9:6,7,10; 8:14; Deuteronomy 23:21,23; 28:8,12,14; Joel 2:24,26; Isaiah 32:20; Ephesians 5:2 and Romans 12:1).


Prophetic Prayer Seminar

ISRAEL PRAYER TOWER Jerusalem Oct 13th—16th, 2015 Following the 2nd anniversary celebration of Israel Prayer Tower as preordained by God, Prophetic Prayer Seminar was held at Israel Prayer Tower, Jerusalem during Oct 13th-16th 2015. Participants from Israel, Sri Lanka, U.S.A. and U.K. took part. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran through the anointing of the Holy Spirit expounded deep and profound truths about the New era of Apostles and Prophets from the word of God and also from the life-experiences of the Dhinakarans. He shared about Enoch and Elijah’s anointing, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, especially about the gift of prophecy. He outlined the purpose of the existence of Israel prayer tower to have 24/7 prophesying for the nations and prayer for God’s will to be fulfilled in all the nations.

“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem…” Psalm 122:6



As the verse denotes the conference was organized in order to pray for the peace of the world as well as for the peace of Israel. Moreover, from the Israel Prayer Tower, viewing the entire city of Jerusalem people stretched forth their hands and prayed, prophesying for the world and the nation of Israel. Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran also shared about her closer walk with the Lord and how the Lord Jesus appeared to her and comforted her. Much time was spent in prayer. At the end Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline prayed for the participants individually and they were much blessed to receive the touch from the hands of our Wounded Saviour. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran also ministered to a group of tourists from South Africa who were visiting the Israel Prayer tower and during prayer time he told about a girl who is a singer and lost her voice due to a problem. God amazingly touched her and the girl came and testified at the end of the meeting. All Glory to God.

Holy Land Tour Teams consisting of nearly 315 members traveled to Israel, Jordan and Egypt in groups from different parts of the world between 12th to 27th October 2015 and were blessed visiting the places where Jesus walked and did His ministry on earth. Dr. Paul and Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed for the participants at the Israel Prayer Tower and it was a memorable event for everyone.


Web Testimony

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I am currently a 4th year student doing B. Tech in electrical & electronics. I am a young partner and our family has been associated with Jesus Calls for many years. Every morning dad reads the Scripture portion from the Jesus Calls website and we all claim the promise verse for our family’s blessings. Dad and I also read the Facebook posts which I find often relevant to my life and it also gives me a lot of inspiration and hope. We also get the monthly magazine. In the three years of my course, before all my exams, tests and practical exams, I used to contact the Prayer Tower and the prayer warriors would pray for me and by God’s grace I had a CGPA of 9.93/10. I secured three scholarships and currently I am also the topper of my department. When I entered my fourth year, a crucial year for placements, I thought, getting a job would be very easy with my scores. But it wasn’t. I was rejected by

15 companies. I couldn’t even clear the first aptitude round. I was disheartened. I had lost hope. I thought all my efforts had gone in vain. But the Jesus Calls prayer warriors assured, God has His own plan, “He will give everything at the right time.” Finally after much waiting in God’s right time, Lord provided me a wonderful job in an MNC. I am so thankful to God for all the blessings He has bestowed upon me. I am really looking forward to work hard and to do my project well, so that I can get the gold medal and testify God’s name. It is only through the grace of God that I have received so many blessings. All glory to the name of God. Amen. —Sancy Issac, Jarkhand

Dear partner, The Lord is graciously working through us in many ways to bring blessings upon millions of people. You too can send us your prayer requests. The Dhinakarans and thousands of prayer intercessors are waiting to pray for you.



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