Jesus Calls International

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I tell you the truth unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of Heaven. (Matthew 18:3,4)


y beloved, however old you may be, as

“See that you do not look down on

you repent and turn away from sin, cast

one of these little ones. For I tell you

aside your pride and humble yourself and believe in Jesus and live as His child, you become the Lord's little child.

that their angels in Heaven always see the face of my Father in Heaven.� (Matthew 18:10)

When we humble ourselves like a little child, how does the Lord take care of us?

The Lord commands an angel for each one of you to guide you.

Jesus Calls Ministries * February 2019 * www.


The Lord said about Nathanael, “Here is a

and those who are about to be saved. They serve

true Israelite, in whom there is nothing false. He

us as servants of God and as ministering spirits

then added, “Very truly I tell you, you will see

(Hebrews 1:14). The reality of the presence of the

‘heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and

guardian angel ought to remove far from us all

descending on’ the Son of Man”” (John 1:47, 51).

kinds of fears and anxieties. This is interwoven

God the Lord says to you, that like a little child you have completely believed and have submitted

with the desire to live a holy life - a life of total submission to the will of God.

your life into God’s hands. From now on like it happened to Jacob, you will see angels of God ascending and descending on you.

While studying in college during my teenage years, I went far away from God. However, by the sheer grace of God, and by my mother’s

The aged have many worries as to how they will manage their finances, care for their families and there may be debt problems and health issues,

prayer with fasting, and my father’s love, He transformed me as His child. After that, when I would cycle my way to college, my friends would

while the youth worry about their studies, career

try to lure me back to my old ways. When I hear

and achieving their goals.

old songs, or see enticing pictures, I would have a

But the angel that God has given you - the one

desperate desire to go back to my old ways, but at

who looks at the face of God every day is there

that moment I would cry out, “Lord, please help

for you to protect you from taking a wrong or

me!I don’t want to lose You.”

misguided step.

Whenever I am gripped by the fear that I will face failure and loss and I will go to hell


when I fall, I would cry to Him, and at that very moment, I would feel someone strengthening

The Bible says, “See, I am sending an

me. New tongues of the Holy Spirit will come

angel ahead of you to guard you along

upon my tongue according to the verse, 'for out

the way and to bring you to the place I

of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks'

have prepared.” (Exodus 23:20)

(Matthew 12:34). The Lord made me speak new

“For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.” (Psalm 91:11)

tongues and wiped away all of the old devil’s lustful thoughts. Yes, I could feel the angel of God near me. That is how the Lord has been guarding me for 38 years and I pray that He should guard


me until I reach heaven.

First and foremost, the Lord gives us an

The Lord has commanded an angel even for

angel to guard us who have received salvation

your child. They will not be misled. He will bring


Jesus Calls Ministries * February 2019 * www.

them towards salvation. In the same way, He will


bring your husband/wife/parents to salvation.

“For I know the plans I have for you,

From this month onwards, the angel of God

declares the Lord, plans to prosper

will be a ministering spirit to lead you towards

you and not to harm you, plans to

salvation. He will watch over your life (Psalm

give you hope and a future”

121:7). When your soul is guarded, your life will

(Jeremiah 29:11)

also be guarded.

The Lord has planned everyone’s future. He has given an angel to take His children to that


planned place prepared for you. In other words

“Then the angel of God, who had been

it’s like the Lord telling us that until He puts us

travelling in front of Israel’s army,

in the right job, family and worship place and

withdrew and went behind them. The

Gospel service - all geared towards leading a holy

pillar of cloud also moved from in front and stood behind them” (Exodus 14:19)

life, this angel will be with you. The Lord says, “My chosen ones will long enjoy the works of their hands (Isaiah 65:22). He

Millions of Israelites left Egypt to the land of milk and honey that the Lord had promised. On

grants peace to your borders and satisfies you with the finest wheat” (Psalm 81:16; 147:14).

their way, they were caught in-between the Red Sea and Pharaoh's army. The army surrounded


them from behind to take them back into bondage,

“They passed the first and second guards

sin, and to inflict the pains of Egypt. In panic they cried out to God.

and came to the Iron Gate leading to the city. It opened for them by itself, and they

In that moment, the angel of God who was

went through it. When they had walked

going before them went behind them in between

the length of one street, suddenly the

Pharaoh's army and the Israelites. He not only

angel left him” (Acts 12:10)

stood behind the Israelites but wherever the Israelites stood, he was a pillar of fire. One angel

When the angel given to you comes along with

stood as big as a pillar of fire for miles together.

you, every door will open. We read what the Lord

The devil and the wicked could not infiltrate

did for Peter in Acts 12:5-11. Since Peter was

through, by any means. The angel of God did not leave any chance for the Israelites to be taken

preaching about Jesus, Herod chained him up and put him in prison to kill him the next day.

back to slavery. Similarly, that angel of God will

None of the disciples or officers went to meet

be with you and guard you in all ways. He will put

him or fight for him. Many times, the Lord will

a hedge around you and guard you so that no harm

push aside of everyone like that. But all were

shall touch you in any way (Job 1:10).

praying fervently for Peter in the house with the

Jesus Calls Ministries * February 2019 * www.


doors locked. That is the power of prayer. Where

heaven and going to the tomb, rolled back

necessary, the Lord will close the doors in society

the stone and sat on it” (Matthew 28:2)

when we are in trouble. To prove that He is the commander and that he/she is His dear child, He will lock others and send His angel. This happened in the prison where Peter was kept.

When Jesus died and was laid in the tomb, the Jews closed it with a huge stone. A particular group was very happy that they killed Jesus. No one was allowed to touch the tomb. Anyone who

Peter did not murmur that no one came to see

breaks this rule will have to go to prison. The

him, not even his wife or other disciples for one

government sealed the closure. At the perfect

last goodbye. Instead, he was sleeping peacefully.

time, the angel of the Lord who was given to Jesus

God grants sleep to those He loves (Psalm 127:2),

came down. He rolled over the stone and sat on it.

for those who have Him as their Father.

The stone which nobody could move was rolled

Sleep means peace! The Lord will keep us in perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3). When Peter was

over in a second. There was a great light. Jesus had risen (Matthew 28:1-6).

peacefully sleeping, the angel of God came down,

Do you live under any restrictions that people

woke him up and opened the doors one after the

lay on you? Are there barriers in your life which

other. Every chain snapped. He took Peter to the

you think you can never get across? It could be in

place he must go to, and to the work he had to do.

your studies, career, family or most importantly,

It is written that the doors opened automatically

in your ministry. Take heart, the Lord will send

(Acts 12:10). Peter did not open it. From this

an angel especially for you. That stone will be

month onwards, the doors will automatically open

rolled over. You will rise up. Your children will

up for you.

rise. Are you in a situation where you are sure to

In the days to come, doors will open up in

face death as you have cancer or some terminal

your life, your children’s lives, and the ministry.

illness or a dreadful disease, or faced failure and

Whoever is against it, will be made to sleep. But

cannot get back up? Even in such situations, when

you will fulfill everything one by one as the doors

you say, ‘Lord, let me be your child. I believe in

open. No one can kill you, no one can push you down, and you will go beyond the orders of the king. However, in the king’s palace, confusion will prevail. There will be bloodshed. But, you will be rescued and rise to a high position. Those who create weapons against you will not prosper. From this month onwards, you are going to see that.

you. Forgive me and hear my cry O Lord’, He immediately takes you as His little child, and will send an angel especially for you. No matter the tomb or the prison, the Lord will make a way. Even if the wicked Pharaoh’s army comes, He will put an angel as a pillar of fire and protect you. He will open the sea and make a way and lead you through it carefully.



The angel of God, who protected every

“There was a violent earthquake, for

Israelite from death, will protect you and your

an angel of the Lord came down from

family. He will guard your soul at all times so that

Jesus Calls Ministries * February 2019 * www.

none in your family perish and destroy those who

that soul assigned to fulfill His plan. He leads

are against you by drowning them in the sea.

us according to His plan. God gives answers to

There is no need for you to tremble before your enemy and you need not pray that your enemy is harmed. That is what the Israelites did. Moses said, “Stand still and watch the Lord rescue you.” Yes, the Lord Himself will rescue you. Look only to Him. You will see Him. Your angel will take you to the place prepared for you. In the same way, He has planned everything for you. I had nothing and was in sin, but when I submitted myself into His hands, saying “Jesus, you should be my Father and I am your child”, and He immediately revealed His plan. The Lord has kept a plan for each one of you. He will surely exalt you. He will make you reach high positions He has kept for you. He will give you Jacob’s right to inheritance . (Isaiah 58:14). He will make you great. He will not forget you. We have angels given especially for us-the same angels who look at the face of God for each one of us. Years back when my father was deeply worried and suffering alone, the Holy Spirit took him to heaven, near the throne of Jesus. Before Him, groups of angels came from the earth. They were not the angels who glorify Him and who

millions of angels in a moment and sends them back. Our angel leads us in this manner. That is why we read the Bible and ask every morning, “Lord, fulfill your will today. What should I do?” That angel goes to Jesus, looks at the face of Jesus, and then brings an answer from Him. In this way, the Lord gives you His answer. Every obstacle that you face in life will be destroyed by the Word of the Lord. All the plans Jesus has in your life will be fulfilled. You are not orphans. Continue to stay united with Him and be a dear child who fulfills His will. Submit yourselves into His hands to wipe away the tears of millions; through your offerings and prayers uphold them. The angel of God given to you will be with you always to work with you, to guard you in the way you should go and to take you to the place the Lord has prepared for you.

PRAYER Dear Father in Heaven, I thank You for making me Your child and thereby providing an angel exclusively to protect me. You are the same yesterday, today and forever and so what you

worship Him; they were angels who were given

did for Moses and Peter and to so many others

to everyone to lead people into salvation.

recorded in Your Word, You are doing for me—

The angel comes and looks at the face of Jesus. At once Jesus understands the prayer requests he has brought and that soul’s state by looking at the angel. He says, “Today, this is what should

an angel to show me the way, protect me from behind and before and to open doors and roll away stones to pave the path for me! How can I ever thank you enough for this your great love

happen to my child. This is my decision. Guide

for me. Lord, it’s my desire to lead a holy life and

him in that path” as an answer to the prayer. In

so here I am surrendering my whole life to You.

a moment he understands it and comes back to

In Jesus’ Name, amen!

Jesus Calls Ministries * February 2019 * www.



Blessing Plan



amily Blessing Plan is an exceptional plan given by the Lord to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran for families to be blessed, to live in unity and to prosper.

Prayer intercessors at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, pray incessantly for the families enrolled in this plan to be blessed, to enjoy the peace and for every member in the family to be in good health. An encouraging testimony of a family which received blessings through the Family Blessing Plan:

“I got married in the year 2004. Though my husband’s salary was INR 11, 000, his take-home salary was just INR 1700/- Yet, I did not give up contributing to Jesus Calls. Initially, I found it difficult to send even INR 100/- as a monthly offering due to the meagre income we had. Seeing my faith, God started blessing our family. Steadily the salary increased, and we enrolled in the Family Blessing Plan. Now his monthly salary is INR 68,000/- and we donate INR 3000/- monthly.


Jesus Calls Ministries * February 2019 * www.

WE ARE SO THANKFUL TO GOD FOR HIS GIFT We were childless for five years. We used to visit the Prayer Tower and get prayed frequently. At one point of time I stopped taking fertility treatments. In 2009, we enrolled in the Young Partner’s Plan expecting a miracle and prayed that if God blesses us with a child, we would name the girl baby, Evangeline and if we have a boy, then he would be named, Samuel. A miracle happened. On 11th April 2010, Evangeline was born. Now she is in 4th std. She is full of wisdom and a devout child of God. So far she has won 30 medals and trophies in her studies and extra-curricular events. We are so thankful to God for His gift. Added to this, in 2016 we could buy a piece of land in two places. We are happy and blessed being a partner in Family Blessing Plan, Young Partner’s Plan, Seesha and Prayer Tower Building Fund of Jesus Calls Ministry. All glory to God!”

- Daisy Matharasi, Chennai

The Lord sustains, protects, increases and helps many such families. Now your family could also enjoy God’s favour as you enroll your family in this Plan. The Dhinakarans and the prayer intercessors in the Prayer Tower remember all the partners of the Family Blessing Plan

I AM LED BY THE LORD TO ENROLL FOR THE FAMILY BLESSING PLAN “When you eat the labor of your hands, you shall be happy, and it shall be well with you. Your wife shall be like a fruitful vine In the very heart of your house, your children like olive plants all around your table” (Psalm 128:2,3). Options (Select your Option) One Time $: ......................................................... Every Month $: ............................................................ Please call the Prayer Tower in your country for information about your offering in your local currency Name: ......................................................................................................................................................... Date of Birth: ..................................................... Wedding Day: ............................................................... Address: ..................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................... Names of family members

Date of Birth


1. ..........................................................



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You may send your offerings thru our secure and fastest mode by credit card/debit card/net banking at You may also send checks to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower nearest your location. Jesus Calls Ministries * February 2019 * www.


My beloved in Christ Jesus, It brings me great joy to connect with you through this February issue.

Late Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran, my beloved father and your brother entered into glory on 20th February eleven years ago. He dedicated his life to God’s work

May the Lord bless this month

and gained many souls. I praise the Lord

abundantly so that you rejoice according

with all my heart for blessing this ministry

to this scripture.

to carry on unabated for so many years even after his demise. I am thankful to

“Yet I will rejoice in the

each of you who support this ministry with

LORD, I will be joyful in

your offerings and sacrificial help. Let us

God my Savior”

join together and prepare this world for the

(Habakkuk 3:18).


second coming of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Calls Ministries * February 2019 * www.

GAJA RELIEF “For I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” (Matthew 25:35,36)

years last year. Millions of people who came to the Prayer Centre received the comfort of the Lord, received a miraculous touch and were blessed in their body and spirit. The Vision Centre in Bethesda has been renovated and dedicated last December so that people can visit and pray. The Lord has given a vision to transform the Bethesda Prayer Centre which was a healing place to many for all these years, into a Prayer City. In the Bethesda Prayer City,

Last year, in the month of November,

a 24-hour Chain Prayer Tower will function so

important agricultural districts of TamilNadu;

that the prayer intercessors call out their names

i.e., Tanjore, Pudukkottai, Nagapattinam and

and pray for the staff, students and partners

Thiruvarur districts, met with calamities due

of Jesus Calls, Karunya and Seesha. Not only

to Cyclone GAJA. On 22 December 2018, I

that, worship halls for people to come from

went along with my team to visit the cyclone

all around the world to pray and praise in

affected regions. What I saw there, broke my

different languages, big dormitories for them to

heart. Thousands had lost their homes. Hundreds of churches were damaged. By the grace of the Lord, we have now brought 30 churches back to condition. Construction of many churches are still in progress. We have to complete rebuilding

stay, School of Prayer to train the partners as God’s Ambassadors, a big chapel and a Hall of Miracles portraying the miracles performed by Jesus when He was in this world, and also the miracles through the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministries.

and restoring 100 houses and 100 churches as

I request you to pray for the fulfillment of

soon as possible. As the scripture says, “A brother

this vision in your daily prayers and send your

is born for a time of adversity (Proverbs 17:17)”,

offerings for the same.

you can send your donation to ‘Jesus Calls’ as the Lord leads you. The Lord will remember it and will bless you and your family.

YOUNG PARTNERS PLAN I encourage you to enroll your children in the ‘Jesus Calls’ Young Partners Plan. The

BETHESDA PRAYER CITY “The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of God’s people, went up before God from the angel’s hand.” (Revelation 8:4)

prayer intercessors at the Prayer Towers read out the names of each child who has enrolled in this plan in the presence of the Lord and pray for them. I pray for them twice a day. To know more about the Young Partners Plan, you can visit or contact the Prayer

The Bethesda International Prayer Centre

Tower in your Country/Region. May the Lord

in Karunya Nagar, Coimbatore completed 25

who has in Him the treasures of wisdom and

Jesus Calls Ministries * February 2019 * www.


knowledge, give our children a bright future

intercessors will pray in the presence of the

(Colossians 2:3).

Lord, and send you a response. Souls shall be saved from being destroyed when they receive


a reply without any delay. Please pray for this effort.

Keeping in pace with the growing technology, we are spreading the word of


the Lord through various platforms using

God willing we will be ministering in

new technologies. We share God's word

Kuwait from May 2nd to 4th, 2019. More details

mainly through the Jesus Calls Web Radio.

will be published in the coming month. Prepare

When you download the app in your smartphone,

yourself to participants and do inform your

you can listen to melodious songs, messages and

friends and relative there.

various programs and be blessed when you are travelling or at your leisure. I kindly ask you to share this with your children and your family.

Even this month, the Lord calls us to be in His side (Exodus 32:26). Because He is at our right hand, we shall not be moved (Psalm 16:8). I pray that this month will be a month where you


rejoice in Him.

You can now send your prayer requests through the web chat service wherein you can receive a response immediately. Our prayer

Your dear brother, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

“Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” (2 Corinthians 9:15)

I PLEDGE TO SEND OFFERING TO BLESS THIS MINISTRY AS FOLLOWS  Yearly $................................/-  Monthly $....................................../ My one-day salary/income $...................../-

 My one-month salary/income $....................../-

 One-tenth of my salary $........................./-

 One-tenth of my income $............................../-

 One-time donation of $.............................../Name: ........................................................................................... Partner No.: ............................................... Address: ............................................................................................................................................................. E-mail: ...................................................................................... Mobile No. .................................................... Birthday ................................................................. Wedding Day ................................................................. Prayer points to be prayed for on my behalf at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower are: ....................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................. Support this noble ministry; Present Jesus as a Gift to others. For additional information call the Prayer Tower in your Country/Region.


Jesus Calls Ministries * February 2019 * www.



"Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless

DIVINE CONNECTION? One of the two thieves who were crucified with

it abides in the vine, neither can you,

the Lord was aware of his lack. “I have committed

unless you abide in Me. I am the vine,

lot of sins and hence I am crucified on the cross.

you are the branches. He who abides in

However, He has not done any sin but is crucified

Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for

on the cross by the jealous people” - saying thus

without Me you can do nothing.”

and realizing that He is truly the image of God,

(John 15:4,5)

He said, ‘Lord, remember me when You come

In the above verses, the Lord Jesus Christ

to Your Kingdom”. The Lord Jesus Christ who

clearly says, ‘Abide in Me; I will also abide in

understood his heart gave him a blessed answer

you. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears

saying “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be

much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.

with Me in Paradise”(Luke 23:42,43).

This is the fundamental words for living in

Dear ones, think of the glory of this man’s life.

unison with the Lord. To give this life, the Lord

This man was crucified on the cross for the sins he

Jesus Christ was incarnate as a Man in this world,

had committed. However, when Jesus Christ the

went through the path of sufferings and reproach

sinless Lord of holiness was crucified on the cross

all through His life, finally was broken on the cross

along with him, he was filled with the knowledge

and shed His blood and died. Let us abide in the

of knowing His divine glory. What a wonderful

Lord and bear fruits according to the above verse

thing this is. In a moment that thief realized

and commit ourselves to Him and love Him with

His divinity and its glory and received perfect

all our mind, all our hearts and all our strength.

salvation from the Lord. About this the Bible

This is the divine will of the Lord concerning us.

describes thus: “…you may be filled with the

Jesus Calls Ministries * February 2019 * www.


knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual

He completed his B.Sc degree through which the

understanding; that you may walk worthy of the

world pulled him towards it. Hence he failed in

Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every

the exam. His family faced lot of problems and

good work and increasing in the knowledge of

there was no peace or joy in his heart. He was the

God” (Colossians 1:9,10). The thief received such

only son to his parents. Finally he decided to end

kind of divine knowledge from the Lord in that

his life on the railway tracks. It was at that time,

moment. Through this knowledge, he understood

the Lord’s loving eyes fell on him. He granted him

the glory of the Lord Jesus and committed himself

salvation miraculously. His spiritual eyes were

fully to the Lord even when he was on the cross.

opened. He firmly clung to Jesus. He prayed for

What a great blessing he received by that!

his failures to vanish. Particularly, he looked up

My dear sisters, who read this, you can also open your heart and pray to Him in all reverence and humility saying, “Lord, I should come to Your Kingdom; join me with You; I should abide in You”. The Lord would immediately love you, give you the joy of His salvation and will stay with you forever. As we read in Psalm 91, He will keep you under His wings day and night and cover you. So,

to his new Friend Jesus who alone could give him victory in his failure in studies and prayed thus, “Lord, now You are with me; I don’t understand any of these subjects; so, be a good Friend to me, sit with me and teach me”. The Lord helped him, accordingly. He passed in his exams with good scores. The Lord blessed him, who was waiting for a job, with a good job. Divine peace, joy and

seek this glorious divine experience, throw away

abundant blessings increased in the family. His

all the works of sin which come through the world,

parents were made happy by him (Isaiah 54:13).

the flesh and the devil and hold on to the Lord

With the faith that the Lord who granted him

Jesus alone. Receive the glory of His salvation

victory in life would grant victory to all who plead

and live for the glory of His name. When you live

to Him, he started to do street preaching without

thus, the Lord will make your family prosper and

any shame and proclaimed, ‘Jesus will give

help you to abide in Him. When you thus join

you too victory”. Many, who saw a young man

Him, as seen in Romans 8:36,37, He will surely

speaking thus, accepted the Lord as their personal

do miracles and wonders in all things, even in

Saviour. Today, my dear sisters, in what areas is

afflictions and tribulations.

your life filled with failure and sorrows?

Till his age of 20, Bro.Dhinakaran was

Like our dear brother Dhinakaran did, commit

unaware of the love of Jesus or of the glory of this

your life in His presence, looking up to Him and

salvation and was living as a namesake Christian.

saying, “Father, I have no other go but You; You


Jesus Calls Ministries * February 2019 * www.

are the way, the truth and the life for me. Teach

many things to them. But they could not know

me and instruct me. My life is filled with tears,

or understand anything. Hence, when the time of

agony and failures. So I kneel down today and

trial came, they could not stand against it and they

commit my life to You. Grant me victory. Take

left Jesus. They were sleeping in the time when

care of my life completely”. The Bible says that

they should have been praying (Matthew 26:40-

the Lord hears the prayers (Psalm 65:2). So He

43). Today, are we like that? – Just think. Through

will surely hear your prayer and answer you. No

several prophets the Lord is revealing that His

matter how much sufferings you are undergoing,

Second Coming, that too His Secret Coming is

the Lord Jesus alone has the power to change

very close by. So, just examine yourself at this

them. You can receive this blessing only when


the Lord is with you. Think how joyful this life

Today, the Lord stretches forth His both hands

is! Read the Lord’s words every day and commit your life in such a way to fulfil His will just as how He, when in this world, walked pleasing to God and accomplished His will. Such kind of life alone would be of great help to you to enjoy the blessed life of living closely with Him.

and invites you lovingly saying, “Daughter, won’t you give your heart to Me? I would like to come and stay with you. I am eagerly waiting to grant you the divine life which was given to that thief. My dear sisters, discard all your sins, transgressions, iniquities, unrighteousness, and all


other unwanted things.

FRUIT BEARING “…let us lay aside every weight, “By this My Father is glorified, that

and the sin which so easily ensnares us,

you bear much fruit; so you will be My

and let us run with endurance the race

disciples.” (John 15:8)

that is set before us.”

Dear ones, the life of bearing fruit is the greatest

(Hebrews 12:1)

gift that the Lord graciously gives to those who

According to the Lord’s words, join your life

trust Him, who seek Him and who are pleased in

with Jesus and receive the life of living happily.

Him. If you observe the life of the several men of

May the Lord be with you in this new month,

God in the Bible, we can know how they got this

why even all through this year and grant you this

kind of gift. ‘those who seek the LORD shall not

glorious blessing!

lack any good thing’ (Psalm 34:10). Particularly

“Until now you have asked nothing in My

look at the disciples of the Lord. When the Lord

name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy

Jesus Christ was in this world, He explained

may be full.” (John 16:24).

Jesus Calls Ministries * February 2019 * www.





I was going through terrible financial problems and hence was much anxious about my elder son’s wedding. Yet, I prayed to God putting my trust on Him who is big. To my surprise, much more than what I expected, God did supernatural miracles by providing all the needs. The wedding went on well and we are truly blessed. Glory to God! - Indrani Rodrigo, EPG leader, Piliyandala, Srilanka

Blessing Meetings in the Prayer Towers at Srilanka… IN COLOMBO Every Friday at 5.30 p.m Jesus Calls International 15/1B, Joseph Lane, Bambalapitiya, Colombo – 4

AT MATTAKKULIYA Every Tuesday at 5.30 p.m Jesus Calls No: 65/373, 5th Lane, Crow Island, Colombo - 15

IN JAFFNA Every Friday at 10.00 a.m Jesus Calls 102, 3rd Cross Street, Jaffna 16

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Prayer Tower  PRAYER HELP (24 hours): 00 94 11 4488111  “Thousands are calling the Prayer Tower and receiving their miracles.  The Prayer Intercessors are standing by to receive your calls and pray with you.  Please call for any of your prayer needs TODAY  For any further details about the ministry and ministry resources, please contact: Bro. Augustine Abraham - Country Director Tel: +94 (77) 769 2061 Email:  You may send in your cheerful offerings through Money Order / Cheques can be written in favour of Jesus Calls International.  For Direct Bank Deposit and Bank Transfers, please use the following details Account Name : Jesus Calls International Bank : Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC Account Number : 8106007140 Branch : Bambalapitiya Swift Code : CCEYLKLX For online donations : Jesus Calls Ministries * February 2019 * www.


“Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear

say “no, no” but the Lord says, “yes, yes, it is

has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides

there…this blessing is there for you.” Whatever

you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for

blessing you are seeking for eagerly, all of them

him” (Isaiah 64:4) “…What no eye has seen,

are “Amen” in Jesus Christ.

what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” - the things God has prepared for

How is He leading us to receive this blessing which even the heart could not envision?

those who love him” (1 Corinthians 2:9). “I will lead the blind by ways they have “How abundant are the good things that you have stored up for those who fear you that you bestow in the sight of all, on those who take refuge in you.” (Psalm 31:19)

not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them.” (Isaiah 42:16)

The Lord has prepared and kept abundant blessings for those who wait upon Him, who love Him and who believe in Him.

As He leads the blind, He will lead us along the unfamiliar path. We ourselves do not know

The Bible says, “for no matter how many

our path. Many a times we may have asked the

promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ.

Lord, ‘Why this is happening to me alone?’

And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by

But the Lord leads us and levels the mountains

us to the glory of God (2 Corinthians 1:20). We

(Isaiah 45:2).

- Mrs. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran


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WAIT “It is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.” (Lamentations 3:26)

“It does not look like this dog is going to come home with us. We will give you money. You have to feed it and take care of it.” Six years went by. The dog stayed in that cemetery itself. This is a true story which took place in Argentina. The

“My soul waits for the Lord more than

securities of this cemetery say, “This dog walks

watchmen wait for the morning.”

around this cemetery again and again. Correctly

(Psalm 130:6)

at evening six o’clock it will come and sit on top

A lookout will sit all along the night waiting for the morning. That is how David was waiting in the presence of the Lord. Even when we cry unto the Lord, “Lord, how long should I be waiting master? Will I not have a dawn? Please help me,”

of the cemetery. Throughout the night it stays on that cemetery. Like how the dog would serve its master, it is always lying on the cemetery.” Even as we love the Lord, let us also always be at His feet.

He will have mercy on you. David says, “The

Since we love God we wait upon Him. Since

Lord heard my voice. He heard my cry. He did

we love Him, wait upon Him, the Lord has kept

according to my heart’s desire.” The Lord will do

blessings beyond our thoughts, blessings which

the same to you also. Let us wait upon the Lord

we have not even felt in our hearts. Only the Lord

with patience.

can see it. Even we cannot see it. That’s why He

A family raised a dog with great love. They named the dog, ‘Captain’. The dog was there as one of the members of the family. They pampered it. Suddenly the head of that family got diseased and died. Every one cried and lamented. No one paid attention to that dog. When they came back home after burying the body, the dog was missing. Wherever it was possible they searched everywhere. One Sunday that family went to the graveyard after going to church. The dog was sitting on the cemetery of the head of the family. Every one hugged it and cried, “We did not bring this dog here. How did it know that its master is

says, “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know” (Jeremiah 33:3). Blessings which are beyond our thoughts and completeness comes to us when we wait upon the Lord.

OBEY “And now, O Israel, what does the Lord your God ask of you but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in all His ways, to love Him … and to observe the Lord’s commands and decrees that I am giving you today for your own good?” (Deuteronomy 10:12, 13)

here?” then they left to their home. But the dog did not come with them. It stayed in the cemetery.

“… If anyone loves me, he will obey my

They told the person in charge of the cemetery,

teaching. My Father will love him, and

Jesus Calls Ministries * February 2019 * www.


we will come to him and make

live”, Martha said, “Lord, by this time there is a

our home with him.”

bad odor, for he has been there four days.” Even

(John 14:23)

we say such things without believing in God.

Firstly, the Lord says that He will bless those

We may say, “There is odor in my body,

who love Him. Secondly, if we love Him we

my family, this job, the place I live, the devil

should not only read His words, but also obey and

has caught hold of me.” But the Lord says, “If

observe them (James 1:22; 1 John 5:3).

you believe, you shall surely see the glory of

When dear father Dhinakaran was in the hospital, at his last moments he called each one of us and blessed us. He called my son Sam near him

God.” Therefore let us never question God. Let us see the glory of the Lord by obeying His commands.

and told softly: “Sam, read your Bible and pray;


that’s all, that’s so easy”, and said it three times. Even the Lord asks us to do the same. He expects

“The grass withers and the flowers

us to, “Read the Bible and pray.”

fall, but the word of our God stands forever…” (Isaiah 40:8)

When Jesus went to the house of Martha and Mary, he said, “But only one thing is needed.

The Lord wants us to read His words every

Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be

day. We should read the Bible as the first thing in

taken away from her” (Luke 10:42). Jesus loved

the morning.

to go to the house of Martha and Mary. Since He went there often, He would have explained many things from the Bible. Mary sat at His feet and listened to all what He said. She could have also done according to what she heard. Since she did that, He raised their brother Lazarus from death. You may say, “In my family everything is dead,

Dearly beloved, when we love the Lord like that, no one can separate us. No devil, disease, failure, struggles can separate us. The word of the Lord is so powerful (Romans 8: 36). It is the word of the Lord that is planted in us. This seed gives perfect strength.

that’s all, in my life these things are dead, I will

There is a great valley in California, America.

not have any blessings from now.” My beloved,

They call it the ‘Death valley’. They will fear

nothing has been destroyed as you fear. In Jesus,

even to look at the valley, so much darkness. But

it is all amen.

after so many days a heavy downpour of rain was

The Lord glorifies the faith. The Lord says to

there. After the rainy season when they looked at

Martha, “If you believed, you would see the glory

the valley, it was filled with plants, flowers and

of God.” When Jesus went to the tomb where

even fruits. They showed it in the news. Everyone

Lazarus was kept, He said, “your brother shall

was surprised as to, “How come so many flowers


Jesus Calls Ministries * February 2019 * www.

and fruits are there in the death valley?” and

shout for joy. The glory of Lebanon will

surprisingly said, “Only because so many seeds

be given to it, the splendor of Carmel

were there in the valley, when the rain came the

and Sharon; they will see the glory of the

seeds started to sprout, the plants grew, the flowers

Lord, the splendor of our God.” (Isaiah 35:1, 2)

bloomed and so many seeds are there inside.” Beloved, the Lord has planted the word as a

Your life may be like a desert, it may be dried

seed within us. When the Holy Spirit pours upon

up like the wilderness, but, the Lord will make

us like rain, these seeds sprout and grows into

you flourish. When you flourish, you sing with

plants, bloom into flowers and the fruit is ripened.

great joy. What is within us is what will come

Through this we flourish and rise up and receive

out. For out of the overflow of the heart the

the blessings without measure.

RECEIVE BOUNTIFULLY “…Test me in this, says the Lord

mouth speaks (Matthew 12:34). When the heart is filled, we will keep on singing the praises of the Lord. The glory of Lebanon, the splendor of Carmel

Almighty, and see if I will not throw

and Sharon will be given to it. In Israel, Lebanon,

open the floodgates of heaven and

Carmel and Sharon are flourishing. There is a huge

pour out so much blessing that you

difference between this and those closer to it like

will not have room enough for it.”

Jericho and other places. On one side it flourishes

(Malachi 3:10)

blossoms and yields fruits. But the nation on the

The Lord blesses by opening the floodgates

other side is totally dried up. Look at how true the word of the Lord is. Your eyes shall see the

of heaven and pour out blessings for which no

flourishing, your ears shall hear it, you heart

room will be enough. Don’t we say, “Are the skies

shall feel it, the world will not see it. But you shall

open? It’s pouring like this?”

see it.

Showers of blessings shall pour upon us (Ezekiel 34:26). The Holy Spirit is going to come

“But may the righteous be glad and rejoice before God; may they

into us. The Lord has already sowed the word in

be happy and joyful.”

us. When the Holy Spirit comes, we blossom,

(Psalm 68:3)

flourish and yield fruits.

The blessings which the Lord gives us that “The desert and the parched land will

the heart could not envision, no eye can see it,

be glad; the wilderness will rejoice and

no ear shall hear it, cannot be felt in the heart,

blossom. Like the crocus, it will burst

but we shall flourish and rejoice and sing with

into bloom; it will rejoice greatly and

great joy.

Jesus Calls Ministries * February 2019 * www.


Mighty works of God had to drop out of school to do this. In the year 2016, we came to the Jesus Calls Prayer Festival in the city of Jeypore. Our pastor brought my mother and me to that meeting. I was trying to run away from that meeting also, but with great difficulty, they controlled me by a chain locked in my hand. On the final day of that meeting,

Delivered from chains I come from a remote village in the state of Odisha. I am the only son of my parents, and we all lived a normal life. However, in the year 2014, I suddenly lost my mental faculties and became very violent. My parents were shocked to see this change in my life. I was taken to the doctor, but no medication helped me. I used to run away into the nearby forest, and it was difficult for my parents to control me. To prevent me from running away, they chained me. This made me very furious, and I used to speak in a foul language often. Two years passed by, and yet there was no hope for recovery.

suddenly by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran said: “I see demon powers have held many people’s mind. Now Jesus is healing you. He is healing every mind. Thank you Jesus.” At that very moment, the power of God touched me, and I said to my mother, “Mom, I am healed, and I want to testify on the stage.” I who could not speak for 18 months, started to speak now and my mother was surprised. Then we came up to the stage to testify what God did for me! Since then two years have passed by and I have been fine since then and there has been no need for any chains after this. Praise the Lord!

As my parents had to go to work, my younger

- Mahesh Mandi,

sister stepped in to take care of me. However, she

Balimela, Odisha


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constant conflicts and quarrels with my family, which destroyed our family’s peace. As I started praying and asking for forgiveness, I felt a cool breeze pass over my head and I was filled with the power of God. Divine peace and joy reigned in my heart. I surrendered my life to God and vowed to be truthful in all my work. - Edward Kandulna, Sundargarh dt

WALKED FOR THE FIRST TIME AFTER 8 YEARS My 8-year-old daughter Shreya, crawled from her childhood and could not walk. She had a mental disability. I used to do all her work, even taking her to the restroom. She had no strength in her leg to stand or walk. However, at the Kandhamal meeting, when Bro. Paul was praying, I prayed for my daughter that God would strengthen her legs. Immediately, she got up and started walking


for the first time after 8 years. My child had so much

For the past 20 days my husband was in a

faith that she will walk. She walked all around the

hospital as one side of his body had a paralysis

ground for 2 kms. She is full of joy. I praise God and thank Him for this divine deliverance and healing. - Mother of Shreya, Kandhamal, Odisha.

LIFE TRANSFORMED On 28th October 2018, I attended the Rourkela Prayer Festival. While I was praying, suddenly Bro. Paul called my name and said, “Edward, you have not been righteous in your job. You have covered up many things. Some people have suffered because of you. Repent before God. Tell Him, ‘Lord I will take care of those people. Forgive me’. The glory of Heaven is coming upon you. You will become a servant of God. Edward, rise up and repent tonight.” Whatever he said was absolutely true. I used to cheat people in financial matters due to my greed. There were

attack. He was brought to the Kandhamal meeting in a wheelchair. When Bro. Paul was praying for the sick, I was praying for my husband to be healed and to receive a touch from God. I was crying and praying with much burden in my heart. As Bro. Paul said, “Stand up and walk in Jesus name,” suddenly I felt the power of God and my husband got up from his wheelchair and started walking. I was rejoicing when I saw God’s hand upon him that made him walk. His paralysis was cured, and God has healed him completely. We want to testify how great God is and He is so real and powerful. Bro. Paul prayed for us and prophesied that He would be used by God to heal others. I praise and thank God for this divine healing and I thank Bro. Paul for his sincere prayer. - Mrs.Rajkishore, Kandhamal, Odisha

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AFTERNOON OF 22ND FEBRUARY, 2008 In the city of Chennai, the road from Royapettah leading to Kilpauk was flooded with people. People were looking out from the tall buildings located on either sides of the road. One person asked, “Who is coming… why is it so crowded here?”


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Another person replied, “They are coming in a procession for the funeral of Dhinakaran…” He asked again, “The one who would speak about Jesus… So much crowd for this man?” and tried to see the body of brother Dhinakaran by peeping into the procession. Brother D.G.S. Dhinakaran passed away on the 20th of February. For three days, people came in multitudes to pay their last respects to his body which was first kept at the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower and later on at the Y.M.C.A. Campus. His final procession which took place on the 22nd of February saw the roads of Chennai being filled with thousands of people who gathered out of their love for him. The Honorable President of the 13th Legislative Assembly of Tamil Nadu, Mr.R. Aavudaiyappan brought about the mourning resolution in the Legislative Assembly on the 19th of March, 2008 for the demise of brother D.G.S. Dhinakaran. “This Assembly is greatly shocked and in inconsolable sorrow over the death of the renowned Preacher of Christianity, brother D.G.S. Dhinakaran on 20.2.2008 at the age of 73 years. He attracted lacs of people through his great speeches and did the excellent work of spreading love, peace and brotherhood among them. He also had great interest in the field of education. This Assembly conveys its deep condolences and support to his family as well as his loved ones who are grieving over his loss.”

This was how the State Assembly condoled the demise of its citizen. The Tami lNadu Government Municipal Administration and Water Supply Department in its Government order No.23, dated 21.2.2009 changed the name of the road where brother D.G.S. Dhinakaran established the ‘Prayer Tower’ to ‘D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road’. The Government honored the service of its citizen who worked selflessly for the people. Brother D.G.S. Dhinakaran used to comfort crores of people by singing this tamil song, “Sorndhu pogadhe maname, nee sorndhu pogadhe” in his enchanting voice. Whenever he preached in public meetings on the beach, lacs of people would gather there giving an impression as to whether the sea itself had engulfed the land. Jesus Calls Ministries * February 2019 * www.


Even though the spiritual world said a thousand things, there were questions like “Who is he?” “What is he talking about?” Why do lacs of people gather for his meetings?” asked among others. There is a statement which says, ‘A reporter can enter into a place where even the sun’s rays cannot penetrate.’ Accordingly, reporters were trying to know what D.G.S. Dhinakaran was doing in order to let the people know about it. Here is an interview of brother D.G.S. Dhinakaran which he gave a reporter in the year 1981... At that time, there was a weekly magazine being published in Tamil which was called “Thaai”. The interview taken by a reporter under the pseudonym ‘Kanagan’ was published in the “Thaai” magazine dated 21.6.81.

Reporter : It is said that sick people are healed when you touch them. Is it true? Brother Dhinakaran: No man can heal another man. Though the doctor examines and takes an x-ray, he does not heal but only the medicine that he prescribes will bring about the healing. Likewise, the one who talks about God’s love turns the people who listen to him towards the love of God. The Lord on seeing the desire and wish of men heals them. “You place your hands on the people who are sick and pray for them. Then, My hand will heal them.” Jesus gave this command to His disciples. “You place your hands on the people who are sick and pray for them. Then, My hand will heal them.” Jesus gave this command to His disciples. Reporter: The Lord gives healing through you. How do you feel at that time? Brother Dhinakaran: The Lord is loving and compassionate. I shed tears of joy when I think of how He hears the prayer of a useless person such as me and grants healing to them. Moreover, it is a humbling experience as I feel a divine fear in my heart. Reporter: People of other religions also bring about healing like you? Baba heals. What do you think about that? Brother Dhinakaran: I can only tell about my experience. I do not know about his experience. I have not seen him nor have I talked with him. Further, I have not seen how he heals too. I do not speak evil about anybody or treat them lowly. Reporter: You would have heard of him. Right?


Brother Dhinakaran: Yes. But I do not try to analyze it. It is just enough if people are relieved from their distress. Reporter: Humayun, the son of the Mughal Emperor Babar is suffering with fever. Babar pleads to give the sickness to him and to heal his son. The son is healed but Babar becomes sick. Likewise, have you had such an experience wherein you were affected with the sickness of others while they were healed? Brother Dhinakaran: I have not had that experience. When I pray, I only have the feeling that everyone’s distress is mine as to how my heart would beat if my own brothers were going through difficulties. But it is felt only in my mind; not in my body and that too only during that time. Reporter: Do you think that the Lord has chosen you for this task? Brother Dhinakaran: I feel that it was the Lord’s appointment on one hand as well as the acknowledgement of my personal desire after seeing my tears on the other hand. Reporter: Were your younger years pleasing in the sight of God? Brother Dhinakaran: I was not pleasing Him till I was 20 years old. I walked as I liked in ways of lust and led a worldly life just like the others.

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Reporter: How did you change? Brother Dhinakaran: I self-destructed my life when I was young. I ruined it. We were in debts too. I was daring enough to even die. It was at this time that my uncle told me about the Lord’s mercy. My mind was transformed. The sorrows I experienced in my life transformed me. Reporter : How are the inward and outward lives of men today? Brother Dhinakaran: This is a time of untruthfulness. This is a loveless world. This is a time where you do not find any restraint in family life. No love is found in hearts. There seems to be no mercy in the outward life. The Bible tells us that men will be like this during the last days. Several times I have thought that maybe we have come to the end of this world. Reporter : What is your opinion on how a man should live? Brother Dhinakaran: This world will not change unless God transforms man into one with divine devotion. Reporter: My question is–How should a man live? Brother Dhinakaran: “Even if there are problems, do not seek shortcuts thinking that they can be solved with your own efforts. Rather, cast your burden onto

the Lord and come to Him. Your life’s quality will change”. – This is my answer. Reporter : In your meetings, have people come to know about the truth? Brother Dhinakaran: I speak only the truth about God. Lacs of people listen and the Lord Himself shows that “He is the Truth”. I can strongly emphasize on this. Reporter : Have people of other religions come to know about the truth? Brother Dhinakaran: Whoever repents from their sins and comes forward shedding tears will get to know the truth. Religion is not the problem. Only the change of heart is important in this. Reporter: How will the end be for this loveless period? Brother Dhinakaran: The Bible says that He Himself will come back and judge us when the iniquity of men multiplies beyond the heavens. This world is kept to be destroyed by fire. Reporter : The plight of the good people? Brother Dhinakaran : The Bible says that He will separate the good people. Reporter : And then? Brother Dhinakaran: New heaven and new earth will be formed. Man will be with God; he will be like God.

Recordings of brother D.G.S.Dhinakaran who did his ministry with the clear-cut thought, ‘Religion is not the problem. Only the change of mind is important’, will continue in the following issues… (February 20 – Brother D.G.S.Dhinakaran Day – Special Article) You can share with us, your memories about brother D.G.S.Dhinakaran, your experiences with him and the miracles you have received through his ministry. You can send in your experiences along with your name and contact numbers to the e-mail id Jesus Calls Ministries * February 2019 * www.



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r e w o T r e y a r P

In December 2018, Israel Prayer Tower had 11 prayer intercessors from India, 3 from Korea, two from US, one from Cameroon, one from Swiss, and few from Ethiopia and Russia to pray for God’s will into nations. They have prayed for India, Israel and many other countries. One of the prayer intercessors also had a vision Saw huge pillars and fire coming from the top of the pillars and the fire was turning to one flame as it ascended to heaven.

The prayer intercessors have also prayed for the expansion of Prayer Tower claiming the floors that are above and below the present 20th floor Prayer Tower building. The Christmas celebration on 22nd December 2018 was well attended by people from India, Russia, Korea, Africa. 30

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Team from India

Korean Team, Brad TV


You are invited to partner with us. Your lodging will be provided in the Prayer Tower. If you desire to come, stay and pray for a week/ 2 weeks or sponsor a prayer intercessor, Please contact: Mr. M. Ravikumar, Jerusalem Centre for Peace and Truth, 20th Floor, City Tower, 34 Ben Yehuda, Jerusalem. For details: Mobile +91-8056116611/ +972- 50-937 7323 Email: | Website: http//

I would like to sponsor a Prayer Intercessor for  Two weeks’ prayer stay at Prayer Tower - US $350  One-week prayer stay at Prayer Tower - US$175 Wish to donate US$................ every month to support Israel Prayer Tower. You can donate in person at the Prayer Tower in your area or through our website





May 21-23   

I was privileged to be part of the team from New Zealand, going for the World Prayer Convention and the Holy Land Tour. I was amazed about how fervently Dr Paul and Sis Evangeline prayed for each person that was present (over 1000) over the three days. When it was my turn to go for individual prayers with Dr Paul, Dr Paul spoke prophetically about the situation at my home. I had not met Dr Paul before, but he spoke very clearly about the things we had been praying for as a family and the breakthroughs we were believing for, particularly about the salvation of someone in the household. I was amazed about how specific his prayer was to our needs. Indeed the Holy Spirit was at work. I thank Jesus Calls NZ for taking the team and Jesus Calls for organizing such an excellent convention. I have been truly blessed by the whole experience - Harold Wilson

The much awaited 2019 Jesus Calls WORLD PRAYER CONVENTION is just around the corner. Join with us for the 3-day convention from 21-23 May 2019. Options are available if your travel is certain. It can either be booked for attending the Convention or Convention/ tour of Biblical sites in Israel. Call or write to your local Prayer Tower or log onto our website wpc2019 for further information. You may also email to or whatsapp call to +91 87547 18740. COME AND BE A PART OF THIS MISSION... TRULY A LIFE TIME OPPORTUNITY Hoping to meet you at the convention in JERUSALEM!

 

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