Jesus Calls | February 2016

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Q& A





JESUS CALLS praying for the world



CHANGE Question and Answer Page 6

From the Depth of my Heart Page 8

Priceless Treasure Page 18

THE CROSS AND THE CHANGE DR. PAUL DHINAKARAN “And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself” —John 12:32 “The cross is also a weapon just like the spear, sickle and gun. It was a weapon used to kill Jesus. When someone shoots our friends or relatives, whom we love, do we consider the gun as a sacred thing? Do we honor it? Do we wear it? In that case, why should we consider the cross as sacred?” – This question was once posed to me by a person during a television interview.

reconciled them to Him as His children (Ephesians 2:16). By shedding His blood on the cross which was until then a symbol of shame, He made it into a symbol of peace (Colossians 1:20). Yes, any man who looks up to Him, who is lifted up on the cross, gets reconciled with God, through that. By His death, the Lord Jesus transformed the cross which was the symbol of a curse, reproach and destruction into the victorious symbol of reconciliation and peace.


The cross is a mystery to many. The Lord Jesus gave Himself to be crucified on the cross, to offer The gun, spear, sickle, and et cetera, are symbols His life as a sacrifice. Through that He put to death of destruction. We went to a particular country to the enmity of those who tried to kill Him and preach the Word of God. When we got down from the plane, many security personnel were waiting 2


at the entrance with AK–47 rifles hanging on their necks like a garland. It was a country dominated by terrorists. To thwart the enemies’ efforts to destroy them and to overcome them, they wear those rifles in such manner.

53:12). The blood that He shed on the cross, cleanses us from all sin (I John 1:7). That’s why people consider the cross as a sacred symbol; they honor it; some even wear it on them. They declare, “I am going to be victorious; the Lord has earned victory for me on the cross; I would also be more than a conqueror in every

But the cross is a symbol of our gracious Lord who offered Himself up on the cross, as a sacrifice in order to save us from destruction. That’s why the cross is a symbol of victory. This is the difference between aspect” (Romans 8:37). It is not alone by wearing the cross and the weapons used for murder. the cross on you but also by wearing this Lord of the Cross in your heart, you would receive victory “And you, being dead in your trespasses and blessings. So commit your life to Him joyfully. Wear His symbol in your heart. His victory will fill and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having your life.

Because He lives, you will live also

forgiven you all trespasses, having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it” —Colossians 2:13–15

The Lord Jesus overcame sin, the evil of the wicked people, the jealous and unjust words, and the agony and curse caused by it on the cross; thereby the cross has become a symbol of victory. It is a symbol of the victorious warrior, who tasted death on the cross, triumphed over it and overcame death, in order that the people should not suffer (Romans 6:9). Even today, this Lord of the cross, gives victory to everyone who commits his life to Him, trusting Him. Overcoming destructions, He has received life to make us live. Because He lives, you will live also (John 14:19).

STRENGTHENING CROSS “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God” —I Corinthians 1:18 The Bible says that in order that we should not suffer and be bruised, and in order to make atonement for our sins, the Lord offered Himself on the cross as a sacrifice (Isaiah 53:4). To honor the cross we need to say, “Lord, You were bruised for my sake; You took upon the wounds for my sins; You have made an atonement. I believe this and I praise You for that.”

We should not be again caught up in those transgressions and iniquities. “Lord, every day, I will not wound You again by committing sins. Please help me.” – Begin each day by praying to Him this and by honoring His sufferings on the The world may say that you are a transgressor. cross by remembering them. By His suffering on You may languish within yourself, “Alas, my heart the cross, the Lord of the cross will strengthen you is tormenting me as I have done unjust things.” to live holy. To remove your transgressions and to deliver you from sinful ways, He was numbered with the Yet another way is there to honor the cross. Jesus transgressors and was hung on the cross (Isaiah said, ‘“If anyone desires to come after Me, let 3


him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me” (Luke 9:23). The Lord does not mean that literally we should take up a cross and follow Him. The Words of the Lord are not related to the flesh. Every Word is of life and Spirit. He spoke the Word, filled with the Spirit. So we should accept them in the spirit and follow that by the spirit. The Spirit gives life (II Corinthians 3:6). So we should do everything from the depth of the heart, in the spirit. Then our life would honor God outwardly. Those who see your good conduct will glorify the Lord (Matthew 5:16).

GLORIOUS CROSS “Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name...and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” —Philippians 2:9,11

It is true that He suffered on the cross. But today, He is not hanging on the cross. He is now the King of kings. When the name Jesus is spoken, the knees of the people of the world bow. Everyone Jesus has left before us His footsteps so that we bows before Him. And the devil trembles. This would follow them (I is because, “He has… Peter 2:21). So this nailed it to the cross verse tells us that we having disarmed should keep our feet principalities and on His steps and follow powers, He made a Jesus. Yes, that’s why public spectacle of every day we read the them, triumphing over Bible containing His them in it” (Colossians Words and tell Him, 2:14,15). The knees “Jesus, You suffered of the thousands and for me; teach me how millions of people to walk in Your ways who are praising Him and how I should be as in heaven, also bow Your child, and son or before Him. Twenty daughter of God.” four elders are there in heaven. The Bible says, The Lord wonderfully speaks to you through the that they are bowing their heads and placing their Scriptures. He teaches you the way in which you crowns before Him; all of them praise Him saying, should walk, for that day. Apart from impressing “You are the Lord; You are Holy” (Revelation 5:8). upon us the troubles that we may encounter on that day, through His apt Word, promise and The Lord says, “My child, you would glorify My commandment, He would show us the way in cross, when you follow Me, denying yourself and which we should walk. When we accept it and taking up the cross without turning your eyes commit ourselves to Him saying, “Lord, give me towards the world for pride or desire or lust and the grace to walk in this manner; I deny my own tell me, “Lord, You are my wisdom; I trust You.” human desires and lustful decisions; I deny the Then I would also give you My glory.” The same urge to please others; I deny my pride, prestige, glory that Jesus has, would be upon you, His child my high status, and the enticement of fame and even in this world and in the next world to come. authority; I will not place my desires on these The Lord will give you this grace, this month. You things; I will not boast about them; I humble will be blessed since you honor the cross. myself just as how, You the God, came as a man and humbled Yourself to the point of death.” The Dear one, glorify the cross of the Lord through your Lord will give us the strength to deny ourselves, life, spirit, love and adoration. Let the gracious Lord carry the cross, and follow Him. be revealed through you. He, the Lion of Judah, who has overcome death, will make your life glorious.

Glorify the cross of the Lord through your life, spirit, love and adoration




bring out Your victory obtained by Your suffering on the cross. Help me to be an instrument that Loving Lord, our heavenly Father, look unto me, reveals You to the world. Let my face shine. Let who is struggling with no hope. Have mercy. I my spirit be strengthened. Let Your blessings in don’t want to have lusts, transgressions, and the me flow out to others. May You, the Lord of the inclination to look down upon others, to criticize cross, be glorified through me, Your child. Thank them and to cause rifts, in me. I don’t want to You for giving me these blessings and for hugging follow my own ways to exalt me to be rich and and kissing me so eagerly. My chastisement was famous and derive pleasure by hurting others. I upon You. So give me peace. Give good health to will take up my cross and follow You. O, King my children. Let the separated family be reunited; Jesus, I want You and Your ways. I will not nail let blessings come upon the womb; let the due You on the cross again. Have mercy and help me. amount be recovered; help me to repay the due Wash me with Your blood so that those who see amount. Give me honor so that I would not put my life would glorify You. Fill me with Your Spirit. down my head in shame before anyone. Prosper Give me the grace to keep myself holy. Make me all that I do. Give me wisdom in my job. Give me receive life and use me as the one who gives life to mental peace. Thank You for giving these blessings others. Anoint me vLord so that when I study or go to me, Your child, who carries You. In Jesus’ name to my job or when I go out or am at home, I would I ask dear Father –Amen.


New clothes for 100,000 children! New Clothes for the First Time

Every year Seesha is providing new clothes for poor children during the season of Christmas. On December 19, the distribution of new clothes to one hundred thousand poor children, all over India, was launched by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family in Bro. D.G.S.Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower, Chennai. New clothes were distributed to the poor children belonging to the families of flood victims in and around Chennai. Specially designed motor cycles for the physically challenged were also distributed. Certificates and free sewing machines were provided to the women who had successfully completed their Vocational Training through Seesha.

I am a student at the Government school in Vyasarpadi, Chennai. My father works in construction sites and my mother is a housemaid. Even though both my parents earn to certain extent, it is only my mother who takes the responsibility of the family since my father spends most of his earnings on alcohol. My mother struggles hard to take care of all our needs, despite her feeble health. In such a situation, we can never imagine buying new clothes for the New Year or birthday. All the clothes used by my brother and me are old ones, given to us by the family for which my mother works. We have never worn new clothes. This year, my brother and I were thrilled to receive brand new clothes for Christmas from SEESHA! It also made my mother very happy to see us dressed in clean, new, unused clothes for the very first time. Thank you very much, SEESHA, for bringing us so much happiness! –Mukesh



QA &

QUESTION AND ANSWER WITH DR. STELLA DHINAKARAN QUESTION Wherever I turn, my life is full of tribulations and afflictions. Will I get the Lord’s grace to conquer all these and live successfully at least this year? How to receive this?


“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us” (Romans 8:35,37).

We read thus in the Scriptures! The Lord has more clearly said about this as follows:

“…In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” —John 16:33 My dear sisters, as you say, this world is full of afflictions, sorrows and tribulations. Look at the lives of Adam and Eve! The Lord had kept them joyfully, with no worry in the Garden of Eden. But the devil went there. He has yet another name – the tempter (Matthew 4:3; I Thessalonians 3:5). According to his name, he spoke to them enticingly. Hence they disobeyed God’s word and fell into temptation. As a result, the brightness in their lives changed and darkness entered. Joy vanished; instead sorrows and sighing abounded.


Yes, dear sisters, the devil enters into our life in many ways, brings in such stumbling and makes us deviate from the ways of the Lord. He takes hold of the lives of those who want to live a godly life and makes them lose the peace and joy in them. Instead, he allows into their lives, things that would cause them sorrow and affliction. When we see the life of the Lord Jesus, the devil did not fail to tempt even Him. Yes, He, who came to the world to be a model for us, was also tempted in similar way. The devil beautifully spoke to Jesus quoting the Scriptures. But, we should see how the Lord overcame him. Not concerned with his tempting words, He kept God before His eyes. My dear ones! You should notice an important thing here. When you are surrounded by various temptations, you should lift up your eyes to Jesus, the hills from whence comes your help’ (Psalm 121:1). The Bible says that He


has triumphed over on the cross, for us (Colossians 2:14). When He could thus triumph over the severe temptations, won’t He help you also in any situation? The reason why you get dejected is because of your ignorance about these.

“For in that He Himself has suffered, being tempted, He is able to aid those who are tempted” —Hebrews 2:18 Yes, dear ones, when the devil torments us with afflictions and so many sufferings, we become dejected, not knowing what to do. As said earlier, when such situations arise in your life, get yourself filled with divine grace, by the strength given by the Lord. Why should you unnecessarily bear the worries and afflictions that oppress you? That’s why the Lord tells you,

“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” —Matthew 11:28 Thus, He lovingly calls you. He will not allow you to suffer in afflictions. Surely He will deliver you from all your burdens. We hear about the testimonies of such people who have been delivered. In these days, people are suppressed by various needs, sicknesses and lacks. In such states, we need to do this at once: Just think for a while, how the Lord who was crucified on the cross, broken, scourged, crowned with thorns and who was nailed, would have suffered! When you think of these things, the afflictions that you face would not appear big. He went through such path in order that you should be delivered from all kinds of afflictions. So, at any state, do not look at your tears but offer a short prayer to the Lord. “My Saviour, who had committed Yourself on the cross for my sake! Remember me. My affliction is not great. Bur let Your divine comfort which You had, fill me. Even now send me Your grace through the Holy Spirit and deliver me from these afflictions” – When you thus pray with real burden and plead to Him, the Lord will at once have mercy on you. Once, an old mother had to undergo a dreadful surgery. It was painful. But she happily underwent the ordeal, looking up to the Lord and bringing before her eyes the scene of crucifixion. Everyone asked her, “How come you are so happy?”. The dear mother said, “Why should I worry? The Lord has already gone through these sufferings. He will remove my agonies”. Similarly, my dear sisters, there is no life in this world, which is devoid of afflictions or problems. Sorrows, tears and afflictions keep coming in everybody’s life, taking turns. But, at such time, you should meditate on the Lord’s crucifixion. Then the hope and peace which that old mother had would fill you. All your sorrows will turn into joy.


In my life, so many times, I had undergone darkness of death, loss, lacks and distresses. But, even in their midst, I clung on to the Lord’s feet firmly. I humbled and submitted myself to Him fully, telling Him with tears, “You are my hope”. At such times, my heart was filled with His divine peace. He was with me in all my afflictions, encouraged me and ultimately made everything victorious for me. After our marriage, we lost two children. First I had a miscarriage at the third month. The next time, I had a still born boy baby. Imagine how my heart would have been! I kept my eyes on the Lord and looked up to Him alone. He never forsook me. He thrilled us by giving us son Paul. Today He is using Him for His glory, as a son who does ministry with zeal. The Lord gave us the blessings and peace that come from children. After that, I went through so many losses. I lost my daughter in a gruesome car accident. After that, I lost my husband. It was at that time when I was wondering how my future would be, the Lord’s glory came into me. The Holy Spirit completely overpowered me and wiped away my tears. Today He has given me courage and confidence and is using me as the ‘vessel of comfort’ to comfort many others. My dear sisters, do sorrows and afflictions torment you? As seen in the above examples, learn to first do only what is pleasing to the Lord and live with fear of God. Always get filled with the presence of God in order that anything that displeases God does not come into your life and that you do not fall into any temptation brought by the devil. The Lord will be with you in all these things and help you. When you thus trust only on the Lord, He will be pleased with you. Surely He will make you into a blessed woman. Next, without magnifying your problems and difficulties and thereby making you sick, you should believe strongly, “My God is able to remove all of them into nothing”. Looking at your faith, the Lord will bless you. Don’t we read in the Bible how He tells many women, “You believed; so, receive this blessing”? Likewise, when you too thus believe Him and be firm in Him, then He will perfect everything for you (Psalm 138:8). No weapon formed against you shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17). Nothing shall by any means hurt you (Luke 10:19). David says about this as his experience, I have set the LORD always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved (Psalm 16:8). My dear sisters! Like David, commit your life to God. Get filled with the Spirit of God. Then there is no doubt that He will deliver you from all your sufferings, tears and sorrows and fill you with joy. May the Lord be with you all through this New Year, fill you with His presence, deliver you from all tears and afflictions brought by the devil and fill you with His divine joy and blessings!

—Dr. Stella Dhinakaran



HEART Dear one in the Lord, I thank the Lord for enabling us to pass through a month in this New Year. As the Lord has proclaimed, this year we should get edified every month. I pray daily that He should help you for this. ‘…and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus’ (Philippians 4:7). According to this verse, the peace of God which surpasses all human understanding will fill your heart all through the month of February and guard you from worries by making you think only about Christ and nothing else. When your heart is filled with the peace of God, peace will abound in your home and in the midst of your friends and relatives. You shall reflect Jesus Christ, the Prince of peace and be peacemakers for others, through Him. As a result you shall become a blessed man/woman (Matthew 5:9).

LET US REMEMBER THE RIGHTEOUS MAN As you all know, February is the month in which the Lord’s true servant and my beloved father Bro. D.G.S.Dhinakaran entered into glory. It was the will of the Lord to take up His servant to Him on February 20, 2008. Hearing your prayers, the Lord is strengthening us to continue with the ministry left behind by my father. In that time when I was baffled how I would fill the void left by my father, the Apostle of love, who took the burdens of the people upon himself like a father and pleaded for them and guided them by knowing God’s will, the Lord sent us His Holy Spirit and comforted our family. Also, He bestowed upon me the grace to know the will of God concerning people’s lives and to guide them. With all my heart I thank the Lord for this. Through this gift, till now, since the past 8 years, the Lord has been using me to transform the lives of thousands of people, families and millions of broken hearted people, to build them up and heal them.



February holds a significant place in my father’s life as well as in the history of the Jesus Calls ministry. This was the month in which young Dhinakaran who was broken and heading for suicide was transformed and became a tool to lead crores of people towards the salvation of the Lord. It was on February 11, 1955, vexed by failure in studies and troubled over his mother’s chronic sickness, my father rushed towards the railway tracks to end his life. That moment, the Lord encountered him through His gospel of love. He graciously saved his soul. Many were led to salvation by the loving voice of my father, the Lord’s beloved servant. The Jesus Calls ministry has a collection of thousands of messages shared by him. At present we are categorizing the recordings, audio/video cassettes and CDs containing the miracles done by the Lord through the Jesus Calls ministry, and the testimonies raised by Him, in different genres under specific titles. The Lord impresses upon me the need to set up Brother. D.G.S.Dhinakaran Memorial Library, which would house the messages shared by my father in the radio, public meetings, fasting prayers, staff retreat, power ministry and in the television, as well as the books penned by him, diaries, the Bibles used by him and the experiences of those who interacted with him closely and did ministry with him. Messages categorized under different titles would be kept in this library. Facilities would be made available to the people to hear the messages they need in videos or audios and receive God’s comfort, edification and peace. These many people have received blessings because of the obedience of an individual. This library would bring awareness among the young generation as to how the Lord honors His servants whom He loves, and about the importance of the fruits and gifts of the Spirit, and thus would help them become the servants of God.


For this purpose, the process of digitizing the audio/video messages and the recording of the gist of the messages and testimonies are going on. We are also digitizing old photographs of the ministry, sermon notes, magazines etc., Let us praise the Lord for these works which are being carried out incessantly despite the plenty of needs. I covet

your continued prayers for Brother D.G.S.Dhinakaran Memorial Library and for the digitizing service. Support this ministry with your offering as led by the Lord. ‘…he who wins souls is wise (Proverbs 11:30). According to this, when you win souls by the offerings you give, the Lord will bless you; you shall be blessed.

UPCOMING EVENTS Not content with proclaiming the love of the Lord and praying for the people who visit the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers or who contact us through telephone, letters and email, we also conduct Prayer Festivals in order that people who are not reached by the gospel also should taste His love and power. Thousands of people hear about the Lord newly during every Prayer Festival; lakhs of people receive His healing power and miraculous touch and become His children. We would be sharing the Lord’s message in the below given meetings. Pray that the Lord should anoint us mightily and use us in these meetings.

February 3

Prayer Tower Dedication and Partners’ Meet


February 3–4

Lucknow Meetings


February 5

Partners’ Meet


February 7

Students’ Meet


February 11

Prayer Tower Dedication


February 12–14

Prayer Festival


Participate in the meetings conducted in your respective areas, without fail. In order that many would be blessed through these meetings, kindly send your offerings cheerfully to these services. You may partake in the expenditure of these meetings by sending online donation through the website and thus provide salvation to lakhs of people.

PRAYER FOR STUDENTS Every year, the Lord is graciously helping us to offer prayers for the students, appearing for their exams. This year, the Student’s Meet would be conducted in Chennai on 7th February. As in every year, this meeting would be held in the Madras Christian College Higher Secondary school ground. Special prayers will be offered for the dear students to be delivered from exam fear, poor memory 9

power, physical weaknesses, and lack of peace in the family and for those who have been affected by the recent floods in Chennai and its surrounding areas, in the months of November and December so that they would do well in their exams. “When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him” (Isaiah 59:19). Accordingly, even if the enemy comes in fury, the Lord will


not forsake His children; He will save them. So, get prepared with hope. Usually parents and teachers bring the children/students not only from Chennai but also from the nearby districts and even states. We would like to pray for specially for you during your exam time. Send your prayer requests to our Dallas Prayer Tower or Canada Prayer Tower.

KARUNYA UNIVERSITY The Lord is blessing the Karunya University more and more. Thousands of job opportunities are provided through the campus interview. Admission for the next academic year has begun. Permission to open a Karunya University in the state of Jharkhand has been sanctioned by the government of that state. Kindly continue to pray for this glorious educational service and ministry of raising up the future generation as Josephs, Daniels, and Esthers. “So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, The crawling locust, The consuming locust, And the chewing locust, My great army which I sent among you. You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, And praise the name of the LORD your God, Who has dealt wondrously with you; And My people shall never be put to shame” (Joel 2:25,26). As said in this verse, the Lord will restore all the losses in your life. There is nothing impossible with Him. Apart from restoring your losses, may the Lord bless you abundantly in such a measure that you would be satisfied!

the gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things!” (Romans 10:14,15). All the people cannot be met, if our family alone prays. In order that the power and comfort of the Lord should reach all the people, plans are being initiated to conduct the Prayer Academy to provide training for prayer, as led by the Lord. As the first phase, we trained the first batch in the Israel Prayer Tower. In the coming days, we would be providing prayer training in India and in the various parts of the world in order that the people who are desirous of doing the Lord’s ministry would be benefited. Through this training, guidance for prayer such as how to pray for others, how to pray for miracles and how to pray for comfort, could be obtained. Those who undertake this training would then be well equipped to pray to get full rewards. This training would surely help the people to serve as the prayer warriors, staff and ambassadors of the Jesus Calls ministry.

Your loving brother who prays for you,

PRAYER ACADEMY “…And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach


–Dr. Paul Dhinakaran



me so that no unwanted fear and anxiety would grip me. Help me to be bold with the confidence that You are always with me and enable me to score high marks in the exams, with Your strength.

You should fill me with a special wisdom. The Bible says that You will give wisdom to those who ask You. Give me a heart of wisdom; fill me with knowledge and understanding.

Give me good health during my exam days. Bless my food that I take so that it would not affect my body in any way. Guard me and those around me with peace, during the exam days. Grant me favor in the eyes of the teachers who evaluate my answer papers.

It is You, who have opened ways for me to study and progress in life. Even now I have entered in to the days of writing my exams.

Fill me with Your Spirit that gives fear of You, wisdom, counsel, might and knowledge. Give me abundant memory power. Help me understand the essence of my lessons and write the answers clearly. Strengthen

It is Your pleasure that I should be exalted. Thank You for loving me dearly. Help me to be grateful to You for this always. I offer this prayer in the name of the Lord Jesus – Amen.

(Based on the Scriptures: James 1:5; I Kings 3:12; Daniel 5:14; Isaiah 11:2; II Timothy 1:7; Philippians 4:13; Romans 8:37; Exodus 23:25). 11


FULL JOY OF THE ETERNAL FATHER EVANGELINE DHINAKARAN “Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.” —John 16:24 The Lord says, ‘Until now you have not asked anything in My name, mentioning My name”. The Lord Jesus does not want us to live in tears. Rather He always wants our joy to be full. In order that we should receive blessings, He shows us the way to pray in His name Jesus Christ. So, whenever we mention His name and ask for blessings, He turns our sorrow into joy (John 16:20). He gives us blessings in full. When you pray in His name and receive blessings, say, “I have received these blessings in the name of Jesus”. Then your joy shall be full. A mother once went to a super market along with her three year old little son. As they entered the shop, the mother said to the little boy, ‘My son, every time when we come to the shop, I am getting you chocolates. But this time I am not going to buy it for you. You should also not ask me for it”. So saying she seated him on the baby seat in the push cart which is used for loading things, and wielded the cart through the aisles. On the way, he saw the chocolates piled up on the shelves. On seeing them, he rose up from his seat and said, “Mummy please buy me these chocolates…”. His mother said, “No, I have already told you that you shouldn’t ask for chocolates. I will not buy it for you today”. She continued to go forward, looking for other things. Again they had to come back by the shelves with chocolates. Again the little boy begged her to buy him the chocolates. The mother firmly refused. Finally, collecting all the things that she needed, she went to the counter to pay the bill. As they were standing in the line, the boy sensed that it was the best and the last chance to ask his mother for chocolates. So he again stood up from the cart and said, “Mummy, I ask this in the name of Jesus. Would you please buy me some chocolates?” When the boy said, ‘In the name of Jesus’ all the people around him laughed and some even applauded. The Manger of the shop, who was seeing this with amusement, sent them home with a big box of chocolates as gift, which the little one could not even carry! Even this little boy learned to mention the name of Lord Jesus and used it for his personal gain. When we too, like that boy, pray in the name of Jesus, He will fill us with His joy. Dear one, surely there is an answer to the prayer offered in the name of Jesus. Every need shall be met in the name of Jesus. So do not be afraid. Do not be ashamed to mention the name of Jesus. Ask all your needs in the name of Jesus. It is very easy to pray in the name of Jesus and receive blessings. The name of Jesus has the power to make the knee of everyone in heaven, on earth and under the earth to bow (Philippians 2:10). Pray, mentioning the name of Jesus. Then He will stretch forth His hand and bless you abundantly.


JOY THROUGH MIRACULOUS HEALING “Then Peter said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” And he took him by the right hand and lifted him up, and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength.” —Acts 3: 6,7 A man was asking for alms from those who would enter into the temple in Jerusalem. He, who was born a cripple, could not walk. When Peter and John, the Lord’s disciples entered the temple gate, he asked them for alms. Then Peter said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” And he took him by the right hand and lifted him up, and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. So he, leaping up, stood and walked and entered the temple with them; walking, leaping, and praising God (Acts 3:1-10). Once, the Jesus Calls Prayer Festival was held in a city in North India. I was sharing God’s message in the morning meeting. People brought a crippled man, who could not walk, and placed him on the front row, on the right side of the stage. His back was bent and I was pained to see his condition. Crying within myself, I shared the God’s message. During the message time, the compassion of Jesus was poured into me. After the message I began to pray. And the Lord mightily filled the people with His Holy Spirit. In that moment when the Holy Spirit was working, I totally forgot about that man. But the Holy Spirit led me to pray with faith saying, “Lord, touch and heal all those who are unable to walk. Strengthen their bones, nerves and muscles. In Jesus name, let them get up and walk”. Hearing the prayers, the Lord did a great miracle. That man, who could not walk for 1 1/2 year, received miraculous healing and so he got up and began to walk. He got on the stage and glorified the Lord by sharing his testimony, walking up and down the dais. The Lord will do similar miracles for you also. Never doubt, ‘Will I be healed or not?” When you mention the name of Jesus with faith and with no doubt, miracles will happen; the Lord will give you miraculous healing so that those who cannot walk shall walk, those who cannot hear will hear and those who cannot see will see (Luke 7:22). When you pray in the name of Jesus, the organs that are not functioning in your or your children’s or your dear ones’ or your friends’ body will begin to function. Believe on His glorious name since He cares for you (I Peter 5:7). Expect great things, without any doubt and look up to Him. He will make you happy through miraculous healing.




“The blessing of the LORD makes one rich, and He adds no sorrow with it” —Proverbs 10:22 “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich” —II Corinthians 8:9 Do you say, “Oh, I’ve lost all the blessings; my family languishes without any blessing. My life is empty without Jesus?” ‘The base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen, and the things which are not’ (I Corinthians 1:28). Open up your empty heart in order that the Lord would come into you. Then He will fill your empty heart with His divine joy. Once, a great multitude of people gathered to hear the word of God, from Jesus, near the Lake of Gennesaret. Jesus got into Simon’s boat and taught the multitudes. When He had stopped speaking, He said to Simon, “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” But Simon answered and said to Him, “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net.” And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking. So they signaled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them. And they came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink.” (Luke 5:1-10). Simon believed the words of Jesus; he received the blessing and was joyful. When you too believe the Lord and ask for your needs in the name of Jesus, He will fill you and your family with full blessings just as how He filled those empty boats with fishes; He will bless your business; He will bless your job and your family life. You shall be blessed and jump up in joy. He is the Lord who gives us complete blessings, joy and happiness. So your joy will be full. I would like to share with you the testimony shared by Rev. Tarang Machana from Mumbai during one of the Jesus Calls Prayer Festivals held in 2015: “I am doing church ministry. My husband is doing a business of selling antiques. In 2013, following the advice of his business friends, he took a step which ended in complete failure. All the money that we invested could not be recovered as a result of which we lost several crores of money. So, as a family, we were in panic. We could not pay the amount despite selling all our jewels and savings. We were on the verge of selling off our house. But I didn’t have the mind to do it. I had a hope that the Lord would not let us down to that level. At this time, I had the chance to get prayers from Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran when she had come to Mumbai for the Jesus Calls Partner’s Meet. Until then I had not shared my family situation to anyone. But I told about our financial crisis to dear sister and requested her to pray for us. Sister Evangeline keenly listened to what I was telling and prayed with burden and tears for our family. Within a month of her prayer, the Lord brought a drastic change in my husband’s business. He commanded a tremendous flourishing in the business which according to us was ‘finished’. Orders poured in for twice the fixed price for the articles and the business boomed. The Lord lifted us up in the same place where we faced reproach. Now He has expanded my husband’s business to an international level in China, London, Dubai etc., I had also requested dear sister to pray for my ministry. Hearing her prayer, the Lord has given me mighty anointing and my ministry is also blessed. When the Jesus Calls meetings are conducted in our area, we help them as a church. I praise the Lord who is also blessing our business. My thanks to Sister Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran who prayed”. Dear one, the Lord not only blesses your business and profession, He also blesses your family, your children’s lives and your job. He will remove the void in your life and heart and fill them with blessings and joy.


“…I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh” —Joel 2:28 “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over.” —Psalm 23:5 In the upper room as they had gathered as 120 men and women suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.” (Acts 1:15; 2:1-11). Dear one, you shall have this glorious experience. Then you would speak in heavenly language. You would confess, “Lord, It is no longer I who live but You, the Christ lives in me’ (Galatians 2:20). Few years back, when the Jesus Calls Prayer Festival was held in the state of Maharashtra, a magician was standing outside the ground. He was greatly annoyed to see the great multitudes that were gathering to hear the Word of God and to be delivered from the clutches of satan by the power of the Lord. He was shouting at them saying, “Hey, why do you go to this meeting? Don’t go there”. Then he began to trouble them by throwing stones at them. Nobody was bothered and the meeting began. Curious to know what was happening, he came in and sat at the last. After the message, the prayer began. As all the people in the venue were praying with closed eyes, he too closed his eyes. When the power of the Holy Spirit was poured upon the people, this magician too was filled with the anointing. Not knowing what had happened, he began to jump up in joy. Don’t lose hope saying, “Alas, there is no connection between me and the Lord. I am not a holy man/woman”. The Holy Spirit, who filled that magician, will fill you too. He will give you full joy. When my son Samuel and daughter Sharon were 12 and 10 years old respectively, the Lord graciously filled them with His Holy Spirit. That time a dear pastor in Sivakasi invited both Sam and Sharon to give God’s message in his church. We, as a family wondered how they would preach. But that dear pastor invited them with great faith. Both sang songs and preached in that church. Sharon, who was then 10 years old, began to pray for the gathering. Since the Lord filled her with the Holy Spirit, she prayed with much compassion. She rebuked the devil. When she prayed in the name of Jesus, the devil which was tormenting the people fled from that place. When the Lord could fill little Sharon with His Spirit and hear her prayer when she mentioned His name and cast out the demon, how much more would He hear your prayer! Don’t think, “Oh, I am an ordinary person”. He will fill you with His Holy Spirit and use you. He will anoint your head with oil, and make your cup run over. He will take you around the world and use you for His glory. Your heart shall overflow with joy. When the disciples were worried over the impending death of Jesus, filled with the spirit of compassion Jesus said, “Therefore you now have sorrow; but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you. (John 16:22). The Lord tells this to you, His children. He will help you to understand the love of Christ which passes knowledge, fill you with all the fullness of God, according to His riches in glory (Ephesians 2:19). He will fill you with His joy, power, love and all the fullness of God. Your joy and blessings shall be full. ‘The joy of the LORD is your strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10).



Everyone, who is born as a human being, lives in different ways, with different nature. Even in godly ways, each one is different from the other. Whatever is the case, the sufferings everyone undergoes as he or she passes through a day cannot be told in words. Those in poverty languish, “Oh, when will this pathetic state end?!” Those wallowing in family problems shed tears lamenting, “Is there any way for our life to blossom?” The people who pass through each suffering are overcome by the thought, “Why was I born in this world?”

along with him, we can understand that like him, we too, who live in this world, can have such victory and we come to know about the ways to achieve it.

But, Paul, the servant of God, chosen by Him says as follows, having overcome such trials in this worldly life: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing” (II Timothy 4:7,8).

Yes, true Christian life is full of struggles. On the other hand, there may not be any struggle in the lives of those who compromise with the world, fulfilling the desires of their flesh and mind and who have no purpose and consider this worldly life as the most important thing in life, saying, “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die!” But those who desire to live as genuine devotees of God should pass through trials and tribulations.

From what he has written to his true son who did ministry

“…For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against


“But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness. Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses” (I Timothy 6:11,12).


principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12). Saint Paul has also said that we can overcome such trials and live victoriously in this world and that after death we can receive eternal life in heaven, wearing the crown of righteousness. Let us see in detail the ways and methods given by him:

WAY OF RIGHTEOUSNESS “You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only” (James 2:24). A woman called Rahab, though a harlot, was justified by her good works as she whole heartedly helped God’s chosen people (James 2:25). Hence, it is essential to follow righteous ways in our daily life. Our conscience also bears witness, between our thoughts accusing or else excusing us (Romans 2:15; I John 3:20). Let us choose the righteous ways of no sin, in each and every matter. This would be pleasing in the sight of God. To walk in this righteous way on our own strength is an extremely difficult thing. That’s why Paul says, “For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) nothing good dwells; for to will is present with me, but how to perform what is good I do not find…it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me...” (Romans 7:18). Various unwanted thoughts of the flesh urge us to do many things against God. For example, the fights and quarrels in families keep us far away from the righteous way. Our conscience tells us to be at peace with everybody. But our fleshly mind creates enmity, envy, hatred and bitterness. A dear mother brought up her son in the righteous way with great difficulty. Once he completed his studies and got settled in a good job, the mother was keen to find a suitable partner for him and searched for a girl, with much prayer. Finally she got him settled with a good girl who followed the righteous ways and was diligent in seeking the Lord, reading the Bible and in prayer. However, as days passed, she began to give room for fleshly thoughts. Gradually she was overcome by devil’s nature. She, who was enjoying a comfortable life, slowly stopped seeking the Lord. She completely forgot the fact that the foundation for all blessings is to read the Lord’s words and to talk to Him. The devil, who was waiting for such an opportunity, sowed all unwanted thoughts, spirit of anger, envy and bitterness in her heart. Problems began to crop up in the family. Particularly, she always barged on her mother-in-law and taunted and teased her, like a devil. The poor mother-in-law was in utter despair. Not retaliating, she began to fast and pray more and sought the Lord. She bound the works of the devil and the mind of flesh in the name of Jesus (Philippians 2:10). The Lord broke the works of the flesh. One day, that daughter-in-law started reading the Bible, casually, with no keen interest. She was jolted to 15

read the verse in Acts which says, “Do not be found to fight against God.” Her wicked nature came before her eyes. She knelt down in the same place, cried to the Lord bitterly and clung to Him again. The Lord, who is rich in mercy, forgave her and mended her life. A peace which the world cannot give, prevailed once again in that family. Dear friend, have you too given room for such carnal mind and are nursing enmity against God? This is not a righteous way! So discarding this carnal mind, when you give room for spiritual mind, it would take you to the righteous way, then there shall be life and peace (Romans 8:6). This was the way chosen by Rahab and that young woman and both were justified by the Lord. May you too follow and walk in this righteous way and enjoy receiving a peaceful life!

WAY OF GODLINESS “Now godliness with contentment is great gain” (I Timothy 6:6). Let us be content with our provisions for eating and clothing. But the Bible warns us that excess love of money would pave ways for us to be strayed from faith and be pierced with many sorrows (I Timothy 6:10). Such thoughts are not needed for those who decide to live as faithful devotees of the Lord. “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33). Accordingly, the Lord gives all good things to those who trust Him and who give Him the first place in their heart, exceedingly abundantly above all that they ask or think (Ephesians 3:20). Plenty are the problems when we discard this easy way to receive this privilege of enjoying riches and opt for our own strength, effort and wisdom. Let us leave it and try to walk godly telling Him, “Lord, come into my heart. Lead me by Your hand so that I would do only the things that are pleasing to You.” This is the godly way, pleasing to the Lord. Today, many women are enslaved by destroyable worldly things such as the lust of the eye, lust of the flesh and the pride of life (I John 2:16,17). But those who have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires alone can be victorious in life (Galatians 5:24). There is no other way, except the way of godliness that can give abiding joy in the Lord and the peace which the world cannot give. I once met a woman, who is doing God’s ministry. When she was young, she dressed herself up in ultra modern ways, read filthy story books and lived as she liked, walking in the sight of her eyes (Ecclesiastes 11:9). But she regularly attended the church on Sundays. Those who saw her outward appearance did not know about her inner state. Grieved over the condition of her inner heart, the Lord was eagerly waiting when she would get an opportunity to seek Him.


The day arrived! When her life, which was going smooth, began to go in a rough path, she suffered in agony. In that state, when no man could help her, she shed bitter tears in loneliness. Jesus, who was waiting for such a chance, came in search of her with great love, and spoke to her lovingly. She was heart-broken that she had rejected such a great divine love. She knelt down and committed her whole life to the Lord who spoke to her, telling Him, “Jesus, forgive me. I have realized that except You, there is no other way for me.

beloved of Jesus ran in and could not find the body of Jesus. The linen clothes were there. Baffled over this, the disciples went back to their place. But Mary did not have the heart to leave the tomb and stood there, weeping that she could not find the Lord. Knowing her true love, the Lord Jesus, who rose up from the dead, as per His promise, appeared first to her as Christ (John 20:1-18). The reason why this poor woman got the privilege which was denied even to His disciples who lived with Him is that she believed though she had not seen. This is what Paul calls as sincere faith (I Timothy 1:5,6).

God will always be with you Lead me from now on. I commit myself to You fully.” After that, there were so many changes in her life. All the worldly things in her life in which she fondly indulged–lust of the eye, lust of the flesh and the pride of life–vanished from her. She became a new creation. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new” (II Corinthians 5:17). According to this verse, her life became totally transformed. Now she could not dress as she liked or read the books that are displeasing to God and go to places which are not liked by Him. Instead people were amazed to see “the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit” in her. My dear young child, out of the above mentioned two kinds of ways, which one are you going to choose? Is it the worldly way of outward beautification? Or the godly way of incorruptible beauty? If you choose to follow the worldly way, you would face a time when you would be wallowing in loneliness! Those who decide to follow the godly way would be privileged to enjoy God’s presence always. The God of gods would be pleased with you and will always be with you. “For what great nation is there that has God so near to it, as the LORD our God is to us, for whatever reason we may call upon Him?” (Deuteronomy 4:7). Everyone, who trusts Him and is devoted to Him, can surely inherit this promise. Yes, what a privilege that the Lord who created the universe is with us!

WAY OF FAITH Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed (John 20:29). The Lord Jesus was crucified, died and was buried. On the first day of the week, with a grateful and loving heart, Mary Magdalene, who was delivered from the clutches of seven demons, came to the tomb while it was still dark. There she was shocked to see that the stone had been taken away. She ran and informed this to the disciples. Peter and John, the 16

“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17).

Mary Magdalene, who did ministry along with the Lord, received such kind of strong faith by listening to His words more and more. If our faith has to be strong, we need to take in His words more diligently (Ezekiel 3:3; Jeremiah 15:16). This faith would help us stand firm in the midst of struggles in our daily life. Once I met a man, who is doing God’s ministry. He seemed to be depressed. When I asked him the reason, he said, “I have never come across any trials in my life. Now I am going through a tough path of trial. I am unable to bear it.” Many stumble in such state. But God gives His comfort and blessing to those who seek Him at once through His Scriptures and prayer. Several years back, my husband Bro. Dhinakaran and my daughter fell sick simultaneously. Everybody thought that my daughter, who was then five years old, would die. At that time when I was languishing in tears, my only comfort was Jesus. I took the Bible in my hand and didn’t know which portion to read. My pain was intense and there was none to comfort me. It was then I remembered the man of God Job and how he clung to the Lord despite the terrible path he underwent. Deciding to follow him, I began to read the Bible. As a kept reading, I felt as if God was speaking to me as the Bible says, “For the word of God is living and powerful” (Hebrews 4:12). The faith that Job had came into me. It gave me the strength to plead to the Lord, without anxiety. The Lord did a miracle and healed my daughter within a few days. My husband too was healed completely within a few months and was blessed like Job in double measure and was used by God. Yes, it is the word of God that can feed us with faith. The more we honor the word of God, the more blessings we can receive from Him. Those who have not accepted Jesus in their heart and have not followed the righteous way or walked in godliness or not got rooted in faith, should follow the righteous way by accepting Him, getting rooted in Him and by being built in Him and walk in Him. Get established in faith and abound in it (Colossians 2:6,7). Then as St. Paul said with full conviction, the Lord will help us also to fight a good fight, live a victorious life, keep our faith and to receive the crown of righteousness in heaven.



in Esther Prayer Group GAVE ME JOB AND PEACE



I had no job since the past several years. Through dear mother’s prayers I got a job in Ranipet. Also, I was facing lot of problems in my spiritual life. When I attended the Esther Prayer Group and prayed, the Lord changed all my problems, gave me peace and has blessed me. Praise the Lord.

Sister Rebecca of our Esther Prayer Group had no child even after 9 years of married life and was in agony. Apart from praying for her in our Esther Prayer Group, we also wrote a letter to dear mother Stella Dhinakaran seeking prayers. Hearing the prayers offered by dear mother and by us, the Lord has made her happy by blessing her with a boy baby. Not only that, on hearing this, the whole village is thrilled and everyone glorified God. Glory to the Lord.

Sister Savithri of our Esther Prayer Group was not in talking terms with her sister since several years. After the prayers offered for her in October 2015, the Lord helped her to talk to her sister and made her sister visit her. Glory be to the Lord. Also this sister regularly attends the prayer and she is from a family that does not know the Lord. One day, she was preparing food in her home, and was singing even while cooking. Suddenly she saw a snake lying below the stove and she killed it by herself. The Lord protected her from harm for the reason that she had joined the Esther Prayer Group. She testified about this and praised the Lord.

— Venmathy Milton, Chennai

GIFT OF A CHILD AFTER 17 YEARS Sister Kavitha of our group had no child even after 17 years of married life. With great faith that sister got enrolled in the Young Partner’s Plan. We too prayed earnestly for her in the Esther Prayer Group. Within two months, the Lord did a miracle and made her conceive a child. Glory be to the Lord. —Sarojini Johnson, Namakkal

JESUS TOUCHED I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. Sister Nalini of our group felt the Lord Jesus touching her. That time the presence of God filled her mightily. Thanks to God for this divine experience.

— M. Clara Moses, Mathuranthagam

FILLED WITH THE MIGHTY PRESENCE OF GOD I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. The Lord is faithful to lead each one of the sisters in our group. Every prayer point of the Esther Prayer Group helps the sisters to examine the faults and lacks in their lives and confess them. When we pray as a group, each one of us feels the presence of God filling us mightily. The Holy Spirit fills us mightily. Glory to the Lord. — D. Hilda Raj, Trivandrum

— A. Elizabeth Alexander Antony, Pune


— P. Chandra Rathnaraj, Chennai

PROGRESS IN FAMILY AND SPIRITUAL LIFE The Lord is helping us to learn so many things through the prayer points given by dear mother Stella Dhinakaran for the Esther Prayer Group and through her prayers and is helping us to make progress in our family life as well as in our spiritual life by praying in the Esther Prayer Group. Sister Vijaya, who never knew to pray, has learnt to pray and now prays with no fear. We see many blessings in our families because of the Esther Prayer Group. Glory to the Lord.

I am the leader of the Esther Prayer Group in our area. During the prayer time, the anointing of the Holy Spirit was poured down in a mighty way. The Lord helped a sister to glorify Him by speaking in tongues. Praise be to the Lord for the anointing which He gave. — Mary Joseph, Dharwad, KarnatakaV

Youth Esther Prayer Group PEACE OF GOD My brother and I were not in talking terms for 6 months, because of a misunderstanding. Realizing that I, who am conducting the Youth Esther Prayer Group, should be a testimony, I committed myself to Jesus. I cried to the Lord to remove the bitterness in me. Now both of us have made peace with each other. The God of peace has given us divine peace. Glory be to God. —B. Sutha, Chennai

—Rani Ravi, Chennai



Accordingly, if the Spirit of God prompts you to start an Esther Prayer Group or Youth Esther Prayer Group in your area or in your home or hostel or in any place convenient to you, so that the women in your area could be blessed, and revived, please come forward and contact us.



Esther Prayer Group 8855 North Stemmons Frwy Dallas, TX 75247 USA

Jesus Calls Canada #SUITE 208, 50 Gervais Drive Toronto, Ontario, M3C 1Z3 972–499–4995 416–385–7576



PRICELESS TREASURE (MESSAGE SHARED BY DR. D.G.S.DHINAKARAN IN NOVEMBER 1996) “For you are a holy people to the LORD your God; the LORD your God has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth. The LORD did not set His love on you nor choose you because you were more in number than any other people, for you were the least of all peoples;” —Deuteronomy 7:6,7 “But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” —I Peter 2:9 18

The Bible–both in the Old and the New Testaments– says that we are the Lord’s own people. Jesus said to His disciples, “These are My brothers, My sisters, My mother and My own people” (Matthew 12:50). Once, when I was working in the bank, I had to meet an IAS officer, but I could not get an appointment to meet him. I was telling about this to one of my colleagues who asked me, “When would you like to meet him?” I said, “I am ready to meet him even now.” He said that he would take me to him right then and I asked him, “How come, you are so confident of arranging to meet him, right now”. He said, “Sir, the officer whom you want to meet is my brother. Now I will call him over the phone.” He dialed the number and said, “Hey, brother, I want to see you right now.” On the other end, that officer asked him to come to his place immediately. So both


of us went to see him and my friend casually entered in, pushing aside the door. I had the chance to speak to that officer that day. This is how our gracious Lord Jesus is. He says, “You are My own people! You may call unto Me any time you need. You may come to My presence any time you want. You may ask Me for anything.” You are special; you are blessed.

“When they were few in number, Indeed very few, and strangers in it” —Psalm 105:12 “Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom” —Luke 12:32

Several years back, we had been to a place called Chittoor (Andhra Pradesh) to conduct meetings. There was a huge multitude of people. One day I was giving message about rebirth. I asked, “Many would have been alcoholics but would have now been reborn. How many of you have been delivered from the habit of alcoholism and are reborn?” A few people in the crowd raised their hands. But on the stage, everybody’s hand was put up. I looked at them with doubt wondering why all those who were there to sing, translate, share testimony, and play music were raising their hands and that they must have misunderstood what I said. So again I said, “Now this is an invitation for all those who were addicted to alcohol and have been delivered.” As I said this, a man came near me and said, “Brother, truly I was a drunkard; the Lord Jesus has transformed me.” All those who were on the stage singing and speaking in tongues filled with the Spirit had once been drunkards.

But the Lord tells us, “You are My special treasure”

He has not chosen us just because we are more in number than any other people. He has chosen us for the reason that we are the least of all peoples, that we are like nomads, wandering from this place and that, we are the little flock and are ordinary people unlike the wise and the valiant (I Corinthians 1:27).

“…nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were In the Tamil Bible the translation says, “My own people’” sanctified, but you were justified in the whereas the English version says, “Special treasure.” name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of God says, “You are an excellent treasure to Me.” our God” —I Corinthians 6:10,11 But, we lament and feel bad about ourselves saying, “Alas, I am poor; I’m not much educated; I fall sick quite often; it is better to die than to live in this world.” But the Lord tells us, “You are My special treasure.”

“…not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit” —Titus 3:5). Yes, we have taken another birth. We have received a new life. The day when you drew to the gracious Lord Jesus and said to Him, “Forgive my sins; let me be reborn,” you have taken another birth, in His sight. 19

Once we told lies, we drank, we were addicted to smoking. But now we are washed by the blood of Jesus Christ. About this Paul also says, “I am now living in Christ” (Galatians 2:20). Now we are filled with the Holy Spirit and speak heavenly language; we speak to God face to face, so we are very special to God. The Bible says that we are God’s fellow workers (I Corinthians 3:9). You, who support the Jesus Calls ministry, are not ordinary people. By supporting this ministry, you are the fellow workers of God. That’s why God tells about you, “He is my fellow worker. How will I forsake Him? If not for him, this ministry will not be carried out in this world. So he is very dear to me. He is my special treasure.”


Perhaps, in the eyes of the world, you may be full of shortcomings, with no support and you may be the least in number. But in the sight of Jesus Christ you are His own. You are His fellow workers. This is because you have been saved by Him; you are reborn. So when you pass through difficulties, worries and tears and when demonic people rise against you, you should remember, “I am special to Jesus. I am the special treasure of Jesus. So He will never forsake me.” What would God do to you, His special treasure?

DIVINE STRENGTH “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” —II Corinthians 12:9 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” —Philippians 4:13 “To this end I also labor, striving according to His working (strength) which works in me mightily” —Colossians 1:29

DIVINE PROTECTION “As the mountains surround Jerusalem, So the LORD surrounds His people From this time forth and forever” —Psalm 125:2

The Lord gives you, who strive for Him, His divine strength and not the strength given by the world.

“‘For I,’ says the LORD, ‘will be a wall of fire all around her, and I will be the glory in her midst.’” —Zechariah 2:5 God will be like a huge mountain and a wall of fire around you and protect you. Once, an exhibition for gemstones was held in Chennai. Among the collections of diamonds and precious stones a priceless diamond was also kept there. It was a rare kind of diamond and nobody knew its actual value. It was kept in a glass box. With great eagerness everyone went near to see the diamond but made a hasty retreat. The reason, a king cobra was inside the box along with the diamond and it was about to strike those who dared to touch the box. They had kept the cobra to guard the diamond from theft.

There are many films on Jesus. There, He is shown to be scourged by the whip and shouting out in pain. He cries when He is nailed and crowned with the crown of thorns. But in actuality the Bible says that He “opened not His mouth” (Isaiah 53:6,7; Matthew 8:17). “I should experience in My body how my precious fellow workers who are priceless treasure to Me would suffer in pain. So place the crown of thorns on My head and nail my feet and hand” Reflecting thus, He bore everything patiently. That’s why when we lament, “Oh, I am physically weak; my soul is weak; I am weary.” He says, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in the weakness of your body and soul.”

“…through faith subdued kingdoms, worked righteousness… out of weakness were made strong, became valiant in battle…” —Hebrews 11:33, 34

The Bible says that the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (I Peter 5:8). But Jesus, the lion of Judah, will be near you and guard you (Revelation 5:5). A lion does not turn away from any (Proverbs 30:30).

We are weak. But God says, “Oh, He is my priceless treasure; so My strength will descend into His body and soul”.

The Lord has kept three more blessings for you:

“God the LORD….will speak peace To His people and to His saints” —Psalm 85:8

“The LORD will give strength to His people; The LORD will bless His people with peace” —Psalm 29:11



King Solomon had peace on every side all around him (I Kings 4:24). The rulers and captains of Judah go to see David. But he trembles wondering whether they were coming to make peace or do evil. Since the Spirit


of God comes upon a man called Amasai, who was one among them, he says, “David, peace, peace to you, And peace to your helpers!” (I Chronicles 12:18). Things that would spoil the peace may crop up in your life. Our gracious Lord has also a name, “Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6). He will give you peace amidst even the toughest situation. Once, the Jesus Calls meetings were held in a place called Varanasi. A great multitude had thronged the meetings. The people there do not know anything about Jesus. On the first day, my son Paul Dhinakaran spoke about the peace given by Jesus. During the prayer time, the Spirit of the Lord came upon my son and made him call many by their names and utter prophecies concerning them. It was a new experience to those people. When they were invited to the stage to share their experience, a woman came and said, “When my name was called out, I couldn’t understand anything. I felt something coming upon me.” Yet another woman said, “Since I had no peace, I came to this meeting crying. When you prayed, I felt something coming upon me. Now I feel peaceful.” She was shedding tears of joy. God, who gives peace to even the people who do not know about Him, will surely give you, who do His ministry and support it, in the midst of worries (John 14:27). The gracious Lord Jesus says “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. My peace I give to you” (John 14:1,27). “You are a priceless treasure to Me; So I give My peace to you, My priceless treasure.”

“You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You” —Isaiah 26:3 Accordingly, amidst your worries, afflictions and sickness, God will give peace to you, who are His own people.


In the last moment, when Jesus was leaving the disciples, He led them out as far as Bethany, and He lifted up His hands and blessed them. Today, the same Jesus will bless you also. He takes delight in blessing you, His priceless treasure. When you are blessed by Him, you would be His fame, name and glory. The world may hate you; and it may curse you. But Jesus blesses you. He changed the curses of Balaam into blessings (Deuteronomy 23:5). If others in your surrounding areas curse you as you live a pleasing life to Him or as you do ministry, the Lord will keep changing that curse into blessing for you. Many years back, I attended a mammoth meeting in the United States. Everybody asked me, “The nation of America has entered into the last days. Everyone prophesies that God’s wrath would come upon America in a large scale. What do you say about America?” That night I knelt down in the presence of the Lord and asked Him. With a smile Jesus said, “My loving son! As days go by, this nation will become a super power country. No man can stand against America. The reason, nearly 200 years back, the ship called Mayflower set out from England. Those who were distressed that they could not truly worship Christ in England were there in the ship, with their family and headed for America. Here they worshiped Me freely. The descendants of those families are living here. Two hundred years have passed. But I never forget how they set out with tears and with the desire to worship me. Hence, for their sake and because of the sacrifice they had made, I will bless these people, who are their descendants. I will bless the United States of America still more. I will change it into the most powerful country which will make the world tremble. I will make it to repent. I will wipe away all the dirt just as how a table is wiped off its dust and make them turn to Me once again.” The next day arrived. Everybody was eagerly waiting. When I explained to them about the Lord’s revelation concerning America, they welcomed it joyfully with loud applause. Just as how He told Abraham, the Lord tells you, “blessing I will bless you”. You, who are the Lord’s own people and who are His priceless treasure will be a blessing (Genesis 22:17).

“…He lifted up His hands and blessed them” —Luke 24:50 “He will set you high above all nations which He has made, in praise, in name, and in honor…” —Deuteronomy 26:19 21



“For as the heavens are high above the earth, So great is His mercy toward those who fear Him” —Psalm 103:11 My dear sisters, in this world, we are seeing and sometimes even experiencing many kinds of fears engulfing people, all on a sudden. So, perhaps you too are troubled with various fears. But according to this verse, the Lord tells us that He will never forsake us, His children, out of His great mercy! This grace is as high as the heavens above the earth. See how great the Lord’s love is! Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD’ (Psalm 33:12; 144:15). Accordingly, you should take the Lord as your own God and hold on to Him firmly. In short, you should be filled with the fear of fearing Him. Only then you can enjoy goodness and benefits from Him (Psalm 128:2). Acco rding to Psalm 23:6, He will bring goodness and mercy into your life.

“Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!” —Psalm 34:8 When we read Psalm 103:8, it says that the Lord is merciful and gracious (Jeremiah 3:12). In what ways does the Lord shower His grace upon us and bless us?

GRACE THAT PROTECTS US FROM BEING CONSUMED “Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not” —Lamentations 3:22 In the Bible we read that God justifies us by His grace (Titus 3:7). God gives His grace for the salvation of all men (Titus 2:11). Hence, He would make us, who are dead in trespasses, 24

alive by the blood of Christ and save us by His grace and mercy. In the Bible, Zacchaeus and his family did not know about this salvation. But when the Lord Jesus passed by his city, he wanted to see Him. For this purpose, he humbled himself and climbed up into a sycamore tree. Seeing that, our Lord Jesus Christ had compassion on him, called him by his name, went to his house and blessed that family out of His grace, saying, “Today salvation has come to this house”. Dear sisters, today have you and your family received this blessing? Examine yourself. The more you seek Him, the more He will love you. We read in the Bible that where sin abounded, grace abounded much more (Romans 5:20). So the Lord wants to give you the same blessing of salvation which was received by Zacchaeus. Please open your heart before the Lord and confess all your sins. The sinful man said to the Lord with tears, “‘God, be merciful to me a sinner!’ (Luke 18:13). The Lord sent him back as a justified man. Today, the Lord wants to give you the same blessing. It is not His will that not one of you should perish.

GRACE FOR HIM, WHO TRUSTS THE LORD: “Many sorrows shall be to the wicked; But he who trusts in the LORD, mercy shall surround him” —Psalm 32:10 Read the life of Joseph! In Genesis 39:21, even when Joseph was forsaken by all and left alone and even in that situation where he was separated from his dear father, he held on to the Lord firmly. Though he was a young man, he feared God and walked in the ways pleasing to the Lord. The Lord prospered whatever he did. Not only that, He was also with him in the midst of the sufferings and false accusations


that he faced for nearly 13 years. He delivered him out of all his troubles, and gave him favour in the presence of the king of Egypt; and he made him governor over Egypt and all his house. Yes, the grace of God abounded in his life. He is a God who is able to revive us. That’s why we see the plea of the Psalmist in Psalm 119: 85, 159, ‘Revive me, Lord’ (Psalm 119:88,159). Yes, dearly beloved, don’t you too are left alone, and languish with worry saying, “There’s none to show me love; Oh, I’ve to undergo all these sufferings as I don’t have a child; Oh, everyone in my family has forsaken and rejected me; there is no peace….?” The Bible says that our Lord Jesus Christ and our God will love us dearly and give us eternal comfort and hope. We read: If I say, “My foot slips,” Your mercy, O LORD, will hold me up’ (Psalm 94:18). Not only that, Paul was a servant of God. When he had physical weaknesses and sufferings, he pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from him. What was the Lord’s reply to him?

“My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” —II Corinthians 12:9 So, even today, the Lord also sees you, who pass through the same path with tears. Tell Him, “Lord, I trust You. Man’s love is vain. I know for sure that You are the true loving God. O, God, who was with Joseph and surrounded him with Your grace, give me the same grace”. When you thus plead to Him, the grace that He gives in your life also would be great.

GRACE THAT GIVES GLORY: “For the LORD God is a sun and shield; The LORD will give grace and glory; No good thing will He withhold From those who walk uprightly” —Psalm 84:11 When can we enjoy this privilege? “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Hebrews 4:16). According to this verse, there is no doubt that we would surely get help by the love of the Lord. This is because, there is no partiality with our Lord (Acts 10:34; Galatians 2:6; Romans 2:11). In order that you would obtain His mercy in time of need, He will fill you with grace from His throne of grace and deliver you from trials and sufferings. Not only that, as you keep thanking Him, He will fill you with His glory according to the verse, ‘Whoever offers praise glorifies Me’ (Psalm 50:23). I have experienced this in my life. The moment when my husband and I together decided to do the Lord’s ministry, sufferings came into our life, one by one and made us miserable. Yet we held on to the Lord firmly. Day and night, we fasted and prayed earnestly that we should get help. Yes, He sent help from His throne of grace whenever needed and encouraged us. Of course, despair and sorrow afflicted us. Yet when the divine strength filled us, He made us pass through those situations with courage. In every trial, a new strength filled us. That’s how He changed us into His servants who would stand firmly for Him and kept

For a daily word of blessing, go to JESUSCALLS.COM

us as a mother and father to so many people. Just think what a great grace this is! Often I think of the difficult path we went through and how the grace of God redeemed us so wonderfully from it and I would thank the Lord from the bottom of my heart. It is no exaggeration to say that this is purely the Spirit of grace (Zechariah 12:10). Yes, dear sisters, it is only the Holy Spirit who leads us in such a way to bear any burden.

“The wicked flee when no one pursues, But the righteous are bold as a lion” —Proverbs 28:1 Accordingly, you shall be bold as a lion. You shall have the strength of an ox. This is the faith, courage and hopes that crop up in you because of the grace of God. Dearly beloved, today all you have to do is to plead to the Lord saying, ‘Lord, fill me too with Your Holy Spirit; I don’t have the strength to bear anything. I become easily dejected. Please fill me with Your Spirit. Like Jacob, I am not going to leave You unless You fill me with the Holy Spirit. Please have mercy”

“But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” —Acts 1:8 We read in the Bible that a great grace was upon the disciples (Acts 4:33). The Lord will make the same grace abound in you. You shall be blessed. You shall arise and shine for the Lord. Please read this message diligently and enjoy receiving such divine blessings.


in the Vanagaram Blessing Meeting INFIRMITIES GONE I came to this meeting with infirmities. When dear mother was praying I too joined her in the prayer and was praying to receive the anointing. That moment I felt a chill breeze blowing over me. Immediately all the weaknesses in me vanished completely. Now I am in good health. —Susila, Chennai.

GOD’S POWER DESCENDED; PAIN GONE When dear mother was giving the message, she said, “The Lord gives you new grace”. That time I could feel the power of God falling on me like dew. Also I came to this meeting with much agony. When the anointing of the Holy Spirit came upon me mightily, all my pains vanished. Praise the Lord. —Gunasundari, Chennai (39)

PEACE GIVEN BY THE HAND OF GOD There were so many problems in my family since the past one week. So I was planning to go to my mother’s house. Yet when I heard about this meeting, I came here. During the prayer time, when dear mother was praying, I felt the Lord’s hand coming upon me. Then an unshakeable faith entered into me. Now I go back with peace. Praise the Lord.

JESUS WHO ANOINTED ME When dear mother was praying in this meeting, I lifted up my hands and was praying for anointing. That time I felt a finger touching me. I was filled with mighty anointing of the Holy Spirit. Now I am very happy. —Muthumani, Vellore

ANOINTED ME AND GRANTED ME PEACE When I was praying for anointing in this meeting, a bright light came into me. I was then filled with the anointing. Also I had no peace in the family because of my in-laws. I was thinking of going back to my mother’s place after watching the Jesus Calls TV programme, the next morning. In that programme, I heard Brother Samuel Paul Dhinakaran saying, “what God has joined together, let not man separate.” After this, I came to this meeting. During the message time, dear mother said, “Don’t say that you don’t have peace in the family and that you want to go back to your mother’s place”. These words touched me. The Lord helped me to take a decision never to go to my mother’s place but to be with my husband, no matter what problems may crop up in my family. Praise the Lord

MIRACULOUS DELIVERANCE DURING MESSAGE TIME Since I work in the night, I was filled with the spirit of sleep. Even when I came to this meeting, I was feeling sleepy. I could not control my sleep to stay awake and listen to the message. When dear mother shared God’s message, the spirit of sleep left me completely. Finally, during the prayer time, the Holy Spirit anointed me in a great measure. I believe that the Lord will answer all the prayers that I offered. —Ramya Priya, Chennai

FILLED WITH THE POWER OF GOD I came to this meeting with infirmity. During the prayer time, the power of the Lord filled me. All my infirmities left me completely. Glory to God. —Baby, Chennai (44)

—J.P Sophia, Chennai (37)

—Mohana, Chennai (71)



SUITABLE PARTNER We come from a family that does not know Jesus. There were so many problems in our family. At this juncture, hearing about the Prayer Tower, I enrolled my family in the Family Blessing Plan. After that, our family enjoyed divine peace. My marriage settlement was getting delayed. We prayed for my marriage during the Blessing meeting held in Vanagaram. Hearing the prayer, the Lord blessed me with a suitable life partner. I made a prayerful vow that I would give thanks offering for that. Now I am fulfilling my vow. —Latha, Chennai (53) Let us give all glory to the Lord for the miracles that He has performed.


Travel with us to experience your miracle and visit the Israel Prayer Tower and pray with the Dhinakarans A golden chance for you to choose from three options: Option 1 Only Israel 6 nights, 7 days

Tour departs from 12th June 2016 onwards. Each group will have a leader who will explain in their respective language during the tour. Get ready and rush to register. The Lord has kept a special blessing for all those who take part in this Holy Land Tour.

T & C apply.

Option 2 Jordan (Petra) & Israel 8 nights, 9 days Option 3 Jordan (Petra), Israel & Egypt (Pyramids) 11 nights, 12 days

For more information contact: Jesus Calls International 8855 North Stemmons Freeway Dallas, TX 75247 USA

Jesus Calls Canada #SUITE 208, 50 Gervais Drive Toronto, Ontario, M3C 1Z3

Web holylandtour

Email admin@

Email israeltour@





The daily devotion book “Blessing for Today” consists of devotions for 365 days based on Biblical truths to enable you to walk with God and receive His blessings. Meditation portions from the Bible, promise verses, life experiences, incidents, prayer and passages for “Bible in one year” have been penned for each day according to the leading of the Holy Spirit. As you read this daily, you will be quickened. This book will help you in experiencing a deeper communion with God, to start the day with God’s blessing, to know God’s plan in your life and to claim your blessings.

For your gift of $20 or more, recieve this copy of Dr. Paul Dhinarakan’s book of daily devotions and be blessed daily. Call our Dallas Prayer Tower at 972–499–4995 (toll free at 855– JESUSCALLS) or Canada Prayer Tower at 416–385–7576 23



pray at the israel Prayer Tower COVER ARTWORK COURTESY OF FREEPIK.

Today in our Israel Prayer Tower, people are coming from throughout the world to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and pray for God’s Will to be fulfilled in the nations. We are inviting partners like you and prayer Intercessors to come to Israel and stay at The Israel Prayer Tower for 15 days to a month to pray God’s will over nations, Kings and peoples at this crucial time in world history. To find out more details and to register please go to May I also invite you to partner with us to help us fulfil this prophecy through your prayers and financial support. If you are willing to go to pray at the Israel Prayer Tower, you may please call our Dallas Prayer Tower office at 972-499-4995 or our toll free number 855– JESUSCALLS. For our Canada Prayer Tower, please call 416–385–7576.

For your gift of $300, you could sponsor a prayer intercessor in Israel for 3 days, providing shelter, laundry and other basic needs. For your gift of $1500, you could sponor a prayer intercessor in Israel for half a month, providing shelter, transport and three meals a day.

join us and be a blessing to others Through our Dallas Prayer Tower, thousands of partners like you and others are spiritually benefiited every day. For your gift of $31 or more every month, you could be a continual source of blessing to bring hope and healing to the broken-hearted people in the United States of America and around the world. To show our gratitude for your support we would like to engrave your name on a golden plaque at our Dallas Prayer Tower where our intercessors and the staff of Jesus Calls International will be praying for you every day for God’s blessing in your life.

God has blessed us to be a blessing to others.


CANADA 972–499–4995 855–JESUS CALLS (toll free)

Jesus Calls Canada #SUITE 208, 50 Gervais Drive Toronto, Ontario, M3C 1Z3 416–385–7576

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