Jesus Calls | October 2015

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Jesus Calls praying for the world



from Ashes PAGE 4

The Lover Who Delivers Page 10

Question & Answer Page 12

Peace from God Page 18

Dearly beloved,

I greet you in the sacred name of our Lord Jesus Christ. For when God made a promise to Abraham, saying,

“Surely blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply you....he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise” Hebrews 6:13-15 So will the Lord grant you whatever blessings you have been waiting for and make you happy in this month. Perhaps, you may be dejected, having waited for a long period to receive your blessing. Do not worry the Lord is unchanging in His promise. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). He would willingly grant you His abundant and finest blessings.

Mighty Spirit My father Late Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran committed his life to the Lord in the year 1955. Opening of Soon after this, he began to the Pimpri Prayer preach about the Lord and the redemption of sin given by Him. Realizing that the anointing of the Holy Spirit is necessary to do the ministry, he was earnestly praying for the Lord to fill him with His Spirit. Hearing his prayer


on 10th October 1962, the Lord Jesus filled him with His Holy Spirit and he had the privilege of beholding Him face to face for three hours. From then on, his ministry was filled with power and much fruits. Similarly, I pray that the Lord should fill you with His Spirit and strengthen you in this month (Acts 1:8).

National Prayer Tower Extension Project ‘You shall establish a Prayer Tower for the nation in the centre of Delhi, that is near to the corridors of power...’ - In accordance to the Lord’s command given to me the Delhi National Prayer Tower was inaugurated to pray for India for 24 hours every day. People of God from different states of India visit the National Prayer Tower voluntarily and pray for the blessing and prosperity of the nation. In this regard, we are in need to expand the services of the Prayer Tower. So I kindly request you to send your generous donations to build the house of God. As you know each penny that you give for God’s work will be returned to you hundredfold.

New Prayer Tower The Prayer Tower service is functioning to comfort and console the people who languish with family rifts, financial constrains, sicknesses and depression. Accordingly, New Prayer Towers have ben launched in Nagpur on October 1, in Pimpri Chinchwad (Pune) and in Navi Mumbai on October 6 and in Hubli on 26 November. Efforts

Opening of the Navi Mumbai Prayer Tower

are being taken to open Prayer Towers in Shillong, Guwahati and in Goa. Pray that the Lord should bless these efforts.

Prayer Academy Prayers are offered for the world by the prayer intercessors in the Israel Prayer Tower. The Lord has led us to launch a Prayer Academy for training the prayer intercessors. God willing, we will start the first batch in the Israel Prayer Tower, in the month of October. If the Lord prompts you to support us with your love offerings for this Prayer Academy or the services of the Israel Prayer Tower, I encourage you to kindly send your donations. The Lord will never forget you, our dear partner, who supports the Jesus Calls ministry every month through your offerings and labor (Hebrews 6:10). The Lord will remember you to make everything well with you. He will enable you to reap full reward for your hard works (2 Timothy 2:6). May the sweetest blessings of heaven be showered upon you and your family. Your loving brother,

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

There are multiple ways to become a blessing this month! Check Make your checks payable to Jesus Calls International and mail to: 8855 N. Stemmons Freeway, Dallas TX 75247 Telephone Call us at 855-5378722 and one of our intercessors would be happy to take your information over the phone

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Visit our website at JESUSCALLS.COM 3

Beauty from Ashes DR. PAUL DHINAKARAN “...Remember me, O my God, for good!” Nehemiah 13:31

Nehemiah, a man of God, prays to the Lord saying, “Remember me, O my God, for good!” The walls of Jerusalem, the great city, were broken down and its gates were burned with fire. It was Nehemiah, who faithfully did the great job of rebuilding it. He, who finished the job with total commitment amidst strong oppositions, pleads for the Lord to remember him for good. If anything good has to happen to us, God has to remember us. The psalmist firmly affirms, “The Lord has been mindful of us; He will bless us” (Psalm 115:12). When God remembered Rachel and Hannah, He removed their lack and fulfilled their longings. He blessed both of them with the gift of a child (Genesis 30:22; 1 Samuel 1:11, 19, 20). Yes, the Lord has compassion on us and regards us (2 Kings 13:23). Are you awaiting with various questions such as “Won’t this good thing happen in my family? Won’t I get this job? Will the Lord grant my child this blessing?” Look unto the Lord just as


Nehemiah did. Surely this month, the Lord will have compassion on you; He will remember you for good.

REMEMBERS US IN OUR LOWLY STATE “Who remembered us in our lowly state, for His mercy endures forever” Psalm 136:23

We see many ups and downs in this worldly life. Today are you deprived of anything such as status, health or money and languishing? Do you lament saying, “No one has compassion on me even after seeing my poor status... everyone is avoiding to even meet me”? Do not be worried! The Lord Almighty, who created the heaven and the earth and who regarded the lowly state of Mary, is mindful of you (Luke 1:48). The Almighty God humbled Himself to interact with man and came down to this earth in the form of Jesus Christ; He humbled Himself to the point of cross (Philippians 2:8). Since He loved

mankind, He took upon Himself all our sins and burdens (Isaiah 53:5). Offering Himself as a sacrifice, He paved way for man to live well, to have redemption from sin and to live happily in this world with all the blessings (Hebrews 9:26). Dearly beloved, what is man that He is mindful of him? (Psalm 8:4). We should be thankful to Him as He is concerned about us. Thank Him with the realization that He has preordained for all things to work together for the good in your life (Romans 8:28). The Bible says that God is the One, who gives us richly all things to enjoy (1 Timothy 6:17). So, you would no more be in a lowly state.

“He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the beggar from the ash heap...” 1 Samuel 2:8; Psalm 113:7

Does He do this only for the good people? No. You may be saying, “I won’t get this blessing; I am a wicked man/ woman; I am sinful; I don’t have much faith; I don’t have hope; I am not a godly person...” and so on. He makes His sun to rise on the evil and on the good (Matthew 5:45). He considers everyone to be the same. So, He loves you, no matter what your state is. He is willing to take care of you and raise you up from your lowly state.

without witness, in that He did good, gave us rain from heaven and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness” Acts 14:17

Surandai, a small village in Tamil Nadu, India is my father’s home town. Several years ago, his friends lovingly invited him to come over and conduct a prayer meeting for everyone. So we went there, as a family. Great multitude of people warmly received us. After that they worried saying, “Brother, our village is totally dependent on the monsoon rains. But, there has been no rain for several years. Agriculture has waned. There is so much of drought and shortages. Please pray to the gracious Lord Jesus to grant us rain so that the Almighty God will have compassion.” My father’s heart was broken and he prayed with tears, “Loving Lord Jesus, You have promised “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away.” Let the sky open; let there be rain from heaven. Let the lakes be filled; let the wells be filled; let the ponds be filled.” Following that, he shared the Lord’s message and pleaded to God to bless the people. The moment we left that village, there was a heavy downpour. Every lake, pond, canal and well in that village overflowed with water. The next day, it was flashed in newspapers, “All the lakes have been filled; never had there been such torrential rains.” How close is the Lord to His children! See how He listens to our prayers!

He loves you

no matter what your state is

When you plead to the Lord Jesus saying, “O, God, who gave Your life for me! I need complete happiness. I languish without peace for a long time. It is several days since I had my food with contentment. It is several days since I spent time with my children. Please help me.” Then surely, He will not despise you. He will hear your cry (Psalm 22:24).

REMEMBERS US IN OUR WANTS “Nevertheless He did not leave Himself

Yes, the Lord supplies all our needs. He fills everything with blessings. He sends rain at the due time. He gives us prosperous times. He fills us with food and our hearts with gladness. This is the nature of our God. The Lord is desirous of giving you all these benefits. You need not wander here and there


seeking for blessings. The Lord is near you (Isaiah 55:6). Call to Him saying, “Lord, remember me for good.” He will supply all your needs and satisfy you with all blessings.

REMEMBERS US LIKE A FATHER “...But when he was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him” Luke 15:20

The father wants his child to enjoy everything. For this purpose, he works hard and earns wealth and treasure. The wife prays that her husband should be well, the children should be blessed and the family should be blessed and takes care of the husband and the children. Besides, in many families the wives too work to earn money and raise their families. Similarly, your heavenly Father too works for you; He watches over you with concern; He will neither slumber nor sleep (Psalm 121:4). He guards over you with concern. The Bible says that He preserves us like a bird flying over (Isaiah 31:5). This world is under the sway of the wicked devil (1 John 5:19). But to prevent him from touching us or doing any harm to us and to prevent the rage of the wicked people intersecting us, the Lord is wrestling for us continually. That’s why we are not destroyed. How numerous are the problems and diseases in this world! But the Lord is protecting us from all these. Since the Lord Almighty is protecting us like a father, we live with strength and health in the midst of these spirits of confusion. For this, we need to thank Him from the depth of our hearts (Psalm 103:1,2). We are alive neither by our own wisdom; nor by our strength; nor by our fame; but by His grace. This is the strength of man’s life. There would be a situation when the life may appear to ebb out in a moment. The power of God protects us from the enemy when he comes against us like a flood, in the form of germs, darkness and death and makes us live well. He loves you and hence He protects


you and makes you live. So, call unto Him boldly.

PRAYER Loving Lord, our heavenly Father, You have said, “You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You (Isaiah 26:3).” I have come trusting You, O sovereign God. I beseech You to shower Your grace on me right now. O gracious Lord, who emptied Yourself and offered as a sacrifice on the cross, please enter into my heart as well as into the hearts of my husband/ wife and children. Fill every one of us with Your perfect blessings. Have compassion on us and remember us. I commit each one of us into Your bosom, as we are Your loving children. Manifest your concern toward us in such a way that those who see us would realize that You, the loving God is also our Father. Let all the blessings flow abundantly in our lives. I offer millions of praises to You for blessing us so far. You bought us by shedding Your precious blood! I plead to You to grant us this privilege by that priceless sacrifice. I praise You for lifting us, supplying all our needs and embracing us like a Father, even in this month. Let Your gracious hands guard me and my family and bless us.

I offer this prayer in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.


Prayer to be offered by those in authority

This prayer has been compiled on the basis of Scriptures for those in authority in their jobs, in their profession or in their ministerial responsibilities, to receive the Lord ’s blessings every day and be a blessing to those who work under them.

Loving Lord Jesus, I come to Your feet today, trusting You and to find Your loving kindness. I thank You for the authority that You have graciously given me. Give me the grace, wisdom and guidance to fulfil the work for this day. Show me the way in which I should walk today. God, You are my protection in this world which is full of evil; You be my refuge and strength and a very present help in trouble. Give Your angels charge over me, to keep me safe in all my ways; be a wall of fire around me; always preserve my going out and coming in and guard me from all evil. Lord, there is no authority except from You, and the authorities that exist are appointed by You. As the Bible says that the authorities above are God’s ministers to do justice, it is You, who have kept me in authority. You want me to be Your minister to do justice, for You are the righteous Judge; You love righteousness and justice. You love the one who follows righteousness; You establish Your throne by righteousness. Give me the grace to be a minster who administers justice, who walks in the path of

righteousness, hate bribes and materialistic things, without being greedy for gain. Grant me the grace that I who is in authority, should neither show partiality, nor take a bribe but follow justice that I may live and be exalted in the nation. Lord, faithful men have ceased these days. The Bible also says, ‘Who can find a faithful man?’ But I commit myself to be faithful in the authority and responsibilities that You have given me and to function accordingly. Give me the grace to be faithful in my services and in the house of God and be exalted and be blessed abundantly just like Daniel who was faithful and exalted in the nation when he was in authority and like Prophet Moses who was faithful in Your house as a servant and fulfilled Your work. My God, let me be faithful in being accountable for the skills and talents You have given me that I may inherit more authority and blessings. Thank You for doing this and lifting me up. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

(Bible verses supporting this prayer: Colossians 2:3; Proverbs 2:6; 2 Timothy 1:18; Psalm 143:8; 32:8; 1 John 5:19; Psalm46:1; 119:17; Psalm 91:11,12;34:7; Zechariah 2:5,8; Psalm121:3–8; Romans 13:1,4; Psalm7:11; 33:5; Proverbs 15:9;16:12; 15:27; 29:4 Ecclesiastes7:7; Deuteronomy 16:19, 20; Psalm 12:1; Galatians 2:20;Proverbs 20:8; Daniel 6:4; Hebrews 3:5; Proverbs 28:20; Matthew 25:21; Luke 19:17)


DIVE INTO GOD’S WORD — this november —

1 2 3 4 5

2 TIMOTHY 2:13

God is faithful Psalm 115:1; Lam. 3:23; Rom. 3:3 PSALM 86:15 God’s abounding faithfulness Ps. 36:5; 89:8; 119:90; Lam. 3:23 1 JOHN 1:9 God is faithful to cleanse us Psalm 51:7; Titus 2:14; Heb. 9:14 HEBREWS 10:23 God is faithful in keeping promises Deut. 7:9; 1 Thes. 5:24; 2 Peter 1:4 2 THESSALONIANS 3:3 God’s faithfulness guards from evil Psalm 91:4; Prov. 3:3; 1 Cor. 10:13

6 7 8 9 10

1 CORINTHIANS 1:9 Fellowship through His faithfulness John 1:12; Acts 2:42; 1 John 1:3

PSALM 40:10 Proclaim God’s faithfulness Deut. 32:3,4; Psalm 92:1-3; Rev. 19:11 1 SAMUEL 12:24 Serve God faithfully Eph. 6:7; 1 Peter 4:10; Romans 12:11

GALATIANS 5:22 Fruit of the Spirit is faithfulness Matt. 12:33; John 15:1-8 1 CORINTHIANS 4:2 Faithful stewards 2 Chron. 19:9; Judges 4:4-5; 2 Tim 2:2

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

PROVERBS 28:20 Blessings abound a faithful man Matt. 25:21; Luke 16:10-12 1 CORINTHIANS 7:10 Faithfulness in marriage covenant Gen. 2:24; Prov. 5:18-19; Matt. 19:4-6 PSALM 2:1 God’s eyes searches faithfulness 2 Chron. 16:9; Ps. 101:6; Prov. 20:6 ZECHARIAH 9:12 Job’s faithfulness was rewarded Job 1:1, 13-22; Job 42:10 NUMBERS 12:7 Moses was faithful Heb. 3:2,5; 11:24-29; Ps. 106:23 ZECHARIAH 9:9 God is gentle. Matt. 11:29; 21:4-5 ISAIAH 40:11 The Lord is a gentle shepherd Gen. 28:15; Psalm 23:1,2; 80:1; 100:3 PSALM 18:35 God’s gentleness makes you great 2 Sam. 22:36; Heb. 4:16 JAMES 3:17 God’s wisdom is gentle Job 12:13; Daniel 2:20; Jas. 1:5 GALATIANS 5:23 Fruit of the Spirit is gentleness Col. 3:12; Eph. 5:9

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

1 TIMOTHY 6:11 Quality of a God’s servant – gentleness 2 Cor. 10:1; 1 Thes. 2:7 PHILIPPIANS 4:5 Be gentle with one another Eph. 4:1,2; Titus 3:1,2 GALATIANS 6:1 Restore with a gentle spirit 1 Cor. 4:21; Heb. 5:2; 2 Tim. 2:24-25 PROVERBS 15:1 A gentle reply solves the problem Prov. 15:4; 25:15; Col. 4:6 1 PETER 3:15-16 Preach with gentleness Matt. 7:28-29; Isa. 61:1-3; Acts 10:44 MATTHEW 5:5 Gentleness inherits the earth Ps. 2:7-8; 37:11; Deut. 1:8; Josh. 1:6 GALATIANS 5:23 Fruit of the Spirit is selfcontrol Prov. 25:28; Titus 2:12 PROVERBS 16:32 Be self-controlled 1 Thes 5:6,8; 1 Pet 1:13;4:7; 1 Tim 2:9 1 CORINTHIANS 9:24-27 Self-control – Quality of God’s servant Titus 1:8; 1 Tim. 3:2; 2 Tim. 1:7 2 PETER 1:4-9 Bible characters with selfcontrol Gen. 39:7-12; Job 31:1; Daniel 1:6-8



Who Delivers Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran

“Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever” (Exodus 14:13). The Israelites suffered slavery for 400 years in Egypt and God through Moses lead them out of Egypt. Moses began to lead them to the promised land - Canaan. The Bible says that the Lord led them through the wilderness that was around the Red Sea (Exodus 13:18). The Egyptian army followed hard after the Israelites. Alas! The Israelites were now trapped between the Egyptian army and the Red Sea. Filled with fear they grumbled to Moses, “We told you to leave us alone. We would have been better in Egypt serving the Pharaoh and Egyptians. Why did you bring us out of Egypt to die here in this wilderness?” When the Israelites complained to Moses he replied to them, “Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord. You will see the deliverance of the Lord that He will bring today.” Yes. The Lord expects us to stand still and see His deliverance at times when we face troubles and wait for Him to work in our lives. But, instead we grumble to God for the inadequacies that happen in our lives. Spirit of grumbling and mumbling stand as hindrances for God to work in our lives. When things don’t work out, when faced with troubled situations and when mistakes happen in life, we start to doubt God’s plan. We hurriedly want Him to do something at that very moment. Dearly beloved, we are living in a time when everything is available instantly. From coffee to food everything is available instantaneously. We even make friends outright through social websites, whom we do not even know at all.


Due to this fast growing technology, we are able to talk with our loved ones as soon as we think of them. In such a fast world, being still does seem impossible for us! But, “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord (Isaiah 55:8). When we wait patiently for the salvation of the Lord, He removes all the distresses that beset us and is able to bless us (Lamentations 3:26). How does the Lord change our distresses?

SILENCES THE TROUBLING WAVES Once, after preaching and praying for the sick, Jesus crossed over to the other side of the lake with His disciples. Being tired, He fell asleep. As the boat was sailing, the wind blew. The waves began to beat over the boat. Water was filling the boat and the disciples were terrified. They woke Jesus up from His sleep saying, “Teacher, don’t You care that we are perishing?”The Lord rose up and rebuked the wind saying, “Peace, be still!” Immediately the wind ceased and there was a great calm. The disciples feared Him exceedingly and said to one another, “Who can this be, that even the wind and the sea obey Him!” (Matthew 8:23-27; Mark 4:35-40). The disciples could not understand that Jesus is Lord. Many at times, we too are like the disciples, complaining, “Lord, don’t you care for me? Don’t You see, the problems I’m going through.” We blame the Lord for everything. Whatever may be our problems or tribulations that are brought by the prince of this world, we often forget that God in us is greater than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4). So, dear friend, do not struggle with the problems. Cast your cares on Him and be at rest. Then Jesus will arise and say to the problems, “Peace, be still.” The God who fought the battles for the

Israelites, as a pillar of cloud and a pillar of fire for them will fight against your problems and grant you victory. So, do not be afraid. Be steadfast in the Lord. That shall be pleasing to the Lord. A gentle and quiet spirit is very precious in the sight of God (1 Peter 3:4). Let us plead to God to grant us the quiet and gentle spirit and a spirit of sound mind to us.

GRANTS HEART’S DESIRES “...You are the helper of the fatherless” (Psalm 10:14). However your situation is, the Lord is able to change everything and grant your heart’s desires. God wants you to prosper in everything as your soul prospers (3 John 2). Whatever may be the lack or distress, amidst that if you hold on to Him and wait on Him to act, He will guard you with peace (Isaiah 26:3). Do not lament saying, “I don’t know any influential person. There is none to show concern over me! My father is no more! Hereafter, who is there to talk for me?” Keep all your hope and faith on the Rock our Lord; He will give the blessing at the right time (Ecclesiastes 3:11; Matthew 7:11). He provides food for the young ravens too (Psalm 147:9). He will never forsake you. So, wait patiently for Him. Priya’s life was full of struggles. Amidst that, God granted her heart’s desires. Her father passed away just when she completed college. Thereafter, her family had to pass through great financial problems. There was no one to help. Moreover, her mother often fell sick. In this situation, she got an appointment to work as a junior lecturer in a college. Though she was from a different religious background, she believed in the Lord Jesus. It was her desire that God should grant her, a God-fearing life partner. It was in this situation she attended the “Blessing Meeting” in Bethesda (Coimbatore), India. There she prayed that God should grant her a good husband. In answer to her prayers, God blessed her with a God-fearing young man. The Lord also blessed her husband with a splendid job in Sweden. God granted her heart’s desire.

troubles and granted her heart’s desires will also grant you the deliverance from your distresses. He loves everyone. Even if you do not have any worldly support, He is faithful to fulfill your heart’s desires. He will fill your future with peace and joy.

REMOVES SICKNESS “He sent out His word and healed them; He rescued them from their destructions” (Psalm 107:20). For some, weakness in their physical body and sicknesses become a great burden for them. They are broken in their hearts without receiving any cure, even after many medical consultations and treatments. They languish saying, “Who will deliver me from this distress of disease?” Is the door of deliverance shut before you? Are you saying, “There are many hindrances for me to receive my blessing?” Call unto God. The Bible says, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you” (Matthew 7:7). The Lord asked His disciples, “Where is your faith? Don’t you have faith in me? Do you not trust me?” Beloved, let us keep our faith in Him. He is the Lord who heals all your diseases (Exodus 23:25; Psalm 103:3). So, do not worry over your sickness. Do not be weary saying, “Who will heal me?” He will deliver you from physical infirmities and honor you. Today the Lord shall break every stronghold in your life which is standing against your blessing. Nothing can stand against you. He will remove all the slavery that is tormenting you and He shall surround you with songs of deliverance (Psalm 32:7). He will be a wall of fire around you and be the glory in your midst (Zechariah 2:5). Your relatives and neighbors will confess that the Lord did great things for you. You will be the Lord’s witnesses.

The Lord who strengthened Priya through her


QUESTION How could the wife bring happiness and peace in the family despite the hard heartedness of the husband?



This is of course an extremely difficult task. This is absolutely not possible with human effort. Yet, first of all we need to have the belief that Our Lord is great.

“...I have also trusted in the Lord; I shall not slip” Psalm 26:1 This hope alone would strengthen you. Why should you worry? The Lord is sufficient for you. The Bible says, “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope is the Lord” ( Jeremiah 17:7). Accordingly, it is certain that the Lord will make you blessed women. Believe and seek Him. A dear sister, who was in agony as her husband was an alcoholic, prayed on her knees for his salvation everyday. She prayed from the depth of her heart saying, “Lord, I cannot do anything


about this; I can never change my husband no matter what I say. You are my refuge. Stretch forth Your loving hands in this terrible situation and save my husband.” Years rolled by. Yet her faith did not waver. Without giving room for despair, she continued to patiently plead to God on her knees whenever she had time. One day, as it was her custom, she was praying to the Lord saying, “Lord, I plead for my husband, with tears. Somehow transform his heart. Give him the grace to live a pleasing life for You.” At that time, her husband came there and started listening to her prayers. Realizing that his wife had been undergoing much agony because of him, he wanted to make her happy and so he knelt beside her and committed himself to the Lord. That day, the Lord reunited those two hearts and blessed their family with divine peace and joy. My dear sisters, are you passing through similar paths of sufferings? Like this sister, you too should

place your complete trust on the Lord like this sister and plead to Him. Do not waste your time by trusting the prayer of someone else, but wait at the Lord’s feet with fasting and prayer. Seeing your trust and faith, the Lord will do great things in your life. Like a father, He speaks to us saying, “I’ll instruct you; I’ll teach you the way; I’ll guide you (Psalm 32:8).” Have you ever realized this deeply? The Lord is very near you. Why don’t you believe that? He will speak to you in many ways. Recently, a man, who was separated from his wife, attended one of the ‘Jesus Calls’ Family Blessing meetings. Embittered with life, he was sitting in the meeting with a great burden. That day, I shared the Lord’s message and His Word proceeded out of my mouth. “Brother, go in search of your wife, with a loving heart. Both of you get reconciled; the Lord will give you the grace.” When I said these, he humbled and committed himself in the presence of the Lord saying, “Lord, I love my wife. I submit myself to live with her again. Miracle happened the very next day. His wife spoke to him as he wished. Both of them came to the Prayer Tower, prayed and started a blessed family life. They thanked the Lord. This is a recent miracle. We have telecast this testimony in our television program too. Yes, dear partner, when you wait in the presence of God, you should follow what the Lord instructs you, teaches you and counsels you. Humble yourself before the Lord. The Lord will give His grace to those who are humble.

are my strength; whom shall I fear?” Lord Jesus, I understand that it is your promise to give the Holy spirit in abundance to those who are thirsty for it so that they could live a blessed life with the guidance of you through the gift of the Holy spirit. When you do this, God will pour in you the Holy Spirit, His strength.

“If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!” Matthew 7:11 My dear sisters, according to the above counsels, draw closer to the Lord. There is nothing impossible with God, in this world. “For He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast” (Psalm 33:9). According to this verse, may the Lord change the heart of the hard-hearted husbands, unite everyone and grant you His grace and blessing and make you live joyously!

Yet, another important thing is, living a victorious life with the strength of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes, we lose strength by our own efforts and become weary. But, when we wait on the Lord, He will embolden you; He will fill you with His strength. Do you know how? It is His will to give the Holy Spirit, the strength of God to all those who wait in His presence. We read in Acts 1:8 and in the 2nd chapter it is clear that the disciples of the Lord received this blessing by waiting. Even today, place your worries at His feet. Speak to the Lord and hold on to Him, confessing like David and say, “Abba Father, I can’t do anything; remove the misery of my heart and give me a new hope. You





“...the Lord delights in you, and your land shall be shall your God rejoice over you” Isaiah 62:4, 5

The Lord is a loving Father, who wants to dwell in proximity to you and bless you. His delight and love are always upon you. If perhaps you are burdened with worries, accept the Lord in your heart and cling on to Him firmly. The Lord has overpowering everlasting love and delight in His people. Let us meditate on how the Lord delights in us and how He transforms us to be delightful to Him.

DELIGHTS IN OUR PROSPERITY “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers” 3 John 2

Yes, the Lord wants us to be prosperous with good health and live joyfully. How do we receive the prosperity in health?

HEALING IN THE BODY Once, a man of God from England had gone to Africa to do ministry. He proclaimed about the Lord to the people who absolutely had no of knowledge of the Lord and turned many towards Him. Observing this, the village headman was greatly annoyed due to jealousy and planned to kill


the man of God. He cunningly invited him home and gave him a feast, mixing poison in the food. But the Pastor, after praying over the food saying, “Lord, bless this food; sanctify it and strengthen me as I eat it” started eating it. The Lord, who heard the prayer, completely nullified the toxic effect of the poison in that food. So no harm befell him. The village headman’s heart was broken seeing this and he realized that the pastor was truly a man of God. After that he too accepted the Lord as his personal Savior and made it possible for the Pastor to spread the Gospel throughout the village. Similarly, if we pray before we have our food saying, “Lord, thank You for this food which You have given; bless it and sanctify it” and then consume the food, we need to be aware that the Lord sanctifies it by His Word and prayer (1 Timothy 4:4, 5).


“Lord, enough of the empty life that I had been leading thus far. Help me to desire after You and Your Word. Give my heart the desire to seek Your presence.”


“He will bless your bread and your water. And I will take sickness away from the midst of you” Exodus 23:25

My dear one, do not worry saying, “Alas, I have this terrible disease; I am unable to bear this”. The Lord is still alive to give you perfect healing. His strength will be made perfect in your weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). He has already borne all our grief, iniquities, sicknesses, diseases and weaknesses on the cross (Isaiah 53:5; 1 Peter 2:24; Matthew 8:17). So rejoice in the Lord always (Philippians 4:4).

STRENGTH IN THE SOUL Once, the Amalekites burned David’s city -zilkag with fire and took captive, the women and children; David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him as they were bitter. about their wives and children. (1 Samuel 30:16). He firmly held on to the Lord. As a result, he recovered all that he had lost - nothing of theirs was lacking, either small or great, sons or daughters, spoil or anything which they had taken from them (1 Samuel 30:19). In addition to that, the Lord also gave strength to his soul (Psalm 138:3). Likewise, devout Job was not depressed even in the difficult situation but said, “I will trust Him ( Job 13:15). When He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold” ( Job 23:10). The Lord turned the captivity of Job restoring his losses and gave him twice as much as he had before ( Job 42:10). My dear ones, the Lord who changed the captivity of David and Job and blessed in double measure, will also be with you and help you to recover fully all that you have lost. The Lord is waiting to strengthen your spirit, soul and body.

“He will bless your bread and your water. And I will take sickness away from the midst of you” Exodus 23:25


My dear one, do not worry saying, “Alas, I have this terrible disease; I am unable to bear this”. The Lord is still alive to give you perfect healing. His strength will be made perfect in your weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9). He has already borne all our grief, iniquities, sicknesses, diseases and weaknesses on the cross (Isaiah 53:5; 1 Peter 2:24; Matthew 8:17). So rejoice in the Lord always (Philippians 4:4).

DELIGHTS IN GOOD WAYS “Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord, who walks in His ways” Psalm 128:1

Daniel’s testimonial life was so good that the Lord said to him, “You are greatly beloved” (Daniel 9:23). The reason is that he lived zealously for the Lord. That’s why the Lord lifted him up before the eyes of the wicked people and honored him (Daniel 6:10, 22). Dear one examine if there is any wicked way in you and commit your ways to the Lord. When we hold the Lord’s hand firmly and tell Him, “Lord, You know how to lead me in the right path. Please lead me in Your ways” then the Lord will hold our hand and lead us in the way pleasing to Him. Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it...” (Isaiah 30:21).

DELIGHTS TO MAKE US FRAGRANT “I will accept you as a sweet aroma...” Ezekiel 20:41 Many wear perfume as they want to smell good. But the Lord makes us give out fragrance through His Word. A sinful woman came to draw water from the well. The Lord wanted to meet her, forgive her sins and make her spread His fragrance. So, He said to her, “Give Me a drink”. But she began to question Him. Jesus replied, “If you knew the gift of God, and

who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.” She was thrilled to hear this. With great thirst she continued to listen to His Words. According to the verse, “Where sin abounded, grace abounded much more” (Romans 5:20) as He kept speaking, the grace of God began to increase in her life. The foul odor of her life departed and was replaced by sweet fragrance. Yes, through the powerful words of the Lord, her wicked sinful life was transformed. Through the fragrance of her life, the people of that village turned to the Lord (John 4:8-30). Dearly beloved, according to Psalm 42:1, 2 when we ask with thirst, the Lord will hear you (Isaiah 41:17). From today ask Him, “Lord, enough of the empty life that I had been leading thus far. Help me to desire after You and Your Word. Give my heart the desire to seek Your presence. Use me as Your daughter that through my words, Your fragrance would come out and would make thousands of women to grow in the knowledge of knowing You and turning them towards You; make me a blessing to our family.” The Lord will hear your prayer. My beloved, commit your heart fully to the Lord. Read His Scriptures in all reverence. Wait in the presence of the Lord with fasting and prayer. He will choose you as His vessel of grace filled with the anointing of the Holy Spirit from which the love of God will flow out (John 7:38). Then the Lord will make His delight abide over you and upon othersthrough you.


Peace from

GOD by Samuel Paul Dhinakaran

My dear friend, today the world is filled with confusions, worries and problems. People long for a peaceful life. Gone are those days when only unemployed people mourned and worried about finding a job, today even people who have jobs are so worried crying, “Oh! When will the weekend come? I need to relax. I want to have quality peaceful time.” Yes! My dear friend, this is how today’s world is. But, do not worry; the God of peace is with you. He will take away your problems and give you everlasting peace (John 14:27).

So, be happy and look unto God.




The Bible says that He is a God of peace (Romans 15:13 and 16:20). Isaiah 9:6 also says He is the Prince of Peace. Yes my friend, we have Prince of Peace with us. What more do we want? He is going to hold us together. He will send peace upon us. Isaiah 26:3 says, God will give us peace when we look unto Him, when we keep our mind upon Him. When we think about God, when we meditate upon Him, great peace fills our heart. So, look up to God, because He is our only hope. This world is not going to give us eternal peace but He will surely give you.

Firstly, God gives peace to the sinful! Amazing to hear that right! But, in Isaiah 48:22, we see that there is no peace for the wicked. Romans 6:23 says, “The wages of sin is death.” Then, how does God give peace to the sinful? In Luke 7:37-50, we see a woman living in adultery coming to Jesus. When she came into the house where Jesus and His disciples were, she fell at Jesus’ feet. She poured out her tears at Jesus’ feet. She cried out to Him and wiped His feet with her hair, with fragrant oil. Do you know what Jesus did? He didn’t say, “You sinner, get away from me.” He didn’t say, “Don’t touch me. I am holy.” Instead, Jesus was moved with compassion. He was

moved by the love which she had. And He said, “Go in peace. Your sins are forgiven.” And great peace filled

God promises peace to His people her heart. She started rejoicing. Because, once your sins and your problems go away, there is nothing to fear. You don’t have to worry about anything. God’s peace is going to come upon each and every one of you. We saw that He even gives peace to the wicked. We are all sinners. As we acknowledge God and tell Him, “Lord, I am not perfect. I have sinned. But, I pray that You will forgive me and fill me with Your peace.” Then God will be moved with compassion, He will send His peace upon us. He will cover us with His peace and we will be set free. We see in Colossians 1:20, “Through His blood, Jesus earned peace for the sinful people on the cross.” Through His blood, He produced peace even for the wicked. Secondly, He gives peace to His saints. Psalm 85:8 says, “God promises peace to His people, His saints.” God has promised us peace. Why should we worry? We are washed by the blood of Jesus and when we become the saints of God, God will fill us with His peace (1 John 1:7). He will reach out His hand upon us. In Isaiah 38, we can see a king called Hezekiah, who walked in righteousness before God. But, one day, a great sickness struck him. He couldn’t bear it. God sent His prophet Isaiah and sent a word through him. Isaiah prophesied that king Hezekiah would die. Hearing this king Hezekiah was heart-broken. He was so heart-broken that he turned to the wall and he cried and wept before God. And he said, “Lord, I cried for peace and received bitterness. We see that in Isaiah 38:17. He cried bitterly. He wept before the Lord. God heard His cry and He was moved with compassion. Again, He sent a word through His prophet Isaiah. His prophet said, “God has added 15 years to your life, because He has heard your cry.

Yes, my dear friend, God will do the same thing for you. You might also cry, “Lord, I cannot bear this problem anymore. This worry is tormenting me; I cannot control the problems in my family, in my job and in my studies. Please help me.” As you cry out, just as king Hezekiah, God will give you great peace in your heart. In 1969, my grandfather had a lung failure. A terrible disease destroyed his lungs. Because of that, he vomited blood all the time. He couldn’t control the sickness. He cried out to the Lord, “Lord why have you given me this sickness?” He lost all his hope. He lost all his faith that he had on God. Even doctors told that he will die. They had given up hope on him. So, my grandfather called my grandma and he said, “I will die. God has decided to take me. You only have to take care of our children. My aunt was just born then.” But, my grandmother said, “He will not leave you.” She had great faith in her heart. She said, “You have to minister around the world as God has promised you. “What are you saying? Why do you have this stupid faith in you? said my grandfather. God is never going to lift me up. I will die and you will be left alone. Why are you blabbering?” But, God heard what my grandmother said. He was moved with compassion. He heard his

There is a hope for us. He is Jesus! cry and He appeared before my grandfather and He said, “My son, you have to carry out my healing ministry around the world. That is why I allowed you to go through this sickness. You will not die. I am giving you brand new lungs to carry out my healing power. You will live and I will use you.” Just as God promised, my grandfather brought love and compassion of God throughout this world. Similarly friend, let’s take everything to the Lord in prayer. There is a hope for us. He is Jesus! He is our


best friend. He will bless us abundantly when He comes into our lives. One of His blessings is peace. There is a wonderful verse in the Bible in Revelation 3:20 – “Jesus is standing at the door and knocking.”

He is standing at your doorstep and knocking and waiting to come inside. Will you open your heart to him today? God’s peace will fill your heart as you open the door to Him.

God’s peace will fill your heart as you open the door to Him. My friend, my sisters Sharon, Stella Ramola and myself have been hosting many youth meetings in Indiato touch and bring an UTurn in the lives of young people. We also telecast youth programs across the globe to impact their lives.

Kindly uphold us in your prayers and pray for the young people.

To view our programs and to know more on our meeting visit



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