Jesus Calls International E-Magazine April 2023

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The meetings at Kollam took place in CSI Kollam Kottarakara Diocesan Convention on February 25th and 26th in which thousands participated and experienced the mighty love of God as Bro. Samuel Paul Dhinakaran ministered God’s word with the gathering.

On Saturday, the 25th of February, the youth meeting at the CSI Church at Kollam was fully packed filling the first and second floors. A lot of youth came from near and far to hear God's word. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran delivered a powerful sermon that focused on how giving oneself to God's hands can help overcome any obstacles in life, especially in their studies. A lot of youngsters gave their hearts to the Lord and were emboldened in their spirit. Exam prayer cards were distributed to the students. They received the cards with great joy and were also enthusiastic about getting extra cards for their dear ones too.

The evening meeting held in the open auditorium in Kollam was also a great blessing as people from Trivandrum and other nearby places participated. At the end of the meetings, Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran prayed individually for everyone who lined up for prayers.

On Sunday, the 26th of February, there was an open-air meeting where hundreds of people came together to hear God's word. Even though the climate was hot, the people eagerly listened to the word of God and were greatly blessed. All glory be to the Lord.

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My fellow partner in the Lord’s ministry, I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. It’s an immense pleasure connecting with you through this April issue.

“Your eyes will see the King in His beauty.”

(Isaiah 33:17)

According to this verse, your eyes will see the Lord through the mighty deeds He will perform for you. He will beautify your life and you will see the glory of the Lord through it. You will testify that your King has done everything beautiful in His time

(Ecclesiastes 3:11).


Jesus Calls Television Ministry - April 6th, 1980

witnesses telecasted in our TV programmes. I urge you to tune into these programmes that are aired in 7 languages on 10 channels. Apart from the TV programmes, God has enabled us to launch the Jesus Calls programmes on the “Family Channel” in Tamil which is now available on Family channel YouTube and other platforms as well.

Kindly uphold this ministry’s endeavours in your prayers as we press on towards the goal before the Lord’s coming. Also, if led by the Lord, you could extend your financial support towards this ministry and reap a great harvest of souls for His Kingdom. God’s faithfulness in my ministerial journey from April 28th, 1982

“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”

(Mark 16:15)

For the glory of God, this ministry has been progressing and advancing as a blessing to millions of households globally. The first Jesus Calls TV programme was telecasted on television on April 6th, 1980. Since then, it has been 43 years of faithful service to the Lord to reach the unreached with the Gospel of Christ fulfilling His Great Commission through the Television ministry. We have seen countless testimonies of people whose lives have been transformed through the messages and prayers telecasted. Though the programmes are all pre-recorded, they prophetically minister to the souls through the Holy Spirit’s intervention. I am sure you yourself would have seen such

“Being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”

(Philippians 1:6)

The Lord who predestined me to carry out His mission has been faithful in my life for the past 41 years and has enabled me to serve Him without hindrance despite the great challenges that have risen. His everlasting arms have been sustaining the ministry and He has been guiding me continually as my very own Father till today. I thank and praise God for moulding me and making me an instrument for His noble purposes. At this point, I remember my parents and all my well-wishers who have prayed for me earnestly. It is purely the grace of God that has been operating the spiritual gifts in my life and has been accomplishing His will to

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serve millions for His glory. I once again owe my life to the Lord for His work.

I also thank God for His great mercies by which the prayer meetings that took place in the month of March were a blessing to thousands. God's power was unleashed and students and staff were filled with the anointing through the Prophetic Prayer Training at Karunya University. The Sri Lanka International Meetings at Colombo, Galle and Jaffna were a blessing to the people as they were delivered from their problems and left the place touched by God. Thank you for your prayers for the meetings. I am also grateful to God for your partnership and pray that the Lord will continue to open doors for the gospel to be reached to the ends of the earth.


My beloved wife, Mrs Evangeline’s Birthday is on April 24.

“Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” (Proverbs 31:30)

God has truly blessed me with a woman who fears the Lord and I take this moment to thank God and praise her for who she is. Her worth is truly more than rubies and she has brought me good all the days of my life as in Proverbs 31. I thank you for your prayers for her and request you to continue to pray for her good health and for God’s grace to continue to shine through her.

God has given us the mandate to train hundreds of people to serve the thousands He is touching through the ministry every day. Many have joined the mission already. You could be one such person. Please apply at We aim to have many training conferences this year. The following events are scheduled for the month of April and May:

April 1 - Meditation on the Cross, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu

April 2 - Palm Sunday Service, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu

April 2 - Blessing Meeting, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu

April 7 – Meditation on the Cross, Chennai, Tamil Nadu

April 9 – Easter Festival (Drama), Chennai, Tamil Nadu

April 14 - Easter Festival Meeting, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

April 15 - UTurn Youth Blessing Meeting, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

April 15 - Partners Meet, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

April 29 - May 1 - Prophetic Conference, Chennai

May 2 & 3 - Ministry Training Programme, Chennai

June 25 - 29 - Ministry Training Programme, Karunya Nagar

July 1 & 2 - National Ambassador Conference, Karunya Nagar

Prophetic Prayer Trainings are scheduled to be held at Chennai, New Delhi and Hyderabad in the coming months. Please come and join for a life transforming experience. For more information Call Partner Care +91 44 - 23456677 (7am to 9 pm).

Please keep these events in your daily prayers. We truly cherish all your love and support for us and the Ministry.

I wish you a blessed and happy Easter 2023! It is my earnest prayer that in this month you will experience a resurrection in your body, mind, spirit, soul and in every dimension of your life. May the Lord whose Spirit is in you, bring back to life everything that seems dead in your life. You will certainly see the Lord beautifying your life this year. I would like to close by declaring the following blessings upon you,

“…And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.” (Ephesians 3:17-19)

Your dear brother who prays for you,

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12th standard was a tiresome period for dear Nishalini. She was always an above-average person academically. She had scored good marks in her 10th standard. Her parents were proud of her and were confident that she will do well in her 12th standard as well. Nishalini tried to do her best. But due to the attack of witchcraft and the many trials that came her way, she could score only meagre marks in her 12th board exams. Her parents were shocked to see her results. Her poor results were devastating to her and her parents as well.

Her father decided to send her to some nearby college and give her basic education. But she was determined that God might have greater plans for her. With such faith, she wrote to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran stating her condition and requesting his prayerful guidance. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran replied to her email quoting the scripture from Joshua 1:5 & 9,

“No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

Receiving this comforting verse, Nishalini was greatly encouraged and strengthened in faith. She ran to her mother, Rani and said, “Ma, God is going to do something amazing for me.” “He is sure to do the impossible!” she claimed. Her parents couldn’t discourage her and were determined to wait upon the Lord to open the right door. Nishalini kept applying to colleges near and far. Almost a year passed. Her friends were about to complete their first year but here she was still trusting the Lord. DID HER


“The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.”

(Psalm 34:10)

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Yes, The above verse became so true in her life. She got admitted into MBBS at a renowned University in Russia. She went there to pursue her desired degree.

God was with her every step of the way. While she was about to complete her studies, the world spiralled into the pandemic. There was lockdown everywhere and so was in Russia. Nishalini’s parents hadn’t seen her for years. Now that there was the pandemic, their fears grew fierce. They called the JC House Prayer Tower every time their fears were rising up. They tried their best to have her come back but Nishalini held on to the promises of God sent by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. She wrote emails to him and received his prayers. She remained resilient and finished her studies successfully. Then there was the Russia-Ukraine war which created more fear in the hearts of Nishalini’s parents. They visited the JC House Prayer Tower and received prayers from the Prayer Intercessors which bought comfort to their weary hearts. Nishalini’s faith also did not waver. She clung to the Lord. Though her relatives and others did witchcraft against her so that she shouldn’t

finish her studies, God’s grace was covering her and every promise came to fulfilment. She didn’t just finish her MBBS instead she landed up finishing two more degrees, especially during the chaotic times. She completed M.D and M.Ph. in Russia.

With that, she got an offer to work in Singapore along with an opportunity to do her higher studies there. What looked hopeless in the eyes of men brought great hope and a future in the life of Nishalini just because she held on to the Lord. Now Nishalini recounts the verse, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

Nishalini often tells her mother, “Ma, if God decides to bless someone, even the whole world coming together cannot stop it.” Both she and her parents are very grateful to the JC House Prayer Tower which has been upholding them in prayers during their hopelessness. Nishalini says that she is ever indebted to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran for his timely prayers and comforting replies.

Even today, God can turn the world around so that He can do for you what no man can do.

It is not an exaggeration to say that every visitor to the JC House Prayer Tower experiences the glorious presence of God and goes back home with stories of blessings, victory and prosperity.


Come, Visit the JC House Prayer Tower and experience blessings that can be life-changing.

As you might be aware the JC House Prayer Tower provides free services. In JC House, prayer is offered for the needy people from 8 am to 8 pm. Different meetings are conducted every day to bless the family, youth and children. There is a chapel where people can come and spend time with God and there are many more services to bless the people. All the services are done freely by monthly contributions and prayer. You are also most welcome to support the JC House Prayer Tower with your offerings and pave the way for several precious people like Nishalini to experience God’s supernatural power in their lives and bless millions. You may give $31 a month to be a blessing through this mission.

“The generous man [is a source of blessing and] shall be prosperous and enriched, And he who waters will himself be watered [reaping the generosity he has sown]”

(Proverbs 11:25)

DETAILS ABOUT HOW TO DONATE PLEASE GIVE ONLINE THROUGH (or) visit or send your offerings to the Prayer Tower in your country / region or write to

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My dear friend, God has promised to accomplish three things in our lives during this month: Firstly, He will command an increase in our lives; Secondly, He will bring about abundance. Thirdly, He will bring about an enlargement in our lives. In Jeremiah 30:17-19 we read, “But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,” declares the Lord, “because you are called an outcast, Zion for whom no one cares.” This is what the Lord says: “I will restore the fortunes of Jacob’s tents and have compassion on his dwellings; the city will be rebuilt on her ruins, and the palace will stand in its proper place. From them will come songs of thanksgiving and the sound of rejoicing. I will add to their numbers, and they will not be decreased; I will bring them honour, and they will not be disdained.”

Yes, this year God is going to beautify you! Last year, was the year of higher establishment. As per God’s fulfilment of His promise, the Karunya University was accredited with the highest grade A++. Glory be to the Lord! This year God has promised that He will beautify us into a palace, increase us, bless us abundantly and cause an enlargement. Just believe and you will begin to walk into these blessings. This is God’s plan for you. The blood of Jesus Christ has already been paid to purchase these blessings for us. All that we need to do is to pray and claim these blessings.

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Obey whatever the Lord says right now. Then you will be given the power to pray through the Holy Spirit. The enormous power that is at work in you will bring you exceeding abundance as mentioned in Ephesians 3:20, “now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to His power that is at work within us.” Therefore, God is not a stingy person. He is an incredibly generous giver. So, never belittle yourself by saying, “I am a little one! A defeated one! A foolish one!” You possess an incredible amount of power within you through the Holy Spirit.

When you pray, you'll receive an exceedingly huge portion of power. According to 1 Corinthians 3:7, neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is of any value; it is God who gives the increase. Psalm 24:1 declares, “The earth and all its fullness, is the Lord's.” Moreover, John 1:16 states, “From His fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.” Yes, grace flows from God’s fullness that is found in Jesus Christ. Hence, the exceeding abundance comes from the Lord Jesus Christ who embodies fullness.

One day, I was approached by the chief engineer in Coimbatore along with the Divisional engineer. He said to me, “Brother, you need to pray because the Siruvani Dam is drying out and there is a severe break apart. And other lakes are also losing water. We are unsure of how to sustain the residents of Coimbatore and the surrounding districts.” They had great belief in the power of prayer and said to me, “Brother, you have the power of God and when you pray, things will happen!” Their faith in prayer helped me to exercise God’s faith in me through Jesus Christ. My heart sank when they announced, “Siruvani is drying and dying.” We started praying with a great burden in our hearts. Before the officials could head back to Coimbatore, the rain started pouring down as we prayed in the name of Jesus. The divisional engineer then said, “Siruvani dam is full and water is flowing through every canal.” My friend, if God can accomplish this for Siruvani, how much more He can accomplish for you, for the nation of India and for the entire world? We carry such an incredibly powerful presence of God!

Psalm 115:12,14 says,

“The Lord remembers us and will bless us: He will bless His people Israel, He will bless the house of Aaron, He will bless those who fear the Lord — small and great alike. May the Lord cause you to flourish, both you and your children.”

Firstly, God has specifically told me that He is going to grant us an increase and bless our children. What increase is God specifying here?


First and foremost, He will increase our FAITH. As per Luke 17:5, why do you think the followers of Jesus said to Him, “Increase our faith?” It was due to the persecution that Jesus was facing at that time. Every time Jesus performed a miracle and the crowd exulted Him, the Sadducees arrived and levelled accusations against him. The disciples had enough of hearing such accusations and they were crushed in spirit, humiliated and oppressed, losing all of their strength in the process. Thus, they pleaded with Jesus to “increase their faith” since they had lost all of their faith. It is indeed true that even today, the wicked and envious people of this world are choking the faith in us. When our faith wanes, we no longer can sense Jesus’ presence. Yet the Lord Jesus promises to strengthen your faith this year. Your meagre faith will cause the mountain to shift. You will conquer the world. Thanks to the faith Jesus offers you. Your faith will triumph over the world!

In John 3:30 John the Baptist says, “He must become greater; I must become less.”

Yes, faith comes through the Word of God. God calls those things that are not as though they were. Jesus is the author and perfector of our faith. When He increases within us, our faith increases. Therefore, we need to pray the same prayer of John the Baptist. Stella, my daughter, always says that we should speak faith into people. If they lack a leg, we should command them to receive a leg in the name of Jesus. That is the level of faith we need to seek dear friend and God is willing to give us that faith when our ‘self’ decreases in us and when Jesus increases in us through prayer.


Secondly, there will be an increase in our OBEDIENCE. Luke 2:51 & 52 says, Jesus was Jesus

Calls International
April 2023

obedient to His parents and hence, increased in wisdom, stature and grace in the eyes of God and favour with men. This year, let us also commit ourselves to implicitly obey God in all matters. If God sends us like Ananias to Saul to transform him as Paul, we shall oblige. Prophecies are going to come through us, through our complete obedience. Through you and me ‘Sauls’ who are persecuting God’s people are going to become ‘Pauls’, this year. Praise be to the God Almighty!


Thirdly it says, there will be an increase in the KNOWLEDGE OF GOD.

Colossians 1:10 says, “So that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please Him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God.”

Many times, we have only the knowledge of problems around us. If somebody shares their problems with us, they would give all the details of their problems, their enemies and all the things that their family members might have done against them. But when we have the knowledge of God, we are able to know that our God is bigger than the biggest problem in the world.

The man who brought his demon-possessed son, who was being tormented by the evil spirits by being thrown into the fire and the water said this to Jesus. “O, Lord Jesus, if You can do something for my son, please do it.” He had no knowledge about the power of the Lord Jesus. Jesus asked the man “Why do you say if I can do something?” Even though the man never had the knowledge of God, Jesus had compassion for him and did the miracle. But this year, you and I are going to increase in the knowledge of God. Then you will know to walk over the greatest storms and your greatest problems and crush satan under your feet. If you know God, you shall do great exploits. Daniel 11:32 says, “Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery; but the people who know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits.” This is the grace that God is sending upon you right now to increase in the knowledge of God.

God gave heavenly visitations to my father and so because of that he endured and overcame the

toughest agonising problems in his life. As a family, when we went through such painful circumstances God would take my father to heaven like that of a visitation and make him know the greatness of God. In other words, He would impart the knowledge of God to my father. So, my father would come back and tell us about the greatness of God and that would strengthen us. That's how we could go through the greatest problems and still accomplish great things by God and for God on earth during the past 60 years, since my father’s first vision in 1962.

Paul says in Philippians 3:10, “That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto His death;” This year, the Lord will make us know Him more. Ephesians 1:18 says: “The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, and what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints.’‘ Accordingly, the Lord will give us enlightened eyes to be able to walk through every storm and every opposition; every lust and every fearful threat of the wicked people.

We shall become signs and wonders to the nation showing Jesus Christ, our exceedingly great power. We shall have our eyes open. We shall see visions; We shall have dreams; We shall utter prophecies. Heaven shall be open to us. Even though my father has passed away in 2008, God has been gracious to expand the mission of Jesus Calls, Karunya and SEESHA to bless millions. Because He is gracious, He talks to me during the morning hours at 3'o Clock. That grace will increase this year. We shall see Him. Our own eyes will see the Lord. You will say that your redeemer lives! When you see Him none of the problems of this world will matter to you. They will all be ashes before your feet (Malachi 4:2,3).

Genesis 30:27, 29, 30 says, But Laban said to him, “If I have found favour in your eyes, please stay. I have learned by divination that the Lord has blessed me because of you.” Jacob said to him, “You know how I have worked for you and how your livestock has fared under my care. The little you had before I came has increased greatly, and the LORD has blessed you wherever I have been. But

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now, when may I do something for my own household?”

Likewise, you too will have the blessing of Jacob. You don’t have to cry for a blessing like Esau. Jacob got all the blessings and you have also got all the blessings that are in Christ Jesus. My friend, do you believe that? We have all the blessings in us. Anybody who receives us shall get the blessings of God. Those who receive us as a disciple of Christ will get the disciple’s reward. Whoever receives us as a prophet will receive the prophet’s reward. So, this year God will increase His blessings in you so that anyone who receives you or supports you or honours you, shall have the blessings and increase as well.

This has happened in our life also. When we go to a saree shop or even to a restaurant, it would be empty. But after we enter the place, people will start to pour into the shop or the restaurant from nowhere. We would even be approached by those people for prayer. This is how God is going to bless you too. People will be blessed through you everywhere you go, whether it is on the bus or the train or an aeroplane or even during a visit to a shop or a restaurant. Recently, while we were shopping, we met a sister who said that she was

without children for sixteen years and after my wife and I prayed for her, she received the gift of a child. In the same way, everyone in your life will say that they are blessed because of you.

In Genesis 12:1-3 the Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”

My friend, accordingly, as long as you are on this earth there will be God's blessings upon the earth. So, never say, “What is the use of me being on earth? Let me die and go to heaven for I am so lonely.” My friend, God needs you to put His blessings upon the people on this earth. Yes, only through you, the people, the nation and the world can be blessed. Jesus paid through His blood for the blessing of God to conquer the curses in the world. He has put that blessing in you and me because we carry the blood of Jesus. No man shall curse you. Even if they curse, they will be the ones in tears. You will be blessed!

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Dr. Paul Dhinakaran ministered on Sunday Morning February 26th 2023 in JC House Prayer Tower, Opposite Beach Station. More than a thousand people attended this special morning meeting. Sis. Stella Dhinakaran also joined the meeting and prayed for God’s blessings to be poured into the lives of the people gathered. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared a prophecy about the forthcoming new, powerful and tall spiritual WAVE coming to cleanse and bless and to lead in a spiritual direction. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran also delivered God's Word and offered prayer for everyone.


On Friday, March 3, 2023, Sis. Stella Dhinakaran ministered in a Special Family Blessing Meeting in JC House Prayer Tower, Opposite Beach Station. More than 2000 people attended the meeting. Sis. Stella Dhinakaran shared about how families can be blessed and offered a prayer for their blessings. She gave away the certificate to the 10th batch of Partners Training Programme (PTP) trained partners and prayed for them.


On Tuesday, March 7th, 2023, Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran ministered in the Special Fasting Prayer Meeting in Dr. D.G.S Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower to the thousands that had gathered. Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran spoke about how women can be a blessing to millions based on the verse Proverbs 31:29 in the Bible. She encouraged women to pursue their calling and to be strengthened with God’s Spirit in order to perform all the tasks they are bound to do. The meeting was a blessing to everyone who attended, and many were filled with the Holy Spirit during the prayer session. Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran also offered individual prayers for everyone who came forward. All glory be to God.

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Summer is here!

This is the perfect time to take a break from all the hustle and bustle and relax with your friends and family. Here, in Bethesda, we offer a comfortable stay for everyone - for those coming in as groups or as families or as individuals with all the facilities available. (The details are listed below). Also, this is a scenic place surrounded by mountains with a beautiful climate and ambience and solitude filled with God’s glorious presence.

Your visit to Bethesda is definitely going to be a life changerrefreshing to your soul and body.


•Bethesda Prayer Centre - open every day, from 6 am to 8:30 pm.

•Situated at a distance of just 25 kms from Coimbatore City.

•Bus facilities to travel back and forth are available from the Coimbatore Railway station, Gandhipuram bus stand, and Town Hall bus stop.

•Park for children to play and canteens are also available.

•Dormitory and Guest House available for stay.

•Tourist places like KovaiKutralam (6 km), Siruvani (11 Km), Malampuzha Dam (70 km), Ooty (110km) are situated around Bethesda.

Here is the testimony of Bro. Christy in his own words:

“My wife’s name is Shalini. We are from Utakamandal. We were happily married. But as years passed, we realised the need for a child and we went for doctor checkup. The doctor said that we had no chance of becoming parents due to a weakness in my body. We were completely shattered. The amount of humiliation we went through was beyond words. Every day we were walking through the path of tears and shame. It was in this situation that we came to the Bethesda Prayer Centre and prayed there in tears. While we were praying, we made a vow to the Lord saying that if He blessed us with a child, we would come with the child and testify. The prayer intercessors there also prayed with a burden for us. God heard our prayers and blessed us with a beautiful baby girl after 10 years. Our happiness knew no bounds. For all the 10 years that we had suffered, the Lord miraculously changed our sorrow into joy. We express our deepest gratitude to the Bethesda Prayer Intercessors who prayed for us. And a million praises to the Lord.” - Bro. Christy, Ooty

Isn’t that a beautiful testimony? You too can be blessed in ways unimaginable like Bro. Christy. So make use of the vacation to visit Bethesda and make it an unforgettable experience. For your stay please contact:

• Manager, Bethesda Prayer Centre, KarunyaNagar, Coimbatore 641114

• Phone: 0422-2614580, 8754426134, 9487846545 • Email:

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Jesus is truly the Good Shepherd because He is God Himself. I love this portion of the Bible since it points to our Lord Jesus as being the ‘Good Shepherd’ to each one of His sheep. In John 10:32, Jesus said to the Chief Priest and the Elders, “I have shown you many good works from the Father.” Accordingly, this verse proves that the Lord Jesus did only ‘good’ to the people which makes Him the perfect Good Shepherd. Just like His Heavenly Father Who created everything and found that it was good, Jesus also went around doing good to the people when He was on this earth. Which is why it is so fitting to call Jesus as our Good Shepherd.

Many times, as parents we fail in being a good example to our children. This might have an irreversible impact on their lives. But today, take a decision to follow the Good Shepherd’s example by being a loving and a caring godly parent to your children.

Jesus says, “I lay down My life for My sheep. What better can a man do than laying down His life for other people?” This is the greatest good work that our

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Lord Jesus has done for us.

The disciples loved Jesus a lot. Peter really loved Jesus and claimed to give his life for the Lord but when the devil tempted him, he betrayed Jesus three times. Yet when we look at our Lord Jesus, He really laid down His life for us to save us from all the temptations of this world.


In John 10:12,13, Jesus explains how a hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So, when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. The man runs away because he is hired and cares nothing for the sheep. The hirelings have no interest in truly caring for the sheep. They only work for their wages. That is why they abandon the sheep. The false prophets who like wolves devour and mislead people are the hirelings the Lord mentions here.

Those days the shepherds would watch the sheep carefully by lying down at the gate of the caves. When the wolf comes to attack them, it should attack the shepherd first. So, the sheep would sleep so well without any fear having the assurance that the shepherd will take care of them. Likewise, our Lord Jesus says, “I am the good shepherd; I will protect you from all harm. No enemy will touch you before touching Me.” Our Lord Jesus is such a loving good shepherd to us, dear friend. That’s why He says in John 10:14, “I am the good shepherd; I know My sheep and My sheep know Me.” Yes, He knows us by name because He loves us.


A good shepherd’s love is individualized love and unfailing love. There may be so many sheep but then the shepherd cares for each and every sheep individually. That is the heart of our Lord Jesus also. So how much more should we love this good Shepherd isn’t it? 1 Corinthians 8:3 says, “Whoever loves God is known by God.” Yes, the Lord Jesus indeed loves His sheep which is us so much that He comes in search of us when we falter or go astray.


Jesus says in John 10:16, “I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to My voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.” Jesus loves all the people of the world. This is the heart of the Good Shepherd. That’s why Jesus said in John 12:32, “And I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to Myself.” Yes, Jesus died for you! He died for every one of us. Whoever you maybe, He gave His life for you, to save you from all your sins, and to give you blessings, if you accept Him as your Good Shepherd. Yes, only good things will happen to you when you do so.

In Matthew 8:11, Jesus says, “I say to you that many will come from the east and the west, and will take their places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven.” Accordingly, the Kingdom of heaven is for everyone and everyone needs to know Jesus.

Jesus shed His blood on the cross for all the people. Hence, only Jesus can be the one and only Shepherd, Saviour, and true friend for all of us. Since He died for all of us, we are all one in Christ, redeemed by the same blood.

Today, the Lord Jesus is there for you as a Good Shepherd. What a good Lord we have! This loving Lord is after you, dear friend. He will carry you on His shoulders and He will work all things for your good. Continue to love Him and live for Him, so that every soul known to you will get to know Him too. May the unconditional love of this one and only Good Shepherd move you and lead you into safety and rest.


Our loving heavenly Father, Thank You, Lord, for Who You are to me. Thank You for Your unconditional love, Lord. Master, carry me on Your shoulders and keep me in safety for You are my Good Shepherd. I give my life into Your loving hands. Lead me in Your ways. Keep my soul from all harm. Make me rejoice in Your presence and prepare me for Your coming. In Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen.

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Prophecy as uttered by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran: WHAT IS THE NEW WAVE?

•It is a powerful and tall spiritual wave that is about 3000-4000 cubits tall. ( Ezekiel 47:1-6) WHAT WILL THE WAVE DO?

•The wave will pull everything and everyone into the ocean which indicates a spiritual awakening.

•The wave will wash away and destroy everything that is not grounded. Every deviation, every deception, every oppression from the powers of evil shall be swept away by this great wave.

•It will make everything new. It will make everything blossom in a new way.

•It will draw all men to the deep as in Luke 5:3-5.

•The wave will take God's people into the deep to cast their net so that they can receive a double portion. As the wave takes them into the deep, every net cast into the sea will be filled with divine catch leading to prosperity (Psalm 1:3).

•The wave shall be a great wave that makes people sanctify themselves, totally humbling themselves before the Lord. When the double portion of blessing comes, people shall purify themselves like Peter who confessed his sins. When Peter received the miracle, he fell at Jesus’ feet and cried as in Luke 5:8 saying, “Lord I am a sinner” and he humbled himself. Then, the Lord said, “I will now make you fishers of men.” That's the

transformation God is bringing into every child of God who humbles themselves before the Lord and before all people.

•You're going to be launched into the deep. It's going to wash you into the deep as in Ezekiel 47:5, “He measured off another thousand, but now it was a river that I could not cross, because the water had risen and was deep enough to swim in-a river that no one could cross.”

•The tall wave will take God's servants and God's people into the pure river which will be the water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God as mentioned in Revelation 22:1. Wherever the river goes, swarms of living creatures will live (Ezekiel 47:9). There will be countless fish in it.

•As this Crystal River flows, life will come to everyone and the fish will multiply. God's children will multiply - they will multiply in your home; in your ministry and in the nation. Yes, there is going to be a multiplication of God's people across the world because of the wave, uniting them in the deep; in the clear, pure waters.


“Therefore say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign LORD says: None ofMy words will be delayed any longer; whatever I say will be fulfilled, declares the Sovereign LORD.’”

(Ezekiel 12:28)

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The Jesus Calls ministry has always lent its helping hand to build churches with one-tenth of its donations since the time of the inception of the ministry. Each month 10% of all donations are provided to pastors each month to help them build churches, especially in rural and distant areas, or to help with their urgent family needs. Our ministry partners such as yourself make it possible for the unreached people to know the Lord and have a growing relationship with Him by establishing churches through your faithful contributions.

2 Corinthians 8:2,3 says, “In the midst of a very severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. For I testify that they gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability, entirely on their own.”

As stated in this verse, it is only because of your kind donations that we are able to extend our support to establish churches in such remote places. Every soul that is saved will be added to your heavenly account, and the Lord will undoubtedly rejoice over you and bless you.

So far, for the glory of God, we have contributed to the building of more than 100 churches in India. We have recently constructed 100 churches to replace those that the Gaja cyclone devastated. Let us continue to support God's devoted servants in rural areas and establish the goal of building 1000 churches throughout India.

Here’s how a dear Pastor has been blessed: We have been holding church services for the past 8 years in our area in a rented building. Suddenly the owner of the building asked us to vacate the place. At the same time, the owner of the house we were renting said he was selling it. We were thrown into a dilemma, not knowing what to do. In this situation, the Lord spoke to our daughter's heart and helped us to buy the house we lived in. However, we were left with no place to worship the Lord. Then the Lord directed us to build a church on the top floor of our house. However, due to a lack of finances, our plan was put on hold. But we were hoping and praying together with the congregation for miraculous providence. The Lord led us to meet Dr. Paul Dhinakaran in person and gave him a letter stating our circumstances. In the Lord's appointed time, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran helped us build the church and now we are worshipping the Lord freely. My hearty thanks to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and the Jesus Calls ministry for their financial assistance.


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Firstly, take it step by step, day by day, even moment by moment, with the Almighty God. How do you get into the purpose? Do whatever comes to you with all your might. Your mother might suddenly call you and say, “Go and get some tomatoes today.” Of course, you can order that online immediately, but then she may say, “I can't wait for 40 minutes. Go and get it immediately.” You may be in the middle of an important job which concerns you but still take time to do it. Something good might come for you from that situation. So, take everything step by step and do everything with all your heart.

Whatever comes to you, believe that it is predestined and defined for your success.


Secondly, whatever you do, do not do it for yourself. Never think that you must do it to get a good name or to earn success for yourself. Success is bestowed by God so that you can glorify Him. Success is not something for you to possess but it is given to you by God for a purpose. The purpose is to be a blessing to people. So, success is for you to work for the benefit of the society and not for yourself. That is the right way and the sole purpose of being successful.

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Suppose you are called to sing a song. Sing it for the joy of the people who are listening. Don’t sing it to sound well so that people can appreciate you but sing it to bless the souls who are listening to it. When you think of others and do your work for their good, success will follow you.

JRD Tata used to always claim that they produce steel ‘also’. They utilize the term "also" to convey to the public that producing steel is not their primary objective but rather one that serves humankind. As a result, they use the word ‘also’. All they intend is to produce highquality steel for the benefit of society, not for personal gain. Isn't that wonderful? So do what you do for the good of others.

Well, there are many people who have gained great success. They have great names. They have all the money, but then they live for themselves and finally end up in suicide or in jail or losing everything. That's what happens when somebody gains wealth, gains name, gains fame and success for themselves.


Thirdly, success is staying successful till the end. When people commit themselves to carry a very important person in their heart, this gives them great success lifelong. That important person is none other than the Lord Jesus, the God Almighty. Hence, success comes when a person doesn’t just serve himself but serves his God above all.


Fourthly, as you serve people you shouldn’t expect anything in return. Just keep serving the Lord and success will keep following you. Returns will keep multiplying.

Once there was an owner of a big company. He had all the money, fame, contacts and

Government tie-ups but he longed for a good name. So, he decided to give away gifts to his employees and thought that they might then call him a good man. He gave gifts to his employees and kept his door open for them to drop in and tell him how good he was. Unfortunately, no one approached him to even thank him. He was heartbroken. He asked one of his officials why no one came back and the official said that as he was in a high position the employees felt too small and they did not come and offer thanks for the gifts. Some others might have thought, “Well I worked for it.” So, the official said to the owner that he should not expect anything in return from his employees. Hence, whatever you do, my friend, never expect anything in return, but do it for the benefit of others. That's a sure fire recipe for success.


Finally, it is so much simpler to act honourably in all you do when your heart is pure. You'll build a formidable reputation for your company. Others will value your love, and you will gain a good reputation. When your work is from your heart and done out of good will for others, the people will adore your product for its authenticity even if they don’t realize that you are its owner. Your product that is manufactured will be cherished by the people for its genuineness and best quality and this will become your work’s trademark. So, even when there is heavy competition and people try to destroy your name and brand image through various means such as media, news, etc., the same can never be destroyed. This is because whatever you did, you did it out of the goodness of your heart for the welfare of others. Hence, you and your name, your fame and whatever you have, will stand forever. That is success!

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Loving Heavenly Father, I am grateful to You for being a Father who genuinely cares for and protects His children. Your Word says that You give good gifts to those who ask You. As I begin the new fiscal year, Father, I turn to You for financial benefits; To provide for my necessities in accordance with Your riches in glory. You have always been a Good Shepherd in my life. You have been faithful to Your words. I look forward to Your hand to guide me and lead me into prosperity. Lord Jesus, You took upon Yourself my lack and poverty on the cross and it is Your divine intention to honour me with riches, bringing me to complete sufficiency. Lord, let me not lack any good thing in this new financial year. You are the God Who is able to bless me abundantly. Meet all the needs of my family in order for me to lend and never borrow and to be a blessing to others, giving glory to Your name. I believe that the Lord Who multiplied the five loaves and the two fish, will perform wonders in my life too and continue to multiply and prosper the work of my hands. Master, open the floodgates of heaven and pour down Your blessings in my lap pressed down, shaken together and running over. Thank You, Lord, for even as I am praying now You are showering Your blessings upon me. Lord, I also pledge to faithfully support Your ministry in this new financial year and make a difference in the expansion of Your Kingdom during these last days. I commit my life and my finances into Your loving hands. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer based on the Bible verses: Matthew 7:11; Psalm 23:1; 34:10; Philippians 4:19; 2 Corinthians 8:9; 9:8; John 6:1-14; Deuteronomy 30:9; Deuteronomy 15:6; Malachi 3:10; Luke 6:38

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Since its inception in 1980, the Jesus Calls TV programmes have been broadcasted on all channels without interruption only through the faithful support of our precious partners such as yourself. The seed of God's Word is being sowed into millions of lives worldwide and we truly appreciate all of your charitable contributions which is paving way for a substantial harvest of souls for the Lord’s Kingdom. Despite several challenges, Jesus Calls has managed to carry the Gospel to over 10 million homes in India each month through more than 290 TV shows that are broadcast on 10 different channels and in 7 different languages (English, Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada and Sinhala). On July 15th 2020, Jesus Calls Ministry was also able to launch the Tamil TV Channel called Family Channel across cable networks, website and YouTube social media platform. We would without a doubt say that the sacrificial giving of our dear partners did it! You did it! Each and every donation and sponsorship that we received was used to cover the production and airtime costs and also other expenses related to the Television Ministry. Dear reader, what a blessing you are to the Ministry! Your contributions every month towards the Lord’s ministry have been a great blessing to several people as the Lord has accepted your offerings as a sweet aroma and has multiplied the same to meet the Ministry expenses. Therefore, with your true and faithful generosity, you have not only met the Jesus Calls Television Ministry needs but have also enabled millions of people across India and the globe to experience Jesus in their lives. Continue to keep up the good work as mentioned in Hebrews 6:10,11. “God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them. We want each of you to show this same diligence to the very end, so that what you hope for may be fully realized.”

Here is how a dear Sister has been blessed by watching a Jesus Calls TV program:

I am a Young Partner in Jesus Calls Ministry. My husband’s name is Edward Robert and we are from Coimbatore. We both are working as professors in a reputed college. We have two sons. My elder son’s name is Sam Edwin, studying in 9th std and my younger son’s name is Jeswin Gilbert, studying in UKG. In the month of May 2022, one Sunday, we as a family were watching Jesus Calls programme on Raj TV and Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was sharing God’s word. I was having severe pain on the right side of my abdomen and the pain was unbearable. At that time, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran started to pray and I too joined him in prayer for my miraculous healing. At that very moment, almost instantly, I felt the Lord’s presence filling me during prayer time. To my surprise, immediately after the prayer, I could feel that the pain was no more. I realised that I was healed by the grace of God. Hallelujah! I thank and praise God for granting me complete deliverance from my painful suffering through the prayers of dear Annan, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. May God bless this wonderful ministry. All glory be to God!

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•Your family photo will appear in the Television Program that you sponsor. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran will pray for all your prayer requests specifically in the same program.

•Moreover, you will be prayed over through the phone from the Prayer Tower.

•When you co-sponsor a television programme, your name will be telecast in that specific programme.

•We will send you a copy of the link television programme that you sponsored/ co-sponsored.

As the Lord leads, I would like to sponsor the Television programme (Kindly tick)

I would like to support the TV ministry of Jesus Calls International with a contribution of $……...............................

I would like to help support towards the co sponsorship of a TV / Social Media program of Jesus Calls International for US$500

I would like to help support towards the sponsorship of a TV / Social Media program of Jesus Calls International for US$1000

Name: …...................…….………......................………. Date of Birth….................... Wedding Day.....................

Address:.........................................................................................................Pin code: …………

Mobile:…….................................................……Email:……….......................................................... .....................

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Dear friend, God’s promise to you for the month of April is from Isaiah 55:9 where it is said by God, “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

So when we consider our thoughts, we understand that we think only about what we see. For example, when you plan about setting up a business, you count the costs that will incur in every aspect. This planning puts a limit to what you can accomplish. But when we give our plans to God, He says that He will perform what we cannot imagine.

Sometimes you might face circumstances that make you think that you have come to the end. Your medical report might inform you of a recurring disease or you might face a subject that you have no idea about but dear friend you can look ahead of these difficulties through the Lord. You don’t have to cage yourself with thoughts that your life is going to be ruined by the reports you hear. May be you are going through fights in your family that make your relationship with people look hopeless but don’t restrict your thoughts to what you are seeing around dear friend. You may have countless doubts in your head that is crippling you from moving forward. But thank God for His beautiful promise that His thoughts and His ways are incomparably higher than your ways and thoughts. God is promising you that His powerful plans are going to fulfill in this month.

I want to share with you a testimony of a lady who was born blind. She came to the Prayer Tower and attended the Fasting Prayer Meeting in which the message was about blind Bartimaeus in the Bible receiving his sight. The lady had never heard this story before and hearing it

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ignited faith into her spirit. She ran to a Prayer Intercessor and asked for prayers to receive sight. What a wonder! She truly received sight and became a living testimony for God!

Dear friend, God can do the unimaginable for you. All you need to do is to claim His promise that He can fulfill His high plans for you. Just believe that you are going to walk into those high plans. Thank God for His higher ways. You are going to break the barriers and outshine with glorious results.


#Tip 1: Surrender your ways to God

“In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

(Proverbs 3:6)

#Tip 2: Fix your mind on the miracles in God’s word

“I will consider all your works and meditate on all your mighty deeds.”

(Psalm 77:12)

#Tip 3: Aim high in everything you do

“I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead.”

(Philippians 3:13)


Loving Father, Thank You for Your promise that You have higher plans and higher thoughts in store for me. Break the barriers that are crippling me Lord. I receive the higher plans You have for me. Help me not restrict what I can do but trust Your will for me and walk into the higher results You have in store for me. Thank You for Your cross where You have purchased my victory. Help me to step into Your plans that are sealed by Your blood for me. May Your Name be glorified through me. I surrender myself to Your ways Lord. In Jesus’ Name, I pray, Amen.

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The family was the first blessing and first responsibility God bestowed upon man. The Family Blessing Plan, an exceptional Plan given by the Lord to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, solely functions to pray for families to be blessed, live in unity and prosper. Prayers are offered in Jesus Calls Prayer Tower for the families who have subscribed to this Plan to be blessed, to enjoy peace and for every family member to be in good health. Place your family in God’s hand, and He will join hands with your family to bring upon you the blessings He promised Abraham and his household. The cords of love He ties you with cannot be broken, and His Presence will hover around you and your loved ones, ensuring His protection. You will enjoy the finest blessings, flourish and be fruitful.


• Donations of Rs. 3000/- will entitle a Partner to receive a certificate with a promise verse.

• A Special Wedding Anniversary card will be sent to the couple from the Dhinakarans.

• Prayer Intercessors will call and pray on your Wedding Anniversary.

Here is a testimony of a sister who has been blessed by enrolling in the Family Blessing Plan: FAMILY PEACE RESTORED

I have been married for 28 years. My husband is a sweet and gentle person. But for the last two years, he has been behaving wildly, being consumed with anger because of demonic oppression. He used to be irritant and fight with me all the time. We lost all peace in the family due to this. I did not know what to do, and my days were filled with tears. In this situation, I came to know about the Family Blessing Plan and enrolled our family in it. What a miracle! Quite soon, there was a notable change in my husband. He was set free from the oppression that destroyed our family’s peace. Now we are once again happy and living together in great peace. Praise be to God. - C. Gladis Vasanth, Chennai You too will be blessed beyond your imagination if you sow into the ministry by enrolling in this plan.



Name: ….................................…….………......................………. Date of Birth….................... Wedding Day.....................

Address:....................................................................................................................... ..Pin code: ………………….………….


Give $31 a month and be a blessing to millions through this mission.

To give online please visit or please send your contributions to the Prayer Tower in your country / region or write to us for more details to

Jesus Calls International | April 2023


The Power Conference was held from March 9th to 11th in the Emmanuel Auditorium at Karunya University. The Conference was organised by the Department of Value Education. All the three days, worship was led by Karunya Choir followed by a special worship session led by Stella Ramola. Stella Ramola taught the gathering about how to lead an anointed worship session and how to enter into the mighty presence of God. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran taught in detail about the gift of the Holy Spirit and how to walk in the Spirit. Dr.

On the 12th of March the Special Blessing Meeting was held at Bethesda in which more than three thousand people participated. More than ten thousand people watched the meeting online through YouTube and Family Channel Live. Stella Ramola led a powerful worship session in which she glorified God by her sweet singing and uplifting songs. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran welcomed the testimonies and praised God for the wonderful things God had done in their lives through the Jesus Calls ministry. God’s word was shared by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran about how God is the God of families and how He will be the perfect Helper for everyone. Testimonies flooded the ground as to how God had spoken to the lonely through this message. The message was followed by special prayer by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran who prayed for a special anointing to come upon the people. Individual prayers were offered at the end for everyone who came forward. On the whole, the meeting brought a great downpour of blessings upon the people. All glory be to God.

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Paul Dhinakaran, Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran and Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran were present and shared insightful thoughts about the Holy Spirit all the three days of the conference.

Writing letters has always provided an emotional release during trying times. Over the phone, it might not be possible to discuss everything, but letters allow for this. The earliest form of ministry as well as communication was via letters. Millions of people have experienced healing and miracles. Thanks to the Jesus Calls Letter Ministry.

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and his family continue to support countless lives through prayer as God's servants. They continue to pray, receive the answers from Lord and respond to the sender. The moment the recipients get the prayerful replies given by the Dhinakarans, amazing miracles begin to take place. In difficult circumstances, receiving a personalised response to a prayer request is extremely uplifting. Uncountable testimonies have been heard as a result of their prayers. The Jesus Calls Letter Ministry branch has and is still blessing people in countless ways.

Everyday thousands of people send prayer requests seeking God’s reply regarding their future,

marriage alliance, job, family issues, and so on.

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran waits at the feet of the Lord and replies with the divine guidance given by the Holy Spirit. We are sending the replies free of cost. By your monthly support many are blessed. Many are blessed by the guidance.

Here’s how one such brother, who sought prayers, has received a blessing:


I was searching for a good job. I tried in many places and attended various interviews but everything was in vain. I was so depressed and slowly was losing hope. My batch friends started to settle down in good jobs. I became even more depressed. It was at this point that I realised I needed prayer and sent emails to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran requesting prayers to get a job as I was jobless for 2 years. He prayed and sent me comforting replies with Bible verses that encouraged me. By the grace of God, I got a job in Oman in a good company. I am very thankful to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran for his prayers and to all the prayer intercessors in Chennai Prayer Tower. Praise be to God!


You too can find comfort and be encouraged in faith like Bro. Prince. Please feel free to write your prayer requests to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. He will pray about them and reply to you personally with God's promises. This includes requests involving life decisions such as to know God's will regarding which career or marriage proposal to accept, or for any type of prayer need.


You can support the Letter Ministry by giving your best to help us minister to the half a million people who touch the ministry each month.

Thousands of people who are blessed are added into your heavenly account, assuring you blessings in every area of your life.

For more information: E-mail: / Website:

Facebook: PaulDhinakaranOfficial

DETAILS ABOUT HOW TO DONATE PLEASE GIVE ONLINE THROUGH (or) visit or send your offerings to the Prayer Tower in your country / region or write to

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Education is one of the most vital tools for reducing poverty & unemployment, improving health, and achieving sustainable development. Although several government schemes are available to gain access to & equity in education, it remains a distant dream for many children living in downtrodden communities. Across the country, SEESHA has been championing the cause of deprived children, implementing programs for their holistic development, and ensuring that these disadvantaged ones get the better future they deserve.


SEESHA Learning Centres across 42 project locations offer free coaching for more than 2200 students from poverty-stricken urban slums, rural & tribal communities. Several awareness & career guidance programs are also organized at the centres to benefit the students. Educational scholarships provide financial aid for deserving students from low-income families to attain their academic & career goals. Last year, over 68 lakh rupees were offered as scholarships to such students to pursue their higher education in medicine, engineering, nursing, commerce streams, etc., through SEESHA with corporate partner’s funding support.

20,000 SEESHA School Kits were distributed to children studying at Learning Centres and several underprivileged students. Each school kit comprises 14 stationery essentials that motivate them to attend school, improving their learning outcomes.

50,000 New Clothes were gifted to impoverished children to bring joy into their lives during the year-end festive season.

See how SEESHA’s educational initiatives have made a positive impact on Ms. Astika’s life:

"I’m studying in Class V at a Govt. school in Vajpur village. Though I'm from a tribal family and educating girls is not encouraged in my community, I aspire to become a professor someday. A few years back, my parents enrolled me at the SEESHA learning centre as they couldn't support my studies. The free, quality coaching at the centre is helping me get good grades at school. Every year, SEESHA also gifts me a school kit & a new dress. With SEESHA’s support, I hope my dream of becoming a professor will be fulfilled!"

Vasava, SEESHA Learning Centre beneficiary, Gujarat.

Even as we continue building a brighter future for the children living in poverty, you too can be a reason for their hope in the following ways:

•Donate a school kit to a child in need – US$20 /kit

•Sponsor the education of a child – US$50/month

•To help support a SEESHA learning center US$200 per month

*You may sponsor any number of school kits/any amount of educational support as per your wish.

DETAILS ABOUT HOW TO DONATE PLEASE GIVE ONLINE THROUGH (or) visit or send your offerings to the Prayer Tower in your country / region or write to

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It could be inferred from the Bible, how the divine love of the God of gods, brings His blessings into our lives. Particularly the whole of I Corinthians 13th chapter clearly teaches us about the abundant and perfect blessings that we receive personally and as a family, when we get filled with the love of God. Here we read,

“But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.”

(I Corinthians 13:10)

From this, we understand that when we are filled with the matchless love of Christ in full measure, all our shortcomings or lack would vanish from our lives. Let us see how this Godgiven divine love would fill our lives and how the lacks in our family would vanish by that and let us receive His abundant blessings.

Love One Another

(I Peter 4:8)

“Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor is he who does not love his brother.”

(I John 3:10)

When the ‘light’ which is the perfect one, fills our lives, all the darkness of lacks vanishes from us. In II Timothy 3:3 we read, “…in the last days, perilous times when people will be unloving will come…” Accordingly, these days, we see and hear about such a lack of love even between mothers and children. Many are the mothers, who sacrifice a lot to bring up their children. Unfortunately, these children, once

they begin to earn and come up in life or when they get married and have their own family, they grieve the mother, humiliate her and make her miserable. The reason, they do not have divine love in their hearts. It is in this state, the darkness of demonic characters such as enmity, hatred and animosity take full control of us. Today, many are the families that are surrounded by darkness and live in tears being bound by the bondage of the devil such as lack of peace, anger, rifts and so on. Lots of married couples go for separation, having lost their peace and joy. If we analyze the reason, we could see that ‘lack of love’ is the fundamental cause for this. Several factors make us lose this love and as a result of which many families are filled with bitterness ad rifts, having lost all happiness and peace. In the same way, in certain families, the sufferings of children because of the parents’ lack of love are pitiable!

Similarly, these days don’t we see this lack of love among the siblings as well, caused by various reasons, resulting in bitterness and spoiling of peace and happiness?

In order that such darkness should be removed, God’s divine ‘light’ should enter these places. The Bible says that the God of gods, who created this entire universe, is ‘light and in Him is no darkness at all’ (I John 1:5). The Bible also says, “But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another…” (I John 1:7). What is this ‘light’?

“That was the true Light which gives light to every man coming into the world.” (John 1:9)

Accordingly, we read that it is the Lord Jesus Christ who is the true Light that gives light to every man coming into the world. In the Book

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of Acts, 9th chapter, we read about a man called Saul, who was enslaved by the darkness and was a ‘son of perdition’, meeting the Lord Jesus Christ, the living Light and how he was filled with this new Light and was transformed totally, thus becoming a ‘vessel of grace’. Yes, dear ones! If we too are diligent to come out of this darkness of ‘lack of love’ and become the children of Light, as the Bible says (Ephesians 5:8; I Thessalonians 5:5), this divine love would take control of us and would lead us to live as ‘vessels of blessings and light’ in this world. Let us, who read this message, guard our lives in such a way to be filled with God’s love in all reverence (Jude 21). Let us love one another in reverence, perfectly fulfill the will of Christ and enjoy living a victorious life. How does Paul, who enjoyed this life, testify about it?

“I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.”

(Galatians 2:20)

Yes, it is this divine love that the Lord Jesus earned for us on the cross of Calvary, by offering Himself as a sacrifice that can remove all the darkness from our lives and grant us a divine life that is full of light, bound by the love of God.

Put on Love which is the Bond of Perfection (Colossians 3:14)

“…let it (chaste conduct) be the hidden person of the heart…” (I Peter 3:4)

In Ruth 3:10, we read about the good characters of the Moabite woman called Ruth. Similarly, we read that the people of Berea were ‘fair-minded’ as they searched the Scriptures (Acts 17:11).

Yes, dear ones! Don’t we read in the Bible that the God of gods, who is a model for us, is love (I John 4:8) and that,

“God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but

have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) Similarly, God’s word also clearly tells us, how we should be filled with His love and lead our lives.

“For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ…that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.”

(Ephesians 3:14, 17-19)

As uttered by the Word of God, it is essential that every one of us gets filled with the divine love of God, every day. Shall we see how this love, ‘the bond of perfection,’ works in us?

Firstly, as we read in Deuteronomy 30:20, we should love the Lord and hold on to Him. We ought to follow His commandments (Deuteronomy 11:1). Those, who love the Lord, should ‘hate evil’ (Psalm 97:10). When we thus love the Lord, we become more than conquerors in all things (Romans 8:36,37).

Next, the Bible says, “You shall love your neighbour as yourself” (Luke 10:27; Matthew 19:19; Mark 12:31). Accordingly, if we are diligent in showing love to our family members, friends and others, it would be pleasing to the Lord. The Bible talks about this kind of love in the incident of the Good Samaritan through which we understand how we should love others; similarly, our Lord Jesus sets us an example by calling Judas who betrayed Him as His ‘Friend’. His example tells us that we should also show love towards others and be filled with ‘perfection’ “...because as He is, so are we in this world” (I John 4:17). Accordingly let us be always filled with “love which is the bond of perfection.”

A wife, whose husband was an alcoholic and

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Every day, we should be filled with God-given divine love

had a lot of shortcomings, was filled with this perfect love of Christ and held on to the Lord firmly even in the midst of her tough life and was patient towards him.

“Indeed we count them blessed who endure. You have heard of the perseverance of Job and seen the end intended by the Lord – that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful.”

(James 5:11)

Accordingly, the Lord saw her humble love and heard her unceasing prayers and miraculously saved that man, made him into a new creature and granted her a blessed life.

Yes, dear ones! In this world, we are also living among different types of people. Let us be filled with love, the ‘bond of perfection’ given by the Lord and live an excellent life of victory, filled with His blessings!

Holy Love of Edification

“… but love edifies.”

(I Corinthians 8:1)

This is a love that is full of the ‘holy and divine’ love of Christ (Ephesians 1:4). This is a priceless love, full of holiness and divinity, given through the Holy Spirit, who is the Third Person in the Trinity.

The Bible says that even our Lord Jesus, who is a model to us, was filled with this divine love:

“How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.”

(Acts 10:38)

also get filled with this experience of divine love individually and also as a family. Then the Lord will open doors for everyone in the family to get filled with this divine love and enjoy a blessed life. He will also help other family members as well as friends and others to get filled with this divine love too.

In the Bible, the Book of Acts 10th chapter speaks about Cornelius, a heathen, receiving this blessing. Likewise, in my family, my husband’s eyes were opened to this love. After this, one by one, the Lord filled every one of us with this joyful excitement. Following this, this divine love flowed into our relatives, friends and others. By this, He changed us into ‘Vessels of comfort’ and made us rejoice. If you too would wait at the Lord’s feet with thirst and desire, you shall also receive this joyful, blessed life and be glad.

“If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him.” (Luke 11:13)

Even today, when we gather as a family and pray with oneness of mind, the filling of the Holy Spirit makes us rejoice in Him. As a result of this, our family is filled with God-given peace and joy. You can also enjoy experiencing this in your family life.

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” (II Timothy 1:7)

Yes, dear ones! You should also have the thirst and desire to receive this divine life of being filled with His divine love. Plead to Him to fill you with this love.

“Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full.” (John 16:24)

more than conquerors in all things

Not only the Lord Jesus Christ, His disciples too were filled with this glorious Spirit and His love, and they loved Jesus dearly and fulfilled His will perfectly. In the same way, we should

Accordingly, plead to the Lord in all earnestness and get filled with the rain of this divine love and rejoice! May you arise and shine as signs and wonders for the glory of the Lord’s name!

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When we love the Lord dearly, we will be
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I was admitted in hospital with the diagnosis of Blood Cancer (Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia) and was getting treatment. I called the Australia Prayer Tower for prayer support. The prayer intercessors prayed with much burden and assured me of God's miracle. In the same way, by God's miraculous touch, when the results for the bone marrow test came, doctors told me that everything is normal and that there are no blast cells. The healing from this incurable disease was only from God. I thank brother Paul Dhinakaran, his family and the prayer intercessors at Australia for their fervent prayers. Glory be to God.


The Lord has blessed me greatly this month. I am a medical student in Sydney Australia. I have been following the Jesus Calls Ministry for several years now but more recently I have become more involved in listening to their ministry. During my city’s lockdown, in a time of great famine, the Lord has blessed my finances almost four-fold. He has provided me with new godly connections and friendships which were something I have been praying about for many years. I called the Jesus Calls Prayer Line at many times during the night asking for prayer for my exams and the Lord has answered my prayers and richly blessed me and elevated me above my peers. I recently applied for a leadership position within my university and after praying individually and with one of the prayer intercessors, the Lord blessed me and gave me that position. I thank God for His favour and blessing on my life. I and very thankful for the Jesus Calls Prayer Ministry and for the Dhinakaran family. I have been richly blessed by the daily devotionals, Sweety’s music and their weekly emails have blessed me greatly. I thank God for their prayers and heart toward Jesus.

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