Jesus Calls International E-Magazine December 2019

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1. 2020 MONTHLY CALENDAR Daily promise verse from the Bible for 366 days in 6 colourful pages 1 Calendar Offering INR 30/- (Postage Rs.20/-) 10 Calendars Offering INR 270/- (Postage Rs.90/-) 50 Calendars Offering INR 1350/- (Postage Rs.350/-) 100 Calendars Offering INR 2700/- (Postage Rs.650/-) Now Available in English, Hindi, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam and Tamil ONE CALENDAR FREE WITH PURCHASE OF EVERY 10 CALENDAR 2. 2020 DIARY Diary (Big size) Offering INR 200/- (Postage Rs.60/-) Diary (Medium size) Offering INR 150/- (Postage Rs.40/-) 3. POCKET CALENDAR A pack of 25 Offering INR 20/- (Postage Rs.40/-) A pack of 50 Offering INR 40/- (Postage Rs.40/-) A pack of 100 Offering INR 80/- (Postage Rs.40/-) JC Calendars and Diary will be available at all Jesus Calls Prayer Towers To receive by post, please send your donations by Demand Draft / Cheque (CTS Cheque) drawn in favour of “Jesus Calls” by Registered post to the address: Jesus Calls, 16, D.G.S. Dhinakaran Road, Chennai - 600 028. For more details: • Website: • Toll Free: 1800 425 77 55 (7 am – 9 pm) • Visit the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your area 2


Jesus Calls Ministries


December 2019




love it when it says, ‘full of grace’. Every blessing that God provides is complete. He never leaves it halfway. If you have come halfway, believe God for a complete blessing, for complete salvation, healing, provisions and grace. John 1:16 says, “And of the fullness of Jesus filled with grace we have all received grace in the place of grace already given.”I love that word ‘all.’ We have all received grace with no exception. Another translation says ‘grace upon grace’, which means the grace keeps on increasing. So we are all eligible for grace upon grace.

GRACE UPON GRACE Let me explain how this ‘grace upon grace’ operates. When you receive a revelation from God for a blessing or a new vision, you might think in excitement, “Everything is going to be wonderful” or “Everything will fall in place in my life/mission. But in between there is something called “tribulation.” Revelation leads to tribulation to produce compassion in you and then God’s promises/revelations are fulfilled in your life. Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me.” Luke 9:23 Do you know the first thing that happened after my grandfather accepted the Lord Jesus Christ and was baptized? My grandmother was attacked by epilepsy! During the family prayers, the moment they begin to sing (she used to sing beautifully), suddenly midway the seizures will hit her, and she’d roll on the floor with froth in her mouth and cry. This is how our family prayers were conducted - with tears. It was an awkward situation for my family as many people used to visit us seeking prayer from my father, but their prayer time was disturbed by the noise of the epileptic attacks from the bedroom. Incidentally, it was just a two roomed house. As grandma struggled with the attacks, my grandfather would say, “Lord, thank you! Thank you, Jesus!” I asked him, “Grandpa, how can you Jesus Calls Ministries

thank God for this? Aren’t you angry with God?” He said, “My son, when your grandmother started getting these attacks, she’d clench her teeth, and become unconscious; and her tongue would bleed because it would get caught between her teeth. We used to open her jaws with an iron spoon to release her tongue. One day as I was doing that, I cried, ‘How long, Father?’ Suddenly my eyes focused on the calendar on the wall with a picture of the Lord Jesus on the cross.” (Some people say that we should not have such calendars or pictures of Christ – it is equivalent to idols, quoting the Old Testament, like the Pharisees who gave more importance to Sabbath rituals than God’s love healing the sick). But when my grandfather saw it, his heart, through the Holy Spirit bubbled within Him saying, "My son, claim this for your wife. Jesus has already shed His blood on the cross. Your wife need not shed her blood." With faith, my grandfather said, "Lord, You have shed enough blood on the cross. Why should anymore blood be shed by my wife?" and from that day she stopped biting her tongue. So my grandfather was always grateful to God for the first miracle that the Lord did. No wonder he was able to say, "Thank You Jesus for Your blood that was shed for Hepsi” (my grandmother’s name). This experience of suffering enabled us to have compassion on those who have similar ailments. Today, when people say, "My mother is suffering with epilepsy", we cry for them and wrestle with God for a miraculous healing. Revelation followed by tribulation births compassion in our hearts. It births miracles and healing to others whom we serve. This compassion is the grace that God adorns us with to make others experience Christ through us. “And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast.” (I Peter 5:10)

GRACE ON DISOBEDIENT JONAH Once when my father was going through deep stress as he was zealously working to fulfill a revelation given by God, the Lord took him to heaven. The Holy Spirit made Jonah, who was in

December 2019



heaven, to talk to my Dad. Thank God, Jonah is in heaven. My father also saw Samson and Solomon in heaven. Grace! As Jesus had the experience of Elijah and Moses coming to Him and preparing Him for the cross, many times, these heavenly visitations are good but it always prepares you for carrying the cross, fulfilling and accomplishing God’s plan in this world.

My friends, today, God wants us to operate through grace. God will give us grace to say, "I have decided to follow Jesus; the world behind me, the cross before me, no turning back. I surrender myself. Give me that grace Lord."


follows us even though He allows trials to season us to turn us back to Him to do His will (Romans 11:29). Jonah was thrown into the waters. God sent His grace to him through a big fish and it swallowed him. It was pure grace that he was alive in the belly of the fish (Lamentations 3:22,23).Jonah told my father, “Dhinakaran, when I was in the belly of the fish, thinking I was food, the digestive acids would burn my skin and I would cry for help (Jonah 2:2). I saw the grace of God come as a tangible material and cover me in the belly of the fish, keeping the acid from touching me.” And God made the fish carry him to Nineveh and vomit him on the land. God directed the fish to carry Jonah to the place of God’s destination and made him to reach the dry land in Nineveh! Even today, you may say, “I have not obeyed God.” You must know that God’s grace is available for you.

When my father would share such experiences of heaven, we would sit around him as a family and enjoy. But these visitations would be followed by some kind of tribulation or supernatural experiences. It is to season us and humble us before God and men making us acknowledge that we are nothing but just redeemed children of God with no power of our own to accomplish anything but depend solely on the grace of God, which makes everything happen through us. When our heart is ready and protected in Jesus and not dismayed by the tribulation or carried away by the deceit of the world then our soul is safe and the Lord gives us power to accomplish His will.

GRACE TO SAVE AND REDEEM THE LOST Jonah walked all across the city of Nineveh, for 3 days and 3 nights and he proclaimed the message of the Lord that God will destroy the city in 40 days if they did not repent. The grace of God made the king, the subjects, and even the animals to bow before Him. They fasted, repented, prayed and turned to God. The Bible says that the Ninevites obeyed God. All the 120,000 people of Nineveh believed God through one man’s word. Isn’t that great! In the same way God will open your hearts, bless you, and use you to bring the people of the nations to His Kingdom because His grace is upon you.

Jonah said, “Dhinakaran, you know I once disobeyed God but you are zealously working to obey Him.” In Jonah chapter 1, when God said to Jonah to go to Nineveh and preach against that city, Jonah got into a ship which was sailing to another cityTarshish. He justified his action by saying, “God gives me a prophecy, but when I go and announce what He says, He will not fulfill it. I don’t want to be shamed as a false prophet. So I am not going to go along with Him this time.” But God’s grace followed Jonah. He was running away from God’s will and not doing what God wanted him to do. When God gives the call, His grace Jesus Calls Ministries

December 2019

GRACE UPON THE UNFORGIVING Jonah was angry because God did not destroy the Ninevites (Jonah 3:10). That is the pride of a prophet of God. That is what made Jonah to run away from the 


command of God. He said to God, “I am angry because You did not destroy the people according to Your word.” But the Bible shows in 1 Corinthians 13:8, “Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.” Often we ask “Why prophecies fail?” God makes us prophesy to a city or a nation. When the people repent and turn to God, He even changes the prophecy. We say that God’s word will never go void but God’s compassion is greater and desires salvation for all who believe and follow the word. He never honors pride; he honors compassion. Even today, God has called all of us to be His servants, not to proclaim the prophecy of wrath and proudly wait for it to be fulfilled, but to prophesy with a heart of compassion, for people to repent and be saved. The Bible says in 1 Timothy 2:4, ‘God’s will is that all men should be saved’. When Jonah was angry like the prodigal son’s brother, God gave him an explanation. That’s where grace upon grace comes in. He was angry, because God saved them. But the Lord says in Jonah 4:4, “Jonah is it right for you to be angry? You did not create them; I created them. You are only an instrument.” My friends, today, God wants us to operate through grace. God will give us grace to say, "I have decided to follow Jesus; the world behind me, the cross before me, no turning back. I surrender myself. Give me that grace Lord." God will give His grace and healing for you and also for others through you. My father was asked to visit a critically ill patient who was an elder in a church. The pastor warned him saying, “She’s a rich lady, so you have to be careful with what you say.”But the Holy Spirit said, “She is angry with her brother, angry because he did something against her. So she took away his property. That man is on the streets today, crying, without food and shelter but she never bothers. And that’s the reason for her sickness. Would you ask her to repent and care for her brother?” Shocked on hearing this, the woman retorted, “Who told this to you?” and Jesus Calls Ministries

Let's say, “Lord, give me that grace to inherit every soul for Your Kingdom” and the grace will flow through every one of us. with teeth still grinded together, she died instantly. God’s grace and forgiveness is ready to come to us from the cross. We read in Hebrews 7:27 & 9:14 that Jesus offered Himself as a sacrifice without flaw once for all. Let's say, “Lord, give me that grace to inherit every soul for Your Kingdom” and the grace will flow through every one of us.

GRACE AMIDST WEAKNESS We see Paul crying out in 2 Corinthians 12:7-9, “In order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Three times, I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” As great revelations come, pride could come into our hearts. Often the first thing after we receive a revelation is we stop forgiving, loving and caring for whom we prophesy. Paul, who raised the dead and saw Jesus face to face, had Satan sitting in the flesh as a thorn pricking him! He says, “Three times I pleaded to the Lord to take it away from me. But Jesus said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.’” Look only to Jesus to fulfil His will. Remember, you must have a heart of peace to reach God. Only when your heart is at peace, your prayers will reach God because He is a God of Peace (Hebrews 13:20). Romans 16:20 says the God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. You cannot hoard ill feelings in your heart and pray, for God will not hear you. If you are complaining over, “Why this man is writing against me or

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talking ill of me? Why this woman is plotting against me?" etc., God may say it is not incense but a nuisance to Him. But when your heart produces incense to God through your heart of peace, then the God of peace will crush Satan under your feet. That messenger of Satan, which is like a thorn will be crushed by God under your feet and you will be more than a conqueror. Would you cry to God and say, “Lord I want this peace.” Hebrews 12:14 says, “Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.” Yes, when you follow peace with all men, God’s peace leads your heart toward holiness, which makes you to do the will of God, which crushes Satan under your feet and brings salvation to all. Every day I wake up at 3 am cumbered by many worries that overwhelm me. As I wake up I feel that it’s a wakeup call from my Lord. It’s not easy to carry the burden of thousands who call the Prayer Towers daily and write to me for prayer. I feel that I am responsible for their deliverance. Of course, I am not! I can only pray for them. But my mind makes me think so. There are 8,000 students and 2,000 staff in Karunya and 1,000 staff in Jesus Calls; meeting the ever-expanding needs of the ministry, caring for the 150,000 poor who are served through SEESHA can be overwhelming. But the Lord tells me every morning, “Son, go to My word.” As I read the scripture, grace comes from Him. Exactly what I need comes from the scripture to cleanse me and to empower me with promises and directions for the day, for me as well as for my family and each organisation. This word from God crushes Satan daily and God’s kingdom is established though His word. That grace will meet you every morning. Let not your heart be troubled. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. Deuteronomy 23:5 says, “The blessings keep coming and destroys the curses. Balaam tried to curse but God’s blessing came out of him and destroyed the power of the curse. In the same way, people who are against you shall be made to pronounce blessings upon you with grace. Even today, God will give you His grace to fulfil His will.


Jesus Calls Ministries

GRACE TO BRING MIRACLES Acts 6:8 says that Stephen was “full of God’s grace” because of which he performed great signs and wonders among the people. You have to be full of God’s grace. My father was working in a Bank in 1982. I was twenty-years old, short and lean at the time. Once, my father had to preach during a weekend in a certain place, but the Bank refused to grant him leave as they had a conference that weekend with government officials. My father looked for another preacher to take his place but nobody was available. The Lord told him, “Send your son, Paul.” I had never climbed a platform before. Just then I had got saved and received the fullness of the Holy Spirit. But I was not a preacher. I did some photography, that’s all and I was a shy person. But God said, “Send your son.” When my father said this, I said, “I’ll obey.” Obedience also is given by grace. I could have said, “I can’t do that, I have no experience, I can’t testify, I am a shy person. How can I fill my father’s shoes? No one will respect me.” But no, my God gave me His grace in full measure. God will send you like Stephen who spoke before the people who were ready to stone and kill him. It was because of the fullness of grace in Stephen that he was not afraid to preach the gospel even though thousands were ready to kill him. He stood up and preached. As my father declared the counsel of grace to me, I obeyed and went by train to that city. As there were no mobile phones in those days, the organizers did not know who was coming. I got down from the train and the organizers were looking out for my father. I said, “If you have seen the son, you have seen the father. Dad is not coming. He is in Chennai. Only I have come.” They were visibly disappointed. The organizer climbed the stage and said, “We are very sorry that Brother Dhinakaran is not here. We are all in tears today; but tomorrow he will be here, Hallelujah! Anyway today his son is here, he will speak” and they got down from the platform. That was my first introduction to minister! That’s how I was placed in the ministry before the people. But

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They will say, “Where is this ‘coming’ he promised? Ever since our ancestors died, everything goes on as it has since the beginning of creation.” 2 Peter 3:3,4 But God’s Spirit, who is called the Spirit of Grace (Zechariah 12:10), is upon us to liberate us from worldly thinking and unbelief and transforms us into the image of Christ to reach Heaven to be one with the Lord (1 Cor. 6:17). “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we … are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” 2 Corinthians 3:17,18

thank God I didn’t look at them. I said, “God has called me, I will obey my parents, God’s grace is on me as in Luke 2:52. Now God will do the rest.” Behold, on that day 5,000 people gave their hearts to the Lord! A man, unable to walk and was carried on a stretcher, jumped out of his stretcher and began to walk! I was also equally surprised. It was because of the grace of God. That’s how the grace started flowing. Now God wants you to take a step forward and testify about Jesus. Testify about Jesus and then the grace will multiply. He will never leave you; He will never forsake you because today you are under His grace.

GRACE FOR HEAVEN “For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people... Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for himself a people that are his very own, eager to do what is good.” Titus 2:11-14 God’s grace makes us say ‘No’ to ungodliness. We are surrounded by people who do not believe in and do not wait for the promises, prophecies and plans of God to be fulfilled in their life or on the earth. They even question the promise of the second coming of Christ. Above all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires. Jesus Calls Ministries

“Enoch walked faithfully with God; then he was no more, because God took him away.” Genesis 5:24 When a group of extremists captured those who believed in Jesus, they asked the believers to deny Jesus if they wanted to live. A father and his 7-year-old son were among them. When they gave them a chance to live by denying Jesus, the father wanting to save his son said, “I deny Jesus. I will not follow Him anymore!” He was let off. They caught his son next. The father thought he too will do the same and that they could live together happily. But the little boy said, “I love Jesus, how can I deny Him? I’ll go and see Him in Heaven.” They cut his throat with a saw in the presence of his father. The father wept bitterly, not because his son was killed but because he had denied Jesus. He said, “Now I have lost heaven; lost my son too, permanently. My life is doomed. My future is gone!” Woe unto him! Today when the Spirit of Jesus comes into us, He bears witness in our spirit that we are the children of God and liberates us from the fear of the threats coming from the world as well as from its deceptions and lusts– this keeps us safe to reach Heaven! May the fullness of the grace of the Lord Jesus, which He came to give you and me, rest in your life as you surrender totally to Him, to do His will.

December 2019




Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran, Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran and Dr. Shilpa Dhinakaran ministered in the Partners’ Meetings and prayed in person for them. Thousands were blessed. Partners’ Meet, Kolkata, West Bengal on 4th November Partners’ Meet, Dimapur, Nagaland on 5th November


Jesus Calls Ministries

December 2019


Special Blessing Meeting in Diphu on 6th November There was an overflowing response in the Blessing Meeting ground extending to the streets. There was no empty place to sit; even under the hot sun, people were willing to receive God’s word. They left the place abundantly blessed indeed! Deliverance Meeting, 8th November The power of the Holy Spirit came over the gathering at the deliverance meeting in Mokokchung! Partners’ Meet in Mokokchung, Nagaland on 9th November Partners from Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, Jharkhand, Sikkim and Nepal attended the Partners’ Meet at Mokokchung

Jesus Calls Ministries

December 2019



NAGALAND WITNESSED BLESSINGS IN THE ‘BLESS NAGALAND 2019, MOKOKCHUNG PRAYER FESTIVAL’ FROM 8TH TO 10TH NOVEMBER On the first day of Prayer Festival, God anointed people with an intimate anointing to come to Jesus through Sis. Evangeline Paul’s message. Due to rains, the second and third day meeting was held inside the Mokokchung Town Baptist Arogo, which is the largest church in Mokokchung. It was fully packed and overflowing in the parking area in spite of the inclement weather. God gave Samuel Dhinakaran clear revelations to speak and pray on the second day and there was a mighty release of power. On the third day, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran spoke the word of God for Nagaland and prayed for the state to thrive. He spoke God’s promises over the people of Nagaland and claimed blessings in double measure! He encouraged the gathering to hold on to Jesus who lives forever and who never departs from His beloved children. He urged everyone to set aside their shortcomings and call upon the Lord,


Jesus Calls Ministries

December 2019


for His love bears and His compassion faileth not! People, filled with Jesus, received the anointing, healing and deliverance. Overall, God gave Dr. Paul Dhinakaran so many messages and the strength to pray for the masses, individuals, organizers, volunteers, partners and many more groups of people everywhere. God used the Dhinakarans wonderfully to impact so many thousands of lives in the North East. The mission is successful.

The Diphu Prayer Tower was dedicated on 6th November 2019 in the presence of Pastors, Servants of God, Partners and well wishers of Jesus Calls, for the glory of God by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family. Diphu Prayer Tower Address: Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, A L Complex, Amolapaty, Opp C.E.M Bungalow Diphu, Karbi Anglong District - 782460, Assam To know the details about the events conducted at this Prayer Tower, Contact: +919360904051


The Mokokchung Prayer Tower was dedicated on 7th November 2019 in the presence of Pastors, Servants of God, Partners and well wishers of Jesus Calls, for the glory of God by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family. Jesus Calls Ministries


December 2019


Mokokchung: Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, First Floor, Longkumer Kilem, Old Town Hall Road, Sangtemla Ward, Mokokchung - 798601, Nagaland. To know the details about the events conducted at this Prayer Tower, Contact: +919360904048 / +917005734176 / +91 70057 71692




he Lord Jesus, being full of grace and truth was born to grant light for this world as a fulfillment of the prophecy of Isaiah which says, ‘the light hath shined upon them that dwell in the land of the shadow of death’ (Isaiah 9:2; Matthew 4:16). This Christmas, the Lord will shower His grace upon you and light up all your darkness (2 Samuel 22:29; Psalm 18:28). Darkness


Jesus Calls Ministries

is filled with weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 8:12; 25:30). But the Bible says that the light is good (Genesis 1:4). Therefore, the Lord will remove the domination of darkness in your personal life as well as in your family. He will give you His grace and truth and be gracious to you so that this Christmas will be a happy and blessed day. You will receive light from Him and be a light

December 2019


to this world. You will be the reason for others to receive God’s grace and truth. For the past 11 months, the Lord has brought about several developmental and expansion works in the ministry. We will be publishing a detailed report regarding all of them in the next issue. I extend my heartfelt thanks to you for supporting the ministry through all the past months with your prayers and generous offerings. I request you to pray earnestly in your personal as well as family prayers for the ministry works, which are to be in this month of December. As a family, we are going to meet the staff and evangelists of ‘Jesus Calls’, ‘Karunya’, ‘SEESHA’ to share the joy of Christmas. Remember them in your prayers.

a place of our own to provide them accommodation. The expenditure estimate of each of these projects is Rs.15 Crore. Hence, there is an immediate need for Rs. 50 Crore for the expansion of the Prayer Tower Ministry Services. If the Lord speaks in your heart to support the construction works of the Bengaluru Prayer Tower, Trivandrum Prayer Tower, Hyderabad Prayer Tower and the place of accommodation for the prayer intercessors at the New Delhi National Prayer Tower, I lovingly request you to send in your offerings and fulfill your part in these construction works.

Media Ministry “Declare … his marvelous works among all nations.” (1 Chronicles 16:24)

Prayer Tower Ministry “He shall call upon me, and I will answer him…” (Psalm 91:15) So far, we have established new Prayer Towers in many places in 2019. We have changed the location of some of the Prayer Towers as per the convenience of the people. We have renovated the Prayer Tower at Ghatkopar in Mumbai. The Lord strengthened us to accomplish all of these works and let us praise Him for that. We are to establish the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Towers in the cities of Bilaspur in the State of Chhattisgarh and Bokaro in the State of Jharkhand in January 2020. Pray for these expansion works. As per the Lord’s guidance, we are constructing new Prayer Towers to meet the spiritual needs of the people. Kindly pray that the Lord should meet the financial needs in this regard and raise full-time and volunteer staff to work here. Construction works are currently going on in the new Prayer Tower at Frazer Town, Bengaluru with some of the work still pending. Within a month or two, the construction work of this Prayer Tower has to be completed and then dedicated. It is estimated that still the need is Rs. 5 Crore for its completion. Trivandrum Prayer Tower and Hyderabad Prayer Tower need to be soon constructed. Voluntary prayer intercessors come from various States to pray at the Delhi National Prayer Tower. We need Jesus Calls Ministries

We use various modern technologies at the ‘Jesus Calls’ Media Department so that God’s messages, which the Lord gives through His servants, reaches the people and are also preserved to be used in an apt manner in time of necessity. Testimonies of those blessed and received miracles through the ministry and the messages given by the Dhinakarans are being converted digitally for later usage, for the glory of God. For this, we have used a technology called Media Asset Management (MAM). Messages that are archived can be put into a film gallery through an online file storage process. These works are in full swing through the offerings that you have given for the support of digitization works. Please pray that the needs for the completion of these works are met. I go in person to the places where agriculture, business and research are being undertaken and pray for them to prosper so that the Nation will be blessed through that. These prayers that are offered are being broadcasted through television programmes so that workers and those who conduct research regarding business throughout the world are blessed. We also upload videos on social media channels like YouTube and Facebook. As a first time venture, we went to an agricultural field and prayed along with the farmers and have recorded the prayer. Further,

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we are to pray at various places where departmental works are carried on. Please pray that this new venture is blessed.

all the partners who come forward to bear the

God’s Word has been constantly proclaimed through Web Radio – We are making efforts to start a 24/7 web TV service which non-stop telecasts the programmes. Pray that these works is complete at the earliest and the programmes are telecast.

send the ‘Jesus Calls’ magazine to those who

Magazine Club

the number of families that you would like to

expenses of the publishing of the magazine. Through the offering that has been received, we wish to receive the same. You too can join in and support the magazine ministry. Then, we will be able to send the ‘Jesus Calls’ magazine to all the families who wish to receive it. You can mention help to receive this magazine as you send in your offering. If you would like someone to receive this ‘Jesus Calls’ magazine, you can send in their details including postal address and the contact number to us. Become a member of the Magazine Club and help the magazine ministry to take forth the message of hope to every person and family in need.

Year-end Thanksgiving Offering “Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.” (2 Corinthians 9:15) “Lord… and did let none of his words

The Lord has been more than enough in each of

fall to the ground.” (1 Samuel 3:19)

our lives and families throughout this year. We

The ‘Jesus Calls’ Magazine is being published in

have received new benefits and new hikes from

the following languages: Tamil, English, Telugu,

His hand. The Lord has granted us good gifts from

Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam and Gujarati and are

Heaven. Moreover, this month is the month of

sent to 4 lakh families every month. It is also

celebrating the gift that God gave us through His

being published bi-monthly in Odia language as

only Son Jesus Christ.

well. We wish to give a copy to everyone who

I encourage you to send in your offerings in order

likes to receive the magazine so that many others

to thank Him for all the gifts that you have

will be rooted strongly in the faith and that their

received throughout this year from the Lord’s

faith will be enhanced too. To send 12 copies of

gracious hand and to give Jesus as a gift to those

the magazine in a year to a family, the

who have not known Him still. ‘Jesus Calls’

expenditure is Rs.300/-. We have created a

ministry takes the Word of God to the people

‘Magazine Club’ wherein we have put together

through Letters, Telephone, Prayer Towers,


Jesus Calls Ministries

December 2019


Magazine, Television, Prayer Festivals, etc. You

willed to use His servant in a mighty way. He was

can support this ministry by sending in your one-

giving messages on the streets, churches and

day or one-month salary or as per the amount

cottage meetings. For the very first time in

you have pledged to give to the Lord. Our hearts

1970, he gave God’s message in a public

surely overflow with joy when we think about all

meeting in the city of Vellore in Tamil Nadu.

the goodness that the Lord has bestowed on us

Later, the public meeting that was held at Erode

throughout the year. The Lord will be more joyful

came to be called the ‘Jesus Calls’ Good News

when you give your offering for that cause and


will continue to bless us so that we will be a

‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Festivals are being conducted

blessing to others.

continually throughout India. We as a family

Prayer Festival Ministry in its 50th year

minister in these festivals. The Prayer Festival ministry will be completing its 50th year in 2020. Apart from lakhs of people who attend these

“Blessed are you who sow beside all

Prayer Festivals in person and being blessed,

waters.” (Isaiah 32:20)

‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Festivals are being conducted continually throughout India. We as a family minister in these festivals. The Prayer Festival ministry will be completing its 50th year in 2020.

Since the day my father, Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran received the Lord Jesus as his Saviour, he proclaimed the good news on the streets with

crores of them receive blessings through live

the thirst for others to know about the love of

broadcasts on television, through website and

the Lord, Who comforted his soul and saved him


from committing suicide.

With the vision that ‘not one soul should be lost’,

Whether there were opportunities or not, he

we arrange the Prayer Festivals, spending lot of

carefully declared the word and so, the Lord

money. The Lord too has been filling us, His

Jesus Calls Ministries

December 2019



children with His power and giving us His word

2020 January 24th, 25th, 26th –

accordingly thereby blessing the people.

Bokaro Prayer Festival, Jharkhand

The Lord has been heartily blessing you, our

2020 February 1st – Special Prayer for

loving partners who are channels that bring

Exams, Secunderabad

blessing to others by supporting these Prayer

2020 February 2nd – Special Prayer


for Exams, Chennai

We are to take part in various Christmas programmes in the month of December.

2020 February 8th, 9th – Karaikal

Moreover, in the coming months we are to

Prayer Festival, Puducherry

proclaim the Lord’s message in the meetings mentioned in the next page. Please pray that the efforts towards conducting these meetings are done in a proper way; that the required permissions are acquired, the climatic conditions are conducive, the financial needs for these meetings are met and many people take part in these meetings and are blessed. The Lord should command His grace for us and the ministry team who travel with us in all our travels and finally for the Lord’s power to be manifested in a mighty manner in all.

Fasting Prayers are being held on the 4th Saturday of every month at all the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Towers. We are to pray especially for your prayer requests during the Fasting Prayer to be held on December 28th. Send in your prayer requests to the address: 16, D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road, Chennai – 600 028 or to the e-mail id: The Lord will hear our prayer and answer us in a miraculous way. According to the Bible verse: “He that spared not his own Son,

2019 December 7th – Special Blessing

but delivered him up for us all, how

Meeting, Jerusalem, Israel

shall he not with him also freely gives us all things?”

2019 December 8th (2nd Sunday) –

(Romans 8:32)

Bethesda Special Blessing Meeting

the Lord who sent His only begotten Son into this 2019 December 29th – Worship Night,

world to save us, will surely give you wholesome


blessings in this month of December. I will

2020 January 5th, New Year Blessing

continually pray for this Christmas to be a

Meeting, Chennai

blessing to you. Your loving brother who prays for you,

2020 January 10th, 11th, 12th –

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

Bilaspur Prayer Festival, Chhattisgarh

To donate online: For additional information call the Prayer Tower in your Country/Region


Jesus Calls Ministries

December 2019


God is blessing the prayer intercessors in their personal lives and filling them with His prophetical gifts. God reveals His plan for the nation through their prayers and fulfills it. 1.Government will enact laws to punish the offenders for lynching and mob attacks. . . 20/07/18 I had a great experience at the National Prayer Tower, Delhi. I felt God’s presence from head to toe. He removed all my sorrows within the first week of my one month prayer stay. My son was not going to work for the past four months, but after I came here, he called me and said that he is going to work. 2.Rajasthan Government will introduce plans to reduce the Truly, a miracle happened in my family. -Mrs. TelaniTopno, Odisha malnutrition and develop good food I am so thrilled to watch the prophecies plans for people . . . 08/06/17 uttered here, being fulfilled. I loved to pray The Lord is compassionately looking on the malnourished for the prayer points kept in the prayer file. children of our Nation. New Government will take steps to At home, I used to read the newspaper, just for reading pleasure and to have a good time. eradicate malnutrition in 2019. .. 05/01/19 However, here, the paper cuttings are given as points for prayer. I have never prayed like this earlier, with burden and that too for six continuous hours. Praise the Lord. -Ms.Swarna, Vijayawada

Jesus Calls Ministries


December 2019





e thank God for enabling us to have Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, along with his family members minister at our Friday Night Blessing Meeting on October 18th. Many people were eagerly waiting for a breakthrough in life and for a word from God through Dr. Paul. The meeting started off with a vibrant praise and worship lead by Stella Ramola and team. During this time of worship, the presence of God was very tangible in the sanctuary and everyone who attended could easily connect themselves with God. After the worship, God Almighty led Dr. Paul to pray for the following prayer points:

v Women struggling with infertility, and for the gift of children v Jobs, financial breakthrough, and visa situations v Salvation and protection of children, and for their future v Healing from sickness


Jesus Calls Ministries


December 2019



Dr. Paul invited various people from the gathering to come forward to agree along with him in prayer and pray over for a specific prayer

MORE DETAILS Facebook: JesusCallsUSA

point. After this intense time of prayer and soaking in the presence of God, the ground for God’s word to be sown in the hearts of the people gathered, was very fertile and we believe that it has yielded 100% fruits now. Dr. Paul shared from Psalm 91:1 about how the protection of God comes into our life when we dwell in the presence of God Almighty, and as to how we could live a life pleasing in the sight of God. At the conclusion of the meeting, Dr. Paul and Mrs. Evangeline prayed personally for everyone gathered. We thank you our dear partner for enabling us bring God’s love to hundreds through our Friday Night Blessing Meeting Service with Dr. Paul Dhinakaran. All the miracles and blessings received by these

Email: PRAYER MEETINGS HELD AT THE DALLAS PRAYER TOWER Friday Night Miracle serviceEvery Friday 7 pm

people who attended the meeting will be written down in heaven under your name, and the Lord will surely remember this and bless

Couples Esther Prayer Group-

you abundantly for this.

Every 1st Saturday of the month

Everyday hundreds of precious people from all across The United

at 9:30am

States call the Dallas Prayer Tower for prayer. The prayer intercessors

Ladies Esther Prayer Group-

pick up the calls which comes in through the prayer lines and intercede

Every 2nd Saturday of the month

at the feet of God for their prayer request. To enable us continue this

at 9:30am

ongoing work of God to spread the love of Jesus, and to wipe away the tears of millions in the United States, and around the world through our Dallas Prayer Tower, we encourage partners like you to support us monthly to run the operations of the Prayer Tower. For your gift of $31 or more, you could be a blessing to thousands more in the coming days by being a part of our Hope and Healing Wall Plan. As our Hope and Healing Partner, you will receive a beautiful golden wall plaque engraved with your name, family names, business name, or ministry, and the plaque will be displayed on our Hope and Healing wall at the Dallas Prayer Tower.

Your gift of any amount will surely be a blessing to enable us bless someone in need. To donate towards enabling us to reach the nation of United States through our Dallas Prayer Tower you could make your

DALLAS PRAYER TOWER TIMINGS Open Monday Saturday from 9 am to 5pm and Sundays from 1pm to 5pm (for in-person prayers/visit) Telephone Lines (972-499-4995 OR 855-JESUSCALLS) for prayer we operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year.

contributions either by phone, mail or online. For prayers or to give by phone, please call us at 972-499-4995 Jesus Calls Ministries


December 2019




The best tribute that I can pay to (Late)

Bro. L. Sam (the most sought after translator with

Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran, (as his Malayalam

strong Biblical accuracy and Divine humility) and

Translator) - having enjoyed the rare privilege of

Prof. J.M. Stewart (a living combination of both

assisting him in the translation of his Biblical

multi-language proficiency and outstanding

messages from English to Malayalam (both in

Leadership). The mantle of translation fell on me

public campaigns and TV telecasts, Jesus Calls

along with these veterans and later the Lord

magazine and books), is to imbibe the values

enabled me to shoulder the lion’s share of this

cherished by him – boldly proclaiming the Word

legacy in Jesus Calls, standing with aunty,

of God, fervently praying for the individuals and

Mrs. Stella Dhinakaran, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran,

masses, extending love and compassion through

Mrs. Evangeline Paul, Sam, Sharon and Sweety for

servant leadership and magnificently ministering

the glory of God.

unto the Lord together as a family. I have received from God, the outpouring of the The Jesus Calls Malayalam ministry has witnessed

gift of translation, through the written translation

the devout and highly qualitative contributions of

of Uncle’s articles for the issues of Jesus Calls

previous Malayalam translators, who were my

Malayalam magazine in the early 1980s. With this

predecessors. It was Bro. A. J. Joseph, (after whose

background, I joined Uncle for translation of radio

home-call, I took up the translation of Jesus Calls

messages in Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation

Malayalam magazine for almost a decade);

and then for TV telecast programmes in


Jesus Calls Ministries


December 2019



Doordarshan and Surya TV. Later, Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran’s messages (both live and recorded) were either translated or dubbed to be telecast in several other TV channels. I am overwhelmingly inspired by his boundless generosity for his passion for God’s Word, servant-hood and undeterred dependence on God. I deem it a great honour and precious opportunity to pen a few of my reminiscences regarding my spiritual pilgrimage with dear Uncle Dhinakaran. This reflection, I am sure will help to perpetuate his scintillating memory. It is my hope that these memories will definitely kindle and ignite the hearts and minds of all who are blessed in our generation through this unique servant of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. As I wander through my memory lane and look back at the path that I have trodden for the last, almost four decades and evaluate the years of my close association with Uncle Dhinakaran, I can sincerely say that one of the most significant years that influenced the rest of my life was when I spent precious hours with this great man of God. He was so affectionate, as a ‘brother’ in the true sense of the word. To me, he excelled in mentoring and disciplining me in areas where God’s counsel was much needed. His values, life ethics and gospel proclamations deeply based on scriptural truths touched my innermost being. Each of his messages usually had fifty to sixty Biblical references. In the early days, he used to have a time of prayer with the translator. He would make me sit beside him either in the morning or afternoon and personally narrate the whole content of his message with specific Scripture portions. This was quite advantageous for me to get prepared and note down in advance and identify suitable words for titles, anecdotes, episodes and events. The early Jesus Calls campaigns had a specific theme for the 4 - 5 day meetings. Uncle, Aunty and Dr. Paul used to preach. But, the theme for public campaigns for each place was fixed by Uncle after much fasting and praying. His approach was significantly magnificent. He used to pass on to me a copy of his bold lettered hand-written notes containing all scriptural references, so that I could join him on the stage with utmost readiness and accuracy on the Biblical text. For many years, we used to go to the campaign venue together from the place he stayed. I recall those precious occasions when I used to travel in the same car as he did to the meeting ground. Later, his handwritten write up, enlisting Scriptures were sent to me at least two to three hours ahead of campaigns. In every discourse – big or small, the emphatic expression - ‘The Bible says ………The Bible says’ – was indeed his affirmative watch word. He imbibed in him the divine unction of the Holy Spirit and enduring practical wisdom that was expressed in selfless love, indomitable spirit of sacrifice and undying faith in our Saviour. All occasions, with no exception - whether it be public campaign or studio recording with beloved Uncle, they ushered me on to hill-top experiences. The most outstanding of all, was his prayers together with me prior to the message recording in the Greenways Road - Jesus Calls Studio – in January, 2008 - (during the last recording I had with Uncle – a lengthy session of twenty six episodes, in just one day starting from 9:30 am lasting till 10:30 pm). When I entered the studio, I found Uncle already on his chair for the shoot in an ardent mood of prayer - ready with his Bible, spectacles and notes containing dozens of pre-set references for each episode. These scriptural references were interwoven to each topic without any overlapping. Having sensed that I had occupied my chair beside him, Uncle opened up his eyes and said, ‘Praise the Lord, brother; How was your travel? Did you have proper rest? How is your family and your work at the Bank?’ After listening to my response he said, ‘Well, shall we lift our hearts to our heavenly Master?’ Then, with both hands joined and head lifted up, he prayed, ‘Precious Lord, we thank You for the joy of serving You. Jesus Calls Ministries


December 2019




We join our hearts together in Your presence, our Heavenly Father. We come before Your throne of grace to accomplish the task that You have assigned for us today. Lord, transport us to Your glory. Speak through us Lord, what You have to speak to the millions who watch the Jesus Calls TV Programme. In Jesus’ precious name I pray, Amen.’ This prayer brought to me an unusual experience. I felt as though I was lifted up from the studio floor with Uncle to a far higher realm of God to minister to the people living on planet earth. Every meet with Uncle was indeed a refreshing, reviving and revitalizing time soaked in the loving presence of our Lord. There was always an unusual kind of spiritual warmth emanating from him towards me during times of our ministry together as well as during personal prayer time which radically revolutionized my personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Since there were certain food restrictions for Uncle, his noon meal was packed and brought from his home. Invariably, food for the translator was arranged by the media department. When it was time for meals, Uncle had insisted on several occasions for me to dine with him and it provided an intense fellowship which is the hallmark of the Jesus Calls Ministry and the Dhinakaran family. He joyfully shared with me his home cooked meal. His act of sharing and caring was imprinted on my mind and it drew me closer to him. Formerly, studio recordings used to take two to three days including live recording and dubbing. Invariably, on one of those days, I was given the opportunity to give a devotional message in the morning’s corporate worship service for Jesus Calls staff. Uncle used to keep a watch on the guest speakers in the morning Staff Devotion and when I returned home, I was often thrilled to receive his letter of acknowledgement and encouragement for my involvement. After the ‘Kerala Good News Festivals’, Uncle had sent a personal letter to me, rejoicing and thanking God for ministering together for His glory. The discipleship and leadership qualities that were instilled in me through my close association with Uncle Dhinakaran still continues to bear fruit in my life; helping me to mature


Jesus Calls Ministries


spiritually and also to equip others who in turn will pass it on to the coming generations. Once I was called to Chennai for an emergency translation work. The journey, all the way from Trivandrum was undertaken without any reservation. That day, when I reached for the recording, Uncle noticed that I looked physically tired. Prior to prayer, he said, “Brother, do not overwork and overstretch your body. I have lost my sound health since I did not care much for my body. Listen brother, only if there is a canvas, you can draw on it’. This piece of advise spoke volumes to me as I was not much concerned about my physical well-being during those youthful years. Heeding his advice, I chose to correct myself before it was too late. Being a translator for Uncle was indeed an awesome experience. As a Bank official, working

December 2019



with State Bank of India in Alleppey, having practical knowledge of Malayalam, Uncle knew for sure where the translator fumbled and could not deliver the full content of his message. Whenever the translator jumbled up the references, especially if there were more than two Scriptures had been quoted in the same sentence, Uncle understood at once. But he kept his cool and repeated the same immediately without embarrassing or hurting the translator. His passion was to give the message in anointed unison for the benefit of the listeners. During long studio hours of recording, uncle preferred to have hot tea/coffee at intervals and every time he was extremely keen to see that the translator is also served simultaneously. I have enjoyed this love and compassion from dear Uncle on umpteen occasions. Uncle kept the translator and his staff associates at ease. Ministry together with him was quite relaxing in the spirit of God. There was perfect peace that surpassed human understanding. The outstanding sense of humour that Uncle maintained is beyond appreciation. He kept the team lively, cordial and spiritual. Every one with him was considered as a member of his own family and there were no unnecessary or unusual protocols. Intense homogeneity was the core of his relationship with all of us. His quiet attitude of humility and tolerance preserved the unity in the Jesus Calls family. In drowsy hours, especially in the afternoons, if any one was found feeling sleepy on the shooting floor, Uncle would crack jokes in Tamil to suit the context and kept everyone rejoicing with bouts of laughter.

work for a while.’ Yes, his prophetic words came true. Upon completion of her studies, she was privileged to be placed in Chennai and later in her hometown and work for a term till her marriage was solemnized. Uncle Dhinakaran paved the way for a new spiritual order. He ministered both by the Word and the Spirit, prayed with the appointing of a weeping prophet, nurtured me through his warm fellowship, refreshed all by his rich hospitality and divine touch. Yes, let us celebrate his sacred memory. (Dr. Christenson E. Sarasam, a former member of the CSI Synod for three decades, retired from State Bank of Travancore and faithfully served the Lord as C.S.I. Mateer Memorial Church Secretary and Administrative Officer of the South Kerala Diocese. Presently he is involved in preaching, teaching, counselling and missionary initiatives. Since 1981, he is associated with the Jesus Calls family and ministry as Malayalam translator and is blessed with a wife, a son and a daughter along with five grandchildren.)

Under divine intuition, Uncle had powerful memory of facts and events of our personal life that we shared with him. He always remembered to pray for my wife’s health whenever I had a personal time with him. During my son’s Engineering studies in Karunya, whenever I met Uncle for campaigns, he was quite inquisitive to enquire whether my son was faring well in studies without any arrears. Once, I sought Uncle’s prayer when he was in Aunty’s company. She mentioned to Uncle to pray for my daughter who was completing her MBA in Karunya University. Immediately, Uncle said prayerfully, ‘Time has not come, let her finish her studies and

Jesus Calls Ministries


December 2019




It’s a great joy to celebrate Christmas, a time when Jesus was born for us in this world. He wants to see every one of us truly happy. So, why don’t you pause for a minute and give Him a smile as a mark of love and happiness? Now, let’s go to Psalm 107:9 which says, “For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry

You see my friends, what does it mean to be

with good things.” God satisfies your need

hungry? It is not about fainting with hunger or

but you may be in a situation where you say,

longing for earthly things or losing your hope. In

“I have been waiting for this thing to happen

this verse, ‘hunger’ means being hungry to get

for so long!” or “I am not able to celebrate

something greater from the Lord. It is not the

Christmas because of my burdens.” Today is

hunger caused by the lack in your life. So let’s

the day for God to meet your needs. Whatever

expect something from the Lord because He is

you are waiting for, God wants to give it to you

near you to give you the thing you have been

because He fills the hungry with good things.

waiting for.


Jesus Calls Ministries


December 2019



Difficult situations drive us away from God, with questions like “Why is this happening?” or “Will it happen to me?” or “Will my dream ever come true?” and such. I feel hopeful amidst these doubting situations because I know that God will set things right. During your troubles you might face a lot of challenges which might try to defeat you. Mary and Joseph were struggling in a similar way. Mary had received a word from God that she will give birth to a Son and He will be a king and His kingdom shall never end (Luke 1:26-38). Lots of threats and challenges were upon them which tried to distract them from accomplishing the will of God.

When Jonah was going away from the will of God, a storm came and it rocked his boat. But in the midst of it, Jonah knew that it was God calling Him back to the right path. We don’t know why storms come; Do they come against us or to help us get back on track. If you remember the exodus, the Lord Himself led

Likewise, many people might be against you today or your own heart may be doubting your decisions. Or the devil might be trying to bring obstacles in your life to try and stop you from fulfilling the will of God. But my friends, the Lord assures you today according to Isaiah 46:11 which says “I have started it and I will make it to come to pass.” He says, “I will do everything for you”. He is the one who is going to perfect things for us and so keep your eyes on Him.

the Israelites out of Egypt as a pillar of fire. When we give our lives to God, He will continue to lead us and His plans for our lives will come to pass. His goodness will never dry out. We will always be in His will. That’s the assurance we have today and that’s the assurance we need to hold on to. As you read this word, your miracle for continuing in the great plan of God is coming right now.

We will not lose because the Lord will accomplish His plan for us. So with that faith let us cling to God with an open heart and let’s ask the Lord to open doors in your life to transform your hopeless situation. God will do mighty things for you and through you! To conclude I would like to say that Mary had storms, Joseph had storms but God led them to the right place and something supernatural happened in the world through them. It will happen in your life too as you surrender to God’s will. God will help you to enjoy the good things from the Lord as you are in God’s will. And Jesus will be born in your heart to lead you in the righteous path.

Jesus Calls Ministries


December 2019




BAMBALAPITIYA My name is L.P.D.S. Sanjeewa. I live in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka. About nine months ago when I was setting the field, unexpectedly the mamoty hit my leg. Due to this wound my left leg was swollen and I was admitted to the hospital in Ragama. Within one month I underwent four operations but the wound was not healed completely. I went on clinic days for some time but as there was no healing the doctors said that my leg has to be amputated. During this period I was able to read and study the Bible. I called the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Bambalapitiya and the prayer intercessors prayed for me with a burden. After that I went to another private hospital and the doctors there said by grafting the skin the wound can be healed. I was praying all this time and also the prayer intercessors at Jesus Calls Prayer Tower were also praying for me. The operation was successful and the Lord answered my prayers. The Lord healed me completely without amputating my leg. I praise and thank God for this wonderful miracle He has performed and thanks to all the prayer intercessors who prayed for me. All glory to God Almighty. - L.P.D.S. SANJEEWA, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka.


WEDNESDAYS: Praying for the Nation, Israel & World at 9.30 AM FRIDAYS: Blessing meeting at 5.30 PM FIRST WORKING DAY OF THE MONTH: Promise meeting at 9.00 AM SECOND SATURDAY EVERY MONTH: Newcomers meeting at 10.30 AM LAST SATURDAY EVERY MONTH: Youth meeting at 10.00 AM Christmas carol service on December 13th, at 4.30 PM SEESHA school kits distribution to 2,000 underprivileged students commencing mid-November.

JAFFNA For 25 years I had an incurable headache. Also for 04 years I was bound under demon’s. Now after praying at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower I am fully relieved and able to do everything and be happy. Also my son and daughter-in-law are abroad and never contact me after their marriage but now after coming to Jesus Calls meetings and giving prayer requests, Lord Jesus heard the prayers and solved all the problems and reunited us. I thank the Pastors and the prayer intercessors & Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and family. -BHARATHY VEETHY, Kamparmalai, Valvettithurai.


MONDAYS: Anointing meeting at 4.00 PM THURSDAYS: Blessing meeting at 10.00 AM FRIDAYS: Fasting & prayer for the Nation, Israel & the world at 10.00AM FIRST WORKING DAY OF THE MONTH: Promise meeting at 10.00 AM SEESHA school kits distribution to 2,000 underprivileged students commencing mid-November. Christmas carol service on December 19th, at 10.00 AM


Jesus Calls Ministries


December 2019




KANDY My name is Pandimadevi (landlady of Kandy PT). Ever since the blessing meeting commenced at Jesus Calls, my life began to change. I was going through much difficulties and no way of getting rid of them. My sleep was disturbed daily and some days I see a huge black hand coming towards my body. It goes under my neck and rubs my hair. But now I don’t see it anymore. My son was addicted to smoking for 04 years. By the grace of God my son was able to give up smoking completely. I believe that Jesus is real. I thank Lord Jesus Christ for changing me and my son and also Jesus Calls for helping me to know the real God. -PANDIMADEVI, Kandy


THURSDAYS: Praying for the Nation, Israel & World at 9.30 AM FRIDAYS: Blessing meeting at 4.00 PM FIRST WORKING DAY OF THE MONTH: Promise meeting at 9.00 AM THIRD SATURDAY EVERY MONTH: Newcomers meeting at 10.00 AM LAST SATURDAY EVERY MONTH: Youth meeting at 10.00 AM

Christmas carol service on December 11thw, at 3.00 PM SEESHA school kits distribution to 2,000 underprivileged students commencing mid-November.

MATTAKKULIYA Praise God. I’m S. Nirmala Devi from Wattala (Sri Lanka). About 04 years ago I came to Jesus Calls Mattakkuliya with my son S. Abishanth. I came to pray for my son’s kidney problem. Because doctors said that there is an issue in his kidney & an operation needs to be done. Those days I heard about Jesus Calls - prayer for the world. So I visited Mattakkuliya and joined with healing prayer meetings. After few years I saw progressive changes in my son’s body. I was in doubt. So I took my son to the Doctor for a check up. Doctors were amazed to report that son’s kidneys were miraculously fine. Thus, there was no need for an operation. I continue to thank God and Jesus Calls ministries for this miracle. - NIRMALA DEVI, Wattala, Sri Lanka

Meetings: WEDNESDAYS: Praying for the Nation, Israel & World at 9.00 AM FRIDAYS: Fasting & prayer meeting at 9.30 AM FIRST DAY OF THE EACH MONTH: Promise meeting at 9.00 AM 2ND SATURDAY EVERY MONTH: Esther Prayer Meeting at 3.00 PM 3RD SATURDAY EVERY MONTH: Student’s meeting at 10.00 AM LAST SATURDAY OF EVERY MONTH: Youth & Healing meeting at 5.00 PM Christmas carol service on December 14th at 4.30 PM LAST FRIDAY EVERY MONTH: Praise & Worship prayer at 9.30 AM SEESHA school kits distribution to 2,000 underprivileged students commencing mid-November. Jesus Calls Ministries


December 2019





Jesus Calls Ministries


December 2019




od sent His own Son, Jesus Christ, as a human into this world in order for Him to suffer in His body and thus help every one of us who lives in tears, worries and agony. He gives eternal life to all those who believe in Him. Jesus Christ has given Himself for us, as an offering and a sacrifice to God as a sweet-smelling aroma in order that we would not perish through an unrighteous and filthy life, but be a blessing to many by living a life that is holy, righteous and pleasing to God. Let us meditate briefly on what blessings are given to us by Jesus, who was incarnate as Man on this earth:

Blessing of becoming a righteous man

in a dream to Joseph, a righteous

‘But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him!’ (Romans 5:8-9)

David, do not be afraid to take

Yes, we are made into righteous people by the blood of Jesus Christ. When He came into this world as a Man, the angel of God appeared

a righteous man. Blessings are on

Jesus Calls Ministries

December 2019

man, and said, ‘“Joseph son of Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins”’ (Matthew 1:20,21). Living a holy life, devoid of sin, is the identity of the head of such a righteous man (Proverbs 10:6). It is the Lord’s wish that all of us should be righ-



teous. Only when we live like this, ‘every good gift and every perfect gift from above would come down from the Father of lights and rest upon our head’ (James 1:17). A young man named Saul, who was an evil person, greatly troubled the people who sought the Lord reverentially and who trusted Him. Once, when he was thus travelling with a fanatic rage to find and destroy all the men and women who ‘were of the Way’ suddenly a light shone around him from heaven. Then he fell to the ground, and heard a voice say to him, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?" And he said, "Who are You, Lord?" Then the Lord said, "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. It is hard for you to kick against the goads" (Acts 9:1-5). At once, his life turned upside down. Since the hand of God came upon him, the man called ‘Saul’ became pure and became Paul, His servant, who served God as a slave. A couple had two daughters. They raised them with great love and care. The elder daughter’s name was Selvi and the younger one’s name was Lily. Both attended Sunday School regularly. Selvi was a nominal Christian and did not give her heart to the Lord. Both grew up and started their family life. Selvi settled for a luxurious life as she wished. Lilly, on the other hand, chose a man who was committed to the Lord and was in an ordinary state and lived a simple life. Selvi ridiculed Lily about her


poor state, not caring that she was her own sister and caused her distress. But Lily did not get angry or annoyed by her sister’s conduct rather prayed earnestly that her sister’s soul should cling on to the Lord. Days passed! Selvi’s husband who used to love her dearly suddenly turned his attention to another woman and stopped coming to the house regularly. Selvi

On this joyous occasion of Christmas, ask Him, “Lord, please come; grant Your peace and joy in my heart and in my family. Wash my sins with Your blood and help me to live a righteous life. Pour divine love into my heart”. He is waiting to be born in your heart, in your home. was thunderstruck. Surprised that her sister Lilly was leading a contented and a peaceful life with oneness of mind despite their meager income, she felt that she too needed that peace and went to her sister, discarding all her pride and cried before her. Grabbing the opportunity, Lilly hugged her sister and explained the love of Jesus to her. She also prayed along with her sister every day. One day Selvi committed her heart to

Jesus Calls Ministries

December 2019

Jesus and her life turned upside down. All her pride vanished. Like her sister, she started fasting, praying and reading the Bible. She poured all her problems at the feet of Jesus (Psalm 142:1,2). The Lord miraculously brought her husband back and because of her love, good character and good works, God changed his life too. Peace flooded into that family. My dear sisters, for your personal and family life to be righteous, Jesus Christ came down into this world in order that you would enjoy this divine peace and joy as a family. He gave Himself as a living sacrifice on the cross. So, on this joyous occasion of Christmas, ask Him, “Lord, please come; grant Your peace and joy in my heart and in my family. Wash my sins with Your blood and help me to live a righteous life. Pour divine love into my heart”. He is waiting to be born in your heart, in your home. He will bless you with the glorious experience of what St. Paul says, ‘it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me’ (Galatians 2:20).

Horns of the Righteous will be Exalted ‘…the horns of the righteous shall be exalted.’ (Psalm 75:10) ‘The memory of the righteous is blessed…’ (Proverbs 10:7) ‘Now God worked unusual miracles by the hands of Paul, so that even handkerchiefs or aprons were


brought from his body to the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out of them.’ (Acts 19:11-12) The people would have praised Paul saying, “Oh, he’s a man of God; a righteous person; I got healed because of him; I got delivered from the clutches of the devil because of him…’ and so on. Since Paul was a righteous man, his horn was exalted. How does a righteous man walk? ‘The righteous man walks in his integrity; His children are blessed after him’ (Proverbs 20:7). Yes, the righteous man walks in his integrity. The Lord will grant His perfect blessings to those who are faithful and honest in their deeds, talks and in the jobs they do and who walk in the path of righteousness. Their horn shall surely be exalted. ‘A faithful man will abound with blessings…’ (Proverbs 28:20) Being honest and walking in integrity is pleasing to the Lord. ‘The just and blameless who is ridiculed’ (Job 12:4). Thus we read about Job’s state in the Bible. I know of a sister who is the eldest daughter in her family. She had siblings. Her parents were aged. The Lord had blessed this sister with a good job and with

her income she had to look after her parents and educate her siblings as well. She had to do everything for them. Thus she neglected herself and with great difficulty educated her siblings and got them jobs. Everyone reached a higher level in life. At this juncture, this sister who was working sincerely and faithfully was suddenly removed from her job. At this critical moment none

When your house is built on Christ, the Rock, it will stand; it will not be moved; He will dwell with you as Immanuel and as the Saviour. What a glorious life that is! of her siblings took care of her or even inquired of her. She languished in loneliness. Days passed! One day she came to Brother Dhinakaran and shared her problems with tears. He too prayed for her with compassion and said, “Ma’am, the Lord will protect you, lift you up and lead you with no lack.” He thus encouraged her and sent her back. That time, an American company had started in India and she applied for a job there. The

Jesus Calls Ministries

December 2019

Managing Director of that company invited her for an interview and she did well in that. She got the job immediately. She did this job with sincerity and loyalty. The Managing Director was happy with her work and one day he asked her, “You always work cheerfully and efficiently. But you always look so dull and glum. Why is that?” That sister shared with him her sorrowful story and said, “My parents are very old. I have to take care of them. I have heavy debts since I educated my siblings with my earnings. I am now 31 years old. I don’t know if I would get married or if my life would continue like this…” Immediately that officer told her about his similar story and how he was left as an orphan and alone and how he was now blessed and elevated in life. He finally proposed to her and said that he was willing to marry her if she agreed. She prayed over it and accepted him happily as her husband. He not only took very good care of her but also her parents. He cleared all her debts and took her to America. They settled down there happily. ‘He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?’ (Romans 8:32) According to this Scripture, the Lord fully removed the poor state of that sister who was walking in the righteous path and prospered her life.



My dear sisters, you may face problems and crisis in your family or workplace. There may be a difference of opinion between husband and wife and they may be lacking oneness of mind. Perhaps, you are unable to satisfy your family members despite working hard. Yet, be patient. ‘Indeed we count them blessed who endure. You have heard of the perseverance of Job and seen the end intended by the Lord; that the Lord is very compassionate and merciful’ (James 5:11). So, you who are reading this, shall walk faithfully and with integrity. Hold on to the Lord firmly. He will grant His full blessings to you, who have commit yourself to live with honesty, loyalty and with righteousness. He will make you enjoy fame. He came down to this world as a man, in order to give you this blessing. He will uphold you, who are righteous (Psalm 37:17). He will teach you and lead you (Psalm 32:8). He will make you glad according to the years in which you have seen evil (Psalm 90:15). He will be the Master of your life and make your horns exalted.

The House of the Righteous Shall Stand ‘…But the house of the righteous will stand’ (Proverbs 12:7) ‘…But He (the Lord) blesses the home of the just’ (Proverbs 3:33)


The Lord wants to come right where you are and bless you. "Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel," which is translated, "God with us" (Matthew 1:23). Another name given for the Lord is ‘Immanuel’ which means ‘God with us’. A husband, who had a wife and five children died quite unexpectedly. After his funeral, his relatives pitied his wife and asked her, “Your husband did not save anything for you. How would you bring up your five children?” and they all left her without helping her in any way. But this widowed mother said to her children, “My dear children, all the people have forsaken you and me. But the Lord whom I trust is with me. He will never leave us orphans according to His word (John 14:18). So let us cling on to Him and pray to Him.” She entrusted her entire family into the hands of the Lord and said, “Lord, take my family under Your care. Change me into a godly, virtuous woman of priceless pearl.” The mighty God heard her prayer. He encouraged her, who trusted in Him. He undertook all the responsibilities of her family. Using her small piece of land, she formed a vegetable garden with much prayer. By the grace of God, there was a good yield and she offered the first fruits as offering to servants

Jesus Calls Ministries

December 2019

of God. Seeing the hard work of the mother, the children too worked hard and studied well. They graduated with government aid. By God’s grace all of them got good jobs. One day her children told the mother, “Mom, it is enough that you’ve toiled all these years; from now on please stay at home and keep praying for us. This blessing alone is enough for us”. The Lord abundantly blessed that home and family. Only after this, the relatives who had ignored them and had failed to help them, started visiting them. Also, that mother became a mighty sword for the Lord and a mother of life, working hard. ‘…today I must stay at your house.’ (Luke 19:5). The Lord, who said this to Zacchaeus and who went to his house, wants to come and stay in your house. Would you open the door of your heart? He will come and stay with you. He will wipe away your tears; He will make your house a dwelling place for Him. The Lord is eagerly waiting to grant this divine blessing to each one of you who celebrate this festival of Christmas. His blessings will stay on your head, as you are righteous; your horns shall be exalted as you walk in integrity; you will be exalted from any state that you are in today. The Lord will be with you as Immanuel and bless you abundantly.

My loving Christmas greetings to all of you!




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