Jesus Calls International - September 2018

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Night of Joy Los Angeles, CA

July 28th and July 29th 2018 (Saturday, Sunday)


he Lord graciously enabled us to conduct two ‘Night of Joy' meetings in Los Angeles, CA. The meetings started with a warm Punjabi-Indian style welcome for Dr. Paul and Mrs. Evangeline on both the days. Dr. Paul began the first day of the meeting with a word of prayer encouraging every participant to believe God for a supernatural miracle. It is our praise and After prayer, thanksgiving that Mrs. Evangeline shared moves the heart of the word of God from God and brings down Psalm 47:1, explaining miracles for us. how the Lord is our very present help in times of need and encouraged everyone to call upon the name of the Lord every day. On the second day of the meeting, Dr. Paul shared the word of God based on Zephaniah 3:17 emphasizing the unconditional love of Jesus and how to pray effectively in the Holy Spirit. He said it is our praise and thanksgiving that moves the heart of God and brings down miracles for us. Dr. Paul and Mrs. Evangeline spent their time praying for all the members gathered.


We would like to share three notable testimonies from our Los Angeles, CA meetings to uplift your faith.

Testimonies  Anjula Newton, Canoga, CA I had severe pain on the right side of my lower back to the bottom of my legs and it was uncomfortable since the last four days. Yesterday, I attended the first day of the meeting and during the prayer time, Mrs. Evangeline Paul prophetically said “God is healing the nerves and bones”. I went back home and slept. When I woke up in the morning, I had absolutely no pain. I thank and praise God for His mercy and grace.

 Rubal, Los Angeles, CA I had given an interview and was awaiting the job offer. I attended this meeting and exactly during the prayer time, Dr. Paul prophesied saying people would get jobs on Monday. I too joined him in prayer believing God for a miracle. As prophesied, I received a call from the Company on Monday at 9 am asking me to join the job. All praise and glory to God alone.

 Abishek, CA I got married and was childless for several years. My wife and I kept praying and in September 2016, we sent a prayer request to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran to pray for a child. Following which, one day, in a Jesus Calls TV programme, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran called out my name and prophesied saying that we would have a child. Miraculously my wife concieved a child and we are blessed with a boy. We were also facing financial problems when we first moved to the United States. But once we started donating towards the Jesus Calls ministry, the Lord started blessing our finances and He is meeting all our needs. Now we are blessed in abundance. All Glory to God! Jesus Calls International * September 2018 * www.


Friday Night Blessing Meeting Dallas, TX (August 3rd 2018)


Paul shared about how the Lord cares for us all in spite of our weakness and about how the love of God could transform our lives and how it can deliver us from all our worries that the enemy brings our way. He along with his family prayed for every participant’s need so that they could be a testimony to others in need. We, at the Dallas Prayer Tower would like to thank you, our dear partners, for making these meetings possible with your prayers and financial support. In these meetings, God’s power was manifested in a mighty way. Many who came experienced the supernatural presence of God and testified God’s touch in their lives. The Lord has been using the ministry of Jesus Calls International in Dallas, TX to be a source of blessing to thousands upon thousands across the United States and various parts of the world. Your contribution of any amount will surely enable us to wipe away the tears of the broken hearted through our Dallas Prayer Tower. You could become our ‘Hope and Healing Wall’ Partner for a gift of $31 or more monthly which


will in turn help us to sustain the operations of our Dallas Prayer Tower and enable us to spread the love of God in and around the United States. Through our Dallas Prayer Tower we also record and air TV programs to various parts of the world so that it will be a blessing to millions who watch us daily on TV. You could donate towards our TV ministry or sponsor a TV program for $1,500 or co-sponsor a TV program for $700 a month. If your are led by the Lord to donate towards the Dallas Prayer Tower and help us fulfill our mission of sharing the love of Christ to the world, please call the Prayer Tower at 972-499-4995, or to donate online, or write your checks payable to Jesus Calls International and send to Dallas Prayer Tower located at 8855 N Stemmons Fwy, Dallas, TX – 75247. You contribution of any amount will surely be a blessing to enable us to wipe away the tears of a hurting soul. - Mr. Praveen Rajkumar, Coordinator, Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, DALLAS

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Psalm 43:4 – God in whom I delight Meditation: Psalm 30:11; 92:4; Isa.35:10;Habakkuk 3:18; Jude 24,25




Psalm 68:35 – God gives you strength Meditation: Psalm 29:11; Isaiah 49:5; Hab. 3:19; Luke 24:49

Deuteronomy 31:8 – God will be with you Meditation: Judg. 6:12; Isaiah 43:5; Matt. 28:20; Acts 18:10




Ephesians 2:10 – You are God’s handiwork Meditation: Psalm 143:5; Isa. 29:23;60:21; Philipp. 2:13; Heb. 2:7




Judges 5:31 – You will shine like sun Meditation: Exo. 34:29-35; Prov. 4:18; Dan. 12:3; Matt. 5:14-16; 2 Cor. 4:6




Jeremiah 31:13 – Your sorrows will turn into joy Meditation: 1 Sam. 18:6; Esther 9:2123; John 16:20; 2 Cor. 7:4




Isaiah 49:15 – God will never forget you Meditation: Psalm 9:18; Isaiah 44:21; Amos 8:7; Heb. 6:10




2 Corinthians 9:8 – God will bless you abundantly Meditation: Romans 5:20; 2 Cor. 4:15; Eph. 1:5-8; 1 Tim. 1:14




2 Samuel 22:29 – The Lord turns darkness into light Meditation: Psalm 18:28; Isaiah 9:2;42:16; Micah 7:8; Matt. 4:15,16




Isaiah 40:11 – God holds you in your steps Meditation: Psalm 48:14; Isa.48:17; John 16:13; Rev. 7:17






1 Samuel 2:9 – God will guard you Meditation: Exo. 23:20; Psalm 121; Prov. 3:26; Isaiah 52:12

Luke 10:20 – Your name is registered in heaven Meditation: Psalm 139:16; Malachi 3:16; Philipp. 4:3; Rev. 3:5; 21:27

Leviticus 26:9 – God will look on you with favour Meditation:Exo.4:27-31;1Sam.1:1-11,20; Psalm 14:2; Isaiah 63:15-19 1 Chronicles 29:12 – God provides wealth Meditation: Gen. 26:12,13; 2 Chro. 1:11,12; 9:22; Prov. 10:22; Philipp. 4:19 Joel 2:25 – God will repay your losses Meditation: Gen. 14:14-16; 1Sam.30:8,19; Job 42:10-12; Jer. 30:3 Matthew 5:8 – Blessed are the pure in heart Meditation: Psalm 24:3-5; Heb. 10:22; James 4:8; 1 Peter 1:22 Deuteronomy 11:25 – No one will stand against you Meditation: Deut. 7:24; Joshua 1:5; 1 Sam. 17:48-50; Acts 6:8-10 Proverbs 18:10 – Name of the Lord, our strong tower Meditation: 2 Sam. 22:3; Psalm 31:1- 4; Philipp. 2:10,11

Jeremiah 31:14 – God will fill you with bounty Meditation: Lev. 25:19; Psalm 91:15,16; Isaiah 58:11; Matt. 5:6 Psalm 91:4 – God is your shield Meditation: Gen. 15:1; 2 Sam. 22:31; Psalm 28:7; Prov. 2:7

Psalm 107:8 – God gives good things Meditation: Psalm 23:6; Jer. 32:40-42; Matt. 7:11; James 1:17 Colossians 3:15 – God gives you peace Meditation: Num. 6:26; Psalm 29:11; Isaiah 54:10; John 14:27 Isaiah 40:31 – Your strength will be renewed Meditation: 2 Chro. 14:11; Psalm 138:3; Acts 1:8; Phil. 4:13 Daniel 2:21 – God gives wisdom Meditation: Exo. 35:30-33; Prov. 2:6; Luke 21:15; James 1:5 Psalm 23:3 – God will guide you in the right path Meditation: Psalm 5:8; Prov. 4:11; Jer. 31:9 Psalm 31:19 – Great is the goodness of God Meditation: Deut. 26:11; Psalm 34:10; Jer. 24:4-7; Heb. 11:40 Psalm 51:12 – God will fill you with His Spirit Meditation: Isaiah 32:15; 44:3; 59:21; Luke 1:35,79; Acts 2:17,18 Haggai 2:19 – God will bless you Meditation: Gen. 22:17,18; 1 Chro. 13:14; Psalm 128; Luke 24:50; Eph. 1:3 Jeremiah 29:11 – God gives you hope and a future Meditation: Psalm 20:4; 37:4,5; Prov. 13:12; Jer. 31:16,17; Eph. 3:20,21

Psalm 41:1 – The Lord delivers you in times of trouble Meditation: 1 Chro. 4:10; Psalm 121:7; Zep. 3:15; Acts 18:10

Jesus Calls International * September 2018 * www.


“…I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut.” (Revelation 3:8) This month, our God will open doors that were closed in your life so far. No one can shut the door that is opened by God for you (Revelation 3:7). Are you perplexed thinking about the different doors in your life, such as the door regarding your job; holiness; health; promotion; family blessing; favor from men; your victory; are all closed? God is going to open the doors you expect to be opened. No one, including yourself, can shut that door opened by God. So, be bold. In John 10:7, Lord Jesus says, “I am the gate for the sheep.” He will lead us towards the blessings. Many years ago, my father had visited a town for the first time, to share the Lord’s message. He was praying for the meeting that was to be held that evening. Suddenly, his throat tightened and he could not speak. He panicked if he would be able to speak at the meeting that had already been arranged. At that time, the devil appeared in the form of a goddess of that town before my father and told him that the town was under her control, and no one can speak about Jesus in her town. It was she who tightened his throat so that he could not talk and commanded him to leave the town. However, my dad, instead of listening to that voice, he continued to pray to Jesus and pleaded to the Lord that “thousands of people will come with tears to the evening meeting without a hope for their future. Only if I tell Your word and pray in Your name, they can be delivered from their problems and get answers. Please Lord, open my throat, and open this door for me.” At that moment, Jesus came down and stood by his side. Upon seeing Jesus, the devil was ashamed, ran away and disappeared. Jesus said to him, “I am moved for my children. Certainly, I will deliver them. People with these types of problems will come. Tell them this Word” and, immediately his throat opened. Yes! Jesus Christ is the door of blessing to us. No devil can shut Him or the blessings from Him.


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“For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility.” (Ephesians 2:14) “Having canceled the written code, with its regulations, that was against us, and that stood opposed to us; he took it away, nailing it to the cross.” (Colossians 2:14) “Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might destroy him who holds the power of death– that is, the devil.” (Hebrews 2:14) Because His body was torn on the cross, the door of eternity opened. This month, whenever you confess His name, every door will open for you. So, cling on to Him. What are the various things that shut the doors for us in this world?

Mockery that shuts the Door “Now stop your mocking, or your chains will become heavier.” (Isaiah 28:22) First, the sin of mockery closes the door for you. The Bible says that we should not mock others. When Jesus hung on the cross, the strangers, and the sinners, mocked Him (Mark 15:20,31). Because they mocked Him, their bondages became strong; the doors closed, and their eyes became blind. Therefore, they lost the blessing of seeing Jesus, and they didn’t know God although they were desperate. Judas, the disciple of Jesus, was with Jesus but he set his heart on money. As he was handling the finance of the group, he stole money (John 12:6).

So, he couldn’t understand the godliness of Jesus. He thought that by making Jesus as King, he could get a better portion. This is a mockery. This bondage kept him tight, and he killed himself at the end (Matthew 27:5). The Spirit of God dwells inside a man. Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. The scripture says that if anyone destroys it, he will be destroyed by God (1 Corinthians 3:16; 6:19). When a man mocks God by indulging in wrong-doing because of his lust for money, the bondage becomes strong. As a result, his body changes to function as the temple of the devil instead of working as the temple of the Lord. The devil pushes the body of such people into the grave even while they are still living, and they become like dead people; they spoil their own life, and they torment their own body (Mark 5:5). The devil always instigates one to sin. However, Jesus says, “I am the door for you. All those who are burdened come to me, I will give you rest. I will deliver you from all bondages; I will heal you from all such wounds” (Matthew 11:28). The Bible says, that when Jesus came in their direction, all the people who were in darkness saw a great light. All those who were in the darkness of death, received a great light” (Matthew 4:15). Are you suffering from the bondage of mockery and sin? God says, “I am going to loosen you; I am going to give you a new life; I am going to build a new house, I will forgive all your sins so that you can live in peace with an honorable life.” “Blood of Jesus will cleanse us from all iniquities and sins” (1 John 1:7). Today the blood of Jesus will deliver you from the bondage of lust and mockery. Come to Jesus, who is our door and cry, “Lord, help me.” God will answer your prayers, and He will open a new door, a new door of holiness for you. Then you can live as a child of God with joy.

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Let’s read the testimony of dear brother Gunasekaran of Coimbatore, India whom Jesus delivered from his bondage of sin: My name is Gunasekaran. I live at Tiruppur, Tamil Nadu, India. For 28 years, I was addicted to alcohol. In the year 1997, I got married. It was my wife who prayed for my deliverance. I used to mock the servants of God and holiness. I was afflicted by scabies and my wife took me to Bethesda Prayer Centre at Karunya. Once the prayer intercessors prayed for me, I was healed. Because I was an alcoholic, I didn’t have even one meal a day, for 17 years. In 2017, I attended a Jesus Calls meeting that was held at Tiruppur, and Dr. Paul Dhinakaran said in his prayer, “You alcoholic devil, get away.” Immediately, I fainted and fell. I could feel something come out of me. When I got up, I could see a great deliverance in me. Dr. Paul in his prayer continued, “God will give you the power to drive away devils.” Slowly God started to deliver me from alcoholism. I was ultimately delivered, and my life changed. I began to bring people who had problems and sickness to Bethesda Prayer Centre for prayers. As prophesied by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, when I pray for people who are in the bondage of devil, they get delivered. Today, Jesus, the door of holiness will transform your life. Pray, “Father, it’s enough that I have sinned so long; it’s enough of satan binding me. Lord, you shed your blood on the cross for me. Please forgive my sins; Lord remove all my bondages and open a door for me.” God will break the bondage and open doors of holiness.

Sickness that shuts the Door “…Hezekiah became ill and was at the point of death.” (Isaiah 38:1) 8

Sickness is one of the doors that lock the door of progression. Hezekiah became ill and was at the point of death. At that time, the prophet Isaiah went to him and said, “You will not rise out of bed that you are in now. You are going to die. This disease will end your life. It will bind you. You will not recover.” Hezekiah prayed to the Lord with tears. He who was nigh unto death did not cry to anybody and knowing that he is going to die, turned his face to the wall and cried, “Remember me, Lord.” Lord who opens the door, sent Isaiah back to him to tell “God has seen your tears. He will add fifteen years to your life” (Isaiah 38:1-5). He got back his life. Today, are you troubled and cry out, “I have come to the end of the road; due to sickness I cannot work; I cannot go out; sickness has bound me; what will I do? Will this sickness kill me? Will it kill my family? How long should we suffer because of this closed door?” Jesus will help you. He will give you the same promise He gave to Hezekiah. He will add 15 more years. Surely, He has taken up your infirmities and carried your sorrows (Isaiah 53:4). The Lord will turn the door of sickness into a door of good health. He delivered King Hezekiah from his illness. He said, “We will sing with stringed instruments all the days of our lives in the temple of the Lord” (Isaiah 38:20). You will say, “From the bondage of death at home, I will go through Jesus, the door of healing and will be a testimony for Jesus.” The same way God is going to change your life and make you sing His glory. God is going to create new organs in you and will remove the organs that are not functioning properly. A bedridden man who could not walk was brought to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, “Get up, rise up, take up your bed and go back to your home.” He got up and walked home happily

Jesus Calls International * September 2018 * www.

(Matthew 9:6). A man in Bethesda could not walk for about 38 years. Jesus went to him and said, “It’s enough you are lying down on the streets. It’s enough the doors to your home are closed, and you are not able to go back. Today I am opening the door of your home for you. Go home and enjoy your life. He rose up and walked (John 5:5-9). God will heal you so that you do not have any need to visit hospitals. He is the God who heals you (Exodus 15:26). He will give you a new door so that you can work in such a way that sickness will not be a hindrance to do excellent work. He will enable you to take care of your family. He will send you to proclaim the gospel. The family of Banumathi suffered living in poverty. In the midst of this, her husband was struck with a heart problem. Due to sickness, he could not go to work. They had no financial help either. They started the treatment with no money in hand. The little money that they had was also used up and they had sunk into debts. In this unfortunate situation, one day her husband slipped and fell in the house, and his bone was broken. On the one hand, he had a heart disease and on the other side due to the fall, his legs stopped functioning. Doctors told that they could not do anything to save him. Even if they wanted to go to another hospital, they needed money which they did not have. They felt that the door for livelihood has been permanently closed. Unexpectedly, they happened to watch a TV program of Jesus Calls. Precisely on that day, inspired by the Holy Spirit, I was repeatedly praying for the people who cannot walk. What a miracle! The power of Jesus Christ came upon him and he regained strength and God made him stand. Now the husband of Banumathi walks like a healthy man. God has given him a new heart, and he goes to work and takes care of his family. God, the door of healing will do the same for you. So, don’t be worried. This month, surely Jesus will touch you and

heal you. By His stripes, we are healed (Isaiah 53:5; 1 Peter 2:24). His stripes heal us. He will touch you with His stripes. The wounds that He bore on the cross will heal you. If your kidney has stopped functioning, a miracle would happen. He will make you live. God will open the door of healing and shut the door of sickness!

Wicked people who shut the Door “On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, Peace be with you!” (John 20:19) The evil schemes of wicked people close our doors to life. Therefore, we feel trapped and suffer all alone. Fear of man will prove to be a snare (Proverbs 29:25). Fear of man will make us remain in darkness and keep the doors locked. Paul pleaded to pray that he may be delivered from wicked and evil-minded people (2 Thes. 3:2). Wicked and evil-minded people are tormenting us in this world.

a) People who destroy our chastity Amnon, the son of King David, seduced his sister and then he threw her out of his house. She cried out alone and was placed in a pathetic condition. After that incident, she became lonely as she locked herself in her house for the rest of her life. Perhaps, someone destroyed your life too. Wicked people would have played a game on you, and your door of life is seemingly locked. You feel trapped. That wound might torment you but God will deliver you by opening that door for you.

b) People who enslave us Wicked Pharaoh kept the people of Israelites in bondage to work as slaves. He didn’t give good

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wages. He didn’t treat them properly, and they were in agony (Exodus 14:13). Finally, through the hands of Moses, God did miracles and delivered them. They thought, “we got freedom; we are going to our land; our children can work in peace.” However, as they were going, unexpectedly King Pharaoh followed them with multitudes of his armies to bring them back as slaves. You might be going through a similar suffering. People might have given you a job but are not paying you the right wages according to the demands of your career, and because of that, you are worried. Some people may run a business, but not able to save money. When you listen to the harsh words of corrupt superiors whose words pierce your heart, you may think that the doors are closed, and you may be desperate enough to say, “There is no future for my family and me”, but God will open a new door for you. The God, who opened the Red Sea, will destroy the wicked people who are coming against you and take you to the land of milk and honey. Jesus will do this. He will give you a job, give you profits in your business, give you honor in your career and will make you prosperous. Are you worried about your child and say, “My child is not studying well and the teacher is impatient with my child; what can I do? Will I lose my child?” God will open a new door for your child. Believe in Him.

Debt that shuts the Door “In anger, his master turned him over to the jailers to be tortured, until he should pay back all he owed.” (Matthew 18:34) Due to debt problems, you may be locked with fear inside the house. People who gave loans might chase you. An additional interest would be


more than you can bear. Fearing the debtors, you may be running away from them. Also, because you proclaimed the word of God, the doors would have been closed. “Because the disciples proclaimed the word, they were put in prison” (Acts 5:21,23). The disciple Peter was put in prison because he proclaimed about Jesus (Acts 12:4). The king planned to kill him. However, God had mercy on him and sent his angel. He opened the doors of prison and brought him out. God will send the same angel. He will protect you (Exodus 23:20). You will be delivered from the hands of the evil people. God says, “I am the door for you. In the midst of evil and wicked people, I will give you my grace and lift you up. I will give you wisdom; I will give you holiness, I will break the schemes of evil people that they cannot touch you. I will provide you with a job by myself, and I will lift you up. I will deliver you from debt. When you share the Word about me, I will send my angels to protect you.” Lord Jesus delivered Sis. Mary Christinal from the bondage of debt. Let us read her testimony and be encouraged: My name is Mary Christinal, and we are residing in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. We are blessed with two children; a boy and a girl. My husband who was working in a tea estate was affected by wheezing problem and could not continue his job. Due to this, there was no income in our family. I was struggling to maintain the expenses of two children at home. Because of scarcity of food, I developed an ulcer problem and lived with much weakness. I could not do any work at home. In this situation in 2004, I attended the Jesus Calls meeting with no strength in my body. During prayer time, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran said, “All your weaknesses are disappearing in the name of Jesus.” At that

Jesus Calls International * September 2018 * www.

very moment, the power of the Holy Spirit came upon me, and I was just thrown off. I saw Jesus by my side, and all my weaknesses were gone. Immediately, I gave my testimony. At that time, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran laid his hand upon me and prayed, “Thank you Lord for removing all the problems, worries, and burdens at home. You will help her to live in peace without any financial struggle. Thank you Jesus; go along with her and honor her." After the meeting was over, with the little money I had, I enrolled both my children in the Young Partners Plan. After that, God moved my family's hearts, and both my mother and sister took care of my daughter’s need towards school education. In 2010, I became a Jesus Calls Ambassador, and I started to enroll many as Jesus Calls Partners. Due to this, my daughter’s college education fees were entirely taken care of by my employer. I was filled with joy. My daughter completed her studies and worked in Kerala. She was promoted at her workplace and is working as a professor in a medical college in USA. My son is studying in Karunya University. Just as Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prophesied, God has lifted my family. Glory to God!

Noah along with his family of eight members and all the flying birds, animals and all male and female creatures inside the ark, to protect them from the floods. Here we see that God shuts the door of the ark to protect them. No one could enter the ark, and the rest were destroyed in flood. However, the chosen lot were protected. God is giving you the same kind of protection. He will close the doors around you to protect you. God is saying, “I am shutting the door so that you cannot go out (Psalm 88:8; Isaiah 24:10).

“But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” (Matthew 6:6) A woman’s son died. The prophet Elijah took him to his room, and he closed the door and prayed lying upon the child. God’s life came upon the child, and he came back to life (2 Kings 4:35). Inside your house, when you close the doors for unwanted talks and instead, pray for your children and your family, you will see the resurrection in

Door closed by God “These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.” (Revelation 3:7) “Go, my people, enter your rooms and shut the doors behind you; hide yourselves for a little while until His wrath has passed by.” (Isaiah 26:20) God says not to stand in places of anger found in the world but to go inside the room and lock yourself until it passes from you. God locked up

their lives. My wife used to fast and pray whenever my children write an examination. She fasts and prays for our children once a month. When she prays, the Spirit of God will come upon me. God will give prophetic words to me about the grand plan concerning my children. On one hand it’s prayer and on the other hand, it’s prophecy. This blessing of God comes upon the children. When the husband prays, the wife will prophesy. To experience this grace, the Spirit of Christ will come upon you. He will take your children and embrace them. He will kiss them and bless them. God will open the door of blessings for you. Be glad!

Jesus Calls International * September 2018 * www.


Malaysia Prayer Tower

Heart’s desire fulfilled! After graduating, for nearly a year I tried to get a Government job but I was not successful. I was totally frustrated. It was then that I remembered the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and called for prayer support. The prayer intercessor prayed fervently for me. God heard their prayers and miraculously offered the job of an Executive with a good salary. I thank God for fulfilling my heart's desire and for the prayer support from Jesus Calls Ministry. - Dexter, Malaysia


Jesus Calls International * September 2018 * www.

For any further details and ministry resources, please contact Stella Pereira, in- charge of the Jesus Calls ministry in Malaysia as Manager. Address, telephone number and email details are given below: Address: TRUE FRIEND BERHAD TOWER VILLA, 11, LORONG TIMUR, 46000 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR D.E, MALAYSIA Mobile: +60 10 511 8539 Email:

Prayer Help (24 hours): 03 7960 7370 You may send in your loving offerings through Cash / Cheque / Direct Banking. Online payment can be done through Our website with secured payment gateway: Please find below the bank details for online payment and funds transfer: Beneficiary name : TRUE FRIEND BERHAD Bank Name : MAYBANK BERHAD Account No : 514169218662

Jesus Calls Malaysia Requires Country Director The candidate must have a passion and dedication to serve the Lord Jesus through this prayer ministry, which reaches out to the broken-hearted in the Nation. The candidate should be a permanent resident in Malaysia, a graduate and one who is willing to work on a full-time basis. A person with prior ministerial experience would be advantageous, with experience in leading and managing operations. He/she should be a resourceful leader, who is able to lead and motivate others as per the Vision and Mission of Jesus Calls. The work scope

includes the development and expansion of the ministry by establishing Prayer Centers in different parts of Malaysia. Excellent communication and networking skills would be required as the role entails liaison with various parties including Government agencies, service providers and Christian leaders. Must have a good working knowledge of English & Tamil. Knowledge of Chinese would be an advantage. This position will report to the Global Director - International Ministries, Jesus Calls Global Partnership.

Those interested may send their CVs to Jesus Calls International * September 2018 * www.


September 2018

Straight from my heart Dearly Beloved, Loving greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus! Let us praise the Lord with all our hearts for protecting and guiding us through these eight months of this year. May the Lord bless you this month as declared in 2 Timothy 4:8, “Now there is in store for me

a crown of righteousness.”

The Lord shall place the crown of righteousness on your head and honor you. The Lord shall protect you and your family as you have been made righteous by His blood (Romans 5:9; 1 Corinthians 6:11; Genesis 18:31). When you, who are righteous, call unto Him, He will listen (Isaiah 65:24), and in this month, He will answer all your prayers (Psalm 34:17). He shall also provide all the needs of your children and will bless them (Psalm 37:25). I am very grateful to you for your prayers and your offerings to the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministries which guide people towards our Lord Jesus, the righteous one. Every day, my family and I along with the prayer intercessors, pray for you and your loved ones who partner with us in this ministry.

The Lord shall protect you and your family as you have been made righteous by His blood.


Jesus Calls International * September 2018 * www.

National Prayer Tower

“Be not afraid, O land; be glad and rejoice. Surely the Lord has done great things.” (Joel 2:21)

By the Lord’s immeasurable grace, the ‘Jesus Calls’ National Prayer Tower at Delhi is completing its 8 years of fulfilling God’s mandate. It was dedicated on 4th September 2010 in New Delhi, to carry out prophetical prayers for the nation 24 hours x 7 days a week, according to the Lord’s direction, “You shall establish a Prayer Tower for the Nation in Delhi, that is next to the seat of power..."

My Birthday For the past 56 years, the Lord has protected me as the apple of His eye. Please pray that the Lord should continue to use me and my family mightily and to give me good health to proclaim the gospel around the world.

24 HOURS “CHAIN PRAYER TOWER” On 4th September 2010, the Lord gave the National Prayer Tower as a gift for my birthday. On this birthday of mine, we are planning to launch yet another significant ministry facet;

“You shall establish a Prayer Tower for the Nation in Delhi, that is next to the seat of power..."

the "24 hour Chain Prayer Tower” at Bethesda, Karunya Nagar to pray exclusively for the protection and blessings of all our dear partners and staff of Jesus Calls, Karunya & Seesha. You can inform your friends in India to come, stay and pray in this Prayer Tower and be a blessing to millions. To know more about this, you may contact +918754426134 or e- mail

SCHOOL OF PRAYER By the grace of God, the Prayer Towers in 106 locations across India and 14 in abroad are shining as a beacon of hope to the thousands of people who are visiting them every day. We are getting invitations and requests from different other places to establish new Prayer Towers. To fulfill this, we need more trained prayer intercessors. To cater to this, we are starting a residential ministry training at the School of Prayer where committed men and women will be trained in the prophetical prayer ministry and various other ministry aspects by me and other servants of God. I would like you to pray for GOD to perfect this unique plan.

Jesus Calls International * September 2018 * www.


I am thankful to all of you who have supported the ministry joyously even in the midst of tough situations.


We are also working hard to integrate different communication channels like Telephone, Email, Social Media, SMS & Web chat into a single platform called Omni Channel,to serve the partners in a better way. We are investing a lot in this project and we are in need of crores of rupees to complete this deployment. I would encourage you to pray and support as led by the Lord. In the month of September, October and November, we are scheduled to minister at the Special meetings, Prayer Festivals and the Prophetical Prayer Trainings in the following locations. Kindly pray that the Lord uses me, my family and His servants who come along with us to minister, during these meetings:

In India - 2018 September 2 Special Blessing Meeting, Bethesda, Coimbatore

September 22 Partner’s meeting, Delhi

September 23 Prayer for the Nation @ Delhi

October 11, 12, 13 Prophetical Prayer Training, Trivandrum

October 13, 14 Prayer Festival, Trivandrum

October 20, 21 Prayer Festival, Hyderabad

October 24 – 26 Prophetical Prayer Training, Rourkela, Odisha


October 26 – 28

Prayer Festival, Rourkela, Odisha

November 10,11 CNI Synod Peace Festival, Daringbadi, Kandhamal, Odisha

In abroad - 2018 September 30 to October 4

South Africa meetings

October 5

Karunya Alumni Meet, Dubai

October 7

Partner’s meeting, Abu Dhabi

I am thankful to all of you who have supported the ministry joyously even in the midst of tough situations as found in Luke 21:2, 4 “….but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.” It is only through these offerings to the Lord that the ministry is growing. Please render your continued support even as we toil hard to carry the hope of Christ and pray for the people in need. The Lord will bless you from Zion'(Psalm 134:3). I intercede and pray that you receive complete healing this month and seek shelter under His wings! Your loving brother,

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

Jesus Calls International * September 2018 * www.

Jesus Calls International * September 2018 * www.



Our Lord is holy! He says, “Be holy, for I am y dear children of God, my loving greetings to each one of you in the name of the Lord Jesus!

The Lord has graciously enabled us to enter a

new month. May the Lord’s blessing descend upon you richly, through God’s message! May your life

holy” (I Peter 1:16). My dear ones, when we live a life pleasing to the Lord and are holy, it is certain that the Lord will give us whatever miracles we expect in life and meet all our needs. The Bible says, “He spoke, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast” (Psalm 33:9).

be abundantly blessed all through this month!

“Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do wonders among you.” (Joshua 3:5) These are the words that Joshua tells the Israelites, and accordingly, the priests, the Levites, and even the people confessed all their faults and sanctified themselves. As a result, the Lord did a miracle. - Mrs. Stella Dhinakaran


THE LORD WHO DOES WONDERS “Blessed be the LORD God, the God of Israel, who only does wondrous things.” (Psalm 72:18) His servant Job says,

“Who (He) does great things, and unsearchable, Marvelous things without number.” (Job 5:9; 9:10)

Jesus Calls International * September 2018 * www.

The Bible says,

The angel Gabriel said this to Daniel who lived

“To Him who alone does great wonders, For His mercy endures forever.” (Psalm 136:4) Only when you trust Him and believe with all your heart, the Lord will work wondrous things in your life.

a holy life. What a beautiful and pleasing life he lived for the Lord! From the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, we read about the life of the Lord Jesus Christ. We get to know how He lived, read the Scriptures, prayed, was filled with the anointing and overcame the devil and so on.

Doesn’t the following Scripture make it clear?

Dear ones, please read the Bible diligently,

“And whatever things you ask in

particularly these four gospels. Don’t think,

prayer, believing, you will receive.”

‘What’s going to be there? Who would teach

(Matthew 21:22)

me?’ Instead, read it prayerfully. Ask the Lord in

Today, many people do not read the Bible. Only through Bible reading, we can understand what

reverence, ‘Lord, teach me the secrets in these four gospels.’

God has said in the Scriptures, about His miracles

In Esther Prayer Group, every month, we pray

and how to lead a holy life. If you search and read

to claim the verses given for each prayer point.

the word of God, then He will speak to you through

Some new members when they attend the prayer

His Word. This is genuine Christian life.

for the first time are ignorant. The second time, they start listening. The third time, they close

“I will lift up my eyes to the hills; from whence comes my help? My help comes from the LORD, who made heaven and earth.” (Psalm 121:1,2). A man of God wrote, “Tears and agonies are there all the time! There is no peace in the family;

their eyes and start praying. The fourth time, they pray boldly. On the fifth time, when they pray for others, they receive miracles in their own personal lives. How good our Lord is! My dear child, start reading the Bible earnestly and have a close relationship with God to receive a miracle. About this the Bible beautifully says,

only division.” Yes, these are the things that we see in today’s families. However, it is true that the Lord does miracles even today.

“At the beginning of your supplications the command went out, and I have come to tell you, for you are greatly beloved.” (Daniel 9:23)

“You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You because he trusts in You.” (Isaiah 26:3) The Lord Jesus says in John 10:30,

“My Father and I are one.”

Jesus Calls International * September 2018 * www.


Yes, every one of us should hold on to the Lord.

When the Lord Jesus reached ashore after taking

We should become one with Him. We should trust

baptism and when He was on the high mountain

Him and depend on Him. Tell Him, ‘Lord, I have no other way except You! You are my Way, Truth, and Life!’ We sing beautifully ‘He is my everything, He is my all! – both great and small . He makes my life complete, makes everything new.” but do we experience it? Only when we make it an experience, the Lord would do wondrous things for us.

with His disciples, God the Father glorified Him saying, ‘"This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased." (Matthew 3:17; 17:5). While saying about David, He testified, ‘'I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own heart, who will do all My will' (Acts 13:22). Dear ones, commit yourself to Him saying, “Lord, let not anything that is displeasing to You be seen in my life. Do miracles and signs in my life and hold my hand and lead me throughout this

I have an incredible testimony to stir up your

month” and thus receive the Lord’s blessings in an abundant measure.

faith: A woman had no child even after 30 years of married life. Both husband and wife had lost all

Prayer: Our dear Father, I come to you

hope. She reached the menopause stage. Still,

as Your child. I call You Abba, Father

they did not let go of the Lord. The wife held on

and cling on to You. Lord, look upon Your

to the Lord saying, ‘Lord I will not let You go

servant, who commits to love You and hold

unless You give me a child.’ The Lord blessed her

on to You, without placing trust on any

with a sweet girl baby! She brought the child to

human. I commit the head of the family,

one of the Jesus Calls Family Blessing Meetings

the wife, and children into Your hands.

and glorified the Lord by sharing this wonderful

Please do a miracle for Your children.

testimony among the crowd.

Grant them Your blessings. Let them receive miracles. Teach them the necessity

“If you believe you would see the glory of God.” (John 11:40)

of a holy life. This month, let a miracle

Dear ones, place your entire trust on the Lord

tears. Let Your blessings increase. Remove

and get rid of all the filth in your life; your worldly

all their fears and worries. You know what

natures, wrong company, alcoholism, addictions,

their needs are. So, when they call upon

etc., which are not pleasing to the Lord. Commit yourself to live holy, and then He will be delighted and will perform a miracle immediately.

“…and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.” (I John 1:7) 20

happen to all those who plead to You with

You, hear them and show them Your truth and peace. Take care of all their matters. Lord, as the personification of love, please carry and bear Your children as a miracle worker and as a wonderful God all through this month. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Jesus Calls International * September 2018 * www.

) Dr. D.G.S . Dhinakaran te la ar de by n ve gi ge (God’s messa Jews, so I tell you now: Where I am going, you cannot come.” “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me.” (John 14:1)

(John 13:33) The disciples were heart-broken and reacted in different ways. Peter, who was always the first to speak, blurted out, “Lord, where are you going?”

Our gracious Lord Jesus, knowing very well the confusion and trauma that awaited His disciples

followed by Thomas saying, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way” (John 14:5). They were all troubled for

when He gave His life for mankind’s salvation in

they did not know what the future was in store for

such a horrendous way. The Lord prepared their


hearts saying:

Jesus knew their sorrow and said, “Don’t let

“My children, I will be with you only a little longer. You will look for me, and just as I told the

your hearts be troubled.” Yes, they needed this comforting assurance - “Don’t let your hearts be troubled…” Is it not enough to believe in God? Why did Jesus say believe also in me?

- Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Jesus Calls International * September 2018 * www.


Many years ago I used to write letters to a man

fades away, but the peace that Jesus gives us is

of God to pray for my sick mother’s recovery;

true and eternal. That is why Jesus said, “I do not

he would always respond back assuring me of

give to you as the world gives.”

his prayers. Gradually, his responses became

Once I met a princess who did not know Jesus.

few and far between, until they stopped. Quite

My hosts requested me to pray for her. When I

unexpectedly one day I happened to meet his

met her, I asked, “What is it that you want me to

wife, and I seized the opportunity to find out from

pray for you?” Do you know what she said? She

her why he had stopped responding to my letters;

said, “Sir, I have everything in this world; a good

she said, “brother, he receives thousands of letters

husband and a son, I do not have any shortcomings;

everyday and he is unable to keep track and send

but in my heart I don’t have peace. Pray that I may

replies. From now on please address your letters in

have peace.”

my name and I will tell him and make sure that he writes back to you!”

Look at what our gracious Lord Jesus tells us, “My peace I give you”.

Beloved, even our gracious Lord Jesus is like

“Great peace have they who

that! He says, “I took the cross and gave My life

love your law, and nothing can

for you. Now I am at the right hand of God and am

make them stumble.”

interceding for you” (Mark 16:19, Romans 8:34,

(Psalm 119:165)

Hebrews 7:25). Therefore believe in Me, for no one comes to the Father except through Me” (John

According to this verse, there is no hindrance in the peace that our gracious Lord Jesus gives us.

14:6). My dear brother and sister, are you worried

“You will keep him in perfect

about your future? Don’t be troubled. There is a

peace, whose mind is stayed

Person who is concerned about you. He is our Lord

on You, because he trusts in You.”

Jesus Christ. Let us meditate on the consoling and

(Isaiah 26:3)

encouraging things that He has told us. MY PEACE I GIVE YOU

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I

According to this verse, He gives us His peace that is totally Christ-centered and perfect in quality.

give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” (John 14:27) Peace fabricated and promised by the world is only fake – The peace that lasts momentarily,


And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7) And He gives us the peace that transcends all understanding.

Jesus Calls International * September 2018 * www.

Shall we meditate deeply about the peace that Jesus gives us?

that critical moment, did Jesus lose His peace? No. Did He condemn Judas? No. Filled with peace,

When Jesus lived in this world, there were many hindrances which came by in His life. One

He replied lovingly, “Friend, why have you come” (Matthew 26:50).

day when Jesus was going in a boat with His

Even after He died on the cross and rose

disciples, suddenly a furious storm raged leaving

again, He spoke about the same peace. He is

the disciples trembling with fear. But Jesus was

an unchanging God. But in our lives things that

sound asleep in the boat. Nothing disturbed His

disrupt our peace do happen suddenly.

peace (Matthew 8:24).

On May 21st 1986, we lost our loving daughter

Before His crucifixion when Jesus stood before

Angel in a terrible car accident. A fright, fear

Pilate for judgment, Pilate asked Him, “Don’t you

and disbelief filled our hearts. For six weeks we

realize that I have the power to either free you or

were mourning, “Where can we go and minister

to crucify you?” But Jesus calmly replied without

now? Our household has become dark”. But

any reluctance, “You would have no power at all

after one month of losing our dear daughter, on

over me if it were not given to you from above”

29.06.1986, when we knelt down for our morning

(John 19:10-11).Because He was filled with divine

prayer as usual, the Holy Spirit suddenly filled us

peace, He was able to answer that.

like the rain. We could not bear it. A peace that

Today, as children of our Lord of lords, nothing

the world cannot give, a peace that transcends all

that rises against us in this world shall stand. Be

understanding filled us. All our worries, fears and

it at our work place or any place, in the midst of

burdens vanished. Jesus appeared and spoke to us

any circumstance, the Lord shall protect our peace

face to face. He encouraged us. He strengthened

from being disrupted.

us to continue to do the ministry.

Jesus was not troubled by hypocrites. He

Beloved, are you suffering from lack of

knew very well that one of His disciples- Judas

peace today? Are you crying,” Why do I still feel

would betray Him (John 6:64-70).According to

troubled though I follow Jesus?” Do not lose faith,

the scriptures, Judas went to the high priest and

even in the midst of all your troubles, He will give

asked, “What are you willing to give me if I

you perfect peace. This divine peace will keep

hand Him over to you?” (Matthew 26:15). Jesus

filling you during your times of trouble. He will

knew this very well. Being in anguish, He prayed

never leave you as orphan in this world. He will

more earnestly, and His sweat were like drops of

bless you with the peace that is in Him. He will

blood falling to the ground (Luke 22:24). It was

make the peace that transcends all understanding

when He was exhausted from sorrow that Judas

to keep on filling your heart. Let not your hearts

approached to betray Him (Matthew 26:49).At

be troubled.

Jesus Calls International * September 2018 * www.


Testimony from Sri Lanka... My name is Gerty Godfrey. I live in Grandpass, Colombo 14. My daughter Evangeline Rochelle, 10 years old, is a Young Partner. Suddenly she fell very sick and was admitted in hospital as she was finding it difficult to breathe. After examining her, the doctors said that she is suffering from Dengue and as a mother I could not bear it. At once I called the Jesus Calls Colombo Prayer Tower and the prayer intercessors prayed with great burden and strengthened me. That night the doctors told me that the dengue symptoms are slowly going off. Next day, with amazement the doctors said that the symptoms are completely gone and she was given normal treatment. Now my child is completely cured. I praise and thank God for this miracle and also thank the prayer intercessors who prayed for my daughter. All glory to God.


Jesus Calls International * September 2018 * www.

DO YOU NEED A PHYSICAL HEALING? MENTAL HEALING? EMOTIONAL HEALING? Enter these towers of healing for the Blessing Meetings In Colombo:

At Mattakkuliya:

In Jaffna:

Every Friday at 5.30 p.m.

Every Tuesday at 5.30 p.m.

Every Friday at 10.00 a.m.

Jesus Calls International

Jesus Calls

Jesus Calls

15/1B, Joseph Lane,

No: 65/373, 5th Lane,

102, 3rd Cross Street,


Crow Island, Colombo 15.


Colombo - 4.

PRAYER HELP (24 hours): 00 94 11 4488111 “Thousands are calling the Prayer Tower and receiving their miracles. The Prayer Intercessors are standing by to receive your calls and pray with you. Please call for any of your prayer needs TODAY For any further details about the ministry and ministry resources, please contact, Sister Kanthie Wijeyesekera at + 94 11 4488112. EMAIL:

You may send in your cheerful offerings through Money Order / Cheques can be written in favour of Jesus Calls International. For Direct Bank Deposit and Bank Transfers, please use the following details Account Name : Jesus Calls International Bank : Commercial Bank of Ceylon PLC Branch : Bambalapitiya Account Number : 8106007140 Swift Code : CCEYLKLX For online donations :

Jesus Calls International * September 2018 * www.


“...Remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms His covenant, which He swore to your ancestors, as it is today.” (Deuteronomy 8:18) Today the world is facing financial turmoil which affects many businesses. However, in the midst of these tribulations, the Lord wants to prosper His people who build His kingdom (Malachi 3:10,11). With this sole aim, the Business Blessing Plan was dedicated on 7th September, 2008 to pray for the blessing of dear partners enrolled in this plan and to make their lives profitable and meaningful through the business they do. This Plan has been successfully running for ten years, and we have received numerous testimonies on how the Lord blessed the business establishments and trade of these beloved partners in amazing ways. One such testimony is given below: I am Winstan from Chennai, India who has been blessed through the ‘Business Blessing Plan.’ 15 years ago, I started a small business of supplying uniforms to schools and colleges. However, suddenly, I began to face severe losses in the business. The customers did not make the payments on time resulting in a huge debt on my shoulders. Four years ago, when I applied for a loan in a bank, it was rejected stating that I was not eligible. The Jesus Calls Prayer Tower was near that bank, and so, whenever I had to go to the bank, I did not fail to visit the Prayer Tower. I spent some time in the chapel and also prayed with the prayer intercessors. God heard those prayers and miraculously got the loan sanctioned. As a token of love and gratitude and renewed faith, I went first to the Prayer Tower and enrolled my business in the Business Blessing Plan. After that, God started blessing my small business, and I began to receive multiple orders enjoying profits after a long time. The business that I was doing from home, now expanded to owning a factory. I cleared all my old debts. I would visit the Prayer Tower every time a pamphlet is printed to promote our products and pray for our promotions. Today, we have expanded our business abroad, and we have a branch in Singapore, too. Recently we had the opportunity to meet Dr. Paul Dhinakaran as a family and pray with him. My family and I are not only Business Blessing Plan partners but also a partner of Jesus Calls, a TV sponsor, and my son is a Young Partner! All Glory to God!


Jesus Calls International * September 2018 * www.

Yes, my friends! Even as you enrol your shop, trade, business or industry in this Plan, the Almighty Lord will surely grant you and your business the divine protection and prosperity. The Lord will teach you to be profitable and expand your business. If it’s a new enterprise that you invested in or an on-going activity, trust the Lord, He will not let you face a loss. For the Lord will restore everything to you in double fold measure, enable you to reap hundredfold blessing (Genesis 26:12) and will make you eat the fruits of your labor with peace and joy.

Become a channel of blessing to millions through this mission of Jesus Calls. I am led by the Lord to support the Business Blessing Plan (please tick your choice) q

One time





I want to donate $…………........................…….........................................................…………… Name:.............................................................Partner code (if any) .......................................... Address:............................................................................................................................ Mobile: ....................................................... Email:........................................................................ Name of my own company/ Business ....................................................................……………….. Birthday..............................................................…...Wedding Day...…..................................….. MY PRAYER REQUEST: “Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place.” (2 Chronicles 7:15) .............................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................. ..............................................................................................................................

For more

Sow into people’s lives and Reap blessings in your business! Jesus Calls International * September 2018 * www.


y r o l g ’s d o G g speakin Complete Deliverance I am currently relieved from my service in the Army. I was a slave to a lot of bad habits. I have three daughters. In 2008, my wife passed away. I could not bear her death and started to drink a lot. Due to this in 2009, my body was affected and found that I had three blocks in my heart and went through bypass surgery. After some days I was paralyzed on my right side. I could not do any work. I was distressed because I was sick when I had to prepare for my daughters’ marriages. In the midst of the pain in my shoulders and hands, with great expectation, I attended the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Festival in 2010 February, in Guntur. During the prayer time, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran called, “Prabhakar Rao, where are you? Run and come to the stage immediately. You have a problem in your shoulders and hands. You may think that there are many Prabhakar Rao’s in this meeting. However, Prabhakar Rao who has a problem in your shoulders, the Lord is touching you. He is pouring His Holy Spirit on you”. On hearing it, I was surprised. I went to the stage and testified. Then Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prayed for me. At once all the pain in my body vanished. At that moment, I was delivered from all bad habits and my slavery to sin. I went to the Guntur ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower and prayed along with the prayer intercessors. I also sponsored one of the ‘Jesus Calls’ TV programs. In 2010, 2012 and 2015, my three daughters’ marriages were held wonderfully. God has blessed them, and I praise the Lord with all my heart for giving me salvation, healing and blessing my family irrespective of who I was! - Prabhakar Rao, Guntur, India


Jesus Calls International * September 2018 * www.

The Lord calls us by Name My father was working as a driver. In the year 2005, he died unexpectedly. My mom had to shoulder the responsibility of taking care of three daughters and a son. There was also a pending court case which made us all the more distressed. All our relatives were speaking among themselves that, “These girls will never get married.” We were regularly watching the ‘Jesus Calls’ TV program. This program not only consoled us but also strengthened our faith. To our amazement, the Lord brought commendable life partners to my elder sisters, and their weddings were hosted wonderfully. However, my marriage was delayed. I was worried and cried with great sorrow unto the Lord, as I was not even engaged at the age of 26. On 17th January 2007, I was watching a ‘Jesus Calls’ TV program. During the prayer time, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran called my name and prophesied, “Sharlin, the Lord is going to bless you. He will give you a wonderful life partner and will build your life”. At once, on hearing this, I jumped with joy. Within ten days, my marriage was fixed and on 10th May 2007, my wedding was held remarkably. For the past 11 years, the Lord has been blessing our married life abundantly. We have two children. We often visit the ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Tower in Bengaluru. All glory to God who used His servant to prophesy blessings on my life.

- Sharlin Naveen, Bengaluru, India

Miracles in EPG I am a leader of a Esther Prayer group You can also experience and in our group we are 20 members. We gather once a month and pray for the such miracles as a family; prayer points sent by our dear mother, Mrs. Stella send you prayer Dhinakaran. When we pray for women in need, our personal prayer requests are answered by God. This month requests to, after the prayer, Sulochana in our group testified that her acute stomach pain which she had for several days, disappeared Email: and she got healed. Similarly Sis. Leela got a miraculous healing. Sis. Padma , for a long time was waiting for a rented house within her budget and God blessed her with the desired house. Many are the miracles Website: and we are thankful to God for it.

- Selvarani Paul, Sri Lanka

Jesus Calls International * September 2018 * www.


Lathika (2013–2017 B. Tech. Bio-technology), School of Agriculture and Biosciences I am extremely happy and thankful to God for bringing me to Karunya for my B.Tech. It is a God given opportunity for me to study in this Department of Biotechnology. I was hoping to get at least one job offer in my hand before I graduate. I worked for it and got placed in M/s. Zifo RnD solutions, Chennai. I would like to thank all my faculty and friends who encouraged and guided me in the placements. From the beginning of the final year I took the placements seriously and practiced aptitude for an hour every day. I attended the placement trainings conducted by the University. Consistent preparation and time management in solving the problems could be challenging; however it is crucial for success. The special training initiated by the department for logical reasoning was extremely helpful because it was emphasised in all the rounds of the placement. I thank the department for all the opportunities and support provided throughout my years in Karunya. God the Creator is working things out, whether you can see it or not. His Word calls you to walk by faith, not by sight (2 Cor. 5:7). Shyam Feelix. S (2013–2017 B.Tech. Electrical & Electronics Engineering), School of Engineering and Technology Though I am a Christian by birth, it was just for name sake. I never had any relationship or encounter with lord God Jesus Christ. I have always been an average student since my schooling. But after coming to Karunya I have experienced His love enormously and He helped me to grow both in academics as well as in spiritual life. Though I am an average student, Jesus Christ helped me to get placed in one of the most prestigious company in the world M/s. Cognizant Technology Solutions with colourful salary package. I thank the Lord Jesus Christ for showering His beautiful grace upon me. Divya.N (2013–2017 B.Tech. Electronics & Communication Engineering), School of Engineering and Technology I feel very privileged to say that I am a Young Partner of Jesus Calls as I have been experiencing God’s amazing blessings. Recently campus selections were held in our University. I was totally broken and discouraged thinking that I wouldn’t get placed. But our gracious Lord Jesus Christ has blessed me with a placement in M/s. Accenture. I Praise God for showering His blessings upon me and making my life a testimony. I also thank Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and all the prayer intercessors of Jesus calls for their fervent prayers.


Jesus Calls International * September 2018 * www.



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