Jesus Calls International June 2023 E-Magazine

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Uttar Pradesh Masihi Association organized the Easter Milan to take place on the 14th of April at Christ Church College, Hazratganj, Lucknow. More than 5000 people participated. The place was overflowing with people everywhere. Bishop Augustus Anthony presented the felicitation. Bishop Dr. Gerald Mathais (Catholic) and Mr. RK Chattree. Gen. Sec. UPMA honoured the meeting with their presence. Stella Ramola sang a special song which was enjoyed by the crowd. Her soulful singing stirred the people’s hearts to worship God. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared the Word of God about 'God’s resurrection power and its ability to make all things new in everyone’s life. A mighty move of God swept across the entire place when Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed at the end of the meeting. There was great rejoicing among the people on that day.’ All glory be to God!


Here is how a dear sister was blessed through the prayers of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran:

I had severe pain in my leg as it got fractured. Due to this, I was unable to kneel and pray for the past one year. No painkiller could help relieve my pain. On the 14th of April in Lucknow, when Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was praying, I saw a bright light. The Lord Jesus touched me and my knee pain left instantly. Now I can kneel and pray freely. There is absolutely no pain. Praise the Lord.

The UTurn Youth Blessing Meeting in Lucknow was held on the 15th of April 2023. Hundreds of young people gathered from the places in and around Christ Church College, Hazratganj, Lucknow. The meeting set the young hearts on fire for Christ. Stella Ramola invoked the presence of God through her praise and worship session and helped the youngsters to tune their hearts and minds toward the Lord Jesus. Her tear-


filled singing moved the hearts of many and made them experience the tangible love of God. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran assisted in the testimonies and encouraged the gathering to yearn for God’s miracles in the same way. He also shared the Word of God from 2 Samuel 7:9 assuring the gathering that God will make their names great like the names of the great men of the world. This prophetic message inspired the young crowd to claim the promise for themselves. Many surrendered their lives to Christ. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran closed the meeting with a Spirit-filled prayer that blessed the young people and did wonders for them. All left the place feeling rejuvenated and refreshed to have a close walk with God.

Here is a testimony of sister Anita who was miraculously blessed: HEALED FROM PAIN IN THE HEELS

I was an average student. In 2016 June, I enrolled myself in the Young Partner Plan. The Lord enabled me to complete my B. Ed with 78%. The Lord also blessed me with a government job in a primary school in 2018. For the past 4 years, I have been suffering from severe pain in my heels and no medicine could help me. I used to get pain while walking and was unable to sit and stand freely. Today, during the U turn meeting, as Bro. Samuel Paul Dhinakaran was praying for divine healing, I felt the Lord Jesus touching me. I have no pain in my heels now and I am able to walk without any pain. Praise the Lord.

The Lucknow Partners’ Meet was held on April 15th in the evening at the same venue. More than 1200 partners participated and were blessed. Stella Ramola led a powerful praise and worship session. Her harmonious singing filled the ground with Spirit-filled melodies and the People joined her in worshipping God with tears. Many committed their lives to Christ. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran welcomed the testimonies and ignited faith in the hearts of people to believe for their miracle. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared God’s Word with great compassion which blessed the hearts of the people. Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran closed the meeting by offering a powerful prayer for the deliverance and blessings of the people. Individual prayers were also offered at the end of the meeting by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran and Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran. The Partners left the place finding great peace and joy in the Lord.

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Since you are rooted in Jesus, God is going to make all things new in your life in this month. Jesus alone has the power to bring the dead things back to life. He victoriously rose from the dead and is alive even today. He said, “I was dead but behold I am alive forevermore.” No one on earth has ever defeated death as Jesus did and no one has had the power to rise from the dead like Jesus.

Why did Jesus come back to life?

He came back to life so that He can be with you forever even to the end of the age. Today, Jesus is living in you and He will make all things new for you. The old will pass away and new things will come into being.

The Scripture says that at His resurrection, the

Lord Jesus was transfigured to His glorious body. Now as it happened to Jesus, He enables you and me to be glorified.

Philippians 3:21 says, “Who, by the power that enables Him to bring everything under His control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like His glorious body.”

1 Corinthians 15:42-44 says, “The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable; it is sown in dishonour, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in


power; it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body.”

As He walked on the earth Jesus had a body that was perishable like any human being. And so He had to die like any human being but to become God He rose up from the dead resurrected by the Spirit of God in order to receive the glorified body in the form of man but adorned with God’s glory.

It is one thing to say I believe in Jesus, but it is another thing to taste His resurrection power in our life and being so that we too can be glorified to carry the image of Jesus in our body and soul.

Romans 8:30 says, “And those He predestined, He also called; those He called, He also justified; those He justified, He also glorified.”

As mentioned in the verse above, it is important for us to be glorified by God. Only when we are glorified, can we walk with the Lord in the Spirit and in His glory. Only then will we be able to know His will and walk accordingly and thus glorify God through us.

That is why 2 Corinthians 3:18 says, “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His image with ever increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”

My friend, you and I have to be transformed from glory to glory and reflect the image of the Lord. Only then can we know and experience Jesus personally.

When Jesus rose again and appeared to His disciples, none of them could recognise Him. Their eyes were blinded. Only when Jesus opened their spiritual eyes, they could see Him in that glorified state and realise that it was Jesus.

Let us look into some of the issues that blinded the eyes of the disciples from seeing Jesus in His glorified body. I believe that this will help you to

get rid of those issues in your life as well so that your spiritual eyes can be opened to experience the resurrected living glorified Jesus, personally. Only when we are thus glorified having being connected to the glorified Jesus, can others experience the glory of Jesus through us, as we talk, pray and proclaim Him. Then miracles follow.


Mary Magdalene cried bitterly in shock as she saw that the tomb where they laid Jesus was thrown open and the body of Jesus where she saw lay Him the day before was missing now! She assumed that someone had taken away the body of her precious Jesus. But Jesus had risen from the dead and was standing right beside her. She saw Him but could not recognise Him. Her tear filled eyes blocked her mind and understanding blinding her spirit from seeing and recognising the GLORIFIED, resurrected Jesus. Even after seeing Jesus standing right in front of her, she was unable to realise that it was Him (John 20:14). She was so overwhelmed by her weeping that she asked the Lord Himself who was right by her “Sir, if you have carried Him away, tell me where you have put Him, and I will get Him.”

At this point, “Jesus called her “Mary.” She turned toward Him and cried out in Aramaic, “Rabboni!” (which means “Teacher”) (John 20:16). That’s when Mary realised that it was Jesus in His glory!

My friend, weeping for the losses in your life, prevents you from seeing Jesus as the glorified King.

However at this moment, the Spirit of God will call you by your name and comfort you. He then opens your eyes to see Him in His glory and says as in Isaiah 43:1, “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are Mine.” Yes, God has called you by name so that you will not weep but see Him glorified and thus you too will be glorified. The moment Jesus called

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Mary by her name her eyes opened to Jesus. She was then empowered to reveal the good news of His glory to all disciples. Similarly, you will also be empowered by the Lord to reveal His glory to others when you stop weeping and realise how much you are loved by the Lord.

In Luke 19 we see the example of Zacchaeus. When God called him by name, he came down running and he surrendered his life to Jesus and he was glorified by his transformed life. Likewise, you will be glorified when the old things pass away in your life and all things become new. The Lord who glorified Zacchaeus is going to come into your house to glorify you.

Similarly, a few years back, a north Indian lady had been suffering without a child for many years. She had miscarriage after miscarriage, and she was pushed to the point that she could not conceive anymore. She was so broken. She was in tears all the time. But one day the Lord showed my name in her dream and told her to receive prayers from me. She had no clue how to reach me for prayers. It was exactly at that time that we had arranged a Jesus Calls meeting in her city. When she saw the posters everywhere she came to the meeting. I had no clue about this woman. On that day during prayer, God revealed her name to me, and I called out her name and said that she does not have a child and the Lord is visiting her. Her eyes opened to Jesus and received Him as Lord of her life. She came to the stage to share her life story. Only during her testimony, I got to know of this background story. I prayed for her that day. God graciously made her conceive that same month and the

next year when we went there for a meeting to that city, she came carrying a child.

Maybe you are saying that you are forgotten by everybody and nobody even notices you. Take heart! God knows you and He calls you as His own. So, quit weeping because the Lord promises that He will glorify your name.


Secondly, we find that the disciples were terrified by the threats made by the Jewish leaders and so, they were sitting inside closed doors fearing for their life. Yes, fear cripples us from seeing Jesus as the glorified Lord. John 20:19,20 says,

“On the evening of that first day of the week, when the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” After He said this, He showed them His hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord.”

My father used to talk about Mrs. Dhanam Swaminathan whom he was acquainted with in the 1960s. Her story goes like this. She was a person who hated Jesus. Her husband was professing Jesus and sharing about His love to those who had no hope in life due to their sinful ways. For this she persecuted her husband giving him food without salt and in several other ways. Yet, he used to thank God and eat the food patiently as well as bear all her torture. One day he died. It is then she was left all alone. Fear gripped her. She had no where to go. She went to the railway station and sat there not knowing what to do clueless about her and her children’s

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future. At that moment of height of fear right there the Lord’s Spirit fell upon her as He filled His fear filled disciples. Her eyes then opened to experience the glory of the Lord Jesus. She repented; was anointed and was transformed to become a mighty prophetess of the Lord Jesus. The wounds of Jesus comforted her heart and changed her inside out. Later on my father while being young in his late twenties was taken to her convention by his spiritual friends. She prophesied even upon him saying how the Lord would transform him to be a light to the nation and the world.

God can transform any heart! When your spiritual eyes are closed because of fear, God will show you His wounds and open your eyes to see Him in His glory. God will comfort your wounds and remove your fears by revealing His wounds for you. You will see the wounded Jesus and will be healed and He will empower you with the Holy Spirit to bring forgiveness, healing and deliverance to others and thus be glorified. So, rejoice.


Thirdly, it was unbelief that blinded the eyes of the disciples who were travelling to Emmaus from seeing Jesus in His glorified body. Though they were hearing the words of Jesus, their eyes were blinded because of their unbelief in the prophecy of God. They did not try to understand what Jesus was teaching them. They were too busy munching the news about his death that they failed to grasp the truth in the teachings about Jesus being raised back to life on the third day. That’s why Jesus got angry with them and said to them, “How foolish you are, (You fools) and how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken!” (Luke 24:25).

Today we see people dwelling on listening to the news from the unrighteous about Jesus and His servants in the social media, spread through their vain talk and mischievous rumours. Once allowing that talk to come into one’s heart they allow satan to enter their heart (John 13:2). Then their eyes are blinded to Jesus (2 Corinthians 4:4). Those can rumours blind one’s eyes to the prophesies and truths of the Bible spoken by the Lord about Himself and His servants. Alas they are not able to experience the glorified Jesus.

What happens to such people?

“For even though they knew God [as the Creator], they did not honor Him as God or give thanks [for His wondrous creation]. On the contrary, they became worthless in their thinking [godless, with pointless reasoning’s, and silly speculations] and their foolish heart was darkened. Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their own hearts to [sexual] impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them [abandoning them to the degrading power of sin]”

Today you may be busy opening your heart to these scandalous vain talk that Jesus is dead and He will not hear one’s prayers and do miracles. And thus are unable to read the Bible and receive life from it; you may have been thrown to a situation that you are not able to believe and receive prophecy of guidance from the Lord. Repent and turn to Jesus.

See how Jesus redeemed His blinded disciples. He went with them to their house and broke the bread and fed them. It was then they saw the wounds in His hands and realise that it is Jesus. They were transformed and were enlightened to see the glorified Jesus and be glorified themselves to turn the world upside down unto righteousness later. So, it is very essential that you heart is opened to believe in the words of Jesus and be dedicated to fulfil the prophetic Word of God. Then your spiritual eyes will be opened to see the Lord in His glory.


Fourthly, you have to surrender yourself to do the will of God if you want to be glorified. Peter and the disciples went back to fishing to sustain Jesus

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Calls International

themselves after Jesus resurrected (Luke 24:36-48). That was not God’s plan for them. As a result, they caught no fish. In the same way, when we do things that are not according to God’s will, we will have no blessings.

Jesus appeared to them. But they could not recognise that it was Jesus. When we do things which are not led by the Spirit of Jesus or according to the plan of Jesus for our life and our mission for our life our eyes are unable to see Jesus nor experience Him and His miraculous blessings in our labour. The disciples caught no fish though they ALL laboured fishing the whole night.

But Jesus did not forsake them. He called out them from the shore to remove their fishing net from the left side of the boat and put it on the RIGHT side of the boat. “Your ways are not my ways. My ways are past finding out” says the Lord. As they did not question and obeyed Him even without knowing Him, they caught a huge drawing of fish, nearly 153.

It was then the eyes of Peter was opened. He said, “It is the Lord.”

My friend, glory cannot come through your own striving, but it can only come through what the Lord does for you. The Lord Jesus Himself will feed you, provide for you, do a miracle for you and glorify you. For all of these to happen, the Lord will give you a love for Him so that you would serve Him with all your heart and will do only His will. When you are thus dedicated to the Lord, you will be glorified.


Loving Father, Thank You for speaking to me through Your Word. Thank You, Lord, for calling me by name. Thank You, Lord, for Your wounds by which You have made all things new in my life. Lord, help me to get rid of weeping, fear, unbelief and my reliance on self-will. Clothe me with Your glory. Renew my mind and take me from glory to glory. Transform me into Your likeness and let the world taste and experience You as their King by seeing Your glory revealed in me. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

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As we celebrate little Katie's birthday, we request you, dear partners, to join us in thanks to God for her life and the joy that she brings into our lives.

By the grace of God, Katelyn has praised God and danced in hit promise songs like Seerpaduthuvaar, Alangaripaar and Pudhiya Kariyum these past years. She has spread love to the people through her loving wishes on stage and singing in the New Year meeting and Easter meeting this year. She has brought out a beautiful message to the Kids in the ‘Kutties Galatta’ TV program on Easter and has made many children happy by distributing gifts to them in the Dynamic Kids Camp, last summer in Bethesda. We thank God for providing her a loving heart for the people, a passionate heart to God and sincerity in following her family in ministry and service to the people. God has given Katelyn a prayerful spirit (Put praying picture), a clever sharp mind and a mature loving heart even in this young age.

This is all thanks to your loving prayers and support to her and we covet your further prayers for little Katie that she will grow in the prophetic grace of God and will continue to shine for His glory.


Best Wishes and prayers from the Dhinakaran family, partners and members of Jesus Calls, Karunya, SEESHA

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“I will make them and the places around My hill (Jerusalem, Zion – PRAYER TOWER) a blessing. And I will make showers come down in their season; there will be [abundant] showers of blessing (divine favour).” (Ezekiel 34:26)

The Jesus Calls Prayer Tower has been a constant source of comfort and refuge for those going through hardships in life. Thanks to your faithful contributions we are able to be available 24x7 to intercede for the needs of the people.

As you must be aware, we are on the mission of building a new Prayer Tower in Trivandrum. The layout plans have been decided as follows:

  Basement-Vehicle parking (10073 sq.ft)

  Ground floor-Prayer Tower Operations (9933 sq.ft)

 First floor Hall (9973 sq.ft)

Second Floor – Hall (6790 sq.ft)

Third Floor (8871 sq.ft)

Terrace floor-common provisions (779 sq.ft)

The total estimated cost for this project would be 20.89 crore. We have a long way to meet this requirement. We are praying and believing in faith that God will raise people to support us financially for the successful completion of this project.

I would urge you to keep this important project in your prayers so that the people in and around this district will be blessed by the love of Christ.

If led by the Lord, you can also join hands with us in accomplishing this mission for the glory of God.

You are most welcome to sponsor or co-sponsor a particular area of the Prayer Tower building such as the Chapel, a Prayer room, the Prayer Hall, the Children’s Prayer Room etc. Remember, your donation of any size can make a huge difference!

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Here is a testimony from one of our Prayer Tower Building Fund partners who became a blessing to many and also reaped God’s finest blessings in his own life:


I have been associated with the Jesus Calls ministry since 2013. We have enrolled our son as a Young Partner and have also joined the Family Blessing Plan as a family. We are also supporting the Prayer Tower Building Fund, the TV Club Plan and the Job Blessing Plan. We have to say that we have been greatly blessed by partnering with the Jesus Calls ministry. I would like to share in particular a recent miracle that God performed for us. We were trying to sell our property for a long time. But it was getting delayed because I could not give it much time due to my long travel hours to work. I was becoming desperate to sell the property as I was in need of money. In this situation, as a family, we made a vow to the Lord that we would donate 10% of the proceeds from the sale of our property to the Bethesda Building Fund. What a wonder! Soon, we were able to sell our flat with a profit for a very decent price and we received the necessary funds within a week. As vowed, we donated ten percent of the amount towards the Bethesda Building Fund. All glory be to God.

- Sandeep Kamley, Thane, Maharashtra The Lord indeed favours those who build His house which is the Prayer Tower.

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I got a call one day when I was overwhelmed with sadness. I was crying all day because my husband was struggling for life in ICU. I usually don't call, but I am a prayer partner, and I am part of the family blessing plan, so Jesus Calls prayer intercessors calls me often. However, when they do call me, they seem to know exactly when I need prayer. I was in a absolutely broken state when I heard the phone ring. It was so nice to know a prayer intercessor was reaching out to see if I needed a prayer, just hearing someone pray over me and my husband did immediately started to feel better. That dark cloud that had been hanging around me left the minute we started praying. It definitely raised my spirits. But that's not the exciting part. After we were done praying, my husband woke up out of his sickness that he had been in for a week. All of a sudden, he started walking and moving around. The doctors in charge didn't know what to say seeing this change in my husband. They even said, "I can't explain this, but he's making a significant recovery." A week later my husband got home. He is fully recovered and back at work. God even sent us financial help. While he was out of work, we got a little behind on our living expenses but the money came supernaturally to us. A little here and a little there, and before I knew it, we were all caught up. I am still amazed to this day, that it seems, every time I feel overwhelmed, my phone rings and Jesus Calls is on the other line calling to see if I needed prayer. Joining the family blessing plan was one of my greatest decisions. Now I always have someone to agree with me in prayer. Especially when I need it.


I am a Jesus Calls partner. I call every day. I have been a prayer partner for years. I love having a brother, or sister that I can reach out to and have them agree with me in prayer. Over the years I have seen so many prayers answered, I am very grateful for this ministry, and I am so happy to be a part of the Family Blessing Plan. Recently we were looking for a new house. The neighbourhood had gotten really bad. I was scared for myself and for the lives of my children. I began praying with Jesus calls asking the Lord to please help us sell the house to move to an area that would be better for me and my children. We would also need new jobs close to our new future residence. We also prayed over the school so our little kids would be well taken care of in the new location. Almost 1 year exactly from the time we began to pray God began to open doors, and the Holy Spirit led us to a beautiful neighbourhood with a beautiful house. I think it was 100 times better than our last home. When we first discovered it, I began to ask if God would help us with our transition in moving to the new house. Me and my husband are advanced in years so we needed help relocating. God listened and provided everything. He found us a job opening in my husband's business that was very close to the new place. The people from his work volunteered to help us move. I was so moved it brought me to tears. Their children became good friends with our children and before the school year even began, they already had lots of friends to go to school with. Our God is so wonderful. He listens. He answers. I am so grateful to Him for His many blessings on me and my family. I am so grateful for the Angels at Jesus calls. I love my Jesus Calls family.

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*Dearly beloved partner in the Lord’s ministry, these two testimonies are just few of the thousands of testimonies we receive every day. We wanted to share these testimonies to uplift your spirit to encourage you that we are always here for you whenever you’re in need of a prayer, we are just a call away. The Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Dallas, TX was founded with a vision to bring the message of hope and healing to the people of United States and around the world.

*The prayer intercessors working at the Jesus Calls prayer tower in Dallas, TX are trained and anointed to pray the prayer of faith and bring Gods answers in your life.

*Yes my friend, whenever you are in need of prayer, we request you to call our Dallas prayer tower at (972)499-4995 or email us at and we will be very happy to pray for Gods miracles in your life.

*Also, we would like to give you an opportunity to be a part of this great vision the Lord has given the ministry of Jesus Calls through our Dallas prayer tower to reach the nation of USA. You could help enable us support the daily operations of our Dallas Prayer Tower by being a part of our Hope and Healing Wall with your gift of $31 or more every month. Your gift of $31 or more a month will help enable us reach out God given goal in bringing the life changing message of Jesus Christ to thousands in the USA and around the world. As our token of saying Thank You, we would like to engrave your name, or the name of your choice on a golden plaque and display it on our Hope and Healing Wall at our Dallas Prayer Tower.

*To donate towards enabling us reach the nations of world through our Dallas Prayer Tower you could make your contributions either by phone, mail or online.

For prayers or to give by phone, please call us at 972-499-4995

To give by check, you could write your checks payable to Jesus Calls International and mail it to our Dallas Prayer Tower located at 8855 N Stemmons Fwy, Dallas, TX 75247 USA

To give online, please visit

Your gift of any amount will surely be a blessing to thousands living in the nation of United States, and other parts of the world.


9 AM TO 9 PM (Monday-Saturday) and 3 PM to 9 PM (Sunday)

BLESSING MEETING - EVERY FRIDAY 8 PM CST, Jesus Calls International, 8855 N Stemmons Fwy, Dallas TX 75247

For Prayer Hotline (24/7): +1-972-499-4995 or 855-JesusCalls



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What a lovely verse! Let us read this verse once more in the following way: “Charm is deceiving, and beauty is transient; but a woman who fears the Lord will be exalted by the Lord.” Yes, the Lord Himself exalts the individual who fears Him. Men may or may not laud someone who fears the Lord, but the Lord of lords declares that He is most happy to do so.

There was once a lady who was ignorant of God’s love. Everyone in her family loved God except her. She happened to be the mother in the family. She used to shout at her husband and not heed his voice. She loved to listen to cinema songs all the time and detested Christian messages and prayer. One day a relative of hers asked her to take her to the Prayer Tower. Though she wasn’t pleased to do so, she took her relative there. What a miracle! As she entered the Prayer Tower, God’s love filled her heart. She cried like a little baby and surrendered

herself to the Lord. From then on, God started working in her heart and she started visiting the Prayer Tower often. Today, God has given her a godly life and she no more loses her temper but instead is very patient with people. The Lord has transformed her from the inside out. Because she fears the Lord, her family praises her and above all, God is pleased with her. This is the real testimony of a person who comes to the Prayer Tower.

Yes, when God’s fear comes into a person, they will be transformed. Godly fear doesn’t take you away from God but rather draws you close to Him. The Lord wants to give you such a godly fear, this month.

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If you look at my life, I am so blessed today by becoming a blessing to millions of people because of the tear-filled prayers of my mother who feared God. In the midst of severe tribulations, she clung to the Lord. When our family was approached by my husband’s family saying that I was a good match for him, we were quite taken aback since my father was a typical businessman. Even though we had no involvement in ministry at that time, I said “Yes” when my opinion was asked regarding the wedding. Who could refuse such a godly man? I obediently yielded myself to God's will out of respect for Him. God has now honoured me and lavished me with His blessings.

I say this only for the glory of God. It is the fear of God that brings blessings. So, what are the traits of a person who fears God?

Trait 1# Boldness

“She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.”

(Proverbs 31:25)

A person who fears God will not worry. Yes, such a person will live without anxiety or concern about the future since they are aware that God loves them and is always by their side.

Trait 2# Looks up at God’s face

“She gets up while it is still night; she provides food for her family and portions for her female servants.”

(Proverbs 31:15)

God loves those who seek His face early in the morning. When a person fears the Lord, it is shown in the way they seek God’s face. Those who fear Him will not be shaken. Their hands shall be strong and great shall be their endeavours (Proverbs 31:16-20). Seeking God is seeking Him in prayer. Ask the Holy Spirit to wake you up in the morning and He will surely do that for you. You will experience the power of God in the work of your hands.

Trait 3# Never forgets to read God’s word

will fill his children who fear Him with wisdom. Then your house and your family will be built as we read in Proverbs 14:1, “The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish pulls it down with her hands.” Some people tear their family with their words but those who fear God have wisdom in their tongue to build the family.

Trait 5# Serves God

“Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.”

(Proverbs 31:29)

Your work will surpass every noble thing when you serve God. Do the best you can for God! Give your time, your wealth, your children and yourself to the Lord. Hebrews 6:10 says, “God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them.” God will then meet all your needs according to His riches in glory.

(Isaiah 50:4)

“The Sovereign Lord has given me a well-instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being instructed.”

When a person reads God’s word every day, they will be led prophetically with the promises of God. As promised in Isaiah 50:4, God will teach you everything from His word as you choose to read His word first thing in the morning.

Trait 4# Speaks with wisdom

Will you surrender yourself to the Lord and walk by these words, dear friend? If so, then the Lord Himself will praise you and exalt you. God bless you!

(Proverbs 31:26)

“She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.”

The perfect example of a person with such wisdom, is the Queen Esther. She waited at the Lord’s feet for three days and nights and then went to the king to ask his favour. As a result, she won the favour of the king. This is how God

Prayer: Loving Father, Thank You for teaching me how to win Your praise. Help me to be clothed with godly fear. Help me to be bold, to seek Your face in prayer and read Your word early every morning. Fill me with Your wisdom and give me the grace to do my best in serving You. Glorify Your name through me, show me Your favour and make me the child after Your own heart. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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The family was the first institution set up by God during creation – His first ever blessing and the first responsibility given to mankind. Satan was aware that he could endanger the planet if he destroyed the family bond. So, he deceivingly spoke to Eve when she was alone. The events that followed are well-known to all of us. Even today, satan continues to deviously sabotage family ties in an effort to win over every soul and destroy communities.

The Jesus Calls Family Blessing Plan was created to expressly cover families in prayer, to prevent the devil's vices from taking hold.

Bro. Anil Singh hails from Lucknow. His son Shivansh Singh is around 9 years old. He is studying in the third standard. One day, Shivansh developed excruciating stomach pain. At first, Bro. Anil thought it might be due to heat and applied oil to his stomach. But the pain persisted. So, they had no other way than to approach a doctor. The doctor prescribed some medicines. But even after taking those medicines, the pain did not subside.

Bro. Anil took his son to the doctor again. This time the doctor suggested an ultrasound. Bro. Anil was greatly distressed and was fearing for his son’s life. Whenever his son was experiencing pain, all he could do was pray in the name of Jesus. They did an ultrasound on his son and found that he had a gallbladder stone of 23.6 mm. The little boy was afraid and broke into tears. The doctor suggested for an

immediate surgery.

As Shivansh was just 9 years old, his father, Bro. Anil was so devasted at the thought of his son going through a surgery at such a tender age. Heartbroken, he immediately dialled the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower number and sought prayer help. The prayer intercessor prayed with great burden for the little boy’s miraculous healing.

Bro. Anil Singh then enrolled his family in the Family Blessing Plan and requested continuous prayers for his son. The prayer intercessors prophesied over his son that the stone would disappear from his body and that there would be no need for an operation. Did a miracle happen?

God indeed did a miracle by touching the little boy, Shivansh’s stomach. The boy who was vomiting continuously started getting better day by day. His scheduled day for the operation approached. As a part of the procedure, an ultrasound was taken right before the surgery could start.

To everybody’s surprise, there was no stone found in the little boy’s gallbladder! He was completely healed! What

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a mighty miracle! The very gallbladder stone that was threatening them for so long had just disappeared! There was no trace of it at all. The doctor marvelled and cancelled his son’s surgery.

This is how God is rescuing families from the destruction caused by satan. Every obstacle families experience, no matter how minor or significant, is overcome through the prayers offered for the families enrolled in the Family Blessing Plan.

Privileges of Family Blessing Plan

So, what are you waiting


Are you experiencing hardships and trials in your household? Are your loved ones yet to receive God's love? Is your family going through a period of sickness? Whatever your needs may be, we have a group of prayer intercessors here at Jesus Calls, who consider it as their mission to lift up your family before the mercy seat of God and intercede for your miracles alongside the Dhinakarans.

•When your donations reach Rs. 3000, you will receive a certificate with a promise verse for your family.

•A Special Wedding Anniversary card will be sent to the couple from the Dhinakarans.

•Prayer Intercessors will call and pray on your Wedding Anniversary. Your sacrificial support of a minimum of Rs.500/- per month or more will help us to fulfill God's mandate in serving the broken-hearted and ministering to the families. You can also send your family photographs to with your name, date of birth and mobile number.


You too will be blessed beyond your imagination if you sow into the ministry by enrolling in this plan.



Name: …..............................………......………. Date of Birth…................. Wedding Day...................

Address:....................................................................................................Pin code: ………………….

Mobile:……....................................................……Email:………....................................................... ..

For your gift of US$31 or more every month you could enroll your family as part of the Family Blessing Plan and be a blessing to millions through this mission. To give online please visit or please send your contributions to the Prayer Tower in your country / region or write to us for more details to

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“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - His good, pleasing and perfect will.”

(Romans 12:2)

The first and foremost thing that matters is whether you are in the will of God. When you marry a person, he or she has to be a person after God’s own heart and must be a person who is God’s choice for you. Isn’t it God who made Eve for Adam? So shouldn’t your spouse also be a person created by the Lord for you? God Himself created Eve from the rib of Adam to be his wife. Hence, it should definitely be God's choice.


in purity. If it is from God then as Job says, “no plan of God’s can be thwarted.”


“Scarcely had I passed them when I found the one my heart loves.” (Song of Solomon 3:4) People nowadays marry for the wrong reasons. When they should be asking the Lord if they have love for the other person that has been implanted in their hearts by God Himself or are they looking for wealth, prestige, caste and many other qualifications? Take a conscious decision to seek God’s guidance whether you are wanting to wed a person purely out of love or for any other reasons apart from it. Marriage is not to be out of lust but of love.


“…and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand.”

(Isaiah 53:10)

Whatever or whoever is God’s will for you will be brought by the Lord to you in an orderly manner. ‘It will prosper’ means ‘it will happen’. We can tell that a relationship is not from God if it does not last and does not end in marriage. You can understand God’s will by allowing Him to lead you step by step in obedience and

“For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one flesh.” (Mark 10:7,8)

The woman was made from the rib of Adam. Why? The rib of Adam shows the connection between Adam and Eve. Both of them had to be united with the Spirit of God because only then they can have a strong relationship together. So, when you seek a life partner,

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make sure the person has a zeal for God that’s similar to yours or at least desires it or honours the relationship with God or believes in righteous living, because the husband and wife ought to be one. Just like in a jigsaw puzzle, they have to be connected to one another.

will become one. Marriage is a process. Compatibility will set in in this manner as time passes as the Lord Jesus becomes the center of your life.

“I will give them singleness of heart and action, so that they will always fear me and that all will then go well for them and for their children after them.”

(Jeremiah 32:39)

The Lord said, “The man and the woman shall be one flesh.” That is how God created the husband and the wife to be. He wants a perfect union and connection between the couple so that they will have a peaceful family life. Compatibility is vital between the husband and the wife. The man may be a quiet person but the woman may be a vibrant person and vice versa. But, in all respects their spirits have to bond together. Sometimes in the beginning of the marriage the beginnings are turbulent and there is starting trouble because one has to get used from being single till then to being double; living to carry both person’s tastes, relatives, habits, weaknesses, desires, needs, and vision and marry them both to become that of your family as two become one through LOVE. Love bears all things. The only way is to seek God’s presence, nature and culture in your spirit daily morning through Bible reading and Spirit filling prayer to help you to thank God for your partner appreciating your union which will unite both as one Spirit. In course of time as years pass you both

“For the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife, and the unbelieving wife has been sanctified through her believing husband. Otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy.”

(1 Corinthians 7:14)


“Do not be yoked together with unbelievers.”

(2 Corinthians 6:14)

When you seek a person according to God’s will and with the anointing of the Holy Spirit, they will be of the same faith. To explicitly let people know that it would be good if they marry a person from the same faith, I insist on mentioning this point. Even if people come from different faiths but have respect for the Lord and desire to follow you to walk with Him as you, then get married and believe that they should walk together in one way. Then you can be united with such a person and God Himself will make that provision. God will bless that marriage. The most important thing is that the partner should believe and love the Lord Jesus, and then your hearts shall be one. I pray that God will give you the grace to find the right partner who will walk in unison with you according to God's plan and that it shall be God's choice for you and you shall enjoy God's blessings in your life. Being united in matrimony is indeed a miracle performed by the Lord, turning water into sweet wine.

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I would like to share some of our Ministry events and achievements with you so that together we can glorify God and that you would continue to pray for our mission.


• The Lucknow Easter Milan and the other events in Lucknow were a big success because it witnessed an outpouring of God’s miracles.

•The Prophetic Prayer Training has trained nearly 800 chosen people to become mighty Prayer Intercessors for the blessing of others.

•The Dynamic Kids Camp enabled thousands of kids all over India to experience God’s love and be empowered in the spirit.

•The Trivandrum Partners’ Meet was a blessing to several of our Ministry partners in and around the district.

PRAYER NEEDS Academic Reopening

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and

not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

(Jeremiah 29:11)

A new academic year is beginning! I believe in the Lord that your children would have fared well in their exams by His grace. If you have excellent testimonies to share with us, please do so by sending your testimonies to or WhatsApp number: 9791934442. We at Jesus Calls continue to uphold your children in our prayers daily that they should secure admission in the best schools and colleges and shine for the glory of God.

Karunya University

“I will raise up for them a prophet like you.”

(Deuteronomy 18:18)

On 23rd June 2004 Karunya earned the ‘Deemed-to-be university’ status and is now empowered with the A++ highest accreditation.

Karunya has a record of 98% of campus job placements this year in many departments.

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I am happy to share an example of our student Majestic Xavier, who has graduated in Civil engineering, has gotten a job with a package of Rs. 40 lakhs. These are the kind of placement opportunities God has blessed our students with.

Innovation and industry-based teaching learning system has brought out many patents on the way to commercialisation.

Karunya has the best infrastructure in all departments equivalent to industry standards as well as highly accomplished faculty members from across the nation from IITs, IISC, and International Universities.

All the students who hail from every state of India have an enjoyable and secure stay on campus with food from different states offered for the

strong manpower, employing nearly 200 more staff in the Prayer Towers nationwide as well as in the Media Centre, Prayer Call Centre and Prayer Training Centre. To facilitate the operations of these missions across the country, the Prayer Operation Centre, Prayer Training Centre and Operations Management Centre are being established at the JC house which is opposite the Beach Railway Station at Chennai. The estimated cost for this project is around Rs.8 Crores (US $ 1 million).

We are also looking forward to constructing new buildings in the prime cities of Hyderabad, Nagercoil and Trivandrum as soon as we receive the permits for the same. This huge project would cost us about Rs.12 Crores in total. It will be wonderful if you could join hands with us in these missions and together, we can spread the love of

On 23rd June 2004 Karunya earned the ‘Deemed-to-be university’ status and is now empowered with the A++ highest accreditation. Karunya has a record of 98% of campus job placements this year in many departments.

students’ choice. A strong mentoring and psychological support counselling system apart from prayer & counselling is offered. Arts, Music, Sports, and literary programs on campus bring out the best of skills in each student.

Praying that the children in your family will study there to rise up as today’s Daniels, Josephs and Esthers with high academic, social, skill as well as spiritual empowerment. To enrol, visit

Prayer Operations and Training Centre

Every month more than 7 million prayer requests reach us through the various Ministry platforms. In order to handle and pray for these requests more effectively, we are now enhancing the Jesus Calls services infrastructure and establishing the Prayer Operations Centre which will be housing more technologically sound Telephone Prayer Tower set up all across the country along with enhanced 4K video and digital media production facilities with

Christ to millions.

Enrol your Family Members as Partners

We never fail to remember your family in our prayers. We want to see each of your family members flourishing and prospering with all Godly blessings. From the Prayer Tower we would like to call or send a blessing promise to those who are young partners in your family on their birthdays and to those who are Family Blessing Partners on their anniversary. Since digital communication is almost instantaneous and the most preferred nowadays, we would request you to send us each of your family members’ details with their individual WhatsApp numbers which will help us to prayerfully correspond and give attention to every member of your family.

Junior Esther Prayer Group (JEPG)

The Junior Esther Prayer Group (JEPG) was started by my mother, Sis. Stella Dhinakaran on

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June 26th 2016. It has been a blessing to several little children. Please encourage your girl children to join JEPG and pray for one another. For details contact:

Wedding Anniversary

June 2, 1989, is a special day for me and my wife, Evangeline Paul as this is the day when the Lord brought us together in holy matrimony. Since then, it has been 34 years and God has been graciously blessing our married life in an abundant manner. Please remember us in your prayers for God to continue to use us mightily in the coming years.

Katelyn is Turning Three!

The Lord says, “On my life, I promise you this: Your children will be like jewels that you tie around your neck. Your children will be like the necklace that a bride wears.”

(Isaiah 49:18 ERV)

My granddaughter, baby Katelyn Anna Dhinakaran will turn three this June 29th 2023. She is truly a blessing to our family like a precious jewel around our neck. For the glory of God, Katelyn has appeared in songs and has touched people’s hearts by wishing and singing in the New Year meeting and Easter meeting. She has also acted in the ‘Kutties Galatta’ TV program on Easter and has given gifts to children last summer at Dynamic Kids Camp in Bethesda. On her special day, I request your prayers for Katelyn to grow in wisdom, stature and in favour with God and man like our Lord Jesus.

The Mission of Raising Praying Partners

“Therefore, I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands…” (1 Timothy 2:8)

God has given us the mandate to train hundreds of people to serve the thousands He is touching through the Jesus Calls Ministry every day. Many have joined the mission already and are serving the Lord by bringing His love into the lives of many people. If led by the Lord, you could join us as a volunteer or in a full-time position by applying at We are prayerfully looking forward to conducting many training conferences this year.


June 24 & 25 - Prayer Festival, Gorakhpur

July 1 & 2 - National Ambassador Conference, Karunya Nagar

July 9 - Special Blessing Meeting, Bethesda

August 3, 4, 5 - Prophetic Prayer Training, New Delhi

August 6 - Partner’s Meet, New Delhi

October 5, 6, 7 - Prophetic Prayer Training, Hyderabad

October 8 - Partner’s Meet, Hyderabad

Please uphold these events in your prayers and also support them as much as you can. For more information call our Partner Care number: 04423456677 (7 am to 9 pm).


“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” (Mark 16:15)

Family Channel, a 24-hours Tamil channel, is now live telecast on the YouTube platform so that people from anywhere can watch at any time. There are exciting Bible-inspired programs for all age groups. Please do share this information with your friends and relatives and don’t forget to tune in to this channel!

Dear partner, in conclusion, I would say that the mission of Jesus Calls continues only through your sacrificial support. The Lord is therefore pleased to bless you with His promise found in Psalm 31:19,

“How abundant are the good things that You have stored up for those who fear You.”

I assure you that this promise will come to pass in your life. Your home and heart will experience great delight as a result of what the Lord is going to accomplish for you. May you be blessed beyond measure and continue to be a blessing.

Your brother who prays for you, Dr.

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A 3-day Prophetic Prayer Training was held at Dr. D.G.S Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower in Chennai from April 29th to May 1st 2023. More than a thousand people attended the training and were blessed. The focus was on prophecy, leading people in the prophetic realm, and the operation of the Gifts of the Spirit. The session began with the powerful word of God shared by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran who prophetically declared the beginning of a New Era. He pronounced that in the New Era praying partners shall rise up all over the world who will minister prophetically to the Kings and the rulers of the world. He proclaimed the rising up of sons and daughters who would prophesy and establish the kingdom of heaven on earth.

Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran shared about the importance of humility, reverence and obedience to God which are the basic traits required to be used by God in a mighty way. All those who were gathered from all ages recommitted their lives to serve God in humility, fear of God and in complete obedience.

Stella Ramola shared about how praise and worship are an integral part of every believer’s life and ministry and that through praising God any one can overcome challenges and be victorious in their walk with Christ.

Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran prayed for the fire anointing to be poured on people and the people were filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. By sharing the Word of God,

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she made the people understand their calling in the Lord and recommit their lives towards the same. Sis. Stella Dhinakaran spoke about how to be vigilant in prayer and encouraged everyone to be ready to do the work of God by being rooted in faith and through praying in the spirit.

During the anointing session, God's presence was felt all over the auditorium, and attendees received individual prayers and blessings from the Dhinakaran family. The participants also dedicated themselves to serving the Lord and pledged to work alongside the Jesus Calls Ministry. People testified how the three days were a blessing to them spiritually and how their longing to be in the presence of God and to serve Him increased greatly.

Many were filled with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and became prophetic prayer intercessors. All glory be to God!

The Mission Training Programme was held between May 2nd to May 4th. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared with the gathering his burden for souls and the Jesus Calls Ministry’s primary vision which is ‘no soul should be lost’, thus inspiring many to serve the Lord with a zeal for souls. He also shared how the Ministry, prayerfully strives to operate in supernatural miracles so that people can taste the power of Jesus in their lives and be saved. Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran shared the word of God from 2 Chronicles 19:10 and explained how God is the helper of the upright. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran shared his vision and mission for the Jesus Calls Ministry which motivated many to serve the Lord with a vision and passion. Stella Ramola led a powerful praise and worship session which blessed everyone’s heart. God's name was greatly glorified.

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Yes, when you have wisdom, you are wealthier than the richest person you know. Wealth and riches are not as valuable as wisdom. Wisdom is unmatched. It will protect your life!

I'm sure you are familiar with Solomon's narrative. As a result of his decision to pray to God for wisdom, Solomon became the wisest king. Yes, Solomon valued wisdom more than anything else in this world. He was wise enough to ask God for wisdom, which indeed pleased God and thus Solomon’s prayer was granted. So let’s take a moment - or maybe a day - before the start of this new academic year to ask God for His wisdom in your studies.

There was a girl who struggled with mathematics and was terrified of her final semester examinations. She was a second-year engineering student when she encountered this challenging mathematics subject which had many problems to solve involving integral and differential calculus. Before the exam night, she began crying out of fear. She had no idea which problems to study or which topics to look into. Finally, she knelt down and prayed, "Lord, show me what I should study for the exam and give me the wisdom to understand the problems." She then prayed, holding up a question paper from a prior exam, saying, "Lord, let these same questions be asked in the question paper tomorrow." She said this little prayer because that was all she could do and then focused on studying from the paper. The next day, she was shocked to see the same questions on her question paper. She wrote her exam well

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and received a good grade. God indeed heard her small prayer and rewarded her faith.

Even small prayers can be powerful but be careful not to put the Lord to the test by procrastinating on studying for the exam. Instead, get ready in advance and learn everything that is required of you. When you thus prayerfully prepare, God will work wonders for you just like He did for the girl in the above story.

My friend, God wants you to succeed in all that you do. He is willing to help you out and freely grant you His wisdom if you ask for it. When you seek God's knowledge, you can experience success. Even the most challenging parts of the subject matter will be taught by the Lord Jesus Himself. He will help you see what you need to learn for your exam and how you may use it practically in your daily life. The wisdom of the Lord will thus beautifully lead you and thoroughly explain everything to you.

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, my father-in-law, often emphasised that he would place an empty chair next to him while studying and request Jesus to sit with him and instruct him in his subjects. He thus graduated and was awarded a gold medal! God will bless you too in the same way.

As the new academic year is just getting started, I advise you to ask God for divine insight to direct you in your studies. Additionally, I want to share some advice with you that you can use to succeed in the upcoming year:


“Suppose one of you wants to build a tower.

Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?” (Luke 14:28)

Set a time each day that you will spend studying.


“The plans of the diligent lead to profit”

(Proverbs 21:5)

Ensure that you have read and comprehended each lesson that was covered in class that day. Mark your doubts if you don't.


“The beginning of wisdom is this: Get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.”

(Proverbs 4:7)

Don't hesitate to ask for help. If you have any doubts or questions about a topic, make sure to learn from someone who is an expert in the subject.


“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us,”

(Ephesians 3:20)

The world says, “Aim for the stars and you’ll reach the moon”, but God says that if you ask for full marks, He will even give you a gold medal!

So, don’t take new beginnings lightly. Instead, choose to create history with the gift of today that God gives into your hands.

“Make the most of every opportunity”

(Ephesians 5:16)

Be wise and shine in life like a star!

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We read in the Bible that ‘Love edifies’ (I Corinthians 8:1). Also, the Bible says that many were thus drawn by the love of the God of gods and enjoyed a life of edification. Today let us ask ourselves, “To what extent is my piety on God getting edified?” and humbly commit ourselves to His feet in order to receive this divine love and edification day by day.

Not everyone wants to get edified in this manner. In the Bible, we read about several people who were drawn by worldly desires and lusts and ultimately lost the glory of enjoying a blessed life of this divine and sacred love. In Genesis 3, God first wonderfully created the couple, Adam and Eve. We further read that though God had placed them in a blessed situation, they despised and disobeyed the Lord’s word, giving priority to worldly lusts and desires. Disregarding the glory of the divine love of the God of gods, they fell into the devil’s way, contrary to godly ways and completely lost the most excellent blessing.

In the same way, the ways of Esau, one of the two sons of Isaac, who feared God and

was godly, were not pleasing to God. That’s why in Malachi 1:3, He says, “But Esau I have hated.” Don’t we read in Hebrews 12:16,17 that because of his messy life, Esau ‘found no place for repentance, though he wanted to inherit the blessing and sought it diligently with tears?’

Accordingly, in the New Testament, when many sought the Lord reverentially and wholeheartedly and offered all their possessions for the Lord and received His blessings, both Ananias and Sapphira kept back part of the proceeds of their wealth and lied to the Servant of the Lord. What a pity that their audacity against the Lord brought them the terrible end of sudden death!

The same could be said of Judas Iscariot, who was one of the 12 disciples of the Lord Jesus, who were chosen by Him after praying all through the night. He did not seek the divine things taught by the Lord Jesus, till the end and betrayed Him to the enemies for merely 30 pieces of silver, being lured by the love of money. As a result, he lost his heavenly life and today is wallowing in hell, lamenting “Oh,

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I have sinned by betraying innocent blood.” How pathetic!

The Lord, our God, wants each one of us to know the truth as ‘partakers of the heavenly calling’ and be blessed (Hebrews 3:1). The Bible says that, ‘it is not the will of our Father, who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish’ (Matthew 18:14). Likewise, Apostle Paul writes, ‘God desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth’ (I Timothy 2:4).

My dear children of God! How precious is the divine love of the Lord Jesus Christ, who was broken and wounded on the cross, for every one of us, carrying all the iniquities, filth and curses of our life on His body and who has granted us redemption from sin and deliverance! Are you enslaved by the devil and living in the darkness, without thinking about the glory of His love, disregarding it, and without receiving this divine salvation He has earned for you?

One day, the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the personification of love, met Saul, the ‘son of darkness’ and ‘a vessel of wrath’, transformed his sinful life of terrible darkness and changed this same man into the ‘son of lightness’ and a ‘vessel of grace’ to arise and shine for His glory (Romans 9:23). How precious is His love!

Perhaps, your life is also caught up in the clutches of the devil and in the darkness of sin! If so, the Lord, who is the personification of love, calls you with the same love! A man of God sang this song, “Come to me, O Sinner!” Similarly, the Lord stretches forth His loving hands and invites you warmly! When Saul became Paul and became a man of God, he said, “I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me” (Galatians 2:20). He fully committed his life to His service saying, “…I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself

for me.” Accordingly, right now, you, who read this, should also commit yourself totally to Him, in all reverence, to be His own. Then you shall receive the blessing of enjoying a divine life in this world itself.

Divine Love of Edification in Family Life

Share the love of the Lord with one another! Only when you are filled with divine love will your family life be beautifully built up. This is how the Lord graciously built up our family life and since then is wonderfully leading us and our descendants with His love and is enabling us to follow godly things, pleasing to Him. It is a fact that such life is powerful and is possible only by His love and not by anything else.

Dear ones! ‘God shows no partiality’ (Romans 2:11; Acts 10:34). The Bible says, ‘…the Father, who without partiality judges according to each one’s work…’ (I Peter 1:17). God loves all of us! How much do we love Him? How far do we seek Him with reverence? In Psalm 22:23, we read, ‘Fear Him, all of you…’ If we have this godly fear in our lives, we would have a good conscience and be diligent in thinking and doing all godly things such as good works etc., without leading our lives as we like and without giving room for the evil things of the devil. My dear children! Examine your life, for a while!

David, the man of God, has written,

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“But as for me, I will come into Your house in the multitude of Your mercy; in fear of You I will worship toward Your holy temple.” (Psalm 5:7)

Accordingly, when we too are diligent in fearing Him in our thoughts and in all that we do, the Lord will love us dearly and exalt us by crowning us with all kinds of blessings.

In the Bible, we see the Lord lovingly exalting the couples Abraham – Sarah and Jacob and his two wives who were filled with godly fear and blessing them in this worldly life also. Dear ones! You should also understand this fear of the Lord by reading the Bible diligently and following it in your daily life, in all earnestness. Then the Lord will love you dearly and as we read in Ephesians 3:20, He will ‘do exceedingly abundantly above all that you ask or think.’

Adorned with the Incorruptible and Hidden Beauty, Pleasing in the Sight of God!

“Let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.” (I Peter 3:4)

Isaiah 62:3 says, “You shall also be a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of your God.” According to this wonderful promise, God’s love will fill our lives with holy beauty because of our godly zeal for Him. This is what the Lord will grant us as we read in Isaiah 60:1-3

and will adorn our lives with glorious, spiritual blessings from above.

When we started our family life, we did not know anything about the glory of this life of divine, holy beauty. However, out of His love, the Lord wonderfully led us to know about this life of divine beauty and receive it. First of all, He led my husband to understand its glory by reading Acts 10:38 and receiving this beauty through the Holy Spirit. After this, the grace of God abounded in us; in His love, He filled each one of us with desire and thirst, filled us with the anointing of the Spirit and has today adorned us with His holy beauty. He has thus granted us the blessed life of yielding fruits for the glory of His name. Not only for us, even today, He is giving this life of holy and divine beauty to all those who plead to Him.

My dear ones! Do you have the thirst to receive this glorious life of holy beauty?

“Ho! Everyone, who thirsts, come to the waters.” (Isaiah 55:1)

Thus the Lord lovingly invites you to grant you this divine blessing and adorn you! You should plead to the Lord with desire, as an individual, as a youngster and as families. Your heavenly Father will surely grant you the filling of His divine Spirit and through that, He will bless you with the divine life of this glorious, holy beauty.

“And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he, who does the will of God abides forever.” (I John 2:17)

Hence, kneel down at the Lord’s feet, as a family and as an individual and plead to Him in all humility. When you thus receive this abundant life, the Lord will remove all the lacks in your life. You will be amazed by His works of love done in your life, according to His will. May God grant each one you, this blessed life of divine love and adorn you!

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In His divine will, the Lord gave Sister Stella Dhinakaran, the burden for children as a result of which was formed the Junior Esther Prayer Group on June 26, 2016. In this group, children from the age of 7 to 13, who have thirst for prayer, gather together and pray for an hour, once a month for the 10 prayer points prepared by Sis. Stella Dhinakaran, with prayers. Presently, these prayer groups are functioning not only in India but also in other countries such as South Africa and America and the children are praying not only for themselves but also for others, with burden. Thus far, 243 Junior Esther Prayer Groups have been started and are functioning. By praying thus, as a group, the children receive blessings in their lives and also excel in their studies and godliness by obtaining special wisdom from God; they receive physical healing; their families too are blessed and they enjoy God’s divine peace. Particularly, every little girl, who prays in this group, gets the privilege of living in close fellowship with God, in the spiritual life. They get filled with divine anointing and also shine as testimonies before others.

In this month, when the Junior Esther Prayer Group ministry is completing 7 years, we publish below a wonderful testimony for the Lord’s name to be glorified!

I Teach Others to Pray

We are conducting the Junior Esther Prayer Group on the Evangeline Residential area in Karunya Nagar. I am the leader of this group. Ever since I undertook charge of this group, the Lord has been doing many miracles in my life. When we started this prayer group, I never knew how to pray. But, once I became the leader, the Lord taught me to pray, without feeling shy. Now I have learnt to pray well; also the Lord helped me to teach other children as to how to pray. Now I pray well, at my home also. Also, God is helping me to excel in my school academics as well. Earlier, I used to score average marks. However, now the Lord has blessed me to score high marks in all subjects and to excel in everything. I offer millions of praises to the Lord. - Melinda Sweetlyn Rose, Karunya Nagar. My dear children, I lovingly invite you to start a new Junior Esther Prayer Group in your area and pray for other children. A minimum of 4 to 10 children can gather once a month, in a place convenient to you and pray for the 10 prayer points that I would be sending you. Or else, you may kindly join the prayer in the Junior Esther Prayer Group that is already being conducted in your locality.

Your Grandmother, - Stella Dhinakaran.

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Quality education encompasses career success, better economic status, an improved understanding of the outside world, and expedited holistic growth.

But the majority of children living in urban slums, rural & tribal belts face various barriers to quality education, including family economic hardships, lack of proper school infrastructure, gender bias, and a lack of motivation to learn.

For most of them, education seems to be an expense rather than an investment. When families prioritize food, clothing, & fulfilling their needs over educating their children or buying them school supplies, it dampens their interest in learning and eventually makes them drop out of school.

At SEESHA, our mission is to help create a better future for the children living in poverty through a range of child development projects that provide quality education, equal opportunities, and a safe environment for their holistic development.

SEESHA’s Learning Centres, functioning across 46 locations in India, are instilling the joy of learning in more than 2300 underprivileged children, equipping them for their future.

Every year, SEESHA also distributes thousands of school kits to disadvantaged children to encourage them to continue their schooling & education. Each school kit comprises 14 schooling essentials such as a school bag, a water bottle, a notebook, and other stationery items. This year too, the SEESHA school kit project has been rolled out.

See how SEESHA’s gift of school kits has made the journey to school a joyful one for Mr. S. Kalaimani, who walks over 2 kms for his daily commute.

“I’m studying in Class 9 at a Govt. school in Annagramam. As my father is a farmer earning daily wages, it was difficult for him to meet my schooling expenses & pay for tuition. When I was on the verge of dropping out of school, I heard about SEESHA’s after-school learning program. Thanks to the free, quality coaching at the SEESHA Learning Centre, I’m able to do well in my studies. SEESHA’s gift of a school kit with 14 stationery items is a great help for me to finish schoolwork & commute to school. Thank you for filling us with the hope of a bright future, SEESHA!” - S. Kalaimani, Cuddalore.

Even as we are gifting these precious children the freedom to pursue learning & the joy of returning to school, you too can join with SEESHA to make a difference in their lives in the following ways:

Donate a school kit to a needy child - US$20

Donate school kits to 10 needy children - US$200

Sponsor the education of 10 children - US$400 /month

DETAILS ABOUT HOW TO DONATE PLEASE GIVE ONLINE THROUGH (or) visit or send your offerings to the Prayer Tower in your country / region or write to

Jesus Calls International | June 2023 | 32
Jesus Calls International | June 2023 | 33

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