Jesus Calls International January 2019

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Year of Deliverance I

wish you that the new year 2019 be filled with God's blessings and joy. For the children of God, this year is a ‘Year of Deliverance’. During this year, you will see deliverance from the Lord from all directions in your life. You will praise Him with songs of deliverance. You will enjoy His blessings with deliverance. You will feel the deliverance to bring in blessings and the will of God in others’ lives. You will see the deliverance from the Lord upon the people of the nation and everyone in the society. The resources of the nation will increase. Whatever you have been waiting for, you will receive this year. “…The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work”. (1 John 3:8)

Jesus Calls International * January 2019 * www.


Yes, to destroy the works of the devil, the Lord Jesus appeared in this world. The First man Adam and the first woman Eve became slaves to the maneuvers of the devil, committed sin and fell from the grace of the Lord. Then the Lord appeared in the Garden of Eden, saw the wicked devil which deceived them and said, “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel” (Genesis 3:15). Satan deceives us and pulls us into sin. When we fall a prey to sin, and commit sin we get filled with the lust of


where you wish to go

sin, and we fall short of the glory of the Lord (Romans 3:23). As the wages of sin, which is death, fills man, he will lose his peace and be caught in darkness, evil, failures, deception of the devil and the fury of the devil (Romans 6:23). The Israelites were slaves in Egypt. They were forced to cut bricks but they were not given the main ingredients to make the bricks. They were asked to work to construct cities for Pharaoh. The Lord heard their groaning. The day of deliverance came. The word of the Lord came through Moses (Acts 7:34). The Egyptians lost their firstborns. The son of Pharaoh was also killed. There was loud wailing in Egypt (Exodus 12: 29-30). Their farmlands, water and even their livestock were destroyed. They cried. Pharaoh summoned, “Up! Leave my people, you and the Israelites! Go, where you wish to go” (Exodus 12:31 – 33). “And will not God bring about justice for His chosen ones, who cry out to Him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, He will see that they get justice, and quickly.” (Luke 18:7-8) Yes! He heard the groaning of the Israelites and did justice to them. He led them to the Promised Land. He will listen to your groaning as well (Psalm 34:17; 145:19).


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As the Lord shatters the rod of the oppressor and delivers us from slavery, the day when His promises will be fulfilled is coming (Isaiah 9:4). Therefore, don’t be troubled for you will have deliverance - this is the year of deliverance.

This year is going to be a year of deliverance for you.



“…The blood of Jesus, His Son, purifies us from all sin” (1 John 1:7) In order to bear the sins of each and every person, Jesus surrendered Himself as a sacrifice. He shed His pure blood which did not know any sin, so that our sins may be wiped away, to deliver us from the clutches of the devil. All those who believe that He shed His blood to wipe away our sins will be transformed from the situations of being the children of evil and sin and are given the right to become the children of God (John 1:12). The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. But the Lord

Jesus came to give us the fullness of life (John 10:10). He brings us into the light and makes us enjoy all the blessings. This grace will come upon you this year. When we say, ‘Jesus, wipe away all my sins with your blood’, Satan who is accusing us, will fall like lightning from heaven (Luke 10:18). In the same way, Satan, who has you in his clutches, will also fall. This year shall be a year of deliverance for you. DELIVERANCE THROUGH THE NAME OF THE LORD

“They will see his face, and his name will be on their foreheads” (Revelation 22:4) Jesus Calls International * January 2019 * www.


The Lords keeps His name on your forehead. Therefore no harm shall bother you (Mark 16:18). You will crush the head of the devil (Romans 16:20). The Lord gives you that authority. There was a woman who had been crippled by a spirit for eighteen years. Jesus called that woman forward, who was crippled due to the problems given by the devil and said, “She is the daughter of Abraham, the daughter of promise and the child who made the promise with my name”, and He touched and healed her. She straightened up and praised the Lord

All what you had lost, you will regain it.

(Luke 13:11 – 17). She who was crippled for eighteen years seeing only the ground was able to straighten up and look at the skies! She was honored. After the miraculous healing, wherever she went, all would have welcomed her. It will happen to you the same way during this year! Satan brings sickness into us. Are you suffering from the clutches of sickness saying, ‘I have done all the tests’? Are you troubled that the doctors could not identify what your sickness is? The reason is the devil. It is the devil who has kept this disease in you. But, Jesus, the Son of God, appeared to destroy the works of the devil. This year is going to be a year of deliverance for you. The Lord will make you to stand up straight. You may have been crippled due to shame and reproach. You may have gone through shame due to losing your job. You may have lost your money. You may have lost you holiness. You may have lost your family life. You may have faced losses in the stock market. You may have lost your anointing. You may say that you are not able to pray due to these problems. You may have become blindsided due to these problems. The Lord Jesus is coming to you. This year He will lift you up. All the honor and respect which you lost, you will regain.


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Are you suffering due to obsessions of the devil? Are you downcast because you don’t have a child? Are you facing failure after failure? This year the Lord will break all the clutches of the devil and make you stand up straight. Be courageous;

He will make you stand up straight. He will deliver you from all the clutches.

strength and power will be seen in your life. I would like to share the testimony of Selvi who has written to me about the deliverance in her husband’s life through prayers. Dear Bro. Paul Dhinakaran, My husband’s name is Muthukumar. We reside in Bengaluru. It’s been nine years since we got married. We have two daughters. My husband is a person of good character, but he was a slave to the habit of drinking alcohol. In a week, he would drink two to three times. Therefore, often he met with accidents. In one such accident, he had a fracture. Another time, he got injured very badly and was admitted in the ICU. Since he was continuously taking alcohol, he felt that his eyesight was affected. No matter how hard I

advised him, he could not come out of the habit of drinking. I was regularly watching the ‘Jesus Calls’ TV program in the mornings. One day, my husband also watched the program along with me. When you were praying, suddenly without his knowledge, he too knelt down closing his eyes and started to pray. Surprisingly, from that day onwards he was delivered from his drinking habit! By the grace of the Lord, now he is healthy. Praise the Lord! Are you being a slave to sin? Like Muthukumar, the Lord will deliver you this year. Have the wicked people distressed and dishonored you, that you are crippled in society? Have they persecuted you? Are those in power making you crippled? Have they destroyed your life? Have they pushed you down so that they may be in power? This year the Lord will destroy the works of the devil.

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He will make you who are crippled to stand up straight. He will make the situations and your wealth to stand up straight. This year the Lord will do mighty things to give you two times the honor from the shame. You will search for the ones who troubled you and your enemies but will not find them (Isaiah 41:12). This year, in the name of Jesus, I pronounce this blessing on you. “The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing… I will give them praise and honor in every land where they were put to shame” (Zephaniah 3: 17, 19) If you are crippled due to the clutches and works of the devil, the Lord Jesus will make you stand up straight. You will be honored. All the ministries, all those who have received the calling from the Lord and everyone in the community will receive the deliverance. You will stand up straight. All that you had lost, you will regain. DELIVERANCE THROUGH THE HOLY SPIRIT

“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom” (2 Corinthians 3:17) The Lord told me that He is going to deliver everyone by touching them with His power. In order that we may be delivered from our shackles, Christ fills us with His Holy Spirit. When the Spirit of the Lord comes into you, He will make you stand up straight. He will deliver you from all the clutches. This year the Lord is going to fill the kings of this world and famous stars with His Spirit. Until now, we were advising about the plan of God to the kings. Even though they received the word from the Lord, they may not have followed it. This year the Lord will fill them with His Holy Spirit. He will transform their lives. They will be transformed like the image of Jesus. We will be transformed like the image of Jesus in order to be delivered from the works of the flesh. This is the year of great deliverance and rejoicing!


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”And the ransomed of the Lord will return. They will enter Zion with singing; everlasting joy will crown their heads. Gladness and joy will overtake them and sorrow and sighing will flee away.” (Isaiah 35:10) The Lord will redeem us. He will give us deliverance. Everyone will rejoice and be happy due to that. All the anxieties and helplessness will run out of the nation and out of your lives. He will fill you with the Spirit that brings deliverance. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. This year the Lord will pour out the Spirit on all people (Acts 2:17). He will pour out on the kings, nations, people and languages, on you and on me without boundaries. We shall pray continually (1 Thessalonians 5:17). When we pray unceasingly, the Lord’s plan for us and for the nation shall be revealed. This year, the Lord will pour out His Holy Spirit and deliver us. You will become like Jesus. May the Lord give you this reward! This year the Lord is going to touch the kings. Not only are they going to be prophesied but they themselves are going to receive the leading from the Holy Spirit. They are going to be filled with His Spirit. This is the year of deliverance. In the year 2019, may the Lord bless you and help you enjoy His fullness and give you complete deliverance in your soul, in your life, in your social life and in your spiritual life and transform you like Jesus. PRAYER

Dear Lord, I thank you Father for enabling me to tell what you have planned for your children for this year. Even now, Master, make me and your children enjoy your power of deliverance this year. We pray that all the evil bondages will fall out from our lives, in the lives of our family members, in our society and at all the levels of the nation. Let all the shackles be broken down. Let the Lord’s perfect blessings come down Master. Let complete joy come down. Let the blood of Jesus Christ wipe all the sin and cleanse us. Cleanse us Jesus, our Father. Let all the sins, all the bondages, especially bondages of death, curse, nature of the flesh, nature of the evil be broken. I throw them into hell. By faith we are taking the days of freedom. Let this whole year be deliverance to everyone. Let it be a year of fulfilling what you have foretold. Let it be a year where the kings will receive blessings and the anointing. Let it be a year where the kings bear your nature. We thank you for you are going to bless us with all these and that your name is going to be glorified through us. As a resolution for this year, we give ourselves into your hands and dedicate ourselves to you. We thank you as you are going to bless us. In the name of Jesus' we pray, Amen. Jesus Calls International * January 2019 * www.


My beloved in Jesus Christ, MY LOVING NEW YEAR GREETINGS TO YOU! In 2018, God has blessed the efforts that we took with the aim of presenting ‘Jesus as the best Gift'. I would like to share with you a brief account of the events that took place throughout the different facets of the Ministry. PRAYER TOWER MINISTRY In 2018, we established new Prayer Towers at Marthandam, Thiruvallur, and Namakkal (TamilNadu), Dumka (Jharkhand), Nizamabad (Telangana), Jalna (Maharashtra) and Rourkela (Odisha). In the past one year, 3 million have come for prayer, attended


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meetings and received their share of miracles at the 107 Prayer Towers in India. The 14 International Prayer Towers have brought hope to the people bringing healing and blessings, Construction work for a new Prayer Tower in Bengaluru, renovation work for the Prayer Tower in Mumbai and preparation for the construction of Prayer Towers at Hyderabad and Trivandrum are underway. 48,07,311 people have received prayer assistance through the Telephone Prayer Ministry in all languages. DELHI PRAYER TOWER A total of 174 Prayer Intercessors from 21 States and 2 Union Territories of India had participated in prophetic prayers for the country of India. SOCIAL MEDIA MINISTRY 99,78,930 people have visited the ‘Jesus Calls’ website. Likewise, promise verses and live telecast of events are shared through Facebook. Approximately 1 million people log into Facebook each day. 1.86 million people watched the live telecast of the meetings through Facebook and were blessed. 1.82 million people have experienced God’s touch by watching and listening to the ‘Jesus Calls’ messages through Youtube. 15,800 people have come to know about the events of our ministry through Twitter and 49,000 people follow the events of our ministry through Instagram. We send promises to approximately 60,000 people every day through SMS. We are sending daily promises through WhatsApp from September 2018. So far, more than 7000 people have subscribed for it. This way, we have presented our Lord Jesus as a gift to the people through Social Media. PRAYER FESTIVALS One-day special blessing meetings were held at Thiruvallur, Vellore, Chennai, Tiruchirapalli, Namakkal, Salem, Bethesda, Perambalur and Pondicherry in TamilNadu. Prayer Festivals were conducted at Hyderabad (Telangana), Jalna (Maharashtra), Dumka (Jharkhand), Trivandrum (Kerala), Rourkela, and Kandhamal (Odisha). 7.5 million people participated in these public meetings and received God’s blessings. Jesus Calls International * January 2019 * www.


Approximately 6,000 young people participated in the Youth meetings (U-Turn) held at Nagpur and Ranchi. Special Meetings for the partners of ‘Jesus Calls’ Ministry were held at New Delhi, Dumka, Trivandrum, and Hyderabad. Approximately 12,000 partners participated in those meetings and experienced the touch of God. INTERNATIONAL MINISTRY More than 1,100 people participated in the World Prayer Convention held at Jerusalem. The Lord opened doors for us to do ministry in Sacramento and Los Angeles (California), Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) and Dallas (Texas) in the United States of America. In addition, we were also able to reach out to people in Haiti, in Edmonton and Toronto in Canada, in Durban (South Africa) and Dubai and Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates. We proclaimed God’s word in these places with much joy and freedom in our hearts. Thousands of people were touched, received deliverance and blessings and were transformed to lead a victorious life.

PRAYER ACADEMY In 2018, training for Ambassadors was conducted at 23 places in which 849 people were trained. Fifty-four people were trained at the Refreshers' Training held in Bengaluru. 1530 Prayer Intercessors were trained at the Volunteer Prayer Intercessors Training which was held at ten locations. 115 people took part in the ‘Train the Trainers’ Programme held in New Delhi at the Prayer Academy. Thirtythree people completed their training and received certificates in the Partner Training Programme. This training will be conducted throughout India. PROPHETICAL PRAYER TRAINING About 8,000 people participated in the Prophetical Prayer Training' held at Aurangabad, Trivandrum, and Rourkela and received prophetical anointing. ESTHER PRAYER GROUP In 2018, a total of 367 Prayer Groups including 265 Esther Prayer Groups, 52 Youth Esther Prayer Groups, 27 Junior Esther Prayer Groups, and 23 Couples Esther Prayer Groups were newly formed. Members of 232 Groups which were dormant due to various reasons were revived. A total of 34 groups functioning abroad is inclusive. NATIONAL PRAYER AND MINISTRY ALLIANCE Prayer for election was organized at Bengaluru, Bhopal and Raipur. Fellowship Meetings for Pastors and Servants of God were held at Chennai, Coimbatore, Pondicherry, Trivandrum, and Rourkela. ‘Prayer for the Nation’ was organized at New Delhi. More than 800 Pastors participated in the Pastors Conference which was held at Hyderabad on behalf of this Alliance. TELEVISION MINISTRY Six hundred television programmes are being telecast in 10 languages through 20 Television


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Channels every week. Millions of people have been blessed through them. We are making efforts to start IP T.V. service which will be telecast through the internet in this 2019. We are also making preparations to store messages and make it accessible. LETTER MINISTRY In 2018, 15 million people have been touched by the responses they received in all languages. 4.2 million people have been contacted via e-mail and received responses. We are taking efforts to expand the prayer assistance service using technologies like SMS and Web Chat.

MAGAZINE MINISTRY 3.6 million copies of the ‘Jesus Calls’ monthly Magazine have been distributed in India in 7 languages viz., Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Hindi, Gujarati and English. Recently, magazines in Odia language have also become available. We are also making efforts to release the ‘Jesus Calls’ Magazine in Punjabi, too. We have added more sections for family, children, and youth from this issue of the ‘Jesus Calls’ Magazine so that all segments of society are catered to and blessed by the Word of God. WORLD PRAYER CONVENTION We are making preparations to conduct the World Prayer Convention at Jerusalem in the month of May 2019. Prayer will be the key focus and I will also conduct the Prophetic Prayer Training along with other servants of God which will be part of the Convention held from May 21st -23rd. This will be followed by four days of travel along with my family Jesus Calls International * January 2019 * www.


and anointed servants of God to pray in places where Jesus was born, retrace the ministry of Jesus; where He experienced suffering, where He died, where He rose again from the dead, where He ascended into heaven and where He is going to come back again for the second time. This Convention and the Tour have been organized together. Rush to book your seat as there are only 200 seats available. In January 2019, we are ministering in India in the meetings given below. Please pray that God would move mightily at these meetings: 1st January 2019


New Year Blessing Meeting, Chennai.

20th January 2019


Students’ Prayer Meet, Chennai.

26th January 2019


Students’ Prayer Meet, Bengaluru.

Continue to pray for us so that millions of people would receive healing and comfort of the Lord Jesus in order to be delivered from sickness, sorrow, shackles of the devil and burdens due to debt in this year of deliverance. ‘GAJA’ WREAKS HAVOC – REBUILDING OF VILLAGES AND CHURCHES You may be aware that thousands have lost their houses and their source of livelihood in the coastal and delta districts of TamilNadu due to the recent ‘Gaja’ storm. Hundreds of churches have also been destroyed. Our hearts are filled with much sorrow when we think about the sufferings of these people and the desperate situation that has risen due to the storm. We have initiated to support the people who are in great distress as they have lost everything they had. We are planning to rebuild about 100 churches and reconstruct some villages in the regions affected due to the storm.


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It is estimated that approximately USD 2 million is needed to build houses and to rebuild churches. Let us make this New Year special for our loving brothers and sisters who are affected due to this natural disaster and help them reconstruct their houses and churches. This would be the greatest New Year gift that we can ever give them. Dear Friend, the Lord will remember your act of love and bless you with the treasures of heaven. My family and I remember you in our daily prayers. Let us spread the love of Christ to everyone and prepare this world for His Second Coming. You can 'Gift Jesus' to others when you support this noble cause of building churches and houses.

Loving brother who prays for you, (Dr. Paul Dhinakaran)

“Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” (2 Corinthians 9:15)

I PLEDGE TO SEND OFFERING TO BLESS THIS MINISTRY AS FOLLOWS  Yearly $................................/-  Monthly $....................................../ My one-day salary/income $...................../-

 My one-month salary/income $....................../-

 One-tenth of my salary $........................./-

 One-tenth of my income $............................../-

 One-time donation of $.............................../Name: ........................................................................................... Partner No.: ............................................... Address: ............................................................................................................................................................. E-mail: ...................................................................................... Mobile No. .................................................... Birthday ................................................................. Wedding Day ................................................................. Prayer points to be prayed for on my behalf at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower are: ....................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................. Support this noble ministry; Present Jesus as a Gift to others. For additional information call the Prayer Tower in your Country/Region. Jesus Calls International * January 2019 * www.


Israel Prayer Tower......5th Anniversary We thank you for your support to Israel Prayer Tower. Israel Prayer Tower celebrated its 5th anniversary on November 4th, 2018. About 80 partners participated and glorified God. Worship service conducted in Malayalam, Telugu, Chinese and Hebrew languages was awesome. Recorded message of Dr Paul Dhinakaran for this occasion was well received and some of the partners have come forward to become prayer intercessors.

Prayer for nations Israel Prayer Tower is to pray God’s will into nations, to prepare the nations and the people for the coming of the Lord. God will show whom He has chosen to lead the nation to open the door for the Gospel. Yes, as the prayer intercessors join together in prayer at the Israel Prayer Tower, they will have the power to know God’s plan for the nation as to who should rule.


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A group of 12 prayer intercessors had come from India in November 2018 and prayed in the Israel Prayer tower. Here is a testimony of one among them. I always wanted to be in Israel just for prayer and I got an opportunity.Thanks to the Jesus Calls ministry. I had different and new experiences at the Israel Prayer Tower every day and I felt the presence of the Lord there all the time. My hunger for the lord and to soak myself in the word of Godhas increased. It's only been few days since I'm back. I know the journey has just begun. I will testify more in the coming days. People around me can see the change in me. I'm at peace. I would love to go again. -Annie Lakra, Mumbai

Your details to partner with us Name ________________________________________ Current address_________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Cell__________________ What’s app________________ Email_________________________________________

You are invited to partner with us. Your lodging will be provided in the Prayer Tower. If you desire to come, stay and pray for a week/ 2 weeks or sponsor a prayer intercessor, Please contact: Mr. M. Ravikumar, Jerusalem Centre for Peace and Truth, 20th Floor, City Tower, 34 Ben Yehuda, Jerusalem. For details: Mobile +91-8056116611/ +972- 50-937 7323 Email: Website: http//

I would like to sponsor a Prayer Intercessor for  Two weeks’ prayer stay at Prayer Tower - US $350  One-week prayer stay at Prayer Tower - US$175 Wish to donate US$...... every month to support Israel Prayer Tower. You can donate in person at the Prayer Tower in your area or through our website Jesus Calls International * January 2019 * www.


T above and is full of divinity (Philippians

he joy given by the Lord for us, is from

through prayer, He offered Himself as a sacrifice (Matthew 26:44). After praying in the presence of

4:4). Only a few experience this! What does the

God, a divine strength was given by God and it

Lord say about this?

strengthened and sustained Him.

“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to

“…who for the joy that was set

you; not as the world gives do I give to you.

before Him endured the cross, despising

Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it

the shame, and has sat down at the right

be afraid....” (John 14:27)

hand of the throne of God...”

According to this verse, the Lord would give this kind of joy to all those who ask Him. Let us meditate

(Hebrews 12:2) Today, Jesus is happily seated at the right hand of God. This is an incomparable divine joy given by

on this a little deeply: JOY OF SALVATION It is the will of God that no man or woman born in this world should perish (Matthew 18:14). He wants everyone to repent and receive the joy of salvation. For this purpose, He gave Himself up on the cross to be bruised and broken from head to foot. He patiently endured the sufferings and terrible

the God of gods to Him. Similarly, He gives many blessings such as forgiveness of sin, deliverance from physical sicknesses, salvation from sins etc., and fills us with His divine joy even today. This is the joy of salvation! When Saul was encountered by the Lord and became Paul, how was his joy? He explains thus:

agonies caused by that. This

“I have been crucified with Christ; it is no

was the will of God. Hence

longer I who live, but Christ lives in me...”

knowing the will of God

(Galatians 2:20)

(I Thessalonians 5:16)


Jesus Calls International * January 2019 * www.

Paul asked the Lord a question, ‘What do You

Thus, by several such miracles, so many people

want me to do?” He, who has not received the joy

rejoiced! Doesn’t the Bible explain this to us?

of salvation, is not a man at all. A family that has

We read that the blind, the lepers, the paralyzed

not received it is not a family at all. Here the devil

and many others received deliverance from their

dominates and makes them stay in darkness in many

sufferings through the Lord Jesus Christ and enjoyed

ways. Today, the light of Christ Jesus should shine in

happiness. The Lord is the same yesterday, today

your family. Perhaps, if you who read this, have not

and forever (Hebrews 13:8). He is able to give the

received this joy of salvation and if you are living in

same divine joy to everyone who is in sorrow today.

sin casually, realize that today is the day of salvation

How to receive this joy in the midst of sorrow?

(II Corinthians 6:2) and like Paul, commit your life fully to the Lord. Receive the divine joy of the Lord fully. It is not the will of God that you should stay in the darkness and perish.

Dear ones, it is quite useless to think of the reason for your sorrow and keep crying over it. Instead, in the midst of your sorrow, keep saying, ‘The Lord is great; He is able to do everything; He speaks and it is done;


He commands and it stands fast’ (Psalm 33:9) and according to these words He will change my sorrow

The Bible says, “…your sorrow will be turned into joy.” (John 16:20) Only the Lord can give us this joy. We read in the Bible that in the days when the Lord Jesus Christ lived in this world, many people who sought Him were delivered from their sorrows and received divine joy. A man, who was sick for 38 years with no hope, stood up, the moment he heard the word from the Lord and went back home joyfully taking up his bed (John 5:5-9). A woman, who was suffering from the discharge of blood for 12 years, was filled with the divine power, the moment she touched the hem of Jesus’ garment and was delivered from her agony and became happy (Matthew 9:20-22). The widow of Nain had lost her only son in death and was shedding tears; the Lord rose him up from the dead and made that mother happy (Luke 7:11-15). A Greek woman, who was unable to see the suffering of her daughter who was demon possessed

and my tears into joy”. Thus open your mouth and confess this with praises. Then the devil would be put to shame and flee from you. As you get strengthened in the Lord, your hope and joy would also increase. The divine joy given by the Lord would fill you. In my life, I too have received such kind of divine joy in the several times when I had been sorrowful. My





incessantly at the Lord’s feet for seven years to get this glorious divine experience. I too was constantly praying day and night for that. By this, the Lord filled both of us with His inexpressible joy which is full of glory. The Lord always stayed with us and led us and granted His peace, presence, counsel and His guidance in the family. Such a family is loved by the Lord. Our Lord has no partiality. Those who have not received such divine experience should wait at the Lord’s feet as a family and pray earnestly. Then the Lord, who blessed us, shall also fill you with His divine joy and bless you.

came running to the Lord. She spoke to Him words

Dear ones, read this diligently, meditate upon

of faith and through that her daughter was made

this, receive this divine experience and rejoice in

whole and she became happy (Mark 7:26-30).

the Lord always.

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Jesus Calls

Prayer Tower Blessed abundantly I have been a Jesus Calls Partner since 2004. As I sow regularly into this ministry, I have seen God’s favour, protection, and blessings in my life continuously. The prayer meetings at Jesus Calls Singapore Prayer Tower is a great blessing as the guest pastors share the Word and pray for individuals. God bless this ministry to bring healing, peace, and joy to the Nations. Glory to God.

- Abeesh Thomas, Singapore


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Family Blessing Meeting / Healing Service: Every Saturday at 6 pm Esther Prayer Group: Once in a month on Tuesdays from 2:00pm to 4:00pm & Saturdays between 3:00 to 4:30pm For any further details and ministry resources, please contact our Country Director Sis.Regina Quek @ +65-63830160 Address: JESUS CALLS PRAYER TOWER 70-A, Racecourse Road (Second Floor), Singapore - 218572 Facebook: JesusCallsSingapore Prayer Hotline (24 hours): +65-63830160 Email: You may send your offerings as Cash/Cheque /Cashless order/Bank Draft. For online payment and funds transfer, kindly use the following bank details: Beneficiary name : JESUS CALLS (SINGAPORE) PTE LTD Bank Name : DBS BANK LTD Branch : 12 MARINA BOULEVARD, MARINA BAY FINANCIAL CENTRE, TOWER 3, SINGAPORE 018892 Account No : 012-014248-0 Swift Code : DBSSSGSG For online donations : Jesus Calls International * January 2019 * www.


The Lord says,

My loving New Year Greetings to you! I have great joy in sharing the God-given

“Even to your old age, I am He, And

message with you, in the first month of this New

even to gray hairs I will carry you! I have


made, and I will bear; Even I will carry, and will deliver you.” (Isaiah 46:4)

“The Lord will perfect that which

As a father carries his son, the Lord shall carry

concerns me...” (Psalm 138:8)

you throughout this Year. This was how He led

The Lord is our Heavenly Father. He is the

the Israelites through the wilderness. But they still

One Who created us. He is the only One Who

grumbled even though the Lord went ahead of them

understands us. He knows everything concerning

in a pillar of cloud by day and in a pillar of fire

us, since He has engraved us in the palm of His

to give them light at night, granted them all their

hand (Isaiah 49:16). He knows the thoughts of

needs, saved them from their enemies, fed them

our hearts, since He knows the secrets

with manna and gave them water to drink out of a

of a man’s heart (Psalm 7:9; 44:21). As

rock (Exodus 13:21; Psalm 78:24; Numbers 20:11;

He knows about our needs, desires and

14:2). Then Moses reminded them saying, “The

wishes, He says, “Son/Daughter, Let me

Lord your God carried you, as a father carries his

fulfill everything for you.” Even in this New

son” (Deuteronomy 1:31). Like a father, the Lord

Year, the Lord shall perfect everything that

shall gently lead you in this New Year.

which concerns you.


-Mrs. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran

Jesus Calls International * January 2019 * www.

“that He would grant you,

compassion. The hungry people ate to their heart’s

according to the riches

content and the remaining were collected in seven

of His glory,… to know this love that surpasses

baskets (Matthew 15:32-38). Even in this New Year, the Lord will have

knowledge - that you may be filled to

compassion on you. The Lord will be gracious to

the measure of all the fullness of God.”

provide for all your insufficiencies so that you may

(Ephesians 3:16, 19)

eat contently and also make you collect the excess.

According to the above mentioned verse, He

There was a brother named Ramkumar who

shall supply all your needs and fill you with His

did not know about the love of Jesus. He actually


hated Jesus. If someone spoke about Jesus, he

Let us meditate on the ways that God will fill you in this New Year:


would not pay attention to them. He got married at the right age and became a father to two beautiful girls. A storm blew in the life of Ramkumar who had a good job and lived happily with his family.

“But when He saw the multitudes, He

Yes, all of a sudden he lost his job. He who had a

was moved with compassion for them,

good income to maintain his family, found it hard

because they were weary and scattered,

to run the show without any income. He began to

like sheep having no shepherd.”

mortgage his wife’s jewelry and spend the money.

(Matthew 9:36)

Having two children, he and his wife were very

Multitudes of people came in search of Lord

much distressed. At one stage, they did not even

Jesus when He lived in this world to listen to His

have any jewel to mortgage. All the jewels had

powerful teaching and to be healed from their

been pledged at the pawn shop. It was coincidental

diseases. Jesus had compassion on them when He

that at that time, he happened to watch the ‘Jesus

saw them because they were like sheep without a

Calls’ program in the television. On that day’s


program, I was delivering the message based on

Yes, when we seek Him as our only refuge

the verse, “The Son of man came to seek, and to

during the times we are distressed having no one

save the lost” (Luke 19:10). Ramkumar continued

to lead us or help us, He will have compassion

to listen to the message as the words touched

on us like a shepherd. He did not agree to send

him and then he came to know about our Lord

back with hunger the people who listened to

Jesus through it. In that message I said, “The

His preaching. He cared for them saying, “I

Lord Jesus came just for you. He will give back a

am their Father, I am their Shepherd, I have the

hundredfold of all that you have lost. He will raise

responsibility to take care of them”. He broke the

you to greater heights.” He believed that those

seven loaves of bread and some fish which were

words were for him and tearfully listened to the

available there and gave them to the people. A

whole message. After that he continued to watch

miracle happened there when the Lord Jesus had

the ‘Jesus Calls’ television programs regularly

Jesus Calls International * January 2019 * www.


and also received the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

to dwell with us and when we open our heart for

He acquired a good job with adequate salary right

the Lord Jesus to dwell in it.

in the city where he lived. Now he is happily

I would like to share with you the testimony of

maintaining his family again. Yes, the Lord turned his sorrow into joy (John 16:20). You may worry saying, “Should I start this New Year with insufficiency?” You may be troubled saying, “I have lost everything, how can I survive next? How will I maintain the family?” Even in this New Year, as you look unto the Lord and eagerly listen to His words, He will have compassion on you. It is because, He is the One Who created you; He is the Lord Who is

Sister Roshini: Roshini conceived a baby and went for medical examination. There, the doctor said, “The fetus does not have a heartbeat”. On hearing about it, Roshini and her husband were heartbroken and started crying. The ‘Jesus Calls’ Partners meet was held in Trivandrum at that time and they attended that meeting. At the end of the meeting, we prayed individually for each person. As I placed my

compassionate like a father (Psalm 103:13). He

hand on sister Roshini’s stomach and prayed, she

shall supply all your needs and bless all the works

felt something move inside her stomach. On re-

of your hands and make you collect the excess in

examining her, the doctor declared, “The baby has

the first month of this New Year (Philippians 4:19;

a heartbeat”. Yes, The Lord gave back the child’s

Deuteronomy 15:10).

life. After that, she delivered the baby and testified


glorifying the Lord with great joy.

“For thus says the Lord God: “Indeed I

The Lord Jesus performed a miracle in the

myself will search for My sheep and seek

life of sister Roshini when she came seeking Him

them out”. (Ezekiel 34:11)

and supported the ministry as a partner for others

We read about the very first miracle the Lord Jesus performed in the Gospel book of John chapter 2. When Mary, the mother of Jesus

to receive blessings. He miraculously saved the child which they were about to lose and gave it back as a blessing.

said, “They have no more wine”, Jesus did not

Even in this New Year, are you heartbroken

talk about the shortage. As the preparation for a

and troubled looking at your circumstances

miracle, He just commanded the servants saying,

saying, “Will I ever receive goodness again? Will

“Fill all the jars with water”. He likes everything

I lose the blessings I have received?” Do not be

to be completely full. When the jars were filled

worried. The Lord thinks of you (Psalm 40:17).

with water, he turned the water into tasty wine.

Nothing will be insufficient in your life. Cast all

He does not wish for our hearts or our lives to be empty. He wants us to be completely filled with

your worries on Him, since He is the Lord Who takes care of you (1 Peter 5:7).

the goodness and the blessings (Job 22:17; Psalm

Lord Jesus who turned water into wine at Cana

65:11). The Lord says that we can do nothing apart

is the True Vine. If you remain in Him you too will

from Him (John 15:5). Miracles will happen in

bear fruit (John 15:8). Yes, the fruit of the womb

our life, when we are filled with Him Who loves

is a reward from God (Psalms 127:3). This year,


Jesus Calls International * January 2019 * www.

the Lord will take care of all your grievances, give

and my worries started to increase. So, I came to

you the fruit of the womb and fill your life with

the Prayer Tower in Mumbai. A Blessing Meeting


was being held there at that time. I attended that


meeting and a hope emerged in my heart from the worship and the songs they sang there. After the meeting was over, they distributed blessed oil

“…Let us run with endurance the race

to us. I applied the oil on the areas affected by

that is set before us, looking unto Jesus,

the disease and prayed. By the grace of the Lord,

the author and finisher of our faith.” (Hebrews 12:1,2)

the impact of the disease lessened and now, I am totally healed. I praise the Lord”.

Lord Jesus not only fills us with the worldly

We may be worried about the circumstances

blessings, but He also fills us perfectly with the

of our life due to our inadequate faith like this

Spiritual blessings. He fills everything in every

sister. You may be troubled due to sicknesses,

way (Ephesians 1:3, 23).

stubbornness of your children or debts. Do not

While Lord Jesus was in this world, He walked on the sea one day. The disciples were going in a boat and Peter, one of the disciples, wished to walk on the sea, just as the Lord did. But when he stepped on to the sea to walk, he was scared on seeing the storm and waves and cried out to the Lord saying, “Lord, save me.” Then the Lord condemned Peter saying, “You of little faith. Why did you doubt?” and stretched out His hand and saved him (Matthew 14:22-23). I would like to share with you the testimony of Sister Aswini Balerao from the ‘Jesus Calls’ Mumbai prayer tower.

be afraid. He will fill you with faith in this New Year. The Bible says, “The one who trusts will never be dismayed” (Isaiah 28:16). Though many waves may come, they shall not prevail over you. When you pass through waters, I will be with you; they will not sweep over you (Isaiah 43:2). The Lord who called Peter, “You of little faith” then, now gave him the responsibility to look after His sheep (John 21:16). Therefore, you too be of courage. He will take your unfaithfulness, fill you with faith and transform you into a perfect believer. Then, you will never fear the struggles of life. May the Lord guide you like a Good Shepherd

“I was affected with Herpes/Shingles. Some

in this New Year. He Who is a Shepherd, Who

red spots appeared on my right hand. I used an

carries the little ones, will gather you in His arms

ointment for it to be healed. Since that ointment

and embrace you in His bosom. He is the One

did not suit my condition, the effect of the disease

Who gently leads His sheep and protects them

became even more aggravated. When I was

(Isaiah 40:11). Therefore, look unto Him in this

worried as to what I could do, a sister who resides

New Year. When you come seeking Him, He will

next door told me about the Jesus Calls Prayer

have compassion on you; when you keep Him in

Tower and invited me there for prayer. But I did

your heart, He will do miracles in your life. He will

not have any faith and so I did not go to the Prayer

fill you with faith and give you spiritual blessings

Tower. Days went by. The effect of the disease

when you call unto Him. Therefore be happy.

Jesus Calls International * January 2019 * www.



He will never let you down”. One day I went to a


Christian fellowship and found tremendous peace.

I had a good job, a faithful wife and a wonderful son. In 2008, I lost my job and so, got

After that, with the little money I had, I started a new construction firm with another friend and God started blessing me. I could repay 50 % to my friends.

money from my friends

And at that time miraculously I learnt to play

and started a business;

Bongo instrument without any training. God gave

but my business partner betrayed me and I lost

me wisdom to write songs and compose music. I

everything. My family was literally on the streets;

started to do this and released 2 albums, without

everyone including my parents deserted me.

mentioning my name because I still had debts to

I started to hide from my friends from whom I

clear. These albums became very popular in local

borrowed money, unable to face the situation. One


day I even tried to commit suicide but the love

Recently, my partner in the construction firm

for my son prevented me from doing that. My

also betrayed me. I went into great depression. As

wife who loved the Lord and kept praying for me

I was working for the 3rd album, I had no money

with fasting, in this juncture said, “You have tried

to release it. In this mental condition I attended the

everything but failed, now trust in Lord Jesus,

Jesus Calls Prayer Festival at Rourkela. On the 1st


Jesus Calls International * January 2019 * www.

NEW DIGESTIVE SYSTEM For the past seven day of the meeting, Mrs.




years I was suffering from digestion


Due to indigestion, my

message was sharing about the losses she had

stomach would bloat.

gone through and that message touched my heart.

I was much troubled.

I cried bitterly, “O Lord I too have lost much in life, please help me.” Then the peace of God filled my heart and I went home with peace. On the next day’s meeting, when I saw the musicians singing and praising God on the stage, I asked my


Before coming to this meeting, I prayed that God should call my name and heal me completely. While Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was praying, I joined along with him and prayed. At that moment Dr. Paul Dhinakaran called my

wife, “when will the Lord use me openly? How

name and said, "Bina, you are also oppressed by

long have I to hide from my friends to whom I

evil powers and indigestion. You are not able to

owe money?” Exactly at that moment Dr. Paul

retain anything that you eat and you are crying for

Dhinakaran came to the stage and said, “I see a

your healing. Lord is showing me your name. He

popular musician here; God is not revealing me

is coming to you Bina. He is transforming your

your name; you are depressed today; come to

life because you have thought of many people and

Jesus. He will use you like King David; He will

taken care of many children. Jesus loves you. He

use your music for His glory.”As soon as I heard

is releasing you today. He is filling you with His

this revelation, I knew that it is about me that God is speaking, but I had no courage to go to stage to testify. Soon the Holy Spirit gave me the strength to come to the stage and to testify boldly before lakhs of people. All the depression I went through

power and is delivering you.'' At that moment, I experienced God touching me and my whole body shook and I felt an electric current passing into my body and I fell down. When I got up I was healed and delivered completely from my pain and I was feeling very light in my stomach. Years ago, in the

has gone. The Lord, who has revealed about my

Jesus Calls meeting at Bokaro, I was called by my

life, will fulfill His promises and establish me in

name by Bro. D.G.S Dhinakaran and was filled

the society. Praise the Lord!

with the Holy Spirit. Praise God!

-Mihir, Rourkela, Odisha

- Bina Guria, Tensa, Odisha

Jesus Calls International * January 2019 * www.




r e w o T Prayer Dearly Beloved in Christ,

I would like to inform you that our Canada Prayer Tower is now moved to a more convenient location to serve you better. You are most welcome to visit the new Prayer Tower open from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm (from Monday to Fridays) located at 55 Town Centre Court, Suite # 700 Toronto ON M1P 4X4 or call our 24/7 Prayer Hotline 416 385 7677 / 1 855 522 7729 at any time of your need and our Prayer Intercessors will pray for you with burden. We’ve had amazing healing and deliverance in the lives of people . 30

Jesus Calls International * January 2019 * www.

I would also encourage you to participate with your family in the Events and meetings conducted by the Prayer Tower. The details are given below: Thursdays 11:00 am to 12:00 : Bible Study Fridays 10:30 am to 12:30 pm: Fasting Prayers Saturdays 3:00pm to 5:30 pm : Blessing Meetings Venue : Christian Family Worship Centre 83 Sunrise Ave. North York ON M4A 1B1 Tamil Meetings: Every Last Friday of the month, 6:30 pm at the Scarborough Centre for Healthy Communities.(3600 Kingston Rd Scarborough ON M1M 1R9) Mississauga Meetings: Once every month - Third/ fourth Thursday of the month , 7:00 pm Courtice Meetings: Once every month - Third Friday of the month, 5:00 pm Edmonton Meetings:

Once every month - First Wednesday of the month, 5:00 pm (10829 113th Street NW Edmonton Alberta T5H 3J1)

Partner With Us You could render your gracious support towards this Prayer Tower through your prayerful contributions online through our secure website at or through cash / cheque in favour of Jesus Calls Canada Account Information Bank : Td Canada Trust Canadian Account Number: 0532-5202720 US Account Number : 0532 – 7303475 Postal address : P.O Box 87181, RPO Village Square, Scarborough On M1W 3Z2 Volunteer With Us If you have a passion to serve the Lord you are most welcome to join us in the Prayer Tower for voluntary services. Each service that you render would make a difference in the lives of people. Mrs. Smita Tham Jesus Calls Canada - Country Head (In-Charge) Tel : +1 (647) 770 0676 31


Dearly Beloved in Christ! The much awaited 2019 Jesus Calls World Prayer Convention is just around the corner. The mission of integrating people and churches in the global family of God for greater impact and wider exposure for kingdom advancement beckons you to prepare for your date with ‘Jesus Calls’ World Prayer Convention in Jerusalem! I am truly delighted to invite you to join us for the 3-day convention from 21-23 May 2019.

MAY 21- 23


This could be a break-through to have a life changing encounter with Jesus in Jerusalem, Israel. There will be a three-day focus on profound teaching besides mighty prophetic prayer anointing. Great servants of God across the world will gather and handle sessions to engage us in His presence and grace, inclusive of intense worship led by anointed worship leaders. This convention will be held in a State of the art auditorium in Jerusalem and your stay will be at star rated world class hotels. The JESUS CALLS WORLD PRAYER CONVENTION at Jerusalem coincides with the 6th Anniversary of the “Jesus Calls Israel Prayer Tower” and the 71st Anniversary of the formation of the State of Israel. Options are available if your travel is certain. It can either be booked for attending the Convention or Convention/tour of Biblical sites in Israel. Call or write to your local Prayer Tower or log onto our website or the email for further information. I pray to God for financial mercy, the desire, the vigour and the essential consents needed to meet up with Him at Jerusalem. “At that time Jerusalem shall be called the Throne of the Lord; and all the nations shall be gathered to it…” (Jeremiah 3:17) - Dr. Paul Dhinakaran


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