Jesus Calls International E-Magazine 2022

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Celebrating the Joy of Giving with DXC Technology!

Achieving fulfilment in one’s life comes by supporting the happiness & progress of others. To make a difference in the lives of those who are less privileged, SEESHA, in association with its CSR Partner DXC Technology - India, organized special events in Chennai, Bengaluru, Mumbai, and Hyderabad recently to celebrate the ‘Joy of Giving’ festival. DXC Technology’s leadership team and volunteers participated in the events and distributed SEESHA school kits to thousands of disadvantaged children; and course completion certificates to women beneficiaries who had completed the skills development programme provided by DXC Technology and trained by SEESHA.

Making their wishes come true!

The year-end festive season is a time of joy, togetherness and an occasion to share our love with the less privileged. For most of the deprived children in India, experiencing the simple joys of festivities like wearing new clothes & sharing gifts has been out of reach, with their cherished dreams crushed under poverty!

That is why SEESHA reaches out to thousands of such disadvantaged children during this festive season every year and gifts them with a set of new clothes. These new clothes help the children feel happier, more confident, and they give them a chance to see their wishes fulfilled!

See how Mr. Piyushbhai Vasava from Ekalkham - Gujarat, feels about receiving a new dress from SEESHA“With three children at home, my father struggles to even afford our daily provisions. Earlier during celebrations, we had a yearning in our hearts, keenly awaiting the good news of getting new clothes from our parents. However, they were unable to meet our needs. Thanks to SEESHA’s annual gift of new clothes, my siblings and I have been wearing colourful new dresses during festivals for the past few years, which makes us more confident and feel accepted among our friends. Thank you for making us feel special, SEESHA!”

Even as we prepare to make this holiday season special for these little ones, you too can join us in restoring their smiles & making their hopes tangible! You may contribute as below:

* The cost of clothing per child is $12

* You could help us bless 10 needy children with new clothes for $120 (Or)

* You could help us bless 50 needy children with new clothes for $600 (Or)

* You could help us bless 100 needy children with new clothes for $1,200 or as per the leading of the Holy Spirit in your heart. * (Or) You could help us bless a child with good education and daily meals for $400 a year.


This month we will be celebrating the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ for the first time to Earth. Christmas means CHRIST-MAS i.e., God with us. Yes, the Anointed One became flesh to be with us. In Matthew 1:23, we can read about the prophecy that was foretold as follows:

“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call Him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”).

Dear friend, Jesus came to bring God to be with you and me. In Genesis 1:27 the Bible says, “God made man in His image.” He wanted man to have His image and everlasting life. He wanted

man to be pure and holy like Him, having dominion over everything with wisdom and guidance from God. But man sinned. Adam and Eve disobeyed God and their disobedience became the key sin that brought them down from the level of being in the image of God to the image of the world.

According to Genesis 3:23, the man was pushed to the image of the dust in which the


serpent was crawling. Man lost God’s glorious image and was pushed to the image of dust and flesh. In 1 John 2:16, we read that He was filled with the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life which is the nature of Satan. God's nature of holiness and glory was gone and the man took over the nature of the flesh which is the nature of the devil.

The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:4 that because the man lost the glorious covering of God that was upon him, humanity is groaning because of the covering of sin and curse that is upon it. But God heard and was moved by the groaning of the millions of people of the world because of the curse caused by sin and the oppression of the devil. So, God in His mercy took the form of a human being with skin and flesh and came down to Earth on Christmas Day.

Through this, how much He humbled Himself! He gave up His glory caused by righteousness and came down to live among men taking the form of flesh and blood which can be controlled by satan. Yet, the Bible says that He knew no sin.

Satan came to tempt Jesus to see whether He had the nature of sin in Him exactly how he would tempt everybody as mentioned in Matthew 4:1-14. But Jesus overcame satan because He carried the word of God as He is the Word Himself.

Again, on the Mount of Transfiguration in Matthew 17:2, the Bible says that Jesus was transfigured. His face shone like the sun and His clothes became as white as the light. That is the original nature of God. So, even though Jesus came to be with us as a human being with flesh and blood, His Godly nature never changed. He never succumbed to sin. He had the human body but did not have the human nature of sin. That's why His glory as God was revealed, through Him, even in the flesh, on the Mount of Transfiguration and His face shone as white as the light. My friend, Jesus Christ is God and He came to transform you from the groaning caused by the curse of sin into His (God’s) glory.

So, open your heart to Jesus. Tell him, Lord Jesus, “I have sinned. Forgive me. Wash me with the blood that You have shed for me. Cleanse me. Make me Your child and bring Your glory that is within You into me and give me a new beginning.”

Colossians 1: 27 says, “Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

That's what Jesus came to give you. He came to bring His glory into you, to make your face shine like the sun and your clothes as white as light so that you can crush sin and the curse of sin under your feet through Jesus Christ. Let not your heart be troubled.

According to John 13:3,4 & 5, this God of glory when He knew that all

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By the Spirit of God in us, we are transformed from glory to glory, into the image of Jesus

power was given to Him, took off His outer clothing, wrapped a towel around His waist and got down before His disciples to wash their feet. He said, “As I have God’s glory within Me, I want you to be cleansed to carry God’s glory in you.”

He infused the glory of God in them. Do you know how? He said, “If you must be the master, first you have to be a servant. As I have come to serve everyone in this world by offering My own body as a sacrifice, you too have to offer your life, your body as a sacrifice for others.” That is showing God’s glory. God's glory is not sending fire from heaven to destroy people. It is not revealed through the judgments passed on people against their sins. It is not to condemn people saying, “You are not holy. You're not fit to be God’s child or enter His Kingdom.”

God's glory is revealed through His servant hood as He offered Himself as a sacrifice for you and me to be saved. This is the glory that God is ready to give you and me. So, for that purpose, Jesus washed the feet of His disciples, taking the form of a servant to infuse His glory into them, for them to serve others. Today, would you surrender yourself to the Lord Jesus? Also, surrender yourself to your family members, to the people of the world to be their servant, to lift them up into God’s glory. Then through you, God’s glory will be revealed.

As the face of Moses shone when he was with God, and as the face of Jesus shone when God said, “This is My Beloved Son,” on the Mount of Transfiguration, your face also will

shine as God makes you wise to serve God by serving people and carrying people. Today, let's get into that supernatural realm and God will be with us. Only for this purpose, God came to us in the form of Jesus, to give us His glory to serve humanity through His love and to carry His glory in our lives too.

Today, God’s glory is coming up on you. As the world will see Jesus through you and as the glory of God through His love, compassion and service flow through you, satan will be bound, and his Kingdom will be destroyed. Then there will be peace on earth. God wants every one of us to have God with us, Immanuel. Would you open your life and surrender with humility for this purpose of God to be established, for God to be with you?

As the Spirit of Jesus comes to dwell in us, what do we get?

Robe of righteousness

Firstly, we get the robe of righteousness. Isaiah 61:10 says that the robe of righteousness is the garment of salvation.

Though we are living in this world of sin, yet God will give us the garment of the forgiveness of sins and salvation. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 3:17-18, “Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom.” Yes, there is liberty from the flesh and the sins of the world for the person in whom the Spirit of the Lord is. By the Spirit of God in us, we are transformed from glory to glory, into the image of Jesus.

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Robe of righteous acts

Secondly, according to Revelation 19:8, we are adorned with the righteous acts of the Saints and that becomes a robe (of fine linen) upon us.

Yes, God's righteous acts are revealed through our lives. If you read 2 Timothy 3:2-4 the Bible says, “that in the last days, people will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unforgiving, slanderous, lovers of pleasure than being lovers of God.”

But then when the image of God, comes to dwell in us in the form of Jesus and His Spirit, according to Acts 2:17, “The spirit of God fills us.” He pours His Holy Spirit upon us, and we begin to reflect Jesus. We see visions of Jesus, we speak the words of Jesus, and we do the works of Jesus. Thus, the Lord Jesus is revealed to people. When we lay hands on the sick, the supernatural healing power of God flows through our hands and heals the people. People begin to listen to the voice of God when we begin to speak. The power of satan is thus bound and people are delivered as we cast out devils in Jesus’ name. The righteous Acts of God are revealed as God comes and dwells in us through the Holy Spirit. I pray that this grace of God will come into you in the name of Jesus and fill you completely.

Breastplate of righteousness

Thirdly, the righteousness of God comes as a breastplate to protect us. Isaiah 58:8 says, “Your healing will speedily spring forth and the Lord will be your rear guard.” As the Lord’s righteousness is upon you and His righteous Name on your forehead, no weapon formed against you will be able to prosper as declared in Isaiah 54:17. The eternal God will be a refuge and underneath will be His everlasting arms. The

name of the Lord will be a strong tower for you. As His righteous child, you will run into the name of the Lord and be safe. You will go into the world and proclaim His name, and miracles will happen through you.

Garment of white

Finally, as in Revelation 3:4-6, God will give you a garment of white that is bright like light because you have overcome all the pleasures of sin, the curses and the evil of this world, you will rise to walk into heaven. God will open heaven for you, and you will enter in with His garments of white, spotless, wrinkle-free and it will be full of God’s holiness. You and I will walk into heaven with that garment of white, carrying Jesus and we will say it's no more I but Christ living in me. What a great experience it's going to be! When the Lord welcomes us and says, “Welcome, My good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of Your master because you are just like Your master now.” As He is in heaven, so are we in this world, says the scripture in 1 John 4:17 and 1 John 3:2. We shall be connected with Him as one. What a great joy it is for us to experience that right in this world to be one with Jesus. That's why Jesus came on Christmas Day. Immanuel, God be with you and God bless you with this grace, as you have stood with us in the ministry to fulfill His will.

Prayer: Father, I surrender my soul, mind and body to be transformed into Your image, Lord. Help me to serve people and humanity as You came to serve, taking the form of a servant. But amidst taking the form of a human being, a servant, You were filled with God’s glory. Keep me always in Your glory, perfect before God and man doing the righteous acts of God and being prepared to enter heaven with a pure heart. Grant me this grace. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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On November 5th 2022, being the 9th Anniversary of the Israel Prayer Tower, a thanksgiving meeting was held there with local leaders and partners. 130 people from 11 nations, namely Russia, Ukraine, USA, the Netherlands, UK, China, South Korea, Peru, Mexico, Israel, and India took part. The key people in ministry and local leadership who joined the celebration were Joshua Gooding, the ICEJ Prayer Coordinator,Pas. Benjamin Krepostman, the Founder of RemZion Ministries, Vladimir Shekhther, the Senior Pastor of Belarus Messianic Church and Jim Shultz the Coordinator of Israel Related Ministries.

In this relevance Meeting, Mr. Samuel Dhinakaran led the worship session and shared the significance of the Israel Prayer Tower and how God opens the heart of the Prayer Intercessors to prophesy for the nations. Mrs. Evangeline Dhinakaran led the praise session thanking God for how Israel Prayer Tower is located at a prime location and for the prophecies and vision given by God to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran.

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran outlined the mission of Israel Prayer Tower on the fulfillment of the prophecies that God had given him the past decade and it's coming to pass as time unfolds. He stressed the fact that we need to emphasize more on prophetic discernment and have a clear direction of prophetical prayer based on what God has revealed. Furthermore, he added that

prayer has to become more self-sacrificial than self-serving and it is more important to pray for kings, nations, peoples, and languages (Revelation 10:11) which is the purpose of the Israel Prayer Tower and for those who come and dedicate time to pray at Israel Prayer Tower. He added that this kind of approach in prayer would be an “incense” to God (Revelation 8:4).

The sermon resonated with the attendees, instilling a growing need and a call to prayer and prophetic discernment while yet heeding to sound biblical principles and direction. To put it in a nutshell, the meeting was a tremendous blessing and indeed could see God moving amidst His people. Thousands watched the live relay of the meeting through social media. Finally, the Dhinakarans prayed in person to those who sought prayers.All glory to God. -

Come and be a part of the big move of God to the nations. Come, stay and Pray at the Israel Prayer Tower. To visit the Prayer Tower and pray for others, email your name, contact detail and available dates to Mr. Keith Soares, Coordinator, Jerusalem Centre for Peace and Truth, City Tower, 20th Floor, 34 Ben Yehuda Street, Jerusalem, +972 539049306 /

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Keith Soares, Israel Prayer Tower

My precious partner in the ministry,

Supporting each other is a fulfilling law of Christ. I am sure you have encountered the gifts and miracles God has blessed you with because of the prayers of our Prayer Intercessors. Every day they pray for every request whether their situation is favourable or not. Then they prayerfully send the prayer requests to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran who prays for each request and replies to them. Be a part of honouring and supporting this ministry by sharing what you have, and become a blessing to millions of souls.

This month we are planning to honour the Prayer Intercessors with yearly gifts, so they can also celebrate Christmas by giving gifts to their children to enter the New Year joyfully.

•To Provide gifts to 20,000 Volunteer Prayer Intercessors for this season for praying for those who call the Telephone Prayer Tower or those who visit the Prayer Tower and those who render their services in media, translation work and office work.

•To Provide gifts to 25,000 partners who support us by visiting them during carol's visit; our Prayer Intercessors visit the donor's house during Christmas to pronounce God’s blessing on them. Be a part of helping them as they help and support us. You can be a blessing to them and their children, this Christmas.

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Here are a few testimonies of partners who have been blessed through the prayers of the Prayer Intercessors:

Counting Many Blessings

I am a partner of the Jesus Calls Ministry since childhood. I got married in 2019. My husband was not saved at that time. Through the prayers of the Prayer Intercessors, he got saved in 2021. He is now blessed with good spiritual life. I was blessed with a job as a software engineer in an MNC only through the prayers offered in Jesus Calls. I got conceived after 2½ years of marriage by the grace of our Lord. God has also enabled us to construct our own house. All glory be to God. Thanks to all the Prayer Intercessors who have answered my call and offered sincere prayers.

Astounding miracles

I got married in 2018, on August 25th. Due to PCOD problem I had pregnancy miscarriage 2 times. Doctors said that I won’t be able to conceive naturally. So we lost our hopes of having children. But in 2020 December, the Vijayawada Prayer Tower Manager and the team came to our house for carols and prayed for us. They said that by next year we would be blessed with a child. We laughed because the doctors said that we will not be able to have a child. But it was proved that for God nothing is impossible. In 2021, February month my pregnancy was confirmed. In 2021, Aug 30th God blessed us with a beautiful baby girl. For my daughter’s 1st birthday which was on this August, the brother from the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower came again and said that the Lord’s grace will be manifested yet again. In the same month, my 2nd pregnancy was confirmed. Glory to God alone. Thanks to the Prayer Intercessors who prayed for us.

- Swathi Raj kiran, Undavalli

“Whoever welcomes a
prophet will receive a prophet’s reward, and whoever welcomes a righteous person as a righteous person will receive a righteous person’s reward.” (Matthew
A Christmas gift for the Prayer Intercessors who prayed for you (please tick) I’m glad to gift $40 for one Full-Time Prayer Intercessor I am glad to support ……………….......……. full time Prayer Intercessors with gift $……………………………… I am glad to support and donate $...........for Carol Ministry I wish the carol team to visit my house (Where we have Prayer Tower) or call Partner Care, our team will help Name____________________________________________________ Partner code________________ Address_________________________________________________ Pin code_________________ Email ______________Mobile _____________Birthday _____________Wedding Day________________ My personal Prayer Request to be prayed at Jesus Calls Prayer Tower ................................................................................................................. DETAILS ABOUT HOW TO DONATE PLEASE GIVE ONLINE THROUGH (or) visit or send your offerings to the Prayer Tower in your country / region or write to Jesus Calls International | December 2022 | 9
constant prayers and generous offerings are indeed a gift to our volunteers and partners. The Lord will bless your heart and show His concern for you, His children. ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE BLESSES YOU IN MULTITUDE
prophet as a


Although we celebrate Christmas every year, the joy of celebration does not diminish at all. The reason being, whenever we meditate on the birth of Jesus Christ the undying love of God is realized and His blessings never decrease. That is why people without any distinction celebrate Christmas with great joy and with one accord. They greet each other and send gifts to one another. Yes, through the birth of Jesus Christ we enjoy the incomparable love of God in our lives everyday.


“The glorious riches of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

(Colossians 1:27)

In Romans 8:10 we read, “But if Christ is in you, your body is dead because of sin, yet your spirit is alive because of righteousness.”

Yes, when Christ dwells in us our flesh will be dead to sin and the Lord shall live in us on account of our righteousness. That is why Paul the Apostle says, “I no longer live, but Christ lives in me” (Galatians 2:20). Even our Lord Jesus says, “because I live, you also will live” (John 14:19).

My dearly beloved, during this Christmas season Christ wants to dwell in you as the hope of glory. Will you open your heart to Him? Jesus Christ the only begotten son of God will live in your heart as the hope of glory and He will do great things through you.

During Christmas season children would love to eat different kinds of sweets and chocolates. Specially they love to eat 'candy cane' which is a speciality sweet during Christmas. It has the shape of a walking stick white in colour with red stripes on it. The white colour denotes holiness and righteousness and the red colour signifies the blood of Jesus which He shed on the cross for our sins. When you keep the candy upside down, it

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resembles the English letter 'J', which denotes Jesus. This Christmas candy was first made by a Christian in Indiana, U.S.A. He makes this beautiful candy during Christmas and offers it specially to bring out the fact that Jesus came into this world just for our sake.

Dearly beloved, during this Christmas season, when we allow Jesus to be born in our hearts as the hope of glory, we shall certainly live and prosper in this world. Because He lives, we shall also live in Him and receive His blessings.

The Bible says, “The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing” (Psalm 34:10). When you seek the Lord earnestly you will lack no good thing.


“No one has ever seen God, but God the One and Only, who is at the Father's side, has made Him known.” (John 1:18)

According to the above mentioned Scripture verse, Jesus Christ alone reveals the Lord Almighty. He is also the exact representation of God's glory (Hebrews 1:3). Yes, Jesus Christ bears the very image of God. Our Heavenly Father sent His only begotten Son into this world that we may see Him face to face and receive not only His redemption but also enjoy His blessings.

The Lord Jesus said, “Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father” (John 14:9).

Yes, Jesus came into this world for us to see the face of the Lord through Him. When we accept Him in our hearts, we behold His image and receive abundant blessings from Him. Just to show His face, He sent His only begotten Son Jesus Christ into this world. Jesus who appeared on this earth bore the very image of God. The Bible also says, “For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form” (Colossians 2:9). The perfection of God is found in Jesus Christ. Dearly beloved, even during this Christmas season let us open the door of our hearts and accept this Jesus into our lives. Let us also reflect the love of Jesus to others.


the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with Me.” (Revelation 3:20)

Even today please open the door of your heart and accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour. Then the Lord shall dwell in your heart and reveal great and mighty things which you do not know as well as the secrets of heaven to you. Please give room for Jesus Christ to be born in your heart.

A particular family arranged a mega function to celebrate Christmas. There was a big 'Christmas Cake'. All of them were standing around the cake in order to glorify God and also to cut it. There was an empty chair which was meant for Jesus Christ. One of them in that gathering asked a little girl, “Why this chair is placed here?” The little girl replied, “Today is the birthday of Jesus Christ. So that chair is placed for Him. We are going to cut this cake in order to celebrate His birthday.” That man again asked her, “Even as you celebrate Christmas, have you bought all that you desired? Are you happy?”The little one replied with great emotion, “I do not need any other gift than Jesus Christ. He is with me all the time. I am so happy that He dwells in my heart.”


Jesus says, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens

When we thus give Jesus a special place in our hearts, He will be with us always just like a precious gift. During this Christmas season let us surrender ourselves to the Lord Jesus and tell Him, “Lord, please come into me and dwell in my heart. Do not leave me. I praise You because You have given Your Son for me.” The Lord sent His only begotten Son into this world for us to worship Him, feel Him as well as to see His face through Jesus. Please give room for Him in your heart. Then He shall dwell in your heart and do great and glorious things. He shall also graciously enable you to enjoy His perfect blessings. I am sure that you are going to enjoy His blessings in your life from today onwards. You shall see the glory of God in your life in the coming days in such a manner that you would exclaim, “The Lord is doing great things which I do not understand or know. It is strange indeed.” You shall receive His abundant blessings and incomparable love and lead a joyous life. Once again, I would like to convey my loving Christmas greetings to you.

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My precious friend, I greet you in the sweet name of our dear Lord Jesus Christ!

Christmas is a season of love because God who is love (1 John 4:16) came down in flesh to dwell among His people as the scripture says in Matthew 1:23, “…Immanuel which means “God with us…,”

God’s loving presence will be with you in this month and in the year to come.

Yes, Christmas is the time we look back at the year and reminiscence how faithfully God has fulfilled His promise to be ‘Immanuel - God with us’ every moment all through this year. Let’s therefore meaningfully celebrate thanksgiving, thanking God not just for the people whom we love but for His inimitable presence with us.


Report of Gratitude

Grateful to God for you

“I thank my God every time I remember you.” (Philippians 1:3)

God has led us through the month of November through your prayers and support. We were able to reach 90,96,189 people through Jesus Calls Ministry and bring blessings into their life.

Prayer Tower Ministry

“My eyes and My heart will always be there.” (2 Chronicles 7:16)

Thousands of people visit the Prayer Towers every day. Through the Telephone Prayer Towers, prayers are offered round the clock. Several thousand call the Telephone Prayer Tower daily and our Prayer Intercessors pray and usher in the Lord’s blessings. Through letters, emails, Prayer Towers and social media people gave their prayer requests and every day we prayed for each request received and millions were blessed. On November 20, a special fasting prayer was held in all Prayer Towers to pray for the prayer requests. Many Testified. Through TV programmes we are

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reaching the homes of millions via secular channels as well as the Family Channel. We are conducting many LIVE programmes. Daily Promise verse reaches homes through social media and SMS. All these would not have been accomplished without your precious prayers and loving donations.

Prayer Festival Ministry

thankful to the Lord all our lifetime. For admissions for the year 2023, kindly visit

Celebration of the

Kingdom Citizens

“Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”

(Luke 18:16)

“Declare His glory among the nations, His marvelous deeds among all peoples.”

(Psalm 96:3)

By God’s grace, the Prayer Festival ministry has started functioning in full fledge and it is touching millions, as always. The Madurai Partners’ Meet, Delhi National Youth Festival and Ranchi Prayer Festival, UTurn Meeting were phenomenal. Around 5000 gathered in these meetings and God’s presence covered the place. You can find reports about these Prayer Festivals on page 15,20,23.

An Unending Shout of Praise

The Children’s Day celebration was held on November 13th across all Prayer Towers in a grand manner for children to taste the rich love of God and to hold on to it for the rest of their life. Thousands of children participated and committed their life to Christ. They prayed for the nation and their friends. Gifts were given to them. It was heartwarming to see the Kingdom citizens pray and bring God’s kingdom on earth. Every month in the Prayer Towers we are holding meetings for the children and the youth. Send your children to such events at the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers near you and watch them grow in the Lord.


I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing the praises of your name, O Most High."

(Psalm 9:1,2)

Oh, how wonderful and good God has been to the Karunya Deemed University by accrediting it with A++ and honouring Karunya for all the years of sincere service to the student and faculty communities. This year has been a year of renowned praise and unequalled status endowed upon the University. My family and every person associated with Karunya University are grateful to God for His immense grace showered upon us and we pledge to remain

Gift for prayer intercessors

“A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.”

(Proverbs 18:16)

I am sure that millions like you have experienced blessings through the prayers of the prayer intercessors. This is your chance to truly show your gratitude for them by offering a gift as the Lord leads you to give. For more details, please refer to page 8.

Vision for 100-fold fruits

“Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop -some thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times what was sown.”

(Mark 4:20)

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God enabled us to launch New Visions in the ministry in order to move from reaching millions to billions. The Prayer Operation Centre, Prayer Training Centre and the Media Centre are already under construction work. I request you to support this vision through your precious prayers and donations to bring it to reality. Here is also a rare opportunity to join the ministry as a full-time employee in the 'Jesus Calls' office. Professionals in field service managers, television, social media, information technology, hu man resources and staff development are needed. Please visit https:// for details or apply through

*Prayer Requests for the future Campaigns Planned

“Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should.” (Colossians 4:4)

Meetings planned for the months of December, January, February are as follows:

• 2022 December 3 - Partners’ Meeting, Raipur, Chhattisgarh

• 2022 December 4 - UTurn Youth Blessing Meeting, Raipur, Chhattisgarh

• 2023 January 1 - New Year Blessing Meeting, Chennai

• 2023 January 8 - New Year Blessing Meeting, Bethesda, Karunya Nagar

• 2023 January 26 - 28 - Prayer Conference, Nagaland

• 2023 February 5 - Exam Student Prayer Meet, Chennai

• 2023 February 11 - Exam Student Prayer Meet, Mumbai

• 2023 February 5 - Exam Student Prayer Meet, Chennai

• 2023 February 11 - Exam Student Prayer Meet, Mumbai Kindly pray for God’s mighty move in these

campaigns and also support the costs as the Lord leads you.

To Build a City that Serves God

“May the Lord bless you from Zion.” (Psalm 128:5)

One of the new visions is to build Bethesda City and I urge you to generously give toward this great cause as there are thousands who pour into Bethesda each day. Your generous support will not only enable us to expand its territory but also spiritually expand God’s kingdom by offering deliverance, healing and miracles that are the significance of this place. Join hands with us and together let us reach souls being God’s hands. More details are available on page 22.

Make Every Day Blessed “Blessed are those who listen to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway.” (Proverbs 8:34)

The Jesus Calls Calendar for the year 2023 is available. Promise verses for 365 days have been prayerfully selected for you from the Bible by my wife, Sis. Evangeline. If you wish to gift to your friends and relatives, please visit our nearest Prayer Tower or visit the website

Once again, I encourage you to recollect how wonderful God’s presence has been with you in this year and make use of this month to thank God for each and every day of His goodness. I urge you to think of ways to express your gratitude towards the Lord by supporting any of the noble causes mentioned in the edition. May the Lord continue to out rightly manifest His presence with you as in Matthew 1:23, “…Immanuel which means “God with us…,”

Thanking God for you and your family, Your dear brother who prays for you, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

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The National Youth Festival was organized by Vision India at Tyagraj Stadium, New Delhi. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran and Stella Ramola ministered on October 28th. About 6,500 youths participated from all over India.

It was a beautiful sight to see young people flooding the place with a great yearning in their hearts, jumping and dancing, praising the Lord during Stella Ramola's worship. There were mighty miracles as the young people opened their hearts to Christ. Many accepted the Lord as their Saviour. Many rededicated their lives to serve Him as Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran challenged them with the Word of God to run the race for Christ and seek out & save the lost young ones. It was once in a blue moon moment as it was a National event. Here is how a dear young sister experienced a miracle during the meeting: I am a teenager and I have been struggling with depression for more than two years. But today, during the worship, the Lord’s word from the lips of dear sister Stella Ramola set me free. As she said, “God is healing you from depression,” I truly felt that the Lord has healed me. I offer a million thanks to my Jesus who has ministered to me personally through the prophetic words of dear sister. All glory and praise be to Lord Jesus Christ alone!

This is just one of the testimonies among those that poured in!

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After his father's demise in 2018, Praveen was faced with a hopeless situation. He was young and had no one to guide him properly. Praveen had a debt of over INR 600,000 (Rs. 6 lakhs). His income was insufficient to repay the loan because he did not have a proper job. He was in a situation he could not share with anybody to get comfort.

His mother Deepa was heartbroken seeing her fatherless son's suffering from debts. As a mother, she was griefstricken. In this situation, Praveen also suffered from a hernia. Doctors suggested that he had to go for a surgery.

It was then that Praveen came to know about the 'Jesus Calls' ministry and he visited a Prayer Tower in Chennai. He was greatly comforted through the love and prayers of the Prayer Intercessor as he was so burdened with debt as well as was physically so weak then. Following that, Praveen brought his mother also to the 'Jesus Calls' Prayer Tower in Anna Nagar,

Chennai. The counsellor gave them hope through the Bible and prayed that the Lord Jesus will pour His love on them and grant them a total turnaround in their life for good.

Miracles began. Jesus became their only comfort as their Heavenly Father. Amazingly his father’s financial dues which were long pending were paid back to Praveen. The burden of debts was reduced. Following that God blessed his surgery and it was successful. The long-endured physical suffering ended. But the Lord did not stop there. He had another blessing in store for Praveen. Praveen, who had no proper job then and was in financial constrain, was offered a huge package salary and benefits in a reputed company in an unexpected manner.

After the Lord performed this miracle, both mother and son joined as partners of the “Family Blessing Plan” in the Jesus Calls ministry to help with their part to meet the huge expenses incurred in the ministry in serving millions of people without

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any cost. Currently, whenever they get time, the mother and the son also volunteer at the Prayer Tower in Anna Nagar to pray for others now.

What a turnaround it was for Praveen when he came to Jesus through Jesus Calls Ministry. Truly his sorrow was turned into joy. His soul was saved from destruction. That’s what Jesus does! This is the story of millions of PRAVEENs who are brought into each of the outreaches of Jesus Calls, the 100 Prayer Towers, TV & Social Media Ministry, Prayer Festivals, Letter & Email ministry, Telephone Prayer Tower (minuteby-minute ministry), ministry to the youth & children, families, sick & the suffering nationwide.


In 2023, we plan to conduct Prayer Festivals across the nation and through media for the blessing of thousands of people. The Lord has guided me to build a Prayer Operations Centre, a Prayer Training Centre and a Prayer Media Centre at Dr. D.G.S Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower campus in Chennai to facilitate the effective use of technology to wipe away the tears of the youth, children & families and those in need. We have started the works for these centres in faith to fulfil the vision 'No soul should be lost'. These three centres will be built in a total area of 61,540 sq. ft costing us about $ 2.5 million. As we take on the Ministry Journey for 2023 and strive to fulfil the Lord’s vision, may I invite you and your family to join hands with us and make this possible for us. You can give a portion of your income (the first fruit of your labour) to build the Lord’s Kingdom, as a ‘faith’ or ‘thanksgiving’ offering towards the Ministry.This will go a long way in helping us accomplish the vision that God has placed in our hearts. “...the heads of the families gave freewill offerings...” Ezra 2:68 You are called to inherit the blessing (1 Peter 3:9). I PRAY THAT THE LORD WILL FILL YOU WITH THE BLESSINGS YOU NEED IN 2023.

Lend your helping hand for millions to receive the Lord's blessing by supporting the ministry of Jesus Calls.

My faith/thanksgiving offering:

I am giving a day's income of $................/-

(Colossians 3:15)

I am giving a month's salary of $................/-. I am giving one-tenth of my salary of $................/- as a thanksgiving offering. I am giving $......./- per year by making a monthly contribution of $........................./-. As a thanksgiving offering, I am giving $.................../- from my share of profit.

I will be praying for all your personal prayer requests along with the anointed prayer intercessors in the Jesus Calls Prayer Towers. DETAILS ABOUT HOW TO DONATE PLEASE GIVE ONLINE THROUGH (or) visit or send your offerings to the Prayer Tower in your country / region or write to

Name:............................................................................................. Partner No:................. ......................... Address:....................................................................................................................... .................................. City ....................................... PIN/ zip Code:.................................. Country ......................... Email: .......................................................... Mobile:...................................................
.............................................. Wedding

Dear Friend, I greet you in the name of Jesus and pray that this month you will experience God’s presence in your midst like never before. I want you to recall the nativity scene of Christmas. I am sure your home will have the nativity scene beautifully depicted and decorated. This month let’s meditate on what happens when Christ is in our midst.


“But the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary.” (Luke 1:30)

The first message that Christ’s birth announced to Mary and the Shepherds was “Don’t be afraid.” Yes, that was the first Christmas message God wants you to be strengthened with. God’s comfort will be with you this season and all lifelong. You need not be afraid of anything because God your Comforter is with you.


“My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for He has been mindful of the humble state of His servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed.” (Luke 1: 46-48)

Yes, when Jesus was born to the virgin Mary, Mary

and her betrothed husband Joseph’s family were filled with honour. Just because Mary surrendered herself to God’s plan great honour filled her life. Bible records that she will be called the Blessed woman by all. The wise men and the Shepherds came searching for the baby. What an honour! Even today, God promises you that He is going to bring you great honour this season and in the years to come.


“…imitate Christ.” (1 Corinthians 11:1)

Jesus is the greatest Role Model we can have and imitate in our lives. The birth of Jesus surpassed all the Old Testament’s prophets and people including Solomon for Jesus Himself said in one of His sermons that the One who is greater than Solomon is here (Luke 11:31). So the only awesome person we need to follow in life is Jesus Christ. It is surprising to see young people follow stars be it in cinema or sports or any other field. But dear friend, I urge you to follow the only wise person who is Jesus so that you will find wisdom and along with that also find riches, promotion and long life (Proverbs 3:16). Jesus came into the world so that He can make the foolish wise and the weak strong. This

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season I pray that you will be transformed as you imitate your Role Model, Jesus.


“He has performed mighty deeds with His arm; He has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts. He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble.” (Luke 1:51-52)

Follow the instructions of our Lord Jesus dear friend for He is the Word of God. The Bible says, “How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to Your Word (Psalm 119:9). Yes, Jesus Christ is the Word of God who can help you lead a pure life in the spiritually polluted world. May you make Jesus’ words, the Bible, the apple of your eye and know how to tread on the heights.


“She will give birth to a Son, and you are to give Him the name Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:21)

The special thing about this season is that God made a way for the salvation of mankind through His birth. Are you saved, dear friend? Salvation is to be delivered from all sins. The name Jesus means “He will save His people from their sins.” You have to be delivered from all your addictions and sinful habits as you submit your life to Jesus Christ and pray for salvation. He will be born in your heart and salvation will come into you, setting you free from everything that kept you bound. May you experience this salvation this season.


“But thanks be to God, Who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession…”

(2 Corinthians 2:14)

Jesus Christ triumphed in His life right from His birth, till His death and through His death. There was not one incident in the Bible where Jesus lost Himself to sin or satan. He triumphed through every trial and temptation and stayed obedient till the cross. He, therefore, swallowed sin, sickness, satan and sorrow triumphantly through His death and gained victory over all power. He was seated at the right hand of God and all His enemies became His footstool (Psalm 110:1). God will do that for you too dear friend. You will gain victory in your exams, in your work, in your family and in every area of your life just like Jesus. Are you ready to claim the promise of this season? The promise is from Luke 1:49, “For the Mighty One has done great things for me.” As you lean on Jesus as your Comforter, Honour, Role Model, Instructor, Savior and Triumphant One, Jesus will come in your midst and do great things for you. You too will certainly say like Mary, “the Mighty One has done great things for me.” (Luke 1:49)

Prayer: Loving Father, Come into my heart and be born in my heart Lord Jesus Christ. Be my Role Model, my Honour, my Comforter, my Instructor and make me triumph in life. I give myself into Your divine hands. Make my heart Your home and abide in my midst. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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The Ranchi Partners’ Meet was held on 12th November 2022 at 2.30 pm in the Gossner Middle School Ground, Club Road, Ranchi. More than 12000 participants from Ranchi and surrounding states attended and received God’s blessing. The massive gathering at the Ranchi Partners' Meet experienced the mighty presence of God in the meeting. Special prayer was offered by the Moderator Rt. Rev. Johan Dang. Stella Ramola led the worship session which melted the hearts of people. Everyone enjoyed the singing and magnified God. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran expounded the testimonies and offered prayers of blessing. The testimonies instilled faith in the people. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared the prophetic message on how God loves little children and Sis. Evangeline Paul offered special prayer which was a tremendous blessing for everyone who gathered.

Sunday Worship Services: On 13th November 2022, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran ministered at the Gossner Evangelical Lutheran Church and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran ministered in the Assembly of God church and shared God's word in the Sunday morning service. The congregation experienced God’s mighty power and were blessed.

National Prayer Network for Institutions (NPNI)Meeting: The NPNI meeting was held at the 13th November 2022, Oxford Public School, Ranchi from 11am to 12:30pm. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared the word of blessing. Achievers Awards were distributed

to the students who are toppers of the class 10th & 12th and Mementos were given to the institutional Heads who are excelling in the educational fields. Karunya Alumnus participated and shared their testimonies. More than 100 people from esteemed institutions participated and were blessed.

Pastors' Meeting: The Pastors’ meeting was held on 14th November 2022 in Ranchi. More than 300 pastors participated. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared the prophetic word about how the Lord sent out His 12 disciples and the pastors were immensely blessed and encouraged.

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The UTurn meeting was held on 13th November 2022 in the same venue where more than 10,000 youngsters from all around Ranchi gathered and received a fresh anointing. The crowd overflowed and everyone were greatly blessed. Stella Ramola led a powerful praise and worship session and many were touched by the power of the Holy Spirit. Brother Samuel Dhinakaran delivered an uplifting sermon that had a profound impact on everyone's hearts and souls and inspired them to surrender their lives to God. This event was beautifully hosted by the UTurn Club Ranchi, with the anchoring, choreo, testimonies and different activities. Everyone left the place with God's touch. They testified of God's deliverance and a particular sister testified of how she was delivered from migraine. All glory be to God.

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The Bethesda Prayer Centre was founded by (Late) Dr. D.G.S Dhinakaran and Dr. Paul Dhinakaran in 1993. It is surrounded by the scenic beauty of mountains and the sacredness of prayer which brings peace to the hearts of its visitors. The Centre has been extensively renovated and re-opened for public service between 6 AM to 8 PM every day.

Highlights of Bethesda Prayer Centre

• Pool of Bethesda with 5 domes

• Scenes depicting the crucifixion of Jesus

• Vision Centre • Prayer Chapel with beautiful paintings and a white cross

• Prayer counselling rooms • Children’s park

• Accommodation • Restaurants

This Bethesda Prayer Centre is set up as a place where families can come and enjoy the divine presence of God every day of the year. It is situated 25 km from Coimbatore, near Siruvani waterfalls, very close to the Karunya Deemed University. Buses are available from Coimbatore to reach this place. The Prayer Centre is open from 6 am to 8 pm.

Here are a testimonie of Prayer Intercessors who have been blessed through this ministry: Blessed in all aspects

We are residing in Tirupur as a family. I have been doing volunteer ministry at the Bethesda Prayer Centre weekly once for over 20 years. Through the Bethesda Prayer Centre, the Lord enabled me to visit the capital of our Nation, New Delhi in the 10th batch for a month and to pray for the nation and other prayer requests. The Lord gave me many prophecies there and also fulfilled them.

There were several difficult situations in our life. But the Lord enabled us to overcome all of them through His grace. A lump in my chest was operated on successfully. Later, my legs were swollen and I was unable to walk. The doctors gave up hope but God healed me to continue my ministry at Bethesda. I am sure, the same God will bless all those who serve at Bethesda.

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The Madurai Partners’ Meet was held on 16th October 2022 at 4 pm in the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, Bypass road, Nehru Nagar, Madurai.

More than 700 participants from Madurai, Theni, Dindigul, Ramanathapuram and Virudhunagar districts attended and received God's blessings.

Stella Ramola’s worship and prayer were a blessing as people came with various needs and her prayers addressed each of their needs prophetically. Dr. Shilpa Dhinakaran shared the word of blessing that God is going to make the faces of those who earnestly seek Him radiant and people were touched by the powerful word. God’s message was shared by Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran and the people felt the power of God as they received the prophetic word. The message was about the peace of God to unify all the divisions and separations and every participant felt God’s peace in their heart and their tears were wiped through the comforting message.

A dear sister who was going through cancer treatment was touched by the Word of God. She felt that the word from Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran saying, “Lord Jesus Christ has swallowed death and gained victory over death,” was meant just for her and that God has healed her. She felt the word touch her like fire and was reassured of her healing from cancer in her uterus.

Another dear sister felt that the entire message was meant just for her as the message brought great peace in her heart and her family. She went back rejoicing in the Lord for meeting her at her point of need.

Finally, Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran and Stella Ramola met all the partners individually and prayed for them. Partners went back with joy having received the earnest prayers of the next generation of the Dhinakarans.

Faith instilled in many a heart at the Fasting Prayer Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran, Dr. Shilpa Dhinakaran and Stella Ramola ministered in the Fasting Prayer held by Jesus Lives Ministries on October 15th, 2022 (Saturday) at 9.30 a.m. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran ministered God’s word from Isaiah 40:31 and encouraged everyone to put their hope in the Lord’s plan for their lives. All the people who gathered with fasting at the feet of the Lord were filled with faith in their hearts and left the meeting with their faces filled with smiles. All glory to God!

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The Prayer Tower also has a parking facility in the basement reception, separate prayer and counselling rooms on the ground floor and a spacious auditorium and hall for meeting purposes on the first and the second floors. However, there are a few needs concerning the completion of this project such as the terrace, interiors, purchase of equipments, etc. Therefore, we urge you to kindly continue to bear this cause so that a million tears would be wiped and people would come to know Christ.

The Jesus Calls Telephone Prayer Tower is a huge blessing to millions who seek prayer help in their time of need. As we are receiving more calls in the only Telephone Prayer Tower in Chennai, we are planning to open Telephone Prayer Towers in Bengaluru, Ranchi, Bethesda and New Delhi. So we have started constructing the Jesus Calls Telephone Prayer Tower in Frazer Town, Bengaluru. This Prayer Tower has been a shelter from the storms of life for the thousands that visit the place every day in their times of trouble. It is through your generous support that the construction of the Telephone Prayer Tower at Bengaluru is in progress. Thank you for your precious and sacrificial support. The intercessory prayers offered by the prayer intercessors on people’s behalf have brought not only comfort but also miracles into their lives. The Chapel situated in the Prayer Tower has been a place where people find some quiet time with the Lord. The weekly Blessing meetings conducted in the Prayer Tower have been a blessing to many. People feel free to walk into the Prayer Tower as their own home, share their problems and receive comfort and deliverance through prayer.

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Testimony of a dear Partner who has been blessed

through the Bengaluru Prayer Tower: A one of a kind miracle

I received the Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour through the Jesus Calls ministries. We have been living in a rented house for the past 30 years. We were running our family with a very low income. Amidst our crisis, we enrolled in the Jesus Calls Bengaluru Frazer Town Prayer Tower Building Fund as partners and every month we sent a small amount towards the same. Miraculously, last year, God met our needs and enabled us to build a house that is worth 40 lakhs. We have been regularly requesting prayers for an own house through the Telephone Prayer Tower service. The prayer intercessors prayed earnestly. God has heard all our prayers and done this miracle for us. All glory be to God. Many thanks to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, his family and the Jesus Calls ministry. - Patrick, Bengaluru

What a powerful testimony! By the sheer grace of God, the Frazer Town Prayer Tower building was built with the support of the ministry partners and was inaugurated on 22nd February 2020. The Lord who performed miracles in the life of Mr. Patrick is able to perform miracles in your life too and grant you the blessings that you have been waiting for a long time. We are planning to finish the work and launch the Telephone Prayer Tower by the end of this year. So kindly support this urgent need and help

My share in the construction of the Bengaluru Telephone Prayer Tower (tick your choice)

The cost of construction of 1sq ft at the Bengaluru telephone prayer tower is $52 You could help us construct 5sq ft for $260 You could help us construct 10sq ft for $520 Or help us in the construction of the Bengaluru prayer tower as per the leading of the Holy Spirit in your heart. You can also help support us with the construction of a prayer cabin facility at the Bengaluru prayer tower to enable our visitors spend quality quiet time with their Savior: The cost of a prayer cabin is $3000. You could help sponsor the prayer cabin for $3000 (or) You could help co-sponsor the prayer cabin for $1500 (or) Give a donation towards the prayer cabin as per the leading of the Holy Spirit in your heart. (The names of those who sponsor for specific facility will be written in the Prayer Room)

Name: ……………………................................................................... Partner Code (if any):…………………........ Address:……………………..........................................................................PIN code:………………………………….. Mobile 1:…………………................….. Mobi le 2:…………………………..Emai l:………………………………................... You can donate At the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your city (find your nearest Prayer Tower at Online mode: You may also donate through
You can also contact our WhatsApp number +91
and our team will be able to guide you.
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us reach millions for God's glory.

The Lord Jesus Christ, as per the divine will of God, took a lowly form and was born as a baby in a humble manger. From this we need to learn that if it is His will that we should fulfill certain things from such lowly states, we should commit ourselves with our whole heart to go through that path happily. The following Scriptures also teach us this:

clothed with humility for God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble.”

(I Peter 5:5)

“Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God that He may exalt you in due time.”

(I Peter 5:6)

Also, shall we see what kind of blessings we would receive when we thus obey the will of God and follow it?

“He gives grace to the humble…”

(Proverbs 3:34)

“A man’s pride will bring him low; but the humble in spirit will retain honour.”

(Proverbs 29:23)

“Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you, be submissive to one another, and be

Yes, according to these verses, if you are in a lowly state for any reason, do not be dejected. Do not give room for unwanted envy and annoyance against anyone for that reason but commit yourself to Him in humility, praise Him and be happy. Be satisfied with the mind to be content with what you have.

‘Mercy shall surround him, who trusts the Lord in all Humility.’ (Psalm 32:10)

Read John 1:14 &16: “The Lord Jesus Christ became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth.” My dear readers, have you received the divine life of the Lord Jesus Christ dwelling in you as the One full of grace and truth? If not, kneel down right now and plead to Him humbly in all reverence saying, “Lord, You were born in this world as a Man and went through sufferings and afflictions and finally offered Yourself as a living

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sacrifice and thus revealed Your divine love! Hence, please surround me with Your grace which You earned for me thus!” Then, surely the grace of God will be exceedingly abundant on you with faith and love which are in Christ Jesus (I Timothy 1:14).

As we read in the Bible, when Naomi and Ruth, her daughter-in-law, who were humans with a nature like ours, were in a state of emptiness, having lost everything in life, they placed their full trust in God, who alone can give help as we read in Psalm 121:1. As a result, the grace of God surrounded their lives and didn’t God miraculously lead them in such a way to receive a prosperous life by completely changing their pitiable life of total loss?

Yes, dear ones, our Lord, who took a lowly form is also today seated at the right hand of the Father in all glory. Yes, if you too would fulfill the divine life, pleasing to the Lord, according to His will, in all humility and in reverence, you will also receive this divine life of being surrounded by the grace of God. Believe this and receive it!

Be filled with all lowliness and gentleness, in love and in the bond of peace:

“With all lowliness and gentleness, with long suffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace…” (Ephesians 4:2,3)

A life, filled with the above things, is highly essential for each one of us. We see such kind of divine life of lowliness and love, in the life of our Lord Jesus. When the Lord Jesus lived as a Man on this earth, even when He suffered physically, on several occasions, He went after those who were rejected and denied of love and showed them love and helped them in order that their lives could be filled with divine peace. For example, in the Book of John, Chapter 5, He sought a man, who was sick for 38 years and was lying in a pitiable condition, with nobody to care for him, in one of the porches near the Bethesda pool. The Lord healed him, revived his life, and made him go back home, filled with peace. Look at the loving heart of the Lord Jesus! Today, it is rare to see such people who are filled

with divine love!

The life of Jesus Christ is a model for us to receive this divine love in this worldly life. Hence, as the Bible says in I Peter 2:21, we should follow His footsteps since He has left as an example. How was this divine love poured into Him?

“God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil for God was with Him.” (Acts 10:38)

Yes, when He was filled with the Holy Spirit and His power, He was overcome with divine love and delivered many who lived in affliction from physical suffering and filled them with His divine joy and peace.

Recently, the love of Christ made a sister, who did not know Jesus, to receive a big miracle through the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Chennai. This sister’s name is Kalpana. She did not know anything about the Lord Jesus. She suffered from excruciating tooth ache and went to the dentist who removed the tooth after which she underwent severe problems. She could not sleep at night, had anger issues and severe body pain. Life became bitter for her. At this juncture, hearing about the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower through someone, she visited the Prayer Tower and the Prayer Warriors prayed for her with concern. That same night, she was filled with divine peace and slept well for the first time, after a long time. She continued to visit the Prayer Tower regularly, attended the meetings conducted there, came to know of the truth and also received the anointing of the Holy Spirit given by the Lord. After this, she was filled with the burden that her family too should receive this divine love. As a result, the Lord filled her family also with His salvation, peace and joy.

Yes, dear ones, it is necessary that every one

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of us should also pay attention to turn many to the Lord, in our daily life.

“Let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins.” (James 5:20)

Today, many in our families, neighbourhood, relatives, people, and friends are ignorant of salvation and are not delivered from sinful life. Realizing that there is no use in living with lowliness, peace and divine love by ourselves, let us manifest Christ’s love in order that everyone, who is with us also, should receive a life of peace filled with lowliness and divine love. Then the Lord will be pleased with you. He will richly fill you with His full blessings. He Humbled Himself and became Obedient to the point of Death even the death of the Cross and became Victorious (Philippians 2:8)

We see in the Bible that our Lord Jesus Christ, who was lowly from His birth, followed it all through His life, and humbled Himself before God, the Father till the end. Yes, it was the divine love, and lowliness coupled with godly zeal in Him that made Him accomplish the Father’s will till the end.

Yes, let us also be diligent to follow His example and accomplish His will till the end. Look at the wonderful promise given by the Lord: “ Fear not for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” (Isaiah 41:10)

Hold on to this promise in order that all unwanted fears, anxieties, troubles and despair in you should be completely removed. Also,

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and of a sound mind.” (II Timothy 1:7)

As said in this promise, get filled with the Holy Spirit in order to receive the power of God, love of God and sound mind. “…how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him” (Luke 11:13). According to this promise, plead to the Lord with thirst and desire that the Holy Spirit should fill you. Then He will hear your plea and anoint you with His Holy Spirit in an immeasurable way.

Let us, who live in this wicked world, obey the Lord in all reverence and lowliness! Also, let us get filled with the Holy Spirit, who is promised by Him. Then the Holy Spirit will be with us and lead us wonderfully to accomplish doing His will.

In my life, after my husband entered the Lord’s kingdom, I was gripped by fear as certain questions like, ‘How would my life be? Will I be tormented by loneliness and other problems?’ assailed me. However, that time, since the Lord had anointed and filled me with His Spirit, the Holy Spirit was with me like a human, spoke to me and began to lead me. He thus comforted me for nearly a year, taught me and led me wonderfully. How great His love is! After I was thus strengthened by the Holy Spirit, the experience of hearing His voice stopped. I was filled with great courage, faith and hope and the Lord has been helping me to continue with His ministry for the past 14 years being filled with faith and as per His leading, in obedience to Him.

Dearly beloved, you should also wait in prayer consistently, asking Him for the Holy Spirit. Keep praising and pleading to Him continually, till you receive Him. When you are thus filled with His divine presence, God will help you to follow the example of the Lord Jesus and accomplish His will faithfully and in lowliness, till death, as He desires. The Lord Jesus fulfilled the will of God having taken the form of lowliness, saying, ‘It is finished’. Hence, let us also follow His footsteps and walk diligently as He walked in the divine path shown by Him. Then God will be pleased with us and will grant us reward from heaven. May the Lord fill each one of you, who reads this, with His reverential humility and lead you wonderfully by placing His hands upon you!

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Divided Family Rejoined

Karthik, son of Sis. Indira who prays with us in our Esther Prayer Group got married two years back. But the couple had problems since his wife suspected him unnecessarily. At this juncture, his wife left for her mother’s place as she was 5 months pregnant, after which she did not come back. They said that they would send her back after the baby was born. But they did not send her even after the baby completed 9 months. This family repeatedly called her back but they refused to send her and being influenced by wrong advices, she too firmly refused to come. We wrote a letter to dear mother seeking prayers for this. Also, we continued to pray in our group that she should come back on her own. Within a few days, she called the husband’s family and expressed her willingness to join them and asked them to take her back. Now they are

Every day, the Lord is doing countless supernatural miracles, signs and wonders in women’s lives and in families, through the prayers offered in the Esther Prayer Groups started by dear mother Stella Dhinakaran, as led by God. We are publishing here a few testimonies:

living together. I praise the Lord, who hears prayers, for this miracle. I thank dear mother Stella Dhinakaran who prayed for this

– Mrs. S.P. Santhana Mary, Chennai.

Miracles after Miracles

I am conducting the Esther Prayer Group. Kavitha, daughter of Sis. Pothumani of our group got married in 2014. She had no child for 8 years. Hence she was passing through much agony. Particularly, her mother-in-law was suggesting that her son should go for second marriage or adopt a child. This caused her much pain and misery. I wrote a letter to dear mother Stella Dhinakaran seeking prayers for Kavitha. She too sent us back a reply. Also, with faith that the Lord would do a miracle, we, as sisters prayed with burden for her in our group. The Lord had mercy and blessed her womb.

Also, Sis. Pothumani’s son Balaji was addicted to alcohol and his studies and personal life were in a bad shape. Hence the

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parents were in much pain. Nobody was willing to marry him also because of his bad habits. With burden, we prayed for his good future, in our group. The Lord heard the prayer, did a miracle in his life and delivered him from alcoholism. Also, He helped him to get settled in marriage and become a government lawyer. Millions of praises to the Lord, who did these miracles! I thank dear mother, who prayed

– Mrs. R. Ruth Selvi Ramesh, Madurai.

Countless Miracles

The mother of Sis. Rita of our group, 71 years old, suffered from heavy bleeding. The doctor said that it could be cancer and advised for an immediate surgery to remove the uterus. At this juncture, as sisters of our Esther Prayer Group, we had chain prayer for her. Also, we sent a letter to dear mother Stella Dhinakaran. She also sent us a reply assuring us that the surgery would be successful and that she would come back home safely, ingood health. The Lord, who heard all the prayers, has granted perfect healing to Sis. Rita’s mother. Also, Sis. Daisy’s family was residing in their own house. She had heavy debt problem. Since she could not repay the debt, the lenders seized her own house because of which they shifted to a rented house. We prayed for her with burden in our Esther Prayer Group. Also, we wrote a letter to dear mother Stella Dhinakaran seeking prayers. The Lord graciously helped them to clear their debts little by little and recover their house.

Sis. Rajammal’s husband had a sudden stroke and his legs and hands became immobile. He was admitted in C.M.C. Doctors

advised for an immediate surgery but did not guarantee for his life. Immediately, we as 15 sisters in our group, joined together and prayed for him, holding hands. The Lord heard the prayer, made him undergo a successful surgery and come back home safely.

The family of Sis. Rebecca of our group was in Rajasthan. Her husband got retired and came back to Vellore. But her son refused to come to Vellore and stayed back in Rajasthan for 15 years. We prayed for the transformation of his heart, in our Esther Prayer Group. The Lord heard the prayer, changed his heart and made him come back to his parents. All glory and honour be to the Lord, who did these miracles! – Mrs. Y. Baby Babu, Vellore.

Protection in Crisis

My son Vinod, is working in Dubai for the past 6 years. He lives there with his family. Last year he suffered from breathlessness and immediately consulted a doctor. He tested him and gave him medicines for 10 days, but he was not cured. So, as per medical advice, when he took a scan, they found a small tumour in the inner part of his nose. The doctor advised him to return to India and undergo a surgery. I wrote a letter to dear mother Stella Dhinakaran seeking prayers for his healing. Also, as sisters, we prayed for him in our Esther Prayer Group. At this point, another doctor, who tested him said that there was no need for any surgery and gave him medicines for 2 months. Now he is in perfect health. I offer praises to the Lord, who protected my son in this crisis. I thank dear mother, who prayed for my son.

– Mrs. R. Pushpalatha, Kalasapakkam.

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Praise the Lord! My 7 year old son had reflux of urine when he was born. This had resulted in reducing the kidney function specially on the right side. I contacted the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in London to pray for my son as he had a kidney test scheduled based on which the doctor was to decide if a surgery was to be performed. I thank God that not only did the report was fine but no surgery was required. Thank you Prayer Intercessors for praying for my son. I felt very encouraged as it was a very difficult time for us.

Praise the Lord, my mother has been in and out of hospital visits since the last 3 months with Covid and other complications. She suffered a lot with quite a few ailments and I feel for her as she’s 78 years old and cannot take pain at her age. She’s had a fall, has multiple wrist fractures, she’s come out of Covid, she was bleeding urine with complications with her kidneys, has jaundice and has a low count of blood in her body. She was to undergo a very complex surgery and even the doctors had said that it was a very complex procedure. I attended the Jesus Calls Blessing meeting online and the Prayer Intercessor prayed for my mother to have a smooth surgery and for the doctors to be guided by the wisdom of God. By God’s grace the surgery went very smooth as prayed and the doctors also testified to it. I give all the glory to the Lord and for the prayers at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower.

Glory to God! I would like to testify that last time during the Jesus Calls online Blessing Meeting, I was praying to get an admission for my son in a good catholic school as I have been trying to get in for almost 3 years and it was not possible. During the meeting, the Prayer Intercessor prayedfor my sons admission, and by the grace of God, the same week, we were able to secure admissions in the school of our choice. I would like to thank the Lord almighty for the wonderful blessing.

United Kingdom

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Please come along with your family and friends and join us every Saturday LIVE at 6:30 pm via google meet.People who attend these meetings are immensely blessed and we receive numerous testimonies like the above. The link will be sent to your emails and will also be updated in our WhatsApp statusor you may scan the QR code to join the meeting We worship, share God's word and pray for you. Don't miss it! For more information please contact: Call 02085714900 WhatsApp 07841343560 or email

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Account No: 71382535

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Jesus Calls Europe, 11B Norwood Road, Southall UB2 4EA, United Kingdom. Please make cheques and postal orders payable to “Jesus Calls Europe”. For any further details or ministry resources, please contact +442085714900


Our callers are burdened with life's challenges and are longing for someone to pray with them! Jesus Calls is committed to pray for each caller no matter what the need is. Our prayer intercessors are there 24/7 to intercede in prayer. Testimonies from our callers declare the power of prayer and God's love.

If you believe in the power of prayer and ready to make a difference in people's lives and if you are willing to give a few hours of your week to pray for people in need please get in touch by emailing us at

For more information, please contact the Prayer Tower at + 44 7841343560 or visit the website at

Jesus Calls International | December 2022 |


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