Jesus Calls International December 2018

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Dallas Prayer Tower


he lord has been graciously using the ministry of Jesus Calls International throughout the United States of America and around the world to be a beacon of light through our Dallas Prayer Tower. Every day we receive hundreds of calls from precious partners from various parts of the country for prayer. The Prayer Intercessors at the Dallas Prayer Tower intercede fervently for these prayer requests at the feet of God almighty and bring down God’s miracles and answers into the life of the partners. Every day we hear testimonies from so many people from around the nation how they called the Dallas Prayer Tower for prayer and how the Lord instantaneously answered them and brought mighty miracles in their life. We have people being healed from various sickness, set free from demonic oppressions, financial breakthrough, and family restoration. We would like to share few of our testimonies received at the Dallas Prayer Tower Telephone ministry to encourage your faith in the Lord.


Mrs. & Mrs. Kishore & Priya Masilamani, from Oklahoma – Called the Dallas Prayer Tower for the gift of child, God answered their prayer request and now Sis. Priya is Pregnant.

Mrs. Padmaja Ratan Babu, from Texas - Lost all hopes in finding a job, a friend gave her the number of Jesus Calls to call and get prayed. Sister Padmaja called the Prayer tower and asked the Prayer Intercessors to pray for a job, God almighty answered her hearts cry and blessed her with a Job the next day.

Mr. & Mrs. Ruth Marrie & Praveen Kumar , from Washington – Was in search of a better job and called the Dallas Prayer Tower before going to the interview. Called back after the Interview testifying, the interview went well and he received the job offer the same day.

Mrs. Rose Grijalva, from Arizona – Had been diagnosed with a lump in her armpit, called the prayer tower for healing from the lump in her armpit. The next morning the lump completely disappeared and she was healed completely.

Miss. Dawn Johnson, from New Jersey – Suffered with High Pressure in her lungs for eleven years, called the Prayer Tower for the past 2 years to get prayed. Went for regular check up on November 5th, during the check up the pressure showed normal and she was completely healed.


ruly to its calling the Dallas Prayer Tower has brought HOPE and HEALING to thousands in the past. The operation of the Dallas Prayer Tower have been made possible through our HOPE and HEALING WALL partners who faithfully support the ministry every month with their gifts of $31 or more. Today, we encourage you to kindly help us in bringing HOPE and HEALING to thousands throughout the country of United States. As you help us wipe away the tears of millions through our Dallas Prayer Tower by becoming a HOPE and HEALING WALL partner, we will engrave your name, or the name of your choice on a beautiful Golden Plaque and display it on our HOPE and HEALING WALL at the Dallas Prayer Tower.​

OUR PRAYER TOWER IS OPEN FROM 9AM TO 6PM (Monday-Friday) BLESSING MEETINGS - EVERY FRIDAY 7 PM For prayers or to give by phone, please call us at 972-499-4995 To donate towards enabling us to reach the nation of United States through our Dallas Prayer Tower you could make your contributions either by phone, mail or online. To give by check, you could write your checks payable to Jesus Calls International and mail it to our Dallas Prayer Tower located at 8855 N Stemmons Fwy, Dallas, TX 75247 USA To give online, please visit Your gift of any amount will surely be a blessing to millions. Jesus Calls International, 8855 N Stemmons Fwy, Dallas TX 75247 For Prayer Hotline (24/7): +1-972-499-4995 or 855-JesusCalls Facebook: Email:

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s we celebrate the birth of Lord Jesus on

This gift which cannot be described, which we

Christmas day, we all cherish the gifts that

cannot even hold in our hands, can be treasured

we receive during Christmas. Everyone likes to

in our hearts for He came down to live in our

give a gift and some desire even more to receive a

hearts and that is why we rejoice saying: “Thank

gift. Nowadays Christmas has been watered down

you Lord, I have a gift today, which cannot be

to just giving and receiving gifts. But thank God,

described.” He sacrificed everything to bring His

St Paul says:

love for us. He sacrificed His glory and took the form of a sinful human being. Though He knew

“Thanks be to God for

no sin, yet He became sin for us. Though He knew

his indescribable gift”

no sin, yet He identified himself with those who

(2 Corinthians 9:15)

committed sin. He sacrificed everything that we might have the greatest Christmas gift.


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Let us say today, “Lord, you are my greatest

go and meet his sister and the little boy took him

Christmas gift. I will honor you, I will praise

home. That man was a renowned Neurosurgeon

you”. As you do that, He will come to you with

in that city. He saw the girl and immediately took

everything that you need. God’s perfect gift for

her to the hospital and performed a surgery on her

you will be given to you and it will never be taken

thereby saving her life. The boy’s dad asked the

away. The door which is closed for you, He will

doctor, “How much is the bill? Please tell me how

open today and no man can shut it. Will you give

much I should pay. You have saved my child and

Him all the glory?

now I have to pay you.” The surgeon pulled out the bill and gave him which read, “Ten Dollars”.


The boy received a miracle for ten dollars indeed! But our God says, “You don’t need to pay

Christmas is not only a time of celebration

anything for your miracle! I have shed my blood

but it is also a time of miracles. That is the reason

to perform the miracle for you. I have sacrificed

Jesus came down to this earth.

everything for you to have a miracle” and that is

Here is a real life incident which took place

the story of Christmas.

on a Christmas day: There was a little boy who

Are you trying to get favor from God through

ran to a pharmacy holding a ten dollar bill, and

your good works? God says “I will be your

was jumping up and down near the counter in

God”. Never condemn yourself today by saying,

order to get the attention of the pharmacist. The

“Whatever I have done for the Lord is not enough.

pharmacist asked him, “Little boy, what do you

My prayers are not enough; my fasting is not

want?” He said, “I want a miracle. Please take this

enough; my giving is not enough, the things I

ten dollar bill and give me a miracle.” A friend of

have done for the poor is not enough. That’s why

the pharmacist who happened to be there heard this conversation and asked the little boy what had happened. He said, “My little sister is on the verge of death back home. My dad’s doctor friend came along and took a look at her and said, ‘She needs a miracle.’ My dad said, ‘I cannot afford

I have not received my miracle”. You can never pay for what God has in store for you! You will have your miracle today, not because of what you have done; but because of what Jesus has done on the cross. So, come as you are and let us celebrate Jesus Christ.

it.’ Then I thought that if I could get a miracle for the ten dollars that I have saved and take it to my


sister, she will recover. I have to save my sister.

The first miracle was the miracle of conception

So, please give me a miracle.” He then offered to

for His mother, Mary. As soon as the Father said,

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“Word, you take the form of a human being and

the shepherds? Why should God care for the

go into the world”, an angel was sent to Mary.

shepherds? Why should there be a miracle for the

Every time God wants to do something great, an


angel is sent from heaven. In essence this is the

The Bible says in 1 Peter 5:4 that Jesus Christ

conversation that conspired between the angel

is the Chief Shepherd and when He comes, He

and Mary:

comes to give us the crown of glory. He honors

“Mary, surrender your womb to God for Him

every shepherd, everyone who serves Him. He

to perform a miracle in you. Just give yourself,

honors those who take care of the flock, not

give your life. Even though you may have to face humiliation according to worldly standards, yet give your womb to God and God will perform a miracle” for which she replied, “I am the

allowing even one among them to go astray. That is the slogan we have in Jesus Calls: No Soul should be lost. Every soul should be protected. We have to pray for every partner. We have to pray for everyone who comes to receive a miracle. In our

handmaiden of the Lord. Whatever God wants to meetings, we lay hands on 6000 to 7000 people. do through my life, through my womb, let Him do it.”

During our Prayer Festivals, though we preach to hundreds of thousands of people, we take time to

She just surrendered. What she had, she gave!

pray individually for the sick and the suffering.

Like the ten dollars that the little boy had. God

It is not that we have supernatural power in our

did a miracle, and he made a virgin to conceive.

hands - but that no soul should be lost. God

He can do anything for those who surrender

should build their faith to receive their miracle.

themselves to God. Obeying the voice of God, she

That is the heart of God – to take care of the sheep

gave her womb and God performed a miracle. A

and the shepherds. Therefore, he sent his angels

virgin conceived!

to the shepherds who were sitting in darkness and showed them his glory.

Even today, when you birth what God asks you to birth or when you give yourself to the Lord, He will make you conceive every blessing and miracle He has for you.

You may say, “I am a servant of God, but I am sitting in darkness, waiting for a sign/wonder.” The Lord is mindful of you. He is coming to you today to help you take care of every family. You


will see Jesus face to face; you will see the glory


of God. You will have power to bring Jesus Christ

The shepherds were in the field taking care of the flock. Why should the message go to


to all people. Today that resurrection power is coming to every servant of God.

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you and will raise you up. That is the greatest


blessing God is giving us, the plan of God to see

A star appeared in the sky two years after Jesus


was born. The wise men had the wisdom of God;

THE MIRACLE OF those who are wise and turn many to righteousness


shall shine as the stars in the firmament (Daniel 12:3). Yes, God gave them wisdom to understand

The final miracle is the miracle of provision

God as recorded in Psalm 19:2 “night after night

for the family of Jesus. God knew that they would

reveal knowledge” and they came to know about

have to run to Egypt, a foreign land where they

Jesus’ birth, went in search of Him and they

do not know anybody. So, God sent the three

found Him! Yes, God will give us supernatural

wise men with gold, myrrh and frankincense, at

revelations, the gifts of the Holy Spirit to know

the right time to help them survive in that foreign

Him, to hear Him, to know the signs of the times

land. God protected the family, provided for them

and seasons and to know what God is going to do

and brought them back to Nazareth to fulfill His

in each season.


Cry out today and say “Lord, what do You

God will do it for you too. Sometimes you may

want me to do? I am willing to travel any distance

have to run from your own place and be in another

to find You. I want to follow the Star.” God has

country for some time, but God will protect you

a great plan for each of us. Not just to receive miracles but to receive everything! Seek first the kingdom of God and surrender to His plan today. When you receive the calling of God, the Star will appear and you will rejoice greatly (When they

and provide for you. He will send kings to take care of you; they will bring the best gifts. He will give you the best job, the best home and the best position. He will give you the best revelation to succeed.

saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy” Matt 2:10 KJV). No other joy can be greater

God is ready today to provide these miracles

than being in the Will of God. When you know the

for you, because He came sacrificing everything

Will of God, and when you see the star, the plan

of His that you may live. How grateful we ought

of God, that is the greatest strength you can have

to be for His l oving provision! May the good Lord

in this world.

grant you the greatest Christmas gift, JESUS!

You don’t have to seek guidance from anyone, for the anointing that God has given you will lead

And be sure to enjoy all the miracles that He has in store for you!

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r e w o T r e y Pra My loving sister Evangeline I am blessed watching the Jesus Calls TV programmes which has brought healing and deliverance in my life. Before, I had sleepless nights. But now, thank you my loving sister Evangeline, I cannot tell you in words how much your powerful message and prayer has delivered me and I am sleeping in peace. All glory to Lord Jesus Christ alone the true living God.

- Shirley, Hamilton, Canada


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Prayer Tower Events And Meetings

We are open From 9:00 Am To 5:00 Pm on Weekdays And 12:30 Pm to 7:00Pm on Saturdays. Mondays 11:30 Am To 1:30 Pm: Bible Study & Praise and Worship Fridays 10:00 Am To 1:30 Pm: Fasting Prayers Saturday 2:00Pm To 6:00Pm: Blessing Meetings English Every Second Saturday of the month Tamil Every Third Saturday of the month

Tamil Meetings

Every Last Friday of the month , 6:30 pm at the Scarborough Centre For Healthy Communities (3600 Kingston Road Scarborough, On M1m 1R9)

Mississauga Meetings

Once Every Month – Third or Fourth Thursday of the month We cater to Hospital Visits, House Visits for Prayers.


We encourage you to join hands with us to bring healing & comfort to the broken hearted through the love and compassion of our lord Jesus Christ. You can donate online through our secure Website at You may send in your offerings through Cash/ Cheques in favour Of Jesus Calls Canada.

Account Information

Bank : Td Canada Trust Canadian Account Number: 0532 -5202720 Us Account Number: 0532 - 730345 Postal Address: P.o. Box 87181, Rpo Village Square, Scarborough On M1w 3Z2.

Volunteer with us

If you would like to volunteer with us and pray/intercede for others at the Prayer Tower, please call, 647 787 0775 or send us an email at For prayer hotline (24/7) please call 416 385 7677 or our toll free number 1855 522 7729 For further details or ministry resources, please call admin at 416 385 7576. Email us at You can visit our Prayer Tower at JESUS CALLS CANADA, 55 TOWN CENTRE COURT, SCARBOROUGH, ONTARIO M1P 4X4

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rd Jesus Calls Partners Meet held at Talkatora Indoor stadium, Delhi, was attended by nearly 5000 people who came from in and around Delhi. Every partner and their families were blessed as Dr. Paul and Mrs. Evangeline shared God's love through His Word and prayers. rd At the ‘Pray for the Nation’ meeting held at the Constitution Club of India Auditorium, Parliamentarians, Bureaucrats, Christian Leaders, and Institutional Heads were present. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran led the meetings by calling all the representative dignitaries on the dais and prayed for our country India. Many were blessed as Dr. Paul Dhinakaran prophesied for the nation.

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th At the Jesus Calls Ambassadors Meet at Delhi, more than 640 people gathered from 20 States of India at the Cathedral Church of Redemption and were refreshed. They returned home with more passion, committed and dedicated to serve the people in their area as a lighthouse to people around them. th The Indian Christian Media Association (ICMA) organized the 'Kingdom Media Conference' to strengthen the fellowship of the Christian Media Community across domains on the theme' Transform Now.' Dr. Paul shared the keynote address. He emphasized that 'A vision from man will help reach milestones and achievements but a vision from God will enable His children to deliver life and bring about transformations.' In all the above meetings, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and Mrs. Evangeline Paul ministered and brought God’s blessings on the people. All Glory to God. - Report by Zonal Manager - North India Jesus Calls Field Ministry


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The Lord's vision gives life

Straight from My heart Dearly beloved in the Lord Jesus Christ, My Christmas greetings to you! “… A star will come out of Jacob; a scepter will rise out of Israel…” (Numbers 24:17)

According to this verse, Let“Immanuel”, Christ Jesus be born in your hearts and in your home this month like a star of joy! Let us praise the Lord with all our hearts for He has been sufficient for us in our personal as well as in our family lives for the past 11 months. We have preached the love of God to millions throughout this year through the generous offerings you have sent us.During this time of Christmas, I would encourage you to share the joy of Christmas to others. The lives of those who receive Him will be filled with goodness.

However… “God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him, though he is not far from each one of us.” (Acts 17:27) The world that we live in is progressing with technology. By the grace of God, we are able to use technology to share the love of Christ to millions across the globe. Jesus Calls International * December 2018 * www.


Internet Radio I am happy to inform that ‘Jesus Calls’ has launched the Internet Radio in the address People from all over the world can now listen to our songs, messages, testimonies of the Karunyans, miraculous experiences of people who have been blessed through this ministry and children’s program. You are most welcome to tune into our radio and get strengthened spiritually. Also introduce this to your friends and relatives so that they too can be strengthened in the Lord.

Web Chat We are planning to introduce a service to pray immediately and to send replies to those who send their prayer requests through the internet called Web Chat. For those who send their prayer requests through the internet, our prayer intercessors will be there on the other end praying in the presence of God and sending the replies. Many souls can be saved when they receive immediate replies for their prayer requests. Pray for this initiative.

Magazine Ministry One of the important resource of the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministry is the “Jesus Calls” magazine ministry. It was started in 1973 and has been giving spiritual counseling, guidance and strengthening people in their walk of faith. At present, in India over 3 million families receive the “Jesus Calls” magazine and are reading it in over 7 languages Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Hindi, Guajarati and English.Currently the magazine is also being published in Odia. We are also taking efforts to connect with one million new families through the magazine in the Gujarati, Punjabi and Odia languages. The International magazine covers the countries abroad bringing comfort to several homes.


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Jesus Calls World Prayer Convention “So the name of the Lord will be declared in Zion and his praise in Jerusalem” (Psalm 102:22) Last May, we had the World Prayer Convention. In 2019 May, we are once again conducting the convention from May 21 – 23 in Jerusalem. Along with our family, world renowned ministers of God will also deliver the word of the Lord; Worship the Lord. Along with the convention, arrangements will be made to visit the holy places mentioned in the Bible. I invite you to join us for this Convention and tour. Kindly uphold this in your prayers.

Prayer Tower ministries The ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Towers around the world are comforting many broken hearts. They give new hope to those who are disheartened. In India alone over 107 prayer towers are functioning and 13 in abroad. I thank the Lord for all of you who are upholding this ministry with your offerings and prayers. If you have any prayer requests, please feel free to share them with me at / /

Forthcoming meetings in INDIA “Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever” (Psalm 145:2) ‘Jesus Calls’ Prayer Festivals have always been a blessing to multitudes of people around the world. In India, the Lord used us mightily during the Election prayer meet held at Raipur (Chhattisgarh) and Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh) on the 3rd and 4th of November and CNI Synod meetings onthe 10th and 11thof November at Kandhamal, Odisha. I would like you to join with us and pray for the upcoming meetings which are listed below.

December 2 (2018) Bethesda 25th year thanksgiving meeting at Bethesda January 1 (2019) New Year blessing meeting, morning at Bro. D. G. S. Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower, Chennai and evening at St. George’s school, Chennai January 19 (2019) Students Prayer meet, Bengaluru January 20 (2019) Students Prayer meet, Chennai.

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Thanksgiving offering Throughout this year the Lord has been sufficient for you, your children and your family. You have experienced this because you have Lord Jesus as your hope. You are most welcome to contribute towards the Jesus Calls Ministry and help us wipe away the tears of the broken hearted Precious Partner, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers (III John 2). Your dear Brother,

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

“Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” (2 Corinthians 9:15)

I PLEDGE TO SEND OFFERING TO BLESS THIS MINISTRY AS FOLLOWS  Yearly $................................/-  Monthly $....................................../ My one-day salary/income $...................../-

 My one-month salary/income $....................../-

 One-tenth of my salary $........................./-

 One-tenth of my income $............................../-

 One-time payment of $.............................../Name: ........................................................................................... Partner No.: ............................................... Address: ............................................................................................................................................................. E-mail: ...................................................................................... Mobile No. .................................................... Birthday ................................................................. Wedding Day ................................................................. Prayer points to be prayed for on my behalf at the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower are: ....................................... .............................................................................................................................................................................. Support this noble ministry; Present Jesus as a Gift to others. For additional information call the Prayer Tower in your Country/Region.


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“And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” (Luke 2: 13, 14)

Special Christmas message given by dear late Bro. D.G.S.Dhinakaran in the year 1982


The night

when Jesus was born in Bethlehem, many angels appeared to shepherds who were guarding their livestock. They sang a sweet song—the song that is quoted in the above verse. If you would visit the city of Bethlehem in Israel, you can see the Church of Nativity that is built on the site where Jesus was born. This church is in an elevated place and close by there is a valley. The guide would show a particular place in that valley and say, “It was in that place the shepherds were guarding their sheep on the night Jesus was born where innumerable angels appeared and announced the birth of Christ to them.” When we see the numerous sheep grazing in that place, what they say seems to be so true.

Good! Shall we meditate on this small song which came from the mouth of the angels of God?

GLORY TO GOD The Lord’s expectation from us humans is that we give glory to Him! The verse below reassures this truth! “I will not yield my glory to another” (Isaiah 48:11)

We read that wherever they gave glory to God through praise and thanksgiving, there “His presence came down with glory.” When the singers sang praises to God in the temple Solomon built, “…the glory of the Lord filled the temple of God” (2 Chronicles 5:14) At the same time we also see in the Bible that the anger of the Lord came upon the people who did not give the glory to God. The Bible says, “because Herod did not give

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praise to God, an angel of the Lord struck him down, and he was eaten by worms and died” (Acts 12:23). “Give glory to the Lord your God before he brings the darkness, before your feet stumble on the darkening hill. You hope for light, but he will turn it to thick darkness and change it to deep gloom” warns Jeremiah in chapter 13:16. The Bible says that Jesus always glorified the Heavenly Father who had sent Him. From the time Jesus Christ came down to the earth and till today the name of the Lord is being glorified. After Jesus’ ascension great miracles and signs continued to happen by the hands of His disciples. We read that, “The name of the Lord Jesus was held in high honor” (Acts 19:17). When we proclaim the name of Jesus, miracles automatically happen.

PEACE ON EARTH “While people are saying, “Peace and safety’, destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape”. (1 Thessalonians 5:3) “There is no peace”, says the Lord, “For the wicked”. (Isaiah 48:22; 57:21) These verses truly portray the state of human beings. Man searches for money, status and authority for he thinks that he will get peace from them. But, when he thinks there is peace and safety suddenly destruction and confusion overtakes him because of his sins. This percolates to those around him. To change this situation, God sent His Son Jesus Christ to this world as a sacrifice for sin, so that “He will be their peace’ (Micah 5:5). 16

“…. The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed”. (Isaiah 53:5) Yes, “He made peace through His blood, shed on the cross” (Colossians 1:20). The hearts of all those who believe that Jesus died on the cross and are washed by His blood spiritually, will be filled with peace. The ones who have this divine peace are numerous around the world. If you read the biography of Sadhu Sunder Singh your heart will melt because of the immense peace evident in his life. Once I got an opportunity and the privilege to speak to some people who had seen him in person and have encountered with him. All of them uniformly said the same thing! “Sir, one could not comprehend the divine peace which was seen on his face. That divine peace on his face was mighty enough to console any broken heart.” There was a time when Sadhu Sunder Singh lived in a hill-country. One day, he got up at 04:30 AM as usual and in the bitter cold he walked some distance and sat down on a rock under a tree to meditate. Within minutes a cheetah came near him from the mountains. It prepared to attack him but the Sadhu did not flinch a bit, but remained calm filled with divine peace. Maybe it was the divine peace that surrounded him that touched the cheetah’s heart! It did not harm him, but shortly it retreated into the woods. The people who were hosting the Sadhu saw this and were terrified. When the Sadhu came back, they told him all that had happened. Then he said, “Whether it

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JESUS MADE PEACE THROUGH HIS BLOOD, SHED ON THE CROSS... is an animal or a wicked person, no one can disrupt the peace that Jesus has given me”. My beloved Brother, Sister, Jesus, the Son of God came down to this earth to give us this divine peace. Call out to Jesus with all your heart and invite Him to dwell in your heart. Then He will fill your heart with divine peace. (John 14:27; 16:33)

GOODWILL TOWARD MEN “The one who sent me is with me; he has not left me alone, for I always do what pleases him.” John 8:29 The life of Lord Jesus Christ was pleasing to the Heavenly Father. That is why when Jesus started His ministry, the voice of the Lord from heaven affirmed, “This is my son, whom I love; with Him I am well pleased.” Yes, throughout His life Jesus did all that pleased the Father. Therefore His life was filled with the presence of the Lord. In the same way when a person receives His presence in his/her heart, he/she can also be termed as one who pleases God. I read the life history of a man named Smith Wigglesworth. Once when he was travelling by train from London, suddenly his face began to shine! Some of the young men who sat opposite to him jumped up in surprise. One of them asked him, “Sir, the divine brightness on your face, instills a sinful feeling in my heart. I cannot endure this feeling. What way should I follow to become a good person?” This man of God told them about the sacrifice of Jesus

on the cross, and guided them into the path of Life. Do you know what really happened? Later he explained the reason behind the divine radiance on his face. “During the train journey I started to meditate on Jesus for He is precious to me. When I was meditating, I was overjoyed to see Jesus come and stand in front of me! I got carried away by that and started to praise Him. It maybe during that time the divine radiance came upon my face.” My dear Brother, Sister! The Bible says, “Friendship with the world is hatred toward God” (James 4:4). The thoughts of every man and woman in this world are centered on how to get wealth and higher status. But when Jesus, the Son of God comes into our hearts, he becomes sweeter than honey. The friendship with the world which stands as hatred between God and us will vanish. The desire for self gratification is transformed into one that only desires to please the Lord. The Psalmist characterizes it as follows: “Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you” (Psalm 73:25) Yes, through the coming of Christ Jesus, all those who have tasted the love of Jesus desire to live a life pleasing to God. The Father loves us in the same way He loved Jesus. He assures us that we are His children (Ephesians 1:4 – 6). My dear Brother, Sister, have you received the divine blessing and experience of having Jesus dwelling in your heart? If not, ask the Lord Jesus to come into your heart and home and reign as King –this is the greatest blessing one can have and this is the greatest Christmas gift! May Jesus, the Son of God be born in your heart and home this Christmas!

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1 2 3


Isaiah 51:2 – God gives increase Meditation: Gen. 22:17; Mal. 3:10; Mat. 15:32-39; Heb. 6:14

Isaiah 66:2 – Lord’s favor Meditation: Deut. 32:10-13; 2 Chron. 16:9; Psalm 32:8; Prov. 15:3


Isaiah 65:21 – Dwell in safety Meditation: Deut.28:1-11; Psalm 85:12; 3 John 2

Deuteronomy 28:3 – You will be blessed Meditation: Gen. 12:2; Deut. 28:1-6; Eph. 1:3


Proverbs 28:5 – Seek God Meditation: Deut. 4:29; Prov. 8:17; Jer. 29:13; Mat. 7:7,8


2 Timothy 4:22 – God abides in you Meditation: Romans 8:9-11; 1 Cor. 3:16; 2 Cor. 13:5; 6:16; Col. 1:27


1 Chronicles 12:18 – God helps us Meditation: Exo. 18:4, Psalm 30:9; 118:6; Heb.13:1-6


Deuteronomy 7:14 – God who exalts you Meditation: Gen. 41:43-45; Psalm 23:5,6; Zeph. 3:19,20

Psalm 22:26 – God satisfies us Meditation: Lev. 25:19; Ruth 2:10-18, Psalm 103:5; 107:8


Acts 1:8 – You will receive power Meditation: 1 Chron. 29:10-12; Neh. 8:10; Psalm 29:11

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Proverbs 16:23 – God of wisdom Meditation: Job 12:13; Prov. 2:6; Isaiah 11:2; Daniel 2:20; James 1:5

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Isaiah 45:4 – Reveals the hidden Meditation: Prov. 22:4; Mat. 13:44; Romans 11:33 2 Samuel 8:6 – God with us Meditation: Exo. 19:4; Deut. 31:6; Ruth 2:12; Psalm 46:1; Prov. 18:10 Deuteronomy 1:30 – God fights for you Meditation: Exo. 14:14; Joshua 23:3,10; 1 Sam. 17:40-47; Jer. 15:20 2 Corinthians 5:21 – Righteous God Meditation: Psalm 71:19;98:2; Isaiah 41:10; Jer. 51:10; 1 John 1:9


Psalm 85:9 – Salvation is given Meditation: Exo. 15:2; Psalm 118:1-14; Jer. 3:23; Lam. 3:26


Isaiah 29:14 – Marvellous works from God Meditation: 1 Chron. 16:13,24; Job 5:9; Psalm 72:18; Jer. 32:17


18 19 20 21 22

Proverbs 28:1 – God makes you bold and strong Meditation: Deut. 31:1-6; Joshua 1:3-9; Psalm 56:3,4; Isaiah 41:8-13 Isaiah 51:16 – God guides you and strengthens you Meditation: Psalm 9:9, 18:1,2; Mal. 3:6; Philip. 4:13; 2 Thess. 3:3 Psalm 81:10 – God fills you with goodness Meditation: Job 23:4; Psalm 65:11; Jer. 31:25; Acts 2:28 Psalm 84:11 – God loves the upright Meditation: Gen. 45:18; Joshua 14:6-11; 1 Chron. 19:11; James 1:12 1 Peter 3:12 – Lord listens to prayers Meditation: Gen. 25:10-21; Job 42:10; Psalm54:2; Daniel 9:17

Jesus Calls International * December 2018 * www.


Isaiah 62:2 – Your vindication and glory will be seen Meditation: 1 Chron. 16:27; Psalm 3:3; Prov. 21:21; 2 Cor. 3:9


Psalm 94:18 – Lord sustains you by His grace Meditation: Exo. 34:6; Psalm 51:1; 90:13-15; John 1:14-17; Acts 7:10

25 26

2 Corinthians 9:15 – Indescribable gift Meditation: Matt. 7:11; Rom. 5:15; Eph. 2:6-10


Isaiah 48:17 – The Lord teaches you and directs you Meditation:1 Kings. 8:36; Psa.37:23,24; Prov. 3:5,6; Isaiah 30:21; Heb. 13:7

John 16:24 – Complete joy Meditation: Gen. 45:1-16; Isaiah 66:5; Luke 15:4-7; 3 John 4


Psalm 34:7 – Deliverance from distress Meditation: Deut. 32:10; Psalm 32:7; Zech. 2:5


2 Corinthians 5:17 – Transforms you to a new creation Meditation: Isaiah 65:17,18; Eph. 4:22-24; Col. 3:10


John 7:38 – Living water Meditation: Song of Sol. 4:11-15; Isaiah 49:10; John 4:10-14; Rev. 22:17


Deuteronomy 1:11 – Great works Meditation: Gen. 24:50-60; Luke 6:38; John 1:50; Eph. 3:20

Jesus Calls International * December 2018 * www.


For more than 20,000 letters received everyday by post and email, the Dhinakarans pray and send prayerful replies. These replies turn into miracles in the lives of the dear ones who come in contact with the Jesus Calls ministries. Their hope is not cut off. Many of us would have certain requests about which we have been facing obstacles in our lives, travailing for long and seeking deliverance. Here is an opportunity for you to send such requests to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran who will be praying for you, on December 30th, 2018. So, hurry up! Send your requests to us through facebook and e-mail.

My prayer request to be prayed on “Day of Deliverance” December 30th 2018 “Now My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to prayer made in this place.” (2 Chronicles 7:15)

1. .......................................................................................................................................................... 2. .......................................................................................................................................................... 3. .......................................................................................................................................................... PLEASE SEND YOUR PRAYER REQUESTS by email: Dr. Paul Dhinakaran:

Sis. Stella Dhinakaran:

Sis. Evangeline Paul:

by posting a comment on:

“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” (Jeremiah 33:3) Visit our website WAITING FOR A BREAK THROUGH? HERE IS A SOLUTION... PRAYER BRINGS ANSWERS FROM GOD!


Jesus Calls International * December 2018 * www.

Loving Christmas greetings to you! ‘Christmas’ is a time of spiritual rebirth – of searching our hearts and of asking the Heavenly Father to make us more like Jesus. Without Jesus to wash us whiter than snow, there can never be a genuine ‘White Christmas.’ During Christmas, we have to praise God for all the goodness that He has bestowed upon us. Christmas is a time to celebrate the coming of God’s Kingdom. In the newspapers and media like television, we often come across several advertisements

When you order a ‘Happy Meal’ in McDonald's, they will give you a toy along with it. When my children were small, they used to ask for the McDonalds burger. As soon as they got the toy, they would start playing with it and forget about the burger. Only those toys give them great joy. Christmas






remembering that our Heavenly Father loved us and gave us a precious gift!

which say, ‘Buy one get one free.’

“Thanks be to God for His indescribable

This denotes that they offer two for

gift! – JESUS” (2 Corinthians 9:15)

the price of one or to mention half the price for both the items.

‘Christmas’ began in the heart of God and is completed only when it reaches the heart of man.

- Mrs. Evangeline Paul

Only the birth of Jesus gives us great joy.

Jesus Calls International * December 2018 * www.


Many times, we fail to understand the value

the Lord. Then, he grew up and served the Lord till

of things and take everything for granted. Don’t

his home calling in the year 1994, at the age of 60.

forget to tell ‘Happy Christmas’ to people who

It is the Lord who grants breath and life to

without understanding the real value of Christmas

human beings, and He will graciously give us all

say, ‘Happy Holidays.’ Christ is the reason for

things (Romans 8:32). He protects our life through

celebrating Christmas. There is no Christmas

the power which controls us from committing sin.

without Him.

The Lord Jesus sends the Holy Spirit into us who

When our Saviour Jesus, the heavenly gift is

grants us life (John 16:7).

born in us, we receive many gifts through Him

My life was entirely different before marriage.

and are blessed. Let us now meditate upon the

I was an introvert and did not have the habit of

gifts that He bestows on us.

praying for a long time too. However, after my wedding, I just loved to be among the people

GIFT OF LIFE “And He is not served by human hands, as if He needed anything because He Himself gives all men life and breath and everything else.” (Acts 17:25)

of God. I thank the Lord and feel privileged, whenever I have the opportunity to stand on the dais and share the Word of God, in the midst of a large gathering of people. Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift, our Lord Jesus, the gift Who grants us life.

It is the Lord who grants life and spirit to us, human beings (Genesis 2:7; Ecclesiastes 12:7). There was a brother called Selvaraj who was very supportive of the ‘Jesus Calls’ Ministry. He used to translate the messages and conduct many training sessions. He would always share about a wonderful testimony or an incident that happened

SPIRITUAL GIFT “And the whole multitude sought to touch Him, for power went out from Him and healed them all.” (Luke 6:19) The Lord Jesus will give us all blessings if He comes and dwells in us. Ask Him saying, “Lord, I

in his life. When brother Selvaraj was born, they declared that he was dead and sent his body to the mortuary. His mother who is a devout woman, became

want that spiritual power which filled You. I want the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit”. The Lord Jesus who is able to work miracles and has the power to heal broken hearts will be born in your hearts

sorrowful when she heard the news that her ‘child

in this time of Christmas; He will fill you with a

had died.’ She went to the Chief Doctor of that

power to bring blessing to others.

hospital and cried and lamented and asked him to save the child somehow. The doctor, just to please her, blew into the dead child’s nostrils and shook its body. A wonder of wonders - life returned to

A brother called Chelladurai from Andipatti in Theni District had written a testimony letter which read:

the lifeless body of the baby. His mother praised

“I was suffering for many years due to a

God saying that this was a miracle performed by

problem in my kidneys. I found it difficult to do


Jesus Calls International * December 2018 * www.

any work. One day, while I was watching the

eternal life. Christmas is a precursor to that second

‘Jesus Calls’ Television program in the month of

coming, and that is why we celebrate it with joy.

September 2018, Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran gave the message and continued in prayer for those who were sick. When she specifically prayed for those suffering from kidney failure, I prayed along with her. At that time, the power of God descended upon me. The kidney problem that I was suffering from, for a long time, was healed at that moment. I am well now. Glory be to God.” Yes, when the Lord is in us, He gives us the gifts of the Spirit. He will use us to be a blessing to others when His Spirit fills us.

GIFT OF ETERNAL LIFE “For God so loved the world that He

OUR CHRISTMAS GIFT “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? … For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are.” (1 Corinthians 3:16, 17) Our Lord, the Creator God, can dwell anywhere He likes. However, He desires to dwell only in our hearts. Let us consecrate ourselves to Him, and that is the gift we can give Him. “… you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God.” (Romans 12:1)

gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)

The Apostle Paul instructs that this is a reasonable service which we do spiritually.

The Almighty Heavenly Father gave us His

Meaning of the name ‘Jesus’ is ‘The One who

only begotten Son as a gift so that we should not

removes all sins and saves us.’ Jesus came into

perish but joyfully live with Him through eternity.

this world just to remove our sins and cleanse

When we were dead in our iniquities, He raised us through Christ Jesus. Moreover, He makes us sit with Christ Jesus in the heavenly places (Ephesians 1:20). We should have the desire in us to enter into the age which is to come.

us (Matthew 1:21). So, let us accept Him in our lives. Only He has the power to cleanse us from all iniquities (Titus 2:14). Only His blood cleanses us from all sins (1 John 1:7). Therefore, ask the Lord saying, “Lord, cleanse

Once I said, ‘I long to go to heaven because

me with Your blood. Transform my body, for you

I have so many relatives there’ for which my

to dwell in it. Then, He will come into you and will

daughter Sharon replied funnily, ‘They won’t even recognize you but will be very busy praising God.’

surely fulfill His plan that He has for you. He will give good things to those who ask Him (Matthew

After that, I stopped talking like that. I envisioned

7:11). When He fills you with the Holy Spirit, who

the experience of eternal joy in heaven, which

is the good gift, then the calling on your life will

made me ecstatic!

come to pass. His gifts will work in your life for His glory, and the Lord will bless you!

Our Lord Jesus is coming soon to take us all to be with Him. Yes, the Lord Jesus is returning to give us


Jesus Calls International * December 2018 * www.


SRI LANKA Jesus Calls International, 15/1B, Joseph Lane, Bambalapitiya, Colombo 4. Telephone - +94 11 4488112 / +94 11 2502520 Jesus Calls Prayer Centre, 65/373, 5th Lane, Crow Island, Colombo 15. Telephone - +94 11 3288553 Jesus Calls Prayer Centre, 102, 3rd Cross Street, Jaffna. Telephone - +94 213207000 PRAYER HOTLINE FOR SRI LANKA (24 hours): 00 94 11 448811 24

SINGAPORE Jesus Calls Singapore 70A Race Course Road, (2nd Floor) Singapore 218572 Prayer Hotline 24 hours: +65-63830160 MALAYSIA True Friend Berhad 11 Lorong Timur, 46000 Petaling Jaya, Selangor D.E. Phone No: 03-79319373 Prayer Hotline 24 hours: 03-79607370

Jesus Calls International * December 2018 * www.

AUSTRALIA Jesus Calls Australia 10/18 Third Avenue, Blacktown NSW 2148. Prayer Hot line (24 hours): 1300 728 378 (free call) Admin Line: (02) 9602 3200

CANADA Jesus Calls Canada 55 Town Centre Court, Scarborough, Ontario M1P 4X4. Prayer Hotline No: +1 416 385 7576 / +1 416 385 7677

FIJI Jesus Calls Prayer Tower P O Box 3984, 178 Ratu Mara Road, Samabula, Suva, Fiji Islands Mobile: 9078961; Land line: +679 363 2925

ISRAEL Jerusalem Centre for Peace & Truth Ben Yehuda 34 City Tower 20th floor, Jerusalem. Phone No: +0972-50 9377323

EUROPE Jesus Calls Europe 11B Norwood Road Southall, London Phone No: +442085714900 Prayer hotline (24 hours): +44 20 8571 4900

USA Jesus Calls International 8855 N Stemmons Fwy, Dallas. TX 75247 Phone No: 972- 499-4995/ 1- 855-Jesus Calls/1-855-537-8722

NEW ZEALAND Jesus Calls New Zealand 1/80 Carr Road, Mt Roskill, Auckland. Phone: (09) 629 7160 Prayer Hotline 24 hours: 0800 53 78 72 (0800 JESUSC)

SOUTH AFRICA Jesus Calls Africa Faith Revival Church Premises 34, Herencroft Drive, Longcroft, Phoenix 4068 Phone No: +64 9 6207160

In line with our vision of “Praying for the world” our primary activity revolves around prayer. Please call us for prayer help and do visit our Prayer Towers to attend the blessing meetings and to receive a divine encounter with the Lord. God will perform mighty miracles in your life. Jesus Calls International * December 2018 * www.


Promise Message “The wise woman builds her house, But the foolish pulls it down with her hands.” (Proverbs 14:1)

- Mrs. Stella Dhinakaran

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us meditate on how a wise woman should build her house according to Prov. 31:10-31.

LOVE YOUR HUSBAND An old proverb in Tamil says that when it comes to husband, he should be treated with respect, even if he is like a stone or a grass. However, today, this has become an obsolete practice. These days we read articles in the newspapers how certain married women kill their own husbands for the sake of their new male friends. Yes, we are living in such terrible times. But, my dear ones, it is the Lord’s wish that, ‘the husband and wife should love one another like their own flesh.” That is why the Lord made them


as a companion to each other. This love that comes from God is divine. My dear children, the Lord wants you to get delivered from such kind of filth, like the lust of the flesh and secret relationships and become holy. Keep your husband next to God and learn to do the things that you ought to do for him in reverence. The Bible says, “Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump?” (I Corinthians 5:6). Even a lustful thought can lead you astray! Follow the unleavened life of sincerity and truth (I Corinthians 5:7,8). Examine your life right now! If you have certain thoughts, bitterness, enmity and other things against your husband, kneel down now and confess everything in the presence of the Lord. Then the Lord would remove all sorts of wicked things from your life, unite you both with His divine love, and help you receive a blessed life. So, read Psalm 31:11,12 to follow it and receive the Lord’s blessings.

Jesus Calls International * December 2018 * www.

SEEK THE LORD “And those who seek me diligently (early in the morning) will find me…” (Proverbs 8:17) According to this Scripture, you should get up early in the morning every day and seek the Lord. Just as how the Lord Jesus Christ sought the Father in the morning, before daylight (Mark 1:35) and just as how David, the man of God, sought Him early in the morning (Psalm 63:1), you too should seek the Lord. God gives His wisdom and knowledge to the woman who seeks the Lord diligently early in the morning and guides them wonderfully with His eye always on them and instructs them as per Psalm 32:8. This is my experience as well! That whole day the ‘LORD will go before you and the God of Israel will be your rear guard’ (Isaiah 52:12). He will go before you and make all the crooked paths straight (Isaiah 45:2). Then you will abide in the secret place of the Most High and under the shadow of the Almighty (Psalm 91:1).

TALK WITH WISDOM “She opens her mouth with wisdom, and on her tongue is the law of kindness…” (Proverbs 31:26) My dear sisters and my dear young girls! When you receive this divine wisdom and you are led by the Lord, your life would be amazing. In Acts 4:13 we read how illiterate Peter and John spoke boldly and powerfully and how thousands of people were amazed by that and accepted the Lord as their Saviour. Several years ago, when I was a novice in the ministry, many people used to visit our house to be prayed by Bro. Dhinakaran. Some of the women who visited us would ask me different kinds of questions. That time I would pray silently within me saying, “Lord, give me wisdom and teach me and guide me.” I would wait in faith. The Lord would bless my tongue and help me to give

them the needed counsel. I was well aware of my limitations, and so it was amazing to see what I did with God’s help. In my personal life also, when I asked the Lord to give me the wisdom to show love to both the families and lead them, He gave me the grace to love not only my family but also the family of Bro. Dhinakaran. This kind of divine guidance can be sought only by the wisdom given by God. My dear sisters, do not lose the happiness in your family life by demanding money and materials. Let your mind act on wisdom so that both sides of your families rise and shine for Christ as one family. How delightful it would be when everybody blesses you!

SHOW DIVINE STRENGTH “To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, he will give eternal life.” (Romans 2:7) What a profound verse this is! What a blessing it is to continue doing good without becoming weary, attaining God’s glory and living for eternal life! Today, many women get dejected easily. Don’t think about the matter that dejects you and instead fix your eyes on the Lord who alone can deliver you and fill you with divine strength. We read about this in Psalm 121:1, 2. Whenever you are discouraged, submit yourself to the Lord. Then you will receive the miraculous, God-given victory in your life according to the verse, “Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.” (Romans 8:37) Hence, my dear sisters, wait on the Lord, be filled with the anointing of the Holy Spirit, walk in ways that are pleasing to Him with divine wisdom and knowledge, do good deeds in reverence and glorify His name. Then the Lord would surely fulfill the promise in your life, ‘a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised’ (Proverbs 31:30)!

Jesus Calls International * December 2018 * www.


Footprints in the Digital Media... The internet users of today’s world have crossed the 4 billion mark and the number keeps increasing. This growing rate of internet users provide a great opportunity to share the gospel virtually. And so, we at Jesus Calls are trying to capitalize this growing opportunity in sharing the love of God through a dedicated team for all Digital Channels. Our website ( is a blessing to all those who visit the site through daily promises, devotions, insights, prayers, testimonies, messages, prayer videos, prophecies & their fulfillment and information on various events scheduled for the year. The website enables the visitors to send in their prayer requests and make donations digitally. Sending donations through the website is made simple too - be it general ministry support or for a specific project or for the facets. Every donation received, will be acknowledged with receipts sent to the address given by the donors. Very soon, we will be enabling live chat for all those who are in need of prayers and counselling. Jesus Calls Ministry is also using social media as a platform to share the word of God to millions of people around the Globe. Having over 1.6 million followers on Facebook and nearly a hundred thousand followers on Instagram and Twitter, Jesus Calls Ministry provides

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Jesus Calls International * December 2018 * www.


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words of encouragement and assuring promises of God to the millions who are hurting and

Social Media being the strongest tool over the internet, Jesus Calls Ministry is sharing God’s word with millions of people around the Globe through this tool.

the broken-hearted. The Social Media widens the reach for the Dhinakarans and the prayer intercessors to receive prayer requests from the people around the world and pray for their blessings and deliverance. The partners are also benefited with information of events, facets and products of Jesus Calls ministry and they receive the daily promises and monthly blessing all through the year. Every month, over 15 million people are blessed through the social media platform as they are able to interact through the posts that are shared and are greatly comforted. The live video posts by the Dhinakarans and the Online live prayer every Friday adds a personal touch to all those who follow us on FaceBook. The Jesus Calls mobile application benefits several people and guides them to have a closer walk with God. Many useful Bible reading plans, daily devotion, submission of prayer requests and much more, make the Jesus Calls Mobile Application a solid tool for every person. One can find the most easiest and convenient ways to make donations toward God’s ministry. You can follow this ministry and the Dhinakarans on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Visit our website and you too can be blessed

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Jesus Calls International * December 2018 * www.





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Prayer Tower

Romanians from Germany

A group of Romanians from Germany visited the Israel Prayer Tower in the month of October 2018. The pastor of this church saw a vision of IPT, it was like a crown on a mountain which was unshakable and stood firm. He was overwhelmed by the presence of the Holy Spirit and started crying after seeing the vision. Vision and mission of Israel Prayer tower was shared and all the visitors were touched and were not able to move out of the Prayer Tower because of tangible presence of God. Their desire is to come and spend more time in our Israel Prayer Tower.

Israel Prayer Tower......5th Anniversary

We thank you for your support to Israel Prayer Tower. Israel Prayer Tower celebrated its 5th anniversary on November 4th, 2018. About 80 partners participated and glorified God. Worship service conducted in Malayalam, Telugu, Chinese and Hebrew languages was awesome.Recorded message of Dr Paul Dhinakaran for this occasion was well received and some of the partners have come forward to become prayer intercessors.


Jesus Calls International * December 2018 * www.

Prayer for nations Israel Prayer Tower is to pray God’s will into nations, to prepare the nations and the people for the coming of the Lord. God will show whom He has chosen to lead the nation to open the door for the Gospel. Yes, as the prayer intercessors join together in prayer at the Israel Prayer Tower, they will have the power to know God’s plan for the nation as to who should rule. True to the vision, when Brazil had challenging elections, the Lord led the prayer intercessors at Israel Prayer Tower to pray for the elections for Brazil in October 2018. Many teams from Brazil had visited the Israel Prayer Tower and we prayed in unison with all the teams and also prayed during the day of election. As a result of prayers, God choose President Jair Bolsonaro to win with a clear majority of 55% of votes. This election prayer helped Brazil to choose a God- fearing President. The new President has promised to move the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem (as prophesied by Dr Paul, that many nations will move the embassy to Jerusalem) and stand for Christian values. - Mr. M. Ravikumar, Israel Prayer Tower

You are invited to partner with us. Your lodging will be provided in the Prayer Tower. If you desire to come, stay and pray for a week / 2 weeks or sponsor a prayer intercessor, please contact: Mr. M. Ravikumar, Jerusalem Centre for Peace and Truth, 20th Floor, City Tower, 34 Ben Yehuda, Jerusalem.

For details : Mobile +91-8056116611/ +972- 50-937 7323 email- website: http//


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