Jesus Calls International February 2022 E-Magazine

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Yet another testimony that proves that the Bible is true indeed!


y husband’s name is Arunachalam and we got married in the year 2013. It was after my marriage that I came to know about Jesus Calls Ministry through one of my friend. I went through a health setback from my childhood and it continued after marriage. In 2014, I had severe stomach ache and went to the doctor. The doctor said there might be stones in the kidney and asked to go for a test. When I again went to the doctor who after seeing my report said that I was having heart problem, enlarged liver and fetus formed in the uterus tube, my condition was very critical and there was no guarantee for my recovery. We were shattered. I used to attend Jesus calls fasting prayer every Tuesday at the Prayer Tower. Every time I used to write the prayer request for my financial problem that I was going through due to loss in my business. Even though I was having various health problems, in 2016 June, God touched my womb and in the year 2017, He blessed me with a boy child. My health issues continued till April 2020. On the day of Easter, 12th April 2020, I was having heavy bleeding and I could not even sit or stand, but I was very determined to watch the Easter service in TV. So I switched on the TV and Dr. Paul Dhinakaran was sharing the message. During the prayer time, He called out my name, “Sivagami, you are suffering from bleeding problem, God is healing you right now.” I felt some breeze in my body. Now I am healed in my body and spirit. All Glory be to God’s holy name! - Mrs. Sivagami, Chennai, India


Greetings my beloved! God’s Promise comes to you from 1 Peter 5:10. This verse says, “After your brief suffering, the God of all loving grace, who has called you to share in His eternal glory in Christ, will personally and powerfully restore you and make you stronger than ever. Yes, he will set you firmly in place and build you up.” What a great promise! Yes, God says “He will restore you and make you stronger than ever. He will set you firmly in place and build you up.” God certainly has the power to do it. Claim this promise saying “Lord, I believe Your word and You are the God who has the power to do this.” Restoration and Restitution Do you know when the restoration happens? The answer is found in the same verse. It says “After brief suffering.” There may have been many times you wondered why you are suffering. The Bible always talks about suffering which goes before a blessing. God’s calculation of time is different from that of man. For God it is a brief suffering, but for man it is prolonged suffering. My father’s grandmother was one day bitten by a scorpion. She was jumping and screaming, but not screaming with pain. She was screaming in anger saying, “out of the eight people in the house, why did the scorpion have to bite me?”

Jesus Calls International


February 2022



Result and Reward There is something special which happens after you have suffered. The merciful God comes with all of His loving grace to you. Do you realize if you do not undergo suffering, you will not receive God’s complete grace? The eternal God comes carrying all of His loving grace to meet you when you go through the brief suffering. The reason for it being called a brief suffering is that after the suffering, you are going to have long years of blessings. Let us look at a few examples from the Bible. The Bible scholars say Job suffered for only six months but was later blessed

and enjoyed blessings of four generations. Joseph suffered for approximately only three years and few months but was blessed for many, many years until he died. Jesus Christ was in the grave for only three days, but the glory He received through that has been for two thousand years and is going to be there until He comes back. Even if your suffering is only brief, God does not despise it. Some people soon after their first wedding anniversary come crying for prayers saying that they do not have a baby and couples who got married around the same time as they did have conceived. Without understanding their suffering, people around them nag about their 4

Jesus Calls International


situation; but God understands their brief suffering. Yes, God understands your suffering and is coming to you with all His loving grace to remove your suffering. Let not your heart be troubled. Blessings of God’s Loving Grace *Eternal glory: You suffer briefly, but God gives you eternal glory. Yes, you are going to shout for joy for your brief time of suffering and for the eternal glory that the God of all loving grace gives you. *Destruction of Sin: According to Romans 6:14, sin shall not have dominion over you, for you are not under the law, but under grace. If you are suffering because of sin, the Bible says sin shall not have any dominion over you because God’s grace is coming upon you. As you ask for the grace of God to come out of sin, the dominion that sin has over you will be broken by the Lord. *Healing and strength: The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 12:9, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.” Yes beloved, the loving grace of Jesus comes to heal you and remove the weaknesses in your body. Jesus says that His grace is sufficient for you and His power will be made perfect in your weakness. You will be healed because of the loving grace of Jesus. Do you believe it? Receive it proclaiming “Lord I am going to be healed because of Your grace.” *Sufficiency: 2 Corinthians 9:8 says, “God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.” Yes, God is going to provide everything for you to have sufficiency in every aspect of your life; debts will be removed, you will get placed in good job, your house will be built. Yes friend, you will be sufficient in all blessings. *Guided to God’s calling: Grace to make you enter into the calling God has for your life. Romans 1:5 says “Received grace and apostleship for obedience to the faith among all nations for His name." You have been called to serve Jesus and grace for you to serve Him is coming to you. You may be saying that you are not able to pray, read

February 2022


the Bible, live a testimonial life, or not able to share about Jesus. Take heart my friend, God’s loving grace is coming upon you and taking you into the calling which God has for your life. *Signs and Wonders: Acts 6:8 says, “Full of grace and power, was doing great wonders and signs among the people.” This grace makes you to perform great signs and wonders among the people. When you pray, God will do miracles for the people - signs and wonders of God. Jesus Christ is going to prove Himself as the Almighty God through signs, wonders, and miracles through you. Yes, He was silent and patient until this time; now the days of miracles, signs, and wonders are beginning in your life through Jesus Christ. According to Acts 2:22 the Bible says,“Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested to you by God with mighty works and wonders and signs that God did through Him.” Friend, enter into this grace saying “Lord, I am ready. Send Your loving grace upon me. Let there be signs, wonders, and miracles through me for Your glory.” There was a person called Esha Gedhwani, who gave his testimony in Jabalpur. His father was a person who did not know Jesus Christ. He met with a tragic accident, suffered multiple fractures in his body and became bedridden. He was in agony. At that time, he randomly saw the Jesus Calls television program. On that very day, led by the Holy Spirit of God, I had prayed for people who were suffering in a similar fashion and Jesus healed and raised him out of the sick bed. He began to walk and restarted his business. This time, he went to his business with Jesus and the business began to prosper. Others in business were jealous of him and did witchcraft against him. It affected his first daughter and three wicked evil spirits came upon her. Many times when you go through suffering, you are able to bear it; but when it affects your children or dear ones, it becomes unbearable. This girl was losing her eyesight, she was stammering, beating and wounding herself; and with whatever little she spoke, she was speaking filthy language. She could not go anywhere and could not continue her studies. There was shame in the family and agony in the Jesus Calls International


hearts of the parents. It was at that time, we went as a family to conduct the Jesus Calls Prayer Festival in Raipur. We had a special meeting for the partners. At that meeting, as we were praying in mass for the partners, the Holy Spirit came upon this dear daughter, she shrieked and fell on the floor. Immediately the demons left her and she was totally free. The next day was the last day of the meeting. Lakhs of people were gathered. Led by God, I said “now you are going to be filled by the Holy Spirit” and the Holy Spirit came upon this dear daughter and she began to speak in new tongues. There was rapturous joy and her whole life changed. Do you know what happened to her? Her prayer life became very sweet because she started seeing visions of the Lord and she began to prophesy. That is the same grace God is going to give you. Later, her mother had a paralytic attack. Everybody was shocked, but the Holy Spirit worked through the girl. She laid hands upon her mother and said ‘mummy rise up and walk.’ The Holy Spirit came upon the mother and healed her of the paralysis. The girl went on to do her MBA and is now working in her father’s business. This is how God takes revenge for you on the wicked devil. God delivers you and fills you with His Holy Spirit and powerfully restores everything the devil has stolen. Powerful Restoration: When you go through suffering, the loving grace of God comes upon. This grace will chase

February 2022



out the devil holding back your blessing and causing chaos, depression and oppression. With the help of the Holy Spirit, enjoy a blessed and demon-free month. Yes, God is breaking down every power of the devil. He says “I will personally and powerfully restore you.” *Abundant Life: In John 10:10, Jesus said “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” Has not the devil stolen, destroyed, and killed your blessings? God through His eternal grace is going to give you eternal life and restore everything the devil has stolen and destroyed. This is the truth and it is going to happen to you. Thank God and receive this grace and restoration from Him. The devil has done what he can to destroy you, but God will do His eternal best for you. *Immeasurable Blessing: In Malachi 3:10 God says “I will open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.” God is releasing all the blessings which the devil has bound. *Ultimate Justice: For whatever injustice the devil has caused you, God is going to open the


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heavens and do ultimate justice according to the verse “And will not God give justice to His elect, who cry to Him day and night? Will He delay long over them? I tell you, He will give justice to them speedily” (Luke 18:7-8). God is binding the devil and restoring all that the devil has taken. God will personally and powerfully restore everything you have lost, specially the wasted years. See what God says in Joel 2:24-26: “I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the hopper, the destroyer, and the cutter, my great army, which I sent among you.” Cheer up my friend. God’s restoration is finding its way to you. Prayer: My loving Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Jesus into this world. I invite Jesus into my heart. With my complete faith in You, I ask that You chase all the demons from my life, home, profession, and family. Lord, fill me with Your Holy Spirit. Lord, thank You Scan QR code for sending Jesus into my life and to watch this message filling me with Your Holy Spirit. Father, I thank You for breaking every demonic bondage from my life. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

February 2022


Tony lived in the middle of a big city. His family was poor, but they were a happy family. They were happy because each one in the family, including Tony, had accepted the Lord Jesus as their Savior. Even though Tony was only eight years old, he knew he was a sinner and had asked the Lord Jesus to wash away his sins. Because he believed what the Bible says, he knew for sure that he would be in Heaven with the Lord Jesus someday. Anyone who knows this is happy. One day Tony's grandfather was visiting them and he gave Tony a silver dollar. Tony had never had a silver dollar before. He was so pleased with it that he kept looking at it, turning it over and over. He would put it in his pocket and then take it out to look at it again. How shiny and bright it was. He thought of many things he could buy with it. Later that afternoon Tony reached into his pocket to take out his silver dollar again. It wasn't there! Where did it go? He turned all four of his pockets inside out, but it wasn't in any of them. He looked everywhere he remembered being that day, starting in the house. He even checked down in the basement. Then he ran outside where he had been playing games on the sidewalk, but he couldn't find it. Tony felt so bad and he began to cry. When he still had not found it by evening, he was so "down in the dumps" he just went to bed. He was so unhappy that he didn't even take the time to pray. As he tried to go to sleep, a small, still voice seemed to say, "Tony, you didn't pray." He would turn over and try to forget about it, but pretty soon the same small, still voice would remind him again.Tony tossed and turned for quite a while. Each time he was about to fall asleep, he would hear the voice in his mind saying, "But, Tony, you haven't prayed." Finally, he sat up in bed and said to himself, "Maybe I should better pray after all."Tony climbed out of bed and knelt down on the floor beside his bed. "Ouch! What's that?" His knee was pressing down on something cold and hard.

It was his silver dollar! Do you think that the Lord Jesus in heaven really listens to children's prayers? Yes, He certainly does, and don't let anyone try to tell you that He doesn't. Don't be afraid or get discouraged when things seem to be going all wrong. Talk to the Lord Jesus about it, and ask Him for help. Tony would have found his silver dollar much sooner if he had knelt down to pray when he first went to bed. Moral of the story: We will get help and guidance from the Lord much sooner if we take our trouble to Him right away.

Scripture to memorize: ‘Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.’ (Jeremiah 33:3) Jesus Calls International


February 2022



MIRACULOUS RESTORATION I had a minor accident at my workplace where my leg got injured. The wound in my leg did not heal and it got infected due to which my body started showing rare symptoms. I had high temperature, loss of appetite and was profusely sweating. I became very weak and was admitted in the hospital. The doctors kept me under observation since I had no intake for almost three weeks. My wife kept praying for my recovery. She contacted the Jesus Calls Fiji Prayer Tower where the prayer intercessors prayed for my healing with great burden. They also visited me in the hospital and encouraged me through prayers. The Lord heard our prayers and healed me completely. The infection in my leg left and the wound got healed. Later I was discharged from the hospital with no symptoms of diabetes. Praise be to the Lord for this marvellous miracle. - Ronald Raj, Fiji


Jesus Calls International


February 2022


OUR MAILING ADDRESS: * P.O Box 3984 * 178 Ratu Mara RoaD, Samabula, Suva, Fiji * 24/7 Prayer Hotline - 679 9078961 * Email - * Website -

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Jesus Calls International


February 2022



Dear friend, it is such a joy to greet you in the awesome name of Jesus Christ. God’s promise for the New Year is found in Revelation 21:5. Yes, God is promising to make everything in your life new, not just one thing here and something there rather He promises to make all things new. God will make each day of this year a new one for we read in the Bible that God’s mercies are new every morning. It is by grace that we are not consumed (Lamentations 3:22,23). When I was tarrying at the Lord’s feet as to how to explain this to my dear ones, the Lord explained it to me in this way: He said, “I will give new beginnings each day of your life.” We are in the same world, in the midst of the same circumstances, but God will make everything new before your eyes. He will work all things together for your good (Romans 8:28). Yes, God will work behind the scene and work everything for your good. He will show new things, new mercies before your eyes all the time. In the same way, He will erase all the things of the past and make all things new as in Isaiah 65:17, “See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.” You are going to forget every tear, pain, sorrow and sin completely. It shall not even linger in your mind. You might have many hurtful things in your mind, but God is going to erase them from your mind. “The Lord will surely comfort Zion and will look with compassion on all her ruins; he will make her deserts like Eden, her wastelands like the garden of the


Jesus Calls International


February 2022


Lord. Joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and the sound of singing.” (Isaiah 51:3) God’s Zion: Yes, you are God’s Zion. He will comfort you and console you. He will comfort you like a mother and carry you like a father. You might have gone through experiences of walking through a wilderness, but God is going to make you an unshaken, long enduring Zion. God’s Eden (Garden of the Lord): He also says that He will make your life like the Garden of Eden, which was solely created and designed by God Himself and we see that it was pleasing to the eyes of His children. Even so God is going to make your life beautiful. You might have had a life that has nothing good, but it is going to turn around into a garden of the Lord. There was a river in the garden of the Lord, which brought nourishment to the trees and plants. Similarly, God’s love expressed through the Holy Spirit is the river that is going to nourish your mind, soul and body as found in John 7:38. As much as you yield to the Holy Spirit, the more beautiful your life will become. In the Garden of the Lord, there was thanksgiving that Adam and Eve offered as well as the sound of birds and animals singing the glory of God. You too are going to be singing all the time. God did this in my life. When I was immersed in the sorrow of losing my mother and brother, God gave me children and made me glad. The voices of children are sounding in our family still. Even so God will make the sound of singing to be heard in your family. As much as you have been sorrowful so much you will rejoice in the days to come. Whether you believe this or not, this is going to happen in your life. Prosperity: When we went to Israel, we saw how prosperous the land is unlike the nation Palestine which is beside it. Yes, since you are God’s child, you too are going to become prosperous. Your days shall be full of light and Jesus Calls International


life like the noonday sun (Psalm 37:6). Your waiting is going to end. When the Lord Jesus went to the wedding at Cana, He did a miracle and there was a surplus of wine that it could be given to many for their blessing. Yes, God will make you too to have surplus so that being blessed by God you will be a blessing to many. When Jesus steps in, whatever He does, it's more than enough. It's miraculous. What is Jesus showing you to do today? Invite Jesus to come in to your heart. Don't delay. It could be the beginning of your miracle. Yes, this is how when you unite with the Lord, you shall be prosperous and have everything made new in your life. We see in Genesis 3:8 that God was walking in the cool of the day in the Garden of Eden and that Adam and Eve heard the sound of the Lord. This is how God is going to walk with you and you will hear His voice speaking to you. Precious friend, all this can happen only if you let the Lord into your heart. When you welcome Him into your heart and ask Him to walk with you, you will become completely new, as a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17). When you are in Christ, you will become just like Him. We see that about Peter in Matthew 26:73, for people said he spoke just as Jesus spoke. In the same way, God is going to make you new so that you will live like Jesus. You will speak like Him and you will walk like Him. Without being conscious of what’s happening, you will start to live like Him. This grace is going to come upon you and transform you to reflect God’s glory so that people might come to know Jesus through you. Aren’t you glad to receive this blessing? Pray and believe in the Lord to change you in and out and to make you a beautiful garden bearing much fruit and blossoming in every way.

February 2022

May God bless you.



My partner in the ministry, Greetings in the loving name of our Lord Jesus! We have a very reassuring promise from God this month. This is what it says:


raise God for His protection that surrounds you on every side. This promise is unique because of God’s glory becoming the rear guard. Ephesians 6:13-17 talks about the full armor of God, which comprises of belt of truth, breastplate of righteousness, sandals of readiness for gospel of peace, shield of faith, and sword of the Spirit. To provide complete protection, the glory of the Lord becomes the rear guard. Yes, beloved just as promised, God will protect you completely so that the enemy cannot attack you at all. Though being the shortest month, February holds many remembrances and celebrations. 12

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MEDICINE TO THE SOUL “Sing to the Lord a new song.” (Psalm 96:1) It would not be an exaggeration to say music brings healing. If you have heard the songs starting from ‘Kutty Kutty Poovai’ to the recent album ‘Journey’, you know I am talking about Stella Ramola. We celebrate her birthday this month 5th February. She brings so much joy at home with her cheerful nature. She glorifies God with her talents, especially her music. Starting her music journey by singing in Jesus Calls campaigns, she has blossomed to produce

February 2022


music albums. Keep her in your prayers that God would be glorified much more through her music and ministry. EDUCATED AND EQUIPPED “...Entrust to people who will also be qualified to teach others.” (2 Timothy 2:2) It was in February 9, 2016 that Prayer Academy & Training was begun. This is a purpose-driven end-time ministry. Through prayer with prophetic and apostolic anointing, we train the partners touched by Jesus Calls ministry so that they would become praying partners and bring miracles in the lives of others. A six-week Partners Training Program (PTP) entitled 'Connected with God’ is being given free of cost in all major languages. You can write to for more details or to get enrolled in this program; You can enroll and go through the training virtually. We are also planning to telecast the training program in Family Channel for your benefit. Join the online course 'Knowing Jesus' has my 10 video lessons with in-depth teaching on the life and ministry of Jesus. Please visit https:// for further details. SAFE SANCTUARY “For You have been my refuge, a strong tower against the enemy.” (Psalm 61:3) Jesus Calls International


In times of trouble, where is your refuge? Jesus Calls Prayer Towers show you the way to your refuge, which is also a strong tower against the enemy. You can call the prayer Tower in your country for prayer help. To know the hotline telephone number of the Prayer Tower in your country, you can write to The Jesus Calls Prayer Towers function round-the-clock 365 days a year with no holidays, where trained and anointed prayer intercessors pray for your every need faithfully. MOTHERS: WALKING MIRACLES “Sincere faith that first lived in your mother Eunice now, is in you also.” (2 Timothy 1:5) Mothers definitely are the ones who change the course of history, and my mother, Sis. Stella Dhinakaran is no exception. Many women folk all around the world would agree to it. The secret behind it is the anointing of the Holy Spirit poured on her this same month (February 14th 1963). This anointing has led her to empower thousands of women through the Esther Prayer Group ministry. Your prayers are much needed for her to continue fulfilling God’s will and for her good health. FATHERS: TIMELESS TREASURES “The memory of the righteous is a blessing.” (Proverbs 10:7)

February 2022



I fondly remember and cherish the memories of my father, Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran. His spiritual birthday and entry into Heaven both are remembered this month. On February 11th, 1955, God saved him from committing suicide as a youngster and filled him with divine love and compassion. This steered him to proclaim the love of God to millions of brokenhearted people. God gave him the Jesus Calls ministry, which unfolds God’s unending compassion. After touching millions of souls and winning them for Christ through his powerful witness, songs, books, and sermons, my father entered into God’s glory on February 20, 2008. We shall see him one day.

towards spreading the Gospel all around the world. As per God’s timely plan, Jesus Calls has stepped into the Apostolic Era. Call at hand is strategic management of the emerging digital platforms to create global transformation through spreading the Gospel. I very much solicit your fervent prayers to make this into reality and bring millions into God’s fold.

"Righteous will be remembered forever." (Psalm 112:6)

the capital, it exerts control and projects

In memory of my dear father, the erstwhile Greenways Road was renamed as Dr.D.G.S.Dhinakaran Road by the Government of Tamil Nadu.

political, economic, and social issues. It

(1 Timothy 2:2) Washington DC, a unique American city, is the USA’s capital. Established in 1790 as

houses the Senate, White House, and the Supreme Court Building and is an established seat of authority. God has put it in my heart to build a Prayer Tower here

Before Jesus ascended into Heaven, He gave the great commission. It is to preach the Gospel to the whole world. He said, “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.”

Delhi, India. The vision is to offer prophetical prayers for the fulfilment of God’s plan for the nation. Seat of authority earnest prayers are what I seek for this God-

We stand in the end times and the second coming of Jesus is much nearer than ever before. Technology catalyzes to fulfill the command of our Lord Jesus in a quick and effective manner. Presently, global digital platforms are the key factors |

similar to the National Prayer Tower in New

needs to protect and be protected. Your

(Mark 16:15)

Jesus Calls International

“Prayers be made for kings and for all who are in authority.”

unity amidst the various complex global




given vision to be accomplished. As my concluding words, I would like to reiterate “The glory of the Lord will be your rear guard.”

February 2022

Your brother who prays for you, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran |

BEARING WITNESS FOR GOD'S GLORY My both children are Young Partners. By the grace of God my younger son Sajish Manuel Abraham's Engineering graduation convocation at University of Applied Sciences Austria was held on 22 Nov’ 2021. This is done only through the prayers of Jesus Calls Ministries, especially the Delhi Prayer Tower intercessors have been continuously praying for my younger son Sajish and also for Manish my elder son. Sajish has successfully completed Engineering Graduation in Austria and Manish & Anisha has been blessed with a baby boy Luke in Netherlands, in 2021. The blessings in time of Pandemic was possible because of continued prayers of Delhi Prayer Tower and God's grace. Despite travel restrictions we as parents could travel to Europe and meet both children and spend time with them. We thank Delhi Prayer Tower intercessors for their prayers and continued prayers for the children and the family. - Colonel Dr. Saji Abraham, Cochin The Lord has promised that the Young Partners in this plan will receive:  Divine protection from the evils of this world (John 17:15)  Divine wisdom to shine in their studies (Isaiah 54:13)  Divine prosperity to enable them to flourish in their life (Psalm 115:14) Many have experienced more blessings than they could ever imagine. They testify to God's goodness (Psalm 100:5), strength (Isaiah 40:31), salvation (John 3:16) and provision (Ephesians 3:20)

Anyone, right from the day of birth till the day of marriage can enroll as a Young Partner. EACH YOUNG PARTNER COULD SUPPORT THE MINISTRY EACH MONTH FOR THEIR BLESSING FOR THE MONTH

For more details: * Website: (For those in the Middle East and UAE, log on to * Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in your Country / Region * Email: Jesus Calls International


February 2022



PRECIOUS LIFE PRESERVED I have known Jesus Calls Ministries for many years. On the 5th of July 2021 my son Aashish met with a motor accident. He was rushed to hospital and the doctor told us that my son broke his face bone in many pieces, his forehead and nose and eye socket. His right face had more fractures and sustained injuries in both his hands. Aashish’s forehead and right nose was cut open due to the impact of the accident and he needed stitches. After doing many full body scans on him, the doctors told us he needs to undergo a plastic surgery in his face and so on


Jesus Calls International


12th July he was operated. It was a miracle that Aashish didn’t have any brain injuries though he was not wearing a helmet. During this crisis I called theJesus Calls prayer line in Canada. They were very compassionate and prayed with burden for my son’s healing. They also comforted me and encouraged me with the word of God. My son recovered quickly and now he has started going to church and joined work. We praise God and thank God for healing my son and restoring him back to normal. All glory and honor to God. The Jesus Calls ministry has been a great blessing to my family. May God bless this ministry and Bro. Paul Dhinakaran and his family. - Mala Kaushik, Brampton, Ontario

February 2022


LIVING A FRUITFUL LIFE My family and I have been Jesus Calls Partners since 1988 and over the many years God has been faithful in answering our prayers through the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower. I retired from teaching and was praying that the Lord will make a way that my retirement will be used for God’s glory. I was praying and frequently visited the Prayer Tower for prayers for a job in ministry. Joy filled my heart when my job application for Prison ministry was successful. Through the Programme, many lives are being transformed and the Lord Jesus is being accepted as Lord and Saviour. I thank and praise God for using the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower intercessors who have prayed for me and are continuing to do so for the Lord to uphold me in my ministry. Now the Prison Ministry is doing well and inmates are surrendering to the Lord. I give God all the praises. - Rani Moodley, Durban, South Africa INSTANT HEALING

I was in unbearable pain. During that time, the only option I had was to use the wheelchair. Things became very difficult for me and I was not able to go to work as well. Due to the traumatic event and the pain, I started feeling low. I decided to call the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Fiji and the prayer intercessor there prayed for me with much burden. The very next day, I was able to stand up and walk on my own. I thank the Almighty God for healing me and I thank the prayer intercessors for praying for me. - A Partner, Fiji UNBELIEVABLE MIRACLE My husband was without a job for nearly 4 years and we were going through much struggle. In November 2021, I came to know about the Job Blessing Plan of Jesus Calls and enrolled my husband in it. God did a miracle and within a month my husband got placed in Infosys as the Assistant Accounts Manager with a good salary package. It is God’s miracle for us during this pandemic. We never expected this because my husband tried even for very less salary and did not get a job. God blessed us with this unbelievable miracle. I give all glory to God. Also, I thank Jesus Calls for their prayers.

A month ago, I had slipped and broke my ankle. The fracture seemed pretty bad and

- Karthikeyini Madhavan, Chennai, India

The same God, who performed miracles for these beloved ones, will do mighty things for you too. To share your testimony, call the Prayer Tower in your country or region or email to Jesus Calls International


February 2022



We read in the Bible that the tent of the upright will flourish. However, we also find that not everybody is upright, according to the following Scripture verses, “The faithful man has perished from the earth, and there is no one upright among men…” (Micah 7:2) “There is none righteous, no, not one; there is none who understands; There is none who seeks after God. They have all turned aside; they have together become unprofitable; there is none who does good, no, not one.” (Romans 3:10-12)

“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.” (Ephesians 5:8)

Thus, everyone turns aside. On the other hand, the Lord desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:4). We read the same in Matthew 18:14, “Even so it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish.” Let us analyze on how the Lord makes our families upright and prosperous. SOUND OF SALVATION The Lord desires that every family should receive this blessed life, in this world. He has given us the light (Psalm 118:27). Accordingly, whatever is the situation in our house or tent, the Lord is able to prosper it. Hence, dear ones, let us examine whether our house is pleasing and prosperous to the Lord. These days, we see 18

Jesus Calls International


families being surrounded with various wants and needs as they are filled with evil nature such as division, bitterness, envy, jealousy, anger and so on. The Bible says, “He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him” (I Corinthians 6:17). As many families fail to have this experience, lot of wicked things that are displeasing to the Lord, happen.

Accordingly we can see several families being filled with darkness and gloom and losing prosperity. The Lord alone can create a light-filled situation from such darkness. We read the reason in the Bible, “That was the true Light which gives light to every man coming into the world.” (John 1:9) This light will surely shine in the house in which the Lord Jesus Christ has entered and will guide them in a blessed way. The Lord is able to change all darkness in such houses. This is because He has borne all the things of darkness on the cross and has earned us liberty by walking through the path of suffering. Dearly beloved, we see about two types of tents in the Bible. One, the house or tent that is filled with the Lord’s presence and that gives out light. The other house or tent is the one that is filled with the darkness of the works of the devil.

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‘How is your house today? Is it filled with darkness? Or is it filled with the presence of the Lord and gives out light?’ – Let us think. It is important that people, who are in the darkness should receive the life of being crucified on the cross, with Christ (Galatians 2:20). When Paul was Saul, he was filled with evil works that were displeasing to God and was in the dark. However, when he was drawn by the love of Jesus towards the light, he testified, “the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” Dearly beloved, as we are in the beginning of this year, what kind of tent do we like? Like Paul, commit yourself to be crucified with Christ. Then the Lord will grant you a light-filled life like the one he received. Your tent will be filled with the voice of rejoicing and salvation (Psalm 118:15).

filled with confusions because of lack of peace. However in Psalm 29:11 we read, “The Lord will bless His people with peace.” From this, it is clear that we should be filled with the God-given divine peace. In the Bible, we read a warning, “He will speak peace to His people and to His saints; But let them not turn back to folly” (Psalm 85:8). In order that folly does not spoil the peace in our family, it is important that we walk carefully in His wisdom and guidance. About this Proverbs 2:20 says, “So you may walk in the way of goodness, and keep to the paths of righteousness.” Proverbs 4:23, beautifully explains how we should practice it!

When praise resounds, flourishing follows

In my family life, since the joy of salvation had filled me and my husband Bro. Dhinakaran by His grace, divine light shone from our tent from the beginning. The Lord increased its brightness day by day and filled our tent with His divine joy and shouts of rejoicing. Accordingly, you, who read this, also should look up to the cross to be alive and shine brightly. Confess and leave all the darkness in you at the feet of the Lord. Then your tent would be peaceful, prosperous and give forth light. FILLED WITH LOVE AND LOVELY! “How lovely are your tents, O Jacob! Your dwellings, O Israel!” (Numbers 24:5)

What are the ways in which this loveliness would be seen in our tents? Firstly, divine peace would be seen in such a tent (Job 5:24). Dearly beloved, these days, we see many families being Jesus Calls International


“Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.”

Accordingly, it is imperative that we guard our heart in holiness and in godly reverence. When we behave with the caution that our actions and words should be pleasing to the Lord, He would guide us in such a way that our hearts would be pure. Next, this troublesome and difficult life brings darkness into our tents. There is no peace and the families are affected by dark things such as sorrows, rifts, bitterness etc., How can such people receive a light-filled life? We read about this in Philippians 4:6,7. Accordingly, when we praise the Lord, counting all His benefits, without blowing up our worries and carrying them always and when thank Him from the depth of our heart, this darkness will miraculously depart and the Lord will graciously make His light enter into our tents and prosper us. Only then the peace that surpasses all understanding will surround our heart. So, dear ones, in order that your homes should prosper, we should shun all the things of darkness and

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always look up to the Lord with praises, like David did (Psalm 34:1).

explains this. In Psalm 16:8, we read how David received this blessing,


“I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved.”

In James 1:27 we see how such a life is made into a ‘light-filled’ one by the Lord. Accordingly, God will help our tents to be filled with godliness and divine love of visiting orphans and widows in their trouble. Hence, when our heart is filled with the divine love of visiting orphans and widows in their trouble, without focusing only on our problems, the Lord will make divine peace to abide in our tents in order that it would prosper. By this, our tents become lovely. Do I have this kind of love? Do I love such kind of people and please God? Or am I content with thinking only about my life? – Examine yourselves! Then the Lord will teach us to live a godly life that is not spotted by the world. He will hold our hands and lead us wonderfully in such a path.

The Bible says that he always kept the Lord before Him and His presence was always with him because of which he was not moved. This is a divine, blessed life. Dear ones, as the Lord has taught us through David, when we seek Him early in the morning, God’s peace, presence and guidance would be lovely in our tents and would bring prosperity as in Psalm 34:10 which says, “those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing.” Dear readers, you should also commit yourself humbly and in reverence to receive this experience of David. Then, as we read in Isaiah 52:12, “the Lord will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your rear guard.”

Look to God; be prospered by Him

LIFE OF ABUNDANCE “You shall hide them in the secret place of Your presence from the plots of man; You shall keep them secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongues.” (Psalm 31:20) According to this, the presence of the Lord leads us in such a way that our tents would always be filled with peace and tranquility. This peace and His glorious presence would abide in the houses where God dwells. Then the Lord would keep us away from haughtiness, from other things that we consider to be important and from the strife of tongues. He will then lead us in such a way that we would shun away all the things that are displeasing to the Lord and do only that which would delight Him. The Word of God clearly 20

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“Whenever the cloud was taken up from above the tabernacle, after that the children of Israel would journey; and in the place where the cloud settled, there the children of Israel would pitch their tents.” (Numbers 9:17) We read in the Bible how wonderfully the cloud guided the Israelites when they journeyed from Egypt to Canaan, the land promised by the Lord. In the above verse we read that they would journey when the cloud was taken up and would pitch their tents when it settled down. Yes, dear ones, in Romans 8:30 we read, “Whom He justified, these He also glorified.” Accordingly, ‘cloud’ refers to God’s glory. The name of God should be glorified through our daily life. In

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1 Corinthians 10:31 we read, “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” It is very much important that God’s glory should lead our life in each and every moment just as how the cloud led the people of Israel by rising up and settling down. Hence it becomes imperative that we follow a divine life of doing everything wholeheartedly, for the glory of God (Colossians 3:24). When we thus lead our life carefully, the Lord Jesus Christ would shine in our lives as the ‘hope of glory’ (Colossians 1:27). Every one of you should experience how lovely this life is! To enjoy such divine experiences or to receive this glorious life, we should receive the Holy Spirit (Acts 10:38). In Acts 2nd chapter, we read how His disciples received similar life, filled with glory.

looked up to the Lord. At such times, we would gather together to thank the Lord whole heartedly, counting His blessings. When we thus look up to the Lord and praise Him, His presence would come down in our midst in a glorious way. This glory of God would destroy all the things that rise against us. People who observe us would be amazed to see this. This experience of being wonderfully set free by the Lord from such terrible situations would become a good testimony and would bring glory to Him. The family that is filled with the Holy Spirit would bring down God’s glory in many ways and would bring you abundant blessings, prosperity and loveliness. We have enjoyed this on several occasions. Perhaps, today you are languishing in weakness, weariness and sorrows. Filled with the anointing of the Holy Spirit, who comforts and consoles, hold on to the Lord like Jacob did and plead to Him saying, “Unless You bless me, I will not let You go.” The Lord will certainly heed all the prayers that are offered to Him with such faith and reverence. He will give you all things in abundance according to His promise, “Ask and you shall receive.” He will make the Holy Spirit come down in your midst gloriously and proper your tent through that. I speak thus, out of my own experience. Let not the sufferings and sorrows of this world worry you. Today, pray to the Lord personally and as a family and get filled with the anointing of the Holy Spirit just as how Cornelius, the Centurion, received the anointing, as he waited with thirst, along with his family, despite being a heathen. We read this in Acts 10. Then divine loveliness and blessing would fill your tent. May the Lord grant this glorious and divine blessing to each one of you who read this and lead you by His hand!

Morning, evening, and noontime; seek God at all times

Dearly beloved, it is essential that you and your family members should receive this life of being filled with this divine glory or the Holy Spirit. It was only when our family life was filled with this divine anointing, it became a beautiful family filled with blessing that comforts and consoles others. There is no doubt that this kind of spiritual life, filled with this divine experience, would make your tent also into a tent filled with glory. Also, the Lord would always be with you. His presence would grant you blessings that are exceedingly abundantly above all that you ask or think. When sufferings, reproach and shame surround you, the Lord will beautifully deliver you out of them (2 Corinthians 3:17). In our life, even in the situation when we were surrounded by sickness, problems, false allegations, reproaches and shame and were languishing by ourselves, the Holy Spirit would come down mightily in our midst, whenever we Jesus Calls International


February 2022



Hello friend! The Lord has a wonderful word for the youth this month and it gives me great joy to share it with you. These are the words of Aaronic blessing taken from Numbers 6:24-26. This is what the verses say: “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace.”

What a reassuring promise it is! Yes, my friend, the Lord will not only bless you but also protect you. Protected with Purpose I am sure you have seen a gardener caring for his fruit garden. He very carefully plants the seed in good soil, waters them regularly, prunes the plants and makes sure they give a good yield by adding fertilizers. He not only protects them but makes sure they are fruitful. Now, you may question what happens if the plant does not bear fruit? Turn to Luke 13:8. This is what it says: “Leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll dig around it and fertilize it.” The gardener makes sure the plant is fruitful. Likewise, God has planted you in a place with a purpose of His own and ensures you fulfill it. You are protected


Jesus Calls International


February 2022


with purpose. Yes dear friend, “The Lord will bless you and keep you.”

PURPOSE PERFECTED Let us see how the Lord makes you fruitful. Any science student will tell that for any plant to thrive, the needed elements are sunshine and water. Yes it is true. Apart from being watered every day, plants take deep root in search of water; thereby grounding them firmly in the soil. Sun helps the leaves synthesize nutrients needed for the entire plant and makes it yield fruit. Just like the sun nourishes the plants, God’s presence helps you receive His favor. This is what helps you fulfill God’s will and become a blessing to others. Moses’ calling was to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land and proclaim God’s commandments to them. To fulfill his calling, Moses spent many days and nights in the presence of God. This is what the Bible says about him: “When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of the covenant law in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken with the Lord.” (Exodus 34:29) Yes, the Lord will make His face shine on you and be gracious to you, making Jesus Calls International


you shine brightly and be a blessing!

PEACE BEYOND COGNIZANCE One of the greatest blessings you can enjoy is divine peace! You see many people around you having riches and every sophistication needed but lack peace at heart. This leads them into depression leaving them confused. However, you are promised the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding. Friend, God’s blessings are marked by the fact divine peace accompanies them. Yes, the Lord will turn His face toward you and give you peace. God promises you His protection, fulfillment of His purpose, and His peace. With all these blessings of God, your life will be firmly established. Prayer: My loving Heavenly Father, thank You for Your wonderful promise. I submit myself and everything I do completely in Your hands. I humbly ask for the fulfillment of Your purpose in my life and your divine protection. Help me to shine before others bringing glory to Your name and blessings to others around me. Lord, Scan QR code to watch this I believe with Your message blessings and protection, I will be established on firm foundation. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

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Built on the strong foundation of the Word of God, the Prayer Tower ministry serves million people through the love and compassion of Jesus Christ, which delivers them from all their problems and binds the broken hearted, renewing their lives to move forward to accomplish great things for God’s glory. People literally consider Prayer Towers as their home away from home. The warm welcome they receive as they enter in, brings hope and shines God’s light in their heart irrespective of the kind of darkness that is challenging them. The Chapel makes it possible for the visitors to pray and hear God’s voice as other voices are silenced. Special events are conducted for women, youth, children and for special groups like business persons, families, those needing deliverance from evil and problems in life. There is also a chain prayer room in each Prayer Tower. Every day thousands visit Prayer Towers and receive prayer for miracles from the Lord Jesus through the services offered there. The ‘Telephone Prayer Tower’ ministry serves as God’s arm to millions who need prayer for their various needs. Anyone can call from anywhere, at any time of the day, 24X7 to receive prayer for any request and land up experiencing God’s power concerning salvation, healing, miracles, and deliverance which are all a result of the promises of God that are quoted in prayer thereby building and blessing people. The Telephone Prayer Towers are operational in 8 languages. We pray in English, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Hindi, Punjabi and Gujarati languages. The prayer intercessors who minister to people are anointed and committed people who strive hard and press on towards the goal ‘No soul should be lost.” Every prayer intercessor considers the burdens of people as their own and the Lord hears them and intervenes. He listens to one’s cries and comforts every soul through this ministry of prayer. Just as we read in John 6:20, the mission is to ensure that each one’s sorrow turns into joy. With the help of donations offered with great sacrifice by the ministry partners, rent for the buildings where the Prayer Towers are located, electricity bills, telephone connection charges, computer and building maintenance, and office operating expenses are met. These services have been provided for free by your donation. 24

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Here’s how one of the Prayer Intercessor has been blessed


have been working in BSNL for 33 years. I had great passion and zeal to serve the Lord and decided to get voluntary retirement five years before my superannuation. God clearly spoke to me through Dr. Paul Dhinakaran in the meeting held on 2nd October 2015 at Vanagaram, Chennai. So, I decided to join Jesus Calls (Praying for the World) as a volunteer. After joining in the great ministry, God has given me an opportunity to visit more than 60 Jesus Calls Prayer Towers (Tamil Nadu, Andhra, Telangana, Kerala, Karnataka and Pondicherry States) on my own expenses along with my husband who has been working in Jesus Calls as an Internal Auditor after his retirement from a Bank as a Manager. God has opened the way for me to pray, counsel and share the word of God to the brokenhearted people who assail with so many problems. I am also an event coordinator in Anna Nagar Prayer Tower, Chennai. During the Pandemic period (two years) I prayed through Telephone and System from my home touching almost 100 people per day. The promise Job 42:10 came true in my life and all my long pending problems have been solved in an extraordinary way just like a dream, when I prayed for others. God has blessed our son’s family who lives abroad, according to Isaiah 44:3. The Lord who has done wonders in my life shall make all things possible in your life too. - Arputha Manimudi, Chennai, India.

NEW YEAR GIFT FOR THE HOLY ONES With whom are you going to share the joy of the New Year? Here is a wonderful opportunity! You can turn to be a blessing to millions of people and impact lives by gifting the Prayer Intercessors who serve accepting the calls at any time of the day or night, faithfully listen to your prayers requests and being filled with the Holy Spirit they intercede for you before God and in return enable you to receive miracles in your life. Consider encouraging the holy people, our prayer intercessors who pray for you, by giving away New Year gifts to them. “Who else wants to contribute to the LORD today?" (1 Chronicles 29:5) You can make your donations towards the New Year's Gift for prayer intercessors at the Prayer Tower in your area (or) send through the website to find out how to make a donation.

The Lord Jesus who fills us with new life is sure to bless you abundantly. To support the Jesus Calls Prayer Service as led by God, I would like to contribute (please tick your choice) $150 $100 $50 $ ....................... / - I love to gift once / monthly / annually. Name____________________________________________________ Partner code__________________ Address__________________________________________________________________________________________ Pin code_________________ Email __________________________ Mobile _________________________ Birthday _________________________________ Wedding Day___________________________________ My personal Prayer Request to be prayed at Jesus Calls Prayer Tower .........................................................................................................................................................

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BE A BLESSING TO MILLIONS! Jesus Calls International


February 2022



Through the above cited verse, the God of the Most High speaks to us saying that He would fill us with glorious things through His justice and righteousness. He is eager to fill us with excellent benefits and blessings. It is quite common that unjust things, transgressions and filth are rampant in our lives. Our life’s beginning is small. However, the most High God who is exalted fills this kind of life with His justice and righteousness. Like Mary, we may ask, “How is this possible?” The Lord’s love and choosing is clearly indicated here. He lovingly invites us saying, “O Israel My servant, and Jacob whom I have chosen! My Friend!” If we observe the life of Abraham, initially he did not know God. However, when he was alone, the Lord lovingly called him and increased him (Isaiah 51:2). Yes, dear ones, the Lord is concerned about each one of us. He lovingly calls us to become His own just as how he called Abraham saying, “You are My servant; I have chosen you. I have not cast you away” (Isaiah 41:9). How great is this divine love! He calls every one of us by our name. The man called Zacchaeus wanted to only see Jesus in the midst of the crowd and was sitting on a tree. However, loving him dearly and being burdened about his life, Jesus called him “Zacchaeus” by name, went with him to his house and granted his house both light and salvation. He filled his life with justice and righteousness. Dearly beloved, the Lord has similar burden for you as well. He knows your name. So, call 26

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Him with reverence saying, “Lord, My Saviour, I need You.” Tell Him all the shortcomings in your life and remove all the filths in your life. Then He would forgive all your sins, make you and your family His own and pleasing to Him just as He did for Zacchaeus. He would lead you in a blessed way.

FINDING STABILITY We need to understand that the Lord is the One, who blesses us perfectly. To all those who draw near Him, He does everything perfectly and gives perfect joy and peace. He says in Isaiah 45:2,“I will go before you and make the crooked places straight.” Dearly beloved, when we pray reverentially to Him early in the morning or in the noon and evening like David, and tell Him, “Lord there is no wisdom in my life, no justice, no knowledge; You are my everything; please go before me and lead me by Your hand” we can certainly receive these perfect blessings. In my life, I had shortcomings in all areas. Yet, the day when the Lord came into my heart, He alone has been my wisdom and is leading me by going before me as the Holy God and as the Redeemer (1 Corinthians 1:24, 31). Every day I enjoy His leading and miraculous deeds in my life as I fully depend on Him saying, “I don’t have wisdom and justice. Lead me Lord.” In order to receive this perfect blessing, you need to hold on to Him. How beautifully we read,

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“You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.” (Isaiah 26:3) When we thus hold on to Him and trust Him, He comforts us as in Isaiah 41:10, “Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” The Lord is our Father, who strengthens us, who helps us, who bears us, who carries us, and who upholds us. When my husband was alive, he used to be very weak, assailed by many sicknesses. Hence, our life was full of sorrow. However, at such times, the Lord was with us as a Helper, removed all our fears, miraculously delivered him every time and gave him a new life (Psalm 118:6). During the times of financial crisis, He miraculously met our needs and led us wonderfully. I could go on describing the wondrous ways in which the Lord’s love led us. Yes, nothing is comparable to His love. Yes, dear ones, this world indeed is filled with sufferings, sorrows and afflictions. Yet, the Lord wants to stay with us in the midst of these and deliver us fully. Hence, realizing that He cares for you, cast all your care upon Him, without trusting on your own wisdom and knowledge (1Peter 5:7). Perhaps you are going through a difficult and tear-filled situation in your life right now. Do not be afraid but cast all your afflictions, sorrows and needs in the presence of the Lord. Then He will fill you with prefect blessings and deliver you and you can enjoy seeing His glorious deeds and be blessed. FEARING GOD For us to receive the Lord’s perfect blessings, we need to have much godly reverence. In the Bible we read clearly that the men are referred to as, “Blessed is everyone (the man) who fears the Lord” (Psalm 128:1); women as, “a woman who fears the Lord shall be praised” (Proverbs 31:30); and children as, “He will bless those who fear the Lord, both small and great” (Psalm 115:13). Dear ones, ‘fear of God’ is very, very Jesus Calls International


important in life. Boasting will take your life to destruction. Hence, when you commit your life with reverence to do everything for Him and to fulfill His will, He will be pleased with you. He will perfect everything for you. Also, in the midst of such fear-filled life, He will fill you with His Holy Spirit, remove all your fears and fill you with strength and love. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” ( 2 Timothy 1:7) We know how essential it is to have divine strength, love and a sound mind in our daily life. Things such as loving one another, love between husband and wife and love among brothers are not something that could be sought by ourselves. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, God fills us with His divine love (Romans 5:5). Then wondrous things would happen in our life. He Himself will give us a divine life of loving everyone with peace, without hating anyone. Since families lack this kind of love, there is so much of rift, bitterness and enmity these days! However, when this divine love comes into us through the Holy Spirit, our life turns upside down. When I started to seek the Lord more and more, many in my family hated me. They mocked me saying that I was over righteous. But I held on to the Lord firmly. Then He filled me with His immeasurable love. When I spoke to my family members, being filled with this divine love, all those who hated me started loving me and they honored me. Yes, dear ones, when you are filled with the Lord’s love, the Holy Spirit will change all those who come against you and make them love you. Hence, examine your life asking yourself, “Do I have the fear of Lord?” Also, this divine life would bring you yet another blessing. Prophet Isaiah saw God seated on the throne (Isa.6:1). “Your eyes will see the King in His beauty; They will see the land that is very far off.” (Isaiah 33:17) Accordingly, He will make you see His glory during your prayer time. I, who started fasting

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prayer every Tuesday to pray for my son’s salvation, am continuing it until today. During the prayer time, when I feel the Lord being with me, a great joy and happiness would flow out of me. Yes, the presence of God would remove all our worries. When we pour out our sins in His presence, a peace, which the world cannot give, fills our heart. Every Tuesday, when I come out of my room after fasting and praying, my heart will be filled with rejoicing. The reason would be, the glory of the Lord being with me the whole day! He will take care of our worries and burdens. The presence of God is glorious and excellent.

with You.” Otherwise you are going to live an empty life devoid of prayer. Examine yourself! Plead to the Lord. When we are careful to seek the Lord, He will give us all the glorious and excellent blessings mentioned in the above verses. May the Lord speak to you through these words, embrace you and fill you with His blessings. Read this promise again and again till you receive it from the Lord and seek Him through prayer and Bible reading. The Bible says,

Dear ones, the Lord being with us, speaking to us and guiding us is a great privilege! Hence, would you commit yourself at His presence, without carrying your worries and tell Him, “Lord You are enough for me; help me to always stay

Accordingly, get filled with divine anointing, walk according to the word taught by the divine anointing and abide in the Lord ( 1 John 2:27). Then you would receive perfect blessing through this promise.

“And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.” (1 John 2:17)

Lord Jesus our Savior, We now come to You seeking Your protection according to Your promise in Psalm 91:10, “No evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your home.” Thank You for protecting us as the apple of Your eye till this day. Lord, our hope in these dark times is only on You. Keep us in Your shadow and surround us as You surround Jerusalem. In Your name Lord Jesus, let there be divine protection. May the rising of the army of Omicron not come against us in Your name. Let it not reach Your people and the people destined for salvation. Let it not touch anyone who calls on Your name Lord Jesus. Thank You for You have nailed the disease in the cross 2000 years back and for promising us peace and protection. Let the fear of the pandemic stop. Thank You for You will remain faithful to us and all our loved ones, our staff, evangelists, ambassadors, prayer intercessors, volunteers, partners and well wishers. Thank You for Your wounded hand in which we are engraved and protected thus far. Your Word says that the name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and are safe (Proverbs 18:10). We run into Your name for protection. We declare Your protection upon our students and their families. Keep everyone away from all trouble, pain and harm. We surrender ourselves into Your hands from which no trouble, persecution or problem can snatch us out. Thank You for Your unfailing love from which nothing can separate us. We love You Lord Jesus. Give us the grace to overcome every situation by making us a testimony. In Your name Lord Jesus we ask this prayer, Amen. 28

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TOPPERS IN STUDIES My daughters, Cassidy Chloe and Jordane Hannah are Young Partners from preschool. It is with great joy and excitement that I testify of God’s loving grace since Cassidy has passed her second year of study in Pharmacy with Dean's Commendation. She received A symbols in all her modules and Jordane Hannah has passed her first year in Actuarial Science with Dean's Commendation. She has also received A symbols in all her modules. We give praise and adoration to Jesus for granting them wisdom to excel in their studies. We appreciate the diligent prayers made on their behalf by the prayer intercessors at the South Africa Prayer Tower and India. - Lawrence Vartharajulu, South Africa

The Jesus Calls Africa Prayer Tower is situated at the Faith Revival Church 34 Herrencroft Drive Longbury Unit 8 Phoenix. The Prayer Tower is open from Hours 9am - 3pm Monday to Friday and weekends by Request. Prayer Meetings are conducted during the Second Saturday of every month at the Prayer Tower @ 2:00pm.


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BR. CODE: 040026

Please give your phone number or partner code as reference when you send your donations.

Contact details: Landline: 0315002482 Mobile/watsap 0846068515 29


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