Jesus Calls International E-Magazine February 2023

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Dr. Paul Dhinakaran along with his family hosted the New Year Blessing Meeting in St. George's school ground on January 1st, 2023 at 5.30 PM. The meeting was a great blessing for the people who gathered there and to everyone who was watching it LIVE on TV and through social media.

Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran and Stella Ramola conducted a special worship session which ushered the people into the presence of God and prepared their hearts to receive God's word. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared the promise message for 2023 from Isaiah 61:3 announcing the year as a “YEAR OF BEAUTIFICATION” and revealed the prophecies that God has for the nation of India and the nations of the world. Sis. Stella Dhinakaran and Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran offered special prayers for the people with much burden and the people were filled with the Holy Spirit. Thousands of people from Chennai and surrounding areas attended this meeting and received God’s blessings.


Yes, you may have only seen tears, ashes, pain, loss and separation so far, but the Lord says, “I will surely make you see My wonders.” The Lord says that He will make you happy and miraculously change everything. You will boast in the Lord for His wonders that He is going to do for you.

The Scripture says in Isaiah 9:6, “He will be called Wonderful.”

The Lord’s very name is wonderful and He is certainly going to make all things wonderful in your life.

Why does God make you experience wonders in your life?


The Scripture says that the Lord has called, created and sustained us to see wonders and bring forth wonders.

The Bible says in Deuteronomy 4:34, “Has any god ever tried to take for himself one nation out of


another nation, by testings, by signs and wonders, by war, by a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, or by great and awesome deeds, like all the things the Lord your God did for you in Egypt before your very eyes?”

My friend, it is true that the Lord gets to know our inner character by testing us through various trials. He tests us saying, “Will he/she love Me even if I allow him/her to go through troubles?” He will test us by allowing us to go through hardships or by giving us fame, glory, exaltation among men and prosperity. He does that to see if we drift away from Him when we face prosperity or poverty. But during those testing periods, He does not abandon us. Rather, He sticks close to us. He does not leave us as orphans. Even now the Lord has tested you till now and having found you faithful has brought you to that time of experiencing wonders.

I want to share with you the story of a sister Rama. Her husband is Jeyaraj. They have two children. They did not know about the love of the Lord and were in a terrible state of suffering. About 12 years ago, her husband fell seriously ill. He was a lorry driver but after he fell ill he couldn’t go to work. His son also had breathing difficulties. The debts started mounting. They were in a hopeless situation. They even came to the point of ending their lives. At that time her sister invited her to the Prayer Tower. She came and received prayers for her husband and son. There they mentioned about the New Year Blessing Meeting which she attended on January 1st 2001. There when I prayed for all the sick people God’s power touched her husband and immediately he was miraculously healed. Till today, the disease has not relapsed. Her son was also healed.

What a glorious miracle! The wonder did not stop there. They kept coming to the Prayer Tower. Then the Lord blessed their husband to miraculously buy a vehicle and start a travel business. When they came to the Prayer Tower, the prayer intercessors

there said, “Why don't you become a prayer intercessor? Why don't you also pray for others?” She said, “I don’t know how to pray for others.” The intercessor welcomed them to join the Partner Prayer Training Program. She learnt how to pray for people. She was filled with the Spirit of God. She volunteered her time to pray for others through the Telephone Prayer Tower.

She said, that every morning as she would begin to pray for others, the prayer requests from people would be the same exact problem that she was going thru that day in her personal life. A great compassion for the callers would fill her heart as she would pray miracles started happening. Then Lord began to bless her family. The obstacle that was there over her husband’s ancestral property for many years was removed and they were able to get a piece of land as her husband’s share. The Lord then miraculously enabled them to sell that land which was not saleable for a good price and helped them to buy their own land. The Lord also provided money for them to build their our own house on that land and pay off all debts. They continue to serve the Lord in the Prayer Tower. Every day when she was given the names of the Young Partners to pray daily she would say truly my children who are also Young Partners will be blessed . Similarly, the Lord graciously blessed her two children and gave our elder sons, one with a good job and her younger son with a good talent in music. They testified that the Lord had beautified their broken family.

He has made it a palace and that they would be moving to their own house in 10 days. Today, they have so much hope and happiness in them. The Lord has indeed made this family see miracles.

This same Lord Jesus, is calling you to taste His wonders in your life. So, come to Jesus and commit your heart and your life into His hands. Give your time to serve in the ministry that Jesus calls you to so that others can experience miracles. The Lord will beautify you and make you a palace. He will

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show you His miracles and perform wonders through you. Please be encouraged!


The Lord will confirm that He is with you through the signs and wonders He does for you.

Acts 2:22 says, “Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through Him, as you yourselves know.”

The Lord is going to stretch out His hand to do miracles through you and reveal to people that He is with you.

In Romans 15:18 Paul says, “I will not venture to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me in leading the Gentiles to obey God by what I have said and done.” Accordingly, you too will do what Christ did and people who don’t know Christ will come to know Him through you. God’s Spirit which was upon Paul will come upon you as well.

The Bible says that many are called but few are chosen. In Mark 3:14, we read, Jesus chose 12 disciples. The reason Jesus chose His disciples was for them to be with Him and also for Him to send them out to do miracles in His name and drive out devils. God has also chosen you to experience His wonders and to show His wonders to the world.

It is only when you are with Him that you can be beautified into a palace and be adorned by Him and become a sign and wonder. When Jesus sent out His disciples to reveal His wonders, His disciples preached the gospel and cast out demons. Likewise, the Lord will not only make you see miracles but will also make you a doer of miracles. For this to happen, He will fill you with His Holy Spirit.

Acts 2:17 says, “In the last days, God says, I will pour out My Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.” Yes, the Lord is going to give you this grace.

Many years ago, in the year 1990, there was a meeting held in Guntakal. At that time, I was only 28 years of age and I went alone to minister. As I stood up to share God’s message, the clouds became dark, and it began to rain heavily in the open field where the meeting was held. The people were trying to get up and run. But I filled with the

Holy Spirit said, “You need not leave . Jesus loves you. He will not send you back with the same suffering with which you have come. He will have compassion on you and stop the rain so that we can pray together for miracles,” and as I said, “Lord, stop the rain,” the Lord miraculously stopped the rain.

The people who saw this were amazed and they knew Jesus was there! The God who answers prayers was there! They all cried out to Jesus and gave their lives to the Lord.

Nearly 12 years later, I met a big officer in the railways in another city. He said, “I was in that meeting. I never knew Jesus at that time. I was a terrible alcoholic. I used to drink and drink and I almost lost my job. I was brought to that meeting when I was fully drunk. But then I saw you praying for the rain to stop. As soon as you said, “Lord, stop the rain,” and it stopped! I was marvelled. But because I was under the influence of alcohol, I could not listen to you. I did not understand what was happening. I saw miracles happening. As the meeting was over and as you were getting into the car, hundreds of people were pushing you and thronging around you to touch you, and I too went through the crowd and touched your coat just for a second. I was longing to come out of alcohol.

As soon as I touched your coat something happened. I fell on the floor, totally unconscious. When I got up, everybody had gone. Only the workers were there, dismantling the stage lights and so on. But then when I got up. I felt so fresh. So

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full of peace. I was totally transformed that day. Jesus had come into my heart and into my life. Miraculously and wonderfully, He had taken away that alcoholic spirit from me. 12 years have passed and God has enabled me to bring the love of Jesus to others. Along with that, God has raised me up to be the head of the whole division of railways in this region.

What a great witness! God has approved you to be a wonder to carry the wonderful Jesus. Yes, you will make the people obey and receive the Lord as their Saviour through the wonders that will happen through you, this month. It will start happening from this month! So do not be afraid!


Finally, God will transform you into a wonder. You will be a sign for the wonderful Lord in the nation.

Isaiah 8:18 says, “Here am I, and the children the LORD has given me. We are signs and symbols in Israel from the LORD Almighty, who dwells on Mount Zion.”

Yes, God has planted you as a wonder. He will also make your family members as wonders and signs for Him. You will reflect the wonderful Jesus. As a family, you will indeed be a wonder because the Lord delights in families (Jeremiah 31:1).

2 Corinthians 6:16-18 says, “What agreement is there between the temple of God and idols? For we are the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I will live with them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they will be My people.” Therefore, “Come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you.” And, “I will be a Father to you, and you will be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”

In 2008, Jesus spoke to me and said, “My son, I am going to use every member of your family. Put everyone on the public platform to minister. Different gifts will operate through each one of them and I will meet all the different needs of all people through each one's ministry. You will be a sign for Jesus in this world.”

I obeyed the Lord and did as He said. My children started worshipping and singing on the

public platforms together. Today, God has been using them mightily across nations to bring His power through music and songs. When they pray, God's presence flows into the young people’s lives. Every sin is revealed to the youth and they are transformed by the Lord Jesus. The Lord makes every pain and trouble to go away. He indeed makes them powerful signs especially among young children to gain faith and live in peace.

God's grace came upon my beloved wife when we got married. She was so shy. But in 2008, Jesus appeared to her and the compassion of Jesus started flowing through her for one and a half hours. Today, when she prays demons leave the people, families are blessed and those who are bound and in sorrow receive deliverance and joy.

The same with my beloved Mother. The Lord made her a pillar of prayer. Esther Prayer Group was formed to fight and pray for families. God's righteousness and His instructions flow through her by the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Many servants of God receive counsel through her. In the same way, every member of your family shall become a wonder.

It's not you that will be rising as a wonder through your might but it is the Lord who will make you wonderful. Psalm 139:14 says, “You are fearfully and wonderfully made by God. God's work is wonderful.” You are indeed God's handiwork. You have been made to be wonderful; A wonder to the world to bring salvation, healing and deliverance by proving Jesus Christ is the Lord over all.

A wonder to bring righteousness to the land. A wonder to be the hope for those who do not have hope because of worldly trials and temptations. So, never despise yourself. Instead, thank the Lord for fearfully and wonderfully creating you to be a wonder to the world. You are God’s masterpiece!


Lord Jesus, May Your Spirit fill Your children. Make them Your sign and wonder in this world, In the name of Jesus, I command their family to be transformed into a miraculous sign. Thank You for confirming this. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

May God bless you and make you shine as His wonder.

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Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran and Dr. Shilpa Dhinakaran ministered in the New Zealand Prayer Tower on January 7th.

Despite the weather and rain, people came in faith to hear the message and filled the hall. Pastors, Ministry Leaders, partners, Prayer Tower team and volunteers who have supported the Ministry from its founding in 2012 were recognised and honoured by Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran. He delivered a message full of encouragement and healing for the people for the year 2023, emphasizing the importance of praising the Lord who is our Savior, our deliverer and our provider. In the mighty presence of the Lord, people were moved, set free, and exulted. Everyone who sought prayer from Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran and Dr. Shilpa Dhinakaran were prayed for individually. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran and Dr. Shilpa Dhinakaran also ministered at City Church in Henderson on January 8th. The congregation began the year with this first service, which was a huge blessing to them. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran shared a soul stirring message about how Jesus could be the ROCK of their lives. Bro. Samuel's Dhinakaran message uplifted the gathering. The congregation were greatly blessed.


NEW ZEALAND PRAYER LINE ON 0800 53 78 72 ANY TIME (within New Zealand). Someone is waiting to pray for YOU!

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Built on the strong foundation of the Word of God, the Prayer Tower ministry serves millions of people through the love and compassion of Jesus Christ, which delivers them from all their problems and binds the brokenhearted, renewing their lives to move forward to accomplish great things for God’s glory. People literally consider Prayer Towers as their home away from home. The warm welcome they receive as they enter in brings hope and shines God’s light in their hearts irrespective of the kind of darkness that is challenging them. The Chapel makes it possible for the visitors to pray and hear God’s voice as other voices are silenced. Special events are conducted for women, youth, children and for special groups like business people, families, and those needing deliverance from evil and problems in life. There is

also a chain prayer room in each Prayer Tower. Every day thousands visit our Prayer Towers and receive prayer for miracles from the Lord Jesus through the services offered there.

Every day prayers are offered for the partners who have enrolled in the Blessing Plans of the ministry like the Family Blessing Plan, Young Partner Plan, Business Blessing Plan, Job Blessing Plan, Prayer Tower Building Fund Plan, Television Club, etc.,

The ‘Telephone Prayer Tower’ ministry serves as God’s comforting arm to millions who need

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prayer for their various needs. Anyone can call from anywhere, at any time of the day, 24X7 to receive prayer for any request and land up experiencing God’s power concerning salvation, healing, miracles, and deliverance which are all a result of the promises of God that are quoted in prayer thereby building and blessing people’s lives. The Telephone Prayer Towers are operational in 8 languages. Prayers are offered in English, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Hindi, Punjabi and Gujarati languages.

In the Prayer Tower, prayer intercessors are also praying specifically for the prayer requests sent by our partners. To raise more prayers for a partner like you in the Prayer Towers, we need to strengthen the prayer support team. There is a need to appoint many prayer intercessors and train them.

The Blessing Meetings conducted in the Prayer Towers are helping people to receive miracles from heaven. By the grace of God, several hundred people are attending the Blessing Meetings every week and are

experiencing the divine touch of God and are getting delivered from bondages. In some Prayer Towers, we are not able to conduct these Blessing Meetings due to a lack of space. As these Prayer Towers are functioning in small buildings, we are unable to accommodate people who are gathering for the meetings. So, we also need to relocate these Prayer Towers to more spacious places to accommodate the growing crowd.

With the help of your sacrificial offerings, rent for the buildings where the Prayer Towers are located, electricity bills, telephone connection charges, computer and building maintenance, and office operating expenses are met. Because of this, we are able to provide free services through the Prayer Towers to the people for the glory of God.

But as per the guidance of the Lord, we have planned to construct a Prayer Operation Centre, Prayer Training Centre, and Media Prayer Centre on the campus of Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower at Chennai. We are going to train Prayer Intercessors and place them in the Prayer Towers that are functioning all over the nation. These three centres will be built in a total area of 61,540 sq. ft costing us about $ 2.5 million.

The Prayer Tower buildings in Hyderabad, Nagercoil and Thiruvananthapuram have to be built this year too. The estimated cost for this is around $ 1.25 million. By the grace of God, donations have been coming in but much is still needed. Also, the Prayer Tower buildings where there is not enough space to hold meetings are being planned to be moved to spacious buildings where they can be accommodated. We also desire that each Prayer Tower should not be in a rented space but in a building owned by Jesus Calls with about 4000 sq feet in each city across the nation for them to function securely and with liberty. I would highly appreciate if you could kindly pray for these needs to be met by our Lord. I encourage you to come forward to support us in this mission of building Prayer Towers as the Lord guides you.

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Here is a testimony of a brother who has been blessed through the Prayer Tower ministry: A MIRACLE AFTER 25 YEARS!

We have been married for 25 years but were not blessed with a child. Despite undergoing all kinds of medical treatments, our efforts to have a child were in vain. Because of this, my wife and I got tired and exhausted and were hopeless and in tears. We have been in Chennai for many years. It is customary for us to come to the D.G.S. Memorial Prayer Tower and pray. Once when we came to the Prayer Tower to pray, there was a prayer intercessor who noticed the weary look on our faces. I explained the whole story to the prayer intercessor and felt incredibly encouraged as he prayed. After that, we skipped all medical treatment. The Lord accomplished a miracle as an act of compassion for us, by naturally enabling my wife to become pregnant. In September 2020,we welcomed a lovely baby girl into the world. I offer a million praises to our Lord Jesus who has done this miracle. - Justin Mesiadas, Chennai

To be a blessing to millions like him in the above testimony, do support this mission through your prayers and donations. Every soul touched by the Lord through your giving will be added into your heavenly account assuring you blessings beyond your desires.


“Who is willing to contribute to the LORD today?" (1 Chronicles 29:5)

You can make a donation towards the New Year's Gift for the Prayer Tower Ministry in person, in a Prayer Tower near your area (or) you could also send it through our secure website

The Lord Jesus who fills everyone with new life is sure to bless you abundantly.

My share in the construction of these Prayer Towers (kindly tick your choice)

I would like to support construction of 1sq ft for US$50

I would like to support construction of 10sq ft for US$500

As per the leading of the Holy Spirit in my heart, I would like to support the construction of........................................ sq. ft for US$ ...............................

Or you could help support us purchase materials for the construction of the Prayer Tower

The cost of one brick used in construction of the POC/PTC is $1

You could help support the purchase of 100 bricks for $100

Or you could help support the purchase of 500 bricks for $500

Or you could help support the purchase of 1000 bricks for $1000

Or as per the leading of the Holy Spirit in your heart you could help support the purchase of .............................. bricks for $.......................................

(A beautifully designed Prayer Tower Building Fund Partner certificate will be given)

Name: ………………………..............................................................………….. Partner Code (if any):…………………..

Address: ………….................................................................................................... PIN code:………. ............

Mobile 1:…………..…...............….. Mobile 2:…..............….Email:……………...........................

DETAILS ABOUT HOW TO DONATE PLEASE GIVE ONLINE THROUGH (or) visit or send your offerings to the Prayer Tower in your country / region or write to


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India has one of the largest workforces in the world, with inherent talents in various sectors. To accelerate economic growth, it is crucial that the youth be imparted with relevant skills. Over the years, through a variety of skill training programs conducted across India, SEESHA has been empowering deprived youth & women to meet changing industry demands and achieve sustainable livelihoods.

 SEESHA Computer centres offer courses in Office automation along with spoken English training to equip underprivileged students for the contemporary world. After the Pandemic gap, we are restarting our computer centres across several States. In Chennai, Tally ERP and BPO training batches will commence in February 2023.

 SEESHA, in association with its corporate partner - DXC Technology India, has been conducting vocational skills training, like sewing, embroidery, beautician training, etc., for disadvantaged womenin 12 locations across India. Over 900 women were trained during the first phase of the program, and another 1250 women are being trained as part of Phase 2.

 More than 75 underprivileged women were trained through sewing training conducted by SEESHA at Dongargarh, Madurai & Surandai last year.

 This year, we are also planning to commence training in mobile & laptop servicing and accounting & tax certification courses.


As the financial year draws to a close, we would like to bring to your kind attention that donations to SEESHA’s projects are tax exempted under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act. By making a donation before March 31st, you can enable a brighter future for the deprived and save on your taxes too!

See how learning computers through SEESHA has transformed Ms. Khushboo’s life -

“Though I got a good job in a firm recently, I felt at a disadvantage due to my lack of computer knowledge. So, to keep my skills relevant to the job, I got enrolled in the affordable computer course offered by SEESHA. The digital skills that I acquired there are helping me to edit videos and do complex calculations. I’m indeed able to add value to the company through the skills I’velearnt. Thank you for providing this great opportunity, SEESHA!”

– Ranchi.

You may support SEESHA in the following ways:

•Sponsor the education of a child – USD 30 /month

•Sponsor skills training to a needy student – USD 50 /person

•Support one skills training centre –USD 125 /month



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My name is Clotilda Fernandez. My son Shashi who is 31 years of age, works with a Call Centre in Kuala Lumpur. His job requires him to spend long hours in front of a Computer. On the 4th of November 2022, while he was in his office working, all of a sudden, the capillaries in both of his eyes burst and he was experiencing haemorrhaging. His colleague had to drive him back home as he could not drive home safely. Everything was very dark for him even though the lights were on. He could not see for almost one and a half months. This caused him to cry often and as his mother, I couldn't bear to see him cry, so the entire family were constantly in tears and sorrow. In my despair I remembered Jesus Calls Prayer Tower, so I sought the Intercession of the Intercessors in Jesus Calls Prayer Tower in Petaling Jaya to pray for him daily. I had to take Shashi to the Optomologist for a proper medical check-up and the Specialist confirmed that he had very limited vision. Shahi required constant supervision for someone to hold his hand and lead him where he needed to go. A date for a surgery was fixed for the 21st December 2022. After the surgery was done, there seemed to be no improvement at all for my son's vision and upon having a discussion with the surgeon, I was told that significant improvement would only be possible in 6

months or so.

This was devastating for me to hear. So, I called the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower again and implored them to pray for a speedy recovery. Our Lord Jesus Christ is so faithful to His Promises and to the prayers of His saints the Intercessors, that on the 6 of January 2023, Shashi's eyesight was fully restored. I am eternally grateful to my Lord Jesus Christ. He is indeed the Jehovah Rapha of Exodus 15:26. I praise and thank Him and the Intercessors of Jesus Calls for constantly praying for my son's eyesight to be restored, with such a heavy burden. Thank you very much. To God be the glory.


I have been a consistent supporter of the Jesus Calls Ministry as I have been very blessed by their prayers and the Healing and Blessing Meetings. Through the 2 years of the pandemic, God was very faithful in taking care of me. Though business was very slow, God ensured that I would remain employed and I got my monthly salary. This year, I was transferred to another branch to work which was very far and very inconvenient for me to travel every day. I contacted the Prayer Tower to pray for me to be transferred back to my previous branch and God answered the prayers of the Intercessors. I was so happy Jesus

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when I received the news from my Human Resources Manager that I could return to the previous location to work. As I continued to support the Business Blessing Plan, I thought that this job was all the Blessings I would receive, but last month I received a call from another company which is our competitor and I was offered employment with a very big increase in the salary and it is at the location which I desired (without even applying for this job).

I am actually speechless for the love and faithfulness my Lord Jesus Christ has for me. I can't put it into words. I thank my Lord Jesus and I also thank the Jesus Calls Ministry for all the prayers and faithfulness of the Intercessors that we the donors can be overwhelmingly blessed by our Lord Jesus Christ. I will surely continue to support and recommend the Jesus Calls Ministry to everyone who is in need of God's love and blessings.




If you would like to support the ministry, you may kindly send your offerings by way of cheques in favour of True Friend Berhad and mail it to the address above. Please also find our bank details for direct deposit:


ACCOUNT NO: 514169218662



Every 1st and 3rd Thursday @ 8 pm at the Prayer Tower2nd February 2023 and 16th February 2023.

Participate and be blessed. Please bring your family and friends too for them to receive God’s blessings in their lives.

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- William Lai

My dear partner in the ministry,

I am so glad to greet you in this new month of February. This month will bring you wonders from heaven as the promise of the month reads, "I will show them My wonders" (Micah 7:15).

I wish to share some important points to be prayed for in the ministry. The Lord revealed to me that deep darkness would cover the world very soon. So we have to do His work swiftly (John 9:4). We need to get ready to spread the light of the gospel to the ends of the earth.


"This is the confidence we have in

approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us." (1 John 5:14)

Prayer Towers are being used by the Lord to comfort the people and deliver them from the clutches of satan through His power. People who visit the Prayer Towers have felt like being in their father’s house. Thus, the Prayer Towers are indeed a refuge for broken hearted people.

This month, we are increasing the number of Prayer Intercessors in each Prayer Tower. Our aim is that no one should wait for a prayer for more than 10 minutes especially when they are in emergency

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situations and should receive an answer from the Lord immediately. Chapels are also built and made spacious to facilitate meditation and personal prayer (2 Chronicles 7:15).

We would also be conducting prayer meetings on Tuesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays promptly and trainings on other days apart from offering prayers to each Prayer Tower visitor from 8 AM to 8 PM daily for all 365 days.

As per the guidance of the Lord, we are constructing a Prayer Operation Centre, Prayer Training Centre, and Media Prayer Centre on the campus of Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower at Chennai, India. We are going to train Prayer Intercessors and place them in the Prayer Towers that are functioning all over the nation. These three centres will be built in a total area of 61,540 sq. ft costing us about $ 2.5 million.

The Prayer Tower buildings in Hyderabad, Nagercoil and Thiruvananthapuram have to be built this year too. The estimated cost for this is around $ 1.25 million. By the grace of God, donations have been coming in but much is still needed. Also, the Prayer Tower buildings where there is not enough space to hold meetings are being planned to be moved to spacious buildings where they can be accommodated. We also desire that each Prayer Tower should not be in a rented space but in a building owned by

Jesus Calls with about 4000 sq feet in each city across the nation for them to function securely and with liberty. I would highly appreciate if you could kindly pray for these needs to be met by our Lord.

Our loving God who is faithful to bless His people who are helping to build His kingdom will bless you according to His heavenly riches in glory for sure (Philippians 4:19).


“ preach the gospel of Christ and found that the Lord had opened a door for me."

(2 Corinthians 2:12)

The Jesus Calls Television Ministry is helping thousands of people who are not able to come to any place to hear the prophetical messages of God. By the sheer grace of God, there are several hundred and thousands of people who are being blessed through this ministry.

The Tamil Family Channel will be soon made available on the DTH platform. The content schedule is being changed to include more events from the Prayer Towers and testimonies. Also, the Family Channel YouTube Channels will soon be launched in Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, Kannada

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and Malayalam. Kindly remember these endeavours in your prayers. Your sponsorship of a TV program at least once a month will greatly help us to take the gospel of Christ to millions of homes. If you are not yet part of this television ministry, may I invite you and your loved ones to be a sponsor by donating INR 100 each month or how much ever possible towards the Television Ministry? If your heart wants to do more for the Lord, you could also consider sponsoring / co-sponsoring a TV programme.


be blessed by the prayers offered for them at the Prayer Tower to have divine protection, excellence in education and a blessed future according to 1 Chronicles 4:10. You can learn more about the same by visiting your nearby Prayer Tower or our website:


"I will be a Father to you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty."

(2 Corinthians 6:18)

"All your children will be taught by the Lord."

(Isaiah 54:13)

Every year we conduct Students’ Prayer Meet to encourage the students with God’s promises from the scripture and pray for them individually before their final exams. This year also on February 5th and 11th we are conducting the Students’ Meet in Chennai and Mumbai respectively. Please pray for these meetings to be a blessing to thousands of students and also, if led by the Lord, you can offer your support to meet the expenses of these meetings.

The students may send their prayer requests and exam timetable to We will be praying for their success in exams and will also send prayerful replies.

The dear children can also join the Jesus Calls Young Partners Plan to be a partner to meet the needs of the ministry and to

I always praise God for the life of my (late) beloved father, Bro. D.G.S. Dhinakaran. In the year 2008 on February 20th, as my father entered into God's glory, the Lord assured me that He would be a Father to me and would carry the millions of people and bless them as I minister to them in His name.

As the days of deep darkness are nearing, as revealed by the Lord, ask Him to be a Father to you. As you accept Him as your Father, He will be with you and make you shine for His glory. So, the deep darkness will not be able to harm you. You will be a blessing to many.

"Here am I, and the children the Lord has given me. We are signs and symbols in Israel from the Lord Almighty, who dwells on Mount Zion."

(Isaiah 8:18)

I pray that God will make you and your children signs and wonders for the sake of His name. Expect great things from the Lord in this month of February.


With much love and prayers, Jesus

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Yes, wealth and honour come from the Lord. As you seek the Lord with all your heart, He will indeed shower His glorious blessings upon you. May the Lord honour you and bless you with this Word.

David was fully aware that it was God who made him great and he loved the Lord with all his heart. He was so sure

that God is the One who has chosen him and had made him great. That’s why he says in Psalm 3:3, “But You, LORD, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high.” My friend, according to this verse, our God is the lifter of our heads. Also, in Psalm 18:29 David says, “For by You I can run against a troop, by my God I can leap over a wall.” Yes, if God is with us, He will give us victory and success as we read about David’s life in II Samuel 8:13, “David

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became famous after he returned from striking down eighteen thousand Edomites in the Valley of Salt.” David loved the Lord and the Lord gave him victory and success. In the next verse, we read, “he (David) put garrisons throughout Edom, and all the Edomites became subject to David. The LORD gave David victory wherever he went.” What a glorious blessing it is for God to come with you! When God comes with you, He gives you sure victory. Riches and honour automatically follow you.

Maybe you are looking for an own house or you want your children to score high marks and get settled with a good job. God knows your heart. Since you wholeheartedly follow Him, success, victory and wealth will follow you. You don’t have to seek the help of men. When God is with you and His favour is upon you, men will come in search of you. People will come to you seeing the Lord who is in you. This is so true in our life, dear friend. The anointing that came upon Dr. D.G.S Dhinakaran, my father-in-law, has filled the entire house. As a result, wealth and honour come in search of us.

When we look into the life of Solomon, the son of David, as we read in I Kings 3:13, the Lord gave Solomon not only wealth but also honour. The Lord elevated and blessed Solomon to such an extent that he had no equals among the kings of the nations. As

mentioned in I Kings 4:31, Solomon was wiser than anyone of his day and as in I Kings 4:32, we see Solomon had written three thousand Proverbs and a thousand and five Psalms. What great honour was given to King Solomon! In fact, Solomon had so much riches in his kingdom that his household articles were made of gold and many from different parts of the world came to witness his riches in the kingdom.

My friend, the Lord is mindful of blessing you also in the same manner. You too will do great exploits and your laurels will spread to the ends of the earth. All that you need to do is to believe in the Lord. Great days of glory are ahead. Receive this glorious blessing and honour from the Lord, in faith, my friend and be of good cheer!

PRAYER: Loving Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your wonderful promise. You are the lifter of my head. Wealth and honour come from You. Lord, You have promised surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. So, remove every lack and disgrace from my life. Let my cup overflow with Your presence.

I pray that You will go before me and grant me victory in all that I do. I pray that You will give me riches, honour and Your glorious blessings. In Jesus’ name, I pray Amen.

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One of the wonderful God-given initiatives to pray for young people in the same way Jabez prayed is the Young Partners' Plan. Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, "Oh, that You would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let Your hand be with me and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain." God complied with his request (1 Chronicles 4:10). Likewise, the Lord graciously answers each Young Partner's prayers and grants them His handpicked benefits as a reward for investing in millions of souls restored through the ministry. This plan was established on July 25, 1985, with the primary objective of praying (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) for wisdom, protection, and prosperity for young people around the world. According to the Lord's promise, the Young Partners of this plan will receive,

• Divine protection from the evils of this world (John 17:15)

• Divine wisdom to shine in their studies (Isaiah 54:13)

• Divine prosperity to enable them to flourish in their life (Psalm 115:14)

The Dhinakaran family and the prayer intercessors at the Prayer Towers have been offering prayers everyday for our precious young partners for the past 37 years. God in His great mercy has been answering the prayers by blessing the Young Partners in their academics, careers, vocations, and families. Numerous Young Partners have shared their personal testimony of how God has been present in their lives.

Here are a few testimonies to encourage you to enrol in this plan and experience blessings:


I wanted my older daughter, Dhanyashree to ace her CBSE 10th grade exams. Since she was taking her exams during the COVID period, I couldn't arrange for her to receive any formal coaching or tutoring; so, she had to prepare by herself for the exam. This caused me great concern. I used to call the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower every day requesting prayers for my daughter. The Lord heard our prayers and granted her 90% in her final exams. Even her admission in a reputed PUC school was miraculous since she got admitted to that school even before she could get her 10th results. She is a Young Partner, and I am very appreciative of

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all the persistent prayers offered for my daughter by our prayer intercessors, as well as by Bro. Paul Dhinakaran which brought us hope. I'm so grateful to the Lord for hearing all our prayers and granting my daughter success in her studies and admission.


I live in Ranchi. I am a BA student. I am very weak in my studies. Somehow, I used to scrape through my exams. But since I have believed in the Lord and in the prayers offered at the Jesus Calls

Prayer Tower, I have gradually progressed in life. Earlier I used to pass with 46% but now, by the grace of God, I have passed with 81%. I thank the Lord Jesus Christ and praise His Holy Name! I also thank Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and all the prayer intercessors for praying for me that I should be blessed with the wisdom to excel in my studies. I am so eager to have a close walk with God and be used mightily for His glory. I thank God for the Young Partners’ Plan which is helping me see the fulfilment of my aspirations.

- Mr. Vivek Minz, Ranchi


I'm a recent addition to Jesus Calls as a Young Partner. God has blessed me in my studies and I have always been a topper in my class. After the successful completion of my school education, I became worried about my college admission. I wanted to pursue Biotech Engineering, which is only offered at 16 colleges in Karnataka; out of which just one college is in my city. I prayed to God constantly for a government seat at the renowned JSS College, Mysore since I didn't want to leave my hometown. The first round of CET counselling results was supposed to be announced. But the authority provided no updates. That evening, I watched UTurn Live and was praying fervently. I received my results a few hours after the live broadcast had ended. I was given a government seat in the college of my choice. This was purely the Lord's doing. Thousands of thanks to Jesus, my Saviour. Thank you to the entire Jesus Calls family and sweetest Sweety!


- Ms. Susan Leony, Arakere

I am from Idukki, Kerala. I am a young partner in the Jesus Calls Ministry and I am an aspirant medical student. For the past six months, I have worked incredibly hard to prepare for the NEET exam. The day of the exam was set for May 21st which was quite early. I was so worried that I didn't have enough time to cover the entire syllabus because of the early exam date. There were also appeals made in court requesting to postpone the exam dates but all were in vain. Therefore, I emailed Dr. Paul Dhinakaran asking him to pray for me to pass the exam and secure a spot for PG admission. The Lord heard the prayers, and by His grace, I got the desired admission to NEET PG 2022. It was just marvellous in our eyes. I thank the entire Dhinakaran family and all the prayer intercessors from the bottom of my heart for their continuous prayer support. - Miss. Anumol Jose, Idukki

The Lord who did wonders for these Young Partners is sure to do more exceedingly for you too. Make sure you enrol your children in this plan and reap the benefits of sowing into this great mission.

Today’s young generation has various needs to be prayed for. If you have prayer requests concerning your studies, career, entrepreneurship and life partner, please feel free to send them to us. We would also encourage the dear Young Partners who have completed 21 years of age to continue your partnership with us through any one of our Jesus Calls facets and be blessed.

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My heavenly Father, I am faced with the challenge of facing my examinations . I need your gracious help to succeed in them.

I confess that you are the source of all knowledge and wisdom. I believe that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. I long for the spirit of righteousness to receive this wisdom.

Forgive me of all my wrong doings and sins which have taken me away from You. Cleanse me of my sins, as I pray in the name of Jesus. I beseech You to give me peace and confidence and to experience You in a personal manner.

Please stay with me always and give me the strength to overcome all temptations, which come to me through various means. Help me to be focused and to fully concentrate on my studies.

I acknowledge that this is the moment to build my career and future. Give me concentration, understanding, discernment endowed with excellent memory power. Help me to prepare with a great ease with the ability to excel. Give me good health, strength and peace in my family. Bless the exams and give me excellent results beyond my understanding.

Let Thy will be done in my life. I believe that ‘You will do everything unto good for me’. I love you Lord. Thank You for perfecting everything in my life. In Jesus Name, Amen! Complied by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran


•Prayer intercessors at the Prayer Tower will pray once in everyday specifically mentioning the name of the young partners and praying for them to be blessed with all the divine blessings mentioned in the plan.

•Personal birthday prayers, greetings, certificates and personalized prayers will be offered by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran at Partners’ Meetings.


Details required for enrollment


Date of Birth: .................................................. Name of Father/Guardian......................................

Address for Communication:..................................................................................................... .................... ............................................................................................................................... ........................................

City: ...................................... Pin code: .................................... Mobile No: ........................

E-Mail ID: ............................................................................... WhatsApp............................

We are so burdened for the young partners to know the Lord personally and be guided by Him into every blessing for their life. So we would like to send encouraging and motivational words from God for them to stand strong and shine like young David in the Bible. So we request you to send the contact details of your loved ones whom you have enrolled as a young partner. Or if you are a young partner over 21, we encourage you to provide your full details. You can send the age, name, phone, email and address to or for more details please contact the Prayer Tower in your country.

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 Being well prepared for your exams and praying over it, is the best way to overcome stress and anxiety and gives you the best chance of getting good grades.

 Start by praying for God to fill you with His joy and wisdom in your heart and dedicating your studies to be used for His glory. Create a sensible study routine. Determine how much work needs to be done and how much time is available, then divide it into manageable portions. If you put unrealistic schedules, it will only disappoint you. Aim to spend a few hours per day on revision and switch up your subjects to keep things interesting.

 Choose a study method that works for you. Some people prefer to study alone in a quiet space, but not everyone enjoys working in isolation. Try revising with a friend or member of your family, but don't let them distract you! Play some soft gospel music in the background if the music doesn't ruin your focus.

 Make your notes unique to add a personal touch. Try using colour coding, notes on post-it notes, diagrams, or anything else that will help you study your subject.

 Ensure that you comprehend everything. Find a fresh source of information to help you understand whatever you run into that you are unsure of. You won't be able to pass your exam by simply memorising it. If you need assistance, don't be hesitant to approach a buddy or your teacher for it.

 Look at past exam papers. It allows you to become accustomed to the format and style of the questions you will be asked. To improve your exam technique, practice finishing exam papers within the allotted time.

 Take periodic, brief breaks. Studying for long periods of

time will just make you exhausted and impair your focus, which can make you feel even more nervous. It's recommended to take a rest every 3 hrs.

 Reward yourself. You could, for instance, take a lengthy shower or do your favorite activity or spend time with family after your revision session is over.

 Do something physical. Use your downtime to do something active. Exercise will improve your quality of sleep and help you stay focussed and help avoid pains in head, neck and back.

 Ask for help. It's crucial to talk to someone you can trust if you're feeling anxious, such as a friend, family member, or teacher. It's common for people to struggle with tests, so don't be ashamed to seek for help.


Get ready. Make a satisfying breakfast your first meal of the day and allow plenty of time to travel to the exam site. Don't forget to bring any supplies you might need, such as pencils, pens, and calculators. Additionally helpful are water bottle and some tissues.

Read the directions and questions for a little while. You will then be fully aware of what is required of you. If something is unclear, ask the exam supervisor; they are there to assist you.

Be sure to allow enough time for each question. If you get stuck on a question, don't freak out, but try to give yourself enough time at the end to go back and finish it.

After the exam is over, put it out of your mind. Avoid mulling it over too much in your thoughts or comparing your friends' responses. Just concentrate on the upcoming exam. Giving thanks to God for his help after the exam will give you peace and God will take care of the rest. All the best my friend. You will ace it!

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In the years 2014, 2016 the Lord gave the following revelations:

(As Published in the February 2014 and August 2016 issue of the Jesus Calls magazine pages 12-14 and 10-12 respectively).

The signs for the return of the Lord to earth as the Lord of Lords and King of Kings would begin in the days to come. As these signs are seen according to Haggai 2:6 to 9 humanity should be prepared to receive salvation and trained to share the testimony of Jesus which is the Spirit of Prophecy (Revelation 19:10) to as many people as possible just like the Samaritan woman and Mary Magdalene.

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• Prophesy: A pestilence would spread across China. This was experienced in 2020 in China. But the Lord showed me that following that, His Holy Spirit would come upon masses of people in China and the healing move of God would be experienced too through them. These healing evangelists would go to every country from China with this power of God, as the Chinese products go all over the world today from China.

•After these would happen in China, Russia would rise up as a world power, which we have seen during the past year. But then the Lord told me that the word of God would be embedded in the hearts of the Russian people across the nation to bring forth life in them and through them.

•After this, the women in middle-East Arabian countries would rise up. Following that the Holy Spirit would be poured upon the women who will prophesy according to Acts 2:17

•After this, I saw Russia mobilizing these middle-East countries to come together and make peace with Israel. Then each country will begin to peace and shall prosper.

•I see that this will begin to happen quickly. And when it begins to happen, the Lord shall open the eyes of the Jews to experience the Lord Jesus as Saviour in their life.

•The countries surrounding Israel, specially beginning with Lebanon and Egypt will interact with Israel in business, which the Lord showed me a few years ago, as well as a revival of the Spirit of God shall begin.

•Azerbaijan too will open its door to Israel and

shall strengthen its relationship. Through these businesspersons the gospel will begin to be seeded to the Israeli people.

•Our Israel Prayer Tower at Ben Yehuda Street, shall now become stronger spiritually with divine revelations and with God’s presence to prophecy God’s plan prayerfully to nations, peoples, Kings and Servants of God around the world from there.

•Embassies of countries shall move to the building where the Prayer Tower is established in Jerusalem, in the coming years.

•This will be followed by the move of God in Africa, India and far East countries, reaching Australia.

•After the move in Africa, India will experience the move of God in the miraculous with signs wonders and miracles following to prove the love of Christ through the sons and daughters whom the Lord has raised and will continue to raise across the nation.

•At that time, there will be a young team governing the country.

•India and China will come together along with other neighbouring countries around India, operating in peace.

•A new global currency will come forth through this union of countries. That will address the financial devastation that would happen at that time.

•Surely the Lord will remember India because of the sacrifice of the Martyrs who have given their lives in the name of the Lord in the service of the people, beginning from Apostle Thomas, the disciple of Christ.


Thank you Lord for your revelations for the future. We are grateful that you have sacrificed Yourself and your blood speaks these good things for them to be fulfilled on earth. Let Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We pray for our children to be protected, be Godly and be led by Your Spirit to fulfil Your plan to be blessed & prosperous. May every blessing abound in them and there be joy and rejoicing. Thank you. Amen.

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While writing and recording for my album, Journey, back in June 2020, I was going through much stress and anxiety in my personal life. I would not be able to go to sleep at night. During the day, I would smile and laugh with my family and play with my cousins but a moment later, I would be reminded of the stress and go into panic mode. Before going in to film messages for TV programs or record the songs for my album in the studio, I would get anxiety attacks, as my body would shake, I would get dizzy and lose my breath. I would constantly wonder if I had a future and if my life would be destroyed. When I was feeling extremely overwhelmed, I took a step back and sat with my thoughts. I remembered a verse

from the Bible flash before me. It’s in Philippians 4:6-7. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

I learned a valuable lesson from this passage through the words of Paul. I put this verse exactly into practice when the anxiety was too much to handle.


I started pouring out my worries, anxiety, stress, pressure, hopelessness, sin and getting out every single thing that was stuck in my heavy heart. I was as raw as possible. I asked God for forgiveness for the sin in my life. I listed out the things I did and also any thoughts I might have had which were against God while feeling anxious about my problems. Sometimes we simply think about how to get out of problems in ways that do not glorify

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God. Either doing something to hurt others with our words or actions, something illegal to get out of our situation, or even thinking about ways to end our lives. We have to ask for forgiveness for that as well because God knows about those thoughts too. Only if we are 100 percent open with God, we will see Him and His glory more in the way He speaks to us. There shouldn’t be any hindrance in our relationship.

Next, list out your worries, problems, and fears regarding the situation. What happened, what might happen, and what are all your fears and worries about yourself, others, and everything involved in the situation. Be as real as possible. Pour out everything. Get everything out. Then the next step will be easy.


Okay, now that you’ve finished rambling, going over what was, is, and will be. Now pull it together and give Him praise. God is all-powerful. He knows our heart. He knows our intentions. Now give Him glory for all that He is. Forget about your situation for a bit and praise Him. Thank Him for His goodness in your life so far and be grateful.

Then, thank Him for the help He is going to provide and how you are going to come out of the situation with a victory. Thank Him for forgiving you by His mercy. Thank Him for the wisdom He is going to give regarding the situation. Thank Him for the people He is going to send you to help you. Thank Him that he removed all fear from your life. Thank Him for everything you can think of.

As you thank God, you are saying a prayer in faith that God will help you overcome the situation. You are believing that He will help you and that everything you prayed for will come to pass.


As you present your requests to God, the peace that passes all understanding, the peace that God gives, will fill your heart.


So, as I started thanking God for all that He has done, is doing, and will do for me regarding my situation, my heavy heartfelt lighter and lighter. I could feel it being filled with faith and confidence to face my future. I knew that my future was in God’s hands and He knows the plans for me. I was created for a purpose and He is not going to leave me until I fulfill it on earth. I was filled with a new confidence that I didn’t have before making that small prayer. So, I trusted Him and left the situation in His hands and my heart felt so light. The peace that surpasses all understanding, an overwhelming feeling I can’t explain, filled my heart and I was strong in the fact that God had everything under control.

I took the situation as a lesson. A lesson to be more cautious, humble, and sympathetic to the people who go through the same thing as I did, to believe in the power of prayer, to trust God more, and to obviously handle things in a better way in my life. While I was going through these emotions, I was also able to write a song about it called ‘It’ll Happen.’ It resonated with so many people when it came out as the song reassured positive affirmations when they were going through similar situations. So, God brought out a beautiful thing in the midst of my anxiety and kept me as a testimony and enabled me to motivate others. I am grateful for the lesson that I learned and for the gift it brought out.

As you list out each of your worries and thank God that He is going to help you through them, you’ll feel lighter and lighter. As you speak about each worry, you’ll feel the stress regarding it leaving your heart and in turn, God’s overwhelming peace fill it. It is filled with faith that God is fighting for you. That faith in your spirit will give you peace. Simple. 2023 will have its ups and downs. But keep this small prayer in mind whenever you feel stressed or anxious. Lay it down, thank Him, trust Him and rest. That’s all you gotta do.

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“God is love” (I John 4:8). In John 17:24, we read that God thus loved Jesus, His son, even before the foundation of the world. Therefore, we clearly understand that love proceeded from God, the Father, right from the beginning.

It was God’s will for us that this divine love that was manifested thus through the Lord Jesus should be revealed into each one of us, who live as human beings in this world. God, the Father, made His Son Jesus to be incarnate in the form of a man in this world, in order to reveal His divine love in us, the humans. About this, the Bible clearly explains,

Shall we see about the ways in which this could be revealed in our family life and fulfill the will of God?

Let us be Diligent in Bearing One Another with Love

‘With all lowliness and gentleness with long-suffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.”



In both these verses, we see the necessity of our lives being filled with lowliness, long-suffering and the bond of peace. All these are divine characteristics. When we are filled with such characteristics, God’s love will be surely revealed to others’ lives, through us. As a foundation for this, there are certain things that we should follow in our lives.

(John 3:16)

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlastinglife.”

Also, in Hosea 11:4 we read that ‘God drew us with gentle cords, with bands of love.’ Likewise, the Bible also says that God demonstrated His own love towards us by offering Himself as a living sacrifice on the cross in order to redeem us and cleanse us from all our transgressions, unrighteousness, filth and all sorts of sins. It is His will that His divine love should be manifested in the life of every one of us, who has been washed and cleansed by His blood.

“That you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.”

(Ephesians 4:22-24)

The conduct of our old man should be changed from our life completely and we should become a new man and woman. In order to grant us this,

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the Lord Jesus was incarnate as a man on this earth and He offered Himself as a sin offering on the cross.

“Who gave Himself for us that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works.”

to receive a new life. Through this, the love of Christ filled that whole family and made them happy with His peace and a new life in Christ. Divine peace and joy from the Lord filled that family immeasurably and granted them a blessed life of unity and oneness in abundance.

(Titus 2:14)

In the Bible, we clearly read about this divine experience received by a man called Zacchaeus in Luke, Chapter 19. He did not know anything about the love of Jesus. One day, when Jesus Christ was passing through his city Jericho, he wanted to see Him. That’s all! The Lord, who has promised, “Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him” (Psalm 91:14), led not only Zacchaeus but also his family into salvation and granted them divine life to taste His divine love.

Dear family people, this is the first step to being filled with divine love. So, just as how Zacchaeus sought God’s love with thirst and desire and received a new life, you should also confess all your sins, transgressions and filth before Him, be washed and cleansed by the blood He has shed on the cross for you and receive the new life given by Him.

“Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new.”

(II Corinthians 5:17)

The Lord will graciously help you to immediately receive this new life which is filled with divine love.

A husband, who was ignorant of the glory of this divine love, was filled with sinful lusts because of which he was rejected by his wife and children and languished in loneliness. However, when his mother sought the Lord in reverence and guided him with prayers, God’s love was manifested and it changed him totally and paved the way for him

My dear family people, especially dear couples, today, if you want this blessing to come upon your personal and family life, like Zacchaeus, you should also be diligent in seeking the Lord with the desire to receive His salvation.

Guard Yourself with the Love of God

“But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.”

(Jude 20,21)

“That you may love the Lord your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him, for He is your life and the length of your days…”

(Deuteronomy 30:20)

In the Bible, the Lord Jesus Christ shared a few things as a wonderful testimony concerning Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus. We read this in Luke 10:38-42;

“But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:42)

Yes, dear ones! Mary carefully listened to the words that proceeded from the Lord Jesus and claimed them as her own. She also held on to His feet with reverential zeal. As a result, her faith was strengthened in her heart and life.

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God drew us with gentle cords, with bands of love

Don’t we read in the Bible how the Lord sought after that simple family and how wonderfully He changed their sorrow of the darkness of death as He has said in John 14:23, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make Our home with him”?

A particular couple had accepted the Lord as their Saviour, feared Him and walked in His ways. Series of afflictions assailed them one by one. Various problems like the inability to conceive a child and poverty attacked them! However, even in the midst of that, they feared God and lived a testimonial life for Him. The Lord saw it, crowned them with His mercy and compassion and finally granted them total victory over their situations and raised them up as good testimonies before others as we read in Romans

8:36,37. Yes, dear ones! You, who read this, should also be diligent in loving the God of gods, as a family and as couples and in following His ways. Then the Lord will bless you also and lift you up before everybody.

May you be Rooted and Grounded in Love and be Filled with all the fullness of God

(Ephesians 3:17,19).

The Bible says,

“…the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”

(Romans 5:5)

The God of gods, anointed the Lord Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit, as a model for us (Acts 10:38). We read that because of that He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, in this world. In the same way, He anointed His disciples, who followed Him faithfully with His Holy Spirit, manifested His divine power and blessed the people.

In these days also, the same God is able to make us get rooted and grounded in His divine love and fill us with His fullness. In the initial days of our family life, we were ordinary Christians. By His divine grace, God chose us in order that the Lord’s love would be revealed in our lives. Hence, He filled dear Brother Dhinakaran with His divine anointing and the Holy Spirit and increased that anointing in our family as well as in many people’s lives in the society. Today, this divine love is being poured down by the Holy Spirit not only in our family but also in several other families and is changing them as flaming swords and is making their lives to shine for Him.

Dearly beloved, as we read in Luke 11:13, even today, the Lord is granting His Holy Spirit to those who ask of Him; He is comforting and strengthening many people’s lacks, changing their weaknesses and using them as vessels of comfort. Hence, you should also wait at His feet with thirst and desire as individuals and as a family, get filled with the anointing of the Holy Spirit and commit your personal and family life to reveal His love to others. The Lord, who has promised, “I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh” (Joel 2:28; Acts 2:17), is faithful in His promises. He will surely grant this to you, who seek for that with desire. Through this, He will change all the lacks in your family upside down and you shall enjoy receiving His full blessings. The divine peace given by God would lead you wonderfully. Every lack would change into things that exist. He will help you to be a blessing to many, as vessels pleasing to Him.

May this divine love that was manifested through the God of gods, fill you immeasurably and change each one of you into burning lamps!

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Be diligent in loving the God of gods and in following His ways

20th Thanksgiving Meeting – A Report

As per the leading of the Holy Spirit, the 20th Thanksgiving Meeting of the Youth Esther Prayer Group was held on Saturday, 14.01.2023 from 3.00 P.M to 6.00 P.M at Dr. D.G.S.Dhinakaran Memorial Prayer Tower campus.

Many young girls attended this meeting in person and also joined online from India and other countries through Zoom link in different languages such as English, Hindi and Telugu and received blessings in their personal as well as spiritual lives.

After the opening prayer, the young girls sang the Esther Prayer Group theme song in different languages and led the meeting in God’s presence. Sis. Arul Selvi of the Esther Prayer Group office spoke on the burden that the Lord gave to start the Esther Prayer Group and the way in which He has been leading this ministry for the past 20 years and thus glorified the name of God.

Following this, a few young girls shared the miracles that the Lord had done in their lives through the Esther Prayer Groups as their personal testimonies and thanked God. Dr. S. J. Kingsley, Director of the Esther Prayer Group, encouraged many other young women to join this Youth Esther Prayer Group and conduct it by explaining what is meant by a Youth Esther Prayer Group and about several other details concerning it,based on Biblical example. Special prizes were distributed to 3 group leaders who have been conducting this Youth Esther Prayer Group regularly and faithfully for the past 20 years. Sis. Prathibha Ramkumar led the prayer earnestly, for the spiritual growth of young girls in different dimensions which was followed by the burdened prayers of five young girls for the same point. We firmly believe that the Lord would hear these prayers and do glorious things in the midst of the young girls and magnify His name.

Dear mother Stella Dhinakaran powerfully shared the Lord’s message on the promise verse, “Sing and rejoice, O, daughter of Zion for behold, I am coming and I will dwell in your midst’ (Zechariah 2:10). During the prayer time, the young girls experienced the mighty anointing of the Holy Spirit coming upon them and committed themselves fully to the Lord. This was of great blessing to all the young women who took part in the meeting and encouraged them to arise and shine for the Lord, in their spiritual life. All glory, praise and honour be to God!

Jesus Calls | February 2023 | 31

The Bethesda Blessing Meeting was conducted on the 8th of January 2023. More than 3,000 people from different parts of Tamil Nadu attended the meeting. Special buses from Coimbatore shuttled between Coimbatore and Karunya Nagar for the convenience of the people. The event started at 1.30 p.m. Students of Karunya University led the people into worship. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared God’s word powerfully and offered prayers for the people's salvation, anointing and healing. Many committed their lives to the Lord and experienced His healing touch. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran and Stella Ramola also ministered and prayed in the end personally for all the individuals. Everyone gathered went back rejoicing and being blessed by God. Glory be to God!


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