Jesus Calls International E-Magazine November 2023

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The one-day youth conference, “Youth Power Explosion”, was organised by the UTurn Ministry and led by Samuel Dhinakaran and Stella Ramola on October 2, 2023. This dynamic event took place at the Wings Auditorium, located on the St. George’s School premises in Shenoy Nagar, Chennai, from 10:00 am to 5:30 pm. Drawing an enthusiastic crowd, the conference saw more than 1,700 youth attendees from Chennai, Vellore, Puducherry, and neighbouring districts. Stella Ramola, Daniel Davidson, Ps. Benjamin Mohan and Cherie Michelle led the singing, along with prominent music artists and singers from the city.


The UTurn team and students from Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore, delivered captivating performances, including skits, dances, and tableaus. Additionally, a spirited debate, 'U OR ME,' incited discussions and arguments among the participants who volunteered to speak to see if it is beauty or influence that will make a person rise in society. In the afternoon session, Sharon Rakesh hosted a Q&A panel to address questions from attendees about practical issues and challenges that youth face every day. Samuel, Stella, and a panel of experts, including Ps. P. Kumar, Sis. Evangeline Stanley and Sis. Benitha Samuel offered Biblical solutions and shared their own experiences. Finally, Samuel Dhinakaran led everyone in a powerful worship, drawing hearts to the Lord and sharing God’s Word passionately. He reflected on what the Lord has put in his heart for the young people of our city, especially encouraging them to put their complete trust in the Lord for the highest blessing the Lord has promised. He urged them to ignore the voices that hinder their growth and cause them to lose their identity. For God’s Word says, 'You are altogether beautiful; there is no flaw in you.' In the end, along with pastors and resource persons, Samuel prayed for the deliverance, salvation, and for the anointing of the Holy Spirit upon all young people. Jesus Calls | November 2023 |


Dear friend, this month, God is reminding you that you are His chosen one. He has hand-picked you as His child so that you will be 'fruitful’, bearing fruits that will remain. He wants you, His child, to learn how to clothe yourself with Christ in your body, spirit and life so that you can bear much fruit and live a fulfilling life. The scripture says in Romans 13:12-14, “The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in carousing and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the flesh.” Let us first meditate on why you should clothe yourself with Jesus Christ: “The night is over, and the light is coming.” Therefore, it is important that you clothe yourself with Christ. The Lord has chosen you to carry the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords within you and to reveal Himself through you. According to Isaiah 60:2, the scripture says, “See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and His glory appears over you.” 4

As God’s child, you are chosen to wear Christ the light of the world, in order to dispel the darkness in this world. Although darkness may come, we rejoice in knowing that its power is limited and can never snuff out the 'light of the world' that resides within us. No power on earth, any evil force, or human power can put out this glorious light. And the day will come when the gospel is brought to the whole world one more time with power. So, how do we wear Christ? If you read the Bible, you will find that God has a form. In Ezekiel 8:2 we read, “I looked, and I saw a figure like that of a man. From what appeared to be His waist down He was like fire, and from there up His appearance was as bright as glowing metal.” Yes, God has an appearance. You read that His lower portion is full of fire, and the portion from His hip above is like molten metal. In fact, Moses was able to talk to God face to face because He has a form. The leaders of the Israelites were also able to see God and hear His voice, but they were unable to bear it and requested that Moses speak on their behalf. Ezekiel also saw God in a vision and was able to describe it in detail. My father similarly had a vision of God as a 17-year-old boy made of brazen silver, just as Ezekiel had described. According to Genesis 1:27, God created man in His own image. Therefore, I believe that the first man and woman would have been made of glowing metal and burning fire. But when sin entered their souls, they lost the glory of God and their bodies became perishable. Their eyes were opened, and they became aware of their nakedness and were ashamed. But God did not abandon them. He clothed them with garments made of skin. This is the same skin that you and I have. Skin represents our fallen nature. That is why God said that we would return to the dust from which we were taken. However, God did not leave us in this state. Instead, He took on the form of Jesus Christ, God in the flesh, and redeemed us by sacrificing Himself. He allowed His skin to be peeled off and became marred beyond recognition, as described in Isaiah 53:3-4.

During His crucifixion on the cross, Jesus’ garments and His skin were removed as He offered Himself as a sacrifice to remove the sins of humanity and restore the image of God in each and every one of us. His resurrection brought Him back with a glorified body, which bore the image of God that we once lost. Even today, as we learn from the story of the prodigal son, when we return to the Father and ask Him to accept us as His children, He clothes us with the best robe, which is none other than Jesus Christ Himself. He adorns us with Jesus Christ and restores His image within us.

CLOTHED WITH GLORY 2 Corinthians 3:18 says, “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” The Bible teaches us in 2 Corinthians 3:17, that through the power of the Holy Spirit, we receive liberty from the flesh. The Spirit of God transforms us from glory to glory into His image, and we owe it all to the sacrifice of Jesus. By allowing His skin to be peeled and donning a glorified body, He paved the way for us to receive the same Spirit today in the form of the Holy Spirit. As we cry to the Holy Spirit to fill us with Himself, He comes and transforms us into the image of Jesus Christ, allowing us to put on or wear Christ. This is our greatest blessing, honour and power. The Holy Spirit enables us to bring the light of God into this world and survive amidst the darkness. Jesus gave us back the glory of God along with the grace to carry His image. That’s why before going to Gethsemane, He took off His clothes and wrapped a towel around His waist and washed the feet of each of His disciples. It occurred to me that Jesus wanted to admire the sacrifice made by His disciples, and that’s why He chose to wash their feet. Their feet must have been wounded and scarred from the journey they had taken on foot with Him. Since they had abandoned everything to follow Him, Jesus would have healed their wounds and kissed them. Even today, Jesus loves and admires you for your faithfulness in serving

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Him, despite the false words spoken against you. He sees your wounds and scars, and He kisses you for your unflinching love for Him.

CLOTHED WITH RIGHTEOUSNESS As you are clothed with Jesus Christ, you are also wearing the robe of righteousness. Isaiah 61:10 says, “I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God. For He has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of His righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.” God clothes us with His righteousness and salvation, enabling us to abstain from sin and granting us the power to forgive the sins of others, thus leading them towards God’s salvation. When confronted with the adulteress woman, Jesus forgave her sins and empowered her to live a life free from sin. Even though people questioned His authority to forgive sins, Jesus demonstrated His power by healing the paralyzed man and numerous others who were crippled by their sins, offering them the strength to be His witness and His children. Similarly, Jesus grants you the authority to forgive sins and remove the nature of sin from the life of those you forgive. Today, God has bestowed upon you the same authority He had, to love and show Him to others, leading them away from their sin.

CLOTHED WITH THE ACTS OF SAINTS Revelation 19:8 says, “Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear.” (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of God’s holy people.) Thirdly, God will clothe you with the righteous acts of the Saints. 2 Timothy 3:2 says that in the last days, “People 6

will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy.” But at the same time, God will pour His spirit on His sons and daughters, and they shall prophesy, as stated in Acts 2:17. Once, a young girl went to Mother Teresa’s convent seeking to serve people during her holidays. Being a wealthy girl, she requested a job from Mother Teresa. In response, Mother Teresa assigned her to attend to a leper's needs by washing him, bandaging him, and giving him medicine. The girl immediately ran to the leper but quickly returned, saying that she could not do it because he was stinking and terrible to look at. The girl requested another job, but Mother Teresa took everything from her, went to the leper, and attended to his needs, bringing a smile to his face. The girl was amazed and asked Mother Teresa how she could do it. Mother Teresa replied, “When I look at the wounds of the leper, I consider them as the wounds of my Lord Jesus. When Jesus was on the cross, there was nobody to tend to His wounds, but He has risen today. He has changed me and called me to serve the poorest of the poor. Today, as I washed the wounds of the leper, I felt I was washing the wounds of my Lord Jesus. That's why there's so much joy and healing flowing from my hands.” Yes, her loving hands brought hope and healing to several people. These are the acts of the Saints. That's what you may have been doing. You may not be a great healing evangelist but your simple acts of love towards people can bring healing and hope to them. This is why you should wear Christ. When you wear Him, the healing power of Christ will flow through you. It will increase and grow in the days to come. You're not alone. The Lord is with you to bring healing to the people. Do not be afraid. He will confirm His word with

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signs, wonders, and miracles for the people.

CLOTHED WITH ZEAL FOR SOULS Isaiah 59:17 says, “He put on righteousness as his breastplate, and the helmet of salvation on his head; he put on the garments of vengeance and wrapped himself in zeal as in a cloak.” Fourthly, God covers you with zeal as a mantle to win every soul for the Lord Jesus Christ. Do not give up until you have saved every soul you encounter. Keep tarrying at the Lord’s feet and keep preaching the message of Jesus. Remember, there is no substitute for preaching the Gospel. We can serve people and live righteously, but only by hearing the message of Jesus can they be saved. Today, with God’s power you can fulfill this mission of preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ unto salvation. In Mark 16:15, Jesus said, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” Therefore, wear Christ and preach His message. The more you spread the message of Christ, the more doors will open, and darkness will leave. I once read about the life of David Brainard, a great missionary who worked with the Red Indians. One day, as he was going to preach at a Red Indian Camp, a sentry was watching him with a poisonous arrow pointed at him, intending to kill him. However, just before that, David Brainard had set up his tent and began praying to God. The sentry was curious and wondered what he was doing. As he watched, he saw a very powerful snake entering Brainard’s tent and thought, “I don't need to waste my arrow. The snake will finish the job. He will die.” But in a few minutes, David Brainard came out, carrying the tent and walked towards the village. The sentry was surprised and ran into the village to tell everyone that "God is coming to our village." The whole village gathered and received the gospel. The gospel you carry is indeed so powerful, and God will open the doors for the people to find Him. He is with you to confirm your work with signs, wonders and miracles. Every time I go to North India to conduct meetings, I make it a point to make the

congregation stand, and thank God for the first martyr, Jesus Christ and also for all the martyrs of that land who have sacrificed their lives for the sake of the gospel. I do so because I believe they are the reason Jesus Calls has been given the platform to preach the gospel in that state. I am aware that many missionaries have not witnessed even one soul saved but have only witnessed misery, pain and suffering. Nevertheless, they have remained faithful, shedding tears and blood, sacrificing their lives, being driven out of their homes, and having the modesty of their women outraged. Therefore, the Lord tells me, “Today, as you see these lakhs of people ready to hear the gospel, you are standing on the ground that has been sanctified by the blood of Jesus - the first martyr, and also by the blood of these martyrs who have given their lives for the sake of the gospel.” So, guided by the Holy Spirit, even today, I lead the congregation to stand up and thank God for their lives. I also ask God for His mercy upon the people of the state, regardless of which city I preach in – be it Gujarat, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh or Maharashtra. You might be one such servant of God and it is important for you to know that God sees your efforts and will reward you abundantly. Although you may have faced difficult times and challenges, God will bring you through them and bless you. Since you are wearing Christ, He will always be with you and support you.

PRAYER Loving Father, I am grateful for the wonderful promise You have given me this month. Thank You for adorning me with Jesus Christ, my Saviour. As You promised, clothe me with Christ so that wherever I go, people will see Jesus in me. Let them experience salvation and witness signs, miracles and wonders in Your name as I preach about You. I pray that my life will bear a hundredfold fruit and that the fruit will remain until Your coming. Help me to carry You in my body, spirit and life. May Your Name be exalted through me forever. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

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Every day, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and his family, along with the prayer intercessors in Jesus Calls Prayer Towers, pray for the families enrolled in the Family Blessing Plan to receive God’s abundant blessings. They pray for peace, good health, unity and prosperity to be upon these families. Here’s a testimony of one such Family Blessing Plan partner who has been blessed by the Lord:

In the year 2012, I tied the knot with Susai Varavel. However, for the next six years, we struggled to conceive a child, which caused a rift in our relationship. The social stigma of being childless added to our woes, and I started avoiding public events. That's when we were introduced to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and decided to join the Family Blessing Plan. After months of receiving constant prayer support from the Ministry and seeking God's intervention, I miraculously conceived, filling us with immense joy and gratitude towards God. The birth of our son, whom we named Sebastian, turned our lives around for the better. It was a blessing that transformed our lives and gave us hope for the future. My husband's demeanour changed for the better, and the tranquillity that we had lost was restored. We are eternally grateful to the Lord for making this transformation happen. We would also like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all those in the Jesus Calls Ministry who prayed for our family's well-being, making this transformation possible. - Mary Amaran Shebai, Chennai 8

FROM DESPERATION TO DELIVERANCE I borrowed 3 lakh rupees to start my tailoring shop, but unfortunately, my business faced losses. Over time, my debt increased to 7 lakhs due to accumulated interest and principal. We felt utterly hopeless, enduring verbal abuse from lenders. At one point, we even considered drastic measures such as suicide or relocating to a different city. In this darkest hour, our neighbor introduced us to the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower near Beach Station. The prayer intercessors there prayed fervently for me, and I started attending their weekly fasting prayer meetings. Through the Family Blessing Plan, our family experienced significant blessings, prompting me to join it as well. We are deeply grateful to all the prayer intercessors who interceded on our behalf, ushering in the Lord's miracle. - Bhuvaneswari, Chennai

Your family, too, can experience God's supernatural touch and blessings like this precious sisters' family. Get enrolled in the Family Blessing Plan today and keep your family safe and secure through the power of prayer. You can trust that God will answer our joint prayers and bring blessings to your loved ones.

PRIVILEGES OF FAMILY BLESSING PLAN • A Special Wedding Anniversary card will be sent to the couple from the Dhinakarans. • Prayer Intercessors will call and pray on your Wedding Anniversary. Your sacrificial support of US $31 per month or more will help us to fulfill God's mandate in serving the broken-hearted and ministering to the families.

ENROL YOUR FAMILY IN GOD’S PLAN AND HAVE GOD'S HEDGE AROUND YOUR HOUSEHOLD! FAMILY BLESSING PLAN PLEDGE FORM: I would like to join the Jesus Calls Family Blessing Plan Name: …...................…….……….....................………. Date of Birth….................... Wedding Day..................... Address:....................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... Pin code: ………………….…………. Mobile:……....................................................……Email:………....................................................................... For your gift of US$31 or more every month you could enroll your family as part of the Family Blessing Plan and be a blessing to millions through this mission. To give online please visit or please send your contributions to the Prayer Tower in your country / region or write to us for more details to Jesus Calls | November 2023 |


This promise assures that if you love and revere God as a family, He will bless your household with happiness and abundance, just

with me, and as I reflect on it now, I realize that we are all like this calf, in a way straining to keep up with the Lord Jesus.

labor process. I saw the calf, which was just born, attempting to stand up and walk immediately. After

Dear friend, you are following Jesus because God wants you to. Therefore, it is essential for you and your family to show reverence for God and to follow His will. When you, thus, persevere and learn to walk in the Lord's ways, His righteous character will be bestowed on your entire household.

a little while, this new-born calf started walking with its mother. This experience has always stayed

How does the Lord impart His righteous character to us?

like a well-fed calf. When I was a little girl, I remember my mother taking me to a garden where a cow was giving birth to a calf. It was a fascinating sight as my mother and our maids helped the cow through the difficult


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THROUGH FAITH ON GOD’S GRACE In Philippians 3:9 we read, “And be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ - the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith.” Here, Apostle Paul teaches us the importance of relying on the righteousness of God rather than one's own abilities. In Philippians 3:3, Paul declares that he has no confidence in the flesh, meaning that he does not rely on his own strength or ability to achieve righteousness. Similarly, in Romans 7:24, he laments his own shortcomings and asks who will deliver him from his mortal body. These passages demonstrate Paul's humility and

to have a personal relationship with the Lord in order to achieve true righteousness. Lord Jesus once told a parable to a group of people who were full of themselves and looked down upon others. In the story, there were two individuals who prayed to God. The first one was a Pharisee, and the other was a tax collector. The Pharisee's prayer was full of pride. He stood before God and said, "Thank you, God, that I am not like those criminals, evildoers, or adulterers, or even like this tax collector standing next to me. I am righteous. I give a tenth of my income to God, and I fast twice a week." He was very sure of his own righteousness. On the other hand, the tax collector prayed with

recognition of his own limitations and the need for God's grace.

humility. He beat his chest and cried out, "God, have

Paul was indeed a deeply spiritual and godly man who placed his faith in God. He understood that true righteousness comes from God alone and not from any worldly pursuits or achievements. In 1 Corinthians 15:10, Paul acknowledges that he is what he is only by the grace of God. This grace is abundant and unfettered, available to all who seek it through faith.

THROUGH JESUS CHRIST According to 2 Corinthians 5:21, God made Jesus sin for us so that we might have access to

mercy on me, a sinner." He humbly acknowledged his shortcomings and pleaded for mercy. Jesus concluded the story by saying, "I tell you, the tax collector, not the Pharisee, went home justified before God." Indeed, our righteousness is nothing but filthy rags in the sight of God, as mentioned in Isaiah 64:6. That's why we crucify our old self with Jesus on the cross, as Paul explains in Galatians 2:20, "I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me."

God's righteousness. Jesus, who was sinless, was sacrificed on our behalf so that we might be made

When we look upon the face of Jesus, we will become radiant. The sun of righteousness will

righteous in God's eyes. This righteousness cannot be earned through good behavior or works but only

dawn on our face. Even today if your family is going through trials and temptations, cry out to God and

through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

ask for His righteousness. Our own righteousness is like filthy rags, but God clothes us with the joy of

My classmates would often ask me, "Will good behavior get us to heaven?" The answer is no. Only by possessing God's righteousness can we enter heaven. Thus, it is essential for you and your family

His salvation, as described in Isaiah 61:10. He adorns us with the clothing of salvation, a robe of righteousness, and jewels fit for a bride or groom.

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This month, you and your family members can receive God's righteousness by seeking it first, as stated in Matthew 6:33. You can ask God to help you overcome temptations and past sins, and in doing so, His righteousness will be bestowed upon your entire household. What are the additional blessings God bestows upon the righteous? Furthermore, as Malachi 4:2 suggests, God's healing power will come with His wings. This is an additional blessing that comes with seeking righteousness. Therefore, when you cry out to God for righteousness, you also receive the bonus of healing. When my husband and I were newly married, he once came across an advertisement for a store selling sarees by the kilo. The ad boasted a "saree bonanza." When he saw me coming, he quickly hid the newspaper under the mattress because he knew how much I loved sarees. Days later, while making the bed, I stumbled upon the hidden newspaper and eagerly asked my husband to take me to the shop. I repeatedly asked him until we finally went. This experience taught me the lesson of persistence in asking God for what we want. You, too, should never give up on asking God for what you want. When you do so in faith, the Lord will grant every blessing and also additional blessings that are kept in store for you and your family. A saint of God declares in Psalm 63:5, “I will be fully satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you.” Accordingly, when God bestows bonus blessings upon you and your family, you will experience the same satisfaction. On the 24th of January in 2008, I was desperate, pleading with God to bless me with His spiritual guidance. I prayed earnestly, expressing my lack of self-confidence and my need for His divine intervention. I knew I had an upcoming meeting the next day and was anxious about speaking in front of 12

a large crowd. I begged God to fill me with His Spirit, asking for His spiritual blessings to be bestowed upon me. I knew that I would only be content once I received them. The next morning, something incredible happened. My husband and I were blessed with a fresh anointing from the Holy Spirit. It was like a flood, and we were overcome with joy and ecstasy. We couldn't stop praying. Our prayers lasted for more than an hour, and during that time, we were visited by Jesus Himself. He appeared to us in the midst of our worship and praise, and we felt His love and grace surround us. For me, personally, it was an incredible experience. I felt my eyes weeping and my heart overflowing with God's love. My cup was overflowing as I gazed at Jesus for an hour. When my husband called me to have breakfast, I was so filled with the Holy Spirit that I didn't even feel like eating. I was fully satisfied, and my husband didn't force me to eat. After that experience, my ministry changed. Miracles started happening when I prayed, and people were comforted by my words. The Lord indeed healed me and comforted me, filling me with His presence. I knew that I was blessed beyond measure and that God had answered my prayers. Dear friend, when you look up to God as a family and ask for His blessings, He will satisfy you. He will fill your mouths with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy. He will heal every member of your family and comfort everyone, just as He did for me. So don't hesitate to ask for His divine intervention in your family life, and watch as He blesses your home beyond measure.

PRAYER: Loving Father, thank You for speaking to me and promising to give me the best gift, Your righteousness. Lord, as an added blessing, please heal me and my family members because there is healing in Your wings. Lord, help me to pursue Your righteousness every day and see You face to face. Let me have a close walk with You. May Your name alone be glorified in my life. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen.

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The Israel Prayer Tower has now seen 10 glorious years of Ministry and 10 years of prophetic fulfilment. The Israel Mission of Jesus Calls stands as a beacon and has served the ministry of God to the people worldwide from the Heart of Jerusalem. Situated on the top floor of the tallest building in downtown Jerusalem, the Prayer Tower aims to serve as a beacon of prophetic outflow of God’s revelation for these end times for Israel and the Nations.

Chinese and Russians praying continuously for Israel to have peace and the pain of the people who lost loved ones to be healed and common people on both sides to be protected; for the prophesies of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran which he gave out even as early as 2014 & 2016 about bombs falling and salvation being received by the Israelis, followed by happenings in Israel and the world spiritually and nationally.

On the 4th of November 2013, the Israel Prayer Tower was inaugurated with a vision from God to Dr. Paul Dhinakaran to establish this place (according to Isaiah 56:7, “My house shall be a house of prayer for all nations”) solely for the prophetic word to be released to the Nations. Prophetic prayer goes up to God 24 hours every day at the Prayer Tower. Prayer intercessors from all over the world come and intercede in this manner. As these prayer intercessors return to their country after their tenure in Jerusalem, we see that God has used them as prophets to reveal His plan and purposes for their own countries. The miracle-working Hand of God is revealed through them for their nations. To visit the Prayer Tower and pray for others, email your name, contact detail and available dates to Mr. M. Ravikumar, +972502092727, +918220583936


AN ANSWERED PRAYER My name is Lucy Tan. Recently I went to the Malaysia Prayer Tower to attend the Healing and Blessing Meeting. At the altar call, I asked for a desperate prayer for my daughter to get a new job. After the prayer, someone told me of an opening in a certain company. My daughter was hesitant to apply for a job in that company as they do not pay well. However, after a month, as it became too unbearable to work in the current company, she decided to apply. The partners of that prospective company then scheduled an interview with her. Due to the long hours in her current job, she could not keep up the appointment. But the partners of that company went straight to her office block to conduct the interview over lunch. Upon the second interview, this time with the Managing Director, she was offered a job with a salary which exceeded her stipulated amount. Our Lord Jesus Christ is so faithful to the prayers of His children. I thank the Lord for all His blessings and favour upon our lives. I thank God for the Jesus Calls Ministry. PHYSICAL HEALING AND BLESSING MEETINGS FOR NOVEMBER : 2 AND 16TH @ 8 PM SHARP (1ST AND 3RD THURSDAYS OF EVERY MONTH). MALAYSIA PRAYER TOWER ADDRESS: JESUS CALLS PRAYER TOWER, 11 LORONG TIMUR, 46000 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR D.E, MALAYSIA, EMAIL: FOR ALL YOUR PRAYER NEEDS, PLEASE CONTACT OUR 24 HR PRAYER HOTLINE: 603 7960 7370 PRAYER INTERCESSORS ARE STANDING BY TO PRAY FOR YOU If you would like to support the ministry, you may kindly send your offerings by way of cheques in favour of True Friend Berhad and mail it to the address above. Please also find our bank details for direct deposit: BANK DETAILS: MAYBANK ACCOUNT NUMBER: 5141 6921 8662 REGISTERED NAME WITH MAYBANK: TRUE FRIEND BERHAD PARTICIPATE AND BE BLESSED. PLEASE BRING YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS TOO FOR THEM TO RECEIVE GOD’S BLESSINGS IN THEIR LIVES. ND


Jesus Calls | November 2023 |


Dear Esteemed Partner in Building God's Kingdom, Greetings of boundless love and warmth! For ten splendid months, your unwavering dedication has fueled our mission, propelling it forward without a single falter. Each day, I find myself in gratitude, thanking God for the immense blessing that is ‘you’. We stride boldly, embracing God's call in this sacred endeavour because of your loving support. Thank you for being the cornerstone of our unswerving progress and for standing tall with us in every step. Your esteemed partnership remains integral to our mission, and I am grateful for your continued support in furthering the work of the ministry.

This month, my prayer for you is that God amazes you with blessings that you have never ever imagined, as per 1 Corinthians 2:9, “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived— the things God has prepared for those who love Him.“ As we transition into the month of November 2023, I wish to take this opportunity to reflect on the providential guidance that has accompanied us in the preceding month. Additionally, I would like to apprise you of the significant occasions that are anticipated in the coming weeks.

PRAISE POINTS On October 2nd, a grand youth gathering ‘Youth Power Explosion”, took place at the St. George's 16

School ground in Chennai. This event had a profound impact on the lives of each young individual who was present. As they departed, they carried with them a newfound confidence bestowed by God and hearts lifted towards accomplishing greatness, all for God’s glory. The prophetic prayer training took place in Hyderabad from October 5th to 7th, and people who came there witnessed the fire anointing of God. They returned from the meeting with spirits filled with God’s power to be His powerful witnesses. The Secunderabad Partner’s Meet took place on the 8th of October, 2023, at Classic Gardens, Secunderabad, in which hundreds of partners participated, received individual prayers and were assured of God's miracles in their lives. The Mission Training Program for the regions Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, Karnataka, and

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Kerala was held at Ashirwad Global Learning Centre from October 9th to 10th, 2023, through which the attendees were equipped and empowered to serve the Lord in greater measure with the vision ‘no soul should be lost’. On October 12th, my mother Sis. Stella Dhinakaran ministered in the Annanagar Prayer Tower, which brought many wonders in the lives of the people who attended, and they left the Prayer Tower encouraged to seek the Lord diligently. The Arunachal Prayer Festival and the Itanagar Prayer Tower Dedication took place between the dates October 27th to 29th, 2023. The Prayer Festival was a huge blessing to the lakhs of people gathered. We believe that the Itanagar Prayer Tower will shine the light of Christ into the lives of people in and around Itanagar, and be a blessing to the state.

PRAYER POINTS Prayer Festival Ministry “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power… He went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with Him.” (Acts 10:38) God is revealing His glory and performing wonders and miracles in people's lives during every Prayer Festival we have conducted. He has been bringing people into His fold, and I am sure that great rejoicing is happening in heaven because of the souls being touched. Thanks to your faithful partnership! Kindly uphold the following forthcoming events in your prayers. Meetings Planned January 1, 2024 - New Year Blessing Meeting, Bengaluru January 7, 2024 - New Year Blessing Meeting, Chennai January 27,28, 2024 - Jesus Calls Trichy Prayer Festival

Let's continue serving the Lord with fervour.

PROPHESYING TO THE NATIONS “You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations, languages and kings.” (Revelation 10:11) On November 4, 2013, the Israel Prayer Tower was inaugurated, and it has since completed ten impactful years of fervent intercession for the world. This Tower was established to receive prophetic word from the Lord for the Nations. Daily, we offer prophetic prayers to God around the clock, beseeching His blessings for the world and preparing hearts for His second coming. For the past ten glorious years, this Prayer Tower has served as a meeting place for prophetic utterances, uniting fervent hearts in prayer. The Prayer Intercessors who come to the Tower from across the globe return to their nations as vessels of God's prophetic word, witnessing His miraculous power unfold. Let us give thanks for this Prayer Tower! Please join us if you would like to visit the Israel Prayer Tower to pray for the nations. Contact us at for details or donate through

SERVING THE UNDERSERVED “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these…you did for Me.” (Matthew 25:40) SEESHA Charitable Trust, established on November 25, 2003, continues its compassionate work. Every Christmas season, we provide new clothes to underprivileged children all over India. Your prayers for the success of this charitable endeavour is deeply appreciated. If you wish to make a donation, please refer to the details mentioned on page 34 of this magazine.

CELEBRATING CHILDREN Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me. Don’t stop them.” (Mark 10:14) A day dedicated to celebrating children, the invaluable assets of our nation! In honour of

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Children's Day, there will be a special day of prayer solely focused on children on November 14, 2023. We have organised exciting, fun-filled children's competitions in all Prayer Towers with the theme "Children - You belong to God."

REMINISCING THE PIVOTAL MOMENT “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8) November 20, 1980, etches a profound memory - the day the Lord anointed me with His Holy Spirit. I reflect on this pivotal moment with deep gratitude. Since then, the Holy Spirit has been my closest confidant and guide. I would also encourage you to seek this precious anointing of the Holy Spirit. If you are seeking to be filled with the Holy Spirit, please attend the weekly meetings held in our Prayer Towers. You will have the opportunity to experience this supernatural blessing.

FINDING SOLACE IN GOD “Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” (John 12:24) I ask for your prayers for my family, especially on November 4th, which happens to be the birthday of my late sister, Angel. Her legacy continues to live on through Karunya University, and it brings us comfort to see young women there flourishing in life, a true reflection of the strength and promise she embodied.

SPEEDILY MOVING AHEAD “My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.” (Isaiah 56:7) I am glad to inform you that we have got the approval to build the Secunderabad and Nagercoil Prayer Towers. We are prayerfully venturing to build these Prayer Towers at the earliest and we have high prayer needs as we are aspiring to make the vision of 'No soul should be lost' a reality. You can help support this mission through your generous giving and potentially be the cause for 18

someone's salvation. Refer page no 12 to know the easy ways to donate.

NEW BEGINNING IN JESUS CALLS “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15) Jesus Calls is starting the JC Mission Training College at Chennai from January 2024. We will be offering a 6 months residential certificate course mainly for those who will be joining Jesus Calls as staff and Karunya as Spiritual Coordinators. We will offer this also for the present staff. We are in need to recruit more staff at different levels for this college. If you have the following qualifications you can apply for the available positions. If you have a theological degree with teaching and training experience (minimum 5 years); If you are a multilingual; computer savvy; born again and anointed; member of the JC association; with age above 40 years; also if you are a retired faculty from theological institutions you can apply for any of these positions: 1. Principal 2. Master Trainers 3. Senior Executive 4. Executive. Kindly send your resume to: We hope you would join us in this endeavour and together we will press on toward the goal of reaching the unreached millions.

YOUTUBE CHANNEL Stay connected with me by subscribing to my YouTube Channel' Paul Dhinakaran' where you can listen to God's word and a wide range of inspiring song videos that are sure to be an immense blessing to you. Also, be the first to know all the latest releases and stay updated with the latest content, all in one place.

MEET US PERSONALLY If you would like to meet me in person for prayers, please get in touch with this number: +91 9840098333, which will help us schedule an appointment. May you continue to be blessed abundantly and be a source of blessings to others. Your brother, who prays for you,

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

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PROPHETIC PRAYER TRAINING, HYDERABAD From October 5th to 7th, 2023, the Prophetic Prayer Training took place at Classic Gardens, Hyderabad. Around 1,100 Delegates attended the meetings. People from Telangana and many more from 15 cities across Andhra Pradesh, as well as from Karnataka and Kerala, attended the meetings. It was a blessing to have around 75 dedicated staff members from these four states. From the very beginning, the presence of the Lord was felt in the place. It was a special occasion as Stella Ramola and Daniel Davidson led the worship, marking their first appearance as a newlywed couple in this gathering. On all three days, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared profound revelations about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. During the name-calling session, many witnessed numerous profound moments of healing and restoration. Samuel Dhinakaran stressed on the characteristics that are vitally needed in a servant of God. He also explained how God uses the prophetic gift in our everyday life and ministry. Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran spoke passionately about God's calling of Jeremiah as a prophet. She led the anointing prayer session, during which hundreds came forward, knelt near the stage, and were filled with the Holy Spirit, testifying to the glory of God's work in their lives. As each day concluded, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran and Samuel Dhinakaran prayed individually for all the participants, imparting God's blessings upon each one. Several participants committed themselves to serve in the Prayer Towers as Prayer intercessors. On the whole, all the delegates experienced Heaven on earth, determined to serve the Lord and strengthen their walk with Him (Mark 3.14,15). All glory be to God!

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran preached at New City Church, Gachibowli, Hyderabad, sharing God’s word with the congregation. Many people were blessed by the prophetic message. On October 8th, Sis. Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran was invited to speak at the Sunday service at St. Thomas SPG Tamil Cathedral in Secunderabad.. The Bishop of the church introduced and honoured her, as well as her daughter, Stella Ramola, and son-inlaw, Daniel Davidson, with a lot of love. During the service, Stella and Daniel performed a delightful song called “Aasirvadham,” which was a blessing to everyone present. Sis. Evangeline then delivered a sermon on waiting upon God, based on the scripture 2 Corinthians 2:9. She prayed for the congregation’s blessings at the end of the sermon. The service was indeed a great blessing for all who attended, and may God's name be glorified. The Partners’ Meet was held on October 8th, 2023, at Classic Gardens, Secunderabad, in which around 2000 partners attended and were blessed by the ministry of the Dhinakaran family. A spirit-filled worship session was conducted by Stella Ramola and Daniel Davidson. People were touched by the presence of God during the worship session in which the couple sang “Sthothrinchedamu” a Telugu song. Stella Ramola also encouraged the gathering not to be afraid of anything and that God will only give good gifts to His children and turn their sorrows to joy. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran presented the testimony of Sis. Rathinakumari who was not able to conceive for many years because her fallopian tube was blocked but how God had blessed her with a beautiful child after the prayers of the Dr. Paul Dhinakaran and encouraged the gathering by assuring greater miracles for them in the days to come. After which, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran ministered the word of God about ‘the Lord Jesus being a sweet fragrance in the lives of all those who trust Him’, which was an immense blessing for the partners. Sis. Evangeline Dhinakaran prayed a powerful prayer for all the partners for all their needs to be met and to be filled with the Holy Spirit in a prophetic way. Individual prayers were offered for each of them at the end of the meeting by the Dhinakarans. Everyone received the touch of God and left the venue with great satisfaction. God's name was glorified through it all.

On October 9th and 10th, the Mission Training Program was held at Seva Bharat, Hyderabad. For the Prayer Tower staff and ministry team members of Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka and Kerala numbers about 200. The Dhinakarans, along with ministry leaders, trained on the vision and mission of Jesus Calls and the Prayer Tower operation management. At the beginning itself, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran emphasized that it is a training and learning platform. There were interactive sessions each day in which the staff shared the good practices they follow in the Prayer Towers and also raised ideas to serve and pray for people more. Leaders shared about the characteristics expected from the staff, role of ministry team members, importance of training and prayer initiatives and ambassadors’ ministry. The Dhinakarans were present in all sessions and encouraged them by praying individually so that their calling and gifts will be used in a greater measure in the coming days. The Pastor’s Conference took place on October 11th at Classic Gardens, Secunderabad. 700 pastors from different denominations came together and poured their hearts out in prayer. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared God’s word about how God is going to shake all nations according to Hebrews 12:26 and cause a great revival in the coming days. Bro. Samuel Dhinakaran ministered God’s word from Isaiah 51:6 about how God will put His words in the mouth of His servants and make His children heed to His voice. Everyone was blessed and they returned home with great joy and new strength to minister mightily for God in the days to come. All glory be to God.

This is an extremely important question, my friend and such betrayals of trust are incredibly tough to bear, aren't they? Especially when we have invested so much of our love and trust in that individual. But unfortunately, that is how the world works. The Bible accurately points this reality out in Micah 7:5,6, “Do not trust a neighbor; put no confidence in a friend. Even with the woman who lies in your embrace guard the words of your lips. For a son dishonors his father, a daughter rises up against her mother, a daughterin-law against her mother-inlaw-a man’s enemies are the members of his own household.” The harsh truth is that a man's first foe can be his family, and there can be so many betrayals within families because there is often so much love and trust between family members. The Bible also states, “Do not put your trust in a neighbour or a friend.” You might wonder, "If this is the case, then can't I put my trust in anyone?" It is possible to confide in a friend from high school or college and share your secrets with them. However, if a fight or a disagreement occurs, they may seek revenge and reveal all of your secrets to others, causing you emotional distress that can be difficult to manage. Even in modern Western societies, we see that 22

it is not uncommon for couples to sign prenuptial agreements before getting married. These agreements outline that each spouse will maintain separate finances and property in the event of a divorce to protect themselves from potential betrayals. Is this a healthy way to start a marriage? It could lead to a lack of trust, cohesion, and togetherness within the marriage. This is the way of the world, my friend. Look at Samson: Even Samson, from the Bible, had his own secret. As long as he didn't cut his hair, God would fill him with His strength and make him a strong man. However, he made the mistake of falling in love with a prostitute who allied herself with his adversaries. She pestered him until he

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revealed his deepest secret, and his enemies were able to capture and shackle him. Yes, Samson was deceived and betrayed by his lover that day, and he lost God's power because he put his complete trust in her. This is what happens when we, too, put our confidence in others, my friend. The same Micah, the prophet says in Micah 7:7, “But as for me, I watch in hope for the Lord, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me.” So, prioritize God in your life. When you trust in Him first and foremost, He will ensure everything else falls into place. Yes, His divine intervention can transform the people in our lives and make everything safe. I have personally experienced this transformation in the past. By trusting in God first, He has made everything good for me. People have told me that they walked into their marriage expecting a peaceful and fantastic life with their partner. However, some have unfortunately experienced the opposite, with their spouse turning to harmful habits such as drinking and physical violence, leading to feelings of depression and despair. But then, they hear about the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and start praying with the Prayer Intercessors there trusting in a move of God. As they go back, these people have witnessed miraculous transformations in their partners. From once being abusive and distant, their spouses became loving and devoted, showering them with affection and care with one touch from God. What a beautiful turn of events, my friend! Look at David: David devoted his entire life to the

Lord and was blessed with a loyal and loving friend, Jonathan. However, Jonathan's father was David's adversary and sought to ruin his reputation. Despite this, God gave Jonathan as a loyal friend to David and even helped him in his fight against his own father by sharing his secrets. Jonathan was a true friend, a gift from God. Similarly, God will bless us with wonderful loved ones, but even then, we must keep our focus on God. We should not rely entirely on people, thinking they are the solution to our problems. Even if God blesses us with a loving person in our life, we must thank Him, for it is His love that flows through that person to us. They are merely a vessel of God's love, not the source of it. Therefore, we must keep our eyes fixed only on Jesus and trust in Him above all else. My friend, you may sometimes face tough betrayals in this world, and no one is exempt from this experience. But have you ever questioned why God allows this to happen? It is to demonstrate how unpredictable the world can be. Therefore, you should hold onto the Saviour’s love and follow Him. God permits these disappointments in your life only to strengthen your love for Him. Today, put your trust in Jesus and declare, "I wait in hope for the Lord." Don't worry about whom to trust and whom not to trust because you have placed your complete trust in the unchanging love of Jesus Christ. If you continue to have faith and love for Him, He will shower you with all the blessings He has to offer.

If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to share them with us. If possible, you may record a video selfie of your question and send it as a message to our U-turn WhatsApp number +91 8056139888. We'll do our best to provide an answer that aligns with God’s guidance. May God bless you. Jesus Calls | November 2023 |


He doesn't judge you based on your past or background when He chooses to use you. He has a plan for you from the moment you're born, regardless of your age or appearance. He can turn your weaknesses into strengths. Isaiah 40:31 promises, “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” So, wait patiently on the Lord, placing your hope in Him, and He will renew your strength. You will soar like eagles! Through Christ, who lives within you, you can achieve great things. Let me share a little about God's supernatural strength that can transform ordinary people into extraordinary vessels for His glory.

RENEWAL OF MIND God is able to transform your weaknesses into strengths by renewing your mind. A perfect example of this is Gideon's life. Although God chose him to lead an army against the Midianites, he felt inadequate because his clan was the weakest in Manasseh, and he was the least in his family (Judges 6:15). But God did not see what he lacked. Instead, He saw Gideon's potential and referred to him as a mighty warrior. And indeed, God gave him victory in the battle. Like Gideon, I was also a shy girl who shied away from people in real life despite being in front of the camera most of the time. The thought of preaching or leading worship in front of a large crowd frightened me. However, as I grew older, God helped me to put my old thoughts to death and strengthened me to shine brighter for His glory. Now, I am able to conduct non-stop praise and worship, write 24

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songs, share His word and pray for people with His strength. God sees you as a mighty warrior, too and believes that you can do all things (Philippians 4:13). Allow God to renew your mind today and see yourself in the light of His word. As you wait upon Him, He will strengthen you from within and enable you to accomplish great things in your life.

RENEWAL OF BODY When God chose Moses to lead His people out of Egypt, Moses expressed that he struggled with speaking and had a tendency to stutter. However, God transformed Moses' weakness into strength and granted him authority in his speech. The miraculous acts God performed through Moses, such as the parting of the Red Sea, continue to be discussed even today. Similarly, despite being young, undersized, and without a warrior's armour, David was chosen by God to defeat the giant Goliath. David's unwavering faith in God's might caused the giant to be defeated with just one shot. Therefore, just like how God can renew your mind, He can also do the same for your physical body. So, don't lose hope if you're experiencing physical limitations due to sickness or pain. God has the power to renew your body and make you whole. No pain or disease can prevent God's higher plans for your future. My grandfather's life is a testament to this truth. In 1969, my grandfather, who was 34 years old then, was afflicted with Tuberculosis. Back then, there was no cure for this disease, and he was in the hospital bed critical and vomiting blood. All his friends deserted him. The people whom he prayed for were mocking him. He literally became like Job. He was heartbroken and was on the verge of giving up when my grandmother, inspired by the Holy Spirit, told him, "God said you will travel all over the world to spread the gospel. He will not allow you to die before He has fulfilled what He has planned for you." But due to so much suffering in the body, my grandfather was not encouraged by those words. One day, satan appeared before him and said, "If you follow me, I will make you my prophet. You will have all the wealth in this world. You will have no more pain." Though the offer was tempting, my grandfather remembered the suffering that the Lord Jesus endured on the cross for him, and he told the devil, "Of course, you may be able to give me everything. But you have not given your life for me like my Lord Jesus." At that moment, satan bowed down and left him. Then Jesus appeared and told him that all this

suffering was a test for him so that he would understand other people's suffering and pray for them with His compassion. After this, my grandfather started the Jesus Calls Prayer Festivals, and several thousand attended the meetings. He preached for 40 long years with those same lungs. God will also raise you up from your sickbed and make you strong. His Word will heal you; no earthly weakness, pain, or illness will hinder His plan for your life. You will become a mighty warrior, conquering physical suffering and bringing blessings to many while showing His love and compassion. As Romans 1:17 says, "The righteous will live by faith." You will live and have a renewed body. Thanks to God's supernatural strength!

RENEWAL OF SOUL To truly experience the power of God, we must have a pure heart that submits to Him. This is where the grace of God comes in, helping us to renew the soul and create a clean heart. Only God can renew the soul, as the New Testament teaches. The Apostle Paul emphasises this point, particularly in II Corinthians 12, where he speaks of his struggles with a thorn in the flesh and how the Lord's grace was sufficient to help him. Paul found that his weaknesses were not a hindrance but an opportunity for God's abounding grace to transform him into an extraordinary vessel for Christ. Following Paul's example, you should also learn to delight in your weaknesses, insults, hardships, and difficulties, for it is in these moments that God's grace can truly shine. When you focus on the uplifting grace of God rather than your inadequacies, you can be renewed in the soul and reveal the glory of the Lord in all that you do. Have you considered allowing God to completely renew and transform your life, making you an extraordinary child of His? Spending time with the Lord Jesus and seeking His strength to restore every aspect of your life is a great place to start. By opening up to God, confessing your deepest secrets, and asking for His help in your spiritual walk, you allow Him to work within you. As you surrender each area of your life to the Lord, you will no longer be weak but a strong and mighty warrior. It will no longer be just you but Christ living within you (II Corinthians 4:7). This month, may you experience renewal in your mind, body, and soul and rise up to be a mighty warrior for God's glory.

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Like Elijah, who pleaded with God to take his life, many times, people who go through much agony resolve to end their lives. Often, it is due to financial crisis, failure in life and unbearable losses. Whatever the circumstances, suicide is never a solution to the problem. Instead, it is the beginning of eternal agony. So, one must never resolve to end their own life, especially when there is an Allpowerful God who is an ever-present help in times of trouble. The testimony below will encourage even the faint hearts to rebuild their hope in God and keep pressing on till they receive a miracle from Him. Tamilselvi comes from a family that does not know God. She got married in 1993. She had to face many difficulties, including poverty. There was absolutely no peace in her life. Though she was blessed with a girl child and a boy child, because she was struggling hard to meet her children’s financial needs, especially paying their school fees, she was utterly depressed. 26

She tried all she could to escape poverty, but all her efforts were in vain. She could hardly feed her children once a day. In this thicket of poverty, all she could think of was ending her life and her children’s lives. She tried calling her gods for help, but nothing improved her situation. In this situation of hopelessness, one day, she happened to hear about the Jesus Calls Prayer

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Festival that was going to happen in Dhamukam ground. She had not heard about Jesus until then, but because her friend insisted on attending the meeting, she thought of going there before she could end her life. Little did she know that God was waiting in that meeting to call out her name. She attended the meeting where Dr. Paul Dhinakaran shared God’s message that day. Her fearful heart slowly regained some comfort in listening to the message. For the first time, she felt the presence of God filling her in that meeting. It didn’t stop with that! The God of Elijah, who sent him an angel to give him food and comfort him, was indeed mindful of Sis. Tamilselvi, too. During prayer, God made Dr. Paul Dhinakaran call out her name and prophesy the following words: “Tamilselvi, the Lord Jesus loves you. Discard the suicidal thoughts that are tormenting you. God is going to honour you. He will lift your head among those who have looked down on you. God will increase you and honour you.” When Tamilselvi heard these words, tears started rolling down her cheeks. She could not believe her ears, and she completely surrendered her life to the Lord Jesus at that very moment. He became more real to her than her own kith and kin. She felt so close to the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings. All her heart’s burdens flew away in an instant. She felt the overwhelming glory of God upon her life. Soon, every problem in her family started disappearing. Her financial status improved. She could make money and educate her children. Slowly, as money started flowing into the family, she enrolled her family in the Family Blessing Plan and her children in the Young Partners’ Plan. She also enrolled her business in the Business Blessing Plan. How great was God’s goodness in her life! God fulfilled every word of the prophecy over her life

by lifting her family up right in front of everyone who had seen her suffer humiliation. Her children excelled in their studies. Her son completed MCA, and her daughter completed BBA. Both of them were blessed with good jobs. Her daughter’s wedding also happened beautifully. Now, her family is only filled with joy and the presence of the Almighty God.

What does a person need more than Jesus? God changed her tragic life story in just an instant by transforming her into His child. Such transformations continue to happen in several thousand lives through the Jesus Calls Prayer Festivals.




remember the sister who introduced Sis. Tamilselvi to the Jesus Calls Prayer Festival. Like the Israelite girl who told Naaman about Elisha, the prophet, Tamilselvi’s friend has played an important role in leading her towards the Lord. You, too, can introduce your friends and family to the Jesus Calls Prayer Festival and be a blessing to them. Also, don’t forget to keep these Prayer Festivals in your prayers daily and extend your financial support, which will encourage us to continue taking the Gospel throughout the Nation and allow precious souls like Sis. Tamilselvi to experience the saving grace of Christ. Sis. Tamilselvi, to this day, is so thankful to the Lord Jesus for His unconditional love and Dr. Paul Dhinakaran for his prophetical prayer that has changed her life forever!

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The Prayer Festivals have been a source of experiencing God’s love and miracles for millions of people since their inception in 1970. The first meeting took place on October 12th of that year in Vellore. Since then, people from all over the nation have attended these meetings and have found God’s love, salvation, healing and answers to their prayers. Over the past 53 years, more than 106 million people have attended these Jesus Calls Prayer Festivals and have been blessed. God’s faithfulness has kept the Prayer Festival Ministry going from generation to generation. Whenever the Dhinakarans stood before the people, they felt God's compassion and often received revelations of individuals' names and problems. Thus, thousands upon thousands of people have received revelations and miracles through the power of the Holy Spirit. Also, through the exhortation of the word of God, worship songs, prayers, testimonies, and supernatural miracles, people have witnessed God's power at work. Dr. Paul Dhinakaran has prayed for God to stop the rain, and the Lord has answered immediately, stopping the rains and removing dark clouds before the eyes of the people. Many have even seen visions of Jesus standing by the Dhinakarans' side. Demons have cried and left people’s bodies, and government leaders and church bishops have come together in unity to provide for the needs of the people. 28

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These Prayer Festivals have been a true celebration of joy for all. The Dhinakarans are grateful for the mercies God has shown them and the open doors He has provided to bring His love to millions through these Prayer Festivals.

Thank you, dear friend, for faithfully supporting this mission with your offerings and fasting prayers every time the Dhinakarans brought God's word to the people in different cities. It is remarkable to note that these ten crores and sixty lakh individuals personally attended the grounds where the gospel was preached. However, millions more have watched the event through live television or social media telecasts simultaneously. The Dhinakarans would have brought God's blessings upon nearly four times this number of people, indicating their greater responsibility in the future. "To whom much is given, much is expected." There is much more to do for the Lord Jesus. So, continue praying for the Dhinakarans so that they can reach out to more people who are yet to experience the love of Christ. We express our gratitude to God for the donations we have received and for blessing your heart to do more in the future, standing alongside us in this mission of bringing healing to the broken-hearted. The words of Isaiah 32:20, "Blessed are ye that sow beside all waters," ring true in our hearts as we recognize the Lord's enabling of the Prayer Festivals over the past 53 years.

We continue to pray and believe that more people will be met through the Prayer Festival ministry with the vision that "not one soul should be lost." Let us remain steadfast in our commitment to this mission, knowing that with God's grace, we can make a difference in the lives of those seeking hope and healing. My support towards the Jesus Calls Prayer Festival Ministry (Please tick your preference).  For your gift of $200 or more you could help support in distribution of Prayer Oil for all who attend  For your gift of $500 or more you could help support in venue preparation like cleaning and leveling the ground  For your gift of $750 or more you could help support our technical support team through Live Telecast, Webcast, and Data  For your gift of $1750 or more you could help support in event promotions through bill boards, handbills, newspaper advertisement etc,. Name: ………………………………………….........…………. Partner Code (If you have): ……………………………………….. Address: ……………………………………………........................................................................................................ .............................................................................................................Pincode: …………............................… Mobile: …………........…………..Mobile (WhatsApp): ……..…....………….E- mail: ……………...............………………….

DETAILS ABOUT HOW TO DONATE PLEASE GIVE ONLINE THROUGH (or) visit or send your offerings to the Prayer Tower in your country / region or write to THANK YOU FOR BEING A BLESSING TO MILLIONS! Jesus Calls | November 2023 |


“If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.” (Colossians 3:1,2) My dear child of God, the Bible clearly says that we should seek for the things above and not for the things on the earth. What should we do to receive those things which are above, “at the right hand of God?” We read in Matthew 7:7,8, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened for you” and in Matthew 7:11, “How much more will your Father in heaven give good things…” In that case, what should we do to receive these things which are above and which are good? We need to have a divine life of talking to the Lord and praying to Him. “Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and stand before the Son of Man.” (Luke 21:36) It is important to note that the Lord will, first of all, make you worthy of this. God’s word says, “For everyone, who asks, receives.” So, when you ask Him with desire, He will surely shower you with His blessings. To be counted worthy to stand before the Son of Man, you and I, need to watch and pray always. Only then the Lord will do great things for us. 30

Jesus Calls


The Bible says that we should follow in the footsteps of our Lord Jesus Christ (I Peter 2:21). How did Jesus pray? Now in the morning, having risen a long while before daylight, He went out and departed to a solitary place and prayed (Mark 1:35). He continued all night in prayer to His Father (Luke 6:12). Now when evening came, He was alone, having sent His disciples by the boat and spent even that little time in praying to the Father (Matthew 14:23). Apostle John writes in the latter part of 1 John 1:3, “and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ.” The Lord wants to give you a divine life of having fellowship with Him. If you ask Him, He will surely give you His fellowship. David has experienced this and says, “O, God, You are my God; Early will I seek You; My soul thirsts for You; my flesh longs for You” (Psalm 63:1). Do you have this thirst or desire in you? In my life, till my 21 years, I did not know the Lord as my personal Saviour. But, after knowing Him, I sought after Him with desire, thirst and reverence. Perhaps you have a lot of shortcomings in your spiritual life. Perhaps your family is broken,

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without any peace. You may be pining for love, and meditate on it with reverence. Only then languishing, “Oh, there’s none to show me love!” can we abide in Him. All you have to do is to get up early in the Didn’t the Lord say about Mary, the sister of morning, kneel down in His presence as a family Martha, “She has chosen that good part, which and seek Him. Then the Lord will give you that will not be taken away from her” (Luke 10:42), grace! What was that good part? The good part is God’s Today, in my 85 years of age, the Lord wakes word. You should read the Scriptures, again and me up as early as 4:30 in the morning. The Bible again. The Scriptures will revive you since there says, “He awakens me morning by morning” is life in them. Reading His Words as a duty is of (Isaiah 50: 4). The Lord will wake you up also. Do no use. When we read ‘The Lord is my Shepherd,’ not sleep on heedlessly. Resist the devil, and he we should read it with realisation. The devil goes will flee from you. If you wait at the Lord’s feet about seeking whom he may devour. Job, the early in the morning and seek Him, He will be man of God, got a good testimony from the Lord pleased with you. In John 10:30, the Lord says, “I as a ‘blameless and upright man.’ Yet, terrible and My Father are one.” We read in the Bible, afflictions attacked his life. However, no matter “But he, who is joined to the Lord, is one spirit how severe the devil tempted him, he had the strong faith that ‘he would come forth with Him” (I Corinthians 6:17). Hence, seek the as gold.’ That’s why he said firmly, Lord as much as you can, with all “Though he slay me, yet I will your heart and mind. trust in him.” We read in the We are living in a wicked If you wait Bible that as a result, Job was and loveless world. But, in at His feet early in blessed in several folds (Job the midst of this, this is the 42:10-17). only way for you to receive the morning and the Lord’s divine love! The Dear one, likewise, your seek Him, He will be Lord says, “I will instruct you faith would also be tested. pleased with you and teach you in the way you The more you draw closer to should go; I will guide you with the Lord, the more trials you My eye” (Psalm 32:8). He will go might face. before you and lead you, saying, My husband, Dhinakaran and I built up our “This is the way, walk in it” (Isaiah 30:21). family in all reverence and in prayer. However, many were the afflictions that we underwent in YOU SHALL ABOUND, our lives! In the beginning, we lost two children. BEING ESTABLISHED IN FAITH We faced reproach, shame and ridicule. Also, “As you therefore have received Christ Jesus Brother suffered a lot physically and was attacked the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up by sicknesses even unto death. Severe financial in Him and established in the faith, as you problem! But we were not at all perturbed by have been taught, abounding in it with these! With the faith that Jesus is enough for us, thanksgiving.” (Colossians 2:6,7) no matter what happened to us, we kept our The Bible clearly says that we should be trust in the Lord. With our whole heart, we established in faith. You, who have accepted believed that the Lord will surely give us a Christ, have to be rooted in Him. If the roots of a ‘victorious life’ as seen in I Corinthians 15:57, “But tree are found only on the surface of the ground, thanks be to God, who gives us victory through it would easily fall down. On the other hand, if the roots have gone deep into the earth, nobody our Lord Jesus Christ.” can shake off that tree. In the same way, you should be rooted in Christ and be built firmly on Him. If so, we need to read the Bible diligently Jesus Calls


Look at David! He keeps on talking about the Lord, using terms such as ‘You, O, Lord, my strength, my rock, my fortress, my deliverer’ and

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My dear child of God, you may also face similar trials in your life. The more you seek the Lord, the more the devil will be upset with you and will find ways to trouble you with the intention of pulling you to his side. The Bible, too, says, “The enemy has made me dwell in darkness…” (Psalm 143;3).

Accordingly, you need to wait in the presence of the Lord. You should hold on to Him firmly, no matter what afflictions and troubles attack you. Instead, at such times, if you say that you would not read the Bible, pray or go to church, you are the loser. However, God would give new strength to those who wait on Him and seek Him and make them mount up with wings like eagles. It is said that when the eagles flap their wings strongly, they will be able to fly to higher altitudes. Hence, learn to bend down your knees and wait on the Lord.

We brought up our dear son Paul in godliness since his childhood. He used to read the Bible and pray well. He was well versed in the Bible and had a very good Biblical knowledge. Such a son went far away from the Lord for 7 years. He started hating prayer and hated me, his mother, who advised him. So, I decided to constrict myself physically by fasting and praying for him with tears in the Lord’s presence. I chose Tuesdays to fast and pray from 9:30 in the morning to 5:30 in the evening after completing all my chores early. I started pouring out my heart at His feet and prayed. I would spend the last hour of the fasting thanking God, telling Him, “Lord, thank You for answering my prayer; You will not forsake me; surely, You will bless my son.” When I finished my prayer, I used to feel a divine peace filling my heart. It was during this time the Jesus Calls Institute of Power Ministry began for the first time. Except for one person, all the other participants had received the salvation experience and were doing ministry. This person was none other than my beloved son Paul. He was then doing his college studies. That day, the Lord touched his heart through his father’s preaching. Till today, the Lord is using him mightily in the ministry.

In our family, we never stopped our early morning family prayer, even when we lost our precious daughter, Angel. It was through this prayer that the Lord spoke to us. He filled us with His anointing and gave us a new strength. All our sorrows and agony fled away, and heavenly joy filled us. We rose up and started running for Him again. Till date, we are running for Him. Many other problems assailed our lives. We faced a lot of criticism. But we did not focus on anything; our eyes were fixed only on Jesus.

My dearly beloved, this is the way, the Lord taught me everything, instructed me and led me. When you fast and pray, wait in the presence of God the whole time, hold on to Him and shed your tears at His feet. There is nothing impossible with the Lord in this world (Jeremiah 32:27). “For He spoke and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast.” Hence, wait in the presence of God with fasting. When you face problems in the family, pray jointly as husband and wife. The Lord will then do great things for you.

so on (Psalm 18:1,2). We may have a mango in our hand. But only when we take a bite and taste it, can we say that it is tasty. In the same way, we need to taste the Lord little by little. By diligently reading the Bible every day, we can take in the Lord’s blessing. When faith increases in you, nothing can harm you. “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary.” (Isaiah 40:31)


Jesus Calls


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PRAY IN THE SPIRIT, BEING WATCHFUL “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.” (Ephesians 6:18)

The Bible says, “when you pray with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, you should be watchful to the end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.” Prior to our marriage, Brother Dhinakaran laid down some conditions. One of them was, “After my work, I would go straight to do ministry and would come home very late. You should not keep looking out for me.” Once, in the initial days of marriage, he did not come home, though it was 9:30 P.M. I was annoyed, but then I remembered his condition, and immediately I knelt down and started talking to the Lord. I sang all the songs taught to me by my mother and began to praise the Lord. At that instant, the Lord proved to me that He was with me. For the very first time, He anointed me from head to foot. I was thrilled. The Lord thus comforted me that day, and this is how I became bold. We are all weak at some point or the other. But even in the state of your weaknesses, kneel down immediately in the Lord’s presence. Then, all things shall be prosperous for you. Look up to the Lord like David, saying, “O, Lord, my strength.” Then He will strengthen you. The more you draw closer to the Lord, the more you shall receive heavenly, spiritual experiences. Without anointing, you cannot do anything. “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.” (Acts 10:38)

“But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit.” (Jude 20)

So, you should have the experience of establishing yourself in the ‘most holy faith and praying in the Spirit.’ The Lord Himself will give you the desire to receive it. He filled our entire family with such a desire. Today, He is wonderfully using us in His ministry. In 1986, we lost our precious daughter Angel in a gruesome accident. She was just 17 years old. One day, as we were praying as a family, the Lord filled us immeasurably with the anointing of the Holy Spirit. That time, He spoke to us and revived us. After that, we resumed our ministry. In 1988, I had gone out for shopping. That time, the Lord showed me two women chatting animatedly and laughing together. The Lord said to me, “Look at these two women; they do not know anything about me. What are you going to do for such women?” I shared this with a few sisters close to me. Nearly 10 sisters came forward to pray along with me. Not knowing how to go about the prayer, we started praying. I conducted that prayer, and the Lord gave us the prayer requests as well as the apt verses for each request and led us. Do you know what happened when we prayed thus? The Esther Prayer Group, for women, was born in 1988. Now, it has expanded to Junior, Youth and Couple’s prayer and is shining brightly among many. Thus, the Lord is beautifully leading us to seek for the things from above. Many are being led to become the children of light and to receive heavenly blessings. May the Lord help you to receive this divine life of seeking for the things above and glorifying Him!

The Lord Jesus Christ has set us an example for everything (I Peter 2:21). Since God anointed Him, power came out of Him. In that case, what should we do? Jesus Calls


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Under the guidance of Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Jesus Calls, Karunya University, and SEESHA collaborated as one team and established relief camps in the strife-torn Manipur to provide assistance to the people affected by the recent ethnic conflict. The following are highlights of the Relief Team's 11-day massive intervention in Manipur: 634 displaced families received dry food rations & essential supplies. 841 school students received school kits and sports equipment. 300 infants were given milk substitute powder packs, and 800 children under the age of two received baby care kits. Medical relief camps were conducted in 4 districts, where more than 2,500 people were screened & provided with free medicines. Nearly 11,049 people in 94 camps received food supplies, blankets, and essential items. Govt. officials from various districts in Manipur extended their full cooperation to our relief team. Even as we continue our Manipur relief work, we invite you to join us in improving the lives & livelihoods of the suffering.

Celebrating 20 years of our transformative journey... Founded in November 2003 by our esteemed Founder, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, SEESHA began its journey as a charitable mission and has blossomed into a family-focused community development organization in recent years. The following are the highlights of our work in the last 20 years: 11.1 lakh new clothes & 3.41 lakh school kits were distributed to deprived children. 18,000 beneficiaries were reached through preventive healthcare services. 252 families affected by calamities were gifted stable concrete homes. 7566 disadvantaged youth & women were trained in vocational skills. Thank you for your trust in our mission, which has enabled us to carry out this great work. Even as we begin our year-end New Clothes campaign, you may also join us in this noble mission! You may support us in the following ways: Sponsor a medical camp in the support area in Manipur: USD 185/camp  Sponsor essential items & dry ration kit for a family in need: USD 75/month Sponsor a baby care kit for a child in Manipur: USD 25/ Sponsor a set of new clothes for a deprived child: USD 7/HOW YOU CAN CONTRIBUTE: Owing to the mandatory designated FCRA account changes in compliance with the recent FCRA Amendment from the Ministry of Home Affairs - India, all Foreign Donations (Contributions) to SEESHA are to be done ONLY through the following SBI Account: FCRA ACCOUNT NUMBER: 00000040127266721 SWIFT CODE: SBININBB104 34

Jesus Calls


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