Jesus Calls International Magazine March 2019

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Prayer Tower

srael Prayer tower had visitors from Grace Church, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. They had a wonderful time of praise and prayer, worshipping the Lord. This group also prayed for all the prayer requests which they had brought along with them and sowed them in tears at the Israel Prayer Tower, expecting a joyous miracle.

Praying for the prayer requests with tears at the Israel Prayer Tower , Grace Church, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Group from Gujarat, India

I visited Israel Prayer Tower between11-22 November 2018. I had a wonderful experience while praying at the Prayer Tower in Jerusalem. While I was interceding for the prayer requests and praying for the nations, I had heavenly visions. After coming back from Israel the Lord started using me in a powerful manner. There were many healing miracles happening in the church. One person was completely healed from his death bed. My church started growing and I saw the hand of God in my life and ministry. I have now started following the messages and the ministry of Jesus Calls very closely. I am proud to say that now I have become the Jesus Calls ambassador and promoting Israel Prayer Tower. I invite pastors from my homeland to come as prayer intercessor to the IPT, Jerusalem. Praise be to God. - Pastor SAmuel Kumar, Phatankot, Punjab

You are also welcome to come, stay and pray for a week or two weeks at the Prayer Tower or sponsor a Prayer Intercessor!

I would like to sponsor a Prayer Intercessor for  Two weeks’ prayer stay at Prayer Tower - US $350  One-week prayer stay at Prayer Tower - US$175 Wish to donate US$................ every month to support Israel Prayer Tower. You can donate in person at the Prayer Tower in your area or through our website Jesus Calls Ministries * March 2019 * www.


Pray continually” (1 Thessalonians 5:17) “…Always pray and not give up” (Luke 18:1) And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. (Ephesians 6:18)


he Bible teaches us to pray continually without giving up. Sometimes, trouble or

bad news or humiliation ensues us after we pray with fasting or attend an all-night prayer. In such times, praying in the Spirit is the only way. Only then we can pray with determination, stay awake and pray for the saints.

When we pray in the Spirit, we will know what the Lord’s will is. “And when he had taken it, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which

“Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.”

are the prayers of the saints.” (Revelation 5:8)

(Ephesians 5:17)


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When we pray filled with the Spirit according to the will of the Lord, according to the leading of the Spirit, our prayers reach God as incense.

“After a long time, in the third year, the word of the Lord came to Elijah: “Go and present yourself to Ahab, and I will send rain on the land.” (1Kings 18:1)

What is the Will of God? There was severe famine in the land. It was “Who wants all men to be saved and to

because King Ahab and Queen Jezebel who ruled

come to a knowledge of truth.”

the land sinned against the Lord. They arrested the

(1 Timothy 2:4)

Lord’s people. They tried to kill them. But what

Many times, we pray that God should give

could Elijah do in this kind of a situation? What

our adversaries the same pain they caused us.

could he have prayed for? Even though Elijah

We become resentful and pray that God pays

may have spoken with resentment about the King

them back according to their deeds. However,

and the Queen, nothing has been written about it.

our Lord’s will for us is to pray for the salvation

However, the Lord says to Elijah, “Go and present

of every human, including those who harm us.

yourself to the King. I am giving my word for the

The Lord says, “You need not pray on your own.

king to you.”

Let the Holy Spirit which I have given you, pray through you.” When the Holy Spirit starts to pray, every word will turn out to be prophetic. We should start to pray supernaturally. When we do so, the devil cannot come to that place.

“Even in today's times, we can turn a nation towards God. When we humble ourselves, repent for our sins in the presence of God, the Lord shall command healing over the land.”

He has predestined everything even before the

(2 Chronicles 7:14)

formation of the Earth. (Ephesians 1:12) That is how Elijah humbled and emptied God already knows the answer to questions like; What should happen in this world? Who should rule the world and when? What should they do in their tenure? What should transpire among the people? What should happen in your family? The Lord has already planned every detail. The Holy Spirit shows the plans of the Lord to us from

himself and stood before the Lord. Humble yourselves before the Lord and say, “Lord, I am nothing, take me in the Spirit, I want to know your will. I surrender myself to fulfill only your will. Let your word come to the nation through me. Let healing come to the nations through me, therefore, speak to me.”

within us. When problems come, the Lord will take our eyes away from the issues that we face and show us, “My son, this will be the solution to this problem. After this, you will get the privilege of having everything which leads to goodness.”

Only when you are in the Spirit, wellness will come to the nation. When Elijah was in the Spirit, the word of the Lord came to him. The nation was in famine without rain for 3 years. These three years, the people were crushed due to wrongful

Prayer of Elijah Let us meditate about Elijah who prayed being filled with the Spirit:

authority. We sometimes think that the word of the Lord is delayed. However, He makes us wait. Because, in those three years, He causes us, who

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are His servants, to empty ourselves, repent for

the temple of God for nearly 60 years fasting day

our sins and transgressions and humble us for the

and night praying for the prophecy to be fulfilled.

sake of the nation. After that, the word of the Lord

For one prophecy to be fulfilled, Anna and

will come. He said to Elijah, “Go and present to the King.” Only then Elijah goes searching for the King.

Simeon kept praying for 60 years saying, “The Lord of lords, the Almighty is going to come into this temple as a man, a child. My arms shall carry

After Elijah met the King, the governor Obadiah, came in search of him. In the same way, the Lord will send commanders to you to send the message or a prophetic word for the King through you. Doors will be opened in this manner too. Elijah is a prophet, not a commander of the King. However, when the Lord’s hand was on him, he said to King Ahab, “Bring the 400 prophets of Baal to Mount Carmel.” Mount Carmel is in the north of Israel. The King listened to what Elijah said, and the power of God made him bring 400 prophets. Yes, when the Lord gives you a prophetic word, they will do as you say. The power of the King of kings will we revealed to you and through you. Kings will hear the word of the Lord through you.

Him.” That is why the Almighty God came into their arms. The Lord will transform you into such people. Your arms will carry Christ Almighty. Only through your hands, miracles and signs will happen. You will anoint kings. The prayer for the prophecy of one woman Anna brought the Almighty into the world. Now, that temple is broken. The prophecy has to be told again. The Bible says, before the seventh angel is about to sound His trumpet, the mystery of God has to be accomplished. Before that, a prophecy should be told about nations, kings, peoples, and languages (Revelation 10:7, 11). For the first time when Anna and Simeon prophesied, Jesus Christ came into the temple as a

Prayer for Fulfillment of Prophecy “And there was widow until she was eighty-four. She never left the temple but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying.” (Luke 2:37)

child , as a sheep to be sacrificed. The Lord said that He will pour out His blessings on everyone. Your sons and daughters will prophesy (Joel 2:28). They will prophesy about kings, nations, cities and family. After all those prophecies are fulfilled, He will come back not as a sheep for sacrifice but as the King of kings.

When the Lord gives the prophetic word, we

That is why the Lord says that the prophecy is to

call it a prophecy. After that, we should keep

be foretold to the kings. Do not pray, “He is going

praying for every prophetic word. We should

to lift me as a millionaire,” instead say, “Thank

keep all the revelations which the Lord gives in

you Lord for lifting me to be united in You, to

the Spirit and pray for it.

anoint kings, and to bring healing for the nation.”

In Luke chapter 2, we read about Anna and

The Lord said, “I will bring down fire from

Simeon. Anna was 84 years old. If she had lived

heaven. I will show the fire before the king. I will

with her husband for seven years, then she was in

prove that I am the Lord.” Once Elijah prophesied,


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Prayer for Prophecy with Caution

he did not stay quiet after that. He prayed, “Lord, answer me, answer me” (1 Kings 18:37-39). Let us keep the prophetic word the Lord gives,

An angel of God came down to the wilderness where Elijah had run to and gave him food and

and pray for it. If we are faithful in the first prophecy, the Lord


will give the next prophecy. After that, Elijah said

“The Lord said to Him, “Go back the

to King Ahab, “Go, eat and drink, for there is a

way you came and go to the desert of

sound of heavy rain” (1 Kings 18:41). Prosperity

Damascus. When you get there, anoint

will surely come to our nation. Before that, a cleansing spirit will come upon the whole land.

Hazael king over Aram. Also, anoint Jehu son of Nimshi king over Israel, and anoint Elisha son of Shaphat from Abel

Ahab went to eat and drink. Elijah climbed

Meholah to succeed you as a prophet.”

to the top of Carmel, bent down to the ground

(1 Kings 19:15, 16)

and put his face between his knees and told his servant: Go, look towards the sea; Go, see again for seven times (1 Kings 18:42).

Jezebel is planning to kill you. I am the Lord who sets up kings and depose them (Daniel 2:21). You do not fear. It is my word that is with you.

Only after Elijah said, “Go, eat and drink,” did the King eat and drink. The Lord will bless

You proclaim it. The Lord said that He would establish a new king.

us to do the same thing. Only after Elijah prayed, the Lord sent the fire. After prophesying again,

Because Elijah feared and ran away, he did not

Elijah did not rest. He prayed even for that. This

have the grace to anoint the next king. The Lord

time he put his face between his knees, humbled

took him. It was Elisha, the next prophet who

and emptied himself and prayed. He waited

anointed the kings. Therefore, when we receive

seven times for that sign. After that, there was a

the word of the Lord, let us be careful.

downpour of heavy rain. At that time, the Lord’s

You walk with Jesus and do the will of God.

hand came upon Elijah. He ran ahead of the

Then kings shall stand with you, you will anoint

King. He served as a protector and a guide for


the King. Even after that, King Ahab and Queen Jezebel did not repent. Rather, she sent a threat to kill the prophet and said, “Elijah’s head shall not be in his body.” At that time, the third prophecy came (1 Kings 19:15-18). Elijah was afraid and ran away into the wilderness and slept there. Even though the Lord does mighty things through us, when someone threatens us, we isolate ourselves and go to sleep.

All the three times, Elijah prayed. He ordained prophets. Therefore the Lord gave him seven thousand in Israel (1 Kings 19:18). To receive this privilege, we should pray cautiously for the Word of God in the spirit.

New Spirit, New Tongues “And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name, they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues;” (Mark 16:17)

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The Lord will change the tongues which come

The next day, the father of the girl who had the

out of fear and give new tongues. He will give a

skin disease brought the oil bottle to be prayed.

new heart to speak the prophetic word of the Holy

My father prayed for it. After the prayer, he asked


my father, “Sir, yesterday you prayed for my wife.

“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you: I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.” (Ezekiel 36:26)

I was looking through the window. After that, you prayed for another woman. That woman spoke a language very loudly. Do you know the meaning of it?” My father said, “I do not remember.” He said, “That woman spoke in Latin. I know Latin.

He throws away the heart which speaks

Surprisingly, the woman who was not educated

unnecessarily and gives a new heart to speak

spoke in Latin. There is no chance that the woman

the word of God, which establishes His throne.

had learned Latin. Through that woman, the Lord

Streams of living water will flow from your heart

of lords spoke to me in Latin. The Lord is alive.

(John 7:38). Out of the overflow of the heart, the

Sir, what should I do?” he asked my father. He

mouth speaks (Matthew 12:34).

learned about the love of God through him and

Different Tongues of Men The Lord makes us prophesy even in different languages of the world which we do not know. (Acts 2:4; 1 Corinthians 13:1) Many years back, my father had gone to conduct meetings in a small church. After the first day of prayer, he prayed for all those who wanted individual prayer. One woman said, “Sir, my daughter has a skin disease. Please pray that she should be healed.” My father asked her, “Where

was saved. Similarly, the Lord will give you languages which are spoken in other parts of the world to you. The Lord will purify our lips in order that all people who call on the name of the Lord will serve Him shoulder to shoulder (Zephaniah 3:9).

Tongues of God “…With foreign lips and strange tongues, God will speak to this people.” (Isaiah 28:11).

is your husband?” she replied, “Oh my husband? He does not like Jesus. He is not a believer. So he

The Almighty Lord of lords has a language.

is standing out.” Then my father said, “Tomorrow

We speak in the tongues of God due to His

give oil to your husband and send him to me, I

benevolence. When we speak in the tongues of

will pray and give it to him. Apply that to your

God, prophecy comes from the Lord, and we will

daughter. The Lord will heal her disease.”

be filled with authority. The Lord will speak with

Then he continued to pray for the next woman.

His tongues through our lips whatever He wants

That woman was not educated. But when my

to speak. He will also give the meaning for it. We

father laid his hand on her, she spoke in tongues

may not receive the explanation for it always.

very loudly. Those who were standing near her

However, the Lord speaks His will and those he

could not bear the sound she made. It was so loud!

has predestined through us.


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Tongues of the Holy Spirit

bind the devil. The Lord will prophesy through

Sometimes, even without our knowledge, we

you. The words which are spoken through you will

are burdened in the Spirit, and we cry and pray.

be combined with the blood of Jesus in heaven. It

During that time, it is the Holy Spirit who prays

turns into fire. That answer will push satan down

from within us. He intercedes for us with groans

like lightning from heaven (Revelation 12:10, 11).

that words cannot express (Romans 8:26, 27).

Words of their testimony and the prophetic

We should understand the will of God through

word combine with the blood of Jesus and turn into

the Holy Spirit and pray, “Lord, since this is your

fire. Then there will be a loud voice from heaven

will, fulfill it.” As a mother who intercedes and

and satan hurled down. This will be fulfilled. That

prays, He prays through us by tongues.

is why the blood of Jesus still intercedes for us.

Tongues of the Blood of Jesus Christ “To Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel.” (Hebrews 12:24)

Even the angels of God have a language (1 Corinthians 13:1). It is those angels of God who come to us and say the word of the Lord. You shall see the angels of God ascending and descending (John 1:51). They bring the word of the Lord from His hands. The angels of God will come to protect you. They will come to bring what you need. They will also protect your children (Matthew 18:10).

The blood of Jesus always intercedes on our behalf (Hebrews 7:25; Romans 8:34). There is a language for His blood. The blood of Jesus does not intercede from heaven but intercedes through us (Revelation 8:3-5). The Holy Spirit prays His

If we want to go to heaven, we need the language of Heaven (2 Corinthians 12:3). The Lord will give that language to you, and when He gives you that language, you shall surely go to heaven.

will by tongues through you. Then your prayer

When the Lord gives this privilege, and when

goes as incense to heaven. There is an altar before

His word comes, the Will of the Lord will be

the throne of Jesus Christ. In that altar, the blood

fulfilled. His words will never change. Pray in

of Jesus intercedes for us. It prays, “Father, I have

the spirit. The blood of Jesus Christ suffers to

shed my blood for my child. I have shed my blood

fulfill the will of God. The Holy Spirit prays for

so that Your will shall be fulfilled in my child’s life.

the will of God to be fulfilled, and everything will

I am suffering in order that this will be fulfilled.”

be revealed through us in the days to come. The

An angel fills the censer with the incense from

will of God will be accomplished in the nation

our prayers and the blood of Jesus together. It

and your life. Everything will happen for good.

turns into fire. It is then hurled on to the earth from

After prophesying, troubles may, or the opposite

heaven. That is the answer to God for our prayers.

of what you pray for may happen. However, when

The answer will come down like fire. When that

we pray filled in the spirit for the prophecy to

fire comes, satan who is accusing us will fall like

be fulfilled, everything will be accomplished in

lightning from heaven. There is no need for us to

perfect time.

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Prayer Tower Blessing Meetings Every first and Third Thursday at 8 pm at the Prayer Tower. We have amazing testmonies of people who have been blessed at these meetings. Please do join us.

PARTNER WITH US • Become a PRAYER INTERCESSOR You can join us to pray with compassion for the needy, bringing hope andhealing to the broken-hearted through your earnest prayers.Need Spirit filled Christians, having own transport and able to commit 4 consecutive hours per week. • Become a ESTHER / YOUTH ESTHER PRAYER GROUP LEADER This is a special prayer meeting where women gather to pray for variousneeds faced by women all around the world. The prayer points are sent by Mrs. Stella Dhinakaran. After praying over the given points, we pray forthe needs of women who attend this prayer. If you would like to start anEsther / Youth Esther prayer group in your place, please contact us. • Become a Jesus Calls BLESSING PLAN Partner. Join the Family Blessing Plan, Young Partner’s Plan, Business BlessingPlan, Prayer Tower Partner, Seesha Partner, TV Club Partner etc.


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Testimonies shared in the Family Blessing Meeting



or many years I have been praying for our house grant to be returned to my husband and me. My daughter and son in-lawwere holding it and were not in favour of returning it to us. After coming to the Prayer Tower and signing up for the Family BlessingPlan, the Lord moved my daughter to return the grant to us without any issue. The Lord's hand was so evident in this situation. Me and my husband are well in the Lord. Praise the Lord. - Mrs.THOMAS


few months ago, my legs were very weak and it was a struggle for me to walk. So I had to get a walking stick. I came to Jesus Calls today for the Family Blessing Meeting and when the Pastor prayed over me, my leg muscles were immediately strengthened and I could walk as normal without the aid of the stick. Then I also started to run across the Sanctuary. Thank you so very much Lord Jesus for the miracle. - A sister from Malaysia


n the 28th December 2018, I fell down outside my school where I teach. Since then, I have been limping with a tremendous pain on my foot. Today at the Family Blessing Meeting, as the Pastor was declaring Isaiah 53, I felt the pain just vanished from my foot. I started to walk and there the pain is no longer there. What an awesome God our Lord Jesus Christ is. All thanks and glory to Him! - Rita Henry For any further details and ministry resources, please contact Stella Pereira in- charge of the Jesus Calls ministry in Malaysia as Manager. Address, telephone number and email details are given below: Address: : TRUE FRIEND BERHAD TOWER VILLA, 11, LORONG TIMUR, 46000 PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR D.E, MALAYSIA Mobile: +60 10 511 8539 | Email: | Prayer Help (24 hours): 03 7960 7370 You may send in your loving offerings through Cash / Cheque / Direct Banking. Online payment can be done through Our website with secured payment gateway: Please find below the bank details for online payment and funds transfer: Beneficiary name : TRUE FRIEND BERHAD Bank Name : MAYBANK BERHAD Account No : 514169218662 Jesus Calls Ministries * March 2019 * www.



veryone born in this world lives in

From what he wrote to Timothy, his beloved

different ways and with different

son, who did ministry along with him, we can

nature. Likewise, even in godly ways,

infer that not only he, even every one of us, who

they are different from one another. Whatever it

lives in this world, can receive such victories and

is, no words can describe the sufferings that each

the ways for that.

one goes through every day. Those who struggle with poverty languish saying, “When would our condition change?”. Some, who are caught up in family problems lament with tears, “Is there any way for our life to blossom?’ When we thus think of the sufferings that each one undergoes, many wonder why they have been born in this world.

“But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness. Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called…” (I Timothy 6:11,12)

However, Paul, the chosen servant of God, found

Yes, ‘true Christian life’ is full of troubles.

victory in all these worldly troubles and said

Perhaps, the lives of those who compromise with


the world, who do what their flesh and mind

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished

desire and who consider this worldly life to be the

the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid

priority with no goal, saying, ‘Let us eat, drink,

up for me the crown of righteousness, which the

be merry and die tomorrow’ may not have any

Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that

trouble. However, it is God’s ordinance that those

Day, and not to me only but also to all who have

who truly want to live as the devotees of Christ

loved His appearing” (II Timothy 4:7,8).

should pass through various kinds of troubles.


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“For we do not wrestle against flesh and

God. For example, family fights, enmity etc., take

blood, but against principalities, against

us far away from the ways of righteousness. Our

powers, against the rulers of the darkness of

conscience tells us to live in peace with others.

this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness

But our carnal mind causes enmity, envy and

in the heavenly places.” (Ephesians 6:12)

bitterness in us.

From his own experience, Paul has said that

Once, a dear mother brought up her son in the

we can overcome such troubles, live a victorious

righteous ways. When he finished his studies and

life, receive eternal life in heaven after death and

got employed, with much prayer, she settled his

dwell in the presence of God forever, wearing the

marriage without any delay. The daughter-in-law

crown of righteousness. Let us elaborately see the ways he has mentioned:

too was a girl who walked in righteous ways. She too was involved much in family prayer, Bible

Way of Righteousness

reading and in seeking the Lord. However, as

“You see then that a man is justified by

days went by, she began to give room for carnal

works, and not by faith only.”

mind and demonic nature began to enter into her

(James 2:24)

mind gradually. She, who was enjoying a worldly

We read in the Bible that when a woman called Rahab, though a harlot, wanted to help God’s chosen people with her whole heart, she was justified because of her good work (James 2:25). Hence, how important it is for us to follow the way of righteousness! Our conscience also bears

comfortable life, stopped seeking the Lord in due course. She forgot to read the words of the Lord and have fellowship with Him which is the foundation for all blessings. The devil, who was waiting for such a chance, sowed in her heart all unwanted thoughts and the spirit of anger and

witness, and between ourselves our thoughts

bitter envy. Confusions entered into the family.

accusing or else excusing us (Romans 2:15).

Particularly she started to torment the mother-in-

So, let us choose the righteous way of no fault

law for everything and that poor lady was highly

in every matter. This would be pleasing in the

distressed by her demonic nature. Yet the mother-

sight of God. It is very difficult to walk in such

in-law did not speak anything but sought the Lord

ways of righteousness, with our own strength.

more through fasting and prayer. She rebuked

That’s why Paul said, ‘for to will is present with

the carnal mind and the works of the devil, in

me, but how to perform what is good I do not

the name of Jesus (Philippians 2:10). The Lord

find...” (Romans 7:18). The reason is the sin that

crushed the carnal works. One day, the daughter-

dwells in us. Various unwanted thoughts caused

in-law happened to read the Bible, just as a duty.

by the flesh, urge us to do many things against

The verse Acts 5:39, flashed before her eyes;

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“lest you even be found to

ourselves through with many sorrows (I Timothy

fight against God”

6:10). Those who want to live as true servants of

Her wicked characteristics came before her

God need not have such thoughts because,

eyes one by one. She knelt down in the same

“…seek first the kingdom of God and

place, cried out to the Lord and held on to the

His righteousness, and all these

Lord and His righteous ways once again. Jesus,

things shall be added to you.”

who is rich in mercy, forgave her and mended her

(Matthew 6:33)

life. Peace that the world can never give filled that family once again.

Accordingly, to those who trust Him and give Him first place in their heart, the Lord gives all

"Peace I leave with you, My peace

good things much more than they desire or ask

I give to you; not as the world gives

for (Ephesians 3:20). It is when we leave this

do I give to you. Let not your heart be

easy way of receiving such privilege and try to

troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

earn riches through our own effort, wisdom and

(John 14:27)

strength, various problems crop up. Instead, let us

Dear sister, have you given room for carnal mind and have enmity against God? It is not the way of righteousness! However, if you discard your carnal mind and give room for the

walk in reverence, with the request to Him, ‘Lord, come into my heart; lead me by hand to do things that please You”. This is the way of godliness, that is pleasing to God.

spiritual mind, it would lead you in the path of

Today, many women are addicted to the lust of

righteousness. There would be life and peace

the eye and the flesh, the pride of life and all the

(Romans 8:6). Rahab and this young girl chose

perishable things of the world (I John 2:16,17).

this way and were made righteous. You too

However, those who crucify their flesh with its

should follow this way and walk in the way of

passions and desires become victorious in life

righteousness and enjoy receiving a peaceful life.

(Galatians 5:24). There is no other way except the way of godliness to give abiding joy and the peace

Way of Godliness “Now godliness with contentment is great gain.” (I Timothy 6:6)

which the world can never give. Once I met a woman, who is doing ministry. In the days of her youth, she adorned herself as

Let us be content with what we have to eat and

she liked in a modern way, read filthy books and

clothe ourselves with. However, other than this, if

lived as she liked and walked in the sight of her

we have love for money, the Bible warns us that

eyes (Ecclesiastes 11:9). Yet, she was regular in

we would stray from faith (Godliness) and pierce

going to church on Sundays. Those who saw her


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did not understand the inner state of her heart. But

is adorned with the incorruptible beauty? If you

the Lord, who was grieved to see the condition of

decide to follow the worldly ways, time would

her heart, was eagerly waiting for the opportunity

come when you would struggle to get delivered

when she would seek Him. The day arrived. Her

from troubles. However, those who want to follow

life which was smooth going became rough and

the way of godliness, would have the privilege of

crooked and she suffered in agony. In that state

always enjoying the presence of God.

when no human could help her, she cried out to God in loneliness. The love of the Lord Jesus Christ, who was waiting for such a chance, came seeking her. He spoke to her lovingly. She, who

“For what great nation is there that has God so near to it, as the LORD our God is to us, for whatever reason we may call upon Him?” (Deuteronomy 4:7)

tasted His love, shed bitter tears saying, “Oh, I feel bad that I have shunned this kind of divine

This promise is available to all those who

love all these days”. She committed herself totally

trust Him and are devoted to Him. What a great

to the Lord saying, ‘Jesus, forgive me. There is

privilege to have the Lord who has created the

no other way for me except You. Please lead me.

whole universe to be with us, who are godly!

I commit myself completely to you”. What great transformations in her life after that! All the things of the world – lust of the eye and the flesh and the pride of life – vanished from her.

Way of Faith “Now the purpose of the commandment is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith.”

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.” (II Corinthians 5:17)

(I Timothy 1:5) The Lord Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross, died and was buried. On the first day of the week, early morning while it was still dark, with a

According to this verse, her life changed totally. Now she could not adorn herself as before or read filthy books or go to places that are displeasing to the Lord. Instead many were amazed to see her with the adornment of a ‘gentle and quiet spirit which is the incorruptible beauty.’

grateful heart and genuine love for the Lord, Mary Magdalene, who had been delivered from seven demons by Jesus, went to the tomb where He was kept. There she was shocked to see the stone of the tomb taken away. She immediately ran to the disciples and informed this. When Peter and John

My dear young children, out of the two kinds

who were dear to the Lord went into the tomb, they

of life mentioned above, which one are you going

did not see the body of Jesus. They saw the linen

to choose? – Way of the world which is full of

clothes lying there. Not understanding anything,

outward adornment or the way of godliness which

the disciples went back. But Mary did not have

Jesus Calls Ministries * March 2019 * www.


the heart to depart from that place and was crying

comfort was Jesus. I took the Bible in my hand

saying, ‘The Lord is not to be seen”. Knowing her

and did not know what portion to read since I

real love for Him, Jesus, who had risen from the

was gripped by much sorrow. There was none to

dead as per His promise, appeared to her first as

comfort me. Only then I realized how Job went

the resurrected Lord. The reason why this simple

through horrible pains and how he held on to the

woman got this privilege which even the disciples

Lord even while passing through those miseries. I

who had been living with Him could not get was

decided to follow that and began to read the Book

her ‘faith on Him despite not seeing’. Paul says

of Job. As I kept reading it, I felt God speaking to

about it thus: ‘sincere faith’.

me according to Hebrews 4:12, ‘the word of God

“So then faith comes by hearing, and

is living and powerful’. The faith of Job came into me. I got the strength to pray to God without

hearing by the word of God.”

being troubled. The Lord did a miracle. Within a

(Romans 10:17)

few days, my daughter got a miraculous healing. Mary Magdalene, who was doing ministry

Soon my husband too was healed and like Job,

with the Lord, carefully listened to His words

he received double fold blessings and was used

and had firm faith. If our faith should be firm, we

mightily by God.

should diligently take in His words (Ezekiel 3:3; Jeremiah 15:16). This faith would help us to stand firm in the midst of the troubles in our daily life. Once, I met a person who was doing God’s ministry. He seemed to be very dejected. When I

Yes, dear sisters! It is the word of God that alone can strengthen us by feeding us with faith in the midst of troubles. The more we honour the word of God the more we would enjoy receiving blessings from God.

asked him the reason, he said, “I have never come

Those, who have not yet accepted Jesus Christ

across any affliction in my life so far. But now

in their heart and have not followed the ways of

I am going through a terrible trial in my life. I

righteousness and godliness and those who are not

am unable to bear it”. Yes, it is at such times of

rooted in faith, please make a decision to accept

affliction, many stumble and fall. However, the

Him right today, get rooted in Him, get built up

Lord gives much comfort to those who seek Him

in Him, and follow the ways of righteousness

at such times through His Words and prayer.

and godliness. Let us get established in faith and


abound in it with thanksgiving (Colossians 2:6,7).

Dr. Dhinakaran and my daughter fell sick at

Then, as St. Paul said with deep conviction, the

the same time. My daughter who was then five

Lord would help us fight a good fight, to live a

months old became critically ill and was nearing

victorious life, to keep our faith and receive the

death. At that time of terrible agony, my only

crown of righteousness in heaven.






Jesus Calls Ministries * March 2019 * www.

My dearly beloved in Christ, I praise the Lord for each and every one of you and I’m happy to open my heart to you through this March issue.

the glory of His name. Therefore you shall receive bountiful blessings in your personal, family and work life this March and be happy.

the Mighty Warrior who saves.

Churches which are being rebuilt

He will take great delight in you;

“…They replied, “Let us

in His love He will no longer

start rebuilding.” So they

rebuke you, but will rejoice over

began this good work.”

you with singing.”

(Nehemiah 2:18)

“The LORD your God is with you,

(Zephaniah 3:17) We gathered the details of the churches According to this verse, the Lord shall be in the midst of you and your family this month and shall love you. The Lord will rejoice over you who

which were affected by the cyclone Gaja in Tanjore, Nagapattinam and Pudukkottai districts of Tamil Nadu. We identified 100 pastors who needed help and made

have contributed to the ministry for Jesus Calls Ministries * March 2019 * www.


arrangements to rebuild and renovate their

received by several people who contact the

churches. Our team is staying in those regions

Prayer Tower at the time of need.

and are monitoring the repair and rebuilding

You can visit the Prayer Tower in your

works of the churches which were affected by

region and be blessed. You can also offer your

the cyclone.

voluntary service at the Prayer Tower

Up until now, the repair and restoration


few hours a week and be a blessing to others.

works of 52 churches

World Prayer Convention 2019, Bethlehem

are complete. The work is in progress in 48 other churches. I encourage you to continue your

“A very large crowd

support for the works

of people assembled

of rebuilding the

in Jerusalem…”

church of the Lord

(2 Chronicles

as you are doing


now. On an average In the month of

to build one church, it costs INR.1,50,000. Support this work by contributing your offerings as the Lord leads you. May the Lord remember and bless you abundantly for your sacrificial effort for His name (Hebrews 6:10, 14).

May from 21st to 23rd the World Prayer Convention in Israel and the

Holy Land

tour in Israel and also to Jordan & Egypt are going to take place.During the three days of the Convention, my family and I and other renowned servants of God are going to

Prayer Tower ministry

participate and minister.

The 14 International Prayer Towers

Arrangements have also been made for

situated across the globe spread the love

a Prayer Tour to the places related to Jesus,

of Jesus through telephone prayer, direct

the place where He was born, performed

counselling and through Blessing meetings.

miracles, experienced the sufferings, put on

Testimonies pour narrating the miracles

the cross and the place where He resurrected.


Jesus Calls Ministries * March 2019 * www.

In those places, special prayer will take

in the CBSE syllabus, they can be admitted

place for us to recall the ministry of Lord

in this school. You can invite your friends

Jesus and praise Him, to live as a testimony

in India to enrol their kids and be blessed.

and to gain spiritual strength. I invite you

To know more details e-mail to kcs@

to attend the World Prayer Convention and

the Prayer Tour. Surely, it will bring about

Under graduate and Post graduate

a revival in your spiritual life.To know

programs are offered in the Karunya

more details and to register,you may please

Deemed University. Admissions for various

call the Prayer Tower in your country or

courses have already started. To know the

send an email to or do a

details about Karunya’s admissions visit

whatsapp call +44 7501 528600.

the website My wife Evangeline Paul Dhinakaran

Education in the presence of the Lord – Karunya

and I are going to minister in the Open Door Church in Kapurthala, Punjab on 6th and 7th April and in St. John’s Tamil CSI

“All your children will be taught by the LORD, and great

Church, Kuwait, on May 2,3 and 4. Please pray for those meetings.

will be their peace.” May the grace and the wisdom of the

(Isaiah 54:13)

Lord be upon you. I plead at His feet that The Karunya educational institutions are established by obeying to God’s

the Lord may bless the works of your hand according to His will.

commands. The teachers and professors who teach here excel in academics and are

people; he crowns the humble with

filled with divine faith. Children



“For the LORD takes delight in his

victory.” (Psalm 149:4) enrolled


kindergarten classes till 9th grade and

According to this verse, may the Lord bless you the partners who support the

in 11th grade in the Karunya Christian

ministry and love you.

School. From 4th grade onwards, hostel facilities are available. For the dear ones to receive quality education under good care,

Your dear Brother,

Dr. Paul Dhinakaran

Jesus Calls Ministries * March 2019 * www.


Digitalization of all audio and video formats of the messages, prayers, and songs of our beloved Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran, Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, and family are underway. These precious messages which have comforted millions around the world should be preserved for future generations so that they will be blessed. The process of digitizing, restoring them with the latest technology is underway as we are converting the old messages (audio and video) into re-usable digital formats, and collecting, digitizing and preserving the old issues of Jesus Calls Magazines, photographs of Prayer Festivals and other events, etc.. so that they could all be utilized in the future.


Jesus Calls Ministries * March 2019 * www.

All CD’s that have the founders’ songs and messages; audio and video cassettes; recording of God’s miracles and testimonies witnessed through the Jesus Calls ministry are currently being categorized under various topics. This will enable generations to enjoy the blessings through messages that were preached powerfully even a few decades back and preserving the rich heritage of God’s wonders. These messages comfort and transform a countless number of broken-hearted people. This involves huge investments of both technical and financial resources. We thank God for loved ones like you who have liberally sent your offerings towards this project. Major technical investments involve the following: v Post-production online editing suite. v Media Asset Management-MAM, to integrate all the archived and current contents. v Metadata labeling for categorization and classification for easy retrieval and use. v Automated Robotic Library. You have enabled us to digitize nearly 11,500 audio and 61,000 video messages. However, 2500 audio and 6,000 video messages are yet to be digitized. 7000 digital files have been segregated, coded and archived.

“I worked in a private company for 3 years. I had to quit the job for some reason. Even after I resigned, my higher authorities did not sign my Provident Fund form. I struggled a lot to get it done, and nobody helped me. In this time of sorrow, I visited the Jesus Calls Prayer Tower and prayed. I made a vow that if I get the provident fund, I will donate a portion of the amount for the project of Media Digitization. I returned home with divine peace, and after a few days, I received a message to apply online for the provident fund, and I received the amount within a month. I thank God for answering my prayer. What a Mighty God we serve! - Bro. S. Suresh Kumar, India

We request you to support us in this great project so that you, your loved ones and future generations can take advantage of this and be blessed. When you give liberally, you will also be blessed like how Bro. S. Suresh Kumar was blessed.

I am led by the Lord to support the Digitization Project in the following ways (please tick)  My donation of $ digitize one audio message  My donation of $ digitize one video message  My donation of $ digitize five video messages  My donation of $ digitize ten video messages  I would like to make an offering of $...................../- to digitize ................... Audio / Video messages Jesus Calls Ministries * March 2019 * www.


A common worry among youngsters is that there are not enough jobs. It is employment that gives a person prestige and self esteem; it is the job that provides the finance required for a stable living. But if there are no jobs…how does one survive?

1955, February… A young boy was sitting frustrated. The father and mother of that boy were crying out, “God! God!” and prayed that God would bring someone to their home to pray. In his college days, the books he read and the lectures he listened to, aroused the question in his mind, “is there a possibility of the existence of God?” He did not have peace in any way. His dreams about education were not fulfilled. It was the desire of this young boy to study engineering after completing his PUC. His father who was a school teacher hoped that somehow his son could get a seat for engineering at the Annamalai University in Chidambaram near Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu where they were residing. But he did not get a seat. For the very first time he tasted the bitterness of disappointment! The boy’s father thought of another way. He advised his son to first study B. Sc and then to continue with engineering. But in that University he did not get a seat for B. Sc as well. At last he got a seat in the Government College, Kumbakonam for B. Sc. Scientific Mathematics.


Jesus Calls Ministries * March 2019 * www.

This young boy is none other than Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran son of Mr. Duraiswamy!

Lord, He will heal you and use you for His glory” Dhinakaran could not look at such a loving mother

The college age would seed new dreams in a

who was now suffering from Epilepsy. Whenever

young person’s heart. It will make you believe that,

his mother got fits, her tongue would stick out, be

'youth is powerful.' The ways of the young boy,

pressed between her teeth and blood would ooze

Dhinakaran who was staying in the hostel along

out. His father would become helpless trying to

with his friends were all according to his own will.

stop the bleeding.

Alas! Dhinakaran, who went by what his eyes saw

When this continued, hatred aroused within Dhinakaran. Not being able to succeed in studies, he thought about what could he do for his mother. Such sorrow oppressed the young boy Dhinakaran.

and went according to the ways of his heart, failed in his studies. The poor teacher, Mr. Duraisamy who wished to see his son as an engineer, was heartbroken. The heart of Dhinakaran, who returned home having faced failure in college studies, greatly shook when he saw his mother lying sick on her bed.

The failure he faced during his college life, the guilt of disappointing his father, the deadly disease which made his loving mother suffer, frustration of not getting a job wherever he tried; what can a young man do in the midst of these situations?

The word ‘Mother’ will forever make Dhinakaran to recall that one night. At that time, Dhinakaran was studying in 9th std. He became very sick and

He who was the only hope of his parents did not have hope in life.

was suffering from insomnia. On and off in his

After many sleepless nights, on the morning

sleep, he would often cry out ‘Amma’.

of 11th February 1955 this young boy decided

At once the voice of his mother, “What dear?” was heard. The time was 2 am as his mother, Hepzibah,

that, there is no use in living as he will not attain success in life. He did not have the courage to endure this failure and live with it. But he had the

sat sleepless near her son.

courage to terminate his life. He decided to jump Dhinakaran asked, “Amma, will I die?”

before the train which comes in the morning.

His mother gently carressed him and said, “No,

He thought of that moment when the train would

no; I have surrendered you for the ministry of the

run over him. He would not have to write any

Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran’s father Mr. Duraiswamy and his mother Mrs. Hepsibah

Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran’s uncle Mr. Alex Rathinam

Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran

Jesus Calls Ministries * March 2019 * www.


exams after that. He would not have the responsibility to look for a job. He would not have to look at the disappointed face of his father again. He would not have a chance to look at his mother suffering from her sickness. “Oh! What a relief!”, this is what the young man Dhinakaran thought. With determination to die, he started from his home and went towards the railway track. But on his way he heard someone call out, “Dhinakaran”, and turned back to see his uncle, who lived in that local area standing there. His name was Alex Rathinam and he worked in the police department.

Here is a testimony of how Dr. D. G. S. Dhinakaran, who had overcome the failures in his young age, guided other youngsters: In 1971, I was in my final year pursuing B.Sc in Zoology at Vellore, Voorhees College. Some of my friends and I were sitting down to take rest after playing a game of basketball and got talking. Far away in the distance

His uncle asked, “Where are you set to go this early morning?” Dhinakaran could not give him an answer. Could he tell his uncle that he was going to die? Therefore he was silent. His uncle put his hand on Dhinakaran’s shoulder. Dhinakaran had seen before how his uncle would preach in the streets about Jesus. He thought to himself, “Aha! He is going to start preaching again”. His uncle asked him, “What happened, you look very sad?” Then he said, “All your sadness will change.” As he said the words “your sadness will change”, it touched Dhinakaran’s heart. He opened up about all the disappointments, frustrations and failures he had suffered.

there was a meeting going on. Someone in the microphone was

On that morning, his uncle patiently listened to all the words of this

calling out, “Dear sister, from today

young man. Then he said with determination, “once, only for once,

onwards, your sickness will be gone,

try telling your problems to Jesus. He will do a miracle in your life.”

it will not distress you. Please come to

The train which Dhinakaran was expecting to fall before would have

the dais at once.”

long gone by now!

It was funny for us as youngsters to hear it. One of my friends said, “Come let’s go and see what is happening there” and we went towards the place where the meeting was going on.

After seeing the sufferings of Lord Jesus in his heart as his uncle described, Dhinakaran came home and said, “Amma, I am going to pray” and went into a room. His mother looked surprisingly at her son who for a very long time kept saying 'there is no God'.

His heart was purified by the ray which came from the cross of Jesus

The voice and the message of the one who was speaking in that meeting attracted my heart. After enquiring about him, we came to know that his name was, D.G.S. Dhinakaran and that he lived in Mettur.

and a new hope was born. Having received the peace in his heart,

I grew up in Mettur. So at once when

Dhinakaran came out of the room. This was the day when a young

I heard Mettur, a close bonding with

man who had dealt with failure, had an encounter with the Lord of

him in my heart occurred. My father

Lords. After that he had led many who were on the path of suicide to

Mangalam was working in Mettur in

the Lord.

the electricity board. My mother Ruby

Inside the room Dhinakaran cried to the Lord, “Loving Jesus, purify my soul, give me peace within my heart.” For approximately 4 hours, the conversation between him and the gracious Lord Jesus continued and suddenly a powerful ray shined in Dhinakaran’s heart.


Jesus Calls Ministries * March 2019 * www.

Rathna Bai was working as a teacher. Another

every day. In this circumstance, Dr. D. G. S. Dhinakaran

time when I came from my college to Mettur, I

said to me, “You completed your degree, now learn

met Dr. D. G. S. Dhinakaran.

typewriting.” That time due to his transfer he went to

At that time I was not able to pass my


examinations. I had arrears in many subjects. As

I learnt typewriting and got a temporary job at the

I was in contact with Dr. D. G. S. Dhinakaran,

State Bank of India in Mettur. But Dr. D. G. S.

I was interested in the spiritual experiences too.

Dhinakaran kept on insisting and guiding me to write

Once I shared with him a vision that I recieved.

the exams for a permanent job. Whenever I came to

On listening to it he advised, “it shows that you

Chennai, he would tell me about the times when he

have not spent ample time in your studies. It is

was wandering in search of a job and how he is now

given in the Bible that the horse is prepared for

working at the prestigious State Bank of India. He

the battle but the victory comes from the Lord. It

encouraged me by saying, “Even you have to come

is the responsibility of the horse to be prepared

up to this height.”

for the battle. Similarly it is the responsibility

His continuous encouragement guided and enabled me

of a student to prepare for the examinations.

to write the exams in the State Bank of India and to succeed in it. In 1973, I joined in the State Bank of India

- M. Bernard Shah

as a permanent employee. Even though I entered into a banking job, the troubles of youth followed me. Though I had a good job, due to various frustrations, I went out of the house to end my life. My parents informed Dr. D.G.S. Dhinakaran immediately. He asked them to send me to Chennai and so my parents did. I applied for a leave for the next three months and stayed in Dr. D. G. S. Dhinakaran’s house. In those three months, he would advise me on how to become a bank manager, how to write the exam for that and told the

Therefore prepare well and go for your

practical truth which helped me change my mind set. Then in 1979, I was promoted as the bank manager. I

examinations.” Often he would insist, “Brother, it is good that you help me. But you should study well, you should succeed.” Then I wrote my exams twice

retired in 2012 as Chief Manager. During my tenure I was also in the selection committee of selecting bank employees for Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai and other districts.

and completed my degree. Within the city I got a daily wage job in the electricity board and started to work. For a day I would get Rs.11. Even this work I will not get

In my life, Dr. D.G.S.Dhinakaran’s part is very vital. Even today I am helping the ‘Jesus Calls’ ministries. - M. Bernard Shah, Bengaluru

Similarly when he was ministering, Dr. D. G. S. Dhinakaran changed the path of many youngsters, guided them to come up in life, planted hope in their hearts and led them towards a bright future. Jesus Calls Ministries * March 2019 * www.



y friends, when God asks us to reach out to the stars, we can be assured that we are going to embark on a new journey. Say goodbye to the old and ordinary! You are all special people. Maybe some of you have been

comfortable living a mediocre life, but God is giving you a new vision to live. He wants you to live for Him. When we live for God, we cannot live an ordinary life. He is calling us to push harder than before. We are not talking about physical power but God’s blessings that will elevate you in the midst of every obstacle.


Jesus JesusCalls CallsMinistries Ministries ** February March 2019 2019 ** www.

God says that we should take the first step to reach out. Once you start, He will do the rest for you. You will not have to struggle anymore. That's what Paul says, “I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward” Philippians 3:14. I watched a comedy show, where a thief was on the lookout to steal something. He found a car, whose owner had just walked away leaving the key intact! Seizing the opportunity, he rushed

Stone of Worry The Lord says, “worrying is evil.” You may ask, how is worry evil? It represents a lack of trust in the Lord. You may say that you have to deal with everything in your life. However, God wants you to cast all your burdens on him. When you are worrying, you are not allowing the Lord to work for you. So instead, you should say, “When I am afraid, I will trust in you, Lord” Psalm 56:3. Yes,

into the car all excited. Alas, it wouldn’t start!

He is right by your side. Tell him, “Lord, please

Suddenly he saw two guys running towards him,

carry away my burdens.”

and he was sure that he was going to get caught red-handed and be sent to the prison that day.

Antidote to Worry

However, they asked him if he wanted a push

“Do not be anxious about anything

start! On hearing that, the thief was thrilled and

but in everything by prayer and

thought that two idiots have come to help him steal the car and he went for it. Then the owner came running and said the car belonged to him.

petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God, and the peace

This scenario was funny to watch! However, we

of God which transcends all

should be beware of such situations. We should

understanding will guard your hearts

not push for wrong things and end up in trouble.

and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

We should know what, when and how to reach

(Philippians 4:6-7)

out. God says, “For I know the plans that I have for you... plans to prosper you” (Jeremiah 29:11). The Pathway to Reach the Stars

The only antidote to worry is prayer. If we keep worrying, it can lead us to steal, cheat and do other foolish and hurtful things. Therefore,

Stone of Evil

don’t let worry grow; give your burden to God

To reach out to the stars, we need to push away

right now. He says, ‘Push that stone away, my

some obstacles. One of them would be the stone

child. Give the worry into my hand. Don’t carry

of evil. Evil prevents us from shining for the Lord

it anymore. I have nailed it on the cross already. I

like the stars. Jesus rolled away the stone that kept

want you to trust in me and enjoy me.’

Lazarus in the grave. He said, ‘Push that stone away. I don’t want to see my friend Lazarus in the grave’. He says, ‘I don’t want to see my children

When you do that, God’s peace comes and guards your heart. Hand over your worries to God

in the grave.’ We may say, “Lord it's such a big

right away. When you upload your worries, God's

stone. I can’t push it, Lord.” However, merely start

answer will come as downloads immediately and

pushing, and the Lord will blow it away for you.

relieve you of your problems!

Jesus Calls Ministries * March 2019 * www.


Prayer Tower Nothing Is Impossible With the Lord


y work visa was expiring on 4th December 2018; I was 8 months pregnant at that time. I have been working at a Rest Home for the last 4 years. The company I work for, supported my visa renewal twice, but didn’t do so during my second pregnancy. So I had to apply for tourist visa to stay in the country, as I was not able to travel at this stage of pregnancy. Hospital cost for baby delivery is around $10,000 in NZ. Because of low-skill job, my husband was also unable to include me in his visa. We were very worried about the expense of delivery charges and how we would meet the cost. We were praying and also called Jesus Calls Auckland Prayer Tower for prayer support. On 17th January 2019, I called Jesus Calls again requesting prayer for normal and easy delivery of my baby. On 18th January I delivered my baby within 3 hrs of labour, through normal delivery, whereas with my first baby, I had to be induced, suffered 4 days and finally delivered through caesarean section. Miraculously my husband received his visa within 2 weeks of application, when we knew of some who had been waiting for 2-3 months. Secondly all my delivery expenses were covered under my husband’s visa, so we did not have to pay anything! I am very grateful and thankful to Jesus Calls team for their prayers and encouragement, and our Almighty Lord for the miracles.

- Jasveer Kaur 28

Jesus Calls Ministries * March 2019 * www.

Prayer Tower and Meeting Details Location: 1/80 Carr Road, Mt Roskill, Auckland, New Zealand Opening Hours for Drop-In: 9am – 5pm from Monday to Friday, with late night (10pm) on Tuesdays Toll Free Prayer Hotline: 0800 53 78 72 (0800 JESUSC) available 24x7 to receive prayer calls Regular Meetings: Healing Blessing Meeting Every Tuesday from 7pm. Anointed speakers every week and prayers offered individually for all those with needs.

Ladies praying in the chapel

Esther Prayer Group Meeting First Saturday of every month from 3pm.

Partner With Us Prayer warriors pr aying for people in the ch apel

• Become a PRAYER INTERCESSOR We need more prayer intercessors to join us to pray with compassion for the needy, bringing hope and healing to the broken-hearted through your earnest prayers • Become a VOLUNTEER We have numerous tasks in and around the prayer tower where you could help • Become a ESTHER PRAYER GROUP Member This is a special prayer meeting where ladies gather to pray for various needs faced by women all around the world. The prayer points are sent by Sis Stella Dhinakaran. After praying over the given points we pray for the needs of the ladies who are in attendance. If you would like to start an Esther/ Youth Esther prayer group in your place, please contact us. • Become a Jesus Calls BLESSING PLAN Partner: Join the Family Blessing Plan, Young Partners Plan, Business Blessing Plan, Prayer Tower Partner, Seesha Partner, TV Club Partner etc.

Bro Kamal Minister ing

Healing Blessing M eeting attendees

Jesus Calls World Prayer Convention 21st – 23rd May 2019 in Bethlehem, followed by Holy Land Tour Registration is now open. For details contact the Jesus Calls New Zealand office. For any further details or enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact the Co-ordinators on: Office: (09) 629 7160 | Email: Mobile: 027 477 2937 Jesus Calls Ministries * March 2019 * www.


Dear Lord! How dearly You love me! You completely gave Yourself up for me because of Your love for me! Thank You Lord. I too love You Father; I love You with all my heart, my soul and my mind; please look down with mercy on me as I come to Your feet praying for success in my exams. Lord, the Bible says that the horse is made ready for the day of battle, but victory rests with the Lord! As I prepare for the exams, please give me the treasures of wisdom and knowledge which belong to You. Give me a heart of wisdom and understanding. Fill me with the Spirit special of wisdom just as You made young Daniel ten times wiser. Lord, You are wonderful Counselor and magnificent in Your works! Give me good counsel during my exams and teach me which lessons I have to study and how to prepare well. Give me good memory power, so that I can retain in my mind all that I have studied. As you were with Joseph and made him successful, be with me and make me successful. Jesus, You have promised, ‘surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age; I will never leave you nor forsake you’. Be with me during the time of exam and help bring to my memory all that I have studied; give me the grace to write the correct answers for each of the questions and complete my exam within the stipulated time. Grant me favour in the eyes of those who correct my answer sheets. And Father, all through the exam time, give to me and my family good health, free from any kind of exigencies. Give us a calm mind that trusts in You. Father, I thank You and praise You for making me victorious in Christ and honoring me by giving me great success in the exams. I pray in the mighty Name of Jesus’, O Father, Amen. (The Scripture verses from the Bible which were taken as sources for this prayer: Galatians 2:20; Ephesians 2:4; 5:2; John 21:15-17; Matthew 22:37; 1 Chronicles 29:11,12; Romans 8:37; Proverbs 21:21; Colossians 2:3; Isaiah 11;2; Daniel 1:20; Isaiah 28:29; James 1:5; Genesis 39:2; Proverbs 16:33; Matthew 28:20; Hebrews 13:5; John 16:33; 1 John 5:4, 5; 1 Corinthians 15:57; 2 Corinthians 2:14; Psalm 91:10)


Jesus Calls Ministries * March 2019 * www.


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